BCC Minutes 01/31/1978 R Naples, Florida, January 31, 197e LET IT BE REMEMJ3F.RF.D, that tho Board of County Commissioners in Dnd for tl.e County of Cullirr, and also acting as the Governing Board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to IDW Dnd having conductcd businoss herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in RegulDr Session in Building "F" of the Courthouse Com- plox with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: C. R. "Russ" Wimer VICE-CIIAIRMAN: John A. pistor Thomas P. Archer David C. Brown ABSENT: Clifford Wenzel ALSO PRESENT: William J. Reagan, ClerK; Harold L. Hall, Chicf Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer; Carol Rugaoll, Deputy ClerK; Donald A. Pickworth, County Attorney; Irving Berzon, Utility Director; Clif- ford Uarksdale, Assistant County Engineer; Dr. Nono Spagna, Director of Community Development; Carl Clemmer, Zoning Director; and Deputy Chief Raymond Darnett, Sheriff's Department. AGENDA ) 0 :\~l 1. INVOCATION II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE I I 1. APPROVAL OF AGENDA IV. APPROVAL OF ~IINUTES : January la, 1978 IVA. PRESENTATION OF SERVICE CERTIFICATES V. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Petition V-77-32-C by Petitioner James 11. Topping requosting a waiver of the 13,000 sq. ft. requireme~t for Lot 1 and part of Lot 2, Block 13, Naples Twin Lakes nt the intersection of Escobar Terrace and Dorando Drive (Pickworth) ~ 8,11 R. Petition A-77-S-C by Petitioner Ralph Gritten, represented by Richard Lansdale, an np~enl of an administrativo decision regarding a bUllding permit to enlarge a non-conforming commercial building locatod on Tract 29, Unit 97, Golden Gato Estates, lIpprClxlmntClly ;\;\0' .outh of fiR 846 on tho cornor of Oakes Roulevard and 24th Aven\lo, N.N. (Pickworth) C. Creation of Whitaker Road Paving District from County Barn Road to Youth Haven (Benon) '2.~ D. Creation of Shores Avenue Road Improvement District (Berzon) 315 bk 4 0 3lB bk 40 January 31, 1978 VIII. COLLJER COUNTY WATeR/SEWER UTILITY DIVISION A. Old Business 1. City/County Water Agreement Implementation X. mSCEI.L^NEOlJS BOARD ITE~IS ^. Appointments to Contractors' Licensing Board MINUTES OF JANUARY 10, 1978 - APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS ~lr. Harold H"ll, Chief Fiscal Officer, noted two corrections in the minutes of January 10, 1978. The grant number on the budget amendment setting up the Wildernesg Grant Program must be changed to Gifts and Grants and the salary code must be changed to Other Per- sonal Services (OPS), said Mr. Hall. Motion made by Commissioner Archer, seconded by Commissioner 3rown llnd carricd ~/O with Commisgioner Wenzel absent, to approve the minutes of January 10, 1978 with noted corrections. CERTIFICATES FOR FIVE YEARS CONTINUOUS SERVICE TO COLLIER COUNTY - PRESENTED TO JANCINTO llP.~NANDEZ, IRVING BERZON AND DONNA PERKINS Certificates tor Five Years Continuous Servicc to Collier County were presentcd to Jancinto Hernandez, Irving Derzon and Donna Porking by Chairman Wimer. RESOLUTION R-78-lS RE PETITION V-77-32-C BY JAMES H. TOPPING RE- QUESTING WAIVER OF THE 13,000 SQ. FEET RF.QUIREMENT FOR LOT I AND PART OF LOT 2, I3LOCK 18, NAPLES TWIN LAKES AT TIlE INTERSECTION OF ESCOBAR TERRACE AND DORANDO DRIVE - ADOPTED Legal noticn h3ving been publighod in thc Naples Star on January 13, 1978 as evidcnced by Affidavit of publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was held to consider petition V-77-32-C by James ll. Topping requesting waiver of the 13,000 sq. feet requirement for Lot 1 and part of Lot 2, Block 18, Naples Twin Lakes. Mr. Clemmer, Zoning Director, explained that Mr. Topping had purchascd three lots in Napleg Twin LaKes and wished to construct ,.-._--~ January 31, 1978 two duplexes. Onr of the lots is 687 feet short of the required 13,000 square feet requiremen~, he said. The neighborhood is over 50% built with duplexes, said Mr. Clemmer, and it is felt that the two duplexes will be an asset to the neighborhood. Staff rccommends approval of this petition, he gaid. There being no persons registered to speaK on the petition, motion made by Commissioner Archer, scconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 with Commiagioner Wenzel absent, to close the public hearing. Motion made by Commissioner Pistor, seconded by Commissioner Drown and carried 4/0 with Commisgioner Wenzel absent, to adopt Resolution R-7B-15 re Petition V-77-32-C by James H. Topping request- ing a waiver of the 13,000 squarc feet requirement for Lot 1 and part of Let 2, Block IB, Naples Twin LaKes at the intersection of Eacobnr Terrace and Dorando Drive. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 319 bk 40 322 bk 40 January 31, 1978 PETITION A-77-~-C BY RALPH GRITTEN, REPRESENTED BY RICHARD LANS- DALE, AN APPEAL OF AN ADMINISTRA;IVE DECISION REGARDING A BUILD- ING PE~tIT TO ENLARGE A NON-CONFORMING COMMERCIAL .BUILDING TO DE LOCATED ON TRACT 29, UNIT 97, GOLDEN GATE ESTATES - ADMINISTRA- TIVE DECISION OVERRULED: BUILDING PERMIT APPROVED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Star on January 13, 1978 as evidenced by the Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was held to consider petition A-77- 5-C by Ralph Gritton, represented by Richard Lansdale, an appeal of an administrative decision regarding a building permit to enlarge a non-conforming commercial building located on Tract 29, Unit 97, Golden Gate Estates, approximately 330' south of SR 846 on the corner of Oakes Boulevard and 24th Avenue N.W. Mr. Clemmer, ?oning Director, reported that several years ago Mr. Gritten had been operating a commercial business in Naples ParK. lie moved I'; s business to Golden Gate Estates to an area then zoned Commercial; however, since that time, the area has been rezoned "E-2 Estates" which mc1kes Mr. Gritten's operation non-conforming. The ordinance states that no non-conforming use shall be enlarged; however, Nr. Gritten wishen to enlarge the garage which houses his construction vehicles. Mr. Richard Lansdale, attorney for petitioner, noted that in the wording of the zoning manual, it stateg that conslruction could be I completed if it was begun prior to the adoption of the zoning ordi- nance. Mr. Lansdale explained that it was Mr. Gritten's intent to expand the building; however, he did not have the finances at the time. Mr. Lansdale presented a photograph of the building showing steel rods protruding from it which he explained was to join the future construction onto the building without cracKs. There being no persons registered to speaK on the petition, Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Drown and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel lbsent, to close the public hearing. January 31, 1978 CommiRsioner Archer moved to deny the administrative decision and find trat the buildi~g d0A3 comply with the zoning manual in thnt construction had begun prior to adoption of the zoning ordi- nance and that the permit to build be issued to Ralph Gritten to enlarge a non-conforming commercial building located on Tract 29, Unit 97, Golden Gate Estates. Motion seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 3 to 1 with Commissioner Pistor dissenting and Commissioner Wenzel not present. RESOLUTION R-7S-l6 RE CREATION OF WHITAKER ROAD PAVING DISTRICT FROM COUNTY BARN ROAD TO YOUTH HAVEN - ADOPTED, WITH NOTATION THAT COUNTY HAS AGREED TO PAY YOUTH HAVEN PORTION OF ASSESSMENT Lcgal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on January 17, 1978 as evidenced by the Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was held re creation of the Whitaker Road Paving District from County Barn Road to Youth Haven. Mr. Barksdale, Assistant County Engineer, estimated that the proposed cost for paving of Whitaker Road was $15,900 for 2,920 linear feet and the asscssment would be approximately $2.72 per front foot for materials only with the Road Dcpartment supplying the labor and equipment. Mr. Derzon noted that the County would pay the portion of the assessment for Youth Havcn in the amount of $2,695 based on the proposed assessment. There being no persons registered to sp3ak on this matter, Commissioner Archer moved to close the public hearing, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absen t. Commissioner Archer moved to adopt Resolution R-78-16 creating the WhitaKer Road Paving District from County Barn Road to Youth Haven with the notation that the County has agreed to pay the Youth Haven portion of the assessment, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent. 323 bk 40 326 bk 40 January 31, 1978 CREATION OF SHORES AVENUE ROAD IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT - CONTINUED UNTIL FEORUAR\ 21, 1978 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on January 17, 1978 as evidenced by the Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was held re Creation of Shores Avenue Road Improvement District. Mr. Barksdale, Assistant County Engineer, reported that a re- vised cost estimate has been done with the Road Department construct- ing the road instead of a col'l~~yla.s hae.TOOgJoriginally planned. Thig .1.>'9~.l.d;,.rnrJ;k.Ql,:e''''ll'';:'.;taa~rtTtlt?~~~ nbh~ ~/dP,g said Mr. Barksdale, /'L'" J/,..?J. / instead of the $15 per front f~ived on bids from contractors. The latter cost has been opposeO.I~~ ~roperty owners and letters have been received in. protes,t, he said! therefore.! it. was J:'ecommended HfnI01.~ kLlJ .LNV1..J "," ~:J"~I.LS lI:U"1Yd N 1O~ that the publ'.i{J..nTd,l\c.N1V~ue1\ 1l:J<.ffllSr ~MO<< residents of Shorcg Avenuc could bc notified of the revised COgt. Said letters of protest have been received regarding the initial proposed assessment of $l.rlo,f~lll1fl?ot and when adked by Mr. Berzon if any of these persons wished Lo gpea'JP~l~X}aElyll~.xaid not identify her- lUapJO JnOA 111111 .Jnl .q Ulla no.( 'luawaJru1I.JJll self declined in Sl~r ..niq~JlIlJrI~nl~~nnllI~ ~ol~~rJa'.RPMfment proposed. The letters of protesI!U~~~lIrlfft\U~'''f Clfl(t,n .~oWjlulMwever, were filed . 'J;lpJO all PlnOIjIl.),rl-",1........x ON lIooa 'AIIJ for the record wlth the ClerK. CommissionerJ~'!1h-mv ~R~tflY.IIt'h'l! 'H!~mhJ1gJaW~t!!llut! the public hear- . . . u:;rJllo~sn:l uno OJ. ing until February 21, 1978 in order that property owners alon~ Shores ^venue could be notified of the revised cost estimate, seconded ?".t ,j ~ 0/ '01>1 Ja11,.IIaH by Commissioner Archer anacarrled 4/0 with Commigsioner Wenzel absent. CHANGES IN ANERICAN MIDULANcMsesIivil~i! RATES - APPROVED Fiscal Officer lIall noted that the proposed rates as listed in the reference material have been reviewed in Work Shop Session by the Doard. He pointed out that the rates decrease the charge for a .' ..----- -_.~ January 31, 1978 single person being transported from an accidont but ingtitute adrlitional ~hargeg fur specific serviceg rendered. He stated that this was in keeping with the price gtructure that is found in many other ambulance districtg and did more equally prorate the transpor- tation costg when multiple patients were trangported from the scene of an accident. Mr. Hall gtated that the staff recommends approval of the rates. Mr. Mike Zewalk, representing the North Naples Civic Associa- tion and the Collier County Council on Aging, stated that the in- creased rate on a transfer and on an emergency were opposed and ex- prcssed the desire that the ambulance franchise be ended and a sub- sidized ambulance service begun. Deputy Chief Raymond Barnett, a member of the Emergency Medical Services Advigory Council, pointed out that the people who use the ambulance should pay for the service, and not the general taxpayer, as Mr. Zewalk was suggesting. Many of the people uging the ambulance service in Collier County do not pay taxes here, he stated. Later in the meeting, Mr. Jack Dridcnthal of American Ambulance, reportod that in the past 12 hours thero had been 4 major injuries and nono of the 4 had bccn Collier County taxpayers, but were from out-of-state. Deputy Chiof Barnett also related that the EMS Council made a study in tho past of the rate gtructures in other Counties and Collier County was not out of linc ~ith them. County Attorney pickworth recommended that the rates be com- pared with the recommended rates made by Medicare to see if they con- form. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ^ 5 minute recess was called in order for staff to determine the Mcdicare rate. Time 9:55 A.M. until 10:02 A.M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327 bk 40 . . 320 bk 40 January 31, 1978 Mr. Jflck nridenthal of American Ambulance explained that Medicare rates are adjustable by the expenses of every County and will pay 80\ of whatever rateg are jUgt and reasonable. Mr. Brid- enthal reported that he did not feel that thore would be any pro- blem in obtaining the higher rate from Medicare, as many counties are much higher than Collier. Commissioncr Archer moved for the approval of the newly sub- mitted American Ambulance rate structure for the deduction on the baga rate of traffic accidents and the indicated increase on Emer- gency and Transfcr, with the mileago cost to remain the same, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0 with Commissionor Wenzel absent. '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" JJO bk 40 January 31, 1978 ... " VI A N,lERICJ'I.N M,18ULMlCE J~IC. P.O, EJox 3071 Na;lles. rro~ida 339"0 Tclc;')ho;l!) (013) 252.3333 J\!.I.ERICAl'1 ;U.!.3~JLMrCE P..J\TES (Cm;TI~UED) SPL:CI1\.L HEOrC1\L P?OCEDUfI..c:S (Cmi7I1WED) r:sophagcal 1\irHays------1S.00 Em~rg.cye wash kit------3.00 Hare trac;:tion splint----10.OO I.V.'s------------------20.00 Metal eye covers--------lO.OO ~ast ~ Suit--------~~---lO.OO 03 kic--------~----~~---13.00 Poison kit--------------10.OO Sna~e bite kit----------l0.00 Suction~-----------------S.OO ?nu~?er--------~--------lO.OO TraUNa pack dressing----~3.00 Urinnl-disoosublc-----~--3.00 Drug theru~y (p~r ampule) 10.00 a Lnte cnarge--------------S.QO after 30 days PETITION R-77-26-C DY COLLIER COUNTY EDUCATION ASSOCIATION REQUESTING REZONING FROM "RM-l" MULTI-FAMILY TO "GRC" GENERAL RETAIL COMMERCIAL FOR AN OFFICE ON LOTS 55-62, BLOCK A, ROCK CREEK PARK LOCATED ON THE SE CORNER OF TERRACE AVENUE AND SHADOWLAWN DRIVE - ADVERTISING AUTHO- RIZED FOR PUBLIC IIEARING r-'.ARCII 14, 197B Commissioner Archer moved, seccnded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent, for authorization to Hdvertise Petition R-77-26-C by Collier County Education Association requesting rezoning from "RM-l" Multi-Family to "GRC" General Retail Commercial for an office on Lots 55-62, BlOCK A, ROCK Creek ParK for public hearing to be held on March 14, 1978. PETITION CCSL-7B-I-C BY GERALD T. KENT REQUESTING A VARIANCE FROM THE COASTAL CONSTRUCTION SETBACK LINE FOR LOTS 1 AND 2, BLOCK A, CONNORS VANDERBILT BEACH ESTATES, NO.1, LOCATED ON THE NW CORNER OF GULF SHORE DRIVE AND VANDERBILT BEACI! ROAD - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING FEBRUARY 28, 1978 Commissioner Archer movcd for author.ization to advertise Petition CCSL-78-!-C by Gerald T. Kcnt requesting a variance from the coastal ... ....'-~ .. January 31, 1978 construction setback line for Lots 1 and 2, BlocK A, Connors Van- derbilt Beach Bgtates, No. 1, fc~ public hearing February 28, 1978, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel abgent. AUTHORIZATION TO DISTRIBUTE "REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL" TO VENDORS COVER- ING DATA PROCESSING EQUIPMENT FOR THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE INFORMATION SYSTEM - GRANTED Mr. Hall, Fiscal Officer, reported that the Bureau of Criminal Justice Planning and Assistance had visited Collier County to help in revising the Request for Proposal specifications for the data processing equipment for the Criminal Justice Information System. Authorization hag been receivcd from the Bureau of Criminal Justice Planning and Assistance for thc revigions and the approved copy of the Request for Proposal was prcsented by Mr. Hall. Authorization is needed to mail same to approximately 42 prospective vendors who will be bidding on the data processing equipment, said Mr. Hall. commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel abgent, to authorize the mailing of the rcvised Request for Proposal to the prospective vendors. RESOLUTION R-78-17 RE PETITION COP -77-9-C BY LAUPCO, I~C. REQUEST- ING ZONING APPROVAL FOR CONSUMPTION ON PREMISES PE~~IT FOR SECTION 10, T51S, R26E - ADOPTED, SUBJECT TO STAFF PECOMMENDATIONS Dr. Neno Spagna, Planning Director, explained that request is for zoning approval for Consumption on Premises Permit for a restau- rant located on the east side of Isles of Capri Road just north of the Exxon Self-Service Station. It is an existing restaurant, said Dr. Spagna, and beer and wine would be served. Dr. Spagna reported that staff and the CAPC do recommend approval. subject to the following stipulations: I. Compliance with all zoning ordinance requirements including but not limited to: offstreet parKing, landscaping, signs and setbacks. 331 bk 40 January 31, 1978 332 bK 40 2. To eliminate ingregs/egress point 30' north of County Roae 31. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 4/0 in the absence of Commissioner Wenzel, to grant the ro- quest for zoning approval for Consumption on premiseg Permit for Section 10, Township SIS, Range 26E. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ...i 4-..10 January 31, 197~ CARNIVAL PERMIT NO. 78-1 FOR OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CHURCH - APPROVED Commirsioner Dr~wn moved, seconded by Commisgioner Pistor Qnd carried 4/0 \\'ith Commissioner Henzel absent, to approve Carnival Permit No. 78-1 for Our Lady of Guadalupe Church. Permit 78-1 f'ER\IIT FOR CI\R.'iI\',U. OR EXHIEITIO:-l Ordinance ^o. 75-11 State of FloriJa ) County of Collier ) WHEREAS, OUR !.<'I.DY OF ruADALUPE eft. OOL Ie CHURCH hns made application to the Board of COlmty Commissl?ners of Collier Cmmty, Florida for n panni t to conduct a carnh-al or exhibition; an;i has pr~5ented to this Board sufficient evidence and surety that such CAl"I'.h"al or exhibitions \-rill be conducted according to the lal,ful requirements and con:iitions: NO:~, TIlEREFORE mrs PERMIT IS HEREBY ~A.\TID TO: OUR tADY OF QJADAUJPE CA1llOLIC CH:JRCll anntJ.'ll Church Cami val to conduct on 1='{'}., 17 t"h.... 1='I"}., 1 Cl _,19 in nccord3nce with the terms and conditions set forth in the petitioner's applica- tion. \iITNESS my hand as Chainr.an of said Board and Seal of said County, attested by the Clerk of Courts in and for said County this 31st day of Janua ry IgS. BO..\RD OF COtJ:.,lY cQ\mSSIQ\""ERS CO;Z;"~' . C. ~~ 'T...:., ~ ....: . ........ .~.:" .... ...... .... ;~,~.,~:./: '" t' .... 335 . tik' 4'0'" JJ6 bk 40 January 31, 1978 D~\INAGE EASEMENT IN PARrEL 17, SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 50, RANGE 25 (SOUTH 10 FEET) ACCEPTED Commisgioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0 with Commigsioner Wenzel abgent, to accept a Drainage Easement in Parcel 17, Section 13, Township 50, Range 25 (South 10 Feet) from W. A. Crews. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 338 bk 40 January 31, 1978 DRAINAGE EASEMENT 10' WIDE/LOT 17, BLOCK 338, MARCO BEACH UNIT 10 RE ChPEDAN BUILDING CORPORATION - ACCEPTED Commisgioner Pistor moved, geconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent, to accept a Drainage Easement la' wide,Lot 17, Block 338, Marco Beach Unit 10 re Capedan Building Corporation. * . . . . . . * . . * . . . . . . . . January 31, 1978 J40 bk 40 CHANGE ORDER NO. I RE GEORGE F. KRAFT CO., FIFTH FLOOR INTERIOR - APPROVED IN ~MOUNT OF $4,132 Hr. Oarksdale, ^ssistant County Engineer, listed several changes which were recommended as a result of the space study conducted by Wafaa Assaad to make the fifth floor more ugeable. I. To providc space for the Utility Division, a change in partitiong and doors with relocation of several ceiling light fixtureg. 2. The Planning Department has requested the existing stor- age room to be made ugcable ag a darkroom. J. The Halon Extinguighing Sygtem is being extended to in- clude the technical support room for the Data Processing Facility. 4. The necegsary olectrical and air conditioning changes due to the above. Mr. Barksdale reported that the total cost of this project would be $4,132. Commissioner ^rcher moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent, to approve Change Order No.1 from George F. Kraft Co. in the amount of $4,132 regarding the Fifth Floor Interior. ., ., ., ., ., ., ., ., ., ., ., ., ., January 31, 1978 342 bk 40 AUTHORIZI\TION FOR CIII\NGE ORDER NO. 3 RE H. D. RUTLEDGE' SON, LAND- FILL SITE prOJECT - l'PPROVED IN }\MOUNT OF $2,300 Mr. BarKsdale, I\ssistant County Engineer, listed two changes recommended for the Landfill Maintenance Building in order to comply with State law and the OSHA requirements. 1. I\ddition of a toilet room to provide separate facilities for men and women. 2. Addition of a safety shower and floor drain in the work area. Mr. BarKsdale reported that the total cost of this project would be $2,300. Commigsioner I\rcher moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 with commissioner Wenzel absent, to approve Change Order No.3 from II. D. Rlltledge & Son in the amount of $2,300 for the Landfill Maintenance Building. " " " -- " " " " " " " " " " It ...1 ROU'rINE BILLS - AUTHORIZED FOR PAYMENT 4L.-.& January 31, 1978 Fiscal Jfficer Harold Hall reported that the bills have been ment and funds arc available. processed under established procedures and are available for pay- Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 with Commisgioner Wenzel absent, that the bills be approved for payment as witnessed by the following warrants issued January 25, 1978 thru January 31, 1978: FUND General Fund BCC Payroll General Fund (Manual) Road & Bridge Golden Gate I & S Collier County Fire Dis. Immokalee Water/Sewer Special MSTD's Collier County Lighting Sewer Ois. "A" 0 & M Marco Water & Sewer Victoria Park Drainage Collier County Water/Sewer Aquatic Weed Improvement Trust Golden Gate Fire Henderson CreeK Fire Ochopec Fire District CETA Kelly Road Water Water Managemen~ Sewer Djst. "A" Assessments Sewer Dist. "A" Revenue Special Road Assessments Collier County Water/Sewer Util ity Di. Municipal Servo Taxing Dist. Anti-Recesgion/Fed. Rev/Shar. Grants & Gifts I~noKalee Lighting WARRANT NO. 2325 - 2508 38417 - 38700 15 12 5 6 - 7 4 6 5 3 5 - 6 2 4 - 5 3 8 5 2 6 8 5 8 - 9 40 10 - 11 4 2 7 - 8 5,6,7 7 2 BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 78-33 TO SET UP ACCOUNTS FOR CETA PROJECTS APPROVED BY BOARD ON JANUARY 17, 1978 - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $152,884.03 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent, to adopt Budget Amend- ment No. 78-33 to set up accounts for CETA projects approved by the Board on January 17, 1978 in the amount of $152,884.03. 345 bk 40 348 bK 40 January 31, 1978 BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 78-34 FOR TRANSFER OF FUNDS FROM SITE DEVELOP- MENT TO SOIL ~ND GROUND WATER INVESTIGATION RE U.S.G.S. PROJECT - ADOP'l'ED IN TilE l\HOUNT OF $1,100 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent, to adopt nudgot Amend- ment No. 78-34 for transfer of fundg from Site Development to Soil and Ground Water Investigation regarding the U.S. Geological Sur- vey Project in the amount of $1,100. ;'{lJ OF C'.JU:>l1 Y co:.:': i SS I Oi~EnS K t: t.< U L ~ I FOR CgLLIF'i CCiUi;TY" rI.Oj~ID,\ [l U 0 GET ^ 1-1 r: fJ D I,' E II T -=-_~. . r~illr::l of f{Elquc'~ t I on Oo::lpl. E~GINEERING IOL-:SCRIi'l'lml M;O JUSTlrIC,\T~O:'1 OF ^,',:;:::rr,:F.IH flEQUEST!.::O (Prepllra In 1rlpllcll~e. ~;lO C:'-'- iU'1 r-fJtDlncd by tho reque:r.f'1r10 DC;>Dr:m~n-t. Forward orlgln~l IH'ld ono copy to risen! Off~y : U5n con ~ j nULl! j 011 ~lh~o: S Dnd un Deh ~urpor t i n9 cJo~urr.!!nt!:> I If neoC:ed) ce , Transfer of funds from site development to 80i1 and ground water investigation, Initinl budget was based upon estimated costs of soil nnd water investigation as provided by the United States Groloeieal Survey. This amendment is in compliance with Cooper- ative Agreements npproved by the Board on 11-15-77. OEri,Rn:ENT APi"il,Q'IIIL Per ~!cmo from ,\uldale DATE 1-24-78 CO~NTY Jl'WIGER APPHO'l AL ,).h_~ ,/ I ~ ......~ DATE I '2.?lld' )KErAi\~:() OY Cliff l3arKsdale OATEI-25-78 :mlS SECTION 10 DE CO,\!fJLETW OY rlr,/,,\'CE) ACCOU,'lT A/o:OUNT TO: (Incrl.!l\se) Solid Hllste ' Immoklllec Landfill - Soil & Ground Water Inventigation 001-630503 -4021 $ 1,100 FRaM~ (Source of Funds) Solid i-:astc Immokalec Lnndfill - Site Dc\'elopll1c:nt 001- 6 30503 -/.02 2 $ 1,100 : "':"'~PI';<O'I^': . -p,cNi.) 0" co",m 05,:"" 5";0"""' l,i';i';<o"\I:--~r[IUI"":T "."NO'."'lT _ . J-dJd.j2 -11-1~'2.~,-L)J1.?_~~___l'__-.__.___.__L~~: :;~' . ?> + ~ I,l'~ . ::cn I 0 (f I CC:(', tl (lor /'C:CCJ j r: 0 f ': h:J ciJ;': OV':Jd or' i U i (,;:t1 f ro,-; I h::J County r':~1I1'~9,~r. \~ III :r';II%() 'Ihl!:; r0qu()!.I' lor !:odrd iv,.je',1 ilflJ i:r.Il'o'/isl. Follo',.;IIl:! [1.).1/'cJ llcl'ion, 'lh.1 rh;cal Ii f 11'-'r Ill) I rro~rJ~.:; 1.rJ'Jr.;)'.":I~ I1,Jd:]'Y~ I\'c.~:)~~..,:.:l I !;l1l1'C'(;r;!1 ",CCC"J11 : i rIg ():,j ~.cnd n copy I'C f I c' fin ~I;",tu~ '10 "tho r'(:,'u,:,:,~'lin., D.;...j~!r:'!:,':~:l;. ('"O\l' '~f\ 1'\.~,.,..h.h,int1 r'\n r.'.,t.I..,. ,.""Iti'u.'l......nI. .j . .... ~- .. January 31, 197J BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 78-35 TO REIMDURSE MAINTENANCE AND EQUIPMENT ACCOUNT FOR HORSE TRAILER RE ANIMAL CONTROL - ADOPTr::O IN TilE ~MOUNT OF .,400 Commissioner Pigtor moved, secondcd by Commissioner Drown and carried 4/0 with commissioner Wenzel absent, to adopt Budget Amend- ment No. 78-35 to rcimburgc Maintenance and Equipment Account within Animal Control budget for a horse trailer in the amount of $400. ........"",...,1 VI \..VV.." vV,.....I.J.JIVI11.I\j .. - ".. COL.Ltt'H (;()~iNTY,.ltORIO.\ II 1) [) r. f. T ^./.\ r: fJ [) ,.\ r: r~ T. ANUtAL I~w,u of l<oQUl1:itJ nn U:lpt. .gmI~.Q!;'"_ DESCRIf'TlO:-.l Nom ':USTlfIC^' IO:.! 0::- ^~.:a:0:.!F.IH m:QU:::ST[[) (Prcpurr..: in tripllcll'tO. Ono c( be retoincd hy tho requc:;'t1,lg O'pi1(:rMln~. Fonlllrd origln.:ll an:! 0..0 cO';lj' to Flscnl Ofl U~;o conllnullllon shoots lInd llttDCh suppo,ting c1ocurr.!:lnts, If n!)!)C:cdl To appropriate funds to reimburse maintenance of equi~mcnt account for horse trailer. In trims forrinp fur.cs nt time of settinr, up !iotcr Pool Account FY 77-78 the trailer in qucstion not having B^~ usage, only maintcnacc, WRS not included in rr.aintenance accc~nt. 1?i1EP,\f,ED OY [)EPi\:ni,:E~T AP?RfJVAL Gene Stnud~nmaicr Por Memo ftem ,John Pace DATE 1-25-78 G. StnudenmaiC;l\TE 1-23-78 nil I S SECT ION TO DE CO:-lPLETF.D BY F I r~lINCE) ACCOUNT Al-:OUNT TO: (Incrt: sse)" Mnintcnacc of Equip. - Animal Control 001-5106-00-3380 ~2- FROM: (Source of Funds) Contingencies - General Fund 001-2101-00-7010 $ 400 I F I :'~:\~ .~c~' ,p~'rbJV^L - , --f,OOMl.:;c;r CaUcHY CO:';'\ll sslO:~Ert~f';i~iJ'.',\L -~rnutJv::T N,:ENo.' Vi ~ME !...."'?'111ATE I.., I,., '''I' i NO. "/."2/' ~ I "I ' I', :> '> ',\(, 14'::clll orricC'!r, nflor r<:clll~~1h~ (,pp;~orir.in~lr'r'<)~l t'I~;-C~';J~-":"I1''''D(1r, \ n n,II i:"O 'lhlr. r"oC]llo~d for llo/.rd ;'(:...r('~1 tHhJ llPili"OVIJ:. Follo...tlo" ii::>.1/'u <l~tiol1,lll,) fir.! Or (ic:'.:r \:/,11 rrocc~;~ 1.r:Jr.:>\,9r: n~J(Jrp~ ^"~O~!::.~nl1l!: 'lIlroL:D!1 ",cco'.:n: 1119 n:l:J r."l1d i1 co;,)' n ('II'" :;1"'\'\1$ '10 'Iito r<:q\l':J-:.'lIn~ r:~p::rlr~'::I1I. COilY 'lo 1'l:rclhl:;ll1;j Cln (:.1;111.,1 "q1l11'1~(1l1t. 349 bk 40 January 31, 1978 350 bK 40 nUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 78-36 TO T~NSFER FUNDS FROM OFFICE SUPPLIES TO EQUIPMEN1 ACCOUNT ~E ENGINFERING DEPARTMENT - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $680 Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent, to adopt Budget Amend- ment No. 78-36 to transfer $680 from Office Supplies to the Equip- ment Account within the Engincering Budget. lAIm OF c:ou:HY CO>~.\1 SS 10NiJlS COl.l.irn ClJLINTY,. n.OH1D^ K C 4 u C ~ I t U K n U 0 GET ^ J.\ F. I J I'> ,., c: r~ T -" l~d:r.a of f\cquostl ng O:lpt. ~NGI1~~E~IN~ DESCiW'Tlml N-:O JUSTIr=ICI\T10;~ Of i\:.::::m:.i::lH REQUEST:::'> CPrcpMc In tripllcato. 01'10 co:'!' bo rotained by 'tho rcqu05-tlng Ocpi'lrtr"nnt. ForHord orig;ntJl on':! on.i cOilY to FI!.lcal OU'" Uso con:'lnuatlon 5heols Clnd l:lttilch slIrr::>rtin(J docu'l:~ntn, If no!:~od) To transfer funds from Office Supplies Account to Equipment Account for the Engineering Departm~nt. The above equipment addition is necessary to purchase an office chair ($55) and a plan file ($62S). The former beinB old and can't be repaired, and the latter is for stor8g~ of the '~nbw secunaary rUdd. ,.,18n8 sod subdivision plans". ?REP/\RF.O OY C. [I. Barksdale ohn Pace O.'ITl::1-2J-78 OEPARmENT APPROVAL Fer Hemo from C. Barksdale DinE 1-17-78 ] couirTi(r,~~~AGER APPROVAL ~~~ DATE 1"'7! CTH: S S ECTI all TO DE CO,\olPLETCD BY F I NA:-\CE> ACCOU~T AI-:OUNT TO: (Increase) Equipment - Engineering 001-4101-00-4020 $ 680 FROM: (Source of Funds) Office Supplies - Engineering 001-4101-00-2050 $ 680 "rtt''j'i)/OVAI.' ItJ()!li(,) 0; CG.'~J:nY CO.'.~\II~I~IU:;:.I(S ^h'j\~)'llil. IlllU1J\j~,I. /Ii.:t;~IJ;,lt . uflLa OATf-.. J.- ~ p ')If:.:02~_lJ3c~.U~ ,. .l~_.____.__.____L~~"': ' ~.., 1110 rt!:C.11 Officor, n(ter rccl)irt of 'Ih:) l'lflP:'cwcd oriain:lI frC'.', 'Iho Cowl'ly r.::!:H'I!)Or. ~:I rlfli,llllC thl:> rC<1uc~1' for'l1oiJrd ;'(:\'iCIIIIl'lJ ili'provlIl. follc',dr.:; [k,)M'd .Iel-ioll, 'Ill,) rh:cn O('j'ficcr ....111 procc!Of> r.r~r0\'()(~ e',Jd"p~ k~':nC;:~0;11!: 'Ihr"o(;[jh r',:;c(\',:n~ina n:d :..:,,;1 i'l r:CJ;>'/ ref 0-11 !;li1t'llf;l" .'hl'"' ,.(."itt";'I'i,,., n.~~.\lrlf;'.~nt. r"'H' .~" Pltl'r'l,'.:.ifl': ('Ill (.)1"""1 :;d ,....,IIi,,';"'.~nt.. UUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 78-37 TO ^PPROPRIATE GIFTS FROM GOLDEN GATE COMMUNITY CENTER IN AMOUNT OF $2,279.30 - ADOPTED Fiscal Officer Harold Hall reported that $2,279.30 had been re- ceived as a gift from the Golden Gate Community Center. A budget amendment is needed in order to appropriate gifts, he stated. . ~,~, ~.. January 31, 1978 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and cilrried 4/" with Cor.,migsioner \1enzel absent, to adopt Budget Amend- mcnt No. 78-37 to appropriate gift of $2,279.30 from Golden Gate Community Center. BO,\;{O Or cou~nY CO;,::.\1 S5 10:.:f:i6 COlli EH C00:\TY,. FLO~ I D,", K t ~ U t ~ I fOR B lJ [) GET At.\ r: l~ 0 ,,\ r: 11 T GOLDEN GAT! 'I~ar.',':t of Hcquostln;J U':lpt.G.QMt!~.CEJI~ DESC~IPilO~ AI\D JUSTJrIC,\TIO:~ or: A'.:;::r:i):':~;:T REQUESTED (Pro;>nr.:: in triplicnlo. OM CC he retainod by tho req\l~stlng O~;>llrtr,1~nt. Fon/ard orlglnnf ll;;:l 0:10 cO';'Y to Flsctll Of' Use CO:'ltinuatlon sheet~ nnd nttn:h supporting documents, If nOD~Dd) , To appropriate the following restricted donations: From: Golden Gate Civic Asgociation Golden Gate Junior 'Jomen I s Club $ 545.00 I 734.30 ~2:279.30 These funds were restricted by the donors to the purchase of chairs and tables for the Golden Gate Community Center. rREP':'~ED IW oc:ri,R11.:t:NT f,Pi',,')V/,L I CC:.J~ITY !'~~"'V,GER APPRO'lI".L Steve Fain OATE 1-23-78. DATE tfl.\.nlt,'1.Gf\., DATE /.27 (TH I S SECT I ON TO BE CO:.-;PLETED 13Y F 11~.'J~CE) ACCOUNT A.''':OUNT TO: (Increase) Golden Gate Community Ccnter- Equipment 05-811000-4020 $ 2,279.3 FRO~: (Source of Funds) Golden GAte I & S & Operating . Donati6ns 142301-0005-05 $ 2,279.3 _--.- BO;..~::: or CO'J:!TY c~~P.5 IJ;?i0v::L-ll'-E3UDG~.T.. .f.,'!':E.'N~. r 1':7fI:..~:Ct ;]t,A'T\L.-_;,.;' 7 -1 . . t . l) . T [ ; ~ . i..... . - I . I ~:O. . / > :J, I 1\ I, .....1'. ';-.. -------... --...--- I h(, Fi~;~,"1 Officer, llftcr rcc0ipt of th::l e:;>[I:'ovcd originnl :ro:-. .til::J CO'J.'l"ty 1':'JniJ()cr: {ir"Jli"c th15 rcquAst lor t::~l!Jr(~ j'(,\'lc'.,' en~ l,ppro'".J. rotlo'..;i:,~ 1}:>M'd r..::.tion, 'lh.1 rl!~ o'i 'J- ." to J I ~,.. ' ,.~" I'.,...,,>t I\'r,,~,:,:!::-.~;ll'~ t"r('l:D~l r,';cO'~O\~'lno i1:'l:J ~.~nd D cO;:'Y r \!~I'l.t_.. \-.1. pro'-'...!tJ l.p,Jrvl,.:', 'r\~~:r'lt'H'-'" r., _It, r.lIrr..:'l....i!'l.. ~:, r..;...,T~;'d t'n1ttl'lf:'\~l\t. 1 1 tl~ :-.li\tll~ 'In 1h,. ,-'.f11"-":' ,n.'" ,t 'J.' ., .t.... ,... . BUDGET AMENDMEN'r NO. 78- 3 8 TO HOVE $ 3 , 000 FROM TOOLS AND PARTS ACCOUNT IHTlIIN TilE MOTOR POOL BUDGET - ADOPTED Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Nenze1 absent, to adopt Budget Amend- ment No. 78-38 to move $3,000 from Tools and Parts Account within the Motor Pool Budget. 351 bK 40 III .... < .. January 31, 1978 nUDGET AMENDMENT RE APPROPRIATION OF ANTI-RECESSION FUNDS FOR NEW POSITION - ACTION DEFERRED UNTIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 7, 1978 Fiscal Officer Harold Hall requested that a propoged budget amendment re appropriation of Anti-Recession Funds for a new posi- tion in Personnel be withdrawn from recommendation at this time. Action dcferrcd until meeting of February 7, 1978. DUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 70-39 TO TRANSFER FUNDS FROM MOTOR POOL ACCOUNT TO LINE ITEMS, GAS, OIL AND r~INTENANCE - RE UTILITY DIVISION - ADOPTED IN TilE AMOUNT OF $2,400 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent, to adopt Budget Amend- ment No. 78-39 to transfer $2,400 from the Moto~ Pool Account to __..._ ". L.~.~<? ,!t?!f1s" _<:'':I?,~",C?il and l1aintenance within the Utility Division. COLL I Ell CO~JNrY '. Fl.Oi~1 D/\ B II () ('. F. T ^ 1-1 r; N D ,., E H T . UTILtTI I~/)r.','j of K'.lquf.Jstlng (}:!pt._~y!SI_~ DF..SCi\II'IIO~1 M~D JLJSTIFICt\TI();'l 0:= ^,',IE~:Q:.!EilT nt:QUESTED (ProplJro In 1rlpllcu't(). One be relcJinccJ by 'tho roqucstlno O~pC1rl"l;Jn~, Fonlord original and on,j copy to rlsclll 0 Use CO:lt i nUilt ion shocls llncJ l1t ',1ch c.upl'ort i n9 docuT.!lntr., If ncodod) To transfer funds from Motor Pool Account to Line Items Gas-Oil and Maintenance of Equipment Accounts for Utilities Division. During preparation of the 1977-78 Budget in June of 1977, the Motor Pool A~collnt was set up in most Departments with instruc- tions to ~ovc annual estimated mileage @ $ .14 per mile to this account in each department. The Utilities Divigion Vehiclas were included, but should have been in a different category. ?REPAHED [lY DEPilfHr.!Et-.:T ',P?RO','/,L John Pace DATE 1-23-78 DATE COUNTY~W~AGER APPI'lOYI'.1 () -" ,,/ '='i 'c\' , .. xt-. DATE 'l.:2 (T1l I S SECT ION TO DE COI<!PLF.TED BY F I N,o,NCE> ACCOUNT No:OUNl TO: (Increase) Gas & Oil - CC Water/Sewer Utilitieg Division 036-7100-00-2010 $ Maintenance of Equipment 036-7100-00-3380 L FRON: (Source of Funds) Motor Pool - CC t"ater/ScHcr Utilitic!'l Division036-7100-00-3000 L 353 bk 40 F. r ;':lI~'C[f\P?~V/\L - [lOAr~J) Of C~:J:-ITY CO:.~\ll S5 IO:':i:I1SJ\f;i'HOV,\L -~rOUlJCt:T N-I[~. t<1tO^r:.- ~ 7 ~!~ lJ,\TE IJ'\ ~i '"' . _____J r.:o. '} >:. '3~ n!;C"r Officer', nftcr receipt or 'lh3 (.pprovcd origin;)1 fr('l~l "Ihe County r-:ulli'tgcr, .17 " ... I .' ,on' '"..:i"., r,-.., ...~./t ".~L"'n '''"", ri 354 bK 40 January 31, 1970 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT FOR 1977 - FILED FOR THE RECORD Chairman Wimer noted that copies of the 1977 Financial Report have been received by the Doard and copies can be made available to anyone that is interested. nOND REVIEW FOR ALL OFFICERS IN COLLIER COUNTY - CLERK REAGAN TO REVIEW AND BRING RECOMMENDATION BACK TO BOARD ClerK Reagan noted that in accordance with Florida Statute 137.05 the Doard ig to review the bonds of all officerg in the County to determine if game should be increased. ClerK Reagan related that he would review these bonds and bring a recommendation back to the Board. REMOVAL OF GAIN TIME FOR STOCKADE INMATES NOS. 77-9-12, 77-11-10 AND 77-12-16 - APPROVED Utility Director Der~on reported n letter dated January 19, 1970 from JamCR T. Lcster, Warden of the Collier County Stockade, requesting that the Doard forfeit gain time for tho following in- mates: ["I. J . \~. J.lI. N.R.G. 77-9-12 77-11-10 77-12-16 15 days 5 days 5 days CommiRSionp.r PiRtor moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent, to approve the re- moval of thc gain time for inmates nos. 77-9-12, 77-11-10 and 77-12-16. RECONSTRUCTION OF HtMOKALEE BANDSlIELL - APPROVED Mrs. Mary Morgan, Administrative Aide to the Board, stated that she, under direction from the Doard at the meeting last weeK, had checked baCK into the records and discovered that on October 25, 1977 the Board had considered a proposal regarding reconstruction of the Immokalee Bandshell. Mrs. Morgan reportcd that Lowell Raines, Main- tenance Superintendent, had indicated that this worK could be done for approximately $5,000; however, contractors outside the County January 31, 197B government had indicated that the cost for same would be $6,000. On October 2~, 1977 th~ Doard authorized this item to be let out for bidg for construction, however, plans were not prepared and there was no advertising, said Mrs. Morgan. Plans aro now being prepared by the stllff nnd should be rendy todny, she said, however, within the time frame, thcre is no time to let this itcm out for bid. Therefore, it was recommcndcd that the action of October 25, 1977 be rescinded nnd Mr. Raines be authorized to proceed with plans to reconstruct the Immoknlee Dandshcll. Commissioner Drown movcd, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carricd 3/0 as Commisgioner Archer was away for a short time and Commissioner Wenzel was absent, that Lowell Raines, County Hainten- nnce Superintendent, be authorized try reconstruct the Immokalee Dandshell and thnt thc IIction of October 25, 1977 letting this item out for bid be rescinded. Fiscal Officer Harold Hnll was given direction to return to the Board with the l-'roper budgct amendments to fund this item. NOTICE FROM DUHE^U OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PLlINNING AND ASSISTANCE RE COMMUNICATIONS UPGR1\DE GRANT - CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN NECESSlIRY FORMS Mrs. Mary Morgan, Admin~strative Aide to the Board, reported that n notice had been received from the Bureau of Criminal Justice Planning and Assistance IIdvising that the COU1~ty has been awarded a Communications Upgrnde Grant in the amount of $B,550 from the Federal Government. In order to complete the processing of the grant, certain forms must be signcd and returnud, she said. Motion was made by Commissioner ristor, seconded by Commissioner Drown and carried 3/0 with Commissioner Archer away for a short timc and Commissioner Wenzel absent, that tho Chairman be authorized to sign the necessary forms. 355 bk 40 .__A January 31, 1978 LETTER RECEIVED FROM DEP1\RT/>IENT OF IIRS SOLICITING GRANT APPLIC1\TIONS FOR TYPES I, II AND III 1\/>IBULANCES - CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN STATEMENT ~~ INTENT I1rs. Mary Morgan, Administrative Aide to the Board, reported that a letter had been received from the Department of HRS dated January 18, 1978 soliciting grant applications for Types I, II and III ambulances to be purchased on a SO/50 match basis with State and local funds. In order to be eligible, said Mrs. Morgan, the Board must sign n Notice of Intent to apply for the grant and re- turn it before February 10, 1978. Mrs. Morgan related that Fiscal Officer Harold lIa11 had recommended that this I.>e done. Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Drown and carried 3/0 with Commigsioner Archer being away for a short time and Commissioner Wenzel absent, that the Statement of Intent be signed and returned to the Department of HRS regarding the grant applications for Typeg I, II and III Ambulances. Or Or * * Or Or * Or Or .. .. .. .. 357 bk 40 .. .. .......---. January 31, 197B COMMISSIONERS, PLANNING AND ZONING DEPJ\RTMENT IlEJ\DS J\UTIIORIZED TO ATTEND ANNUAl, MJD-YF.lIR CONFERENCE OF THE STATE ASSOCIATION OF COUNTY COMMI~SIONERS Mrs. Mary Morgan, Administrative Aide to the Board, related that notice has been received of the Annual Mid-Year Conference of the Stnte Aosocintion of County Commissioners to be held in Fort Walton Deach on March 1-4, 1978. Authorization is needed for any or all of the Commissioners to attend, she said. Commissioner Archer, who hnd returned to the meeting, made the motion that travel be authorized for the Commissioners to attend the Annual Mid-Year Conference of the State Association of County Commissioners, seconded by Commigsioner Drown and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent. A second motion WIlS made by Commissioner Archer for Zoning and Planning Department headR to be authorized travel to attend the Annual Mid-Year Conference of the State Association of County Com- missioners Meeting, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent. THOMAS KEHOE AUTHORIZED TO TRAVEL TO WASHINGTON, D.C. TO ATTEND THE NATIONAL VETERANS REHABILITATION CONFERENCE Mrs. Mary Morgan, Administrative Aide to the Board, reported that Thomas Kehoe, the Veterans Service Officer, has budgeted $350 for travel to Washington D.C. to attend the National Veterans Re- hnbilitation Conference. Due to inflation, Mrs. Morgan stated, $404 will be needcd nnd nuthorization for this amount is needed. Commissioner Archer moved, secondcd by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent, to authorize $404 for Mr. Thomas Kehoe to travel to Washington D.C. to attend the National Veterans Rehabilitation Conference. AFTER-THE-FACT AUTIIORIZATION FOR CHAIRMAN TO SIGN DEPARTMENT OF HRS ASSURANCE OF COMPLIANCE WITH SEC. 504 OF TilE REHABILITATION ACT OF 1973/ AS AMENDED - GRANTED Mrs. Morgan, Administr~tive Aide to thc Board, related that when the County applied to have the Homemakers Service extended, the 359 bk 40 360 bk 40 January 31, 197~ Dep;\rtment of lfRS requested that an Assurance of Compliance be signed indicating that tho County is complying with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Mrs. Morgan noted that the County is in compliance in regard to Section 504 which relates to discrimination against the handicapped. Mrs. Morgan mentioned the following as showing accessibility of County facilities to the handi- capped: 1. The Social Serviceg Department in on the first floor of the building and rampg, wide doorg and toilet faci1l.ticg to accommodate the handicapped are provided. 2. The program doeg go into the homes. Commigsioner Pistor moved that post-approval be givcn for the siCJlling of the Compliance Form (which had been signed the previous wcck) for the Department of !IRS, secondcd by Commissioner Archer and carried 4/0 with Commisgioner Wenzel absent. TAX COLLECTOR AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE DUPLICATE TAX CERTIFICATES Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent, to authorize the Tax Collector to issue the following duplicate certificateg: 2135,2182, 21A6, 2191, 2201, 2209, 2225, 2510, 2185 696, 709, 756 and 2387 which had been logt. CHllIRHAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN LETTER TO CLYDE QUINBY, SUPERINTENDENT OF COLLIER COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS AU'l'HORIZING EXCHANGE OF PROPERTY Hrs. Hary Horgan, Administrative Aide to the Board, related that a public hearing had been held regarding the possible transfer of land between the Board of County Commisgionerg for County land known as the Gran Property, and the School Board for property located in Inunokalee. Since that time, Hrg. Morgan stated, there have been more negotiations and it hag been indicated by the School Board that an acre per acre transfer could be worked out for 20 acres, prcvided that the County will give them the authority to use County parking January 31, 197r facilities for any of the athletic evonts held at the high school in Immokal~a. Authorization ig needed for the Chairman to sign a letter requesting that the School Board taKe up this matter, said />In;. Morgan. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent that the Chairman be nuthorized to sign n letter to Clyde Quinby, Suporintendent of Col- lior County Public Schools, authorizing exchange of property on an acre per acre basig for approximately 20 acres re ImmoKalee High School & Gran Property sites; Immokalee to be allowed to use County parking facilities. CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN BUREAU OF CENSUS BOUNDARY SUMMARY OF JANUARY 1/ 1978 Mrs. Mary Morgan, Administrative Aide to the Board, stated that annually a Boundary Annexation Survey is received from the U.S. Burenu of Census which states that there are only two incorporated areas within the County: the City of Naples and the City of Ever- glades. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent! that the Chairman be authorized to sign the Bureau of Census Boundary Summary. MANAGEMENT TEAM AUTHORIZED TO BE SCREENING COMMITTEE IN SELECTION PROCESS FOR COUNTY MANAGER Motion made by Commissioner Archer, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent, that the Management Team be authorized to be a Screening Committee in the selection process for a County Manager. 361 bk 40 362 bk 40 January 31, 1978 REOUEST FROM TERMINATED EMPr,oYEE DAN NELSON RE ANOTHER CHANCE TO APPEAl. - ADVIC:: OF ATTOr~NEY TO LF.T DISMISSAL STAND ACCEPTED Mrs. Mary Morgan, Adminigtrative Aide to the Doard, rcported thnt a lctter dated January 25, 1978 had beon received from terrni- nated employee Dan Nelgon rcquogting that the Doard allow him another chance to spcak as he had migged the mceting January 24, 1978 and his appeal had benn waiv~d. When questioncd, County Attorney PiCKworth, replied that his rccommendation was to let the dismissal stand. Commisgioner Drown moved that counscl's advice be taKen to let the dismissal of employee Dan Nelson stand, seconded by Com- missioner Pistor and carried 4/0 with Commigsioner Wenzel absent. MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED Thcre being no objection, the Chair directed that the follow- ing correspondence be filed and/or referred to the varioug depart- ments as indicatcd below: 1. Invitation to the Board to participate in the LaBelle Swamp Cabbage Festival on Saturday February 25, 1978; filed. 2. Letter datcd January 23, 1978 from Sheldon Mosier, President of the NOrth Naples Civic Association, suggesting that since the ~ewers are alrcady installed, the past ghould be forgottcn and the County reaffirm the County Water/Sewer District. Requestg rate charge on per bathroom basis be reassegsed; filed. 3. Letter dated January 23, 1978 from I. L. Barzon, County Engineer, to Corps of Engineors in response to Cease and Desist Ordcr of January 9, 1978 re Carnestown Landfill; filed. 4. Lctter dated January 23, 1978 from Sheldon Mosier, Pregi- dent, North Naplcs Civic Association, requesting Ameri- can Ambulance rates lowered; filed. 5. Letter of January 26, 1978 from DOT notifying the Board that SR-846 from SR-29 at ImmoKalee to SR 858 at approxi- mately the Hendry County Line will be transferred to County jurisdiction on or about February 27, 1978; filed. 6. Notice from the Burcau of Criminal Justice Planning' Assistancc that special condition '4 of the Collier County 911 System subgrant award has been satisfied. Grant '77-A2-09-CEll filed; xc to Sheriff Rogers. 3G1 bk 10 January 31, 1978 19. Letter dated January 27, 1978 from City Manager extending ...nvitation for gro"nd breaKing for new City Hall Complex; filed. RESOLUTION RECEIVED FROM IMMOKALEE AREA PLANNING COMMISSION REQUEST- ING NEI'l ROAD TO CONNECT SR 29 AND NEWMARKET ROAD - ENGINEERING DE- PARTMENT TO RESEARCH AND BRING MORE INFORMl\TION BACK TO THE BOARD Mrs. Mary Morgan, Administrative Aide to the Board, reportcd that a resolution has been receivcd from the ImmoKalee Area Planning Commission reque5ting that a road be constructed from the end of Carson Road cast to connect to SR 29 and Newmarket Road. This reso- lution was unanimously approved by the IAPC with approximately 10 citizens concurring, stated Commisgioner Brown. After some discussion, it wag determined that more information was needed. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent, that the Engineering Deportment begin D study regarding the construction of a road from the end of Carson Road ea5t to connect to SR 29 and Newmarket Road. The study then to be reviewed by the Legal Department and brought before the Board. REQUEST UY CETA ADMINISTRATOR TO FUND YOUTH EMPLOYEMNT TRAINING PRO- JECT WITH COLLIER COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD - APPROVED Mr. Jim M~crpohl, CETA Administrator, described the Youth Employment Training Project as providing alternatives for work and 5tudy for disnnvnntngcd and problem children. These youthg will be put to work, stated ~Ir. Meerpohl, and they will gain credit for their school time while working in an establishment. There is a $47,000 grant from the State to implement this program, said Mr. Meerpohl, from the time frame up until September 30, 1978. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pigtor and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent, to authorize the funding of the Youth Employment Training Project with the Collier County School Board. ....-.. January 31, 1!178 PRESENTATION BY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES REGARDING POSSIBLE ACQUISITION OF THE FAKAHATCIlEE STRAND - BOARD AUTHORIZES LAND TO DE SOLD '1'0 DNR WITH FUNDS r.ECEIVED BY COUNTY TO BE USED SPECIFICALLY FOR PURCHASE OF LAND FOR RECREATIONAL PURPOSES Mr. Irving Borzon, County Utility Director, explained to the Bonrd that since 1975 the St.ate has been attempting to acquire three sections of land which the County presently owns in the Faka- hatchee Strand, sp0cifically Section 15, 21 and 22 of Township 51, Rnnge 29. Mr. Ney Landrum, Director of Division of ParKs and Rec- reation of the Department of Natural Resources, was introduccd and it wag noted that ho had appeared before the Doard in 1975 requesting that the County dedicate this land to the State. Also, in addition to acquiring the land, Mr. Derzon stated that the State would also like permission to close the northerly end of Janes Scenic Drive which is in the NW corner of Section 21. Mr. Landrum explained that the reason for the State wanting to ncquire this lnnd is to set aside this very sensitive area as an environment~l preserv~. Mr. Landrum requested that the County contri bute this land to the State; however, he stat~that the State is pre- pared tu negotinte. This was discllssed at length. Chairman Wimer commented that ev( though this land had been given to the County, respect must be given to the taxpayers here, and perhaps this transaction could be used toward obtaining other recreational facilities by selling it to the Stnte for a nominal figure. Commi5~ioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent, to authorize the staff proceed with negotiations for transfer of subject properties with thE proviso that any manics received by the County will be uscd specificl for the purchase of land for recreational purposes. 365 bK 40 JGG bk 40 January Jl, 1979 There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair - Time: 11:36 A.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL c. ~ U1~ ATTEST: WILLIAM J. REAGAN, CLERK ..a.' ~d~o c--) . (' , "" . ~ .. ';'-" ( " ~ "- .... ", ~ 'I . q ^, \