Agenda 12/16/2008 Item #16B 7
Agenda Item No. 16B7
December 16, 2008
Page 1 of 62
Recommendation to approve and execute Medicaid Contract Amendment Number 8
between Collier County and the Florida Commission for the Transportation
Disadvantaged for a funding increase in the amount of $41,920.00 for the provision of
transportation for qualified Medicaid recipients.
OBJECTIVE: To acquire Board approval to execute Medicaid Contract Amendment
Number 8 between Collier County and the Commission for the Transportation
Disadvantaged to extend the expiration date of the agreement and increase the amount of
reimbursable funding by $41,920.00 for the provision of transportation services for qualified
Medicaid recipients.
CONSIDERATION: Agreement #BDA80 between Collier County and the Florida
Commission of the Transportation Disadvantaged was first made and signed on January I,
2005 and provided for funding to Collier County for the provision of transportation for
qualified Medicaid recipients. There have been seven (7) previous amendments. The last
amendment was brought to the Board of County Commissioners on September 23, 2008 to
add funds and extend the expiration ofthe agreement through November 30, 2008.
The proposed Amendment Number 8 is being brought to the Board of County
Commissioners to extend the Agreement from November 30, 2008 through December 31,
2008 and add $41,920.00 in additional funding for services. As the Community
Transportation Coordinator for Collier County, the Board of County Commissioners is asked
to sign Amendment Number 8 of Agreement #BDA80 with the Commission for the
Transportation Disadvantaged for the provision of the Medicaid non-emergency
transportation services in the amount of$41,920 for the month of December 2008. This will
increase the FY 09 Medicaid Project revenue budget within Transportation Disadvantaged
Fund (427) from $125,760 to $167,681. Any costs above the funding provided by the
Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged will be funded through General Fund
(00 I) dollars which are transferred to Fund (427) in support of the Transportation
Disadvantaged Program.
Amendment #8 also includes an amended Exhibit B "Method of Compensation" which will
replace the previously amended Exhibit B. Exhibit B breaks down the disbursement
schedule of funds: $20,960.00 for the first and second payments in the month of December
2008 for a total of$41,920.00.
FISCAL IMPACT: A budget amendment in the amount of $41,920 is required within
Transportation Disadvantaged Fund (427) to recognize grant revenue and set up the proper
expense appropriation in alignmcnt with this additional grant revenue. Should program
operating expenses exceed the grant amount, program operations would be supported by the
approved budgeted General Fund transfer to Transportation Disadvantaged Fund (427) which
totals $1,776,600 for FY 09. This General Fund transfer is intended to subsidize all
Transportation Disadvantaged operations.
Agenda Item No. 1687
December 16, 2008
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LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed and approved by the County
Attorney's Office, is not quasi-judicial and requires no ex parte disclosure, requires only a
majority vote for approval, and is otherwise legally sufficient for Board action.-SRT
GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: Consistent with Objectives 10 and 12 of the
Transportation Element of the Growth Management Plan.
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approve the Contract
#BDA80 Amendment #8 between Collier County and the Florida Commission for the
Transportation Disadvantaged in the amount of $41,920.00, that the Chairman be authorized
to sign the contract extension on behalf of the Board and that the Board approve any budget
amendments necessary to recognize the funds received.
Prepared by: Sue Faulkner, Principal Planner, Alternative Transportation Modes
Attachments: (I) Contract #BDA80 Amendment #8; (2) Resolution; (3) Original Medicaid
Agreement BDA80; (4) Letter from Florida Commission for the Transportation
Item Number:
Item Summary:
Meeting Date:
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Agenda Item No. 1687
December 16, 2008
Page 3 of 62
Recommendation to approve and execute Medicaid Contract Amendment Number 8
between Collier County and the Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged for
a funding increase in the amount of $41 ,920.00 for the provision of transportation for qualified
Medicaid recipients.
12/16/2008 9:0000 AM
Prepared By
Sue Faulkner
Transportation Services
Principal Planner
Alternative Transportation Modes
11/28/20082:41:06 PM
Approved By
Barbara LaPierre
Transportation Services
Management/Budget Analyst
Traffic Operations
12/1/20082:56 PM
Approved By
Michelle Edwards Arnold
Transportation Services
Alternative Transportation Modes
Alternative Transportation Modes
12/1/20087:51 PM
Approved By
Scott R. Teach
County Attorney
Assistant County Attorney
County Attorney Office
12/2/200810:40 AM
Approved By
Norm E. Feder, AICP
Transportation Services
Transportation Division Administrator
Transportation Services Admin.
12/2/200810:53 AM
Approved By
Brian Hancock
Transportation Division
Operations Support Manager
Transportation Administration
12/3/20088:50 AM
Approved By
Therese Stanley
Grants Coordinator
Transportation Administration
12/3/20089:59 AM
Approved By
Pat Lehnhard
Transportation Services
Executive Secretary
Transportation Services Admin
12/3/200810:22 AM
Approved By
OMB Coordinator
Administrative Services
Applications Analyst
Information Technology
12/3/20084:00 PM
Approved By
Mark Isackson
County Manager's Office
Budget Analyst
Office of Management & Budget
12/4/2008 11 :48 AM
Approved By
James V. Mudd
County Manager
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12/1 0/2008
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Agenda Item No. 1687
December 16, 2008
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Board of County
County Manager's Office
12/9/20086:19 PM
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Agenda Item No. 1687
December 16, 2008
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WHEREAS, at the December 16, 2008 meeting of the Board of County Commissioners, the
Board approved as an agenda item Contract #BDA80 Amendment #8 between Collier County and the
Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged for additional funding in the amount of
$41,920.00 for the provision of transportation for qualified Medicaid recipients, and authorized the
Board of County Commissioners, through its Chairman, to enter into that contract amendment with
the Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged; and
WHEREAS, the Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged requires the
Board provide a resolution memorializing and confirming the Board's aforementioned affirmative
vote to approve a contract amendment and authorization for the Chairman to execute same.
On December 16, 2008, the Board of County Commissioners approved by majority vote the
aforementioned contract amendment and authorized its chairman, Tom Henning, to execute the
contract amendment.
This Resolution adopted after motion, second, and majority vote favoring same, this 16th day
of December, 2008.
r~f k7:::;W sufficiency:
Scott R. Teach,
Deputy County Attorney
Agenda Item No. 1687
December 16, 2008
Page 6 of 62
This agrwment, entllled inlo on Nowmber 30, 2008 by and between \he Stele of Florida,
CommisalClfl for the Transpoltation Disadvanlaged, hereinelter called 'C~ssion' and CoMier
County Board of County Commissioners, 2885 S Horseshoe Drive, Naples, FL 34104, hereinefler
called .Subcontracted Transportation Provider" for Collier CoUnlylies).
WHEREAS, the Commission and the Subcontracled Tra!lllpOl1alion Provider heretOfore
on 11112005 entered into an Agreement, herein8ller called the Onginal Agreement;
VlltiEREAS, the Commission desires to participale in all eligible ilems of dewlcpment for
this projeclas outlined In \he 8Ilached "",ended Exhibft B.
WHEREAS, this amendment is necessilaled by the amendment of the con~ between
the Commission, and the Agency for Health Cllll! Administration for Medicaid Non-Emergency
Transportation (NET) services.
NOW, THEREFORE, THIS INDENTURE WfTl\IESSETH; thlll for and in consideration of
the mutual benefIts to flow from oach to the other, the parties hereto agree that the above
described Agreement Is to be amended .. follOWll:
1. Purpose of Ag_ment. The pUIJlO88 of \he agreement is not changed.
2. Accomplishment of the Agreement: The accompliShment of the agreement is not
3. Expir'lltion of Agreement: Paragraph 2, IJ;BM of said agreement is amended to
be o..,..,."Ler 31, 2008.
4. Amendment Amount: The agreement is increased by $4 1,920.00.
5. Total Project Cost The revised Total Project Cost is $2,062,276.00
6. exhibit B of said Agreement is replaced by Amended Exhibft B and is stl8ched
hereto and made e pon hereof.
EXCEPT as hereby modified, amended, or changed, 911 other terms of the Agl1lement dated
1/1/2005 and Amendments 1 through 7 shall remain in full !orca and effect. This amendment
cannot be executed un'"". all previous amendmenlB to this Agreement have bes1 fully executed.
Agenda Item No. 16B7
December 16, 2008
Page 7 of 62
In witness whereof, the parties hereto hlMl caused these presents to be executed, the day and
year first above written.
Collier County Board of County
. Interim Executive Director
Bobbv Jerniaan
TOlD Henninsz:
DWliR'l' E. BIlOCI, llLIBK
Deputy CoUbty Alluney
Agenda Item No. 1687
December 16, 2008
Page 8 of 62
For the satisfactory performance of the services III1d the submill81 of Encounter Data 88 oU1fined
in Exhibit A, Scope of SeNices, the SUbcontllleted Transportation Provider payments shall be Iwo
(2) of $20,960.00 semi-monthly. The Subcontr8CIed TIlInspolt8lion Provider lhall be paid up to e
maximum amount of $2,062,276.00. The Subconlnlcled Tl1ln!Iportation Provider shatl 1WJbm~
invoices in a format acceptable to the Commission. The Subcontlllcted TIlInspoftatlon Provider
will be paid aIler the Commission has received payment from the Agency for Health Care
1. ProIect C08t:
The STP shllll request payment through submisllion of a properly completed invoice to
the Commission Contract Menager or its designee, Once the Commission has signed
the invoice for approval, the Commission shllA IUbmlt the approved invoice to the DOT
Disbursement Operationl 0Ifi<:e for payment 10 the STP.
Total Proiec:t Coat Revised:
$ 41,920.00
Total Proiect Cost To Date:
Amendment Amount
2, Disbursement Schedule of Funds
FY 08109
1~ PMT
FY 08109
2nd PMT
Agenda Item No. 16B7
rce6. ber.1~ 008
.N~, f6:t'
-.. '._' '.i;..'
Agreement No.
Financial Project I. D.:
F.E.I.D. No.:
BY THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 1st day of January, 2005, by and between
the Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged, hereinafter called "Commission" and Collier
County Board of County Commissioners. 2685 South Horseshoe Drive Suite 211 Naoles FL 34104
hereinafter called "Subcontracted Transportation Provider" for Collier county(s) of the State of Florida.
A. In connection with the delivery of Medicaid Non-Emergency Transportation Services, the
Commission does hereby retain the Subcontracted Transportation Provider to furnish
certain services, information, and items as described in Exhibits A and Band
Attachments, attached hereto and made a part hereof.
B. All plans, maps, computer files, and/or reports prepared or obtained under this
Agreement, as well as all data collected, together with summaries and charts derived
therefrom, shall become the property of the Commission upon completion or termination
without restriction or limitation on their use and shall be made available, upon request, to
the Commission at any time during the performance and upon completion or termination
of this Agreement. Upon delivery to the Commission of said document(s), the
Commission shall become the custodian thereof in accordance with Chapter 119, Florida
Statutes. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall not copyright any material
and products or patent any invention developed under this Agreement. The Commission
shall have the right to Visit the site for inspection of the work and the prod ucts of the
Subcontracted Transportation Provider at any time.
C. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider agrees to provide reports in a format
acceptable to the Commission and at intervals established by the Commission. The
Commission shall be entitled at all times to be advised, at its request, as to the status of
work being done by the Subcontracted Transportation Provider and of the details thereof.
Coordination shall be maintained by the Subcontracted Transportation Provider with
representatives of the Commission, or of other agencies interested in the project on
behalf of the Commission. Either party to the Agreement may request and be granted a
D. In the event of a dispute between the parties in connection with this Agreement, the
parties agree to submit the disputed issue or issues to a mediator for non-binding
mediation prior to filing a lawsuit. The parties shall agree on a mediator as agreed upon
by both parties. The fee of the mediator shall be shared equally by the parties. To the
extent allowed by law, the mediation process shall be confidential and the results of the
mediation or any testimony or argument introduced at the mediation shall not be
admissible as evidence in any subsequent proceeding concerning the disputed case.
PAGE 1 OF 53
Agenda Item No. 16B 7
ID6'~ ~fg~
E. In the event the subcontracted transportation provider is not the community transportation
coordinator, in accordance with Chapter 427, Florida Statutes, in the designated service
area covered by this agreement, the subcontracted transportation provider must sign a
coordination contract with the community transportation coordinator in the designated
service area.
A. INITIAL TERM. This Agreement shall begin on January 1, 2005 and shall remain in full
force and effect through completion of all services required on December 31,2005.
B. RENEWALS: This Agreement may be renewed for a period that may not exceed three
(3) years or the term of the original Agreement, whichever period is longer. Renewals
shall be contingent upon satisfactory performance evaluations by the Commission and
subject to the availability of funds. Any renewal or extension shall be in writing and
executed by both parties, and shall be subJect to the same terms and conditions set forth
in this Agreement.
C. EXTENSIONS. In the event that circumstances arise which make performance by the
Subcontracted Transportation Provider impracticable or impossible within the time
allowed or which prevent a new Agreement from being executed, the Commission, in its
discretion, may grant an extension of this Agreement. Extension of this Agreement shall
be in writing for a period not to exceed six (6) months and shall be subject to the same
terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement; provided the Commission may, in its
discretion, grant a proportional increase in the total dollar amount based on the method
and rate established herein. There shall be only one extension of this Agreement unless
the failure to meetlhe criteria set forth in this Agreement for completion of this Agreement
is due to events beyond the control of the Subcontracted Transportation Provider.
A. Payment shall not be made until funds from Agency for Health Care Administration have
been received and deposited by the Commission. Payment shall be made only after
receipt and approval of goods and services. Bills for fees or other compensation for
services or expenses shall be submitted in detail sufficient for a proper pre-audit and
B. This Agreement involves units of deliverables and they must be received and accepted In
writing by the Commission's Contract Manager prior to payments.
C. The Commission has five (5) working days to inspect and approve the deliverables,
unless otherwise specified herein. The Commission has 20 days to deliver a request for
payment (voucher) to the Department of Financial Services. The 20 days are measured
from the laller of the date the invoice is received or the goods or services are received,
inspected and approved.
D. If a payment is not available within 40 days, pursuant to Section 215.422(3)(b), F.S., a
separate interest penalty as established pursuant to Section 55.03, Florida Statutes, shall
be due and payable, in addition to the invoice amount, to the Subcontracted
Transportation Provider. Invoices which have to be returned to a Subcontracted
Transportation Provider because of Subcontracted Transportation Provider preparation
errors shall result in a delay in the payment The invoice payment requirements do not
start until payment for Agency for Health Care Administration has been received by the
Commission and until a properly completed invoice is provided to the Commission.
E. A Vendor Ombudsman has been established within the Department of Financial
Services. The duties of this individual include acting as an advocate for vendors who
PAGE 2 OF 53
may be experiencing problems in obtaining timely payment(s) from the Commission. The
Vendor Ombudsman may be contacted at (850) 410-9724 or by calling 1-800-848-3792.
F. Records of costs incurred under terms of this Agreement shall be maintained and made
available upon request to the Commission at all times during the period of this Agreement
and for five (5) years after final payment for the work pursuant to this Agreement is made.
Copies of these documents and records shall be furnished to the Commission upon
request. Records of costs incurred shall include the Subcontracted Transportation
Provider's general accounting records and the project records, together with supporting
documents and records, of the Subcontracted Transportation Provider and all
subcontractors performing work, as provided in Exhibit A, Scope of Work and all other
records of the Subcontracted Transportation Provider and subcontractors considered
necessary by the Commission for a proper audit of project costs.
G. The Commission, during any fiscal year, shall not expend money, incur any liability, or
enter into any contract which, by its terms, involves the expenditure of money in excess
of the amounts budgeted as available for expenditure during such fiscal year. Any
contract, verbal or wrillen, made in violation of this subsection is null and void, and no
money may be paid on such contract. The Commission shall require a statement from
the Comptroller of the Department of Transportation that funds are available pnor to
entering into any such contract or other binding comm ilment of funds. Nothing herein
contained shall prevent the making of contracts for periods exceeding one year, but any
contract so made shall be executory only for the value of the services to be rendered or
agreed to be paid for in succeeding fiscal years. Accordingly, the State of Florida's
performance and obligation to pay under this Agreement is contingent upon an annual
appropriation by the Legislature.
A. INDEMNITY: To the extent allowed by Section 768.28, Florida Statutes, and without
waiving any defense of sovereign immunity or increasing limits of liability as set out in
that statute, the Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall indemnify and hold
harmless the Commission, the Department of Transportation and the Agency for Health
Care Administration, their officers and employees from iiabilities, damages, losses and
costs, including but not limited to, reasonable attorney's fees, to the extent that such
liabilities, damages, losses and costs are a result of the negligence, recklessness, or
intentional wrongful misconduct of the Subcontracted Transportation Provider and
persons employed by or utilized by the Subcontracted Transportation Provider in the
performance of this Agreement.
B. PAYMENT FOR CLAIMS: The Subcontracted Transportation Provider guaranties the
payment of all just claims for materials, supplies, toois, or labor and other just claims
against the Subcontracted Transportation Provider or any subcontractor, in connection
with the Agreement. The Commission's final acceptance and payment does not release
the Subcontracted Transportation Provider's responsibilities until all such claims are paid
or released.
C. LIABILITY INSURANCE: The Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall carry and
keep in force during the period of this Agreement a general liability insurance policy or
policies with a company or companies authonzed to do business in Florida, affording
public liability insurance in accordance with Rule Chapter 41-2.006, Florida
Administrative Code. If the Subcontracted Transportation Provider is a political
subdivision of the State of Florida and is self-insured in accordance with the terms and
provisions of Section 768.28, Florida Statutes regarding waiver of sovereign immunity in
PAGE 3 OF 53
Agenda Item No. 16B7
Ie~~ 3~~~~
tort actions, the Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall provide to the Commission a
Certificate of Self-Insurance upon execution of this Agreement.
D. WORKERS' COMPENSATION. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall carry
and keep in force Workers' Compensation Insurance as required for the State of Florida
under the Worker's Compensation Law during the term of this Agreement.
E. CERTIFICATION. With respect to any insurance policy required pursuant to this
Agreement, all such policies shall be issued by companies licensed to do business in the
State of Florida. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall provide to the
Commission certificates showing the required coverage to be in effect and showing the
Commission to be an additional certificate holder. Such policies shall provide that the
insurance is not cancelable except upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to the
A. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall allow public access to all documents,
papers, letters, or other material subject to the provisions of Chapter 119, Florida
Statutes, and made or received by the Subcontracted Transportation Provider in
conjunction with this Agreement. Failure by the Subcontracted Transportation Provider to
grant such public access shall be 9rounds for immediate unilateral cancellation of this
Agreement by the Commission.
B. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall comply with all federal, state, and local
laws and ordinances applicable to the work or payment for work thereof, and will not
discriminate on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or disability
in the performance of work under this Agreement.
C. A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a
conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a bid on a contract to provide any
goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a bid on a contract with a publiC
entity for the construction or repair of a public building or publiC work, may not submit
bids on leases of real property to a publiC entity, may not be awarded or perform work as
a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any pubiic entity,
and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount
provided in Section 287.017, Florida Statutes, for CATEGORY TWO for a period of 36
months from the date of being placed on the convicted Vendor list.
D. An entity or affiliate who has been placed on the discriminatory Vendor list may not
submit a bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity, may not
submit a bid on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public
building or public work, may not submit bids on leases of real property to a public entity,
may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or
consultant under a contract with any public entity, and may not transact business with
any public entity.
E. The Commission shall consider the employment by any Subcontracted Transportation
Provider of unauthorized aliens a violation of section 274A(e) of the immigration and
Nationality Act. If the Subcontracted Transportation Provider knowingly employs
unauthorized aliens, such violation shall be cause for unilateral cancellation of this
PAGE 4 OF 53
Agenda Item No. 16B7
rc~~er 16,2008
A. Either party may cancel this agreement with thirty (30) calendar days written notice,
without cause. The Commission reserves the right to terminate or cancel this Agreement
with thirty (30) calendar days written notice in the event an assignment is made for the
benefit of creditors.
B. If the Commission determines that the performance of the Subcontracted Transportation
Provider is not satisfactory, the Commission shall have the option of (a) terminating the
Agreement with at least thirty (30) calendar days written notice, or (b) notifying the
Subcontracted Transportation Provider of the deficiency with a requirement that the
deficiency be corrected within a specified time, otherwise the Agreement will be
terminated at the end of such lime, as long as the time period is at least thirty (30)
calendar days.
C. If the Commission requires termination of the Agreement for reasons other than
unsatisfactory performance of the Subcontracted Transportation Provider, the
Commission shall notify the Subcontracted Transportation Provider of such termination
with at least thirty (30) calendar days written notice, with instructions as to the effective
date of termination or specify the stage of work at which the Agreement is to be
D. If the Agreement is terminated before performance is completed, the Subcontracted
Transportation Provider shall be paid only for that work satisfactorily performed for which
costs can be substantiated. Such payment, however, may not exceed an amount which
is the same percentage of the Agreement price as the amount of work satisfactorily
completed is a percentage of the total work called for by this Agreement. All work in
progress shall become the property of the Commission and shall be turned over promptly
by the Subcontracted Transportation Provider.
A. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall maintain an adequate and competent
staff so as to enabie Subcontracted Transportation Provider to timely perform under this
Agreement and may associate with it such subcontractors, for the purpose of Its services
hereunder, without additional cost to the Commission, other than those costs within the
limits and terms of this Agreement. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider is fully
responsible for satisfactory completion of all subcontracted work. The Subcontracted
Transportation Provider, however, shall not assign or transfer any work under this
Agreement without the prior written consent of the Commission.
A. For the satisfactory performance of the services and the submittal of Encounter Data as
outlined in Exhibit A, Scope of Services, the Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall
be paid up to a maximum amount of $ 514,259.00 . The Subcontracted Transportation
Provider shall submit monthly invoices in a format acceptable to the Commission. The
Subcontracted Transportation Provider will be paid, after the Commission has received
payment from Agency for Health Care Administration, in equal payments per month,
unless otherwise approved by the Commission's Executive Director. The Subcontracted
Transportation Provider shall request payment through submission of a property
completed invoice to the Commission's Executive Director, in accordance with Exhibit 8,
Method of Compensation.
B. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider must submit the final invoice for payment to
the Commission no more than ninety (90) days after the Agreement ends or is
terminated. If the Subcontracted Transportation Provider falls to do so, all right to
payment is forfeited and the Commission will not honor any requests submitted after the
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Agenda Item No. 16B7
December 16, 2008
1 t,9S362
aforesaid time period. Any payment due under the terms of this Agreement may be
withheld until all reports due from the Subcontracted Transportation Provider and
necessary adjustments thereto have been approved by the Commission.
C. The State of Florida's (Commission's) performance and obligation to pay under this
Agreement is contingent upon an annual appropriation by the Legislature and nothing
herein shall be construed to violate the provisions of Section 339.135(6)(a), Florida
Statutes, which provides the Commission, during any fiscal year, shall not expend
money, incur any liability, or enter into any contract which, by its terms, involves the
expenditure of money in excess of the amounts budgeted as available for expenditure
during such fiscal year. Any contract, verbal or written, made in violation is null and void
and no money may be paid on such contract.
A. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider and its empioyees, agents, representatives,
or subcontractors are not employees of the Commission or the State of Florida as a result
of this Agreement. The Commission and the State shall not be bound by any
unauthorized acts or conduct of the Subcontracted Transportation Provider or its
employees, agents, representatives, or subcontractors. Subcontracted Transportation
Provider agrees to include this provision in all its subcontracts under this Agreement.
B. All words used herein in the singular form shall extend to and include the plural. All
words used in the plural form shall extend to and include the singular. All words used In
any gender shall extend to and include all genders.
C. This Agreement embodies the whole agreement of the parties. There are no promises,
terms, conditions, or obligations other than those contained herein, and this Agreement
shall supersede all previous communications, representations, or agreements, either
verbal or written, between the parties hereto.
D. It is understood and agreed by the parties hereto that if any part, term or provision of this
Agreement is by the courts held to be illegal or in confiict with any law, the validity of the
remaining portions or provisions shall not be affected, and the rights and obligations of
the parties shall be construed and enforced as if the Agreement did not contain the
particular part, term, or provision heid to be invalid.
E. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the
State of Florida.
F. In any legal action related to this Agreement, instituted by either party, the Subcontracted
Transportation Provider hereby waives any and all privileges and rights It may have
under Chapter 47 and Section 337.19, Fiorida Statutes, relating to venue, as it now exists
or may hereafter be amended, and any and all such privileges and rights it may have
under any other statute, rule, or case law relative to venue, including, but not limited to
those grounded on convenience. Any such legal action may be brought in the
appropriate Court in any county chosen by the Commission and in the event that any
such iegal action is filed by Subcontracted Transportation Provider, Subcontracted
Transportation Provider hereby consents to the transfer of venue to the county chosen by
the Commission upon the Commission filing a motion requesting the same.
G. Time is of the essence as to each and every obligation under this Agreement.
H. The following Exhibits and Attachments are incorporated and made a part of this
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Agenda Item No. 16B7
Exhibit A
Exhibit B
Attachment 1
Scope of Services
Method of Compensation
Certification Regarding Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
Act of 1996 (HIPPA) Compliance
Drug-Free Workplace Certification
Financial and Compliance Audit
Attachment 2
Attachment 3
Attachment 4
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement by their duly authorized officers on
the day, month and year set forth above.
Florida Commission for the Transportation
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PAGE 7 OF 53
Agenda Item No. 16B7
The Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged (Commission) enters into this
Agreement with the Subcontracted Transportation Provider to give the Subcontracted
Transportation Provider responsibility for the administration and provision of non-emergency
transportation (NET) services to eligible Medicaid beneficiaries. The Subcontracted
Transportation Provider shall comply with all the provisions of this Agreement and rts
amendments, if any, and shall act in good faith in the performance of the Agreement provisions.
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider agrees to comply with all applicable federal and state
laws and regulations as spec~ied in the Applicable Laws and Regulations Section.
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider must ensure that all transportation operators under
agreement or contract abide by the provisions of this Agreement, and meet all state and local
licensing and insurance requirements.
The Agreement may be subject to changes in federal and state law, rules or regulations.
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider agrees that failure to comply with the provisions of
this Agreement may result in sanctions and/or termination of the Agreement in whole or in part.
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider must offer, maintain, and satisfactorily deliver the
following services:
a. Recruitino and Neootiatino with Transoortation Ooerators. Establish a network of non-
emergency transportation operators to deliver transportation and negotiate Individual
transportation rates with each transportation provider.
b. Pavment Administration. Provide payment to each transportation prOVider based on
authorized services rendered, in accordance with section 215.422, Fiorida Statutes.
c. Gatekeeoina. Determine beneficiary eligibility; assess beneficiary need for NET services;
determine the most appropriate transportation method to meet the beneficiary's need,
including any special transport requirements for beneficiaries who are medically fragile or
who have physical or mental impairments; and provide education to beneficiaries on the
use of NET services.
d. Reservations and Trio Assionments. Assure that scheduling and dispatChing are consistent
with the most appropriate mode of transport that meets the needs of the beneficiary.
e. Qualilv Assurance. Provide assurance that transportation operators meet health and safety
standards for vehicle maintenance, operation, and inspection: driver qualifications and
training: beneficiary problem/compialnt resolution; and the delivery of courteous, safe,
and timeiy transportation services.
f. Encounter Data Collection. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider must maintain an
extensive secure database capable of collecting and holding, for each transport, the data
elements outlined in this Agreement.
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g. Administrative OversiohtlReoortino. Responsibility for the management of overall day-to-day
operations necessary for the delivery of NET services and the maintenance of
appropriate records and systems of accountability to report to the Commission and
respond to the terms of the Agreement.
At a minimum, the Subcontracted Transportation Provider must:
a. Validate that all paid transportation services are properly authorized and actually rendered;
b. Transmit to the Commission encounter data for all trips made by Medicaid beneficiaries in
accordance with Commission specifications in the Reports Section;
c. Adhere to the policy and procedure manual developed by the Commission to prohibit
fraudulent activity by the Subcontracted Transportation Providers and Medicaid
beneficiaries and fulfill the Commission's reporting requirements regarding such activity;
d. Adhere to the policy and procedure manual that provides policy clarity and guidance for the
Commission, Subcontracted Transportation Provider, transportation operators, Medicaid
beneficiaries, and the general public specific to the details contained in this Agreement;
e. Subject to the provisions of Section 768.28, F.S., indemnify the Commission against any
causes of actions or claims of payment relating to this Agreement brought by a
Subcontracted Transportation Provider, or Medicaid beneficiary;
f. Utilize a uniform contracting, billing and accounting system established by the Commission to
include subcontracts with transportation operators and monitor their compliance; and
g. Establish service agreements with transportation operators, as necessary, and monitor their
compliance with the Monitoring Plan Section, and all other applicable sections of this
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall be responsible for the administration and
management of all aspects of this Agreement. Any delegation of activities does not relieve the
Subcontracted Transportation Provider of this responsibility. This includes all subcontracts,
employees, agents and anyone acting for or on behalf of the Subcontracted Transportation
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider must maintain a management information system
(extensive database) for storage of transportation utilization, encounter, complaint/grievance, and
financial data. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider must possess the capability to derive
detailed reports from such systems and be capable of retrieving data as requested by the
Commission as specified the Reports Section.
The Subcontracted Transportation ProVider must be prepared to implement all aspects of the
work outlined in this Agreement within the stated time frames. Staffing leveis must be sufficient to
complete all of the responsibilities presented in the Agreement.
6.1 Elioible Beneficiaries
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The categories of eligible beneficiaries authorized to utilize transportation services as
specified by this Agreement include:
a. Low Income Families and Children;
b. Foster Care Children;
c. Sixth Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (50BRA) Children and Pregnant Women;
d. Supplemental Security Income (551) Related Medicaid Beneficiaries;
e. Institutional Care Program (ICP) Residents - Beneficiaries who are eligible for
transportation services for placement in a facility while their eligibility
determination is being processed (e.g., nursing home residents, etc.);
f. Title XXI MediKids - A Title XXI health insurance program that provides certain
children, who are not Medicaid eligible, with Medicaid benefits;
g. Medically Needy - A Medically Needy beneficiary is an Individual who would qualify
for Medicaid but has income or resources that exceed normal Medicaid
guidelines. On a month-by-month basis, the individual's medical expenses are
subtracted from income; if the remainder falls below Medicaid's income limits, the
individual may qualify for Medicaid through the end of the month;
h. Presumptively Eligible Pregnant Women - This program allows staff at County
Health Departments, Regional Perinatal Intensive Care Centers, and other
qualified medical facilities to make a presumptive determination of Medicaid
eligibility for low-income pregnant women. This presumptive determination allows
a woman to access prenatal care while Department of Children and Families
eligibility staff make a regular determination of eligibility. Outpatient or office
services related to the pregnancy are reimbursed by this program; transportation
services are available to support these visits; and
6.2 Ineliaible Beneficiaries
The following categories describe beneficiaries who are not eligible to receive state plan
transportation services:
a. HMO beneficiaries - Beneficiaries who are members of a Medicaid HMO that
provides transportation;
b. Beneficiaries who have their own means of transportation;
c. QI1 and QI2 beneficiaries are not eligible for any Medicaid service except for
Medicaid payment of their Medicare premiums, deductibles and coinsurance;
d. HMO QMB and QMBR beneficiaries are not eligible for any Medicaid service except
for Medicaid payment of their Medicare premiums, deduclibies and coinsurance;
e. HMO 5LMB beneficiaries are not eligible for any Medicaid service except for
Medicaid payment of their Part B Medicare premium;
f. HMO Beneficiaries with legal alien status have access to emergency services only
and are not eligible for non-emergency transportation services;
g. Vehicle ownership or access;
h. Qualified (Medicare) Individuals Level 1 (QI1) and Level 2 (012);
i. Oualified Medicare BenefiCiaries (OMB) and Quaiified Medicare Beneficiaries Renal
Dialysis (OMBR);
J. Special Low Income Medicare Beneficiaries (SLMB); and
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k. Legal Aliens
6.3 Beneficiarv Enrollment and Education
Once the Department of Children and Families or the Social Security Administration has
confinned that an individual is eligibie for Medicaid, the individual upon enrollment shall
be issued a Medicaid identification number. The date on which the individual becomes
eligible for Medicaid is the beginning date of eligibility for transportation services for
individuals that meet the specifications outlined in Eligibie Beneficiaries Section. The
beneficiary may arrange transportation services w~h the Subcontracted Transportation
Provider upon enrollment.
6.4 Education Plan
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider will assist in implementing the education and
outreach plan for Medicaid beneficiaries, regarding NET services. Each provider will be
required to provide current Medicaid beneficiaries with the following information within 30
days of execution of the service agreements:
a. Contractor contact information by county
b. Process to apply for Medicaid transportation
c. Medicaid application
d. Rights and responsibilities
e. No show and cancel policy
f. ComplainUgrievance policy
g. Denial of service process
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider will provide notification to transportation
eligible beneficiaries and make oral interpretation services availabie to beneficiaries, free
of charge, in areas where twenty (20) percent or more of the population is non-English
speaking. The beneficiary is not to be charged for interpretation services. The
Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall notify beneficiaries that oral interpretation is
available for any language and written information is available in prevalent languages,
and how to access those services.
Written material must be available in alternative formats and in an appropriate manner
that takes into consideration the special needs of those who, for example, are visually
limited or have limited reading proficiency. All transportation eligible beneficiaries must
be informed that information is avaiiable in alternative formats and how to access those
All correspondence developed by the Subcontracted Transportation Provider, intended
for Medicaid beneficiaries only and sent via mass mail out, must be submitted to the
Commission prior to mailing.
In accordance with federal regulations (42 CFR 431.53), NET services are defined as medically
necessary transportation for any recipient and personal care attendanUescort, if required, who
have no other means of transportation available to any Medicaid com pensable service for the
purpose of receiving treatment, medical evaiuation, or therapy.
Non-emergency transportation services must be provided to eligible Medicaid recipients for
Medicaid compensable medical appointments by utilization of the modes of transportation
specified in the sections below.
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7.1 Multiload Vehicles
A multilDad vehicle is a multiple passenger vehicle, typically used fDr NET services. It is
apprDpriate only for ambulatory or nDn-ambulatory persons who can enter and exit a
vehicle with minimal to no assistance. Assistance means that additional equipment and
time are required. Multiload vehicles may include buses, vans, sedans and taxis.
7.2 Wheelchair Vehicle
A wheeichair vehicle is a motorized vehicle equipped specifically with certified wheelchair
lifts Dr other equipment designed tD carry persons in wheelchairs and scooters, or with
mDbility impairments. Wheelchair vehicles may be used for the provision af ambulatory
transportatiDn services tD maximize capacity.
Wheelchair services can only be used in non-emergency situations and are limited to use
a. Beneficiaries who can sit upright and have no acute medical problems that require
them tD remain in a lying pDsitiDn;
b. Beneficiaries who are continually cDnfined to a wheelchair;
c. Beneficiaries with severe mobility handicaps that prevent them from using private,
public or taxi transportatiDn;
d. Beneficiaries who are semi-ambulatDry or homebDund, and can accomplish limited
ambulatDry movement with the assistance of a special ambulatory aid (like a
walker or cane); or
e. Beneficiaries whD use a mobillly device.
In questionable cases, the need for transport by a wheelchair vehicle may require
veriflcatiDn or dDcumentatiDn by a medical professional.
7.3 Stretcher Vehicie
A stretcher vehicle is an enclosed vehicle that accommodates a liller and is equipped
with IDcking devices tD secure the Iiller during transit. Stretcher service is required fDr
beneficiaries who are nDn-ambulatDry and need assistance tD be transpDrted to and from
the vehicle and the health care provider in a reclining position. No flashing lights, sirens,
Dr emergency equipment are required. Stretcher services can only be provided in nDn-
emergency situations and are limited tD use by:
a. Beneficiaries who need to remain In a lying pDsition but do not require the
administration of life SUPPDrt;
b. Beneficiaries who have severe mobility disabilities that render them unable tD sit in
an upright position for prDlonged periDds Df time; or
c. Beneficiaries who have begun self-administered home oxygen prior tD transport
may continue administratiDn during transpDrt. HDwever, nD new regimen Df
oxygen therapy may be started during transpDrt, nor may the attendant employed
by the transportation service administer oxygen.
In questionable cases, the need fDr transpDrt by a stretcher vehicle may require
verification or documentation by a medical professional.
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7.4 Public Transoortation
In some areas of Florida, public transportation may be a viable and cost-effective
altemative to more traditional and expensive forms of non-emergency transportation
available to the Subcontracted Transportation Provider. Public transportation is
transportation available, through the payment of a rider fee, to the general public. Public
transportation may be provided by transit companies, county or city governments or
federally funded transportation authorities. This type of transportation may be used to
provide a full trip or portion of a trip to or from a health care service.
7.5 Over-the-Road Bus
An over-the-road bus is traditionally used to traverse long distances such as cross-county
and cross-state travel.
7.6 Private and Volunteer Transoortation
Private and volunteer travel is provided by individuals or agencies that receive no
compensation or payment other than minimal reimbursement for mileage for the provision
of these transportation services. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider may
arrange transportation with the volunteer or organization directly, including scheduling
appointments and notifying beneficiaries of arrangements. Additionally, the
Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall be responsible for payment of the minimai
mileage of the private or volunteer transportation. The Subcontracted Transportation
Provider may develop private and volunteer services as part of its responsibility to
provide NET services in accordance with the Agreement. Use of private and volunteer
transportation does not alleviate the Subcontracted Transportation Provider's
responsibility to assure the safety, comfort and appropriate mode of transportation
consistent with the beneficiary's health care status. The Subcontracted Transportation
Provider must ensure that all individual and agency vehicles used to provide private and
volunteer transportation are properly licensed and insured.
7.7 Escort Services
An escort is an individual whose presence is required to assist a beneficiary during
transport and at the place of treatment. The escort leaves the vehicle at its destination
and remains with the beneficiary. An escort must be of an age of legal majority
recognized under Florida law. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider must allow,
without charge to the escort or beneficiary, one (1) escort to accompany a beneficiary or
group of beneficiaries who are blind, deaf, mentally disabled, or under twenty-one (21)
years of age, when the beneficiaries are transported to receive Medicaid covered
7.8 Commercial Air Carrier Transoortation
Commercial air carrier transportation may be provided where appropriate to provide the
necessary transportation to eligible Medicaid beneficiaries. If a beneficiary Is in need of
transportation outside of the state or must be transported a long distance due to the
location of specialized medical services, the Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall
work directly with the beneficiary and the Commission to determine that such services
are not available in the beneficiary's locality and shall schedule the commercial air carrier
transport and purchase such services as needed. Prior authorization is required by the
Commission for commercial air carrier transportation.
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The Subcontracted Transportation Provider must provide documented proof to the
Commission prior to transport that necessary medicai services cannot be obtained within
the beneficiary's service area and that commercial air carrier transportation is the only
viable option.
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider has authority under this Agreement to deny a
request to cover commercial air carrier transport but must submit a written explanation to
the Commission of how the beneficiary will be transported and what formed the basis for
the denial. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider must foilow the procedures in
Denial of Service Section, and must notify the beneficiary of his right to appeal as set
forth in the Beneficiary Appeals Notice Section.
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider may purchase any and all commercial air
carrier transports when it is deemed to be the appropriate level of transport for the
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider must utilize the commercial air carrier
transportation policy established by the Comm ission that directly defines the policies and
procedures for eligibility, payment and selection of the commercial air carrier mode of
7.9 Special Covered Services
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider must authorize and supply transportation for
Medicaid beneficiaries when:
a. The Agency for Health Care Administration has begun a closure or decertification of
a nursing facility and transportation is needed for the Medicaid beneficiary to be
transported from one nursing facility to another or to an alternate iiving
arrangement; or
b. The Medicaid beneficiary has a change in level of care that results in the facility not
being certified or equipped to provide medically required or specialized services
and transportation is needed from one nursing facility to another nursing facility.
7.10 Excluded Services
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider is not required to ensure the provision of the
following exciuded services:
a. Stretcher Van OxvGen Administration. Stretcher van providers are not required to
be equipped to provide and administer oxygen to a beneficiary during a transport.
Oxygen provided and administered by the beneficiary is appropriate for NET if no
other medical equipment or medical care is required en route. Stretcher van
providers are aiso not required to be equipped to maintain a ventilator or care for
a beneficiary who is ventilator-dependent during a transport. If a beneficiary has
a ballery-operated ventilator and an individual who has been trained to provide
ventilator care wiil travel with the beneficiary to a doctor's office or to other
medically necessary health care services, the beneficiary is eligible for NET if no
other medical equipment or care is required en route. In questionable cases, the
need for transport by a stretcher vehicle may require verification or
documentation by a medical professional.
b. Ground Ambulance Transportation. NET services do not include ground ambulance
transportation uniess the ground ambulance is under contract as a stretcher or
wheelchair transportation proVider as specified in the Wheelchair Van Section, or
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a e Df:;;l
the Stretcher Van Section. Ground ambulance transportation Is also excluded If
a local governmental ordinance mandates non-emergency stretcher
transportation services be provided in a ground ambulance vehicle.
c. Air Ambuiance Transportation. NET services do not include air ambulance
d. Basic Life Support IBLSI and Advance Life Support IALSl Transportation. For the
purpose of this Agreement, NET services do not include the arrangement,
coordination or delivery of transportation services for beneficiaries who require
the administration of any level of life support services (ALS or BLS) during
7.11 Special Exclusions
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider is not responsible for the coverage of:
a. The cost of transporting a Medicaid beneficiary back to Fiorida when that
beneficiary has traveled outside of Florida and requires hospitalization and/or
subsequent nursing facility care, unless a Medicaid beneficiary has traveled for
the purpose of receiving a Medicaid compensable service;
b. Transportation for therapeutic home visits to or from a hospital, hospice, nursing
home, ICFIDD, state or other private or public institution;
c. Transportation of a beneficiary from one hospital to another, one nursing facility to
another, or from a hospital to a nursing facility, solely based on the preference of
the beneficiary or a member of the beneficiary's family;
d. Transportation of deceased Medicaid beneficiaries;
e. Transportation of family members to visit a hospitalized or institutionalized Medicaid
f. Transportation of a Medicaid beneficiary to receive medical training;
g. Transportation of Medicaid beneficiaries to a pharmacy for the purpose of having a
prescription filled;
h. Transportation of a Medicaid beneficiary to a medical facility or physician's office for
the sole purpose of obtaining a medical recommendation or to pick up medical
i. Transportation of a Medicaid beneficiary for socialization and/or therapeutic field
visits to locations other than the facility where such services are received;
j. Transportation services that are available to the general public free of charge;
k. Transportation that is aiready covered by a per diem rate and included in a
corresponding cost report. Transportation services are included in an ICF/DD's
per diem;
I. Salaries, fees, or other compensation for professional health care attendants; or
m. Transportation of a Medicaid beneficiary to a service covered by a Home and
Community-Based Service (HCBS) waiver and transportation is provided and
can be billed to the waiver or is included in the reimbursement for the waiver
8. Geooraphical Considerations
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Ag~ned~e~~ ~~
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider is responsible for the provision of transportation
services to eligible Medicaid beneficiaries to or from a stated point of origin or to or from specific
Medicaid compensable services at the request of the beneficiary or person acting on behalf of the
beneficiary. Transportation outside the area customarily used for health care services by the
beneficiary's immediate community is to be provided only when sufficient medical resources are
not available in the area or when a health care provider has referred the beneficiary to medically
necessary health care services outside of the immediate community.
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider is responsibie for out-of-state NET services to and
from health care providers. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider must utilize the policies
and procedures elaborating on how services by ground or air beyond sixty (60) miles of the
Florida State border shall be coordinated and purchased.
8.1 Residence and Closest Medical Facilitv
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider is not responsible for providing transportation
when the health care provider is located outside a beneficiary's community/vicinity if other
similar and appropriate health care providers that offer the same or similar services
appropriate for the beneficiary's needs and who will accept the beneficiary as a patient
are located closer to the beneficiary's residence.
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider may request a written referral signed by the
referring medical provider and attesting to the need for travel outside the beneficiary's
region of residence. Beneficiaries who are denied NET services must be given a written
notice of the reason for denial and appeal rights. See Beneficiary Appeals Notice Section.
The referral form should be uniform throughout the state and will be subject to approval
by the Commission.
9. Subcontracted Transportation Provider Minimum Performance Standards
The following sections describe the minimum standards required of the Subcontracted
Transportation Provider.
9.1 Beneficiary Access
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall:
a. Respond to transportation inquiries and requests made by beneficiaries residing in
the service area as provided for in this section;
b. Maintain a business location in the service area or assign a representative whose
responsibility is the service area;
c. Provide notification to beneficiaries and make oral interpretation services available
to beneficiaries, free of charge, in areas where twenty (20) percent or more of the
population is non-English speaking;
d. Develop wrillen procedures for dealing with beneficiary complaints internally; see
Beneficiary Appeals Notice Section
e. Train customer service representatives in the area of dispute resolution;
f. Establish and maintain an electronic mail (e-mail) identity;
g. Maintain a toll-free teiephone access number for scheduling NET specified as
follows: Monday through Friday, eight (8) hours a day except nine (9) state
holidays: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King's Day, Memorial Day,
Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans' Day, Thanksgiving Day and the Friday
following, and Christmas Day.
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h. Provide thirty (30) calendar days written notice of any other intended days of
i. Provide twenty-four (24) hour toll-free telephone access to information on how to
access transportation on holidays, weekends, and after business hours for urgent
care, hospital discharge, or Incidents beyond the control of the beneficiary or
facility. In addition, access must be provided to a beneficiary who has a return
pick-up after business hours if agreed to in advance by the Subcontracted
Transportation Provider and the beneficiary.
j. Provide eligible transportation when trip requests are submitted no less than
seventy-two (72) hours in advance.
k. Provide adequate staff and telephone lines to allow ninety (90%) percent of all
incoming calls, Including TTY calls, to be answered within an average of three (3)
minutes. A phone answering machine or electronic voice mail may be used
when offered as an option to the beneficiary; however, beneficiaries shall be
given the option of staying In queue or reaching a staff person.
I. Ensure the average queue time for a hearing-impaired system such as Florida T ele-
Reiay Services or TTY calls shall not exceed three (3) minutes.
m. Train staff to operate a hearing-impaired system such as Florida Tele-Reiay
Services or TTY equipment to ensure service levels similar to non-hearing
impaired beneficiaries are met.
9,2 Elioibilitv Screenlno
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall:
a. Review and document benefiCiary eligibility to receive transportation services
provided by the contract.
b. Review that the individual is currently eligible for services by relying upon the
eligibility information supplied by one of the following:
1. Presentation of a valid medical card (Medicaid Gold Card) when smart card
systems are in place and set to read the Medicaid Gold Card and capable of
obtaining beneficiary eligibility information;
2. Documentation from a Medicaid Eligibility Verification System (MEVS) Vendor;
3. Documentation by FAXBACK with the Medicaid fiscal agent, or
4. Documentation by other Commission approved sources.
c. Regularly verify that the beneficiary Is eligible for transportation services. Screening
shall ensure:
1. Verification from the requesting beneficiary that they have no other
available means of transportation to medical services;
2. That the requested transportation Is not covered by other programs or
3. That the requested transportation is to the nearest Medicaid provider of
covered services unless otherwise exempt by Medicaid rules or policy
(see Applicable Laws and Regulations Section);
4. That authorization for requested transportation shall only be granted for
eligible Medicaid services required by the beneficiary,
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5. That private and volunteer transportation or gas vouchers are utilized
where appropriate to ensure cost-effective transportation. When private
or volunteer mileage reimbursement, or gas vouchers, are utilized, the
Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall have on record: the driver's
license, current vehicle registration and obtain documentation of, or proof
of, insurance of the vehicle operator. When documentation of the above-
listed information is accepted in lieu of copies of the documents, the
Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall obtain copies of these
documents as soon as practicable; and
6. That requested transportation is necessary to the destination and to
return from services as authorized under the Agreement.
9.3 Transoortation Standards
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall:
a. Arrange for the most appropriate, lowest cost transportation services available to
beneficiaries who reside in the service area specified by the Agreement;
b. Comply with standards in accordance with Chapter 427, Florida Statutes and Ruies
41-2 and 14-90, Florida Administrative Code.
9.4 Aooropriate Level of Transportation
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall refer emergency calls to 911, or an
ambulance, as necessary. The Subcontracled Transportation Provider and/or its
Subcontracted Transportation Providers shall maintain a local referral source wrth whom
to discuss emergency situations. Appropriate levels of transportation consist of the
a. Door-ta-door or curb-to-curb services are appropriate for persons whose physical or
mental limitations render them unable to use fixed route transit or other methods
of public transport.
b. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall use the most cost effective (lowest
cost appropriate) available transportation, based on the medical condition of the
c. Subcontracted transportation providers shall use public transit where available.
Utilization shall be in compliance with ADA requirements. A beneficiary may be
asked to fill out an ADA certification form to verify the beneficiary's mobility
limitations or may be required to undergo an assessment process. The
Subcontracted Transportation Provider may also require documentation by the
benefiCiary's physician.
9.5 Service Area
a. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider may provide service to residents of other
service areas in response to requests of the Subcontracted Transportation Provider
responsibie for those service areas, if an agreed upon rate is determined by both
b. Other service areas include:
1. Medical facilities or services available in other communities or
contiguous areas not available in the beneficiary's service area but
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routinely used by residents of the service area who need medical care
not provided within their service area; and
2. Medical facilities or services outside the service area that are closer to
the beneficiary's residence than the same type of services within their
service area.
c. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider may arrange destination and retum trips
outside the Subcontracted Transportation Provider's contracted service area when
required services are not available within the contracted service area, but are within
the state or designated border areas.
9.6 Activitv Documentation
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider and/or its Subcontracted Transportation
Providers must retain, and make available for audit purposes, the following records for
five (5) years aller termination of the Agreement or for the duration any audit that extends
past five (5) years.
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall:
a. Maintain beneficiary eligibility data. Eligibility data shall be provided to the
Subcontracted Transportation Provider and its Subcontracted Transportation
Provider by MEVS or FAXBACK or other similar provider. The Subcontracted
Transportation Provider shall use this data to confirm eligibility of persons
requesting or receiving transportation services.
b. Protect the confidentiality of the beneficiary's records.
c. Keep vehicle iogs on file for every transport for five (5) years after the Agreement
ends, in accordance with state law.
d. Maintain encounter data for each one-way trip provided as speCified below:
1. Subcontracted transportation provider's unique identification number
assigned by the Commission;
2. Date the service was provided in month, day, year format:
3. Beneficiary's last name, first name, and middie initial exactly as it
appears on the gold, plastic Medicaid 10 Card or other proof of eligioility;
4. Beneficiary's 10-digit Medicaid ID Number. Do not provide the number
on the Medicaid ID card. This is a card control number, not the
beneficiary's Medicaid ID number;
5. Total miles of trip provided;
6. Total cost of trip provided;
7. Pickup address including the street name and number, apartment
number, and city;
8. Time that the beneficiary was picked up. Use military (24-hour clock)
time. For example: 3:35 p.m. = 1535;
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9. Complete address of the provider destination including the street name
and number, apartment number, and city;
10. Identify trips that were not provided due to beneficiary no-shows;
11 . Medical necessity of the trip;
12. Origin of transport code: physician's office (P), clinic (C), laboratory (L),
hospital (H), nursing home (N), dialysis (D), or other diagnostic or
therapeutic (0), or residence (R);
13. Destination of transport code: physician's office (P), clinic (C), laboratory
(L), hospital (H), nursing home (N), dialysis (D), or other diagnostic or
therapeutic (0), or residence (R);
14. Mode of transportation used: multiload vehicie (MV), public
transportation (PT), private volunteer transport (VT), wheelchair (WC),
Stretcher (ST), over-the-road bus (OB), or commercial air carrier (CA);
e. Enter encounter data requirements for each bus ticket or pass issued, in a format
provided by the Commission.
9.7 Service Standards
a. All Subcontracted Transportation Providers must comply with standards in
accordance with Chapter 427; Florida Statutes and Rules 41-2 and 14-90,
Florida Administrative Code. These standards include, but are not limited to,
Drug and Alcohol Testing, Safety Standards, Driver Accountability and, Driver
b. All Subcontracted Transportation Providers must maintain vehicles and
equipment in accordance with manufacturer's state and federal safety and
mechanical operating and maintenance standards for any and all vehicles and
models used for transportation of Medicaid beneficiaries under this Agreement.
c. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall comply with all applicable slate
and federal laws as provided in Section 30.29, Applicable Laws and Regulations,
including, but not limited to, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the
Federal Transit Administration (FT A) regulations.
d. Any vehicle that does not meet or exceed the Florida Department of Highway
Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) licensing requirements, safety standards,
ADA regulations, or Agreement requirements shall be removed from service
immediately and shall be re-inspected before it is eligible to be used to provide
transportation services for Medicaid beneficiaries under the Agreement.
e. Vehicles may not carry more passengers than the vehicle was designed to carry.
f. Alllifl-equipped vehicles must comply with ADA regulations.
9.8 Vehicle Insoeclions
a. Annual
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All vehicles shall be inspected before they are used to provide transportation
services. Inspections shall be done annually to ensure that all regulatory and
licensing requirements are met. Vehicles not passing these inspections shall be
immediately removed from service for Medicaid beneficiaries. Each vehicle shall be
reinspected before It is eligible to return to service for Medicaid beneficiaries under
the Agreement. Documentation of inspections done by other agencies will suffice as
long as the Subcontracted Transportation Provider and Commission have access to
it, and the program standards are met or exceeded.
b. All Commercial Vehicles Shall Meet or Exceed the Followino Reauirements:
1. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall ensure that commercial
transportation operators use a two-way communication system linking all
vehicles used in delivering the services under this Agreement with the
transportation operator's major place of business (dispatcher);
2. The two-way communication system shall be used in such a manner as
to facilitate communication and to minimize the time in which out-of-
service vehicles can be replaced or repaired. Pagers are not an
acceptable substitute. A vehicle with an inoperative two-way
communication system shall be placed out-of-service until the system is
repaired or replaced;
3. All vehicles shall be equipped with climate control systems adequate for
the heating and cooling needs of both driver and passengers. Any
vehicle with a non-functioning climate control system shall be placed out-
of-service until repaired;
4. Vehicles shall have functioning, clean, and accessible seat belts, where
applicable, for each passenger seat position and shall be stored off the
floor when not in use;
5. All vehicles shall have an accurate speedometer and odometer;
6. All vehicles shall have functioning interior light(s) within the passenger
7. All vehicles shall have adequate sidewall padding and ceiling covering;
8. All vehicles shall have two exterior rear view mirrors, one on each side of
the vehicle;
g. All vehicles shall have one interior mirror for monitoring the passenger
10. The vehicles' interior and exterior shall be clean and have exteriors free
of broken mirrors or windows, excessive grime, rust, chipped paint or
major dents that detract from the overall appearance of the vehicle; and
11. The vehicle shall have passenger compartments that are clean, free from
torn upholstery or floor covering, damaged or broken seats, protruding
sharp edges and shall also be free of dirt, oil, grease or Iiller.
9.9 Subcontract Reouirements
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall monitor all transportation providers, at
least annually, to ensure that they comply with the provisions of the Agreement.
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall attempt to utilize Minority and Women-
owned Business Enterprises (MWBE's) for providing beneficiary transportation services.
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The Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall document MWBE utilization and all
efforts in encouraging MWBE participation.
Subcontracts shall include verification that each transportation provider maintains
sufficient liability insurance to meet the requirements of Florida State law. See Section
I.G of the Terms and Conditions of the Commission Standard Agreement for specifiCS on
insurance coverage.
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall have an incident Investigation
procedure in writing, and shall follow that procedure to respond to and review all
incidents. The Commission must be notified by the Subcontracted Transportation
Provider within twenty four (24) hours or by the beginning of the next business day of an
accident during the transportation of Medicaid beneficiaries. This is for all accidents
involving personal injury and/or property damage where the damage exceeds one
thousand dollars ($1.000.00). A written report of the accident shall be submitted to the
Commission within five (5) business days of the occurrence.
9.10 Personnel
Subcontracted Transportation Providers are independent contractors and are not
employees or agents of Florida Medicaid or the Commission. An independent contractor
performs services for Medicaid under contract of a skilled nature or unique kind and
works with minimal or no supervision from Medicaid staff. The Subcontracted
Transportation Provider must ensure that all transportation providers:
a. Be responsible for the work performed by their employees and transportation
providers as described in this Agreement and other referenced documents;
b. Be solely responsible for payment to all empioyees' for wages, benefits, and all
consideration or reimbursement to transportation operators;
c. Comply with the requirements of employer liability, worker's compensation.
unemployment insurance, social security, and any other state and local taxes
applicable to the Subcontracted Transportation Provider, the Subcontracted
Transportation Provider's employees and transportation operators; and
d. Have personnel poiicies that conform to all local, state and federal laws. The
Commission retains the right to review the Subcontracted Transportation
Provider's personnel policies.
9.11 Additional Subcontracted Transportation Provider Requirements
The following sections describe performance standards with which the Subcontracted
Transportation Provider must comply.
a. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider is responsible for transportation
services, and shall recruit, if necessary, and negotiate subcontracts with
transportation providers sufficient to meet the needs of Medicaid beneficiaries to
include utilization of multiload vehicles, public transportation, wheelchair vehicles,
stretcher vehicles, private volunteer transport, over-the-road bus service or
where applicable commercial air carrier transport.
b. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider must utilize a uniform contracting, billing
and accounting system to contract for services and pay providers while keeping
accurate and detailed records on transactions with such contracted providers.
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c. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall secure sufficient resources
(numbers and types of vehicles and drivers) to provide NET services in
accordance with the requirements of the Agreement.
d. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider may set up subcontracts with qualified
transportation providers, inciuding providers in bordering states (Georgia and
Alabama), if necessary, as long as the services provided are equitable in quality
and safety. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider must maintain unique
Identifiers of each transportation provider. The unique identifiers will be given to
the Subcontracted Transportation Provider by the Commission.
e. in all cases, the Subcontracted Transportation Provider must ensure the use of the
most appropriate service available to meet the beneficiary's transportation needs.
f. Regardless of the method or combination of methods used to provide NET service,
the Subcontracted Transportation Provider is responsible for management,
supervision and monitoring of all transportation provided with funds received
through the Agreement.
g. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider is prohibited from establishing or
maintaining subcontracts with transportation providers that have been
determined to have committed fraud of a state or federai agency or those that
have been terminated from the Medicaid program.
h. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider must terminate a subcontract with a
transportation provider when substandard performance is identified and when the
transportation provider has failed to take satisfactory corrective action within a
reasonable time. The Commission reserves the right to direct the Subcontracted
Transportation Provider to terminate any subcontract with a transportation
provider when the Commission or the Agency for Health Care Administration
determines it to be in the best interest of the state.
I. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider's selection policies and procedures,
consistent with 42 CFR 438.12, must not discriminate against particular providers
that serve high-risk populations or specialize in conditions that require costiy
j. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider may not employ or contract with
providers exciuded from participation in Federal health care programs under
either Section 1128 or 1128A of the Social Security Act.
9.12 Gatekeeoer Policv
a. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall comply with the following
gatekeeper responsibilities:
1. Accept requests for transportation directly from beneficiaries, adult family
members on behalf of minor beneficiaries, guardians responsible for
beneficiaries, and licensed health care professionals on behalf of
2. Assure that the beneficiary is a resident of a county in Florida and is
currently Medicaid eligible. Beneficiary eligibility shall be obtained by
contacting a MEVS Vendor or similar provider, or through FAXBACK with
the Medicaid fiscal agent where a fax is sent through an automated
system and a report is transmitted back containing beneficiary or
provider requested eligibility information.
3. Attempt to determine if transportation resources exist within the home
regularly and/or specifically for the trip requested, and may deny
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transportation if available through resources in the beneficiary's
household. "Household" is defined to include all persons residing at a
common address.
4. Determine if there is a reason why the beneficiary's own transportation
cannot be utilized (such as the vehicle is broken, out of gas, etc.) and, if
it cannot be utilized, may assist in transportation.
5. Attempt to determine whether any person who does not reside in the
beneficiary's household can reasonably provide transportation.
"Reasonably" is defined to mean both willing and able. The
Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall not demand the use of
transportation resources available through any party residing outside the
beneficiary's household.
6. Require the use of public transportation, where available and
appropriate, for beneficiaries who are able to understand common signs
and directions. For additional information on requirements for public
transportation see Service Standards Section.
7. Determine if the beneficiary is ambulatory, requires a mobility device, or
requires a stretcher for transport. Beneficiaries who must use a mobility
device for ambulation or must remain in a lying position shall be
transported in vehicles appropriate to their level of need.
8. Allow for extenuating circumstances in applying the seventy-two (72)
hour or less advance application requirement for transportation. Such
extenuating circumstances shall include, but not be limited to, such
situations as the requirement for post-<Jperative or fOllow-up
appointments in less than seventy-two (72) hours; urgent care
requirements as claimed by the beneficiary, adult family members on
behalf of a minor, elderly or disabied beneficiaries, guardians responsible
for beneficiaries, and licensed health care professionals on behalf of
beneficiaries who are residents of a nursing facility or other residential
care facility, or who are otherwise unable to communicate for
themselves; hospital and emergency room discharges; and
transportation to appointments made to replace missed appointments
that were not caused by the beneficiary's negligence.
9. Provide transportation only to a Medicaid compensable service.
10. Refuse to reimburse the cost of transportation provided for a beneficiary
by any relative or member of the same household, exclusive of foster
11. Some nursing facilities, group homes and personal care homes have one
or more vehicles, which are Intended to facilitate the general
administration of the facility and not necessarily to provide for resident
transportation. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider cannot deny
service based on the mere existence of a vehicle. The availability of a
vehicle for resident transportation must be determined on a case-by-case
basis. If the vehicle is not available for resident transportation at the time
required, as represented by the nursing facility manager or director of
nursing, as applicable, such vehicle must be excluded from
considerations of other available transportation.
12. Consider Information presented by or on behalf of a beneficiary relative
to the need for NET services upon each such request for transportation,
notwithstanding prevIous NET denials.
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13. Require that a beneficiary and associated escort be picked up from, and
returned to, a common address.
b. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider are not responsible for providing
transportation when a sim i1ar and appropriate health care providers of a similar
type that offer the same or similar services appropriate for the beneficiary's
needs and who will accept the beneficiary as a patient are located cioser to the
beneficiary's residence.
c. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider and/or its Subcontracted Transportation
Providers shall not arbitrarily deny services, but may require as a condition for
approval of NET services, a written referral signed by a licensed health care
provider attesting to the medical necessity for out-of-area service.
10. Fraud Prevention Policies and Procedures
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall utilize the written policies and procedures
developed by the Commission for fraud prevention that contain the following:
a. A comprehensive employee-training program to investigate potential fraud;
b. A review of Subcontracted Transportation Providers that demonstrate a pattern or practice of
encounter or service reports that did not occur;
c. A review of Subcontracted Transportation Providers that demonstrate a pattern or practice of
overstated reports or up-coded ievels of service;
d. A review of Subcontracted Transportation Providers that altered, falsified, or destroyed records
prior to the five-year records retention benchmark.
e. A review of Subcontracted Transportation Providers that make false statements about
f. A review of Subcontracted Transportation Providers that misrepresent medical information to
justify referrals;
g. A review of Subcontracted Transportation Providers that fail to provide transportation for
covered Medicaid beneficiaries to medically necessary services; and
h. A review of Subcontracted Transportation Providers that charge Medicaid beneficiaries for
covered services.
Any determination by the Subcontracted Transportation Provider that any aspect of NET service
delivery, by any provider, that might have short- or long-term detrimental consequences to the
health of a Medicaid beneficiary shall be reported in writing to the Commission immediateiy upon
detecting a problem or potential problem. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider must aiso
immediately report all instances of suspected provider/beneficiary fraud to the Commission
immediately upon identification.
Upon detection of a potentially or suspected fraudulent action by a provider, the Subcontracted
Transportation Provider shall file a report with the Commission. At a minimum, the report shall
contain the name of the provider, the provider contact information, the prOVider lax identification
number, and a description of the suspected fraudulent act. ThiS report must be sent in narrative
fashion to the Commission.
1. Services to be orovided bv the Commission:
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The Commission shall provide to the Subcontracted Transportation Provider the following
a. access to Medicaid eligibiiity data, if available from the Agency.
b. policy and Agreement ciarification as requested by the Subcontracted Transportation Provider.
c. a timely review of all materials submitted to the Commission by the Subcontracted
Transportation Provider as required.
d. training in the appropriate use of Commission systems as needed.
e. non-emergency transportation (NET) policy training pertinent to the performance of the
f. technical assistance, as needed, on transportation related inquiries.
g. a poiicy and procedures manual, an education and outreach plan, and a monitoring plan.
h. instructions and ongoing training on specific programs and covered services.
i. monitor the Subcontracted Transportation Provider's compliance with the terms and conditions
of the Agreement.
2. Services to be orovided bv the Subcontracted Transoortation Provider
2.1 Monitorino Plan
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider will be monitored on an annual basis unless
otherwise specified by the Commission. The monitoring pian must be based on
Subcontracted Transportation Provider Minimum Standards Section, and must contain, at
a minimum, the following monitoring elements:
a. Beneficiarv Access
1. Provider name:
2. Provider's unique identification (ID) number:
3. Provider service area (counties):
4. Where available average dally phone calls abandoned, listed by:
. incoming,
. From queue, and
. Average time in queue.
5. Percentage of calls answered within three (3) minutes:
6. Average call length;
7. Average daily phone calls received.
8. Eligibility Screening
. Total applicants reviewed for transportation eligibility;
. Total applicants denied for transportation eligibility, by reason code:
. Other data designated by the Commission.
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9. Transportation Services
. The number of trips provided by mode;
. The average distance in miles per trip;
. The average cost per trip using the average distance in miles per
. The number of unduplicated Medicaid beneficiaries using
. Number of complaints and percentage of complaints compared to
the total number of trips; and
. The number of vehicle inspections completed with results.
10. Beneficiary Education
11. Staffing Issues
12. Other Monitoring as Specified by the Commission
2.2 Reoorts
a. Encounter Data. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider will prepare reports
on encounter data as well as complaints filed and corrective action taken. Some
may be summary reports for wide distribution. Others may be detailed reports for
Commission and other technical audiences. Users may be the general public,
legislators, legislative staff, policy makers, media, and budget analysts. The
Subcontracted Transportation Provider may be required to provide Immediate
response to ad hoc data requests of Commission staff.
b. Proiect Reoorts. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall utilize project
reports established by the Commission. The Subcontracted Transportation
Provider shall utilize reporting formats that will be developed by the Commission.
When reporting requirements are not established in the Agreement, the
Commission shall provide the Subcontracted Transportation Provider with
instructions and submission timetables. The Commission reserves the right to
modify reporting formats and submission timetables as a result of changing
priorities or management direction.
c. Annual Reoorts. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider must submit to the
Commission, by September 15'" of each year, an annual operating report that
summarizes all services provided for during the Agreement period. The annual
operating report will be provided to the Commission via the electronic reporting
mechanism available through the Commission's web page.
d. Ad Hoc ReoortinQ. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider must provide
reports to the Commission in response to requests for data on a periodic basis.
Data should be provided to the Commission within one (1) business day, or
longer, if agreed to by both the Commission and the Agency for Health Care
e. Other Reoorts. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider may be required to
provide additional information in the annual, and monthly reports when specified
by the Commission.
2.3 Automation Requirements
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The Subcontracted Transportation Provider must have the capacity (hardware, software
and personnel) sufficient to generate all data and reports needed for this project. The
Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall also have the necessary information
technology needed to fully manage and report on the project described in this
2.4 Svstems Compliance
The following standards and criteria define systems compliance:
a. Software and applications will not abnormally end or provide invalid or incorrect
results as a result of date data, especially between centuries.
b. In all new applications and where possible in legacy applications, date elements in
interfaces and data storage should specify century to eliminate date ambiguity.
The standard format for data storage and calculations should follow the
international standard date notation, which includes a four-digit year.
Applications that use or require month and date representation should conform to
the following format: VYYYMMDD where YYYY = full representation of the year,
MM = month (between 01 and 12) and DD = day of the month (between 01 and
31). User interfaces (I.e., screens, reports, etc.) should accurately show four digit
years. Where this is impossible (I.e., date elements represented wtthout
century), the correct century must be unambiguous for all manipulations and/or
calculations involving that element.
2.5 Determination of Service Process
a. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall structure the deterrrination of
need for service process to meet the following basic requirements:
1. The beneficiary's eligibility has been verified;
2. The beneficiary has declared that he or she is a current resident of the
subcontract provider/provider's service area;
3. The beneficiary's Medicaid ID number and address have been recorded
for reporting purposes;
4. The beneficiary has declared that he or she needs non-emergency
5. The beneficiary has been determined to have a valid service need;
6. The beneficiary intake information has been obtained:
7. The trip is determined to be within the service locality, or that the needed
medical service is not available in the iocality; and
8. The transportation mode is the most cost-effective possible.
b. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall advise the benefiCiary that:
1. The beneficiary, under penalty of law, shall provide accurate and
complete information to determine need for NET services;
2. When requested, the beneficiary must provide, as a condition for
receiving service and being determined eligible for the service,
information related to the need for services;
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3. It is the beneficiary's responsibility to call and cancel an appointment at
least twenty-four (24) hours in advance; and
4. Only transportation to or from a health care service provider for a
Medicaid covered service is allowable.
c. Beneficiary Intake Inforrration
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider must collect intake information at initial
time of contact for a request made by the beneficiary, The following information will
be collected by all Subcontracted Transportation Providers for each beneficiary. The
Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall regularly verify information is accurate.
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall develop mandatory beneficiary
intake information for NET services, that provides the following information:
1. Deterrrination of Eligibility:
Name and address;
Beneficiary's date of birth in month, day, year format
County of origin;
Medicaid number; and
Telephone number, if available.
2. Availabiltty of Suitable Mode or Transportation to Other Communtty
Availability of friend or relative with vehicle; and
Ownership of a vehicle or previous transportation arrangements.
3. Availability of Federally Funded or Public Transportation:
Distance from public transportation route;
Any limitations that would prevent the use of public transportation;
Alternative funding to pay for transportation; and
Previous use.
4. Special Needs:
Mode of transportation needed;
Services needed; and
Need for an escort or attendants.
5 Results of Interview:
Transportation approved or denied;
Mode of transportation if approved;
Date or dates of service; and
. Reason eligibility was denied.
d. Validity of Inforrration
Except for the information contained on the Medicaid eligibility certification, the
Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall accept the inforrration provided verbally by
the beneficiary, or person speaking on behalf of the beneficiary, as valid when
determining or predetermining the need for NET services unless the Subcontracted
Transportation Provider has cause to doubt the validity of information provided.
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!t3 3ff:3
If the Subcontracted Transportation Provider has cause to doubt the validity of the
information provided by or on behalf of the beneficiary, in accordance with approved
gatekeeping policy, the Subcontracted Transportation Provider may require
documentation of that information as a condition of providing transportation.
2.6 ADPlication for Services
The beneficiary must contact the Subcontracted Transportation Provider with jurisdiction
over the beneficiary's area of residence to request NET services prior to close of office
business hours, three (3) workdays or more prior to a non-urgent, scheduled
appointment. The three (3) workdays or more advance scheduling includes the day of
the call but not the day of the appointment. Advance scheduling will be mandatory for all
NET services except urgent care and follOW-Up appointments when the timeframe does
not allow advance scheduling.
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall be responsible to provide same-day
transportation services when the beneficiary has no other available means of
transportation and requests services for urgent care. Valid requests for urgent care
transport shall be acknowledged for scheduling within three (3) hours of the time the
request is made. Urgent care, for the purpose of this Agreement, is defined as an
unscheduled episodic situation, in which there is no immediate threat to life or limb, but
the beneficiary must be seen on the day of the request and treatment cannot be delayed
until the next day. A hospttal discharge shall be considered as urgent care. The
Subcontracted Transportation Provider may verify with the direct provider of service that
the need for urgent care exists.
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider must obtain from the beneficiary, or an
individual acting on behalf of the beneficiary, sufficient information to allow a decision
regarding the beneficiary's need for NET services. This determination must take into
consideration the beneficiary's ability to provide for his or her transportation outside of the
NET program, pursuant to the gatekeeper policy established by the Commission as well
as the beneficiary's needed level of transportation in the Appropriate Level of
Transportation Section.
2.7 Levels of Transoortation
When determining the most appropriate mode of transportation for a beneficiary, a basic
consideration must be the beneficiary's current level of mobility and functional
independence. Modes other than public transportation must be used when the
. Is able to travel independently but, due to a permanent or temporary debilitating
physical or mental condition, cannot use the mass transit system; or
. Is traveling to and from a location that is inaccessible by mass transit (accessibiltty is
not within 3/4 mile of scheduled route).
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider or its Subcontracted Transportation Provider
shall determine the most appropriate mode of transportation needed by the beneficiary.
This determination may be based on information provided by the beneficiary or, if a
functional assessment process is in place, the results of a functional assessment
2.8 Criteria for Wheelchair or NET Stretcher Services
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Services other than multiload vehicle or public transportation may be required when one
of the following condttions is present:
a. The beneficiary has a disabling physical condition which requires the use of a
wheelchair, walker, cane, crutches or brace and is unable to use a multiload vehicie,
commercial taxi or public transportation;
b. An ambulatory beneficiary requires radiation therapy, Chemotherapy or dialysis
treatment, which results in a disabling physical condition after treatment, causing the
beneficiary to be unabie to access transportation without physical assistance;
c. The beneficiary is unable to ambulate without personal assistance of the driver in
entering or exiting the beneficiary's residence and medical facility; or the beneficiary
has a severe, debilitating weakness or has a physical or mental disability as a result
of illness or health care treatment and requires personal assistance.
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider is not precluded from using more intensive
modes of transportation if such use is determined to be appropriate. Wheelchair and
stretcher van services are considered intensive transportation modes due to a higher
level of transportation provided to accommodate the beneficiary's need based on the
beneficiary's specific limitation. One of the above limiting conditions must exist before
transportation modes other than multiload vehicle or public transportation are considered;
however, the existence of a limiting condition does not necessarily mean that a more
intensive mode of transportation is required. While the above conditions may
demonstrate the possible need for wheelchair or stretcher services, the functional ability
and independence of the Medicaid beneficiary should also be considered in determining
the mode of transportation required. The key to the use of more intensive modes of NET
services is that such services be adequate to meet the health needs of the individual.
2.9 Nursina Home and Mental Health Facility NET Services
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider must allow nursing homes and mental health
facilities to arrange and schedule transportation for beneficiaries residing in their facility
directiy without a formalized contract with the Subcontracted Transportation Provider for
the facility's place of business. At a minimum, nursing home and mental health facilities
shall be allowed to:
. Provide transportation to a residence through vehicles owned and operated by the
nursing home or mental health facility after determining that the most appropriate
mode of transportation can be provided by such vehicles in-house; and
. Contact the subcontracted transportation provider to arrange for transportation
services on behalf of the beneficiary residing in the facility if the nursing home or
mental health facility is unable to provide the most appropriate mode of
2.10 Denial of Service Process
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider may deny a trip or immediately discontinue a
trip for any beneficiary who:
a. Refuses to cooperate in determining the status of Medicaid eligibility:
b. Refuses to provide the documentation requested to determine need for NET
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e b 1, 008
c. Is found to be ineligible for NET services on the basis that the information provided
cannot be otherwise confirmed;
d. Exhibits uncooperative behavior or misuses/abuses NET services (the
Subcontracted Transportation Provider must retain documentation of the
e. Is not ready to board NET transport five (5) minutes after the vehicle has arrived; or
f. Fails to request a reservation three (3) workdays or more in advance of appointment
without good cause. For purposes of this section, "good cause' is created by
factors such as, but not limited to, any of the following:
1 . Urgent care;
2. Post-surgical and/or medical follow-up care specified by a health care
provider to occur in fewer than three workdays;
3. Imminent availability of an appointment with a specialist when the next
available appointment would require a delay of two weeks or more; or
4. The result of administrative or technical delay caused by the
Subcontracted Transportation Provider and required that an appointment
be rescheduled.
2.11 Beneficiarv Aooeals Notice
When the Subcontracted Transportation Provider denies eligibiltty of transportation
services to a beneficiary, the beneficiary must be informed of his/her right to appeal by
sending, by mail, an initial decision letter outlining the reason the Subcontracted
Transportation Provider is denying transportation services. This letter shall be mailed to
the beneficiary no later than seven (7) calendar days following such decision to deny.
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider must utilize a formal benefiCiary appeais
process whereby a beneficiary may bring his/her complaint for resolution prior to the
beneficiary beginning the formal Medicaid grievance procedures.
Beneficiary transportation cannot be limited or suspended during the review period while
the appeal is being reviewed. Beneficiaries must be allowed to schedule and receive
transportation services throughout the appeal process.
2.12 No-Show Beneficiarv Education
If a beneficiary fails to provide a cancellation notice to the Subcontracted Transportation
Provider at least 24-hours In advance of a scheduled trip, then the benefiCiary is
classified as a "no-show". In addition, cancellations at the door will be considered a "no-
show." The Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall provide the Commission a
listing of the "no-show" beneficiaries. The no-show beneficiary listing shall include the
beneficiary's name, phone number, date and time scheduled for transport, and trip
destination. The submittal of the activity documentation In Section 9.6 will serve as the
no-show listing.
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider, the Commission, or the Agency may contact
the beneficiaries and counsel them on proper usage of NET services and provide
technical assistance. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall track the
beneficiaries contacted as no-shows and counseied and keep a record of the technical
assistance provided, The Subcontracted Transportation Provider may take action
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against beneficiaries (I.e. "lock-in") that have reoccurring no-shows and do not respond to
counseling and technical assistance. Such action shall be approved by the Commission
Contract Manager prior to implementation.
If the no-show beneficiary provides acceptable, verifiable evidence to the Subcontracted
Transportation Provider or the Commission that the no-show was due to unforeseen and
unavoidable circumstances, the missed trip will not be counted as a no-show unless such
evidence does not prove the beneficiary was unable to meet the scheduled pick-up time
due to unforeseen and unavoidable circumstances.
2.13 Complaint Resolution
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider must maintain a toll-free access for receiving
beneficiary complaints. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall ensure that the
beneficiary has followed the established complaint procedures.
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider may utilize the Commission's ombudsman
program to serve as a regulatory body for the voicing of complaints by beneficiaries. If
the complaint is not resolved through the Ombudsman program, the beneficiary must be
informed of his/her right to file a formal grievance with the Office of Administrative
Appeals or other legal venues appropriate to the specific nature of the complaint.
2.14 Fair Hearino Reouirements
The Medicaid fair hearing policy and process is detailed in Rule 65-2.042, FAC. The
Subcontracted Transportation Provider's grievance system policy and appeal and
grievance processes shall state that the beneficiary has the right to request a Medicaid
fair hearing in addition to pursuing the Subcontracted Transportation Provider's grievance
process. A provider acting on behalf of the beneficiary and with the beneficiary's wrillen
consent may request a Medicaid fair hearing. Parties to the Medicaid fair hearing include
the Subcontracted Transportation Provider, as well as the beneficiary and his or her
representative or the representative of a deceased beneficiary's estate.
a. Reouest Reouirements
The beneficiary or provider may request a Medicaid fair hearing within 90 calendar
days of the date of the notice of action.
The beneficiary or provider may request a Medicaid fair hearing by contacting
Department of Children and Families at the Office of Public Assistance Appeals
Hearings, 1317 Winewood Boulevard, Building 1, Room 309, and Tallahassee,
Florida 32399-0700.
b. General Plan Duties
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider must:
1. Continue the beneficiary's benefits while Medicaid fair hearing is pending if:
a. The Medicaid fair hearing is filed timely, meaning on or before the later of the
. Within 10 workdays of the date on the notice of action (add 5 workdays if
the notice is sent via U.S. mail).
. The intended effective date of the plan's proposed action.
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Agenda Item No. 16B7
b. The Medicaid fair hearing involves the termination, suspension, or reduction
of a previously authorized course of treatment;
c. The services were ordered by an authorized provider;
d. The authorization period has not expired; and
e. The beneficiary requests extension of benefits.
2. Ensure that punitive action is not taken against a provider who requests a Medicaid
fair hearing on the beneficiary's behalf or supports a beneficiary's request for a
Medicaid fair hearing.
If the Subcontracted Transportation Provider continues or reinstates beneficiary
benefits while the Medicaid fair hearing is pending, the benefits must be
continued until one of following occurs:
a. The beneficiary withdraws the request for a Medicaid fair hearing.
b, 10 workdays pass from the date of the Subcontracted Transportation
Provider's adverse decision and the beneficiary has not requested a
Medicaid fair hearing with continuation of benefits until a Medicaid fair
hearing decision is reached. (Add 5 workdays if the notice is sent via U.S.
c. A Medicaid fair hearing decision adverse to the beneficiary is made.
d. The authorization expires or authorized service limits are met.
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider must authorize or provide the
disputed services promptly, and as expeditiously as the beneficiary's health
condition requires, if the services were not furnished while the Medicaid fair
hearing was pending and the Medicaid fair hearing officer reverses a decision to
deny, limit, or delay services.
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider must pay for disputed services, in
accordance with state policy and regulations, ~ the services were furnished while
the Medicaid fair hearing was pending and the Medicaid fair hearing officer
reverses a decision to deny, limit, or delay services.
2.15 Beneficiarv Co-oavment
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider, at its discretion, may require a co-payment
of beneficiaries that is not greater than $1.00 per each one-way trip or $2.00 per each
round trip whichever is less. Any change in beneficiary co-payment amounts must
receive Commission approval prior to implementation of such increase or decrease.
The following categories of beneficiaries are not required to pay a co-payment:
. Children under 21 years of age;
Pregnant women when the services relate to the pregnancy or to any other medical
condition that may complicate the pregnancy or conditions or complications of the
pregnancy extending through the end of the month in which the 60-days period
following termination of pregnancy ends;
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. Institutional care program (ICP) beneficiaries who are required to spend all of their
income for medical care costs (expect for a minimal amount that is required for
personal needs) as a condttion of receiving services in an institution and who are
inpatients in long-term care facilities, hospitals, or other medical institutions;
. Beneficiaries who require emergency services after the sudden onset of a medical
condition which if left untreated would place the beneficiary's health in serious
. Beneficiaries when the services or supplies relate to family planning;
. Beneficiaries who are receiving hospice services.
A provider cannot deny service to a recipient based soleiy on the recipient's inability to
pay a Medicaid co-payment. If the recipient is unable to pay at the time services are
rendered, the provider may bill the recipient for the unpaid charge,
2.16 Subcontracted Transportation Provider Limitations
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider is prohibited from:
a. Using fee-for-service ambulance transport in lieu of cost-effective and appropriate
non-emergency transportation;
b. Limiting Medicaid beneficiaries to a specific number of medical trips for any specific
time period if such limitation would effectively prevent the beneficiary from
receiving necessary medical care; and
c. Limiting Medicaid beneficiaries to specific providers within a geographical range,
establish trip zones, or use similar limitations for the purpose of restricting the
distance required to receive medical services if such limitation would effectively
prevent the beneficiary from receiving necessary medical care.
3. Term of Acreement
The Commission may provide an increase each year, beginning July 1, 2005, based on
an increase in Medicaid eligibles. Such increases shall begin on July 1 for all subsequent
years. The Commission reserves the right to determine whether an increase will be
granted for each year and the level of increase to be provided.
This Agreement may be renewed for a period that may not exceed three (3) years or the
term of the original Agreement, whichever period is longer. Renewal of the Agreement
shall be in writing and subject to the same terms and conditions set forth in the initial
Agreement prior to Agreement termination. A renewal Agreement may not include any
compensation for costs associated with the renewal.
4. BillinQ and Pavment
Non-emergency transportation services are mandatory Medicaid services that may not be
restricted due to inadequate funding. Through this Agreement, the Subcontracted
Transportation Provider accepts responsibility to provide or coordinate delivery of all non-
emergency transportation services within the existing funds of this Agreement.
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall be paid upon satisfactory submission of
receivables as designated in the Agreement.
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Ag~n1da ~eQ~rNi ;~
pt)e fj ~2
Section 215.422, Florida Statutes, provides that agencies have 5 working days to inspect
and approve goods and services, unless bid specifications, contract or purchase order
specifies otherwise. If payment is not available within forty (40) calendar days, measured
from the latter of the date the invoice is received or the goods or services are received,
inspected and approved, a separate interest penalty set by the Comptroller pursuant to
Section 55.03, F. S., will be due and payable in addition to the invoice amount. To obtain
the applicable interest rate, please contact the Commission's Fiscal Section at (850) 488-
5869. Invoices returned to a Subcontracted Transportation Provider due to preparation
errors will result in a payment delay. Invoice payment requirements do not start until a
properly completed invoice is provided to the Commission. A Subcontracted
Transportation Provider Ombudsman, whose duties include acting as an advocate for
Subcontracted Transportation Providers who may be experiencing problems in obtaining
timely payment(s) from a State Commission, may be contacted at (850) 410-9724 or by
calling the State Comptroller's Hotline, 1-800-848-3792.
1. Termination Procedures
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider agrees to the termination procedures in
Section 6 of the Commission's standard Agreement.
The party initiating the termination shall render written notice of termination to the other
party by certified mail, return receipt requested, or in person wtth proof of delivery, or by
facsimile ietter followed by certified mail, return receipt requested. The notice of
termination shall specify the nature of termination, the extent to which performance of
work under the Agreement is terminated, and the date on which such termination shall
become effective. In accordance with 1932(e){4), Social Security Act, the CommiSSion
shall provide the Subcontracted Transportation Provider with an opportunity for a hearing
prior to termination for cause.
After receipt by the Commission of final notice of termination, on the date and to the
extent specified in the notice of termination, the Subcontracted Transportation Provider
a. Stop work under the Agreement, but not before the termination date.
b. Pay all claims prior to and including the date of termination.
c. Assign to the state those subcontracts as directed by the Commission's Contracting
Officer including all the rights, title and interest of the Subcontracted
Transportation Provider for performance of those subcontracts.
d. Take such action as may be necessary, or as the Commission's contracting officer
may direct, for the protection of properly related to the Agreement which is in the
possession of the Subcontracted Transportation Provider and in which the
Commission has been granted or may acquire an interest.
e. Not accept any payment after the contract ends unless the payment is for the time
period covered under the Agreement.
2. Sanction Process
a. Performance Improvement Plan
If the Commission determines that the Subcontracted Transportation Provider is
out of compliance with the proviSions of the Agreement. the Commission may
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le6~ 3~7~~
issue to the Subcontracted Transportation Provider, via certified mail, a request
for a performance improvement plan (PIP). The Commission shall provide the
Subcontracted Transportation Provider with a time certain that the corrections
are to be made. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider must respond to the
request within fifteen (15) calendar days by providing a PIP to the Commission.
The Commission must approve the plan and submit the signed approval to the
Subcontracted Transportation Provider prior to implementation of the PIP. The
Commission may suggest changes or request a rewrite of the PIP and provide a
specific deadline for the rewrite. If the Subcontracted Transportation Provider
does not meet the standards established in the PIP by the time certain, the
Subcontracted Transportation Provider will be in violation of the provisions of the
Agreement and is subject to sanctions.
b. Sanctions
. Wtthholdino Pavments. Withholding of monthiy payments or a portion
thereof to the Subcontracted Transportation Provider by the
. Fines. Imposition of a fine determined by the Commission for violation of
the Agreement with the Commission. Fines shall not exceed an amount
that is more than five (5%) percent of the total monthly payment to the
Subcontracted Transportation Provider; and
. Mediation In the event of a dispute between the parties in connection
with this Agreement, the parties agree to submit the disputed issue or
issues to a mediator for non-binding mediation prior to filing a lawsuit.
The parties shall agree on a mediator as agreed upon by both parties.
The fee of the mediator shall be shared equally by the parties. To the
extent allowed by law, the mediation process shall be confidential and
the results of the mediation or any testimony or argument introduced at
the mediation shall not be admissible as evidence in any subsequent
proceeding concerning the disputed case.
. Termination. Pursuant to section 6 of the Agreement.
Unless the duration of a sanction is specified, a sanction shall remain in effect
until the Commission is satisfied that the basis for imposing the sanction has
been corrected.
3. Travel Expenses
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall not bill the Commission for any travel
4. Subcontracts
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider may subcontract work required by a contract
resulting from this Agreement. The Commission may review any and all subcontracts at
any time. The Commission may disapprove any subcontract at any time with sixty (60)
calendar days notice. The Commission must provide each Subcontracted Transportation
Provider with a unique identification number that will be used for data collection, data
management, and reporting.
5. Assionment
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The Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall not assign the Agreement, in whole or
in part, without the express written approval of the Commission.
6. Waiver
No covenant, condition, duty, obligation, or undertaking contained in or made a part of
the Agreement may be waived except by the written agreement of the parties, and a
forbearance or indulgence in any other form or manner by either party in any regard
whatsoever shall not constitute a waiver of the covenant, condition, duty, obligation, or
undertaking to be kept, performed, or discharged by the party to which the same may
7. Severabilitv of Provisions
If any provision of the Agreement is declared or found to be illegal, unenforceable, or
void, then both the Subcontracted Transportation Provider and the Commission shall be
relieved of all obligations arising under such provision. If the remainder of the Agreement
is capable of performance, it shall not be affected by such declaration or finding and shall
be fully enforceable. However, the Commission shall reduce the amount of the
Agreement accordingly,
8. insoection of Records and Work Performed
The state and its authorized representatives shall, at all reasonable times, have the right
to enter the Subcontracted Transportation Provider's premises, or other places where
duties under the Agreement are performed. All inspections and evaiuations shall be
performed in such a manner as shall not unduly delay work. Refusal by the
Subcontracted Transportation Provider to allow access to all records, documents, papers,
letters, other materials or on-site activities related to performance shall constitute a
breach of the Agreement. The right of the state and its authorized representatives to
perform Inspections shall continue for as long as a Subcontracted Transportation
Provider is required to maintain records. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider will
be responsible for all storage fees associated with records maintained under the
Agreement. The Commission shall give the Subcontracted Transportation Provider
advance notice of cancellation pursuant to this provision and shall pay the Subcontracted
Transportation Provider only those amounts that are earned prior to the date of
cancellation in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement. Performance
by the Commission of any of its obligations under this Agreement shall be subject to the
Subcontracted Transportation Provider's compliance with this provision.
9. Accountinq
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall maintain an accounting system and
employ accounting procedures and practices that conform with generally accepted
accounting principles and standards. All charges applicable to the contract shall be
readily ascertainable from such records. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider is
required to submit annual financial audits to the Commission within thirty (30) calendar
days of receipt.
10. Confidentialitv of Beneficiarv Information
All personally identifiable beneficiary information obtained by the Subcontracted
Transportation Provider shall be treated as privileged and confidential information and
shall be used only as authorized for purposes directly related to the administration of the
Agreement. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider must have a process that
specifies that beneficiary-specific information remains confidential, is used solely for the
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Agenda item No. 16B7
December 16, 2008
purposes of data analysis and other Subcontracted Transportation Provider
responsibilities under the Agreemen~ and is exchanged only for the purpose of
conducting a review or other duties outlined in a contract. Any beneficiary-specific
information received by the Subcontracted Transportation Provider can be shared only
wtth those agencies that have legal authority to receive such inforrration and cannot be
otherwise transmitted for any purpose other than those for which the Subcontracted
Transportation Provider is retained by the Commission. The Subcontracted
Transportation Provider must have in place written confidentiality policies and procedures
to ensure confidentiality and to comply with all federal and state laws (including the
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) governing confidentiality,
including electronic treatment records, facsimile mail, and electronic mail). The
Subcontracted Transportation Provider's contracts with others must explicitly state
expectations about the confidentiality of information. If prOVider-specific data are
released to the public, the Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall have policies and
procedures for exercising due care in compiling and releasing such data that address
statutory protections of quality assurance and confidentiality while assuring that open
records requirements of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, are met. Any reieases of
information to the media, the public, or other entities require prior approval from the
11. Force Maieure
Neither party shall be liable for loss or damage suffered as a result of any delay or failure
in performance under this Agreement or interruption of performance resulting directiy or
indirectly from acts of nature, civil or milttary authority, acts of war, riots, civil
disturbances, insurrections, accidents, fire, explosions, earthquakes, floods, water, wind,
lightning, strikes, labor disputes, shortages of suitable parts, materials, labor or
transportation to the extent such events are beyond the reasonable control of the party
claiming excuse from liability resulting there from.
12. EEO Comoliance
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall not discriminate in its employment
practices with respect to race, color, religion, age, sex, marital status, political affiliation,
national origin, or handicap except as provided by law.
13. Patents, Rovalties. Coovriohts. Rioht to Data and Soonsorshio Statement
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider, without exception, shall indemnify and save
harmless the Commission and its employees from liability of any nature or kind, including
cost and expenses for or on account of any copyrighted, patented, or unattended
invention, process, or article manufactured or supplied by the Subcontracted
Transportation Provider. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider has no liability
when such claim is solely and exclusively due to the combination, operation or use of any
article supplied hereunder wtth equipment or data not supplied by the Subcontracted
Transportation Provider or is based soleiy and exciusively upon the Commission's
alteration of the article. The Commission shall provide prompt written notification of a
claim of copyright or patent infringement and shall afford the Subcontracted
Transportation Provider full opportunity to defend the action and control the defense.
Further, if such a claim is made or is pending, the Subcontracted Transportation Provider
may, at its option and expense procure for the Commission the right to continue the use
of, replace or modify the article to render it non-infringing (if none of the alternatives is
reasonably available, the Commission agrees to return the article on request to the
Subcontracted Transportation Provider and receive reimbursement, if any, as may be
determined by a court of competent jurisdiction). If the Subcontracted Transportation
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De1?e ,!;
Provider uses any design, device, or materials covered by letter, patent, or copyright, it is
mutually agreed and understood without exception that the proposed prices shall include
all royalties or cost arising from the use of such design, device, or materials in any way
involved in the work. Where activities supported by the Agreement resulting from this
procurement produce original writing, sound recordings, pictorial reproductions, drawings
or other graphic representation and works of any similar nature, the Commission has the
right to use, duplicate and disclose such materials In whole or in part, in any manner, for
any purpose whatsoever and to have others acting on behalf of the Commission to do so.
If the materials so developed are subject to copyright, trademark, or patent, legal title and
every right, interest, claim, or demand of any kind in and to any patent, trademark or
copyright, or application for the same, shall vest in the state of Florida, Department of
State for the exclusive use and benefrt of the state. Pursuant to section 286.021, Florida
Statutes, no person, finn, corporation, Including parties to this Agreement shall be entitled
to use the copyright, patent, or trademark w~hout the prior written consent of the Florida
Department of State.
The Commission shall have unlimited rights to use, disclose, or duplicate, for any
purpose whatsoever, all information and data developed, derived, documented, or
furnished by the Subcontracted Transportation Provider under any contract.
14. Aoolicable Laws and Reoulations
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider agrees to comply with all applicable federal
and state laws and regulations, Including but not limited to:
Title 42 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Chapter IV, Subchapter C; Title 45 CFR, Part
74, General Grants Administration Requirements; Chapters 409, Florida Statutes; 59G-
4.330 Florida Administrative Code; all applicable standards, orders or reguiations issued
pursuant to the Clean Air Act of 1970 as amended (42 USC 1857, et seq.); Chapter 427,
Florida Statutes; 41-2, Florida Administrative Code; Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
(42 USC 2000d) in regard to persons served; 42 CFR 431, Subpart F; Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; 29 USC 794, which prohibits discrimination on
the basis of handicap In programs and activities receiving or benefiting from federal
financial assistance; the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended; 42 USC 6101 et.
seq., which prohibits discrimination on the basis of age in programs or activities receiVing
or benefiting from federal financial assistance; the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of
1981, P.L. 97-35, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex and reiigion in
programs and activities receiving or benefiting from federal financial assistance; the
Medicare-Medicaid Fraud and Abuse Act of 1978; other federal omnibus budget
reconciliation acts; Americans with Disabilities Act (42 USC 12101, et. seq.); and the
Balanced Budget Act of 1997. The Agreement may be subject to changes in federal and
state law, rules or regulations.
15. State Ownership
The Commission shall have unlimited rights to use, disclose, or duplicate, for any
purpose whatsoever, all information and data developed, derived, documented, or
furnished by the Subcontracted Transportation Provider as a result of the Agreement.
16. Svmbols. Emblems or Names in Reference to Medicaid
No person or program may use, in connection with any item constituting an
advertisement, solicitation, circular, book, pamphlet or other communication, or a
broadcast, telecast, or other production, alone or with other words, ietters, symbols or
emblems the words "Medicaid," or "Agency for Health Care Administration," except as
required by the Agreement. unless prior written approval is obtained from the
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Agenda Item No. 16B7
Commission. State and local governments are exempt from this prohibition. A disclaimer
that accompanies the inappropriate use of program or Commission terms does not
provide a defense. Each piece of mail or inforrration constitutes a violation.
17. Audits/Monitorino Provisions
The Commission may conduct, or have conducted, performance and/or compliance
reviews, reviews of specific records or other data as determined by the Commission. The
Commission may conduct a review of a sample of beneficiary and other Subcontracted
Transportation Provider records to verify the quality of the Subcontracted Transportation
Provider's services. Reasonable notice shall be provided for reviews conducted at the
Subcontracted Transportation Provider's or place of business. Reviews may include, but
shall not be limned to, reviews of procedures, computer systems, accounting records,
and internal quality control reviews. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall
work with any reviewing entity selected by the state.
The Commission is permitted to monitor and review the transportation operations and
services of the Subcontracted Transportation Provider, services that are under
agreement with a provider, or subcontracted services to Medicaid beneficiaries.
This monitoring and review by said entities includes on-site visits and other monitoring
methods to assure that the Subcontracted Transportation Provider and the
Subcontracted Transportation Provider's subcontracted providers are complying with the
requirements of the contract.
These representatives shall also have access to all financial and statistical reports,
supporting documents, and any other documents pertinent to this Agreement.
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Agenda ~~,,~ fPt,Bl
For the satisfactory performance of the services and the submittal of Encounter Data as outlined in
Exhlbtt A, Scope of Services, the Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall be paid up to a maximum
amount of $ 514.259.00 . The Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall submit monthly invoices (3
copies) in a format acceptable to the Commission. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider will be
paid, after the Commission has received payment from ACHA, in equal payments of $ 42.855.00 per
month, unless otherwise approved by the Commission's Executive Director.
1. Proiect Cost:
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall request payment through submission of a
properly completed invoice to the Commission Contract Manager or its designee. Once the
Commission has signed the invoice for approval, the Commission shall submit the approved
invoice to the DOT Disbursement Operations Office for payment to the Subcontracted
Transportation Provider.
Collier County
$ 514,259.00
Total Amount not to Exceed
$ 514.259.00
2. Disbursement Schedule of Funds
Nov Dee Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
Jul Aug Sept Oct
FY 04/05 42,855 42,855 42,855 42,855 42,855 42,855 42,855 42,855
FY 05/06 42,855 42,855 42,855 42,855
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Agenda Item No. 16B7
DI~6~B j~
AGREEMENT #f'll>4ls'0
The undersigned Provider certifies and agrees as to abide by the following:
1. Protected Health Information. For purposes of this Certification, Protected Health Information
shall have the same meaning as the terrr "protected health inforrration" in 45 C.F.R. S 164.501,
Jim ited to the inforrration created or received by the Provider from or on behalf of the Agency.
2. Limits on Use and Disclosure of Protected Health Information. The Provider shall not use or
disciose Protected Health Information other than as permitted by this Agreement or by federal
and state law. The Provider will use appropriate safeguards to prevent the use or disclosure of
Protected Health Information for any purpose not in conformity with this Agreement and federal
and state law. The Provider will not divulge, disclose, or communicate Protected Health
Information to any third party for any purpose not in conformity with this Agreement without prior
written approval from the Agency. The Provider will report to the Agency, within ten (10) business
days of discovery, any use or disclosure of Protected Health Inforrration not provided for in this
Agreement of which the Provider is aware. A violation of this paragraph shall be a material
violation of this Agreement.
3. Use and Disclosure of Information for Manaoement. Administration. and Leoal ResDonsibilities.
The Provider is permitted to use and disclose Protected Health Information received from the
Agency for the proper management and administration of the Provider or to carry out the legal
responsibilities of the Provider, in accordance with 45 C.F.R. 164.504(e)(4). Such disclosure is
only permissible where required by law, or where the Provider obtains reasonabie assurances
from the person to whom the Protected Health Information is disclosed that: (1) the Protected
Health Information will be held confidentially, (2) the Protected Health Information will be used or
further disclosed only as required by law or for the purposes for which it was disclosed to the
person, and (3) the person notifies the Provider of any instance of which it is aware in which the
confidentiality of the Protected Health Information has been breached.
4. Disclosure to Aoents. The Provider agrees to enter into an agreement with any agent, including a
subcontractor, to whom it provides Protected Health Information received from, or created or
received by the Provider on behalf of, the Agency. Such agreement shall contain the same
terms, conditions, and restrictions that apply to the Provider with respect to Protected Health
5. Access to Information. The Provider shall make Protected Health Information available in
accordance with federal and state law, including providing a right of access to persons who are
the subjects of the Protected Health Information.
6. Amendment and Incorporation of Amendments. The Provider shall make Protected Health
Information available for amendment and to incorporate any amendments to the Protected Health
Information in accordance with 45 C.F.R. S 164.526.
7. Accountino for Disclosures. The Provider shall make Protected Health Information available as
required to provide an accounting of disclosures in accordance with 45 C.F.R. 9164.528. The
Provider shall document all disclosures of Protected Health Information as needed for the Agency
to respond to a request for an accounting of disclosures in accordance with 45 C.F.R \I 164.528.
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Agenda Item No. 16B7
De1~; 1B~;
8. Access to Books and Records. The Provider shall make its internal practices, books, and records
relating to the use and disclosure of Protected Health Information received from, or created or
received by the Provider on behalf of, the Agency to the Secretary of the Department of Heaith
and Human Services or the Secretary's designee for purposes of determining compliance with
the Department of Health and Human Services Privacy Regulations.
9. Termination. At the termination of this Agreement, the Provider shall return all Protected Health
Information that the Provider still maintains in any form, including any copies or hybrid or merged
databases made by the Provider; or with prior written approval of the Agency, the Protected
Health Information may be destroyed by the Provider after its use. If the Protected Health
Information is destroyed pursuant to the Agency's prior written approval, the Provider must
provide a written confirmation of such destruction to the Agency. If return or destruction of the
Protected Health Information is determined not feasible by the Agency, the Provider agrees to
protect the Protected Health Information and treat it as strictly confidential.
The Provider has caused this Certification to be signed and delivered by its duly authorized
representative, as of the date set forth below.
Collier Countv Board of Countv Commissioners
Subcontracted nsportation Provider
Date '
Name and Title of Auth rized Signer
ATIEST;. . . .:" e'
egal sufficiency
'e'putyCierk . :'?>' .'
do' \,. .,,'
'.c. . '.
Attest C1Ii:!......S
slgl1atllre on'J~L"" .
PAGE 44 OF 53
Agenda Item No. 16B7
In order to have a drug-free workplace program, a business shall:
1. Publish a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing,
possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the workplace and specifying the
actions that will be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition.
2. Inform employees about the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace, the business policy of
maintaining a drug-free workplace, any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee
assistance programs, and the penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse
3. Give each employee engaged in providing the commodities or contractual services that are under
bid a copy of the statement specified in subsection 1).
4. In the statement specified in subsection 1), notify the employees that, as a condition of working
on the commodities or contractual services that are under bid, the employee will abide by the
terms of the statement and will notify the employer of any conviction of, or plea of guilty or no 10
contendere to, any violation of Chapter 893 or of any controlled substance law of the United
States of any state, for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five (5) days after such
5. Irnpose a sanction on, or require the satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance or
rehabilitation program if such is available in the employee's community by any employee who is
so convicted.
6. Make a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through implementation of
this section.
As the person authorized to sign the statement, I certify that this firm complies fully with the above
Authorized ~igilatufQ'.{ .
ATTEST:,:" . .'.'>:'~,
Attest as to C+;~~~:.-
s1gnature nn' v.
Date .
PAGE 45 OF 53
Agenda Item No. 16B7
paJ; '~llJ ..3
The administration of resources awarded by the Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged to the
Subcontracted Transportation Provider may be subject to audits and/or monitoring by the Commission.
In addition to reviews of audits conducted in accordance with OMS Circular A-133 and Section
215.97, F.S., as revised (see "AUDITS" below), monitoring procedures may include, but not be
limited to, on-site visits by Agency staff, limited scope audits as defined by OMB Circular A-133,
as revised, and/or other procedures. By entering into this agreement, the Subcontracted
Transportation Provider agrees to comply and cooperate with any monitoring
procedures/processes deemed appropriate by the Commission. In the event the Commission
determines that a limited scope audit of the Subcontracted Transportation Provider is appropriate,
the Subcontracted Transportation Provider agrees to comply with any additional instructions
provided by the Commission to the Subcontracted Transportation Provider regarding such audit.
The Subcontracted Transportation Provider further agrees to compiy and cooperate with any
inspections, reViews, investigations, or audits deemed necessary by the Comptroller or Auditor
PART I Federally Funded
This attachment is applicable if the Subcontracted Transportation Provider is a State or local
government or a non-profit organization as defined in OMS Circular A-133, as revised.
In the event that the Subcontracted Transportation Provider expends $300,000 or more in
Federal awards in its fiscal year, the Subcontracted Transportation Provider must have a single or
program-specific audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular A-133, as
revised. PART VI of this agreement indicates Federal resources awarded through the
Commission. In determining the Federal awards expended in Its fiscal year, the Subcontracted
Transportation Provider shall consider all sources of Federal awards, inciuding Federal resources
received from the Commission. The determination of amounts of Federal awards expended
should be in accordance with the guidelines established by OMB Circular A-133, as revised. An
audit of the Subcontracted Transportation Provider conducted by the Auditor General in
accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular A-133, as revised, will meet the requirements of
this part.
1, In connection with the audit requirements addressed in Part I, paragraph 1., the Subcontracted
Transportation Provider shall fulfill the requirements relative to auditee responsibilities as
provided in Subpart C of OMB Circular A-133, as revised.
If the Subcontracted Transportation Provider expends less than $300,000 in Federal awards in its
fiscal year, an audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of OMS Circular A-133, as
revised, is not required. In the event that the Subcontracted Transportation Provider expends
less than $300,000 in Federal awards in its fiscal year and elects to have an audit conducted in
accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular A-133, as revised, the cost of the audit must be
PAGE 46 OF 53
paid from non-Federal resources (i.e., the cost of such an audit must be paid from the
Subcontracted Transportation Provider resources obtained from other than Federal entities).
2. Information concerning this section can be found on the Federal Office of Management and
Budget Web page at:
PART II: State Funded
This part is applicable if the Subcontracted Transportation Provider is a non-state entity as
defined by Section 215.97(2)(1), Florida Statutes.
1. In the event that the Subcontracted Transportation Provider a total amount of State Financial
Assistance (i.e., State financial assistance provided to the recipient to carry out a State
project) equal to or in excess of $300,000 in any fiscal year of such Subcontracted
Transportation Provider, the Subcontracted Transportation Provider must have a State
single or project-specific audit for such fiscal year in accordance with Section 215.97,
Florida Statutes; applicable rules of the Executive Office of the Governor and the
Comptroller, and Chapters 10.550 (local governmental entities) or 10.650 (nonprofit and
for- profit organizations), Rules of the Auditor General. PART VI of this agreement
indicates State Financial Assistance awarded through the Commission by this
agreement. In determining the State Financial Assistance expended in its fiscal year, the
Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall consider all sources of State Financial
Assistance, including State Financial Assistance funds received from the Commission,
other state agencies, and other non-state entities. State Financial Assistance does not
include Federal direct or pass- -through awards and resources received by the non-state
entity for Federal program matching requirements.
2. In connection with the audit requirements addressed in Part II, paragraph 1, the Subcontracted
Transportation Provider shall ensure that the audit complies with the requirements of
Section 215.97 (7), Florida Statutes. This includes submission of a financial reporting
package as defined by Section 215.97(2)(d), Florida Statutes, and Chapters 10.550 (Iocai
governmental entities) or 10.650 (nonprofit and for-profit organizations), Rules of the
Auditor General.
If the Subcontracted Transportation Provider expends less than $300,000 in State Financial
Assistance in Its fiscal year, an audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of Section
215.97, Florida Statutes, is not required. In the event that the Subcontracted Transportation
Provider expends less than $300,000 in State Financial Assistance in its fiscal year and elects to
have an audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of Section 215.97, Florida Statutes,
the cost of the audtt must be paid from the non-state entity's resources (i.e., the cost of such an
audit must be paid from the Subcontracted Transportation Provider's resources funds obtained
from other than State entities).
3. Information concerning this section can be found on the State of Florida Web page at: nitiatives/fsaa/
PART III: Other Audit Requirements
1. 45 CFR, Part 74.26(d) extends OMB requirements, as stated in Part I above, to for-profit
PART IV: Report Submission
Copies of reporting packages for audits conducted in accordance with OMB Circuiar A-133, as revised,
and required by PART I of this agreement shall be submitted, when required by Section .320 (d), OMB
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Circular A-133, as revised, by or on behalf of the Subcontracted Transportation Provider direcUv to each
of the following:
Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged
605 Suwannee Street, MS-49
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0450
State of Florida Auditor General
Room 574, Claude Pepper Building
111 West Madison Street
Tallahassee, FL 32302-1450
Other Federal agencies and pass-through entities in accordance with Sections .320 (e) and (f), OMB
Circular A-133, as revised.
Pursuant to Section .320 (f), OMB Circular A-133, as revised, the Subcontracted Transportation Provider
shall submit a copy of the financial reporting package described in Section .320 (c), OMB Circular A-133,
as revised, and any management letters issued by the auditor, to the Commission at the Comrnission's
Contract Manager.
Copies of financial reporting packages required by PART II of this agreement shall be submitted by or on
behaif of the Subcontracted Transportation Provider directlv to each of the following:
Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged
605 Suwannee Street, MS-49
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0450
State of Florida Auditor General
Room 574, Claude Pepper Building
111 West Madison Street
Tallahassee, FL 32302-1450
Copies of reports or management letters required by PART III of this agreement shall be submitted by or
on behalf of the Subcontracted Transportation Provider directlv to:
Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged
605 Suwannee Street, MS-49
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0450
State of Florida Auditor General
Room 574, Claude Pepper Building
111 West Madison Street
Tallahassee, FL 32302-1450
C. The Federal Audit Clearinghouse designated in OMB Circular A-133, as revised (the number
of copies required by Sections .320 (d)(1) and (2), OMB Circular A-133, as revised, should be submitted
to the following address:
Federal Audit Clearinghouse
Bureau of the Census
1201 East 10" Street
Jeffersonville, IN 47132
Any reports, management letters, or other information required to be submitted to the Commission
pursuant to this agreement shall be submitted timely in accordance with OMB Circular A-133, Florida
Statutes, and Chapters 10.550 (local governmental entities) or 10.650 (nonprofit and for-profit
organizations), Rules of the Auditor General, as applicable,
Subcontracted Transportation Providers, when submitting financial reporting packages to the Commission
for audits done in accordance with OMB Circular A-133, or/and Chapters 10.550 (local government
entities) or 10.650 (nonprofit and for-profit) organizations, Rules of the Auditor General. should indicate
the date that the reporting package was delivered from the auditor to the Subcontracted Transportation
Provider in correspondence accompanYing the reporting package. This can be accomplished by
providing the cover ietter from the reporting package received from the auditor or a cover letter indicating
the date the audit reporting package was received by the Subcontracted Transportation Provider.
PART V: Record Retention
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Agenda Item No. 16B7
December 16, 2008
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The Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall retain sufficient records demonstrating its compliance
wtth the terms of this agreement for a period of five (5) years from the date the audit report is issued, and
shall allow the Commission or its designee, Comptroller, or Auditor General access to such records upon
request. The Subcontracted Transportation Provider shall ensure that audit working papers are made
available to the Commission or tts designee, Comptroller, or Auditor General upon request for a period of
five (5) years from the date the audit report is issued unless extended in writing by the Commission.
NOTE: Section .400(d) of the OMS Circular A-133, as revised, and Section 215.97 (5)(a), Florida
Statutes, require that the information about Federal Programs and State Projects included in Part VI of
this attachment be provided to the Provider organization if the Provider is determined to be a recipient. If
Part VI is not inciuded the Provider has not been determined to be a recipient as defined by the above
referenced reverenced federal and state laws.
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Agenda Item No. 16B7
December 16, 2008
iei.) 113
ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) - Includes regulations for agencies and entities that provide
services to persons wtth disabilities.
Business Dav - The business office must be open at a minimum between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and
5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Climate Control Svstem - The heating or air condttioning system of the vehicle in question.
CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) - The organizational unit of DHHS responsible for
administering Title XIX of the Social Security Act, which is Medicaid.
DHHS -- The United States Department of Health and Human Services.
Deliverable - Each documentation, report, manual, and every other ttem that the Subcontracted
Transportation Provider is required to produce under the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
Deoendent -- An individual under the age of eighteen (18). A dependent may be a Medicaid recipient.
Disoatchino - The act of designating a specific vehicle and driver to pick-up and deliver a Medicaid
Elioible (Medicaid Eliaible) -- A person who is determined to be eligible for Medicaid services by the
Social Security Administration, or Department of Children and Families.
Emeroency Care - Care that is medically necessary as a result of a sudden onset of a medical condition
manifesting itself by acute symptoms of such severity that the absence of immediate attention could
reasonably be expected to result in serious dysfunction of any bodily part or death of the individual.
Encounter Data - Data on transportation services provided to Medicaid recipients.
Escort - An individual whose presence is required to assist a recipient during transport and while at the
place of treatment. Escorts cannot be charged any cost for transportation when accompanying a
recipient requiring assistance.
EVS (Eliaibilitv Verification Svstem) - A systern for verifying recipient eligibility for Medicaid services,
usually by direct, on-line computer hook-up.
Fixed Route - Service in which the vehicle(s) repeatedly follows a consistent time schedule and stopping
points over the same route, whereby such schedule, route or service is not at the user's request.
Gatekeepina - The verification that a caller is actually an eligible Medicaid recipient, that Medicaid
transportation is needed, and the appropriate type of transportation needed.
Indeoendent Contractor -- See transportation provider,
In State/Out-of-State Travel - In-state travel refers to all NET services the Subcontracted Transportation
Provider is responsible to assure delivery within the boundaries of the State of Florida and within a line
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Agenda Item No. 16B7
De Imber 16, 20.08
pee B 32
drawn outside the Florida border. Out-of-state travel refers to travel outside of the predetermined border
Intake and Screenino - See Gatekeeping.
Medicaid ID Number - A unique identification number assigned to each Medicaid recipient for eligibility
card issuance and claims submittal purposes.
Medical Necessitv - Medicaid reimburses for transportation services if they do not duplicate another
provider's services and are determined medically necessary by meeting all of the following criteria:
Individualized, specific, consistent with symptoms or confirmed diagnosis of the illness or injury under
treatment, and not in excess of the recipient's needs; not experimental or Investigational; reflective of the
level of services that can be safely furnished, and for which no equally effective and more conservative or
less costiy treatment is available statewide; and furnished in a manner not primarily intended for the
convenience of the recipient, the recipient's caretaker, or the provider. The fact that a provider has
prescribed, recommended, or approved medical or allied care, goods, or services does not, in itseif, make
such care, goods or services medically necessary or a covered service.
Medicare - The federal medical assistance program that is described in Title XVIII of the Social Security
Act. It is not the same as Medicaid.
Minibus - A multiple passenger van, and also includes buses, sedans, and taxI.
Monitorina - The Commission shall monitor the Subcontracted Transportation Provider's performance of
duties under this Agreement by a variety of methods. Satisfactory, quality performance is required.
NET (Non-Emeraencv Transoortation) - In accordance with federal regulations (42 CFR 431.53), the
Non-Emergency Transportation (NET) program offers transportation services for Medicaid recipients who
need to secure necessary medical care and have no other means of transportation.
NET Trio - A one-way transportation service from the recipient's place of origin to the place where a
covered medical service will be provided to that recipient or the reverse or from one covered medicai
service to another.
NF - Nursing facility or nursing home.
Non-Emeroencv Transportation Services -- These are non-emergency transportation services provided to
Medicaid recipients by Subcontracted Transportation Providers and transportation operators that provide
recipients with access to necessary medical services when the recipients have no other personal
transportation available.
Ooerational Procedures Manual - A manual developed by the Subcontracted Transportation Provider
that presents the procedures for scheduiing, after-hours services, urgent care, driver customer service
standards, record keeping requirements for drivers, etc.
Public Transoortation - City, county or municipal subway, bus, rail, and other transportation services
available in a number of locations in Florida.
Recioient - An individual eligible for medical assistance in accordance with the State's Medicaid program
who has been certified as such by the Social Security Administration and the Department of Children and
Recioient Aooeal - Recipients have the right to appeal when the Provider has denied or terminated or
suspended NET services to them.
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Agenda Item No. 16B7
December 16, 2008
IPE; a j2
Recipient Residencv -- The county or service area within which the Medicaid recipient is regularly
Reservation _ The verification of a trip for a recipient at a specific time and place for pick-up and delivery
to a specific destination.
Schedulino _ The process through which a Medicaid recipient contacts the Subcontracted Transportation
Provider who assigns the trip to the most appropriate transportation provider. Normally, this must be
done at least three (3) days before the NET service is required.
Schedulino Dav/Hours - Any day or time when the Subcontracted Transportation Provider is expected,
under the terms of this Agreement, to have personnel available for scheduling NET services. Designated
hours during which scheduling of appointments can be done is a mandated function of the Subcontracted
Transportation Provider.
Service Aoreement - An Agreement between a CommiSSion and a subcontracted transportation provider
for the delivery of transportation services.
Social Security Administration (SSA) -- The federal agency that determines eligibility for SSI, including
Medicaid benefits.
State - State of Florida.
State Medicaid Plan _ The comprehensive written commitment by a Medicaid agency, submitted under
section 1903(a) of the Social Security Act, to administer or supervise the administration of a Medicaid
program in accordance with federal and state requirements.
Stretcher (Non-emeroencv) Van - An enclosed vehicle that accommodates a litter and is equipped with
locking devices to secure the litter during transit. Recipients using this vehicle must be non-ambulatory
and need the assistance in order to be transported to and from the vehicle and health care provider in a
reclined position. No flashing lights, sirens or emergency equipment are required.
Subcontractor _ A person, company or organization the Commission enters into a Contract with to
provide the services delivered under this Agreement
SSI (Suoplemental Securitv Income) - A type of cash assistance received by individuais determined
eligible by the Social Security Administration. Medicaid benefits are included in the eligibility
determination made by the Social Security Administration.
TTY (Text Telephonv) - A specially designed telephone device equipped with a keyboard and small
screen, which allows two-way conversation. This service may also be available in software to modem
personal computer compatibility.
Transoortation Ooerator -- Those entities that own and operate vehicies engaged in the direct delivery of
transportation and provide services to recipients through the scheduling of the Subcontracted
Transportation Provider.
Transportation Service Aoreement -- An agreement between the Commission and a transportation
provider for the delivery of transportation services.
Uroent Care _ An unscheduled episodiC situation in which there is no threat to life or limb but the
recipient must be seen on the day of the request under currently accepted standards of care. Treatment
cannot be put off until the next day. Hospital discharge shall also be considered as urgent care. This
requirement shall also apply to appointments established by medical care providers allowing insufficient
time for routine three (3) day scheduling. Valid requests for urgent care transport shall be acknowledged
for scheduiing within three (3) hours of the time the request is made.
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Agenda Item No. 16B7
Dei~~ a ~~
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) - The unique number given to each vehicle produced by a
Vehicle Loo - A log which is kept by the vehicle driver that reports information on all trips wtth that
vehicle: names of driver and recipients, times, pick-up and delivery points, and odometer readings.
Vendor - An entity that is responsible for recruiting and contracting with transportation providers;
payment administration; quality assurance of services; and administrative oversight and reporting.
Volunteer Transoortation - Transportation provided by individuals or agencies that receive no
compensation or payment other than minimai reimbursement for miieage for the provision of these
transportation services.
Wheelchair Van - A van equipped wtth lifts and iocking devices to safely secure a wheeichair whiie the
van is in motion.
Work Dav - For purposes of establishing business hours and satisfying reporting requirements: a
minimum of Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. with the exception of
New Years Day, Memorial Day, July Fourth, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and the day after, and
Christmas Day.
PAGE 53 OF 53
f\C~ln^ COMW,'S~iON;m Tl"If
Charlie Crist
JR Harding Ed.D.
Lawrence Forman
Vice Chairperson
Lisa M. Bacot
Executive Director
Agenda Item No. 16B7
December 16, 2008
Page 62 of 62
November 20, 2008
Ms. Michelle Arnold
Collier Area Transit
2705 South Horseshoe Drive, Suite 211
Naples, Florida 34104
Re: eTO Medicaid Non-Emergency Transportation (NET) Program
Agreement Amendment (Collier County)
Dear Ms. Arnold:
Enclosed is the Medicaid NET Amendment to the Subcontracted Transportation
Provider (STP) Agreement between the Commission for the Transportation
Disadvantaged (aD) and your organization to provide services in the above
referenced county through December 31,2008.
Please print, execute and return to me two (2) copies of this amendment.
Original signatures must be in blue ink. Do not date the amendments. I will
return one (1) fully executed copy to you for your records,
Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at
(850) 410-5715.
~n() V),
()~) ~I\~?rl
Joel Perez
Transportation Disadvantaged Specialist/
Regional Manager
Enclosures; Agreement Amendment
605 Suwannee Street, M5-49 IV Tallahassee, FL 32399-0450
Phone: (850) 41Q.5700 IV Toll Free: (800) 983.2435 IV Fax: {B50) 410.5752