BCC Minutes 01/16/1978 C Naples, Florida, January 16, 1978 LET IT BE REMEHBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Governing Board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:05 A.M. in CONFERENCE SESSION in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex with the following members present: CIlAIRI-tJ\N: C. R. "Russ" Wimer VICE-CHAIRMAN: John A. pistor David C. Brown Clifford Wenzel ABSENT: Thomas P. Archer . ALSO PRESENT: William J. Reagan, Clerk: Harold L. Hall, Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer; Carol Russell, Deputy Clerk; Donald A. Pickworth, County Attorney; Irving Berzon, Utility Director: James Mcerpohl, CETI\ Operations Director; Chief David Reeves, Golden Gate Fire Control District; and, Jack Maguire, American Ambulance. AGENDA 1\. Appenl of Dismissal by IWI employee Dan Nelson. (Berzon) B. Consideration of boundaries for ambulance service for Golden Gate Fire Association and Zippo Ambulance. (Hall) c. Discussion of payment of benefits for Golden Gate Fire Control District CETA employees from District funds. (Hall) D. Discussion of request for change in American Ambulance Service Rates. (Hall) E. Resolution for support of state budgot to provide perman- ent Drivers Licensing Facility in Immokalee. (Berzon) APPEAL OF DISMISSAL DY NVI ENPLOYEE PAN NELSON - MR. NELSON DID NOT APPEAR - ITEM CONTINUED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE A regi~tered letter had been sent to Mr. Nelson informing him of this meeting, howeve=, he did not appear. The item was continued until further notice. CONSIDERATION OF BOUNDARIES FOR ~\rnULANCE SERVICE FOR GOLDEN GATE FIRE ASSOCIATION AND ZIPPO Az.tBULA~CE - STAFF INSTRUCTED TO ~~KE SURE PROPER LEGAL DESCRIPTION GIVEN TO BOUNDARIES Mr. Hall, Chief Deputy Clerk, explained that the contract the County has with American Ambulance is County-wide, excluding the two areas of Golden Gate and Immokalee; however, the boundaries of 197 bk 40 198 bk 40 January 16, 1978 thcse two arcl"l-:; was not cl.:arly d'!fined. It was reported that a question had been raRied by Deputy Chief Ray Barnett of the Sheriff's Department and American Ambulance regarding the Golden Gate bound- aries, suggesting that the four square mile area of the platted subdivision of Goldcn Gate bc listed as boundary. Nr. Hall reported that inllurance liability claims could arise from the impropcr agency responding to an emergency; ~nd licensing, probating and issuing of certificates is difficult, he said, when the terminology is not clear. Zippo Ambulance takes exception to the southern boundary down SR 29 terminating at Sunniland, instead of continuing to Alligator Allay, said Mr. Hall. The golden Gate Fire Association and Chief of the Golden Gate Fire District state that the boundaries coincide with the Fire Dis- trict Boundaries and exhibit maps included in the reference material were viewed and discussed. Chief David Reeves explained that in 1970 when Goldcn Gate Ambulancc was first established that the area outlined on said map war. populated. He noted that Golden Gate Fire District boundaries were estabU.shad in accord with the ambulance boundaries, not vica versa, and were the same as shown on the exhibit maps. Mr. Hall stated that it was the Staff recommendation that the boundaries be adopted as shown on said exhibit maps, if the Board's intent has been properly considered. After some discussion, Commissioner Wenzel made the motion to reconfirm that the Golden Gate Ambulance District and tho Golden Gate Fire District have one and thc same boundaries and the Staff is instructed to maka sure that the proper legal description is givcn to the boundaries so that there will be no question of legality at a later date, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0. January 16, 1978 Mr. Hall indicated that the staff does not have sufficient data to make a recommendation regarding the Zippo Ambulance and recommended that the discusslon of the Immokalee boundaries be de- ferrcd and have Mr. Ray Erret present. Commissioner Wenzel requested that Mr. Errett bring a County map with his area marked out instead of trying to follow the legal description in the reference material. DISCUSSION OF PAYMENT OF DENEFITS FOR GOLDEN GATE FIRE CONTROL DIS- TRICT CETA EMPLOYEES FROM DISTRICT FUNDS - DENIED Mr. 110.11, Chief Deputy Clerk, pointed out that last fall, when it was determined that CETA would no longer pay the FICA and retire- ment benefits to CETA employees, the Board decided that these CETA employees would be ~onsidered temporary and these long-term benefits would not be paid from County funds. The request from Golden Gate is that Golden Gate Fire District funds be used to supplement the CETA funds for the FICA and retire- mcnt bcnefits, said Hr. Hall, and several other agencies were also interested in this. ~lr. Meel."pohl then flpoke and recommended that this not be done. He explained that these CETA employees should only be considered as long-term temporary personnel and not eligible for these benefits. lie also noted that a new proposed regulation by the Federal govern- ment in that after a 78 week to 2 year participation in CETA these employees are to be terminated. lie further r~commended that the Board continue its original position keeping all CETA personnel as long-term temporary employees. Commissioncr Wenzel made a motion to maintain the present posi- tion of th~ Rn~rd that all CETA personnel be considered temporary employees and not eligible for the long-term benefits mentioned above. Motion seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried 4/0. DISCUSSION OF REQUEST FOR CIIANGE IN AHERICAN AI-tBULANCE SERVICE RATES ITEM TO DE PLACED ON NEXT AVAILABLE PUBLISHED AGENDA Hr. Jack Maguire of American ~~bulance explained to the Board several reasons for the rate revision described in his memo to the noard of County Commissioners dated December 19, 1977. 199 bk 40 200 bk 40 January 16, 1978 Mr. Maguire explaincd that whcn more than one person is carried in an ambulance, it is just too difficult to divide the rates between thc patients and, therefore, a standard charge is made. lie reported that the mileage rate had been increased due to the poor gas mileage obtained from the new ambulances, i.e. 4 miles to a gallon. After more discussion, Commiosioner Wenzel moved that this item be placed on the next available published agenda to be discussed further, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0. RESOLUTION FOR SUPPORT OF STATE BUDGET TO PROVIDE PERMANENT DRIVERS LICENSING FACILITY IN IMMOKALEE - TO BE PLACED ON AGENDA JANUARY l7, 1978 ^ resolution has beon prepared for the consideration of the Board of County Commissioners, stated Mr. Berzon, to urge the State legislature to support with funds the installation of a mobile facil- ity for a pcrmancnt drivers license facility in the Immokalee area. There is a facility pr.esently there, said Mr. Berzon, but the loca- tion is inadequate. Commissioner Wcnzel made a motion that this resolution be added to the agenda of January 17, 1978 for adoption, Beconded Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0. FIVE CETA PROJECTS DEFERRED FROM WORK SHOP SESSION OF DECEMBER 19, 1977 - DISCUSSED 1. Request from Edison Community College for two CETA employees, a Continuing Education Coordinator and a Maintenance-Courier Approved in amount of $12,000 Dr. Anderson reported that a courier service is needed between Naples and Fort Myers Edison Community Colleges. This service is needed by students to obtain books from the Fort Myers college library. A Continuing Education Coordinator is needed to assist in all the duties required in providing continuing educational courses for the community-at-large, said Mr. Anderson. Motion was made by Commissioner Pistor, seconded by Commissioner Brown to approve these two CETA employees for Edison Community CollegQ in the amount of $12,000. Motion carried 4/0. January 16, 1978 2. Request from Amethyst Society in Immokaloe to set up program to rehabilitate alcoholics throuqh constructing cypress furniture - Two CET^ employees ~pproved in amount of $12,000 to $13,000 for a nine month period. Mr. Pete Shaver described the Amethyst Society and explained that they are presently renting a house in Immokalee which is being used as a half-way house for alcoholics. A program is being pre- pared, he said, to construct patio and lawn furniture out of the scrub cypress being cut around the Immokalee area as the land is being cleared. Mr. Shaver requested a Director, two craftsmen and a mainten- ance man to care for the tools to extend for a nine month period. Mr. Meerpohl recommended that one instructor and one Marketing Development Aide would be sufficient. Commissioner Brown moved to approve Mr. Meerpohl's recommenda- tion for the two CETA employees, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 4/0. 3. Management Information Systems Project with Collier County Mental Health Clinic - One Data Console Operator Approved at $6,950 for a nine month period Two Assistant Data Coordinators are being requested, explained Mr. Meerpohl, and introduced Mr. David Smaltz to the Board. Mr. Smaltz stated that during the past six months the Collier County Mental Health Clinic has been mandated to initiate and maintain two new statistical and financial reporting systema, one Federal and one State. These two Assistant Data Coordinators would enable us to respond effectively to these mandates and also to provide more responsible and better care to Collier County citi~~ns, he explained. Clerk Reagan suggested the use of the County system of reporting financial information. Mr. Hall stated that, even if the County facilities arc used, at least one Data Coordinator will be needed by the Mental Health Clinic. Mr. Meerpohl recommended that one position would be sufficient at this time for the nine month project. Commissioner Brown made a 201 bk 40 202 bk 40 January 16, 1978 motion approving the onp. pooition of Data Coordinator for the Mental Health Clinic, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 4/0. 4. Request from In~oKaloe Service Program to provide project Direc- tor, a Driver-^ssistant for ~lea1s on Wheels Program - Approved for eight months at $ll,OOO Ms. Denise Coleman d~scribed the program as being for the home- bound elderly, over 60 years of age, and provides one hot meal a day for them. Ms. Coleman explained that a Project Director is needed badly in order to organize the volunteer workers and train them. A driver-assistant is also needed. Mr. Meerpohl stated that he had suggested Board that an "umbrella" type of agency be sat up which would encom- pass a number of different grants with the administrative funds being self-administrative. Chairman Nimer recommended that Mr. Meerpoh1 prepare"s propoRal to bring before tho Board. Motion was made by Commissioner Brown, 8e~onded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 4/0 to approve these two CETA position. for the ImmoKal~~ Service Program for an eight month period at $11,000. 5. Health and Rehabilitative Services to set up Client Information System One Data Console Operator - approvod for period of ten months at $6,950 Mr. Harold Williams, Direct Service Supervisor Lor HRS, requnoted one Data Console Operator to provide information on all the Collier County clients to identify tIle services the clients are receiving from the various programs. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0 to ~Fprovc the CF.TA rnqitinn for HRS for a period of ten months at $6,950. . . . . . . . . * * * * * * Meeting was adjourned at 10:55 A.M. . . . . . . . * * * * * * .