BCC Minutes 01/10/1978 R ~ c ~ Naples, Florida, Januar.y 10, 1978 LET IT BE REMEHI3ERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Governing Doard(s) of such speci~l districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in Regular Session in Building "F" of the Courthouse Com- plex with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: C. R. "Russ" Wimer VICE-CHAIRMAN: John A. Pistor Thomas P. Archer Clifford Wenzel David C. Brown ALSO PRESENT: William J. Reagan, Clerk; Harold L. Hall, Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer; Edna Brenneman, Deputy Clerk; Donald A. Pickworth, County Attorney; Irving Berzon, Utility Director; Le~ Layne, Planner; Mary )o1organ, Administrative Aide to the Board; and Deputy Chief Raymond Barnett, Sheriff's Department. AGENDA -- r. !~:'lQCATIO~; I I. ?;":::;::Jr.E OF .:.:...LECIA:;CE TII. ~??P.OVAL C? AGENDA IV. ;'.??ROVAL C? :HNUTES: De:::e:-ilier E, 197.; Dec<:!mber 13, 1977 De:::er:\ber 19, 19.7; Decembe: 20,,1977. December 30, 1977 V. ADVERTISED ~UBLIC HEA?I:1GS ;... Pro?ose~Smoking Ordin~nce. s. Pctit~~~ V-77-JI-C b~ ~etitioner :ames Grant, represented by L1\:-::' Dulaney of i-,i~h:nond Construction, rg:juesting a vil,:,iar:ce to construct a duolex on Lot 9, 1310'::::< A, i'alm ?":"','c[' Estates, Unit 4, loc;].ted on C['cwn L)ri\,"c in Pillm ,'i.'ler EstiltC5. C. ReqU€!3t for the c['Clilt.io:l of il fir~ hydrilnt c~3tri(;t for G~:::ord Acres. VI. ~:J 13USI~:SS RCCoL=:'::~['i\tion 0:' S~_"::O:'I <\??l~'::;1':ion (Clln"l~.:::"\am). 97 bk 40 tlllO,\,cSiJIOtt1 l\ECOl\DE1\'S M . ~\.I .. .mP. Trt'lal ". ~' ...au.!.,ctot1 Ua a10Ia . __.1 p, 1 P .1 P 2 \ \ \ 1 January 10, 19/8 c. ::~\.;er Scr'v~:;~ .~.r~a "A" ^uthor~:~~lon ~o ~d~e~~ise ordina~ce recreatin; the 01:-:: ~~~ Adoptlc~ of ~~501ut~)~ giving Bo~~j policy on the Se;,'~~ :Jistrl.:::!; - '::~rvice Aree. "A" D?:L::'.:'!O~:.5 APP?'::',"Ai, or MC''':::S: Decemc~~ 19, 1977 '::1. cou:::-! r1ANAGER'::; ?2:?OR? A. ~~thortzRt~~~ to Ad~ert15! 3. Pctltlo~ ::Z-77-7-c t:; ;let1tloner ?lanning Depa:-t- rnent re~~e3ttng an a~!~jment to Section 9. Ord. 76-30, hy rev13~ng and clarl~7ing the Se~tlon. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETINGS OF DECEMBER 6, 13, 20, 1977, AND SPECIAL ~illETING OF DECEMDER 3D, 1977 - APPROVED liS PRESENTED Commissioner Pis tor moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer ~nd carried unanimously, that the minutes of the Regular Meetings of December G, 13 and 20, 1977, and the Special Meeting of December 30, 1977 be appr-oved as presented. PROPOSED SMOKING ORDINANCE - DEFEATED 1.eglll notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on December 21, 1977, as eviden~ed by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was held to consider proposed ordi- nanca regulating smoking in places of public assembly. Chairman Wimer requested that a spokesman be appointed to speak for each of the various groups represented; rcquested that if /I pllrticul~r viewpoint has been previously expressed, the speaker's time be relinquishcd following an expression of pro or con regarding the proposed ordinance; and, advised those in attendance that the five-minutc timc limit [or addressing the Board would be imple- mcntcd. County Attor-ncy Donald Pick~orth stated that the final draft of the ordinance was drafted in coordination with the attorney for 101 bk 40 RECORDER'S MEMO, ~ty crl wr\\Iq, Typla. ow Prilttla. _.f~ ia uu. __ftl __ r<<>el~. \ \ 102 bk 40 January 10, 1978 thc Right To Dreathc organization; however, he added that he could not represent that it was officially approved by that or-ganization. Dr. Thomas R. Dawber, Professor of Medicine - Boston Univer- sity, spoke in SupP0rt of the pr-oposed ordinance, noting that he has spent the last 30 years in research and that the facts are pr-oven that cigarette smokers run a higl1 risk of diseases such as lung canccr-, emphysemil, heart condi tions, and the U kp.. lip. Ilaiel that the evidence shows that non-smokers, in a smoke-filled room, are affcctcd by the smoke from other smokers. Dr. R. G. Knapp, Sr., Oral Surgeon, stated his support for the ordinance, citing several examples of the affects of smoking cigar- ettes, as well as the nffect coming in contact with tobacco has on a non-smoker. Mr. \-lilli,"lm Crone, Executivc Director - Naples Community Hos- pital, addreRsed the technical aspects of the ordinance, speaking neither for- or- against it. Mrs. Fox, local resident, spokc in opposition to the ordinance stating that, in her- opinion, it is discriminatory agaist thosc who desire to smoke in such places as restaurants, and the likc. Ms. Nancy Schmeckpeper, American Cancer Society, stated that the Society supports the ordinancc, that it protects both smokers and non-smokers from themselves since, it is ~heir opinion, that it is a form of suicide. Mrs. Luella M. Jones, ~rea resident, stated that her view- point has been expr-esscd and that she is against thc ordinance. Mr. Kcn Umpenhour, Naples resident, opposed the ordinance, stating that lcgislntion is not needed to tell a businessman that peoplc cannot smokc in his establishment. Mr. Timothy J. Orris, resident, stated that he is appreciative of the ordinance - that, as a customer, he docs not wish to have smoke blown in his face. January 10, 1978 Mr. Ron Jordiln, 1I0spitillity Buffet Restaurant, opposed the or-din.:J.nce. stati.nq that most sensible restauranteur-s are sympathetic to the non-smokers and that in some establishments areas dre set aside for them. r~r. V. A. MacKenzie, American Lung Association, offered his support of the or-dinance. Mr. Ernest Puckett, airline pilot, spoke in support of the or-dinancc, particul.:J.rly because of the pollution to the air cau~ed by smoking. lie s~id that there are provisions which might have to be corrected; however-, he favors adopting the ordinance as it is written, following which it can be timended to make it livable. Commissioner- Archer- observed that, although he is a smoker and the wor-ds offered by the doctors are correct, in his opinion, the or-dinance is a bad piece of legislation to enact, much less enforce. Referring to the Guggestion that it can be changed following its adoption, he said thllt in his terms of service as a COr.uT\issioner it has never h1\ppened to an ordinance. Mr-. Jim Por-ter, Right To Breathe organization, urged the adop- tion of the oidinance, pointing out that many citizens of the County i\r-c classificd as senior citizens and more susceptible to pollution than younger persons. Something must be done, said tho cpoaker, to protect the non-smokers. M~s. J. C. V~n ^rs~Alp, Right To Breathe organization, noted her support of the proposed ordinance. Notation was made o~ the letter received from John D. Hind, Nnple5 r-csident, dated Dec~mber 6, 1977 suggesting that passage of the ordinance will create ill-will for the County and accomplish nothing, and th~t hc would like to see a sensible disposition of the contr-ovcr-sy: also, that a telephone call was received from Mrs. Ralph Oilkdduk advising the Board of her opinion regarding the ordi- nance, indicating hcr- support. 103 bk 40 104 bk 40 January 10, 197B All opponents and pr-oponcnt~ of the ordinance having bcen hear-d, Commissioner Drown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel ~nd carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Wenzel commented that the ordinance is enforcable, pointing out thnt ther-c is not one ordinance on the bOOKS that has not been challenged, or- subject to challenge, if the citizen9 ask thnt it be enforced, and adding that it is his hope that the smoking ordinance will be enforced in the same way. He said that the ordi- nance designates areas where smoking is prohibited and that it pro- tects the rights of the non-smoker-" <lnd the health of the individual. Commissioner Pistor inquired if the ordinance, if passed, will be effective in the City of Naples and was advised by Mr. Pickworth thnL it will be. It was Commissioner Wenzel's suggestion that if the City disagrees with it the City can take action on its own. Referring to Lhe suggested changes to the ordinance voiced during the hl'.1.ring, Commissioner Pistor moved that Section Six, Paraqr~ph n, be chan0crl tn sLate that ", . signs shall be plnced in .:111 ar-eas de5ign~ted uS smoking areas." Commissioner Wenzel seconded the motion. Upon the clarification by Mr. Pickworth, Commissioners ?istor and Wenzel agreed to amend the motion to state ". . signs noting the designation shull be pluced in all areas designated as smoking areas." Upon Cull for the question, the motion carried unanimously. Another suggested change to the ordinance, as mentioned during the hearing, was addressed with Hr. Pickworth stating that the ordinance could be adopted with the recommended changes. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel, that Section Four, Paragraph 2, be amended to state in the ~eventh line thereof, "hospitals and nursing homes, except private rooms or semi-private rooms in which both occupants consent therein, and meeting rooms." The motion carried 4/1 with Commissioner Wenzel voting in the nega- tive. January 10, 1978 Brief Discussion followed concerning the definition of a public place with Mr. Pickworth stating that public places, as defined in the or-dinance, are places where the public has a right to be. " " " " " " " " " " " " RECESS: 10:00 A.M. until lO:IO A.M. " " " " " " " " " " " " Following the r-ecess, Chairman Wimer- voiced his amazement at the public reaction concerning the matter under discussion and expressed his desir-e for the same type of participation during discussions of m~tters of more importance, such as the passage of budgets, and the like. Commissioner Archer questioned the ordinance on the books at the present lime 1\S to whether or not it allows the individual owner of shops or- businesses to pe~mit smoking or not, by choice, with Mr. Plckworth stating that it does. Continuing, Commissioner Ar-cher s1\id that if the proposed or-dinance is adopted it will place a directive on thc owncr- 1\S to how he will operate his business. Mr. Pickworth responded by stating that the elimination of the so called choice provision contained in the current ordinance was his decision, and not that of the Right To Breathe or-ganization, for the reason th1\t if smoking is determined by the Board to be harmful and should be r-egulated, it should be regulated not on the choice of the individual owner, but on the basis that all things should be done to protect the public, such regulation being a pro- peL action by government. Commissioner- Archer recalled that during the budget hear-ings when concern was being expressed about the cost of operating County government, he stated that he would not vote for another ordinance unless there was a financial impact statement provided regarding the cost to enforcc such ordinance which he has not seen, as yet. 105 bk 40 106 bk 40 January 10, 1970 He sai~ thAt it hA~ hAcn mentioned that it will not cost anything since the owner will provide his own cards, signs, and the like. lIe also questioned whether or not violation of the ordinance places a criminal liability on the store owner who permits smoking with Mr. Pickworth stating that the individual smoking will be the party violating the law. Commissioner Archer also voiced concern over the amount of time that will be lost by employees who will be forced to leave their work area in order to smoke. Concluding, Commissioner Archer stated that he would like it understood that he will not vote for the ordinance for reasons other than the fact that he is a smoker. Commissioncr- Wcnzel moved that the ordinance regulating smoking in Collier County be adoptcd with the amendments outlined. Com- missioner Brown scconded the motion. Commissioner Pistor suggested that schools be included in the prohibitions contained in tile ordinance with Mr. Pickworth pointing out that educational facilities arc included in the category of public places, and lhat there is a State law prohibiting smoking in classrooms. Upon call for the question, the results of the roll call vote were as follows: Commissioner Wenzel - Aye Commissioner Brown - Aye Commissioner Archer - Nay Commissioner Pistor - Nay Commissioner Wimer - Nay The motion failed 2/3. * * * * .. .. .. .. .. * * . . . RECESS: 10:25 A.~I. until 10:30 A.M. * . .. . * . * * .. * * * . .. January 10, 1978 PETITION V-77-31-C BY JAMES GRANT REQUESTING A VARIANCE TO CONSTRUCT A DUPLEX ON LOT 9, BLOCK A, PALM RIVER ESTATES UNIT 4 - DENIED Legal ~otico having leen published in The Naples St~r on December- 23, 1977, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was held to consider Petition V-77- 31-C filed by James Grant requesting a waiver of the 13,000 foot requircment to constru~t a duplex on Lot 9, Block A, Palm River Es- tates Unit 4. In the absence of Zoning Director Carl Clemmer, County Attorney Pickworth detailed the facts concerning the petition and stated that the applicant nceds 13,000 square feet in order to build a duplex on his property which consists of Il,250 square feet. He said that there Dr-e 21 lots in the par-ticular zoning area, six of which have already been built upon. Mr. Pickworth read the staff report on the p~tition which stated, in part, that the Zoning Director recom- mends that the var-lance be granted, as to deny it would be denying the petitioner privilcgcs enjoyed by others. Mr-. I.1\rry Dulancy of Richmo~d Construction, representing th~ petitioner, noted that each unit would contain 812 square feet ~nd that there will be 800 squar-e feet of off-etreet parking. In re- sponse to Commissioner Archer, Mr. Pickworth said that there is no indication of objection to the variance from the neighbors in the surrounding areas. Mr. Pickworth stated that irl this particular case where only 6 of the 21 lots have been built upon, in his opinion, a variance would not be justified since the vast majority of the lots in the area are subject to the restrictions. Further, said Mr. Pickworth, if the squarc footage requirements are too high, the requirements can be changed and that variances should not be granted on a piece- mcal basis. lie pointed out that a single-family homc could be built on the lot which might have been the intent when the restrictions IO? bk 40 108 bk 40 January 10, 1978 were placed upon the pr-opertics requiring 13,000 square feet for a duplex. Mr. Pickworth questioned the statement that to deny the vari- ance would be denying the petitioner privileges enjoyed by others since the other six duplexes wcre built before the zoning change, and that once the zoning was changed, all other property owners were placcd under the same burden. There being no persons registered to speak on the matter, Commissioner- Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and unanimously carried, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner- Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel, that the var-iance requested in Petition V-77-31-C by James Grant for- a waiver of the 1~,OGO foot requircment to construct a duplex on Lot 9, Block A, Palm River Estates Unit 4, be denied. The motion carried' 4/1 with Commissioner Brown voting in the negative. ML Pickworth suggested that the planning staff be directed to consider this area and similar areas for- possible rezoning for single family construction and leave the existing duplexes as non- conforming buildings. Chairman Wimer responded that, if there are no objections from the Board, that the matter be considered and br-ought back to the Doard with recommendations. There were no ob- jections voiced. RESOLUTION R-7B-4 FOR CREATION OF AN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FOR THE INSTALLATION OF FIRE HYDRANTS IN THE AREA OF GUILFORD ACRES - ADOPTED; TENTATIVE ASSESSMENT ROLL - APPROVED Legal notice having been published in The Naples Star on December 30, 1977, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was held to consider a proposed resolution for the creation of an assessment district for the installation of fire hydrants in the area of Guilford Acres. Utility Director Irving Derzon noted that the Engineering Department received a rcquest for the creation of the district, a January 10, 1978 cost estimate was developed, and a tentative assessment roll pre- pared. lie said that the project consists of two fire hydrants at a total cost of $2,120, estimated to be a cost of .00427 per dollar value of assessment. Chairman Wimer noted the receipt of a letter from Ms. Linda Marszalhowski, Trustee for property located in the Guilford Acres area, requesting that the property be excluded from the hydrant area since it is raw land with no need for the hydrants. Mr. Berzon stated that that property owner is the owner of the largest valued property in that area and in a disproportionate situation as com- pared to the other property owners; however, he said that there is no question about the need for the fire hydrants. There being no persons registered to speak, Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner \'ienzel and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that Resolution R-7B-4 creating an assessment district for the installa- tion of fire hydrants in the area of Guilford Acres Subdivision, and approval of the tentative assessment roll for the proposed hydran be adopted. Discussion followed cOllcerni:lg whether or not the two large pro- perty owners in the district could be given an extended period of time to pay the assessment with County Attorney Pickworth suggesting that special consideration cannot be given to those persons. Clerk william Reag~n advised that it could be stated that anyone who would like the option of an extended period of time for such payment could request it. It was pointed out by Chairman Wimer that this request can always be made. Upon call for the question, the motion carried unanimously. 109 bk 40 112 bk 10 January 10, 1978 QUESTIONS PERTAINING TO CONCEPT AND AGENCIES TO BE SERVED RE SUNCOM - RF.SOLVED; ;,OARD RF.r:()NF'TR~~r, Dr:-SIRE TO PROCEED WITH RESOLUTION R-7!l-6, AND AGRED1ENT R!: S,\/'1E Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer Harold Hall recalled that at the December 20, 1977 meeting of the Commission the concept of participating in the Suncom Network was approved and a resolution to proceed was adopted in this regard. At the time, said Mr. Hall, there was some question as to whether or not this type of service waG to be available to other- telephone users other than the ones who would be in the ccntral switchboard. He said answers to those questions hav. been received, noting that other users, such as the Shcriff's Department who has a separate switchboard, would enter into a separate agreement with the same rates; or, anyone with lines coming in, other agencies in the Complex, could be patched through and use the network. Mr. flaIl not~d that the agreement has been signed, awaiting clarifi- cation,' and it is his recommendation that said agreement be forwarded to Tallaha!lsee. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried u~~nimously, that the Agreement re participating in the Suncom Network, between the State of Florida, Department of General Services, Division of Corr~~nications, and the County, approved December 20, 1977, be forwarded to the State. PETITION V-77-32-C BY JAMES H. TOPPING REQUESTING A WAIVER OF THE 13,000 SQUARE FOOT REQUIREMENT FOR LOT 1 AND PART OF LOT 2, BLOCK 13, NAPLES TWIN LAKES, AT TilE INTERSECTION OF ESCOBAR TERRACE AND DORANDO DRIVE - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING JANUARY 31, 1978 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and unanimously carried, that Petition V-77-32-C by James H. Topping requesting a waiver of the 13,000 square foot requirement for Lot 1 and part of Lot 2, Block 13, Naples Twin Lakes, at the intersection of Escobar Terrace and Dorando Drive, be advertised for public hearing January 31, 1978. January 10, 1978 PETITION A-77-5-C BY RALPH GRITTEN RE APPEAL OF ADMINISTRATIVE DECISION RE BUILDING PERMIT TO ENLARGE A NON-CONFORMING COMMERCIAL BUILDING ON TRACT 29, UNIT 97, GOLDEN GATE ESTATES UNIT 97, ADVER- ?ISING AU'1'IIORIZED FOR PUilLI: HEARING JANUARY 31, 1978 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and unanimously carried, that Petition A-77-5-C by Ralph Grittcn re Appeal of Administrative Decision re Building Pcrmit to enlarge a non-conforming commercial building on Tract 29, Unit 97, Golden Gate Est~te8 Unit 97, h~ advertised for public hearing January 31, 1978. PETITION NZ-77-7-C BY PLANNING DEPARTMENT REQUESTING AN AMENDMENT TO SECTION 9, ORDINANCE 76-30 - DELETED PETITION SMP-77-2-C BY CO~\L RIDGE PROPERTIES REQUESTING SUBDIVISION MASTER PLAN APPROVAL FOR PELICAN BAY UNIT 1, SECTION 9, T49S, R25E, - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING FEBRUARY 7, 1978 Commissioner W~nzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously, that Petition SMP-77-2-C by Coral Ridge-Collier Pr-opcr-tics ~equcsting Subdivision Master Plan Approval for- Pelican Ba~ Unit I, Section 9, Township 49 South, Range 25 East, bp. advertised fo! public hearing Fcbruary 7, 1978. PETITION SMP-77-6-C BY DELTONA CORPORATION REQUESTING SUBDIVISION MASTER PLAN APPROVAL FOR TRACT L, UNIT 6, MARCO BEACH SUBDIVISION - ADVERTISINr. ,!\lJTHORIZED FOR PU~L}S, HEARING FEBRUARY 21, 1978 Commissioner Wcnzcl moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer ..,nrl \1n~nimou51y carried, that Petition SNP-77-6-C by Deltona Corp- oration requesting SubdiviGion Master Plan Approval lor Tract L, Unit 6, Marco Beach Subdivision, on the N.W. corner of S.R. 953 and S.R. 92, be advertiGcd fQr public hearing February 21, 1978. PETITION R-77-25-C BY DELTON/\ CORPORATION REQUESTING REZONING FRON "RS-4" TO "PC" FOR TRACT L, UNIT 6, MARCO BEACH SUBDIVISION - AD- VERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING FEBRUARY 21, 1978 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer nnd carried unanimously, that Petition R-77-25-C by petitioner Dcltona Corporation requesting rezoning from "RS-4" Single Family 113 bk 40 114 bk 40 Janu~ry 10, 1978 to "PC" Professional Commcrcial for Tract L, Unit 6, Marco Beach Subdivision, located on the N.W. corner of S.R. 953 and S.R. 92, be advertised for public hCilr-ing February 21, 1978. PETITION R-77-24-C BY CCMcB RESTAURANT THEMES, INC. REQUESTING REZONING FRO~I "R1'-1-1" TO "GRC" FOR PART OF SECTION 34, T49S, R25E, ON GOODLETTE ROAD - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING FEBRUARY 2l, 1978 Commissioner Wcnzcl moved, scconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously, that Petition R-77-24-C by petitioner CCMcD Restaurant Themes, Inc., rcqucsting rezoning from "RM-l" Residential Multiple to "GRC" Gencral Retail Commercial for part of Section 34, Township 49 South, Range 2S East, on Goodlette Road, south of the entrance of Goodlette Arms Apartments, be advertised for public hearing Fcbr-uary 21, 1978. PETITION V-78-I-I BY RALPH W. TAYLOR REQUESTING A VARIANCE FROM HEAR YA)<D SETB,\CK TO PERl-lIT CONSTRUCTION OF A FURNITURE WAREHOUSE ON LOT 12, BLOCK B, CARSON'S ADDITION SUBDIVISION IN IMMOKALEE - I\DVERTISING AUTIIORI7.ED POH PUDLIC HEARING FEBRUARY 21, 1978 Commissioner W(!nzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carrie~ unanimously, that Petition V-78-1-I by Ralph W. Taylor r-equesting a variance from the rear yard setback of 20' to 6' to lJunnlt construction of a 20' x 60' furniture warehouse on Lot 12, Block B, Carson's Addition Subdivision in Immokalee, be advertised for public hearing February 21, 1978. CREATION OF ~~ITAKER ROAD PAVING DISTRICT FROM COUNTY BARN ROAD TO YOUTH HAVEN - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING JANUARY 31, 1978 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously, that the creation of the Whitaker Road Paving District from County Barn Road to Youth Haven 12700 feet), be ad- vertised for public hearing January 31, 1978. January 10, 197a REQUEST FOR CREATION OF SHORES AVENUE ROAD IMPROVENENT DISTRICT _ ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING JANUARY 31, 1978 CommiJzioncr Wcnzcl ~ov~d, scconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously, that the creation of Shores Avenue Road Im- provement District be advertised for public hearing January 31, 1978. RESOLUTION R-7a-3 RE PETITION SNR-77-8-C BY NANCY DUBINSKY REQUESTING A STREET NAME FOR ROAD SOUTH OFF 8TH AVENUE, S.W., ALONG THE WEST SIDE OF THE CANAL IN SECTIONS 7 AND la, T49S, R26E - ADOPTED; STREET NJ\ME DESIGNATED AS PET RANCH ROAD Ms. Lee Layne, Planning Department, advised that Petition SNR-77-8-C is a request by Nancy Dubinsky for the designation of a street name for a road running south off 8th Avenue, S.W., along the west side of the canal, in Sections 7 and 18, Township 49 South, Range 26 East, in Golden Gate Estates. The name for the street is proposed to be Pet Ranch Road, said Ms. Layne, and the naming of the road will help with identification for mail and emergency services. It was noted that the pctitioner maintains the present road and will continue to do so. Commissioner Ar-cher moved, seconded by Co~~issioner Pistor and unanimously carried, that Resolution R-78-3 re Petition SNR- 77-B-C by Nancy Dubinsky requesting a street name for a road running south off 8th Avenuc, S.W., along the west side of the canal, in Sections 7 and la, T49S, R26E, in Golden Gate Estates, said designa- tion to bc Pet Run:h Road, be adopted. 11 5 bk 4 0 . January 10, 1978 PETITION SMP-76-1-C BY LELY COUNTRY CLUB REQUESTING AN EXTENSION OF TIME FOR SUBDIVISION MASTER PLAN APPROVAL FOR PARTS OF SECTIONS 19, 20, AND 21, T50S, R26E, GO~F COURSE AREA - EXTENSION GRANTED UNTIL SEPTEMBER 14, 1978 Commissioner Pistor moved, fieconded by Commissioner Archer and unanimously carried, that the extension of time for presenta- tion of Subdivision Master Plan for parts of Sections 19, 20 and 21, Township 50 South, Range 26 East, Golf Course Area, as requested by Lely Country Club, Petition SMP-76-1-C, be granted, as recom- mended by staff, said extension to be effective until September 14, 1978. CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT BETWEEN SFWMD AND BCC WHEREDY SFWMD WILL CONTRIBUTE CERTAIN FUNDS TO THE COUNTY TO AID IN ITS STUDIES OF TilE GOLDEN GATE REDEVELOPMENT County Attorney Pickworth advised that the South Florida Water Management District has agreed to contribute a grant-in-aid to Collier County up to the amount of $25,000 per year to be used by the County in its efforts to do studies and other activities regard- ing the redevelopment of Golden Gate Estates in solving water-manage- ment problems and other related problems. Con~issioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commiosioner Brown and carried unanimously, that the agreement between the South Florida Water Management District and the County, as outlined by Mr. Pick- worth be approved, and that the Chairman be authorized to sign same. . * * * * . * * . * * 117 bk 40 * 120 bk 40 J<'lnllo'lry 1 (), 197A CIIAIRMAN AUTHORIZED OFFICe, THE Clry OF COST OF AN ASSISTANT lIND CITY ORDINANCES TO EXECUTE AGREEI1ENT BETWEEN TilE STATE ATTORNEY I S NAPLES, A;~D TilE COUNTY, FOR JOINTLY SHARING THE STATE ATTORNEY TO PROSECUTE VIOLATIONS OF COUNTY County Attorney Pickwor-th explained that the Florida Statutes now allow counties and cities to fund salaries for Assistant State Attorneys for the purpose of prosecuting municipal and/or county ordinances. lip s.:lid that he h.-:lG met with the City Attorney and representatives of the State Attorney's office and tho result was the proposal to enter into an agreement with the City and the County, and the State Attorney's office whereby a position would be funded and the City and the County would split thG cost of the position. Mr. Pickworth outlined the details of the proposed agreement including the County's shar~ of tho cost, and the like. Following brief discussion, Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that the Chairman be authorized to execute the Agreement between the State Attorney's Office, the City of Naples, and the County, for jointly sharing the costs of an Assistant State Attorney to prosecute violations of County and/or City ordinances. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. January 10, 1978 STATE-APPROVED UPDATED NATUML DISASTER PLAN - APPROVED; CHAIRMAN AUTIIORI7.ED TO EXECUTE SAME Chief ~eputy Clerk/FiJc~l Officer Harold Hall stated that the revised Natural Disastor Plan has been submitted through Civil Defense and updates some of the standard procedures. He said that he has reviewed the Plan, that everything is in order, and is ready for Board approval. It was his recommendation that the Chair- man he authorized to sign same. Deputy Chief Raymond Barnett requested that a change be made on Page 4 of tho Plan, Section III, Paragraph A-4, Sheriff, said Action and/or Responsibility to read: "Provide police protection for persons or propor-ty." There were no objections to the requested chango. Commissioner Archor movod, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and unanimously carried, that the State-Approved Updated Natural Disaster Plan, reflecting the above-mentioned change, be approved, and that the Chairman be authorized to execute same. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 123 ble 40 .. 132 uk. 40 January 10, 1978 AGREEMENTS WITH DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TRANSFERRING MAINTENANCE OF SECONDARY RvADS '1'0 TilE CO-:NTY - CONTINUED Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner ?i~tor and carried unanimously, that the matter of the agreements with the Department of Transportation transferring the maintenance of County secondary roads to the County be continued, as requested by the Utility Director. RESOLUTION R-78-S FOR APPROVAL OF LElIA GRANT FOR CONTINUANCE OF YOUTH GUIDANCE ASSISTA~T DIRECTOR'S POSITION REQUESTED BY YOUTH GUIDANCE VOLUNTEER PROGRAN DIRECTOR - ADOPTED Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer absent at the time of the vote, that Resolution R-78-5 re approval of LElIA Grant for continuance of the pcsition of Youth Guidance Assistant Director for the period March 1, 1978 through February 28, 1979, as requested by the Youth Guidanco Volunteer pr.ogram Director, be adopted, as recommended by Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer Harold 111'111. Mr. lIall explained that the match money needed for the grant is $1,554, a relatively small amount when compared to the total bud- get of the operation, adding that the match funds were included in the current budget. . . . . . . . . * * * * 138 bk 40 ,Tl"lnl1;lry 1 0, 1978 LETTER OF INTENT TO APPLY FOR CONTINUED LEAA GRANT FUNDING FOR POSI- TION OF YOU':'H GUIDANCE AS:~ISTANT DIRECTOR FOR FISCAL YEAR 1979 AS REQUESTED BY YOUTH GUIDANCE VOLUNTEER PROGRAM DIRECTOR - APPROVED FOR CIIAIRHAN'S SIGNATURE Commissioner Archcr moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that thc Chairm1\n be authorized to sign the Letter of Intent to apply for continued LEAA Grant Funding for the position of Youth Guidance Assis- tant Director of Fiscal Year 1979, as requested by the Youth Gui- dance Volunteer Director, and recommended by Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer Harold Hall. The motion carried 4/1 with Commissioner Wenzel voting in opposition. In response to Commissioner Pistor, Mr. Hnll said the amount of Local Match will be $973 and will be included in the next fiscal year's budget. Commis5ioner Archer inquired of Project Director Kathleen Manz if there are occasions when certain students from the high school are brought in to observe situations which she faces each day with the Youth Guidance Programs. Mrs. Manz explained the programs being implemented which, she said, are working well. . . . . . . . . . . . . " . Janu~ry 10, 1978 REDUCTION OF CONSTRUCTION SURETY BOND FOR GLADES SUBDIVISION UNITS 1 AND 2 - CONTINUED Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried by unanimous vote, that the matter of the approval of a reduction of the Construction Surety Bond Amount for the Glades Subdivision Units One and Two, be continued, as requested by Utility Director Irving Berzon. Mr. Berzon explained that one of the documents necessary to complete the matter has not been presented. RESOLUTION R-78-1 AUTHORIZING COLLIER COUNTY TO PROVIDE FOR AND/OR PAY FOR THE DEFENSE OF ANY COUNTY OFFICER, AGENT OR EMPLOYEE IN ANY CIVIL OR CRIMINAL SUIT ARISING OUT OF THE PERFORMANCE OF HIS DUTIES ADOPTED Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and c~r-rled unanimously, that Resolution R-78-1 authorizing Collier County to provide for and/or pay for the defense of any County Officer, Agent or Employee in any civil or criminal suit arising out of the performance of his duties he adopted. County Attorney Pick- worth pointed out that the proposed resolution was reviewed and discussed during tho provious day's Work Shop Session. Mr. M~ke Zewalk, North Naples Civic Association, requested more information on the matter and was provided with a copy of the resolu- tion. * * * * * * * * * * * 141 bk 40 * 144 uk 40 ,i'lnll/lry 10, 1970 AUTHORIZATION TO EXPAND THE UTILITY DIVISION'S RESPONSIDILITIES TO INCLUDE AI.., WJ\TER MANAGF'1ENT ACTIVITIES - APPROVED, AS OUTLINED DY TilE UTILITY DIRECTOR Utility Director Irving Berzon stated that he is requesting that the Doard authorize the expansion of the Utility Division's responsibilities to include nIl water management activities. Mr. Derzon referred to the material previously furnished the Commissioners for their review nnci consider-ation, stating that the responsibilities of the Utility Division would be as follows: 1) The develop~ent ~nd opeation of water and Ge~er utility systems require the close coordination and prope~ management of all wnter resources. 2) Comprehensive water reGource management includes the proper utilization of surface and ground water flows and withdrawals, the conservation of water resources and the protection of the quality of these resources. 3) The re~ponsibility for water management activities includes staff advisor to the Hater Nanagement Advisory Board, preparation of annual budgets for the various water nanagement districts, County liason with State and Federal regulatory agencies, engineering review and administration of engineering projects and the issuance of construction per~its for water wells. II) The County Lnr,ineer and his staff should continue.to be responsible for the review of site drainage plans for subdivision! rezone applications, and other develop~ents including residenti~l commercial and industrial building sites. Mr. Berzon requested that a further consideration be given to designating th~ Utility Director as a member of the Subdivision Review Committee, as permitted under the Subdivision Regulations. There were no objections voiced and the request by Mr. Berzon was granted. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried by unanimous vote, that the Utility Division Responsibilities be expanded to include the items noted above, as recommended by the Utility Director. January 10, 1978 PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING REPORT RE WILLOUGHDY ACRES WATER SYSTEM - APPROVED, AS OUTLINED BY CONSULTING ENGINEER; PREPARATION OF ASSESS- MENT ROLL - OEFERRED Utility Director Irving Berzon requested that the Preliminary Engineering Report for the Willoughby Acres Potable Water System, being presented for appr-ova1, be accepted.; however, ho asked that tho authorization for the preparation of the preliminary assessment roll be deferred due to problems rccently uncovered regarding the recreation of the Distr-ict as a whole, noting that the Willoughby Acres District would actually be part of that District. Mr. Berzon observed that such deferment will not cause a lengthy delay since, in his opinion, the matter can probably be resolved in the next two weeks - possibly sooner. Commissioncr- PiAtar inquired if everyone in the area will be r-cquircd to hook up once the line goes in with Mr. Berzon stating that a definite answer cannot be given at this time; adding that he is unsure as to whethcr an or-dinance has ever been passed re- quiring mandatory hookup for water. If not, Mr. Berzon said, pos5ibly an ordinance to this effect should be considercd; ~ther- wise, a system is not economically viable. He said, in response to CommisAioner Wenzel, that there may bc some areas where a public water supply is available and, if a mandatory hookup has not been decrced by the Health Departmcnt, or otherwise, there are potential users not hooked into the system. Mr. Witt, area resident, noted that there are names included in the petition whose propcrties arc not included on the map of the system boundaries. Mr. Thomas Peck, Consulting Engineer for th~ project, explained the boundaries included in the Report, stating that thcre ilre four- Areas within the gcncral area of the Subdivision which are not part of the plattcd Subdivision and which are recom- mented for inclusion in the project, including thc locations referred to by Mr. Witt. Thcrc is a fifth area, said Mr. Peck, which he located *Complctc Report on filc in Clerk's office 145 bk 40 146 bk 40 January 10, 1978 on the exhibit displnyed, which is west of the Willoughby Acres Subdivision, cast of Palm River, and which could be served if ease- mcnts can be obtained. Mr. Peek said that the project seems to be straightforward and workable. The assessment is estimated to be $10.00 per- front foot, he said, adding that the preliminary report on the sanitary scwer collection system will be presented the fo11ow- ing day for review by the Commissioners, following which a decision can be made as to whcther or not it should be a dual project or inde- pendent projects. Mr. Peck stated that the inclusion of the fifth area, responding to Mr. Berzon's inquiry, should lower the cost of the project since the line h~R to be constructed whether or not the properties are in- eluded, noting that if they are included, it will add an additional 1200 or 1300 feet of additional assessable distance which would lower the individual unit cost. Mr. Peel< said that if the water system is done independently of the sewer sYfitem, the actual diggi.ng of the ground could start within 120 days, detailing the sequence of events which are necessary prior thereto. Commissioner Pistor moved for acceptance of the Preliminary Engineering Report on the Willoughby Acres Potable Water System and that the four sections not included in the plat of the Subdivision be included, plus the fifth section mentioned by Mr. Peek. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously. Commissioner Pistor requested that the idea of compulsory hOOKUp be pur~ued. CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS RE OPTION FOR PROCUREMENT OF LAND FOR IMMOKALEE SEWER PLANT SITE - I YEAR AGREE- MENT AT $165,000 IHTII $1,650 NON-REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT Utility Director Irving Berzon noted that the option held by the County for the purchase of land for the Immokalee Sewer Plant will expirc shortly and that there are three alternativcs available for the Board to consider in this regard. January 10, 1978 1). Enter into a neH 1 year ner-Clol:1ent with the ownprn :It: the quoted price of $165,000 (increased $15,000) with $1,650 ;J."- deposit. I('J"..Jd(~ 2). Have the Immokalee Se~yer District purchase the land with funds obtained with a $150,000 tax anticipation note at 57., or less, If the Sewer Bonds aten't validated and sold by August, 1978, the Im:nokil1ee SCHer District could levy a 5.0 mill tax to re- pay the 10:ln and $7,500 interest, 3). !lave the General Fund purchase the land ",ith funds obtained with II .general obli!j:ttion note. (5";', or less) If the SCHer Bonds cren't validated and sold by August, 1978, county wide taxes could be increased to repay the loan and $7,500 interest. The General Fund I-,'ould then hold the property nnd later "sell" it to the Immokalce Se\.Jer District with interest. Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer Harold Hall reviewed th~ afore- mentioned alternatives and stated that Alternative 1 is deemed to be the most satisfactory, said Alternative being to enter into a new one-year agreement with the owners of the land at the quoted price of $165,000 with $1,650 non-refundable deposit. Mr. Berzon explained why the proposed Alternative is being recom- mend~d over the other- two, stating that there are both financial and legal red80ns involved. County Attorney pickworth observed that it will probably be a long time before bonds can be validated in Imrnokalce. referr-ing to the legal problems in the North Naples area r~garding wator-/sewer. Commissioner Archer added to Mr. Pick- worth's comm~nt by stating that the efforts being made to slow down and jeopardizo the completion of the funding for that project will cost the users of North Naples District considerably more money. Mr. Hall pointed out that since there has been a delay in ob- tnining the gr1\nt in Sewer District "A" which would have paid a sub- stantial portion of the construction loan, the users will continue to pay an additionnl interest cost of $600 or $700 per day which will be eliminated by the grant, when it is obtained. 147 bk 40 14A hk 40 January 10, 1978 Following discussion, Commissioner ^rcher summarized by stating that what the Board will be doing in approving ^lternative 1 is spending $1,650 to hold on to the property at the increased price of $165,000 ($15,000 over the current option price of $150,000) for ono more year, thus making sure that the property does not inflate more than 10\. lie moved for the acceptance of Alternative 1 to commit for a continued year, with a payment of $1,650 non-refundable, at the increased price of $165,000 for the property for the Immokalee Sewer Plant Site, and that the Chairman be authorized to sign tho necessary documents. Commissioner Pistor seconded the motion which carried by unanimous vote. *Agreement not prepared as of this date. . * * * * * * * * * * * * . January 10, 1~7a RESOLUTION R-7a-2 RE POLICY BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA CONCERNING THE COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT - ~DOPTED County Attorney Pickworth explained that Rcsolution R-7a-2 is a statement of the policy to be followed by the Board in the recreati of the County Water-Sewer District, which was discussed in the previa day's Work Shop Session. Mr. Pickworth read the paragraphs in the Resolution pertaining to the policy of the Board, fOllowing which Commissioner Pistor movec seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously, that the following rcsolution be adopted. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 149 bk 40 * 152 bk 40 January 10, 197R PROPOSED ORDTNANCr. RECRElITING SEWER SERVICE ARElI "lI" - TO BE RE- DRAF'''ED BY COIlNTY 1\TTORNEY; 1\DV:::RTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEAR- ING - FEBRUARY 7, 1978 County Attorney Pickworth stated that he wished to redraft the proposed ordinance to recreate Sewer Service Area "A" to reflect the policy of the Board in this regard, following which a public hearing could be held, and suggested that February 7, 1978 be tenta- tive1y scheduled for the public hearing. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried by unanimous vote, that the proposed ordinance outlined above be redrafted, as requested by the County Attorney, and that advertising be authorized for public hearing. to be February 7, 1978) (Later determined BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 78-21 TO SET UP BUDGET UNDER GIFTS AND GRANTS FOR NlIPLES WILDERNESS lILTERNATIVE PROJECT - lIDOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $21,373 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried by unanimous vote, that Dudget Amendment No. 78-21 to set up budget under Gifts and Grants for Naples Wilderness Alternative Project be adopted in the amount of $21,373. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ROUTINE BILLS - AUTHORIZED FOR PAYMENT January 10, 1978 Followir.] Fiscal Offl.;er ""rold Hall's advice that the bills being presented for approval of payment have been processed fo11ow- ing established proccduren, and that funds are available, Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that the bills be approved for payment as witnessed by the following warrants iRsued from December 20, 1977 through January 3, 1978 (when 1978: Board was in recess), and from January 4, 1978 through January 10, FUND Gencral Fund (Manual) Road & Dridgc Interest' Sinking Goldcn Gatc I , S Col. County Firc District Immoka1ee Water/Sewer Special MSTD's Col. County Lighting Sewer District "A" 0 & M Marco Water & Sewer Victoria Park Drainage Fcdcral Revenue Sharing Col. County Water/Sewer Aquatic Wpp.d Improvement Revenue Certific1\te Improvement Trust Golden Gate Firc Hendcrson Creek Fire Ochopee Fire District CETA Sewer District "A" Construction Kelly Road Watcr Wator M~n~gcmcnt Sewer District "A" Assessments Sewer District "A" Revenue Special Road AsseSRments Col. County Water/Sewer utility Di. Municipal Service Taxing District Anti-Recession/Federal Revenue Sharg. Grants & Gifts Captia1 Improvement Revenuc Certif. Immokalee Lighting Gencral Fund BCC payr-oll WARRANT NOS. 8 - 12 6 - 9 5 2 - 3 3 - ~ 2 4 2 - J 1 - 2 2 - 3 1 2 - 3 1,2,3 1 - 2 3 - 4 5 - 6 2 - 3 1 3 - 4 5 - 6 314 - 315 3 5 - 6 34 - 37 7 - 8 2 - 3 1 5 3 3 - 5 3 1 1543 - 1962 36965 - 37674 APPOINTMENTS TO EMS COUNCIL: MESSRS. RAYMOND BARNETT, WAYNE MARTIN AND JOHN WOOD - REAPPOINTED; MRS. NANCY HOVLAND APPOINTED CONSUMER/ PROFESSIONAL; MARVIN CECIL APPOINTED HOSPITAL REPRESENTATIVE; CHAIR- MAN AUTHORIZED TO WRITE LETTER OF APPRECIATION TO DR. BRIGGS FOR SERVICE ON THE COUNCIL Commissioncr- Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and 155 bk 40 carried unanimously, that the following appointments and/or reappoint- ~. 156 bk 40 Jantll.'lry 10, 1979 ments be milCJc to the F.merqcncy Medical Servicel'\ Council, as rccom- mended by staff, and that the Chairman be authorized to sign letter of appreciation to Dr. John Briggs for his service on the Council: Deputy Chief Raymond Barnett - Reappointed - Law Enforcement Wayne Martin - Reappointed - Emergency Rescue Representative John R. Wood - Reappointed - Alternate Hrs. Nancy Hovland - New Appointment - Consumer/Professional Marvin Cecil - New Appointment - Naples Community Hospital Representative APPOINTMENTS TO EAC: MRS. KATHRYN REISER - R.EAPPOINTED TO 4-YEAR TERM; WHEATON DRAFT - REAPPOINTED TO ONE-YEAR TERM; MIKE TAYLOR - APPOINTED TO 4-YEAR TERM Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and unanimously carried, that the following persons b~ appointed and/or reappointed to the Enviromental Advisory Council, as recommended by stllff: Mrs. Kathryn Reiser - Reappointed to four-year term Wheaton Kraft - Reappointed for one-year term Mi~e Taylor - New Appointment - four-year term REAPPOINTMENTS TO OCHOPEE FIRE CONTROL DISTRICT: MR. RAY CARROLL AND MRS. EVELYN SHEALY Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Co~nissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that Hr. Ray Carroll and Mrs. Evelyn Shealy be reappointed to the Ochopee Fire Control District for additional two-year terms, retroactive to January 1, 1978, and to expire December 31, 1979, dS recommended by staff. REAPPOINTMENTS TO ISLES OF CAPRI FIRE CONTROL DISTRICT: MESSRS. GEORGE FREIJE AND RICHARD SKIDMORE Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that Messrs. George Freije and Richard Skid- more be reappointed to the Isles of Capri Fire Control District for additional two-year terms, retroactive to January 1, 1978, and to expire December 31, 1979, as recommended by staff. APPOINTMENTS AND/OR REAPPOINTMENTS TO THE GOLDEN GATE FIRE CONTROL DISTRICT - DEFERRED FOR TWO-WEEK PERIOD Commissioner Archer asked that appointments and/or reappoint- ments to the Golden Gate Fire Control District be deferred for a JanU<lry la, 1978 period of two weeks to per-mit him to meet with the applicants and mem~ers of t:.e District tc... difl'::uss the reappointments and the new applicants. There were no objections voiced to the request. Commissioner Archer moved that the present members of the Golden Gate Fire Control Distr.ict be continued for a two-week periOd and that the subject of appointments and/or reappointments to the District be continued. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously. APPOINTMENTS TO GOLDEN GATE COMMUNITY CENTER ADVISORY CO:'IHITTEE: MR. ARTHUR KAPLAN REAPPOINTED; MR. HERBERT FOLL APPOINTED TO FULL MEMBER; MR. ROBERT MANKOWSKI AND HRS. BIRNEY MILLER APPOINTED ALTERNATES Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel, that Mr-. Arthur Kaplan be reappointed to a two-year term, Mrs. Birney Miller be appointed to a two-year term, and Mr. Robert Mankowski be appointed alternate member. Mr. Herbert FoIl stated that he is presently serving as an alternatc on the Committee, svggesting that it would be in order to ask the alternatc mcmber if he chooses to scrve as a regular member. Commissione~ Wenzel stated that to move an alternate up to regular membership on a committce is the normal procedure and that he would vote no other way. Commissioner Archer withdrew his motion and Commissioner Wenzel his seconding, and, having ascertained that Mr. Kaplan desires to serve on the Committee, Commissioner Archer moved that the Board reappoint Mr. Arthur Kaplan to a two-yedr term, appoint Hr. Herbert Foll, present alternate, to a two-year term, and appoint rot':. Robert rolankowski and Mrs. Birney roliller as alternate members, on the Golden Gate Community Ccnter Advisory Committee. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried by unanimous vote. 157 bk 40 158 bk 40 January 10, 1979 REAPPOINTMENTS TO PARKS & RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD: MESSRS. CHRIS BLUNT ~ND nOBDY FOWLER REAPPUINTE~ TO TWO-YEAR TERMS Commissioncr pistor moved, seconded by Commissioncr Archer and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Brown absent at the time of the vote, that Messrs. Chris Blunt and Bobby Fowler be reappointed to the Parks , Recreation Advisory Board for two-year terms expiring December 31, 1979, as recommended by staff. RESOLUTION R-78-7 RESCINDING PREVIOUS BOARD ACTION APPOINTING AND AUTHORIZ1NG A SPECIFIC INDIVIDUAL TO EXECUTE APPLICATIONS AND OTHER DOCUMENTS - ADOPTED Following the reading of the proposed resolution by Adrninistra- tive Aide to the Board Mary Morgan, Commissioner Archer moved that Resolution R-78-7 Rescinding Previous Board Action Appointing and Authorizing a Specific Indiv~dual to Execute Applications and other Documents, be adopted. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/1 with Cummissioner Wenzel voting contrary. . . . . * . . * . . . * . * * lGO Dk 40 January 10, 197e CIVIL DEFENSr. DIRECTOR AU~IIORIZED TO ATTEND FLORIDA ENERGY CON- FERGNCE IN LAKE BUENA VISTA, rLORIDA, ON JANUARY 11 - 13, 1978 Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan recalled that in Novcmbcr the Board received information regarding the Florida Energy Conference, sponsored by the Florida State Energy Office and the Florida League of Women Voters, to be held in LaKe Buena Vista, Florida, on January 11 - 13, 1978. She noted that Civil Defense Director William Walker was selected approximately a year ago by the Board to represent them at such meetings involving energy and that authorization is being requested for Mr. Walker to travel to the aforesaid Conference, if the Board so desires. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that Mr. Walker be authorized travel to attend the Florida Energy Con- fcrcnce in Lake Buena Vista, Florida, to be held January 11 - )~, 1978, t:ovcling on Wednesday, January 11, 1978. Discussion followed concerning whether or not Mr. Walker was the proper person to be the County's representative with Commissioner Archer ob~crvinq that, if he is not, there should be someone appointed to attend the important sessions of the Conference, particularly those to be held on Thursd~y and Friday, January 12 and 13, 1978. Upon call for the question, the motion carried by unanimous voto. Chairman WimeL directed that the subject regarding representation be brought up for discussion at a later date. BOARD ACCEPTS DER PERMIT NO. DO 11-4842 FOR THE OPERATION OF A POLLUTION SOURCE AT TilE IMMOKALZE ADMINISTRATIVE AND COURTS BUILDING, WITH ACCOMPANYING CONDITIONS Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by commissioner Archer and carried unanimously, that the Board accept DER Permit No. DO 11-4842, dated December 20, 1977, for the operation of a pollution source at the Immokalee Administrative and Courts Building, with the accom- panying conditions. (Copy of same sent to Superintendent of Main- tenancc, and to IN Environmental, Inc.) IG2 uk 40 January 10, 1976 DR. NENO SPAGNA AND/OR COMMISSIONER AUTHORIZED TO ATTEND PUBLIC WOR~ SHOP RE COASTAL CONSTRUC110N IN TALLAHASSEE FEBRUARY 9, 1978 Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried by unanimous vote, that Dr. Nano Spagna and/or one or more Commissioners bc authorized to attend the public workshop to be conducted by the Department of Natural Resources, in Tallahassee, Florida, February 9, 1978, rcgarding co~stal construction, as recom- mended by staff. EMPLOYEE CANUTO LIBRON (ROAD AND BRIDGE) GRANTED LEAVE OF ABSENCE FROM DECEMBER 29, 1977 TO JANUARY 27, 1978 FOR TRAVEL Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that Road and Bridge employee Canuto Libron be granted a leave of absence from December 29, 1977 to January 27, 1970 for the purpose of travel to Puerto Rico, ~A rpcommended by staff. CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AMENDMENT NO. 7 TO GULF LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY CONTRACT CONFIRMING PREVIOUS BOARD ACTION OF NOVEMBER 29, 1977 Commis5ioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner W~nzel and carried unanimously, that the Chairman be authorized to sign Amend- ment No. 7 to thn Gulf Life Insurance Company Cont4act, confirming previous Board action of November 29, 1977. * * * * * * * * * January 10, 1978 CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN CERTIFICATES FOR CORRECTION TO THE 1975 AND 1976 TAX ROLLS Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Plstor and carried unanimously, that the following Certificates for Cor- rcction on the Tax Rolls be approved, and that the Chairman be autho- rized to sign S1\me: NOS. DATED 1975 Personal Property 73-75 74-75 75-75 12/29/77 12/29/77 12/29/77 12/29/77 12/29/77 12/29/77 1976 Personal Property 82-76 83-76 134-76 DOARD GRANTS APPROVAL TO CITY OF NAPLES FOR USE OF 36 VOTING MACHINES, AND USE OF BOARDROOM ON JANUARY ~5, 1978 FOR POLL WORKERS SCHOOL Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carr.ied by unanimous vote, that permission be gr~ntedto the City of Naples for the use of 36 voting machines, and the use of the Board- room on January 25, 1978, as requested in letter dated January 5, 1978 to Supervisor of Elections. COHMISSIONER ARCHER AUTHORIZED TRAVEL TO TALLAHASSEE JANUARY 16, 1978 TO ATTEND MEETING OF SACC WAYS & MEANS CO~~lITTEE Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that Commissioner Archer, Member of Ways & Means Committee, State Association of County Commissioners of Florida, be authorized travel to Tallahassee January 16, 1978 for the purpose of attending a meeting of said Committee. CHAIRHIIN \o/HIER AUTHORIZED TRAVEL TO TN-IPA TO ATTEND MEETING OF SACC ENVIRONHENTAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE TO BE HELD JANUARY 13, 1978 Commissioner Pistor moved, ~econded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that Chairmlln Wimer, Member Committee on Environ- mental Resources, State Association of County Commissioners, be autho- rizcd travel to Tampa on January 13, 1978 for the purpose of attend- ing a meeting of said Committee. 167 bk 40 168 bk. 40 January 10, 1978 RESIGNA'fION OF DONALD BARBER, CHAIRMJ\N, CONTRACTORS I LICENSING BOARD - ACCEPTF.:D; CIIArr~\AN AUTIIORIZl::~ TO 3IGN APPROPRIATE LETTER OF APPRECIATION Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that the Board accept the resignation of Donald Barber, Chairman of the Contractors' Licensing Board, and that the Chairman be authorized to sign an appropriate letter of appreciation. CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN, AFTER-THE-FACT, LETTER TO JACKSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL DETEP~INING INELIGIBILITY FOR JUAN MIGUEL RAMIREZ UNDER TilE SB-875 HELATH RESPONSIBILITY ACT Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that the Chairman be authorized to sign, after- the-fact, a letter to Jackson Memorial Hospital determining ineligi- bility for Juan Niguel Ramirez under tho SB-875 Health Responsibility Act. MRS. MlIRTIIA SKINNER, OR DIRECTOR OF SOCIAL SERVICES, AUTHORIZED TO SIGN APPROPRIATE LETTERS STATING THAT CERTAIN PERSON(S) ARE NOT ELIGIIlLE AS INDIGENTS UNDER SB-875 IIEALTH CARE RESPONSIBILITY ACT Commissioner Archer moved, seconded hy Commissioner pistor and carried 4/1 with Commissioner Wenzel voting in the negative, that Mrs. Martha Skinner, or the Director of Social Scrvices, be autho- rized to sign appropriate letters stating that certain pcrson(s) are not eligible as indigcnts under SB-875 Health Care Responsibility Act, as recommended by staff in memorandum to tioard dated December 27,1977. CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN, AFTER-THE-fACT, LETTER TO BUREAU OF OUTDOOR RECREATION AND PRE-APPLICATION FOR ASSISTANCE RE BIKEWAY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (RAILROAD REVITALIZATION AND REGULATORY REFORM ACT OF 1976) Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried by unanimous vote, that the Chairman be authorized to sign, after-the-fact, a letter dated December 28, 1977 to Bureau of Out- door Recreation, and pre-Application for Assistance re Bikeway De- velopment Program under the Railroad Revitalization and Regulatory Reform Act of 1976 (Title VIII, Section 809 (B) (2) and (3)). 170 bk 40 January 10, 1978 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * NOTE: CommisRioners Browll and Wenzel left the meeting at 12:10 P.M. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN, AFTER-THE-FACT, PROCLAMATION BY THE NAPLES JAYCEES PROCLAIMING JANUARY, 1978, SENIOR CITIZENS MONTH Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 3/0 with Commissioners Brown and Wenzel absent at the time of the vote, that the Vice-Ch~irrnan be authorized to sign, after-thA- fact, a proclamation by the Naples Jaycees proclaiming January, 1978, Senior Citizens Month. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 172 bk 40 Jnnuary 10, 1978 CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN, AFTER-THE-FACT, ADDENDUM t3 TO THE COOPERATIVE F''lUIPMENT LEACI'; BETWEEN TilE STATE AND COLLIER COUNTY, FOR THE OCIIOPEE FIRE CONTROL DiSTRICT, FOR 1954 DODGE TRUCK Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 3/0 with Commissioners Wenzel and Brown absent at the time of the vote, that the Vice-Chairman be authorized to sign, after-tho-fact, Addendum *3 to Cooperative Equipment Lease between the State of Florida, Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Forestry and the Collier Board of County Commissioners for the following equipment to be used by the Ochopee Fire Control District: 1954 Dodge, 4X4, M-37 SN' 802-59267 - John Bean Pump and Tank Spray Unit (Division I.D. '19352) * * * * * * . * * . * . * . . * . 174 bk 40 January 10, 1978 CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN DEEDS NOS. 155 AND 156 - LAKE TRAFFORD MEMOqIAL GARC~NS Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 3/0 with Commissioners Brown and Wenzel absent at the time of the vote, that the Chairman be authorized to sign Lake Trafford Memorial Gardens Deeds Nos. 155 and 156. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * January 10, 1978 CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN VARIOUS DEEDS TO LAKE TRAFFORD MEMORIAL GARDENS CEMETERY LOTS AS THE NEED ARISES, DULY-SIGNED COPIES OF SAME TO DE FILED FOR TilE RECOPD WITII THE CLERK TO TilE BOARD Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 3/0 with Commissioners Wenzel and Brown absent at the time of the vote, that the Chairman be authorized to sign various deeds to Lake Trafford Memorial Gardens Cemetery lots as the need arises, duly-signed copies of same to be filed for the record with the Clerk to the Board. RENEWAL OF GUN PERMITS FOR A. P. AYERS, ARTHUR AYERS, AND COMMISSIONER WENZEL - GRANTED Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 3/0 with Commissioners Wenzel and Brown absent at the time of the vote, that License to Carry Firearms be renewed, as follows: 78-2 Arthur Ayers Colt Det. Special Serial 'M33650 32 Ca1. Automatic Topilla .9433 Dreyse Serial .17668 Tital Model E-27B Serial '143584 Permit '78-1 A. P. Ayers 78-3 Clif.ford Wenzel It was noted that the permits are for the periOd Janua~y 10, 1978 to January 10, 1980. * * * * * * * * * * * * 177 bk 40 * January 10, 1978 PAYMENT OF BACK PAY FOR FORMER ENPLOYEE TONY ASCOLESE - AUTHORIZED, PENDING CLARIFICATION RE WITHHOLDING TAXES, AND RECEIPT OF FORMAL AUTHORIZATION DIRECTING THE Pl\YNEST, SIGNED BY THE INDIVIDUAL AND illS ATTORNEl Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 3/0 with Commissioners Nenzel and Brown absent at the time of the vote, that payment of back pay for reinstatement of former Building Department employee Tony Ascolese be authorized, pending clnrlflcAtion with regard to withholding taxes, and receipt of formal authorization directing the payment, signed by the individual and his attorney, as outlined by County Attorney pickworth in his memorandum dated January 6, 1978. DOARD AUTHORIZES INSTALLATION OF FACILITY FOR pr~CEMENT OF OXYG~~ TANKS AT TilE IMMOKALEE HEALTH CARE CENTER, BY COUNTY PERSONNEL, FOR THE DENEFIT OF PROSPECTIVF. F.MPLOYEE Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 3/0 with Commissioners Wenzel and Brown absent at the time of thc vote, that County Personnel be authorized to install facilities for the plncement of oxygen tanks on the wall of the Immokalee llealth Care Ccnter for thc bcnefit of a prospective Center employee a!flicted with emphyscma, as requested by I~illiam J. Clarke, Center Director, in his letter to the Doard dated January 6, 1978. VARIOUS EASEMENTS RE HlMOKALEE SEIfER PROJECT ACCEPTED AND RECORDED IN THE OFFICIAL RECORDS Pursuant to action taken by the Board on October 25, 1977, wherein the Board approved the acceptance and expenditure of funds for the recording of all Utility Easements related to the Immokalee Sewer Project, Utility Director Irving Berzon submitted the following Utility Easements, same having been recorded in the Official Records: 1. Theodore L. Hager, Jr. and Mozelle N. Hager 2. Daniel G. Rosebough and Carole L. Rosebough 3. John 11. Adams and Ivy V. Adams 4. Saturino Nartincz and Patricia Martinez 5. Edward A. McCarthy, Bishop of the Diocese of Miami 6. Jack A. Queen 7. Gilberto Leal and Simona Leal 8. Shop & Go, Inc. 181 bk 40 January 10, 1978 EXECUTED CONTR1\CT BETWEEN TilE DEPART/>1ENT OF COMMUHITY AFFAIRS AND COUNTY RE PLANNING GRANT IN THE AMOUNT OF $16,000 RECEIVED Adminlstrativc Aide to ~he Board Mary Morgan noted the receipt of an executed contract lauthorized by DCC December 6, 1977) between the Department of Community Affairs and Collier County for a planning grant in the amount of $16,000, adding that the initial warrant for three-fourths of the grant is being processed and will be mailed shortly. PALNER BROADCASTING COMPANY ANNOUNCES 1\ POSSIBLE 2' FEE INCREASE TO CATV SUBSCRIDERS, AS PERMITTED IN FRANCHISE CONTRACT FOR COPYRIGHT LIABILITY LAW, EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1978 Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan advised that Palmer Broadcasting Company has advised in their letter of January 4, 197a that there will be n pOBsJ.ble 2\ fee increase to CATV subscribers due to a revision of the copyright Law for CATV systems effective January 1, 1978. She noted that this was anticipated by the franchise- holder, provision for same having been included in the franchise in Section 6, Paragraph 1I of same. MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED There being no objection, the Chair directed that the following correspondence be filed and/or referred to the various departments as indicated below: 1. Memorilndum from Fiscal Officer dated December 30, 1977 noting the Year End and Special Reports submitted by the Clerk'S Office covering Fiscal Activities under Collier County Commission - filed. 2. Letter dated January 2, 1978 from DouglaR O. McGoon, Jr., protesting the install,:>.tion of board in the Highway 29 canal - xc to Utility Director For WMAB; and filed. 3. Letter dated December 20, 1977 from HRS transmitting copy of the First Quarter Monitoring Report of Home- mRkcrs Service of Collier County - filed. 4. Copy of automobile liability insurance policy, issued December 19, 1977, for 1975 Chevy Vanbulance and 1977 Chevy VlInbulance from lIerman Spooner Agency in Immokalce, re zippo Ambulance - filed. 191 bk 40 January 10, 1978 18. Letter dated December 23, 1977 from Edward A. Feaver, Director, Office of Manpower Planning, transmitting a su~~ry of the b~J~nce of State Title II and VI Grant Modifications as roquired by the CETA Regulations - filed. 19. Letter dated December 20, 1977 from Conrad Karras regis- tering a formal complaint against the ambulance service in the City - xc to Fiscal Officer, with a copy to be kept with the file for time of renewal; filed. 20. Letter dated December 8, 1977 from State Representative Mary Ellen Hawkins acknowledging receipt of the Board's action pertaining to the court-appointed attorney's fees filed. 21. Letter dated December 20, 1977 from William K. Fowler, District Engineer, Florida DOT, enclosing copy of a legal notice re Public Hearing, Collier County State Highway System, to be held January 18, 1978, at 10:00 A.M., in Building "F" Collier County Government Complex - filed. 22. Letter dated December 28, 1977 from Thomas C. Elder pro- testing proposed dock construction, Old folarco Village, No. 63-382, T52S, R26E, Section 5 - xc to Assistant County Engineer; filed. 23. Copy of letter dated December 21, 1977 from Philip R. Edwards, DER, to Charles L. Shumway, Wilderness Country Club, rc Permit No. CS 52-4838 for approval of construction of Sewage Collection/Transmission system - xc to Utility Directorl filed. 24. Notices of PSC hearings re filing of applications for Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity to Operate as a Motor Carrier re Bilmar Transportation, Inc., Hayden's Honded Storage Warehouse, Inc., Juan Betancourt, d/b/a John Moving, Louis Harrison Smith III, Dewhirst Enterprises, Inc., Calvin L. Blansit, d/b/a Ca1 Blansit Dump Truck Service, Carter Sand Company, Inc., Greater Lakeland Moving and Storage, Inc., Mercury Bus Lines, Inc., and Leechase Cvrporation; Amended ~pplication re Samuel R. Snell; and notices of hearings re Docket No. 770937-EU re Tampa Electric Company, and Docket No. 770810-EU re Florida Power and Light Company - filed. . . * * * * * * * * * * * * RECESS: 12:15 P.M. until 1:40 P.M. with three Commissioners present. (Commissioners \-lenzel and Brown arrived at 2:00 P.M.) ENERGY WEATHERIZATION PROJECT BY FLORIDA FARMWORKERS COUNCIL UNDER CETA TITLE VI - APPROVED WITH STIPULATION THAT THE PROJECT BE PRO- PERLY ADMINISTERED; EXPIRATION DATE TO BE NOVEMBER 30, 1978 CETA Administrator James Meerpohl stated that his office has received a request for a weatherization project by the Florida Farm- worAe=~ Council, explaining that the project entails the identifica- tion of houses in the low income areas of Collier County which need 193 bk 40 194 bk 40 January 10, 1978 weatherization and which p~rsons qualify under Community Services Administration stondar-ds for such projects. He said the Council will be employing six people for the project, following which Mr. ~leerpohl introduced Mr. Eugene Gillis, Florida Farmworkers Council, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, for the purpose of explaining the Council's ideas for the project. Mr. Gillis said that with the advent of the previous year's cold weather, the Congress passed several programs regarding energy and weatherization. He said the program consists of conducting certain activities to make some homes more livable and to reduce energy con- sumption by replacing windows, doors, and the like. Mr. Gillis ex- plained that there are no major constructions involved since there are limitations on the monies which can be expended - from $300.00 to $350.00 per house. Mr: Gillis said that CSA provides all of the funds which the Council has to disburse, said funds to be expended for people engaged in agriculture, such as farmworkers or migrants. He said such f~nds are basical~y for materials and that the use of CETA is encouraged for the lahor involved; otherwise, the manpower for the project would have to be contracted for which would reduce the amount which is allotted for each dwelling. Mr. Gillis stated that the request before the Board is to allocate CETA manpower to conduct the weatherization project in Collier County under an agreement with the Council. Discussion followed concerning the qualifications for participa- tion in the project which Mr. Gillis said must meet the CSA poverty index as it relates to farrnworkers and agriculture. He said that rental property can be included; however, the legislation does not encourage renovation of rental property and that the Council has not done any weatherization to rental property. When questioned about how a determination is made regarding income, Mr. Meerpohl stated that it is basically via self-certification. January 10, 1978 Commissioner plstor inquired about the definition of home'base ~s it ref~rs to the State or Florida and how such designation is determined. Mr. Gillis explained that if a person is only in the State for three months then, in his opinion, Florida would not be his home base. lie pointed out that the growing season is nine months in the area, that if a person leaves for the other three months of the year, he is not classified as a migrant, adding that the mobile migrant population has dwindled to a small percentage. Commissioner ^rcher pointed out that in some instances there are workers earning approximately $20.00 per day, $80.00 per day for a family of four, who arc paid in cash and, therefore, have no taxes withheld, and who are eligible for many welfare programs, and questior. why such persons should have their homes repaired as proposed. He said that if hc could be guaranteed that the money will be spent and used for the n~edy, not the gree~y, of the County, he would be more tt willing to votc approval of the CETA project. Mr. Gillis pointed out that under the Weatherization Program senior citizens are the number one priority to he served, following the guidelines regarding income. The matter of supervision and monitoring of the project was brought up for discussion with Mr. Meerpohl advising that the funds will only be expended upon the submission of time sheets from the Council and that there are now provisions in all of ~he CETA contract! that only allows for supervision of CETA workers by a nonsubsidized Collier County resident. lie said that the Florida Farmworkers Councij has a supervisor working in the County who is a direct, non-CETA supported employce for the County. He said that person would be in chargc of the particular program being discussed. Further, said Mr. Meerpohl, a pcrformance clause can be installed and if the contractor does not conform to that clause, the agreement can be terminated. Concerning the dollar figure for the six workers being requested Hr. Meerpohl responded that it would total approximately $31,000 for the period of time involved. 195 bk 40 196 bk 40 January 10, 1978 Discussion followed concerning the mechanics of the program, how the manpower will be utilized, and the like, with Mr. Gillis ex- plnining in detail. Commissioner Archer moved for approval of the assignment of six CETA personnel to the weatherization project provided they Are proporly administered and provided that the contract is terminal with no strings attached that it be continued past November, 1978. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion. Commissioner Archer pointed out that even if there are CSA funds remaining, the project will terminate at the end of the CETA fiscal year which is November of 1978. He said that a reapplication can be sought but that there is no guarantee that it will be approved, adding that the applicant should accomplish as much as possible in the time allotted. He noted that this is being told to all applicants for CETJ\ funds. Commissioner Wenzel commented that he will never vote to spend any Federal, State or local funds on anyone except American citizen3, and that when funds are expended in the migrant areas, he would like the investigators to check the birth certificates or the immigration slips of the people getting Federal funds. He added that he has no objection to spending money to help American citizens if they are citizens and not using false identification papera. Upon call for the question, the motion carried 4/1 with Com- missioner Wenzel voting in the nega~ive. * * * * * * * A * * * * * * There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair - Time: 2:25 P.M. , I, .' BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL c.~sP/;.~CHAI_N