Backup Documents 01/13/2009 Change Sheet
Januarv 13. 2009
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Item 2D should read: "December 5, 2008 - Value Adjustment Board with special Magistrate
Pelletier." (Staff's request.)
Withdraw Item 6A: Public petition request by Demetria Chadbourne to discuss water bill charges
for 6432 Autumn Woods Boulevard. (Petitioner's request.)
Item 10C: Under the Considerations section on the second page ofthe Executive Summary, the
second sentence should read: "The 2006 rate schedule would represent a rollback of the 29.7%
across the board increase that generated the current rate." Also, the attachment labeled "Road
Rate Comparisons," the last column of the chart should be labeled, "Rate was effective and
represents a rollback of the 29.7% increase of January 1, 2008". Also, Under Considerations,
third paragraph, the word "exasperate" is to be replaced with the word "exacerbate." (Staff's
Item 10E continued to the Januarv 27. 2009 BCC meetina: This item requires that all participants
be sworn in and ex parte disclosure be provided by Commission members. Recommendation to
deny the Alternative Impact Fee Appeal submitted by Tamiami Square of Naples, LLC (Developer)
and authorize the Chairman to execute a notice to the Developer for the collection of the Collier
Water-Sewer District (CCWSD) Alternative Impact Fee calculation of $120,904 for the existing
tenants of Building 300, with Developers concurrence, or the original amount of $196,873 without
Developers concurrence. (Petitioner's request.)
Item 10F: In the executive summary under Legal Considerations, the second sentence should
read, "This item is not quasi judicial and as such (rather than a ssuch) ex parte disclosure is not
required." (Commissioner Fiala's request.)
Add on Item 10H: Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners approve and
authorize the Chairman to sign Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) SF424,
Application for Federal Assistance and HUD Form 2991, Certificate of Consistency for the
Continuum of Care (CoC) projects submitted as part of the 2008 CoC Grant application. HUD SF
424 is the cover form for the grant application and outlines the federal funds requested and match
funds being provided by the participating sub-recipients. HUD Form 2991 confirms the projects
included in the application are consistent with the County's Consolidated Plan. (Staff's request.)
Item 16D6: The Executive Summary under Considerations, second paragraph, should read, "A
Summary of Impact Fee Deferral Agreements on the January 13, 2009 Agenda" (rather than
December 16,2008". (Staff's request.)
Withdraw Item 16E14: Recommendation to approve a resolution supporting full funding of the
Florida Forever Successor Program within the 2009-2010 State budget. (Staff's request.)
Item 16F2: The draft ordinance should read: "(4) Naples Production Park Municipal Service
Taxing and Benefit Unit (Ordinance No. 85-39, as amended.) (6) Naples Production Park Street
Lighting Municipal Service Taxing Unit (Ordinance No. 91-07, as amended)." (Commissioner
Fiala's request.)
Withdraw Item 16H10: Commissioner Coletta requests Board approval for payment to an
organization that serves a valid public purpose as it relates to Collier County business.
Commissioner Coletta Immokalee Chamber of Commerce Dues for 2009. $150.00 to be paid from
Commissioner Coletta's travel budget. (Commissioner Coletta's request.)
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Withdraw Item 16H11: Commissioner Coletta requests Board approval for payment to an
organization that serves a valid public purpose as it relates to Collier County business.
Commissioner Coletta Leadership Collier Dues for 2009. $100 to be paid from Commissioner
Coletta's travel budget. (Commissioner Coletta's request.)
Withdraw Item 16H12: Commissioner Coletta requests Board approval for payment to an
organization that serves a valid purpose as it relates to Collier County business. Commissioner
Coletta East Naples Civic Association Dues for 2009. $60.00 to be paid from Commissioner
Coletta's travel budget. (Commissioner Coletta's request.)
Item 16H13 should read: "Commissioner Coletta requests Board approval for payment to attend
a function serving a valid public purpose. Commissioner Coletta attended the Immokalee
Chamber of Commerce Annual Banquet and Silent Auction on November 1, 2008. $50.00 to be
paid from Commissioner Coletta's travel budget". (Commissioner Coletta's request.)
Continue Item 16H17 to the January 27. 2009 BCC meetinQ: Commissioner Coletta requests
Board approval for payment to attend a function serving a valid public purpose. Commissioner
Coletta is attending the 2009 Everglades Coalition Conference, January 8-11, 2009. $290 for
registration fee and $597.00 for accommodations for a total of $887.00 to be paid from
Commissioner Coletta's travel budget. (Commissioner Coletta's request.)
Time Certain Items:
Item 10C to be heard at 11 :00 a.m. Request that the BCC accepts the Collier County
Transportation Impact Fee Update Study (Study) dated December 2008 and directs staff to bring
back an Ordinance amending Schedule One of Appendix A of Chapter 74 of the Collier County
Code of Laws and Ordinances (The Collier County Consolidated Impact Fee Ordinance) providing
for the incorporation by reference of the Study to either implement the corresponding Road
Impact Fee Rate Schedule or consider an option to delay the adoption of the corresponding Road
Impact Fee Rate Schedule for a period of one (1) year and consider an economic incentive by
adjusting the Road Impact Fee Rate Schedule to reflect the rates in effect as of June 30, 2006 with
staff direction to prepare measures to reduce trip lengths.
Item 10D to be heard at 2:00 p.m. Recommend approval by the Board of County Commissioners
to award Bid #09-5148 to Subaqueous Services, LLC in the total amount of $1,555,419.29 for 2008
dredging of Doctors and Wiggins Passes and approve all necessary budget amendments.
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