Backup Documents 01/27/2009 Item #10G ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS CHECKLIST & ROUTING SLIP TO ACCOMPANY ALL ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS SENT TO THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OFFICE FOR SIGNATURE lOG Print on pink paper. Attach to original document. Original documents should be hand delivered to the Board Olliec. The completed routing slip and original documents are to be forwarded to the Board Office only after the Board has taken action on tbe ikm.:' ROUTING SLIP Complete routing lines #1 through #4 as appropriat~ I'or additional signatures, dates, and/or information needed. If the document is already complete with the #hh hhk S execotion of the Chainnan '5 sie:nature, draw a line through routino lines I trough #4, complete tee ec "Ilst, and forward to ue Filson (line #5) Route to Addressee(s) Office Initials Date (List in routing order) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Sue Filson, Executive Manager Board of County Commissioners 6. Minutes and Records Clerk of Court's Office PRIMARY CONTACT INFORMATION (The primary contact is the holder of the original document pending Bee approvaL Normally the primary contact is the person who created/prepared the executive summary. Primary contact information is needed in the event one of the addressees above, including Sue Filson, need to contact staff for additional or missing information. All original documents needing the Bee Chaimlan's signature are to be delivered to the Bee oUiee only atter the BCe has acted to approve the item.) Name of Primary Staff Contact Agenda Date Item was A roved by the BCC Type of Document Attached - ClcktJ Phone Number j...2- ff# /0 Yes (Initial N/A(Not A licable) Agenda Item Number aPT' Number of Original Documents Attached v NPr ........... .......- v 1. INSTRUCTIONS & CHECKLIST Initial the Yes column or mark "N/A" in the Not Applicable column, wbichever is a TO riate. Original document has been signed/initialed for legal sufficiency. (All documents to be signed by the Chainnan, with the exception of most letters, must be reviewed and signed by the Office of the County Attorney. TIns includes signature pages from ordinances, resolutions, etc. signed by the County Attorney's Office and signature pages from contracts, agreements, etc. that have been fully executed by all parties except the Bee Chainnan and Clerk to the Bnard and ossibly State Omcials.) All handwritten strike-through and revisions have been initialed by the County Attorney's Office and all other arties exce t the BCC Chairman and the Clerk to the Board The Chainnan's signature line date bas been entered as the date ofBCC approval of the document or the final ne'otiated contract date whichever is ap licable. "Sign here" tabs are placed on the appropriate pages indicating where the Chairman's si nature and initials are re uirec1. In most cases (some contracts are an exception), the original document and this routing slip should be provided to Sue Filson in the Bee office within 24 hours of Bee: approval. Some documents are time sensitive and require forwarding to Tallahassee within a certain time frame or the Bee's actions are nullified. Be aware of your deadlines! The document was approved by the BCC on 1/"'l'I.~ (enter date) and all changes made during the meeting have been incorporated in the attached document. The Count Attorne '5 Office has reviewed the chan es, if a licable. I-.{ C,., 0(," A<;~~GLvto I: Forms/ County Forms;' Bee Forms! Original Documents Routing Slip WWS Original 9.03.04, Revised 1.26.05, Revisl:d 2.24.05 ~ l V {]L.{ . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Pie C( c:..-e.. SCr\.d. ~"-..J c I(. ( u..JL J. Wry f-u MEMORANDUM Date: March 23, 2009 To: Heidi Ashton-Cicko Assistant County Attorney From: Teresa Polaski, Deputy Clerk Minutes & Records Department Re: Escrow Agreement for Access Improvements at Aqua at Pelican Isle Yacht Club Project Enclosed please find a copy of the original document, as referenced above (Agenda Item #16A10), approved by the Board of County Commissioners on Tuesday, January 27, 2009. The Minutes & Records Department has retained the original document for the Board's official records. If you should have any questions, please contact me at 774-8411. Thank you. Enclosure 10S FIRST AMENDMENT TO ESCROW AGREEMENT FOR ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS This First Amendment to the Escrow Agreement for Access Improvements, made this ~-=rfl-... day of . ~0"'\.'-UlVU . ,200l), (hereinafter referred to as "First Amendment") is entered into by and between ECOYENtURE WIGGINS PASS. LTD., a Florida limited partnership (hereinatter "Developer"), the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida (hereinafter referred to as "County"), and GOODLETTE. COLEMAN, JOHNSON, YOY ANOYICII & KOESTER, P.A. (hereinatter referred to as "Escrow Agent"). WIT N E SSE T H: WHEREAS, the County. Developer and Escrow Agent entered into an Escrow Agreement for Access Improvements dated October 2g, 200g (the "Agreement"); and WHEREAS. the County, Developer and Escrow Agent desire to amend the tenns of the Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of valuablc consideration and the premises and mutual covenants hereinafter set f(lrth, the parties agree as f()llows: I. Section One of the Agreement is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the f(lllowing Section One: I. The Developer will cause the Required Improvements to be eonstrueted pursuant to the specifications that have been approved by the County Manager, or his designee, by April 30, 200l). 2. Except as provided hercin. the Agreement shall rcmain in full t(lrce and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed by their duly authorized officers and their otlieial seals, hereto aftixed the day and year first written above. DATED: ~l~l~ ATTEST:.\J'-' DWIGHt EB~OCK~eerk ~~k ,1911aturt< 04\ I . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA B' $~ d4-~ y.-- ~---- . DONN FIALA. Chairman Item # 'O~ Agenda 'I' ~ "'-' II.Jl Dote ~l ~~~d ik210ft DCZ1:d~ 101'2 (1~~~M~~~~\lC\Q Vv'itness Signature b:lWN\'c- ~ )1;.., rx-tw\~. (2) Printed,"J"yped Name ~ \Vitl1l'SS Signature fl[.~ \l. MtJ,;,C-#- Printed/Typed Name (I )11"."+0 lm ::ill kL'1 H D vFCkCr-- PrintedTyped Name (2) G.t..l~v''''' {k ~,t'<.~ 'Witness Signature \\b,YL'~ b..' e\y (k Printcd.Typcd Name Approvcd as to t()Il11 and lcgal sutlicicncy: CJD_ 07-PKR-()()I07-.\j lOG ECOVENTURE WIGGINS PASS, LTD., a Florida limitcd partncrship By: Ecovcn!urc Wiggins Pass, Inc., a Florida corporation, its Gcneral Palincr GOODLEtTL COLLMAN JOHNSON YOV ANOVICH & KOESTER. PA B . ~A~:"'-"""" '---' y. _______ C J ----- Richard D. Yovanovieh, Esquirc Agrced and Aeeeptcd by: ..' \ 11./ / / ....) -, r, '-',' ..( . ~.0;y,~ ..... / /UAa.e.t 4: .;/u.c, 'r<:1.'c,.>::, ~. ,j- ~' I' - j" ;'. Gcra.t'd A. Mettale. .If. Chief Restructuring Otlieer t(X debtors in possession 20f2 !tpm No 10(; lOG 27,2009 1 of 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Request that the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) approve the extension of the deadline to complete expanded intersection improvements to April 30, 2009 as part of conditions of approval and status of compliance for the Coconilla Planned Unit Development Ordinance No. 05-15, also known as the Aqua at Pelican Isle Yacht Club Project, that was presented on September 23, 2008 as Item #16Kl (moved to Item #12A). The expanded intersection improvements will include full construction of the permanent access point at the signalized intersection with related site improvements. OBJECTIVE: Request that the BCC review the conditions of approval and status of compliance for the Coconilla Planned Unit Development Ordinance No. OS-IS that was presented on September 23, 2008 and provide staff guidance on the timing and restrictions required to complete the intersection and access improvements. CONSIDERATIONS: On September 23, 2008 the BCC approved 5/0 "That the BCC make a finding that: (I) pursuant to section 10.02.13.F.5 of the Land Development Code (LDC), that the timing of the developer commitment of providing a point of egress and intersection improvements prior to the issuance of the first certificate of occupancy as required by the Coconilla Planned Unit Development Ordinance No. 05-15 is no longer necessary; and (2) that the appropriate County staff issue the certificates of occupancy for the first tower building and dwelling units therein prior to the completion of the referenced access improvements. The BCC further approved an Escrow Agreement where funds in the amount of $250,000 would be placed in a trust account with a completion of certain improvements by 1/31/09" Subsequent to the BCC approval of the escrow agreement, transportation staff met with the developer and requested additional work within the ROW which would eliminate future rework. The right-of-way permit #23847-E stipulates a special condition that reads "The permanent access point must be fully constructed within the ROWand into the site so as to not require any future rework within the ROW. The temporary access point will be closed as soon as all the components in the ROW are constructed and have made the internal connection from the full access point to your existing bnilding". The developer and his agent have expressed that the additional work requested by the County would require an extension of the January 31, 2009 deadline to complete the access point related to the park egress as outlined in section 6.6.K of Ordinance Number OS-IS which provides the following: . K The developer shall provide for a point of egress from the adjacent Cocohatchee River Park through the Public Use Tract to the main point of egress for the property and the intersection improvements provided in paragraph H above, prior to the issuance of the first CO (certificate of occupancy). The developer has agreed to proceed forward with the complete intersection improvements, final access and egress improvements at the signalized intersection and to close the temporary access and egress point north of the signalized intersection. The permanent access point at the signalized intersection will include north bound and south bound turn lanes, complete signalization and final sidewalk improvements within the ROW. The developer may request a reopening of the temporary access point in the future for construction of the second tower, subject to BCC approval. The developer has secured the additional funding through the 11el11 No IOJ 0 G 200D of 1 bankruptcy court and is moving forward to complete the work. An approximate ninety (90) day extension has been requested for the additional work, extending the deadline until April 30, 2009. Staff supports the extension until April 30, 2009 due to the fact that it will eliminate any future rework within the ROWand eliminate the temporary access point north of the signalized intersection. The parties agree that the intersection improvements include the permanent access point at the signalized intersection with north bound and south bound turn lanes, complete signalization and final sidewalk improvements within the ROWand that the existing temporary access point is closed. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no Growth Management Impact associated with this Executive Summary. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no Fiscal Impact associated with this Executive Summary. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is ready for Board consideration. The further extension of the completion date of access improvements required by the PUD is quasi-judicial and requires ex parte disclosures. A supermajority vote is necessary for Board action. HF AC RECOMMENDATION: That the BCC approves the extension for the deadline to complete the intersection improvements to April 30, 2009 and authorizes the County Attorney's office to amend the approved escrow agreement accordingly and authorize the Chairman to execute the same. That the Bce acknowledges that the intersection improvements include the permanent access point at the signalized intersection with north bound and south bound turn lanes, complete signalization and final sidewalk improvements within the ROWand the existing temporary access point is closed. Prepared By: Nick Casalanguida, Director, Transportation Planning Attachment: 1) Escrow Agreement lOG January 27, 2009 Item #lOG EXTENSION OF THE DEADLINE TO COMPLETE EXPANDED INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS TO APRIL 30, 2009 AS P ART OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL AND STATUS OF COMPLIANCE FOR THE COCONILLA PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE NO. 05-15, ALSO KNOWN AS THE AQUA AT PELICAN ISLE YACHT CLUB PROJECT, THAT WAS PRESENTED ON SEPTEMBER 23, 2008 AS ITEM #16Kl (MOVED TO ITEM #12A) EXPANDED INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS WILL INCLUDE FULL CONSTRUCTION OF THE PERMANENT ACCESS POINT AT THE SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION WITH RELATED SITE IMPROVEMENTS - APPROVED MR. MUDD: Commissioner, that would bring us to Item lOG, and that's a request that the Board of County Commissioners approve the extension of a deadline to complete expanded intersection improvements to April 30, 2009, as part of conditions of approval and status of the compliance for the Coconilla planned unit development ordinance number 05-15, also known as the Aqua at Pelican Isle Yacht Club project. That was presented on September 23,2008, as Item 16Kl, moved to Item 10. The expanded intersection improvements will include full construction of the permanent access point at the signalized intersection with related site improvements. And Mr. Nick Casalanguida, Transportation Planning Director, will present. MR. CASALANGUIDA: Good afternoon, Commissioners. For the record, Nick CasaIanguida. Again, I'm causing a little mischief here. When they came in for their site plan review and their right-of-way permit, we noticed that Page 103 lOG ,~ January 27, 2009 this was going to be done in phases, and we met with the applicant and met with our -- my boss, Norm Feder, and said, let's get this thing done one time, one time only, and let's put the turn lanes in, the sidewalk, and not do this as staged. Then we would also close the temporary access point that's existing right now. So the applicant agreed to do that. They said, at your request to do that, we'll need a little bit more time. We said, how much more time, and they said 30 -- 90 days, and we said, that's reasonable, and that's why we're here today. COMMISSIONER COYLE: Motion to approve. CHAIRMAN FIALA: I have a motion to approve on the floor. Does anybody want to second it? COMMISSIONER HALAS: I'll second it for -- just for conversation's sake. CHAIRMAN FIALA: Okay. COMMISSIONER HALAS: But there's some concerns that I have in regards to what that intersection looks like at the present time, and also the egress road that comes out of the park and then enters onto Vanderbilt Road. Is there going to be some modifications so that, first of all, the egress coming out of that park, if somebody's got a van or pickup truck and a boat trailer, that they'll be able to make that turn? And then is there going to be something done with the alignment so that the service road or the road going into this property, along with the egress coming out of the park, is going to line up so that it lines up with the intersection of Vanderbilt Drive and Wiggins Pass Road? MR. CASALANGUIDA: The answer to both of those questions is yes. In the current condition, you have a constrained curb, but we've tested it. It does work with a tow, because it's an egress only. It will get better when they do the full park enhancement in the Phase II part oftheir project. And when it's completed, it will all line up with Vanderbilt -- the intersection across the way. Page 104 lOG January 27, 2009 COMMISSIONER HALAS: With the -- can you explain what the second portion ofthe park enhancement is going to be so that we can try to eliminate redundancy in regards to how we're going to address this egress out of the park? MR. CASALANGUIDA: Sure. As part of the Phase II building -- and correct me if I'm wrong -- they're doing parking spaces, joint parking spaces with the park, so it's being constructed as part of the second tower, and they can't do the construction on that portion of the park until they do the -- get permission to break ground for the second tower. COMMISSIONER HALAS: Do you have any kind of an aide here that we could take a look at and see exactly what the big plan is? MR. MUDD: Try to get this thing right-side up. MR. CASALANGUIDA: Okay, thank you. The road parking that's on the west side of the project or the south side of the project over here -- and then you can see this dark curve here, that's the temporary. In the future the egress will come out over this and it will be done with this expansion of pavement that's done as part of this second building that's being constructed. COMMISSIONER HALAS: Why can't we do some of that now so that we don't have to go back there and do it over a second time? MR. CASALANGUIDA: Well, you wouldn't be doing anything over a second time at the entrance. The only thing you'd be eliminating is this little piece of pavement and fixing that. COMMISSIONER HALAS: Well, that's the problem right now with getting -- I believe getting out of the park with a pickup and truck and a trailer. MR. CASALANGUIDA: So you're asking for them to do the extended pavement and taking it farther back? COMMISSIONER HALAS: Exactly. Get it done -- if we're going to do it, do it right the first time. MR. CASALANGUIDA: I'd have to ask the applicant, but I Page 105 lOG January 27,2009 think it would require, you know, much more -- or modifying the SOP that you have right now. MR. YOY ANOYICH: Not enough room to build the second tower. MR. CASALANGUIDA: That's right. If -- we discussed this in the past as well, too. Once you put in that pavement over there, you've going to encroach in the area to build the second tower. That's why it was phased appropriately. COMMISSIONER HALAS: It seems to me this is going to make it difficult for the public to exit out of the park with a pickup truck and a boat when you look at the radius of this turn. MR. CASALANGUIDA: That's a picture that I asked staff to take yesterday, also had the engineer of record to do an auto-turn analysis with a vehicle in tow. Because the pavement's wide enough to accommodate almost two vehicles wide and it's only an egress, you can make that turn right now with a trailer in tow. It's not ideal, but it does fit. COMMISSIONER HALAS: Okay. CHAIRMAN FIALA: Okay. We have one speaker. MS. FILSON: Yes, ma'am, Doug Fee. MR. FEE: Good afternoon. For the record, my name is Doug Fee, and thank you for the opportunity to speak today. I would agree with what is in the executive summary. It is a very nice project. There are a few things in the PUD approval that I want to make sure that we get, as Mr. Halas has talked about. In a letter on August 9, 2007, to RW A, who is the petitioner's agent, there's a stipulation that Stan Chrzanowski put into the record, into the permit, and the stipulation says, the temporary construction access, currently an existing driveway may be used until such time as crane-based construction is completed on building one. Upon dissembling of the crane, the temporary access must be closed and the planned access at the intersection of Wiggins Pass and Page 106 lOG January 27, 2009 Vanderbilt Drive must be employed. That, to me, is the key here. Right now we have an entrance to the north that's been used obviously with the marina and then for the construction of that first tower. There are no turn lanes -- well, let me back up. There is a turn lane going into the project, but there's no turn lane as you're driving south on Vanderbilt Drive to pull into that. So I want to make sure with this agreement that, in fact, they will close that and employ the intersection as the project entrance. I want to put on a visualizer -- on the visualizer a picture -- and you'll notice a little car there at the very bottom of -- middle of the picture, and then also a guardhouse. And I want to point out the driveway -- that you circle around the fountain, and then you have a driveway that comes out, and that would come out at Wiggins Pass Road. Right now, today, that driveway has not been built internal to the project, and I believe that they need to build that driveway and have it come out to the light, of which then they would close the access point to the north, okay. The only other thing that I wanted to point out is in the executive summary, there's a sentence at the bottom of the first page basically stating that the developer would seek approval in the future to open up that northern entrance. And when they go to build the second tower, they would seek approval, and my question would only be, how could they seek that? Would that be in the form ofa PUD amendment? How would the public, the traveling public, be aware ofthis? Would this be an administrative approval? And the reason why I ask that is, I would have some concerns with the safety using that northern entrance with the unit owners that are CO'd. Thank you very much. Page 107 lOG January 27, 2009 CHAIRMAN FIALA: Thank you. Do you have an answer to that, Nick? MR. CASALANGUIDA: I've worked with Mr. Fee on this, and we put that language in hopefully to alleviate his concerns. We do maintenance at traffic driveway connections all the time. If someone comes in for a couple days, they need to get an access point. They can get a temporary access point. Because this was controversial I said to him, I'll make sure that we bring it as an agenda item to the board. If they come in with a set of construction plans for the second tower and it's shown that by staging that second tower that they can't physically use the existing driveway, it's hazardous, we will bring that item to the board for review and consideration that they could get a temporary access point. To address his first question, they are going to build that connection road as part of this. That's one ofthe things I stopped and asked them to do and they've agreed to. So when they're done, they're going to close the northern driveway, have full access to the signal, access and egress; and if in the future, whether it's a year or two years from now and they want to build the second tower and can prove to us and you, the board, that they need a temporary driveway for safety reasons, we'll review that at that time. CHAIRMAN FIALA: Does that work with the commissioner of that district? COMMISSIONER HALAS: Yep. Yes, it will. CHAIRMAN FIALA: Okay. Very good. Commissioner Henning? COMMISSIONER HENNING: Just a question for Mr. Klatzkow. We do have -- is it $250,000 escrow for this agreement? MR. KLATZKOW: Yeah, I believe we do. I mean, I haven't seen the money. COMMISSIONER HENNING: Is this the proper forum to Page 108 lOG January 27, 2009 amend an agreement, or do we have to bring back an amended agreement to -- if the motion passes? MR. KLATZKOW: No, I think we're okay. COMMISSIONER COLETTA: We're going to change -- amend the agreement and have the chairperson sign it? MR. KLATZKOW: Yeah. COMMISSIONER HENNING: As directed by the board. MR. KLATZKOW: Yes. COMMISSIONER COLETTA: Okay, thank you. CHAIRMAN FIALA: Okay. I have a motion on the floor by Commissioner Coyle to approve, a second by Commissioner Halas. Any further discussion? (No response.) CHAIRMAN FIALA: All those in favor, signify by saying aye. COMMISSIONER COYLE: Aye. COMMISSIONER HALAS: Aye. CHAIRMAN FIALA: Aye. COMMISSIONER HENNING: Aye. COMMISSIONER COLETTA: Aye. CHAIRMAN FIALA: Opposed, like sign? (No response.) CHAIRMAN FIALA: That is a 5-0, thank you. Item #10H REDIRECTION OF A PORTION OF FY 09 BUDGETED TOURIST TAX FUNDS FROM OFF-SEASON TO IN-SEASON ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION UP TO $200,000 - APPROVED MR. MUDD: Commissioner, our next item is number 10H, and that's a recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners Page 109 r a: w m :; ::l Z :; w 1: <( e Z w Cl <( <;I ~ ~ s:t I ~ c.J - - ~ "< Q o Q \j w --' f- t=: :; w 1: <( e Z w Cl <( >- .J a: <( w .J o f- Z Ii: Q. w (/l <( W .J Q. ci a: <( w J: Cl Z jjj m f- o W ..., m ::l (/l W J: f- o f- a: o a: a. :; o o a: e a: <( o m w J: f- ~ (/l <( 15 w J: f- lL o f- lL W .J W .J m <( f- W J: f- Z o :; a: o LL e w f- W .J a. :; o o w o <( .J Q. "'- ~ ~ ~ ...... () ~ J -.... '~ ~ ()' J ~ s (/l (/l w a: e e <( w :; <( z a: w J: f- a f- . <t~ o - a:Cfl <tW CflO--' ~ 1II 2t t:wz > I _ f'Cf-:! oo<t <tf-a: Cl~1- za:- -w::!; >---,<t ~O~ o W I-<t --'I >-f-f- ZICfl <tf-<t Z~W ,,0:0 zWC") -f-C") Cl Cfl _ <t-Cl ClClZ Z~e; W _--' WCfl- a:a::J owlII LLZa: wOw aJU5Z --.fwD: --,-:J <t::!;1- I::!;Z CflOO CflO::!; f->-a: ~I-<t >-Z:r: "':J "'0:> 00> --' - --,LLa: --'00 <too f-a:--' <t<tLL Iox l-CO~ Cfl W - WIf- a:,Z -~W :JCl::!; OZf- W-a: a:(/l<t "",Cfln. 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