Backup Documents 06/09/2009 Item #16C 3 /" / ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS CHECKLIST & ROUTING SLIP 16C3 TO ACCOMPANY ALL ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS SENT TO THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OFFICE FOR SIGNATURE Print on pink paper. Attach to original document. Original documents should be hand delivered to the Board Office. The completed routing slip and original documcnts are to be forwarded to the Board Office only aftt'r the Board has taken action on the Item) ROUTING SLIP Complete routing lines #] through #4 as appropriate for additional signatures. dates, and/or information needed. If the document is already complete with the exception of the Chairman's signature, draw a line through routing lllles # I through #4. eomlllete the checklist, and forward to Executive Manager on (line #5). Route to Addressee(s) Office Initials Date (List in routing order) 1. ---- --- -- .....--- -- 2. .------- .....-------- 3. -.- ~- ------- 4. ------------ 5. Executive Manager Board of County Commissioners 6. Minutes and Records Clerk of Court's Office PRIMARY CONTACT INFORMATION (The primary contact is the holder of the original document pending BCC approval. Nonnally the primary contact is tbe person who created/prepared the executive summary. Primary contact information is needed in the event one of the addressees above need to contact staff for additional or missing information. All original documents need in the BCC Chairman's si nature are to be delivered to the Bec office onl . after the BeC has acted to a rove the item) Name of Primary Staff Phone Number )('4;), 7 0 Contact Agenda Date Item was Agenda Item Number 10(.3 A roved by the BCC Type of Document Number of Original 3 Attached Documents Attached INSTRUCTIONS & CHECKLIST Initial the Yes column or mark "N/A" in the Not Applicable column, whichever is Yes N/ A (Not a ro riate. (Initial) A licable) I. Original document has been signed/initialed for legal sutliciency. (All documents to be signed by the Chairman, with the exception of most letters, must be reviewed and signed by the Otlice of the County Attorney. This includes signature pages from ordinances, resolutions, etc. signed by the County Attorney's Office and signature pages from ",;(uJ contracts, agreements, etc. that have been fully executed by all parties except the BCC Chairman and Clerk to the Board and ossibl State Otlicials.) 2. All handwritten strike-through and revisions have been initialed by the County Attorney's Office and all other arties exce t the BCC Chairman and the Clerk to the Board 3. The Chairman's signature line date has been entered as the date of BCC approval of the document or the final negotiated contract date whichever is a licable. 4. "Sign here" tabs are placed on the appropriate pages indicating where the Chairman's iJ; si nature and initials are re uired. 5. In most cases (some contracts are an exception), the original document and this routing slip should be provided to the Executive Mgr. in the BCC office within 24 hours of BCC ;?( (q approval. Some documents are time sensitive and require forwarding to Tallahassee within a certain time frame or the BCC's actions are nullified. Be aware of your deadlines! 6. The document was approved by the BCC on ",>/2t.,';oy (enter date) and all changes made during the meeting have been incorporafed ih the attached document. The Count Attorne 's Office has reviewed the chan es, if a Iicable. I: Forms/ County Forms/ Bee Forms/ Original Documents Routing Slip WWS Original 90304. Revised 12605. Revised 22405 -