BCC Minutes 12/18/1979 R I___J Naples, Florida, December 18, 1979 LET IT nE REMEr~nr:\ED, that the Board of County COlTln; ssioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Governing Board(s) of such special districts as have heen created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in Regul.w Session in [luilding "F" of the CourtllOuse Complex l'lith the following memhers present: CHAIRr~AN: Cl ifford Wenzel VICE-CHAIRMAN: Thomas P. Archer John A. Pi stor C. R. "Russ" Wimer David C. flrown ALSO PflESENT: Will;'lm ,1. Reagan, Clerk; Harold L. Hall, Chief Dr~pllt.y Cll'l'k/Fisc,11 Officer; Ednn flrcnncman ilnd Darlene Davidson (1:30 P.11.1 IJ('rll1t.y Clcl'ks; Donald Pickworth, County Attorney; C. Hilliam N'.nn<lr1, Coullty Managen Irving Berzon, Utility Director; Clifford [l,lrk~;d,11c, Public Works Administrator/Engineer; tleno J. Spagna, Planning Consult.ant; lee Layne, Planner; Danny Crew, Planning Director; Tom McDaniel, Planner (1.30 P.M.~ Mary Morgan, Administrative Aide to the Board; and, Wi 11 i,lm t'!cNul ty and Deputy Chief Raymond narnett (10:45), Sheriff's Dcpartmen t. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FINAL AGENDA DecembeL 18, 1979 NOT I CE: l\LL PERSONS SPEAKING ON ANY l\GENDA ITEM 11UST ---. REGISTER PIUOR TO THE ITEi1 DEING HEMlD. REQUESTS TO l\DDRESS TilE BOARD ON SUD,mCTS \'1llICIl l\RE NOT ON TillS AGENDA ~'IUST DE SUl3tlITTED TO TilE COUNTY Ml\Nl\GER AT LEAST ONE \vEEK PRIOR TO THE DATE OF TilE MEETING l\ND IHLL IlE llEARD UNDER "PUDLIC PETITIONS" l\T 11:00 l\.M. 1. INVOCATION 2. PLEDGE OF l\LLEGIl\NCE 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDl\ --- --' -.-------.- .,. l\PPHOV1\L OF ~IINUTES: November 27 and December 4, 1979 nr:n .t4n '~'OOK 050 PAGE 4:1.4 D~cember 18, 1979 AGENDA - APPROVED WITH AOOITIONS/DELETIONS Commissioner Pistor mover!, seconded by Commissioner ArcheI' and CdlTir.d IJn.lnimously, tlwt th'~ _'fIend,l be approved with the following additions/deletions: l. Discussion regarding deferral of Planning Department report on reduction of building heights to 100' or le~s - Added under BCC Report, 2. Emergency ordinance amending Psychologist's Licensing Ordinance - Added under County Attorney's Report. 3. Minutes of December ~, 1979 meeting - Deleted. ~. Workshop agenda item with regard to Lethal Yellowing Program - Continued until January 15, 1980. r~l~LT[S_.Qi-1!.9_VE~mER 11:.LJ2l2......::....APPROVED Comnissloner Pistor moved, seconded by ConTnissioner Archer and ul101nimously carried, that the minutes of the meeting of November 27, 1979 he approved as presented. PR~SENTATrON OF AWARDS FOR MERITORIOUS SERVICE TO SUPERVISORS AND 1)^_'~T-'.c.r?_^_N}_LOLJ":..'.U:Ji-,-,~_U~'E~ YOUTH EMPLOYMEJH PROGRAM Ch.l irllhln WCII~e1 presel1ted, on hehalf of the Goard of County Comnissiollers, awards to the following supervisors or participants whose perfonnance met or exceec1ed the goals of the Board's C.LT.A. SUII~IIf'r Yout.h [mploym(~nt Program, and expressed the floard's apprecia- tion for" t.he services performed. The recipients were as follows: WORKSITE SUPERVISORS Everett Hamilton, State Farmer's Market Director Oenise Coleman, County Home Economics Director Irvin Mortenson, Big Cypress National Preserve Manager Lou Terry, Youth Haven Maintenance Supervisor PARTICIPANTS El isha r~obley Gregory Byrd Connie Steigerwald Robin Heckman (Not Present) 1 December 18, 1979 ORDINANCE 79-100 RE PETITION R-79-33C, CHARLES GUY, REQUESTING REZONING FROM "A" TO "GC" FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN 54, T51S, R26E - ADOPTED; PETITIONER'j ^r,REEI1ENT TO STIPULATIONS - ACCEPTED Legal notic~ ilaving been published in the Naples Daily News on November 16, 1979 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition R-79-33C, filed by Charles Guy, requesting rezoning from "A" Agriculture to "GC" Golf Course for property located in Section ~, Township 51 South, Range 26 East, which is located on the east side of Barefoot Will iams Road, south of Price Street. Planner Lee Layne located the subject property on the map provided as being the parcel shown in yellow thereon. She said that the staff revie\~eo the petition ilnd recommended approval of the rezoning, subject to the following stipuliltions: 1. Pllbl ir. water required. 2. Removill of r~elaleuc,1 and flrazil iiln Pepper. 3. Comply with all a[lplicable fire codes. 4. Detailed water management plan shall be submitted for approval by \~r1J\D prior to construction. S. Submission of m:l1ntenance plan for lake system. 6. Dedicat.ion of an easement for existing, bisecting ditch. 7. Submit proof of water availability to insure the quality within the area of influence will not be oegraded. B. Clubhouse and enclosed storage area must meet rDPO elevation requirements. r~s. Layne also noted that the Coastal Area Planning Commission held their public hearing on December 6, 1979 i1nd recommended forwarding the petition to the Board with a re:omendation of approval subject to the staff's stipulations. In response to COlll11issioner Pistor's inquiry about the availability of water, Ms. Layne said that the supply will be derived from a private wilter system. ~OOK 050 PACE415 ,I 'BOOK 050 rAGE 416 December 18, 1 979 Mr. Wilfila Assilad, of Wilson, r~i"er, flarton, Soll &. Peek, lnG., represented th~ petitioner and explained thilt the project will be a public golf course, mod.!stly jlriced, with no other developmcnt such as residential ,1nd the 1 ike. lie said that the developer is in ilgree- ment wi th the staff report and that he has signed an affidavit to this effect. There were no persons registered to speak on the subject, where- upon Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Mcher and unanimously cilrried, that the public heilr1ng be closed. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and unanimolJs1y carried, that the Ordinance, as numbered and entitled belo~l. with regilrd to Petition Il-79-33C, be adopted, ilnd thilt the Agreemcnt to the st,lff's stipulations be accepted. ORDINANCE 7' - 100 l\N ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 76-30, TilE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULl\TIONS FOH THE t1NINCOHPOHATED A!tEA OF TIlE COASTl\L AREA PLANNING DISTRICT DV AMENDnlG TilE ZONING ATLAS MAP NU11BER 51-26-2 BY CIlAtlGING TilE ZONING CLASSIFICATION FROM "A" AG!UCUr,TUHE TO "GC" GOLF COURSE ON TilE FOLLO\HNG DES- CIUUED PROPERTY: TIlNl' PORTION OF TilE SOUTH 1/7. OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 LYI~G EAST OF TilE COUNTY ROM) KNOI'i'N AS BAREFOOT IHLLIAMS ROAD IN SECTION 4, 'l'OI'/NSIlIP 51 SOUTH, RANGE 7.6 EAST AND BY PROVIDING AN EFFSCTIVE DATE 'BOO~ 050 PAGE 418 December 18, 1979 RESOLUTION 79-1f301 RE PETITION fOPO-79-V-3, IlOYIMD R. KEOUGH, REQUESTING A VARIANCE fROM TilE MINIMUM BASE fLOOD ELEVATION REQUIRED BY FOPO 79-62- ADOPTED Legal notice ha'lin!) been [lubl ished in the Naples Daily News on November 30. 1979 ,1S evidenced by Affidavit of Publ ication filed with the Clerk, [lublic hearln!) was opened to consider Petition FDPO-79-V-3, filed by HO~l<1rd R. Keough, requesting a variance from the Minimum Base Flood Elevation required by FOPO-79-62 for [lro[lerty described as Lot 8, Block 30, Marco fleach (Pepperwood Court). Planning Consultant Neno Spagna, res[londing to Chairman Wenzel, said that the applicant was notified in person and by letter regarding the public hearing to be held this date; however, it was noted that he was not in attendance. Dr. Spagna explained that the petitioner has Ilh1de the reqlJest for .) redlJction in the minimul11 flood elev~tion in order to construct his residence on the subject [lro[lerty at an elevation of 9.75 feet N~VD, placillg the elevation of same at 1.25 feet higher than the surrcunding residences, Instead of 2.5 feet if he were to construct it in compliance loJith t.he pct'tincnt ordinance. He said that the subject property is presently vacant with homes on both the abuttin!) lots, noting that the entil'e block is developed at ,)n elevation of 8.5 NGVD. Continuing, Dr. S[lagna reported that he reviewed the site on Novcmber 5, 1979 accompanied by Environmental Consul tant Jay Harmic, and th,)t the request was found to be in compliance wit.h SE~tion 10, Paragraphs 5,6 and 7, and particularly with Sub-paragraph (111) of Paragraph 7. of FOPO 79-62. It is his recolTlTIcndation, said Dr. Spagna, that the request contained in the [letition be granted. Chairman Wenzel cOlll11ented that, in his opinion, 2.5 feet higher than the abuttin9 properties was not a cause for concern, noting that if the proposed construction was at a higher elcvation than that he could agree to granting the variance. Conmissioner Pistor inquired if the petitioncr understands the possible effect on insurance if the variance is granted. Dr. Spagna said that all petitioners are required to furnish a Jetter expressing their understanding that reducing the elevation could affect the cost of insurance considerably. ) December 18, 1979 There were no persons registered to ~ddrcss the petition, following which COlTlTIissloner Pistor moved, seconded by COlTlTIissioner Archer and carrico unanimously, that t~~ publ\c hearing be closed. COlTlTIissioner Pistor moved, seconded by COlTlTIissioner Brown and carrlcd 4/1 with Chairman Wcnzel voting in the negative. th~t Resolution 79-184 with regard to Petition FDPO-79-V-3, filed by Howard R. Kcough, rcrlllesting a variancc from thc Minimum l3ase Flood Elevation required by FDPO-79-62, be adopted. * * * * * * BOGA 050 PAGE 419 December 18, 1979 RESOLUTION 79-185 RE PETITION FDPO-79-V-4, BRYCE D.F. IIARVEY, REQUESTING A VARIANCE FROM TilE MINIMUM BASE FLOOD ELEVATION REQUIRED BY FDPO-79-62- ADOPTED Legal notice ~~ving be~~ published in the Naples Daily News on November 30, 1979 as evidenced by Affidilvit of Publication filed with the Clerk, [Hlblic hearing was opencd to consider Petition FDPO-79-V-4, filed by flryce D, F. If,lrvey, requesting a variance from the f1inimum Oase Flood Elevation required by FOPO 79-62. Planning Consul t,lnt Neno Spagna explained that the property in question is Lot 259, Island No.2, Jamaica Drive, Isles of Capri, and that the petitioner is requesting a reduction in the elevation to permit the construction of a residence at an elevation 8.38 feet tJGVD inst.ead of 11 feet NGVD; i.e. a reduction of 2.62 feet. lie silid that he ,1nd Environmental Consultant ,Jay Ifarmic visited the site on November 5, 1979, and noted that the subject property is presently vacant \11th a home on the pl'operty abutting the north property 1 ine - the lot. aIHJt.tin~J t.he c,out.h property 1 ine is presently vacant. (Jr, :pagna sa id t.hat tile property owner of Lot 260, north of the subject property, and t.he owner of Lot 268, \.,hich is east of the property, have submi ttcd lettel's in support of the petitioner's re'luest. Further, said Or. Spilgna, a review of the petition has determined that the granting of the variance complies with the intent and purpose of the pertinent section of Ordinance 79-62, and that it. is recorTTnended that the variance be granted. It was noted that the petitioner was not in attendance, nor were there any other individuals wishing to address the noard with regard to the malter. Commissioner Pistol' moved, seconded by COlllllissioner Archer and unanimously carried, that the publ ic hearing be closed. COlTT1lissioner Archei' moved, seconded by COlTmissioner Brown and carried 4/1 with Chairman \~enzel voting in opposition, that Resolution 79-185 with regard to Petition FDPO-79-V-4, filed by Bryce D. F. Harvey, requesting a vilriance from the Minimum Base Flood Elevation requil'ements, be adopted. BOOK 050 PAGE423 December 13, 1979 ORDINANCE 79-101 CREATING A MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING UNIT TO PROVIDE A COMMUNITY CENTER FOR AN MEA WITHIN THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLI ER COUNTY KNOWN I\S 11,lIRCO 1 SLAND, I NCLU[) HIG GOODLAND - ADOPTED FOLLOWINli ADDITIONAL V_ERf3J~.cJ[..!..::. SUGGESTED [lY COUNTY I\TTORNEY Legal notices having been published in the Naples Daily News on November 29, 1979 and in the Milrco Island Eagle on December 6, 1979 as evidenced by Affidavits of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hedring w,'~, opened to consider ,ln ordinance creating a r~unicipal Service Taxing District encompassing Precincts 3 and 4, Marco Island, including Goodland, for the purpose of constructing a COl1l11unity Center building. County Attorney Pickworth explained that the proposed ordinance will provide il means for funding the construction of il civic or a COlll11unity centcr on r'larco Island and requested that Conmissioner Pistor elaborat.e on the details of such a center. COrT'/nissioner Pistor related that a grou[l of Marco Island residents have been studying the possihility of building ,) cornnunity ccnter on thc Island which he said is severely needed. fie s,lid that the cost estimate made some time ago was placed at $1,000.000 and, with costs continually rising, the possibility of the building costing more should be taken into consideration. Also, said the Cormlissioner, it has been suggested that a cap of not more than one mill be provided for in the ordinanc'? \'ihich will leave sufficient leeway for covering t.he construction of a building such as the COrT'/nunity Center in Golden Gate. Continuing, Commissioner Pistor explained that the conceptual plan, not as yet the final drawing, allows for expansion of the building in future years~ the site for the building has been guaranteed by the developer of Marco Island and 1'1i" be, very shortly, deeded to the Coun ty. Mr. Leigh Plunmer. President of the Marco Island Civic Association, reported on the work of the ad hoc cOcl11ittee established for the purpose, briefly describing the interior layout of the building, provisions for parking, the estimated square foot cost, along with other matters including several suggested amendments to the proposed ordinance, to be considered following its adoption. BOOK 050 PAGE 427 'B'OCK' 050 PACE 428 December W, 1979 tlr. Arnold La~lrence, Chairman of the ,1d hoc cormlittee of t1!CA. stilt~d that he W,ls ,'rrointed to thc committce to study th~ nceds rlnd usages ('< the proposer! cc,'~.cr. 1Ir: said that he has investigated com- munity centers in other locat~ons in Florida, and emphasized the need for such centr:r on the Island, stating that, in view of today's ecollomy and Inflation, "the time to build is now". ~Is. ,),1 ne II it. t 1 er, 0 f the I~ I C^ Coml11un ity Cen ter Commit tec, reem- ph,lSizcd the nccd for a COI1Jnunity center on the Island and said that she has approachr:d I'i IsLlIld Or'.l,'llizatlons concerning the proposal, all of \~hich agree \~i t.h her. Shc pointr:d out that many of thr: residents are looking for other less strenuous activities which can be accommodated by r1 mr:eting hall where arts and crafts classes, and the likr: could be held. Mr. Ira Evans, r~pres~ntinCJ the r,1arco Island Taxpayers' Association, s.lid th,lt t.he desir,lbility of a community cent.er on Marco Isl.lnd is not t.he reason for his presence at t.he meeting, noting that should be decided by the pearle of M,lrco Island at the polls. lie said that the CormlUnity Center at Goldcn Gate ha. been cited as an example but that none of the condit.ions t.helt rlPI;~"r in thc ordin,lnce cre,lting th,lt taxing district appCrlr in the pr'oposed onJinilnce being heard t.his date: i.e. no provision in the ordinancl' for an expression of the people of the Islilnd, as was contained in thc ordinance pertilining to Golden Gilte; no provision for the appoinbncnt of an ildvisory bOilrd composed of not less than five. Marco Island residents, to be elected at the general election each even year, same to prepare budgets ilna establish operating policies; the absence of a millage cap, suggesting that this should not exceed 1/2 mill, but adding thrlt, in the long run, it is up to the people of Marco Island to decide what kind of money they are prepared to spend; and, no provision that all assets of the district, included but not limited to the land, building and equipment, shall be r1utomatically transferred to the incorporated city of r.1arco Island, when such is appropriate. He urged the Board to amend the ordinance, prior to its passage, to provide for a referendum by the voters of Marco Island. December 18, 1979 Coun~y Attorney Pickworth comnented that the County has learned a lot since the establ isl1ment of the Golden Gate District in 1975 and that the suggesti')ns made for incL;<;ion in thr. ordinance arc the matters which caused problems in tllilt situa'~ion. He added that the provision in the ordinance for a referendum vote caused trouble with the bond counsel. He said that all of the concerns expressed can be resolved at a later date and stated that he docs not see the need for making the effectiveness of tile dist.rict dep('ndent IIpon a referendum. COrTTllissioner Wimer noted that the propo,ed ordinance does not contain language regarding the operation and maintenance of the center. Attorney Pickworth said that such language sholJld be included and said that it would b<: added. Commissioner I'ist.or inllllired about tile transfer of the o~mershif1 of tile building, et al, in tile event r~i\rco Island becomes incorporated as was mcntiorwd earl iel' in tile hearing. Attorney f'ickwortl1 said that he cOIJ1d not prrdict. t.he eXilct. result of such provision but, in his opinion, the bond cOllnsel migl1t. have a problem dl'afting a bond resolution if a transfer :,1lcl1 as t.l1is is a corll11it.ment. He said that he \'1as not saying that it could not. le~Ji\lly be done and that if it is tile desire of the Board, such provi,ion could 1)(' "looked into"; however, he said that it would not have to be included in t.he ordinance. All proponent.s and opponents having been heard, Corrmissioner I'istor moved, seconded by Commissioner' Archer and unanimously carried, that the publ ic hearing be closed, COImlissioner Pistor moved that the ordinance creating a municipal service taxing IIni t to provide a communi ty center for an area \'1i thin the unincorporated area of Collier County, known as Marco Island, including Goodland, be adopted with t.he understanding that the ordinance will be amended as necessar'y. COIMlissionel" Wimer relluested clarification of the motion. Attorney Pickworth read off the changes to he made in the ordinance, as suggested; namely, at the end of Section 6 add the following sentence: "The afOl'esaid notwithstanding, the governing body will not have the pOl'ler to levy ad valorem taxes in excess of one mill in anyone year"; ~OQK 050 P^CE 429 . 'BonK 050 P^CE 430 December 18, 1979 Also, in Section 6, the fourth line of the first sentence shall be changed to redd: "villorem taxes ,JS In.,y be legill for the [1urpose of [1roviding, oper,lting dnd Ilhlintaining .1 ,;::'rw"Jnity Center \~ithin the Unit". Commi~:;joner Pistor .1gain Iiloved tllat the Ordindnce, as numbercd and entitled belOl~, be adopted, with the verbagc changes outlincd by Atton1(~y Pkkworth. and r.nterr.r1 into Ordindncc flook No. 10, The motion W,lS sccondr.d Ly C()Il..n;<:;~n~":' 'lrO'.-In ~nd "nani[:'Ql}c.l.'l ,:~rrir.d, ORDINANCE NO. 79--1Q.l M~ ORDINANCE r.REATING A HUNIClPAL SERVICE TAXING AND BENEFIT UNIT TO PROVIDE A COMMUNITY CENTER FOR AN AREA WITHIN THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY KIWWN AS lfARCO ISLAND. INCLUDING GOODLAND, AND. MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN; ESTABLISIlING THE HOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY AS mE GOVERNING BODY OF TilE UlnT; PROVIDING THE PURPOSE OF TIlE UNIT; PROVIDING FOR TilE POWER 'l'O LEVY SERVICE CHARGES. SPECIAL ASSESS11ENTS OR TAXES WITHIN TilE UNIT; PROVIOWG FOR TlIE GENERAL POI-ffiRS OF TilE GOVERNING r..ODY OF TilE UNIT; PROVIDING SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. RESOLUTIOtJ 79- InS RE RE()UEST IlY JERRY DRAKE, AGENT FOR DONALD GAOINSKI, FOR VACATION OF 15-FOOT MLEY"AY SOUTH OF LOTS 1-4, BLOCK fl, EASTGATE SUBDIVISION - ADOPTED ----_._-_.--_._~-_._~---_.- Lefj,ll noticl~ holVing been fwblished in thc Na[1les Di\ily News on December 2, 1979 .1S evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filcd with the Clerk, public he,willtJ \~as held to consider thc request filed by ,Jerry Drake, 1\gent rO)' f)on,lld flabinski, for the vaciltion of a IS-foot dlleyway lying directly sOllth of Lots 1 through 4, fllock B, Eastgdte Subdivision. Fol lowing brief explanation by Publ ic Works Administrator/Engineer Clifford Garksdale that tile subject vacation, if grdntcd, will have no effect on the area, ilnd tllat letters of "No Objection" have becn received from all utility comp,'nies, COITTnissioner Archer moved that the public hearing be closed, having detcrmined thdt there wcre no pcrsons l'egistered to addt'css thc matter. The motion was seconded by COlm1issioner Pistor and unanimously carried. COITTl1issioncr PistOl' moved that the Board duthorize the Chairman to execute Resolution 79-186 vdcating a IS-foot alleYWdY lying directly south of Lots 1 thr?ugh 4, Olock 0, Eastgate Subdivisio~ as requested by Jerry Drakc, Agent for Donald Oaoinski. The motion was seconded by COlTmissioner Archer and unanimously carried. 'B'o6~ 050 PAGE 432 December 18, 1979 RESOLUTION 79-187 RE REQUEST BY THE DEVELOPERS OF PELICAN 8AY FOR THE VACATION OF DRAINAGE EASEMENT ON PARCELS G AND H OF PELICAN BAY UNIT ONE. S9, T49S, R25E - ADOPTED Lcga; notice havi.lg bC(;1I r."bl ishcd in the Naples Daily News on Novembcr 30, 1979 as evidcnccd by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clcrk, public hearing was held to consider the requcst by the dcvelopcrs of Pelican Bay for the vacation of a drainage easemcnt on Pa:-cel s G and H of Pel ican Bay Uni t One, located in Section 9, Township 49 South, Rangc 25 East. Public Io/orks Administrator/Engineer Barksdale explained that the developer is proposing to vacate an existing Pelican Bay Improvement District drainage casement on the subject propcrty and that an additional request has hecn made for modification of Golf Course Pond '2. Mr. Barksdale said that the rcctangular-shapcd casement is being vacated in licu of "n easemcnt which will bf: dedicated by the landOl.mcr to thc Pelican Bay Improvement District which will have a configuration necessary to accOl11nodate the development of Parcel H. Further, said Mr. Barksdale, t.hc matter has bcen reviewed by the Water Management Advisory Board ilnd staff dnd is being rccolllnended for approval. COllmissioncr Archer, noting the absence of anyone expressing a desire to speak on the subject, moved that the pUblic hearing be closed. The motion W,lS seconded by COlTlTIissioner PistOl' and unanimously carried. COlllnissioner Pistol' moved that the Board authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution 79-187 approving the vacation of a drainage easement on Parcels G and H of Pclican Bay Unit One, located in Section 9, Township 49 South, Range 25 East. The motion was seconded by COlilnissioncr Archer and unanimously carried. * * * * * December 18, 1979 RECESS: 9:55 A.M. until 10:05 A.M. BOARD AUTHORIZES REFE'\[f'jJJl1M FOR MARCH 11, 1980 RE C::lNSTRUCTION OF COt-1MUNln CENTER 13UIL:'lIllG ON M,',RCO ISLAND, SUBJECT TO RECEIPT OF RE~E..ST FRO.!:1 AREAJ3I~'1-~t:!J2....!:..~jOR TO JANUMY IS, 1980 Pursuant to floard action taken earlier in the Session with regard to the creation of n dependent taxing district on Marco Island for the [1urpose of constructing a COIl1l1unity Cr.ntcr huilding, and to address the concern cxpreso;r.d by one of the o;[1eakers from the area, Corrmissioner Pistor moved that a referendum be held on Marco Island with regard to the construction of such center [1rovided that a request for same be received from the affectr.d residents prior to January 15, 1980, said referendum to be held l~arch 11, 1980. Corrmissioner Himer seconded the mot.ion which carried unanimously. CONSIDERATIOrl or A RATE II1CREASE REQUESTED BY GULF COMMutnCATORS, INC. (AMERICAN CAnLEVISION SERVICES) - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEAR 11:!.f'~~UARY 22,-19FlO COlTlnissionr.r Pistor moved, seconded by Corrmissioner Archer and lJn.1nimously carl'lcd, th,lt. consideration of a rate increase, as requested by Gulf Connlllll1icat.ors, Inc. (American Cablevision Services), be adver"tiscd for a [1ubllc he,1ring to be held January 22, 1980. AMENDMENT TO ORDINMCE 69-2 RE PROHlfllTION OF CAI~PING DURING THE NIGHT TIME ON THE RIGIIT-OF-\~AY OF TilE W. J. JANES t~Et~ORIAL SCENIC DRIVE - ~DVERT I S I i~:\UTIi9..G..I Z[[~C.Q.G.-PUOL) C HEAR I NG ,1ANIJARY 22._t980 Conl11issionr.r Pistol' moved, seconded by Corrmissioner Archer and carried unanimolJsly, that an amendment to Ordinance 69-2 with regard to the prohibition of camping during the night time on the right-of-way of the W. J. Janes Memorial Scenic Driv~be advertised for public hearing January 22, 1980, AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE 70-10 RE PROHIBITION OF THE POSSESSION OF GUNS IN WORKABLE CONDITION ON THE W. J. JANES MEMORIAL SCENIC DRIVE - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING JANUARY 22, 1980 Conlnissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Corrmissioner Archer and unanimously carried, that an amendment to Ordinance 70-10 with regard to the prohibition of the possession of guns in workable condition on the W. J. Janes ~\clI\orial Scenic Drive be advertised for publ ic hearing January 22, 1980. aoax 050 PACE 435 'a'oo' 050 pm 438 December 18, 1 979 PET IT I ON CP-79-8C, ED BRACKEN I REQUESTING A COMPREHENS I VE LAND USE A1~ErIOMENT FRml "C" TO RES [DENTI AL 6.22-30 UNITS PER GROSS ACRE ON PROPERTY LOCATED [N TRACT 11, LELV GOLF ESTATES - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED f9JL1'_UBLlC IjEARING JANU/~_22-1_)980 COlrmissi0ncr Pir,tor moved, '_cconded by COlTlTIissioner Archer and unanimously c.wried, that Petition CP-79-8C, filr>d by Ed Bracken, requesting authorization to advertise for a Comprehensive Land Use Amcndmrnt f~om r:onwnrrci,11 to Residclntial 6.22-30 Units per gross acre on property located on flattlesllake Hammock Road, Tract M, Lely Golf Estates, be advert.ised for pullllc hearing January 29, 1980. PETITION R-79-iJOC, ED IlflACKEN, REQUESTING REZONING [,ROM "GRC" TO "RM-1[l" ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON TIlACT ~I.I LELY GOLF ESTATES - ADVERTI S r NG AUTHOR I ZED FOR PUlll.!..~~E^ RJJ:~r,--j-^J~10!~U_9-,-_l.9!L(L Con~l1issionrl' f'istor lIIoved, seconded by Con111issioner Archer and IJrl,lnimously carried 5/0, t.hat Pdition R-79-40C, filed by Ed nracken, rCIJllesting rezoning from "GRC to "Rf1-1[l" on property locilted on Rattlr5nake Hammock RO.ld, Tract H, Lely Golf Estates, be advertised for' puhl ir. he,lrillg ,),lll1Jary 29, 1geo. PETITiOn R-79-36C, BlJCKEYE INVESTMENTS, REQUESTING REZONING FRDr1 "A" TO "RS-1' Ofi LOTS 9-12, COCONlJT CREEK UNIT 2 - AOVERTISING ~JlI.!9J~l?1lUJ)!.L!~ILI}..L_!..C_ HEAfllNG JANUARY 29,1980. COllVnissionet' Pistol' moved, seconded by COlTlTIissionp.r Archer and ul1,lllilllOusly carried, t.h,lt Petition R-79-36C, Buckeye Investments, rrquestinl} rrlol1ing frean "A" to "RS-1" on Lots 9 through 12, Coconut Crcek Unit 2, located on the south side of Gail Street at the east elld, Ile advertised for pulllic hearing January 29, 1980. PETITION Sr'1P-79-7C, BUCKEYE INVESTMENTS, REQUESTING SUBDIVISION MASTER PLAN APPROVAL ON LOTS 9-12, COCONlJT CREEK UNIT 2 - ADVERTISING AlJTHOR I ZED FOR PlJllLl C HEArn NG ,JANUARY 29, 1980 ConrnissionCl' Pistol' lIIoved, seconded by COlTlnissioncr Archer and uI1ailil11olls1y carried, that !'etitioll S~IP-79-7C, filed by fluckeye Investments, requesting Subdivision Master Plan approval for property known as nuckeye Estates, described as Lots 9 through 12, Coconut Creek Unit 2, be advertiset.! for publ ic hearing ,January 29, 1980. December 18, 1979 f'ETITlON CP-79-11C, flRUCE r~UM~l, REQUESTING COMPREHEHSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT FROM "c" TO 6.22-30 UNITS PER GROSS ACRE ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTII SIDF OF US 41, Or::HIEP-I MYRTLE COVE ACRES AND TRML ACRES, IN 532, TSOS, R26E - ADVERTISING AUTI101\lZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING JANUARY 29, 1980; (CmlPMnON PETITION R-/9-34C, O,lIGltIALLY SCHEDULED FOR JAlWARY 8, 1980 - ~~0..~'{.ERTJ~~D rOR Punl.lC HEARING JAnUARY 29, 1(80) Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and c,,)'ried unanimously, that Petition CP-79-11C, filed by Bruce r~umm, reClucsting a Compl'chensivc Plan Use ilmendment from C'1mmercial to Resi- dent;'1l 6.22-30 Uni ts per gross acre on prorerty located on the south side of US 41, bctween r~yrtle Cove Acres and Trail Acres, in Section 32, Township 50 South, Range 26 East, be ildvertised for public hearing ,January 29, 19f1O. ] t was noted that companion Petition R-79-34C, originally schedlllcrl t.o he heanl ,]anuilry fl, 1980, was rcadvertiscd to be heard ,Janll,lry 29, 19f1O. PET ITI ON FDPO-7 9- V -:;, CHARLES 'WiLEY, REQUEST I NG A VAR I AlICE TO FDPO 79-62 FOR PROP[llTY I.OCATED ON LOT IS, nLOCK 3, GULF SHORES - ADVERTISING AUTIIORIZED LQ.~_.!'_IIJ}l..LLJiLAJl}!~C;_~_~lJ.A_~~t 19f1O COiTlni SC, iOllr~r Pi s tor moved, seconded by Commi ss ianer Archer and ul1animollsly CillTicd, that Petition ;'DPO-V-5, filed by Charles Manley, reflucstirHJ il V,wi,l11ce to thc FOPO 79-62 for rrorerty located on Lot 15, fllock 3, Gulf Shores, be advertised for rublic hearing January 8, 1980. PETITION FPDO-79-V-6. n.M. KIRK, REQUESTING A VARIANCE TO FDPO 79-62 FOR A PORTION or S10, T51S, R2GE - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR punLlc HEAfUJ:!.0.. ,JANU0..~l 19fJO Conlnissioncl' Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously, that Petition FDPO-79-V-6, filed by rJ, M. Kirk, requesting a variance to FDPO 79-62 for a portion of the NE quarter of the NE Cluarter of Section 10, lying south of Henderson Creek, all in Towrlsllip 51 South, Range 26 East, be adverti sed for publ ic hearing January fl, 1900. CREATION OF PARKERS HAMMOCK ROAD l/.1PROVUIENT DISTRICT AND APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL - ADVERTISING AUTI10RIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING ,IANl!.^.J~Y 15, 19f1O Conrni s s i oncr !'i s tor moved, seconded by Commi ss i oner Archer and unanimously carried, that the proposed creation of the Parkers Hanmock Road Improvement District and the approval of the Preliminary Assessment Roll be advertised for public hCilring January 15, 1980. / I I 'aO~K 050 PAGE 438 December 18, 1979 PETITION V-79-23C, LINDA DAVIS, REQUESTING VARIANCE TO PERMIT 6' FENCE IN FRONT YARD OF LOT 16, BLOCK B, UNIT 7, PALM RIVER - ADVERTISING ~THORIZIQ-I_~~JJnL~~^RING JANUARY 15, 1980 COI"oissioner Pi~tor ",,;\leA, seconded by COlTlTIissioner ^rcher and unanimously carried, that Petition V-79-23C, filed by Linda Davis, re- questing a variance to permit the construction of a 6' fence in the front yard of Lot 16, Block B, Unit 7, Palm River, be advertised for public hearing January 15, 1980. PRESENTATlOtl OF 1978-79 ^NNU^L REPORT ON WORK ^CCOMPLlSHED BY THE DEP^RTMENTS Ur~DER THE D I RECTlOH OF THE COUNTY ~1ANAGER County Manager C. William Norman cOlTlTIented briefly on the Annual Report for Fiscal Ye<1r 197fl-79 of the work accomplished by the various departments under the County Manager during said Fiscal Year, in com- p 1 i ance wi th Ord i nance 7fl-18. r~r, Norman complimented and expressed his apprecIatIon to all of thc persons who worked on the Report and to his ^dministriitive Assistant II. G. Willett who coordinated the Report. Chairman Wcnzel extended his compliments to the Staff for a very good de L1 : led Rf'por t. Note: Report on file in officf' of Clerk of the Board. C"l fl.' ---- ----=:.....-- December 18, 1979 CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN MODIFIED CONTRACT WITH COLLIER HEALTH SERVICES, INC. (CHSI) FOR THE USE OF THE IMMOKALEE HEALTH SERVICE BUILDING County Manager C. Wi117~m Norman explained that the c01tract being recorrmended for approval between. the Collier Health Services, Inc. and the Board of County Corrmissioners for the use of the County Inrnokalee Health Care Center is essentially the same contract as was worked out the previous year. He noted two modifications to the contract were made, i.e. the word "County" was inserted before the word "equipment" in I tem II, Paragraph A; and the ~/ord "electrici ty" was added to Item 1, Paragraph A, to clarify the responsibility of this expense, Corrmissioner Archer moved, seconded by Corrmissioner Pistor and unanimously carried, that the Chairman be authorized to sign the mod ifi ed contrac t with Co 11 i er Hea lth Serv ices, I nc. for the use of the IrmlOkalee Health Service Building. * * * * * * MOl( 050 pm 439 '~OOK 050 PAC[ 442 Oecemher 18, 1979 CONCEALED PISTOL PER~'IT 79-13 APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE TO CHARLES RICE, UNDER PRovrSIONS OF ORDINANCE_78-1S County Manager C. Will1",~, Norman explained that the applicant. Charles Rice, has met all requirements of Ordinance 79-86 with regard to the issuance of a Pistol Permit, and that he is applying on the basis that threats have been made to his life, which have been documented. It is the staff recommendation that the permit be gra"ted and that the fee of $25.00 be approved inasmuch as Mr, Rice applied and paid said fee prior to the adoption of the Revised Pistol Permit Ordinance which increased the fee to $75.00. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and unanimously carried, that Concealed Pistol Permit 79-13 be approved for issuance to Charles Rice, as recommended by staff. [----1 December 18, 1979 STATUS REPORT ON AM8ULANCE t,,^NAGEt~ENT AGREEMENT NEGOTIATIONS - 8CC AUTIIORIZES EXTENSION OF CURRENT AMERICAN AMBULANCE CONTRACT FOR PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED 90 DAYS, U~GRADING LEVEL OF SERVICE TO INCLUDE IMMOKAlEE AREA, COMMISSIONER WII~ER TO ~R:PARE BID SPECIFICATIONS FOR 8CC APPROVAL, LOLl:~HNG \i!J.ICII COMPE: :,TIVE nIl'S \41Ll BE SOLICITED FOR NEW CONTRACT Chairman Wenzel noted that the Corrmissioners have been given copies of the new Ambulance ~'anagement Agreement between the 80ard and American Ambulance, Inc. lie advised that he has been "sitting in" on the meetings held for the plJrpose of drafting a new agreement, since the beginning of December. in an attempt to keep the matter from "bogging down", and, after considerable effort on the part of the staff, along with Mr. Jack Maguire of the American Ambulance firm, a contract has been worked out which is agt'eeable to both parties, subject to floard approval as to duration of the contract, along with other paragraphs upon which the noard will have to make a decision. County Manager C, William Norman called the floard's attention to the Executive Surrmary prepared by him, dated December 17, 1979, which he said highl i<jhts the ilnportant issues, and which have be2n provided to the COIIJ11issioners, along wah copies of the agreements, together with a proposal of estimated costs as furnished by the firm and an analysis of those costs developed from an analysis of other Counties' operations. ~1r. Norman s,lid that the proposal involves two major changes in the levels of service - one being the assumption of Advanced Life Support services in the Illlnok,llee area which requires approximately three persons over Ul<lt which had been operated by Zirpo Ambulance, and, secondly, the upgrading of service to the coastal area by one-half unit and an additional person to provide support for the ALS part of the service. Mr. Norman observed that these two matters account for the increase in cost over that which had previously been proposed by American Ambulance and budgeted. lie explained the clauses contained in the agreement with regard to the conduct of an independent audit of the contractor's operation at the conclusion of each operating year; the provisions for the extension of the current contract t.;ntil January 1, 1980 at which point the new agreement wi] 1 hecome effective; the components of the tel~ination agreement. particularly BOOK 050 PACE '443 '&OOK Q50 pr,CE 444 December 18, 1979 as it concerns the ownership of property. accounts receivable, accounts payable, and the like, /k. tlormdn said that one of the issues which remains to be resolved concerns the contractor's re~ue5t, as part of the closing out of the four-year agreement, that he be compensated for certain equipment which he h'15 provided for in the course of this agreement. He said that thl'! staff reels that compensation has been provided for in the form of a n. incentive payment on all bills collected, noting that an impasse has been reached on that point. Fllrther deta i1 5 concerni n'J the prorosed agreement were rrovided by /k. Norman Sllch ,15 the requirement for the contractor to post a bond in the amount of two-month's ~/orth of the annu,1l subsidy which the contractor has asked to be waived and which is a point the Goard will have to decide once cost infol'mation has been received. The term of the agreement is another i5slle for the Goard to decide, said ~Ir. Norman, One of the documents being presented for Goard review is the lease agreement. continued Mr. Norman, which he said does not have an updated 1 ist of c,lpi till e~uipment. lie said thnt the 1 ist which had been in operation in the past was insufficient and incomplete but the full cooperation of the cont.ractor has been assured in completing a detailed inventory and it is recorrrnended thilt the Goard authorize the staff to complete the list and attach it to the lease agreement prior to Januilry 1, 1980. Still to be addressed, said ~1r. Norman, is the lawsuit presently pending and which the County Attorney is concerned with, noting that this has been left in limbo during the transition period. Also, said Hr. NorTllal', the audit of the contractor's records for the period ending July 31, 1979 has not been received~ however, language has been included to stirulate that the subject audit will be presented to the Board by Oecember 27,1979 which will be reviewed by the staff prior to January 1,1980. ~\r, Norman explained that the cost analysis was prepared for tl-/O purposes, one being an att:?mpt to better understand and relate the 1~'--1 .~_.._..__ 1 December 18, 1979 com[Jetitive costs to the cost for the unique situation in Collier County, and the other being to provide the Board with the fiscal and legal report ~~ich is a~ essential plrt ot th" negotiated agreement which would be in 1 ieu of taking bids or some simiiar manner of arriving at the method of awarding the contract. At this [Joint, Chairman Wenzel ohserved that "there is no such thing as free ambulance service." He said that there can be no-charge service which means that it is paid for through taxes and that based on the facts and figures which he has reviewed during the last few weeks if there W,lS a no-charge service the cost would be about $800,000 - or approximately $9.70 for every man, woman and child. With inflation, Chairm,ln Wenzel said that the cost next year could be $1,000,000. He also pointed out that a lot of the increases are not Mr. Maguire's fault because the State sets very rigid rules and regulations for amublance srrvicc, such as spec ial vehicles, special equipment, certified personnel, and. since the County has taken on telemetry, there has to be a doctor on the payroll. Also, continued Chairman Wenzel, the firm has taken ovel' the IT1Jllokalrc area \~hich W,lS financed prilctically 100% by the County ,lnd inc!"eased the service there. He said that the estimate of $550,000 may be a little high or low but it is pretty close to what it was figured to be b,lsed on the costs in other counties. He reiterated that the people have to decide to pay for the service by tilxes or to continue allowing Mr. MaglJire to collect a certain amount of his fees and thus keep down the cost of the service. Mr. Norman reviewed the cost analysis provided to the noard explaining, in part, the reasons for the differences hetween Collier County and other counties surveyed which accounts for a portion of the differences, the fact that administrative costs, in those counties where the service is provided without a contractor, do not show up in their EMS budgets, and other like matters. lie said that, in his opinion, the additional costs in large measure can be jllstified because the owner is providing the management duties. Other items such as legal fees, rental charges, and the 1 ike, were also mentioned by Mr. rlo;'man as costs included in the budget MOX 050 PACE '445 ...____w._..~. .__~~-'~,'.~.....;.; '~oox December 18, 1979 050 PACE 446 figures which do not appear in the analyses of other counties since county facilities arc used. In summary, Mr. Norman said that all of the factors shown add u~ to an approximate $158,000 difference between the American Ambulance ~)tal co::t tlnd the cost of those counties observed. Hr. Norm,ln selld the)t there was a $16,000 difference which the staff was unable to account for which is felt not unreasonable in terms of the numerous 0 ther items wh i ch the s ta ff had nc ither the time nor the expertise to look at. Chairman Wenzel I although noting that the matter was not being heard in a public hctlring, provided the opportunity for those present In the audience who wished to address the Board. The following persons availed themselve, of the opportunity: Mike Zewalk, North Naples Civic Association ~larshall H. Webb, Naples Manor Property Owners, Inc. Bruce Holly, Sr., East Naples Civic AssocIation, and the Collier County Civic Federation George F. Keller, Collier County Civic Federation ~ancy Bisbee, President of the Golden Gate Estates Area Civic Assoc. John Garnier, Elected official of the North Naples Fire Control District All of the speakers were opposed to the renewal of the contract with "rnerican Ambulance firm for various reasons and provided the Board Io/i th suggested al ternativcs for operating the emergency medical service in the County. Prior to hearing the comments from the firm's representative, Chairnl.~n Wenzel reviewed the options available to the Board with regard to the subject; i.e. review the propo~ed agreement and arrive at a positive decision on the unresolved questions such as the length of the rgrcement, rental of equipment, bond, and the like; ask that the matter be continued until after the first of the yetlr at which time the aforemen- tioned audit will be available; drop the contract and go into emergency service until such time as the contract can be put out for bids; turn the service over to the fire ,'2partments; or, the County can operate the service as an independent department of government. He said thtlt the Board will have to make a decision, suggesting that all of the alternatives be given consideration. ~tr. Jack Maguire, President of American Ambulance, Inc., responded to the various criticisms of the operation and to the questIons which were raised. r.....} -'~'"\-'" . December 18, 1979 COlTlTIissioner Wimer observed that, in his opinion, thc Board mode the correct decision when it was agreed to have privatc enterprise supply the scrvice; however, a m,staka was made in not "laying it out" for public bid, Hc said that dU:'ing his nomentary absence from the meeting earl ier in the Session he asked Mr. Maguire his opinion with regard to letting the service out for public bid. He said that the contract could be instituted on a short-term hasis so that ambulance service is supplied to the residents of the County, and, thereby, eliminate all the confusion, the mistrust, the aspersions which have been cast upon the Board of County- COlTlTIissioners which, in his opinion, is providing erccllent ambulance service to Collier County through Am~rican Ambulancc at probably the best possible cost. Mr. Maguire responded to Cor.missioner Wimer by stating that if it is the Board's wishes to go out for bid, thcy woulrl be happy to go alony with their wishes. However, said /1r. ~ia9uire, his firm is at a disadvantage since thcy have "laid our cards on the t.able." Continuing, Mr. Maguire said that. after watching some of the response and secing what thc Corrvnission has attempted to do for the majority of the people in the County and to watch the accusations that have been made against the Cor.mission, there is "no way to go but to go fOl a bid" and that the Board deserves to have this option if they care to do so. COlTlTIissioner Wim~r moved that the agreement be put into effect, at the level of service of the agreemcnt and the cOlTlTIensuratr. payment for that service, for a rcriod of sixty days. He said that the County will need to be flexihle on the payment periods - it may be neccssary to pay weekly vs. monthly to kcep the ambulance service mobile on the basis that it is at the present. lie said that dUrlng the sixty-day period, he will develop the bid specifications, most of which he already has, and bring them back before the Board for approval or disapproval; and, further, once the bid documents havc been approved, that bid will be put out for public bid for ambulance service for Collier County. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion. COITlTlissioner Archer questioned whether or not ninety days might be a more logical time period, conmenting on the fact that the Board will not be meeting again until January 8, 1980 and that there are certain time requirements with rcgard to bids. Fol1owing brief discussion, COrtlnissioner Wimer amended his motion to state that the agreement be put into effect for a max imum of ninety days and, if the bids are ready to go out sooner, they can go out. COrtlTlissioner Brown seconded the amended motion. BOOK 050 PAGE '447 :"11.' "', ~.-::--.- ~ . - - .... -- ( I I ! BOOr: 050 PAGE'448 December 18, 197 ~lr. Norman voiced his concern that a "lot of shifting of gears" will be required to go into the context of the new agreement and requested some time be permitted to go over the matter with staff. He suggested that the Ooard mi~ht wish to ~onsid~r the extension of the present contract terms rather than to go into all the changes which would be required with regard to the new contract. Commissioner Wimer clarified his reasons for wishing to imple~ent the new contract such as the greater level of service involved in the new contract which he said is needed. Mr. Maguire stated his agreement with Mr. Norman's suggestion because there will be a "lot of paper work involved" when changes are made. Fiscal Officer Harold Hall said that Mr. ~1dguire could continue to submit his bfl ls since, under the present system, the level of service can be raised and can be fully reimbursed. COlTlnissioner Wimer again amended his motion to state that the present contract be continued but that the level of service be upgraded to include the Inmokalee area, and the 1 ik~. COlrmissioner Brown agreed with the amendment of the motion in his seconding thereof. Mr. Hall s,lid thoJt it needs to be clarified whether the collection co'~rnission. the incentive fee, is to be at the 40% rate, or something in between. ~lr. ~1<lguire said that he sees no real problem in this regard sinc~ the present contract will be continued and that the commission is based on dollars collected after it reaches billing, and so on. The question of a sep<lrate contract for the Immokalee area was suggested with the consensus of the Board being that this would be decided when bids are received. Mr. ~\aguire responded in the affirmative when asked if the audit previously mentioned would be submitted by the end of the month. Attorney Pickworth inquired if the staff would be involved in the preparation of the bid specification documents, Commissioner Wimer said that, obviously, he would be using the staff and that they will be asked to ITldke a recolltllendation. Upon call for the question, the motion carried unanimously. * * * RECESS: 12:00 Noon until 1:30 P.~1. at whiCh time Deputy Clerk ~renneman was replaced by Deputy Clerk Davidson. * * * (--1 -~' December 10, 1979 RESOLUTION NO. 79-180 RE PETITION PU-79-2I-C, L^RRY SCHNEIDER, REQUESTING PROVISIONAL USE (2) OF THE INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT FOR A JUNKYARD FOR NON-FERROU' METALS - ADOPTED WITH STIPULATIONS - PETITIONER'S AGREEMENT TO STIPULATIONS- !:..CCEP~__ Ms. Lee Layn~, Planne~, presented Petition PU-79-2I-C and explained tha it is a request by Mr. Larry Schneider for a Provisional Use for a junkyard in the Industrial District, She located the proposed junkyard as being In the IndlJstrial Park on Yahl Street, off Pine Ridge Road. Ms. Layne reported that Staff has reviewed the petition and is recommending approval subject to four stipuli1tions as follows: 1. Detailed site drainage plan be submitted to and approved by the County Engineer prior to the issuance of any building permi ts. 2, All future signs must be approved by the Zoning Director. 3. Construction of a 7' high fence to conceal the yard. 4. Approval of site plan as submitted. Ms. L~yne added that the Planning Commission held their public hearing on December 6, 1979 and recommended forwarding said petition to the floard wi th a recOlrmendation of approval subject to staff's stipulations. In answer to Chairman Wenzel's question Ms. Layne said that the propose' junkyard is surrounded by other industrial ventures. Comnlssioncr Pistor moved, seconded by Comnissioner ^rcher and carried unanimously 5/0, that Resolution No. 79-188 re Petition PU -79-2I-C, Larry Schneider, requesting a provisional use for a junkyard in the Industrial District be adopted subject to staff stipulations and that the Petitioner's ^grecment to stipulations be accepted. * * * * * BOOK 050 PAGE '4-49 . -- ) ,< December 18, 1979 RESOLUTION NO. 79-189 RE PETITION PU-79-22-C, KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, REQUESTII~G PROVISIONAl. USE '(6) OF THE ESTATES DISTRICT FOR A FRATERNAL BUll.DltlG ON THE E 180' TMCT 33, UNIT 30, GOLDEN GATE ESTATES - ADOPTED WITH STIPULATIONS - ;'::TITIONE~S AGREEI~ENT TO STIPULATIONS - ACCEPTED Planner Lce La~',le preslnted Petition PU-79-22-C by the Knights of Columbus, and noted that they are requesting a Provisional Use for a Fraternal Club on the [,1St 180' of Tract 33. Unit 30, in Golden Gate Estates. She located the proposed club as on the south side of Golden Gate Parkway across from the r~en\.l,l Health Clinic. Ms. Layne said that Staff h"s reviewed the petition and is reconlllending approval of same subjcct to the following stipulations: I. Comply with all applicable fire codes. 2. Public water and approved sewage disposal required. 3, Site drainage plan be submitted to and approved by the County Engineer prior to issuance of any building permits. 4. Limit access to one-way in and one-way out. S. La;)d~caping must be provided around the parking area in accordance with Section 19 of the Zoning Ordinance. 6. All signs must he approved by the Zoning Director. Ms. Layne rcrorted that the Planning Commission held their publ iC hearing on December 6, 1979 and recorrmended fon~arding Petition PU-79-22-C to the floal'd of County COl11nissioners with a recorrmendation for approval subject to the staff's stipulations. In answer to Commissioner Arche~ Ms. Layne noted that the staff had received one letter in regards to said petition from Mr. Mike Stephens, who lives in Unit 30 and the only rcquest he made W,lS that they not be allowed to have a liquor license. She pointed out that the Knights of Columbus will not be able to get a 1 i4'1or 1 io:cnse bccausc of their proximity to a school. She verified the adequacy of p,lrking facilities for the proposed club at the request of COlTlnissioner Pisto~ and verificd the fact that the petitioner was told at the publ ic hearing that they could not get a 1 iquor 1 icense, in response to Corrmissioner Wimer's question rcgarding same. She said that they could, however, apply for a private club license whereby the club members could bring in their own liquor. Con~issioner Pistor moved, seconded by Corrmissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0, that Resolution No. 79-189 re Petition PU-79-22-C BOQX 050 rAGE '455 " ~-- MOK 050 PAGE 456 December 18, 1979 requesting a Provisional Use for a Fraternal Club building by the Knights of Columbus to be located on Golden Gate Parkway in the Golden Gate Estates b~ adopted ~Jbject to staff ~LiDulations and that the Petitioner's Agree- ment to stipulations be accepted. * * * * * * * * * * * * * [ ---1 . ".... eo~~ Q50 PAGE46Z December 18, 1979 51 PAY INCREASE APPROVED FOR RICHARD HENDERLONG, PLANNER II EFFECTIVE 9.CTOe!:r. 1"J.2?1____ Prin~fpal Planner Dann} Cr~w addressed the Board regarding an additional 51 pay increase for Richard Hendcrlong, Planner II, explaining that the Personnel Program is undergoing study at this time and he feels that It ~Iould not be fair to tk. Henderlon9 to wait eight months until the study is complete: therefore he is rer.ommending the increase for the planner 11 flnsit;nn tn be effective as of Octoher 1,1979. He expounded on the matter by saying that based on his experience Mr. f1enderlong could start at 15% above entry level pay scale for the position he now holds and that even with the additional 51 requested today, he will be earning less than that figure. He added that the requested increase wil 1 bring him close to ~lh,1t he would be earning if he were brought into the County flayrol1 from the outside, and ~lr. Crew said that Mr. Henderlong has been an outstarding cmflloyee for over two years. Chairman Wenzel asked why this was not requested at the time of budget hearings for the Planning Department? County ~1ilnager Nonnan explained that the creation of the position Planner II was part of the budget, and that Mr. Ilendcrlong Is being flromoted to fill that position, and he further noted that t.he reflucst for a flromotional increase is consistent with Personnel Policy. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 5/0, that a promotional increase of an additional 5% be approved for Richard Henderlong, effective October 1, 1979. CENSUS CO~IPLETE COUN T CDr11'1ITTEE APPOINTED AS FOLLOWS: STAFF DIRECTED TO ADO AT LEAST TWO RETIRED CITIZENS TO SAME--MESSRS. MOSS, MORGAN, FRAZL~~~~~LVERGOARD, GARTON, AND REV. ATKINS. Planner Tom McDaniel said that the U.S. Bureau of the Census is going to conduct a large scale, mass media, promotional compaign to obtain total citizen participation in the 1980 Census. He said that he is reconmending the creation of a Complete Count Commi ttee and outl ined their function as one that will include doing public relations work prior to the Census that will cOlTlnence on April 1, 1980. He suggested the Committee be composed I. r "--j 't-..:',\. if- I ! ..-.-.-..--...----- ........_..,.................~ lil-,..4...m.~'I!'lW.."(_~,~.;s;;;;,u_~:... X,-:...:...-.;"";::::::....::.:;.: \ [ Decembpr 18, 1979 of people that are experienced In public relations, people that arc users of Census data; and leaders of minority elements. The following names are those reconmen0~d by Mr. McDaniel: [lob Moss Tom Morgan Tad Frazier Ed Hc1ll Reed Sil verboard fli 1 1 flarton R. l. AL:dns Mr. McDaniel noted that all the above-listed gentlemen have been contacted and have agreed to serve. He noted that if approved,and after these members have met, he may come back before the ncc and make a request for aprrov(1l of additional names of prospective members that the COlTlnittee has reconJnended and perhaps a request for a small sum of money for printing, etc. that they may need to carry out their respective function. Chairman Wenzel noted the absence of any names of retirees ft'om the 1 ist submitted for approval. Mr. r'\cDaniel said that if the !3oard feel s a need to add retirees t.o the membership of such a Conlll1i ttee he welcomes any names they care to submit. COlTlnissioner Pistol' asked if the recommended names could be approved today and additional names be added at a later date? County ~\al1agcr' Norman suggested they authorize the Chairman to add the names of retirees. After a brief discussion of the matter, COfwTlissioner I\rcher moved, seconded ~y Conmlssioner Pistor and carried 4/1, that the sU~Tlitted names be approved fOf the Census Complete Count Committee and that at least two names be added to same from the retirement community of Coll ier County. Chairman Wenzel cast the dissenting vote. RESOLUTION NO. 79-140 APPOINTING AND AUTHORIZING COUNTY ENGINEER AS AGENT FOR EXECUTltlG PERMIT APPLICATIONS FOR SECONDARY ROAD AND WATER MANAGEMENT PROJECTS - ADOPTED County Engineer Clifford Barksdale made the reconrnendation that he be appointed as the agent fOf executing permit applications. He said that at numerous times, certain State and Federal Agencies have to be applied to fOf permits and that it would save time In processing the applications if they could be executed in the Office of the County Engineer and not having to go scheduling it through Regular BCe Meeting Agendas. He asked that the !3oard adopt a Resolution that appoints himself as the authorized agent to execute the pefmit applications for sE'cl.Jndary road projects and water management projects. BOGK 050 PAGE 463 '- .~ Max 050 PAGE 4S.f December 18. 1979 Chairmdn Wenzel asked for clarification as to whether or not the Board would still be in a position to approve or disapprove of proposed projects if they deleg,1tr.d this ,1uthority to the County Engineer. Mr. Norman stated that IJo,1d control of such projects would take place at the time the BCC approved or disapproved the project. Mr. fiarksdale clarified the matter by stating that the applications would not be made until the Board approved the project. COlllnissioner Wimer moved, ;econded by Corrmissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0, that Resolution No. 79-190 appointing and authorizing the County Engineer to execute permit appl ications for secondary road and w,lter management projects be adopted, * * * * * * * * * * r C~l '"""');.... , .----;6' '~".~II'l-,-, -.-...-----.-- 050 P~GE 466 Decemuer 18, 1979 FINAL PLAT FOR RIVIERA COLONY GOLF ESTATES UNIT 2, APPROVED; CIlAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN PLAT: 110ARD ACCEPTS IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT IN TilE AMOUNT OF $~730.16; PLAT AUTHORIZED FOR RECORDATION County Engineer Cl ifford l1arksdale presented the request by Cheezcm Development Corporation to record the final plat for Riviera Colony Golf Estates Unit 2. He noted that the plat was approved by the BCC on March 20, 1979 and was to be held for recording until all construction was completed or until slJch a time that approved securities were provided. He said that the developer exercised his option under the Subdivision Regulations to complete the construction prior to plat recordation but, at this time, wishes to post the surety and have the plat recorded, Ile said that he recommends the Chairman be authorized to sign the plat; accept the surety; and the Board authorize the plat for recordation. Conmissioner Wimer rooven, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried un"nimously 5/0, that the Final Plat for Riviera Colony Golf Estates be approved (,nd authorized for recordation and that the surety in the form of an Irrevocable Letter of Credit in the amount of $127,730.16 be accepted olnd the Chairman be authorized to sign the plat. * * * * * * r. f --:1 "" ,,".. .,,fiJ" '\' r i I , " \ -I' ~OT~ 050 rACE 468 December 18, 1979 TWO WATER WELL PERMITS NOS. 65.258A & 65.258B, EXXON CORPORATION, SECTION 2, T52S, R34E - DEFERRED UNTIL THEIR PROVISIONAL USE REQUEST COMES BEFORE THE BCC County Engineer Bar~~dale presented Exxon Corporation's request for two Water Well Permits Nos. 65.258A and 65.258B, along with his recommendation to the Board for approval of same. He located the sites of the proposed wells as out in the eastern part of the County just north of the jetport property, specifically, Sectio,l t., T52S, R34E. He said that these two wells (,re to be used as c1 backup if the primary wells fail for their drilling operation. Mr. Barksdale reported that the Water Management Advisory Board h,lS reviewed these clppl ications and approved them. lie added that the two usual stipulations are to be Included in the approval and that they are as follows: 1. That a copy of the driller's log of each be submitted with a water analysis re water quality for same, to the County Engineer. 2. Wells be capped and plugged upon abandonment of the drilling operations. Planner Lce LaYlle asked if these were the water wells that still have to have a provisional use appl led for and Mr. Barksdale concurred. It was the consensus of the Board that the provisional use and the permitting of the wells should be cOllsidered at the same time. Ms. Layne suggested that the Sli;;"ldtion that the permits be subject to the issuance of a provisional use be added to the list of stipulations previously listed by Mr. Barksdale. ConTllissioncl' Pistor suggested the matter be continued until the provisional use request comes before the Board and so moved. Commissioner Archer seconded the mot ion and it carried unanimously 5/0. EXCAVATION PERMIT NO. 59.90, LENNY SPICER, SECTION 1, T50S, R25E - APPROVED WITH STrpULATIONS Coullty Ellgincer [larksdale presented the request of Mr. Lenny Spicer for approval of Excc1vc1tion Pennit No. 59.90, Section 1, Township 50S, R25E and explained that it was a request for an excavation of a lake approximately 300' by 100' on lot 8, Coconut Creek, Unit 2. He said the lake would have a 50' side setback, 250' front setback; and a 50' rear setba~k from Coconut Creek. Mr. Barksdale explained that Mr. Spicer l. L-'~ 1 1-. -. - ': '_Od.__ ...~,_. __. ~.~.~..._.__~;_ -:.!'I" December 18. 1979 planned to excavate approximately 10.901 c.y. of fill and has indicated that he will use approximately 5,000 c.y. for the filling of the front portion of ,lis property and toldt the remaining fill will be removed from the property. He noted that the Water Management Advisory Board has re- viewed the request to e~cavate the lake and recommended approval with the stipulations as follows: 1. ~laxim\Jm lake depth should not exceed 8' below mean high water table or 10' below 5ur;acc. 2. Side slopes shall not exceed 4 to 1 to a water depth of 5'. 3. No blasting shall be permitted as part of the excavation permit. 4. No pumping shall be permitted as part of the excavation permit. 5. If surplus fill is to be hauled off site, applicant shall post a bond and pay fee. 6. That all appl icable rrovisions of Count,\' Ordinance No. 73-12 be adhered to. 7. That the applicant will comply with any new administrative re- quirements which become a part of the revised Excavation Ordinance. ConTnissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously 5/0, that E)cavation Permit No, 59.90 requested by Larry Spicer for the excavation of a lake on Lot 8, Coconut Creek, specifically Section 1, T50S, R25E, be approved with the inclusion of the stipulations as listed above. EXCAVATION PERMIT NO. 59.93, A. L. LEINWEBER, SEC. 22, T48S, R26E - APPROVED WITH ST IPlJLATlONS County Engineer Cliff Barksdale presented the request of Mr. A. L, Leinweber for approval of an excavation permit in Sec. 22, T48S, R26E, and located the excavation site at about one mile northwest of the intersection of C.R. 951 and Inmokalee Road. He stated that the peti- tioner requests this permit for use on his own property to be used for agricul tural purposes. r~r. l1arksdale noted that the Water ~\anagement Advisory Board has reviewed the request and has recon~~nded approval of same with the stipulations as follo\1s: 1. No pumping off site shall be permitted during the excavation. 2. Since excavatod material is to remain on site, the require- ments for a bond and permit fee shall be waived. 3. That all applicable provisions of County Ordinance No. 73-12 shall be adhered to. 4, That the applicant shall comply w:th any new administrative requirements which become a part vi the revised Excavation Ordinance. BoaK 050 PAGE 469 BQQ:, 050 fACE 470. December 18, 1979 COI1~l1issioner Archer moved, seconded by COlTlllissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 5/0, that Excavation Permit No. 59.93, ^. L. Leinweb-r, for Sec. 22, 718S. R26E, be approved with the stipulations as outl incd ,1bove. RESOLUTION NO. 79-191 READOPTfNG ALL TRAFF IC CONTROL REGULA TfONS APPROVED ArlO INSTALLED flY THE FLA. D.O. T. ON COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM PRIOR TO JANUARY I, 1978 - ADOPTED Coun ty Eng f ncer C; ,fford BiJ ,'ksda 1 e exp 1 a i ned tha t the purpose of the proposed Resolution is to readopt all the traffic control regulations approved and installed by the Florida D.O.T. on the County Road System prior to ,January 1, 1978. lie stated that when the County assumed the Secondary Road System, the Florida Legislature enacted the transferring of maintenance responsihllities from the D.O.T. to the rcspect've Counties ilnd redesignated these roads as County roads. He said that the legisla- tion made no mention of the traffic control regulations (speed zones, traffic signals, parking restrictions, etc.) adopted by the D.O,T. prior to the transfer and, as a result, a question has been raised as to whether th~sc r~9ulations are still valid and enforceable. lie said that it is the n~C:)l1l1l1cIHj<1tion of the D.O. T. Deputy State Traffic Operations Engineer that the Board adopt a resolution that will re-adopt all of said traffic reguL1tions. Chairman Wenzel asked if traffic "lights" were included in the term "regulations" as stated by Mr. Barksdale and Mr. Barksdalf' repl led negatively. Chairman wenzel stressed the need to have a "1 ight" installed on Shadowlawn Avenue at the intersection rather than near the school as it Is now and Mr. Barksdale replied that the State installed the existing light that is operated by a button, and that particular one was part of a program the State initiated and the State made ,1 study and determined that by keeping it away from an intersection it was a safer crossing for the children and citizens alike. He added that he concurs that a "light" is needed at the intersection and that the D.O.T. has been requested to relocate that particular crossing. Conlnlssioner Archer moved, seconded by COlTlllissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 5/0, that Resolution No. 79-191 re-adopting all traffic control regulations approved and install~d by the Florida D. O. T. on the County Road System prior to January 1, 1978 be adopted. eoox 050 PAGE 412 December 18. ] 979 U1ERGENCY DECLARED AND ORDINANCE NO. 79-102 PROI!WITING THE DISCIlARGE OF RIM FIRE OR CENTER FIRE FIREARr~s WITHIN TilE URIJANIZING PORTION OF GOLDEN GATE ESTATES AND THE DISCHARGE OF SHOTGUNS WITHIN 1/4 MILE OF M1Y RES I DENCE OR OCCUP I ED STRUCTURE WITIlI N TlIE UN I NCORPOM TED AREAS OF r.OLLI E R COC,HY - ADOPTED Assistant County Attorney Tony Pires addressed the issue of adoption of ,1n emergency ordinance for the purpose of prohibiting the discharge of rim fire or center fire firearms within the urbanizing portion of Golden Gate Estates and the discharge of shotguns within 1/4 mile of any residence or occupied structure within the unincorporated areas of Collier County. He sc1id that concern has been expressed as to a certain proposed resolution uesignating all of the County roads in regards to eliminating the problems of stray gunfire in certain areas of the County. He said that he has talked with certain individuals who offered "input" regarding same. as to what they felt would hoth protect the citizens and still allow for the legitimate use of fll"earms. He pointed out the pl'Oblem with the Special Act as one that only allows for the adoption of a resolution that designates certain streets from which firec1I'TlIs cannot be discharged. Chc1inn<ln Wenzel asked about the enforceability of such an ordinance ,1nd Mr. Pires said he felt it would be enforceable; however, that issue would be best addn~ssed by Deputy Chief Raymond Barnett as the Sheriff's Department would be the enforcin'] ilgl~nt. Mr. Pires alsu cOlTlnented that. the draft, as presented, does not include the location of Mrs. Gi~son's home, Iloting that Mrs. Glbsoll first brought this matter to the Doard. Deputy Chief Raymond narnett stated that the draft appears adequate although he favors banning shotgun fire and noted that the proposed ordi~ nallce will not help cut down on the number of calls regarding the prOblem in the area as the people who hear the shooting will not know the difference in the sounds of thl: shots from one gun or the other, He said that the Sheriff Depa rtlllen t's problem Is tha t as houses are be j ng bu i lt a 11 over the County all the people will want a similar ordinance passed, He stated that Ile fel t the proposed ordinance is a good "interim" measure at this time. December 18, 1979 I 1, Mrs, Nancy Bisbee, Prcsident of the Goldcn Gate Estates Area Civic Association spoke regarding the proposed ordinance and requestcd it be redrafted to include a larger area, specifically out to at least DeSoto Boulevard. She pointed out that there are many full-time residents in the area and said that because of all the brush and trees, the hunters come up on homes before thcy realize they are so close to them. Commissioner Archer sV~cd thilL hc was reluctant to hlanket the area and eliminaLe bird hunting in certain ficlds and he was in favor of trying the ordinance. Chairman Wenzel concurrcd and mentioned that t~r, BarnetL seemed to think it was a good step to take. He said that, in the meantime, if complaints continue to come in the Board will have to amend the ordinance. Conmi s s i oner Archer moved, seconded by COlTlTIi ss i oner Pi s tor and carried IlIlanimollsly 5/0, that an emergency be declared. COllmi s s i oller \4; Iller moved, seconded by Comi ss i oner Archer and carried unanimollsly 5/0, that the emergency ordinance, as numbered and entitled belOl~, be adopted and cntel'ed into Ordinance Book No. 10. OHDINANCE NO. 79- 102 AN EHERGENCY ORDINANCE PROllIllITING THE DISCHARGE OF RIl-! FIRE OR CENTER FIRE TYPE FIREARMS \HTHIN THE URMNIZIt~G PORTION OF GOLDEN GATE ESTATES AND THE DISCHARGE OF SHOTGUNS HtTIIIN ONE-QUARTER (1/ I.) 11ILE OF ANY RES IDENCE OR OCCUPIED STRUr.- TURE IHTllIN TlIE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY; PROVIDING DEFINITIONS; PROVIDING EXCEP- TIONS; DECLARING AN EMERGENCY; PROVIDING PENAL- TIES; SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Boax 050 PAGE473 eoaK 050 PAGE 4.74 December 18, 1979 EXPENDITURES APPROVED FOR COUNTY ENGINEER TO PERFORM EMERGENCY DRAINAGE REPAIRS IN I~\MOKJ\LEE County Engineer narksdal~ addressed the request for approval of the expenditures of funds to make emergency repairs for a drainage culvert and explained that the matter had been discussed at a previous meeting and he had becn instructed to come back to this meeting with more details re- garding the expendi";re of al'lllro.dmately $15,000 in the !mmokalee area. lie said th,lt recent heavy rainfall in the Irrmokalee area has resulted in the flooding of a five-hlock residential area bordered on the north by Eustis Avenue, on the south by Stokes Avenue and extending from South Ninth Street to an area east of South Fifth Street. He said that an investigation of the a rea revea 1 cd tha t the flood i ng was caused by the concentra t ion of excess rainfall runoff along South Fifth Avenue and drainage restrictions within an existing metal storm drain located along the west side of South Fifth Avenue. lie suggested that in order to improve conditions in the flooded are~, a drain~ge plan has t.o be incorporated that will divert and channel a portion of the excess rainfall runoff to the west and the rel'llaccment of damaged sectio~s of the existing storm drain is necessary. In ans~ler to Chairman Wenzel, Mr. flarksdale said that plans are for making an open culvert in place of the closed one that is presently there. He said that certain parts of the culvert would be closed, i.e. driveways, etc. Also, additional pipe will be scheduled for removal in Fiscal Year 1979-80 and 1980-81 on an as-needed hasis, but that the funds he is requesting be approved today will be sufficient along with about $2,430.00 out of the existing District Five maintenance budget and approximately $1,485 worth of pipe on-hand that will be used to complete the emergency repairs. He said that he is requesting approximately $15,000 from the General Fund Contingency. Chairman Wenzel asked if t1r. l3arksdille was asking for an advance that will be paid back next year by the District. Mr. Barksdale said that lhe only way it could be paid back would be if it were budgeted for next year. If the prOblem had be noted during the time of budgeting, said Mr. Barksdale, it would have December 18, 1979 been budgeted for as a "Special project" or it would have been included in a request for "Special funds" during the hearings for District Five. ~lr. Hall clarified th'~ point that this is not a "Special taxing district" and Mr. Barksdale concurred. Mr. Hall said that the monies requested should not come from the "General Fund" but rather from the "Road and [lridge Fund" and make arrangements through "Contingencies" for the re- imhursement in the Koad and Bridge budget. He suggested that if the Board wishes that this expendIture be made they might approve the ex- penditure and he and Mr. Norman will meet with Mr. Barksdale and that he wil 1 come b,1ck with an appropriate recommendation on the funding of same. COlTlTIissioner Drown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the requested expenditure for the emergency drJinage repairs in Immokalee be approved as recolTlTIended by Mr. Barksdale. Chairman Wenzel instructed r~r. Hall to come back with a method of paymcn tat ,1 1 a ter da te. RESOLUTION NO. 79-192 AMENDING RESOLUTION 79-78 TO INCLUDE CERTAIN HOURS OF ENFORCEMENT RE PARKING rRrnllBITION IN FRONT OF THE ARCADE THEATER IN IMMOKALEE - ADOPTED County Engineer Barksdale explained that since the establishing of the "No Parking" zone, numerous complaints have been received regarding the reduction of available parking spaces for the Theater and other business located in front of the Arcade Theater on S.R. 29 in Immokalee. He said it was a combined effort of the Engineering Department, the Sheriff's Annex, and the Immokalee Fire Department that is behind the request for the proposed Resolution. He said that the D.O.T. has indicated that, if such a Resolution is adopted by the County that rescinds the "No Parking Zone" established in Resolution 79-78 and changing the enforce- ment time to include only the hours beh/een 6:00 P.M. to 1:00 A.M., they would implement the hours of our request by amending their parking restrictions in said are.,,- Comnissioncr Pistor moved, seconded by Corrmissioner Brown and carried unanimously 5/0, that Resolution No. 79-192 amending Resolution 79-78 to include certain hours of enforcement re parking prohibition in front of the Arcade Theater in IlTlTIokalee be adooted. BOOK 050 PACE 475 December 18, 1979 BID #400 AWARDED TO BOWt~N'S OFFICE SUPPLY & EQUIPMENT CO. FOR MAINTENANCE CONTRACT FOR ELECTRIC TYPEWRITERS - APPROVED IN THE At~OUtn OF $40 PER TYPEWR ITER Legal notice having been published In the Naples Daily News on November 19 and 21, 1979 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids ~Icre received until December 5, 1979 for the maln- tenunce contract for electric typewriters located at various places in Collier County. County Manager Norman explained that there are approximately 140 electric typewriters to be serviced and the low bid from Bo~~an's Office Supply & Equipment Co., Naples, Florida, is for $40.00 per typewriter which will be approximutcly $5,685.00 annually. He noted that the bid of $40.00 represents a reduction of $.50 per unit from last year~ contract (lnd he rccorrrnended approvul of same. Comnissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 5/0, that Bid #400 be awarded to Bowman's Office Supply & Equip- ment Co., Naples, Florida, in the amount of $40,00 per typewriter as contained in the recommendation of the Bid Review Committee letter dated December 7, 1979, and thilt the Chairman and the Clerk be authorized to sign and attest the resulting agreement. EMERGENCY DECLARED AND ORDINANCE NO. 79-103 CREATING A MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING LJISTRICT IN THE EAST NAPLES AREA, SOUTH HALF OF SEWER AREA "B" - ADOPTED --- Utilities Director Irving Berzon stated that during a previous Board meeting in December there was discussion centering around the possibility of going ahead with the preparation 6f plans and specifi- cations for a central sewage collection system in the East Naples area, and at that time the question arose as to how the system would be funded, or assured of funding, in the event that there was a failure of the bond vill idation. lie said a suggestion has been made that the Board create a "Special Taxing District" for that purpose. He said that its express purpose will be to pay, if needed, for the preparation of plans and ~OOK 050 PACt: 477 ~'J~,y 050 me 478 Dccember 18. 1 97'J specifications for the East Naples sewer system, Commissioner Archer moved for a declaration of an cmergency which WilS sE:ccr.';ed by COlTvlIissione,' P;c;tor and carried unanimously 5/0. ConvlIlssioner Archer moved, seconded by Corrrnissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 5/0, that the emergency ordinance as numbered and entitled helow bc adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 10. ORDINANCE NO. 79-~ AN EMERGE[~CY ORDINANCE CREATING A MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING AND BENEFIT UNIT TO PROVIDE ^ MEANS TO RAISE TilE FUNDS HECESSARY TO PAY FOR FINAL ENGINEERING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR A SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM FOR AN AREA IN COLLIER COUNTY KNOWN AS SElVER AREA "B" SOUTII HALF (EAST l~APLES) AND MORE PARTI- CULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN; ESTABLISHING TilE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY AS THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE UNIT; PROVIDING THE PURPOSE OF THE UNIT; PROVIDING FOR THE POtVER TO LEVY SERVICE CHARGES. SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS OR TAXES WITHIN TilE UNIT; PROVIDIHG FOR THE GENERAL POWERS OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE UNIT; PROVIDING SEVER1\IHLITY; DF:CLAIUNG AN EHERGENCY AND PROVIDING AU EFFECTIVE DATE. CHAIR~\AN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN LETTER OF APPEAL TO THE FARMERS HOME ADf~INISTRATION RE THE FMHA DECISION TO TURN [JACK tl0tlI[~ Ei\Rr1i\RKED FOR EAS T NAPLES S EWE R PRO,) ECT Utilities Director flerzon statcd that the District Director from FmHA recently responded to the Chairman's letter regarding the outcome of the recent East Naples sewer referendum. He said that in the letter the Director from FmHA indicates that the monies that were obligated for East Naples Sewer Project are being turned back and that the County does have a period of 20 days in which to appeal said decision. He asked that the Chainl1an be authorized to provide such an appeal in light of the apparent direction that the Board seems to have decided to take regarding the providing of said sewers. He said that he did not wish to close out the option of a FmHA lOiln at some time in the future. Commissioner Wimer so moved, seconded by Corrrnissioner Plstor and carried unanimously 5/0, that the above-referenc~d letter be authorized. December 18, 1979 EMERGENCY DECLARED AND ORDINANCE NO. 79-104 CREATING A MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING DISTRICT IN THE WILLOUGHBY ACRES WATER AREA - ADOPTED Utilities Director Irving Berzon explained that under the emergency ordin~nce requirements, he recolTlnends adoption of an emergency ordinance creating a Municipal Service Taxing District to be used as a "backup" method of funding the water distribution system for the Willoughby Acres area. He noLi! that said recommendation is a result of the many discu:;sions regarding same and the expressed intent of the Board to proceed with the construction of a potable water system for the Willoughby Acres area as more fully defined within the Executive Surrmary. COlTlnissioner ArcheI' moved, seconded by COlTlnissinner Pistor and carried unanimously 5/0 that iI state of emergency exists. , Conmissioner Archer moved, seconded by COlTlnissioner Pistor and carried un,lnimously 5/0, that the Emergency Ordinance as numbered and entitled below be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 10. ORDINANCE NO. 79--1.O.<L AN Et1ERGENCY ORDINANCE CREATING A MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING AND BENEFIT UNIT TO PROVIDE A WATER UTILITY SYSTEH FOR AN AREA HITllIN TilE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLL HR COUNTY KNmm AS \HLLOUGIIBY ACRES; AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IIEREIN; ESTABLISIIING TilE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY AS TilE GOVERNING BODY 0'" TilE UNIT; PROVIDING TlIE PURPOSE OF TilE UNIT; P:{OVLDING FOR TlIE POWER TO LEVY SERVICE CIlARGES, SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS OR TAXES HITlIIN TilE UNIT; PROVIDING FOR TilE GENERAL POHERS OF TilE GOVERlHNG BODY OF THE UNIT; PROVIDIHG SEVERABILITY; DECLARING At~ EMERGENCY AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. EMERGENCY DECLMED AND ORDINANCE NO. 79-105 AMENDING EXPIRATION DATE WITHIN ORDINANCE NO. 79-55 PSYCHOLOGIST LICENSING ORDINANCE - ADOPTED County Attorney Donald Pickworth stated that Ordinance No. 79-55 was adopted r-egarding the issuance of Psychologist's licenses and at the time of adoption it seemed likely that the Legislature in a Special Session this past fall was going to take some action on this :;ubj~ct; therefore, the County incorporated a "sunset" ~te of December 31, 1979 in said Ordinance. He said that the Legislature has taken no action during the Special Session I'egarding the subject and he is recolT'mending that the Board amend Ordinance BOOK 050 PhCE"4 79 BOOK 050 PACE 480 December 18, 1979 79-55 and change the "sunset" date to June 30, 1980, thereby allowing the Statl" Legislature time juring their Regular Session to take appropriate action regarding ~aid subject and at that time the County can decide how best to regulate said licensing. Conl11issioner Archer moved, seconded by COlTlTIissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 5/0 that a state of emergency exists, COlTlTIissioner Archer moved, seconded by COlTlTIissioner Pistor and carried unilnimous ly 5/0, th,lt the emergency ordinance as numbered and enti tled below be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 10. ORDINANCE'NO. 79-~ EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 15 OF ORDINANCE NO. 79-55, REGlJLI\TING THE PROFESSION OF PSYCHOLOGY, AS IT RELATES TO Tim TERHINATION DATE OF ORDINANCE NO. 79- 55; PROVIDING A NEt., TERMINATION DATE OF JUNE 30, 1980; PROVIDING AN HIMEDIATE EFFECTIVE DATE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION. ROUTINE RILLS - APPROVED FOR PAYMENT COlTlTIissioner Pistol' moved, seconded by COlTlTIissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the bills be approved for payment as witnessed by the fol lowing warrants issued from December 12, 1979 through December llJ, 1979, same having been processed follol-ling established procedures, with funds ,wilil.1ble: FUND flCC P,1yro 11 ncc Payroll CETA County Warrants WARRANT NOS. 6954 63394 - 63399 2455 - 2705 nUDGET AMENDI1ENT NO. 80-14 TRANSFERRING FUNDS WITHIN GOLDEN GATE COMMUNITY CENTER nUDGET FOR PURCHASE OF STAGE CURTAINS & ACCESSORIES - APPROVED IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,989 Fiscal Officer Harold Hall explilined that Budget Amendment No. 80-14 is a trallsfer of monies from the Contingencies to Buildings, within the Golden Gate COlll11unity Center's budget and that he and Mr. Horman recorrmend approval of said budget amendment and acknowledged that cost information has been obtained and reviewed. COlTlTIissioner Archer Il~ved, seconded by COlTlTIissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 5/0, that Budget Amendment Nn. BO-14 be approved in the amount of $1,989. BOOK 050 PAGE '482 December 18, 1979 BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 80-15 TRANSFERRING FUNDS FROM CONTlNGENCfES TO COr-Y-1UNICATIONS EQUIPMENT WITHIN THE CIVIL DEFENSE BUDGET PROVIOfNG FUNDS TO PURCHASE MOIO EQU [PMENT - APPROVED fN THE Af.IOUrlT OF $5,685. Conlnissioner Archer moved, seconded by Con111issioner Pistor and carried unanimously ~/O, that Oudget Amendment No. 80-15 be approved in the amount of $5,685. BUD GET A MEN D MEN T . [;.J Requires Board l\pprQv<ll D DOc's Not Require Board lIpproval (transfer within object code range) . . . Donrd of County Commissioners Collier County, Florida . < DEPT. CIVIL DEFENSE - OPERl\TIONS DESCRIPTION: To provide radio equipment to be able to maintain communicatioJ with the Commissioners during disaster or other cmergenc~ condition: TO (Incr-ense): Communic<ltions Equipment 001-525-1-13-38-010-641 $ 5,685 FROM (Source of Funds) : Contingencies 001-519-1-00-05-010-990 $ 5,685 countr~< cF"ln}v. Oir. Fiscal Of~.i.cer. l\Pr:e t,t "lC:-lc: . _ l\Pr>r7ht,~!..'\.a( D;ltC: 1(-/7" 7 'i Dille: .L1......0- 741 nr5TRrDlJTIC~11 .~ Do.,r-d Rcconl!; (Orlginill) Fisc"l Officcr -. Departm~~t(s) lIffcctcu Board of County Comm. l\pprov<11: BUDGET Mil Date:Dcc. 18, 1979 No. SO-IS T7 lIccounting Department lil Purchasing (l.:quipmcnt< Only) L)7 Budget Analyst RpV. 1 ,/r,/7Q IlTJl December 18, 1979 FISCAL OFFICER AUTHORIZED TO PROCESS ROUTINE BILLS FOR PAYMENT DURING DECEMBER FiSC'll Officer Hall r~r;olTlTIended that he be authorized to process the routine bills for the period of time that the BOilrd will not be meeting due to holiday scheduling. Commissioner Archer so moved, seconded by COlTlTIissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 5/0. RESOLUTION NO. 79-193 RE APPOllmlENT OF r.1E/1BERS TO HEALTH FACILITIES AUTHORITY - ADOPTED Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan recalled that on November 20, 1979, the Board adopted Ordinance No, 79-95 which created the Health Facilities Authority and that under said ordinance the Board is required to appoint five individuals to serve staggered terms. Chairman Wenzel entertained a motion to appoint the following people to the Authority as they have been contacted and have agreed to serve and have heen recol1mended by the Board of the Moorings, Inc.: 1. Harry E. 0, Heineman, former ~'ayor of Naples - one year term 2. Dr. Wi 1 1 i am Cox, County Hea 1 th Di rec tor - two yea r term 3. Dr. Gunnard Antell, former Health Director - three year term 4. Henry Wiltkins, Jr. - four year term 5. Mrs. Pilar Montes - four year term COlTlTIissioner Wimer so moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0. .. .. .. .. .. MOK 050 rm483 .. Decemher 18, 1979 PETITION FP-79-15C BY OELTONA CORP. RE F1HAL PLAT WlRCO [lEACff UNIT 26 (ROYAL MARCO POINT) - PLAT to DRA\~1NGS APPROVED SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS Conlnissioner Pistor stated that he wished the Iloard to consider the approval of the Final Dlat for Marco Ileach Unit 26, known as Royal Marco Point. Ch~irmiln Wenzel noted that the matter ~Ias not previously on the agenda, ilnd that the Petitioner had requested it be considered under Public Petitions but that he had suggested it be heard under the Board of County Comnissioners' Report as this was an emergency measure that requires [loard act10n prior to the end of 1979 Mr. Joe Mancilla, Attorney for the Deltonil Corporation, explained that he was seeking conditional plat approval of Royal Marco Point re Petition rp-79-15C. lie expounded on the reasons for the request to be considered as an emergency addition to the agenda, including the fact that Oeltona has made certain comitrnents in their financing package that Include having plat arproval for said project prior to yeal"-end. He said that is has been b~Ollght to Deltona's attention that said com- mi trnent was made and the [Joard will not be meeting until after year-end. Continuing, Mr. Mancilla said that Deltona finds themselves in the position b,1sed on t.he afore-mentioned problems whereby they are requir~d to request plat approval conditioned on the fact that certain requirements must be met. as recommended by the Engineering Department, i. e. surety package. Attorney Mancilla asked the floard to approve the Final Plat for Marco [leach Unit 26 and agreed that the recordation of same would be held until such time as the requirements are met. He emphasized that Del ton a does not intend to take this approach in .the future and asked the Board for consideration regarding their emergency situation. Replying to Commissioner Pistor, Attorney Mancilla stated that Deltona will try to clear up the subject reconmendations and stipulations appended on the approval of final plat as soon as possible. He said that the financing cOlllnitments do not hinge on recordation but rather on the approval of the Final Plat of subject property. BOO)i 050 ,'m485 .1 Ml') ~ Q50 PACE 486 December Id, 1979 Conmissioncr Pistor movcd that the Final Plat for Royal f1arco Point be approvcd subject to the following which must be resolved prior to rr:ordation: Conm~~5ioncr Brown seconded the motion, I. WMAB re~uirements that construction limit line be placed on the p 1.1 t. 2. ^ provision in the deed restrictions shall be made stating that no artificial construction shall be permitted on the seaward side of the project. 3. Necessary easements shall be dedicated for utilities. 4. Dedication of the utility systems and facilities as required by the onlinilnce is not complete and must be resolved. 5. County Enqineer must revic~1 and approve the final agreement and surety. ConT11issioner Wilner stated that he fel t this procedure is highly irregular and he l'equested tlH! st,lff to verify whether or not they have h,ld the oPPOl'tllni ty to go ovel' the peti tion and if they w,lnt to go along I'll th re~uested conditional plat approval. County Engineer Barksdale stated that lhe above-mentioned items have to be resolved before he could recomllend the recordation of subject plat. lie said that the reason Petition rp-79-l5C was not brought to the floard for approval was that the Pe tit i oner did nc t fo 11 ow through and has no t answered all 0 f the necessa ry <1uestions. He added that it l'IclS not "forgotten to be brought up on the agenda" in response to Chairman Wenzel's query regarding same. COlTlTIissioner \~imer stated that he felt the [loard was setting a dangerous precedent by follOl'iing this procp.dure in that anyone could later come in, ask for, and expec t to rece j ve the same treil tment. lie sa i d tha t IlC fe 1 t tha t il decision such as this would be putting a burden on all the respective staff. COlTlnissioner Archer s,lid that in view of the situation, the staff hilS taken on the burden themselves by recolTlTIending the approval of the final plat without certain things being satisfied and holding up on the recordation until they arc met. f.1r. Barksdale cOl1clll'red and stated that in the past the Board has fol lowed recolTlTIendation of this n,lture but only as it relates to the surety and not the other stipulations th,lt re~uire resolving prior to recordation. December 18, 1979 Planning Director Danny Crel'l said he received the data. regarding Mr. narksdale's reconrnendations for said stipulations being met prior to recordation and recor~ending the ilpproval of the Final Plat for Royal Marco Point. lie said that according to Subdivision Regulations he has up to 30 days to make his recolTlnendations. but that he could "live" with this procedure in this one case if the noard feels there is sufficient "hardship" on the Petitioner. lie added that he would not like to see this become the "normal" process. In answer to Chairman Wenzel, County Attorney Pickworth said that by making one 'exception" the Ooard \'/Ould not be getting themselves into problems and pointed out that it is the "precedent value" that is at issue. lie said thilt the leg(ll (>spects of the matter goes routinely; if the pro- visiolls of the security (lgreement are not worked out as of the time of approV,11 of the Final Plclt, the County usually puts it through channels and approves smne pl.lt sllbject to a[1[1roval of said agreement. He said that this is not the problem, rather it is the [1roposed approval of a plat with a substantial list of conditions that normally would have to be worked out prior to appl'ovill of the plilt and not just recordation. lie said that if there is a lInicl\Ic "hardship" regarding this one case and everyone understands ttlc1t the procedure is being follO\~ed for just this one case it is fine, but if it starts to become a matter of course there will be a tremendous burden on the staff trying to process petitions in the future. COll1nissioner Pistor said 1lC agreed, but he feels there is an emergency as far as the Petitioner is concerned. He added that appilrently stilff has discussed this with the home office of the Petitioner and the list of things that must be worked out have been agreed on by both sides according to the reconrnendation in the Executive Summary. Upon call for the question on the motion on the floor the vote was 3/2, Conwnissiol1er Wimer and Chilirman Wenzel casting the dissenting votes. PROGRESS REPORT RE PROPOSEO ORDINANCE TO LIMIT IIEIGHT OF PROPOSED BUILDINGS _ STAFF DIRECTED TO PRESENT RESULTS OF EFFORTS RE PROPOSED HEIGHT LIMITATlON FOR WORKSHOP PR I OR TO SU[l/'ll TTI NG SA/IE TO OTIIER AGENC I ES AND ADVISORY BOARDS Conrnissioner nrown asked Dr. 'lena Spagna, Plannin9 Consultant, to give a progress report on the \~ork that staff has completed towat'ds the 809K 050 PAGE 487 BO~X Q50 PACE 488 December 18, 1979 proposed ordinance that will limit the height of future buildings in Collier County. Chairman Wenzel asked ~Ihen it would be ready to present to the Board for their approval? Dr. Spagna said that <It the prescnt rate of work and the timing allowed for prescntation to the CAPC for their review and public hearings, it would probably be prep,lrcd for the Board in two months time. COlTll1issioner Brown said that in view of the time needed to do such preparatory work by staff, and his feeling that the County should learn to live with the present ordinanc~ regulating the height of buildings, he would move to direct the staff to cease working on the proposed ordinance that is heing undertaken at the present time. He asked Dr. Spagna if it were not true that the "thinking" today is such that it is better to have taller buildIngs and more open spaces on the ground level? Dr, Spagna stated that that would be the objective of the 20-story height and noted that not everyone agrees with that approach, COlTll1issioner Archer seconded the motion. Chairman Wenzel expressed his feeling that he would like the matter to come as public hearings and he noted that there are some people that are for this added 1 imi tation to height. COlTll1issioner Archer asked what the theory was behind 1 imiting the height of buildings? Was it an attempt to reduce density or is it aesthetic? Dr. Spagna answered that he believed the point that Commissioner Wenzel had made was "fire protection", noting that apparently the fire ladders cQn't get to a 20-story building in the same fashion as they can to a lO-story building. He said that other than that he knows of no other physical reasons that would justify reducing them. Comnissioner Archer pointed out that if the County limits height, in ol'der to acculTl110date density, the buildings would have to spread out and cover a substantial amount of ground, thus, cutting off the beaches, etc. Dr. Spagna concurred. During a lengthy discussion covering both the pros and the cons of limiting height several points were made by COlTlTIissioner Archer including the fact that according to the Fire Codes, and in talking to firemen, today thcy are not fighting fires in tall buildings from the outside but December 18, 1979 rather from the inside, cxplaining that today the buildings are supposed to he designed so as to have each floor an independent unit, Dr. Spagna confirmed that Chairman Henzel I.Jd passed on a suggestlon to not only limit the height but to also limit the density of future buildings within thc proposed new ordinance and added that the reason it is taking longer than normal to prepare is that both suggestions are being taken into consideration and that they actually have no relationship with one another. lie said that hp.iClht rel"tes to ground covering but does not affcct the number of units. He said that you cannot control one by way of the other, therefore, there will have to be two approaches to staff's efforts. During the continuation of said discussion covering several possibilities as avenues for which the staff may base their studies, Chairman Wenzel stressed the "input" regarding both the desire of many civic associations to limit density and to 1 imit height. COnlnissioner Archer said that if there was such a reduction in density so as to render property undevelopable by adopting a County-wide ordinance that would limit the developers and owners of properties to the point that they could not afford to build, the consideration for com- pensation to thcsc individuals for their losses might be in order. He said that he feels the County cannot reverse the whole cycle. including the fact that land value will increase and cost for lands will be such that the cost would be too high for the consumer to bear. Corrrnissioner Wimer said he thought the matter was going to be "workshopped" and requested that instead of dropping the matter as Corrrnissioner Brown has motioned, the staff might be instructed to bring the matter back for works~op prior to presenting it to any agency or advisory board. Chairman Wenzel called for a vote and it was clarified that the vote is on the motion that the staff drop the work on the proposed ordinance that would limit height. At the request of C0I111lissioner Grol'm, Deputy Chief Barnett took a roll call vote: Con.nissioner Brown - Aye Ulotioner) Conmi ss i oner Archer- Aye (Seconder) COlTlnissioner Wimer - Nay Conmissioner Pistor- Nay Chairman Wenzel - NilY MOX 050 PACt 489 BO~K 050 PACE 490 December 18, 1979 Mr. Barnett statcd that thc motion failcd 2/3. Chairman Wenzel then asked for a motion regarding staff direction with the work that is being conducted on said proposed ordinance and the work concerning limitations in density, COlTlTIlssioner Wimer moved, seconded by COlTlTIissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0, that staff continuc with work regarding limitations on height and density and bring It back for a workshop prior to presenting It to any other ag~ncy or advisory board, Planning Director Crew said that the m,1tter had becn presented to thc CAPC last month for their Information and consideration and that they took no action but did request him to prepare charts, etc., for further consideration. COlTlTIissioner Wimer was asked to clarify his intent wlien making the former motion. He said that he intended to bypass all other agencies, and would like to workshop this matter in two or three weeks. Mr. Crew confirmed the likelihood of having all the necessary work completed by then. Dr. Spagna asked if they required information regarding density, also, and it was the consensus of the Board that they wanted both dcnsity and height iimitations studied and presented. IIELICOPTER USE FOR D.O.T. - APPROVED WITH STIPULATION THAT PROPER CHARGES BE W,DE Administ.rative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan stated that she has received a memorandum that states that the D.O.T. has requested the use of the Coun ty he 1 i cop tcr for Thursday, December 27, 1979 for approx ima te ly 1-1/2 hours for an aerial inspection of private airports throughout the County for re-licensing. Con111issioner Archer' moved, seconded by COlTll1issioner Pistor and carried unanimously 5/0, that the request for the helicopter use from the D.O,T. be approved. ~ls. Morgan asked the COlllllissloners what they wanted to do about the charges and Mr. Nonnan said that his recolTlnendation was that the D.O.T. pay the nonnd 1 charges and the Board agreed to condition the approval as such. LETTERS RE ENGAGEMENT LETTER & AUDIT REQUIREMENTS FOR At~ERICAN AMBULANCE - FISCAL OFFICER AUTHORIZED TO REVIEW AND REVISE; RECOMMENDATIONS BY FISCAL OFFICER FORTHCOMING JANUARY 8. 1980 REGARDING ACCEPTANCE OF SAME. Administrative Aidc ~lary Morgan stat.ed that she has received three letters re American Ambulance. Two are dated December 14, 1979 and one is dated December 17, 1979. She said they pHtain to an audit that is to be received prior to the next BCC Meeting ano asked the Board to consider i1uthflrizing the Chair-man's signat~lre nn said letters of engagement.. December 18, 1979 Fiscal Officer Harold Hall said he has not had sufficient time to review them properly and requested that he be allowed time for review and make his recommendations at the January 8, 1980 meeting. He said that he could not recommend the Chairman to sign them at this time. Upon noticing that one or more itcms may apparently be missing for the audit requirements and because the engagement is somewhat different than previous engagement letters and in light of the need to adhere to generally accepted accounting principles regarding same, Mr. Hall requested he be allowed to review the audit and, if necessary, make revisions and request that the auditor supply the additional information. Aftcr a brief discussion Commissioner Wimer so moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 5/0, LETTER TO NAPLES CIVIC ASSOCIATION REGARDING THE RE-DISTRICTING OF THE BCC SEATS, NOTl~IG THAT THE MATTEf< IoIILL BE CON5'IDERED UPON COMPLETION OF CENSUS Ms. Morgan reported that a letter dated December 14, 1979 from the Naples Civic Association has bpen received regarding the consideration of the possibility of re-distrlcting the County Commission seats and/or boundaries re same at this time, based on current population, Chairman Wcnzel recommended that the staff study the matter and report back to the Board after the first of the year. No action was taken on the recoll1l1endation. Commissioner Wimer asked for clarification on the time frame in light of the upcoming census that is to take place at the beginning of the year 1980. Commissioner Archer said that such considera- tion has to be donc prior to the close of the current year or after the Census, approximately Deccmber 1980. Chairman Wenzel stated that he thinks that there is a legal question here, and if the staff finds a dis- crepancy, something could be done to correct it after the first of the year 1980. County Attorney Pickworth concurred with Commissioner Archer that either something must be done between today and the end of the current year or the County must wait until 1981, Conrnissioner Wimer moved that a letter be sent to the Naples Civic Association thanking them for their interest, and explaining that due to the close proximity of the Census, that the re-districting will be MOK 050 P"~t 491 BOJK 050 PAGE 492 December 18, 1979 considered by the BCC after the Federal Ccnsus is complcted. Conrnissioncr Rrown scconded the motion and it carried unanimously 5/0. ~IARY EVANS AND MS APRIL BONEHER NM~ED TO SERVE ON PARKS Arm RECREATION STUDY COMMITTEE I.ls. Morgan noted that on 110vernber 27, 1979 the Board appointed a 15 mcmber ad hoc Conini ttec to study the Parks and Recreation situation. She notcd th,lt onc of the names submitted was that of Mary Evans and that there was a mistake In the address for Mary Evans, Ms, Morgan said that there are two Mary Evans In Collier County and the Mary Evans from IlTlTIokalee was inadvertantly not notified of thc appointment. Ms. I~organ notcd that Conrnissioner Grown rccommcnded Mary Evans from IlTlTIokalee be included in the Comnittce as well as the Mary Evans that has bccn notified. The Board concurred. Commissioncr Wimer noted that he had come into contact 1~1th Ms. April Boneher this week and that she had reminded him that she wanted to serve on sa id Convni ttee. Therefore, he recolTlTIended that r~ary Evans and April Bonehcr be appointed to the Committee, Conunissioncr 13rown moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimollsly 5/0, that thc names of ~lary Evans of Inrnokalee and ~'s. April Boneher bc approvcd to serve on the ad hoc Committee for the Parks and Recreation Deparbnent. t,jR. & MilS. JA~1ES F I}!N I NV I TED TO ATT[ND WORKSHOP RE "DENS ITY " Ms. Morgan called the Commissioner's attention to a copy of a letter dated December 9, 1979 addressed to Mayor Roland F. Anderson, Naples, Florida. She noted that the letter \~as from Mr. & I-trs. James F. Finn and deals with the Finn's requcst for a refcrendum regarding the limitatlon of building pemits in an effort to deter the pollution of water in Collier County. Chainnan Wenzel stated that Ms. ~lorgan should advise Mr. and Mrs. Finn that they may come before the Board when the Workshop is scheduled to discuss "density". Conrnissioner Wimer asked if a building moratorium can be placed by a referendum and Attorney Pickworth noted that it has benn done in other States as a matter of course. December 18, 1979 CHAIRt,'AN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN CERTIFICATES OF CORRECTION TO THE TAX ROLL FOR 1979 Corrmissioner Arr.her moved, seconded by Corrmissioner Pistor and carried unanimously S/O. that the following corrections to the 1979 tax roll be signed by the Chairman: flos~ Da ted Dec. 7, 1979 Dec, 7. 1979 Dec. 7-10, 1979 Dec. 11-12, 1979 Dec. 12, 1979 Dec. 13. 1979 Dec. 12. 1979 223-224 229-Addition 229-236 238-248 250 253-255 Unnumbered (Trend Corp.) Tang.!.!?J..!lYcrson"l Property 1979-121 " 1979-122 Dec. 14, 1979 II TAX COLLECTOR AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE DUPLICATE TAX SALE CERTIFICATES IN ACCORDANCE WITH PETI TlONS SIGNED BY EVERETT E. H/l1 TTAKER MID A. P. AYERS _ NOS. 145 " 3291 Commissioner Archer moved. seconded by Corrmissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 5/0, that the Tax Collector be authorized to sign dupl ic"tc Tax Sale Certificates in accordance with petitions signed by ! I l '/ II Everett E. Whittaker (HI45) and A, P. Ayers (#3291), * * * * * BOOK * 050 PACE 493 r,o~~ 050 PACE 496 December 18, 1979 RESIGNATION OF AUGUST LONGO FROM THE COLLIER COUNTY LICENSING BOARD - ACCEPTED Conmissloncr Archer mov~d, seconded by Conmlssloner Plstor and carried unanimously 5/0, that Staff bp. directed to send the appropriate letter regarding the withdrawal from the Collier County Licensing Board of Mr. August Longo. GAIN TIME FOR INMATE JW 79-10-10 - APPROVED Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 5/0, that gain time of 10 days bc approved for inmate JW 79-10-10 changing thc date of rclease from 12/25/79 to 12/16/79 as rccoolllended by Wa rrlcn Jamcs T. Les tcr. MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED Therc being no objection, the Chair directed that the following correspondcncc be filed and/or rcfcrred to the various departments as indicated: 1. ~'cJl101'andum dated 12/17/79 rc Boat Ramp at Caxambas sent by rlannin~ Director Danny Crew indicating that a representative from Ilideawuy fleach has met with him and will be presenting a new site p1.1n Pt'oposal, and noting that ~Ihen said plan Is received it sh.'ll be sent to the BCC, - Filed. 2. Letter dated Oecember 5. 1979 from Congrcssman Skip Bafalis acknowledC)ing rcccipt of Resolution flo. 79-176 dnd assuring thc BCC of his cOlltlm/ed efforts In thc fight against the "Dumping" of vegetables by Mexican producers. - xc Johnny Goodnight & rred Barfield - Original - Filed. 3. ~lemorandum receiverl December 13, 1979 from State Association of County Planning and Zoning Directors requestin9 an updated mailing list for the State Directory. xc State Assn. of County Planning & Zoning Directors - Original - Filed. 4. Hemoranduln d<lted Dccember 11, 1979 from the Nap 1 es Boa I'd of Realtors reaffirming their position supporting the immediate action and appropriation to fund the construction of Coastland Boulevard. - xc Mr. Barksdale - Filed. 5. Copy of a let tel' addressed to the Collier County Conservancy dated December 6, 1979 from Katherine Sue Reuter, Chairman, Collier County Democratic Executive Conmittee. indicating that said Committee has voted unanimously to commend the Con- servancy for its study of the Gordon River. xc - Mr, Barksdale Fi led. 6. Letter received December 17. 1979 from the Department of Com- munity Affairs indicating the availability of " '701' Comprehensive Planning Grant" monies for the preparation and updating of Comprehensive Plans. xc County Manager & Planning Director - Filed. 7. Three letters dated December 11, 12 and 13, 1979 from the Department of Housing and Urban Development as follows; Dec. 11, t979 - Acknowledging receipt of executed Grant December 18, 1979 QUIT-CLAIM DEED FROM SALLY JANE LAPRADE FOR THE EAST 150' OF TRACT 113, UNIT 1~2, GOLDEN GATE ESTATES - ACCEPTED FOR RECORDATION, On 11/28/78. the BCC accepted the gift deed from Sally Jane LaPrade for property described as the East 150 feet of Tract 113, Unit 142, Golden Gate Estates, This is presented to complete the Board's minutes as the deed was not actually signed by Ms. LaPrade until 10/26/79, thus it is accepted for recordation on December 18, 1979. * * * * * * * Boa~ 050 PAGE 499 December 18, 1979 Hcaring no further business to come bcfore the Board for the good of the County Chairman Wenzel adjourned the meeting at 3:10 p.rl. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICT UNDER ITS CONTROL C'. - - ' .A /' "', .... 'J ~ ., ", q l'l BODK 050 PACE 501