BCC Minutes 12/11/1979 R I.-JI ....... ...... Naples, Florida, December 11. 1979 LET IT BE REMEMBERED. that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Governing Board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in Regular Session in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Clifford Wenzel VICE-CHAIRMAN: Thomas P. Arch.r John A. Pisto,. C. R. "Russ" Wimer David C. Brown ALSO PRESENT: William J. Reagan. Clerk; Harold L. Hall. Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer; Jean Swindle and Edna Brenneman, Deputy Clerks; C. William Nonnan. County Manager; Donald A. Pickworth, County Attorney; Irving Berzon. Utility Director; Clifford Barksdale. Public Works Administrator/Engineer; Danny Crew. Planning Director; Lee Layne, Planner. Ma~Morgan. Administrative Aide to the Board; and. Deputy Chief Raymond Barnett. Sheriff's Department BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FINAL AGENDA Decembe,. 1 1, 1979 NOTICE: ALL PERSONS SPEAKING ON ANY AGENDA ITEM MUST REGISTER PRIOR TO THE ITEM BEING HEARD. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE BOARD ON SUBJECTS WHICH ARE NOT ON THIS AGENDA MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE COUNTY MANAGER AT LEAST ONE WEEK PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THE MEETING AND WILL BE HEARD UNDER "PUBLIC PETITIONS" AT '1 :00 A.M. 1. INVOCATION 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Novembe,. 20 ,. Novembe,. 27, 1979 A-__ t_..J '--_.J December 11. 1979 AGENDA - APPROVED WITH ADDITION AND DELETIONS Commissioner Pistor moved. seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously, that the agenda be approved with the following addition and deletions: (a) Under Old Business - Report on American Ambulance negotiations - Added (b) Under Public Works - Resolution re discharge or shooting of any firearms or weapons on county roads - Deleted and continued. (c) Under WorkshOp Session - Review of Lethal Yellowing Program- Deleted and continued. MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 20. 1979 - APPROVED AS PRESENTED Commissioner Pistol' moved. seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously. that the minutes of November 20, 1979 be approved as presented. NEGOTIATIONS REGARDING CONTRACT WITH AMERICAN AMBULANCE - REVIEWED - CONTINUED UNTIL DECEMBER 18. 1979 Chainman Wenzel reported on the progress of the negotiations between Collier County and American Ambulance. stating that the new proposed contract has been fully reviewed by both the County's staff and American Ambulance's staff with the result being only one paragraph is still in negotiation - the price. The reason the negotiations could not be completed. Chairman Wenzel said, was because Fiscal Officer Hall and members of the staff concerned with the financial arrangements have not been able to "get together" with Mr. Jack Maguire. Fiscal Officer Hall verified that he and Mr. Maguire were to meet within the next couple of days with the hope that the situation can be resolved at the scheduled meeting of Thursday, December 13, 1979 at 9:30 A.M. Mr. Hall also explained that his office had not received from American Ambulance their 1979 audit for their fiscal year ending July 31, 1979, stating that the Board had authorized said audit on August 8 or 9, 1979 and had expected to receive it within 60 days. He said this had been mentioned to Mr. Maguire. during negotiations of yesterday. and Mr. Maguire indicated that he was waiting for some written statement from the County as to how the audit would be paid for which. Mr. Hall stated. would be covered under "expenses" contained in the present contract. Mr. Hall concluded with the statement that this audit is necessary in order.t~ finish the audit of the Board of Coun~ Commissioners which is due December 28, 1979. Chairman Wenzel asked that Mr. Maguire be sent a ~OOK 050 PACE 373 December 11. 1979 copy of the letter asking for such an audit which Mr. Hall said had been mailed to American Ambulance some 60 days ago. Following Coun~y Attorney Pickworth's statement that Mr. Maguire had agreed to an extension of the current contract until next Tuesday, December 18, 1979, Commissioner Pistor moved. seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously. that the American Ambulance contract be continued until December 18, 1979. PETITION NZ-79-11-C, COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT REQUESTING AMENDMENTS TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE AS PART OF THE ANNUAL REVIEW - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING JANUARY 22, 1980 Commissioner Pistor mov~d, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously. that Petition NZ-79-11-C filed by the County Plan- ning Department requesting amendments to the zoning ordinance as part of the annual review, be authorized for advertising for public hearing on January 22. 1980. PETITION CP-79-9-C, COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT REQUESTING COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE CHANGES AS PART OF THE ANNUAL REVIEW - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING JANUARY 22, 1980 Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously, that Petition CP-79-9-C filed by the County Planning Department requesting Comprehensive Land Use changes as part of the annual review be authorized for advertising for public hearing on January 22. 1980. PETITION R-79-42-C, COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT REQUESTING REZONING OF VARIOUS LANDS AS PART OF THE ANNUAL REVIEW - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING JANUARY 22, 1900 Commissioner Pistol' moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously, that Petition R-79-42-C filed by the County Planning Department requesting rezoning of various lands as part of the annual review be authorized for advertising for public hearing on January 22, 1980. PETITION R-79-37-C, POWER CORPORATION REQUESTING REZONING FROM "PUD" PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT TO "PUD" ON PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE WEST ONE-HALF OF SECTION 6. T50S, R26E LOCATED BETWEEN RADIO ROAD AND DAVIS BOULEVARn - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING JANUARY 22, 1980 Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and l 1 .J l.-_..J Decemher 11, 1979 carried unanimously, that Petition R-79-37-C filed by the Power Corporation requestin9 rezoning from "PUO" ~lanned Unit Development to "PUD" on property located in the W~ of Section 6, T50S, R26E between Radio Road and Davis Boulevard be authorized for advertising for public hearing on January 22, 1980. PETITION R-79-39-C, WENDY'S INTERNATIONAL, INC. REQUESTING REZONING FROM "RM-l" TO "GRC" ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF US 41 AND SHADY REST LANE, LOT 65, NAPLES IMPROVEMENT COMPANY'S LITTLE FARMS - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING JANUARY 22, 1980. Commissioner Pistor moved. seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously, that Petition R-79-39-C filed by Wendy's International, Inc. requesting rezoning from "RM-1" to "GRC" on property lotated on the northeas t corner of US 41 and Shady Res t Lane, Lot 65, Naples Improvement Company's Little Farms be authorized for advertiSing for public hearing for January 22, 1980. FINAL PLAT FOR HIDEAWAY BEACH SUBDIVISION LOCATED ON BIG MARCO PASS, MARCO ISLAND IN SECTION 6, T52S, R26E - ACCEPTED. CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS. LETTER OF IRREVOCABLE CREDIT IN THE AMOUNT OF $1.989,669 - ACCEPTED Planner Lee Layne presented the petition for the Final Plat approval for the project Hideaway Beach and stated the County Engineer had reviewed the construction plans while the Staff had reviewed the Final Plat for compliance with the "PUD" document that was approved, saying that all plans meet the requirements of the "PUO" document and the Subdivision Regulations. Ms. Layne said that Staff recommends approval of the construction drawings and the final plat for Hideaway Beach. Commissioner Wimer asked if this was the project where the Board had swapped off beach access for the boat ramp construction and when the answer was in the affirmative, he questioned whether the Board should take action on this petition until the "trade-off" has been completed. COllTllissioner Pistor answered that he disliked holding up the approval of the Hideaway Beach's Final Plat but that the site plan submitted by the developer for the Caxambas Pass boat ramp needed to be looked into as it lacks sufficient MOK 050 PAGE jlS December 11, 1979 parking spaces while the traffic turn-around for cars carrying boats and boat hitches is not large enough to accommodate the projected use. It was County Manager No~~an's suggestion that the Board take action on the item regarding the report on Caxambas Pass boat ramp before making their decision on the final p1at and th~ construction drawings for Hideaway Beach following discIlssion whiCh reviewed the Board's previous approval of Hideaway Beach's pun document that included the developer constructing a boat ramp facility. Commis5ioner Wimer moved. seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4-1 with Commissioner Pistor dissenting, that the Staff should instruct the developer to proceed with the plan as approved. Commissioner Pistor gave his reason for dissenting as beingu"an entirely different plan is needed for the proper "turn-around" to be constructed and this should be determined before the developer proceeds with the plan as presented". After resolving the boat ramp petition, Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that the Final Plat for Hideaway Beach Subdivision located on Big Marco Pass, Marco Island in Section 6. T52S. R26E be acceptedi the Chairman be authorized to sign the Agreement for construction and maintenance of subdivision improvements and the Letter of Irrevocable Credit drawn on the Los Angeles Agency of the Canadian Commercial and Industrial Bank, Los Angeles. California, in the amount of $1,989,669. be accepted. * * * * * BOOK 05U pm 381 December 11, 1979 STAFF DIRECTED TO INSTRUCT THE DEVELOPER OF HIDEAWAY BEACH TO PROCEED WITH 1HE S IrE PLAN, AS SUBMITTED. FOR THE CAXM1BAS PASS BOAT RAMP Tlds item was discussed and resolved during the previous petition. The motion that the de~~loper be instructed tn proceed with the plan as approved was made by Commissioner ~Iimer, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4-1 with Commissioner Pistor dissenting. (See previous item) STATUS REPORT BY COUNTY MANAGER NORMAN ON FINALISTS FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOP- MENT ADMINISTRATOR POSITION - ORAL INTERVIEW MEETING SCHEDULED FOR DECEMBER 12, 1979 AT 8:30 A.M. County Manager Norman reported that the selection process is nearing conclusion for the position of Community Development Administrator and that he ~n~icipates making a final recommendation at the meeting of December 18, 1979 for the said appointment. He gave the three finalists names as being: Crajg W. Lindelow Edward D. Baker Private Consultant, Jacksonville, Fla. City Planner, Titusville, Fla. Planning Director, Central Florida Regional Planning Council, Bartow, Fla. ~r. Norman reported that these finalists have accepted an invitation to be Jean Jeffords interviewed by J local panel, consisting of Louis Capek, Chairman, Collier County Planning Agency; William Vines, Planning Consultant to County ~nd others; Roger Barry, Director of Community Development, City of Naples and Donald Pickworth. County Attorney, on Wednesday, December 12, 1979 beginning at 3:30 A.M. Following these interviews, the top person(s) selected by the panel wi 11 be given further in-depth personal investigation by the County r1a1ager in preparation for a recorrmendation to the Board of County Commis- sioners at the regular meeting of December 18, 1979. Mr. Nonman stated the members of the Board would be most welcomed to witness the interview process and inspect the records of the applicants. STAFF RECOMMENDATION FOR IMPROVING THE HVAC SYSTEMS WITHIN COLLIER COUNTY - ADOPTED Administrative Assistant Gene Willett reviewed the Staff's report. contained in the agenda packet, regarding the improvement of the HVAC (heating December II, 1979 ventilatinq, and air conditioning) system in Collier County. Mr. Willett stated ~hat following the review of energy costs over the past months, it has become evident that any improvement in any HVAC system must include energy conservation measures and that substantial savings could be made if the entire complex was reviewed and an energy audit perfor.ned. This. Mr. Willett continued, led to the following proposed program which is divided into three phases: P~la se One: A 50/50 Grant from the Federa 1 Department of Energy in the amount of $1.100 with Collier County contri- buting $550 in matching amount. Phase Two; TAP - Technical Assistant Program which essentially provides for the detailed engineering analysis required to actually implement a management system - There is a 50/50 match available for this phase. Phase Three: ECM - Energy Conservation Measure - this is the actual implementation of the previous two phases and even though there are no grant monies available at the present there is a good possibility that such grants could become available at a later date. Discussion followed which touched upon the possible savings of as much as 30% of the County's current electric billj the desire to take advantage of the available grant monies; the need to go outside of the County for the necessary expertise to do an energy audit and the overall result of such a program that will be not only energy saving but more economical JS well. Commissioner Pistor moved. seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 4-1. with Commissioner Wimer dissenting, that the fol- lowing Staff recommendations be approved and that the necessary $500 be appropriated as the County's matching funds for the grant: 1. COllnty Manager be authorized to implement a temporary solution to the problem cited in Buildings C & D. 2. County Manager to be authorized to formally apply for the cash granted by Governor's Energy Office for the energy (Iud it. 3. An approximate $500.00 amount be authorized from the general fund as a local match to this grant. 4. The firm of Advance Automated Concepts be awarded a contract to perform the Collier County energy audit. 5. Upon the receipt of the energy audit, staff be authorized to prepare a grant application for the TAP Phase based upon information obtained in the energy audit. and present the application to the Board of County Commissioners for approval. BOOK 050 PAGE382. . _. _,_"..".'cJ.;.. _...~.~ aoo~ 050 pmB83 December II, 1979 Corrrnissioner Winler asked that the record reflect his vote against the motion because he does not believe thc action will result in the saving of any money; if thrre is equipment that needs to be repaired it should be repaired but that this is like so many othcr programs the County gets into -- just wind up spending a lot time, which is money and the end result is that there will be no money saved. COUNTY ENGINEER AUTHORIZED TO SELECT APPRAISER FOR THE SCL RIGHTS-OF-WAY FOR FOUR-LANING OF GOODLETTE ROAD AND TO EXPEND FUNDS IN IHE A~~UNT OF APPROXIMATELY $2,000 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanin~usly, that the County Engineer be authorized to select an appraiser for the SCL rights-of-way required for the four-laning of Goodlette Road (that area approximately from 15th Avenue North to Pine Ridge Road) and to expend the necessary funds in the amount of approxi- Il1d te 1 y $ 2,000. RESOLUTION NO. 79-183 REQUESTING BIG CYPRESS BASIN/SFWMD TO ACQUIRE NECESSARY LANDS FOR WATER CONTROL STRUCTURE ON THE EAST BRANCH OF THE COCOHATCHEE RIVER -ADOPTED Corrrnissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that Resolution No. 79-183 requesting that the Big Cypress MasinjSFWMD acquire the necessary lands for the water control structure on the east branch of the Cocohatchee River, be adopted. * * * * * 8DO~ 050 rAGE 3B5 December 11, 1979 TWO EIGHT INCH WATER WELL PERMITS REQUESTEIJ BY l:DI iH CULLIER SPROUL TRUST LOCATED IN SECTIONS 21 AND 25, T19S, R25E - APPROVED WITH STIPULATIONS County Engineer Barksdale presented th~ request by the Edith Collier Sproul Trust for five (") water well permi ts as was originally shown in the petition presented to the Water Management Advisory Board. Mr. B^rksdale stated that during the Water Management Advisory Board's review of November 14, 1979, there were some serious concerns expressed regarding the large total withdrawal and because the wells were to be located in the zone of influence for the Coastal Ridge Aquifer, the Water Management Advisory Board approved the applications subject to a more extensive review and the approval of staff and consul tanto The applic a tions have been reviewed. Mr. Barksdale continued, and the results are as follows: 1. The reques t for one wa ter we 11 penmit in the SW qua rter of Section 24 and two water well permits in the NW quarter of Section 25. Township 49 South, Range 25 East is recorrmended for denial. 2. The staff recommends the issuance of Well Permit No. 65.248 for the construction of one 8" well in the NE quarter of the SE '1uartel' ot' Section 24. Twonship 49 South, Range 25 East. J. The st()ff recorrrnends the issuance of Well Penmit No. 05.248 for the construction of one 8" well in the NE quarter of Section 25, Township 49 South, Range 25 East. Further. Mr. Barksdale said, the two recommended well permits are for replacement wells for two of the three existing wells located in Section 24. Township 49 South, Range 25 East and are subject to the following stip'Jlations: 1. The twu existing wells in the NE quarter of Section 24, T49S, R25E shall be plugged and capped. 2. A copy of the driller's log shall be submitted to the County Engineer upon completion of the drilling operation, 3. A water analysis regarding water quality shall be submitted to the County Engineer. In accordance with the application, these wells will be 8" in diameter, dug to a depth of 50 feet, using an 8" steel casing to a de;Jth of 40 feet; the desired pumping capaci~y is to be 1000 GPM and the purpose of the wells is for agricultural irrigation. Following County Engineer Barksdale's presentation, Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously. that the two (2) eight inch wdter well permits as requested by the Edith Collier Sproul Trust and located in Section 24 and 25, T49S, R25E, be approved with the above-referenced stipu1ation5. Deccmber 11. ]979 PAY INCREASE FOR SOLID WASTE TRANSFER EMPl.OYEE ROY KEVIN NELSON PROMOTED TO FOREMAN II POSITION - APPROVED Fol:owing County Engil,eer Barksdfle's r'equest that employee Roy Kevin Nelson of the Sol id Waste Transfer Department bc promotr.d to the position of Foremiln II with a corresponding pay increase of %5, Commis- sioner Pistor moved. seconded by Commissioner Archer anJ carried unani- mously, that said request be approved. EASEMENT FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY OF OAKES BOULEVARD BET\o/EEN UNITS 96 AND 33 - ACCEPTED AND APPROVED FOR RECORDATION - NO OBJECTION OFFERED BY TIlE 80ARD OF COUNTY COMMlSS lONERS TO TIlE RECORDING OF VACATION OF EASEMH'T GRANTED BY MICHAEL PROCACCI MlD JOSEPH PROCACCl TO GULF ^~lERICAN LAND CORPORA TI ON County Enginr.er Barksdale presented the request for the Board'~ approval of an casement for a portion of Oakes Boulevard and for a state- ment of "No objection" to the vilcation of a private p.i1sement which the owners granted to GAC Properties, Inc. He stated that during the title search by the FlorIda Department of Transportation for the acquisition of right-oF-way and design of 1-75, it was Found that the right-of-way for the segment of Oakes Boulevard between Golden Gate Estates Unit 96 and Unit 33 hild never been granted to the public. The DOT i1dvised that the County should ilCCi'pt <l'1d record the lcC)al instrument for the subject roadway as this would be necessary in order for the DOT to providr. the required relocation ard continued access to this segment of Oakes Boulevard. Mr. Barksdale continued. that an casement had been granted by the property owners to GAC to provide a connection between Units 96 and 33, however, this segment of the right-of-wilY was never dedicated nor granted to the public and the actual connecting these two units was constructed along a more easterly route which avoided crossing the farm fielrJs. The owners of the land have agreed to grant a new easement which covers the p~i5ting road and those lands necessary on the ~orthern end to provide a safer crossing of the canal as it joins Unit 96 with the condition that GAC would agree to vacate the previously granted easement. Mr. Barksdale concluded that 050 PAGE 387 December II, 1979 GAC has agreed to vacate the previously granted easement and has also agreed to construct a new crossing and realign the roadway at the northern end. Conl11issioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously. that the easement for the right-of-way of Oakes Boulevard between Uni ts 96 and 33. be accepted and recc\'ded and that the Board offer "No objection" to the recording of the vacation of the easement granted by Michael Procacci and Joseph Procacci to the Gulf American Land Corporation, * * * * * * December 11, 1979 C1MIRMAN MJT1!ORIZED TO SIGN LETTER TO A. P. "BUU" KIRK. !l " [l DISPOSAL ?JR'{.~.Bl.GARO I Ne; TRA!ISFlR..9J FRANCH I SE COrTT11issioner Arc;,er moved, seconded by COrTT11issioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that Ulr Chainnan be authorized to sign a letter to Mr. A.fl. "Burl" Kirk, mmer of the [l & fl Disposal Service which states that the Board of County COrTT11issioners will consider transfer of the franchise after the proposed purchaser has been approved and a new agreement has been nego t i ,1 ted . BID NO. 394 FOR PURCHASE OF (1) ONE PAK-MOR r~ODEL TT65 (65 Y ArlO FOOT TRANSFER TRAILER) FOR USE RY SO~[D WASTE DEPARTMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $31,109.00 r,WARDED TO SOUTH FLORIDA EtI(jIrIEERS, INC. Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on October 22 ,1nd 211, 1979 a:; evidenced by Affidavit of Punl iCiltion filed with the Clprk, bids werr received until rlovernber 14, 1979 on Rid No. 394 for the purchase at one flak-Mar Mod!!l TT65. Purchasing Director Frank Wilcox stated it was the recorrmendation of the Bid Review COl1111ittee th,lt the ROilrd of County Corrmissioners award the contract to South Florida Engineers. Inc., Tampil, Florida in the sum of $31,:0<).00,15 suhmitted in a bid proposal being the only and lowest responsible bidder ,1nd in the best interest of the COIJnty. Corrrnissioner' At'(:her moved, seconded by COrTT11issioner Pistor and carried unanimously, tllat flid No. 394 be awarded to South Florida Engineers, Inc., Tilmpa, Floridil for the purchase of (1) one Pak-Mor Model TT65 (65 Yard Foot Trclnsfer Trailer) for usr. by Solid Waste Department in the amount of $3I,109.()O cllld that. the Chainnan be authori zed to sign and the Clerk to attest the resulting agreement. BID NO. 397 FOR PURCHASE OF ONE (l) ONE TON TRUCK FOR USE [lY ;:,t ROAD AND BRIDGE DEPARTMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $6,284.81 AWARDEr: Tv rl\MIAMI FORD, tNC., NAPLES, FLORIDA Legal not.ice having been published in the rlaples Daily News on October 3D, 1979 and November 1, 1979 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publ ication filed witl) the Clerk, bids were received until November 21, 1979 for furnishing and delivering il one (1) ton truck for use by the Road and Bridge Department. I i' I BOOK 050 PAGE 395 December 11, 1979 Pllrcllasinc) Director Fraok vii lcox stated it was the recorrmendation of tile f1id Review Comittee that the Board of County Conmissiooers award the contract to Tami,lmi Ford, Inc., Narles, rlorida in the amount of $fi,Lil'l.iJl IwirHj tl1f: lowest res[lonsiiJ le bidder meeting s[lecifications and in till" bl"~t intl'rr.r,t of the County. ConY11issionr.r Archer moved, seconded by COlTYTlissioner Pistor and carried unilnimously, that fJid No. 397 be ilw<1rded to Tamiami Ford, Inc.. Nilples, Florid" in tllr "mOIHlt of $G,?B4.ill for the purchase of il (J) one ton truck f()f' use by thr Road lIod flridge Ill'rilrtmeot and that the Chaiman be ilutborized to sigo "m1 the Clerk to attest the resulting agreement. PROPOSED WATER/SEWER IMPROVEMENTS FOR WILLOUGHilY ACRES AREA - ADVERTISING ~~li.QRJ.ZJ-JUJ).!3 pun},.! C HEAR 1 NGS ON JANUAllY 15, 1980 AND JANUARY 22. 1980 Following Utility Director nr.rzon's ~conmendation, COlTI11issinner Archer moved, sr.conded by Crmnissioor.r Pistor and cilrried unanimously,that the BOilrri nf Cnunty Conmissioners, Ex-Officio Board of Governors of the County Water-Sewer District. iluthorize two rublic hearings for the proposed water/s(~wer il!1rrovl'ments in the Willoughby Acrea area to be held on January 15. 1%0 I1nd ,Jill1l!'1ry 22, 19i1U at 9:00 ^./1. in the Board Chambers and that thl' Cll'rk of the> Bnard be authorized to place the appropriate advertisements in the I1P.WS mcdia. UTILITY [)11~LCTOR REPORTS 011 111TEIW1 FINANCING BY rISCHfR, JOHNSON, ALLEN " BURKE ~. REGARDING TilE WI LLoUGHBY ACRES WATER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Utility Director Berzon reported that he has received a letter from Fischer, ,Johnson, Allen" fJurke, Inc. confinning their statement of arrangement for a $500,000 loan on an unval idated note to be used on interim finilncing of the proposed water/sewer improvements in the \"ill oughby Acres a r(',1. Mr. fJerzon s ta ted the mil turity of the note woul d be up to three (3) years with the stipulation that such II note could be called at any time when the monies are available for repayment. The interest rate \~ould be 9"; and even though the finn would I ike to see a special tax district set up to give them further assurances, this is not an absolute> necessity. Mr. fJel'7.on suggested that the matter be reviewed by the County Attorney and the Fisc,,1 Officer to m<tke certain there will be no complications with the offer. He concluded that possibly next week he could bring to the fJoard the recoll1ncndation of the afore-mentioned review. December 11, 1979 ROUTINE BILLS - AUTHORIZED ~OR PAY:~ElIT Following ~'iscal Ufficer Harold Hall's statement that the bll1s being presented have heen ~rocessed following established procedures and that funds ar!' avai1abl!', Crmrnission!'r Pi~;tor moved, seconded by Corrrnissioner Archer and carried unilnimollsly. that the bll1s be approved for payment as wi tnes"f!d hy t.hll following W>1rrants issued from December 5, 1979 through Decemher 11. 1979: FUND WARRANT NOS. Genera 1 Fund BCC Payro 11 County Warrants '2 6507 - 6953 2136 - 2454 COUNTY MANAGER DIRECTED TO WRITE LETTER OF REAFFIRMATION TO U.S. NATIONAL PARK S~RVICE REGARDING RE~OLUTION NO. 79-42 - SUPPORTING FISHERY MANAGEMUH OPlIOH Conrni5sioner fJrown moved, seconded by Corrrnissioner Archer and carried un,lnimollsly. thilt the l.ounty Manilger be directed to write a letter of reaFrinndtion of the 130MO'S position ot support for the people of Ever- glades City with respect to the fishery management options for the lands presently held by the National IJark Service. This is the same position as stated in Resolution No. 79-'12 which was adopted by the l30ard on ~\arch 27, 1979. CHArRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN CERTIFICATES FOR CORRECTION ON 1979 TAX ROLL - - Commissioner Pistol' moved. seconded by Corrrnissioner Archer and carried unanimOllsly, that the Chairman be authorized to sign the following Certi- ficates for Correction to the 1979 Tax Roll: ~m'1REI3.L 134 175 176 205 - 222 a6 228 DATED 11 /20/79 11/24/79 11/3 - 12/'i/79 12/6/79 Intangible Personal Property 1979-102-197Y-l~0 1~/3 - 12/10/79 EXTRA GAIN TIM~ FOR INMATt MJ #79-8-7 - APPROVED Pursuant to a letter from James T. Lester, Warden, Collier County Stockade, recolTlmending gain time ill tIle ,)mount of 10 extra days for Inmate MJ '79-8-7 for courteous and respectful attitude at all times and com- pI etion of each work assignment, COITTni ssioner Archer moved. seconded by Conlllissioner Pistol' and carried unanimously, that said gain time be apprJved. " I " ~",... BOOK 05U PACE3S7 December 11, 1979 LETTER 0F RESIGNATION FROM VIRGIL BATCHER, CONTRACTORS' LICENSING BOARD - ACCEPTED - CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION - AUTHORIZED Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously., thilt the letter of resignation, dated December 4, 1979, from Mr. Virgil Batcher regarding his inability to continue to serve on the Contractors' Licensing Board, be accepted and that an appropriate certificate of appreciation be forwarded to Mr. Batcher for his past service. REQUEST BY EVENING OPTIMIST CLUe TO USE COUNTY HELICOPTER TO FLY SANTA FROM AIRPORT TO RIVER PARK RECREATION CENTER ON FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1979 _ APPROVED --- Commissioner Archer moved. seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that the request by the Evening Ortimist Club, Naples, Florida for the use of the County helicopter to fly Santa from the Airport to the River Park Recreation Center on Friday, December 21. 1979 at 4:45 P.M.. he aprroved. REQUEST Oy STATE ATTORNEY'S STAFF FOR USE OF THE COUNTY HELICOPTER TO INVESTIGATE A POSSIBLE ZONING VIOLATION IN IMMOKALEE - APPROVED -,--- Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unnnimously, th"t the request milde by the State Attorney's office for use of the County hel icopter Lo investigate a possible zoning violation in Immokalee. he approved. MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED There being no objection, the Chair directed that the following correspondence be fi I cd anel/or referred to the various departments as i nd i c /I ted : 1. Statement dated December 3, 1979 from the Naples Council of Property Owners Association indit~tin9 they are in favor of reinstating the Lethal Vt'luwing Program - Filed. 2. Letter dated December 6. 1979 from Frank W. Duval, Jr., District Director, US Department of Agriculture. Farmers Home Administration, indicating the funds Obligated to Sewer Area "B" will be cancelled, except for those funds for the Willoughby Acres portion. due to defeat of East Naples sewer referendum - xc Utility Director; and filed. 3. Letter dated December 3, 1979 from A.P. Kirk, B & B Disposal Service, requesting permission to put the firm's franchise up for sale (Agenda item this date) - Filed. <, 800K 050 PAGE 399 13. December 11, 1979 Docket 790945-CCT for application of Yelvington Tr<1noport. Inc. for application of public convenience and necessity certificate to transport roofing mrlteria1s and supplies. C. Docket 790934-CCT for application for certificate of publ ic convenience and necessity to transport household cleaning compounds by New Truck lines, Inc. D. Docket 790927-CCT for application for public convenience and necessity certificate to transport building and construction materials by New Truck Lines. Inc. E. Docket 790874-CCT for corrected application for extension of certificate of public convenience and necessity for A-I Dahill Moving & Storage. Inc. extension of certificate 592. 18. Departmental reports. as follows: (Filed) A. Sac 1,11 Services - October, 1979 B. Helicopter Operations - 11/1 through 11/30/79 C. Rui lding Department (6) LAKE TRAFFORD MEMORIAL GARDENS CERTIFICATE DEEDS NOS. 198 AND 199 _ RECORDED AND FILED FOR THE RECORD P,JrSU,1nt to HUon of the Board January 10. 1978 wherein the Chairman was authorized to sign various deeds to Lake Trafford Memorial Gardens cemetery lots as the need arises, the following Deeds Nos. 198 and 199 were recorded and filed for the record: * * * * * * ,I December 11, 1979 PRESENTATION OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT (OPM) PROPOSAL FOR REVISION OF COUNTY CLASSIFICATION AND PAY PLAN - OPM MOBILITY ASSIGNMENT _ APPROVED; CHAIRMMl AUTHORIZED TO SIGN MOBILITY ASSIGNMENT AGREEMENT; ADDITIO~~L POSITION OF PER30N~EL SPECIALIST RE PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT _ AUTHORIZED; STAFF DIP;:-:TED TO prlOVIDE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUNDING OF PROJECT AND POSITION FROM SOURCES OTHER TI1AN CONTINGENCY FUND following brief introductory remarks by County Manager C. Williilm NOr111i1n, Assist,1nt County t~ana'ler John Walker explained the steps which have bef'n taken to bring before the Board a recorrmendation for the revision of the COlmty Classification and Pay Plan. He silid that it was felt that the rn,1jor emphasis should be on the training of County employees to maintain the classification and pay plan once the revision is rccorrmendecJ and implemented. He outlined the reasons why Mr. Walden C, Parker, of the U.S. Office of Personnel M,1na<.wment, was being I'ecornnendf'd to the Board, as contained in the Executivf' SIHTmiH'y "e'larding the matter. Among the reasons ci ted ~y 1.1,'. \01,11 ker for l'econrnendi ng ~lr. Parker over other consul tants was the on-si te days in his proposal, at a lesser cost, the placing of more emphasis on County staff training and involvement, and the more subjective methods of position assessment. r1r. Io'a 1 ker conmen ted tha t Mr. Pa rker has provided similar services to several othf'r counties, hoth within the State and outside the Slate, and that the locill governments involved were highly complimentary of Mr. Parker and his work. Mr. P.1rk[~r provided the Board with infonnation concerning his qualifications, !loth ,1cadP.fT1ically iEld experience-wise, mentioning his 16 yeill'S of experience beginning with local government, to St,1te government, and, ilt present, at the Federal level. He said that his agency has not set up private industry classifications and pay p1.1ns, but that t:Jcre have been extended associations in this area in tenms clf gat.hering survey data. Concerning his proposal for Col] ier County, Mr. Parker said that the project is to study, analyze, and eVilluate all of the positions. with the possible exception of the constitutional officers' positions, and to revise WOK 050 PAGl403 the existing classification and pay plan. December II, 1979 He continued by stating that the study will be done in such a way as to provide the employees of the County ~Iith what is considered fair and equitable pay classi- ficdl.ion <lnr! joh r!0.sr.,iption treatment. Mr. Parker outlined the objectives which will he achieved by the study and said that, with the built-in intern,ll maintenilnce capability of the County's stilff, it is possible the County may not ever have to hire another outside consultant for this pllrpo,>e. At this point, Mr. Walker. by a series of slide projections, elaborated on the net,lil, of the study. the Factor Evaluation System which will be used. the point-rating, to be applied to each position, including such In,ltters ,15 knowled'Je rF'l]IJired by thp. position, complexity, physical demands, and the like. He s,lid that (]uestionnilires will be distributed to each employee. to he filled out and returned to the Personnel staff and. with his guidance. thrc staff will analyze the completed questionnaires, job descriptions will he prepared and points assigned for the various Job l"ve 1 5 . Kf'spondin'1 tn Chair.,11il:1 Wenzel, Mr. Parker said that the counties with which he hdS worked have been "open shops". Mr. Nonnan explained why. in his opinion, the study is necessary, citing the recent study performed with grant funds from which little value WilS received. Mr. Walker emphasized the success Mr. Parker has had in an out-of-state county wllerein 70B jobs werr~ involved and that when the study was completed only 6 employee appeals were filed, only one of which was substantiated. He said further that Broward County has had two ilffirmative action audits. following studies made in that County ~y Mr, Parker, and that the County got a clean bill of health by both - EEO and HUD. ~e ~aid fJrther that this aspect is important in the area of receipt of Federal Revenue Sharing funds and pointed out Mr. Parker's knowledgeabil ity of what the Federal Government requires. Turning to involvement on the part of the County staff personnel, Mr, Parker said that probably five members will be assigned to review the aforementioned employee job questionnaires for accuracy, and the 1 ike, following which they will write the job descriptions, which then should be circulilted to the incumbent employees and, thereby, involve all employees. He said that, at this poi~t, he will begin to train the staff nn ~nw 'n ,n,1v,n ",rh "n~itinn ~nrl nrnvirlp them with the knowl~dqe they Deccmbcr 11, 1979 will need to carryon the Intcfnal M~intenance Program in the future. Con- tinuing. Mr. Parker said that one person should scrve as the team leader when r; is not present a1d who should have a background in personnel management, some experience in job evaluation. position classification and the like, and who would be helpful in the overall effectiveness of the Maintenance Program initially and in the future. Noting that Mr. Parker resides in Atlanta, Georgia, Chairman Wenzel inquired about his time schedule with Mr. Parker stating that he would be on call, not only in person but by telephone, and that he would spend thirty days on-site. Discussion followed concerning the funding of the recommendations being proposed, one of which being a transfer of funds from the Contingency Fund to the Personnel [lcpartment fund. Corrmissioner Wimer suggc5ted that other sources be considered such as excess funds not being used to fund unfilled posi tions which have been budgeted. Chairman Wenzel expressed his concurren:e wi th the suggestiC'n and requested updated information regarding the Gener.1l Fund balances, and offered a further suggestion that contingency fllnds wi thin various departments be reviewed fot. funds which ave not been allocated nor spent. Concerning employees other than those under the Board .of County Com- missionrrs, Chief Deputy Raymond Barnett stated his desire to discuss with Sheriff Ro:;ers the matter of possibly including the Sheriff's Department in the proposa 1 . Personnel rJirector Anne Hor,1, responding to Corrmissioner Brown, voiced her endorsement of th~ subject study and the need for additional help in her department to keep the Program on a maintenance level after training has been received. She emphasized the need for updating job descriptions and rates. Corrmissioner Wimer moved to approve the staff recommendations, as follows: 1. To approve the OMP Mobility Assignment to revise County Classification and pay plan and train County staff in that system, Jnd authorize the Board Chairman to sign the above Mobility Assignment Agreement; 2. To authorize the addition of a professional/technical position, personnel specialist to the Personnel Oep" rtmen t; and, as revised by Corrrnissioner Wimer, 3. To direct the Fiscal Officer to make appropriate arrangements eOJ~ 050 PAGE 404- ....~~...-:-........~':...---=~---_._: ..:..: :"1Il.;:~_~ :-7:;~''''-?~:-~''P"oO;~~........~ ~;,:....~~~"."'-:'?_.::'-""::-:-."":"':-,: ,.;~~:.<~:-~~.~~..__.:'~... ~'w-,:....:~'-__,. BOO~ 050 PAGE405 December II, 1979 for transfer of funds ($24.500) to the Personnel Department Account, to effect the above recommendation, from sources other than from the Contingency Fund. The ~~tion was seconder by Commissioner Brown and unanimously carried. No~: Complete agreement appears on file in office of Clerk of the Board. * * * * * * .. 1 I I__J December II, 1979 BOARD DIRECTS STAFF TO REVIEW ORDINANCE 75-16 AND TO COMPLY WITH THE POLICY WITH REGARD TO PREPARATION AND'DISTRHlU1ION OF AGENDAS AND BACKUP MATERIAL Corm"i s" ioner Archer corrmented on the fact that the agenda for the meeting, although not lengthy or complicated, was not distributed unti 1 Friday of the previous week and, therefore, could not be reviewed \Inti 1 r~onday. the day before the meeting. He stated that the pertinent ordin,lr1Ce covering t.he Board's policy in this regard stipulates that t.he agendas must be prepared and in the Corrmissioners' hands, together with all material, seven days prior to the meeting. He moved that the st.aff be directed to review Ordinance 75-16 and comply therewith. The motion was seconded by Conmissioner Wimer and unanimously carried. STAFf- REPORTS ON DMINAGE PROBLEMS n: IMMOKALEE AREA - RECor~MENDATlONS FOR RESOLVING SAME TO BE MADE DECEr~BlR~ 1979 CorTlnissioner Brown reported that he ' ~s had Publ ic Works Administrator Clifford Barksdale review in person the drainage problem existing in the southern P,ll't of Irrmokalee which has caused severe flooding. He said th,lt t.he affected people are entitled to rel ief from the government. Mr. Barksdale agreed that the problem is acute, noting that the pipes which were installed approximately t\~elve years ago \~ere made of corrugated ;T)ptal \'ihich has rusted out and been crushed. He said th,lt it I'dll take total rp.movill <lnd replacement of those pipes to effect a cure. He ddv i sed t.ha t he will provi de deta il ed recol11menda t ions to the Board d t the next meeting o~ December 18, 1979. , I i r I I I There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair - Time: 10:50 A.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECII DISTRICTS U~DER ITS CONTROL .c;," ,',;, ," / 'L~ /' ,I 1/, h / J/t'. -, I C;:(<. /'~;'- ,,,,-_ <' C . i. (-I' l l- CU FFORO WENZEL. CHAIR!'lAN ATTEST: , WII,UAM ,1. REAVAN, CLERKr, "/Ii: i:~ ,,~df;~ ,,' .