BCC Minutes 11/20/1979 W November 20. 1979 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County. Commissioners in and for the County of Coll ier. and also acting as the Governing Board(s) of such special districts as nave been created according to law and having conducted business herein. met on this date at 11:30 A.M. in Workshop Session in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex with the following members present. CHAIRMAN: Clifford Wenzel VICC-CHAIRMAN: Thomas P. Archer David C. Brown John A. Pistor ABSENT: C. R. "Russ" Wimer ALSO PRESENT WERE: County Manager. C. William Norman. Parks and Recreation Director Rollie Rice; and Deputy Clerk Darlene Davidson. II 1~\'iO;(!(S!!OP fI('ZNO!\ A ftC!I: C0nc 111!i r(;;i-'iirl~-I~~a--i:Iio\ff'! ^9An..ln ~~g.:2.Q_.,~_,.!~ J., t. ,.,i,:,./ r.'" Pil:!::; C1:1d R"'cr,:~,I1_i...m p1.1t\ Idth p~'('{".; {. Rec1:'~'tti.on 1'0.,-,; ~~(lry ~1\){'rd. 'Ill: )~'l'. .ld..1i':.:,,; ~(j t.1,,) 'f'.n:1.i.Il!~:"1!:Y A'J-~!l(lfl PARKS AND RECREATION FACILITY STUDY COMMITTEE FORMED - RESPONSIBILITIES CLARIFIED P~rk~ ~nrl Rpr.rp~tion nirpr.tor Rir.p. rpfp.r~erl to a letter dated September 18. 1979 from Chris'Blunt. Chairman. Parks and Recreation Arlvi~ory ROllrrl. Hp ~~1rl thAt thp lptt:pr rPlJllp.'lted thl! Roarrl to approve the formation of a Parks and Recreation Facility Study Committee to study the feasibility of future Community Parks within Collier County. He introduced the Advisory Board for the Parks and Recreation Department. in- cluding Mrs. Ann Goodnight. Mr. Dudley Goodlette. and Chairman Chris Blunt. Mr. Blunt referred to the above-mentioned letter and explained that it is the understanding of the Advisory Board that they are to act in an advisory capacity and to report to the Commissioners as to what they feel would be beneficial to the County in the way of Parks and Recreation Plans; therefore. they have requested the Board to approve the Study Committee as outlined in the letter. He said that since the Comprehensive Plan has been adopted and Corrrnunity Parks are outl ined within ft, and were to have been , I available in 1979. the P & R Advisory Board urges the Board ,to ,approve the,'- .. ..--.. ..~--_..~~ Corrrnittee to facilitate the planning of same. "I RECORDa'! MEMO, IAcDtIJl '" ''', of writlq. TrPbta 01' Prlalh , , ., "~ .;:~.':, .... ...tWadorJ" dill ._ n en nn p!" ",h"" 1'fWlf...... !..ill" BOOh,U5U ..rACE~dti?~'\;.. ~.':'.;i.:;\:.,\o" November 20. 1979 "f.:~!;~{:r.~%J.%:~~J:\t~~~~~~~:'~:i{after a long discussion among the advisory board .'.~ .-.' '" ,\ ,..; *, ~.' .~.:. ~,;..i:'-;' :; I' -: .~.:. members, it was the consensus of the board that there was a need to hdve input from various sources to establish priorities, including both financial and location feasibility. He said that he looked forward to establishing a committee comprised of people with financial and recrea- tional background to study the feasibility of the two outlined community parks that are part of the six year budget plan for parks in t"e County. He pointed out that at this time. the County has no community parks and the intent of the COIIT,t1ttee wNlld be to develop two parks. similar to FleischmannPark. which is owned by the City of Naples. He stated that the question of whether or not community parks are needed. or whether they are to be just in black and white within the Comprehensive Pla~must be decided by the BCC. He said that if it is the intent of the Board to follow through with the planning of the parks. the proposed committee should be approved. Commissioner Brown asked how much money would be involved? Mr. Blunt replied that an actual figure could not be arrived at without the proper study being made. He said that four years ago a figure of somewhere near a million dollars would have been needed, however. that figure is probably not valid now. He said that the longer the County waits the higher the cost will be. He noted that the cost would U~ determined by the proposed commi tteo if approved. and remi nded the Commi ss ioners that at this point. the County has no avallable land. and location dllll 4cquisltior alternatives must be decided. Commissioner Archer clarified along with Mr. Blunt. that the proposed committee would first determine the need for parks for the entire county, and also search out the possibility of grant funding for these parks. He said that her~ ill the County there are means available to help aid the financial aspects of such parks. He stated that he was in favor of approving the proposed study committee and was in favor of any means of financing that would not burden the individual taxpayer. i.e. grants. etc. He referred to the past referendums that failed because the taxpayers November 20. 1979 want parks but do not want to burden themselves with funding them through additional taxes. Commissioner Brown stated that he was in favor of the formation of the committee to study all aspects of park planning. because he feels more parks are needed within the County to help escape the pressures of work and everyday living. Commissioner Brown moved to approve the Parks and Recreation Facility Study Committee. Commissioner Archer seconded the 1~tion. Chairman Wenzel as~~d if the County was going to reactivate the Finance Committ~e and ~r. Norman replied negatively, saying that matter was left indefinite. Chairman Wenzel stated that if the Committee is formed it is his hope that they make their recommenda- tions regarding financial feasibility and alternative sources of financing for same prior to the next election so that the plans may be put to a vote by the people; particularly if large capital expenditures are going to be made to implement the parks. He feels it should be the peoples decision. if alternative revenue sources are such that large capital expenditures are involved rather than grant monies. Mr. Blunt concurred. County Manager Norman directed the Board's attention to pages two and thrp~ of the afore-mentioned letter. He complimented Mr. Blunt for being specific as to what th~ proposed committee's function and responsi- bilities WOlllrl he, however, he proposed that item "C" re securing appraised value of park sites. and item "0" re engaging in actual negotia- tion of agreements with land owners. should be deleted from the responsibili of the committee. Mr. Blunt ugreed to drop these two items from their resp< sibilities. Mr. Norman related that there are certain strict provisions set out for securing grants that must be adhered to in order to be eligible for funds. and the deletion of the items "C" and "0" would be beneficial to the County for this reason. It was the consensus of the Board that the committee would rely on estimated values of land and present them along with their other findings at the time the study is complete. and this could be done without an actual appraisal. It was also the consensus of the Board that no actual negotiations would be entered into without their first reviewing the study committee's recommendations. "1 \....." The motion on the floor was amended ~ include the de.let_i.~n to~, the' '.; .... ,^, . ,.,...., .....~ ,')o,-,:::r.~.... . . .r,:-;-,....... ~,...... , . ,",'.' ...., ~!jL::,<,~' 050 237 .. ~ '" /'... '"", r~". '. MOK PAr.F \ ' " "" , . - , , - I . .',,&OOK ," ~.,~~' '. ,,~ I, .. , -~t \' . 050 'ACE238 ~~~ ~. ;t. ',4:: ',., , November 20, 1979 . <l. '::Jf... . "#f.-~'~ .~...~ !,f~' I. ',t"J.w.'1:"" ',..,:,...0"'....'"." ;. . . above-mentioned responsibilities as recomnended by Mr. Nonnan. by the maker and seconder. The motion carried with a unanimous 4/0 vote. APPOINTMENTS TO PARKS AND RECREATiON FACILITIES PLANNING COMMITTEE Commissioner Archer asked Mr. Blunt if the people on the presented list as members of the Parks and Recreation Facilities Planning Committee had agreed to serve on same? Mr. Blunt replied affirmatively. Commissioner Brown proposed that the name rf Mr'. Egon Hill be added to the list. Commissioner Arrhor mnv~d. seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 4/0. that the submitted list as follows along with the name of Egon Hill be approved for membership on the Parks and Recreation Facilities Planning Committee; Leigh Plummer George Pi ttman Bill Price Oa ve Koon A 1 Decamp Don Ricci Ed Oates Jane Hitler Bill Longshore Ben Plummer Mary Evans Marvin Winninger Rev. Harold Brown Maynard Schryver There being no further business before the Board at this Workshop Session the Chair adjourned the meeting at 11:45 A.M.