BCC Minutes 10/09/1979 R Nnples, Florida, October 9. 1979 LET IT BE :lE~'EMBERED, that the Board of County Corrmissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Governing Board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date ,at 9:00 A.~'. in Regular Session in Buildin'g "F" of the Courthouse Complex with tho fOllowing members present: CHAIRMAN David C. Brown VICE-CHAIRMAN Clifford Wenzel C.R. "Russ" Wimer Thomas P. Archer John A. Pistor - Absent ALSO PRESENT: William J. Reagdn, Clerk; Harold L. Hall. Chief OerJUty Clerk/Fiscal Officer; Jean 51.tindle, Deputy Clerk; C. William Normun, County Manager; Donald A. Pich/orth, County Attorney; Lee LuynL', Plunner; Clifford Barksdale, County Engineer; and Deputy Chief P'lymond Barnett, Sheriff's Department. DOI\~12-_0F C~,-{ C.0~~1:1J.:'>..;~lONlm~ FINAL AGJ::Nl?~ October 9, 197~. !i,9TICE: At.I:.. FERSONS SPEAKING ON ANY AGENDA ITEM MUST REGISTER PRIOR TO TI~ ITEM BEING I{EARD. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE BOARD ON SUBJECTS walCH ARE NOT ON THIS AGENDA MUST DE SUBMITtED TO TIm COUNTY MANAGER AT LEAST ONE wr.:EK PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THE ME~TING AND WI LL BE HEARD UNDER "PUBI:..IC PETITIONS" AT 11:00 A.11. 1. H-l'{9_CATION 2. PLEDGE OF AI:..LEGIANCE 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 1\. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: ,Septemb'~r 18, 1979 ~; . PROCLA.M!\'rIONS AND PRESEN1'N.rrONS OF AWARDS A. Proclamation of National 4-H Club Week. - ." ~'W O~ Q ~~~!)'~~ ~OOK 049 PAGE365 October 9. 1979 AG~1!IJ.~ - APPR.OVED WITH MOITIONS Conl'llissioner ~!cmzel moved, secondeo by Comniss10ner Archer and c.lt'ried 4/0 with COllvniss loner Pistor absent, that the agenda be approved with the fo 11 owi ng add it ions: 1, letter of authorization for the law finn of Holland & Knight to uct as bond counsel for Hf1loughby Acres Water and Sewer Improvements and ~larco Wi! ter/Sp.wer Di stri ct (Phase 1) - County Attorney's request. 7.. Adoption of a resolution calling for an election to be held for upprov,11 of the E.1st Naples Se\1er System - County Attorney's request. t:l.I.t!!LTES.JlF. .sr.~T.rr~t[3_L'tJ.{3.I_. 1979 - ~.I.'F.ROVE.D AS SUBMITTED COl11l11iss iOller \~f!nzl!l moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and (,'ITied 4/0 \'Iith Commissioner Pistor absent, that the minutes of Srp:.('I:iber lf3, 19/9, be -,pproved as submitted. I iWCU.!,iMiON ESTMU:iHING THE HEEK OF OCTOI3ER 7 THROUGH OCTOBER 13, : q.i~~ ~)_ I :~.,i.l)r~^!._-'L-J!J:_L_Ul!.-.WE[.L:....^.D.QP..TED (omllh<; ir)n'~t- ArcheI' read the PrlJclt1l11ation estaul ish1ng the week of Octnbet- 7 tl1roul)h October 13, 1979. as National 4-H Club Week and n:ol'f"!d for its udoption. Conwnissioner Wimer seconded the motion and it 11',-') cdrricd ti/O with COllmlissioner Pistor .1b'.Ilnt, Following Miss Donnie Sharpe's ilcceptancQ of the document and her rlvi'cl'l of the CoIl ier County ~-ff Club's activities for the past year, \'.'hic!1 included not only truditional pI"ojects but a workshop on public <,peaking, cattle ('afsing, milrine t'r.seilrcl' ilnd exchange of Oregon <;tlHlents, she thanked the Board fOl' their continued interest and support. t.:s. l inda Denninl) introduced the new 4-11 assistunt, Ms. Nina Cairns, and stated the 4-H activities in the County are very fortunate to have 110r as part of their team. 11 'I II , I ! I I , I I ~OOK 049 PACE 367 October 9. 1979 RESOLUTION 79-156 VACATING A 30 FOOT Al.lEY BETWEEN LOT I, BLOCK 18 AND LOT 3, BLOCK 17 AND THE REI4AI NING 7'. FOOT AI.I.EY ALONG THE EASTERN BOUNDARY OF lOT 2 Mm LOTS 13-37, BI.OCK 18, Ar4ENOED PLAT OF COLLIER CITY- ~QonTEJ1...______ . Legal notice having been pub1ishcd in the Marco Island Eagle on Septemher 20, 1979, as I'videnccd by Affidavit of Publication filed with til(~ Clerk, pllbl ic hearing was ope:ied to consider the petition to vacate a 30 foot alley betwecn Lot I, n10ck 10 and Lot 3, Block 17 and the remaining 71~ foot alley a long the eclstern boundary of Lot 2 and Lots 13...37 !31ock 13, amended plat of Collier City as requested by the property owners abutting the alley. County EngIneer Barksdclle l'evlewed the petition and stated th~t in l'eglllar session on July 10, 1979 the Board approved a petition from Bayco of Collier County and Islands of the Sea, vacating the alley ulong the easlc~I'n bounuilry of Lots 3-12 and 38-48, Block 18, Collier City. The petitioners submitted a recorded drainage easement document for the 1<111(1 lJeincj v,lcatcd but, as the Gourd had not officfally accerted t.he document rriot' to reCOt'dlltion, ~lr. 13t1l'ksd,11c asked for formal acceptance al this time. In addition, he continued, when this vacation 1~,lS being cnnsfdered by the [loilrd, some of the pt'operty owners abutting the ill ley l'x;'l'esscd the desire to have the rem.,fnder of the alley included in tile vLlcatlon. Since it ~/as not possible to include the vaca t i on of the l'cm,1 i IIder of the a 11 flY in the 111 rl~ady pub Ii shed 1 ega 1 notices of the nelispaper, thc Board directed the Engineering Department to initiate action to effect the remaindel' of the alley along the eastern boundary of Lots 1 and 2 and 13 through 37. Mr. Barksdalc said thc util ity compcll1ies have becn contacted and letters of "No objection", \'lith the stipulation that a utility easpment be retained in Ol'dcr to maintain flxisting facil ities, have been received. He said that the representative from the WaleI' t4anagelllent Advisory Board has reviewed and approved the requested vacation administratively. l. '.___1 l"". '".'J >'.t. - r-;-" J October 9. 1979 There being no persons registered to address the matter, Commissioner Henze 1 moved, seconded by COlllni ss i oner \limer and carrf ed 4/0 ~11 th COlllnissioner Pistor absent, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried 4/0 with Commfssioner Pistor absent. that Resolution 79-156 vacating 1\ 30 foot alley betwe(!n Lot 1, Block 18 and Lot 3, 8lock 17 and t remainil~~~ 7~ foot 'alley along the eastern boundary of Lot 2 and Lots 13-37, Block 18. amended plat of Collier City, be adopted and that the drainuge easement recorded in OR 802, Page 375, be accepted. ." * * * * ." ." * * &OOK 049 PAGf '368 BOOK 049 PACE 37f October 9, 1979 TAYLOR, EDENFIELD. GILLTAM & WII.TSHIRE TO PROVIDE Auon R'E Ar~ERICAN MlBULANCE FOR FY 1910/19 t NCORPORATl NG RECOto\MENDEO FORMAT - APPItOVED _ M1ErU~AN AMBULANCE corm~AC TO BE SUf3r~ITTED TO THE STATE BOARD OF ACCOL1tlTANCY, AS REQUESTED BY MR. r'lAGUIRE, RE THEIR OPINION AS TO ~~~~.!_CA1L~~mU!-ANCE I S JQ&JJilNCE TO SAME__ Fiscdl Officer Hllrold lIull reviewed the item. stating he had received just shortly before the Board meeting, a copy of the letter frolO Taylor, Edenfield, Gilliam & Hfltshire! to Hr. Jack Maguire, President of American Ambulance, which confirms that their CPA firm C,ln produce the iludit using the recommended format but pointing out that :.110 following four (4) flnill1cfal schedules would be "uniludited": 1. Aged stat~nent of accounts receivable (dollar ~mount of out- standing receivables for 30 days, 60 days, 90 days and over one yea r) . 2. Schedule of unbllled accounts receivable as of the! end of the yec1r 01' a statp.l1lent to the effect that for all ~ervices rr.ndered durinlJ the fiscal year, a bi1linu has been ic;sued. 3. Schedule of dollclr amounts of accounts payable - long term. .1. Schedule of dollar amounts of ilcr.ounts payable - short term. Continuing, 'le said that the letter verified that the Clerk's 1'"com;n~?lIdati()ns, regclrding tha necassary audit of American Ambulance for the J'l'ill' rnded July 31, 1979, can be produclld, as requested, and will be audited. They are as follows: 1. Gross billings by month. 2. Receipts by month. 3. Listing of opcrilting eXpl!I1SeS by expense category as used ill the monthly billings to tile County, 4. Listing of capital disbUl'sell1enl" by item. 5. Recalculation of operating claim and recalculation of incentive claim, setting forth: a. Listing of disallowed expenses. b. ~djuslmr.nts to operating claim. c. Adjustments .to incentive payment. October 9, 1979 Mr. Hall concluded that he would recommend that the Board approve the finn of Tilylor, Edenfield, Gilliam & \4iltshire to do the necessary audit on American Ambulance according to the format referenced above and recommended by the Clerk's office. Mr. Jack I~aguire, President of American Ambulance, clarified a . point in referencd to the audit and the four extra requested financial schedules, which by lIece~slty, l'/ill have to be "unaudited" by s ta t i ng tha t "these accrUil 1 typP. s ta tempn ts in the samt'! rapor t as a cash bilSls audit is inconsistcmt i1nd not in accordance with generally ilccepted ilccounting principlec;". He 1~<1Ilt(!d the [loilrd to knOl-l that producing the infonnation for such schedules Idll Cr('ilt.C! no burden but will increase the expenses of the audit. Mr. Maguire requested the flourd to submit to Lhl' Stilte noard (1";- Accountancy Amcl'ican Ambulnnce's current contract and iludi t in order for t.he! State Board to render an opinion reg,wding the firm's compliance with the contract. Additionally, Mr. f.1l1guire stated this opin~on, once reached, l'Iould clear up "a cloud tha t h,1s hun9 over the tat) of thi s for I. .....1. a year". Following discusc;ion, Conll1issic:ner Mcher moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimp.I' and carried 4/0 I~i th COllnnissionc:w Pistol' abc;ent, thut the CPA firm of Taylor, Edenfield, Gilliam & Wiltshire he approved to do the audi t on AIIl~riclln Ambulance in the above-reFerenced form'lt il~ recommended by the Cl erk I S offi ce. Comnissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 4/0 I"ith Commissioner Pistor absent, that the current contract and audit of American Ambulance he sent by the Board, per t1r. t1aguire's request, to the State lloard of Accountancy in order for the State [3o,lrd to render an opinion as to I~hether or not American Ambulance is in compliance with their contract. aOOK 049 PACE 372 BOOK 049 PAGE373 October 9, 1979 O~OfNANCE REPEAUNG ORDINANCE 79-66 TO CORRECT A TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR IN .T.H.LIJ.I J..i.~~:TJiQ~J.zLO J .9R..!~Q.YLfi.TJ.~l~.(''. L9.R P U~J..l.C_t!.[MJJ:ill.Ji9.VQ1~gt1.0-, ._L 91.9 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and cal'ried 4/0 with CommIssioner Plstor absent. that II proposed ordinance repealing Ordinance 79-66 to correct a typographIcal error In the title, be authorized for advertising for public hearing November 20, 1979. HESOLUTION TO rr~PLEMENT ORiJINAnCE 713-9 KNmlN AS THE COLLIER COUNTY VESSEL CONTROL ORDINANCE - AUTHORIlED FOR ADVERTISING FOR PUBLIC HEARING .on.9_~l.R.-1Q.,_.t~L?.._.____.___.._. '_""'.' _'_h__._.._. __. '__ Cornml ss i oner Wenze I l11oved, seconded by Camilli ss loner I. j mer and curried 4/0 with CommissIoner Plstor absent, that a resolution to implement Ordinance 78-9 kn('lwn as the Collier County Vessel Control Ordin"IlCP, be authorized for advertIsing for public hearing Octobel' 30, 1979. If:I\5E RENEWAL OF m':OKALEE MRPORT TO RIPCORD PARA-DIVERS SPORT PARACHIJTE CLUB - APf'I,nVED - lt~~10KALEE A I RPORT USE PERMIT AND HOLD HARf1LESS Af.,kf:.U1ENT I1_Y._f~ TJT .r_l)J:!.LB_~_~C.C.E.P.T.EJ?__ _.__ ___"'__'___ _____ .._..____ County fo1dlldger Normdn presentnd the request for the renewal of a l~use bct\~een thu Goard or County Commissioners and the RIpcord Para- Divers Sport Pardchute Club for Lot 9, Unit 1, of the Ed Scott IIl1l1okalee Airport ,1nd 5tateu that the loca1 ol'ganiztition of sky divers had held a 1 e,) se from 197-l to 1978 for thi s Sdme property but because of the c 1 ub 's single aircr~ft having to have repairs, the lease 'lxpired June 7, 1978. ~lr. Norman explained that the suid repilirs have been made "Ild that the requestl~d le<lsu has been received and approved by the Federal Aviation AUlllinistr.:ltion representative in t1lami. C('lll~ni s s i oner Henze 1 Il,oved, seconded by Commi ss i oner Archer and curried 4/0 ~/ith Commissioner Pistor absent. that the lease between the 130arcl of County Connnissioners and Ripcord Para-Divers Sport Parachute Club for Lot 9, Unit 1 of the Ed Scott Inwnok,1lee Airport, be approved and the 1l1imokalee Airport Use Parmi t and Hold Hannless Agreement signed by the Petitioner, be accepted. BOOK 049 PAGE 3Bf October 9 t 1979 COUNTY NANf.GER AUTHORI7F.D TO PREPARE A REVISION OF ORDtNArICE 76-49 fli:..J NCfiG'-~.~_.oL.C.lil\.~::.f,.VJl.r.J'P !KJ NG. .LN...EIBI, LANE FRO..t1.JE.!..Q9_lOi2.i:...OO County Manager NOl"nl<1n presented the request made by members of the Fire Chief Association which ('5ked that there be 4 revision of OrdInance 76-49 resulting in ~n increil5e in the charge for parking in a fire lane from $5.00 to $25.00. FollOl.iln9 discl/ssion, Commissioner Archer I1loved. seconded by Conmissioner' ~Ienzel and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Pistor absent, that the County ~'anager be authorized to work with County Attorney Pickworth to prepar'e anrl present a revised ordinance to s'lbstitute pen"lties for parking violations to supplement the present <.ystcm of pilrking fees, incorpol'ating the request fur the higher prcnalty of $75.00 for put'king in fire lanes. CONSIOERATlO/I OF RECOM~'[NDATIOrl fOR PURCHASE OF EMERGENCY RADIO COMtiUNICA- J~W i '; JillLI f!'lEN1._",- !/JJilgJY'\Y1lL ::. .1.0l3!.JlJARD..ALAJ,..^ TER DATE Per the requcst of CUll'IJlissir,"f:r Archcr, Chainnan Brown asked that tht' i tCIII r0. plln:ll<lSn or €l11crgcncy radio comnunication equipment be withdrawn by the County ~1"nli9cr'. FollOl.ling Commissioner Archer's explr1nation that tlll.t.C ~lel'E~ severc.ll proposdls to be studied before a decision could be made, ~tr, Norman concurred with thr> fit" i rl1hln' c; rpqllf'~ t Ilnd ~ti thdrew the item. The recolllllcndation will be heard <It a later dilte. CIIAWWl /lUTHORIZED TO SIGN GHAln APPLICATION FOR "U.S. DEPAIlTI.1ENT or AGIUCIJI.TURF." FEDERAL ASSISTANCE" (R.C.F.P. TITLE IV MATCHING FUNDS) ON .~[JIALF OF TilE GOLDEN GATE FIRE COllTROL DISTRICT AND THE ISLES OF CAPRI F r RI. _cn.~T.R_ol_Q15:r.R)_Cl._____ ______.. ..____..._________.____ Cl'rmli 55 ioner Wcnle 1 moved, sf:conded by COI1~ni 5S i oner ^rcher and carried 4/0 Ivith Conmiss1oner Pistor absent, thdt the Chairm,ln be i111thorized to sign grant upplications for "U.S. Department of Agr; ulture _ Federal Assistance" (R.C.F.P. Title IV Matching Funds) on behalf of the Golden Gate Fire Control District in the amount of $1.275 and the Isles or Capri Fil'l~ Control District in the amount of $585 for the purchase of equipment. October 9, 1979 RESOLUTION 79-157 RE PETITION PU-79-19-C, FIRST CIJURCll OF THE NAZARENE, ::EQU::STING PROVISIONAl USE (3) OF THE "A" AGRICULTURE DISTRICT FOR A CHURCH III SECTION 12, T49~, R2SE LOCATED SOUTH OF YMCA ROAD _ ^QOPTE>> - PETITI9~~R'S ~GREEMENT TO STIPULATIONS - ACCEPTED. Commissioner IHmer nJovl!d. seco'lcled by COrmlfssioner ~/enzol and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Pistor "lbsent, thilt Resolution 79-157 . pelmitting the Fir:st Church of thE' :;azarl:;"" Provisional Use (3) of the "A" Agriculture district for the construc~ion of II church in Section 12, T49S, R25E ~Ihich is located south of the Y~IC^ Road, be ildoptE'd and Petitioner's Agreement to staff stipulations be Ilccn>ted. * * * * . . * . . ~OD.~ 049 PACE 4GB October 9, 1979 CHAIR~lAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN SECOND YEM PRE-APPLICATION FOR COMNUNITY OEVELOPNI;!!L BLOC.K GRANT TO TII~-'}EPART!:IENT OF..!/OUS WG ArID URBAN OEVElgpMENI Principal Planner Danr'y Cre\~ prC!sented the request for approval of submission of a second year (;')nmunity Development Block Grant pre- application stating t~at, durir'~1 the first year of funding, the County hils received $490,000 for its Community Dev,elopment Block Grant Proyr,lIn (these monies currently being ",::Ilenned for the Immokalee Block Grant Program). Mr. Crew explained that during the past four weeks he, togethl:!r with II represent,1tive of IS!, has Undl:!rtil~;en field ~/ork in Im1l1okalQ!, lIecessary to the development of a second year progr.ll11 target areil. Ft'om the results of such field l'lork and public COrrJlll:!nt, 11 second year progrilln has been developed \1hich includes the fOllo~ling activities, he said: 1. Housing Rehahil itation 2. Land Acquisition 3. Stt'eet Paving The cxplaniltion given r0g,wding the "land acquisition" portion of the proposed progr,lnl \1<1S one of using federal monies to purchase land (SOI1le> 30 acres in the tilrget area); deed the land over to developers I'Iho in turn would build 10\1 to moderate rC'nt<ll units which would be rented to those persons having iln income of a low to rl~oderilte figure. Discussinn followed \11th members of the Board disagreeing with the concept of the County purchasing land ilnd In turn, becoming involved in the "subsidizing of somt' landlord". Commissiol1€'r Al'cher moved, seconded by Chairman BrO\1n that the Chairman be 1I'itorized to sign th~ second year Community Development Block Grilnt pre-ilppl ication as presented. Motion denied 2-2, Connlissioners Wenzel and Wimer dissenting. After Mr. Crew staLed that the portion of the application pprtaining to "Land Acquisition" ''iould be omitted from the forms but the other tl-/O areas. Housing Rehabilitation and Street Paving, would be retained, 80DK 049 PAGE 412 BOOK 049 PAGE 413 October 9. 1979 Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Comnissioner Wenzel and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Pi~tor ubsent, th~t the Chairman bo authorIzed to ~ign the second Yl'!ar COlllllunity Devclopment Block Grant Pre-^pplication fOfms and samc be submitted to the Department of /lousing and Urban Oevclopment. CHAIRr'IAN AUTHORI7ED TO EXECUTE A~i.:.~TIC PLMIT CONTROL AGREEr~ENT BETHEEN TilE <;TATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTNENT OF N/ITURAL RESOURCES AND THE COUNTY FOR J..I.VI\TIOrL..Q.C._~I'lTE lUN~LULl'l[ AMO,tlNT OL.$5J_LllL______ Commi ss i oner Henze 1 moved, seconded by Corrrni ss ioner Archer and cart'fed 4/0 l'lith ConulI;ss;oner Pfstor absent, that the Chairman be ,luthorilcd to exccutc the AqU(lt1c Plant Control Agreement between the S t.lte of Flori del DCpllrtment of Nc1 Lura 1 Resources and the County for an ~11ocation of State funds in the amount of $51,919. * * * * * * * * * BOOK 049 PACE 417 October 9, 1979 COUNTY ENGINEER BARKSDALE AUTHOR r ZED TO SELECT A S lTE FOR TIlE NAPLES SOUD \4ASTE TRANSFER STATION AND r.\VI STATlOll, EXPEND TIlE NECESSARY E!J}'l..DJ_i1'K M .APpRIII...:.~h_MD tif:0JTlATE \HTH T1LLlli!!ill!L_______ County Engineer l3ell'ksd,1le explained thc1t the County has been unable to stlccessFully negotl,)tl.' iln acceptc1ble agreement with the Naples I\irpnrt Authority Fot a site for the rJaples Solid Waste Trc1nsfer StrltiOil ilncJ the fWr Stilt "'1 on the Mrpurt property, saying the loca- tion allot;c1ted in c1ccordanc(! wit:) the Airport AI: ,)rity's Master Plan \'Ir)uld not be at;ceptable becc1use: (1) T1H! site would not provid~~ sufficf€'nt operating room rind stor,1ge lililcs for the expected traffic at the two facilities. (2) The proposed location ~lOuld incn~ase the construction cost. 1I1-! cont;I1II~!d that sites h'lve be~n studif'ld within the area bounded by Airport ROdd, Mercantile Avenue and Davis Boulevard and some suitable '; I tl!S helVe 11(!'~n found but i t \~ill be necessary that an appraisal of the se1(ctcrl site be milde. COII1II1;" s i OI1I~I' Wenze 1 llIoved, seconded by Commi ss ioner ~lfmer and c,lrricd /1/0 \,lit.1i COlIJlld5s!r;Pl:r Pistor .:ll)!;cnt, that the County Engineer be <:ut!lori;'r:d to select <\ sitl! for the Nilples Solid Haste Transfer St:,ltioll dlld the "IVI St,ltioll off the Airport ilnd to expend the necessary rlll;d5 fol' ull ilppl'ilisal .11ld n(!~otfiltc \'lith the O~/f1er. (('(JUT'( ENGI N[ER AUT 'wn I ZED TO NEGOTI" TE 1.JlTli THE LANDOWNERS FOR" NEI.J :'liU ITMY lAtIDFILL SITE I N I1~r'~OKALEE AND TO EXPEND THE FUNDS NECESSARY F 1)1\ . 'I.J\:'I~A r S^,-__O_I:...TII[..IlROP~RTL__,_____ County [1l~iIH~et' BJrksdale said it is becoming more difficult and r.'xpCl"'~Jivc to continue opet'iltions elt the old Illimokell+~e Sanitary Landfill sit~ due to space limitations and, bec~usc of this situation, the Publ ie ~!orks Division hilS conducted the preliminary feaSibility studies for ilpproximately six sites throughout the InvlIokalee arl'!a, selecting a site located just east of the currentlY-O~/I1cd County land where the County l3arn and Stockade are located. He r'eported that 11 preliminary Clluincering Report has been submitted to the Department of Environmental October 9. 1979 Regulations for their review and concurrence th~t the site could be dcveloperl in accordance wi~h all of the State permitting requirements for sanitary landfills. The D~R concurs that the proposed site could be permitted and it is for perrnhsion to negotiate with the landowners, Collier Propertie:, for the selecte~ ~ite io~ether with the reque~t. for funds necessary fo.r a,' appraisal of the ~Hc, Mr. Barksdale asked of the Goard today. Cornmissloner Henzel mO'led, seco'1ded by Commissioner' ~/imer and c,wried 4/0 with Conlllissioner Pistol' absent, that the County Engineer be authorized to negotiate with the landowners, Collier Properties, for the new Sanitill~ Landfill site in lmnokalce and to expend the neCCS$ilt'y funds for an appraisal. Mr. nlackwell. representing Collier Propertic:.. asked that the record reflect his firm's reluctance to sell the subject property, stating that the only possibility of an agreement to sale ~/ould be unrler thC' "threat of condemnJtlon" by the County. lie said this ~/ould be the best posture for Collier Properties to take as it would be to theil' financial interest. AGREEllENT BETHEEN ROTMY CLUR OF Hl;'1'JKALEE ArID THE COUNTY TO ASSIST IN CO/olI'LETl NG NEEDED IMPROVEMErlTS TO THE rr.tfolOKALEE PARK .. APPROVED .~ _CJf.A.I Rfo~N._~ll' i:).~l].[g_JQ.g0.tL~.GR ~p :~JJLI!I..9J'12..IJiG__S T I PUI.A T I Ol!.~__ Mr. Rollie Rice, Director of Parks and Recreation, presented th~ subject Agreelllent and stated he has had several meetings with the Hoti1I'y Club of Innllolillee regdl'ding the completing of several needed ilJlprovcn;"nts to the Ilmlokalee Park. r'lr. Rice explained that the Rotury Club ,~ill provide the necessary manpower while the monies that \-lill be expended have be<>n previously approved in the Park Improvement Funds budget. Ha expressed appreciation to the Rotary Club of Irnlllokalee ilnd his wish that other organizations "Iould become as actively involved in cOII.llunity projects. 80~~ 049 PACE 418 BODK 049 fACE 419 October 9. 1979 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 4/0 with CO"JlIissioner Pistol' absent, that the Agreement between the Rotary Club of Immok1l1ce and tho Board of County Commissioners to assist in completing needed improvements to the Imllokalee Park be approved. ~nd that the Chairman bl? authorized to sign said Agreement includl~g the stated stipulations. * * * * * 1< * 80~K 0:49 PAcf42! ROUTINE SILLS - AUTHORIZED FOR PAYMENT October 9. 1979 C0lTlT11ssioner Wenzel mov~d, ~ccondcd by Commissioner "'!mcr and rarried 4/C with Commissioner ri:tor absent, that the bills, having I'er:n proccss,~d following est,Jblished procedures, be approved for paymcnt as witncssed by the follovl1ng warrants dilled October 3, 1979 tlirouljh October 9, 1979: FUND Co~rd Payroll - CETA County Warrants Rnad and Gl'idge Golden Gate I & S ColI ii!r County Fire District :)chopee Fire Control Df~trict CErA Sr.~lCr Area "A" nevr.nue Fire Hydrant A5sr.5sm~nts Grants & Gifts County Water Service Intrayovernlllental Services Syst~IIIS Development Clearing ~ER~l.l!.Q.h /53153 - 63367 015 - 284 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 & 2 1 1 1 & 4 RESOLUTIOIl 79-158 SUPPORTING CONTINUED REVIEI~ OF DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL !":','r.r S il~,~IE:?llLBIG.LQIi11. rIAN1H.N.9._~Q~!I~.C).'=.L~ ..~OPTElL-._, .____ COIIIl:1i';5il1/11'I' I':enlcl 1110V0.d, secontlf~d by Commissioner Archer and C'.lITiccl 'I/O ~Iith Commissioner PistOl' llbscnt, that Resolution 79-158 ~'lpr,cl.til1g the cOlltinlJl~d rcvie\~ of rJevelof.'lIIent of Regional Impact "i,Ji'?s by tlte f::f'rJiOIl,l1 Planning Council'i, be adopted. * * * * * . BO~K 049 PACE 425 October 9. 1979 9. Airworthiness Directive 79-20-05 from FAA re Bell Helicopter _ xc Helicopter Pilot; and filed. 10. Copy of Coa5tal CO'lstn:ctlon Pennit No. BBS 79-13, issued September 17, 1979 to City of Naples for excavation of sediment from Gordor, Pass - xc County Engineer; and ffled. 11. Notice dated September 14. 1!J79 from HUll ro Use of Escrow Accounts for Rehabl1itilLlon Involving :ommun1ty Block Grar:'; or Section 312 Funding - xc Planning Department. Fiscal Officer, and Admfni:.trative Afde 1. Thorwal'd; and ffled. 12. PSC Notice of Hearings re following: (Filed) A. Docket No. 790751-CCT re Applicat.ion to operate a motor carder by Stevcn Michael Calyore, d/b/a Steve's Service - vilrfolls points in Collier County. O. Docket No. 790684-CCt re applicatfon to operate as 1I motor carder by Joey Thompo;on. d/b/a Glades SIJI'edder Service - points /Inti places in Florida. C. Dl1cket No. 79075J-CCT re ,'ppl i':cltion to operate liS ,1 motor carried by A !I. A ~lilre'lOusing Corp. _ var1/lus plcl":CS in Florid,l, inclUding ColI ier County. 13. Dep<1rtment R(!ports from Ouiltllng D0partment (2) for St'pf:~"lber, 1979, lInd from rlanllin~ Department for period 1/1/75 through 8/31/79 - filed. 14, r':\'n10,'.)t1<Jul1I dated October 9, 1979 from Utility Director Ilerzoll <Iuvisln!) thc IlCC of his intent to take Annual leave cOIIQllellcing October 11 through October 22, 1979 - Filed. , !AU:-R[flIJIllCO ANNUAL "OlJTSI~'- AUDIT" OF COUNTY TO OE rMPLE~'ENTED _ ' ~_.\ lIU:..c.G~;;.l_t~l.I_O!!..!~[_ .S.At)Ll9....i,J..Ps.TJ..rl!.lli~~_______._...___ it. \-"1, tile opinion of Cl/:I'k \.Jil I illm Rnagan that the cUrl.'ntly St:,lte-I'cqllil-ed County ,lnnual "outside audit", which will be performed by pl'ivdle firms, be implemcnted and not be deferred until the I.eglslature gives.) different ruling in the future. CHMi:j-::\N AUTHORIZED TO SIGN UTTER OF AUTHOHIZATION TO lAH FIRM OF 1101.l1\':D AND KNIGIIT TO ACT AS !lOtID COUNSEL FOR THE HILLOUGHBY ACRES t_'.' 1 Jr./.\F.:'!J.~).ril:~.O.vJt1JJ.!.T.?1!IIUJ.LE l~I\R.<;'9.JiATER~nJER pI Snli<dJf!HASE.Jl f'el' County Attorney Pickworth's reque5t. Commissioner Archer moved, seco.-ded Ly Commissioner Wenzel and c.:lrried 4/0 with COl1lnissioner Pistor ubsent, that the Chuirman be iluthorized to sign .:l letter to thE' law firm of Holland ,1nd Kni9ht ilulhol'izing them to represent the County as bond counsel relating to the bond issues for the Willoughby Acres Hater/Sewer Improvements \lnd the Harc.l.l W\lter/Sel-Ier District (Phase 1). - ~V II'\WI. """""'l. October 9. 1979 RESOLUTION CWS 79-10 CALI.lNG AN, ELECTION TO BE HEl.D FOR APPROVAL Q~-_J1Ki&1:.JiAJ:!J.L~g.~g.R.1Y.SItlt.~.-A.q..olli!L__ __ At the reques t of the County At torney. Commi 55 ioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Conmissloner Archer and carried 4/0 ~l1th Corrrnissioner Pistor absent, that Resolution C~S 79-10 ~alling an election to be held for approvill of the East Naples Sewel' System be adopted. * * * * * * * * * * . , October 9. 1979 VOTING PRECINCT NIJ/,mER FOR SIIERIFF'S DEPUTY JEFFREY L. DAVJI)SOIl _ FILED ~OR THE RECORD . --.-.-- In compliance with Florida Statute 30.08, the following Voting Pl'ec fne t number of Deputy She d ff Jeffrey L. Davidson ~/as submitted by Sheriff Aubrey Rogers and filed for the record: Jeffrey L. Davidson Precinct #1 There being no further business for the good of the County. the me~~tin!l Wi1S i1djourned by order of the Chair - Time: 10:30 A.N. BOARD OF COUNTY COllIHSSIONEfIS/EX OFFICIO GOVER/lING 1l0ARrJ(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICT U::OER ITS CONTROL =~~ uavic C. Brol,,", I..llairmafl '0 , 8D~x 049 PAG:;' 430