BCC Minutes 10/02/1979 R Naples, Florida, October 2, 1979 LET IT BE REMEMBEKED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Governing Board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.li. in Regular Session in Building "F" of the Courthouse Comples with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: David C. Brown VICE-CHAIRMAN: Clifford Wenzel Thomas P. Archer C. R. "Russ" Wimer (1:30 P.M.) ABSENT: John A. Pistor ALSO PRESENT: William J. Reagan, Clerk; Ilarold L. Hall, Chief Daputy/Fiscal Officer; Edna Brenneman and Darlene Davidson (1:30) P.M.), Deputy Cierks; C. William Norman, County Manager; Donald A. Pickworth, County Attorney; Irving Berzon, Utility Director; Neno J. Spagna. Community Degvelopment Administrator; Raymond Dulaney, Building Administrator; Ger:' ',tcludenm"ier, Animal Reguldtion Officer; Anthony Pires, Assistant Coun~y Attorney; Clifford Barksdale, Coun~y Engineer; H.G. Willett, Administrative Assistant to County Manager; Lee Layne, Planner; and Deputy Chief Raymond Barnett. Sheriff'~ nep"rtment. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FINAL AGENDA OCTOBER 2, 1979 NOTICE: ALL PERSONS SPEAKING ON ANY AGENDA ITEM MUST REGISTER PRIOR TO THE ITEM BEING HEARD. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE BOARD ON SUBJECTS WHICH ARE NOT ON THIS AGENDA MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE COUNTY MANAGER AT LEAST ONE WEEK PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THE MEETING AND WILL BE HEARD UNDER "PUBLIC PETITTONSII AT 11:00 A.M. 1. INVOCATION 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: September 11, 1979 ^ . ~ October 2, 1979 AGENDA - APPROVED WITH AD~ITION Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by r~mmissioner Archer and carried 3/0 with Commissioners Pistor and Wimer not present, that the agenda be approved wit~ the following addition: 1. Request for interim approval to continue the position of Horticultural Technician until October 23, 1979 - Added under "Ol~ Business". MINUTES OF MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 11, 1979 - APPROVED Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 3/') with Commisc;ioners Pistor and Wimer not present, that the minutes of the meeting of September 11, 1979 be approved as written. PROCLAMATION ESTABLISHING WEEK OF OCTOBER 1 - 7, AS "SHARE A SONG WEEK" IN PUBLIC RECOGNITION OF !fIE "S~IEET ADELINES, INC." ORGANIZATION _ ADOPTED Following his reading of same, Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Conmissioner Wenzel and carried 3/0 with Commissioners Pistor and Wimer not present, that the proclamation establishing the week of October 1 through 7, 1979 as "Share a Song Week" in public recognition of the good the "Sweet Adelines, Inc." organization has done in the community, be adopted. The signed proclamation was accepted with appreciation by a representative of the organization. * * * * &OOK 049 PACf 279 * * * October 2, 1979 RESOLUTION 79-150 RE PETITION CC$L-79-3C, EAST BAY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, REQUESTING {I VAIU.ANCI:: FROM THr ~OASTAL CONSTnUCTION SETBACK LINE ON LOT .>ilV,J. BLOCK A~ UNIT 1. CONiii:H'S VANDERllILT BEACH ESTATES - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on Spptember 16, 1979 as evidenccrt by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition CCSL-79-3C, filed by the East Bay Development Corporation, requesting a variance from the Coastal Construction Setback Line to permit the removal of three Australi"n Pine trees from Lot XIV, Block A, Unit 1, Conner's Vanderbilt Beach Estates. Dr. Neno J. Spagna, Cormlunity Development Administrator, located the subjp.ct property on the map provided and the location of the subject trees thereon. He explained that a variance is required in order to remove the trees since they are located seaward of the coastal setback 1 ine. Responding to a query from Conmissioner Wenzel, Dr. Spagna said tha t the tree roots do not help reta in the dune li ne since, if they were to become eroded, the trees coul d fall over and thereby breach the dune line. TlH~re being no persons registered to address the topic, Com- missioner 14enzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 3/0 with Commissioners Pistor and Wimer not present, that the public hearing be closed. Conmissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 3/0 with Commissioners Pistor and Wimer not present, that Resolution 79-150 regarding Petition CCSL-79-3C, filed by the East Gay Developl1l..nt Corporation for the purpose identified above, be adopted. * BOOK 049 PAGE 28f * * * October 2, 1979 RESOLUTION 79-151 RE PETITIotf CCSL-79-4C. VBC LH1ITED, REQUESTING VARIANCE rROM TH~ CCASTAL CONSTRUCT:ON SETBACK LINE TO PERMIT REASONABLE USE OF CEkTAIN PROPERTY IN CO~NER'S VAN1tERBILT DEACH ESTATES UNIT 1 - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Oaily News on September 16, 1979 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was held to consi~er Petition CCSL-79-4C, filed by Attorney George L. Varnadoe for VBC Limited, requesting a variance from the Coastal Construction Setback Line to permit reasonable use of property located in Section 32, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, further described as being on the west side of Gulf Shore Drive, approximately 800' north of Vanderbilt Beach Road. Dr. Neno J. Spagna, COil'll'" ill ity Deve 1 opmen t Admi n i s tra tor, exp 1 ili ned that because of the configuration and size of the plotted Gulf-front lots in thp subject Conner's Vanderbilt Beach Estates properties, it is extrem~ly difficult to properly utilize the land and adhere to the present coastal construction setback line. He del)cribed in detail the proposed construction pro.ject and the reasons why the variance is being recommended for approval. It was noted that Attorney Verna doe was in attendance to respond to questions, if any, from the Conm\ssioners. There being no persons registered to address the subject petition, Conmissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by COIlJnissioner Archer and car:'led 310 with Commissioners Wimer and Pistor not present, that the public hearing be closed. COllmissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 3/0 with Conmissioners Wimer and Pistor not present. that Resolution 79-151 with regard to Petition CCSL-79-4C, filed by VBC Limited, requesting a variance from the CCSL. as detailed above, be adopted. * * * * &OO~ 049 PACE2B5 * BOOK 049 PACE 290 October 2, 1979 STATUS ON RECOMMENDATIONS FOR INDEPENDENT CPA FIRM'S AUDIT OF AMERICAN PJ1I3ULANCE FIRr., FOR FY ENDING JULY 31, 1979 PROVIDED OY FISCAL OFFICER. ACT I ON CONTIriur,D UNTIL OCTOBER 9, 1979 TO PER~lIT FURTHER REVIEW OF RE C0~1~1E NDA T IONS Fiscal Officer Harold Hall recalled that in August, 1979, when the l30ard was requested to apprnve the CPA fim. For the 1919 audit of All1f.ri can Ambul ance, it was no '.ed tha t the Cl erk 's offi ce had some ~1J"<.Jestions for inclusion in the requirements for the audit prior to the Board's approval. Mr. Hall noted that these suggestions are d~tailed in the Executive Summary prepared by him dated September 28, 1979, copies of which were provided to the Board, and recommended Llhlt thlj be given consideration prior to the Beard's approval of tlll~ CPA finn. It was the consensus of the Board that further review of the proposed "l'commendations was desirable, following which Commissioner l~rClll!r llIoved, seconded by COllvnissioner Wenzel and carried 3/0 with ("!1I~lIissioners Pistor and Wimer not present, that action of the 1I1i11,tr.r under discussion be deferred until Octobp.r 9, 1979. 110ARD APPROVES CONTINUATION OF POSITION OF HORTICULTURAL TECHNICIAN IJt~l: Ii.... .Oi:rOI3Ell 2h.J.9IL___ Extension Agent Charlie Lowery approached the Board to request that the position of Horticultural Technici~n be continued until October 23, 1979 at which time a decision can be reached on whether or not to retain the position. He explained the necessity for the :.'Cls:tion, citing the duties performed by the f''''ployee. Respondinq to Commissioner Wenzel, Mr. Lowery said that 20% of the individual's time is spend on the Lethal Yellowing Program, explaining the method of injecting trees, and the like. and that the balance of his time is spent :n dealing with requests for aid in dealing with ya~d and garden problems. County Manager C. \oJilliam Nomlan noted that the costs in payroll and benefits will be approximately $680.00. October 2, 1979 f:onmissioiler Arch('r moved that the Board accept tht' recommendation of the staff that the position of Horticultural Technician be continued until October 23, 1979. The motion ~/as seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 3/0 with Co~nissioners Pistor and Wimer not present. PETITION BY COLIN 'H. AND BARBARA ANN CAMPOS, ET AL FOR VACATION OF A PORTION OF 15' DRAltlAGE CANAL EASEf.1EtlT AND THE 10' UTILITY EASE~IENT ALONG SOUTHERL Y BOUNDARY OF LOT 1, BLOCK 9, tlAPlES IIANOR lAKES - ADVERTI SING AUTHORI?~!.OR PUBLIC HEARING ..9CTOBER 23, 1979 COllmissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Well:el and carried 3/0 with Commissioners Pistor and Wimer not present, that the petition filed by Colin H. and Barbara Ann Campos, and The First National Bank & Trust Company of Naples, Trustees, for the vacation of a portion of a 15' Draina~e Canal Easement and the 10' Utility Easement along the southerly boundary of Lot 1, Block 9, Naples I.lanor Lakes, be advertised for a public hearing October 23, 1979. APPEAL BY RALPH A. MARLOWE FROM DECISION OF COLLIER COUNTY CONTRACTORS' LICENSING OOARD DENYING illS APPLICATI011 FOR COMPETErlCY CARD AS GEIIERAL CONTRACTOR, CLAS~'.^.:~!i!l!L-. Building Director Ray Dulaney reported that Mr. Ralph A. Marlowe applied on June 7, 1979 for a Certificate of Competency, without examination. based on prior experience as a general contractor. He said: 'Iat the application was denied by the Collier County Contractors' Licensing Uoard because it was filed subsequent to the final date of March 30, 1978 provided by ordinance for certification under the "grandfather" provision. Assistu": County Attorney Anthony Pires expressed the opinion that thp applicant might not be qualified even if permitted under the "grandfather" provisions since he was never certified in the State of Florida as a General ContractoD he was only registered, and would still have to meet the local requirements for such classification. Commissioner Wenzel moved that the Board uphold the decision of the Building Director and the advisory board and deny the appeal BOOK. 049 PACt' 2IJJ BOOK 049. PACE 292 October 2, 1979 by Mr. Marlowe. Commissioner Archer seconded the motion for the purpose of f'!rthcr discussion. C0Il111issioner Archer noted that the appellant could qualify by taking the Block examination with Mr. Dulaney concurring with the conment that the subject examination will be given October 27, 1979. Mr. Richard Morris, Chairman of the Contractors' Licensing Board, provided the Board with a brief history of the activities in the building industry and in other areas performed by Mr. Marlowe, noting that, to his kno~llp.rlgo, the appl icant has never had 11 Competency Card in the County and expressed concern, in the event the denial decision is overturned, that, possibly, a Class "A" license ~/ould be too broad due to his limited experience. It was noted that Mr. Marlowe was not in attendance although he was notified that the appeal would be heard this date. Upon call for tho question, the motion carried 3/0 with COf1111issioners Pistor and Wimer not present. TRAVEL REQUEST FOR COUNTY BUILDIrlG ADMINISTRATOR TO ATTEND TIlE ANNUAL BUILDING CODE CONFERENCE IN ATLANTA, GEORGIA OCTOBER 14-18, 1979 - APPROVED Pursuant to briof explllniltion by County Manager C. ~Iilliam NOI"I,jn, Commissioner AI"Chcl' moved that the Board authorize tho C'!llllty llul1ding Administrator to attend the Southern Standard Building Code Congress International to be held in Atlanta, Gl'orgia OctobC!r 14 through 18, 1979. The motion was seconded by Con.nissioner l~onzel and carried 3/0 with Conmissioners Pistor and Wimer not present. BCC APPROVES AND ACCEPTS PERFORt1ANCE BOND IN THE AMOUNT OF $50,000 (ST. PAUL FIRE & MARINE INSURANCE CO. BONO NO. 400FL~056) POSTED BY DEI.TONA CORPORATION FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PUMPING STATION IN MARCO BEACH UNIT 24 County Engineer Clifford Barksdale reported that the Deltona October 2, 1979 Corporation was granted permi~sion to construct a raw water pumping station within the platted right-of-way of Cornell Drive in Marco Beach Unit 24 provided that a security bond is posted to cover th~ cost of relocation if it would lJecome II responsibility of the County. The Performanr.e Bond, said Mr. Barksdale, is in thr. amount of $50,000 with the provision that it may be reviewed annually and increased in value to compensate for inflationary cost, and it is the staff recommendation that the Board approve and accept the subject bond. Commissioner ^rcher moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 3/0 with Commissioners Pistor and Wimer not present, that the Perforl1l1lnce Bond (St. Paul Fire .\ Marine Insurance Co. Bond No. 400FL2056) in the amount of $50,000, from the Oeltona Corporation for the construction and location of the raw water pumping station in Marco Beach Unit 24, be accepted. * * * * * * * * &OOK ,049 PACE293 BOOK' 04.9 PACE 298 October 2, 1979 DRAINAGE EASEMENT DOCUMENT FOR PORTION OF LOTS 55 AND 56, NAPLES mPROVEMENT COMPA~ Y 'S Ll TTLE FARMS, RE RACQUET CLUB OF NAPLES, INC. - '~,C.CEPli!LfQwm.RnATlON Following br'ief explanation by County Engineer Clifford Barksdale, Comnissioner Archer moved that the Drainage Easement executed by the Racquet Club of Naples. Inc., for a portion of Lots 55 and 56, Napl es Improvement Company's L1 ttl e Farms, be accepted for recordation in the Official Record. The motion was 5l'!collded by COrm1issioner Wenzel and carried 3/0 with Commissioners Pistor and Wimer not present. ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." October 2, 1979 BCC AUTHORIZES RELEASE OF CURRENT IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT FOR PINE RIDGE SECOND EXTEtlSIC~ REPLAT, AND CRANTS PREUIUNARY ACCEPTMICE, AL.Q!.ill.J!.ITH ACCEPTANCE OF ONE-YEAR MAIrITENANCE SECURlIY FOR SAME County Engineer Clifford Barksdale explained that the developer of Pine Ridge Second ~xtension Replat, the C~llier Development lorporation, has posted the required 10% Maintenance Security (Irrevoc- able Letter of Credit from First National Bank and Trust Co. of Naples No. 79-7) in the amount of $4,870.00 to cover the one-year maintefJ~ncc period for subject property. He noted that the Engineering staff has inspected the required improvements and is recommending that the existing Irrevocable Letter of Credit rlo. 79-1, in the amount of $53,570.00, be released and that the Board approve "Prel iminary Acceptance" of Pine Ridge Second Extension Replat, and accept the new Letter of Credit to assure maintenance for a period of one year. Mr. Barksdale responded affinnatively to Commissioner Wenzel 's inquiry as to whether or not all of the requirements have been met. COlTl111ssioner Wenzel moved tililt the staff recommendation, as detailed above, be accepted. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 3/0 with Commissioners Wimer and Pistor not present. .. .. .. .. .. &QOK 049 rACE 3D! October 2, 1979 BID #31';5 FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVERING HD-5 PROPANE GAS fUR VARIOUS COUNTY FACILITIES - AWARDED TO PETROLANE GAS SERVICE OF IMMOKALEE, FLr~IDA AT COST OF .~7.9t PER GALLOll.____ Legal notice having be!:ll publi:;hed in the Naples Daily News on August 13 and IS, 1979 as evidenced by ,Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received until September 5, 1979 for furnishing and delivering HD-5 propane gas for the Imnokalee Stockade. Victoria Park ("uping Station, and the Coll ier County Government Center. County Manager C. William Norman noted that, due to the illness of Purchasing Director Frank H. Wilcox, his Administrative Assistant II.G. Willett would present the proposals for awarding of bids on various annual County materials. Mr. Willett advised that the provisions of the Purchasing Policy have been 0bserved concerning Bid H368 and each of the subsequent bids to be awarded; that competition has been obtained on each bid, and that t~e County Engineer has concurred with the recommendations from a technical standpoint. COl11lT1issioner l~enzel moved, seconded by COlrmfssioner Archer and carried 3/0 with COllmlssioners Pistor and Wimer nnt present, that Bid #368 for furnishing and delivering HD-5 propane gas for the above-named government facil ities be awarded to Petrolane Gas Service of Inmokalee, as contained in the recommendation of the Bid Review Conmittee letter dated September 25. 1979, and that the Chairman and the Clerk be authorized to sign and attest the resulting Agreement. [lID #370 FOR FURNISHHlG AND DELIVERING LIt1EROCK, CRUSHED ROCK AND FILL TO THE COUNTY - AWARDED TO VARIOUS VENDORS AS CONTAINED IN BID TABULATION Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on August 13 and 15, 1979 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received until September 5, 1979 for furnish- illg and delivering limeroCk, crus"~d rock and fill to the County. 800K 049 PACf303 BOOK 049 rA~E 304 October 2, 1979 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and ~~rri~d 310 with Comnlissioners Wimer and Pistor not present, that R.id #370 for furnishing and delivering limeror.k, and the like, to the County be awarded to the various vendors as noted on the bid tabu- lation sheet and a~ contained in the recommendation of the Bid Review Committee letter dated September 25, 1979, <.Ind that the Chairman and the Clerk be authorized to sign and attest the resulting Agreements. ~ID #371 FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVERING REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE _ BIDS REJECTED AND AUTHORIZATION GIVEN FOR REBID OF MATERIALS AT A ! ^]DLQ~IL_. __...._. Administrative Assistant to County Manager Norman explained that due to irregulArities and confusion with regard to specifica- tions on Bid #371, it WAS felt that competition did not occur and it is being reconynended that Old #371 be rejected and that the Purchasing Department be authorized to rebid the item following revisions to thn bid specifications and submittal form. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Con,nissioner Archer and carried 3/0 with Comnissioners Pistor and Wimcr not prnsent, that the recommendations of staff with regard to Bid #371 be accepted. BID #372 FOR FURNISlfING AND DELIVERING METAL CULVERT PIPE - AWARDED JiL VAllliJ.lLS--'y"ElmORS AS COII.TAINED LN BID TAflULATtON SHEET Legal noticn having been published in the Naples Daily News on August 13 and IS, 1979 as evidcnced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received until Septt'mber 5, 1979 for furnishing IInd delivering metal culvert pipe. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 3/0 with Commissioners \~imer and Pistor not present, that Bid #372 for furnishing and delivering metal culvert pipe be awarded to the various vendors for the items circled under their nil me and ilt the unit prices listed on the tabulation, as recom- mended in the Bid Review Committee letter dated September 25, 1979, and that the Chairman and the Clerk b.:! a1lthorized to sign and attest the resulting Agreements. October 2, 1979 BID #373 FOR FURNISHING AND DeLIVERING BRIDGE TIMBERS TO COUNTY _ AWARDEG TO ALLEN JOWlS LUMBE~~ COMPANY, NAPLES, FLORIDA AT PRICES CONT~~ RID TABULATIO!! SHEET Legal notice having been published in the Naples Dal1y Nr.ws on Augu!'t 13 and 15, 1979 as evidenced b.y Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received until September 5, 1979 for furnishing and delIvering bridge timbers to the County. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 3/0 with Commissioners Wimer IInd Pistor not present, that Bid #373 for furnishing and del ivering bridge timbers to the County be awarded to Allen Johns Lumber Company, Naples, Florida at the prices contained on the bid tabulation sheet, liS contained in the Bid Review Commi I:tee letter dated September 25, 1979. and that the Chainnan and the Clerk be authorized to sign and attest the resulting Agreement. BID #374 FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVERING VARIOUS SIGN BLAtlKS MID POSTS TO COUNTY - AWARDED TO VARIOUS VENDORS AT UNIT PRICES LISTED ON TMUL^T'!.Q.~i ~HgT ___ Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on August 13 and 15, 1979 as evidencad by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received until September 5. 1979 for furnishing and delivering various sign blanks and posts to the County. Comnlissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 3/0 with Conmissioners Wimer and Pistor not present, that Bid #374 for furnishing and delivering various sign blanks and posts to the County be awarded to r1unicipal Sign & Supply, Naples, Florida, and to McCain Sal~\ of Florida, Inc., Fort Pierce, Florida for the items circled under their name and at the unit prices listed on the tabulation, as contained in the Bid Review Committee letter dated September 25, 1979, and that the Chairman and the Clerk be authorized to sign and attest the resulting Ayreements. BOOK 049 PACE 305 BOOK. U4H rACE ~UO Oc tober 2, 1979 BID #375 FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVERING ASPHALT AND RELATED ITEMS TO COUNTY - A~IARDED TO VARIOUS VE'NDORS AT UNIT PRICES LISTF.D ON TABULA- IL~~I!!1L-_ _ Legal n;Jtice having been published in the Naples Daily News on August 13 and 15, 1979 as evidenced by Affirl~vit of Publication filed w'th the Clerk. bids were received until September 5, 1979 for furnishing and delivering asphalt and related items to the County. Comnlissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 3/0 with Comnissfoners Wimer and Pistor not present, that Bid #375 for furnishing and delivering asphalt and related items to the County be awarded to the various vendors for the items circled under their name and at the unft prices listed on the bid tabulation sheet, as contained in the Bid Review Corrrnfttee lettp.r dated September 25. 1979, and that the Chairman and the Clerk be authorized to sign and attest the resulting Agreements. BID #376 FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVERING HYACINTH, WEED AND GRASS KILLER TO COUNTY - ^1~ARDEO TO VARIOUS VENDORS AS LISTED ON BID TABUI.ATlON ~ijr.r} _________..____ Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on August 13 and 15, 1979 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filp.d ~Iith the Clerk, bids were received until September 5, 1979 for the furnishing and delivering of hyacinth, weed and grass killer. Cormnissioncr ArcheI' moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 3/0 ~1i1.h Cor;ll1lissioners Pistor and Wimer not present, that Bid f.376 be awarded to the various vendors for the items c"'cled under their name and at the unit prices listed on ttoe bid tabula- tion sheet, as cont.1ined in the Bid Review C(>1T1I1lfttee ldter dated September 25, 1979, and thllt the Cha i rman and the Cl erk be authori zed to sign and attest the resulting agreements. October 2, 1979 eln #?77 FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVERHlG HELICOPTER SPRAY SERVICE FOR TIlE COl':1TY - AWARDED TO COLO~IIAL HELICOPTERS, INC., PORT LA BELLE, FLORI!lA fOR $1.20 PER GALLON LESS l~: Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on August 13 and 15, 1979 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received until September 5, 1979 for furnishing and del ive, ing hel icopter spray service for thE' County. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 3/0 with Commissioners Wimer and Pistor not present, that Did '377 for furnishing and delivering helicopter spray service for the County be awarded to Colonial Helicopters, Inc., Port LaBelle, Florida at the unit price of $1.20 per gallon less 1%, as recom- mended in the Bid Review Committee letter dated September 25, 1979, rlnd that the Chairman and the Clerk be authorized to sign and attest the resulting Agreement. [lID #378 FOR FlIRNlSHItlG AND DELlVERHIG SOD, SEED AND FERTILIZER FOR TIlE VARIOUS COWl :,' DEPARTMI:NTS - AWAROED TO VARIOUS VENDORS AS CONTA r N~[~ Jl!.l!.l/:..I!l.!LE.I!.lJ1!l}ION SHE E.L Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on August 13 and 15. 1979 as evidenr.ed by Mfidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received until September 5, 1979 for furnishing and delivering sod, seed and fertilizer for the Road and Bridge Department, and for the Parks and Recreation Department. Administrative Assistant to County Manager Norman explained that the low bidder on SOme of the materials could only hold the bid pt'ices for a period of three months and it is being requested that on this ph'1se of the bid that the bid be awarded for a three-month PEriod. lie noted that an attempt \~l1l be made to buy the materials needed for the year during this period. &oOK . 049 PACE 307 eoOK 0 49 r~CE 308 October 2, 1979 Connlissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and cal tied 3/0 \'lith Commissioners Wimer and Pistor not present, that Bid 'jIB for furnishing and delivering sod, seed and fertilizer for the two above-named County departments be awarded to the vendors 1 isted on the tabulation sheet, as contained in the reco",nendation of the Bid Review Conmittee letter dated September 25, 1979, and tl1<1t the Chairman and the Clerk be authorized to sign and attest the resulting Agreements. REQUEST BY DATA PROCESSING DEPARnlENT TO INSTf! L LIGHTNING ARRESTING EQUIPMENT FOR PROTECTION OF DATil PROCESSING I, IPMENT - APPROVED; r'I~~ECTAW~B~ED TO ELECTROt/IC SY~.TEI~S, r_~hJ;~ EMERGENCY BASt~ Administrative Assistant to the County Hanager H.G. Willett advised that a request has been received from the Data Processing TJep"rtment for the installation of a lightnfng arresting system for the protection of the data processing equipment. Mr. Fred Marks, nata Processing Director, comllented on the costly repairs to the equipment ilnd, although covered by insurance, it is inconvenient to have the equipment out of order. As contained in the executive sUll1nary, fir. Willett explained that quotes have been received from two vendors, as contained in the exhibit attached, and that, due to the urgency of the requirement, it is recolllllcnded that consideration be given to waiving the competitive bid procedure. Connlissioner Archer moved that the staff recommendation be followed and that Electronic Systems, Inc. be ilwarded the project on an emer- gency basis. Conmissioncr Wenzel seconded the motion which carrfed 3/0 with Conlnissioners Wimer and Pistor not pn:sent. County Manager Nonnan observed tha t the Fi sca 1 .Offi cer will come back to the Board with a budget transfer to appropriate the nr.cessary funding for the project. October 2, 1979 RESOLUT,ON 79-152 RE PETInOr; SNR-79-12C, ROBERT IVCRSON AND HARRY BICKFCi<i.>, REQUESTING STREET IIAMES OF "PECAN STREET" AND "WALtIUr STREET" FUR STREETS LOCATED IN SECTIONS 3 AND 10, 151S, R26E _ ADOPTED FOlloWing Pl~nner Lee Layne's brief explanation of the proposed resolution, COII111issioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 3/0 \,d'th Commissioners Wimer and Pistor not present, that Resolution 79-152 pertaining to Petition StlR-79-12C, filed by Robert Iverson and Ilarry Bickford, requp,,' '119 the street names of "Pecan" and "Walnut" for streets located I,ections 3 and 10, Township 51 South, Range 26 East, the 0 & I Trailer P~rk, and Fritchey's Trailer Park, be adopted. * * . . * * * * . BOOX . 049 PACE 309 BOOK, U4U PACE ~1~ Octob('r 2, 1979 ACTIONS TAKEN RE PETITrOrt rp-79-9C, GATH, INC., FOR "TALL PINES" 5lmDrVISION: cor~~TRlJCTlON PLANS AND FINAL PLAT APPROVED; IRREVOCAOLE LETTb OF CREDIT ACCEPTED .JUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY COUNTY ATTORNEY; DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS ACCEPTED; AND CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED ;0 EXECUTE TilE AGREE/.1ENT FOR CCNSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF SUB- QL~I~N IMPROVEMENT Planner Lee Layne reported to thl! Board that the County Engineer has rp.vie\~ed the con:;truct1on plans, cost estimate and final plat for the Tall Pines Subdivision, pertaining to Petition FP-79-9C filed by Gath, Inc.. dnd found them to be in compliance with the Subdivision Regulations and recomnended same for approval. She detailed the staff t'f~conCI" dtions reqardina i1ctfons to be taken pertainin!l to the project, noting that the County Att.orney has some question with regard to the Lf!tter of Credit. County Attorney Pickworth explained that there is one tenn in the Letter which is not acceptable to him; however, he said th<lt thc Board can proceed with its actions and that thl! Plan can be signed but not recorded unt.il an acceptable Letter of Credit is brought in for his approval. Commissioncr Wenzel inquired if the drainage plan for the projt!ct meets a 11 of the requ i r(llllents wi th County Engi neer Clifford Barksdale responding in the affirmative. Commi ss i onlH' AI'chcl' moved tha t the Board approve the constructi on plilns ilnd fin(ll plat for the r"" Pines Subdivisio/l (recorded Plat Gook 12. pgs. 70-71); accept the Irrevocilble Letter of Credit, SIIb- ject to the approval of the County Attorney; accept the Der.laration of Restrictive Covenrlnts (recorded OR 830, P!ls. 1167-1172) i and authorize the Chairman to execute the Agreement for construction and maintenance of subdivision improvement. The motion was seconded by COllmissioner Wenzcl and carried 3/0 with Commissioners Pistor and Wimer not present. * * * * * eoox 049 PACe 320 October 2, 1979 RCSOl unON 79.153 TO eSTABLISH FeES FOR IMPOUNDt1ENT AND MAINTENANCE 9F AN'! iALS --=- ADOPTED Animal Regulation Officer Gene Staudenma1er explained the terms of the proposed resolution relating to a schedule of fees in accordance with Ordinance 73-16, including the increase in mileage charge to reflect the present cost of operation of vehicles. Commissioner Wenzel moved that the Board approve the recommendations of stal.. and adopt Resolution 79-153 to establish fees for thl! impound. l11p.nt drld mllintenance of animals in accordance with Ordinance 78-16. Tile motion was seconded by Corrmissioner Archer and carried 3/0 with Conmissioners Pistor and lolimer not present. tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt BOOK lJ4.~ PACE;j~ October 2, 1979 RESOLUTION 79-154 TO DESIGNATE ArmlAL CONTROL ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS, SETTING OF QUALIFICATIONS AND TRAINItlG, ADOPTION OF CITATION FORMS IN Cor~PLI~NCE WITH HOUSE BILL 555 (1979) - ADOPTED Animal Regulation Officer Gene Staudenmaier explained that the nl'oi,oscd resolution 15 pursuant to House Bill 555. requested by Representative Mary Ellen Hawkins, and will enable Animal Control personnel to issue citations for violations of the Animal Control Ordinance 78-16, thereby by-passing the State. s Attorney's office which in the past has been a time-consuming and costly pror.ess. To further explain the provisions of the resolution, Mr. Staudenmaier said that citations can be issued allowing a person to pay a p~e-set ffne which, after discussing the matter with Clerk William Reagan, has been detennined to be $25.00; further, if the case is serious enough to be presented to court, the citation would be so noted and the individual would be required to go before a judge for he;, ing. In sUIl.nary, Mr. Staudenmaier said that the adoption of the resolution woul d a 11 ow hi s department to expedite the servi ces of the ordinance nnd obtain closer compliance thereto. COIoodssioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 3/0 with COl1'lT1issioners Wimer and Pistor not present, that Resolution 79-154 to designate Animal Control Enforcement Officers, establish qualifications and training for the 1ssuance of citations for violation of Ordinance 78-16, be adopted. .,. .,. , .,. .,. .,. October 2, 1979 RECOMMF.:m^T ION FOR PURCHASE OF Et4ERGENCY RADIO Cor.v4UNI CATIONS ~[rMENT - CONTINUED UNTIL OCTOBER 9~9 County Manager C. William Norman reported that during the time preparations were being mado for Hurrican [)nvid it became clear that, there were some c~mmunication problems, one'of which boing the fact that much of the ultimate authority for action during a hurricane resides with the Board of County Commissioners. noting the impracticnlity of having the Board continuously in session during such timw; when various decisions have to be made with regard to evacuation, and the like. Therefore. said Mr. r{orman, it was suggested that if portable radios were made available for their use, the Commission could be assembled by the use of such equipment dudng p(wiods ~Ihen high winds could take down telephone lines. Referring to the information contained in the Executive Summary prepared by him, Mr. Norman explained the type of equipmf>nt being ,'ecommended, the costs of such equipment, and the additional U5es for the radios during non-emergency periods. Comnlissioner Archer concurred with Mr. Norman's statement with regard to the conll1unications shortcoming following the debriefing after Ilurrican David; however, he asked that the matter be continued in order to permit further review of the type of equipment to be considered and for consultation with Civil Defense personnel. Commissioner I~enzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 3/0 with Commissioners Pistor and Wimer not present, that the recolllllendation for the purchase of el'1ergency radio cOIIl1lI,mications equipment be cOlltinued until October 9, 1979, as requested. * * * * * * * * * * * * RECESS: 9:55 A.M. until 10:10 A.M. * * * * * * * * * * * * BOOK 049 PACE 327 BOOK 049 PACE '328 October 2. 1979 ~1ARCO ~JATER AND C;EWER DISTRICT - MARCO SEWER PHASE I IMPROVEMENTS - OPERATING BUDGET (FMIlf1.FORM 442-7) - APPROVED FOR CHAIRMAN'S SIGNATURE Utility Dir~ct.or Irving Berzon explained that the Operating Budget for thr. Marco Sewer Phase I Improvements project, submitted by the FmHA f;,jr Board acceptance, is composed of two parts, one part being the Operating Budget. and the other being the Projected Cash Flow for the first three years. Mr. Berson commented that the bud~pt was sub- mitted to FmHA at the time the applications were filed for the loans and it is basically the same budg~t the Board is now being requested to approve and send fo~'~rd. He said that the significance of the three yell r period, with regard to the Projected Cash Flow portion of the lJudgp.t, is bp.cause it is in the third year that the first payment on the pri nr i pa 1 becomes due and tha t under those c i rcums tances, and wi th the revenues being projected for the project. a positive cash flow for the three-year period is still shown. Conmi ss i oner Archer moved, seconded by Comm1ss ioner Wenzel and cilrried 3/0 with CommissionA.rs Pistor and Wimer not present, that the subject FmHA Operating Budget for the Marco Sewer Phase I Improvements with regard to the Marco Water and Sewer District, be approved and that the Chairman be authorized to sign same. * 11 11 11 * October 2, 1979 AGREE1~PlT ~C::TWEEN THE CITY OF NAPLES, COLLIER COUNTY, AND THE STATE ATTOl\I'lEY, RENEWING TilE POSITION OF AN ASSISTANT STATE ATTORNEY AS A rnY-(.OUNTY PROSECUTO.B - APPROVED County Attorney Pickworth reviewed briefly the terms of the City-County Prosecutor Agreement renewal being presented for Board acceptance, notinQ that, if approved, the renewal will be the third year of the arrangement between the City of Naples, the State Attorney's office, and the County, whereby the Assistant State Attorney is paid by the City and County jointly along a perCel'l:,'./G breakdown, as contained in the Agreement, and whose primary and sole respol1S I bl1ity is the prosecuti on of County and City ordinance';. Commissioner Archer moved. seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 3/0 with Commis5ioners Wimer and Pistor not present, that the Agreement. as detailed above, be approved and that the Chairman be authorized to sign same. 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 BOOK 049 PAGE 333 &OO~ 049 PACE 336 ROUTINE BILLS - APPROVED FOR PAYMENT October 2, 1979 Corr'l1fssioner A:-cher m"ved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and cr'.i'rled 3/0 with Commissioners Wimer and Pistor not present, that the bills, h~ving heen processed followiny established procedures and for \./Idch funds are available, be approved for payment as witnessed by the following warrants issued from September 26, 1979 through September 30, 1979: FUNQ. Genera 1 Fund Road & Bridge #2 Fp.deral Revenue Sharing Aqua tic Weed Improvemen t Revenue Sha rf ng Golden Gate Fire Henderson Creek Fire Kelly Road Water Water tlanag.,ment Sewer Dist. "^~ Revenue Special Road Assessments Fire Hydrant Assessment Fund Municipal Service Taxing Dist. Grants & Gifts Capital Improvement Rev. Cert. Cap ita 1 Improvement County Water Supply Intra-Governmental Services BCC Payroll BCC Payroll - CETA County Warrants and, from Octobar I, 1979 through October 2, 1979: County Warrants WARRANT NOS. 50 - 52 32 - 33 6 8 8 6 - 7 1 4 20 19 13 - 14 6 18 14 - 15 5 - 6 8 - 9 13 13 4278 . 4713 63145 - 63152 11473 - 11768 02 -15 October 2, 1979 CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN SEPARATE "LETTER OF ENGAGEMENT" FOR HOLCIIER- TAYLOR TO AUDIT HOMEMAKERS G~fiT_. _.._. Fiscal Officer Harold Hall recalled that when the Board authorized the Annual AlAdit for FY 77-78, included therein was an audit of grant funds; howE~ver, s1l1d Nr. Hall, it I~t<: been found that a separate "Letter of Engagement" is needed on the Home- makers Grant and requested the Board to authorize the Cha1rmiln to sign such lptter. Comm;~sioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 3/0 with Commissioners Wimer and Pistor not present. that the Chairman be authorized to sign a "Letter of Engagement" for Holcher-Taylor with regard to the audit of the Homemakers Grant. * * * * * * * * ~OOK 049 rA~337 October 2, 1979 RESOLUTION 79.155 AnENDING RESOLUTION 79-149 TO INCLUDE BONITA SHORESI UTTLE hICI:ORY DISTRICT IN ADuPTION OF FY 79-80 IHLLAGE RAT~S FOR I NDEPENDEN.T TAX DISTRICTS - ADOPTEQ. Fiscal Officer Harold Hall requu~ted the Board to authorize the Chairmai1 to sign a revised resolution amending Resolution 79-149 whereby the mllla~e ra tes for the independent tax di stricts were adop tad for the 79-80 Fiscal Year, with the exception of the Bonita Shoresl Little Hickory District. He said that at the time the Resolution was adopted, the millage rate for that district had not been received; however, it has since been received and certified and, therefore, a revised resolution, to include the subject district. is being presented for Board action. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 3/0 with Commissioner Wim~r and Pistor not present, that Resolution 79-155 amending Resolution 79-149 to include the adoption of the Bonita Shores/L1ttle Hickory District millage rate for Fiscal Year 79-80, be adopted. 'It 'It 'It * 'It 'It * 'It 800~ 049 PACE 341 * October 2, 1979 WORKSHOP SESSION TO REVIEW CERTAIN PLANNING ISSUES TENTATIVELY SCHEDULED FOR OCTOBER 23, 1979 Followin9 brief explanat~on by County ~Ianager Norman, Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 3/0 with Commissil)ners Wimer and PistClr not present, that a Workshop Session be scheduled for October 23, 1979 fo!" review of the following subjects: 1. Continued use of "ST" designation and TDR's (Board directive of 7131/79); 2. Proposed revision to formula cantrall ing Illu1tiple family density standards (Board directive of 8/21/79); and 3. Nepd for revision to Comprehensive Plan to add industrially- zoned lands to Work Study Area #4 (Board directive of 817179) . CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN LETTER RESPONDING TO MAYOR ANDERSON'S LETTER OF SEPTEMBER 26, 1979 RE POSSIBLE ALTERNATIVE FUNDING FOR CONSTRUCTION OF GOLDEN GATE BOULEVARD THROUGH DOT SAFER OFF-SYSTEM ROADS FUNDING_ County Attorney Pil'~orth noted the receipt of correspondence dated September 26, 1979 from Mayor R. B. Anderson, City of Naples, with regard to the ~nssible funding of the construction of Golden Gate Boulevard through the DOT's Safer Off-System Roads funding, thereby "freeing" the funds budgE'ted by the County for the project which is more than sufficient to cover the construction of Coastland Bouleva~1. Attorney Pickworth requested Board authorization for the Chairman to sig~ a letter of response to Mayor Anderson, outlining the Board's position with regard to the matter. Due to the lack of time for the Commissioner,' review of both letters, it was the consensus of the Board that the matter be acted upon lat~r in the session. Later in the session, Co~nissioner Archer told the Board he had read both the letter from N~ples Mayor Anderson and the letter requiring the Chairman's signature to be sent in response of same. Hearing that Commissioner Archer was satisfied that the letter was in order, Chairman Brown called for a motion. Commissioner Archer eOOK 049 PACE 343 BOOK 049 PAGE344 October 2, 1979 moved, secunded by Conmissioner Wenzel, to authorize the Chairman to sign the response 1 etter to ~layor Anderson, Napl os, Flori da. Motion carried unanimously 4/0. Chairman Brown signed same and in- structed it be sent in the earliest mail. ~1SCELLANE9US_CORRESPONOENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED There beillg no objection, the Chair directed that the following correspondenLl~ be filed andlor referred to the various departments as indicated: 1. Copy of memorandum dated September 21, 1979 from William J. McNulty, Conmunications Director - Sheriff's Depart- ment, to County Manager indicating that an FCC License necessary for use of telemetry sysl i m has been received - F 11 ed. 2. ~'emorandum dated September 20, 1979 from Donald R. Allen, Director, Division of CCl!IlTlunications. State IJt'partment of General Services, requesting verification of the authorized communications service representatives for the SUNCOM sys tern - Referred to County r~anager for response; and f 11 ed . 3. Letter dated Septf'mber 21, 1979 from Richard Bowers. DelJuty Secretary, Florida Department of Community Affairs, I'egarding the critique of work which they submitted for the wllge/position study conducted for the County - Referred to County Manager for action; and filed. 4. Copy of letter dated September 21, 1979 from James W. Roesch, Resident Engineer, FOOT, to the Utf1ity Department rc relocation of water' main for State Job No. 03590-3607 and 03590-3609 - Filed. 5. COlJy of letter dated September 24, 1979 from Philip R. Edwards, District Manager, FDER, to John Hobart re Modifi- Clition of Conditions rc P,...nnit No. CS52-11-5833 - xc Ut 11 i ty Di rector; and fil f .1. . 6. Copy of letter dated September 21, 1979 from County Engineer to William L. Brackins responding to his (Brackins') re 1-75 constructionl1ocation and transmitting c11ides of correspondence re same to DOT and SFWMO - Filed. 7. Copy of letter dated September 20, 1979 from Lutheran Church in America to Tax Collector re delinquent taxes on property in Collier County owned by the church - Filed. B. DER notice dated'September 21, 1979 re hearing on the air pollution regulatory process - xc Or. IIarmic, and Or. Spagna - and filed. October 2, 1979 9. Copy of letter dated September 27, 1979 from Phoebe D. Robb, Lemon Bay Conserv"ncy, to Sen"tor Richard Stona re barrier islands on west '.:oa!;t of Florida - F11ed. 10. Copy of letter dated September 26, 1979 from Richard C. Jaffeson, AICP, American Planning Association, to Dr. Neno Spagna indicating that he and Collier County have received the lIational Planning Award for the TDR concept, and noting that a ceremony for awards is to be held 10/16/79 - Filed. 11. Latt(~! dated September 28, 1979 from J.:lck Bridenthal, Amerkan Ambulance, Inc. transmitting copies of the firm's insurance pOlicies as raquested - xc County Manager, Fiscal Officer, and Risk 11anagement Coordinator; and fil cd. * * * * * * * * * * * * RECESS: 10:20 A.M. until 1:35 P.M. at which time Deputy Clerk Brenneman was replaced by Deputy Clerk Davidson * * * * * * * * * * * * The Afternoon Session of the Board of County Commissioner's Regular Meeting, October 2, 1979 opened at 1 :35 P.M. with all Corrrnissioners present except Cornnissioner John Pistor. Also present ~Iere Utility Diractor Irving Berzon; County Man~ger C. William Norman; Fiscal Officer Harold Hall and County Attorney Donald Pickworth. PRESENTATIONS OF FIRMS WISHING TO REPRESENT THE COUNTY AS FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS RE COUNTY WATERISEWER SYSTEM - BOARD DEFERRED SELECTION 1~~J1.LL^Tr:;.R.PATE.. __.'0__.. Utility Director Irving Berzon told the Board that the purpose of hearing the following presentations is that the County will be under- taking the construction of an entire water-sewer supply, treatment and transmission system with a projected cost figure of some $50.000.000. This system will be financed through revenue, and in order to accomplish this financing at the lowest possible cost to the County and with the gl-eatest degree of objectivity the BOl1l'd is being asked to consider these three firms as candidates for providing the County with the best financial advice and counsel up and into the time thdt the Bonds for this pl-oject will be sold, said Mr. Berzon. He further asked BOOK 049 PAGf345 BOOK 049 PACE 346 October 2, 1979 that all presentees remain outside the Boardroom while the presentations are being mi"de. Mr. Berzon asked the Board to keep in mind while hearing the presentations, the following facts: 1. The firm selected will represent the County as financial consultants on I y. They ~/i11 not act as undef'lo,riters, nor banking investors. ~. The firm selected will exclude t~emselves from the purchase and the sale of the actual bonds. Mr. Berzon named the follo~t1ng firl~s that are to make presentations today: 1. The combined firms of Fishl'r, Johnson, Allen & Burke, Inc. and Southeastern tfunicipal ".onds, Inc. 2. Florida Municipal Advisors 3. Wainwright & Ramsey, Inc. PRESENTATION BY DAVID J. FISHER, PRESIDENT, FISHER, JOHNSON, ALLEN & BURKE, INC. AND ROBERT L. WAGNfR ~IDCNT, SOUTHEASTERN MUNICIPAL BONDS, INC. (C0/1IHNED) RE FINANC~~,L CONSULTANT FOR COUNTY WATERI ~rIi.EB.!_ROJE~.L_ ____ ___ Nr. David J. Fisher, President, representing the combined firms of Fisher, Johnson, Allen & Burkl:!, Inc. and Southeastern Municipal llnnds, Inc. spoke to thr. Board and offp.t'l!dhis various reasons for the afot'rmentfoned combined Finns being selected as the Financial Consultants for the County re proposed WaterlSewer System. He distributed his proposal package to the Board and highlighted some of its contents by making the following statements: The aforementioned firms have had numerous cl'ntacts with the County staff pertaining to financial matters and are coynizant of the needs and intent of the County. The support of the entire organization of both firms wi 11 be on hand to aid the County, and these fi nns are comprised of experts in all fields of financing. Although the ~'l Finns are involved in the total gambit of financi a Idea 1i ngs, they will tota lly separate themselves from the sale andlor purchasing end of the transactions for the County and still have the benefit of the expertise in these spectrums, enabling them to advise the County totally on all aspects of same. October 2, 1979 When the County comes to the last day not only will the aforemeFltioned firms have assisted in tv1ng in a big program, ma,"keto1ble at that tlme Jnd in the future, but also it is the intent of these combined fIrms to be th:lre "sitting on the County's side" providing "market sense". These firms propose that because of their expertise of the market, they will know if on the day of the sale, the bonds will have the appropriate interest rate. This could be worth thousands of dollars to the County. These ~ombined firms offer the manpower needed to keep continuity with the County in any given situation that may arise and provides the needed teamwork to provide assess- ability at any time. Mr. Robert L. Wagner, President, representing the firm of Southeastern Municipal Bonds, Inc., concurred with the aforemen- tioned statements of Mr. Fisher and added that because the County is going into a complete and total program there is a need for engaging a firm with expertise through past performance, which the combined firms have to offer. He stated that these firms offer the best package with the least amount of burden to the people of Collier County. The BOiH'd asked these gentle,"!:?n if they felt there might be any conflict in partnership due to the fact thdt they are offering the County a combined proposal and were told by both that there would not be any problems in this area. Both gentlemen agreed that repre- sen ta t i ves from both fi n11S woul Ii he ava 11 ab 1 e t.o the County depend i ng on need and the County's expressed \'/ishes. PRESENTATION DY RUSSELL HAWKES REPRESENTING FLORIDA MUNICIPAL ADVISORS, INC. RE F~NANCIAL CONSULTM!T FOR COUNTY ~I^T~E!SEWER PROJECT Mr. Russell Hawkes, founder of the firm Florida Municipal Advisors, Inc., spoke to the Board offering his reasons for the aforementioned firm being selected the Financial Consultant for the County re proposed WaterlSewer System. He previously had provided the Board with a proposal package and highlighted some of its contents and offered some additional reasons for the Board's selection of his firm by making lhe following statements: BOOK 049 PACE347 aOOK 049 PACE'348 October 2, 1979 Mr. Hawkes has over twenty years experience in various phases of thr municipal bond business and has acted as an independent advisor for ten years. The type of revenue bond project that the County is about to undertake falls into a difficult category in that it is not one of an on-goging project, but one with a lack of revenue base from which to work, requiring an expertise in th,' field of generating this revenue from the be!jinn1ng. That type of expertise is offered by this firm in the form of analyst experience. The quality of the final product the County will get from the fi rm it selects will depend on the experience of the inl;ividual primarily responsible for doing the work involved ilnil by the i.ll' ,unt of time that individual has to offer the COI/llty. ~'r. Hrlwkes proposes his firm can provide the County with both requirements because only himself and a Mr. David Brant will be handling this project thus keeping personally involved. The bilckgrounds and references of both gentlemen are contained within the proposal package. Mr. Hnwkes feels that he has had as much background and has encountllred every feasible problem dealing with this particular type of project as any consultant operating in Florida. Mr. Hawkes stated further thllt it was his contention that his finn could best serve the County's needs and he would personally l'cpresent them through negotiations, and get till. County the best OIilrket price for the bonds at the time of sale. He said that as an independent advis(lr he would have an inside edgE: if the bonds were to be sold on a non-competitive basis, in that he could advise the County as to what would be a reasonable and fair underwriters' profit on the sale. H~ said that his fee would be based on the total <lope of what tl(~ County asked from his firm and that, in the past, his has been a lower figure thel1 that of larger firms due to his lower overhead expenses. PRESENTATION BY ROBERT C. RIEHLE, PRESIDENT, WAINWRIGHT & RAMSEY, INC. RE F1Jj~!!.CJA'=- ..g>!!s..UL INiI..f.9.!LcgUNTLI>!/\TERISfyrR PRO,JECT Mr. Robert C. Riehle, Pl'esident of Wainwright. & Ramsey, Inc., spoke to the t30ard offering his reasons for the aforementioned firm being selected a!t the Financial Consultant for the County re proposed WuterlSewer System. October 2, 1979 He distr.~uted his proposal package to the members of the Board and hi9hlighted certain areas contained within it by making the f~110wing statements: The aforementioned firm has represented the County in the past in certain areas of finance. This firm is the oldest ind/'pencfent Financial Con- sultant firm in the nation, or~inating in 1932. Mr. Riehle said that he knows as well as anyone in the nation how best to prepare a financial package so as to make it marketable. By being an indp.pendent consultant. the County has legal recourse if the Job hired out is not done properly. There is no way to sue an undllJiolriter for fa 11 ure in hi s scope of this work. Mr. Riehle said that he knows what makes II sound bond issue ilnd he will get the best price for same at market time. This will giv~ the County the broadest operating latitude it could have. This firm has made it a pol icy to sell its clients' bonds in the pUblic market. It only sells unusual problemed bonds at negotiated sale. however. if this is the case they cldvi se the c 1 i ent of the underwriter I s profit of that sale as of that day's market value of same. This is accolnp li shed through the va ri OU5 experts employed at thi s firm. It is the intent of this firm to work as an extension of the County's staff, with(lut dictating to the County. This firm will always present the County with alternative solutions to its financial problems and will point out the pros and cons of all aspects of the project. They will help the County help itself through counsel and advice. This is their only product and they don't make mistakes. Mr. Riehle concluded by telling the Board that he, personally, would be handling this project but that he has access to many top professionals within the framework of the organization he repre- sents. He said that all minds in his firm work on all problems, and that the entire organization \10uld be made available to the County if this firm is selected. He added that the fees would be competitive, based on the amount of \10rk required, and his would be arrived at realistically. Chairman Brown thanked all presentees and called for the wishes aOOK 049 PACE 349 800K 049 PACE 350 October 2. 1979 of the Board. Thereupon, Conmissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Conlnissioner Archer and cilrried unanimously 4/0, thzt the Board defer the selection of a Financial Consul tant until such time as they havp. evaluated the aforementioned proposals. MI'. Berzon advised the Board that they could take up to approximately one month to make their decision and still maintain the projected time frame on which he has been working. '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" * * * * Meeting recessed 2:15 P.M. - 2:20 P.M. '" * '" '" '" * '" '" * * * * PRESEtlTATIONS AND SELECTIONS OF ENGINEERING CONSULTANT RE COUNTY ~J^TER SUPPLY, TREATMENT AND TRANSI~ISSIOIl SYSTEI1 - BOARD AUTHORIZES ~[GOTIATIONS WITH TOP.SELECTIO~~~~ SAME Utll fly Director Irving BerlOI1 told the BOilrd that pursuant to giving a short list of five firms interested in making presenta- tions for each of the four projects involved in the proposed County l~aterlSewer System, the Iloard is requested to hear each of the firms' jll-OPOSd 1 s for ~i1l11e I lodilY. He added tha t after heari ng all proposa 1 s, the Boa rd will se 1 ect, in order of thei r preference, the top three finns for each separate project. He s,1id the firms involved would only give one presentBtlon covering all projects to save time and aid the Board in their selection, and asked the Board to authorize the contact and commencing negotiations with the firms selected today, beginning with the firms on tt-.e top of the list of preferenc:es they will make up today. PRESENTATION BY TED SMALLWOOD OF CH2M HILL RE PROPOSED TEAM-APPROACH TO ENr,:NEERING CONSULTANT POSITIOfl FOR COUNTY WATERISEWER PROJECTS. TEAM HADE UP OF CH21~ HIl.L; HOLE, MONTES & ASSOCIATES AND WILSON, MILLER, BARTON, SOLL & PEEK. Mr. Ted Smallwood rel)resenting CH2M Hill. told the Board that his firm recognized the proposed water project as one having four individual projects; however, they are inter-related projects. In October 2 t 1979 order to better provide the service that the County would need as he sees it, Mr. Smilllwood proposed a "team" consfsting of CH2M Hill as the prime consultant, with sub-consultants involving Hole, Montes & Associates re principle transmission mains. and Wilson, Miller, Barton, Soll & Peek re major distribution lines. He said this would better enable them to meet and implement the programs timetable set up by the County. '~r. Smallwood emphasized the point that CH2M Hill would have the primary responsibility of design quality of the projects and all the work would be performed according to CH2M Hill's requirements as appro\led by the County with CH2M Hill maintaining da:t-to-day project management and design review responsibilities. He added that, in addition to the specifically related experience of his firm and that of the other team firms, th~ County would have the combined profes- sional engineering and surveying staff housed locally within Collier County, providing the County with local knowledge of the area and familiarity with Florida law, that might govern revenue, general obligation and assessment bond programs. Mr. Smallwood outlined the project team as follows: 1. The Planning Staff of the County - Headed by Irving Berzon, Utility Director; 2. CH2M lIill - Headed by Ted Smallwood, Project Manager, dealing in sub-consultant coordin~tion, as well as with the design team of CH2M flill, which includes George Hennanson; 3. Hole, Montes & Assoc. - Headed by Stanley Hole, for Engineering Services. 4. Design staff of CH2M Hill, represented by David Pyne and Manuael Vilaret, acting as design leaders, coordinating the well-field work, and plant facilities; 5. Wilson, ~1iller, Barton, Soll & Peek, represented by William Barton, handling the distribution lines and storage and repulOping facil ities. 800K 049 PACE 351 800K 049 PAGE 352 October 2, 1979 11r. Smallwood said that he felt this team of experts would provide the County ~11 th a concentrated design effort and implementation of the design phase of the proposed system. He said the design schedule as he sees it today would enable his proposed team to have designs ready lInd to the point that bids may be let in approxfmately three months for the deep well storage project, and construction to commence at six months. There will he a threa month peri od needed before prepara- tion of a detail plan specification for the purchase of major equipment for the plant, he said, and the final design for the plant will take about eight months, lea'~ing approximataly 15 months for construction. The tl'ilnsmi~sion facility will cover a twelve-month period, due to permitting problems he said, and that will include design time. The distribution project will take approximately six months design time ilnd another eight months for construction and the storage fac11 ity I,lill hrwe a six month design pet'iod with a ten month construction period. he s,'id, lInd the finul goal will be to have reached completion of the ultirc system, including constl'uction, by January of 1982. Mr, Bill Barton, Principal with Wilson, Miller, Barton, Soll & reek, conClJrt'ed with ~lr. Sm"ll wood I s remarks and added that the com- bincu finns c1fol'cmcntioned are experts in their fields and in :IOW to ,'pply them in Collier County. Ile usked thn Roard to consider the selection of this team, and thanked the Board for its consideration. f'RESENT^T10N BY Tml GILES AND THOMAS F. IllNTZ OF CONNELL METCALF & [aoy RrQUESTING CONSIOER^TION FOR POSITION OF ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS f ~)_I3.._COUlrII loI-8l~B.LSI~.jL R jISJ.~'fo1____ ___ ~lr. Tom Giles, Officer ~lanager of Cormall ~1etcalf & Eddy, spoke to the Board and outl i ned the background and qual ifications of their firm ;n respnct to the proposed County WaterlSewer System projects planned. He introduced Mr'. Tom Hintz, of the South Florida Regional Office of the same firm. October 2, 1979 Mr. Hintz spoke on the technical aspects of the proposed project as to the spechl qualifications this finn has for the projects to be undertaken by the County, and how he had planned to undertake it if his firm is selected. He told the Doard that in light of his firm realizing the fact' that this would be a major undertaking, with a full scope of personnel required, he was proposing that he himself would be the project coordinator, and under him would be two experienced, qualified project managers. Beneath them are all the technical specialists in their firm, involved in detailed design. He added that in addition, depending on the number of projects his firm might be awarded, there would be a number of experienced qualified project engineers assigned to each of the Project Managers. He also said that the firm has the complete support staff needed, ilf1d a complete computer aid system to assist in the completion of the pl'ojects outl ined in the schedule presented to the Board in the form of answererl que5tions posed to the firm at an earlier date. He added that his firm is now, and has been in the past, engaged in many wilterlsel-ler projects and it is his opinion that the firm is \-Iell qualified and prepared to do a fine job if awarded the proposed projects. He said that his firm could handle anyone or all of the projects. He concluclf!d his presentation by saying that his firm also has had a lot of experience in the field of revenue bonds' connected work, and named several studies, projects completed, and designed by his firm and said that the fim\ of Connell Metcalf and Eddy looked foniard to doing this Job for the County. Comnlissioner Wenzel asked Mr. Hintz which of the four projects was his favored. Mr. Hintz replied that the firm was best qualified in the area of the pipeline work. Mr. Berzon asked about the planned work schedule timetable and Mr. Hintz replied that he has figured on a 24 to 26 month &DO\ O~9 PA'E 353 'eo OK 04H PA~E 354 October 2, 1979 completion date for the distribution system, with a total design time of nine to ten months for the treatment plant, and a total design time of five to si'( months for the pipeline project. However, from r~cent experiences, he said there is a problem with dol Ivery of equip- ment in components for the trelltment pll1nt, and, therefore that project will require a two-year construction period. PRESENTATION BY JOHN McCUNE & SANDY NETTLES OF GEE & JENSON RE CONSID- ERATION OF POSITION OF ENGINEERING CONSULTANT FOR COUNTY WATERISEWER iY..'i!.~M PROJECTS Mr. John McCune, Vice President of Gee and Jenson gave a cap- sulization of the experience and expertise of his firm in relation to the p,'oposed four major projects to be underta ken by the County for a total Water/Sewer System. He said that his firm has over 28 years successful practice in South Florida and the firm only employes experts in their respective fields. He added that his firm has their own company plane enabl in!] the company experts to be in Collier County within 45 minutes. He also told the Board of several successful projects his firm has been connected with in the last five year's and PnJphasized the firm's recent hydraulically upgrading of the 36 mgd water plant for the City of West Palm Beach. The many projects he ndllled have involved raw wuter supply development and th(~ acquisition of the necessary consumptive use permits; water treatment plant design; major distribution network design, and determin.1tion of the arpropriate measures 1.0 be taken to finance the capital improvements. He said his firm was involved with the Big Cypress Basin Board and the South Florida Water Management District Board for the past two years to determine the location of additional sources of water in Western Collier Cour ~y. In conclusion, Mr. McCune made the following statements: his firm is up-to-date on the latest water treatment design; the firm is in the midst of constructing two full-scale water treatment plants October 2, 1979 :Ising granular activated carbon for the removal of trihalomethanes, required in the near future for all treatment systems serving 10,000 people or more; the firm's staff includes a licensed plant operator, surge pressure relief expert, and design staff capable of designing a cost-effective project through the use of,an in-house computer. lie ended his presentation by telling the Board that the firm of Gee & Jenson wants this job. Mr. Sandy Nettles produced charts for the benefit of the Board and further expanded on the expertise in the area of raw water supply that his firm has to offer the County. He said that he was engaged in a ground water study in Collier County and its surrounding areas encom- passing approximately 100 square miles. This study has been underwny for over two years, he said. Mr. Nettles further stated that there has been research, includIng the drilling of 37 holes down to the Hawthorne formation at a depth of approximately 200 feet and the installation of salinity observation wells and also regular water level observation wells to define the geology and the quality of the water over the entire area. He told the Board that the following facts have been substantiated by this study: 1. There are three distinct water quality units which must be brought into effect when designs are developed for a water system within the area in question. 2. Prel iminary data shows there are TIO confining beds between these zones, indicating the necessity for careful consideration in determining the size of the well, its pumping rate and placement of same. 3. Information gathered through this study implies that potable water supply can be developed in just about any area if it is done properly, the well construction is correct, and the water management of the area is taken into careful consideration. Mr. Nettles told the Board that his firm has shown other interested entities that where they had felt no potable water supplies were available they could develop wells that will produce as much as 1200 gallons a minute through the proper well construction. He added that his firm has increased ~xistin9 well productions of water, several times over, by utilizing new methods developed by the firm in question, and also 800K 049 P^CF ~55 jlOOK Vl.:t~ rAGE ~uU October 2, 1979 hils redesigned wells and produced water of higher quality by using methodology developed by Gee 11 Jenson staff by minimizing iron corrosion. He concluded his presentation by saying that he felt Gee $. JenS0~ is as far ahead in the field of well construction methodology and well field design as anybody in the state of Florida, and they intend to stay in that position through continued research; chemically, hydrologically and geologically, thus, they can offer Collier County the best system they can acquire. 11r. Berzon questioned anticipated time frame for design. Mr. Nettles repl ied that he anticipated a six month design time for ~ach of the projects in question and that they would run conalrrently. PRESENTATION BY JOHN BUCKLEY AND FRED BIERY OF POST, BUCKLEY, SCHUH 11 ,JrRrnGAN, INC. RE CONSIDERM ION roH POSITION OF ENGINEERING CONSULTANT FuR COUNlLW.~ Tf:B[,)EWl;.R SYST~...."!. "lr. John Buckley, Chairman of tlH~ Board of Post, Buckley, Schuh & ,Jernigan spoke on his firm's co~nitment to support the Board's proposed project; tell ing the Board that his firm has a local office; ,1 long-il~rm commitmf'nt to Southwestern Florida; Ilnd that his firm is grateful for being chosen as olle of the finns in contention for the COllsultant work relating to the lo.'ilterlSewer System for the County. 1k. Fred Biery, Regional 11nnclger for Post, BUCkley, Schuh 11 Jernigan told the Board that his firm has had a lot of related experience in design projects similar to one proposed. He referred to this project as Regional Alternative Number Two, and said it was his recollection that this concept was decided on at a meeting on August 14, 1979 and since that time his firm has been working up ideas, and plans for same dnd he was here today Lo te 11 the Board of these findings. He said he Ilad studied the fr-asibil ity of the report that was given to the Board prior to this meeting and he said he had critiqued the )'eport and all the aspects of prior projects his firm has handled in relation to it. He went on to point out, by chart, several related project~ in which his firm has been involved in October 2, 1979 Collier County. He said that he knew that the firm chosen today had to adont a policy <jf staying within the Countyl~ set budget and his firm has done so in related projects in the past. Mr. Biery said that it has been his experience on the related projects in which his firm has been involved that six to seven major. agencies must be ~ealt with, including Regional and State. besides the local groups who have jurisdiction in such projects, and that his firm has established a rapport with these agencies, thus, smoothing the way somewha t. Mr. Biery related that his firm and he personally have been involven with many bond issue projacts, two of which have been validated in Coll ier County. He said that he and Bob Wright, with whom the Board is familiar, will be working on this project if his firm is selected, along with various experts in related fields. Ite told the Board there is no I. . "lent th"t his firm cannot handle "elating to the four flt'ojects in the system to be buil t in the County; the firm is cOl1111itted to the success of the project; it has the manpower to do the job right, and is qualified and available for the projact. Conrnissioner Wenzel asked tk. Biery if he were a\~arded only one project of the four in question could he develop a good working rela- tionship with the other firm or firms awarded other areas of the system? Mr. Biery replied that he anticipated no problems in that area. lie answered Mr. Gerzon's question relating to a time schedule for design completion as being 9 months to a year with some lag time due to p('r'~'jtS. PRESENTATION GY DON St~ALLY OF SMALLY, HELLFORD & NALVEN, INC. RE CONS IDERA TI ON FOR TIlE POS IT I ON OF ENG r NEER I NG CONSULTANT FOR COUNTY WATERISEWEP SYSTEM Mr. Don Smally of Smally, Hellford & Ualven related to the Board that his firm has done a good number of projects in Collier County for several years and their approach to this project will be basically the same as it has been \~ith other \~ork it has done for the County in the past, in that they have been vel'y closely involved in the "2D1" BOOK 049 PAtf357 BOOK ij~H PAGE 358 October 2, 1979 projecti intend to use their in-house computer systomi will make use of their familiarity of the area; they have done water and well pros- pecti~g i~ the past; anJ will retain the appropriate firms to cover the prospecting aspects. Also, hp said that their firm is familiar with the various kinds of treatment facilities; have been involved with most all the processes of w~ter treatment in the past and they are not willing to accept anybody else's approach to this project, but rather make their own reconwnendations for the best source of water and treatment of same. Mr. Smally listed several processes he is familiar with for water trratment, and said that all of the alternatives would be analyzed by their experts before making a recorTlnendation to the Board and mentioned the "ecent study his firm had conducted for the EPA on treatment methods. Mr. Smally said he was comr.lftted to saving money for the County in this system, and promised individual attention, expertise, manpower, and, individuality in design. He added that he saw no problem with completing this system by January 1982, and said that his finn had based its uesign time for the project at approximately six months for letting out bids for the system. * * * * * * * * * * * * * r.cess. 3:45 P.M. - 3:50 P.M. * * * * -It -It -It -It * * * -It -It PRCSENTATIOflS CONSIDERED AND SELECTION FOR ENGINEERING CONSULTANT RY Ej\l.LOTING RE THE F.OUR PROJECT_S OF THE COUNTY WATERISEWER SYSTEM After presentations were made by the five firms wishing con- siderfltion for the position of Engineering Consultant re County Waterl Sewer System, Mr. Berzon conducted the balloting for the selection of the top three fi rms, in order of the i r preference, for each of the four projects involved, by the Board. Each project was handled separate1y, and each place (1st., 2nd. & 3rd.) was voted upon indiVidually. Thus, there were twelve ballots, each of them totaled by Mr. Berzon. niP. motions to place the names of the corresponding firms in their respective order of preference were made after the tallying of each vote. and the Board voted verbally on these n~tions at that time. October 2, 1979 The ballots were sealed at the completion of the balloting, by the Utility Diiector, and they are on file with the Clerk. The following are the results of the balloting for each of the four projects' Engineering Consultant in the order of the Board's preference: PRINCIPLE RAW WATER SUPPLY 1. Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc. 2. Gee & Jenson 3. Smally, Wellford & Nalven, Inc. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously 4/0, that the number one position for Principle Raw Water Supply Project Engineering Consultant be awarded to Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc.; the number two position for same be awa rded to Gee & Jenson, a nd the number three pos it i on be awa rded to Srnally, Well ford & Nalven, Inc. POI~~~~iATER TRE^TMENT PL^NT PROJECT 1. CH2M Hill 2. Connell ~'(>tca1f & Eddy 3. Sn1o'1lly, Wel1ford 1. Nalven Corr.ni ss i oner Wimer moved, seconded by Commi ss i oner Archer and carried unanimously 4/0, that Cl2M Hill be aw"rded the first position for the Consultant for the Potable Water Treatment Plant Project. Commi'.sioner Archer moved, seconded by COrRnissioner Wimer and carried unanimously 4/0, that Connell Metcalf & Eddy be awarded the second position for consultant for the Potable Water Treatment Plant Projec t. Commissioner Wimer moved, secondnd by Conmissioner Archer and carried unanimously 4/0, that Smally, Wellford & Nalven be awarded third position for consultant for the Potable Water Treatment Plant Project. &OOK 049 'ACEa59 BOOK 049 PACE 360 October 2 t 1979 PRINCIPLE TRANSMISSION MAINS PROJECT 1. CH2M H111 2. Connell Metcalf & Eddy 3. Smally, Wellford & Nalven Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and c"rried unanimously 4/0, that C1I2~1 Hill be awarded the first position for Con- sultant f~r Principle Transmission Mains Project. COllrnissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Conrnissioner Archer and carried unanimouSly 4/0 that Connell ~Ietcillf & Eddy be awarded the second posi tion for the Principle Transmission Mains Project. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 'IrJilnimously 410, that Sm1l11y, Wellford & Nalvan be awarded the third position for Consu1t<lJ1t for the Principle Transmission Mains Project. r'1^~lo~J~l~.tRJ...Pl1J.LQIi..l!.tlf.S L.-"19R~r~E AN[1. REPUMP ING FAC I LITI ES PROJECT 1. CII2M IIi 11 2. Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc. 3. Gee & Jenson CQnllli SS i oner Archer moved, seconded by COlT1ni ss ioner Wenzel and CArried unanimously 4/0, that CII2M lIi11 be ftwarded the first position for Consul tilllt for the f1ajor Distribution Lines, Storage and Repumping Facilities Project. C0Il111issioner Wimer moved, seconded by COIT1l1issioner Wenzel and (<wried unanimously 4/0, th.1t Post, Buckley, Schuh & ,lernigan, Inc. />I' <lY/dl'ded the second position for Consultant for the Major Distribution Lines, Storage and Repumping Facilities Project. COn1nissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and c<1rried unanimously 4/0, that Gee and Jenson be awarded the third po<;ition for Consultant for .the ~lajor Distribution Lines, Storage and Repumping Facll ities Project. Oc tober 2, 1979 Mr. Berzon requested the Board to authorize the entering into negoti~~io~s for Consultant ~or the four projects aforementioned with each firm in the number one position of their respective projects. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 4/0, that the Utility Director be authorized to . begin negotiations for contract with each o~ the number one position firms in each of the four projects. .. .. .. There being no further business to come before the Board the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair at 4:00 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL ~c::~ . . l.. ~ '.:~ ....... !. ~, ~I S" ~ '( . .,' ~OOK 049 PACE 861