Backup Documents 09/15/2009 Item #16E 7 - ' --- ~e.Jt(W) I Ce\sl'\~ 16E '" ORIGINAL DOmillNTS CHECKLIST & ROUTING SLIP 7 ., TO ACCOl\1PANY ALL. ORIGINAL DOCU1\1ENTS SENT TO . . . THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMlV.l1SSIONERS OFFICE FOR SIGNATURE , Pt:im an pink: paper. Att:Id1 to origin:ll dot'mn""" 0rigin;U d()"nm~,.,. .should be band delivered. to d.u: BO&rd OftiC4. '1"hc-compll:t.t:d routing slip iII1d original dot-nm....", a:rc to be furwarded. to d.u: Boa:d. Office an1y ~ l!l.c Board has tni:cu.aa1on.OI1 d.u: item..) , , ,'. .'. " , ': , . , ROUTING SLIP . , .::.'.. .:' , ,~I.ctc roating lin= tit tfIroagb. /#4. as ~ fur .rlrlirim.{ sign.am=s. da.tl::s. r1JtJIor infcI:madOl1 nec:l.cd..1f the d~:"'~' is a.lr=cty compl= with r:be dOl1 at'1ho ("MTrm<m'.f . draw 2 line tbron routin Iinedl tI:1rou #4, '= d.u: ~ md furward 11:1 Sue- FilroI1(Jind5). ...; Route to .Addressee{s) . . Office Initials, Date (Listinroutin order)' ";,""',~'; , 1. 2. --... -- 3. ~- .. ." 4. 5. iae FfifMm., .Executive Manager Board. of County Commissioners ~/,'~-j r ftrJ 1111TUlec-<.- ( 0) 6. :Minutes and Records Oerk of Court's Office - . PRI.MARY CONTACT'INFORMATION (The primary CC1UlIl:l: is the balder ot [be origiual dcc:umc:1t pending Bee apprtlva.L NoniWly tI1c primary CCIIICICl: is lhc p=oa who ~ the cx=live samzzwy. Primary COI1C1Cl: iDtbnmuioa is a=ied iu the event 0l1ll ot the :u1dressecs Above. iI1c:.Iw:lin, Suo MlsOI1, aced lC c:pIlllK:t ~ fur ad.clidaaa! IX" missing infanmuioa. All originlll no",...._" accding cb.c Bee Ol.a.irmuI's sigrtl1ll1tl: a:rc to be delivered to the Bee at!ce aaly a!n:r lhc Bee bas aClIId. to lpptOye the: ill:m. ) Name of Primary Stnff Phone Number JC'9 7 Contact "t.. 5':2 - u / Agenda Date Item W1U Agenda. Item Number r::: 7 ' ved b the Bee llo ~ Type of Document Number' of QrigiDal Acr.llcb.ed Documents A.aac:hed INSTRUCTIONS & CHECKLIST Initial the Yes column or mark "N/A" in the Not Applicable column. whichever is Yes, N/A (Not a (Initial) 1icabIe) 1., Original doc:umezn: has been signcdrmitialed for legal sU:ffic:iency. (All doc:umen.ts to be . ." signed by the, Chairman, with the exception of most .letters:. must be reviewed and sigacd - a 1;y the Office of the County A1:JDmey. This includes signatUre pages from ordina:accs. r "" U __ resolutions. etc. signed by the Co~ty A.ttorney's Office and signature pageS from V' ~ ' contracts. agreements, etc. that have been fully executed by all parties except the BCe Chairman and Clerk to the Board and ssibI State Officials.) 2. All haI2dwritten.strike-througl1 and revisions have been initialed by the County ~y.' s _ . J/ Office and all other arties t the Bee Chairman and the Clerk to the Board N It 3. The Cba.iopan's sigDatllrC tiDe date has been entered as the date ofBCe approval of the . doc:mnent or the final ne dated contra.ct date whichever is licable. 4. '"Sign here" tabs are placed on the appropriate pages indicating where the Chairman's C.() n' andini~are ~G 5. In Ii10st eases (some cont:racts arc an exception), the origi.n.aJ. document and this routing slip , -~ should be provided to Sue Filson in the Bee office within 24 hours ofBCe approval. _ ;<JIll Some tior.l""'""ucs arc time scnsitiYe and require forwarding to Tallahassee within a certain 'S time frame or the BeC's actions arc nullified. Be aware of our deadlines! 6. The docament was approved by the Bee on 5 0 (enter date) and all c:haDges .q made dUl'ing the meeting have been incorporated. in the attached document. The e;tn v Conn Attorn 's Office has reviewed. the e!l, if a lIcable. I: 'Forn:W County Forms! Bee FaamI 0rig:UW Docum=ts Rooring Slip WWS Origina.l9.03.04. Revised 1.26.05. RcvUed 2.24.05 " _.____...-.....__....__,'"",.,',-'." ____,~_,_'''"... tin W"~~ "---,-,-"~..,.~_.,....,~,...._-,,-<,,,,..~_..,. 16[7 ~ I - i-h THIS AMENDMENT is entered into this ~ day of ~~1 ,2009, by and between RICHARD F:-SERMAN, AS TO 50%, AND FRANK J. CELSNAK AND MARLENE J. CELSNAK, AS TRUSTEES U/Dff (OR U/A) DATED DECEMBER 27,1991, AS TO 50%, ALL AS TENANTS IN COMMON, Sellers, and COLLIER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, Buyer. Buyer and Sellers entered into that certain Agreement for Sale and Purchase dated effective as of December 16, 2006 (the "Agreement"). Subsequent to entering into the Agreement and pursuant to provision 3.01 of the Agreement, Buyer and Sellers wish to append the Agreement with the following additional terms and conditions: 1. The time for Closing of the transaction shall be extended for an additional period of ninety (90) days, up to and including November 11,2009. Except as expressly provided herein, the Agreement between the Buyer and the Sellers remains in full force and effect according to the terms and conditions contained therein, and said terms and conditions are applicable hereto except as expressly provided otherwise herein. IN WITNESS VVHEREOF, the Buyer and Sellers have hereto executed this Addendum the day and year first above written. AS TO SELLERS: C I t1 ~:f m. r-tJ") Witness ( rmted Name) ~- ~L<.-L-LN'~ , / Witness (Signature) /71,c.:-/~C::-C A ~ a t.J J.'~c, Witness (Printed Name) ot, I rJp 3 # M V . ._."~.~ - lIr' _' a ~~,.,,' .... ,__~_, ".. 1 ---." ". 16E7 /J----- CH'IZ/5 r/J4AJ A, kek,tJc:?Z~ :t~ Witness (Printed Name) _r~'._._~." ~~~Wu~~ Witness (Signature) _ An3~1?( L. Sui-, ~-<-e<;;;'C;;rer Witness (Printed Name)- Witness (Signature) CHK'JL;rtAIAJ A, KE,4~a> Witness (Printed Name) Trustee CA-+1L^~~M~ ..- Witness Ignature) -- /tY7 jc-~ t?t L . SC 1-71.A. C S s I tv ~ Witness (Printed Name) ), ;>' tJ /'-3 I~. ~ ~ ~-- ..-,,',.."_. "._,~~,--,,"-""'----" 16E7 AS TO PURCHASER: ~ q/ 1.5/~()~9 ~ Jim /ub7 DATED:~ ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA " ~~ ~~ ~~~k BY: "~. ' I !~:, Deputy Clerk Donna Fiala, Chairman ~ ACtMt,It,~W ~~ · ,.r _ ' " "1,1 ,~X:. '; .. hf\<.,t\ollf"~. ,~/. f /'-~. '1 ". \..~;, ..."' Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: ~l3~~~ Jennifer B. White Assistant County Attorney p{,~ 301 r-_'----- W ~,._.'n~" .._