BCC Minutes 08/06/1979 B Naples. Florida. August 6. 1979 LET IT BE REMEMBERED. that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier. and also acting as the Governing Board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein. met on this date at 9:10 A.H. in Budget Review Workshop Session in Building ifF" of the Courthouse Complex with the follow- ing members present: CHAIRMAN: David C. Brown VICE-CHAIRMAN: Clifford Wenzel (10:30 A. John A. Pistor C.R. "Russ" Wimer Thomas P. Archer ALSO PRESENT: Harold L. Hall. Chief Deputy Cler'k/Fiscal Officer; Robert Best. Budget Analyst; C. William Norman. County Manager; and Jean Swindle. Deputy Clerk. AGENDA BOARD or COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BUDGET REVIEW WORKSHOP HONDAY AUGUST 6, 1979 9:00 A.M. Data Processing sections 118/9 9:30 A.M. Word Processing .. .. Pg. 98-1 99-5 26-01 09-1 95-1 99-13 Div. of Public Safety Section '2 Div. of Admr. Services section U (Continued) Capital Improvements sections 118/9 Internal Services Communications Sections 118/9 civil Defense Section 112 ~. 38-1 Helicopter Sections '8/9 99-9 Risk Management Sections 'B/9 99-11 Planning (Addition) ~CCK 04 7 ~A~E 594 eoc~ 047 fACE 595 August. 6. 1979 1:30 P.H. American Ambulance Section '2 Pg. 40-l 2: 30 P.~l. Naples Wilderness ( Addition) Mental Health Sections 115/6 (Mr. Ron MeBerve) 77-1 2:45 P.M. Health Dept. (Dr. Cox) Sections #5/6 72-1 Engineering (R & B) (Addition) Prepared by V. Magri 8/1/79 DATA PROCESSING (98-1) BUDGET - TEN1ATIVELY APPROVED Prior to the presentation of the proposed Data Processing budget. Fiscal Officer Hall gave a recap of the status of the tentative 1979-80 budget, stating there were several major budgets yet to be reviewed - i.e. Health Department; Mental Health; American Ambulance - all of which have an impact on the ad valorem tax. Mr. Hall said the point has been reached, in the budget proceedings, where the proposed figures are only $190.000 short of the mandated 5% cap; while the status of zero millage increase could be reached if reductions could be in the figure of $325,000. The additional reserve has not been added into any of the above-referenced figures (said reserve not having to be provided) which, in essence, brings the figure of $190,000 down to $165.000. he continued. In way of explanation. Mr. Hall stated that each time $1.00 is taken off the budget amount, $1.05 is removed from ad valorem taxes. It was his suggestion that once all department budgets have been reviewed, then the Board could take a ~loser look and determine if even more reductions can be made. Mr. Hall asked that Capital Improvements (95-1) be deferred until the last item on the agenda with the final figures to be coordinated from the sum of all the budgets including Other Adminis- trative General Government. August 6. 1979 Data Processing Director Fred Marks presented the budget for the Data Processing Division in the amount of $331.649. stating that there is a request for $99,945 carryover from the Capital Improvement Fund which will pay for equipment and other various components needed during the FY 1979-80. Commissioner Archer asked if the $99.945 carryover from the Capital Improvement fund would be sufficient to complete the equipment purchases of the department. Mr. Marks answered in the affirmative. He explained that the lack of identification of the equipment. etc. is due to the fluctuating market - i.e. Hi-speed printers changed as much as $700. Mr. Marks said he has great concern about the damage lightning has done and is capable of doing to the entire data processing equipment. such as "knocking out" some terminals; traveling through the communications line to the CPU and causing considerable damage. This occurred just this past July. 1979 and even though the repairs were covered by insurance. it remains a prime concern, MI Marks continued. Mr. Hall concurred with Mr. Marks' statement of need in regard~ to the installation of protection equipment for the very sensitive data processin\ hardwi\re. Discussion followed which covered the reduction of costs for the department during its first year of operation; the income from the City of Naples for servicl amounting to approximately $4.000; the reciprocal agreement, now in effect, with the School Board; the projected allocations for services to the Tax Collector, Sheriff and Property Appraiser; and the need for a constant power supply to protect the equipment from lightning surges and damage. It was the consensus of the Board that an excellent job has been done in the Data Processing Department. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissior Archer and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent. t',at the proposed budget for the Data Processing Department in the amount of $331.649, be tentatively apprc WORD PROCESSING DEPARTMENT (99-5) BUDGET - TENTATIVELY APPROVED County Manager Norman presented the proposed budget for the Word Processing Department in the amount of $49.227, stating this figure includes one new full time employee to replace a CETA position and will assure the continued efficiency of the department. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0, with Commissioner Wenzel absent, to tentatively approve the Word Processing Department budget in the amount of $49,227. eQC~ 047 ~m:597 August 6. 1979 PIVISION OF PUBLIC SAFETY (26-01) - TENTATIVELY APPROVED WITH STIPULATION County Manager Norman stated this office is one of two new divisions to be implemented in the FY 1979-80 and is very important to the reorganizational progra Avoidance of additional costs has been maintained by making use of space in the present Civil Defense office which will include secretarial services and. even though this will resul t in "crowding" in the Emergency Operating Center. Mr. Norman said, it can be handled with a minimum of disruption. He explained the suggested salary will be governed by the current Classification/Pay Plan Study and will fund the one position only. that of Public Safety Division Administrator. Commissioner Pistor questioned the need for a position that would. for all intents and purposes. be an "overseer" of the depenuent fire departments, as they have their own advisory boards and the staff to help with the preparation of their budgets. ~'r. Norman answered that those employees hired by the dependent fire districts have little or no administrative background and as a result. their request for his time always exceeds the amount of time that he has available. He said that a competent person. in tne new position suggested. would increase the efficiency and productivity of the districts as well as be of great help to him. Commissioner Wimer stated that the addition of another administrative position. once accepted, would be very hard to change and added that the subject fire districts are supposed to be self-supporting which they are not. H~ said that the County, itself. has spent countless dollars County-wide on the dependent districts. which the taxpayer has to subsidize and which are never charged to the individual units. It was Commissioner Wimer's opinion ~hat this item should be set aside for the time being. In defense of the new position, County Manager Norman outlined the two areas where the position would pay for itself and be very effective in the coordination of the overall picture of the County's Public Safety Programs _ 1. The fire districts will no longer have to take the County Manager's time for their needs - the County ~~nager's time being more expensive than that of the proposed position - as the proposed administrator will be available when required. 2. In addition to having direct administrative duties for the 3 dependent fire districts. it will also be a position of coordinating the fire protection program for the entire County which includes the independent districts. the City of Naples and the City of Everglades. August 6. 1979 Discussion followed and covered the appropriateness of charging the proper departments their correct portion of the proposed $28.676 administrative fee instead of having the County as a whole be responsible; Fiscal Officer Hall's statement that his time can not be given in the amounts needed by the dependent fire districts and other protective services departments which would bt under this n~w position and in his opinion there is a major need for such a person. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried 4/0, with Commissioner Wenzel absent, that the Division of Public Safety Administration budget in the amount of $28.676 be tentatively approved with the stipulations that the position not be implemented until the C1assiffcation/Pay Plan study is completed. DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATION SERVICES BUDGET (09-01) - TENTATIVELY APPROVED WITH STIPULATION County Manager Norman presented the proposed budget for the second of the new administrative offices to be formed to complete the r~organfzatfonal program during the FY 1979-80 and stated this position would provide a level of administra review and management that is very important. It will allow for "follow-through" and coordination of internal activfties whfch. Mr. Norman said. he. himself, does not have the opportunity to do under the present organization. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 4/0, with Commissioner Wenzel absent, that the Division of Administration Services' budget, in the amount of $40.740. be tentatively approved with the stipulation that the position not be implemented until the Classification Pay Plan Study is completed. INTERNAL SERVICES/COMMUNICATIONS (99-13) BUDGET REVIEWED - TENTATIVELY APPROVED Fiscal Officer Hall presented the proposed budget for the Communfcations portion of Internal Services and stated he had three points he wanted to bring to the Board's attention: 1. Under Suncom. which has been in affect for one (1) full year. there is no method of direct billing to each user. :~: method used by Suncom is simply their taking of a 20% sample of the calls made from Collier County government which indicate where the calls were made to but not where they were made from - this results in the inability to use a "charge-out" system. ~'r,< 047 ~~~F 598 ~cc~ 04 7 ~ACE 599 August 6. 1979 2. Due to this limitation. Mr. Hall recommended that the Board tentatively approve the Communications budget in the amount of $100.298 but 3. Before the budget is to go for pUblic hearing. that the Communications cost bp. removed from each department and place such costs back in General Government since it is impossible to apportion the costs to each department on any kind of equitable basis. When asked by Commissioner Archer if the Suncom program had reduced the Count} long distaFlce"'toll charges. Mr. Hall answered in the negative. stating that these charges are up by approximately $30.000. Discussion followed and covered the possibility of installing a Watts line arrangement as opposed to the Suncomj the desirability of controlling the use of the long distance lines; more people and more reasons to use the communications lines; and Mr, Hall's statement regarding the lateness of the billings from Suncom that has resulted in there being no proper method of projecting costs. It was the consensus of the Board that the action on this tentative budget be deferred unt1l Tuesday. August 7. 1979 during budget review. at which time. Mr. Hall said he would have better dollar amounts to present to the Board. Commissione Archer asked. for the Board. that Mr. Hall be requested to "look into" the cost of using the Watts Line and bring such information back to the Board. At this point, Mr. Hall reported back on the State Attorney's budget as it relates to communications and their desire to have a Watts Line installed so as to reduce their telephone bill of $13.000 by saying he was continuing to work with them but recommended that they have their own line, not connect with the County's. Mr. Hall did ask that the Board approve the State Atto"'!ey's request for a mobile radio to be installed in the unit they have purchase~. in the amount of $2.200. Commissioner Wimer moved. seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent. that the purchase of a portable radio for a vehicle purchased by the State Attorney's office be approved in the amount of $2,200. CIVIL DEFENSE BUDGET REVIEWED - (38-1) TENTATIVELY AP~~OVED County Manager Norman presented the Civil Defen~e budget as Mr. Bill Walker was unable to attend due to illness and stated the major change in the budget is that the Helicopter reimbursement funds are now being shown in the Civil Defense August 6. 1979 budget figures. Mr. Norman stated that he is recommending a "charge-out" system for the helicopter over and above the previously mentioned funds which would be effective October 1. 1979 and identified the charges as follows: 1. The cost of the pilot and his benefits. etc. would be a Civil Defense charge directly. 2. The cost of operating the helicopter would be charged to the using departments inClUding Civil Defense. 3. $50.00 per hour for the Bell Helicopter and $150 for the Huey Helicopter. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 4/0. with Commissioner Wenzel absent. that the Civil Defense Budget be tentatively approved in the amount of $87.727. Fiscal Officer Hall reported that the IRS has determined that the County is liable for an operations tax on the two helicopters (The tax is based on the gross take-off weight of the maChines) and this expense should be added to the proposed budget in the amount of approximately $400 annually. Commissioner Wimer then amended the motion to include the approximate $400 for the IRS operations tax on the two helicopters, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carri~d 4/0, with Commissioner Wenzel absent. HELICOPTER BUDGET REVIEWED (99-9) - TENTATIVELY APPROVED County Manager Norman presented the proposed budget for the Helicoptr... and stated this budget would show the effects of a "charge-out" system. Mr. Norman said that what is being proposed for the first year of implementation is much the same as the initial Notor Pool Program where department~, are now going to be charged with this item of expense (previously the depar..ments were not cl)o')rged with this expense as it had been taken from the General Fund). He identified those departments as being the ones that involve a County-wide tax; the money being ~ . allocated out of the General Fund to the subject departments which. in turn. will give them a "kitty" that can be used for the first year. After that. each depart- ment will place this item in their future budgets. COITmissioner Archer moved, seconded by COllVllissionrr 'wimer and carried 4/0, with Commissioner Wenzel absent, that the Helicopter budget be tentatively approved in the amount of $50.486. ,I' . ~ 047 ,,,.;, AAO ~cc~ 047 rAGE 60! August 6. 1979 * * .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . * RECESS: 10:10 until 10:15 A.M. * * * * * * * . * * * '* * * * * * RISK MANAGE~'ENT BUDGET REVIEWED (99-11) - TENTATIVELV APPROVED Fiscal Officer Hall reviewed the background of the origin of the Risk Manage- ment Divis.ion"by stating that in the latter part of 1977. the Fiscal Office had proposed to the Board that they go into partial self insurance for Workmens Compensation and through the anticipated savings in the Wor~ens Compensation Insurance. a Risk Management Operation had been funded. Mr. Woody Robinson filled the position of Risk Management Director last October. 1978 and has completed the first full year operation under this program. showing, to everyone's satisfactio that the savings are there. Mr. Hall said that the Risk Management budget was reduced by 8% for the coming FY 1979-80 and this is because of a decrease in the amcunt oi expected payments. Even with the reduced budget. the reserve will continu to build because the departments will be charged at the established Workmens Compensation Insurance rate while the claims. from past experience. have been r.:uch lower. Risk Management Director Robinson stated that since the inception of the department. September 1. 1978. there have bp.en 197 accident reports filed to the State and $41,192 has been paid out (These figures running through the month of June, 1979). Mr. Robinson identified Gallagher & Bassett as the County's agent who assist and handl~ these claims and they have dete~'ned the amount of reserve coming from just the above-referenced reports as bein~ approximately $97.000. The incurred losses for the first 10 months of operation have been approximately $138.000 and these are monies all'eady paid out of what Gallagher and Basset have to hold in reserve. Mr. Robinson said he expects the expenses for the FY 1979-80 to be approximately $250.000 which for the 12 month period of time would result in a savings of about $100.000 (This is using the requested budget figure of $316.533 as the basis for the calculation). Commissioner Archer moved. seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent. that the Risk Management budget in the amount of $316.533 be tentatively approved. August 6. 1979 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUDGETS REVIEWED - TENTATIVELY APPROVED County Manager Norman presented. for the Board's consideration. the proposed basis that will be used in formulating the new contract for Dr. Spagna's consultil services. The figures are based on Dr. Spagna's current salary as an employee anI include a proposed wage adjustment of 7% together with "pay in lieu of benefits" Social Security and Retirement, making the hourly wage amount to $16.50 or an annual salary of $20.592. Mr. Norman stated that the total annual figure for the proposed contract would be $21.724 which includes the County paying the hospital/ medical insurance for the family at an annual rate of $1.032. This figure is included in the proposed budget Mr. Crew will present to the Board and, in additi< indicates that one planner position has been delet~d in order to offset the initii cost of employing Dr. Spagna as a part-time consultant. As requested by the Board. Mr. Crew exp13ined that the fire study. involving the fire districts boundary lines and other certain specific areas. could 'be accomplished with the staff as proposed in the budget. The only additional costs will be a minimum figure of perhaps $200 for printing with no additional personnel involved. He listed the other areas of major undertaking for the department as f 011 ows : 1. Several programs that are the County's match for the 701 Grant 2. Implementing the Comprehensiva Plan 3. Economic Development activities have increased and in order for the County to remain eligible for EDA funding - there are programs that have to be done 4. Supervisory work for the Block Grant in Immokalee 5. Increased activity in the Golden Gate area 6. Space Study for the Courthouse Complex Commissioner Wimer asked for a detailed scope atalysis of the fire districts study which Mr. Crew said he would provide. Discussion followed which covered the overall decrease in the budget of approximately $20.000; the necessity of keeping accurate records of the on-going grants; the possibility of being reimbursed by the Federal Government for the time spent on record keeping concerning the present grants and the implementation of th Comprehensive Plan as required by the State. rCC~ 047 rhr.E 602 COCK 047 fACE 603 August 6. 1979 Commis~ioner Wimer moved. seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 5/0. that the Community Development Division and the Planning Department budgets be tentatively approved as presented. * * * * * * . . . . . . . . . * * * * .~ * RECESS: 11:00 A.M. until 1:30 P.M. * * * * . . . * . . * * . . Fiscal Officer Hall explained that if the review of the budgets could be completed by the afternoon and it was agreeable with the Board. the proposed budget could be finalized and authorization to advertise it for public hearing could be given at the regular session of the Board. Tuesday. August 7. 1979. Mr. Hall said he would set up a schedule of dates that would be feasible for the public hearings regarding the budget and the millage and inform the members of the Board. * * * * * * * * * . . * * * * * * * * Chairman Brown and Commissioner Wimer were absent during the afternoon sessio * * * * * * * . . * * * * * * AMERICAN AMBULANCE BUDGET (40-1) REVIEWED - TENTATIVELY APPROVED WITH STIPULATION Mr. Jack Maguire, President of American Ambulance. presented the proposed budget for the ambulance service and identified the major changes as the fOllowing increases/decreases: Descri pt ion Salaries Salaries Salaries Benefi ts Benefits Legal & Audit Phone Insurance Fuel Contingency Incentive Fees Total Increases Or Decreases $13.986 10.000 57.600 $115.877 :::^planation 6% increase for qualified employees New administrative staff position to assist with billings and collection Four additional paramedics to comply with 24/48 hour shift requirements 15S for new administrative position 15S for four additional paramedics Increased administrative burden Leased lines plus installation for telemetry Increased premium paYflleuts Increased to 90t/gallon from 60~/gallon Inflation factor. based on 10% of total budget Overestimated in prior year Increased collections. no proposed rate increases AU9ust 6. 1979 The que~tion of American Ambu~ance buying fuel from the County at a bulk rate was discussed and the determination was made that such an arrangement would result in a savings of about lOt per gallon or several thousand dollars a year. Fiscal Officer Hall was requested to look into the matter as it relates to the County and contractual services and their use of such items. Mr. Maguire suggested that a new contract is needed and it should conincide with the County's fiscal year. October 1. 1979. He stated that the proposed budget could be cut a minimum of $30,000 if he didn't have the expense of the reporting required by the County under the current contract. Fiscal Officer Hall questioned the $30.000 figure and stated that the County's reporting requirements under the current contract could be met merely by American Ambulance supplying xerox copies of the documents needed at a cost of approximately $1.200 per year. Further savings through a new contract was discussed by Mr. Maguire. of up to a $50,000 reduction in his proposed budget. It was the consensus of the Board that the American Ambulance budget be tentatively approved in the amount of $345.385 ($50,000 less than requested) with the stipulation that Mr. Maguire. Fiscal Officer Hall and County Manager Norman begin work immediately on a new contract. using the contract prepared by Mr. Maguirl as a suggested basis. NAPLES WILDERNESS ALTERNATIVE BUDGET REVIEWED - TENTATIVELY APPROVED Judge Tom Trettis presented the proposed budget for the Naples Wilderness Alternative Program in the amount of $63.988, explaining that the financing will be reimbursed to the County from grants, private individuals. service clubs, fees charged to parents and juveniles. foundation grants. and monies earned by juveniles. He likened the operation of this program to the operation of the probation departme~ .h . wherein the County is repaid all monies, asking that any surplus that should come from his portion of the probation division - be credited to the Naples Wilderness Alternative account. It was the consensus of the Board that the propo~,d budget for the Naples Wilderness Alternative Program be tentatively approved in the amount of $63.988. ~G~K 047 PAGE 604 ~cc~ 047 PAGE 605 August 6. 1979 MENT^L HEALTH B~DGET e77-1} REVIE~ED - TENTATIVELY APPROVED Mr. Ed Oates, Treasurer of the Mental Health Clinic of Collier County. presented the proposed budget for the Mental Health Program. stating that the board for the Clinic was composed of a member of the Board of County Commissioners, City Council member. School Board member and people from the fields of medicine. law and banking and include two members from the Immokalee area. He continued. .~ that the Mental Health Clinic is supported by the Immokalee Advisory Board and the Substance Abuse Board of Naples and. in addition to operating with the State and local governments, the Clinic is reviewed by the District Mental Health Board, the District office of the HRS, the Health Systems Agency, and the National Institute on Alcoholism/Alcohol Abuse. He said that the rate of repeaters coming back to the Program is 7% while the national average is 20%. indicating that the local Mental Health Clinic is doing more than a good job. Collections of fees for the year 1975-76 were $29.500 and for the year ending June, 1979. more than $48.600 has been collected, showing an increase in fees from clients of 65%. Mr. Oates asked that the budget be approved as presented - $205.784 but. if not that amount, he said he was pleading for $179.000. otherwise the cause of mental health will be greatly deterred. Discussion followed regarding the past monies that were budgeted by the County for the Clinic; the loss of $37.605 in CETA funding in the coming year; the State's mandate that the increases for the FY 1979-80 not exceed 51; the fact that the Clinic is used more as a clearing house for the Baker Act monies than a participant in the funds; an explanation of the indigent drug monies and their use. and the donation of food for use by Immokalee residents. Commissioner Pistor moved. seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 3/0 with Commissioner Wimer and Chairman Brown absent. that the Mental Health Budget be tentatively approved in the amount of $167.329. HEALTH DEPARTMENT BUDGET (72-1) REVIEWED - TENTATIVELY APPROVED Dr. William Cox. Health Department Director. prese'l\;eIJ the proposed budget for the Health Department in the amount of $438,983 and indicated the increase in the requested budget is due, in part, to State mandated positions. Following August 6. 1979 discussion which touched upon the duplication of services; the refinement needed in the administration area of welfare. Mental Health and the Health Department; the use of drugs for indigents; the immense amount of recording necessary to meet State requirements and a different selection of automobile for the two machines required by the Health Department. it was the consensus of the Board that the Health Department budget. in the amount of $398.983. be tentatively app as amended by a decrease of $40.000. ENGINEERING BUDGET REVIEWED (61-5 ROAD AIlD BRIDGE DEPARTMENT) County Engineer Barksdale. in giving the second review as requested by the Board. stated there had been one item deleted - "Improvements other than buildin' in the amount of $110.000 but that an item entitled IIPurchase of ROWII in the amol of $35,000 had been added, making the total reduction in the proposed budget approximately $75.000. It was discussed as to whether or not a purchase item of a hydraulic excavator in the amount of $95.000 could be deleted. Both Mr. Barks! and Commissioner Archer suggested that the postponing of such a purchase would rl in more monies having to be spent in the FY 1980-81 and asked that this item be left in the proposed budget. In conclusion, Mr. Barksdale stated there had been $14,000 reduction in the Immokalee Cemetery and an increase of revenue in the amount of $15.000 from the increased solid waste franchise. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Fiscal Officer Hall stated there were two budgets yet to be reviewed - The Capital Improvements and General Government - and at the completion of these reviews, possibly after the regular meeting of August 7. 1979. the proposed budgE could be authorized for advertising for the f:,!it of the public hearings require< * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair - Time: 3:40 P.M. ecc~ 047 t'ACE 606