BCC Minutes 08/02/1979 B Naples. Florida. August 2. 1979 lET IT BE REMEMBERED. that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier. and also acting as the Governing Board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein. met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in Budget Review Workshop Session in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex with the follow- ing members present: CHAIRMAN: David C. Brown John A. Pistor C.R. "Russ" Wimer Thomas P. Archer ABSENT: Clifford Wenzel. Vice Cha1rmi ALSO PRESENT: Harold l. Hall. Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer; Robert Best, Budget Analyst; C. William Norman. County Manager; and Edna Brenneman, Deputy Clerk. ~ BOARD OF COllN'l'Y COMMISSIONERS BUDGET REVIEW WORKSHOP THURSDAY AUGUST 2, 1979 Building Maintenance Jldministration Custodial Service Maintenance Service Section 11 Pq. 08-1 08-2 08-3 Airports Immokalee Everglades Medical" Examiner - Dr. Veterans Service Zoning Naples Wildernes. Program (Mr. Angelo Squatrito) Public Defender Golden Gate Community Center (Mrs. Joan Jenks) Section 1/4 Schmid Sec. '2 Sections B/6 Section I' Section '2 65-1 f)5-2 42-1 71-1 12-1 32-2 Section U Section '7 25-01 88-1 Other Private Agencies Sections 115/6 77-2 (Congregate Meals-Dee Talty) Motor Pool Central Stores & Xerox Purchasing Section '8/9 99~~ 99-7 Section '1 14~1 BDCX 047 PAGE 584 fGCX 047 JlACE585 August 2. 1979 Social Services Administration AssistancQ Homemakers Welfare Sections 15/6 80-1 80-2 80-3 80-4 Animal Control Sections '5/6 73-1 Youth Guidance Section 112 32-1 Planning Section 11 Div. of Community Develop. - Admr. 10..1 Environmental 1a-2 General 11-1 Block Grant Program 11-2 rrepared by V. Magri Aug. I, 1979 BUILDING MAINTENANCE BUDGETS (08-1, 08-2 AND 08-3) FOR FY 1979-80 REVIEWED - TENTATIVELY APPROVED, AS AMENDED County Manager C. William Norman briefed the Board on the highlights of the Building Maintenance budgets explaining that there are three divisions to the departmental budget - Administration. CustodIal Service, and Maintenance Service. and outlined the functi~ns of each division. He said that the Custodial Service division's request for an additional position is being recommended for approval. A further recommendation. said Mr. Norman, is an overall cut in the subject budget of $9,000 which he said is possible due to the tl'~~:.er in employees throughout the year which affects the salary portion of the budget and which he said will offset the additional cost for the new position. Mr. Lowell Raines. Building Maintenance Supervisor, explained why the line items for contractual services and for materials appear to be high which he said is due in part because of increases in costs and also because of ~he additional areas to be maintained. such as the mobile buildings recently install~d. Fiscal Officer Harold Hall explained that an accounting mechanism is being implemented which will clearly identify the expenditures within the maintenance areas. August 2, 1979 Mr. Norman said that it is his recommendation that a total of $27,200 be cut from the Building Maintenance budget by deleting the position requested and by substituting the vehicle requested for the Library Department vehicle, as was approved during the previous day's review of the Library budget. Mr. Raines strongly emphasized the need for the subject position of plumber. Commissioner Pistor concurred with the need for the position; however, after further discussion wherein Commissioner Archer agreed with Mr. Norman that cuts must be made somewhere. it was the consensus of the Board that the requested position be deleted from the budget subject to further review. The following budgets for the Building Department for FY 1979-80 were given tentative approval. as amended: 08-1 Building Maintenance - Administration (No change) 08-2 Building Maintenance - Custodial Service (Decreased $9,000) 08-3 BUilding Maintenance - Maintenance Service (Decreased $18,200) AIRPORT MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION BUDGETS (65-1 IMMOKAlEE. AND 65-2 EVERGLADES) Fe FY 1979-00 REVIEWED - TENTATIVELY APPROVED County Manager Norman advised that the 1979-80 budgets for the maintenance an operation nf the airports at Immokalee and Everglades are identical to the prev10u year and that there are no cuts being recommended. Various suggestions were made for increasing the revenues received from the airport operations with Mr. Lowell Rainas, Maintenance Supervisor, renewing his suggestion for obtaining station managers for the airports, in return for leasing space, which he said could improve the income which could be derived by the collection of tiedown fees, and the like. The following budgets for FY 1979-80 were tentatively approved: 65-01 Airports - Immokalee Airport 65-02 Airports - Everglades Airport ... . MEDICAL EXAMINER BUDGET (42-01) FOR FY 1979-80 REVIEWED - TENTATIVELY APPROVED County Manager C. William Norman reported that he is not recommending any changes in the budget submitted by the Medical Examiner, which I.! said projects a 6% increase over the previous year. BOOK 04.7 rACE 586 eOOK 047 PAGF587 August 2, 1979 The matt!r of permanent ho~sing for the Medical Examiner's facility was brought up for discussion with Mr. Norman offering the recommendation that steps be taken to obtain another mobile unit which he said could be placed adjacent to the Sheriff's Department. Dr. Heinrich Schmid. Medical Examiner, agreed that the suggestion would be an improvement over what is presently being used but that he would not consider this a permanent solution. The pros and cons of having the'~facility located in close proximity to the Sheriff's Department was brought up for discussion by Dr. Schmid. COlllTlissioner Archer stated that he could not "go along" with a mobile unit, one of his reasons being security, and the suggestion was made that no action be taken pending the results of the space study to be made in the near future. The budget of the Medical Examiner (42-01) for FY 1979-80 was tentatively approved. VETERANS SERVICE BUDGET (71-01) FOR FY 1979-80 REVIEWED - TENTATIVELY APPROVED, AS AMENDED County Manager C. William NormJn reported that an additional clerk is being recorrrnended by :he Veterans Services Director, but due to the present limitations on the FY 1979-80 Budget, it is his recommendation that the request be deleted, thereby decreasing the budget request by $7,450. Mr. Tom Kehoe, Veterans Service Director, commented that he "could live with it", referring to Mr. Norman1s recommendation. He explained that when the position was requested a CETA employee was considered to fill the position. Mr. Norman said that this po~sibility could still be explored with Commissioner Wimer commentin that "CETA is not free - it is only free for a l1ttlp while". Responding to Fiscal Officer Hall's statement that it was his impression that the activites of the department were going down. Mr. Kehoe said that on the contrary they were increasing in such areas as hospitalization, and the like. The budget for FY 1979-80 for the Veterans Service Department was tentatively approved, following deletion of $7,450. * * * * * * * * * . . . . . . * * RECESS: 9:55 A.M. until 10:15 A.M. . * * * * . . . . . * * * * * * * August 2, 1979 ZONING DEPARTMENT BUDGET (12-01) FOR FY 1979-80 REVIEWED - TENTATIVELY APPROVED County Manager C. William Nunman said that. in summary. there are only two major changes in the Zoning Department Budget for FY 1979-80. one being an additional Zoning Inspector, together with the necessary vehicle, and the other being the development of a data-processing system for a complaint control inventol Mr. Normun said that in his original review of the subject budget, taking into consideration the case load and personnel needs of the department, it was his recommendation that no decrease be made in the budget; however, after reviewing it the second time, it was felt that the department could get along another year without additional personnel, if necessary. Mention was made of the requirements for some of the personnel to be in courl on various zoning matters, the preparation time necessary, and the like with Zoning Director Carl Clemmer suggesting that as many as 250-300 hours annually were spent in this fashion with as high as four or five cases pending at one time. Commissioner Archer observed that the Zoning Department is the Board's only real enforcement agency covering the regulations and ordinances adopted by the Commission and that either the department should be "beefed up" or ~ork toward rescinding some of the ordinances. citing the weed ordinance as an example. Discussion ensued whether or not a proportionate amount of the Building Permit fees were being credited to the Zoning Department for the amount of work they are required to do in this regard, with Commissioner Pistor commenting that possibly the building permit fees are not high enough and that the travel expenses involved in the County, as opposed to the City of Naples, should be taken into account. Mr. Norman advised the Board that he and the Fiscal Officer would be making a comprehensive review of the overall ft~ ~~nedules. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and unanimously carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel not present, that the Zoning ~epartment Budge (12-01) for FY 1979-80 be tentatively approved as submitted. Returning to the matter of the weed control ordinance, it ~as Commissioner Wimer's viewpoint that, considering the expenses involved in eni=~cing it, that possibly the administrative costs are not realistic. The consensu~ of the Board w that the weed control ordinance be studied and/or refined. 0". 047 !'!'rnRR BDC~ 04.7 PAGE589 August 2. 1979 YOUTH PROGRAMS - NAPLES WILDERNESS ~LTERNATIVE - BUDGET (32-02) REVIEWED - TENTATIVE APPROVAL DEFERRED PENDING RECEIPT OF FURTHER INFORMATION The Naples Wilderness Alternative Program was discussed briefly with Project Director Angelo Squatrito in attendance. It was the consensus of the Board that, due to the lack of specifics with regard to the amount of revenues to be received from grants and gifts for FY 1979-80. that the subject budget be deferred until Monday, August 6. 1979 at which time Judge Trettis would be requested to provide input regarding the program. Fiscal Officer Harold Hall advised that he would also prepare a revenue sheet providing the additional information requested. PUBLIC DEFENDER BUDGET (25-01) FOR FY 1979-80 REVIEWED - TENTATIVELY APPROVED Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel not present, that the budget for FY 1979-80 for the Public Defender's Office (25-01) be given tentative approval. following brief perusal. GOLDEN GATE COMMUNITY CENTER BUDGET (88-01) FOR FY 1979-80 -TENTATIVELY APPROVED County Manager C. William Norman explained that the major difference in the budget for the Golden Gate Community Center for FY 1979-80 is that the cost of the Director's Salary will have to be picked up due to CETA eligibility having expired. This will be funded by the Special Taxing District. said Mr. Norman, and it is proposed that the one mill tax continue to be levied. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and unanimously carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel not present, that the Golden Gate Community Center Budget (88-01) for FY 1979-80 be tentatively approved. Later in the session the Director of the Center, Ms. Joan Jenks, was present and was informed of the action taken by the Board and the expression of the Board's satisfaction for the manner in which the Center is being operated was extended. OTHER PRIVATE AGENCIES (CONGREGATE MEALS - 77-2) BUDGET FOR FY 197~"90 REVIEWED - TENTATIVELY APPROVED Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel not present, that the Other Private Agencies (Congregate Meals - 77-2) Budget for FY 1979-80 be given tentative approval. August 2. 1979 Responding to Commissioner Archer's query as to whether or not an increase in grants for the Program was being received. County Manager Norman responded that other counties are being requested to provide contributions. later in the Session, Ms. Dee Talty. Director. was present to respond to inquiries from the Board, if any. MOTOR POOL (99-01), CENTRAL STORES & XEROX (99-03), AND PURCHASING DEPARTMENT (14-01) BUDGETS FOR FY 1979-80 REVIEWED - TENTATIVELY APPROVED County Manager C. William Norman observed that much of the change in the Motor Pool Budget for FY 1979-80 is in the increased fuel costs. noting that a new rate schedule is being proposed of 1~ per mile increase. He voiced his approval at the way the Purchasing Director and the Motor Pool Department head have been able "to get a handle" on the operations of the department, the record- keeping and the like. Responding to Commissioner Wimer's concern over the ch~rges being accurately reflected, Mr. Norman said that big strides in that direction have been taken. He also commented that the Sheriff's Department is well pleased with the routine maintenance being provided which he said is saving the Sheriff's budget a substantial amount and is providing quicker service. Following Commissioner Archer's comment that he has no problem with the departments being run by Purchasing Director Frank Wilcox and that he would accept Mr. Norman's recommendation that no cuts be made. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel not present, that the FY 1979-80 budgets for the following departments be tentatively approved: 99-01 Internal Services - Motor Pool 99-03 Internal Services - Central Stores & Xerox 14-01 Purchasing SOCIAL SERVICES BUDGET (80-01, 80-02, 80-03 AND 80-04) FOR FY 1979-80 REVIEWED - TENTA TI VEL Y APPROVED >. . County Manager C. William Norman stated that he is recon~:ending no cuts in the budgets for the Social Services Department observing that they are very nominall up from the previous year. He cautioned the Board. however, that ~~c Department of HRS is months and months behind in billing which is one reason that the budgets have not increased as much as they might have. ~C~K 04 7 f~CE 591 August 2. 1979 Commissioner Wimer moved. seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel not present. that the following Social Services Budgets for FY 1979-80 be tentatively approved: 80-01 Social Services - Social Services Admin. 80-02 Social Services - Social Services Assistance 80-03 Social Services - Social Services - Immokalee 80-04 Social Services - Welfare YOUTH PROG~lS (32-01) BUDGET FOR FY 1979-80 REVIEWED - TENTATIVELY APPROVED County Manager C. William Norman reported that the Youth Guidance Director Kathleen Manz has done a good job in trying to hold the line on the Youth Programs Budget for FY 1979-80. pointing out that the CETA position is being lost which she is proposing not be filled - an exceptional situation. He explained that she is using an answering service in an attempt to get by and that the Word-Processing Department is providing back-up. Mr. Norman noted that. unfortunately. lEAA funding is "stepping dClwn" with possibly one-half year funding anticipated. Commissioner Archer voiced his ^pproval of the Program as being beneficial to the youth and their parents of the County. with Commissioner Pistor concurring. adding that he would dislike having the Program "tampered with". Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel not present, that thp. Youth Programs (32-01) Budget for FY 1979-80 be given tentative approval as submitted. * . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * RECESS: 10:50 A.M. until 10:55 A.M. * . * * . * . * * . . . * * * * ANIMAL CONTROL (73-01) BUDGET FOR FY 1979-80 REVIEWED - TENTATIVELY APPROVED Animal Control Officer Gene Staudenmaier explained that the 131 increase in the budget for Animal Control for FY 1979-80 includes $5.000 increase for the neutering program which, he said. is part of the licensing fee and ~ot a direct draw from the ad valorem taxes. and a request for an additional vehicle equipped with a radio. Discussion following concerning the neutering program being developed by the veterinarians in the County and the possibility of selling licenses in various other locations throughout the County besides the Coul.thouse. August 2. 1979 Following County Manager Norman's and Fiscal Officer Hall's recommendation for approval, Commissioner Pistor moved. seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel not present. that the Animal Control (73-01 Budget for FY 1979-80 be tentatively approved. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (10-01, 10-02. 11-01. ANO 11-02) BUDGETS FOR FY 1979-80 REVIEWED - FURTHER REVIEW SCHEDULED FOR AUGUST 6. 1979 County Manager C. William Norman explained how the Division of Community Development has been divided into functional categories for budgeting purposes. He said that, in essence, there have been no material changes other than a reque that two Planner I positions be revised to Planner II positions which he said ad, a minor amount of cost. The main change, said Mr. ~orman, is in the Community Development Block Grant Program which is 100% Federally funded, with Fiscal Offh Hall explaining how the funds for the subject Program will be handled from an accounting standpoint, During the ensuing discussi~n, such matters as the organization of the Planr Department. taking into account the resignation of the Administrator. the possib" slowdown of activities in the County due to economic factors which would affect the Department's workload, the upcoming comprehensive study of the County's fire protection systems, the proposed consultant's contract with Dr. Spagna. and the like were deliberated. It was the consensus of the Board that perhaps the scope of the proposed stl should be reconsidered which in turn could effect possible reductions in the pertinent budgets, and. therefore. the budgets should be given further review. ~ Norman said that he would follow through and come back to the Board during the Budget Review Workshop Session on Monday. August 6, 1979 with a further report. Dr. Danny Crew, Planning Department, provided the Board with a status report on the Block Grant for the Irrmokalee area which he said has been g'ive~ HUD approv in its entirety. He explained the plans for implementing the work on the project and said that he will be addressing the Board during its Regul,r Session on Tuesd August 7, 1979 requesting approval of the Grant Contract and for authorization to create two positions in the budget for same. ~oo~ 047 ~ACE592 BOCK 047 PACE 593 August 2. 1979 COURT REPORTER BUDGET FOR FY 1979-80 REVIEWED - TENTATIVELY APPROVED Fiscal Officer Harold Hall explained that the Court Reporter Budget for FY 1979-80 projects an 11% increase over the current year. or a total of $57,500. noting that the budget for the current year is estimated to be approximately $52,000. He said that the County does not control these costs. noting that as a general rule the type of contract and fees are set and paid on a standard fee basis, Mr. Hall noted that the increase is in line with all other increases in the court-related areas. It was the consensus of opinion that the budget for the Court Reporter for FY 1979-80 be given tentati~e approval. '" '" * * * * * * * * * * * * * * '" The meeting was adjourned by orcler of the Chair - Time: 11:45 A.M.