BCC Minutes 08/01/1979 B Naples. Florida. August 1. 1979 LET IT BE REMEMBERED. that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier. and aiso acting as the Governing Board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein. met on this date at 9:10 A.M. in Budget Review Workshop Session in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex with the follow- ing members present: CHAIRMAN: David C. Brown (9:50 A.M.) VICE-CHAI~~N: Clifford Wenzel John A. Pistor C.R. "Russ" Wimer Thomas P. Archer ALSO PRESENT: Harold L. Hall. Fiscal Officer/Chief Deputy Clerk; C. William Norman. County Manager; Robert Best. Budget Analyst. and Jean Swindle. Deputy Clerk. AGENDA BOARD OF COllNTY COMMISSIO~IERS BUDGET REVIEW '~RKSHOP WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1979 Parks & Recreation .l\dministration Ground Maintenance Recreation Programs Section n Pg. 87-1 87-2 87-3 Section 17 89-1 89-2 Section 17 86-1 86-2 86-3 86-4 86-5 ,>>6-6 Section f/2 35-1 Section '2 30-1 Museum General Operations Gift Shop t.ibrary Main Branch , Administration OUtreach Golden Gate Immokalee Marco Island North County Building Department Parole and Probation eCOK 047 PACE 578 BOCK 047 PACE 579 August 1. 1979 Isles of Capri Fire oist. (Mr. George Freije) Section 112 28-;:1 Ochopee Fire Control (Vince Doerr) 28-4 Fire Control DiBt. '1 28-1 Henderson Creek Fire Control District 28-5 Marco Fire Control HSTD 28-6 Goodland Fire Control MSTD 28-7 Board of County Commissioner. section 111 01 Prepared by V. Magri 7/31/79 PARKS AND RECREATION (87-1; 87-2 AND 87-3) FOR FY 1979-80 REVIEWED - TENTATIVELY APPROVED County Manager Norman presented the proposed budget for the Parks and Recreati Department which included Administration; Ground Maintenance and Recreation Progran and indicated his recommendations for reduction as follows: 1. Deletion of two (2) requested park ground maintenance persons. 2. Reduction in the cost of park facilities improvement by approx- imately $15,800. 3. The Road and Bridge Department to take over the maintenance of Lake Trafford Cemetery - reducing the propc~~u figure by approximately $14.245. The balance of the presentation was turned over to Parks and Recreation Direct Rollie Rice with several areas of service being discussed - such as - Commissioner Wenzel's reminder that it had not been the Boardts intention to have a Recreation Department when the Parks Department was first formed. the cost of constructing and maintaining parking lots for those recreation facilities built by the County on School Board land including the suggestion that the School Board be approached agai about sharing the responsibility for same; the use of Capital Improvement Funds August 1. 1979 as it relates to the Immokalee Park; the Tigertafl Park and the Marco Island Par~ Commissioner Pistor's announcement of Deltona's offer of a 5 acre parcel. free ar clear, for use in the construction of a second park on Marco Island. the obvious need for parking lots at the schools of Seagate Elementary and Naples Park among others; and the acknowledgement by Mr. Rice that even though there are CETA personnel on the employment roll now. their contract ends in two or three weeks. Upon the request from Fiscal Officer Hall for the revised figure from the General Fund, County Manager Norman gave the following figures: Original request from General Fund Deductions as previously outlined Tentative Total $531,825 - 30.045 $501,780 Commissioner Wenzel indicated it was the consensus of the Board. that the revised proposed budget for the Parks and Recreation Department, be tentatively approved. MUS~UM aUDGET (89-1. 89-2) FOR FY 1979-80 REVIEWED - TENTATIVELY APPROVED Museum Curator Manion reported on the revenue from the newly organized gift shop of the museum. giving the figure of $100 monthly and stated the new book thao is being offered through the shop has proved to be an attractive item. It was thl consensus of the Board that the proposed budget for the Museum is essentially the same as last year's and as such. was tentatively approved in the amount of $35.D5( for the FY 1979-80. LIBRARY BUDGETS (86-1. 86-2, 86-3. 86-4. 86-5 AND 86-6) REVIEWED - TENTATIVELY APPROVED Library Director Dick Joder presented the proposed budget for all six librari under his jurisdiction and stated that the increase of approximately 9.3~ is nece~ if an equal level of operation is to be maintained. Some of the increases. he sai ~ . are beyond his control - i.e. fixed costs. utilties; salaries; but stated that the figures for the Plant. Collection and Staff have remained much the same. From the Capital Improvement Fund. there has been earmarked for the improvement of the Nort Collier area, approximately $272.000 while the operational budget includes an appr imate $75,785 for the purchase of materials - i.e. audio-visuals. periodicals. mic N!~( 047 ~'~r~Rn ~c~~ 04.7 rACE 58! August 1. 1979 forms and books (an increase from the $73.671 for the FY 1978-79) and even with this increase. there will not be enough monies to keep up with the inflation. Mr. Jodcr continued. that his requc~ts for n~w employees are as follows: Headquarters 1 Clerk and 1 CETA Page (This position to be converted to regular payro 11 ) Marco Island 1 half-time Page (Converted to regular payroll) Immokalee 1 Professional Librarian and explained that the additional personnel will result in better service and not require the closing of one or two of the libraries. as h~s happened in the past. due to the staffing being too thin. County Manager Norman recommended that a small station wagon be purchased for Building Maintenance and in turn be swapped with Mr. Joder for the step van that has been used by his department for the last year. It will answer a need both in the library Department and the Building Maintenance. he said. It was the consensus of the Board that the budget for the Library Department I tentatively approved in the amount of $458.724 which includes a reduction of $4.301 for the deletion of the half-time page for Marco Island library from the original budget figure of $463,024. BUILDING DEPARTMENT (35-1) REVIEWED - TENTATIVELY APPROVED AS AMENDED County Manager Norman, with the assistance of Building Director Dulaney. presented the proposed Building Department budget of $466.649, saying the figure is predicated on an anticipated increase in permit fees - that figure being approximately $800,000. During the discussion it was determined that many builder! are getting permits before the Federal Flood Program becomes effective in Septembel 1979 which will require that new structures be greatly elevated. Mr. Dulaney said the above-referenced building permits are good for six months and in order to be "grandfathered in" the builders must have paid for and picked up the permits by August 13. 1979. Also discussed was the possibility of a study which would indicate the amount af costs for each department involved in the building permit and inspection praces! August 1. 1979 i.e. health department. zoning department. etc. to show if the current permit fee schedule is sufficient. Mr. Dulaney stated that in the new proposed ordinanc regarding fees. it is being requested that the $18.00 per square foot of living area be increased to $20.00 per square foot and. even though this is not as high as the City of Naples' building fee of $24.00 per square foot. it is approximatel the same when the overall picture is considered. It was the consensus of the Board that the Building Department budget be tentatively approved in the amount of approximately $425.649 which reflects a deletion of two (2) inspector positions (approximately $41.000) from the original budget figure of $466.649. PAROLE AND PROBATION (30-1) REVIEWED - TENTATIVELY APPROVED It was the consensus of the Board that the proposed budget for the Parole and Probation Department. in the amount of $41.904. be tentatively approved. ISLES OF CAPRI FIRE DISTRICT (28-2} nEVIEWED - TENTATIV~LY APPROVED It was the consensus of the Board that the Isles of Capri Fire District budget. in the amount of $19.495. be tentatively approved. OCHOPEE FIRE CONTROL (28-4) REVIEWED - TENTATIVELY APPROVED Following discussion which covered the need for more monies in the Ochopee Fire Control District and a review of the possibility of the District receiving a larger portion of the Federal Revenue Sharing Funds together with a higher tax rate from the people of the areA as being the solution. it was the consensus of the Board that the Ochopee Fire Control Budget. in the amount of $89.835. be tentatively approved. FIRE CONTROL DISTRICT II (28-1) REVIEWED - TENTATIVELY APPROVED It was the consensus of the Board that the budget for Fire Co~trcil District II. in the amount of $53.703. be tentatively approved. HENDERSON CREEK FIRE CONTROL DISTRICT (28-5) REVIEWED - TENTATIVELY APPROVED It was the consensus of the Board that the budget for Henderson Creek Fire Control District. in the amount of $1.568. be tentatively approved. eODK 047 PAGE582 ~cc~ 047 PACE 583 August 1. 1979 MARCO FIRE CJNTROL MSTD (28-6) RE"IEWED - TENTATIVELY APPROVED It was the consensus of the Board that the budget for the Marco Fire Control 11STD be tentatively approved as submitted. GOODlAND FIRE CONTROL MSTD (28-7) REVIEWED - TENTATIVELY APPROVED It was the consensus of the Board that the budget for the Goodland Fire Control MS!D....in the amount of $4.212. be tentatively approved. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BUDGET (01) REVIEWED - TENTATIVELY APPROVED Commissioner Archer complimented all involved for a "splendid job" done on the proposed budgets for the FY 1979-80 and Fiscal Officer Hall stated that this Board of County Commissioners has held the cost of opei'ation to a minimum figure. Mr. Hall said that the elected official salaries will remain much the same with the only great increase occuring in the Supervisor of Elections' office due to the increase of duties. Following discussion, it was the consensus of the Board that the budget for the Board of County Commission~rs. in the amount of $120.000. be tentatively approved. * * * * * ." ." ." * * ." ." ." ." ." ." * The meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair - Time: 11:00 A.M.