BCC Minutes 07/27/1979 B ~aple., Plorida, July 27, 1979 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and a180 acting a8 the Governing Board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:10 A.I in Budget Review Workshop Session in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex with the following members present! CHAIRMAN! David C. Brown VICE-CHAIRMAN! Clifford Wenzel John A. Pistor C. R. "Russ" Wimer ABSENT: Thomas P. Archer ALSO PRES~NT: Harold L. Hall, Fiscal Officer/Chief Deputy Clerk; C. William Norman, County Manager; Robert Best, Budget Analyst; and Edna Brenneman, Deputy Clerk. AGENDA CET1\ Administration Section '5 - 69-1 Services & Training Participants 69-2 Wages & Fringes 69-3 STOCKADE - Immokalee Section '2 - 31-1 PERSONNEL Section tl - 15-1 AGRICULTURE Agriculture Section '3 - 56-1 Home Economics 56-2 Lethal Yellowing 56-3 STATE ATTORNEY Section U - 24-1 COUNTY MANAGER Section tl - 03-1 03-2 PROPERTY APPRAISER Section 11- 16-1 TAX COLLECTOR Section U 17-1 COUNTY ATTORNEY Section U 04-1 eeOK 047 PAGE566 ~OOK 047 Pl,GE 507 July 27, 1979 CETA BUDGETS (69-1, 69-2, 63-~) FOR FY 1979-80 REVIEWED - TENTATIVELY APPROVED County Manager Norman explained that the CETA budgets are being presented in three divisions - Administration, Services and Training _ Participants, and Wages and Fringes, detailing briefly the items budgeted under each division. He said that no County tax funds have been prog~a~ed into the budgets. Mrs. Beverly Kueter, Fiscal Supervisor for CETA, substituted for the CETA Diractor who was unable to be present, and provided the Board with an estimated summary of the CETA funds anticipated for the new fiscal year and described briefly some of the projects and programs presently in operation and the plans for the future activi- ties, if continued funding is received. Mr. Norman pointed out that the main changes occuring in the CETA Program are more emphasis being placed on training programs and a shift away fr~m the public sector to the private sector. Commissioner Pistor expressed his approval of the new programs, not only to bring more money into the economy, but to train individuals for specific jobs to enable them to obtain permanent positions in the private sector. Fiscal Officer Hall concurred with the Commissioner and commented that the program in Collier County, even though there were some "ills" experienced, has done better than many of the other coun ties. The following CETA budgets for FY 1979-80 were given tentative approval by the Board: CETA - Administration 69-1 - Services & Training - Participants 69-2 - Wages & Fringes 69-3 STATE ATTORNEY BUDGET (24-1) FOR FY 1979-80 REVIEWED - TENTATIVELY APPROVED FOLLOWING DELETION OF COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT REQUEST Fiscal Officer Hall presented the proposed budget for the State Attorney's office for Fiscal Year 1979-80 due to the inability of July 27, 1979 the State Attorney to be present. Mr. Hall noted the line item for communications is increase' considerably and said that he will work with the State Attorney in an effort to have it decreased. He con- tinued by stating that the Board is, by Statute, to supply space and utilities and that, because the Board was supplying transporta- tion prior to the revised legislation, this can be continued. The matter of the capital outlay for communications equipment was dis- cussed, with Mr. Hall recommending that this item be deleted. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and unanimously carried 4/0 with Commissioner Archer not present, that the FY 1979-80 Budget for the State Attorney (24-l) be tentatively approved following deletion of the Communications Equipment in the amount of $2,200. As pointed out earlier in the Session by Mr. Hall, it was the consensus of the Board th"lt the subject budget could be !'urt:ler reviewed if it was the desire of the State Attorney's office. COUNTY STOCKADE (IMMOKALEE) BUDGET (31-l) FOR FY 1979-80 REVIEWED _ TENTATIVELY APPROVED It was pointed out by County Manager Norman that the budget for the County Stockade in Immokalee shows an increase of $1,263 in General Funds and an overall increase of 5\, mostly in Capital Improvements. When asked to comment on the budget, Fiscal Officer Hall stated that he has no suggestions to offer since it appeared that Warden James Lester and Mr. Norman have "done a good job" in the p:~~aration of the budget. Warden Lester explained that revenues for housing Haitians will be down for the next year due to the fact that a good 'many of the refugees are being "put on the streets" instead of being returnee Mr. Norman said that a decrease in this regard of 30\ has been projected which Warden Lester said "sounds about right". The Board gave tentative approval to the 1979-80 Budget for the County Stockade in Immokalee (31-1). 800~ 047 PAGE 568 eC~K 047 PA~E 569 July 27, 1979 PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT (lS-l) BUDGET F~R FY 1979-80 REVIEWED - TENTATIVEi APFROVED Personnel Director Anne Hora explained that the budget for the Personnel Department contains only one request and that is to retain the present CETA employee who is no longer eligible to remain on CETA employment. County Manager Norman concurred with Ms. Hora in that the position~is necessary and that it cannot be continued under CETA. Noting the increases in life and health insurance, Commissioner Pistor inquired about the reason for this. Ms. Hora explained that a flat rate is ~sed for every individual on the payroll, whether single or married, with the differences reflected at the end of the year. Other iterns in the subject budget noted and explained were the Xerox ~harges and the new lino item for Other Professional Fees. It was the consensus of the Board that the FY 1979-80 Budgp.t for the Personnel Department (15-1) be tentatively appr~ved. COMMENTS BY FISCAL OFFICER RE SUNCOM COMMUNICATIONS COSTS Fiscal Officer Hall explained that Communications Costs have been budgeted this year as they have been in the past; however, he said that under Suncom accountability has been lost in that it is not known by whom the telephone calls are being made. He said that such costs will re~in in the budgets for percentage comparisons but that, when all of the budgets have been approved, it is being proposed that all of these charges be "pulled out" of the depart- mental budgets and placed in General Government. Following that, said Mr. Hall, he would start an in-depth review, as much as is possible, to set up controls to monitor the telephone calls. He observed that when the Suncom system was installed he was assured that calls could be monitored, that there would be controls, and that a charge-out system was possible; however, he said that no method for this has evolved. He said that he would come back to July 27, 1979 the Board with a recommendation that the costa be put into one central cost and that a regular internal audit system be set up to follow through on the numbers called in order to determine by whom the calls were made and whether or not they were made for County business. AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT BUDGETS (AGRICULTURE 56-l, HOME ECONOMICS 56-2, LETHAL YELLOWING 56-3) FOR FY 1979-80 REVIEWED - TENTATIVELY APPROVED, ACCEPTING PROPOSED OPTION RE LETHAL YELLOWING PROGRAM The first of the three Agriculture Department budgets for FY 1979-80 to be discussed was the Lethal Yellowing Program budget with Agent Don Lander reporting on the financial status of the Program from its implementation to the present time. He said that through the current year the Program will have paid for itself but that he is doubtful it will continue to do so. Mr. Lander expressed agreement with Commissioner Pistor that the Program has been successful and that Collier County has been used as an example to other counties as to its effectiveness. However, he continued, there are some problems being encountered such as apathy on the part of some property owners, outstanding fees uncollected, increases in costs for equipment, and the like. Mr. Lander presented the following proposals for the Board to consider regarding the matter: 1. Turn the Program over to the City of Naples for the inoculation of the palm trees on City propertiesJ the County maintaining a supply of disposable syringes and tetracycline for sale at cost to individuals out- side the City limits who wish ~~ ~rotect there own trees; 2. Carryon the Program as it presently exists, but with added cost to the taxpayers; or, 3. Turn everything over to the City with the County maintaining a skeleton crew to do the work outside the City limits. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and unanimously carried 4/0 with Commissioner Archer not present, that the first proposal, as listed above, be accepted. Brief discussion followed concerning how the action taken would na~ __~ BOOK 047 PAGE57f July 27, 1979 affect the tudget for Leth&l Yellowing, with County Manager Norman explaining that the budget savings would be approximately $48,500, the amount projected would be lost by continuing the present Program. Mr. Lander expressed agreement with Mr. Hall's statement that there will still be a Lethal Yellowing Budget but that it will show just the cost of materials with offsetting revenues in the same amount. Mr. Hall added that, hopefully, there will still be some revenues "trickling in" from some of the bills in arrears. Turning to the Home Economics division of the Agriculture Department Budgets, Mr. Lander said that it has been requested that the two positions in this department, former~y funded by CETA, be added to the regular payroll, with Mr. Ijall observing that of the 15\ increase in the overall budget, $14,500 is for those two posi- tions - otherwise, the budget is up only $500. Mr. Lander explained the work being performed under the Homemakers' Program and the need for the additional personnel. The suggestion was made that a compromise be considered with only one of the two positions being approved. The discussion turned to the Agriculture Department Budget for Agriculture activities during which the 4-H Program was reviewed. Mr. Lander requested an additional employee be added to the payroll to replace CETA employees, one of whom has already been "lost" due to expiration of eligibility, and the other one being affected in the Spring. The matter of obtaining additional CETA persons was addressed, possibly using a different job title, with Mr. Norman explaining why this was not possible. Mr. Lander brought the Board up to date on the progress being made toward hiring a replacement for Agent Dallas Townsend, stating that when a selection has been made he will be presented to the Board. The following budget requests for FY 1979-80 were tentatively approved, subject to further review of additional personnel: Agriculture 56-1 Agriculture-Home Economics 56-2 Agriculture-Lethal Yellowing 56-3 (as amended) July 27, 1979 * * * * RECESS: 10:20 A.M. until 10:30 A.M. . . . * * * . * * * COUNTY MANAGER BUDGETS (03-1 AND 03-2) FOR FY 1979-80 REVIEWED _ TENTATIVELY APPROVED County Manager C. William Norman explained that the 7\ increas in his departmental budget is due to Xerox and Word-Processing char, lie outlined the work being done for his Department by the Word- Processing Department which he said comprises $9,000 of the project increas, the balance of $400.00 plus increase in the 8ubject budget being due to better accounting of the Xerox copies being made. Discussion followed concerning the number of agendas being printed and, also, the size of the wee}:ly a~endas. Mr. Norman explained that the distribution policy under which he is operating \ Bet by the Board with copies being distributed to the press, tele- vision stations, and various civic association people. He said tha' therb are three individuals who have paid an annual fee for being provided copies. Concerning the size of the agendas, Mr. Norman said that deferred matters appear in subsequent agendas in order to avoid confusion and in the interests of saving time in their preparation. It was Commissioner Wenzel's suggestion that, in order that the budget increases be kept at 5\ overall, the Xerox charges which can be attributed to the Board be "switched" to the Board's budget, with Fiscal Officer Hall noting that a separate auditron could be obtained for use in accounting for same and that it could be handled as a separate item. The budgets for the County Manager's Department (03:1 ~nd 03-2) were given tentative approval as submitted. PROPERTY APPRAISER BUDGET (l6-1) FOR FY 1979-80 REVIEWED - TENTATIVE APPROVED Fiscal Officer lIarold lIa11 explained briefly the procedure by which the Property Appraiser's Budget is prepared and submitted to the Department of Revenue, with a copy to the Board, with any commen ~OCK 047 PACE 573 July 27, 1979 or suggestions made prior to August 15, 1979. Property Appraiser Sam Colding is of the opinion that there is a good chance that most of his budget will be approved as submitted, said Mr. Hall. He pointed out the comparisons, percentage-wise, over the previous years, noting that the budget is low when contrasted with those of comparable size counties. He said that if the Board so desires, Mr. Colding could present further explanations, or the Board could wait until it is learned whether or not the Department of Revenue approves the budget, following which it could be further reviewed. It was the consensus of the Board that the Property Appraiser's Budget (16-1) for FY 1979-80 be tentatively approved at this time. TAX COLLECTOR BUDGET (17-1) FOR FY 1979-80 REVIEWED - TENTATIVELY APPROVED Fiscal Officer Harold Hall explained that the Tax Collector's Budget is submitted to the State for approval independent of the 3% fee of all taxes collected npon which his office is operated. He said that at the end of his fiscal year any unused portion of thet J% is returned by the Tax Collector and that in prior years he has returned a very high amount for a County the size of Collier; however the return probably will not be as high this year, as last year, due to his budget increases. Mr. Hall pointed out that changes have been made in the Statutes pertaining to the County Commissions paying an additional portion of the Tax Collector's and Property Appraiser's fees, and said that there will be a big change the next fiscal year when the additional Homestead Exemption goes into effect at which time additional funds will have to be budgeted to pay for the additional costs to the Tax Collector. The Tax Collector's Budget (l7-l) was given tentative approval. COUNTY ATTORNEY BUDGET (04-1) FOR FY 1979-80 REVIEWED - TENTATIVELY APPROVED Fiscal Officer Harold Hall reviewed briefly the FY 1979-80 Budget for the County Attorney's office due to the inability of the County Attorney to be present. He noted that the budget request is up 6\, or approximately $6,800. Of that increase, said Mr. Hall, July 27, 1979 the largest increase is in Personal Services because of the part- time help he has been using and wishes to continue. There were no further comment. forthcominq from the Board and the budget for the County Attorney (04-1) was given tentative approval. * * * * * * * The meeting was adjourned at 11100 A.M. by order of the Chair. BOOK 047 PAGE 574