BCC Minutes 07/25/1979 B ~OCK 047 PACE 553 Naples, Florida, July 25. 1979 lET IT BE REMEMBERED. that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Governing Board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:15 A.M. in Budget Review Workshop Session in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: David C. Brown VICE-CHAIRMAN: Clifford Wenzel John A. Pistor Thomas P. Archer ABSENT: C.R. "Russ" Wimer ALSO PRESENT: Harold L. Hall. Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer; Edna Brenneman, Deputy Clerk; Edna Santa, Supervisor of Elections; Clifford Barksdale, County Engineer; C. William Norman, County Manager; Robert Best, Budgp.t Analyst, and George Archibald, Engineering Department. ~ llOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BUDGET REVIEW MORXSHOP ; WEDNESDAY JULY 2.5, 1979 II. 9:30 A.H. Supervisor of Elections County Enqineerinq/Public Works Division SOlid W.ste Control 55-1 Pp,. 10-1., 1~-.'3, 1 9:00 A.M. solid wute Administration .';5-3 Solid Waste Transfer Stations 55-4 Napl.. Marco Carnestown Solid Waste Transport 55-8 Solid waste Landfill 55-9 Naples ImInokale. Aquatic Weed Control 59-1 Div. of Public ~rks - Administration60_1 eOCK 04.7 PACE 555 July 25. 1979 REPORT ON COM~ARISON OF AD VALOR(M 7AXES - COUNTY.WIDE FUNDS RE 1978-79 BUDGET AND TENTATIVE 1979-00 BY FISCAL OFFICER r1scal Officer Harold Hall referred to the report dated June 24, 1979 entitled Comparison of Ad Valorem Taxes, County-Wide Funds. Budgeted 1978-79 and Tentative 1979-80, as prepared by him which he said summarizes the changes in the County-wide funds between the two years. He pointed out that the budget requests for the new fiscal year are a little over $5,000,000 above the approved budget for the previous year - an increase of 26.1%, touching briefly on some of the reasons for the increas He reported that the tentative budget requests would necessitate ad valorem taxes of $12,699,773, or 15.3% over last year; however, if the same millage rate from last year were aopl1ed, the receipts from ad valorem taxes would be $11,818,039, or approximately 8.2S above last year. He pointed out that by State Statute there is a 5% increase limit placed on certain funds - i.e. all so-called County-wide funds. Therefore, continued Mr. Hall, to maintain the current millage 8.2% would have to b~ taken off the budget requests and. if 5% is &dd~d to the millage rate, approximately $290,000 would need to be removed from the budget. Concluding, Mr. Hall said that it is his recommendation that the Board go through all of the budget reviews, making tentative cuts where possible, reserving final approval of the proposed budget until all of the budgets have been reviewed one time, at which time a final decision can be made as to where to make cuts. A further matter brought to the Board's attention by Mr. Hall was the matter of the funds advanced to certain water-sewer districts that the Board serves as the ex-officio Govern1ng Board. He said that at some point in the budgeting process, the Board will need to address this matter to determine what the Board, as the Board of County Commissioners, want to do as far as the collection of these advances. REVIEW OF FY 1979-80 BUDGETS FOR SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS (18-01 AND 18-02) - TENTATIVELY APPROVED Supervisor of Elections Edna Santa presented the budget requests for her department providing brief explanations for certain items included therein. Fiscal Officer Harold Hall noted the reaons why there is a sharp increase in the line items for Social Security MatChing, Retirement Contributions, Insurance and Workmens July 25. 1979 Compensation, which he said is due. in part, to under-budgeting for the current year for the first two items. and increases in cost for the latter two. Mrs. Santa substantiated the need for additional part-time personnel and for a full-time employee which she said will be necessary because of the number of elections and referendums contemplated for the Fiscal Year 1979-80. citing this as the reason for the line items for Other Contractual Services and for Printing and Reproduction which covers the printing of ballots and cards for the elections It was the consensus of the Board that when some budgets, such as the one under discussion. are requesting a 54% increase. other departments will have to be cut in order to stay within the 5% limitation previously mentioned by Mr. Hall r.r. Hall sai~ that this is one of the reasons he suggp.sted that all budget reques be reviewed as quickly as possible in order for the Board to determine the formula or the approach to take on what cuts to make and how such cuts can be made. Concerning the subject budgets, he said that the figures appear to be .'eason..lble. lie also pointed out that there will be II shortage in the current budget for this department because of und~r-bu~7eting for the year and that a budget amendment will have to be prepared transferri~9 the shortage from the Contingency Fund. The following departmental budget requests were given tentative approval, as submitted: 18-01 Supervisor of Elections - Administration 18-02 Supervisor of Elections - Elections REVIEW OF BUDGET REQUESTS FOR FY 1979-80 - COUNTY ENGINEERING/PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION (DEPARTMENTS 34. 55, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 66 AND 67) TENTATIVELY APPROVED, AS AMENDED Prior to the presentation of the actual budget requests for the Public Works Division of the Engineering Department, County Manager Norman explained the compo ... . which make up the Public Works Division and which represents a physical separatio for budgeting purposes of the administrative arm of the public works operation fr the Engineering Department which, he said, is a more accurate reflection of the t organization. He said that he has reviewed the combination of the new sectioll an the Engineering Department with what existed the previous year and that there is nothing in the way of new expenditures in this new budget. ~cc~ 04 7 ~,~c.- fi~R eoCK 04 7 PA~E 557 July 25, 1979 County Engineer Barksdale stated that the overall differences, adding the new division (60-1) and Engineering (67-1) after the split was made, shows a $26,000 increase, or a net increase over the previous year of 6%. During the discussion of the various departmental budgets comprising the overall Engineering Department budgets. such items as the inconsistencies in percentage~ with regard to salary-related matters. contingency reserve for salary increases, new proposed programs and personnel for the Department, revenu and recovery of costs for various departmental activities, the need for updating County maps, and the like were discussed at length. No changes in the subject departmental budgets (60 through 67) were made at this time. The requested budgets for the Solid Waste Control Department of the Public Works Division were reviwed and deliberated upon. The matter of issuance of permits for use of the landfill sites and the pOSSibility of Charging a fee for such use was discussed. along with other matters such es the filling of the vacal position of Administrator and PI'oposed salary range; creation of a new position; turnover of departmental personnel; relocation of transfer stations; purchase of equipment, and the like. There were no proposed changes in the budget requests made at this time. Responding to Commissioner Wenzel, Mr. Barksdale explained the success of tl Aquatic Weed Program and the necessity for it. He said that there can be no cut~ made in the Program without jeopardizing the operation. No proposed changes were made. During the general discussion of the overall budgets for the new Fiscal Year Commissioner Pistor observed that, after reViewing each item in each budget, the staff has given the Board such tremendous detail that it is practically imposs1bl to suggest changes which would not affect service to the public. The matter of continuing the present program regarding motor vehicle inspections was addressed the Commissioner with Mr. Barksdale reporting that the operation as a source of revenue is on the plus side and will probably pay for some of the new costs anticipated for the new proposed bUilding. July 25. 1979 The r,ssibility of discontinuing the Lethal Yellowing Program was also brought up for discussion wherein it was suggested that the charge for treatment be increased. or a method found for collecting the fees to make the Program self-supporting. The District Road Maintenance Budgets were considered with Mr. Barksdale advising that one of the reasons for the large increase in Commission District 2 is to overlay four miles in Naples Park which were destroled after the installation of the sewer lines thus leaving a dangerous condition. He said that the total for all five Districts is $277.000. divided and budgeted accordin to need within each District. Regarding the budget request for GAC improvements (61-13) Mr. Barksdale explained the Agreement with GAC wherein certain funds were placed in escrow for specific purposes and that the $70.000 budgeted represents the interest on those funds. Regarding the MST and lighting Districts, Mr. Hall stated that those are completely self-supporting districts which do not impact the ad valorem taxes and commented that Mr. Barksdale has done a good job in ascertaining that all the costs have been included in the various Districts. In summary. Commissioner Wenzel stated that he would like to hold the line on the millage and, if it means cutting each department's budget a little, he suggested that it be done, taking the approach that they will have "X" number of dollars to spend in their departments and that they try to "live with it". Brief discussion followed with Mr. Barksdale proposing a method whereby the Road and Bridop ~und could be reduced to a point where there would be no increas, in ad valorem taxes in this area by taking a closer look at what is programmed. said that deletions could be made in the District Road funds, for.example, by transferring them to the MSTD's which could be done without increasing the milla' rate for those districts. He said that he would provide the Board with definite figures on the proposal when the budget is further reviewed. BC~.( 047 Plicf558 BC~K 04.7 PACE 559 July 25. 1979 It was the consensus of the Boa~ that the following budget requests be given tentative approval subject to further review: County Engineering/Public Works Division 34-1 MVI - Naples & Immokalee 55-1 Solid Waste Control - Admin. 55-2 Solid Waste Transfer Stations 55-3 Solid Waste Transport 55-4 Solid Waste landfill ~ 59-1 Aquatic Weed Control 60-1 Div. of Public Works - Admin. 61-1 Transportation - Road & Bridge Section 61-2 Transportation - Road Maintenance Materials 61-3 Transportation - Traffic Operations 61-4 Transportation - R & B Secondary Road Section 61-5 Transportation - Road Constr. - ST Bonos 1978 61-6 Transportation - GAC Improvements 62-1 MST Districts - Road Const. District 1 62-2 MST Districts - Road Canst. District 2 62-3 MST Districts - Road Const. District 3 62-4 MST Districts - Road Const. District 4 62-5 MST Districts - Road Const. District 5 63-1 Westlake Beautification MST Dist. 63-2 Port-Au-Prince Eng. MSTU 63-3 Victoria Park Dr~inage MST Dist. 64-1 Collier County Street lighting Oist. 64-2 Marco Island Lighting Dist. 64-3 Immokalee Lighting Dist. 64-4 Pelican Bay I & II Lighting Dist. 64-5 Palm River Unit 7 Lighting Dist. 64-6 lakewood Unit 5 lighting Dist. 64-7 Kings Lake Unit 1 Lighting Dist. 64-8 Pine Woods Subdiv. lighting Dist. 64-9 Imperial Golf Estates lighting Dist. 66-1 Special Assess. Road Const. 67-1 Engineering DISCUSSION OF MATTER PERTAINING TO COUNTY LIGHTING DISTRICT (LELY PORTION) Fiscal Officer Harold Hall explained that last year when Marco was removed from the County lighting District it was necessary to borrow $10,000 to complete the year because of th~.:., end, also, due to increased costs. This, said Mr. Hall, "shot up the millage rate. however, it was reported that the millage rate would come back down to where it ought to be this year. Another incident has come up, said Mr. Hall, wherein lely turned over to the County a part of their lighting with the bills for same supposed to come to the County. Due to a misunderstanding. he continued, the bills did not come to the County so Lely kept paying them while at the same time the County collected the taxes and the County now finds itself in a position where these expended funds must be paid back to Lely. July 25. 1979 County Engineer Clifford Barksdale recalled that when the street lighting district was created in October 1974. according to the records, a decision was made not to install lights since there were no houses built as yet. The lights were later put in, he said. but the bills kept going to lely and a research of the records shows that the County did collect the taxes on that one unit in Lel: lely is now asking for a refund. said Mr. Barksdale. Mr. Hall said that the amount due is approximately $12,000 and is budgeted in the appropriate street lighting budget. He said for this reason the ad valol tax rate will have to remain where it was last year. He said that the matter has been checked with the County Attorney and the funds should be paid. Mr. Hal explained to the Board that when the pertinent bvdget is adopted, the matter wil be taken care of, noting that it was brought to the Board's attention so that t~ Board will be aware of whY the millage rate in the District has not been reduced * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * RECESS: 12:10 P.M. until 2:00 P.M. at which time Oeputy Clerk Brenneman was replaced by Deputy Cler~ Pantano. Commissioner Wimer was absent from the afternoon Session. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * FIRE HYDRANT ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS (#28) - TENTATIVELY APPROVED AS PRESENTED County Engineer Clifford Barksdale explained that the proposed budget consists of payment of debts for loans for the installation of fire hydrants. County Manager Nonman noted the fact that each district is listed as a separate item within the budget. The Fiscal Officer stated that it may be necessary to borrow funds to pay back a part of a loan previously incurred. The Board gave its tentative approval of the budget as presented. IMMOKAlEE CEMETERY (174) The County Manager pointed out the proposed budget for the cemetery is slightly under $30.000, most of which is incurred for maintenance expenses. Commissioner Wenzel suggested that rather than the County maintaining the cemetery, the hiring of one person to do the job would be less expensive. Mr. Norman replied that a study is presently being conducted to find alternate ways of managing the cemetery, possible by turning over the management to local organizations in Immokalee. eOCK 047 PAce 661 July 25, 1979 ~OlDEN GATE FIRE CONTROL DISTr.ICT~ County Manager NOnm8n explained that the proposed budgeted amount of $09,457 incorporates the loss of two firefighters as three CETA positions had expired and one new position has been created. He explained that the District is requesting a "mini pumper" in the amount of $9,000 in order to provide more effective service. The F1sc;1 Officer briefly discussed Fire District No. l's tentative budget. DEBT SERVICE (192) Fiscal Officer Harold Hall explained that Debt Service 201 Fund relates to the General Obligations issues for 1961. 1964 ana 1966, the $$ million issue being paid through ad valorem tax levies. Fund 202 relates to the Race Track Revenue of 1973; Fund 203 is for the Golden Gate Community Center, 1976; Fund 204 pledges the guaranteed entitlement portion of the State Revenue Sharing. He provided a brief summary of the impact of these funds on the Road & Bridge fund and the total Debt Service affecting the County-wide millage 15 $934,836. Discussing the problems connected with the maintenance of the Immokalee cemetery again, the C~air directed the staff to review this matter with the undertaker for solutions to the problems. FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING (193) Mr. Hall briefly discussed the Federal Revenue Sharing Funds and stated that they must be applied to projects that are of County-wide benefit, for instance, the Road & Bridge fund which would alleviate some of the taxpayer's expense for those projects. The Board concurred that the FRS funds be tentatively approved for the Road & Bridge budget subject to a public hearing on the matter at the time the entire budget is approved. . '" '" '" '" .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. '" '" '" Commissioner Pistor commented that in order to keep the millage rate the same as last year, it may be necessary to cut down on services and/or programs within the County, and responding to a suggestion made earlier in the day, he July 25~ 1979 stated that he is opposed to cutting out the Lethal Yellowing Program. The County Manager suggested the County and the City coordinate efforts in the continuation of this program. Commissioner Archer mentioned the fact that Mr. landers had informed him of a shortage in the chemicals used to innoculate the trees. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The County Manager briefly discussed the Capital budget relating to the Capital Improvement Program for the first year. He suggested the Commissioners consider awarding bids for two-years worth of program~, if possible, at the current prices as there is $358,000 earmarked for bikeways for this year. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting wal> adjourned at 3:05 P.M. by order of the Chair. DeCK 047 fAGE562