BCC Minutes 07/17/1979 R Naples.. Florida, July 17, 1979 lET IT BE REMEHBERED, that the Board of County Cmissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Governing Board(s) of , such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in Regular Session in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex with the following members present: CHAIRr~N: David C. Brown . John A. Pfstor C.R. "Russ" Wimer Thomas P. Archer ABSENT: Clifford Wenzel, Vice Cha ALSO PRESENT: William J. Reagan, Clerk; Harold l. Hall. Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer; Debbie Pantano, Deputy Clerk; Donald Pickworth, County Attorney; C. William Nonnan, County Manager; Irvfng Berzon, Utflity Director; Dr. Neno Spagna, Community Development Ad~infstrator; Carl Clemmer, Zoning Director; Clifford Barksdale, County Engineer; Mary Morgan, Administrative Aide to the Board; and Deputy Chief Raymond Barnett. Sheriff's Department. ~ BOARD OF COUNTY COr-rllI SS lONERS FINAL AGENDA July 17, 1979 NOTlCE: ALL PERSONS SPEAKING O~: ANY AGENDA ITEM MUST REGISTER PRIOR TO THE ITEM BEING HEARD. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THS BOARD ON SUBJECTS WHICH ARE NOT ON THIS AGENDA I'~ST BE SUBMITTED TO THE COUNTY MANAGER AT LEAST ONE WEEK PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THE l'IEETING AND WILL BE HEARD UNDER "PUBLIC PETITIONS" AT 11:00 A.f-l. 1. 2. INVOCATION 't.. , ?LEDGE OF ALLEGIANC~ .. .. . 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 5. PROCLAMATIONS AND PRESENTATlONS OF AWARDS e~~, 047 fA~r298 July 11. 1979 FINAL AGENDA APPROVED WITH ADDITIONS Per Commissioner Pistor's request. an item to be added under "Board of County Commissioner's Report" regarding a meeting with the Five Counties Builder's Association in reference to the Flood level Study in Collier County. Per Cormli ss i oner Archer's reques t I an i tern to be added under "Board of County Commissioner's Report" regarding a request for the Utility Director to truvel to Washington, D.C. Per the County Manager's request. under "County I~anager' s Report" a presentation of the Capital Improvements Program, and, also under "Clerk's Report" a discussion re the presentation of the budget. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously ~/O with Commissioner Wenzel absent, that the Final Agenda be approved with the above-mentioned additions. FIVE YEAR SERVICE AWARDS PRESENTED TO THE FOLLOWING COUNTY EMPLOYEES: C. SCOTT MACKEY; CLIFF BARKSDALE; MARILYN BABCOCKi GEORGE Me MINNi V. "BOB" PALMERi WALTER BERTUCCIi DON PICKWORTH. TWENTY YEAR SERVICE AWARD PRESENTED TO VAUGHN SINGLETARY Chairman Brown presented Five-Year Service Awards to the following County employees expressing his appreciation for their services on behalf of the Board: C. Scott 11ackey Cliff Bal'ksdale Had lyn Babcock George Mcr1i nn V. "Bob" Palmer Wa lter Bertucc i Don Pickworth Also. a Twenty-Year Set'vice A~lard \-/as presented to Vaughn Singletary. PETITION V-78-24-C, J. DUDLEY GOODLETTE REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF THREE ACRE REQUIRErlEfn FOR (GH) OVERLAY FOR LOTS 1-6, BLOCK G, UNIT 2, CONNOR'S VANDERBILT BEACH [STATES - PUBLIC HEARIrlG CONTINUED FOR ONE WEEK Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on July 1. 1979 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk. public hearing was opened to consider Petition V-78-24-C by J. Dudley Goodlette requesting waiver of the three acre requirement for the Group Housing zoning classification for lots 1-6. Block G, Unit 2, Connor's Vanderbilt Beach Estates. BOC~ 04 7 IW:F..B02 ~'P'I~ . "'J.'7 f'lr;" ~O ~".i1 U'rl l.",..tJW July 11, 1979 Mr. Carl Clemmer. Zoning Director. referred to a displayed map to point out the location of the property in question. He stated that there has been a change from the original petition in that Lots 5 and 6 have been sold by the owner reducing the total land area from 67,875 square feet to 44,250 square feeti further stating that granting of the variance would not be in harmony Ylith the general intent of the ordinance and that the staff recommends denial of this petition. Mr. Dick Aaron. partner wIth Mr. Goodlette, comented that possibly "GH" is not a proppr zonin~ classification for this project and re~uested the Ro~rrl not vote on the matter today in order to work out with the staff a proper approach to zonIng this property. After brief discussion, Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 4/0 with Comissioner Wenzel absent, that the public hearing be continued for one week. CR.EATlON OF SAN MARCQS BOULEVARD WATER ASSESSMENT DISTRICT - REJECTED legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on June 25, 1979 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider the creation of San Marcos Boulevard Water Assessment District. Utility Director Berzon commented that this matter had been brought before the Board in April, 1979 at which time it was determfned that the public hearing be continued in order to gain input from the affected property owners regarding their support or non-support of the project. He stated that the assessment has been revised to reflect the fact that the first 150' northward from Radio Road is part of a previous assessment district and referred to a displayed map to point this out to the COl1lllissioners. Mr. Berzon further stated that the revised assessment is $8.532 per front foot. COlT1lliss;oner Wimer submitted various petitions and letters from property owners in the area stating their opposition to the project. Mr. Willis Williams, resident of San Marcos Boulevard, submitted several petitions he had personally mailed to other residents of the area which both opposed and supported the project, the majority of which opposed the project. '. Juli .11. 1979 t,.", Mr. Williams stated. however, that in the letter he sent he stated that if the letter was not returned to him, it would be considered a vote in support of the project. Mr. ~I.W. Schryver, representing James W. Walsh, registered opposition to the project and noted that his client's property is that 150' previously mentioned by Mr. Berzon and that he will be discussing related problems with this property with Messrs. Berzon and Pickworth in the future. Mr. Robert Mills, resident of San Marcos Boulevard, stated his support of the project. In aswer to Commissioner Pistor, he said that Culligan Water would be an expensive source of sUJ1plying potable water. Mr. M.B. Morgan, Medura-Morgan, Inc., stated that ev~n though he had not returned Mr. Williams letter, he is opposed to the project. Ms. Joyce Ogden, resident of San Marcos Boulevard, stated she has never received a letter from Mr. Williams or from the Commissioners advising of the public hearing. She also stated her objection to the pr~je~t due to the expenses i nvo 1 ved. ~'r. Will i alns provi ded the li s t of names and property owners of properties fronting on San Marcos Boulevard and noted that Mrs. Ogden's name does not appear on the list. Ms. Lillian Salle, San Marcos resident. stated that she had tried to personally contact Mr. Williams to discuss the matter with him but was never able to reach him. She stated that even though she had not answered the letter, she is opposed to the project. There being no other persons registered to speak on the matter. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried lJnilnimoll<;ly 4/0 wit.h C:ommi<;<;ionpr \~p.n7.pl absent, that the Board not create the San Marcos Boulevard Water Assessment District. STATUS REPORT PROVIDED BY COUNTY ATTORNEY ON MEETING WITH FTC REGARDING THE REVISED CONSENT DECREE FOR GOLDEN GATE ESTATES County Attorney Pickworth stated that he had met with Mr. Albert Kramer. Director of the FTC Bureau of Consumer Protection in Washington. D.C. and outlined ~oc~ 047 ~f.~~ 304. . L.~"r, 047 ,;;~t 005 July 17, 1979 the Board's concerns to Mr. Kramer. Mr. Pickworth was told that these concerns would be considered and he would respond by the end of July whether or not the proceedings would be re-opened. Commissioner Archer commented that a Mr. Tangiers, who negotiated the original modified decree with GAC and is an employee of Mr, Kramer's has reconvnended to ',11'. Kramer tha t the proceed i ngs not be re-opened. t f tha t happens. Commissioner Archer continued. and Mr. Kramer accepts the recommendation of r~r. Tan(}iers the ROllrrl <;hould still continue in an effort to work with GAC exclusive of the FTC to secure the agreements that were taken out of the FTC's decree order. PETITION R-79-10-I, JOHN B. JUMP REQUEST FOR REZONING OF LOT 1, BLOCK 27, NEwr~RKET SUBDIVISION, IMMOKAlEE - ADVERTISING OF PUBLIC HEARING AUTHORIZED FOR AUGUST 23, 1979 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistol' and carried unanimously 4/0 \~1th Commissioner Wenzel absent. that Petition R-79-10-I by John B. Jump j'equesting rezoning of Lot 1, Block 27, Newmarket Subdivision, I~mokalee be authorized for advertising of public hearing for August 28. 1979. PETITION V-79-14-C, BAYCO OF COllIER COUNTY REQUESTING VARIANCE FOR TENNIS COURT CONSTRUCTION AT THE RIVERSIDE CLUB 5' FROM AN AllEY LOT LINE - AD- VERTISING OF PUBLIC HE_ARING AUTHORIZED FOR AUGUST 14. 1979 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and cal'ried unanimously 4/0 \~ith Commissioner Henzel absent, that Petitfon V-79-14-C by Bayco of Collier County. requesting variance for tennis court construction at the Riverside Club 5' from an alley lot line be authorized for advertising of public hearing for August 14, 1979. UPDATED CIvr~ DEFENSE BASIC EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PLAN - APPROVED Coun ty r.\anager l~urlJ\an exp 1 a i ned thil t the Ci vil Defense Department has slJbmitted updated Collier County Basic Emergency Operations Plan as required which hilS been approved by the State Division of Disaster Preparedness and reconmended that the Board approve same. Commissioner Archer moved. seconded by C0R1l11ssioner Wimer and carried unanimously 4/0 with Convnissioner Wenzel absent. that the Updated Civil Defense Basic Emergency Operations Plan be approved as submitted. ~cc~ ~7 PACESti July 11, 1979 RESOLUTION 79-103 RE PETITION SDP-79-1-C, DELTONA CORPORATION REQUESTING SITE AND DEVELOPNENT APPROVAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH TDR-71-1-c FOR USE OF FINAL TRANSFEI OF DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS ON PROPERTY KNOWN AS SOUTH SEAS - ADOPTED WITH STIPULATIOI Dr. Neno Spagna. Director of Community Development, roferred to a displayel map to point out the property in question and explained that Oeltona is request site plan approval for the utilization of 116.9 TDR's which will constitute Deltona's compliance with TOR-77-1-C and full utilization of the 353 TOR units and completion of the South Sells project, He further stated that the CAPC has rC!coOlnended approval of the project subject to the staff's stipulations a5 outlined in the Executive Summary. Commissioner \oIimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent, that Resolution 79-103 re Petition SDP-79-1-C by Deltona Corporation be adopted subject to thp. staff's stipulations. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * '* July 17, 1979 PETITION FP-79-7-C, WILSON, MIllER, BARTON, SOlL & PEEK REQUEST FOR FINAL PLAT APPROVAL OF KINGS lAKE, IJNIT 1 - APPROVED. cHAJRHAN AUTHORIZED TO LXECUTE AGREE~IENT FOR CONSTRUCT1(JN AND NAINTENANcE OF SUBDIVISION AND BOARD APPROVES lETTER OF CREDIT FOR $998,140, Dr, Neno Spagna, Community Devp.lopment Admin1~trator, referred to a displayed map to pOint out the subject property and stated that the Engineering Department has reviewed the con~truction plans, cost estimate and final plat and recommends acceptance by the Board. He also stated that the CAPC as I.tell as the Board had previously reviewed these plans and, further, that all street names are in complillnce vdth the County Subdivision RegulO,tions. Dr. Spagna stated the staff recolmlends approval of the petitfon. Commissioner Pistor moved, secon(jed by Comm1ssioner Archer and carried unanimously 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent, thae. Petition FP-79-7-C by Wilson, Miller, Barton, Soll & Peek requesting FinO,l P10,t Approval of Kings Lake, Unit 1 be approved and thO,t the Chairman be autholofzed to execute the Agreement for construction and maintenance of the subdivision and that the Board approve the Letter of Credit in the amount of $998,140 from ClydeSdale Bank limited, london, England. * * * * * * ,.. * ,.. ,.. ,.. * * ,.. * * * * * ecc~ 047 r\'\GE324- ~:c~ 047 rAc(S3S July 17. 1979 PETITION ~U-79-9-C, W.B. WIGGINS. JH. REQUEST FOR PU(l) OF "GRC" FOR A SHOPPING CENTER OVER 25,000 SQ. FT. ON PROPERTY lOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF PALM DRIVE AT THE ENTRANCE TO GLADES SUBDIVISION - CONTINUED FOR ONE WEEK Or. Neno Spagna, Community Development Administrator, stated this petition has been reviewed and recon~11ended for approval by all required County agencies subject to certain stipulations outlined in the E~ecutive Summary. Dr. Spagna further stated that the CAPC has also recommended approval of the petition subject to the staff's stipulations as well as the revised sketch as approved during theIr meeting concerning ingress and egress on U.S. 41. Ha commented that there "Ill I be two median strips on U.S. 41 "Ihich 1'1111 be utilized as entrance to the shopping center and that the proposed signalization plans will be timad so there will be no conflict of traffic. Mr. Robert Dunivan, Traffic Planner, explained in detafl the synchronization of the proposed traffic signals and referred to visual sketches outlining same 1:'1 thrc~ phases. Commissioner Pistor expressPd concern that there has been no provision for deceleration lanes at both entrances to the center. Conmissioner Wimer expressed concern on the effects the new signals would have on the traffic flow in the area and stated he would like the plans sent back for further study and consideration. Dr. Spagna stated he could discuss this matter with the Engineer of the project with regards to this aspect. ~h.. Charles Jenks, Wiggins Assoc., stated that the DOT has issued pennits for the proposed entrances based on their rccorrmendations as t.heir "in-house" engfneer mainly \'/orked on the plan for the traffic signalization. County Engineer Clifford Oarksdale suggested the Board approve the project subject to the staff's stipulations with an additional provfsion that an additional deceleration lane be installed. After brief discussion, Cmnniss10ner Archer moved, seconded by Comnissioner \.Iirr.er and carried unanimously 4/0 with Convnissioner ~Ienzel ilbsent, that this matter be deferred for one week in order that appropriate deceleratfon and acceleration lanes be provided and that the signals be coordinated with the impact of the shoppin cente.' as well as consideration as to the effect of the traffic flow on the area. July 17. 1979 DISCUSS 10'1 REGMDING REV ISE:> N~REEMENT BETHEEN COUNTY AND I NTERNATI ONAL SYSTEt1S, INC. RE GRANTS CONSULTING SERVICES - DEFERRED County r~ilnager Norman noted that the Board previously authc. Ized him to negotiate with ISI for a new Consultant Service Agreement and that he has met with the President of ISI and an agreement was reached based on the following modifications: 1. Paragraph (g) and (h) have been re-written to strengthen responsibilil of ISI to assist County staff in setting priorities and in following up on possible grant projects. 2. The requirement that the Coun~J notify ISI that the contract guarantee prnvi~inn~ hAVP not been met, to cause them to continue the progra~: wIthout cost until the payment has been earned, has been deleted from the agrcemen t. 3. The proposrd effective date of the Agreement has been changed from March 1 to August 1, 1979. r~l'. florman stated that the County Attorney has reviewed and approved this ^~}I'eemcnt and he recommends same!. Comnl1ssloncr Himer moved, seconded by COll1nfs::;iollel' Pistor, that the Board appl'ove the revised Agreement as per the staff reconrne:,dation. Upon call for U question. the motion died 2/2 ~Iith Commissioners Archei' and f3rown dissenting. COlnni~~ioner A"cher movC'd, seconded by Con'missioner Pistol' and carried unanimously 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent, that this matter be deferred until such time Commissioner Henzel is present to vote on the matter. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * RECESS: 10: 05 A.~1. until 10: 15 A.lt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DISCUSSION REGARDING PRESENTATION OF "CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM FOR COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA 1979-80" - BOARD TO REVWt PROGRAN AND TAKE ACTION ON THE MATTER 1i~~J \~E,~L____.___ County Manager Nonnan explained that the staff has put much effort into the prepal'iltiol1 of t/10 six yeaI' Cilpital Improvement Program and they ~/ere able to incorporate the first year portions of the programs into the proposed budget for FY 79-80. BCC~ 047 PA~E 334. ~C:K 047 PAGE33S July 17, 1979 Dr. Danny Crew. Planning Dcrartmont, prescnted the proposed CIP and explained it has been divided into two sections; the first portion deals with the suggested program for the coming fiscal year and the remaining of the proposal deals with the overallS-year plan based upon recommendations received from department heads and public input. He also noted that the proposal also provides for potential funding sources for the various projects. Or, Crew stated that the plan is not complete and suggested the Board review it and submit their recorTTTlendations. Per the County MJnJgcr'~ recommendation, the Board concurred that thp.y woulrl review the proposed program and bring back their recommendations and/or action on the matter next week to refer to the Collier County ~lanning Agency for their review and formal report and recommendation to the Board. APPEAL BY JIM WALTER HOMES TO WA1VE BUILDING PERMIT PENALTY - DENIED - STAFF RECOMMENDATION UPHELD Mr. Ray Dulaney, Building Director, explained that Jim ~alter Ho~es applied for a Building Permit in t~ay, 1979 ~/hich was ready for issuance on 11ay 15, 1979, He further explained that on June 12, 1979, construction was begun on the home the permit was issued for. however, the permit had never been pic ked up by the contractor nor was the fee paid. Mr. Dulaney further stated that according to Ordinance 77-37 the fee should be four times the normal permft fee, a total of $734.00. He also stated he has photographs showing that the construction had been started. ~lr. Tom Hires I Offi ce r-!anagel' of the Fort Myers branch of Jim ~Ia lters Homes, stated that there had been a management change right after the permit was applied for and there had been a misunderstanding concerning the permit. He stated his firm is appeal ing the decision of the Building Director to enforce the maximum penalty due to the mistake. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Chairman Brown, that the Board waive the fine and the contractors pay the normal permit fee ($183.50). Upon call for the question, the vote was 2/2 with Corrmissioners Archer & Pistor dissenting and Commissioner Wenzel absent. Ju1y 17. 1979 County Attorney Pickworth d~termined that the Commissioners must over-rule the Building Director's decision; therefore, since it was a deadlock vote. the Director's decision is upheld. CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE QUIT CLAm DEEDS TO RELEASE THE TWENTY FOOT WATER~~ EASEMENT ACROSS lOTS 1-6, BLOCK A. BAKER-CARROLL ~OINT, UNIT NO, 2 Per the County Engineer's recommendation, Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Conmissioner Archer and carried unanimously 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent, that the Chairman be authorized to execute the Quit Claim Deeds to release the twenty foot waterline easement across Lots 1-6, Block A. Raker-Carroll Point Unit No.2, * * * * '" * '" * '" * * .. * '" .. * * * * * '" * * * '" ~cc~ 047 mGt:336 ~cc~ 04:7 PAGEa45 July 17, 1979 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. EX-OFFICIO GOVERNORS OF TilE COUNTY WATER/SEWER DISTRICT ACCEPTS THE OWNERSHIP, MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION OF TilE NEW CONSTRUCTED 8" FORCE MAIN ALONG GULF SHORE DRIVE LOCATED WITHIN BAKER-CARROll POINT UNIT 2, BLOCK A, LOT 2 Per the Utility Director's recommendation, Commissioner Archer moved, secondel by Conrnissioncr Pistor and carried unanlmously 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel ab5ent, that the Board of County Conmissfoners, acting as Ex-Offlcio Governors of the County Water/Sewer District, accept and record ~.e Bl11 of Sale and Deed as well a: other pertinent documents, and authorize the Utility Division to assume ownership and respons i bi 11 ty of the 8" wa ter ma i n regardl ng Baker-Ca rro 11 Po i nt Un it 2, Gulf Shore Drive. 1t 1t 1t 1t 1t 1t '" 1t 1t * * '" '" * '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" * .. ^ Y1 ~. "'-t ~C'!) ~~~~ ~, J"~ ~ July 1~, 1979 CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AGREEMENT WITH SOUTH FLORIOA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT FOR ~~INTENANCE Or WATER CONTROL STRUCTURES Utility Director Serzon noted that all differences regarding the Agreement have been resolved and per his recommendation, Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commfssioner Pistor and cclrrfed unanimously 4/0 ~lfth Commissfoner ~/enzel absent that the Chairman be authorized to sign an Agreement with the South Florfda Water Mclnagement Dfstrict for the mclintenanCQ of water control structures. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * July 17. 1979 ROU]INE QI~LS - AUTHORIZED FuR r,W/.lENT Following Fiscal Officer Harold Hall' 5 statement that the bills being presented have been processed following established procedures and that funds arc available, Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously 4/0 with Commissioner Henzel absent, that the bills be 1'IpPt'oved for payment as witnessed by the fOllowing warrants issued from July 11. 1979 through July 17, 1979: FUND Road & Bridge #2 Federal Revenue Sharing Intra-Governmental Service County Warrants BCC Payroll BCC Payroll & CETA HARRArIT lIOS. 27 5 10 8871 - 9111 2099 - 2531 61387 - 61692 BUOGET AMENDMENT 79-108 TRANSFERRING FUND WITHIN PURCHASING DEPARTMENT BUDGET J..Q...l.URCIlASE G.ALCULA TQ.'L~ ADOe.,TED) N THE A:I,OUNT .QE.Ji2. Cllmmissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner ~limer and carried unanimously 4/0 ~l1tl1 Commissioner Henzel absent, that Budget Amendment 79-108 transferring funds within the Purchasing Department budget to purchase a calculator be adopted in the amount of $46.00. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 047 F~jf358 * * cC~, ... July 17. 1979 BUDGET AMENDMENT 79-109 INVOLVING TRANSFER OF FUNDS TO HEADQUARTERS, OUTREACH, MARCO ISLAND r~D NORTH COUNTY lI~RARIES FOR PURCHASE OF BOOKS, FUEL AND REPAIR AND MAtNTENANr.E OF VARIOUS EQUIPMENT AND BUILDINGS. ADOPTED III THE Af10UNT OF j)7 ,820 Conrnissioncr Archer moved, seconded by Conm1ss10ner Pistor and carried unanimollsiy 4/0 with Commissioner ~Ienzel absent, that Budget Amendment 79-109 transferring funds between department budgets to Headquarters, Outreach, '.larco Island and North County libraries for the purchase of books, fuel and repair and maintenance of various equipment and bu'lldings be adopted in the amount of $17,820. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. * .. .. .. .. .. .. .. * .. ~c~~ 047 "~~r SSO . July 11. 1979 COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT AUTHORIZED TO TRADE IN 20 OBSOLETE FILE CABINETS WITH THE PURCH/I~E OF NEW CMIIIETS Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner ArcheI' and carried unanimously 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent, that the lIealth Department be authorized to trade in 20 obsolete file cabinets with the purchase of new cabinets. FISCAL OFFICER PROVIDES STATUS REPORT ON RECEIPT OF BUDGETS FROM INDEPENDENT Il~~ONTROL DISTRICTS Fiscal Officer Harold Hall reported that all budgets from the independent fire control districts havc been received as well as the millage rate from Mosquito Control, He further stated that budget review schedules are being establishec. COIJNTY HAIIAGf:R PROVIDES REPORT REGARDItlG iHE PRESENTATION OF THE BUDGET FOR U.JJ79-80 Cou" ty r.1anilger Norman refCI'red to hi s r~l:lmol'andum to the Board which outl1 nl:ld the budgets unde)' the jurisdiction of his office which determines the total impact his depal'tlllcnts have on the total County budget. He explained that his review is divided into three exhibits: Ce~artment budgets covered in the General Fun~; major changes in the budget; and. those budgets not covered in the General Fund. Mr. Norman stated that he was able to reduce the total increasl of the budge~s from 17;~ to 9.6% of which 1:; is considercd inflationary and ~~% is due to the expiration of CETA programs, STATUS REPORT PROVIDED BY COMl'fUNITY DEVEL;JPlm:r Aor~rNISTRATOR rlEGARDING FLOOD lEVEL STUDY IN COllIER COUNTY - TO BE PLACED ON AGENDA FOR PUBLIC INPUT NEXT I-lEEK Comnissioner Plstor stated that he and Dr. Spagna had met with citizens of Marco island regarding their concern over the Flood Plain Maps for the County and \'/ilnting to kno\'I eXilctly the status of this matter. COIMlissioner Pistor also stilted tho citixens have requested to speak before the Board and provide their input and suggnstions. Or. Spagna provided an updated list of events that had occur~d during the past few years as to the progress regarding the Flood level Study in Collier Count ~',,~ ""7 "'r'~." '-\ot..... U't {"'.Jr.... ~ ~c~~ 047 ~;'.~E363 July 11, 1979 The ~ha1nnan detenn1ne~ tn~t the Ffve Countfes Builders Associatfon as well as the public would be welcome to speak before the Board at the ncxt meet1r for their suggcstions in the matter. UTIUTY DIRECTOR AUTHORIZED TO TRAVI::L TO ~lASHHIGTON, D.C. TO DISCUSS CERTMN 'p'A RULES MID ~l;.q.!)lAlI.QNS REGARDING HASTE~JATER TREATMENT J:.lANT FACILITIES Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 4/0 ~11 th COll1missioner ~Jenzel l'Ibsent, that the Utility Director be authorized to travel to Washington, D.C. on July 13 and 19, 1979 to discuss cert-,in EPA rulp.s ilnd regulAtion,> regArdfng Wllstewater Treatment Plant facil1tie BIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT FROM THE DER RE BIOLOGICAL SURVEY FOR THE EAST BAY DEVELOPt1ENT CORPORATION READ INTO THE RECORDj RESOlUrrON 79-104 RE SAHE ADOPTED REGARDING THAT PORTION OF THE APPLICATION DEALING loJtTH THE SEAI-JAll ONLY Following Dr. Harmic's reading of the Biological Assessment regal'ding the biological survey for the East Bay Development Corporatfon, Commissioner Himer moved. secon~ed by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 4/0 with Conmissioner Wenzel absent, that the portion 0' the application dealing only with the seawall be approved and Resolution 79-104 re same be adopted. * * * '* * * * * '* * '* '* '* '* '* '* * * '* . a":'~K n J7 ~"'''365 ~lw;"" ~ '".It July 11, 1979 BOARD ACCEPTS RESIGNATION OF ~fR. JOHN HATTOX FROM ISLE OF CAPRI FIRE OISTRICT ADVISORY CO~~ITTEE AND AUTHORIZES iHE PREPARATION AND SIGNING OF APPROPRIATE lETTERS AND CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATION Conmissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent, that the Board accept the resigniltion of ~lr. John Hattox from the Isle of Capri Fire Of strict Advisory COimllttee and that the Chairman be authorized to sign an appropriate letter and Certificate of Appreciation and that resumes be accepted for the position. Commissioner Archer requested that the recommendations for the individual to replace Mr. Hattox come from the Advisory Committee. TAX COllECTOR AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE DUPlICAT~ TAX SALE CERTIFICATE TO PHILLIP ELLIOlL PURCHASER OF CERrrrrCATE~. IN 1977 Commissioner Archer moved. seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 4/0 \~i th Commissioner Henzel absent, that the Tax Collector be authorized to issue a duplicate Tax Sale Certificate to Phillip Elliott, purchaser of Certificate 2696 in 1977, same having been lost. 'If 'If * * 'If * * * * * * * * '" * '" '" '" '" '" e~~~ 04.7 f.:~t!67 July 11. 1!)19 BOARD APPROVES GAIN TIME OF 15 DAYS TO INMATE WLW 179-3-3 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent, that the Board approve gain time of 15 days to Inmate HUt 679-3-3 as recorrrncnded by ~tarden lester. LAKE TRAFFORD ImtORlAl GARDENS CEMETERY DEED NOS. 193, 194 AND 195 - ACCEPTED FOR RECORDATION Pursuant to action of the Board January 10, 1978 wherein the Chairman was authorized to sign various deeds to Lake Trafford r~emorfal Gardens cemetery lots as the need at'iscs, the follo...ling Deed Nos. 193, 194 and 195 were recorded and filed for the record. ." ." ." ." ." ." * ." * * * * ." ." * * ." '" '" ." ." ." ." 12. Copy of letter received July 10, 1979 from Collier Custom Pools, Inc. t') David M. lleckler re boulders on his property - xc to County Engineer. and Parks & Recreation Director 7/10/79; and filed. 13. Notice of Proposed Rule from Department of Community Affairs, Rule 9C-2 Florida Financfal Assistance for Community Services _ xc Social Servfces Directorj and filed. 14. FDER Notice dated July 12, 1979 re publiC hearing on Variance and Amendment of State implementntion plan filed by Florida Power & Light Compnny to be held August 10, 1979 - Filed. 15. Copy of Hearing Notice from PSC to J, alan Taylor re application of Kelly Collier Land Clearing, Docket No. 780709-LCCT, to be held August 23, 1979 Courthouse Complex, Naples - Filed. 16. FDER Notices, as follows: (xc's Utility Director, and filed) A. Pernlit Number 0011-5952, Nazdar, Inc., re Naples Shopping Plaza, to operate pollution source. B. Permit Number 0011-6032, Rookery Bay Utiifty, [nc., to operate pollution source re Rookery Bay Utility, Inc. 17. Departmental Reports, as follows: (Filed) A. Social Services - June, 1979 B. Buildi n9 Department - June, 1979 (, /In ill1a 1 Control - June, 1979 D. HOlllcmakers SE'rviCl:! of Collier County - Various * * ~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * There being no further business fOI' the good of the County, the Chair directed t~e meeting be adjourned at 11:20 A.M. BOARD OF COUNTY CO~lMISSI0NERS/EX OFF 0 GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL D1S R S UNDER ITS CONTROL ATTEST: "llUAtI;J .n:^G^";;:: /~~~- ;l~." n~7 "., 0'7~ ,,~.j\." ~ ;'h~t..-J I J,