BCC Minutes 06/22/1979 S Hapl.., Florida, Jun. 22. 1979 LET I, BE REMEMBERED. that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier met in SPECIAL SESSIOH at the Courthouse. Haples. Florida at 8~30 A.M. on this date with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: David C. Brown John A. Pistor C.R. "Russ" Wimer Thomas P. Archer ABSENT: Clifford Wenzel. Vice Chairman ALSO PRESENT: William J. Reagan. Clerk; Harold L. H811. Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer; Edna Brenneman. Deputy Clerk; C. William Norman. County Manager; Donald A. PickHorth. County Attorney; Aubrey Rogers, Sheriff. William Walker. Jr.. Civil Defense Dfrector; and Deputy Chief Raymond Barnett. Sherfff's Department. There being no objection. it was indicated for the record by Chief Deputy Clerk Harold L. Ha1l that the members of the Board had waived wrftten notice ~nd accepted verbal notice of the emergency meetfng called for the purpose of adoptin! an emergency ordinance pertaining to the current fuel shortage. AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS JUNE 22, 1979 - 8130 A.M. Boardroom - -- Building "F" - - County Courthouse 1. INVOCATION 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. To consider an ordinance establishing rules and regulations for the sale of automotive fuel in the event of a declaration of a fuel emergency. 4. ..~~ consider a resolution declaring a fuel emergency. . . .., ~ . ~. . ,- . t ........., '. ur~, 047 1';.r.E193 ~cox 04 7 I'/'~E 1'.94 June 22. 1979 . . . .~. BOARD DECLARES STATE OF EMERGENC1 Er.ISTS FdLLOW1~~ST~FF REPORTS ON STATUS OF AUTOMOTIVE FUEL SUPPLIES IN THE COUNTY . '. ... .,' . ., . County Manager C. William Norman reported on the automotive fuel supply shortage in the County stating that the situation has been monitored by staff very . . closely the last several days and that they have b~en in contact with the State Energy Office and the fuel allocation personnel. as well as with all of the distrib- utors and local suppliers. H~ said that the Governor has requested that a report of the situation be prOVided every four hours and that he has assigned that duty to Civil Defense Director William Walker who has been mafnta1ning a constant flow 'of information. Mr. Norman said that the primary prOblem with the supply is that gasoline has not been leaving the terminal at Port Everglades bp.cause of the independent truckers' strike. Mr. Norman stated that steps have been taken to reduce the consumption of the available fuel for County operations. as much as possible. without curtailfng County services, ~endin~ further develcpments. He said that, with regar~ to the community- at-large which is his responsibility as the County's FUll Allocation Officer, the Governor has recommended two courses of action if situations become serious enough to warrant them. as follows: 1. Require gas dealers not to sell gasoline to persons unless the tank was less than half-empty. and 2. That dealers fly flags to indicate whether their gasoline supplies are available or not. A further recommendatfon. said Mr. Norman, is that.~n odd-even system of rationing be implemented. He explained how this system would be put into operation, as contained in the proposed ordinance. together with the other provisions included therein. Civil Defense Director Walker provided an update on the fuel situation stating that he has been informed that. as of 8:15 A.M. this date. there are three to five tank trucks enroute to Naples. coming in under escort. He said that it is hoped that the trucks are not just driving through the area. He said that of approximatel) 51% uf the stations reporting. one-half of them appear to be open - the balance of them closed. some of the open stations placing a dollar limit on the purchase. June 22. 1979 Chairman Brown commented that he. personally. is concerned about, the "scare tactics" being used and that he would rather appeal to the public to impose VOluntary conservation of fuel supplies on themselves. Commissioner Archer voiced the opinion that the ordinance could be enacted on a temporary basis until the emergency no longer exists. He said that the situation could worsen if the public panics and thereby ca~se long lines at the filling stations. Commissioner Wfmer voiced his dislike of the odd-even arrangement proposed for the purchase of fuel; however. he said that he was in agreement with the provfsion prohibiting the "topping-off" of gasoline tanks. Commissioner Pistor expressed concurrence with Commissioner Wimer's statements, adding that some consfderation should be given to controlling the purchase of fuel for boating activities. which he said has not been addressed. Mr. Norman observed that he has been told that the marinas in Everglades City are selling to conmercial fishermdn only and that they have banned all sales to pri"ate pleasure boats Mr. Tom Layne. of Texas Refinery Corporation. stated that he envfsioned the current fuel shortage becoming a reality several years ago when it was suggested that attempts be made to have fuel delivered by barges into Everglades City and reiterated that the Governor should be contacted in this regard. He said that strikes such as the one presently ongoing will cripple the County. particularly in the event of a hurricane or other natural disaster. Chairman Brown thanked Mr. Layne for hfs comments and directed the County Manager to "fire a letter off to Governor Graham" following up on the suggestion' made. Mr. Harold Menier. local gasoline dealer. stated that his company. Shell. and some of the other companies could bring in gas with their own trucks. noting that the main problem is the allocations of fuel being too low. One solution. said Nr. Meni~r.~is to have fewer servfce stations in the County. conmenting on the , . fact that more and more licenses are being issued each year for this purpose. Commissioner Archer.noted his awareness of the situation but that the current I . ,. '. problem needs an immediate' s.oll)t..l~n. , " ' .' " 047 :,,'.,::.195 _ 047,M4S6 June 22, J979 . . .' COll1l11ssioner Wimer moved tl,4t an emergen~..ex.1St, and that the pormal notice requirements for enactment of an ord1nan~e b;'Waf~ed.1 T11e motion was seconded by Commissioner Pistor and unanimously carried 4/0 with Commfss1oner Wenzel not present. .. . , ,I 'I' . Sheriff Aubrey Rogers reported that the Governor's Office informed hfm the previous evenfng that there is fuel in Port Everglades but that the problem is with the independent truckers' refusal to haul ft. He said that the National Guard has been called fn and an attempt is befng made to obtain tanker trucks to haul the gas. with various agencies seeing that the trucks get through. The indicatfon he received. said the Sheriff. is that there would be fuel moving across the Alley today; however. he said that he was unaware of its ultimate destination. COll1l1issioner Pistor offered the suggestion that the proposed ordinance be ... '.. . adopted but th~t the effective date for implementation be postponed until absolutely necessary. Mr. Norman pointed out that the ordinance as it is written empowers the Board to declare an Automotive Fuel Emergency by resolution. In other words. said Mr. Norman. the ordinance can be adopted but the provisions of the ordinance will not become effective until a resolution implementing same is adopted. County Attorney Pfckworth concurred with Mr. Norman. explafning that four COll1l1issioners are needed to vote the ordfnance in; however. the resolution can be adopted by three members of the Board. '. ORDINANCE 79-42 EMPOWERI~G THE BCL BY RESOLUTION TO DECLARE AN "AUTOMOTIVE FUEL EMERGENCY" - ADOPTED. To implement the actfon discussed in detail previously, Commissioner Pistor moved that Ordinance 79-42. as entitled below. be adopted and entered in Ordinancf Book No.9. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Wimer and unanimously carried 4/0 with COll1l1issioner Wenzel not present. * * . .,.. . * * .,.. .,.. .,.. * 6~ 047,.deS June 22, 1979 . .' . AREA SERVICE STATIONS REQUESTED TO VOLUNTARILY~R&STRICT SALES 'OF FUEL TO AUTOMOBILE~ OR TRUCKS WITH LESS THAN ONE-HALF TANK OF FUEL. 'AND .~T 1HE PUBLIC BE URGED TO CONSERVE ON FUEL USAGE ' 'f' .' Pursuant to dfscussions held earlier in the session, Commissioner Wimer , , moved that the Board take the posture of aSking service st~tions to restrict sales of automotive fuel to automobiles and trucks. on a volunteer basis. with less than one-half tank of fuel. thereby stopping "topping offll. and that an appeal be made to the public to conserve on the use of fuel. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Pistor and unanimously carried 4/0 with Commissioner ,Wenzel not present. COUNTY MANAGER DIRECTED TO TAKE NECESSARY STEPS TO CONSERVE COUNTY'S FUEL SUPPLY, LIMITING SAME TO USE BY VEHICLES UNDER EMERGENCY CONDITIONS Following up on prior discussion concerning the shortage of fuel !"?pl1es. Commfssioner Archer moved that the County Manager be directed to take all steps necessar~ to c~nserve the County's fuel supplies. limiting the ~~e of same to vehicles under emergency condftions. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Wfmer and unanimously carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel not present. * .. * .. * * .. . . . .. .. .. ." .. .. .. There being no further business for the good of the County. the meetfng was adjourned by order of the Chair - Time: 9:05 A.M. -, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY D~~ .' .. , ~., ,,' ~ ~ ' - ' ...-- " "~ . . \II " .