BCC Minutes 05/15/1979 R Napl.s.'F"orfdi~ Ma1 15. 1979 ...; '_',-: \;:,~~ r, '.;--~.,"<;ll" ~" ,'-11~ ; ,"',', LET IT BE REMEMBERED. that the Board of County.CommfssfOners in and for the County of Collier. and also .eting as the Governfng Board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and havfng conducted business herein. met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in Regular Session in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: David C. Brown VICE-CHAIRMAN: Clifford Wenzel John A. Pistor C.R. "Russ" Wimer Thomas P. Archer ALSO PRESENT: William J. Reagan. Clerk; Harold L. Hall. Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer; Edna Brenneman. Deputy Clerk; C. William Honman. County Manager; Dr. Neno J. Spagna. Community Development Adminfstrator; Irvfng Berzon. Utility Director; Clifford Barksdale. County Engineer; Anthony Pires. Assistant County Attorney; Carl Clemmer. Zonfng Director; and Deputy Chief Raymond Barnett. Sheriff's Department. I''OTICf;r AGENDA ~O"Rn OF COtmT'f ce>>:HSS'IOtI'ERS Ft N /\t. ".c:r.-'t)1\ 11!X..1S. 1979 At.L I'ERSONS SPE^KING 0:1 my MEND" ITEM .ruST JU:CISTER P:UOR TO THE ITEl1 8EINO HEARD. JU:"'t1ESTS TO. N>DRESS TliS JlO1\R.D ON SUBJECTS WIlICH . "RoE NOT ON Tm S ...CE1IDA MUST BE sua.UTrED '1'0 '1'11& COUUTY' .1ANAr.ER ^T LEAST 0:$ WEEK PRIOR !O 'J'Ilr. D^TE OF T1l& .:EE.'TINC AND WILL BE JIE.\R.D tn1'OER PUBLIC ~UITIONS. "'T 11rOO 1...1. . . 1. n:VO::^TION rl.tt>CE OF ALLECI/'JICS ~rRoV'\L or ACENDA "'PPROVM. (IF loJlN\lTESr . .Iay 1. 1979 rR(lCLM1ATTONS Nm PRESENTI\TI(lt:S OF ^"'-'RDS . 2. 3. 4. 50. . . . . ~ecommendation lor odoplion of rClol~tlon Gupportlng tho IIhtorielll Soc1otY'1 c:!IorU to covo tho I1rolln HOul.... .... l.. 6. SOCIAL SERViCES BOOK 046 PACE 504 \ t-'ay 15. 1979 AGENDA - APPROVED WITH ADDITIONS Commissioner Archer moved. seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carrfed unanimously 5/0. that the agenda be approved with the following addftions: 1. Recommendation by WMAB for Bee to request Big Cypress Basfn Board to consider funding study of drainage proble~ in the U.S. 41 and Riggs Road area. . 2. Execution of Bond for E. L. Johnson. Jr.. Immokalee Water and Sewer District Commissioner. MINUTES OF MEETING OF MAY 1. 1979 - APPROVED AS PRESENTED Commissioner Archer moved. seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 5/0. that the minutes of the meeting of May 1. 1979 be approved as presented. RESOLUTION 79-68 SUPPORTING THE HISOTRICAL SOCIETY'S EFFORTS TO""SAVE THE BROWN HOUSE" - ADOPTED Following his reading of same. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 5/0. that Resolution 79-68 supporting the Historical Society's efforts to "Save the Brown House" be adopted. Mr. Duane Julian. representing the Collier County Hfstorical Commission. accepted the executed Resolution expressing his appreciation to the Board for their interest in the project. "" "" "" * "" "" "" "" "" * "" "" * "" "" 046 fAGE508 "" "" * 800K "" "" "" Hay 15. '1979 ORDINANCE 79-33 RE PROCEDURE FOR COUNTY ACCEPTANCE OF SEWER MAIN EXTENSIONS AND FACILITIES - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily Hews on April 26, 19i as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication ffled with the Clerk. pUblic hearfng wa! opened to consider a proposed ordinance setting forth and describing the conditic to be satisfied prior to the acceptance of a sewer~ain extension or sewer factl1 by the County Water-Sewer District. Utility Director Irving Berzon explained that the ordinance is needed becau! the County is becoming more frequently fnvolved in taking over sewer facilities and it is desirable that the grantor be certain of what is required. and. also. t protect the.County's interests; i.e. that there are no liens. the facilfty is in a physically sound condition. and the like. Upon County Manager Norman's advice that there were no persons registered to address the Board on the matter. Commissioner Wenzel moved. seconded by Commissio Pistor and carried unanimously 5/0. that the publfc hearing be closed. Commissioner Wenzel moved. seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanirilously 5/0. that Ordinance 79-33, as entitled below. be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No.9. / ORDINANCE NO.79-33 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO POLICIES AND PROCEDURES FOR THE EXTENSION OF SEWAGE COLLECTION LINES AND/OR INSTALLATION OF SEWAGE COLLECTION. TRANSMISSION AND RELATED FACILI~IES BY DEVELOPERS: PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE.. PETITION A-79-3C. JAMES CODE, APPEALING DECISION OF ZONING DIRECTOR - DENIED; STAI DIRECTED TO DRAFT ORDINANCE PE~IITTING PLACEMENT OF ~~BILE HOMES ON 2~ ACRE LOTS. AND TO SUSPEND ENFORCEMENT OF VIOLATIONS IN THE INTERIM Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on April 26. 197! as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the.Clerk. pUblic hearing was opened to hear. Petition A-79-3C filed by James Code appealing a decision of the Zoning Director to deny the petitioner a penm1t to expand and enlarge a non-con for ing structure in "A" District, namely. to add an additional mobl1ehome. &OOK 1)46 PASE 510 &OOX 0(6 PAGE511 May 15. 1979 Mr. Jeff Perry. Zoning ~~artment. said that the decision was based on Section 15. Subsection 4. Paragraph "A" of the zonfng ordinance as the basis for denying the request. which he read, as follows: A. No such non-conforming structure may be enlarged or altered fn a way which increases its non-conformity, but any structure or portion thereof may be altered to decrease its non-conformity. He located the petitioner's property as being. a tract of land on Riggs Roac ten miles east of Naples. and approximately 1~ mfles north of U.S. 41. Mr. Perr said that the petitioner has quite a large family and the additional mobile hOmE was needed for housing them. noting that financial reasons prohibit him from 'building a house. Mr. James Code emphasized the need for additional livfng space for his family which he hoped could be accomplished by adding the additional mobile home to his existing home. During his comments. Mr. Code noted the fact that there are other trailers in the area and said that his nefghbor on the south side has two trailers on a 2~ acre lot. one of whfch is being rented out. Mr. Perry agreed that the properties along Riggs Road have been almost entirely developed into mobile home living quarters and commented that there are undoubtedly other violations involved since the land was rezoned 'IA" in 1974. such zoning prohibit mobile homes. During the deliberations which followed. Commissioner Pistor voiced his objections to granting variances to solve this and other like problems. and Commiss:Jner Wenzel suggesting that the area be rezoned back to the zoning distr which existed prior to the 1974 rezoning. Commissioner Wimer concurred with the Commissioners' statements. adding that he can see no reason to destroy the individuals' homes. The discussion continued with Community Development Administrator Neno Spagl stating that it is a dangerous precedent to granting variances according to , ::~ersonal hardships. and~ that.-a better solution would be to permit the usage of thl lands as requested rather than to articulate the zoning ordinance by establishin' special zoning districts to respond to the need, as these situations arise. He said that. in his opinion. a variance would be proper in this case, although it May 15. 1979 might be stretching the wordin~ of the ordinance somewhat by allowing the variance on the basis of what has taken place over the past ten years in this particular community. .... ... 'I . Commissioner Wenzel. having been advised that there were no persons registe to speak on the matter. moved that the public hearing be closed. The motion died for lack of a second. Commissioner Pistor again objected to granting a variance in this instance in the requests for variances which are sure to follow. his feeling being that the matter be resolved by the creation of a zoning district which will permit mobile homes. Commissioner Archer observed that it is the Board's prerogative. if the Commissioners deem it advisable. to consider the establishment of a mobill home estates district with. for instance. 2~ acres of land being required for such land usage. Commissioner Wenzel moved that the petition be postponed for two weeks and that the staff be instructed to rezone the area in question and to come up with definite boundary location for the area in order to permit the persons involved to retain their mobile homes. Commissioner Wimer seconded the motion asking tha1 it be amended to include the subject area and other similar areas. Commissioner Wenzel agreed to such amendment to the motion. Commissioner Archer suggested that. since the Board is being asked to act upon an appeal. the decision of the Zoning Director be upheld. and that the Boare dir'ect that any execution of a violation be stayed until the situation is further resolved. He noted that the Zoning Director complied wfth the zoning regulations now in effect and he. personally. intends to uphold his administrative decision. When asked to comment. Assistant County Attorney Pires stated that the suggested action by the Board would not cause any problem. Commissioner Wenzel withdrew the motion on the floor. and Commissioner Wimer his seconding thereof. Commissioner Wenzel moved. seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously 5/0. that the public hearing be closed. BOOK 046 rAGE512 BOOK 04.6 !IACE 513 Hay 15. 1979 Commissioner Pistor moved th~t the Board uphold the decfsion of the Zonfng Director and deny the request for a variance. as contained in Petition A-79~3C. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Archer and carrfed unanimously 5/0. Commissioner Wenzel moved that the Board fnstruct Dr. Spagna and the staff to prepare a draft of an ordinance which would permit the subject area and other similar areas to have trailers. and that the staff be further instructed not to enforce the violations in question until the new zoning district has been approved by the Board. Commissioner Pistor seconded the motion. adding the comment that he would like a provision in the ordinance to limit the number of such structures. Responding to Zoning Director Carl Clemmer's request for clarification of the proposed district. Commissioner Archer stated that .the proposed district will be the same as under the original tlA_2t1 district which permitted a trailer on 2lt acres. and no less than that. Upon call for the question the motion carried unanimously 5/0. RESOLUTION 79-69 RE PETITION V-79-6C. PERMACON. INC.. REQUESTING WAIVER OF SIDE YARD SETBACK REQUIREMENT ON PARCEL 7. TRACT M. LELY GOLF ESTATES - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on April 27. 1979 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk. public hearing was opened to consider Petition V-79-6C by Perml1con. Inc.. requesting a waiver from the side yard setback requirements to permit construction of a three-story apartment (15 units), on Parcel 7. Tract M, Lely Golf Estates. Zon~i1g Director Carl Clemmer located the property in question on the map prov'lded and explained that the petitioner can construct a 15-unit apartment on the property and conform to the side yard setback requirements; however. this would require a five-story building rather than a three-story building. the latter being the petitioner's preference in order to preserve the view. He said that the staff feels that inasmuch as there are two-story apartments to the northeds~'. ~hich were constructed~prior. t.o the adoption of the present zoning ordinance. a five-story building would not be fn harmony with the intent of the zoning ordinance. and recommends that the variance be approved. Mr. Clemmer read into the record a letter dated May 6. 1979 from Vander Meiden. Koteles' Assoc.. Inc.. Architects. May 15. 1979 owners of a piece of commercial property adjacent to the subject property. askin! that the letter be retained on file in the event there are future complaints as j result of the varfance. if granted. Commissioner Pistor reported that the petitioner related to him that a membl .. ...' 'I .' of the staff has told him (the petitioner) that it would be necessary to build - fifteen or nine units - that he could not build twelve units. Commissioner Pistor questioned the alleged statement since, by reducing the number of units. . by three. the setback variance would not be requfred. Also. said the Commissionl if the project was relocated on the property. explafning how this could be done, the setback would be met with sufficient room for parking. and the like. and that the desired view would be retafned. He voiced opposition to the practice 01 granting variances as frequently as the Board is being asked to do which he said is ruining the zoning laws noting that these laws have been well thought out pri( to their adoption in 1974. Mr. Joseph M. O'Hara. representing the petitioner. outlined his reasons for requesting the variance. stating why, in his opinion. it is necessary both from, salability point of view. as well as for aesthetic purposes. There being no persons registered to speak. Commissioner Archer moved. seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and unanimously carried 5/0, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Pistor commented that under the County's zoning laws a hardship must te shown in rrder for a variance to be granted and. since he cannot see wher there would be a hardship involved in relocating the building as he proposed. mov that Petition V-79-6C be denied. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Wenzel. Upon call for the question the motion was defeated 2/3 with Commissioners Archer, Wimer and Brown voting in opposition. Commissioner Wimer moved. seconded by Commissioner Archer. that Resolution 79-69 re Petition V-79-6C by Permacon. Inc., requesting waiver from side yard set back to enable construction of a three-story apartment on Parcel 7, Tract M Lely Golf Estates. be adopted. Commissioner Wimer explained that his reasons for approving the requested waiver are that the project being contemplated will provi ~omM~ BOOK 0 (6 PACE 515 Hay 15. 1979 '. greater setbacks than those of th\ existing buildings.land. in his opinion, will improve the area. Commissioner Brown concurred and stated that he is in ., . agreement with the staff's reasons for recommending approval. Upon call for the question the motion carried 3/2 with Commissioners Wenzel and P1stor voting in opposition. . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . i. . * . . * * * * * * * * May 15. 1979 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * RECESS: 9:45 A.M. until 9:&3 A.M. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BOARD AUTHORIZES CONSTRUCTION OF COASTLANO BOULEVARD IN 1980-81 TO BE FUNDED VIA 9TH-CENT ADDITIONAL MOTOR FUEL TAX, IF APPROVED BY ~EFERERDUH'TO BE SCHEDULED A~ SOON AS POSSIBLE . Prior to entering into discussion re the Methods of Funding the Construction' Coastland Boulevard. as prepared by Fiscal Officer Harold L. Hall. at the Board's request. County En!)ineer Clifford Barksdale. rQsponding to COI11Ilissioner Wenzel. stated that he "as read through the first phase of the Naples' Traffic Study and commented that. in his opinion. it would not have any significant bearing on a decision the Board might make regarding the funding of the propos~d construction. Mr. Hall, referring to the aforementioned document. detailed the Major Factors for Consideration contained therein, together with the Conclusions reached as listed below: 1. The 5th and 6th cent motor fuel tax has not prOduced sufficient funding in recent years to meet the road construction needs of Collier County; 2. The current needs of Collier County for road construction. as identified by the County Engineer, cannot be met with the 5th and 6th cent even with the Obligation of future receipts for a $10 million bond issue. the proceeds of which will be expended by 1982; and . 3. $11.5 million of funding in addition to the 5th and 6th cent must be provided to meet the identified needs of road construction for the next five years. Hegarding the methods of funding road construction. Mr. Hall noted the variou! methods used nation-wide for this purpose. and said that three approaches have been formulated. depending on the time schedule the Board establishes for the construction of Coastland Boulevard, again referring to the prepared summary. In each of the three methods derived. Mr. Hall said that there is a time factor invol~ as follows: 1. If the construction can wait until 1982. the priorities can be changed, and a project substituted. 2. If the project can be postponed one year, or pOSSibly less, revenues can be obtained from an additional motor fuel tax. ~OOK 046 fAGE5i8 DOOK 046 PAGE519 May 15. 197~ 3. If the Board's d~sire is ~o proceed wfth the constructfon at once. the only direct approach would be by ad valorem tax. Responding to Commissioner Wimer. Mr. Hall safd that the add1tional motor fuel tax (a 9th cent added to the motor fuel tax) would bring fn approximately $700.000 per year. He added that this additional cent could be pledged for a bond issue that probably would produce from $6 to $7 million dollars which could fund a significant part of the $11.000.000 which has been fdentiffed as being needed for road construction for the next five years. However. hi pofnted out that almost 80% of the 5th and 6th cent motor fuel tax is pledged for 29 years. and. if the 9th cent tax is pledged for 29 years. even though what fs being accomplfshed will benefit everyone. in the next 5 to 10 years there will have to be "a lot more money coming in from somewhere". He safd that there is a serfous sftuation with regard to funding roads. When asked for his recommendation. Mr. Hall safd that in the factors for evaluating a tax as far as fairness. justness. desirability and the like. for a road such as Coastland Boulevard. only those taxes such as the motor fuel tax or a toll charge meet all of the r~qufrements for a fair and Just tax; the least desirable means being via ad valorem taxes. He said that his rec~ndation would be to take an approach to fund the project through motor fuel taxes. if it can be delayed about 1 year. Commissioner Archer moved to direct that Coastland Boulevard be scheduled in 1980-81 and be funded through the revenues from an additfonal 9th cent motor fuel tax for Collier County and that a referendum be held as soon as possiblei also. to instruct the staff to come up with the necessary "tools" to do this. The motion w~s s~conded by Commissioner Wenzel. Commissioner Wimer inquired if the intent of the motion was more than just Coastland Boulevard with Commissioner Archer responding fn the afffnmative. He ';aid tnat it has n~t been determined if the desire fs to go with a bond issue for $6,000.000 or to use the revenues annually for whatever road work needs to be done. Commissioner Wenzel suggested that the option be kept open and. if necessary. the tax could be continued for other road work. VOfcfng the comment that he would rather not obligate the County too much and noted that it can be amended each year. May 15. 1979 Mr. Mike Zewalk, North Naples Civic Associatfon. vofced his support of the 9th cent fuel tax stating that it would be a fair approach to the matter in that the tourists. as well as the Citizenry. would be paying for the construction. lie inquired if the City of Naples has the authorfty to assess the abutting property owners by use of the Naples Park method of assessment. Mr. Ha~l responded by _' . stating that. to his knowledge. they would have such authority; however. the City Council would have to address the subject. Commenting on assessments in general. Mr. Hall explained that it is difficult to determfne the amount of dollar benefit on an assessment to property owners on this type of road. He said that possibly the County Attorney. and others, would advise against such a proposal due to the difficulty in arriving at a fair assessment which. if tested, would be difficult to defend. Commissioner Wenzel stated that althol'gh he recommend, such method previously. the project under discussfon is to build a completely new road and that the assessment would be almost prohibitive for the abutting property owners even if they are businesses. Mr. Pires observed that a special and positive benefit to the l.1buttfr,g property ownel's would have to be shown and such properties assessed for the benefits received in kind. He pointed out that the costs involved in Obtaining rights-of-way by condemnation, if necessary. cannot be included in the costs of the whole project. Mr, Gilbert Weil. representing the Park Shore Home Owners' Association, expressed the opinion of the Association. through its Board of Directors and their officers, that there is a need for an improvement in the east-west traffic situation but they do not believe that the construction of Coastland Boulevard is the answer, explaining why they believe thfs is so. Regarding priorities. Mr. Weil stated that his Association does not believe that the project under discussion is more important than. for example. the widening of Pine Ridge, whfch. when it is widened. will take care of much of the east-west traffic. particularly where Goodlette Road and Airport Road have been widened. He said that, prior to any discussion with regard to a gasoline tax. his Association felt that the City of Naples could set up a special assessment district of the property owners that abut the road to be paid by them over a long period of time. because the land area. once the road is built. will accelerate in value. aOOK 046 PACE 520 BOOK 046 PAGE 521. May 15. 1979 Mrs. Don Bisbee. P.resident oi the Golden Gate Estates Area Cfvic Association. offered the opinion that. although the 9th cent fuel tax sounds favorable. the residents of the Estates area feel that the roads in their area should be made serviceable before new roads are built at County expense. Mr. John McGregor. President of the Naples Cfvfc Assocfatfon, stated that his Association had many objections to any type of ad valorem tax for the subject project. He offered his congratulations to Commissfoner Archer. Mr. Hall and the Commission for considering a method of fundfng which he, personally, feels in equitable and fair - the 9th cent fuel tax. Mr. Harry Cunningham. Naples resident. shared Mr. McGregor's sentiments with regard to proposing a logical conclusion toward funding the Coastland Boulevard project which he feels is equitable. He said that if the desire is to go with a referendum he would suggest that the door be left open on the timetable and, also. that the tax not be pinpointed for a speciffc roa~. It was a further suggestion by Mr. Cunningham that the committee established to acquire the railroad right- of-way be "jacked up" because this property will be needed for whatever road may become the east-west access road. Mr. James Sfesky. Attorney. representing the Collier County School Board. stated that the School Board has not taken any finn position on the project under discussion; however. it is the request of the School Board that when the deSign of the road is considered. that the staff be instructed to design it in such a way as to provide maximum security for the children traveling to Naples High School. Commissioner P1stor inqUired if, as a result of the study which Mr. Sfes~ noted was being made. the School Board might decide to withdraw their offer of the right- of-way. Mr. Sies~ explained that it is not a questfon of whether or not the Schoo Board can withdraw their offer, noting that a quit claim deed was given in 1974 whf, contains a reverter clause. The question is, said Mr. Sies~, if the School Board .- . ' ;,..... might wish to retrieve the property which, he continued, would depend on the May 15. 1979 results of the study and whether or not the configuration of the road will protect the security of the children. If so, Mr. Siesky said, the School Board, although it has taken no posftfon on the matter. would be happy to assist the City and the County in going forward. in his opfnion. All proponents and opponents having been heard;'the Chairman called for -' the question on the motion on the floor which carrfed unanimously 5/0. Commissioner Wimer observed that. although the methodology being proposed ,is somewhat different than what has been prevfously proposed. it is his opinion that Mayor Anderson. City of Naples, and Chainman Brown should be complimented for bringing the long. drawn-out subject to a head and getting it resolved. Mayor Anderson stated that he was in attendance to observe the proceedings; however. in his opinion. he said that the 9th cent approach is certafnly an alternative to the ad valorem tax. adding that the latter was never advocated except in the sense that it appeared to be the only other way to finance a high priority requirement. He said that this method of financing would be taken to the City Council for their approval. Later in the session, Clerk William Reagan noted that. sinc~ the law which permits taxing of the 9th cent is relatfvely new and has been amended approximatel) two years ago, prior to the referendum. that it be stated exactly the period of time for which it is to be taxed. Also. said Hr. Reagan. he would suggest that there be someone appointed. a Commissioner or a member of their staff. to make sure tha~ proper information is disseminated throughout the County regarding the . tax, how it works. how the money comes down. and how long it takes. including the fund which it goes into. Chairman Brown directed that Hr. Barksdale work with County Manager Norman in this regard. with assistance from Mr. Hall. APPROVAL OF FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR SMUGGLER'S COVE PAVING IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT- ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING JUNE 12. 1979 Commissioner Wenzel moved. seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Archer not present. that the Ffnal Assessment Roll for Smuggler's Cove Paving Improvement District be advertised for public hearing June 12. 1979. BOOK 046 PAGE522 DOOK 046 PAGf 523 May 15,'191'9 ., ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE SALE OF ~RCOTIC-RELATED PARAPHERNALIA _ ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING JUNE 12. 1979 Commissioner Wenzel moved. seconded by Commfssfoner Pfitor and carrfed 4/0 with Commissioner Archer not present, that the proposed ordinance Prohibiting the Sale of Narcotic-Related Paraphernalia be advertised fo.r pUb11c hearing June 12. 1979. ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE SALE OF NARCOTIC-RELATED PRINTED MATTER TO MINORS _ ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING JUNE 12, 1979 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commfssioner Pfstor and carrfed 4/0 wllh COIllllfssioner Archer not present. that a proposed ordfnance Prohibiting the Sale of Narcotic-Related Printed Matter to Minors be advertised for pUblic hearing June 12, 1979. ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE ADVERTISEMENT OF NARCOTIC-RELATED PARAPHERNALIA _ ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING JUNE 12. 1979 Commissioner Wenzel moved. seconded by Commfs5ioner Pistor and carried 4/0 with .Commissioner Archer not present. that a proposed ordinance Prohibiting the Advertisement of Narcotic-Related Paraphernalia be advertised for public hearing June 12. 1979. RESOLUTION 79-70 TO PLACE A LIEN FOR ASSESSMENT OF COST OF DEMOLITION OF A HAZARDOUS BUILDING IN NAPLES PARK SUBDIVISION. UNIT 5, SLOCK 59, LOT 18 _ ADOPTED Following brief explanation of the reasons for the proposed resolution by Community Development Administrator Neno Spagna. Commissioner Pistor moved. seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 4/0 wfth Commfssioner Archer not present. that Resolution 79-70 to place a lien for assessment of cost for demolition of a h~zardous building in Naples Park Subdivision. Unit 5. Slock 15. Lot 18. be adopted. ... .- ... ... ... * ... ... ... ... ... * ... * * eOCK 048 r"cE525 ." '.: ,~.~~,~!~;:;~.,~ ~,~:,,1~ g~'-J,,:~:~r<1:.~'.: ': Hay 15.:,197g . ";;'y~::>.;>' BOARD APPROVES NOMINATION OF MS. P~RTHA SAMPSON AS CLIENT REPRESENTATIVE ON CETA ADVISORY BOARD FOR SUBMITTAL TO GO.ERNOR'S OFFICE FOR CQNFIRMATION Mr. A. James Meerpohl. CETA Director. outlined the qualificatfons 0' Ms. Bertha Sampson to serve on the Collier County's CETA Advisory Board to fill the now-vacant Client Representative Position, and recommended that the Board approve her nomination. Co~issfoner Wimer moved. seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 with Commfsssfoner Archer not present, that the nomination of Ms. Bertha Sampson be submitted to the Governor's office for confirmation of her appofntment IS .the Client Representative on the County's CETA Advisory Board. BOARD APPROVES NON-FINANCIAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE flORIDA STATE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE AND THE BOARD. AND AUTHORIZES EXECUTION OF SAME Following brief explanation of the cohtents of the Non-Financfal Agreement between the County and the Florida State Employment Service by CETA Director A. James Meerpohl. Commissioner, Wimer moved. second~d by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Archer not present. that the Agreement be approved for the Chairman's signature. * * * . * * * * .- * . . . * * * * * . * * . :* * May 15. 1979 . PETITION SMP-76-7C. THE DELTONA CORPORATION. REQUESTING EXTENSION OF SUBDIVISION MASTER PLAN APPROVAL FOR ROYAL MARCO POINT . APPROVED. EXTENSION GRANTED UNTIL MAY 31. 1980 Community Development Administrator Heno Spagna explained that at the time of the approval of the Master Plan for Royal Marco Point one of the stfpulations was that'. The Deltona Corporation must obtafn access through la.,d which was not _' owned by them. He said that the firm is presently compl.tfng the acqufsition of such land ~nd is requesting an extension of approval of the Subdfvision Master Plan and that the staff. after reviewing the petftfon. recommends that the extension be granted. Commissioner Pistor moved. seconded by Commfssioner Wenzel and carrfed unanimously 5/0. that Petition SMP-76-7C by The Deltona Corporatfon, requesting an extension of the Subdivision Master Plan approval for Royal Marco Point, be approved. granting an extension until May 31. 1980. RESOLUTION 79-71 CONFIRMING THE STREET NAME OF "BLUEBILL AVENUE" FOR CERTAIN STREET LOCATED IN BAKER CARROLL POINT - ADOPTED Community Deve10pment Admini$trator Neno Spagna explained briefly that Petition SNR-79-7C is a request by Vanderbilt Towers residents to name a drive running north off Naples-Immokalee Road. northeasterly and south back to Naples-Immokalee Road. located in Baker-Carroll Point. to "Bluebill Avenue" for identfficat10n and mailing purposes. After ascertaining that the subject name is not a dupliclIte street name. Commissioner Wimer moved. seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and unanimously carried 5/0, that Resolution 79-71 confirming the street name of "Qlueb111 Avenue" for a. street in Baker-Carroll Point. he adopted. as requested in Petftion SNR-79-7C. * * * * * * * * * BOOK O~6 PACE528 * * * * * * aOOK 046 rAGE5S1' RESOLUTION 79-72 RE PETITION SNR-~9-9C. NAPLES LAND YACHT HARBOR. REQUESTING CHANGING THE NAMES OF PIER F AND FIER G TO FLOUNDER DRIVE AND GROUPER DRIVE RESPECTIVELY - ADOPTED . Commissioner Wenzel moved. seconded by Commfsifonlr Pfstor and unanimously carried 5/0, that Resolution 79-72 regarding PltitionSNR-79-9C by Naples Land Yacht Harbor, requesting changing the names of Pier F and Pier G to "Flounder Dr'ive" and "Grouper Drive" respectively. be adopted, as recommended by staff.' ; :,J.,",<';" ".\~~' i:~':" ~ BOOK 046 PAGE533 Hay 15. 1979 RESOLUTION 79-73 RE PETITION PU-79-~=. NANCV FREES AND JO ANNE INGENITO, REQUESTING PU (1) OF "Rt1-1A" FOR CHILD CARE CENTER ON LOT 3. BLOCIC 8. NAPLES KANOR _ ADOPTED WITH STIPULATIONS; PETITIONER'S AGREEMENT TO STIPUATIONS . ACCEPTED Community Development Administrator Neno Spagna explained that Petition PU-79- 3C is a request by Petitioners Nancy Frees and Jo Anne Ingenfto for Provisional Use (1) of the "RM-IA" zoning district fn order to establish a child care center in an eXisting duplex located on lot 3. Block 8. Naples Hanor. further descrfbed as being located on Floridan Avenue behind the 7-11 store. subject area shown in green on the map provided. He said that the petitfon was revfewed by all of the . review llgencies and is beIng reco"lnended for approval subJect to the following stipulations: 1. Compliance with all Fire and Health Codes relating to day care centers. (ENFD) 2. Fire inspection to be made prior to occupancy of center. (ENFD) 3. Site drainage plan must be submitted to and approved by the Engineering Department prior to the issuance of a Buildfng Permit. (~!MAB) 4. Buffer area shown on site plan should be 80% opaque and at least 5 feet in height within two (2) years after planting. (Planning) Dr. Spagna advised that the petition has been recommended for approval by the Coastal Area Planning Commission subject to the staff's stipulations to which the petitioners have agreed. Conmissioner Wimer moved. seconded by Commissioner Archer, that Resolution 79-7J re Petition PU-79-3C by Nancy Frees and Jo Anne Ingenito for Provisional Use (1) of the "RM-IAn zoning district. for the establfshment of a child care center on the property described above. be adopted. and that the Agreement by the petitioners to th~ stipulations imposed be accepted. It was noted that Attorney Lynn Hixon Holly. representing the petitioners. was present to r~spond to questions from the Commissioners, if any. Upon call fo~'the~question the motion carried unanimOUSly 5/0. * * * * * * * * * * May 15. 1979 DID 1356 FOR PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT TO PRICE STREET - AWARDED TO HIGHWAY PAVERS, INC., NAPLES, FLO~~~A IN THE AMOUNT OF $164.080 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Dafly News on April 3 and 5. 1979 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed wfth the Clerk. bids,were recieved until April 25. 1979 for Bid 1356 for the pavfng and drainage improvement .. .. -. for Price Street. County Engineer Clifford Barksdale explained that the low bidder is Highway Pavers, Inc.. Naples, Florida. in the amount of $164.080. compared to the Engineerinl estaimted of $156,085. 4e said that the total project costs including Engineering and Administration cost: are as follows: Construction Cost - Engineering 7% Administration 6% - Total $164.080.00 11,485.60 9.844.80 $185,410.40 The assessment. said Nr. Barksdale. is $16.37 per front foot. Chairman Brown inquired if the persons affected understand that the assess- ment will b~ h1gher ~han th~ preliminary assessment of $12.16 per front foot. Mr. Barksdale responded in the negative stating that at this pOint they do not know the final figure. He recalled that it was ascertained during the public hearings on the matter that the majority of the people indfcated that they were desirous of creating the district and to build the road to County standards. Commissioner Wimer moved. seconded by Commissioner Archer and unanimously carried 5/0. that Bid #356 for paVing and drainage improvement for Price Street be awarded to Highway Pavers. Inc.. in the amount of $164.~~O. as contained in the recommendation of the Bid Review Committee letter dated Hay 1. 1979 and that the Chairman and the Clerk be authorized to sign and attest the resulting Agreement. BOARD ACTION TAKEN 5/1/79 RE AWARDING OF BID 1353 TO MIRACLE RECREATION EQUIPMENT COMPANY, FERN PARK. FLORIDA - RESCINDED; BID RE-AWARDED TO AMERCIAN PRO, LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY. IN THE AMOUNT OF $4.272 Purchasing Director Frank Wilcox stated that it is being recommended that the BOJrd action taken on May 1. 1979 with regard to the awarding of Bid 1353 to Miracle Recreation Equipment Company, Fern Park. Florida, be rescinded due to the fact that, through error, the bid submitted by the firm was incorrect in that the bid was for MiOK 048 PACE538 BeCK. 0(6 PACE 539 May 15, '1979 24 each steel bleacher frames 1nsteJd of 24 sets of same. Therefore. said Mr. Wilcox. the firm's bid was not the low bid, and that it is his recommendation that the bid be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder - American Pro. Louisville. Kentucky - in the amount of $4.272. Commissioner Wimer moved. seconded by Commissioner Archer and unanimously carried 5/0. that the action taken by the Board on May 1. 1979 re awarding of Bid 1353 to Miracle Recreation Equipment Company. be rescinded. and that the bid be re-awarded to American Pro. Louisvflle. Kentuc~, fn the amount of $4.272. as recommended by the Bid Review Committee letter dated M~ 8. 1979. and that the Chairman and the Clerk be authorized to Sign and attest the resulting Agreement. RESOLUTION 79-74 TO RECOVER FUNDS EXPENDED BY THE COUNTY TO ABATE A PUBLIC NUISANCE ON LOTS 16 AND 17. BLOCK 49. NAPLES PARK UNIT 4 - ADOPTED Commissioner Archer moved. seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 5/0. that Resolution 79-74 to recover funds expended by the County to abate a public nuisance on lots 16 and 17. Block 49. Naples Park Unit 4. be adopted. . . . . .. .. - .. . * .. . * .. . * .. .. .. .. * * ."\. BeOK 046 fACE54f Ma1 15. 1979 , I, .BOARD APPROVES SALARY INCREASE F'-oR SECRETARY TO MEDICAL EXAMINER County Manager Norman explained that the request for a pay increase, from $700.00 per month to $770.00 per month. for the secretary to the Medical Examiner has been initiated by a letter from the '~dfcal Examiner which pofnted out the justification for the proposed increase. Commfssioner Wenzel recalled that a policy has been established whereby there would be no salary increases given except at the beginning of the fiscal year in October. Mr. Norman stated that it was felt that an exception is warranted in this particular case. noting that the individual's starting pay was lower than normal. and that she has now been trainer to a point where she is valuable to Dr. Schmid who is concerned that he may lose the employee if he cannot offer her some incentfve. Mr. Norman ~lso pOinted out that the secretary to the /1edical Examiner works under prfvate contract to his office and is not part of the County's personnel program. Commissioner Wimer moved. seconded by Commissfoner Archer and carried 4/1 with Commissioner Wenzel voting in opposftion. that the requested salary increase for the secretary to the Medical Examiner be approved. Commissioner Wenzel observed that if one exception to the policy is made, other exceptions cannot be denied. RESOLUTION 79-75 ESTABLISHING THE MAXIMUM SPEED LIMIT OF 45 MPH ON GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY BETWEEN GOODLETTE ROAD AND AIRPORT ROAD - ADOPTED Following brief referral to the Executive Summary dated May 1. 1979 prepared by County Engineer Barksdale regarding the SUbject. Comm1s~ioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanfmously 5/0. that Resolution 79-75 establiShing the maximum speed limit of 45 MPH on Golden Gate Parkway. between Goodlette Road and Airport Road. be adopted, as recommended. * .- , * * * * * * * * .... .... . May 15, 1979 BOARD AUTHORIZES fXPENDITURE OF UP'TO $3,000 FOR FEASIBILITY STUDY RE USE OF SEWAGE EFFLUENT FOR IRRIGATION PURPOSES _MARCO WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT} Utility Director Irving Berzo'l explained that the request for an expendfture of up to $3.000 is for the purpose of carrying out a feasibflity study regardfng the possibility of using sewage effluent to provfde irrfgation for the Marco Water and Sewer District. explainfng how this could be acfiievia,.if approved. _' Commissioner Wenzel observed that the DER is questioning the use of the effluent with Mr. Berzon responding that there are some exceptions befng made ~o such ruling. noting that St. Petersburg. Florida. is using the system, and that the regulations in this regard are being relaxed to some extent. Commissioner Wimer moved. seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/1 with Commissioner Wenzel voting in opposition. that a feasibility study for the use of sewage effluent for irrigation in the Marco Water and Sewer District be approved. and that an expenditure of up to $3,000 be authorized for the consultants, Wilson. Miller. Barton. Soll & Peek. Inc.. to prepare the study. Commissioner Wenz~l questioned the need for further studies i' the system is presently in use. Commissioner Pistor advised that he is traveling to St. Petersburg on May 15, 1979 to further investigate the matter and. hopefully. obtain a copy of that area's DER Permit which can possibly be used as a "tool" to make sure that Collier County will get its permit. CH~IRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN LETTER REQUESTING BIG CYPRESS BASIN BOARD (SFWMD) TO CONSIDER FUNDING A STUDY OF DRAINAGE PROBLEMS IN THE U.S. 41 - RIGGS ROAD AREA. AS RECO~~ENDED BY THE WMAB Utility Director Irving Berzon explained that the request for funding a study of the drainage problems in the U.S. 41 - Riggs Road area by the 81g Cypress Basin Board was prompted by a matter heard by the Water Management Advisory Board during its May 9. 1979 meeting. as explained in his memorandum to the Board dated May 14. 1979. Commissioner Archer moved. seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 5/0. that the Chairman be authorized to sign a letter to the 8ig Cypress Basin Board of the South Florida Water Management District requesting that board to give consideration to funding a drainage stu~ for the U.S. 41 _ Riggs Road area. as recommended. 800K 046 PACE544 BeOK 0(6 PAGE545 May 15. 1979 ROUTINE BILLS - AUTHORIZED FOR PAYMENT Commissioner Wimer moved. seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and unanimously carried 5/0. that the bills be approved for payment as witnessed by the following warrants issued from May 9. 1979 through May 15. 1979: .BlliQ. General Revenue BCC Payroll (CETA) BCC Payro 11 Road & Oridge 12 Improvement Revenue Certificate WARRANT NOS. 006821 - 007071 60485 - 60492 1 . 419 21 4 BOARD APPROVES COUNTY SELF-INSURING CERTAIN ITEMS OF EQUIPMENT VALUED AT lESS THAN $1.000; ESTABLISHMEnT OF RESERVE FUND RE SAME AUTHORIZED Fiscal Officer Harold Hall stated that a review of the County's insured proper has recently been completed and that Woody RObinson. Risk Management Coordinator. t proposed. with Clerk William Reagan's concurrence. that the County self-insure all items up to $1.000. The proposal is also recommended by the insur~nce consultants, said Mr. Hall. and commented that there will be a considerable savings in premium c Following brief discussion. Commissioner Wimer moved. seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously 5/0. that the Board approve the County assuming the risk for Inland Marine moveable personal property equipment valued at less than $1.000 and that physical loss insurance not be purchased for such equipment; also. that a reserve fund be established for this purpose. BOARD APPOINTS MESSRS. GEORGE B. BRADY. V. KENNETH BREAKEY. AND JAMES C. KELLY TO TWO-YEAR TERMS ON THE OCHOPEE FIRE CONTROL DISTRICT ADVISORY BOARD Following brief statement by County Manager Nonman regarding the qualification of the named indiViduals. and other pertinent information. Commissioner Archer move seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously. that the recommendations 0 staff be accepted. and that the following persons be appointed to serve two-year ,terms on the OChopee F-ire Control District Advisory Board: 1. George B. Brady 2. V. Kenneth Breakey 3. James C. Kelly May 15. 1979 BOARD APPOINTS MESSRS. KARL CORLEY AND R. FREDERICK KEYS TO CAPC; APPROPRIATE LETTER AND CERTIFICATE OF APPRECI~rION TO BE PREPARED RE SERVICE ON THE CAPe B~ FRANK L. RICH Commissioner Wimer moved. seconded by Commissfoner Archer that Mr. Karl Corley be reappointed to an additional four-year tenn. and Mr. R. Frederick Keys . .. .' be appointed to a four-year term, on the Coastal Area Plannfng' Commission. to fill' two terms on the CAPC which had expiration dates on February 28. 1979. Commissioner Pistor voiced the opinion that consideration should be given,to reapPointing one of the CAPC members. whose term has expired. due to his experience on the advisory board. his attendance. and the like. noting that the person in question is also from Commissioners Wimer's District No.2. It was Commissioner Wenzel's suggestion that the individual in question be appointed as alternate member with Commissioner Wimer pOinting out that this position is presently filled. Upon call for the question the motion carried 4/1 with Commissioner Pistor voting in opposition. Commissioner Wimer moved. seconded by Commissioner Archer and Imal'!imoUSly carried 5/0. that an appropriate letter and certificate be prepared and forwarded to Mr. Frank Rich with regard to his service on the CAPC. BOARD APPROVES TRAVEL REQUEST FOR INDIVIDUAL COMMISSIONERS TO ATTEND THE STATE PLANNING & ZONING CONFERENCE IN CLEAR"'ATER. FLORIDA MAY 16-18. 1979 Commissioner Wimer moved. seconded by Commissioner P1stor and carried unanimously 5/0. that individual Commissfoners be authorized travel to the Stute Planning & Zoning Conference to be held in Clearwater. Florida May 16-18, 1979. EXPENDITURES FOR COMMISSIONER WIMER TO ATTEND THE STATE LIBRARY CONFERENCE _ AUTHORIZED Commissoiner Wenzel moved. seconded by Commissioner Archer and unanimously carried 5/0. that the Board authorize expenditures for Commissioner Wimer to attend the State Library Conference where he is to be one of a panel of speakers. BOOK 046 PACE54B BeCK ()(6 PAGE547 May 15. 1919 TRAVEL BY COMMISSIONER(S) TO ATTEND StMIHAR WORKSHOP ON DUAL-WATER SUPPLY AND WASTEWATER RE-USE IN CLEARWATER BEACH ON JUNE 1. 1919 AUTHORIZED Commissioner Wenzel moved. seconded by Commissioner Archer and unanimouSly carried 5/0. for Commissioner(s) to attend a seminar workshop on a dual-water supply and wastewater re-use which is to be held in Clearwater Beach. Florida, June I, 1979. BOARD CONFIRMS APPOINTMENTS TO THE COLLIER COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION Commissioner Wenzel moved. seconded by Commissoiner Archer and unanimously carried 5/0. that the Board confirm appointments to the Collier County Historical Commission. as submitted by the Collier County Historical Society. Inc.. as follows: 1. John Beriault 2. James Briggs 3. Mrs. F. Dean Earl 4. Mrs. Carolyn Greenstein 5. Duane Julian 6. A.P. (BUd) Kirk 7. Richard W. Morris 8. William Warrell Robert.s 9. Mrs. Margaret T. Scott 10. Mrs. Mary Smith (Mrs. Harold Smith) 11. Ms. Mildred Sherrod CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN LETTER OF SUPPORT RE HEALS-ON-WHEELS GRANT RENEWAL CommissiJner Archer noted that a request has been received from Jordan Morbee, Director. Meals-On-Wheels. for the Board to authorize a letter of support of the Meals-On-Wheels Program to aid in obtaining a grant renewal under Title III of the Older American Act. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the Chairman be authorized to sign a letter of support with regard to the Meals-On-Wheels Program, as requested. CERTIFICATES FOR CORRECTION TO 1978 TAX ROLL - APPROVED FOR CHAIRMAN'S SIGNATURE Commissioner Wenzel moved. seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried .- unanfmously 5/0, that the following Certificates for Correction on the Tax Rolls be approved. and that the Chairman be authorized to sign same: 1978 Tax Roll m2h 545 - 546 547 548 M!E.Q. April 18. 1979 April 19. 1979 April 23. 1979 May 15. 1979 . NOS. 549 550 - 551 552 553 554 - 555 DATED - April 27. 1979 Aprf1 30. 1979 May 1. 1979 May 2. 1979 Ma,)t Ip. 1979 COUNTY /1ANAGER ADVISES BOARD THAT HE WILL BE ON VACATION THE WEEK OF MAY 28 _ JUNE 1. 1979 Commissioner Archer noted the Memorandum dated May 10. 1979 from County Managel c. William Norman advising that he will be on vacatfon the week of M~ 28 through June 1. 1979. with the anticipation that tho Assistant County Manager will serve 4S Acting County Manager during his absence. It was noted by Commissioner Archer that there is no Board action required on the matter. LAKE TRAFFORD MEMORIAL GARDENS CEMETERY DEED 118a - FILED FOR THE RECORD FOLLOWING RECORDATION Pursuant to action of the Board January 10. 1978 wherefn the Chairman was authorized to sign various deeds to Lake Trafford Memorial Gardens Cemetery lots as the need arises. the fOllowing Deed No. 18a was recorded and filed for the record: * * '* '* '* * * * .. .. .. .. .. * '* .. '* '* BeOK 046 PACt 548 '* '* * May 15. 1979 BOARD AUTHORIZES RELEASE OF DALLAS TOWNSEND. ASSISTANT COUNTY AGRICULTURE AGENT, FOR ASSIGNMENT/TRANSFER TO HENDRY COUNTY AS AGRICULTURE ^GENT Commissioner Wenzel moved. seconded by Commissioner Pistor and unanimously carried 5/0. that the Board authorize the release of Assistant County Agriculture Agent in order that he might assume the post of Coun~ Ag!nt for Hendry County. . " . -- . as requested by the Florida Extension Servfce. and as contained in the memorandum dated May 11, 1979 from Commission Chairman Brown. REQUEST BY MARCO ISLAND CIVIC ASSOCIATION FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF SATELLITE COURTHOUSE ON MARCO TO BE CONSIDERED DURING CONSULTANT INTERVIEWS RE OVERALL SPACE STUDY . Commissioner Archer noted the receipt of a letter dated Hay 9. 1979 from L.S. Plummer, President of the Marco ISland Civic Association. Inc.. wherein it fs requesl that a branch courthouse be considered to ser~e Marco Island and adjacent communi tie! It was the consensus of opinion. following brief discussion. that the matter be further discussed as part of the overall space study to be undertaken in the near future. MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED There being no Objection. the Chair directed that the following correspondence be filed and/or referred to the various departments. as indfcated: 1. Letter received May 9. 1979 from Arthur L. Schultz. Marco Island. registering opposition to the proposals published in the news media re funding of Coastland Boulevard construction and suggesting alternate method - xc to County Engineer; and filed. 2. Letter dated May 4. 1979 from Charles B. Plummer. President of Immokalee Chamber of Commerce. requesting traffic signalization at the intersection of Third Street and State Road 29. Immokalee - xc to County Engineer for investigation and response. and filed. 3. Copy of Preliminary Energy Audft questionnaire. re National Energy Act. Grants Programs for Schools and Hospitals and Building owned by units of Local Government and Public Care Institutions from State Energy Office. Tallahassee - xc to County Manager 5/10/79; and filed. 4. Copy of letter dated ~~y 2. 1979 from Heinrich O. E. Schmid. M.D.. District 20 Medical Examiner. to Charles Blumstein. M.D. re his (Blumstein) appointment as Associate Medfcal Examiner for District Twenty - Filed. 5. Letter dated May 3. 1979 from Max A. Hasse. Jr.. 2nd Vice President. The Naples Fourth of July Parade, requesting the Coun~'s cooperation and participation in the Parade - xc to County Manager if Bee desires to participate. and filed. BOOK 046 PA~E 550 .."(~ . May 15. 1979 21. Report of Dwelling Unit~ Permftted from 1/1/75 through 3131/79 _ Filed. 22. Memorandum dated May 7. 1979 from Ernest S. Urassa. Program Administrator. Balance of State. Offfce of Manpower Planning. re Summary of Title II-D. Title IV YCCIP and SYEP. and Tftle VI Fiscal Year 1979 grant modiffcations re C~TA - ~c to CETA Dfrector; and filed. . 23. Letter dated May 9. 1979 from Rfchard D. Sparkman. Morrissey and Sparkman. re serious situation whfch has resulted on Golden Gate Boulevard since installation of the City of Naples waterline and resurfacing of a portion of the road - xc to County Engineer for" investigation and response; and filed. 24. letter received Hay 11. 1979 from Mrs. Barbara Wheeler expressing opposition to the FCC utilizing tax dollars to have to P.T. L. Club television program removed. and varfous other matters - Filed. 25. Copy of letter dated May 11. 1979 from Robert E. Harrington. Court Reporter. to County Manager regarding the layout of the temporary space being provided for his staff of court reporters - Filed. 26. Letter dated May 10. 1979 from Donald T. Jones. Naples resident. Objecting to the proposed tax assessment as a means of financing Coastland Boulevard - xc County Engineer; and filed. 27. Notice of Florida Engineering Society. FDER. and U.S. EPA seminar on mt!nicipi<l treatment works construction grants program to be held June 20-22, 1979 in Orlando - xc to Utility Director; and ffled. 28. Letter dated May 4. 1979 from Frances Kramer. Director. Elderly Services Division. Dade County. Florida. requesting the BCC to Join them and NACo in developing and implementing national policy to establish an effectfve county-based aging servfce program - xc Social Services Director; and filed. 29. Letter dated 5/2/79 from Thomas M. Thomas. President of The Council of Naples Property Owners Associatfon oPPosing additional expenditures for further studies of mass transportation - xc to Dr. Spagna; filed. EXECUTION OF SURETY BOND NO. S 110610. RESERVE INSURANCE COMPANY. FOR E.L. JOHNSON. JR.. IN CONJUNCTION WITH HIS APPOINTMENT AS COMMISSIONER OF THE IMMOKALEE WATER' AND SEWER DISTRICT - AUTHORIZED Commissioner Archer moved. seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously 5/0. that the Board authorize the execution of Reserve Insurance Company Surety Bond No. S 110610 in the amount of $1.000 for E.L. Johnson. Jr.. in conjunction with his appointment as Commissioner of the Immokalee Water and Sewer District. BOOK 046 .'ACE552 eCOK 046 rAGE 555 May 15. 1979 REQUEST BY JACK HARRISON TO PLACE A MOBILE HOME ON HIS FIVE-ACRE TRACT IN GOLDEN GATE ESTATES WHILE CONSTRUCTING A PERMANENT RESIDENCE . GRANTED FOR TEMPORARY USAGE FOR 18 MONTHS . . Mr. Jack Harrison approached the Board to request,that he be permitted to plac a 12 x 72 mobile home on Tract 5. Unit 96. Golden Gate Estates to serve as temporar living quarters for his famfly whfle he is constructing a peMmanent residence. It was pointed out by the Zoning Director that the zoning on the property. "E" Estates does not permit the placement of a mobile home for a perfod of time during the construction of a residence. The matter was briefly dfscussed following which Commfss1oner Wenzel moved. seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried 5/0. that the request ~y the petitioner, as outlined above. be granted for temporary usage for 18 months. QUIT CLAIM DEED DATED APRIL 25, 1979 BY B. THOMAS BJARNASON RE SPERLING COURT RIGHT-OF-WAY - ACCEPTED FOR RECORDATION Pursuant to action taken by the Board on March 20. 1979 wherein the Board approved the acceptance and expenditure of funds for the recordfng of Quft Claim Deeds conveying the rights-of-way for Sperlfng Court. County Engineer Clifford Barksdale submitted the following Deed. same having been recorded in the Official Records: 1. B. Thomas Bjarnason. * * * * ,- * . . . . . * * * * * . . . * 8eOK 046 PAGf557 . ~ 1,\ . 'i j; Ha.v 15. 1979':; i;. ...:~' ,:., There being no further business for the good ofth.County. the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair. Time: 11:18 A.H. :;/' .,' . ... .- .. .' t, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/EX OFFIC GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL ,DISTRI UnDER ITS 'CONTROL