BCC Minutes 05/08/1979 S . '..1 Naples. Florida. May 8. 1979 LET IT BE REMEMBERED. that t~. Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier. and also acting IS the Governing Board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 1:40 P.M. in Conference Session in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: David C. Brown VICE-CHAIRMAN: Clifford Wenzel (until 2:00 P.M.) .John A. Pistor C.R. "Russ" Wimer ABSENT: Thomas P. Archer ALSO PRESENT: Irving Berzon, Utility Director~ Clifford BarksGale, County Engineer. Mary Morgan, Administrative Aide to the Board~ and Edna Brenneman, Deputy Clerk. A~ 1. Discussion of Marco Water & Sewer appraisal and evaluation report. 2. Petition requesting improvements to Auto Ranch Road. DISCUSSION OF MARCO WATER & SEWER APPRAISAL AND EVALUATION REPORT - FURTHER DISCUSSIONS TO BE SCHEDULED FOR FUTURE WORKSHOP SESSION. REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION OF ADDITIONAL EXPENDITURE FOR FEASIBILITY STUDY RE INSTALLATION OF EFFLUENT DISPOSAL LINE SCHEDULED FOR MAY 15. 1979 MEETING Utility ~irector Irving Berzon prefaced the discussion of the Marco Water & Sewer Appraisal and Evaluation Report by pointing out that the subject report is part of an ongoing process for the development of a master water plan for the coastal area of Collier County, and that it will be used to establish the feasi- bility of whether or not the County should purchase the Marco Island utilities and in what manner the utilities will be integrated into the proposed system. Mr. Stanley Hole, of Hole, Montes and Associates, Consulting Engineers, explained that his firm has completed an evaluation of the phYsical facilities. determined the condition of said facilities. determined the various ways of evaluating the facilities. reviewed the operating costs that the utility has aOOK 046 fAGE496 &OOK 046 i'b".:.491 May 8, 1979 recorded. examined the working papers (the books) that the company has developed over a number of years. and. stated that III of this infonmation has been sumarized in the Report, copies of which were previously made available to the Board for their review prior to the meeting. He descrfbed brfefly the infonmatfon contained on Sheet F-23 entitled "Comparative Going Concern Value Schedule", noting that accompanying him was Art Sharloff, CPA. who completed the fiscal work on the Report, together with Ron Dillard, a professional engineer with the firm's water and sewer department. who were present to respond to questions forthcoming from the Commissioners. Commissioner Pis tor voiced his concern over what he considered to be a high percentage of loss of treated water through leaks or unbilled collections amounting to 15%. Mr. Hole agreed that 15% is a high figure and that it is a concern. He said that what is considered to be the causes for these losses have been identified in the Report. noting that also included in the Report are a significant number of dollars to upgrade the system which it is felt will go a long way toward reducing those losses. During the discussion. Utility Director Irving Berzon observed that the situation wherein there is a loss of untreated water is a concern. He said that the loss of treated water, when the line is converted in the future, would be more signfficant and more than just a casual concern. Commissioner Pistor questioned why the Report included a provision for installation of fire hydrants on Marco Island, noting that the fire department includes in theft budget a certain amount of money for this purpose. Mr. Hole reiterated that the Report is a "tool" to be used by the Utility Director and, if such a provision is not necessary, the proposed sum would not be included in the upcoming negotiations with The Deltona Corporation with regard to the purchase of the system; however. continued Mr. Hole, the estimated figure is the amount felt to be necessary in order to bring the entire system up to current subdivision standards. Commissioner Pistor noted that the Report does not include any mention of income to be derived from the possible acquisition of the Goodland water system. May 8. 1979 I,' Mr. Berzon explained that any expansion of the system would be dealt with on the basis of ultimate capacity desi.'ed. taking into Iccount what 11 available from earnings and additional borrowings that would hlv, to be made. The Report, said Mr. Berzon. deals with the ultimate capaCity of the present system and "how far we can go with it". Mr. William O'Dowd. Executive Vice President of The Deltona Corporation, responded to Commissioner Pistor's question with regard to the loss of treated water by explaining that the loss was 15% for the month of November. 1978; 4% for the month preceding. and. the loss has been ~% during the current year. He said that there are month-to-month fluctuations due to the meters being read over a four-day period. noting that for the year of 1978 the loss averaged 9.1%. Regarding the 20% loss in raw water, Mr. O'Dowd said that during the tourist season the transmission lines could not be cut off to check the lines; however. he said that this could be ~one within thirty days and provide the Board with an answer to this problem. Mr. O'Dowd said that his principle concern is the method used in calculating the growth rate on Marco Island, suggested to be 6% which. in his opinion. will not be valid for the area. He detailed the number of units currently under construction on the tsland and the number planned for the future which will have an impact in that more funds will be available for bonding purposes and which will also create a demand for expansion of the system which is not covered in the Report. He ~xplained what his firm is planning to do, in the event the County does not purchase the utility. to meet the needed capacity, and the approximate cost. Referring to the Report. Mr. O'Dowd said that he would not recommend expending the money as proposed in the Report. citing fire hydrants as one example. and the clearing of the water line as another example. He suggested that the matter be further discussed with Mr. Berzon, and possibly Mr. Hole, taking into account the current prices being paid and ascribe it to the numbers that are used in the system. Brief mention was made with regard to the necessity for going ahead with the expansion to increase the water capacity which is needed prior to the next tourist season. ~QOK 046 PAGE 498 ~OOK 046 i~:;:. 499 May 8. 1979 Mr. George Fort, Marco Islan~ resident. deferred his comments to the next speaker. Mr. A.J. Mosso. Chairman of the Marco Island Civic Association Public Works Committee. stated that one of his concerns is the f.llure to include the land valul in the appraisal which, in his opinion, should be included in the Report. Additiol concerns, said the speaker. are the urgent need for increasing sewage and water treatment capacities. the lack of projected costs for effluent disposal. both of which should be incorporated into the feasibility study. however. he said that. in general, the Report is quite satisfactory. Mr. Berzon responded to the comments by Mr. MOsso by stating that the consultants who prepared the Report were instructed not to do an appraisal of the land since it was felt that this would be done by independent land appraisers at such time as there is interest shown in buying the proper~. adding the observation that the value on the books is obviouSly low and a factor which would have to be consider~d. With regard to effluent disposal, Mr. Berz~n !aid that that type of expenditure will have to come from reserves, if any, or, more likely. a change in rates. He said that if the method of treatment. whether water or wastewater. is significantly changed, and if a significant capital investment is required, such investment will have to come from additional rates in all likelihood. Commenting further, Mr. Ber7.on stated that the costs involved in disposal of effluent at a higher level than at present should not, in his opinion, be used in an attempt to influence the cost of the purchase. however he said that if there are deficiencies in the present system to bring it up to current standuds. that cost is one which the seller should be asked to participate in to the fullest extent possible. At this point. Mr. Berzon read a memorandum prepared from a telephone conversation with Mr~ Charles Smith, of William R. Hough & Company, this date. He said that Mr. Smith had intended to be present but was prevented from doing so due to travel difficulties. Mr. Berzon read into the record the comments and suggestions made by Mr. Smith regarding the Report and which should be incorporated into the Report in order for the financial consultants to have complete information available for the sale of the bonds, if this becomes appropriate in the future. May 8. 1979 Among Mr. Smith's suggestion;, as read by Mr. Serlon. would be the inclusion of a table. consistent with 1974-1983. showing the number of housing units, data showing the number of gallons of water sold and the number of gallons of sewage treated per type of connection. and the project of growth from 1979-1983. It was also suggested that expenses should be projected, not on the basis of percentage of gross income. as was done. but should be projected on the basis of quantities utilized and the estimated prices thereof. Mr. Berzon stated that he and Mr. Hole have discussed these and many of the other matters contained in Mr. Smith's memorandum and said that. if appropriate. the information requested will be incorporated into the Report. Mr. Berzon noted that Mr. Smith has asked to be present if and when the matter is further discussed by the Board. The projected growth rate for Marco Island was addressed again with Mr. Hole explaining how the 6.2% was arrived at but said that the projection will be reviewed again. In conclusion, Mr. Hole said that a map which was deleted from the Report will be provided, together with a list of other factors the County will want to take into account in their consideration of purchasing the system, some of which are outside the scope of the present agreement for services but are within the scope of their professional relationship, with Mr. Berzon to advise him of such matters in order for him to be aware of them. Commissioner Pistor expressed his interest in the County owning the utility s)stem. however, no positive decision can be made until additional information is available so that the Board will have a .complete picture". Chairman Brown concurred with the Commissioner and suggested that a future Workshop Session be scheduled for further discussion of the project. pending receipt of all pertinent information. Mr. Berzon suggested that, at the request of Commissioner Pistor, the Board authorize the expenditure of additional monies for a feasibility study by the consultants doing the sewer study on Marco Island for the purpose of investigating the feasibility of installing effluent disposal lines at the same time the sewer is constructed. Commissioner Pistor urged that the &OOK 048 rACE500 &OOK 046 ~~r. 501] May 8. 1979 proposal be given consideration si,,:e it would cut down on the use of potable water for lawns, and the like. and it was the consensus, that the request for additional funds be scheduled for action by the Board on May 15. 1979. DISCUSSION OF REQUEST FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO AUTO RANCH ROAD - STAFF DIRECTED TO PROVIDE SUGGESTIONS FOR IMPROVEMENTS AND FINANCING METHODS County Engineer Barksdale explained that the Board is being requested to consider methods of improving Auto Ranch Road which would have the least financial burden to the benefitting property owners. He said that a petition was received on August 12, 1978 but that it did not contain an adequate number of signatures to create a special taxing district. He said that a meeting was he1d with the petitioners wherein it was explained what the costs would be to bring the road up to County standards. It was felt by those in attendance. said Mr. Barksdale. that the amount would be more than they could afford and several methods were suggested for accomplisning the desired improvements which they wanted presented to the Board for their consideration. Mr. Barksdale, referring to the Executive Summary, read the list of those suggestions. When asked for his recommendation, Mr. Barksdale stated that perhaps improving only the first 1200' of the roadway would be satisfactory since this would serV9 the majority of the residents. Mrs. Margaret Cuppy. resident of the affected area. expressed the desire to have the potholes filled and the road graded which she said would be sufficient. Mr. Lee Landrum. roadway property owner, explained that the residents have worked hard to improve the road by the installation of culverts, and the like. however. due to pumping operations on the adjacent farmlands. the road washes out. He agreed with the previous speaker that it would be helpfUl if the County would grade the road and fill in the holes. Mr. Barksdale commented that in some places on the road there is water 12 to 18 inches deep. however. merely grading it would not keep it passable and that the drainage would have to be improved to keep the road from flooding. May 8. 1979 Commissioner Wimer observed thct one of the methods suggest.d. that being to improve what is now existing and continue to maintain it by creating a taxing district. would be the best way to assist the residents. Mr. Barksdale said this method is a possibility. however. he pointed out that such method would mean a change in the Board's road policy. adding that th.r.' are numberous roads throughout the County which are similar situations. Commissioner Wimer noted that he is not suggesting that dedication of the roads to the County should be waived. and observed that whatever is spent in this regard would have to be repaid. He further suggested that a provision could be added to the policy to accommodate a situation such as the one under discussion. Commissioner Pistor expressed concern over the ramifications the proposal would have with regard to additional equipment and Road Department personnel which would be needed due to the fact that there would be other roads which might have to be done. Another concern expressed by the Commissioner was determining a positive figure for the I'epairs for the current year without having 101M experience on which it could be based. The matter of paving the road was brought up for discussion with Commissioner Pistor reporting that the estimate provided was approximately $:~,446, noting that it would be possible to pay for it over I number of years - usually five. Mr. Barksdale stated that he would provide the Board with costs for both methods of improvements to the roadway - one for paving the road and the other by means of a taxing district for improvements and annual maintenance. Responding to Chairman Brown. Mr. Barksdale said that the petition did not quite contain 51% of the property owners who would be affected. Mr. Landrum stated that the other property owners would be contacted regarding the proposed improvements. at the same time pointing out that there are some property owners not living on the road who "could care less" about the condition of the road. Following additional discussion. Commissioner Pistor suggested that the Board make a decision on the requested improvements if the rightS-Of-way can be obtained. following receipt of the cost estimates for both of the methods BeCK 048 PAGE502 eCOK Q46 :'~'\ 003 May 8. 1979 " for making the improvements. Cha~rman Brown directed the staff to follow through on the proposal made by Commissioner Pfstor. * * * * * . * * * * * * * * * * . There being no further business for the good of the County. the meeting was adjourned at 3:15 P.M. by order of the Chair.