BCC Minutes 03/20/1979 W .( \ ,r- . ..... Naples. Florida. March 20, 1979 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier and also acting as the Governing Board(s) 'of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 1:30 P.M..in Workshop Session in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: David C. Brown VICE-CHAIRMAN: Clifford Wenzel John A. Pfstor C.R. "Russ" Wimer Thomas P. Archer ALSO PRESENT: Harold L. Hall, Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer; Debbie Pantano. Deputy Clerk; Donald Pickworth. County Attorney; C. Willi,m Norman, County Manager; Irving Berzon. Utility Director; and Dr. Neno Spagna, Com- munity Development Administrator. AGENDA 1. Discussion re Archaeological and Historic Preservation Ordinance 2. Review of Zoning Ordinance 3. Discussion re Excavation Ordinance'" DISCUSSION RE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION ORDINANCE - STAFF DIRECTED TO COORDINATE WITH INTERESTED PARTIES IN ORDER TO RE-DRAFT THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE SO AS TO BE MORE SPECIFIC IN DETERMINING THE INTENT OF 5AID ORDINANCE . Commissioner Archer commented that the proposed ordinance as mentioned is not specific in determining the exact locations in Collier County which needs preserving and, also. the exact intent of the ordinance is not clear. He mentioned the State has regulations concerning archaeological property and he does not think that an ordinance of this type is necessary at the County level. Or. Neno Spagna. Community Development Administrator, explained that state and federal regulations of this type apply only to state and federally owned land; and, that many historical artifacts are being damaged or taken out of the County and the intent of the proposed ordinance is to prevent this from happening. He stated it is not intended to deny the property owners any property rights they may now possess. ~oo~ 045 PAGE 190 BOOK 045 PACE 791 March 20, 1979 Commissioner Pistor expressed ~is ~oncern about the ordinance in that it would be largely an "honor systemll situation wherein the property owner will have to notify the County if any artifacts are found. Commissioner Wimer commented that the vast majority of historical sites . in Collier County are already known and recorded as such. Commissioner Archer pointed out the problems that would be created if a developer happens to find some historical artifact once he has already begun constructIon In that it would cause a delay because it could mean a holdup of his project if the County had to investigate the site. Mr. Bill Barton, of Wilson. Miller, Barton. Soll & Peek. Inc., stressed this point, noting that it would prove to be very costly if a developer has to stop in the middle of a project and wait for County staff to investigate a possible historical find on the property under construction. After discussion, the ~hair directed that Dr. Spagna get together with interested parties to re-draft the existing proposed ordinance in order to more clearly define the intent of sa1~ ordinance and bring back to the Board for further consideration. REVIEW OF ZONING ORDINANCE - STAFF DIRECTED TO CREATE ZONING CLASSIFICATION WITH DENSITY BETWEEN "RM-l" AND IRM_2" ZONING. LETTER TO BE DRAFTED FOR LEGISLATIVE DEI.EGATION SUPPORTING BILL REGARDING HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION QUALIFICATIONS Commissioner Wenzel made comments concerning the question of constructing high-rise buildings in the County noting that it creates too much density once a building is over 20 stories high. Commissioner Pistor stated he would like a limit to be set at about 10 stories for high-rises. Commissioner Wimer questioned whether it is the amount of stories a building may have or what the denisty of that type of building would be. Commissioner Archer pointed out the great expense incurred when density is reduced. Chairman Brown stated he is all for high-rise buildings 20 or more stories. ...., );,' , " .~- " March 20, 1979 Mr. Bill Barton, of Wilso,l, M.ller, Barton. 5011 . Peek. state~ that high- . . rise buildings should not be looked upon as disadvantageous as long as there is enough "open space" between buildings. He noted that developing entirely in Single Family districts is much more expensive as well as using up more land. He commented that multi-family high-density developments require less roadway requirements as well as less water and sewage requirements. Referring to RM-l and ~'-2 zoning, Mr. Barton pointed out the great differences between the two regarding the amount of dwelling units per acre and suggested that possibly another multi-family zoning classification be created which would be midway between the existing two. He stressed the fact that the development cost in multi-family district is significantly lower than in single-family subdivisions. Mr. lou Capek, interested citizen, briefly discussed with the Board the need for additional roads and improving existing roads in Collier County. Mr. Waffa Assaad, of Wilson, Miller, Barton, 5011 & Peek. pOinted out that the way the present Comprehensive Plan is set up, there must be a range of flexibility with the zoning classificati~n in order to make the best use of available land. Mr. Arnold Lawrence. resident of Marco Island, commented on Transfer of Development Rights noting that TDR's tend to aggravate the density problem and the Board should take it into consideration when reviewing zoning classification Commissioner Wimer suggested the Board consider removing the TOR's from mangrove lands. Mr. William Walters, resident of Marco Island, expressed his personal objection to high-rise buildings but agreed with Mr. Barton's statements that it is more efficient use of land. He expressed concern about the County's abili to generate sufficient taxes to take care of the continual growth of the County. Commissioner Pistor concurred with Mr. Barton's suggestion that a zoning classification be created with denisty inbetween the existing two classification ("RM-l" and "RM-2"). Commissioner Archer stated he would like further information on how high denisty areas affect open space, economics, safety hazards, and the like. &OOK 045 PACE 792 BOOK 045 PACE 793 March 20. 1979 A brief discussion was held concerning the construction of high-rise buildings in the Park Shore/Seagate area. Commissioner Wenzel briefly discussed parking problems connected with small multi-family units such as motels and apartments within the City. Commissioner Wenzel brought up the problem connected with the taxing situation reglrdiny mobile home subdivisions. noting that the property taxes are quite low compared to the amount of people living there. Ho suggested a letter be drafted to the Legislative Delegation supporting a bill that would make Homestead Exemption applicable after a certain amount, Le.. $10.000. DISCUSSION RE EXCAVATION ORDINANCE - DEFERRED Chairman Brown stated the discussion regarding the Excavation Ordinance is to be deferred until next week. * * * * * * -. * * * * . . * There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair - Time: 3:40 P.M. '... . . . *