Backup Documents 10/27/2009 Item #16F 4
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documents are to he forwarded to the Board Oftice on I\' after the Board has taken action on the item. \
Complete routing lines # t through #4 as appropriate for additional signatures, dates, and/or information needed. If the document is already complete with the
ex tion of the Chairman's si ature, draw a line thrau routin lines #1 thrau #4, com lete the checklist, and forward to Sue Filson line #5).
Route to Addressee(s) Office Initials Date
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5. ...sut: Flb"n, Executive Manager
I ~I\.l I rTc..l-leLL
6. Minutes and Records
Board of County Commissioners
Clerk of Court's Office
(The primary contact is the holder of the original document pending BCC approval. Normally the primary contact is the person who created/prepared the executive
summary. Primary contact information is needed in the event one of the addressees above, including Sue Filson, need to contact staff for additional or missing
information. All original documents needing the BeC Chairman's signature are to be delivered to the BCC office only after the BCC has acted to approve the
Name of Primary Staff Artie Bay Phone Number 252~ ?7Lfo
Agenda Date Item was 10/27/09 Agenda Item Number 16F4
Approved by the BCC \
Type of Document Agreement Number of Original I
Attached Documents Attached
Initial the Yes column or mark "N/ A" in the Not Applicable column, whichever is
a r 'ate.
Original document has been signed/initialed for legal sufficiency. (All documents to be
signed by the Chairman, with the exception of most letters, must be reviewed and signed
by the Office of the County Attomey. This includes signature pages from ordinances,
resolutions, etc. signed by the County Attomey's Office and signature pages from
contracts, agreements, etc. that have been fully executed by all parties except the BCC
Chairman and Clerk to the Board and ssibI State Officials.
All handwritten strike-through and revisions have been initialed by the County Attomey's
Office and all other arties exce t the BCC Chairman and the Clerk to the Board
The Chairman's signature line date has been entered as the date of BCC approval of the
document or the final De otiated contract date whichever is a Iicable.
"Sign here" tabs are placed on the appropriate pages indicating where the Chairman's
si ture and initials are re uired,
In most cases (some contracts are an exception), the original document and this routing slip
should be provided to Sue Filson in the BCC office within 24 hours of BCC approval.
Some documents are time sensitive and require forwarding to Tallahassee within a certain
time frame or the BCC's actions are nullified. Be aware of our deadlines!
The document was approved by the BeC on _10/27/09 _(enter date) and all
changes made during the meeting have been incorporated in the attacbed document.
The Coun Attorne 's Office has reviewed tbe chan es, if a licable.
A Iicable)
I: Forms! County Forms! Bee Forms! Original Documents Routing Slip WWS Origina19.03.04, Revised] .26.05, Revised 2.24.05
This Memorandum of Agreement is entered into between Collier County, a political
subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter called "County" and the Collier County Health
Department, (hereinafter referred to as the "Health Department") to coordinate their collective
efforts in the following areas: the provision of adult and childhood immunizations, medical
direction, and the enhancement of community emergency response capabilities.
WHEREAS, the Health Department is responsible for providing public health services
within Collier County, Florida; and
WHEREAS, the County is committed to coordinating its efforts with the Health
Department to support healthcare services, emergency care and immunizations to the citizens with
Collier County, Florida.
NOW, THEREFORE, III consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions
hereinafter set forth, the County and the Health Department mutually agree as follows;
I NSTR 4358280 OR 4505 PG 2456
RECORDED 11/3/2009 1002 AM PAGES 5
REC $44.00
1. The Health Department shall assist the County in establishing an immunization
protocol and all rules necessary to carry out its provisions relating to a program for the
joint administration of immunizations (hereinafter referred to as the "Immunization
Program"), which includes governing the training, utilization, and supervision of
paramedics working for the County's Emergency Medical Services department
(hereinafter referred to as "CCEMS"). The Immunization Program shall be in
compliance with Section 401.272, Florida Statutes and Rule 64J-1.004(5) of the
Florida Administrative Code.
2. The Health Department shall coordinate and/or oversee all training needs both initially
and as needed during the term of this Agreement. The training given shall be
consistent with the type of training given to the Health Department's employees for
the type of immunization that CCEMS paramedic's will be administering under the
Immunization Program. The training provided will result in the paramedics being
proficient with the achieved level of knowledge and technique for the particular
16f ~.
irmmmization being administered. CCEMS and each paramedic that successfully
completes the training will be provided with documentation from the Health
Department that the training was successfully completed.
3. The Health Department will provide oversight of paramedics in the Immunization
Program, to include review of policies, procedures, incidents or complaints related to
the performance of the paramedics. The Health Department reserves the right to
exclude paramedic(s) from immunization administration.
4. The Health Department shall provide coordination of the cooperative effort to ensure
the efficient and effective use of resources and safety practices.
5. The Health Department shall maintain a file on each participating paramedic to
include a copy of the training certificate, health form 1256 listing the paramedics
name, confidentiality statement and paramedic license.
1. The County, through its Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Department, will
implement a program for its paramedic employees to participate in the Immunization
Program. The County's Office of the EMS Medical Director (hereinafter referred to
as "County EMS Medical Director") shall work with the Health Department in
establishing immunization protocols and all rules necessary to govern paramedic
practices related to the administration of immunizations. County Paramedics and any
approved County healthcare providers shall function under the direction of the County
EMS Medical Director and the Health Department Medical Director but shall be
employees ofthe County.
2. All participating paramedics shall complete the required training offered by the Health
Department and shall maintain copies verifying their successful completion of the
Immunization Program, reflected on Health Form 1256, at the County's Emergency
Medical Services offices.
3. Paramedics shall comply with all protocols and procedures relating to immunizations
and services as established and approved by both the Health Department and County
EMS Medical Director.
4. If a paramedic be approved for participation in the Health Department's Immunization
Program, in addition to their normal weekly work schedule, and in accordance with
any applicable collective bargaining agreement, he/she shall be compensated by the
County and not by the Health Department.
1. The medical records (Immunization card DH Form 687) of all patients shall be treated
as confidential, so as to comply with all federal, state, and local laws, the Health
Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, as well as all regulations promulgated
thereunder (45 CFR Parts 160, 162, and 164), the Health Departments Rules and
regulations, and all other applicable State privacy laws. The parties herein agree that
each participating paramedic shall sign the Health Department's memorandwn of
understanding regarding confidentiality of client information.
2. All activities under this Agreement shall be conducted in compliance with Title VI of
the Civil Rights Act of 1964. No party shall, for reasons of race, color, religious
creed, sex, handicap, national origin or political belief, be subject to discrimination.
3. The Health Department and CCEMS staff shall collaborate and cooperate their efforts
in conducting the Immunization Program under this Agreement.
4. A joint planning and information session shall be scheduled at least once annually.
5. This Agreement shall become effective for a one (I) year term on the date it is fully
executed by the appropriate representatives of the parties herein. This Agreement
shall be renewable automatically yearly unless otherwise terminated by the parties.
6. Each party to this Agreement shall be responsible for all personal injury and property
damage attributable to the negligent acts or omissions of that party and its officials,
agents and employees arising out of, or resulting from, the party's negligent
performance under this Agreement, subject to the limits set forth in section 768.28,
Florida Statute. Neither this provision nor any other in this Agreement shall be
construed as a waiver of sovereign immunity by either party.
7. This Agreement shall remain in effect through the entirety of the term stated in Section
C(5) above, unless terminated by mutual agreement in writing by both parties.
Further, either party may terminate this Agreement by giving at least thirty (30) days
written notice to the other party. This notice shall be delivered by mail with proof of
delivery or in person with a signed receipt acknowledging delivery at the following
Collier County EMS Collier County Health Department
8075 Lely Cultural Parkway 3301 Tamiami Trail East, Bldg. H
Naples, FL 34113 Naples, FL 341 12
Attention: Attention:
8. CCEMS and the Health Department agree that this Agreement sets forth the entire
agreement between the parties with respect to the administration of immunizations and
that there are no promises or understandings with respect thereto other than those
stated herein. None of the provisions, terms and conditions contained in this
16F 4
Agreement may be added to, deleted, modified, superseded or otherwise altered,
except by written amendment executed by the parties.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have each caused this Agreement to be
executed by their appropriate officials as indicated below.
Dwight E. Brock, Clerk
Collier County Board of Commissioners
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CCEMS Medical Director
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Collier County Health Department
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First Witness
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Item# 11 cF4
Agenda I'" _':I. ~
Date U-J UI n 'l'
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Second Witness
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Deputy Clerk
t-onni L. Dold-cn
Type/print witness name
Scott R. Teach
Deputy County Attorney