Backup Documents 11/10/2009 Item #16F 2 ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS CHECKLIST & ROUTING SLIP 16 TO ACCOMPANY ALL ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS SENT TO F 2 THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OFFICE FOR SIGNATURE Print on pink paper. Attach to original document. Original documents should be hand delivered to the Board OlTIce. The completed routing slip and origin<l! documents are to be forwarded to the Board Office only after the Board has taken action on the item.) ROUTING SLIP Complete routing lines #1 through #4 as appropriate for additional signatures, dates, and/or information needed. If the document is already complete with the ~xceDtion of the Chairman's signature, draw a line througJ routing lines #1 through #4, complete the checklist, and forward to Sue Filson (line #5). Route to Addressee(s) Office Initials Date (List in routine order) l. ----------------------------------- 2. ----------------------------------- , J. ----------------------------------- 4. CAC I III 0109 ---------------_.~-----------_._--- 5. Ian Mitchell, BCC Office Board of County Commissioners Supervisor 6. Minutes and Records Clerk of Court's Office PRIMARY CONTACT INFORMATION (The primary contact is the holder of the original document pending Bee approval. Nonnally the primary contact is thc person who created/prepared the executive summary. Primary contact infonnation is needed in the event one of the addressees above, including Sue Filson, need to contact staff for additional or missing infonnation. All original documents needing the BeC Chairman's signature are to be delivere.d to the BCe office only after the Bee has acted to approve the item.) Name of Primary Staff HAAE-eR- fIle "1 ~1n l i Phone Number 252-;;.e+;. 3 GOO Contact JIM VON RlNTELN ("I, 252-3621 Agenda Date Item was Agenda Item Number Approved bv the BCC 11/1 0/09 16F2 Type of Document Number of Original I Need original Attached Agreement Documents Attached returned. Need original signature. Stamp not acceptable. Initial the Yes column or mark "N/A" in the Not Applicable column, whichever is a ro riate. Original document has been signed/initialed for legal sufficiency. (All documents to be signed by the Chairman, with the exception of most letters, must be reviewed and signed by the Office of the County Attorney. This includes signature pages Ii-om ordinances, resolutions, etc. signed by the County Attorney's Office and signature pages from contracts, agreements, etc. that have been fully executed by all parties excepl the BCC Chairman and Clerk to the Board and ossibl State Officials.) All handwritten strike-through and revisions have been initialed by the County Attorney's ... L Office and all other arties exce t the BCC Chainnan and the Clerk 10 the Board The Chairman's signature line date has been entered as the date ofBCC approval of the document or the final ne otiated contract date whichever is a licable. "Sign here" tabs are placed on the appropriate pages indicating where the Chairman's si ature and initials are re uired. In most cases (some contracts are an exception), the original document and this routing slip should be provided to Ian Mithchell in the BCC office within 24 hours of BCC approval. Some documents are time sensitive and require forwarding to Tallahassee within a certain time frame or the BCC's actions are nullified. Be aware of our deadlines! The document was approved by the Bee on ), (enter date) and all changes made during the meetiug have been incorporate in the attached document. The Count Attorne '8 Office has reviewed the chan es, if a licable. [" [.'ormsl County Forms! Bee Forms! Original Documents Routing Slip WWS Original 9.03JI4, Revised 1.26.05, Revised 2.24.05, Revised 9.18.09 INSTRUCTIONS & CHECKLIST I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Yes (Initial) N/A(Not A licable) "'AL 1"&"" --~ "'. Co.. ..~ 16F2 MEMORANDUM Date: November 12, 2009 To: Maryann Cole, Emergency Management From: Teresa Polaski, Deputy Clerk Minutes & Records Department Re: Agreement Attached please find a copy of an Agreement (Agenda Item #16F2), as referenced above and approved by the Board of County Commissioners on Tuesday, November 10, 2009. The Minutes and Records Department has retained the original document for the public record. If you should have any questions, please call me at 252-8411 Thank you. Attachment (1) 10/06/09 09:17:09 MyFloridaMarketPlace -> 2392526769 MyFloridaMarketptace ['] 1/16 Order No. A 12659 16F;;. I..u.d on Tu.. 06 Oct, 2009 Cre.ted on Tue, 06 Oct, 2009 by Ar1b. System Supplier: COLLIER COUNTY EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SUITE 44518075 LEL Y CULTURAL PI<!NY NAPLES, FL 34113 Phone' 239-252-3817 F.x: 239-252-8769 Contact. CHRISTINE CHASE Ship To: DCA - Divilion of Emergency Mlln.gement 2555 Shum.rd O.k B"d T.II.h....., FL 32399-2100 United st.te. Bill To: DCA - Division of Emergency Management D.por1m.nt of Community Aff.lr. 2555 Shumard O.k B..d T.n.h...... FL 32399-2100 Unit.d State. Entty D,.cripton: D.partm.nt of Community Affair. Org.nll.~on Cod.: 52800502001 Obj.ct Cod.: 000000-730000 Exp.n.lon Opdon: 04 Ex.mpton Statu.: Y.s Exemption Realen?: 1 E Deliver To: Nicki. Ryst.r VersionNumber: 1 R.que.ter: Nicki. Ryst.r Ship To Cod.: UOA03q2fub,q Distributor.?: N 5tete Contr.ct ID: PR No.. PR4159760 R.qu.ster Phon.: 8504139943 Master Agreement JD: MyGr..nFlorld. Cont.nt N Method of Procur.m.nt: L. govemm.nt.l.gencyper 287.057(5)(1)13, deflned In 163.3164(10). Shipping M.thod: B..t Way FOB Cod.: INC-Des! FOB Code Description; Destination freight paid by vendor and Included in price. Title passes upon receipt. Vendor files any claims. Encumber Funds~ Yes .. PO Start Oat.: Mon. 28 sop ?nno PO "no !.J.te; W.d. 30 Jun, 2010 meal Year Indicator: 2010 ------- PUI# 5260 51te Code: 520000-00 Addltionallt.m Info: Terms .nd Condldons: http:/tm.rkelpl.c..myflorld..comN.ndorlpo_lou.pdl ~ Ca.rd Order?: No 10/06/09 09:17:09 MyFloridaMarketPlace -) 2392526769 MyFloridaMarketPlace 16D~/Z Item De.crlptlon Part Unit Q\y Need By Unit Price Extended Amcunt Number 1 50% of all hazard analysis completed by... each 1 None $3,188.70000USD $3,188.70000USD 50% of all hazard analysis ccmpleted by Dacember 1. 2009 and approved by tha Project Manager as speclfled In the ahached Scope of Work. Item Da.crlptlon Part Unit Q\y Nood By Unit Prloo Extondod Amount Number 2 50% of the remaining hazard analysis ... each 1 None $3.188.70000USD $3,188.70000USD 50% of the ramelnlng hazard analysis completed by March 1, 2010 and approved by the Project Manager as speclfled In the ahached Scope of Work. lt8m Description Port Unit Qty N.od By Unit Price Extended Amount Number 3 Hazard AnalYll1 approval, dlltrlbutlon and ... each 1 None $706.60000USD $706.60000USD Hazard Analysis approval. aistribution and notification. Total $7,08600000USD Status: Ordering Comments . SUBMITTED by David Shuffiobo1ham on Monday. Soptembor 28. 2009 at '0;54 AM v.1th commont (2 docum.n" attach.d) See ahached Scope of Work and supporting documentaUon. CSFA No. 52.023. Please sign and return the Scope 01 Work Acceptance Form. Contact Person: Tim Date. Tel. No. 850-410-1272 (David Shufflebo1ham, Mon, 28 Sep, 2009) . APPROVED by Nickle Ryster on FMday, October 2, 2009 at 5:06 PM with comment Coding approvad. (Nic,". Ry.tor, Fri, 02 Del. 2009) 10/05/09 09:17:09 MyFloridaMarketPlace -) 2392525759 MyFloridaMarketPlace 16F2 l'l 3/15 Attachment A PURPOSE, REQUIREMENTS, SCOPE AND SCHEDULE OF DELIVERABLES AND SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS PurDose To update the hazards analysis for all faoilities listed in Attaohment 8, which have reported to the State Emergency Response Commission the presence of those specific Extremely Hazardous Substances designated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in quantities at or above the Threshold Planning Quantity. The data collected under this Agreement will be used to comply with the requirements of the Emergency Planning and Community Right- To-Know Act's planning requirements. Reaulremenrs A. The County shall submit a list of faciiities within the County's geographical boundaries that are suspected of not reporting to the State Emergency Response Commission the presence of Exiremely Hazardous Substances in quantities at or above the Threshold Planning Quantity, as designated by the U. S. Environmentai Protection Agency. B. The compieted hazards analysis shall comply with the site-specific hazards analysis criteria outlined in this Attachment for eaoh facility listed in Attachment 8. The primary guidance documents are Attachment D (Hazards Anaiysis Contract Checklist and CAMEO Guide) to this Agreement and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's "Technical Guidance for Hazards Analysis II, All hazards analyses shall be consIstent with the provisions of these documents. Any variation from the procedures outlined in these documenls must be requesled in writing and approved by the Division. C. Provide an on-site visit to each Attachment B facility 10 ensure accuracy of the hazards analysis. Each applicable facility's hazards analysis information shall be entered into the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's CAMEOfm software program, Each facility hazards analysis shall include, but is not limited to, the following items: (t) Facility Information (a) Provide the Facility name (per Attachment 8) (b) Facility address Provide the physical address (no Post Office Box) of the facility. (c) Facility Identification Provide the State Emergency Response Commission Code identification number (per Attachment 8) and the geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude in decimal degrees). (d) Facility Emergency Coordinator Provide the name, title and telephone number (daytime and 24-hour) of the designated facility emergency coordinator. (e). Transportation Routes List the main routes used (from the County line to lhe facility) 10 transport chemicals to and/or 'rom the facility. A-I 10/06/09 09:17:09 M~FloridaMarketPlace -) 2392525759 MyFloridaMarketPlace 16F2 D 4/16 (f) Evacuation Routes Based on wind direction from the North, South, East and West, identify the route(s) from the facility to exit the Vulnerable Zone(s). (g) Historical Accident Record Describe any past releases or incidents that have occurred at the facility. Include date, time, chemical name, quantity and number of persons injured or killed (this information is available from the facility). If it is determined that a faci Iity does not have a historicai aocident record, that shall be noted. (2) Hazard identification (a) Chemical identities Provide proper chemical name, Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) number and natural physical state (according to exhibit C of the Teohnical Guidance for Hazards Analysis) tor each Extremely Hazardous Substance present at the facility at any time up to one year prior to the site visit. (b) Maximum quantity on-site Express In exact pounds (not range codes) the maximum quantity of each Extremely Hazardous Substance the facility has on-site at any time up 10 one year prior to the site visit. (c) Amount in largest container or interconnected containers Express In pounds the amount of each Extremely Hazardous Substance stored in the largest container or interoonnected containers (this is the release amount used to determine the Vulnerable Zone). (d) Type and design of storage container or vessel Indicate the storage method of each Extremely Hazardous Substance, i.e., drum, cylinder, tank, and their respective capacities (It is helpful to indicate system types such as manifold versus vacuum as well). (e) Nature of the hazard Describe the type of hazard (i .e., fire, explosion) and health effects (acute and chronic) most likely to accompany a spill or release of each Extremely Hazardous Substance. A-2 10/06/0909:17:09 MyFloridaMarketPlace -> 2392526769 M8FloridaMarketPlace ~ ~lf 2 (3) Vulnerability Analysis (a) Extent of the Vulnerable Zone For each Extremely Hazardous Substance present at a facility, previde the estimated gecgraphical area (vulnerable zone) that may be subject to concentrations of an airborne Extremely Hazardous Substance at levels that could cause irreversible acute health effects or death to human populations following an accidental release. (b) Estimate Facility Population Provide an estimate of the maximum number of employees present at the facility at any given time, i.e. if the facility is unmanned except for routine maintenance by only one person then, the number of employees present at any given time shall be noted as one. (c) Critical Facilities Identify each critical facility by name and each critical facility's maximum expected occupancy, within each vulnerable zone, which are essential to emergency response or house special needs populations (schools, day cares, public safety facilities, hospitals, etc.). If there are no critical facilities within the vulnerable zone, that shall be noted. (d) Estimate Total Exposed Population Provide an estimate of the total exposed population (facility employees + general population + critical facilities), within each vulnerable zone, that would be affected in a worst case release scenario. (4) Risk Analysis (the three ratings (Risk Assessment} at the bol1om of the CAMEOfm Scenario Page will meet the four requirements belcw) (a) Probability of release Rate the prebability cf release as Low, Moderafe, or High based on observations at the facility. Considerations should include history of prevlcus incidents and current ccnditions and contrels at the facility. (b) Severity of consequences of human injury Rate the severity of consequences if an actual release were to occur (c) Severity cf ccnsequences of damage tc property Rate the potential damage to the facility, nearby buildings and infrastructure if an actual release were to occur. (d) Severity of consequences of envircnmental exposure Rate the potential damage to the surrounding environmentally sensitive areas, natural habitat and wildlife if an actual release were to occur, A-3 16F 2 10/06/09 09:17:09 M~FloridaMarketPlace -> 2392526769 M~FloridaMarketPlace D 5/16 D. Identify those facilities in Attachment B for which a hazards analysis was not submitted. Supporting documentation must be provided with a list to account for the facilities for which a hazards analysis was not completed. In addition to the facility name and the State Emergency Response Commission Code identification number, supporting documentation should indicate: (1) Facility has closed or is no longer in business. (2) Facility is not physically located in the County (indicate appropriate County location, if known). (3) Facility does not have Extremely Hazardous Substance(s) on-site or Extremely Hazardous Substance(s) are below the Threshold Planning Quantity. These facilities require: (a) A Statement of Determination from the facility representative for the previous reporting year; or (b) A letter from the facility representative fully explaining why the Extremely Hazardous Substance(s) is/are not now present at or above the Threshold Planning Quantity and a date when the Extremely Hazardous Substance(s) was/were removed from the facility. E. On-Site Visits (1) Conduct a detailed on-site visit, within the period of this Agreement, of all the facilities listed in Attachment 8, to confirm the accuracy and completeness of information in the hazards analysis. (2) Submit a completed Hazards Analysis Site Visit Certification Form (Attachment E) to the Division for each facility site visit conducted. (3) Submit (electronicallv) a site plan map with the State Emergency Response Commission Code identification number and in sufficient detail to identify: (a) Location of major building(s) (b) Lccation and identification of EHS container(s) (c) Location of major street(s) and entrance(s) (d) North arrow F. Ensure that the Hazards Analysis information is reflected in the County Local Mitigation Strategy. Scope and Schedule of Dellverables Deliverable 1 : On of before December 1,2009, the County shall submit fifty (50) percent of the completed hazards analyses of the Attachment B facilitIes to the Division for review and approval. Deliverable 2: On or before March 1, 2010, the County shall submit the final fifty (50) percent of the completed hazards analyses of the Attachment 8 facilities to the Division for review and approval. A-4 10/05/09 09:17:09 M~FloridaMarketPlace -) 2392526769 M~FloridaMarketPlace 16F2 D 7/16 Deliverable 3: A. On or before June 30, 2010, the County shall provide the Division one (1) copy (electronic format) of each approved hazards analysis. A complete copy of each apprcved hazards analysis shall be submitted to the applicable Local Emergency Planning Committee and a copy of the transmittal document shall be submitted to the Division. B. The County shall notify all Attachment B facilities and applicable first responder agencies of the availability of the hazards analyses information, and make that information available upon request and submit proof of said notifications to the Division. C. As appropriate, participate in a technical assistance training session provided by the Division. Schedule of Pavments Pavment Deliverable #1 . 45% of the Agreement Amount $3.188.70 Oeliverablelt2 - 45% of the Agreement Amount $3.188.70 Oeliverablelr.l - 10% of the Agreement Amount $708.60 Each payment shall be made upon satisfactory completion of the deliverable above and upon receipt of an acceptable Financial Invoice (Attachment C). A-5 10/06/09 09:17:09 MyFloridaMarketPlace -) 2392526769 MyFloridaMarketPlace 1 qf12 ATTACHMENT B. COLLIER COUNTY SECTION 302 FACILITIES ~eClSERC Phyolcol Addr... EVEROLADES CITY PUllLIC WORKS - BOOSTER WJP NORTHCOPELANDAVENUB EVERGLADES CITY PL 34139 9 29431 MolUng Address 9 CITY OF BVEROLADES CITY POST OFFICE BOX 110 EVERGLADES CITY FL 34139- 11018 9 22581 BMllARQ - NAPLES I GOLDEN GA TB CENlRAL OFFICB 4661 SUN SET ROAD GOLDEN GATB FL 34116-582 BMllARQ 555 LAKE BORDER DRIVE FLAPKA0206 APOPKA PL 32703 AGMARTPRGDUCB.FARMI2 9 8355 COUNTY ROAD sSS ~OKALBB FL ~142.~0 AG-MARTPRODUCE 4006 NORTH AIRPORT ROAD PLANT CITY FL 33563 33549 9 33621 AG MART PRODUCE. IMMOKALBEFARM COUNTY ROAD 846 IMMOKALBB FL ~142 AG.MARTPRODUCE 4006 NORTH AIRPORT ROAD PLANT CITY FL 33563 BARNETT FARMS 9 mGHW A Y 858 I BAST COUNTYLINB ROAD 18743 ~OKALBB FL 34143 BARNETT FARMS POST OFFICE BOX 1144 ~OKALBB FL ~143- 9 2517 FAR...\1ER.S SUPPLY 710BROWARD STREET IMMOKALBB PL 34142- FARMERS SUPPLY 7l0BROWARD STREBT IMMOKALBE FL 34142 9 20BO GARGIULO. BllN RESEARCH 25672 IMMOKALEE ROAD IMMOKALEE PL 34142 GARGIULO 15000 OLD US }{[GHWAY 41 NORTH NAPLES FL 34110- HOWARD FBRTILIZBR -lMMOKALBB 2IS WEST NEW MARKET ROAD Th1]\.[OKALEE FL 34142- HOWARD FBRTII1ZBR POST OFFICE BOX 628202 ORLANDO FL 32862 9 2318 CITY OF MARCO ISLAND. LlME SOFTENlNG PLANT 961 WINDWARD DRIVE MARCO ISLAND PL 34145- CITY OF MARCO ISLAND 50 BALD EAGLE DRIVE MARCO ISLAND FL 34145-3528 B.l 10/06/09 09:17:09 M~FloridaMarketPlace -> 2392526769 ~.C1SERC PhYlllcRl Add.... CITY OF MARCO ISLAND - REVERSE OSMOSIS FACIIJ1Y 415 LILLY COURT MARCO ISLAND FL 34145- 9 22537 9 15951 9 15121 9 15950 EMBARQ - MARCO ISLAND I CENTRAL OFFICE 401 EALD EAGLE DRIVE MARCO ISLAND PI.. 34145-271 9 2120 CITY OF NAPLES - WAlBR PLANT '2 1000 FLElSCHMANN BOULEVARD NAPLES FL 34102 9 2)[9 CITY OF NAPLES. WWTP 1400 TIIIRD AVENUE NORTII NAPLES FL 34102- 9 3:2254 CLASSIC BENTLEY VILLAGE 2315 LEISURE LANE NAPLES PI.. 34110 9 27919 CLUB AT THE STRAND 5800 STRAND BOULVEARD NAPLES PI.. 34110-139 9 9624 CLUB PELICAN BAY 6650 WATERGATE WAY NAPLES PI.. 34108. 9 22570 EMBARQ - NAPLES I CI'NTRAL OFFICE 10201 NORTIi TAMIAMl TRAIL NAPLES FL 34108 EMBARQ. NAPLES I NAPLES AlRPORTRLS 3150 RADIO ROAD NAPLES FL 34104- EMBARQ - NAPLES I NAPLES MOORIN'G CENTRAL OFFICE 99026 AVENUE NORTII NAPLES PI.. 34103- M~FloridaMarketPlace ['l 9/16 16F2 MRillng Add.... CITY OF MARCO ISLAND 50 BALD EAGIE DRIVE MARCO ISLAND PL 34145-3528 EMBARQ 555 LAKE BORDER DRIVE FLAPKA0206 APOPKA FL 32703 CITY OF NAPLBS 380 RIVERSIDB CIRCLE NAPLES FL 34102- CITY OF NAPLES 380 RIVERSIDE CIRCLE NAPLES FL 34102- CLASSICRESIDBNCBS BYHYATI 2315 LEISURE LANE NAPLES PI.. 34110 THE CLUIl AT THE STRAND 5800 STRAND BOULEVARD NAPLES PL 34110- THE CLUB PELICAN BAY 707 GULP PARK DRIVE NAPLES FL 34108- EMBARQ 555 LAKE EORDER DRIVE FLAPKA0206 APOPKA FL 32703 EMBARQ 555 LAKE BORDER DRIVE FLAPKA0206 APOPKA FL 32703 EMBARQ 555 LAKE BORDER DRIVE FLAPKA0206 APOPKA FL 32703 B.2 10/06/09 09:17:09 MyFloridaMarketPlace -> 2392526759 :;:.CISERC P~lcol Add.... P OU A. OOLDEN OA1B W1P. 2184 4300 OOLDEN OA 1B PARKWAY NAPLES PL 34116 9 2184 9 26355 OAROIULO . FARM 7 15000 EAST US HIGHWAY 41 NAPLES FL 34114- 9 2223 OAROIULO . OULF COAST FARM 7 14 AVENUE SOUTHEAST NEAR GOLDEN GATE NAPLES FL 34114- 9 6855 GARGIULO - S W F FARMS 5870 COUNTY ROAD 858 NAPLES FL 34120- 9 31660 HALEAKALA CONSTRUCTION 5758 TAYLOR ROAD NAPLES FL 34109-182 9 32936 LBVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS. NAPLES HUT 3960 20 PLACE SOUfHWBST . NAPLES HUT NAPLES FL 9 35531 OLD COUJER OOLF CLUB 797 WALKBRBn..TROAD NAPLES PL 34110 9 29655 SAMS CLUB - STORE 6364 2550 IMMOKALEE ROAD NAPLES FL 34110- 9 3619] SYNGENTA SEEDS - NAPLES 10290 GREENWAY ROAD NAPLES FL 34114 \VlNDSTAR CLUB 9 4343 YACHT HARllORDRIVE 35132 NAPLES FL 34112 MyFloridaMarketPlace MoUlD. Add.... Cl 10/16 16Fg FLORIDA OOVBRNMENTAL UTILITY AUTHORlTY 280 WEKIV A SPRlNOS ROAD. SUITE 203 LONGWOOD FL 32779 OAROIULO 15000 OLD us HIGHWAY 41 NORTH NAPLES FL 34110- OAROIULO 15000 OLD US HlGHWA Y 41 NORTH NAPLES FL 3411 0- GARGIULO 15000 OLD US H!OHWAY41 NORTH NAPLES FL 3411 0- HALBAKALA CONSTRUCTION 575STAYLORROAD NAPLES PI.. 34109-11lll29 LBVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS S43lNDUSTRlAL DRIVE LEWISBERRY PA 17339 THE OLD COILlER OOLP CLUBlNC 790 MArn' HOUSE DRIVE NAPLES FL 3411 0 SAMS BAST INe - CORPORATB COMPLIANCE SOB SOUIHWEST 8 STREET BBNTONVlLLE AR 72712.0505 SYNGENT A SEEDS 7500 OLSON MEMORlAL HlGHWAY OOLDEN V AILEY MN 55427 WINDSTAR CLUB, INe 1700 WINDSTAR BOULEVARD NAPLES FL 34112 B.3 10/05/09 09:17:09 MyFloridaMarketPlace -> 2392525759 M~FloridaMarketPlace D 11/15 16r 2 Attachment C FINANCIAL INVOICE FORM FOR HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARDS ANALYSIS UPDATE COUNTY: PURCHASE ORDER # AMOUNT REQUESTED BY THE RECIPIENT AMOUNT APPROVED BY THE DIVISION 1. First Payment (45% of contract amount) $ (50% Hazards Analyses compl8ted/submirted) 2. Second Payment (45% of contract amount) $ (50% Hazards Analyses completed/submirted) 3. Final Payment(10% of contract amount) $ (approval, distribution & notification) $ $ $ TOTAL AMOUNT $ $ (To be completed by the Division) I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief the billed costs are in accordance with the terms of the Agreement. Signature of Authorized Official/Title Date TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE PAID AS OF THIS INVOICE $ (To be comple~ed bv the Division) 10/06/09 09:17:09 M~FloridaMarketPlace -) 2392525759 M~FloridaMarketPlace Cl 12/16 16F2 Attachment 0 I-+Az .A'!;IT\.C: AI'oJALr~o;;l.4i [,LJ~T" c.1+6t!.t.l.u.O;;'" A~~ {"AMeD ~u 1!)5 ~Ar..ILrry It-.JFDA?MAT1CJI'rJ Facility Name {per Attachment B} (Facility page) Facility Physical address (Facility page) SERC Code Idenl~lcallon number {per Attacltment B, I.e. SERC#XXXXX} (Department Field on Faclll'ly page) Latitude & Longitude in degroeslmlnut../Slcenda {i.e. 30.1917 - 84.3621) (Map Dala lab on Facility page) Facility Emergency Coordinator name, title, phone # [Including 24 hr. number, (Contact tab on Facility page) Transpertatien Reute(s) {frem ceunty Iinete Ihe facility) (Nete. lab en Facility page) Evacuation Route(a) to exit the vulnerable zone (Notes lab on Facility page) Histerical Accident Recerd (If nene, please nete) (Note. tab on Facility page) t+AZ.ARl> 11>6NTlFICATlON (for each Extremdy Hazardou. Sub.tance en .tte) Proper chemical name(s) (Chemical In Inventory pagels)) Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) number (Chemical in Inventory pagels}) Natural physical atate lie. mixture, pure, liquid, ""lid, gas) (Chemical In Inventory pagels), Physical State and Quantity tab) Maxim um quanmy en-s.e in peunds (Chemical in Inventory pagels), Physical State and a.....ntity tab) Amount In large.t container or Interconnected contalne", (Chemical In Inventory pagels)' Physical Slate and Quantity tAb) Type and design ef sterage centainer(s) (i e. cylinder, sle.1 drum, carboy etc) (Chemical in Inventery pagels), lecation lab) Nature ot the Oftzard {i.e., ecute, chronic, fire, pre..ure elc} (Chemical In Inventory pagels)' Physical State and Quantity tab) Vl..tl NSRA1!.ILlT'( ANAl '1:''''.'' (for each Extremely Hazardous Subslance on o1te) Estimate vulnerable zene {threat zone} radlu. (bottom ef Scenario pagel'}l Feclllty Population {unmanned facll~le. minimum of one Is required for maintenance personnel} (10 Codes tab on Facility page) Critical Facilitias {name ef facil.ie. and max occupancy for each) [if nono, please notol (Notes tab on Scenario pagels}) E5Ilmate Total Expo.ed Populatlon(.) {tacll~y + general population + cr~lcal facilities} (Notes tab on Scenario page{s}) RISK ANALYSIS (ror each Extremely Hazardous Subslance on 011e) (Scenario pagels)) The lbree ratlnR' IRI.k A....smenl1 at the bottom of the SCENARIO P AGEISl will meet lhe four reoulremenl. below Rate probability of relee.. (I.e., low, medium or high} Rate severity of consequences of human injury {i,Q" low, medium or high} Rate s..ver.y of consequ..nce. ef damage te property (i.e., low, medium er high) Rate severity of consequences of environmental exposure {Lu" low, medium or high} DN,."'"", VI."'T." (within lbe contract period) Completed hazard. analy.l. site vl.lt cenlflcatlon form (submItted electronically or hard copy) Site plan map (submitted electronically) for each facility, with SERe code number and with sufficient detail to identify: : Location of majer building(a) I Locatien ef container(s) of Extr..mely Hazardeus Substance(.) i Location of major street(s) and ontrance(.) I North arrow The data in the Facility Information, Hazard Identification, Vulnerability Analysis and Ri.k Analysis .ection. noted above shall be submitted electronically in a CAMEOfm zip file format. 10/06/09 09:17:09 MyFlorldaMarketPlace -) 2392526769 MyFloridaMarketPlace ['} 13/16 16F2 Attachment E Name of Facility (Please print) Name of County (Please print) State Emergency Response Commission (SERG) Code Name of Facility Representative (Please print) Facility Representative Signature Site Visit Date Name of Inspector (Please print) Inspector's Signature Site Visit Date The individuals sianina above certifv that a hazards analvsis site visit was conducted on the above date. 10/06/09 09:17:09 M~FloridaMarketPlace -> 2392525759 MyFloridaMarketPlace ATTACHMENT "F" METHOD OF COMPENSA nON 1.0 PURPOSE: This AUaclunent defines the limits of compensation to be made to the County for the services set forth in Attachment "A" and the method by which payments shall be made. 2.0 COMPENSATION. For the satisfactory performance of services detailed in Attachment "A", the County shall be paid the amounts in accordance with Schedule of Deliverables and Payments in Attachment "A" for a maximum contract value of 57.086.00. 3.0 PAYMENTS: The County shall submit an original signature invoice (3 copies) in a formal acceptable to the Division. Payment for services shall be made at amounts shown in Attachment "A", as approved by the Division. Invoices shall be submitted to: Florida Division of Emergency Management Tim Date. Plannlm, Manaller 2555 Shumard Oak Blvd. Tallahassee. FL 32399-2100 4.0 DETA~S OF COSTS AND FEES: Details of the County's hilling rates for these services are contained in Attachment "A", attached hereto and made a part hereof. 5.0 TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY: This contract does not involve the purchase of Tangible Personal Property, as defined in Chapter 273, F.S. Cl 14/16 16F2 10/06/09 09:17:09 M~FlorldaMarketPlace -> 2392525759 M~FloridaMarketPlace ATTACHMENT G ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. A later date may be agreed upon in writing by both parties to this Agreement. 2. The Division will be the sole authority for determining extenuating circumstances and granting extensions to the deliverable deadline. Cl 15/15 16F2 10/06/09 09:17:09 M~FlorldaMarketPlace -> 2392526769 MyFlorldaMarketPlace Cl 16/16 16F2 HAZARD ANALYSIS UPDATE SCOPE OF WORK ACCEPTANCE The governmental entity Indentified In the Scope of Work agrees to fully perform the specified services in Altaclunent A, Purpose, Requirements, Scope and Schedule of Deliverables and Schedule of Payments and all other supporting documentation attached to this Purchase Order. Please sign and return this acceptance form prior to commencement of services to: Tim Date, Planning Manager 2555 Shumard Oak Blvd. Tallahassee, Florida 32399.2100 k of eourtf. 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