GGELTC Minutes 03/25/2019MINUTES
Golden Gate Estates Land Trust Committee
Monday, March 25, 2019 - 5:30 p.m.
Greater Naples Fire Rescue District Station 7l - Community Room
100 l3th Street SW, Naples, Florida
Committee Members
Chairman: Jeff Curl
Vice-Chairman: Mark Fillmore
Member: Pat Humphries
Member: Annette Kniola
Member: Carol Pratt
Countv Staff
Michael Dowling: Collier County Real Property Management
1. Call to order: JelT called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
2. Approval of current Agenda: Jeff asked ilthere were any revisions to the Agenda, there were
none. Jeff called lor a motion to approve the Agenda as presented. Mark made a motion to
approve the Agenda as presented, Pat seconded the motion, Jeff called the vote, all were in
3. Approval of the Minutes for the January 28, 2019, meeting: Jeff asked if there were any
revisions or questions regarding the Minutes. Pat questioned if the proposed locations of the
Golden Gate Estates Area Civic Association welcome signs may not be installed technically
within the GGE boundary. Michael provided the GGE Boundary map lor review, and. as Pat
suggested. the proposed locations were not 'technically' within the boundary of GGE.
However, the proposed locations may have been selected due to the location ol the nearest
medians closest to the actual CGE boundary. Jelf said that the Civic Association and County
Permitting Department will most likely determine the appropriate median location suitable
for both parties. Michael asked il' the Committee wanted the Civic Association to provide
additional informalion on the locations and the Committee did not require that. JelTcalled 1br
a motion to approve the Minutes as presented. Pat made a motion to approve the Minutes as
presented. Mark seconded the motion, Jeff called the vote, all were in lavor.
4. Approval of Treasurer's Report: The cash balance was the same as January's since interesl is
scheduled to be posted on April l. Michael provided the last cash balance of$888,515.91.
5. Update for Greater Naples Fire Rescue District Brush Truck Purchase: Michael reported that
the Brush Truck would be delivered in the next f'ew weeks and provided pictures of the
Packet Pg. 342 Attachment: March 25, 2019 Minutes (Signed) (9497 : GAC Estates Land Trust Advisory Committee June 24, 2019)
almost-compleled truck to the Committee. Jeff asked if Greater Naples Fire Rescue District
will include a GAC funding sign on the truck and Michael said he will confirm that with the
6. Update lbr Executive Summary lo release properties: Michael said he hopes to schedule the
Executivc Summary for the April 29,2019. Board meeting.
7. Update on 8'h Street NE Bridge Temporary Construction Easement: Michael provided a
picture of the completed bridge construction. Jeff questioned if the project encroached the
GAC Land Trust property, and il a boat ramp was installed for South Florida Water
Management District's use. Jeff said if construction has encroached on both counts, he wants
Transportation to compensate the Land Trust Committee for the use of the land. Michael said
he would visit the site and discuss with County staff (Andy Miller) and report hndings to the
Committee. A member of the public said the project has been dilficult for property owners.
8. Discussion regarding Randall Curve letter to the Board ol County Commissioners: Included
in the Committee's emailed Agenda packet was a copy of Jefls letter to the BCC regarding
the Committee's thoughts about the Randall Curve property. Jeff asked if anyone had any
questions or anything to add to the letter. Carol said she had a f'ew minor revisions and a
question regarding the statement about the 'County Attomey's opinion.' Jeff said that the
County Attomey's opinion was meant to state that the Committee had no say in a future
transl'er ofthe property. Carol said she rewrote that statement to read dit'ferently and read the
revision, which was agreeable to JelI-. Pat suggested that the GAC List of Expenditures (list
of Committed-funded projects) be attached to the letter, and JetT agreed. Jefl said that the
premise ofthe original land-swap agreement was to obtain a necessary easement for access to
the 47-acre parcel. Jefl said that he was new to the Committee but recalls Marla Ramsey
saying that an easement was necessary tbr the County's benefit, but that is not mentioned in
the minutes from that meeting. Jeff also said that at the last BCC meeting, Dr. Patton stated
that the County needs an easement to access the 47 acres and that the School District will do
what it needs to in order to assist the County securing that easement. Jeff again restated that
the easement the main issue in developing/selling that property. All were agreeable to the
letter's content and to the revisions Carol's and Pat's suggestions. Mark made a motion to
approve the letter with the suggested revisions and to forward to the BCC, Annette seconded
the motion, Jeff called the vote, all were in favor. Michael said he would forward Carol's
Word version to Jeff making note of her changes so he could compare both drafts, and Jeff
agreed. Michael also clarified that Jeff would make the changes, and that the hnal draft will
be sent to Michael to forward to all the Committee Members for final review, Jeff agreed.
Michael also asked that il Jeff would be forwarding the letter to the BCC on behalf of the
Committee or if he would be and Jellsaid he would send the lelter.
9. Other Business: Michael said that he did no1 include an update lbr the Golden Gate Estates
Area Civic Association welcome sign that has been submitted to the April 9' 2019' BCC
meeling. Michael said that the successor Avatar, Taylor Morrison Homes, provided a
statement of no objection earlier in the day. Michael also said that the new company was
researching their records and will discuss the County's requesl to terminate the 1983
Packet Pg. 343 Attachment: March 25, 2019 Minutes (Signed) (9497 : GAC Estates Land Trust Advisory Committee June 24, 2019)
Jeflalso said that Avatar/ its successor should obtain a letter ofno objection for the proposed
sale of the Randall Curve property and not doing so would violate the 1983 Agreement. The
Committee was concemed that if the Agreement is dissolved, there may not be guidelines for
the transf'erring and/or selling the remaining properties, and for allocating l'unds to
govemmental agencies. Michael said that he and his Manager, Toni Mott, who is an advocale
of the GAC Land Trust, will ensure that policies similar to those in the current Agreement
remain in place to allow the Committee to continue conducting business as it presently does
with the exception of not requiring the grantor's approval for funding requests and eliminate
the grantor with a first right ofrefusal on properties for potential sale.
Mark Fillmore submitted his resignation to the GAC Land Trust Fund Committee and said he
would remain on the Committee until a replacemenl is approved by the BCC.
Annette inquired if the Committee would be receptive to hear a f-unding request fiom the
School District for a llight simulator fbr Palmetto Ridge High School. The Committee
discussed the request and it was decided that the beneflt would be for a small percentage ol
students and that should be the School District's responsibility. The Committee was nol
favorable to entertain a l'unding request lbr a flight simulator.
Mark said he will go online to help Angela Birks apply for the vacancy on the Committee.
10. Public Comment: None.
I I . Next meeting May 20. 201 9.
12. Jeff asked for a motion to adjoum the meeting. Mark made a motion to adjoum. Annetle
seconded it, Jeffcalled the vote, all were in favor, the meetin g adjoumed at 6:30 p.m
June 24, 2019
Packet Pg. 344 Attachment: March 25, 2019 Minutes (Signed) (9497 : GAC Estates Land Trust Advisory Committee June 24, 2019)