Agenda 12/01/2009 Item #16G 1 Agenda Item No. 16G1 December 1, 2009 Page 1 0113 .- EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to designate, by Resolution, the entire geographical territory of Collier County as a Recovery Zone, in accordance with the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, which allows for the issuance of Recovery Zone Economic Development Bonds and Recovery Zone Facility Bonds on or prior to December 31, 2010; and providing authority to the BCC to approve eligible projects to be financed by such Bonds. (Fiscal Impact - None) OBJECTIVE: To designate the entire geographical territory of Collier County as a Recovery Zone which would allow for the issuance of Recovery Zone Economic Development Bonds and Recovery Zone Facility Bonds to finance various eligible projects, and provide final authority to the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) for the approval of eligible projects to be financed by such Bonds. BACKGROUND: To address the worsening national economy, the United 'States Congress in February, 2009 passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). ARRA created two new types of bonds and broadened the types of projects which may be financed with proceeds of Private Activity Bonds or Industrial Development Bonds: -- . Recovery Zone Economic Development Bonds are for public projects to be built within a recovery zone. Interest generated by these public bonds are taxable, hence the interest rate charged to local governmental entities issuing such bonds will be higher. To offset this expense, any public entity issuing bonds under this program will be given a tax rebate directly from the United States Treasury equal to 45 percent of the interest eamed on the bonds. This amount is paid to the local government in connection with each interest payment made by such government. In current markets, the after-tax interest costs to a local government, with respect to these Bonds, is generally lower than traditional tax-exempt bonds. . Recovery Zone Facility Bonds are a new category of tax-exempt private activity bonds (or industrial development bonds) which may also only be used in Recovery Zones. They may be used by private entities for commercial projects within the designated recovery zone. 95% or more of the net proceeds of Recovery Zone Facility Bonds must finance recovery zone property. To that extent, the proceeds must be used to construct, reconstruct, renovate or acquire private property within the recovery zone after that zone has been properly established. In addition, the bond funds must be used for a qualified business which is defined by federal law to exclude rental or residential properties; private or commercial golf courses or country clubs; massage parlors, hot tub or sun tan facilities; racetracks or other gambling establishments; or any store whose principal business is the sale of alcoholic beverages for conswnption off premises. All other private projects would be eligible to use Recovery Zone Facility Bonds. These bonds are tax-exempt. -- . Under the ARRA, both of the above-described bond programs are for a limited duration - bonds must be issued on or before December 31, 20J O. ,--,-,-,-,. --.'. ,.,,-._--- "_"''"W~~'W' "'_'~~" "~' ,. ,~".._"',~,,, .,,"' . ..,.~-- ' '_.--"- Agenda Item No. 16G1 December 1, 2009 Page 2 01 13 CONSIDERATIONS: Each State in the Country has been allocated a portion of the $10 billion dollars the federal government has allocated to the Recovery Zone Economic Development Program and the $15 billion dollars allocated for the Recovery Zone Facility Bond Program. The State of Florida, in turn, has allocated Collier County a total of $14,184,000 for the Recovery Zone Economic Development Bond Program and $21,276,000 for the Recovery Zone Facility Bond Program. Before any Recovery Zone bonds may be issued, the BCC must designate, by Ordinance or Resolution, all or part of the County as a Recovery Zone. Once designated, bonds issued under either of the two Programs may only be issued for projects within the Recovery Zone. Recovery Zones are areas designated by state or local governments as having significant poverty, unemployment, home-foreclosure rates or general distress or any area for which a designation as an empowerment zone or renewal community is in effect. Collier County meets the criteria to be designated a Recovery Zone. FINANCE COMMITTEE: On October 23, 2009, the Committee met and discussed the options of designating multiple areas such as existing CRAs or designating the entire County. By majority vote, the Committee agreed the designation of all of Collier County was the best course of action and to recommend that the BCC do so by resolution. FISCAL IMPACT: Officially designating Collier County as a Recovery Zone has no fiscal impact outside of staff time required to locate and present to the BCC qualified public projects and/or a qualified business which are defined by federal law. Before any bonds may be issued under either thc Recovery Zone Economic Development Bond Program or the Recovery Zone Facility Bond Program, the BCC must review and approve same. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney's Office, and is legally sufficient for Board action. (HF AC) GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: To approve a Resolution designating the entire geographical territory of Collier County as a Recovery Zone to allow issuance of Recovery Zone Economic Development Bonds and Recovery Zone Facility Bonds to finance eligible projects; provide final authority to the BCC for the approval of eligible projects to be financed by such Bonds. Prepared by: David Jackson on November 3,2009 Executive Director, Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment Agency , ,__'_._m Agenda Item No. 16G1 December 1, 2009 Page 3 01 13 _.. COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summaoy: 1681 Meeting Date: Recommendation to designate, by Resolution, the entire geographical territory of Collier County as a Recovery Zone, in accordance with the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, which allows for the issuance of Recovery Zone Economic Development Bonds and Recovery Zone Facility Bonds on or prior to December 31, 2010; and providing authority to the BCC to approve eligible projects to be financed by such Bonds. (Fiscal Impact None) 12/1/2009 9:00:00 AM Prepared By David Jackson Executive Director, eRA Date 11110120092:30:20 PM Approved By David Jackson Executive Director, eRA Date 11/10120092:30 PM Approved By Heidi F. Ashton Section Chief/Land Use"Transportation Date County Attorney County Attorney 11110120094:24 PM Approved By OMS Coordinator Date County Attorney County Attorney 11117120098:38 AM Approved By Jeff Klatzkow County Attorney Date 11117120092:48 PM Approved By Mark Isackson ManagemenUBudget Analyst, Senior Date Office of Management & Budget Office of Management & Budget 11119120098:29 AM ---- ~.._--~-_.__.."._. .-~ - ...- . , ~~~-"'-' __m_ ~,_ , "~'., I "'-- - Agenda Item No. 16G1 December 1, 2009 Page 4 01 13 RESOLUTION 2009- A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA DESIGNATING COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA AS A RECOVERY ZONE FOR PURPOSES OF SECTIONS 1400U-I, 1400U-2 AND 1400U-3 OF THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE OF 1986, AS AMENDED; PROVIDING FINDINGS; PROVIDING FOR ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES/PROJECTS FOR RECOVERY ZONE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BONDS; PROVIDING FOR ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES/PROJECTS FOR RECOVERY ZONE FACILITY BONDS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR A SUNSET DATE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE. DATE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIOA: SECTION 1. FINDINGS. (A) Section 140] of 'I' it Ie I o[Division B of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 01'2009 ("ARRA") addcd Scctions 1400-1 through ]400U-3 to the Interna] Revenue Code (the "Code"). authorizing state and local governments to issue recovery zone economic developmcnt bonds ("Recovery Zone Economic Dcvclopmcnt Bonds") and rccovery zone facility bonds ("Recovery Zone Facility Bonds" and together with the Recovery Zone Economic Developmcnt Bonds. the "Recovcry Zone Bonds") through December 31, 20] 0 which provide tax incentives to statc and local govcrnmcnts by lowcring borrowing costs as a means to promote job creation and cconomic rccovery to targeted arcas particularly affected by employment declines. (B) The United States Treasury Department established a national bond volume limitation ("Volume Cap") of $1 0 billion [or Recovcry Zone Economic Devclopment Bonds and $] 5 billion for Recovery Zone Facility Bonds which is allocated among the states in the proportion that each state's 2008 stale employment decline bears to the aggregate o[ the 2008 state employment declines for all o[the states ("Recovery Zone Bond Allocation''). (C) Recovery Zone Economic Development Bonds are taxable tax-credit governmental bonds that may be used to finance certain "qualified economic development purposes," defined as expenditures promoting development or other economic activity within an area designated by the County as a recovery zone (the "Recovery Zonc"), including (]) capital expenditures paid or incurred with rcspect to property located in the Reeovcry Zonc, (2) cxpenditures for public infrastructure and construction o[ public facilities, (3) expenditures for job training and educational programs. and (4) any other "qualilied economic development Agenda Item No. 16G1 December 1, 2009 Page 5 01 13 " purposes" as allowed under Intemal Revenue Service Notice 2009-50 (Recovery Zone Bond Volume Cap Allocations) and under any further guidance that may be released by the Internal Revenue Service regarding Recovery Zone Economic Development Bonds. Recovery Zone Facility Bonds are tax exempt private activity bonds that may be used to finance certain property located within a designated Recovery Zone. (D) Each state that has received a Recovery Zone Bond Allocation is required, without discretion, to reallocate such allocation among the counties and large municipalities (min. 100,000 population) in such state in the proportion that each county's or municipality's 2008 employment decline bears to the aggregate of the 2008 employment declines for all the counties and municipalities in such state. (E) The County has becn allocatcd $] 4, 184,000 in Recovery Zone Economic Devclopment Bonds and $21,276,000 in Recovery Zone Facility Bonds, which must be issued on or before December 3 I, 20 I O. (F) Section 1400U-I(b) of the Code requircs each governmental issuer of Recovery Zone Bonds to designate an eligible Recovcry Zone or Zones within its geographical jurisdiction using the following criteria: (1) significant poverty, unemployment, rate of home foreclosures, or general distress; (2) any area distresscd by reason of the closurc or realignment of a military installation pursuant to thc Dcfcnsc Basc Closurc and Realignmcnt Act of 1990; and (3) any area for which a designation as an empowcrment zonc or renewal community is in effect as of thc effective date of ARRA. (G) l11C uncmploymcnt ratc in the County has risen from 8.4% in Scptcmbcr 2008 to 13.1 % in September 2009, currcntly exceeding the national avcrage. (H) Home forcclosures in the County have increascd 9% during the last 12 months and rclated Lis Pendens are currently being filcd at an avcrage rate of approximately 713 per month for the first nine months of2009. (I) Median single family home sales priccs have dropped from approximately $300,000 in July 2008 to approximately $187,000 in July 2009. (1) Taxable sales havc decreased approximatcly 6% for the pcriod bctween Junc 2008 and June 2009. (K) The high uncmployment rate, home forcclosures, reduced home values and decrcase in retail activity in the County has impacted citizcns and businesscs countywide and has resultcd in the gcncral distress throughout the County. Accordingly, it is in the bcst intercsts of the County that the entire geographic area of the County be designated a "Recovery Zone" for purposes of issuing Rccovcry Zone Bonds to promote job creation and cconomic recovery. ---~- --'.- ---~"-, - -- - - -.-.--..........,..-- I Agenda Item No. 16G1 December 1, 2009 Page 6 01 13 SECTION 2. DESIGNATION OF RECOVERY ZONE. Pursuant to Section l400U-1 of the Code, the entire geographic area of the County is hereby designated as a "Recovery Zone" for the purpose of issuing Recovery Zone Bonds. SECTION 3. ISSUANCE OF RECOVERY ZONE BONDS. Issuance of Recovery Zone Bonds will be at the discretion of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida (the "Board") based on project qualifications as provided herein. SECTION 4. RECOVERY ZONE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BONDS- ELIGIBLE ACTIVITI ES/PROJECTS. Eligible activities/projects that qualiry for issuance of Recovery Zone Economic Development Bonds shall include activities/projects within the Recovery Zone that promote economic development, as measured by such criteria as the Board deems appropriate and may include: (A) Capital expenditures paid or incurred with respect to property located in the Recovery Zone, including working capital expenditures to promote development or other economic activity; (B) Expenditures for public infrastrueturc and construction of public facilities; and (C) Expcnditurcs fm- job training and cducational programs, SECTION 5. RECOVERY ZONE FACILITY BONDS ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES/PROJECTS. Eligiblc activitics/projects that qualify for issuance of Rccovcry Zone Facility Bonds include any and all private activity bonds issued on behalf of qualificd borrowers for projects located within the Recovery Zone, including qualifying capital improvcments and infrastructure projects; providcd, however, qualifying projccts do not include any private or commercial golf course, coul1lry club. massage parlor. hot tub facility, suntan facility, racetrack or other facility used for gambling, or any store the principal business 01' which is the sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption off premises. SECTION 6. PROJECT PROCESS. (A) With respect to the Recovel)' Zone Economic Dcvclopment Bonds. the Board shall make the final dctermination in its discrction as to which eligible projects shall be funded. (B) With respect to Recovery Zone Facility Bonds. thc Board shall consider all recommendations pursuant to cstablished procedures for conduit financing which shall be provided to it by the Collier County Industrial Development Authority. The eligible activities/projccts that qualify for issuance of the Rccovery Zone Facility Bonds shall include activities/projects that promote economic development within the Recovery Zone as measured by such criteria as thc Board dccms appropriatc. (C) Zonc Bond The County may cntcr into 3n agreement to reallocatc a portion of its Recovel)' Allocation to an cliuiblc issuer for issuance of its own bonds or entcr into an '" Agenda Item No. 16G1 December 1, 2009 Page 7 01 13 -. agreement with a qualified ultimate beneficiary for use of proceeds from bonds, Recovery Zone Bonds may be issued by the Collier County Industrial Development Authority with the consent of the Board. SECTION 7. COMPLIANCE. Notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary which may be contained within this Recovery Zone Designation Resolution. activities/projects financed through the issuance of Recovery Zone Bonds shall comply with all applicable existing Federal, State, and local laws, rules, and regulations. SECTION 8. SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. (fany provision of this resolution or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of this ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid provision or applications. To this end, the provisions of this resolution arc declared severable. SECTION 9. SUNSET DATE. This ordinance shall automatically sunset at 1 I :59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on December 31, 2010, unless otherwise reaffirmed or otherwise amended by the Board prior to that date. ~..". SECTION 10, EFFECTIVE DATE. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. DULY ADOPTED this 281" day of July, 2009 DUL Y ADOPTED, in Regular Session this 181" day of November 2008. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA (SEAL) Donna Fiala, Chair ATTEST: Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: (!xv o County Attorney ,.-"" ._--~"--~' --- --,--~=.~._.- _n.'._._. ......._..__..... , .- -,---_., - BACK-UP MATERIAL SElECT DATA FROM MULTIPLE REPORTS Agenda item No. 16G1 December 1, 2009 Page 8 of 13 Southwest Florida Regional Economic Indicators October 2009 o FLOJ:IIH eLL! CU'M l_ \1\ I~:<rl Regional Economic Research Institute Lutgert College Of Business Phone 239-590-7319 Florida Gulf Coast University 10501 FGCU Blvd. South Fort Myers, FL 33965 -~'.> n....__ BACK-UP MATERIAL SELECT DATA FROM MULTIPLE REPORTS Agenda Item No. 16G1 December 1, 2009 Page 9 01 13 The national unemployment rate is expected to rise in 2009 to between 9.7 and 10.5 percent. The September 2009 national unemployment rate rose to 9.5 percent and may rise lurther. Unemployment in 2010 is expected to be slightly lower, but at an historically high rate of more than 95 percent. For 2011, the unemployment rate is expected to be approximately 8.5 percent belore finally declining to a long-run rate of around live percent. The projections for unemployment are lor the lourth quarter 01 each year. Unemployment Rate 11.0 10.0 9.0 - B.O = ~ " 7.0 . .. 6B 58 60 60 ;,. 48 49 50 40 45 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2009 2009 2010 2011 longer run Year Source; Minutes of the Federal Open Market Committee, June 23.24, 2009, Our regional economic indicator charts continue to show the impact of the slowdown in the local economy in the form of low retail sales, high unemployment rates, low permitting levels, and low inflation rates. Unemployment in the region climbed to 13.6 percent in September, up from 13.1 percent in August. Passenger traffic at Regional Southwest Airport {RSWI saw an 8 percent month-tQ~ month decrease lrom July to August 2009, and a one. percent increase over August 2008. Monthly tourism revenues throughout the region were down 11 percent from the prior year. - -'.-,~ - ---."- . -,.._~._- -,~._.._- 1""'-"--". BACK-UP MATERIAL SELECT DATA FROM MULTIPLE REPORTS Agenda Item No. 1681 December 1 , 2009 Page 100113 Worl,force - Unemployment Charlotte. Collier, Hendry, and Lee Counties reported increased unemployment in September 2009 (Chart 141, compared to August. The unemployment rates tracked in this report are not seasonally adjusted. Lee County's unemployment rate rose from 13.5 percent in August to 13.9 percent in September 2009. Collier County's unemployment rate increased from 12.7 percent to 13.1 percent, and Charlotte County's figure grew from 12.1 percent to 12.7 percent. Hendry County unemployment increased from 16.5 percent in August to 16.8 percent in September 2009, while Glades County's unemployment rate dipped to 10.0 percent. Florida's unemployment rate rose from 11.0 percent in August 2009 to 11.2 percent in September, and the national unemployment rate was 9.5 percent (not seasona lIy adj usted). Chart 14: Regional Unemployment SWFL County Unemployment Rates ("!o) - Most Recent 13 Months 180 . '. 1-:3 0 ,-", . ilr-~~----" 120 ~~'''' .... . '... ~- . , , .' , I I I , I I I I I I ! 140 / " , / ./ ---+--.... 100 BO . -,"': ;", , _.~ -~~-.-- ..- . -.....-" 60 . Olarlot:.e . Coller ~~._... Ga::les .......... Hendry . Lee I I I 40 ',., 20 Sep(l8 0:1. D8 N:J\' 08 Dee; 06 Jan 89 Feb 09 l..t:lr 09 API' 09 May 09 Jun 09 Jui 09 Aug 09 Sep 09 ~our({>. "'.'VI Taxable Sales BACK-UP MATERIAL SELECT DATA FROM MULTIPLE REPORTS Agenda Item No. 16G1 December 1, 2009 Page 11 01 13 Taxable sales figures are used to track consumer spending, an important component 01 the regional economy. Chart 10 provides a historical range of average monthly taxable saies Irom 2000 to 2008 and the latest 12-month average through July 2009. The taxable sales charts show month 01 collection by the merchant rather than the reporting month issued by the Florida Department of Revenue. Thus, July is the latest collection month plotted on the lollowing charts, The local impact of the current recession continues to be visible in the decreases in taxable sales, as shown in Chart 10, Lee County taxable sales in July 2009 decreased by ten percent versus year-earlier levels, as shown in Chart 11. Collier and Charlotte Counties experienced year-to-year reductions 01 seven percent, as shown in Charts 12 and 13. Charts 11, 12, and 13 show some increase lrom the prior month in the rate of year-to-year declines. Hendry County's July taxable sales (not charted) were off by seventeen percent Irom a year earlier, while Glades (not charted) were up by 18 percent. Taxable sales for the five-county region declined by $114 million, or nine percent, Irom July 2008 to July 2009; the regional decrease Irom the prior month 01 June 2009 amounted to $91 million or 7 percent. 1.200 _.r" 1,000 ~ ~ - .- :E BOO , ~ . ..J :: 600 ~ = o U Q; 400 - o - . - - u 200 Chart 10: Taxable Sales bv COllntv ~ " Monthly Taxable Sales 2000 to Present . Chaml!e , Colhl!t . Lee __.-Glioldes u-....--H~llliry .' . ::.",':::','/' 1." c... _ ..~ . I!""::"( -,- ,,:":., ,-"" ". ".......,.'.....,::...,.,:' - '.7"'-~:"-~: .-~...:.-... ' v- :,"<,: " -ii-: . <,- '". . .,- :('r.;C. ...'<:.""':.....:.,. , ..;..,;....:.,...-..... _.',T< c"-, . . . ~, " -' '-,- ." :",',' -"." , - ., ,'- -, :- ,- -, - . " .......""'--.......,-;.:...-,...~_.:-~........... a 2000 2001 20D2 2003 2D:)4 2005 20:)6 2D07 20D8 12 mo endmg Jul-09 Monthly Averages for Each Year and Most Recent 12 Months $ourre: Florid" De-pi'lrtmenl of Td~ Rl."~eitl-[h _. ......-..-........ ~ ...-.------.-. 40 35 30 .. C o '5 .- . - - :E . 20 " 'tJ C ", al .", :c - .. 10 ~ .. C!l 5 o I --- - ~.,~. BACK-UP MATERIAL SELECT DATA FROM MULTIPLE REPORTS Agenda Item No. 16G1 December 1, 2009 Page 120113 Sales of Single-Family Existing Homes and Median Sales Price The number 01 existing single-family homes sold by REALTORS in August 2009 showed decreases from the prior month in Lee, Collier, and Charlotte Counties (Charts 17, 18, and 19). For all three counties, total saies declined to 1,799 homes, a 17-percent decrease from July 2009, but a 68-percent increase over August 2008. Lee County sales declined Irom 1,570 in July to 1,252 in August 2009. The median sales price lor Lee County increased slightly lrom $89,000 in July to $89,300 (Chart 17). Collier County sales decreased from 348 to 317 with the median price decreasing to $170,000 from the prior month ligure 01 $187,000, as shown in Chart 18. Charlotte County sales declined lrom 248 to 230, along with a decrease in the median price lrom $105,000 to $103,300, as shown in Chart 19. 450 4DJ 'Jrh ~o" " ~ o::ma - - ro ~ " 250 >. .0 "'C 20:) - o (f) ~ 15D ~ E ~ ',o~ Chart 18: Colliel- County Collie r County Existing Single Family Home Saies by Realtors SD 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ '" '" i"I '" '" '" '" '" '" :3 '" '" ~ ~ S ~ m m 1': m 8 " 8 :3 8 " 0 " 8 " 8 8 8 g 8 '" '0 8 8 8 " '" '" " c i< '" '" 0 '" " N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 0- ~ 8 c -" - - ~ - '" - - ~ u c -" - - ~ c 0 ~ u :;l "- 0 a;- u ~ 0- W 0 ~ I/: ;g -'l , 0 0 6 ~ . <( " -'l , 0 en 0< <( <( if) "- .. <: ~'()IJr(t.: Ndpie-~ ~rCiJ [)o<.lrd of Reilh(lr~' !N';f30R) \',ww.n<l;tit'''o'ut'iuum $.500 5450 5400 " " - - $,350 ~ " 0 $300 - - .... , S2~O 0 u .- ~ S200 "- " - ro $150 (f) = ro .- $100 -0 0 :; $'0 $0 BACK-UP MATERIAL SELECT DATA FROM MULTIPLE REPORTS _ N '" ~ "- " - co '" 0. "- '" .. v '" ~ '" 0'" o ~ " > '" 0. N Z "' > 0. Z - N " " o co - o o 0- '" " '" 0- ~ "' '" " ~ '" "- '" '" ~ " <: I 0 I ~ ~ " " co '" 0 .- , <: v ~ "- '" " '" " '" '" '" i I 0- ~ " E - v 0 ~ u 0 u .:: 0 - N "- '" ~ - 0 ~ <: - N '" " 0 -'" '" "- '" :E v " " 0 W - > c .:: - - ~ .",., - <: <: "' '" '" <: ~ ~ " " " 0 0 - "- "- " :E u " v 0) " > 0 .- 0 - '" 0 - N 0 > '" "' '" --. U ~ '" co " 00 :;: '" '" '" 0 " " 0 " v N ~ " ~ 0 0- " V> <: v ~ v " "- 00 ~ 0- '" '" '" 0 " '" "- '" v " " " 0 v '" 0 ~ v '" '" " '" " '" '" :E '" "- '" " ~ . ~ .::> '" '" " " '" " " ~ '" "- '" " c i 0 ~ , I I I i , I , ----,..--.--- --"-:-----,~'-_._":-.__._-" .--.-, <: N " '" . '" '" N " " 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - '" '" N 0 0 0 0 " 0 0 0 0 " " .0 ~ '" " '" M ., ~ , ,_.__._~...__..._._---~_.__...- -- -----_.._._-~-_._--- .~ co '" ~ " " - " " 0 N N .. .,<-., - -,- ,,----....._~_.,._- - ._"-----_.~~. Agenda Item No. 16G1 December 1, 2009 Page 130113 "..-.-------