Agenda 12/01/2009 Item # 9A EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Agenda Item No. 9A December 1, 2009 Page 1 of 23 ~""'. Appointment of member(s) to the Collier County Consumer Advisory Board (CAB) OBJECTIVE: To appoint 5 members to serve staggered 4 year terms to the Collier County Consumer Advisory Board (CAB). CONSIDERATIONS: The Consumer Advisory Board (CAB) was created on May 26, 2009, by Ordinance No. 2009-27. This 5 member board was created for the purpose of hearing any appeals from adverse administrative decisions regarding a public vehicle license permit. They will also hear all public consumer issues. No member of the CAB shall be a current motor vehicle for hire owner or operator, nor shall they be a family member of the same household of a current motor vehicle for hire owner or operator. Adverse decisions of the CAB may be appealed, within thirty (30) days, to the Board of County Commissioners. The CAB will be a quasi,judicial board. After initial appointments, terms will be 4 years. A press release was issued and resumes were received from the following 6 interested citizens: APPLICANT CATEGORY DIST ELECTOR ADV. COMM. ..- Kristi J. Bartlett Meets criteria 2 Yes None Ben Becker Does not meet criteria 3 NO None Justin P. Caldarone Meets criteria 2 Yes None Victoria Di Nardo Meets criteria I Yes None John Herbert Mitchell Meets criteria 4 Yes None Russ Berghuis Does not meet criteria (see memo 1 Yes None attached from staft) ATTENDANCE: N/A COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: New Committee - No recommendation. It is suggested that 2 members be appointed for 2 years expiring on December I, 2011; 2 members be appointed for 3 years expiring on December 1, 2012; and, 1 member be appointed for 4 years expiring on December 1, 2013. FISCAL IMPACT: NONE GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: NONE RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners consider the recommendation for appointment, appoint members, and direct the County Attorney to prepare a resolution confirming the appointment. PREPARED BY: Sue Filson, Executive Manager Board of County Commissioners AGENDA DATE: December 1, 2009 - -.- -""'"".,._,.'._'~.- ---, ,<, Agenda Item No. 9A December 1, 2009 Page 2 of 23 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: Meeting Date: 9A Appointment of members to the Consumer Advisory Board (CAB). 12/1/20099:00:00 AM Prepared By Sue Filson Executive Manager to the BCe Date Office of Management & Budget Office of Management & Budget Approved By Winona W. Stone Assistant to the County Manager Date County Managers Office County Managers Office 11/23120099:44 AM - >"""-'--'-''''''-'' --.--....-,...... - "-,"-,,,-~---_..,,- u"_. ~, Agenda Item No. 9A December 1, 2009 Page 3 of 23 11/02/09 Sue Filson, Executive Manager to the BCC Harmon Turner Building 3301 E. Tamiami Trail Naples, FI. 34112 Sue, The following applicants fulfill the necessary criteria to be assigned to the Collier County Consumer Advisory Board (CAB); 1. Victoria Di Nardo 9229 Museo Circle, Unit 103 Naples, FI. 34 I 14 2. John Herbert Mitchell 1648 Spoonbill Lane, Apt. A Naples, FI. 34105 3. Justin P. Caldarone 1308 Egrets Landing, Unit 203 Naples, FI. 34108 4. Kristi J. Bartlett 2560 Citrus Lake Drive #202 Naples, FI. 34109 5. Ben Becker 5400 Boxwood Way Naples, FI. 341 16 Listed below is the applicant that does not meet the necessary criteria to be assigned to the CAB and reason; 6. Russ Berghuis 8329 Ocotillo Court Naples, FI. 34113 Mr. Berghuis indicated on his application that he had not been convicted of any offense against the law; whereas, staff found two criminal infractions Mr. Berghuis was convicted of in 2008 on the Collier County Clerk of Courts Web Site. Thank you, James French, Operations Manager Collier County Community Development and Environmental Services 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive Naples, FI. 34104 Printer Friendly Version Agenhl!IM1Mtl2 9A Decenllier 1, 2009 Page 4 of 23 Collier COUDty CLBRK. OF THE CIRCUIT COUllT !'!:!!!tb!I1I Clllse.'N.!n<l.l>W Ca.. Information Style: STATE OF fLORIOA vs Uniform Case Number: 11200SCT004870AXXXXX C1erb c.... Number: OB04B70CT Court TYlNI: CRIMINAL TRAFFIC FIled: 07/24/200B NotIce to Appear OR Arrest: .anloned Judge: TURNER.. EUGENE C Parties Name Type DOB City, State, Zip BERGHU[S, RUSSELL A DEFENDANT 03/03/1952 NAPLES, Fl 34113 HUMANN, EU2ABETH WITNESS 20NAS, JAMES JOHN DEFENDANT ATTORNEY NAPLES, Fl 34102 Dockets -"" Date Text 07/24/2008 BOOKING SHEET FOR DUI FIRST OFFENSE 07/24/2008 WAIVER OF COUNSEL -FIRST APPEARANCE ONLY 07/24/200B JAIL ARREST CARD 07/24/2008 CERTIFICATE OF COMPUANCE JESSICA LUNSFORD ACT 07/24/2008 PROCEEDING: NON-COURT 07/24/2008 PRESIDING JUDGE: N/A 07/24/2008 SET FOR OB-20-2008 Ill> 01:30PM MISDEMEANOR ARRAIGNMENT 07/25/2008 CASH BOND FOR $ 1250.00; #53892 07/30/2008 FILED CITATION # 9103XDR; DU[ 1ST OfFENSE OB/07/2008 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO PARTICIPATE [N DISCOVERY OB/07/200B WAIVER OF APPEARANCE OB/07/2008 WRlI I t:N PlEA OF NOT GUlL 1Y 08/07/2008 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE 08/14/200B INFORMATION FILED ON OB/20/2008 PROCEEDING: M[SDEMEANOR ARRAIGNMENT ON: OB/20/200B 0 01:30 08/20/200B PRESID[NG JUDGE: V[NCE MURPHY OB/2012008 WRrIIt:N PLEA NOT GUILTY. 08/20/2008 SET FOR 09-17-2008 Ill> 09:00AM PRETRIAL CONFERENCE OB/2112008 DISCOVERY EXHIBIT/DISCOVERY DISCLOSURE/ANSWER TO DEMAND 09/17/2008 DEFENDANTS FIRST REC[PROCAL WITNESS UST AND UST OF EXH[BITS 09/17/2008 PROCEEDING: PRETRIAL CONFERENCE ON: 09/17/200B Ill> 09:00 09/17/2008 PRESIDING JUDGE: EUGENE C. TURNER 09/17/200B SET FOR 10-01-2008 Ill> 09:00AM TRIAL [0/01/2008 JUDGMENT & SENTENCE PAPERS 10/01/2008 PLEA FORM [0/01/2008 SWORN JURY UST 10/01/200B JURY SEATING CHART 10/0[/2008 JURY UST 10/0112008 JURY TRIAL NOTES http;llapps.coIlierclerk.comlpublic_inquiry/Case.aspx?UCN= I 12008CT004870AXXXXx... 11/412009 _"A,'~____.,.'" .. ...",...~,..._,~".,..., Printer Friendly Version Agen}liiJll'Jl1~ 9A Decerllber 1, ;!009 Page 5 of 23 10/0[/2008 PROCEEDING: TRIAL ON; 10/01/2008 Ill> 09;00 10/0I/200B PRESID[NG JUDGE: EUGENE C. TURNER 10/01l200B JURY SELECTED BUT NOT SWORN. 10/01/200B PLED NO CONTEST - ADJUD[CATED GUILTY 10/01/2008 $500FN+ S%+20l.::> I r-+ 353CC+ 50PC+ sole 10/01/2008 1 YEAR SUPERVISED PROBATION. 10/01l200B DRIVER UCENSE REVOKED FOR 6 MONTHS. 10/0112008 MAY OBTAIN A WORK PERMIT. 10/01/200B [0 DAY [MPOUNDMENT OF VEHJCLE. 10/01/200B 50 HOURS COMMUNITY B~ I I t:RMENT PROGRAM. 10/0112008 VICTIM [MPACT PANEL. 10/01/2008 DUI SCHOOL (APPROPRIATE PHASE) lk FOLLOW RECOMMENDATIONS. 10/01/200B SUBSTANCE ABUSE EVAWATlON & FOLlOW RECOMMENDATIONS. 10/011200B NO POSSESSION OR CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOL. 10/01/200B NOT TO ENTER ANY ESTABUSHMENT WHO PRIMARILY SELL ALCOHOL 10/01/2008 NO POSSESSION OR CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOL [N RESIDENCE. 10/01/2008 BREATHALYZER/URINALYSIS UPON REQUEST AT OWN EXPENSE. 10/01/200B CONDmONS TO BE COMPLETED WITH[N S MONTHS. [0/03/200B NOTICE OF VEHICLE [MPOUNOMENT 12101/200B MOTION FOR TERMINATION OF PROBATION 12/11/2008 TO MONETARY OBUGATlON - GRANTED 12111/200B STIPULATION AND ORDER TO TERM[NATE PROBATION UPON PAYMENT OF $500.00 AND CONVERSION DF COMMUNITY SERVICE HOURS 12/15/200B COMPLETION OF COURT ORDER DEFENDANT HAS PAID $500.00 [N COSTS TOWARD so COURT ORDERED HOURS. BALANCE [5 2ERO. Events Docket Type JURY TRIAL PRE-TRIAL CONFERENCE ARRAIGNMENT JudO. TURNER, EUGENE C TURNER, EUGENE C MURPHY, VINCE Court Date 10/01/2008 09/17/200B OB/2012008 Court Time 09:00 09:00 13:30 Fln.na.la Charge Number 1 Amount Assessed Amount Paid 99B.OO Last Payment Date 10/0112008 998.00 Charges Charge 10/01/2008 Florida Statute 316.193(2)(0)1 Florida Statute DeKriptlon DU[ 1ST OFFENSE Charge Status Adjudicated Guilty http://apps.collierclerk.comlpublic _inquiry/Case.aspx?UCN=112008CT004870AXXXXX... 1114/2009 , <,.."', -- - Printer Friendly Version AgerRllglte1roll1ii. 9A December 1, 2009 Page 6 of 23 ....... ,- '-', Collior Coaly CLBRK. OF TBB CIRCUIT COUllT Print...eue. Close WlndQrt . , ....-.... Cue Information sty'" STATE OF FlORIDA vs Unlfu.. m C... Number: 112008CTOOS228AXXXXX Oertca ea.. Number: 08052280 CDurt Type: CRIMINAL TRAFFIC Filed, 08/13/2008 NDtfce to """r OR AI I 6Job A.",ned Judge: TURNER, EUGENE C Portia Name Type DOB City, State, Zip IlERGHUIS, RUSSELL A DEFENDANT 03/03/1952 NAPLES, Fl 34113 MAROTTA, CHRISTOPHER WITNESS ZONAS, )AMES JOHN DEFENDANT ATTORNEY NAPLES, Fl34102 - Date Text 08/13/200B FILED CITATION # 0724RJZ, VIOLATE RESTRICTION ON OL OB/13/200B PROCEEO[NG: NON-COURT 08/13/2008 PRES[DlNG JUDGE: N/A 08/13/200B SET FOR 09-04-200B Ill> 08:30AM M[SDEMEANOR ARRAIGNMENT OB/2212008 WAIVER OF ARRA[GNMENT AT ALL NON-MANDATORY HEARINGS OB/2212008 WRlII t:N PlEA OF NOT GUILTY OB/22/2008 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE 0812612008 WAIVER OF APPEARANCE AT ALl. NON MANDATORY HEARINGS 08126/2008 WkJ I I ~N PlEA OF NOT GU[l TV 08/26/2008 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE 09/041200B PROCEED[NG: M[SDEMEANOR ARRAIGNMENT ON: 09/04/2008 Ill> 08:30 09/04/200B PRES[D[NG JUDGE: M[KE CARR 09/04/2008 WRlllt:;N PlEA. NOT GUILTY. 09/04/200B SET FOR 11-03-200B ([> 01:00PM NON-JURY TRlAl 10/2112008 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO PARTICIPATE IN DISCOVERY 10/29/200B DEFENDANTS FIRST RECIPROCAL WITNESS UST AND UST EXH[BITS 10/30/200B PROCEEDING: NON-COURT 10/30/2008 PRESID[NG JUDGE: N/A 10/30/2008 ORDER GRANTING STIPULATION FOR COHllNUANCE 10/30/2008 CONTINUED TO 12-[5-200B Ill> 01:00PM NON-JURY TRlAL 10/31/2008 REQUEST FOR COPY OF [NFORMATlON OR INDICTMENT 10/31/2008 REQUEST TO [NSPECT 10/31/2008 NOTICE OF DISCOVERY 10/31/200B DEMAND FOR JURY TRlAL 10/31/2008 WRJ I I t:N PLEA OF NOT GUlL TV 10/31/2006 WAIVER Of ARMIGNMEKT 10131/2008 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE 10/31/2008 COVER Lt:11t:R 12/01/2008 D[SCOVERY EXHIBIT/DISCOVERY D[SClOSURE/ANSWER TO DEMAND http://apps.collierclerk.comlpublic_inquiry/Case.aspx?UCN=112008CTOO5228AXXXXx...11/4/2009 _"..L _ __",_ __ _-'-____ ~_-:~_r_~ __ _.;,_. _~o~.~. ~-_....,--,..- ,,-, -'.,--_.,,_.~-,-,~_..- Printer Friendly Version AgerPllgll~a. 9A December 1, 2009 Page 7 of 23 12/04/2008 DEFENSE D[SCLOSURE 12/15/200B JUDGMENT &. SENTENCE PAPERS 12/15/2008 PlEA FORM 12/15/200B PROCEEDING: NON-JURY TRIAL ON: [2/15/2008 Ill> 0[:00 12/15/200B PRESIDING JUDGE: QiRlSTINE GREIDER 12/1S/200B PLED NO CONTEST - ADJUDICATED GUILTY 12/15/200B $150FN+S~+20<~1.+200cC+SOPC+25[C 12115/2008 COIJ.R.. lIONS PROGRAM. Evenb: Docket TVpe NON-JURY TRIAL ARRAIGNMENT Judge GREIDER, CHRISTINE CARR, MIKE Court Date 12/15/2008 09/04/200B Court Time 13:00 08:30 Financial. Charge Number [ Amount ASHued 452.50 Amount Pilid 452.50 Last Payment Date 12/15/2008 Charges Charge 12/15/2008 Florida statute 322.16(5) Florida Statute Description VIOLATE RESTRICTIONS PLACED ON DL Charge Status Adjudicated Guilty http://apps.coIlierc1erk.comlpublic_inquiry/Case.aspx?UCN=112008CTOOS228AXXXXx...11/412009 MEMORANDUM Agenda Item No. 9A December 1, 2009 Page 8 of 23 DATE: October 9, 2009 TO: Elections Office OCT 122009 AH 9:23 FROM: Sue Filson, Executive Manager Board of County Commission \ RE: Voter Registration - Advisory Board Appointments The Board of County Commissioners will soon consider the following individuals for appointment to one of the county's advisory committees. Please let me know if those listed below are registered voters in Collier County. Also, please list the commission district in which each applicant resides. CONSUMER ADVISORY BOARD COMMISSION DISTRICT Kristi J. Bartlett 2560 Citrus Lake Drive #202 Naples, FL 34109 ~ Ben Becker 5400 Boxwood Way Naples, FL 34116 /l7~tL Justin P. Caldarone 1308 Egrets Landing, Unit 203 Naples, FL 34108 Thank you for your help. - .~~-"".- ---_.~-~, ' MEMORANDUM o:l Agenda Item No. 9A Ll"l December 1, 2009 05 Page 9 of 23 :J: '" en o o N ..... C'J o :::l a: DATE: August 28, 2009 TO: Elections Office , FROM: Sue Filson, Executive Manager Board of County Commissioner \. RE: Voter Registration - Advisory Board Appointments The Board of County Commissioners will soon consider the following individuals for appointment to one of the county's advisory committees. Please let me know if those listed below are registered voters in Collier County. Also, please list the commission district in which each applicant resides. CONSUMER ADVISORY BOARD COMMISSION DISTRICT Victoria Di Nardo 9229 Museo Circle, Unit 103 Naples, FL 34114 John Herbert Mitchell 1648 Spoonbill Lane, Apt. A Naples, FL 34105 Russ Berghuis 8329 Ocotillo Court Naples, FL 341 I3 Thank you for your help. Agenda Item No. 9A December 1, 2009 Page 10 of 23 MEMORANDUM DATE: October 9, 2009 TO: James French, CDES Operations . FROM: Sue Filson, Executive Manager Board of County Commission RE: Consumer Advisory Board (CAB) As you know, we currently have vacancies on the above-referenced advisory committee. A press release was issued requesting citizens interested in serving on this committee to submit an application for consideration. I have attached the applications received for your review as follows: Kristi J. Bartlett 2560 Citrus Lake Drive #202 Naples, FL 34109 .-~.. Ben Becker 5400 Boxwood Way Naples, FL 34 116 Justin P. Caldarone 1308 Egrets Landing, Unit 203 Naples, FL 34108 Please let me know, in writing within the 41 day time-frame, if the applicants are qualified to serve as members on the board, and I will prepare an executive summary for the Board's consideration. Please categorize the applkaDts in areas of expertise. If you have any questions, please call me at 252-8097. Thank you for your attention to this matter. SF Attachments -. ~,.".'''- ,-_..,.,...~~-~-~-,_..<--- filson s - Agenda Item No. 9A December 1, 2009 Page 11 of 23 ~rom: ent: 0: Subject: kristi@enaplesflorida.com Wednesday, October 07, 20094:12 PM filson s New On-line Advisory Board Application Submitted Advisory Board Application Form CoIlier County Government 3301 E. Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 34112 (239)252-8606 Application was received on: 1017120094:11:57 PM. Name: IKristi J. Bartleuj Home Phone: j321-229-065~ Home Address: ~560 Citrus Lake Drive #V2021 City: ~Ie~ Zip Code: 1341 O~ Phone Numbers Fax: ~39-263-60211 Business: ~39-263-8989j .Mail Address: .,.ist;i((cnanlcsllorida.coll1 Board 1 Committee Applied for: !consumer Advisory Boar~ Category: !Not indicate~ Work Place: !Economic Development Council of Collier CountY! How long have you lived in Collier County: [ill Have you ever been convicted of any offense against the law? ~ !Not Indicate~ Do you or your employer do business with the County? ~ . !The EDC has a public/private partnership with the Board of County Commissioners~ NOTE: All advisory board members must update their profile and notifY the Board of County Commissioners in the event that their relationship changes relating to memberships of organizations that may benefit them in the outcome of advisory board recommendations or they enter into contracts with the County. Would you and/or any organizations with whom you are affiliated benefit from decisions or 1 recommendations made by this advisory board? ~ Agenda Item No. 9A December 1, 2009 Page 12 of 23 ot Indicate Are you a registered voter in Collier County? ~ Do you currently hold public office? ~ Do you currently or ever served on a Collier County Board or Committee? ~ !Not Indicate~ Please list our communi activities: outhwest Florida Re 'onal Technolo Partnershi, Vice President for External Relations Member ofth lanned Parenthood Health Teen Coalition and Communi Advocac Team Graduate ofGA Education: 007 Universi of South Florida Small Business Develo ment Center -Com leted Basic Economi evelo ment course 2007 The Grant Institute Los An eles. CA -Received certification in Professional Gran ritin 2005-Present Universi of Central Florida Orlando, FL -Pursuin master's de e in Non rofi ana ement Antici ated aduation date December 2010; online ro .2000-2005 Universi ofCen lorida Orlando, FL -Bachelor of Arts, Political Science, received Ma 2005. - x enence: onomic Develo ment Council of Collier Conn N les, FL 2oo8-Present Business Relationshi Mana e nomic Develo ment Council of Collier Conn Na 1es, FL 2007-2008 S ial Pro'ects Coordinato niversi of Central Florida Orlando, FL 2005-2007 Administrative Assistant, News & Informatio niversi of Central Florida Orlando, FL 2004-2005 Office M er, Universi Relations Universi entral Florida Orlando, FL 2003-2004 Le . slative Assistant, Universi Relation . ,--. 2 - """".'^"'"~"'"""","..~-"'."'''' filson s - Agenda Item No. 9A December 1, 2009 Page 13 of 23 afrom: went: To: Subject: ben@mailbecker.net Tuesday, OctDber 06, 2009 10:22 PM filson s - New On-line Advisory Board ApplicatiDn Submitted Advisory Board Application Form Collier County Government 3301 E. Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 34112 (239)252-8606 Application was received on: 10/61200910:22:23 PM. Name: !Ben Becke~ Home Phone: ~39-331-47021 Home Address: ~400 Boxwood Way! City: ~Ie~ Zip Code: j3411~ Phone Numbers Fax: ~39-896-11411 Business: ~39-896-13111 .Mail Address: ~en({})mailbecker.ne~ Board I Committee Applied for: !collier County Consumer Advisory Board! Category: /Not indicatedj Work Place: !coastal Wealth Management Group - MetLife Office! How long have you lived in Collier County: B Have you ever been convicted of any offense against the law? ~ /Not Indicate~ Do you or your employer do business with the County? ~ /Not Indicate~ . NOTE: All advisory board members must update their profile and notify the Board of County Commissioners in the event that their relationship changes relating to memberships of organizations that may benefit them in the outcome of advisory board recommendations or they enter into contracts with the County. Would you and/or any organizations with whom you are atriliated benefit from decisions or 1 -, ',' recommendations made by this advisory board? ~ Agenda Item No. 9A December 1, 2009 Page 14 of 23 Are you a registered voter in Collier County? ~ Do you currently bold public office? ~ Do you currently or ever served on a Collier County Board or Committee? ~ /Not Indicatedj Please list our communi activities: have been active in the Youn Professionals ofNa les yP as a member for more than 2 ears and in th hilanthro ic Committee ofYP for a lOX. one ear. Education: niversi of Miami Master of Man ement Science- aduated 2006 Universi of Miami Master of Busines drninistration - aduated 2005 Universi of Miami Bachelor of Business Administration - uated 200 am on I from COlD e, German and m wife and I decided after we uatin from the Universi iami to move to Na les. M wife was born and raised in N les and m fami! owns a vacation home' a les for more than 30 ears. We now own a house in N les and have a 9-month old . I. I am cWLentI orkin at Coastal Wealth M ement Grou , MetLife Office, and m wife work for Bank of Florida as arketin Assistant till our dau ter was born. I work at Coastal Wealth Mana ement Grou for a lOX. ears. We Ian to sta here and et more involved in this communi . - 2 n__ -- -"-"-_._-'"-~-- ,..~- , filson s - Agenda Item No. 9A December 1, 2009 Page 15 of 23 _rom: ent: 0: Subject: jcaldarone@caldaronelawgroup.com Wednesday, September 30, 20099:50 AM filsons New On-line AdviSDry Board Application Submitted Advisory Board Application Fonn Collier County Government 3301 E. Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 34112 (239)252-8606 Application was received on: 913012009 9:49:33 AM. Name: ~ustin P. Caldaron~ Home Phone: ~39-537-043~ Home Address: 11308 Egrets Landing, Unit 20~ City: ~Ie~ Zip Code: 134108/ Phone Numbers Fax: ~39-349-23231 Business: ~39-537-043~ eMail Address:.caldarone@caldaronclaw rou Board 1 Committee Applied for: !consumer Advisory Boardj Category: /Not indicatedj Work Place: tyhe Caldarone Law Group, p.A.1 How long have you lived in Collier County: ~ Have you ever been convicted of any offense against the law? ~ /Not Indicate~ Do you or your employer do business with the County? ~ /Not Indicated! . NOTE: All advisory board members must update their profile and notify the Board of County Commissioners in the event that their relationship changes relating to memberships of organizations that may benefit them in the outcome of advisory board recommendations or they enter into contracts with the County. Would you and/or any organizations with whom you are affiliated benefit from decisions or 1 recommendations made by this advisory board? ~ Agenda Item No. 9A December 1, 2009 Page 16 of 23 ~,~- Are you a registered voter in Collier County? ~ Do you currently hold public office? ~ Do you currently or ever served on a Collier County Board or Committee? ~ !Not Indicate~ Please list our communi activities: am a volunteer attome with the Teen Court of CoIlier Coun ro . In the Teen Court ro Collie oun hi school students act as la ers and .urors in real 'uvenile cases that have been diverted to the Tee ourt ro am from 'uvenile court. As a volunteer attome , I assist and mentor the students in arin fo eir trials. I also act as a . ud e. Education: rdine Universi - Malibu, California B.A.lSociolo 1993 Pe rdine Universi - Malibu, Californi .A.IP cholo 1999 Northeastern Universi School of Law - Boston, Massachusetts J.D. 200 . 2 .,.....-- -'.~"-'-. -.-.-- MEMORANDUM Agenda Item No. 9A December 1, 2009 Page 17 of 23 DATE: August 28, 2009 TO: James French, CDES Operations or FROM: Sue Filson, Executive Manager Board of County Commissione > . RE: Conswner Advisory Board (CAB) As you know, we currently have vacancies on the above-referenced advisory committee. A press release was issued requesting citizens interested in serving on this committee to submit an application for consideration. I have attached the applications received for your review as follows: Victoria Di Nardo 9229 Museo Circle, Unit 103 Naples, FL 34114 John Herbert Mitchell 1648 Spoonbill Lane, Apt. A Naples, FL 34105 Russ Berghuis 8329 Ocotillo Court Naples, FL 341 I3 Please let me know, in writing within the 41 day time-frame, if the applicants are qualified to serve as members on the board, and I will prepare an executive summary for the Board's consideration. Please categorize the applicants in areas of expertise. If you have any questions, please call me at 252-8097. Thank you for your attention to this matter. SF Attachments Da-tl- - ~jUst;Zl ~O(i{} t4.-..i De 1'lIh'~' /.. . '.:: ...., . ---..---. .',' ',-- r. ."., . I D ! ',' :,' ; -" AgMldai1em No 9A ! .,<, Decem):Jer 1, 2009 :i': AUf: ;) -, 2' . ,Page 180f23 'Ii " .0 I UO" ,::: ,,' - ,:J ,t,/ Lj ) Board of County Commiss 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 34112 (239) 252-8606 Fax: (239) 252-6406 --.------- ~pplication for Advisory Committees/Boards Name: v: H'1lr. ~'\.. D / NIl-nfu Home Pbone:.:7. 3<1- 793-bro V Home Address: 9.x.::L 't Ma.s ec ~ J,!", iMu.t" 10:> I ~pj.es Zip Code: :3 <f'/ / 'f Fax No. Business Pbone: e-mail address: 'it I:. k'1I4t:1{;'~.~ Place of Employment: sez- ~ fl.&.nOjeme-nt:&o"f, '/)...7A kJ.He..u:f.e~':7~-r-r &,,~ Board or Committee Applied for: toM 5i.L+-Yl <er A dVl 'SO~ tf!;;owrd Category (if applicable): Example: Commission District, Developer, environmentalist, lay person, ete. How long bave you lived in Collier County: Years: OL Months:-'!2 Are yon a registered voter in Collier County: Yeo V No Do yon currently bold public office? Yes ----1L- No If so, what is that office? .lf~y<1J,r.,~5e E b u" J:;,'.....-(... I~ p~jl:rn P4.-11 ru~+c.--e I' tr-Irt~ Have yon ever been convicted of any offense against the Law? Yes No .....- If yes, explain: . Do yon or your employer do business with the County? Yeo VHyes, under wbat circumstances? No Would you and/or any organizations with wbom yon are atrlliated benefit from decisions or recommendations made by this advisory board? Yes No y Hyes, please list the organizations: NOTE: All advisory board members must update tbeir prof'tIe and notify the Board of Connty Commissioners in the event tbat their relationsbip cbanges relating to membersbips of organizations tbat may benefit tbem in tbe ontcome of advisory board recommendations or they enter into contTacts witb the County. . Do you now serve, or bave you ever served, on a CoUier County board or committee? Yes V No H yes, lease list the committeeslboards: ~ '..... . - --,<,.- ----- , -_.'.,- I Agenda Item No. 9A December 1. 2009 Page 19 of 23 . Plea e list yonr commnnity activities (civic clubs, neigh W'1 . t:::rn . Edncation: , . -w.r ~4"~"'_'"! .c- . . . Pleau P'lach tury addidtHU1llnf_ _..d.m J1lIIl fm pntbtmt. This IIpf1IkmIolt slwMld be forwtudU to Sw FiIsoIf, Ex<<ulive MtlIIIlIfertathe BntudofCnultty Collflflissimters, 3301 East Tnmiami TraI~ Naples, FL 34112. Ifynu wlsh,pleJJSeftIXyaur appUcation 10 (239)252-6406 01' e-moiJ to sueli/solllcli{'ollierffm'.IJet. Thank you/or volunteering to serve the citizens of Callier Coultty. filson s - Agenda Item No. 9A December 1, 2009 Page 20 of 23 From: Sent: .~ject: johnmitcheIl02@comcast.net Thursday, August 13, 2009 10:25 AM filson_s New On-line Advisory BDard Application Submitted Advisory Board Application Form Collier County Government 3301 E. Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 34112 (239)252-8606 Application was received on: 8/131200910:24:41 AM. Name: ~ohn Herbert Mitchel~ Home Phone: ~39-776-28821 Home Address: 11648 Spoonbill Ln Apt AI City: ~Ies F~ Zip Code: 1341051 Phone Numbers Fax: Business: - ,6Mail Address: 'ohnmitchel102riilcomcast.ne Board 1 Committee Applied for: !consumer Advisory Board ( CAB ~ Category: /Not indicatedj Work Place: !Legal Consultant-semi retire~ How long have you lived in Collier County: B Have yon ever been convicted of any offense against the law? ~ /Not Indicate~ Do you or your employer do business with the County? ~ /N ot Indicate~ -, NOTE: All advisory board members must update their profile and notify the Board of County Commissioners in the event that their relationship changes relating to memberships of organizations that may benefit them in the outcome of advisory board recommendations or they enter into contracts with the County. Would you and/or any organizations with whom you are affiliated benefit from decisions or 1 'w, .---^ ,_.._~_., --,-, ... __n__..._n_..'....'.,.,. recommendations made by this advisory board? ~ Agenda Item No. 9A December 1, 2009 Page 21 of 23 IN ot Indicatedj ere you a registered voter in Collier County? ~ Do you currently hold public office? ~ Do you currently or ever served on a Collier County Board or Committee? ~ IN ot Indicate~ Please list our communi activities: ocal, State& federal bar associations & related communi cativities-MI,DE,P A,UT Unite und,ARC,Salvation Arm ,Ymca,St Matthews Homeowners Assocs 4 as member, officer,director, boar bnr-advisor& COWlSe Education: -Political Science & Economics - U of Akron,Ohio JD-Law - U of Michi an, Ann Arbor,MI. Public Admin aduate School, Wa e U.,Detroit, M . enence: 'ficant ex ertise in Public Contract Law involvin both federal&state rocurement laws & re is ute resolution w ovrenment a encies. Consultant to co rations in contracts, draftin . oint ventures,teamin a eements,limited artnershi s,and su Iier relations. , . 2 filson s - Agenda Item No. 9A December 1. 2009 Page 22 of 23 '-.,.., From: Sent: To: eUbject: Russ123B@aol.com Monday, June 22, 2009 8:21 AM filson S New On-line AdvisDry Board Application Submitted Advisory Board Application Form Collier County Government 3301 E. Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 34112 (239)252-8606 Application was received on: 6/22/2009 8:20:37 AM. Name: jRuss Berghui~ Home Phone: ~39-417-S1181 Home Address: 18329 Ocotillo Ct~ City: ~Ie~ Zip Code: 1341131 Phone Numbers Fax: Business: ~39-289-810~ .- e-Mail Address:jRussI23B!(j)aol.coml .Board 1 Committee Applied for: !cAB Consumer Advisory Boar~ Category: 1N0t indicate~ Work Place: /Florida Mortgage Network! How long have you lived in Collier County: ~ore than 151 Have you ever been convicted of any offense against the law? ~ lNot Indicatedj Do you or your employer do business with the County? ~ lNot Indicatedj NOTE: All advisory board members must update their profile and notifY the Board of Collier Commissioners in the event that their relationship changes relating to memberships of organizations that have a vested interest in the outcome of advisory board recommendations or . they enter into contracts with the County. "-' Do you belong to any organizations that have a vested interest in thc outcome of advisory board 1 _..._'---,."..~.",_..... ... __m.__ recommendations? ~ Agenda Item No. 9A December 1, 2009 Page 23 of 23 !Not Indicate~ fire you a registered voter in Collier County? ~ Do you currently hold public office? ~ Do you currently or ever served on a Collier County Board or Committee? ~ /public Vrhicle Advisory Board Chainnan! Please list your community activities: Education: Icolleg~ Ex erience: Served for 6 ears on the Public Vehicle Adviso Board 3 as vice Chairman 2 as Chairm . . 2