Agenda 06/25/2019 Item #16D19 (CAP-Trip/Equipment Grant Agmt)06/25/2019
Recommendation to approve the FY2019/20 Transportation Disadvantaged Trust Fund
Trip/Equipment Grant Agreement with the Florida Commission for the Transportation
Disadvantaged in the amount of $910,405 with a local match of $101,156 to assist with system
operating expenses, authorize the Chairman to execute the Agreement and supporting Resolution,
and authorize the required Budget Amendments.
OBJECTIVE: To obtain funding to continue the Collier Area Paratransit (CAP) public door-to-door
transportation program.
CONSIDERATIONS: As the Community Transportation Coordinator (CTC) for Collier County, the
Board of County Commissioners (Board) is eligible for Transportation Disadvantaged Trust Fund
Trip/Equipment Grant funds each year. Funds from this grant cover a portion of the operating expenses
for the Transportation Disadvantaged Program.
On May 24, 2019, staff received the attached funding allocations from the Commission for the
Transportation Disadvantaged (CTD) for the FY19/20 Trip and Equipment Grant. The agreement
indicates that Collier County is eligible to receive $910,405 in FY19/20.
Trip/Equip Grant
Required Local
Total Estimated Project
$910,405 $101,156 $1,011,561
The CTD requires the Board to provide a resolution memorializing and confirming their affirmative vote
authorizing the Chairman to execute the Agreement for funds. The Resolution and Agreement are
attached to this Item.
FISCAL IMPACT: A Budget Amendment is required to recognize grant revenue in the amount of
$910,405 in the Transportation Disadvantaged (TD) Grant Fund (428) Project 33635. The required ten
percent (10%) match in the amount of $101,156 is budgeted separately in TD Match Fund (429) in
Project 33635 and requires a Budget Amendment. Match funds are available from TD Operating Funds
(427) and Reserves from Fund (429) supported by a General Fund (001) transfer. The General Fund
provides an annual transfer to TD support to cover operational costs that exceed grantor subsidies and
farebox collections.
GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: This Item is consistent with Objectives 10 and 12 in the
Transportation Element of the Growth Management Plan.
LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This Item is approved for form and legality and requires a majority vote
for Board action. -JAB
RECOMMENDATION: To approve the execution of the FY2019/20 Transportation Disadvantaged
Trust Fund Trip/Equipment Grant Agreement with the Florida CTD in the amount of $910,405 with a
local match of $101,156, authorize the Chairman to execute the Agreement and supporting Resolution,
and authorize the required Budget Amendments.
Prepared By: Joshua Thomas, Accounting Technician, Public Transit & Neighborhood Enhancement
Packet Pg. 2121
1. Revised Trip and Equipment Grant Allocations FY2019-20 (5-24-19) (PDF)
2. Resolution $910,405 CAO Stamp (PDF)
3. Grant Agreement CAO Stamped (PDF)
Packet Pg. 2122
Board of County Commissioners
Item Number: 16.D.19
Doc ID: 9178
Item Summary: Recommendation to approve the FY2019/20 Transportation Disadvantaged Trust
Fund Trip/Equipment Grant Agreement with the Florida Commission for the Transportation
Disadvantaged in the amount of $910,405 with a local match of $101,156 to assist with system operating
expenses, authorize the Chairman to execute the Agreement and supporting Resolution, and authorize the
required Budget Amendments.
Meeting Date: 06/25/2019
Prepared by:
Title: Grants Support Specialist – Grants
Name: Joshua Thomas
05/31/2019 9:49 AM
Submitted by:
Title: Division Director - Pub Tran & Nbrhd Enh – Public Transit & Neighborhood Enhancement
Name: Michelle Arnold
05/31/2019 9:49 AM
Approved By:
Public Transit & Neighborhood Enhancement Caroline Soto Additional Reviewer Completed 05/31/2019 10:07 AM
Public Transit & Neighborhood Enhancement Omar Deleon Additional Reviewer Completed 06/03/2019 7:50 AM
Public Transit & Neighborhood Enhancement Michelle Arnold Additional Reviewer Completed 06/04/2019 2:58 PM
Public Services Department Joshua Hammond Level 1 Reviewer Completed 06/04/2019 3:35 PM
Public Services Department Todd Henry Level 1 Division Reviewer Completed 06/04/2019 4:08 PM
County Attorney's Office Jennifer Belpedio Level 2 Attorney of Record Review Completed 06/04/2019 5:02 PM
Public Services Department Steve Carnell Level 2 Division Administrator Review Completed 06/11/2019 1:58 PM
Grants Erica Robinson Level 2 Grants Review Completed 06/14/2019 8:57 AM
Office of Management and Budget Valerie Fleming Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Completed 06/14/2019 9:49 AM
County Attorney's Office Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Completed 06/14/2019 11:16 AM
Grants Therese Stanley Additional Reviewer Completed 06/18/2019 4:16 PM
County Manager's Office Geoffrey Willig Level 4 County Manager Review Completed 06/19/2019 8:41 AM
Board of County Commissioners MaryJo Brock Meeting Pending 06/25/2019 9:00 AM
Packet Pg. 2123
Local Match
Funds Funding Local Match
Alachua $650,821 $72,313 $723,134 $87 $10 $97 $723,231
Baker $227,942 $25,327 $253,269 $544 $60 $604 $253,873
Bay $463,681 $51,520 $515,201 $44 $5 $49 $515,250
Bradford $133,697 $14,855 $148,552 $1 $0 $1 $148,553
Brevard $1,580,812 $175,646 $1,756,458 $154 $17 $171 $1,756,629
Broward $4,593,446 $510,383 $5,103,829 $725 $81 $806 $5,104,635
Calhoun $201,090 $22,343 $223,433 $1 $0 $1 $223,434
Charlotte $397,085 $44,121 $441,206 $8 $1 $9 $441,215
Citrus $417,128 $46,348 $463,476 $17 $2 $19 $463,495
Clay $429,849 $47,761 $477,610 $85 $9 $94 $477,704
Collier $910,350 $101,150 $1,011,500 $55 $6 $61 $1,011,561
Columbia $352,353 $39,150 $391,503 $13 $1 $14 $391,517
DeSoto $231,978 $25,775 $257,753 $1 $0 $1 $257,754
Dixie $210,456 $23,384 $233,840 $0 $0 $0 $233,840
Duval $1,660,767 $184,530 $1,845,297 $366 $41 $407 $1,845,704
Escambia $691,065 $76,785 $767,850 $70 $8 $78 $767,928
Flagler $307,681 $34,187 $341,868 $85 $9 $94 $341,962
Franklin $179,455 $19,939 $199,394 $0 $0 $0 $199,394
Gadsden $397,029 $44,114 $441,143 $20 $2 $22 $441,165
Gilchrist $120,511 $13,390 $133,901 $10 $1 $11 $133,912
Glades $224,145 $24,905 $249,050 $0 $0 $0 $249,050
Gulf $198,935 $22,104 $221,039 $1 $0 $1 $221,040
Hamilton $160,778 $17,864 $178,642 $0 $0 $0 $178,642
Hardee $241,643 $26,849 $268,492 $1 $0 $1 $268,493
Hendry $366,927 $40,770 $407,697 $0 $0 $0 $407,697
Hernando $360,906 $40,101 $401,007 $47 $5 $52 $401,059
Highlands $467,885 $51,987 $519,872 $24 $3 $27 $519,899
Hillsborough $2,043,758 $227,084 $2,270,842 $198 $22 $220 $2,271,062
Holmes $215,050 $23,894 $238,944 $0 $0 $0 $238,944
Indian River $371,401 $41,267 $412,668 $25 $3 $28 $412,696
Jackson $442,520 $49,169 $491,689 $40 $4 $44 $491,733
Jefferson $206,852 $22,984 $229,836 $1 $0 $1 $229,837
Lafayette $154,293 $17,144 $171,437 $0 $0 $0 $171,437
Lake $734,191 $81,577 $815,768 $138 $15 $153 $815,921
Lee $930,039 $103,338 $1,033,377 $404 $45 $449 $1,033,826
Leon $547,783 $60,865 $608,648 $92 $10 $102 $608,750
Levy $413,817 $45,980 $459,797 $5 $1 $6 $459,803
Liberty $267,952 $29,772 $297,724 $0 $0 $0 $297,724
Madison $238,041 $26,449 $264,490 $0 $0 $0 $264,490
Manatee $651,551 $72,395 $723,946 $109 $12 $121 $724,067
Marion $854,091 $94,899 $948,990 $80 $9 $89 $949,079
Martin $324,301 $36,033 $360,334 $46 $5 $51 $360,385
Miami-Dade $6,951,485 $772,387 $7,723,872 $895 $99 $994 $7,724,866
Monroe $371,023 $41,225 $412,248 $33 $4 $37 $412,285
Nassau $316,009 $35,112 $351,121 $15 $2 $17 $351,138
Okaloosa $567,105 $63,012 $630,117 $55 $6 $61 $630,178
Okeechobee $243,040 $27,004 $270,044 $0 $0 $0 $270,044
Orange $2,455,686 $272,854 $2,728,540 $752 $84 $836 $2,729,376
Osceola $1,094,660 $121,629 $1,216,289 $7 $1 $8 $1,216,297
Palm Beach $3,129,588 $347,732 $3,477,320 $913 $101 $1,014 $3,478,334
Pasco $722,131 $80,237 $802,368 $161 $18 $179 $802,547
Pinellas $3,632,904 $403,656 $4,036,560 $346 $38 $384 $4,036,944
Polk $1,334,687 $148,299 $1,482,986 $217 $24 $241 $1,483,227
Putnam $428,717 $47,635 $476,352 $61 $7 $68 $476,420
Saint Johns $533,571 $59,286 $592,857 $119 $13 $132 $592,989
Saint Lucie $566,748 $62,972 $629,720 $38 $4 $42 $629,762
Santa Rosa $432,546 $48,061 $480,607 $17 $2 $19 $480,626
Sarasota $895,536 $99,504 $995,040 $212 $24 $236 $995,276
Seminole $911,879 $101,320 $1,013,199 $138 $15 $153 $1,013,352
Sumter $294,050 $32,672 $326,722 $13 $1 $14 $326,736
Suwannee $247,175 $27,464 $274,639 $2 $0 $2 $274,641
Taylor $312,431 $34,715 $347,146 $11 $1 $12 $347,158
Union $97,857 $10,873 $108,730 $0 $0 $0 $108,730
Volusia $1,251,951 $139,106 $1,391,057 $106 $12 $118 $1,391,175
Wakulla $210,946 $23,438 $234,384 $0 $0 $0 $234,384
Walton $406,542 $45,171 $451,713 $3 $0 $3 $451,716
Washington $234,113 $26,013 $260,126 $3 $0 $3 $260,129
TOTALS $52,216,435 $5,801,828 $58,018,263 $7,613 $843 $8,456 $58,026,719
Trip & Equipment Grant Voluntary Dollar
Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged
Trip and Equipment Grant Allocations
FY 2019-2020
Total FundsCounty
Packet Pg. 2124 Attachment: Revised Trip and Equipment Grant Allocations FY2019-20 (5-24-19) (9178 : FY19-20 Trip & Equipment Agreement)
16.D.19.bPacket Pg. 2125Attachment: Resolution $910,405 CAO Stamp (9178 : FY19-20 Trip & Equipment Agreement)
16.D.19.gPacket Pg. 2126Attachment: Grant Agreement CAO Stamped (9178 : FY19-20 Trip & Equipment Agreement)
16.D.19.gPacket Pg. 2127Attachment: Grant Agreement CAO Stamped (9178 : FY19-20 Trip & Equipment Agreement)
16.D.19.gPacket Pg. 2128Attachment: Grant Agreement CAO Stamped (9178 : FY19-20 Trip & Equipment Agreement)
16.D.19.gPacket Pg. 2129Attachment: Grant Agreement CAO Stamped (9178 : FY19-20 Trip & Equipment Agreement)
16.D.19.gPacket Pg. 2130Attachment: Grant Agreement CAO Stamped (9178 : FY19-20 Trip & Equipment Agreement)
16.D.19.gPacket Pg. 2131Attachment: Grant Agreement CAO Stamped (9178 : FY19-20 Trip & Equipment Agreement)
16.D.19.gPacket Pg. 2132Attachment: Grant Agreement CAO Stamped (9178 : FY19-20 Trip & Equipment Agreement)
16.D.19.gPacket Pg. 2133Attachment: Grant Agreement CAO Stamped (9178 : FY19-20 Trip & Equipment Agreement)
16.D.19.gPacket Pg. 2134Attachment: Grant Agreement CAO Stamped (9178 : FY19-20 Trip & Equipment Agreement)
16.D.19.gPacket Pg. 2135Attachment: Grant Agreement CAO Stamped (9178 : FY19-20 Trip & Equipment Agreement)
16.D.19.gPacket Pg. 2136Attachment: Grant Agreement CAO Stamped (9178 : FY19-20 Trip & Equipment Agreement)
16.D.19.gPacket Pg. 2137Attachment: Grant Agreement CAO Stamped (9178 : FY19-20 Trip & Equipment Agreement)
16.D.19.gPacket Pg. 2138Attachment: Grant Agreement CAO Stamped (9178 : FY19-20 Trip & Equipment Agreement)
16.D.19.gPacket Pg. 2139Attachment: Grant Agreement CAO Stamped (9178 : FY19-20 Trip & Equipment Agreement)
16.D.19.gPacket Pg. 2140Attachment: Grant Agreement CAO Stamped (9178 : FY19-20 Trip & Equipment Agreement)
16.D.19.gPacket Pg. 2141Attachment: Grant Agreement CAO Stamped (9178 : FY19-20 Trip & Equipment Agreement)
16.D.19.gPacket Pg. 2142Attachment: Grant Agreement CAO Stamped (9178 : FY19-20 Trip & Equipment Agreement)
16.D.19.gPacket Pg. 2143Attachment: Grant Agreement CAO Stamped (9178 : FY19-20 Trip & Equipment Agreement)
16.D.19.gPacket Pg. 2144Attachment: Grant Agreement CAO Stamped (9178 : FY19-20 Trip & Equipment Agreement)
16.D.19.gPacket Pg. 2145Attachment: Grant Agreement CAO Stamped (9178 : FY19-20 Trip & Equipment Agreement)
16.D.19.gPacket Pg. 2146Attachment: Grant Agreement CAO Stamped (9178 : FY19-20 Trip & Equipment Agreement)
16.D.19.gPacket Pg. 2147Attachment: Grant Agreement CAO Stamped (9178 : FY19-20 Trip & Equipment Agreement)
16.D.19.gPacket Pg. 2148Attachment: Grant Agreement CAO Stamped (9178 : FY19-20 Trip & Equipment Agreement)
16.D.19.gPacket Pg. 2149Attachment: Grant Agreement CAO Stamped (9178 : FY19-20 Trip & Equipment Agreement)
16.D.19.gPacket Pg. 2150Attachment: Grant Agreement CAO Stamped (9178 : FY19-20 Trip & Equipment Agreement)
16.D.19.gPacket Pg. 2151Attachment: Grant Agreement CAO Stamped (9178 : FY19-20 Trip & Equipment Agreement)