Agenda 11/10/2009 Item #16G 1 Agenda Item No. 16G1 November 10, 2009 Page 1 of 10 EXECCTIVE SUMl\iARY ...-.. Recommendation for ;hc "Board nf Cmwry Commis!f\ioners to accept the Tertiary Stormwater System Improvement Plan for Gateway Triangle Residential Area as presented by the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency; recognizing how the plan complements the County's secondary system project for the Gateway Triangle; authorize the County .Manager. or his designee, to provide support to the CRA where needed; and approve CRA staff's approach to execute the plan. (Source of Funding - CRA TIF Fund 187) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OBJECTIVE: For the Board of County Commissioners to accept the Tertiary Stormwater System Improvement Plan for Gateway Triangle Residential Area as presented by the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency; recognizing how the plan complements the County's secondary system project for the Gateway Triangle; authorize the County Manager, or his designee, to provide support to the CRA where needed; and approve CRA staff's approach to execute the plan. BACKGROUND: Working together ,-v1th the Col1i(~r County Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA), the County Stonnwater Section of the Transportation Division has been designing and constructing the Gateway Triangle Area secondary system improvements to include a stonnwater treatment pond with st01111water discharge facility improvements. The partially completed pond is located between the commercial and residential areas of the Triangle just south of Linwood Avenue. .-' The first section of the stormwater treatment pond was completed in November of 2007. Construction bids are currently being solicited by the County for the remainder of this project with contract award anticipated in December of this year with a 2010 dry-season construction schedule. The project will include expansion of the treatment pond and construction of a stormwater pumping station with installation of underground collection and discharge pipes. This facility will function as the main stOlTI1Water receiving area and treatment pond for the Gateway Triangle with both gravity flow and pumped st0TI11water discharge. Moving upstream and supplementing this effort, the CRA commissioned a study of the adjacent residential area's roadside system of stonnwater swales.. The study refened to as the Tertiary Stormwater System Improvement Plan for Gateway Triangle Residential Area (Exhibit A - the Plan's executive summary), recommends a planned approach to reconstructing the neighborhood's teliiary water management system. With the anticipated completion of the downstream receiving pond and outfall improvements, initiation of improvements to the upstream roadside neighborhood swale system can begin. This work will improve the conveyance and storage capacity of the tertiary stonnwater system in the residential area improving flooding attenuation and runoff conveyance efficiency. CONSIDERATIONS: The plan for the residential area documents the existing tertiary swale system in the Triangle, recommending improvements to allcviate neighborhood flooding, providing cost estimates (Exhibit B) to complete the work in phases, and discusses various funding sources. Proposed work includes swale reconstruction and installation of new driveway ,-.. culverts and roadway cross drains. J\qenda Item No. 16G 1 - t'-lovember 10, 2009 Page 2 of 10 The first phase of work is recomniendcd ai the fiJlIowing ]()Catioils: . Shadowlawn Drive at .Elementary School ~ Shado\vlav.,'n Dri\Te l'Jolill ofE] en'lentul)/ Schoel . Francis Avenue . Linwood A venue . Pinel and Avenue (north of Lois St.) .. Pelton AVI:I1UC (nodb ofVlinifrcd Ave,) The Budget Estimate of eosts for these improvements IS approximately $1,000,000.00 to $1,100,000.00. Phase two improvements are recommended at the following locations: . Pelton Avenue (south ofWinifj"ed Ave.) . Pineland Avenue (south of Lois St.) . Winifred Avenue . Manorca Ave. (between Pineland and Pelton Ave.) The Budget Estimate of costs f~)r these improvements is approximately $200,000.00 to $220,000.00. Phase three improvements are recommended at the following locations: . Lee Street . Manorca Ave. (west of Pelton Ave. and east of Pineland Ave.) . Bayside Street . Andrew Drive . Connecticut Avenue . Caledonia Avenue . Calusa A venue . Francis A venue (East) . Linewood A venue (East) The Budget Estimate of costs for these improvements IS approximately $1,500,000.00 to $1,600,000.00. The CRA's acquisition of funding and completion of the Plan's tertiary system improvement recommendations will go far in alleviating flooding within the residential pOliion of the Gateway Triangle by conveying stonnwater runoff to the secondary system being completed by the county. DUling unusual or long-duration st01111 events there may be some flooding, but these improvements will reduce flooding and its duration. _. FISCAL IMP ACT: There is no fiscal impact to the County General Fund associated with accepting this Plan. The teliiary improvements wi11 be funded by the Bayshore Gateway Triangle Redevelopment Agency with CRA TIF funds, plus any grants the CRA receives. Routine infiastructure maintenance of the existing system or completed improvements within road ROW wi11 be perfonned by the County Transportation Division. I r available grant funding is secured Agenda Item No. 16G1 November 10, 2009 Page 3 or 10 and approved by the Board of Cmmty CommiSS1;Jne;'S sIttmg as the CRA Board, then construction plan preparation should occur for the portion of the system that is funded. LEGAL CONSIDERA TIONS:I hi~~ Itcm has been revIewed and approved by the County Attorney's Office, and is legally sufficIent for Board action. (STW) GROWTIj M~NAGEMEN.IJJ~!f.A!=T: The Tertiary Stormwater System Improvement Plan for Gateway Triangle Residential Area is in accordance with the goals and objectives of the Drainage Sub-element of the Growth Management Plan for Collier County Storn1water Management. RECOMMENDATION: For the Board of County Commissioners to accept the Teliiary Stonnwater System Improvement Plan tor Gateway Triangle Residential Area as presented by the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency; authorize the County Manager, or his designee, to provide support to the CRA where needed; and approve CRA statT's priorities and pursuit of fimding sources. Prepared by: David Jackson, Executive Director, Bayshore Gateway Tri~ngle eRA October] 6, 2009 ............. ~ -0- ~ ~ ~ ~ Agenda Item ~..Jo. 16G1 November 10, 2009 Page 4 of 10 COLL!ER COUNTY BOARD 0.. ~;n!jN1Y CGiw~iiiIlSgICiNERS Item Number: item Summary: 16G1 Meeting Date: Recornrnenlidlioll lur ii Ie Buar u or C:oUllly Cornrnissiullel ~ to 8ccept the Tertiary StOI frIwater System Improvement PJC!r) for Gatevvay Triangle Residential Area as presented by the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency; recognizing how the plan complements the Countys secondary system project for the Gateway Triangle: authorize the County Manager, VI ; lis designee, to pivvide: support to the CRA l,I,heie needed; and approve CRA staffs approach to execute the plan. (Source of funding - CRA TIF Fund 187) (David Jackson, Executive Director Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA) 11/10/20099:00:00 AM Prepared By David Jackson Executive Director Date Community Redeveiopment Agency 8ayshore-Gateway Redevelopment 1012212009 12:13:40 PM Approved By David JacKson Executive Director Date Community Redevelopment Agency 8ayshore-Gateway Redevelopment 1012212009 12:13 PM Approved By Steven Williams Assistant County Attorney Date Attorney's Office Attorney's Office 1012712Q09 8:30 AM Approved By Geraid Kurtz Senior Engineer Date Transportation Services Stormwater Management 10121120098:59 AM Approved By Norm E. Feder, AICP Transportation Division Administrator Date Transportation Services Transportation Services Admin. 10/27120099:24 AM Approved By OMS Coordinator OMS Coordinator Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 10128/2009 1 :41 PM Approved By Jeff Klatzkow County Attorney Date County Attorney County Attorney Office 10/3012009 3:39 PM Approved By Mark Isackson Budget Analyst Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget '1112120094:34 PM .1:':.1_./10.\ A __~_...1_'T'__....\r______J\1"""O 1>..T_______1____ 1(\ ,",r\(\1\\1r r'l/l.1\.lClr:'",,-T"'"r t\f'"lr~Tr'"\.A'1Cf""\ ATnn 1 1 111 '''AA{) Agenda Item r'~o. 16G 1 November 10, 2009 Page 5 of 10 TERTIARY STORl\1\VATER SYSTEM IMPRUVEMENT PLAN h c~ "}. ~ ~..Jh. GA.TEVVAY 'rRrAN(~LE RESIDENTIAL AREA BAYSHORE GATE\^/ Y UU" NGU::: C'] A'-'JJ~' ,~ ." & ; -.: J _"-</;'::''i::''::7i-:.!:~' 0. ..... ". vX5:...,.~.d"; .I . ., .....".........:<'6 "'-..~ . '--.." ~. ,.- .............- '.. . f , o"o, '. )o,.. '>V'. .COMMUNITY REOEVELOPMENT AGENCr [~ I' ;:{ dr \ll\/l~:"l~ '''1 n 1,i ,,;"'~ . 1 v. ----. ~- -v . _~ 80(1 Vi~l rk'l R\..;y Bonita Spring.s. Florid,! 34134 (2J C)) 947.. 1 ] 44 E[3 OOO~151 LB 00U51.:'1 LC 2600i.L::'t111 iVl,)\'.200r) 'Vlichacl J. Delate. F.E. Lbvid \\'. ~~c hmitL l'. F]orid,.\ Rc~i:;tcrcd 1671 Florida Rc~istcrt'd jC4(}-t42 P ..\( ; ~ EXHIBIT A Aqenda item No. 16G1 - November 10, 2009 Page 6 of 10 Section 1 - Executive SWl1111a1J' This Tertiary Stonmvaler System Improvement Plan (Plan) lor the Gateway Triangle Residential area has been prepared by Q. Grady Minor & Associates, P.A. (GradyMinor). 'rhe purpose of this Plan was to evaluate the existing drainage within the study area, recommend improvements to the system to alleviate flooding in the area, develop a stornnvater master plan and provide budget cost estimates. The study area is limited to the residential area of the Gatev,ay Triangle area. This area is approximately 174 acres of the total 256 acres in the overall Triangle area. The Gateway Triangle is located in Section 11, Township 50S, Range 25E and is bounded by Airport-Pulling Road to the east, Davis Boulevard on the north and US 4 I on the South. The study area is generally east of the western portion of Linwood A venue. HDR, an engineering consulting firm, was previously retained by Collier County to study the Gateway Triangle area, provide permitting assistance and design certain storm water improvements. Their study round that a large portion or the area was hydrau I ically isolated during rmldway constructi on during the early 1960' s causing !looding in the study area, As a result of the study, the County then obtained a permit from the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) to allow construction of certain storm water improvements to reduce !loading and restore of!site discharge. Some of these improvements have been constructed (a 3.6 acre stormwa1er pond and minor improvements to the drainage system \vithin the commercial area). Other improvements including a storm water pump station and force main construction are to be completed in the future. The permit also included conceptual approval for discharge fl'olll the residential portion into the lake. A General Permit modiJication would be needed f()J' any of the proposed improvements recommended in this report that would be within the perm i t area. As a part or this study an aerial survey was completed to obtain physical reatures such as roads, buildings. general elevations and contours. This has been supplemented by spot field surveys. In conjunction with this aerial survey, lield reconnaissance has been completed in the study area. This field reconnaissance allowed for review or the general condilion or the existing drainage patterns and system. An initial Neighborhood Meeting was held with residents of the area to receive input li'om them concerning flooding in the study area. These actions have allowed this Plan to be developed. Generally, the study area is \vithout an effective drainage system. In several locations, svvales have been lilled either intentionally or by long term sedimentation. Driveway culverts are a mix ol'materials and size. Many culverts have deteriorated and reached the end of their llseful lire. /\s a result the study area experiences localized flooding in many areas during small storm events and overall area flooding during larger s10rm events. Dependent on rainCal1 and duration, the severity of localized flooding can be extreme and long in duration. EXHIBIT A A;)8nda item r~o. 16G i November 10, 2009 Page 7 of 10 "" Yard/Home Flooding in Gateway In order to address the Ilooeling in the residential area, this Plan has identilied a series or recommended improvements. These recommendations are generally listed by priority, however, to minimize disruption to areas a prIority list has been developed also. These projects may combine certain I,evel One system improvements with I,evel Two and Level Three improvements. The first set or recommendations addresses those to the Le\el One system which consists or stOrlmvater f~lcilities which convey stornnvater to a lake or major outl'all. Improvements are recommended at the rollowing areas: . ShadO\vlawn Drive at Elementary' School . Shadowlawn Drive North or [Iementary School . Francis A venue . J ,inwood A venue . Pinelancl Avenue (north or Lois St.) . Pelton Avenue (north orVv'iniji'ed Ave.) The Budget Estimate or costs 1'01' these improvements is approximately $ to $ J ,100,000.00. .l'he next level or priorities addresses the Level Two system consisting or those storm water f~lcilities which comey SIOrl1mater li'om Level 'r1~ree l~lcilities to the Level One system. Improvements are recommended at the I'ollowing areas: · Pelton A ven ue (sout h or \~'in i li'eel ;\ ve. \ . Pineland Avenue (suuth or l,ois 51.) . \Vini I'red ;\ venue · 1\1anorca Ave. (between Pineland Ave. and Pelton Ave.) The Budget !:stimate or costs ror these improvements is approximately $200,000.00 to $220.000.00. ') EXHIBIT A Agenda Item [\jo.16G1 November 10, 2009 Page 8 of 10 The lowest level oi prioril,.::.... i.) liil):,t d.",,;il.idl-.:d \"iUl ;)ldl"lllWater facilities which only serve a small area and does :;c~ se:'ve any c;~he:' areas. These are Level Three ~)ystcms. These facilities improvement:, include: . l.ee Street . Manorca Avenue (west olPelton Ave and east orPineland Ave.) . Bayside Street . Andrew Drive . Connecticut A venue . Caledonia A venue . Calusa Avenue . Prancis A venue (r::ast) . Linwood Avenue (East) The Budget estimate of costs (or these improvements is approximately $1,500,000.00 to $1,600,000.00 (a listing of potential projects can be f()LlI1d in subsequent sections). Many of the proposed tertiary :;;;provements can be completed as part or an on- going maintenance program not requiring any special permitting \vith exception of a Collier County Right-of-Way Permit. These improvements would include s\vale regrading and re-establishment and replacement of driveway culverts up to and including 15" diameter (or equivalent). Other improvements dependent on their scope may require No-Noticed and Noticed General Permits fl'om SFWI'v1D. 'These would include those generally associated \vjth the tertiary system. The primary system projects will generally require a ModiJication to the existing Environmental Resource Permit issued lor the overall area. ]n all cases, it is important that proper coordination be done \\ith utility providers in the area. This would include the various private utility providers and the City of Naples for \vater and Collier County Utilities lor wastewater. Potentially there are several sources of funding that could be utiliz.ed lor these projects. It may be possible for minor swale regrading to be completed by Collier County Transportation as part of the cm-going maintenance program. However, County policy generally does not rund projects that have limited benel1t. These would especially apply to the identified projects in this Plan. Possible other sources of funds include grants directly (l'om the SFWMD Jor storm water improvements. SFWMD generally requires an element of water quality improvements to be included. There are also grants available II"om the State and Federal agencies for nood related projects. 3 EXHIBIT A Agenda Item No. 1681 NDvember 10, 2009 Page 9 of 10 Collier ('oumy grai1l i'ullding is oneil Lied to the local agency providing matching funds, Matching funds c:~;n c~;mt' ii'em l1mit~c1 Co;;;:;;~:nity R.edevelopment Agency funds. the establishment of a fvluniclpa! Services Taxinf: l :nit (]\1STU) or through olher special assessment means. 1\11 sources of possible funding should be pursued. Once grant funding is secured or assured. construction pl::m preparation should occur f'or the portion of the s)stem that is i'unded. Prior to completion or the plans, permit appllcation 511<111 be maeje to SI' \V~,1U lor a Cieneral Permit 1\1odification to the existing conceptual permit for a construction permit. Applicable hydraulics modeling \\ill be perrormed at that time. Once these storm water imprO\eme-nts are- completed it is e-qually important that they be maintained. This would include- regular visual inspection of storm water racil ities. culverts and ditches for obstruction and regular cleaning and regrading or drainage s\vales and structures, The completion of these recommendations \\ i [I go Jar in alleviating !loading within the residential pOl'lion o~. ~!lC C~:te\\a:. Triallgk. Dl:ring unusual or long duration storm events there may ::;till be some Ilooding. but these improvements will reduce Ilooding level ancltheir duration. 4 I I ,- Cf) I ~ ~ ~ I>' ~ I~ ~ t(fj~ ILU}- ~:m I~~ I~:.~ ~ ';:;:'.!L ~.-:2 if..,...,.., r;.'.W I~~ r~ ~ Cf) I~q ~ <:( a:: :> i:;:!OW F~~ ~ I!O ler; ~ Ul .i~ Iff~ ~ ~..~ 0 l~ill q:.o::: n... I I I I I Cf) I- Cf) o () ~ 4:: I- o I- I- en 8 LiS I- ifl Z ::) ~ ::J o 4:: () '.JJ I- Cf) o <( o LU I- f?j. Z ::J I- ~ LiS o o I- Cf) o <( u w !:: ifl Z ::J l- S ~ o u I- Cf) o LL o ...J I- f?j. Z ::J J: I- C) I.L Z ...J W .....J I- Cf) o I.L U ...J I- i"> Z ::J (j) 'JJ ...J ~ (j) :c I- '-' u.. 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