Agenda 11/10/2009 Item #16F 2 ., ,"1lf" "'''''J'i~''''1'~ii\'''''''" Agenda Item No. 16F2 November 10, 2009 Page 1 of 18 ~Xi;ftJJn{.~_~,ktMJ\1;~RY Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners approves an Agreement between the State of Florida, Division of Emergency Management and Collier County accepting $7,086 for the preparation of Hazards Analysis Reports for facilities storing extremely hazardous substances within Collier County and authorize all necessary budget amendments. OBJECTIVE: To obtain Board of County Commissioners approval of an Agreement between the State of Florida, Department of Community Affairs (DCA), Division of Emergency Management (OEM) and Collier County accepting $7,086 for the preparation of hazards analysis reports on twenty-nine (29) Extremely Hazardous Substances (EHS) sites within Collier County. CONSIDERATIONS: The State of Florida, DCA, OEM requires that 50% of the Extremely Hazardous Substances (EHS) sites within Collier County be visited and reported on each year. The Conservation and CoastallVlanagement Element of the County Growth Management Plan requires that hazards analysis site visits be made to all sites biennially, Acceptance of the Agreement will allow Collier County to comply with both the DCA, OEM and Collier Growth Management Plan requirements. Under the terms of the Agreement, 100% of the EHS sites in the County will be visited and reported on by March 1,2010. - Agreement A 12659 was received by the Emergency Management Department on October 1, 2009 and assigned county contract # 10-5363. Emergency Management staff does not anticipate problems meeting the first deliverable date of December 1, 2009, and is recommending that the County accept the Agreement as written. FISCAL IMPACT: An increase by budget amendment of $7,086 to Fund 118 (Emergency Management Grants) for FY 10. No matching funds are required. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This Executive Summary and underlying agreement have been reviewed for legal sufficiency and are legally sufficient for Board action. (STW) GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: The review and updating of hazards analysis reports is required by the Conservation and Coastal Management Element of the County Growth Management Plan, Objective #9.1, Policy 9.1.7. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize its Chairman to sign an Agreement between the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA), Division of Emergency Management (OEM) and Collier County accepting $7,086 for the preparation of hazards analysis reports for twenty-nine (29) facilities within Collier County, and authorize all necessary budget amendments. - Prepared by: Christine Chase, Sr. Admin. Assistant, Emergency Management Department .a- 1,,4.0"'" ..L V..L ..L Agenda item No. 16F2 November 10, 2009 Page 2 of 18 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ,.,,_. Item Number: Item Summary: 16F2 Recommendation that tne Boara of County Commissioners approves an Agreement between the State of Florida, Division of Emergency Management and Collier County accepting $7,086 for the preparation of Hazards Analysis Reports for facilities storing extremely hazardous substances within Collier County and authorize all necessary budget amendments. Meeting Date: 11/10/2009 9:00:00 AM Prepared By Christine Chase Senior Administrative Assistant Date County Manager's Office Emergency Management 10/22/200910:10:59 AM A pproved By Marlene J. Foord Grants Coordinator Date Administrative Services Administrative Services Admin. 10/25/20091 :03 PM Approved By Dan E. Summers Bureau of Emergency Services Director Date County Manager's Office Bureau of Emergency Services "10/26/2009 1 :09 PM Approved By OMS Coordinator OMB Coordinator Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 10/29/2009 1 :46 PM Approved By Sherry Pryor Management & Budget Analyst Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 10/3Q12009 12: 16 PM Approved By Jeff Klatzkow County Attorney Date County Attorney County Attorney Office 10130/20092:26 PM Approved By John A. Yonkosky Director of the Office of Management Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 10/30/20093:42 PM ~1__11F"".\ A __._..l_'T'__4..\I'_~.___...l.\1"O lI..T____.__l___~ 1f\ ,",^A"\1C n"'lI..T0r'1\.PT' A0r:'kTT"'\..A\1CI' n",YT 11 IA I""'^^^ 10/06/09 09:17:09 MyFlor1daM~rketPlace -) 2392526769 MyFlor1daM~rketPJace Agenda Item i\Jo 16F2 November 10. 2009 Page 3 of '!8 D 1/16 Order No. A 12659 Issued on Tue. 06 Oct. 2009 Creeted on Too. 06 Oet. 2009 by Ar1ba System Supplier: COL.L.IER COUNTY EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SUITE 44518075 tEL Y CUL TU~.AL l)!<\NV NAPL.ES, Fl. 34113 Phone: 239-252-3617 Fax: 239-252-6769 Conlacl; CHRISTINE CHASE Ship To: DCA - DivisIon of emergency Manilgtlm,nt 2555 Shumard oak Blvd Tallahsssee, Fl. 32399-2100 United Stlltes Bill To: DCA. Divl810n of Emergency Management OepeMment of CommLnlty Affe1rs 2555 ShI.rnIlrd Oak BtYd Tallahassee. f"L 323t19-2100 UIlted States Entity o.scrlptlQl1; Department of CommLllily Affairs Organization COde: 52600502001 Object Cod,; ??oo00-730000 ~anslon Option: 04 Exemption Status: y" Exemption Reason?: 1 E Deliver To: Nlelde Ryster Version Number: 1 Requester. Nlelde Ryster Ship To Code: U0A03q2ft.t1,q Distributors?: N State Contract 10: PR No.: PR4159760 Requester Phone: 8504139943 Mast~ Agreement 10: MyGreenFlorlda Content: N Method of Procurement: L - governmental agency per 287.057(5)(f)13, defined In 163.31e4(10). Shipping Method; Best Way FOB Code: INC-Dest FOB Code Description; De5tlnation freIght pald by vendor and inclUded In price. Tl1le passes upon receipt. Vendor files any d!lims. Encumber Funds: Yes PO Start Date: Mon, 28 Sep, 2009 PO End Date; Wed. 30 Jun, 2010 Fiscal Year Indicator: 2010 PUIIt; 5260 Site Code: 520000-00 Additional Item Info: Terms and CondJ1lons: hffp:/lmarkelplace.myflonda.conwendor/pcUou.pdf P Card Order?: No ,~ ' 'Ii 10/06/09 09:17:09 MyFlor1daMarketPlace -> 2392526769 MyFlor idaMarketPl ace Agenda Item r\!o. 16F2 November 10, 2009 Page 4 of 18 D 2/16 Item Oncr/ptlon Part Unit Qty N.ed By Unit Price Extended Amount N U!llber 1 50% of all hlZard analysl. complced by ... each 1 None $3,188.7oo00USD $3,188.700DDUSD I 50',4 of 81 hlllard analysis eompleted by December 1, 2009 and aPPl'O\led tJy the Project Maneger as specJ1led In the attached Scope of Work. IWm O..crlptlon Part Unit Qty N..d ~y Unit Prlc. extended Amount Number 2 50% of the remaining hazard anal)'Bill .N each 1 None $3,188.70000USD $3,188.70000USD I 50% 01 the rematntng hazard analysis completed by March 1. 2010 and apprOlled by the Project Mllne.ger as specl1led In the llttached Scope of Work. Item Dellcriptlon Part Unit Qty Need By Unit Price Extended Amount Number 3 Haurd Analyele approval, cll.trlbutlon ancl... 8ach 1 None $70e.aOOOOUSD $70S.60000USD Hazard Analysis approval. distribution and notification. Total S7,066.00000USD .. ..---,- --- Status: Ordering ..."" ..............................."...... ."............"......"......."...,....................................'............. 1 ..._ ....... ___. _... _ i!.~I?,.~E~~.~~..~_.___......__. ................................................................... ..... . 'jl -,=_:.:.__:.__:==:...~~-_._.........:.=~~:~~~:.:~. .. - '-'~-."':=::-"-'.":. -- .. --... --. ~............. ._-- .. -~-:. .. :.:_~~. - :. -'''- ] Comments · SUBMITTED by Davia Shufflebo1ham on MQOdlY, Sepwmber 28,2009 at 10:54 AM wi1h comment (2 docurnentll attached) See attached Scope of Work and supporting documentallon. CSFA No. 52.023. F'lease sign and reiLm the Scope 01 Work Aecaplanee Form. Contact F'erson: TIm Date, Tel, No. 1150...410.1272 (David SlUfIebotham, Mon, 28 Sep, 2009) · APPROVED by Nickle Ryster on Frtday, October 2. 2009 at 5:08 PM wi1h comment Coding Ipproved. (Nickle Ryster, Fri, 02 Oct, 2009) 10/06/09 09;17:09 M~FloridaMarketPlace -) 2392526769 MyFloridaMarketPlace Aaenda item ~~o. 16F2 ~ November 10, 2009 Page 5 of 18 D 3/16 Attachment A PURPOSE, REQUIREMENTS, SCOPE AND SCHEDULE OF DELIVERABLES AND SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS PurDos.e To update the hazards analysis for all facilities listed in Attachment B, whioh have reported to the State Emerg&ncy Response Commission the pr.sence of those specific Extremely Hazardous Substances designated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in quantities at or above the Threshold Planning Quantity. The data collec1ed under this Agreement wlll be used to oomply with the requirements of the Emergency Planning and Community Rlght-To-Know Act's planning requirements. Reaulrements A. The County shall submit a list of faollities within the County's geographical boundaries that are suspected cf not reporting to 1he State Emergency Response Commission the presenoe of Extremely Hazardous Substances in quantities at or above the Threshold Planning Quantity, as designated by the U. S. Environmental Proteotion Agency. B. The completed hazards analyels shall comply with the site-specific hazards analysis criteria outlined in this Attaohment for eaoh iaollfty listed in Attaohment B. The primary guidance doouments are Attaohment D (Hazards Analysis Contract Checklist and CAMEO Guide) to this Agreement and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's "Technical Guidance for Hazards Analysis". All hazards analyses shall be consistent with the provisions of these documents, Any variation from the procedures outlined in these documents must be requested in writing and approved by the Division. C. Provide an on-site visit to each Attachment B facility to ensure accuracy of the hazards analysie. Eaeh applicable facility's hazards analysis information shall be entered into the U.S. Environmental Protection Agenoy's CAMEOfm software program. Each facility hazards analysis shall Include, but Is not Jimlted to, the following i1ems: (1) Faaility Information (a) Provide the Facility name (per Attaohment B) (b) Facility addreS$ Provide the physioal address (no Post Offioe Box) of the facility, (c) Faolllty Identification Provide the State Emergency Response Commission Code identification number (per Attachment B) and the geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude in decimal degrees). (d) Faoility Emergency Coordinator Provide the nam., titl, and 1elephone number (daytime and 24-hour) of the designated facility emergency coordinator. (e). Transportation Routes List the main routes used (from the County line 10 1he facility) to transport ohemicals to and/or from the facility. A-I 10/06/09 09:17:09 MyFloridaMark~tPlace -) 2392526769 MyFlorldaMarketPlace Agenda Item No. 16F2 November 10, 2009 Page 6 of 18 D 4/16 (I) Evacuation Routes Based on wind dlrec1ion from the North, South, East and W.s~, identify the route(a) from the facility to exit the Vulnerable Zone(s). (g) Historical Accident Record Desoribe any past releases or Inoidents that have oocurred at the facility. Include date, ~im., ch.mical nam., quantity and number of perlons injured or killed (this Informa~ion Is available from ~h. fe.oilny). If It Is determined that a facility does not have a historical accident record, the.~ shall be noted. (2) Hazard Identifioallon (a) Chemloallclentltles Provide proper chemical name, Chemical Aba~ract Service (CAS) number and natural physical state (according to exhibit G of the Teohnical Guidance for Hazards Analysis) for each Extremely Hazardous Substance pre.ent at the facility at any time up to one year prior to the site visit. (b) Maximum quantity on-site Expreu In exac1 pounds (not range codes) the maximum quantity of iNch Extremely Hazardous Substance the facility has on-site at any time up to one year prior to the site visit. (0) Amount in largest container or interconnected contain.rs 5xpr... In pound. the amount of eacn Extremely Hazardous Substanoe stored in the largest container or interconnected containers (this Is the release amount used to determine the Vulnerable Zone). (d) Type and design of storage oontainer or vessel Indloa~. the storage method of each Extreme!y Hazardous Substance, I.e., drum, oyllnder, tank, and their respective capacities (It is helpful to Indicate system types suoh as manifold versus vaouum as well). (9) Nature of the hazard Describe 'the type of hazard (i.e" fire, explosion) and hee.l~h .ffects (acute and chronic) most likely to acoompany a spill or release of each Extremely Hazardous Substance. A-2 10/06/09 09:17:09 MyFloridaMarketPlac~ -) 2392526769 MyFlorldaMark~tPlace Agenda Item No. 16F2 November 10, 2009 P[j%716of 18 (3) Vulnerability AnalYoi~ (a) Extent of the Vulnerable Zone For eaoh Extremely Hazardous Substance present at a facilltYI provide the estimated geographical area (vulnerable zone) that may be subject tl;J conC*rTtralion$ 01 an airborne Ex:il'.m.iy Hazardous Substance at levels that could cause irreversible acute health effects or death to human populations following an accidental release, (b) Estimate Faoility Population Provide an estimate 01 the maximum number of employees present at the facility at any given time, i.e, if the facility is unmanned except for rou1fne maintenance by only one person then, the number of employees present at any given time shall be noted as one. (c) Critical FacUlties Identify each oritical facility by name and eaoh cmlcal faollity's maximum expected occupancy, within each vulnerable zone, which are essential to emergency response or house special needs populations (schools, day cares, public safety faollitles, hospitals. eto,). If there are no critical facilities within the vulnerable zone, that shall be noted. (d) Estimate Total Exposed Population Provide an es1imate of the total exposed population (faoillty employees oj. general population + critical facilities), within each vulnerable zone, that would be affected in a worit case release scenario. (4) Risk Analysis (the three ratings {Risk Assessment} at the bottom of the CAMEOfm Scenario Page will meet the four requirements below) (a) Probability of release Rate the probability of release as Low, Moderate, or High based on observations at the facility. Considerations should Include history of previous Inoldents and ourrent conditions and oontrols at the facility. (b) Severity of consequences of human Injury Rate the severity of oonsequences If an actual release were 10 occur (c) Severity of consequences of damage to property Rate the potential damage to the facility, nearby buildings and Infrastructure If an actual release were to occur, (d) Severity of consequences of environmental exposure Rate the potential damage to the surrounding environmentally sensitive areas, natural habitat and wildlife if an actual release were to occur. A-3 10/06/09 09:17:09 MyFlorldaMarketPlace -) 2392526769 MyFlorldaMarketPlace Agenda Item No. 16F2 November 10. 2009 1f%EJP6of 18 D. Identify those faollities in Attachment B for which a hazards analysis was not submitted. Supporting documentation must be provided with a Hat to account for the facilitiea for which a hazards analysis was not oompleted, In addltlon to the facility name and the State Emergency Response Commission Code identification number, supporting doeumentation should Indicate: (1) Facility has closed or Is no longer in business, (2) Facillty is not physloally located in the County (indicate appropriate County location, if known). (3) Facility does not have Extremely Hazardous Substance(s) on-site or Extremely Hazardou$ Substance(s) are below the Threshold Planning Quantity. TheM faclll1ies require: (a) A Statement of Determination from 1Me facility representatIve for the previous reporting yearj or (b) A letter ~rom the facility representative fully explaining why the Extremely Hazardous Substanoe(s) Islara not now present at or above the Threshold Planning Quantity and a date when the Extremely Hazardous Substanoe(s) wat/were removed from the facility. E. On-Site Visits (1) Conduct a detailed on-site visit, within the period of this Agreement, of all the laellities listed In Attaehment 8. to confirm the accuracy and completeness of Information in the hazards analysis. (2) SubrrJl1 a completed Huards Analysis Site VIsit Certification Form (Attachment E) to the Division for each facility site visit conduc1ed, (3) $l,lbmlt (eleetronicallv) a site plan map wi1h the State emergency Response Commission Code Identification number and in suffioient detail to identify: (a> location of major building(s) (b) Looation and Identification of EHS oontainer(s) (0) Looatlon of major street(s) and amranoe(s) (d) North arrow F, Ensure that the Hazards Analysis Information is reflected In the County Looal Mitigation Strategy, Scope and Schedule of Dellverables Deliverable 1: On of belore Deoember 1, 2009, the County shall submit lifty (50) peroent of the completed hazards analyses of the Attaohment B faollltles to the Division for review and approval. Deliv8l'8bl82: On or before March 1, 2010, the County shall submit the final fifty (50) parcent of the completed hazards analysea of tM Attachment B facilities to the Division for review and approval. A-4 10/06/09 09:17:09 MyFloridaMarketPlace -) 2392526769 MyFloridaMarketPlace Aaenda Item ~~o. 16F2 - November 10, 2009 Paqe 9 of 18 l)"7/16 Deliverable 3: A. On or before June 30,2010, the County shall provide the Division one (1) copy (electronic format) of each approved hazards analysis, A oomplete copy of each approved hazards analysis shall be submitted to the applicable Local Emergency Planning Committee and a copy of the transmittal document shall be submitted to the Division, B. The County shall notify all Attachment 8 facilities and applicable first responder agencies of the availability of the hazards analyses information, and make that Information avallable upon request and submit proof of said notifioations to the Division, C. As appropriate, participate In a teohnlcal assistance training session provided by the Division. Schedule of Payments Payment Deliverable #1 . 45% of the Agreement Amount $3,1 aa .70 Oellverable #2 - 45% of the Agreement Amount $3,188.70 Oeliverablel3 - 10% of the Agreement Amount $708.60 Each payment shall be made upon satisfactory completion of the dellverable a.bove and upon receipt of an aooeptable Flnanclallnvoloe (Attaohment C). A-5 10/06/09 09:17:09 MyFloridaMarketPlace -) 2392526769 MyFlorldaMarketPlace Agenda Item No. 16F2 November 10, 2009 Pa~sr(!~f 18 I I ATTACHMENT B. COLLIER COUNTY SECTION 302 FACILITIES LEPCISERC pl-ri-I Addl'ell Code ..".--... EVERGLADES CITY PUBLIC WORKS - BOOSTER WTP 9 NORTH COPBLAND A VBNtJB 11018 EVBRGLADES CITY FL 34139 Mdint Add_ CITY OP BVERGI...ADES CI1Y POST Ol'P.lCBBOX 110 BVBRGLADES CITY PL 34139. 9 EMBMQ - NAPLES (GOLDEN GATE CE.N1'R.AL OFFICE %61 StlNSET ROAD 22SS1 GOLDEN GATS FL 34116-512 EMEMQ 555 LAICa :BORDER DliUYB PLAPKAOZ06 APOPICA FL 32703 9 AG MART PRODUCB - PARM 12 !3SS COtlNTY R.OAD ass 33549 lMMOKALEB PL 34142-650 AG - MART PRODUCE 4006 NORTH AIRPORT ROAD PLANTcnY PL 33563 AG MAR. T PRODUCB - IMMOXAI..:SB l'AlitM 9 C:OlJNTY ROAD 846 33621 lMMOKALBB PL 34142 AG-MARTPRODuca 4006 NOR.TI! AIRPORT ROAD PLANT CI1Y PL 33563 BARNBTT l'ARMS 9 HlOHWA Y 858/ EAST COUN'Ii'LlNB RO:\D 18743 IMMOKALBB PL 34143 SARNErT l'ARMS POST OFFICE BOX 1144 IMMOKALBB PL 34143. PARMERS StJPFLY 9 710BROWARD STREBT 2517 IMMOKAUlB FL 34142 PARJ.!:E!JlS SUPPLY 710BROWARDSTMET IMMOICAI..BB PI.. 34142- 9 OAROIULO - IlHN RBSMRCH 25672 IMMOICALEaROAD 20BO IMMOKAUm FL 34142 GARGIULO 15000 OLD US HIGHWAY 41 NORTH NAPLES FL 34110.. HOWARD PBRTlLIZER - IMMOKALBB 9 218 WESTNBWMA.S.KBTROAD 29431 IMMOKALBB PI., 34142- 9 C1TV OP .MARCO ISLAND - LIMB SOFItlNlNG PLANT 9151 WlNDWARD DIilI'V:B 2318 MARCOISLAND PI., 3414.5- HOWARD P.BR.TILIZBR POST OPPICB BOX 6211202 O.RI..ANDo PI., 32862 C1TV OPMAR(:O ISLAND 50 BALD RAGLB DRIVE. Mi\.RCO ISLAND FL 34145-3528 B.t 10/06/09 09:17:09 MyFlorldaMarketPlace -) 2392526769 MyFlorldaMarketPlace Agenda Item No 16F2 November 10, 2009 Paae 11 of 13 D 9/16 LEPClSERC Pb)1dcal Address Code MaIling Addrea: 9 CITY OF M:ARCO ISI.AlIa'D . REVERSE OSMOSIS FAC'lLITY 415 LIILYCOtlRT 15121 MARCO ISLAND PL 34145- CITY OF MARCO ISLAND 50 BALD BAGIB DIUVE MARCO ISLAND PI. 34145-35211 9 EMllARQ. MARCO ISLAh'D I CBNTRAL OFFICE 401 BALD EAGLE DlUVE 15950 MARCO ISLAND FL 34145.271 EMBARQ 55'S LAKE BORD.E.R DRIVE FLAPKA0206 APOPKA FL 32703 CITY OF NAPL.BS - WATER PLAN'T Z 9 1000 FLBISCHMANN BOtJLEV ARD 21ZO NAPLES FL 34102 CITY OF NAPIBS 380 RlVERSIOB ClRCLB NAPLES PL 34102- CITY OF NAPt..:SS . WWTP 9 1400nrIRDAVENUBNORTH 2119 NAPLBS FL 34102. c:ITY OF NAPLES 380 RlVBRSIDB ClRCLB NAPLBS FL 34102- CLASSIC BBNTt.EY VULAcm 9 2315 LBISURB LANE 32254 NAPLES PL 34110 CLASSICRBSIOENCBS BYKYATr 2315 LEISURE LANE NAPLBS PL 34110 CLUB AT TEE STRAND 9 5BOO STRA.ND BOUL VBARD 2791~ NAPLBS PL 34110.139 THE CLUB AT THE STRAND 5800 STRAND BOULEVARD NAPLES PL 34110. 9 CLUB PELICAN BA Y 6650WATEROATE. WAY 9624 NAPLES PI:. 341~. THECLUBPEUCANBAY 707 G1JU1 PARK DRIVE NAPLBS FL 34108- EMBARQ. NAPLES ICfNI'RAL OFFICE 9 10201 NORT.HTAMIAMITRAIL 22570 NAPrE.S PL 341~ EMBARQ SSS lAKB BORDER DRIVE PL.A.PKA0206 APOPKA PI.. 32703 EMBAIil.Q - NAPLES I NAPLBS AlRPORT Iil.LS 9 3150 Iil.ADIO ROAD 22537 NAPrE.S PI, 34104- EMBARQ 55S lAKB BORDER DIUVE PLAPKAOZ06 APOPKA PL 32703 BMBAR.Q 555 Lo\KE BORDER DRIVE FLAPKA~06 APOli'KA PL 32703 BMBAIil.Q - NAPLES I NAPLBS MOOIil.lNG CBNTRAL OPPJeB 9 990 26 t\ VENUE NORTH 15951 NAPLBS PL 34103. B.2 10/06/09 09:17:09 MyFlor1daMarketPlace -> 2392526769 MyFlorldaMarketPlace Agenda Item ~--Jo. 16F2 November 10, 2009 P191~tlgf 18 LEPClSERC P"'-&..al ~.3 d Cod. -r- ..... reIII P G U A - GOLDEN GATE W1'P . 2184 9 430000LDENGATEPARKWAY z184 N~ PL 34116 9 aARG!ULO-PARM1 15000 E!.AS1' us HlGHWAY 41 26355 NAPLES PL 34114- MaWDI Add..... FLORIDA OOVBB.NMBNTAL UTlLlTY AUTHORITY 280 WEICIV A SPRINGS ROAD. surm 203 LONGWOOD PL 32779 GARGIULO 15000 Dt.DUS HIGHWAY 41 NORnl: NAPLES PI.. 34110- GAAGIULO . GULF COAST FARM 1 \I 14 A VBNUB SOl1I'HEAST NBAR. GOLDBN GATE. 2223 NAPLES FL 34114- GARGIULO 15000 OLD us lnGRWA Y 41 NORnl: N:\PLBS FL 34110. GARGIULO. S W F FARMS \I 5870 COUNTY ROAD 858 6855 NAPLES PI. 34120- GARGIULO 15000 OLD US HIOHW A Y 41 NORTH NAPLES PI. 34110. HALBAKAt.A CONSTlilUcnON 9 5758 TAYLOR ROAD 31660 NAPI.BS PI.. 34109-182 HA.I..EA.!C.A1. CONSTaucnoN S7.58TAYLORIlOAD NA.PL.BS PL 34109-1IZ9 r..BVBL 3 COMMUNICATIONS. NAPLES HUT 9 396020 PLACB SO't.lTHWE'.ST . NAPLES HUT 32936 NAPLES PI. LEVEL 3 CO.MMUNICATIONS 543 INDUSTRlAL DRNB LEWISBBRRV PA 17339 9 OLD COUJBR GOLF CLUB 797 W AI.XBll.ElLT ROi'J) 35531 NAPLES PI.. 34110 SAMS CLUB - STORE 6364 9 2550 lMMOXAI..BB ROi'J) 29655 NAPUlS PI. 34110. THE OLD COILIER OOLP CLUB lNC 790 MAIN HOUSE DRIY.B NAPLES PI.. 34110 SAMS BAST INC - CORPORATE COMPLIANCB 50a SO'L"mWRS'I' 8 STREB'! llENTONVU..LB AR 72712-0505 SYNGENrASBBDS - NAPLBS !l 10290 GRBSNWA Y aoi'J) 36191 NAPLES FL 34114 SYNGBNT A SEBDS 7500 OLSON MBMOlUAL HlGHW A Y OOLDEN V AILEY MN .55421 WlNDST A.R CLUB \l 4343 YACHT HARBORDRJVB 35132 NAPLES PI.. 3411Z WlNDSTAR. CLUB, INC 1700 WINDSTAR BOULEV AR.D NAPLES PL 3411z B.3 10/06/09 09:17:09 M~FloridaMarketPlace -) 2392526769 MyFlorldaMarketPlace Aqenda Item No. 16F2 ~ November 10, 2009 PaB81111cg 18 Attachment C FINANCIAL INVOICE FORM FOR HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARDS ANAL YSIS UPDATE COUNTY: ., __~__'_"__ PURCHASE ORDER # AMOUNT REQUESTED BY THE RECIPIENT AMOUNT APPROVED BY THE DIVISION 1. First Payment (45% of contraet amoum) $ (50% Hazards Analyses completed/submitted) 2. Second Paymem (45% of contrac1e.mount) $ (50% Hazards Analyses completedlaubmitttd) 3. Final Payment(10% of contract amount) $ (approval, distribution & notification) $ $ $ TOTAL AMOUNT $ $ (To be oompleted by the Division) I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief the billed costs are In aooordance with the terms of the Agreement. Signature of Authorized OtficiallTitle Date TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE PAID AS OF THIS INVOICE $ (To be completed by the Division) 10/06/09 09:17:09 MyFlor1daMarketPlace -> 2392526769 MyFloridaMarketPlace Agenda Item No. 16F2 November 10, 2009 Paqe 14 of 18 D 12/16 Attachment 0 FACfLf"I"'I( INFOltMA"Ot-l Facility Name {per Attachment B} (..acUity .,.ge) . FOlCility Physical <ld;;lr." (Facility page) SERC Code Identification number {per Attachment 8. I.e. SEAC#XXXXX} (Department Field on F8clllty p."e) Latltud. & ~ngltud.ln degr.../mlnutnluconda {I.e. 30,1917 - 84.S6Z1} (Map Data tab an Facility page) Facility Emergency Coordinator name, title, phol'le IIllneludlng 24 hr. number} (Contect tab on Faolllty pege) Transportation Route(s) {from county line 10 the faell~y} (Note. tab on Facility page) Evacuation Aoute(s) to exit the vulnerable zone (Not.....b on Peclllty page) HistorIcal Accident Record (If non., pl.... note} (Not.. tab on Fac:i1ity page) H-Az.A.Rl> IJ)SNi1FICA"ON (for each Extremely Hazardoul Subltance on Bite) Proper chemical name(s) (Chemical I" Inventory pegelllt}) Chemical Ablltract Service (CAS) number (Chemical in Inventory page{s}) Natural physiCal state {I.e. mixture, PUnt. liquid, solid, Ga.!!} {Chemical In II'lventory puge{.}, PhYlil'C111 State and Quantity tab) Maximum quantity on-site in pounds (ChemIClllI in Inventory p.;g~sJ, Physical sate and Quantity tab) Amount In largest container or Interconnected containers (Chemical I" Inventory ~el.}' Phyalc.tll State and Quantity tab) Type and design of storage container(e) {i.e. cylinder, sl.el drum, carboy .tc,} (ChomiOllI in Inventory pagels}, Location tab) Nature of the hazard {I.e., aCl.ltll. chronle. fire, prenol.lr8 e1e} (Chemical I" Inventory pegell}. Physic.' Stetlll and Quantity tab) VIALN~1'laILl'TJ "t-IALY.'iIS (tor each Extremely Hazarc:1ou. Sub.tance on lite) Estimat. vulnerable zone {threat zone} radius (bottom of Sce/lill'io Pilge{lI)) Facility Population (unlnanned facilitIes minimum of one 18 requIred tor malntenanett personnel} (ID Codee tab on Facility page) Critical Facllitin {name of facilitIes and max occupancy tor each} [If none, piau. note] (Not.. tab on Scenario pagels}) Estimate Total Exposed Populatlon(s) {facility + general pol'ulatlon + crltlc&J faclUtlesJ (Notes tab on Soenarlo page{e}) R./SiC. ANALYSIS (for each Extremely Hazardous Sub'lBnce on lite) (SCenario p.ge{s}) The three radmm {Ril1k ASlessmentlat the bottom of the SCENARIO PAGE(S) wlll meet the four reaulrements below Rate probability of release {I.e., low, medium or high} Ra.te severity of consequences of human injury {l,c" low, medi\.lm or high} Rate severity of con.lquencell of damage to grorJ.rtv fL,. low, medium or high} Rate severity of coneequ.nce. of environmental IXPosur. {La" low, medium or high} ON.SIT'6 VISIT"S (within the contract period) COmple1ed hazards analysis site viSit certlflca.tlon form (submitted electronically or hard copy) Sit, plan map (SUbmitted eleotronlcally) for each facility, with SERC cod. number and with sufficient detail to Identify: Location of major building(s) Location of contalner(s) of Extremely Hazardous Substance(s) Location of major str.et(s) and entranca(s) North arrow I.M.z.Ai'~~ At-lALYSI.!!: CO~T"Ct+5t'..J(:LI.oI;T"ANb CAM50 ~""Il)15 The data in the Facility Inlonn8t[on, Hazard Identification, Vuln.rability Analyshs and Risk Analyshs sections noted above shell be submitted electronically in a CAMEOfm zip file format 10/06/09 09:17:09 M8FloridaMarketPlace -) 2392526769 MyFloridoMarketPlace AqencJa Item i\lo. 16F2 - November 10, 2009 Paqe 15 of 18 D 13/16 Attachment E Name of Facility (Please print) Name of County (Please print) State Emergency Response Commission (SERe) Code Name of Facility Representative (Please print) Facility Representative Signature Site Visit Date Name of Inspector (Please print) Inspector's Signature Site Visit Date The individuals sianina above certify that a hazards analvsis site visit was conducted on the above date, 10/06/09 09:17:09 MyFloridaMark~tPlace -> 2392526759 M~FlorldaMarketPlace Agenda Item No. 16F2 November 10, 2009 Page 16 of 18 D 14/16 ,- ATTACHMENT "F" METHOD OF COMPENSATION 1,0 PURPOSE: This Attachment defmes the limits of compensation to be made to the County for the services set forth in Attachment "Au and the method by which payments shall be made. 2,0 COMPENSA TION: For the satisfactory performance of services detailed in Attaclunent "An, the County shall be paid the amounts in accordance with Schedule of Deliverables and Payments in Attachment "A" fur a maximum contract value of $7.086.00. 3.0 PAYMENTS: The County shaU submit an original signature invoice (3 copies) in a format acceptable to the Division. Payment for services shall be made at amounts shown in Attachment "A", as approved by the Division. Invoices shall be submitted to: Florida Division of Emergency Management Tim Date. Planning Mana~ 2555 Shumard Oak Blvd. Tallahassee. FL 32399-2100 4.0 DETAn..s OF COSTS AND FEES: Detail s of the County's bllllng rates for these services are contained in Attachment "A", attached hereto and made a part hereof. 5.0 TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY: -- - This contract does not involve the purchase of Tangible Personal Property, as defined in Chapter 273, F.S. 10/06/09 09:17:09 M8F1or1daMarketPlace -) 2392526769 MyFlorldaMarketPlace Aaenda item No. 16F2 ~ November 10, 2009 Page l7 of 18 D 15/16 ATTACHMENT G ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. A later date may be agreed upon in writing by both parties to this Agreement. 2. The Division will be the sole auihorlty for determining extenuaiing circumstances and granting extensions to the deliverable deadline, 10/06/09 09:17:09 MyFlor1daMarketPlace -> 2392526769 MyFlor1daMarketPlace Agenda Item No. 16F2 November 10, 2009 Paae 18 of 18 E5 16/16 HAZARD ANALYSIS UPDATE SCOPE OF WORK ACCEPTANCE The governmental entity indentified in the Scope of Work agrees to fully perform the specified services in Attachment A, Purpose, Requirements, Scope and Schedule of Deliverables and Schedule of Payments and all other supporting documentation attached to this Purchase Order. Please sign and return this acceptance form prior to commencement of services to: Tim Date, Planning Manager 2555 Shumard Oak Blvd. Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 ATI'EST: Dwight E. Brock, Clerk of Courts BOARD OF CDUNrY Cll'IMISSIONERS cx)LLIER cx)UNTY, FlDRIDA By: By: J:orma Fiala, Chairman Dated: (Seal) AtfI<md ..10 r~ 1epl1IIIIIde.., .~U{~ .....,. ~_Y AUorMY