Agenda 11/10/2009 Item # 7A Agenda Item NO.7 A November 10.2009 Page 1 of 162 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CU-2008-AR-13245: Collier County through its Solid '\Taste Management Department, represented by David Deans of PBS & J, is requesting Conditional Uses within the Rural Agricultural Zoning District within the North Belle Meade Overlay and Rural Fringe Mixed Use District (RFMU) Overlay for Sending Areas to allow 1) a "Collection and Transfer Site for Resource Recovery," pursuant to Collier County Land Development Code (LDC) Section 2.03.01.A.1.c.12; and 2) "Public Facilities, including Solid '\Taste and Resource Recovery Facility" and "Public Vehicle and Equipment Storage and Repair Facilities" pursuant to LDC Section 2.03.08.A.4.a.(3)(b) of the RFMU District for a project to be known as the Resource Recovery Park. The subject property, consisting of approximately 344:1: acres, is located approximately 1.5 miles east of Collier Boulevard (CR 951) and one mile north of White Lake Boulevard, in Section 25, Township 49 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida. OBJECTIVE: To have the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) review staff's findings and recommendations along with the recommendations of the Collier County Planning Commission (CCPe) regarding the above referenced Conditional Use petition, ensuring that the project is in hannony with all the applicable codes and regulations in order to ensure that the community's interests are maintained, and render a decision regarding the petition. ~- CONSIDERATIONS: The proposed Resource Recovery Park is located adjacent to the Collier County Landfill site. The subject property, consisting of approximately 344 acres, is located approximately 1.5 miles east of Collier Boulevard (CR -951) and one mile north of White Lake Boulevard. The petitioner has stated that the landfill operation itself will not be expanded into the subject tract; however the Conditional Uses being sought would allow some of the non-landfill operations or those operations that are accessory to the actual land-filling operation. The proposed operations include areas set aside for yard waste and storm debris processing (66.3 acres), Construction and Debris processing (14 acres), a recycled material processing facility (14 acres), a household hazardous waste facility (5 acres), an administration and equipment maintenance facility (10 acres), and tire processing (3 acres) and white goods (old appliances) processing (3 acres). These items are not necessarily buried in the landfill; they are separated and removed from the site for further processing. Primary vehicular access will be via an interconnection with an existing north-south service road through the landfill site onto White Lake Boulevard. A future access is planned from the south via northward road extensions along the eastern landfill property lines. An earlier proposal to provide access via 31 st Avenue SW has been abandoned. FISCAL IMPACT: The Conditional Use by and of itself will have no fiscal impact on Collier County. There is no guarantee that the project, at build out, will maximize its authorized level of development, however, if the Conditional Use is approved, a portion of the land could be developed and the new development will result in an impact on Collier County public facilities. _. Resource Recovery Park, CU-2008-AR-13245 October 27,2009 BCC hearing page 1 of 1 Agenda Item ~~o. 7 A November 10. 2009 Page 2 or 162 The County collects impact fees prior to the issuance of building pennits to help offset the impacts of each new development on public facilities. These impact fees are used to fund projects identified in the Capital Improvement Element of the Growth Management Plan as needed to maintain adopted Level of Service (LOS) for public facilities. Additionally, in order to meet the requirements of concurrency management, the developer of every local development order approved by Collier County is required to pay a pOliion of the estimated Transportation Impact Fees associated with the project in accordance with Chapter 74 of the Collier County Code of Laws and Ordinances. Other fees collected prior to issuance of a building pennit include building pennit review fees. Please note that impact fees and taxes collected were not included in the criteria used by staff and the Planning COlmnission to analyze this petition. GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN (GMP) IMP ACT: Future Land Use Element (FLUE): The subject propeliy is designated as AbrriculturallRural, Rural Fringe Mixed Use District (RFMUD) - Sending Lands, on the Future Land Use Map of the Growth Management Plan (GMP). The RFMUD generally provides a transition between the Urban and Estates designated lands and between the Urban and Agricultural/Rural and Conservation designated lands farther to the east. The RFMUD employs a balanced approach to protect natural resources and private property rights and provides for large areas of open space. The RFMUD allows for a mixture of urban and rural levels of service. The Sending Lands have been identified as being least appropriate for development within the RFMUD. Based on the evaluation of available data, these lands have a greater degree of enviromnental or listed species habitat value than Receiving Lands or Neutral Lands and generally have avoided being disturbed through previous development or agricultural operations. The RFMUD allows for resource recovery activities within Sending Lands, stating, Public facilities, including solid vvaste and resource recovelY filcilities, and public vehicle and equipment storage and repair facilities, shall be permitted lvithin Section 25, Township 49S, Range 26E, on lands adjacent to the existing County landfill. This shall not be interpreted to allovvfor the e:rpansion o.lthe landfill into Section 25for the pUlpose of solid 11.aste disposal. RFMUD Sending Lands provision C) 10 requires that native vegetation be preserved as set fOlih in Conservation and Coastal Management Element (CCME) Policy 6.1.2., which requires 80 percent of the native vegetation present to be preserved. This issue is discussed later in this report. Consideration of the Collier County Resource Recovery Park also extends to other elements of the GMP, including the Capital Improvement Element (CIE), Economic Elcment, and Solid Waste Sub- Element of the Public Facilities Element. These clcments are discussed in greater detail in the Collier County Planning Commission (CCPC) stiff report. Based upon the analysis contained in the cepc staff report, staff concludes the proposed .-' Conditional Use may be deemed consistent with the Future Land Use Element (FLUE) of the Growth Management Plan. Resource Recovery Park, CU-2008-AR-13245 October 27,2009 BCC hearing page 2 of 2 Agenda Item NO.7 A r~ovember 10, 2009 Page 3 of 162 Transportation Element (TE): Transportation Planning staff has reviewed the petition and has determined that the proposed Conditional Use does not significantly impact the adjacent roadway network (see the CCPC staff report for additional analysis). As such, the roadway network has sufficient capacity to accommodate this project within the 5-year planning period, and staff recommends that this project be found consistent with Policies 5.1 and 5.2 of the TranspOliation Element of the Growth Management Plan (GMP). Conservation & Coastal Management Element (CCME): The Collier County Resource Recovery Park (CCRRP) project has been found consistent with all applicable sections of the Growth Management Plan as analyzed in the CCPC staff repOli. Stormwater Management: This northern portion of this site lies pmiially within the Main Golden Gate Canal Basin and the southern portion lies within the Henderson Creek basin. Both basins have allowable discharge rates of 0.15 cubic feet per second (cfs) per acre. This project has not yet been submitted to South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) for pernlitting because of the conceptual nature of the design Plior to the Conditional Use, but the petitioner realizes that a SFWMD permit must be obtained (see the CCPC staff report for additional details). Based upon the analysis contained in the staff report prepared for the CCPC, staff concludes the petition may be deemed consistent with the overall GMP. AFFORDABLE HOUSING IMPACT: This request contains no provisions to address Affordable-Workforce housing demand because the use is not anticipated to create any such demand. ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Environmental Review: Environmental Services staff has reviewed the petition to address any environmental concerns. The site was surveyed in August and September 2006; January 2007, April 2008, and October 2008. There were minimal observations of threatened and endangered wildlife. Tree cavity surveys for Red Cockaded Woodpecker (RCW) were conducted; neither RCWs nor tree cavities were observed. Habitat on the site would not appear to support RCWs. However, this area has known active RCW colonies in the vicinity and with proper management additional foraging will be provided to this endangered species. An RCW management plan will be required to be submitted and approved as part of the next development order. A condition to that effect was included in the Environmental Advisory Council (EAC) staff repOli and it is carried over as a recommendation for the cepc as well. The proposed development will require impacts to approximately 39 acres of low quality wetlands and 131.2 acres of uplands. The developer will be required to provide offsite mitigation for the 39- acre wetland impacts. A condition to that effect was included in the EAC staff report and it is carried over as a recommendation for the cepe as well. The petitioner was required to submit an Environment Impact Statement (ElS) which was presented to the EAC as noted below. - ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL (EAC) RECOMMENDATION: Resource Recovery Park, CU-2008-AR-13245 October 27, 2009 BCC hearing page 3 of 3 Agenda Item NO.7 A r'.!ovember 10, 2009 Page 4 of 162 This petition was heard by the EAC on ApJill, 2009, and they recommended approval by a vote of 7 to 1 (Mr. Penniman made the motion and Dr. Williams seconded the motion) subject to the conditions of approval contained in the EAC staff report. The EAC further added the following stipulation: The developer shall submit the Site Development Plan (SDP) to the Environmental Advisory Councilfor review and approval. Mr. Bishoff cast the dissenting vote, stating that he could not support this petition because the site plan showed the hazardous waste processing area too close to water wells. A copy of the EAC staff report is included in the back up material. Please refer to that document for environmental review details. COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION (CCPC) RECOMMENDATION: The CCPC heard petition CU-2008-AR-13245 on May 21, 2009, and by a vote of 9 to 0 recommended to forward this petition to the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) with a recommendation of approval subject to the following conditions: 1. The Resource Recovery Park shall be limited to that which is depicted on the conceptual site plan, identified as the "Collier County Resource Recovery Park" dated March 11, 2008 and last revised June 1,2009, prepared by PBS&J; and 2. The site plan noted is conceptual in nature for Conditional Use approval. The final design must be in compliance ~ith all applicable federal, state and county laws and regulations; and 3. The Department of Zoning and Land Development Review Director may approve minor changes in the location, siting, or height of buildings, structures, and improvements authorized by this Conditional Use, so long as these minor changes remain consistent with all applicable development standard.;;; and 4. Expansion of uses identified and approved v.ithin this Conditional Use approval, or major changes to the approved plan, shall require the submittal of a new Conditional Use application, and shall comply vvith all applicable County ordinances in effect at the time of submittal, including Chapter 10.02.03, of the Collier COUllt-V Land Development Code, Ordinance 04-41, as amended, for Site Development Plan (.s'DP) review and approval; and 5. If it is judicially determined or otherwise agreed to by the County, then the County shall provide access to the outparcels identified on the Boundmy Survey as #40, #41, and #42 (all of which are located vvithin the easternmost tract ident~(ied on the site plan as "Out Parcel 10.20 Ac Zoned-A "). Said access shall be to Garland Road or other public or private road. Preserve area calculations shall not be affected bJ' such access; and 6. No permanent access onto 3 zst Street SW shall be granted as part of this Conditional Use approval; hmvever, this condition shall not be construed to preclude any tempormy emergency access that may be required by any other government agency; and Resource Recovery Park, CU-2008-AR-13245 October 27, 2009 BCC hearing page 4 of 4 Agenda Item NO.7 A ~~ovember 10. 2009 Page 5 of 162 7. The 39 acres of off-site mitigation shall be identified prior to Site Development Plan approval; and 8. A Red Cockaded Woodpecker (RCTV) management plan will be required to be submitted and approved as part of the next development order; and 9. The hours of operation shall be the same as the landfill; and 10. All individual sites l17'thin developed area shall be designed as drive-thru as much as possible to minimize backup movements by vehicles; and 11. A 200' wide preserve btifJer shall be provided along western side o.fproperty; and 12. Processing of yard waste shall be on the south side of the property as much as possible with staging to the north; and 13. Recycling processing machinery shall be enclosed in a building. As part of the original eepc hearing, the CCPC voiced opposition to the inclusion of the EAe's condition to require the developer to submit the Site Development Plan (SDP) to the Environmental Advisory Council for review and approval. Zoning staff concun-ed with the ccpe position regarding that condition. Therefore the recommendation below does not include the EAC recOlmnended condition. This petition was approved on the ccpe "Consent Agenda" at the June 18, 2009 hearing. At that hearing, the ccpe members discussed Condition #13 in response to inquired from staff and the petitioner because they were not celiain that the condition (as stated as part of the CCPC motion and reflected above) accurately reflected the CCPe's discussion at the May 21, 2009 ccpe hearing of the issue about enclosing machinery. After a lengthy discussion and an additional vote on the issue, the CCPC detennined that this condition should not be adopted, but recognized that the original CCPC recommendation could not be changed as part of the consent agenda discussion, and therefore asked that the BZA be informed of this later discussion wherein Condition #13 was not supported. The CCPC approval recommendation was unanimous however the EAC recommendation was not unanimous and letters of objection have been received; therefore this petition cannot be placed on the SummaI)' Agenda. NEIGHBORHOOD INFORMATION MEETING (NIM): The petitioner conducted a NIM for this petition on September 4, 2008. The results of that NIM were provided in the ccpe staff report, as is the custom. However, the LDC requires a second NIM to be conducted if the petition is still actively pursuing BCC action more than one year from the date of the first NIM. Since this petition's timing has gone beyond the year, a second NIM was held on Au,!:,'Ust 12, 2009. The synopsis of tllat meeting is provided below: The meeting was duly noticed by the applicant and held on August 12,2009 at 5:30 p.m. at Golden Gate Community Center. Approximately 53 people from the public attended along with the - applicant's team and zoning staff members. Mr. Rodriguez, Director of Collier County Solid Waste Management DepaJiment and the applicant, Resource Recovery Park, CU-2008-AR-13245 October 27,2009 BCC hearing page 5 of 5 Agenda Item NO.7 A November 10, 2009 Page 6 of 162 presented an overview of the requested Conditional Use (CU-AR 13245). The CD is being requested to allow development of a Resource Recovery Park for the collection and transfer station. The site will be used for a portion of what is currently being done at the existing landfill site, e.g., yard waste processing, tire processing, etc. Mr. Rodliguez explained how approval of this CU would allow new facilities thus extending the life of the existing landfill site. Mr. Rodriguez also explained that this was the second NIM meeting and since the first NIMS meeting changes have been made to the concept plan based on the comments and concerns raised at the first NIM held on September 4t\ 2008, the Environmental Advisory Council held on April 1, 2009, and the Collier County Planning COlmnission meeting on May 21, 2009. Of those changes, the bridge has been removed from the plan, the buffer along the east and west boundaries have been increased to 200 feet and one of the "out" parcels has been purchased and included in the petition. A question and answer period followed including questions about the following: . Roads · Preserve and buffers · Machines and noi se . Stonnwater 1. Several attendees asked if the preserve area would always remain a preserve. Mr. Rodriguez stated yes. 2. "What kind of fence or wall will there be?" Mr. Rodriguez stated there would not be a wall; the area would most likely be fenced. 3. "How loud will the activities be?" The petitioner stated the use would comply with all applicable ordinances regarding noise. Another attendee offered comments regarding "code. " 4. What will the hours of operation be? The applicant stated the hours would be 7:30 am to 5 pm. 5. Will this require FD EP pennitting? The applicant stated, "Yes, for certain processes." 6. Mr. Bonness asked a question relating to whether a road will go through the south end of the property. Mr. Rodriguez said that he would request that infonnation from TranspOliation to be sent to Mr. Bonness. 7. A question was asked of the petitioner whether he had provided infonnation about this meeting to the neighbors on 315t A venue. The applicant stated that written notice was provided to the property owners and a notice was published in accordance with the LDC. 8. "Why can't the tub grinding be canceled at this facility and given to Yahl Mulching?" Mr. Rodriguez said that many people already take items to Yahl and those that do not use that facility can use the county facility. 9. "Will there be an increase in our user fee to fund this facility?" Mr. Rodriguez said "No, not because of this facility," the funds are built into the tipping fee. 10. "Will the stonnwater poison the wells or the canal?" The petitioner responded with ''No.'' The meeting ended at approximately 7:30 p.m. .- Resource Recovery Park, CU-200B-AR-13245 October 27, 2009 BCC hearing page 6 of 6 Agenda Item NO.7 A I'Jovember 10, 2009 Page 7 of 162 LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: Before you is a recommendation by the Planning Commission for approval of Conditional Uses authorizing 1) a "Collection and Transfer Site for Resource Recovery," pursuant to Collier County Land Development Code (LDC) Section 2.03.01.A.l.c.12; and 2) "Public Facilities, including Solid Waste and Resource Recovery Facility" and "Public Vehicle and Equipment Storage and Repair Facilities" pursuant to LDC Section 2.03.08.AA.a.(3)(b) for a project to be known as the Resource Recovery Park, in the Rural Agricultural Zoning District within the North Belle Meade Overlay and Rural Fringe Mixed Use District (RFMU) Overlay for Sending Areas. A Conditional Use is a use that is permitted in a particular zoning district subject to celiain restIictions. All testimony given must be under oath. The attached report and recommendations of the Planning Commission required are advisory only and are not binding on you. Petitioner has the burden of demonstrating that the necessary requirements have been met, and you may question Petitioner, or staff, to satisfy yourself that the necessary criteria has been satisfied. In addition to meeting the necessary criteria, you may place such conditions and safeguards as you deem appropriate to allow the use, provided that there is competent, substantial evidence that these additional conditions and safeguards are necessary to promote the public health, safety, welfare, morals, order, comfOIi, convenience, appearance, or the general welfare of the neighborhood. As a further condition of approval of the Conditional Use, you may require that suitable areas for streets, public rights-of-way, schools, parks, and other public facilities be set aside, improved, and/or dedicated for public use, subject to appropriate impact fee credits. The proposed Resolution was prepared by the County Attorney's Office and is legally sufficient for Board action. (HF AC) RECOMMENDA TION: Staff recommends that the Board of Zoning Appeals approve petition CU-2008-AR-13245 subject to staff's and the CCPC conditions of approval as f()llows: 1. The Resource Recovery Park shall be limited to that which is depicted on the conceptual site plan, identified as the "Collier County Resource Recovery Park" dated March 11, 2008 and last revised June 1,2009, prepared by PBS&J; and 2. The site plan noted is conceptual in nature for Conditional Use approval. The final design must be in compliance with all applicable federal, state and county laws and regulations; and 3. The Department of Zoning and Land Development Review Director may approve minor changes in the location, siting, or height of buildings, structures, and improvements authorized by this Conditional Use, so long as these minor changes remain consistent with all applicable development standards; and 4. Expansion of uses identified and approved within this Conditional Use approval, or major changes to the approved plan, shall require the submittal of a new Conditional Use application, and shall comply with all applicable County ordinances in effect at the time of submittal, including Chapter 10.02.03, of the Collier County Land Development Code, Ordinance 04-41, as amended, for Site Development Plan (SDP) review and approval; and - 5. If it is judicially detennined or otherwise a.greed to by the County, then the County shall provide access to the outparcels identified on the Boundary Survey as #40, #41, and #42 (all of which are located within the easternmost tract identified on the site plan as "Out Parcel 10.20 Ac Resource Recovery Park, CU-2008-AR-13245 October 27,2009 BCC hearing page 7 of 7 Agenda Item NO.7 A November 10, 2009 Page 8 of 162 Zoned-A"). Said access shall be to Garland Road or other public or Plivate road. Preserve area calculations shall not be affected by such access; and 6. No pennanent access onto 31st Street SW shall be granted as part of this Conditional Use approval; however, this condition shall not be construed to preclude any temporary emergency access that may be required by any other government agency; and 7. The 39 acres of off-site mitigation shall be identified prior to Site Development Plan approval; and 8. A Red Cockaded Woodpecker (RCW) management plan will be required to be submitted and approved as part of the next development order; and 9. The hours of operation shall be the same as the landfill; and 10. All individual sites within developed area shall be designed as drive-thru as much as possible to minimize backup movements by vehicles; and 11. A 200' wide preserve buffer shall be provided along western side of property; and 12. Processing of yard waste shall be on the south side of the property as much as possible with staging to the north. PREPARED BY: Kay Deselem, AICP, Principal Planner DepaIiment of Zoning & Land Development Review Resource Recovery Park, CU-200S-AR-13245 October 27,2009 BCC hearing page 8 of S Item Number: Item Summary: Meeting Date: 1- ab,-, J V.L.i.. Agenda Item NO.7 A November 10, 2009 Page 9 of 162 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 7A This item has been continued from the October 27, 2009 BCC meeting. This item requires that all participants be sworn in and ex parte disclosure be provided by Commission members: CU-2008-AR-13245 Collier County through its Solid Waste Management Department, represented by David Deans of PBS & J, is requesting Conditional Uses within the Rural Agricultural Zoning District within the North Belle Meade Overlay and Rural Fringe Mixed Use District (RFrvlU) Overlay for Sending Areas to allow 1) a Collection and Transfer Site for Resource Recovery, pursuant to Collier County Land Development Code (LDC) Section 203.01.A.1.c.12: and 2) Public Facilities, including Solid Waste and Resource Recovery Facility and Public Vehicle and Equipment Storage and Repair Facilities pursuant to LDC Section 2.0308.A.4.a(3)(b) of the RFMU District for a project to be known as the Resource Recovery Park The subject property, consisting of approximately 344 acres, is located approximately 1.5 miles east of Collier Boulevard and 1 mile north of White Lake Boulevard, in Section 25, Township 49 South, Range 26 East, Collier County. Florida.(CTS) 11110/20099:00:00 AM Prepared By Kay Deselem, AICP Community Development & Environmental Services Principal Planner Date Zoning & Land Development Review 9/22/2008 9:34:08 AM Approved By Nick Casalanguida Transportation Services MPO Director Date Transportation Planning 9/24/20098:17 AM Approved By Norm E. Feder, AICP Transpoltation Services Transportation Division Administrator Date Transportation Services Admin. 10/1/20092:11 PM Approved By Judy Puig Community Development & Environmental Servi::es Operations ,t,n3Iyst Date Community Development & Environmental Services "'.dmin. 1 0/5/2009 12:21 PM Approved By Ray Bellows Community Development & Environmental Services Chief Planner Date Zoning & Land Development Review 10/6/20099:04 AM Approved By Joseph K. Schmitt Community Development & Environmental Services Community Development & Environmental Services Adminstrator Date Community Development & Environmental Services Admin. 10/13/20093:16 PM ~1_~lln.\ A__.~.1~'T"__......\T":'_u___...L\1"'"lO l\.T__.____L_.-1A ,",,{'\f'\r\\f\-J nr\.AnT'\.r'\T''7....-..."lrt.TT".T~ Ann....TrH J. at;\...- ..:... uJ. ~ Agenda item No. 7A I\Jovember 10. 2009 Page 10 of 162 Approved By Heidi F. A.shton Assistant County Attorney Date County Attorney County Attorney Office 10/30/2009 8 :45 AM Approved By OMB Coordinator OMB Coordinator Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 10/30/20099:28 AM Approved By Mark Isackson 8udget Analyst Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 10/30/200910:29 AM Approved By Jeff Klatzkow County Attorney Date County Attorney County Attorney Office 10/30/2009 2:11 PM Approved By Leo E. OCils, Jr. County Manager Date Board of County Commissioners County Manager's Office i 0/30/2009 5: 1 0 PM ~1_.11r1.\ A __._.J_'T'__....\r_______~\1,..."O 1I.T__ .~H_L._.. 1f\ ......",,1\\1\,.., nr\ AnT"\. r\T:' '7,,1\.TT'l..T~ Ann..... AT en 11 lit /",""AAfl Ag!?.nda Item NO.7 A AejiJD't@ff., ~1ftfl.11a?-.fu09 Page 11 of 162 ...o.",,~_ r:;"~,,~,,, f~!/\Jt:,:-'~l~~,~ Cofl~ter County \?!i!Zf:i[.;,y;-:; "';( - :::~:-:' ;.".;;(;:~. ~;:,,;,':::':'-!~;'j:;O"; ,.~r~\-; ::;"._;:~:!i' '"';'; -r:~::':_>:, ::;:::_:":,-,,::'.';~'.l"i::~:,:__: --.::2 STAFF REPORT TO: COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: DEPARTMENT OF ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION HEARING: MAY 7, 2009 SUBJECT: CU-2008-AR-13245, RESOURCE RECOVERY PARK PROPERTY O\VNER/AGENT: Owner: Collier County Board of County Commissioners Collier County Solid Waste Management Daniel R. Rodriguez, Director 3301 East Tamiami Trail, B1dg H Naples, FL 34112 Agents: David E. Deans, P.E., BCEE PBS&J 482 Keller Road Orlando, FL 32810 REQUESTED ACTION: To have the Collier County Planning Commission (CCPC) consider an application for a Conditional Use (CU) vvithin the Rural Agricultural Zoning District within the North Belle Meade Overlay and Rural Fringe Mixed Use (RFMU) District Overlay for Sending Areas to allow 1) a "Collection and Transfer Site for Resource Recovery," pursuant to Collier County Land Development Code (LDC) Section 2.03.0 1.A.l.c.12; and 2) "Public Facilities, including Solid Waste and Resource Recovery Facility" and "Public Vehicle and Equipment Storage and Repair Facilities" pursuant to LDC Section 2.03.08.AA.a.(3)(b) of the RFMU District for a project to be known as the Resource Recovery Park. GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION: As depicted on the conceptual site plan, the proposed Resource Recovery Park is located adjacent to the Collier County Landfill site. The subject propclty, consisting of approximately 341 acres, is located approximately 1.5 miles east of Collier Boulevard (CR (951) and one mile n01th of White Lake Boulevard, in Section 25, Township 49 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida. (See loea/ion map on /he following page) CU-2008--AR-13245 Revised 4/15109 Page 1 of 13 I .. I I IN! ~--I,~--j ~ ~~. ~" J. ~ I ~ ~--- __~J) _ ~ ~ ",I ~ 1 ~ I' --=' " a!l- ;,.. 8 X." J!! L ____ ,i I .. 'JI'l I 'j; ';1-' m -I i,lllll' j .;".' ' JI~ - I ~ ~"~ bfi'ICJ _ "." -' I ' I , If ~ "fi I 'H ':'-, ~~ r-"l ~3> '~~II_]~_ ~~~~b~-\ ~"~~_: ~:.," r~" '1 '~1fJ ~A<< "r! .. : ,.,,' . "_.__ ___ '-,-' i. ;(" ," .i · .. "' ,"" i'Ii' 7 ", -- _'__m__ - _.-- 'm ,I" " ~ " ; I.. .', " [; , Ii] 11 ..!I?~ 7 ~ , ~-;._. I (-'{ ""'O , ,. _" ,.' n " ." ,_.' 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'-".~'.;,. i~~:~~ '~J2E;j'~l~2lt:~~~~:~i~~~~~~~?:~~~?~~~ Agenda Item NO.7 A ~Jovember 10. 2009 Page 15of162 PURPOSE/DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The petitioner has stated that the landfill operation itself will not be expanded into the subject tract; however the Conditional Uses bcing sought would allow some of the non-landfill operations or those operations that are accessory to the actual land-filling operation. The proposed operations include areas set aside for yard waste and storm debris processing (72 acres), Construction and Debris processing (14 acres), a recycled material processing facility (14 acres), a household hazardous waste facility (5 acres), an administration and equipment maintenance facility (9 acres), and tire processing (3 acres) and white goods (old appliances) processing (3 acres). These items are not necessarily buried in the landfill; they are separated and removed from the site for furtller processing. The Resource Recovery Park is located on vacant, county-owned property. It is generally situated one mile east of Collier Boulevard and one mile north of White Lake Boulevard/I-75. Primary vehicular access will be via an interconnection with an existing north-south service road through the landfill site onto White Lake Boulevard. Future accesses are planned from the south via northward road extensions along the western and eastern landfill property lines, and by bridging over the canal to the west providing for an emergency and administration access road across from 31 SI Avenue S \V. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: (Please see attached the applicant's exhibit entitled Figure 2, Collier COllnty Resource Rc:covcry Park Aerial for a pictorial rendering of the aclj acen t uses.) North: Hideout Golf Course and several large tracts with single-family homes, with a zoning designation of Rural Agricultural (A) East: scattered single-family homes and vacant tracts along Garland Road, with a zoning designation of Rural Agricultural (A) South: Collier County Landfill on 31 H acrcs and a 301:1:. acre uncJeveloped tract, both 'with a zoning designation of Rural Agricultural (A) \Vest: a canal then scattered single-family homes with a zoning designation of Estates (E) GRO\VTH MANAGEMENT PLAN (GJ\IP) CONSISTENCY: Future Land Use Element (FLUE): Tbe subject property is designated as Agricultural/Rural, Rural Fringe rVlixed Use District (RFMUD) -- Sending Lands, on the Future Land Use Map of the Growth Management Plan (GMP). The RFMUD generally provides a transition between the Urban and Estates designated lands and between the Urban and Agricultural/Rural and Conservation designated lands farther to the east. The RFMUD employs a balanced approach to protect natural resources and private property rights and provides for large areas of open space. The RFMUD allows for a mixture of urban and rural levels of service. CU-2008--AR-13245 Revised 4/15/09 Page 2 of 13 Aqenda item No 7 A ~rovember 10, 2009 Page 16 of 162 The Sending Lands have been identified as being least appropriate for development within the RFMUD. Based on the evaluation of available elata, these lands have a greater degree of environmental or listed spccies habitat value than Receiving Lands or Ncutral Lands and generally have avoided being disturbed through prcvious development or agricultural operations. The RFMUD allo\\'s for resource recovery activities within Sending Lands, stating, Public .facilities, including solid waste and resource recove,)' .facilities, and puhlic vehicle and equipment storage and repair .facilities, shall he permitted within Section 25. Township 495, Range 26E, on lands (ld/acent to the c,Yistillg COllnt.1landjill. This shall not he interpreted to allowfol' the e.\j)(/nsion (~rthe lallr(fill into ,)'ection 25/01' the pUI'pose of solid waste disposal. In application materials, the petitioner explains, "Single stream recycled material collection centers will collect glass, cans, paper, plastics and other materials in an unsorted single stream of materials to be recycled. Once collected, these materials would be brought to a central processing center, slIeh as the Material Recovery Facility (MRF) proposed for the Resource Recovery Pmk where they \Vould bc sorted, processed and packaged for shipping to a secondary materials markct where they would be rellsed." Staff points out this Resource Recovery Park proposal seems less like a typical resource recovery facility, and more like a collection-and-transfer site, as collected materials will go through sorting, processing and packaging operzltions here before being shipped to secondary markets. No incineration facilities are proposed to convert any materials to energy. The proposal cloes, however include a facility for converting the adjacent landfill's methane gases to energy - which simply flames-off currently. Nonetheless, the proposed uses are without question, "public faci li ties". RFlvfUD Sending Lands provision C) 10 requires that native vegetation be preserved as set forth in Conservation and Coastal Management Element (CCME) Policy 6.1.2., which requires 80 percent of the native vegetation present to be preserved. This issue is discussed later in this repOli. Consideration of the Collier County Resource Recovery Park also extends to other clements of the GMP, including the Capital Impwvel1lent Element (CIE), Economic Element, and Solid Waste Sub-Element of the Public Facilities Element. Landfill related resource recovery activities arc supported by the prOVISIons of the CrE, particularly how the project is programmed into the Five- \Tear Schedule of Capital Improvements. The eIE identifiecl the present proposal in previous years' Five-Year Schedules of Capital Improvements. Moneys \Vere <1CCLll1ltll,lted in pre,'iolls fiscal years toward this project with the actual project completion date reaching into 2009. To this extent, the proposed Resource Recovery Park is consistent with the CIE. 1l0\Vevcr, staff notes the present eIE does not include this project in t]le Five- Year Schedule of Capital Improvements. CU-2008--AR-13245 Revised 4/15/09 Page3of13 Agenda Item No.7 A November 10. 2009 Page 17 of 162 Recycling programs protecting natural resources, conserving energy, prolonging the useful life of landfills and maintaining a positive public image are supported by Policy 1.6 of the Economic Elcment. This Element also cncourages the preservation of sensitive natural resources by Policy 1.8. This proposal adheres to these policies by establishing the resource recovery facilities on approximately one-half the 341 acrc subject property - while tbe other half is to remain undeveloped and improved by removal of exotics. Numerous Policies in the Solid Waste Sub-Element of the Public Facilities Element instruct Collier County to evaluate full-service recycling centers, develop means to divert solid waste from the landfill, explore emerging conversion technologies, and maintain leachate and gas management systems in compliance \vith its (landfill) permit. The proposed Resource Recovery Park is consistent with the provisions of the Solid Waste Sub-Element. Based upon the above analysis, staff concludes the proposed Conditional Use may be deemed consistent with the Future Land Use Element (FLUE) of the Growth Management Plan. Transportation Element (TE): Transportation Plmming staff has reviewed the petition and has determined that the proposed Conditional Use does not significantly impact the adjacent roadway network. As such, the roadway network has sufficient capacity to accommodate this project within the 5-year planning period, and staff recommends that this project be found consistent with Policies 5.1 and 5.2 of the Transportation Element oftbe Growth Management Plan (GMP). CR-9511Illpacts: Additional traffic impacts are found to be present in the proposed Conditional Use. The project proposes a peak direction impact of 3 trips during the PM Peak hour on link 32.2, Collier Boulevard from 1-75 to Golden Gate Parkway. This represents a 0.001 percent impact on this concurrency link, which is listed by the 2008 AUJR to have a remaining capacity of 449 trips and is cun-ently at level of service "D". Conservation & Coastal Management Element (CCME): The Collier County Resource Recovery Park (CCRRP) project has been found consistent with all applicable sections of the Growth Management Plan, including the following objectives and policies. Please refer to the Environmental Impact Statement for further detail. Objective 2.2 afthe Conservation and Coastal.Management E!ement of the Growth A1anagement P!an states "All cana!s, rivers, and .flow wen's discharging into estuaries shall meet all applicab/efederal, state, or local wafer quality standards. To accomplish that, policy 2.2.2 states "In order to limit the specific and cumulative impacts of stormwater runoff, ston11water systems should be designed in such a way tbat discharged water c10es not degrade receiving waters and an attempt is made to enhance the timing, quantity, and qua] ity of fresh water (discharge) to tbe estuai'inc system. This project is consistent with the objectives of policy 2.2.2 in that it attempts to 1111111le or enhance the quality and quantity of\vater leaving the site by utilizing interconnected dry and wet detention arc as and a wetland(s) to provide water quality retention and peak flow attenuation during ston11 events. CU-2008--AR-13245 Revised 4/15/09 Page 4 of 13 Agenda Item NO.7 A f\Jovember 10, 2009 Page 18 of 162 Objccth'c 6.1 The COl/lIty shull pFOtcC! !w/ivc vegc/atil'c C(}JllllIl/nities throl/gh the ajJplicutioJl of min illlUIIl preserl'({{ i on req 1/ irelllen t s. Policv 6.1.2 For the COl/nty's Rural Fringe A1h:ed Use District, native vegetatiol/ shall be preserved Oil site /hrollgh /he applicotiun ofpreservarioll ond vegetotioll retelltion standards and criteria. Policy 6.1.6 allows exemptions from the native presermtion retention reql/irements of CCiHE policy 6.1.2 on COllnty oll'lIed land located ill Sectioll 25, Towl/ship 26E, Range 498, ({permitted uses are restricted to the portions of the property that are contiguous to the existing land fill operatiol/s: erotic removal will be required on/he entire site. Policy 6.1.2 and requires 80 percent preservation of native habitat outside the Natural Resources Protection Area (NRP A) sending lands. Under the current GlvlP all of Section 25 is currently zoned A or Rural Agricultural within the North Belle Meade Overlay and Rural Fringe Mixed Use District Overlay for Sending Areas. Sending areas by definition include significant wetlands, uplands, and habitat for protected species and have been determined to have the highest degree of environmental ,'alue and sensitivity. The land preservation requirement is reduced where lands contiguous to the Co11ier County Landfill arc to be developed pursuant to CCME Policy 6.1,G is specific to this site and states "On the County owned land located in Section 25, Township 2GE, Range 49S, (sic](+/- 360 acres) the native vegetation retention and site preservation requirements may be reduced to 50 percent if the permiUed uses are restricted to the portions of the property that em::: contiguous to the existing land fill operations; exotic removal will be required on the entire +/- 360 acres." The proposed development wi11 require the preservation of 50 percent of the native vegetation on site. The Conceptual Site Plan adheres to this requirement to preservc native vegetation and the site preservation requirements will be met as follows: Total project area = 341 acres, 341 acres X 0,50 (50 percent preservation) = 170.5 acres of native vegetation preservation required. Proposed total acres of on-site native vegetation to be preserved = 170.8 acres Polic)' 6,1,4 Prohibited i!1\'asive exotic )legeta/ioll shall he rcm01'ed/i'olll all lIew developments. All invasive exotic vegetation will be removed from the project site during the development process and the entire site sh2111 be kept [ree of exotic vegetation in perpetuity. Policy 6. 1.7 The COl/llty shall require lIative vegetation to he incOIpol'Clted into IOlldscape designs in order to promote the prcsCI'\'{/tion o{notive plant COlllllllilli/ies and to encouroge \\'lltel' cOIlscnatioll. The final site plan landscape design will include the required preservation of native plan communities, supplementary planting of drought tolerant native vegetation, and the inclusion of littoral shelf planting arcas within wet detention ponds. Policy 6.1.8 An Environmental IIl/pact Statement (EfS) is required to evaluate the impact of a proposed development. This EIS is being submitted to fulfill the requirements of the CiMP and LDC. CU-2008--AR-13245 Revised 4/15/09 Page 5 of 13 Agenda Item NO.7 A r\!ovember 10. 2009 Page 19 of 162 Ohjective 6.2 The COllnty shall protect ({nd conserve lvetlands and the na/ul'({l fUllctions of wetlands pursllant to the appropriate policies IIl1der Goal 6. Policy 6.2.1 lVetlands shall be ver(fied byjurisdictiollal.field delineation. A copy of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) specific purpose Formal Wetland Delineation Survey, tbe FDEP letter documenting thc field verification of the wctland boundary, and email communication with the FDEP which denotes informal approval of the wetland boundary have also been included with the survey (Figurc 10 of E1S). Policy 6,2,] Collier COllnty shall implement a comprehensive process to ellsure wetlands ([nd the na!uralfunctiol1s of wetlands are protected and consen'cc!. The process outlined 1vithin this policy is prilllari(v based on directing cOllcentrated population growth and intensive development awayfrom large interconnectcd lvetland s)'s/ellls. The project site has been affected by surrounding development and the on-site wetlands have been effectively isolated by road construction and utility easement improvements. Natural hydrologic patterns have been altered by the construction of the Golden Gate Canal, adjacent development, and private roadways. The project will adhere to all applicable State, Federal, and local wetland regulations. Wetland impacts have bcen limited to lower quality wetlands with impaired functions. Mitigation will be provided to ensure that the project will not rcsult in a net loss of wetland function. The development and associated stonnwater management plan will improve the hydrology of the site's cxisting wetlands and restore the habitat value of approximately 67 acres of project site uplands tbrough the removal and continued maintenance of exotic vegetation. Policy 6.2.5: Within the Ruml Fringe II/fixed Use District, (fnd that portion of the Lake Traf{ord/Camp Keais Stmnd ,~l'stelll w/iich is contained within the lml!lokalee Urban Designared Area, Collier County shall direct land uses mvay frol/l higher /i.tIlctioning wetlands by limiting direct impacts within wetlands based upon the vegetation requirements of Policy 6.1.2 of this elelllent, the wetland fl/nctionality assessment described in paragraph (2) below, {md the final permitting requirements of/he South Florida Water Management District. GIvfP Policy 6.2.5. (6) states, "Mitigation shall be rcquired for direct impacts to wetlands in ordcr to result in no net loss of wetland functions." In addition, the policy states, "No net loss of wetland functions" shall mean that the wetland functional score of the proposed mitigation equals or exceeds the vvetland functional score of the impacted wetlands. However, in no case shall the acreage proposed for mitigation be less than the acreage being impacted." The Solid Waste Department (SWD) has stated in the EIS that they will "adhere to the policy of 'No net loss of wetland functions' through the use of appropriate mitigation." Onsite preservation will not be considered as mitigation. Proposed wetland impacts total 39 acres and will be mitigated for offsite. ClIlTently a mitigation plan has not been finalized for this project. The mitigation plan will be finalized during the development and permitting phase of the projcct. Policy 6.2.6 T'Vithin tbe Rural Fringe Mixed Use District, required preservatioJ/ areas, bl~fJer areas, and mitigatio!l arcas shalf be dedicated as cOJ/serpatioJ1 alld C0/1111l0!l areas i/1 the form of conserl'((tio!l easements aud shall be hlclltjfied or platted as sep((J'{{te tracts. All preservation CU-2008--AR-13245 Revised 4/15/09 Page 6 of 13 Agenda Item NO.7 A November 10. 2009 Pa;Je 20 of 162 and mitigation areas will bc placed under conserYatioll easements dedicated to thc appropriate slate and federal agencies as required by their respective permits. O/~iecth'e 7.1 TlIe CoulIty shall direct incompatible land uses away from listed allimal species ami their habitat. Protected species surveys have been conducted on the site. Only the bald cagle was observed on the site. No eagle nests were obscrved on site. Eagles have been observed flying overhead and scavenging within the adjacent landfill. Please refer to listed species details in the EAC staff report, item B. 4. Policy 7.1.4 All development shall comp()! \t'ith applicable Federal and state permitting requirements regarding /isred .species pl'Otectioll. During the permitting process the project will additionally comply with all applicable Federal and state permitting requircments regarding listed species protection. Stormwater Management: This northern portion of this site lies partially within the Main Golden Gate Canal Basin and the southern portion lies within the Henderson Creek basin. Both basins have al10wable discharge rates of 0.15 cubic feet per second (cfs) per acre. This project has not yet been submitted to SFVlMD for permitting because of the conceptual nature of the design prior to the Conditional Use, but the petitioncr realizes that a SF\;I,TI'vlD permit must be obtained. Section 8.06.03 0,2 of the Collier County Land Development Code states "The surface water management aspects of any petition, that is or \vill be reviewed and permitted by South Florida \Vater Management District (SF\VIVfD), are exempt from review by the Environmental Aclvisory Council (EAC) cxcept to evaluate the criteria for allowing treated stormwatcr to be discharged into Preserves as allo\ved in Section 3.05.07." The proposed stormwater management system is designed to provide floodplain compensation volume and water Cjuality storage treatment in the proposed pond and attenuation by storage in wetlands, so the water managcment aspects may be reviewed by the EAC. The proposed water quality treatment volume is based on ] 50 percent of the one inch requirement, which is the same as the present 1.5 inch requirement. Treatment is accomplished in the wet detention area and recovery is accomplished by V notches in the control structure sized not to exceed one-hal r inch of rainfall over the developed area in a 24 hour period. Based upon the above analysis, staff concludes the petition may be deemed consistent with the ovcrall GlvlP. ANALYSIS: Before any conditional use can be recommended to the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA), the Collier County Planning Commission (CCpe) must make a Ending that: 1) granting approval of the conditional use will not adversely affect the publlc interest; 2) all speci fic requirements for the individual conditional use are met; and 3) satisfactory provisions have been made conceming the following matters, where applicable: CU-2008--AR-13245 Revised 4/15/09 Page 7 of 13 ,Agenda Item NO.7 A November 10,2009 Page 21 of 162 1. Consistency with the Land Development Code and the Gro'wth Management Plan. As noted above, this proposal is consistcnt with the applicable provisions of the FLUE, the Transportation Elemcnt and the CCIvI E Element; therefore the pctition is consistent with the overall GMP. With the conditions of approval included by staff, the proposal may also be found consistent with all of the applicable provisions of the LDC. 2. Ingress and egress to the property and proposed structures thereon, with particular reference to automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, and access in case of fire or catastrophe. Transportation Planning staff indicatcs that they have revievi'ed this petition and determined that there arc no outstanding issues concerning vehicular access and traffic control. As shown on the Conceptual Site Plan, vehicular access to the site would be afforded through the existing land fill operation to the south. An emergency access is also proposed to the west, to access 31 sl Avenue SW. That access wi11 only be viable if a bridge is constructed over the main Golden Gate Canal which scparates the site f)'om 31 sl A venue SW. The proposed access through the existing landfill operation will help maintain traffic flow and control, and help ensure visitor safcty. In addition, the petitioner has indicatcd that fences, signs and cameras will most likely be placed strategically in and around the subject site to prevcntuncontrolled pedestrian or vehicular access. 3. The effect the Conditional Use would have on neighboring properties in relation to noise, glare, economic or odor effects. The proposed activities will be accessed through the existing landfill operation exccpt for emergency access points that may be developed in the future. As such, the traffic generated from the Resource Recovery Park should not significantly impact any ncighboring property O\vners on a regular basis. In addition, the petitioner re-designed the site to address concerns raised by the neighboring propeliy owncrs during the Neighborhood Information Meeting (NIM). The petitioner rcarranged the water management areas and preserve areas to relocate the proposed uses more internal to the site. The petitioner also included additional buffering and increased the setback on the east side to 200 feet width. With the exception of the 2.57 acre outparccl, all outparcels are now surrounded by preserve areas, not active recycling uses. In the petitioner's narrative statement, he characterizes the Llses all site as follows: Tlie proposed lIses are for the open alld tempormy storage of l"hite goods. tire processing. (Construction alld Demolition) C&D recycling, )'({rd waste and storm debris piles which are a!1 located in a central area of tlie site and I/ot visible from c{((jacent properties, The Dirty iHRF (materials recover)ifrom the solid waste stream), Household Hazardolls /'Vaste Facility. Maintenance Building and Recycled Material Processing Facili~r all occl/r Il'itliin )mrellOll.,>'c-lype stl'/{ctl/res. The uses that they are closest to are the industria/uses to the south which lIlay all be hOl/sed in similar type structures. The perimeter of the site will meet the required landscape bl!{{C,J'S to provide visual screening to the o((joccnt properties. CU-2008--AR-13245 Revised 4/15/09 Page 8 of 13 Agenda Item NO.7 A ~Jovember 10. 2009 Page 22 of 162 As noted above, the more intense operations will take place indoors to reduce the noise, odor or dust that the uses could create. Staff believes the subject site is a good location, as identified in the GlvIP for the uses proposed. Aclditional1y, the site already houses several Co11ier County water we]] sites with others proposed on site. Those we11 sites require considerable sccurity and the security for those we]] sites C8n be incorporated into the security required for the proposed uses, thus maximizing the county's rcsources (staff 8nd expense). Givcn the major relationship between the uses proposed and the existing landfill operation, this site is the most appropriate location for this use. The petitioner has not offered to limit the hours of operation, nor would such a limitation be appropriate because the uses should be adequately buffercd or housed to limit the impacts upon the neighboring property O\Vllers. With staffs additional conditions, staff is of the opllllon the project will not generate additional glare, noise or odors or otherwise create any adverse economic impacts on the neighborhood. 4. Compatibility with adjacent pl'Operties and other property in the district. As previously noted, the site is surrounded by agriculturally zoned lands on thrce sides and estates zoned lands on the remaining boundary. To the east there arc scat tered single-family homes and vacant tracts along Garland Road, To the west there is a canal then scattered single-family home sites within the Estates zoning district. To the south is the existing landfill, also zoned Agricultural. To the north are the Hideout golfcourse and several large tracts developed with single-family homes. At the NIM, several attendees expressed concern about possible flooding. Federal, state and county regulations require the \vater management system to be designed to address flooding. Precise engineering measurements must be made to determine this specific site's flooding potential, and the water management system is designed to meet the needs of the site in relationship to the surrounding area. Within the overall tract bounc1arles for the subject site thcre are three parcels that are not owned by the petitioner. Those tracts are not included in the CU petition; however staff has included conditions to allow access for the tracts that would appear (0 be land-locked (see boundary survey), It should be noted that the County is exploring the possibility of acquiring these land-locked parcels in the future. Staff believes that with the conditions imposed by staff and the limitations proposed by the petitioner for increased setbacks and buffering, the project will be compatible with the neighborhood. Additionally the petitioner will need to comply with all Federal, State and other local regulations governing the llses, Staff believes that the proposed Conditional Use may be deemed compalible with the neighboring properties subject to the inclusion of staffs recommended conditions of approval. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIE\V: Environmental Services staff has reviewed the petltlOn to address any cnvironmental concerns. The site was surveyed in August and September 2006; January 2007, April 2008, and October 20Cl8. Species surveys wcrc conducted in accordance with, lVildh(c MctllOdolo'2,l' GI/ldelincs [Ql~)sz{:fI:Q{,--lljj) orrh~,'.lJ}p!ication /br DC\'clo!)lJ/cnt. CU-2008--AR-13245 Revised 4/15/09 Pa98 9 of13 Agenda Item NO.7 A November 10, 2009 Page 23 of 162 There were minimal observations of threatened and endangered wildlife. Tree cavity surveys for Red Cockaded Woodpecker (RCW) were conducted; neither RCWs nor tree cavities were observed. Habitat on the site would not appear to support RCWs. HO\vever, this area has known active RCW colonics in the vicinity and with proper management additional foraging will be provided to this endangered species. An RCW managemcnt plan wil1 be required to be submitted and approved as part of the next development order. A condition to that effect was included in the EAC staff report and it is catTied over as a recommendation for the CCPC as well. The site encompasses approximately 34l acres and contains 144.4 acres of wetlands and 196.6 acres of uplands. The proposed development will require impacts to approximately 39 acres of low quality wetlands and 131.2 acres of uplands. The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) completed field inspection of the site on October 24, 2008. A copy of the FDEP cOITespondence verifying the site wetland boundaries has been included in Subsection (c) of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) along with a copy of the specific purpose FOl1nal Wetland Delineation Survey for the property. The developer will be required to provide offsite mitigation for the 39-acre wetland impacts. A condition to that effect was included in the EAC staff report and it is carried over as a recommendation for the CCPC as well. The petitioner was required to submit all Environment Impact Statement (EIS) which was presented to the Environmental Advisory Commission (EAC) as noted below. ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL (EAC) RECOMMENDATION: This petition was heard by the EAC on April 1, 2009 and they recommended approval by a vote of 7 to 1 (Mr. Penniman made the motion and Dr. Williams seconded the motion) subject to the conditions of approval contained in the EAC staff report. The EAC further added the fol1O\ving stipulation: 77/e developer shall submit the Site Development Plan (SDP) to the EnviroJlmental Advisory Council for review and approval. Mr. Bishoff cast the dissenting vote, stating that he could not support this petition because the site plan showed the hazardous waste processing area too close to water wel1s. A copy of the EAC staff report is included in the back up material. Please refer to that document for environmental review details. NEIGHBORHOOD INFORMATION MEETING (NIM): The meeting was duly noticed by the applicant and held on September 4, 2008, at 5 :30 p.m. at Golden Gate Community Center. Thirty-three people from the public attended along with the applicant's team and zoning staff members. 1Vlr. Rodriguez, Director of Collier County Solid Waste Department and the applicant, prcscnted an overview of the requcsted Conditional Use (CD). The CD IS being reqllested to allow development of a Resource Recovery Facility for {he collection and transfer station. The site will CU-2008--AR-13245 Revised 4(15/09 Page 10 of 13 ,A,cenda Item NO.7 A r/ovember 10. 2009 Page 24 of 162 house some of the llses that are currently being done at the existing landfill site, e.g., yard waste processing/composting, tire processing, recycle processing, etc. Mr. Rodriguez explained how approval of this CU would allow those llses to move to this new facility thus extending the life of the existing landfill site. Of those who had questions or concerns, thc Mr. Rodrigucz responded as follows: 1. One of the main concerns from the participants \Vas the increase in noise volume. The participants stated that they felt tllat moving the heavy machinery closer to their property lines would increase thc noise they would hear, as they hear some noise now. Mr. Rodriguez said he does not think the noise lel'C! IFill increase, the participants disagreed. The participants also wanted to know how much of the machinery would be housed in a closed building setting. Ji1r. Rodriguez cOlI/mented that the recycling processing would be located in a closed huilding setting (inside a building). 2. The second main concern was flooding, based upon surface water flow and heavy rains, The participants claim that the site is currently underwater and any development of the site would flood adjacent properties. lvIr. Rodriguez stated that the storm water system )\,ol/Id be graded (designed) toflOl!' 01/ site to the retention ponds that ll'iI! be COIIstl'llcted on site ane! the retention ponds ll'ould be constl'llcted to standards that should prevent flooding pursuant 10 the (,')'ollth Florida Water Managemenl District) SFWlllD C1'iteria. However the participants did not agree that the SFWivlD criteria would (ldequately prevent flooding, stating their contention that the water management areas shown on the conceptual site plan were 1101 large enough to prevent flooding on their properties. 3. The participants asked if a berm/buffer could be built on the cast/northeast side of the proposed location. Air, Rodrigl/ez .<;aid that they ll'{Jl{ld consider that option when designing the project in the Site Development Plan (SI)P) process. [STAFF NOTE: The petitioner revised the site plan to address this issue in the subsequent resubmitta1.J 4. One participant asked what was going to be done to protect the protected wildlife (Panthers, etc.) in the area. Air. Rodriguez stated tl1m an EIIl'ironmcntal ImjJact Statement (EfS) had Deen prepared and slIlJ/i1ilfed to the cOllnty ond it )vas being rel'ie1l'ed now, bllt in any case, environmental isslles 11'01IId he addressed 5J)ec(ficCl/~V during the Site Development Plan (SDP) ond permitting processes (lnd al! those {jucstiol/s wOllld he addressed at that tillle. RECOMMENDATION: Starr recommends that the Collier County Planning Commission (CCPC) forward Petition CU- 08-AR-13245 to the BO<lrd of ZOlling Appeals (BZA) with a rccommendation of approval, subject to the following conditions: 1. Thc Resource Recovery Park shall be limited to that which is depicted on the conceptual site plan, identified as the "Collier COllnty Resource Recovery Park" elated Ivlarch 11,2008 and last revised December 22, 2008, prepared by PBS&J. CU-2008--AR-13245 Revised 4t15/09 Page 11 of 13 Agenda Item NO.7 A November 10, 2009 Page 25 of 162 2. The site plan noted is conceptual in nature for Conditional Use approval. The final design must be in compliance with all applicable federal, state and county lmvs and regulations. 3. The Department of Zoning and Land Development Review Dircctor may approve minor changes in the location, siting, or height of buildings, structures, and improvements authorized by this conditional use, so long as these minor changes remain consistent yvith all applicable development standards. 4. Expansion of uses idcntified and approved within this Conditional Use approval, or major changes to the approved plan, shall require the submittal of a new conditional use application, and shall comply with all applicable County ordinances in effect at the time of submittal, including Chapter 10.02.03, of the Collier County Land Development Code, Ordinance 04-41, as amended, for Site Development Plan (SDP) review and approval. 5. If it is judicially determined or othenvise agreed to by the County, then the County shall provide access to the outparcels identified on the Boundary Survey as #40, #41, and #42 (all of which are located within the easternmost tract identified on the site plan as "Out Parcel lO.20 Ac Zoncd-A"). Said access shall be to Garland Road or other public or private road. Preserve arca calculations shall not be affect by such access. 6. The "Emergency and Administration Access Road" shown on the site plan shall be to a declared emergency events only. 7. The 39 acres of off-site mitigation shall be identified prior to Site Development Plan approval. 8. An RCW management plan will be required to be submitted and approved as pati of the next development order. 9. The developer shall submit the Site Development Plan to the EAC for review and approval. CU-2008--AR-13245 Revised 4/15109 Page 12 of 13 A;;Jenda itern f'Jo. 7 A November 10, 2009 Page 26 of 162 PREPARED BY: kJQ{VjZvYlV ]- 30 -09 KA DES 'LEM, AICP, PRINCIPAL PLANNER DATE DEPARTMENT OF ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW REVIE'VED BY: / )(. / 1/ / /<..-.: ,..../ ,.........' ."", ~'l " r." f ." ," r/ ( .I. , " . . i, - ,.) ,_l! RA YMojJb V. BELLOWS, ZONING MANAGER DATE DEPARTMENT OF ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW I / ~ I Ie J/'~\ - /-.S--'f"'-,~-- II. ",'lfO' ,/ cr' p." /<...- ..,1..........-' /" loo/ \,'" ~ '-{ '. " . . "'" . . I' \...--v' 1/(....& ---/. I (I SUSAN M. ISTENES, AICP, DIRECTOR DATE ~ DEPARTMENT OF ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIE\V I I f ~ J .'. _,.f __ .",11, I . 11 , >. / HEIDI ASHTON-CICKO ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY / I f'. .... I / I i , / C)' j 'j r , DA TEl APPROVED BY: l '~.---"<--f":=;'S'{:;:"~/""''??< "i~/~O-- /~'1 J()SEPH K. SCHMITT, ADMINISTRATOR I DA TE CO~1rvlUNITY DEVELOPI\,1ENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION I . \./ Collier County Planning Commission: ./\ /(1 {' !J N}C __, If V (iv''''' /\ l /-\} t\/) MARK P. STRAIN, CHAIRMAN '~) . 2/_ () 'I) DATE Tentatively scheduled for the June 23, 2009 Board of County Commissioners Meeting CU-2008-AR-13245 Revised 4/1/09 Page 13 of 13 . Agenda Item NO.7 A [\Jovember 10, 2009 Page 27 of 162 Item VI. 1 ENVIRONMENT AL ADVISORY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT MEETING OF APRIL 1. 2009 I. NAME OF PETITIONER/PROJECT Petition No.: Petition Name: Applicant/Developer: CU-2008-AR-13245 The Resource Recovery Park Collier County through its Solid Waste Management Department, represented by David Deans of PBS & J PBS&J PBS&J Engineering Consultant: Environmental Consultant: II. LOCATION . The subject property, consisting of approximately 341 acres, is located approximately 1.5 miles east of Collier Boulevard and 1 mile north of White Lake Boulevard, in Section 25, Township 49 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida. III. DESCRIPTION OF SURROUNDING PROPERTIES ZONING DESCRIPTION N - Rural Agricultural (A) Hideout Golf Course and several large tracts with single- family homes S - Rural Agricultural (A) Collier County Landfill on 31l:f: acres and a 301:1: acre undeveloped tract E - Rural Agricultural (A) scattered single-family homes and vacant tracts along Garland Road W - Estates (E) a canal then scattered single- family homes . EAC Meeting Page 2 of]2 ,A,genda Item r~o. 7 A November 10, 2009 Page 28 of 162 . IV. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The petitioner is requesting Conditional Uses within the Rural Agricultural Zoning District within the North Belle Meade Overlay and Rural Mixed Use District Overlay for Sending Areas to allow 1) a "Collection and Transfer Site for Resource Recovery," pursuant to Collier County Land Development Code (LDC) Section 2.03.01.A.1.c.12; and 2) "Public Facilities, including Solid Waste and Resource Recovery Facility" and "Public Vehicle and Equipment Storage and Repair Facilities" pursuant to LDC Section 2.03.08.A.4.a.(3)(b) for a project to be known as the Resource Recovery Park. The petitioner has stated that the landfill operation itself will not be expanded into the subject tract; no authorization to do that is being sought. The Conditional Uses being sought would allow some of the non-landfill operations or those operations that are accessory to the actual land-filling operation. For example, as shown on the site plan there are areas of the site set aside for yard waste and storm debris processing and tire processing. These items are not necessarily buried in the landfill; they are separated and removed from the site for further processing. . The site lies immediately north and west of the Collier County Landfill, on vacant, county-owned property. It is generally situated one mile east of Collier Boulevard and one mile north of White Lake BoulevardlI-75. Primary vehicular access will be via an interconnection with an existing north-south service road through the landfill site onto White Lake Boulevard. Future accesses are planned from the south via northward road extensions along the western and eastern landfill property lines, and by impermanent bridging over the canal to the west providing for an emergency and administration access road across from 31 st A venue SW. V. GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN CONSISTENCY A. Future Land Use Element The subject property is designated as Agricultural/Rural, Rural Fringe Mixed Use District (RFMUD) - Sending Lands, on the Future Land Use Map of the Gro\\1h Management Plan (GMP). The RFMUD generally provides a transition between the Urban and Estates designated lands and between the Urban and Agricultural/Rural and Conservation designated lands farther to the east. The RFMUD employs a balanced approach to protect natural resources and private property rights and provides for large areas of open space. The RFMUD allows for a mixture of urban and rural levels of service. The Sending Lands have been identified as being least appropriate for development within the RFMUD. Based on the evaluation of available data, these lands have a greater degree of environmental or listed species habitat value than Receiving Lands EAC Meeting Page 3 of 12 Agenda Item NO.7 A r\Jovember 10, 2009 Page 29 of 162 . or Neutral Lands and generally have avoided being disturbed through previous development or agricultural operations. The RFMUD allows for resource recovery activities within Sending Lands, stating, Public facilities, including solid waste and resource recovery facilities, and public vehicle and equipment storage and repair facilities, shall be permitted within Section 25, Township 49S, Range 26E, on lands adjacent to the existing County landfill. This shall not be intetpreted to allow for the expansion of the landfill into Section 25 for the purpose of solid waste disposal. In application materials, the petitioner explains, Single stream recycled material collection centers will collect glass, cans, paper, plastics and other materials in an unsorted single stream of materials to be recycled Once collected, these materials would be brought to a central processing center, such as the Material Recovery Facility (MRF) proposed for the Resource Recovery Park where they would be sorted, processed and packaged for shipping to a secondary materials market where they would be reused . Staff points out this Resource Recovery Park proposal seems less like a typical resource recovery facility, and more like a collection-and-transfer site, as collected materials will go through sorting, processing and packaging operations here before being shipped to secondary markets. No incineration facilities are proposed to convert any materials to energy. The proposal does, however include a facility for converting the adjacent landfill's methane gases to energy - which simply flames-off currently. Nonetheless, the proposed uses are without question, "public facilities". RFMUD Sending Lands provision C) 10 requires that native vegetation be preserved as set forth in Conservation and Coastal Management Element (CCME) Policy 6.1.2., which requires eighty percent (80 percent) of the native vegetation present to be preserved. Comprehensive Planning leaves this CCME consistency determination to Environmental Services personnel as part of their review of the petition in its entirety. Consideration of the Collier County Resource Recovery Park also extends to other elements of the Growth Management Plan, including the Capital Improvement Element, Economic Element, and Solid Waste Sub-Element of the Public Facilities Element. Landfill related resource recovery activities are supported by the provisions of the Capital Improvement Element (eIE), particularly how the project is programmed into the 5- Year Schedule of Capital Improvements. The CIE identified the present EAC Meeting Page 4 of 12 Aaenda item NO.7 A r\J~ovember 10. 2009 Page 30 of 162 . proposal in previous years' 5- Year Schedules of CapitaJ Improvements. Moneys were accumulated in previous fiscal years toward this project with the actual project completion date reaching into 2009. To this extent, the proposed Resource Recovery Park is consistent with the eIE. However, staff notes the present CIE does not include this project in the 5- Year Schedule of Capital Improvements. Recycling programs protecting natural resources, conserving energy, prolonging the useful life of landfilis and maintaining a positive public image are supported by Policy 1.6 of the Economic Element. This Element also encourages the preservation of sensitive natural resources by Policy 1.8. This proposal adheres to these policies by establishing the resource recovery facilities on approximately one-half the 341 acre subject property - while the other half is to remain undeveloped and improved by removal of exotics. Numerous Policies in the Solid Waste Sub-Element of the Public Facilities Element instruct Collier County to evaluate full-service recycling centers, develop means to divert solid waste from the landfill, explore emerging conversion technologies, and maintain leachate and gas management systems in compliance with its (landfill) permit. The proposed Resource Recovery Park is consistent with the provisions of the Solid Waste Sub-Element. . The petitioner has provided Exhibit II, Narrative Answers for Evaluation Criteria Questions as part of their application materials, with complete explanations regarding the consistency of the proposed Resource Recovery Park with numerous provisions in the GMP. They can be referred to there in their entirety, as staff has summarized the explanations as parts of our Comprehensive Planning Comments portion of this reVIew. Based upon the above analysis, staff concludes the proposed Conditional Use may be deemed consistent with the Future Land Use Element (FLUE) of the Growih Management Plan. B. Conservation & Coastal Manae;ement Element The Collier County Resource Recovery Park (CCRRP) project has been found consistent with all applicable sections of the Gro\\-1:h Management Plan, including the following objectives and policies. Please refer to the Environmental Impact Statement for further detail. Objective 2.2 of the Conservation and Coastal Management Element of the Growth Management Plan states" All canals, rivers, and flow ways discharging into estuaries shall meet all applicable federal, state, or local water quality standards. EAC Meeting Page 5 of 12 Agenda Item NO.7 A November 10, 2009 Page 31 of 162 . To accomplish that, policy 2.2.2 states "In order to limit the specific and cumulative impacts of stormwater runoff, stormwater systems should be designed in such a way that discharged water does not degrade receiving waters and an attempt is made to enhance the timing, quantity, and quality of fresh water (discharge) to the estuarine system. This project is consistent with the objectives of policy 2.2.2 in that it attempts to mimic or enhance the quality and quantity of water leaving the site by utilizing interconnected dry and wet detention areas and a wetIand(s) to provide water quality retention and peak flow attenuation during storm events. Objective 6.1 The County shall protect native vegetative communities through the application of minimum preservation requirements. Policy 6.1.2 For the County's Rural Fringe Mixed Use District shall be preserved on site through the application of preservation and vegetation retention standards and criteria. . I Policy 6.1.6 allows exemptions from the native preservation retention requirements of CCME policy 6.1.2 on County owned land located in Section 25, Township 26E, Range 49S, if permitted uses are restricted to the portions of the property that are contiguous to the existing land fill operations; exotic removal will be required on the entire site. Policy 6.1.2 and requires 80% preservation of native habitat outside the Natural Resources Protection Area (NRP A) sending lands. Under the current GMP all of . Section 25 is currently zoned A or Rural Agricultural within the North Belle Meade Overlay and Rural Fringe Mixed Use District Overlay for Sending Areas. Sending areas by definition include significant wetlands, uplands, and habitat for protected species and have been determined to have the highest degree of environmental value and sensitivity. The land preservation requirement is reduced where lands contiguous to the Collier County Landfill are to be developed pursuant to CCME Policy 6. l.6 is specific to this site and states "On the County owned land located in Section 25, Township 26E, Range 49S, (sic](+/- 360 acres) the native vegetation retention and site preservation requirements may be reduced to 50% if the permitted uses are restricted to the portions of the property that are contiguous to the existing land fill operations; exotic removal will be required on the entire +/- 360 acres." The proposed development will require the preservation of 50% of the native vegetation on site. The Conceptual Site Plan adheres to this requirement to preserve native vegetation and the site preservation requirements will be met as follows: Total project area = 341 acres. 341 acres X 0.50 (50% preservation) = 170.5 acres of native vegetation preservation required. Proposed total acres of on-site native vegetation to be preserved = 170.8 acres EAC Meeting Page 6 of 12 .Aoenda item NO.7 A N~()vember 10. 2009 Page 32 of 162 . Policy 6.1.4 Prohibited invasive exotic vegetation shall be removed from all new developments. All invasive exotic vegetation will be removed from the project site during the development process and the entire site shall be kept free of exotic vegetation in perpetuity. Policy 6.1. 7 The County shall require native vegetation to be incorporated into landscape designs in order to promote the preservation of native plant communities and to encourage water conservation. The final site plan landscape design will include the required preservation of native plan communities, supplementary planting of drought tolerant native vegetation, and the inclusion of littoral shelf planting areas within wet detention ponds. Policy 6.1.8 An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is required to evaluate the impact of a proposed development. This EIS is being submitted to fulfill the requirements of the GMP and LDC. . Objective 6.2 The County shall protect and conserve wetlands and the natural functions of wetlands pursuant to the appropriate policies under Goal 6. Policy 6.2.1 Wetlands shall be verified by jurisdictional field delineation. A copy of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) specific purpose Formal Wetland Delineation Survey, the FDEP letter documenting the field verification of the wetland boundary, and email communication with the FDEP which denotes informal approval of the wetland boundary have also been included with the survey (Figure 10 of EIS) following this section. Policy 6.2.3 Collier County shall implement a comprehensive process to ensure wetlands and the natural functions of wetlands are protected and conserved. The process outlined within this policy is primarily based on directing concentrated population growth and intensive development away from large interconnected wetland systems. The project site has been affected by surrounding development and the on-site wetlands have been effectively isolated by road construction and utility easement improvements. Natural hydrologic patterns have been altered by the construction of the Golden Gate Canal, adjacent development, and private roadways. The project will adhere to all applicable State, Federal, and local wetland regulations. Wetland impacts have been limited to lower quality wetlands with impaired functions. Mitigation will be provided to ensure that the project will not result in a net loss of wetland function. The development and associated storm water management plan wiII improve the hydrology of the site's existing wetlands and restore the habitat value of approximately 67 acres of project site uplands through the removal and continued maintenance of exotic vegetation. EAC Meeting Page 7 of 12 .Agenda Item NO.7 A November 10. 2009 Page 33 of 162 . Policy 6.2.5: Within the Rural Fringe Mixed Use District, and that portion of the Lake Trafford/Camp Keais Strand System which is contained within the Immokalee Urban Designated Area, Collier County shall direct land uses away from higher functioning wetlands by limiting direct impacts within wetlands based upon the vegetation requirements of Policy 6.1.2 of this element, the wetland functionality assessment described in paragraph (2) below, and the final permitting requirements of the South Florida Water Management District. GMP Policy 6.2.5. (6) states, "Mitigation shall be required for direct impacts to wetlands in order to result in no net loss of wetland functions." In addition, the policy states, ""No net loss of wetland functions" shall mean that the wetland functional score of the proposed mitigation equals or exceeds the wetland functional score of the impacted wetlands. However, in no case shall the acreage proposed for mitigation be less than the acreage being impacted." . The Solid Waste Department (SWD) has stated in the EIS that they will "adhere to the policy of 'No net loss of wetland functions' through the use of appropriate mitigation." Onsite preservation will not be considered as mitigation. Proposed wetland impacts total 39 acres and will be mitigated for offsite. Currently a mitigation plan has not been finalized for this project. The mitigation plan will be finalized during the development and permitting phase of the project. Policy 6.2.6 Within the Rural Fringe Mixed Use District, required preservation areas, buffer areas, and mitigation areas shall be dedicated as conservation and common areas in the form of conservation easements and shall be identified or platted as separate tracts. All preservation and mitigation areas will be placed under conservation easements dedicated to the appropriate state and federal agencies as required by their respective permits. Objective 7.1 The County shall direct incompatible land uses away from listed animal species and their habitat. Protected species surveys have been conducted on the site. Only the bald eagle was observed on the site. No eagle nests were observed on site. Eagles have been observed flying overhead and scavenging within the adjacent landfill. Please refer to listed species details given under B. 4. below for further details. Policy 7.1.4 All development shall comply with applicable Federal and state permitting requirements regarding listed species protection. During the permitting process the project will additionally comply with all applicable Federal and state permitting requirements regarding listed species protection. EAC Meeting Page 8 of 12 Agenda Item NO.7 A f\!ovember 10. 2009 Page 34 of 162 . VI. MAJOR ISSUES A. Stormwater Manaf!ement This northern portion of this site lies partially within the Main GoJden Gate Canal Basin and the southern portion lies within the Henderson Creek basin. Both basins have allowable discharge rates of 0.15 cfs per acre. This project has not yet been submitted to SFWMD for permitting because of the conceptual nature of the design prior to the Conditional Use, but the petitioner realizes that a SFWMD permit must be obtained. Section of the Collier County Land Development Code states "The surface water management aspects of any petition, that is or will be reviewed and pernlitted by South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), are exempt from review by the EAC except to evaluate the criteria for allowing treated storm water to be discharged into Preserves as allowed in Section 3.05.07." -- The proposed stormwater management system is designed to provide floodplain compensation volume and water quality storage treatment in the proposed pond and attenuation by storage in wetlands, so the water management aspects may be reviewed by the EAC. The proposed water quality treatment volume is based on 150% of the one inch requirement, which is the same as the present 1.5 inch requirement. Treatment is accomplished in the wet detention area and recovery is accomplished by V notches in the control structure sized not to exceed one-half inch of rainfall over the developed area in a 24 hour period. B. Environmental 1. Site Description The proposed CCRRP encompasses approximately 341 acres and contains 144.4 acres of wetlands and 196.6 acres of uplands. The proposed development will require impacts to approximately 39 acres of low quality wetlands and 131.2 acres of uplands. 2. Wetlands The total wetland area within the project site is 144.4 acres. A total of 39 acres of wetlands will be impacted by the proposed development of the CCRRP. The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) completed field inspection of the site on October 24, 2008. A copy of the FDEP correspondence verifying the site EAC Meeting Page 9 of 12 Agenda Item NO.7 A November 10, 2009 Page 35 of 162 . wetland boundaries has been included in Subsection (c) of the EIS along with a copy of the specific purpose Formal Wetland Delineation Survey for the property. 3. Preservation Requirements The GMP (Policy 6.1.2) and the LDC Subsection 3.05.07.C.3.a requires 80% preservation of native habitat on non-NRP A sending lands. The land preservation requirement is reduced where lands contiguous to the Collier County Landfill are developed, in which case the preservation requirement would only be 50% (CCME Policy 6.1.6). Therefore, 50% preservation of the 341-acre site requires 170.5 acres of native vegetation preservation. The on-site native vegetation to be preserved is 170.8 acres. 4. Listed Species The site was surveyed in August and September 2006; January 2007, April 2008, and October 2008. Species surveys were conducted in accordance with, Wildlife Methodolof!:V Guidelines for Section 18D of the ArJJJlication for Develovment. There were minimal observations of threatened and endangered wildlife. . Bald eagles were observed perched in the canopy trees along the periphery of the project area. Eagles were observed flying overhead and scavenging at the adjacent landfill. Eagles may use the CCRRP site for perching and resting given its proximity to the landfill. There was no evidence that the eagles were regularly roosting or nesting onsite. In addition to the bald eagle the endangered hand fern (Ophioglossum palmatum) was observed on the site. The site falls within the primary range of the black bear. FWC black bear telemetry data indicates that a bear was recorded on the site in 1988. No bears, scat, or tracks were observed during the wildlife surveys conducted on the site. Collier County Solid Waste Department will be required to utilize the guidelines provided by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FFWCC) with respect to the black bear and will incorporate the recommendations and guidelines developed under the Be Bear Aware Program. The site falls within the primary zone of the Panther Focus Area. Figure 15 of the EIS details the location of the Panther Focus Area and panther sightings near the CCRRP site. The nearest recorded panther sighting was a deceased panther recorded in 1995. No panthers were observed on the site during field surveys. The SWD is aware that compensation for impacts to habitats within the Panther Focus Area will be required by the USFWS. The details of the compensation will be determined during Environmental Resource Permitting. EAC Meeting Aqenda Item ~-Jo. 7 A I'~-ovember 10, 2009 Page 36 of 162 Page 10 of 12 . Tree cavity surveys for Red Cockaded Woodpecker (RCW) were conducted; neither RCWs nor tree cavities were observed. Habitat on the site would not appear to support RCWs. However, this area has known active RCW colonies in the vicinity and with proper management additional foraging will be provided to this endangered species. An RCW management plan will be required to be submitted and approved as part of the next development order. Surveys were also conducted for the Big Cypress Fox Squirrel (BCFS). Neither the BCFS nor nests of the BCFS were observed on the site. VII. RECOMMENDA TIONS Staff recommends approval of CU-2008-AR-13245 Collier County Resource Recovery Park with the following stipulations: Stormwater Mana2ement: No site specific stipulations. . Environmental: 1. The 39 acres of off-site mitigation shall be identified prior to Site Development Plan approval. 2. An RCW management plan will be required to be submitted and approved as part of the next development order. EAC Meeting Page 11 of 12 Agenda Item NO.7 A November 10, 2009 Page 37 of 162 . PREPARED BY: KI, P.E. DATE ENGINEERING IEW MANAGER ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT ~-0~ sir MER ARAQUE . SENIOR ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALIST ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT o}!/09 DATE . ~k}~ KA D ELEM, A.I.C.P. PRINCIPAL PLANNER DEPARTMENT OF ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 3 -13 -Dq DATE EAC Meeting Page ]2 of]2 Agenda item NO.7 A r\JGvember 10, 2009 Page 38 of 162 . REVIEWED BY: 3- f 3. {)<'j DATE ~. V /1;7 ~~ !J/\ ~ l D3 -/3~o1 qy LIAM D. LO Z, Jr.,$.E~ DA TE ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR . ~7.W~ 5~e" -rw:lt..a......5 ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY OFFICE OF THE COLLIER COUNTY ATTORNEY 5'/b 'Ocr DATE APPROVED BY: ~ ,,- --~~ ~Jk;.N'?' PH K. SCHMITT DATE' MUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATOR - .. <(O'lN f'-,.Oc.o ~ .0""" ON_ z ZAo < Q 0) ~ w ~ '0 ~ a r- ~ aJ . fJ) 0 ~ ~ 0 j a.. ....... Q) ..J ~ cv ~ cv ~ "'0 030- < ~ > <C c > @ aJo ~ OlZ ~ <( ~ <.9 ~ z ~ .. ~ ~ Z ~ 0 ~ g m N 0 ~ ~ a ~ a ~ .. , ~ '" .. ]'W;)S 01 LON / - ~ LO .;- N '" ~ oc 'f co o o N :) () "* z o l- I- W 0.. JI;; ~ o ::> Q. ~ ~ wQ 5~ m ~i ~~ zj ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g g ~ ~ 5; Wa ~~i ..... ~ '= "! ~ ~ g ~ ~ ~~ w~ ~i~ ~ ~ tii zj ~ ~ 0 ~ " < ". > fli:,j ~~ 0 ~i;! ::: g ~o ~ 0 g ~ g ~ - ~ ~~ ~j ~ g ~ ~s " g: ::'i r-li- 00 w- -,~ 00 Iro tL..J ~ 5~ ~ 5~ ~ o n ~ ;;; > 'W < ~ ~ ~ a.. <C ~ ~ N :li v,~~ ~~. j -.1 ~ii' ~i ~ g z o I- <C () o ---I ~ ~ t3~ ~~ g ~ N ~ N Z o ::: . z~ ~; O),JVA3ln08 /:1'11110;) 196i:f:::J ~ ~ z i! W ~N~ ~ ~I';H BN(90 -5o.~ (9 5 (5 ~ zrf t ~l~___, ~ " ~g ~~ . il ; o <I ~3 ~uo ~d- ~~ z w " o -I I"- =It: >,- ......CD~ c::>-o ::l> CD 0>,0. U-O 0._ '- 0. CD CD ::l > =:U)CD 0,-0 UCD......... CO ~ -.. 7' ) { u 9 u > u > { 7' -- ) { \J I :) u :) > ) t:: L U > t:: u f) u t:: L ... f- Z w :2 w (/) L5 ?= -l f- :::> o N --.JO<( f-W<(Q :::JOow OO:::NZ <(00 o..."t'-N ....J Ldzw ~Qw f-(J) 2Uo::,"", -w w'" ~f-u..W - Ou..f- 80:::=>0 \~roz ~ , I I I ) ./ // ~,,,,,,.....'''''' ~ >,- ......CD~ c::~-o ::l CD 0>'0. Ua..9 '- 0. CD CD ::l > =U)CD 0,-0 U2......... C1J ~ 1 , ... J: ~ II ~ -I Ag(9da Item No. ~ Nc;q-ember 10, 2do ~P:;}1 f- ~ ....J W > 0:: w U) W 0:: 0.... COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT DEPT. OF ZONING & LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW WWW.COLUERGOV.NET 2800 NORTH HORSES~C1r;i.bltEh91 NO.7 A NAPLES FLORIDA 3411P4~~!D\!(i 0, 2009 (239) 403-2400 FAX (239fEfilEf9'6Sf 162 (i) '"".,.' APPLICATION FOR PUBLIC HEARING FOR: CONDITIONAL USE PETITION NO (AR) PROJECT NAME PROJECT NUMBER DATE PROCESSED ASSIGNED PLANNER CU-2008-AR-13245 REV: 3 RESOURCE RECOVERY PARK Project: 2006020053 Date:12/31/08 DUE: 1/30/09 ABOVE TO BE COMPLETED B Y STAFF NAME OF APPLlCANT(S) Collier Co. Solid Waste Mgmt, Daniel R. Rodd~ez. Director ADDRESS 3301 East Tamiami Trail. Bldg. H CITY Naples STATE Flodda zip 34112 TELEPHONE # 239-252-2506 CELL # 239-253-0866 FAX # 239-252-9222 E-MAIL ADDRESSDanRodriguez@colliergov.net NAME OF AGENT David E. Deans, PE, BCEE FIRM PBS&J ADDRESS 482 Keller Road CITY Orlando TELEPHONE # 407-806-4104 CELL # 407-421-2011 E-MAIL ADDRESsDEDeans(CV.PBSJ.com STATE Florida ZIP 32810 FAX # 407-647-0624 BE AWARE THAT COLLIER COUNTY HAS LOBBYIST REGULATIONS. GUIDE YOURSELF !ACCORDINGLY AND ENSURE THAT YOU ARE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THESE REGULATIONS. APPLICATION FOR PUBLIC HEARING FOR CONDITIONAL USE - 4/14/03, rev 5/20/2005 Page 1 of8 Agenda Item NO.7 A t'.!~":'.':H...,.."hClt'" -1 n '?n 0 ASSOCIATIONS Page 42 of 162 Complete the following for all Association(s) affiliated with this petition. Provide additional sheets if necessary. NAME OF HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION: Not Applicable MAILING ADDRESS NA CITY NA STATE NA _Zip NA NAME OF HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION: Not Applicable MAILING ADDRESS NA CITY NA STATE NA _Zip NA NAME OF HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION: Not Applicable MAILING ADDRESS NA CITYNA STATE NA _Zip NA NAME OF MASTER ASSOCIATION: Not Applicable MAILING ADDRESS NA CITY NA STATE NA Zip NA NAME OF CIVIC ASSOCIATION: Not Applicable MAILING ADDRESS NA CITY NA STATE NA _Zip NA DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST INFORMATION a. If the property is owned fee simple by an INDIVIDUAL, tenancy by the entirety, tenancy in common, or joint tenancy, list all parties with an ownership interest as well as the percentage of such interest. (Use additional sheets if necessary). Name and Address Percentage of Ownership Collier County 100% of ">4 1 ~nt's Revision (1): December 22, 2008 APPLlCATtON FOR PUBLIC NEARING FOR CONDIT/aNAL USE - 4/14/03, rev 5/20/2005 Page 2 of 8 Agenda Item NO.7 A hlovember 10, 2009 b. If the property is owned by a CORPORATION, list the officers and stockhol~i-s"a'ft~1h~62 percentage of stock owned by each. Name and Address Percentage of Ownership Not applicable c. If the property is in the name of a TRUSTEE, list the beneficiaries of the trust with the percentage of interest. Name and Address Percentage of Ownership Not Applicable d. If the property is in the 'name of a GEN ERAL or LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, list the name of the general and/or limited partners. Name and Address Percentage of Ownership Not Applicable Revision (1): December 22,2008 APPLlCA nON FOR PUBLIC HEARING FOR CONDIT/ONAL USE - 4/14/03, rev 5/20/2005 Page 3 of 8 ,4genda Item ~'Jo. 7 A f'Jovember 10, 2009 Page 44 of 162 e. If there is a CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE, with an individual or individuals, a Corporation, Trustee, or a Partnership, list the names of the contract purchasers below, including the officers, stockholders, beneficiaries, or partners. Name and Address Percentage of Ownership Not Applicable Date of Contract: f. If any contingency clause or contract terms involve additional parties, list all individuals or officers, if a corporation, partnership, or trust. Name and Address Not Applicable g. Date subject property acquired 0 Leased D Term of lease If, Petitioner has option to buy, indicate the following: yrs.lmos. Date of option: Date option terminates: Anticipated closing date: , or h. Should any changes of ownership or changes in contracts for purchase occur subsequent to the date of application, but prior to the date of the final public hearing, it is the responsibility of the applicant, or agent on his behalf, to submit a supplemental disclosure of interest form. APPLICATION FOR PUBLIC HEARING FOR CONDfTfONAL USE - 4/14/03, rev 5/20/2005 Page 4 of 8 Agenda Item NO.7 A November 10, 2009 !1~;;: ~ S G~ ; S2 PROPERTY LOCATION Detailed leaal description of the property covered bv the application: (If space is inadequate, attach on separate page.) If request Involves change to more than one zoning district, include separate legal description for property involved in each district. Applicant shall submit four (4) copies of a recent survey (completed within the last six months, maximum 1" to 400' scale) if required to do so at the pre-application meeting. NOTE: The applicant is responsible for supplying the correct legal description. If questions arise concerning the legal description, an engineer's certification or sealed survey may be required. Section/Township/Range _25 _ I _ 49S I _ 26E Lot: Block: Subdivision: Plat Book Page #: Property 1.0.#: See attached survey with 'Parcels LD.#s. Metes & Bounds Description: See attached survey. SIZE OF PROPERTY: NA ft. X NA ft. = Total Sq. Ft. ADDRESS/GENERAL LOCATION OF SUBJECT PROPE~TY: Approximately 1 mile east ofCR 951, or immediately east of the North/South expanse of the Golden Gate Canal and 1 mile north of White Lake boulevard (above Collier Cty Landfill) NA Acres 341 ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE Zoning Land use N A Golf CourseN acantlResidential S E 'V A A E Industrial PUD and Solid Waste Landfill Residential and Vacant Estate Residential Does the owner of the subject property own property contiguous to the subject property? If so, give complete legal description of entire contiguous property. (If space is inadequate, attach on separate page ). SectionlTownship/Range -! I Lot: Plat Book Block: Page # Subdivision: Property 1.0.# Metes & Bounds Description: County owns the existing landfill to the south and a parcel of land adjacent to southeast comer of subi ect property. See Exhibit IV for the legal descriptions of these parcels. Revision (1): December 22, 2008 APPLlCA TION FOR PUBLIC HEARING FOR CONDITIONAL USE - 4/14/03, rev 5/20/2005 Page 5 of 8 CONDITIONAL USE REQUEST DETAIL ,A.genda item NO.7 A r'-lovember 10. 2009 t-'age 40 01 i 0<::: Type of Conditional Use: This application is requesting a conditional use allowed per LDC Section 2.04.03 of the Rural Agriculture zoning district* for collection/transfer (type of use). Present Use of the Property: The present use of the property is vacant. * And LDC Section 2,03.08 4.3b. specific to this site EVALUATION CRITERIA Evaluation Criteria: Provide a narrative statement describing this request for conditional use. NOTE: Pursuant to Section 10.08.00. of the Collier County Land Development Code, staff's recommendation to the Planning Commission and the Planning Commission's recommendation to the Board of Zoning Appeals shall be based upon a finding that the granting of the conditional use will not adversely affect the public interest and that the specific requirements governing the individual conditional use, if any, have been met, and that further, satisfactory provision and arrangement have been made concerning the following matters, where applicable. Please provide detailed response to each of the criterion listed below. Specify how and why the request is consistent with each. (Attach additional pages as may be necessary). a. Describe how the project is consistent with the Collier County Land Development Code and Growth Management Plan (include information on how the request is consistent with the applicable section or portions of the future land use element): See Narrative Answers to this Question in the Attached Exhibit II b. Describe the existing or planned means of ingress and egress to the property and proposed structure thereon with particular reference to automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, and access in case of fire or catastrophe: See Narrative Answers to this Question in the Attached Exhibit II APPLlCA TlON FOR PUBLIC HEARING FOR CONDITIONAL USE - 4/14/03, rev 5/20/2005 Page 6 of 8 Agenda Item NO.7 A November 10, 2009 Page 47 of 162 c. Describe the effect the conditional use will have on neighboring properties in relation to nOIse, glare, economic impact and odor: See Narrative Answers to this Question in the Attached Exhibit II d. Describe the site's and the proposed use's compatibility with adjacent properties and other properties in the district: See Narrative Answers to this Question in the Attached Exhibit II e. Please provide any additional information which you may feel is relevant to this request. See Narrative Answers to this Question in the Attached Exhibit" Deed Restrictions: The County is legally precluded from enforcing deed restrictions, however, many communities have adopted such restrictions. You may wish to contact the civic or property owners association in the area for which this use is being requested in order to ascertain whether or not the request is affected by existing deed restrictions, f. Previous land use petitions on the subject property: To your knowledge, has a public hearing been held on this property within the last year? If so, what was the nature of that hearing? To my knowledge the subiect property has had no public hearings held with regards to its use within the last year. Additional Submittal requirements: In addition to this completed application, the following must be submitted in order for your application to be deemed sufficient, unless otherwise waived during the pre- application meeting. a . A copy of the pre-application meeting notes; b . Twenty (20) copies of a 24" x 36" conceptual site plan [and one reduced 8Y2" x 1 1 " copy of site plan], drawn to a maximum scale of 1 inch equals 400 feet, depicting the following [Additional copies of the plan may be requested upon completion of staff evaluation for distribution to the Board and various advisory boards such as the Environmental Advisory Board (EAB), or CCPe]; · all existing and proposed structures and the dimensions thereof, · provisions for existing and/or proposed ingress and egress (including pedestrian ingress and egress to the site and the structure(s) on site), · all existing and/or proposed parking and loading areas [include matrix indicating required and provided parking and loading, including required parking for the disabled], APPLlCA TION FOR PUBLIC HEARING FOR CONDITIONAL USE - 4/14/03, rev 5/20/2005 Page 7 of 8 ,Agenda Item No. TA ~~ovember 10. 2009 Page 48 of 162 . locations of solid waste (refuse) containers and service function areas, . required yards, open space and preserve areas, . proposed locations for utilities (as well as location of existing utility services to the site), . proposed and/or existing landscaping and buffering as may be required by the County, . location of all signs and lighting including a narrative statement as to the type, character, and dimensions (such as height, area, etc.); c. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), as required by Section 3.8. of the Land Development Code (LDC). d. Whether or not an EIS is required, two copies of a recent aerial photograph, (taken within the previous twelve months), minimum scale of one inch equals 400 feet, shall be submitted. Said aerial shall identify plant and/or wildfife habitats and their boundaries. Such identification shall be consistent with Florida Department of Transportation Land Use Cover and Forms Classification System. e. Statement of utility provisions (with all required attachments and sketches); f. A Traffic Impact Statement (TIS), unless waived at the pre-application meeting; g. A historical and archeological surveyor waiver application if property is located within an area of historical or archaeological probability (as identified at pre-application meeting); h. The petitioner must provide a letter of no objection from the United States Postal Service prior to submittal of the application. Please contact Robert M. Skebe, Growth Management Coordinator at: U.S. Postal Service 1200 Goodlette Road Naples, Florida 34102-9998 Phone (239) 435-2122; Fax (239)435-2160 i Any additional requirements as may be applicable to specific conditional uses and identified during the pre-application meeting, including but not limited to any required state or federal permits. BE ADVISED THAT SECTION OF THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE REQUIRES AN APPLICANT TO REMOVE THEIR PUBLIC HEARING SIGN (S) AFTER FINAL ACTION IS TAKEN BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. BASED ON THE BOARD'S FINAL ACTION ON THIS ITEM, PLEASE REMOVE ALL PUBLIC HEARING ADVERTISING SIGN(S) IMMEDIATELY. APPLICATION FOR PUBLIC HEARING FOR CONDfT/ONAL USE - 4/14/03, rev 5/20/2005 Page 8 of 8 Agenda Item NO.7 A November 10, 2009 Page 49 of 162 Exhibit II Conditional Use Application / Narrative Answers for Evaluation Criteria Questions Collier County Resource Recovery Park Solid Waste Management Department, Collier County December 22, 2008 a. Describe how the project is consistent with the Collier County Land Development Code and Growth Management Plan (include infonnation on how the request is consistent with the applicable section or portions of the future land use element: Collier County Land Development Code The applicant's response is as follows: Section 2S is currently zoned A or Rural Agricultural, with the North Belle Meade Overlay and Rural Fringe 1vIixed Use District Overlay for Sending Areas. Proposed land uses for the Resource RecoveIY Park pennitted as a conditional use under the Rural Agri~ltural designation (2.03.01 A.8.!.) include the following collection and transfer operations: Yard.Waste Storm Debris Tires Construction & Demolition Debris (C&D) 'White Goods Dirty 1vlRF (Materials RecoveIY FacilitY) Household Hazardous Waste Proposed land uses for the Resource Recovery Park permitted as a conditional use under the Rural Fringe Mixed Use District Overlay for Sending Areas (2.03.08 4.3.b) designation include the following solid waste and resource recoveIY facilities and public vehicle and equipment storage and repair facilities: Recycled Materials Processing Facility Landfill Gas Management Leachate Management Equipment Maintenance Building Solid Waste Administration Building Yard Waste Processing Storm Debris Processing C&D Recycling All of Section 25 is wholly located within the Rural Fringe Mixed Use District as a Sending Areas. The Future Land Use Element Designation Description Section specifically states in Subsection II. B. 1. C. 8. a) (2) that public facilities, i/lcafdtitg solid wdSle dRd resource recoU'ry ftc/lilies (emphasis added) and public vehicle and equipment storage and repair facilities Sbdll be petmilted dS 4 CORdt'tioRdl use w'tb/it SectioR 25(emphasis added) , Township 49S, Range 26E on lands adjacent to the existing County landfill. TIle proposed uses on this site are solid Page 1 of 11 Exhibit II Conditional Use Application / Narmtive Answen ForEvalwtion Criteria QuestiOl1!il /\c;enda item ~~o. fA hfovember 10, 2009 Page 50 of 162 waste and resource recovery facilities, and therefore the project is consistent 'With the Collier County Land Development Code and Growth Management Plan. Collier Countv Growth Mana2'ement Plan Future Land Use Element (A'V) Policy 5.4 of the Future Land Use Element states the following: New developments shall be compatible with, and complementary to, the surrounding land uses, per the Land Development Code (Ordinance 04-41, adopted June 22, 2004 and effective October 18, 2004, as amended). The applicant's response is as follows: All of Section 25 is wholly located within the Rural Fringe Mixed Use District as a Sending Area. The Future Land Use Element Designation Description Section specifically states in Subsection II. B. I. C. 8. a) (2) that public facilities, including solid waste and resource recovery facilities and public vehicle and equipment storage and repair facilities shall be pennitted as a Conditional Use within Section 25, township 498, Range 26E on lands adjacent to the existing County landfill. Therefore the project is consistent with the Collier County Land Development Code and Growth Management Plan. In addition, the conceptual site plan has been developed to minimize the impact on sunounding lands uses. Conservation and Coastal Management Element (II)(III) (VI) Policy 6.2.5 of the Conservation and Coastal land Use Element states the following: Within the Rural Fringe A1ixed Use District, and that portion of the Lake Trafford/Camp Keais Strand System which is contained within the lmmokalee Urban Designated Area, Collier County shall direct land uses away from higher functioning wetlands by limiting direct impacts within wetlands based upon the vegetation. requirements of Policy 6.1.2 of this element... The applicant's response is as follows: The applicant has developed the site plan to limit wetland impacts in accordance with Policy 6.1.2. Wetlands were scored according to the Unifom1 Wetland Mitigation Assessment Method (UMAM). The wetlands 'to be impacted have been limited to those which contiguous with the landfill and all other wetlands will be preserved on site. All direct wetland impacts will be mitigated for on a 1: 1 basis with no net loss of wetland function pursuant to the requirements of paragraph (6) of the above referenced policy. Wetland functions, impacts, preservation, mitigation are discussed in detail in Subsection (e) the accompanying EIS document. Page 2 of 11 Exhibit II Conditional Use Application I Narrn.tivc Answers For Evaluation Criteria Questions Agenda Item NO.7 A r~ovember 10, 2009 Page 51 of 162 (II)(III)(IV) OBJECTIVE 7.1 of the Conservation and Coastal land Use Element states the following: The County shall direct incompatible land uses away from listed animal species and their habitats. The County relies on the listing process of State and Federal agencies to identify species that require special protection because of their endangered, threatened, or species of special concern status. Listed animal species are those species that the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission has designated as endangered, threatened, or species of special concern, in accordance with Rules 68A-27.003, 68A- 27.004, and 68A27, 005, F.A.C. and those species designated by various federal agencies as Endangered and Threatened species published in 50 CFR 17. The applicant's response is as follows: The applicant has developed the site plan to limit impacts to those which contiguous with . the landfill and all other wetlands and uplands on site will be enhanced through the removal of exotic vegetation and be preserved. No wetlands, uplands, and/or habitat having a high degree of environmental value and sensitivity for listed species were found to occur on site. The land preservation requirements provided with the site plan are in accordance with the requirements ofLDC Subsection 3.05.07.CA.b which is specific to this site and states; "On County owned land located in Section 25, Township 26 E, Range 49 S, the native vegetation retention and sit.e preservation requirements may be reduced to 50% if the pemlitted uses are restricted to the portions of the property that are contiguous to the existing land fill operations. Native habitats, preservation, and Listed Species are discussed in detail in Subsections ( c), (d), and (g) of the accompanying EIS document. Economic Element Policy 1.6 of the Economic Element states the following: Collier County will support recycling programs in the County to protect natural resources, conserve energy, prolong the useful life oflandfills, and maintain a positive public image. The applicant's response is as follows: The site plan for the Resource Recovery Park will support the recycling programs while protecting the natural resources existing on the site by leaving 50% of the site undeveloped and enhancing that area through the removal of exotics. The proposed operations will reduce the amount of waste that actually goes into the landfill thus prolonging the useful life of the landfill. Policy 1.8 of the Economic Element states the following: Collier County will encourage the preservation of sensitive natural resources, including beaches, wetlands, estuaries, clean air and water, historic resources, scenic vistas and other unique natural resources. Page 3 of 11 Exhibit II O:mditional Use Application I Narrative AnS\vers ForEvaluation Criteria Questions Agenda Item NO.7 A November 10, 2009 Page 52 of 162 The applicant's response is as follows: 50% of the site will remain undeveloped and will be improved through the removal of exotic species that have invaded this area. Capital Improvement Element Policy 1.1.5: (II) A6 of the Capital Improvement Element states the following: The standards for levels of service of public facilities shall be as follows: A6 County Solid Waste Disposal Facilities: A6.1 Two years of constructed lined cell capacity at the average disposal rate for the previous five (5) years A6.2 Ten years of permittable capacity at the average disposal rate for the previous five (5) years The applicant's response is as follows: The proposed solid waste and resource recovery facilities will reduce the amount of material that would othen;vise go into the landfill thereby suppressing the capacity depletion rate and prolonging the life of constructed lined cells and the pelmitted capacity of the adjacent existing landfill. 5- Year Schedule of Capital Improvements Element The Collier County 5- Year Schedule of Capital Improvements identifies to items two projects under the following codes: 6E+05 - Material Recovery Center (a\k\a Material Recovery facility or MRF) The effect of single stream MRF will be to suppress the capacity depletion rate. 1/049/09 - $7,413,000 6E+05 - Upgrade Four Collection/Recycling Centers The effect of recycling center upgrades will be to suppress the capacity depletion rate. 1/04 9/05 - $6,520,000 Solid Waste Totals - $13,933,000 The applicant's response is as follows: The Solid Waste Management Department has prepared these estimates based upon their needs for the future and the commitment to suppress the capacity depletion rate and prolong the life of constructed lined cells and the pelmitted capacity of the adjacent existing landfill. Single stream recycled material collection centers will collect glass, cans, paper, plastics and other materials as an unsorted single stream of materials to be recycled. Once collected, these materials would be brought to a central processing center, such as the MRF proposed for the Resource Recovery Park Page 4 of 11 Exhibit II Conditional Use Application I Narrative A.n.swers For Evaluation Criteria Questions ,A,genda Item No.7 A November 10, 2009 Page 53 of 162 where they would be sorted, processed and packaged for shipping to a secondary materials market where they would be reused. Solid Waste Sub-Element The Goal of the Solid Waste Sub-Element states the following: Provide an efficient and economical balance of Public and Private Services that will enable the people of Collier County to meet the established requirements for solid waste management in a manner to assure public health and safety to protect the air, water and land resources of Collier County. The applicant's response is as follows: The proposed potential uses of Section 25 for solid waste management facilities supports the goal of the solid waste sub-element by providing the land necessary to locate the facilities and prolong the useful life of the County's landfill. Policy 1.3 of the Solid Waste Sub-Element states the following: The County shall continue to evaluate economic transfer and disposal systems including the use of full-service recycling centers. The applicant's response is as follows: As the County continues to evaluate economic transfer and disposal systems, including the use of full-service recycling systems, siting of these facilities in close proximity to current solid waste management and disposal operations will be a key element of the economic evaluations. The ability to develop and operate solid waste management systems on Section 25, in close proximity to the current landfill, will enhance the economic viability of options under consideration, and will provide facilities that will prolong the useful life of the COWIty'S landfill. Policy 2.2 of the Solid \Vaste Sub-Element states the following: The County shall continue to maintain leachate and gas management systems at County landfills in order to comply with pemlit conditions. The applicant's response is as follows: The development of Section 25 for solid waste management purposes, including management of landfill gas and leachate ii-om the abutting County landfill, provides for maximum utilization of the landfill property for disposal purposes while providing an efficient location for potential future innovative management systems for gas and leachate. Policy 2.4 of the Solid Waste Sub-Element states the following: By fiscal year 2010, the County shall acquire and/or retain the land inventory required for future solid waste operations, based upon selection of, including but not limited to, one or more of the following options in order ofpIiority: Page 5 of 11 Exhibit II Conditional Use Application / Nar:mtive Answers For Evaluation Criteria Questions l\cenda Item ~.~o. 7 A ~~~ovember 10. 2009 Page 54 of 162 1. Develop the means to partially or completely divert solid waste from the landfill (additional recycling or alternative forms of disposal). 2. Increase the permissible elevation of the Naples Landfill so as to gain additional airspace capacity. 3. Explore emerging conversion technologies that would allow for continued solid waste disposal operations within Collier County. 4. Secure and utilize additional capacity at a landfill or landfills. The applicant's response is as follows: Collier County has pursued the purchase of numerous parcels within Section 25 to accumulate enough contiguous land to support future solid waste management operations. Proposed uses for this property do not include any disposal activities, but may include additional or alternative forms of recycling. As more material is diverted from the solid waste stream and recycled or transferred, less demand for disposal is placed on the County landfilL This does not gain or secure additional airspace capacity at the County landfill, but does extend the period of time it will take to consume the airspace inventory, and thus accomplish elements one and three of this policy. Policy 2.8 of the Solid Waste Sub-Element states the following: The Collier County Solid Waste Department shall continue to operate and maintain a hazardous waste collection facility. The facility shall operate five (5) days per week and will accept household hazardous wastes. Additionally, the Department shall continue to hold its hazardous waste collection day at least twice per year targeting residential households but also al10wing small businesses to participate. The applicant's response is as follows: Household hazardous waste collection and management is a proposed use on Section 25 property. Use of Section 25 aids in achieving the goals ofthis policy by providing an efficient location where household hazardous waste can be collected, sorted, processed and shipped off for reuse or ultimate disposal. Policy 3.1 of the Solid Waste Sub-Element states the following: The Collier County Solid \\Taste Department shall continue to maintain and improve programs to reduce the amount of solid waste that requires disposal at County landfills by: a. Maintaining and enhancing the current countywide residential recycling programs. b. Maintaining and enhancing the current county-wide multi-family residential recycling program. c. Maintaining and enhancing the county-wide commercial business recycling programs. d. Maintaining and enhancing the curb-side separation of material into recyclable categories to be received at the material recovery facilities. Page 6 of 11 Exhibit II Conditional Use Application / N armtive Answers For Evaluation Criteria Questions Agenda Item NO.7 A November 10, 2009 Page 55 of 162 e. Continuing to explore additional measures for waste reduction. The applicant's response is as follows: Development of Section 25 based on the proposed uses will provide the County with an efficient location for development of enhanced recycling and materials recovery facilities that will not diminish the available airspace capacity at the adjacent County landfill b. Describe the existing or plalmed means of ingress and egress to the property and proposed structure thereon with particular reference to automotive and pedesnian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, and access in case of fire or catastrophe: The proposed Collier County Resource Recovery Park is located directly north of the existing Collier Connty landfill in the northeast quadrant of me 1-75 and Collier Boulevard interchange. The access to the Resource Recovery Park -will be through the existing landfill) from a single landfill access on the two-lane undivided Wbite Lake Boulevard which connects to Utilities Drive immediately north of the interchange. Utilities Drive runs east- west and forms a signalized intersection ~rith Collier Boulevard immediately north of the interchange. All public access will be controlled at the scale house at the existing landfill where all vehicles 'will be weighed and inspected. No public pedestrian access into the property will be allowed. An emergency access way will be provided along 31st Avenue SW and across the Main Golden Gate Canal into the western side of the property using a temporary emergency bridge crossing that can be placed in 72-hours following a declared emergency and that will be removed once the emergency is over. c. Describe the effect the conditional use will have on neighboring properties in relation to noise, glare, economic impact and odor: The property is wholly within a Rural Agriculture (A) district within the North Belle Meade Overlay and is designated in the Rural Fringe Mixed Use Zoning District for Sending Lands. Its proposed uses can generally best be described as the following: 50 % of the property (170.5 ac.) will remain undeveloped as directed in LDC 3.05.07 4.b. 50% of the property will be developed and may include the following proposed uses: Stormwater Management System Collier County Solid Waste Management Department Administrative and Maintenance Buildings Required Landscape Buffers and Lighting Requirements Internal Vehicular Circulation System C & D Recycling Facility Household Hazardous Waste Facility Dirty MRF (Material RecovelY Facility) Waste Processing Page 7 of 11 Exhibit II Conditional Use Application / Narrative Answen; For Evaluation Criteria Questions ,t,genda Item ~-Jo. 7 A t\Jovember 10, 2009 Page 56 of 162 Recycled Materials Processing Facility Leachate and Landfill Gas A1anagement Facilities Tire Recycling Processing White Goods Processing Yard Waste Processing Area Storm Debris Processing Area As stated within the LDC 2.03.08 4.a.(3)(b), that allows for a Conditional Uses that includes "Public facilities, including solid waste and resource recovery facilities, ..., shall be permitted within Section 25, Township 49S, Range 26E, on lands adjacent to the existing County landfill. This shall not be interpreted to allow for the expansion of the landfill into Section 25 for the pwpose of solid waste disposal. " None of the proposed uses involve waste disposal on site. On the County's Zoning District and Uses Chart, the nature of the operation of some of these facilities fans into the category of collection/transfer sites, which is allowed as a Conditional Use under the Rural Agriculture (A) zoning classification. The other of these facilities falls into the category of a resource recovery facility, which generallyrefers to a facility that is designed to recover materials and/or energy from solid waste, such as recycling, etc. Certain refuse will be brought in the site to be temporarily stored until it can be recycled or reprocessed and shipped off-site for final disposition. No disposal will occur on the subject property. The following State of Florida Statutes under Title XXIX Public Health, Chapter 403 Environmental Control, Section - 403.703 Definitions defines the following environmental processes which are recognized by state and federal agencies. They are as follows: Collection and transfer sites (4212 SIC) 38) "Transfer station" means a site the plimary purpose of which is to store or hold solid waste for transport to a processing or disposal facility. 25) "Recovered materials processing facility" means a facility engaged solely in the storage, processing, resale, or reuse of recovered materials. Such a facility is not a solid waste management facility if it meets the conditions of s. 403.7045(1)( e). (26) "Recyclable material" means those materials that are capable of being recycled and that would otherwise be processed or disposed of as solid waste. (27) "Recyc1ingll means any process by which solid waste, or materials that would otherwise become solid waste, are collected, separated, or processed and reused or returned to use in the form of raw materials or products. Refuse Systems for Disposal (4953 SIC) - Activities currently prohibited on Section 25, but provided here to distinguish between those activities that are planned for the site and those that are not. Page 8 ofH Exhibit II ConditiolUl Use Application I Narrative Answers For Evaluation Criteria Questions Agenda Item NO.7 A November 10, 2009 Page 57 of 162 9) "Disposal" means the discharge, deposit, inj ection, dumping, spilling, leaking, or placing of any solid waste or hazardous waste into or upon any land or water so that such solid waste or hazardous waste or any constituent thereof may enter other lands or be emitted into the air or discharged into any waters, including groundwater, or otherwise enter the environment. 16) "Land disposal" means any placement of hazardous waste in or on the land and includes, but is not limited to, placement in a landfill, surface impoundment, waste pile, injection well, land treatment facility, salt bed formation, salt dome formation, or underground mine or cave, or placement in a concrete vault or bunker intended for disposal purposes. (17) "Landfill" means any solid waste land disposal area for which a pern1it, other than a general permit, is required by s. 403.707 and which receives solid waste for disposal in or upon land. The term does not include a land-spreading site, an injection well, a surface impoundment, or a facility for the disposal of construction and demolition debris. Resource recovery) facility 19) "Materials recovery facility" means a solid waste management facility that provides for the extraction from solid waste of recyclable materials, materials suitable fOf use as a fuel or soil amendment, or any combination of such materials. 28) "Resource recovery" means the process of recovering materials or energy from solid waste, excluding those materials or solid waste under the control of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The following list of solid waste and resource recovery facilities are permitted as a Conditional Use within Section 25/ Township 495 I Range 26E on lands adjacent to the existing county landfill as specifically stated in the Future Land Use Element Designation Description Section, Subsection II. B. 1. C. 8. a) (2). The list identifies the proposed use, its approximate area of coverage, its need for outside storage area, its need for a concrete or stabilized gravel processing pad, the typical building size required for such a facility and the typical parking requirements for such a facility. These facilities are based on "industrY' standards and reflect the typical size of the facility. During Site Development Plan Review, detailed plans for the buildings, parking and stormwater management areas will be present to the County for a final review and approval. C & D and Brown Goods Recycling Facility Total Site Area Total Area for Outside Storage Processing Pad Size Building Requirements Employee Parking 14 acres none 2 acre none 20 spaces Household Hazardous Waste Facility Page 9 of 11 Exhibit II Conditional Use Application I Narmtivc Answers For Evaluation Criteria Questions Agenda Item NO.7 A November 10, 2009 Page 58 of 162 Total Site Area Total Area for Outside Storage Processing Pad Size Building Requirements Covered Drop-off Employee Parking 5 acres none none 15,000 d. 2 lanes 18 spaces Administration and Equipment Maintenance Facility Total Site Area 9 acres Total Area for Outside Storage none Processing Pad Size 1 acre Building Requirements 10,000 d. Maintenance Building Requirements 5,000 d. Employee Parking 20 spaces Recycled Materials Processing Facility and Dirty MRF (Material RecovelY Facility) Waste Processing Total Site Area 14 acres Total.Area for Outside Trailer Storage 2 acres Processing Pad Size none Processing Building Requirements 40,000 sJ. Maintenance Building Requirements 5000 d. Employee Parking 50 spaces Tire Processing Total Site Area Processing Pad Size Building Requirements Employee Parking 3 acres 20,000 d. none 5 spaces \'Vhite Goods Processing Total Site Area Processing Pad Size Building Requirements Employee Parking 3 acres 10,000 d. none 5 spaces Yard Waste Processing Area and Storm Debris Processing Area Total Site Area Processing Pad Size Building Requirements Employee Parking 72 acres none none 10 spaces Leachate and Landfill Gas Management Total Site Area Equipment Pad Areas Employee Parking 2 acres ~ acre 4 spaces Page 10 of 11 Exhibit II Conditional Use Application / Narrative Answers For Evaluation Criteria Questions Agenda Item NO.7 A November 10,2009 Page 59 of 162 The closest residential areas lie to the west and to the north. The western property line is approximately 800' to the west of the perimeter road which selVices the uses and over 2000' from nonhem property line. This pOltion of the site also included a large area that will be left undeveloped as directed in LDC 3.05.07 4.b. Separation from the residential areas of these distances will ensure that the proposed conditional uses will have little or no effect on neighboring residential properties in relationship to the noise, glare, economic impact and odor. The storm debris piles which maybe located along the eastern property line and directly north of the existing landfill will only be during a hurricane event. It too will have little or no impact on the few residential estate lots located in this area. The Industrial uses to the south will also be unaffected by the proposed uses. d. Describe the site and the proposed use's compatibility 'With adjacent properties and other properties in the district: The proposed uses are for the open and temporal}' storage of white goods, tire processing, C&D recycling, yard waste and storm debris piles which are all located in a central area of the site and not visible from adjacent propelties. The Dirty:MRF (materials recovelY from the solid waste stream), Household Hazardous Waste Facility, Maintenance Building and Recycled Material Processing Facility all occur 'Within warehouse-type structures. The uses that they are closest to are the industrial uses to the south which may all be housed in similar type structures. The perimeter of the site will meet the required landscape buffers to provide visual screening to the adjacent properties. The removal of exotic species from this site will have the added benefit of minimizing the spread of these species to adjacent properties. e. Please provide any additional information which you may feel is relevant to this request. None at this time (1-14-08) Page 11 of 11 Exhibit I[ Conditional Use Application / Narrative Amwe~ For Evaluation Criteria Questions Agenda Item NO.7 A November 10, 2009 Page 60 of 162 EXHIBIT IV LEGAL DESCRIPTION TO COLLIER COUNTY OWNED PROPERTY CONTIGUOUS TO PROPOSED RESOURCE RECOVERY PARK 1. County landfill property to the south of the Proposed Resource Recovery Park: East 1/2 of Section 36, Township 49 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida, less the south 50 feet for road right-of-way. 2. County owned land contiguous to the southeast corner of the Resource Recovery Park: The West One-Half (1/2) of the Southeast One-Quarter (SE 1.4) of the Southwest One- Quarter (SW 1.4) of the Southwest One-Quarter (SW 14) AND the Southwest One-Quarter (SW 1.4) of the Southwest One-Quarter (SW 1.4) of the Southwest One-Quarter (SW 14) of Section 30, Township 49 South, Range 27 East, Collier County, Florida, comprising 15 (15) acres more or less. ffll f // CU-2008-AR-13245 REV: 3 RESOURCE RECOVERY PARK Project: 2006020053 Date:12!31/08 DUE: 1/30109 Agenda Item NO.7 A November 10. 2009 Page 61 of 162 CU-200S-AR-13245 REV: 1 SOLID WASTE PARK Project: 2006020053 Date: 4/30/08 DUE: 5/28/08 AFFIDA vir We/I, Daniel R. Rodriguez being first duly sworn, depose and say that we/I am/are the owners of the property described herein and which is the sub;ecf matter of the proposed hearing; that all the answers to the questions in this application, including the disclosure of interest information, 01/ sketches, data, and other supplementary matter attached to and mode 0 part of this application, are honest and true to the best of our knowledge and belief. We/I understand that the information requested on this application must be complete and accurate and that the content of this form, whether computer generated or County printed shot! not be altered. Public hearings will not be advertised until this application is deemed CPfete, and 01/ required information has been submitted. / h h. David E. Deans PE BCEE As property owner We I furt er aut or/ze ' , representative in any matters gording this Petition. to act as Signature of Property Owner Daniel R. Rodriguez Typed or Printed Name of Owner Typed or Printed Name of Owner 7M ~ The foreg.oing instrument was acknowledged before me this .::L r . day of .d a-v.d ~.!tr'"'11ho i, penonal/y known to me or ha, prod"oed .- as identification. , 20 cJ '?, by .'~ ;:.:'::~:~ '-':~::,~"-~~.";;~~:::2-~: ~,.:.' ~'i . .1 s ;l~ . . :':'., ~ ,:;;;.,,: P" -:. . .:~ . . L e,.. /f-1I/ f e MARY v,I,LCANTE MY COMMlSSlO~ I DO 755111 EXPIRES: March 21. 2012 &medThni NolUfP~ U/ldeIWrilOB (Print, Ty e, or Stamp Commissioned Name of Notary Public) APPLICATION FOR pueuc HEARING FOR CONDITIONAL USE - 4/14/03, rev 5/20/2005 P\genda item ~~o. 7 A November '10 2009 Page 62 of 162 CU-2008-AR-13245 REV: I SOLID WASTE PARK Project: 2006020053 Date: 4/30/08 DUE: 5/28/08 AI7 employee-owned company April 17, 2008 Collier County Government Department of Zoning and Land Development Review 2800 Nortb Horseshoe Drive Naples, Florida 34104 Subject: Solid Waste Park Solid Waste Management Department Collier County, Florida To whom it may concern: 1 have been authorized by Mr. Daniel R. Rodriquez, Solid Waste Director of the Public Utilities Department) to act as representative in any matter regarding this petition for a Conditional Use for the Collier County Solid Waste Parle. Attached please find the Conditional Use Application and the support documentation for the proposed Solid Waste Park to be located adjacent to the existing Collier County on \X/bite Lake Boulevard) east of Collier Boulevard and north of I-75. The proposed conditional use will be :"~at of a Solid Waste Park for the management of the County's solid waste to be located within Sectioo 25 'lJ:lithin the Rural Fringe Mixed Use District. Upon review of this application, we: belie\Te that you ",,-ill Bnd that tbe proposed use is consistent with the Collier County La.:.,d Development Code (2.03.01 A.S.L. and 2.03.08 4,3.b) and Growth Management Plan in that the Future Land Use Element Designation Description Section specifically states in Subsection II. B. 1. C. 8. a) (2) that public facilities, including solid waste and resource recovery facilities and public vehicle and equipment storage and repair facilities shall be permitted as a Conditional Use '''lithin Section 25) Township 49S, Range 26E, We have worked with Mr, Dayne Atkinson, Ms, Sue Zimmerman, and Mr.Jon Ogle with Collier County to fulfill the requirements of this application. If you have any questions regarding this application and the information contained v,i.tbin it please do not hesitate to call me at 407-806-4104 or you may emaiJ me at DEDeans@pbsj.com. QJ~;in9~ David E. Deans) PE, BCEE Vice President 482 South Keller Road · Orlando, Florida 32810-6101 · Telephone: 407.647.7275 * www.pbsj.com Agenda Item r'~o. 7 A NovembRr ,] 0, 2009 OS-iO-05 OB:59am From~Coll ier County Attorney . . . ..... +7740.225 '.. ~~57.2 P.~l)I/OOS Pcf~'Q.t3.of 1?2 . .' ,...... . ....... ",,,. ." .. . =.. . , " ......... ' .. ,...... ) , . 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" .. . ~ i - OS-10-05 08:59am From-Coli Jar County Attorney __ Mi +TT40Z25 P,genda item NO.7 A November 10, 2009 T-5TZ p.aOZ/003Pcfgl:1;4 of 162 Agenda Item No. 16E5 ~ November 16 2004 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOl\RD 0.1' COUN1'Y Page's of 4 COMNrrSSIONERS AUTHORIZlNG TH,E DIRECTOR OF FACn"rfIES MANAGEMENT, OR IDS DESIGNEE, TO EXECUTE ANY .t\ND ALL APPLICATIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL INCLUDING REZONES, ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITI1NG AND THE LiKE. RESOLUTION' NO. 04 - ~'1 I WHEREAS, pursuaot to Subsections 125.01(1)(c) and (1)(1), Florida S'lB.tl.ttes. the BOB1"d of County Commissioners bas the authority to prcrride and maintain county buildings and to also provide paries, preserves, playgrounds,. recreation areaS, libraries, museoms, and other recreational and cultural facilities; and WHEREAS. the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County presently owns and leases and will :in the future obtain additional real property by either lease or purchase to carry out the various functions delegated to the Board by general and special law; and WHEREAS, in order to carry out such local government functions it is necessary for the County to apply for various deveiopme:nt orders and permits to develop such real property; and WHEREAS, these types of development orders or permits can include, but are not limited to rezonings; conditional uses; ra.riances; environmental perrni~ such as U.S. A:ro:1.y Corps of Engineers, Florida Department o~ Environmental Protection or South Florida Water Management District permits; site dcvel<?pment plans; and building permits; and VffiEREAS, this Resolution is necessary in orderto fucilitate the Count.)"s ability to expeditiously proceed ""rith the development of the necessary public facilities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF CQUN1Y COMMISSIONERRS OF COLLIER COl.JNiY, FLORIDA that 1. The Board of COUIl4"}' Commissioners does hereby anthorm: the DirectOr of Facilities Mamigement, or his designee, to execute ~y and all applications fur _dev~lopment approvals attn."butable to County projects including, bur not limited to rezonings; conditional uses; variances; environmental permits., such as U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; Florida Department of Envrronmental Protection or South. Florida Water Mavagement District permits; site development plans and building permits_ - - .lIa':E;~,._ ---_...~"'..............."". """'" 06-10-05 08:S9am From~CDlljer County Attorney tTT402ZS T-5T2 A.genda Item NO.7 A November 10, 2009 P. ODS/DOS pcfgii1 ts of 162 Agenda Item No. 1 GeS November 1 a, 2004 Page 4 of 4 '-....../ This Resolution shall be recorded within the ..s of this Board. DODe after motion, second and vote,. thisJl.- 'ItfI; o~ 2004. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: . DONNA FIALA, CRA1RMAN ATIEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK. CLERK Approved as to Form and Legal Sufficiency -Yn roriiA~ m. tJto.dtZat:.. . Mmjo M. Student j . Assistant County Attorney H1publiclellielflleiljti~ d.:ve1oplm::n1 qJprDvsl 101204 .-/ .-- 7" COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT DEPT. OF ZONING & LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW WWW.COLLlERGOV.NET 6968 Agenda Item NO.7 A Nov'9mber 10. 2009 2800 NORTH HORSESReE"'Oll'lE162 NAPLES, FLORIDA 34104 (239) 403-2400 FAX (239) 643- CU-2008-AR-13245 REV: 1 SOLID WASTE PARK Project: 2006020053 Date: 4/30/08 DUE: 5/28/08 r CONDITIONAL USE PETITION PRE-APPLICATION MEETING NOTES & SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST Oafe: -:J.~~.':J7..,1CO'll Time: \', \ 5 ?'" Planner: \.J ' \\:e. Project Name: CD \\;fX' Co,""", ~ S<:,\',<~~-J",<.\-t.. ~(,.:'" \, Project AddrjLocation: Ol.Yl...t1.07_ '8600") (') D";'t,-.N"" Applicant Name: Firm: p(?)S c..~ \J o,\t. t.. S.~'~c;., Phone: (~C<))l.\q\-t~!;;5 Current Zoning: --- '.\ ~Y"\ :;\1< \.\'''',J ~j< ~< ~~ \ \"",,"- \ Q\\.v Cc~n~ 33D\ ~\o--"\~~VV'\', \(o.~\ \'...~\ Phone: Owner Name: Owner Address: Meeting Attendees: (attach Sign In Sheet) NOTES: mLL- t,-~SJ c;:rW((1]; Pe.11/t1l7 /-J-r- Sl)~. I/tf$.r?' ~J"d;,~P'fA.~,&;;On- ,,4c.;!$.s ;;-~- 44<. 4#t~.Gpr4"" .I'.Il1? Of)W1f-!liX~VtlvtfA - AcBt<l~~: Fw~ ()k2f-rt\'Wj S" ~v\rLts ifl;CAh\<7J e?l.tc..;a:s, e.sf' 6,4 i fOe Dv> \, ""'\ c;. El ""'" "'rl t 'I OJ 12. (l.Vl~ 0 - ~"".r <;J,.\ (2l,L \ '" ht ~lti^\ \W\fY-oJ~l'\ts i ~&'J w{).sf((, ~k ..8,ll-W)((;V't nf ~AAP 1 ~t<:... ~sL~. di5cA.ASSion V\l\o.~ OC<.:::..I.Ar uVld CO\.A\d V'1L~(.Al1 iV\ o.dd\flC)h(A.\ Cr"Jlih~O'Y\+h. \ I~ r.-n ~SrP ~f'<>bA"T ,c!',-v- ~N t..v6 - 1 f:4.~c. ',..~..,. <io.T4 t..0 5 iL ,.q~A'-Y ~ ~\l1t:.G"?' }1~T //.)6$ ~lJrt~Gt:> ~ I1ETLl.5J>DL;l6 r09~ 1'1 S €.. tb L Acc..f:. ><:,. I r--.~~r~[-6 Ao:.~S.S. &<.::>/ /lJr"16 ~ l~ Y {A,~. ,Ii VS( l.(/"" -.-Y . / = " ;et"VG ~1~LI1Z-b:1ec.~~. , Lc ..-., r- (; lw\?>):0 \J \ ~,~L. ~'''''"',8 ~ 0. 'S 1""" ,,,,,,o,.('J "c."-- rr.>>.\.vL..';" ~ ,>. \ ~:tl ~"" d. t<9 \'l,.>:",.:,Jl .~ ,c....h::.j~\,,~"".' w\-,;L'h" S'~"w3 't.',.(.:~-t'''"::J -~~\ f'~~~G'<:c.d "'"uJ~''o....~v~u\. \",,..,2., v'\~5 c....,-,\--,y.'" -I.,,. <::',~t 7lcc,<<;S p",,~'\s '--..c\'->.,),_o:" c'",,"'\ "''''___~~.. 'O-v-.,(.\ '~h,~'\-t-._c, :-."ht-.. i?-...v.I",,:,\::>' -"7 CONDITIONAL USE (CU) APPLICATION SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST Agenda Item NO.7 A t'Jovember 10, 2009 'C<::J~:7 f 162 THIS COMPLETED CHECKLIST IS TO BE SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION PACKET IN THE EXACT ORDER LISTED BELOW W /COVER SHEETS ATTACHED TO EACH SECTION. NOTE: INCOMPLETE SUMBITTALS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. REQUIREMENTS #OF COPIES STANDARD REQUIREMENTS: I Cover letter briefly explaining the project J Application (completed & signed) (download from website for currenf. form) J *Additional set if located in the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Redevelopment Area) ... ) 1 Addressing Checklist signed by Addressing J 1 Pre-Application meeting notes .j. 20 Conceptual Site Plan 24" X 36" plus (one 8 V2 X 11 copy) V / 20 Copies of Warranty Deed(s) vi / 2 Completed Owner/Agent Affidavits, Notarized oj 1 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), and digital/electronic copy of E)5 or exemption justification V ,,3 Aerial photographs (token within the previous 12 months min. scaled.1 5 1 "=200'), showing FLUCCS Codes, legend, and project boundary If II Statement of utility provisions (with all required attachments & sketch~ / 1 Traffic Impact Statement (TIS), or waiver 'Iv 7 Historical and Archeological Survey, or waiver ,...j 4 Copies of State and/or Federal Permits Architectural Rendering of Proposed Structure(s) Electronic copy of all documents and plans (CDROM or Diskette) . Boundary Survey :;~ff~t~~.~~~..H~~iN~~..~,r!J5e~~,miF.,R~}'~',~~,fu~p~.C.".,:F,'..,.....~.;~5n~r~j~~t~::.:., ., .., .'" ." : : i:: ': : ::' _::;; l : : ,; : :: ' .." ';::::;;:.:.',;::;;::: : ~ .. , ' . , ., ., -..... , . . ." '::: ~,~ ',:" ,'. ,. . - ... ' . . , . .. . 20 20 If 4 1 2 ~ .V o EDC "Fast Track" must submit approved copy of official application 2 o Affordable Housing "Expedited" must submit copy of signed Certificate of Agreement. PLANNER MARK IF NEEDED TO BE ROUTED TO REVIEWERS BELOW: ChId b f d d h PI h d d REQUIRED NOT REQUIRED ./ / "" ./- -7... -./.A ./;< ./ /' " ~ v, . X // .~- ~ ,// ./ omments s ou e orwar e to t e anner pnor to t e ue ate SCHOOL DISTRICT (1 ) PARKS & REC - Murdo Smith (1) SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS (1 ) UTILITIES ENGINEERING - Zamira Deltoro (1) COMMUNITY PLANNING (1) COORDINATOR - Linda Bedlelyon BAYSHORE/GATEWAY TRIANGLE (1 ) REDEVELOPMENT Executive Director Communications Towers Only: MOSQUITO CONTROL NAPLES AIRPORT AUTHORITY (1) COLLIER CO. AIRPORT AUTHORITY (1 ) 2 FEES: .A.genda item 1'.]0. 7/\ November 10, 2009 Page 68 of 162 D Pre-application Fee $500.00 (Applications submitted 9 months or more after the date of the last pre-app meeting shall not be credited towards application fees and a new pre- application meeting will be required.) 0 $4,000.00* ~ $1 50.00 $300.00 0 $760.00 0 $363.00 0 $2,500.00 Application Fee Fire Code Review Comprehensive Planning Consistency Review Estimated Legal Advertising Fee - CCPC Meeting Estimated legal Advertising Fee - Bee Meeting (any over- or under-payment will be reconciled upon receipt of Invoice from Naples Daily News). EIS Review, if required !!9nsportotion Fees, if required: ~ $500.00 Methodology Review Fee, if required ~ $750.00 Minor Study Review Fee, if required o $1,500.00 Maior Study Review Fee, if required S'-l~ )J f: \" j'J.f.W -r'r-l ~ Sa 0/ 47 Excp4N~tO/l-l *$1500.00 if filed in conjunction with a rezone petition ,4 S.'7C>c..\4'l'6:D /0 t:'"AC.-I LIT (~ ~ OTHER REQUIREMENTS: o D D D Applicant/Agent Signature Date 3 Agenda Item NO.7 A November 10, 2009 Page 69 of 162 COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT ADDRESSING DEPARTMENT 2800 NORTH HORSESHOE DRIVE NAPLES, FLORIDA 34104 ADDRESSING CHECKLIST "~= :J Please complete the following and fax to the Addressing Department at 239-659-5724 or submit in person to the Addressing Department at the above address. Form must be signed by Addressing personnel prior to pre-application meeting. Not all items will apply to every project. Items In bold type are required. Forms older than 6 months will require additional review and approval by the Addressing Department. PETITION TYPE (check petiUon type below, complete a separate Addressing Checklist for each Petition Type) o BL (Blasting Permit) o BD (Boat Dock Extension) o Carnival/Circus Permit [gI CU (Conditional Use) o EXP (Excavation Permit) o FP (Final Plat o LLA (Lot Line Adjustment) o PNC (Project Name Change) o PPL (Plans & Plat Review) o PSP (Preliminary Subdivision Plat) o PUD Rezone o RZ (Standard Rezone) DSDP (Site Development Plan) o SDPA (SDP Amendment) o SDPI (Insubstantial Change to SDP) o SIP (Site Improvement Plan) o SIPI (Insubstantial Change to SIP) o SNR (Street Name Change) o SNC (Street Name Change - Unplatted) o TDR (Transfer of Development Rights) o VA (Variance) o VRP (Vegetation Removal Permit) o VRSFP (Vegetation Removal & Site Fill Permit) o OTHER LEGAL DESCRIPTION of subject property or properties (copy of lengthy descdption may be attached) See Attachment FOLIO (Property 10) NUMBER(s) of above (attach to, or associate with, legal description if more than one) See Attachment STREET ADDRESS or ADDRESSES (as applicable, if already assigned) White Lake Boulevard, east of Collier Boulevard and north of 175 · LOCATION MAP must be attached showing exact location of project/site in relation to nearest public road right-of-way · SURVEY (copy - needed only for unplatted properties) PROPOSED PROJECT NAME (if applicable) Solid Waste Park Solid Waste Management Department Collier County, Florida PROPOSED STREET NAMES (if applicable) SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN NUMBER (for existing projects/sites only) SDP or AR # Agenda item ~~o. 7A November 10. 2009 Page 70 of 162 ( ADDRESSING CHECKLIST" PAGE TWO Page 1 of 2 Project or development names proposed for, or already appearing in, condominium documents (if application; indicate whether proposed or existing) Please Check One: o Checklist is to be Faxed back o Personally Picked Up APPLICANT NAME: Collier County Solid waste Management Department, Attention. - Roy B. Anderson, P.E. PHONE 239-530-5337 FAX Signature on Addressing Checklist does not constitute Project and/or Street Name approval and is subject to further review by the Addressing Department. ( FOR STAFF USE ONLY Primary Number t....o t.o ~ 0 Address Number Address Number Address Number APPcovedCflmr;lu~ If Updated by: Date: / -:;2 -() i Date: IF OLDER THAN 6 MONTHS, FORM MUST BE UPDATED OR NEW FORM SUBMITTED Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item NO.7 A November 10, 2009 Page 71 of 162 CoHier County Solid Waste Park January 2nd, 2008 Addressing Checklist Property ID Numbers Address Number 00290280009 00290360000 00290520002 00289720094 00289760006 00289800005 00289840007 00289880009 00289920008 00290560004 00290600003 00291280008 00291200004 00290760008 00291000000 00291920009 00289680006 . 00289640003 00290640005 00290720006 00291720005 00291680005 00290800007 00291400008 00291560003 00291600002 00290840009 00291520001 00291480002 00291240006 00289560002 00291800006 00291840008 00290680007 00290680001 00290960002 00290040003 00290000001 00291160005 00290080005 00291440000 00291320007 00290120004 6644 6666 6670 6650 6651 6652 6653 6654 6655 6671 6672 6689 6687 6676 6682 6705 6649 6648 6673 6675 6700 6699 6677 6692 6696 6697 6678 6695 6694 6688 6646 6702 6703 6674 6679 6681 6658 6657 6686 6659 6693 6690 6660 P,genda Item NO.7 A ~~ovember 10, 2009 . P\3g~ ""(2 ()t'[6:?_~_, 07/31/2066 26:02 2397749222 67131/2686 16:68 239643&958 , , r' t SDlIDWASTE COlLIER C1Y 20NING PAGE 137167 ~AGE: 69/13 """-01' ..__...._.. ._. __ ","' - '..- -., ,". P~~~'$S. ,~*, ~I' ) o.L,u...c..A. (> ~ cJ-,.c..~; 1~ " ..Q02I:'1DZeOOD9 \00.... Co 4- - - _. _ __, -00200360000 Ct> ~ c.. ' -00290520002- k"'-10, , , ~ .()0289720004 -_ to c. s.o . t ..{)02897S0000 !~-.:......,(.; ~ S't' ' " " I -oD28980000~k ,"" G:::o ~ 'e J -00289840007,' G.r <b $ ~ ' OO~C>OO" ea~8(l80~009 . -. (". t:s $ ..... C:1l:1~"" -9G28g.goSGsa~_ I/o (c $. 5 \ : -002SlO5S0004__,CIs("'~ I . -Q029060D003-~.~c.. 1 ~ -00291260008,--._":'.(..('.. "bq. -D0291Z00004~---c.,e. S1 -00290760008.__ ... CoG. 1 ~ ...00291000000-., ,... -.,.(..(... "J'Z:.. '-o02S1920009~::.',:,-""-,,,, 0;$' , . ,;-00289580005.-..:...- .c.~'4-..q . -00289640003" c;.t.:..t+~ -OO2S0S4000~,_ _ r.,.r.."'l 3 -002907.20006 " <-e.. i.t: 'It ..00291720005. "". _, ~. 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'{ ~ IoU C '- ""'1 .::t :::I 0 V) 0 9 V) ..c: ~ <( (;) 0.. Q.. V) V) w 0::: o C <:( ....I <i :E . w 05 > ~ N '2 to ro U -..... Q) Z en I .::;: O:E ~ -0::' Vl_ I <..> -LL. 0 ~ '0 - ~ C 0 w w >- I f- if) Z z ;:) z 0 0 U (J5 <D 0 0 N <1'J >= t: 0 lL t: , .Q I Ctl <..> i ~ a.. I a.. I ,if I I w I I c ~ i I ~ , ::; <( i I I I I 0 z I I ..- I f (9 i I . Agenda Item NO.7 A t\Jovember 10. 2009 Page 75 of 162 Recreational Facilities Not Accessorv to Principal Uses: Uses similar to present residential aa:::essory uses such as swi.nuning :pools, tennis courts, accessory clul:houses, or parks which will l:e urrler a::IilllOCln ownership ar.d serve :rrore than one (1) residence. Recvcl.in:;: 'Ihe recovery of useful ma.terials from the waste stream and. reinb:o:1uction of such rraterials into the pro::iuction stream via a three stage precess consistinj of 1) reclai.rning materials; 2) processing reclaimed materials; an::1 3) manufacturing prcxiucts using reclaimed. and processed materials. (Rev. 98) Research I...al::Dratory: A OOildi.rB or group of hrildi..rBs in 'Which are located facilities for scientific research, investigation, testing, or experimentation, 1::ut not facilities for the manufacture or sale of prcrlucts, except as .incidental to the rrain purp:x;e of the lal:oratory . (Rev.l05 Ord.91-14) Resource Recovery Facility: A place where the materials reclaimed at a 'Iransfer station, arrl in addition scrap, salvage, secon:1-ha.rrl l:.uilding naterials ani other construction site waste, are prcx::essed. b.:r cleani.rg, shreddirq, chippi.n:j, gri.n:1i.ng, milling, cru.shi.rB or. other similar prccessP....s to create the raw ma.terials used. b.:r industry for the prcrluction of a finishecl prcx:hJ.ct. 'Ihose activities pe....rrnitted. to 1:e corrlucted at a Transfer station nay also b9 corrlucted at these facilities. This definition does not .include the retail sale of processed mterials such as occurs in junk yards, nor dO""....s it include the preceSsing of use:1, cliscardecl, or salvaged. materials incident to manufacturing activity on the sam: site where such processing occurs. Also excludecl fram this definition are autClJ1X)bile wrecking yards. (Rev. 98) Restaurant: An establishment where fcx:d is ordered fram a nenu, preparecl and. served for pay primarily for col1Sl.IIr!l?tion on the premises in a c0m- pletely enclosed room, un::ler rCX)f of the main structure, or in an inter- ior court. A drive-in restaurant is not a restaurant. A cafeteria is a restaurant for the purpose of -t:his Zoning Ordinance. (see also definition of Drive-In Restaurant.) . '.. Restaurant (Drive-throuqh): A fast fcx:d facility with one or lrore drive- through lanes where foed. is orderecl through a sp2aker phone at a IrenU l:oard located in the drive-through lane. 'Ibis type of facility has no WCX)r seating or foed. ordering l:ut Tray have walk-up wirrlows am/or ou-tdoor seati.ng'. (Rev.105 Ord.91-14) Restaurant, Fast-Fcx:d: An establishIrent 'Where fcx:d is prepared an.:l served to the customer in a ready-to-cor'..slIDe state for con.stm1ption either within the restaurant bJildir.g, outside the l:uild.irg l:ut on the same premises, or off the premises ani havi.ng' any combination of two or lTDre of the follow:lng characteristics: *Rev.89 Ord.90-13 *Rev.98 Ord.90-81 *Rev.l05 Ord.91-14 259. !~genda Item NO.7 A ~b/ember 10, 2009 Page 76 of 162 ~ UNflEDSTJ3TES ~ POS1J.JLSEWK:E Naples, Fl 34102-9998 November 5, 2007 45 REV: 1 CU-2008-AR-132 SOLID WASTE PARK Project: 2006020053 Date: 4/30/08 DUE: 5(28/08 Dale Siska PBS&J 482 South Keller Road Orlando, FL 32810 RE: CC Solid Waste Management Park Dear Dale: This letter is in response to your request dated 10/30/2007. I wish to notify you that the United States Post Office has no objection to your request for service for CC Solid Waste Management Park. Please send a timeline for project including projected start and ending dates. You can contact me at 239-435-2129 or yvonne.LkelleV@usps.gov. I look forward to working with you. Yvonne Kelley Customer Relations Coordinator Naples, FL 34102 1200 Goodlelte Road, North Naples, FL 34102.9998 1.800-275.8777 FAX: (941) 435.2160 L U - ~~6filNl?:tA~~ November 10, 2009 Page 77 of 162 AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE hereby certify that pursuant to Ordinance 2004-72, of the Collier County Land Development Code, I did give notice by mail to the following property owners and or condominium and civic associations whose members may be impacted by the proposed land use changes of an application request for a rezoning, PUD amendment, or conditional use, at least 10 days prior to the scheduled Neighborhood Information Meeting. For the purposes of this requirement, the names and addresses of property owners shall be deemed those appearing on the latest tax rolls of Collier County and any other persons or entities who have made a formal request of the county to be notifted. The said notice contained the laymen's description of the site property of proposed change and the date, time, and place of a Neighborhood Information Meeting. ._Affidavit of Compliance . RODRIGUEZ, Director Waste Management Department State of Florida County of Collier The foregoing Affidavit of compliance was acknowledged before me this ~~ber -:Au'ju::.t ,20Q.B8Y DANTF.T. R RnDRTr::nE7. personally /J n~ day of , who is known to me Gf who has- plOduced as idelltifh..d liurr. ~~O~~)~ N01ARY PUBLIC.STATE OF FLORIDA erman ---rinted Name of Notary Commission #DD448005 Expires: JULY 06, 2009 Bonded Thnt Atlantic Bonding Co., Inc. (Notary Seal) .A.genda :tem NO.7 A November 10. 2009 Page 78 of 162 COLLIER COUNTY SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT 3301 East T amiami Trail · Building H · Naples, Florida 34112 · (239) 252-2508 · Fax (239) 774-9222 Re: Neighborhood Information Meeting regarding proposed Solid Waste Pal-k ( CU-2008-AR-13245) Dear Property Owner: This letter is being sent to correct information provided in a letter from PBS&J, dated August 6, 2008, concerning a neighborhood information meeting relative to a formal application submitted to Collier County seeking approval of a Conditional Use for the property described as: 341 Acres of County-owned land located approximately 1.5 miles east of Collier Boulevard and I mile north of TVhite Lake Boulevard in Section 25, Township 49 South, Rahge 26 East, Collier County, Florida. Please note the neighborhood information meeting has been rescheduled to Wednesday, September 3, 2008, beginning at 5:30 pm, in the auditorium of the Golden Gate Community Center, 4701 Golden Gate Parkway, Naples, Florida. The petitioner is asking the County to approve an application to allow development of a Solid Waste Park on the described property. The Solid Waste Park will provide functions critical to the ongoing success of the Solid Waste Operations of Collier County, such as land area for storm recovery operations, construction and demolition materials processing, and biomass (horticulture debris) processing. There is the potential for the development of other needed operations such as administrative office space, educational facilities, bio-solids processing, and/or a recycling collections and materials recovery facility. A conceptual site plan is enclosed with this letter to give you a better idea of the proposed potential uses for this area. The neighborhood information meeting (Wednesday, September 3) will provide you an opportunity to become fully aware of our development intentions and to give input to influence the form of development. At this meeting the County will make every effort to illustrate how the property will be developed and to answer any questions you may have. Should you have questions prior to the meeting, please contact Dayne Atkinson, Project Manager, Public Utilities Engineering, by phone at 239-252-5337, or email l.v.1r. Atkin~on at Dayneatkinson@colliergov et. ~ Daniel R. Rodriguez, A, CF~ 1 Director, Solid Wa e Management Department c o [~~ ~ e y c - o ... n t; y .> 20 ;.:;1 h~ l?h ~h !~~ tit... l1'~. I~ ~I ~ i / H ~1l 0 -~:_-~-- ~~ ~~ :l--l Ji ~im~ ::;~ ~~~I ~.. ;g ;:'8" ~5;g ~ ~!~ ~~ ~ .8~ ~gg ~S~ .~5 1l! ~~e ~~~ -<;;1 o o F iii ;U NO 00 ZC mz ~:< ~ z " 'll ;= .- ;!' ~ > :l'~ ~l!: .u ~i ~ w ~ .- ~ ~ ;g" "gli ~m;;t ~~.. .,,11 "~~ ~ ~ " J ~ I ,. i ;!' ~l;tle a~'" j~ff s~= 3~f .. ~~8 zzC o0~ N o Z m " ;l. i i '" m >< ::r: tD =1 PBSJ SJOO WO$t C)?r6$'" stnnJt Sullo 2tx) TumpD, Flor;da J.3507 r.1, (81:!) 282-7275 Fa.. (8'3) 286-1207 htrp~ I/"",w,pbsj.com Conceptual Site Plan Collier County Solid Waste Park Solid Waste Management Department March 11, 2008 Revised July 30, 2008 :':'~~ ,. It'fl', II ~ .;;Jiii! :iJ::r',;"~:.:; !! ~ ,. .... ',......,. ',II P "'''''.;.;c.:''''''"'''~ . i! bI-~?~n~~~~7~'~~1J<?T:'~Dir!1 , 111J" .' iliI' II , ''" J ':, " :.i" II "UF:' " 'I ,'...." I' 11';,IZ ... .. .. ...... 'II II.: ~;,' JI II ; . ... II If n " II ft' ,fl , . ,II, .,,', n df' , ,.r4 l:rJj..':~ ,. 'flli! ~ !II. ~ ~~~ -~. 11 ~ ~U, ili!. JU '11'-::->" , ~'on,m. 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JW(Q; 2" [ Agenda Item NO.7 A 1\1(-"'0.. hor 1 n 2009 Pag 79 f 162 ; ; ~ II o 00 ~ ~ om~ i is ~c;"'sg: 1i5g~~ :;;-;(3;%:0 .::;:~...~ ~~;h ~",~.;l pra~~> d~&l~P ~(!I?::hO ~~:.,~ "~!:l ~~1" tJl.u.: ;;"Ill ~~a p'ol ~~!; fJ';1 1l'" ~ :r is 8:g z=i me) 'i'o ~r;; co .- c '" 8 z m " > ~~~; ~i ~- l1 ~ Aoenda item I\!o. 7 A i\J'ovember 10, 2009 Page 80 of 162 AFFIDA VIT OF COMPLIANCE I hereby certify that pursuant to Ordinance 2004-72, of the Collier County Land Development Code, I did give notice by mail to the following property owners and or condominium and civic associations whose members may be impacted by the proposed land use changes of an application request for a rezoning, PUD amendment, or conditional use, at least 10 days prior to the scheduled Neighborhood Information Meeting. For the purposes of this requirement, the names and addresses of property owners shall be deemed those appearing on the latest tax rolls a/Collier County and any other persons or entities who have made aformal request of the county to be notified. The said notice contained the laymen's description of the site property of proposed change and the date, time, and place of a Neighborhood Information Meeting. Affidavit of Compliance o 9 v~jz- .' ~ ....... "''''> a co :0:- :-0 c:: G"'") ,''0 c: ({) fI1 ;..~ . """- 0 Q? w <.0 Per attached letters and or property owner's list, which are hereby made a part of this (Signature of Applicant) State of Florida County of Collier The foregoing Affidavit of compliance was acknowledged before me this ~5vJ-, day of I- ./4tt'/M..i.>4/T' , 2008 by ~VA V I /) E. _ :b6A IJ o known to me or 'l>vho has produced , who i~l?ersonally as identification. (~~~ ~ ~tA-~~r --1Sign~ re-ofNotary Public)' N'~ncy :3. Oerdty' Printed Name of Notary (Notary Seal) ..t,.. ......... ...1"....."...,,"............. : NANCY S. GERRITY : i ttl). COl'ftftlI DD05'F'2Z8 ~ : ~ ~ . ~ 71512010 : : "'~, ,,~ : . "f,-;1!'or:P\.~ '""-"'A_ ~ ~-- I . : """llIln\\\' rll.,l"lJUOl ,~,. ",~.n'1 no : ,...... ............ ....,11..... ."G' .... .........e:..ll'l ijl" i.::'1~,' l~.'t .~~;o; .J.~~::~~ , . Agenda Item NO.7 A November 10, 2009 Page 81 of 162 r,' . :..,:-. f: .:. An employee-owned company Augus~ 6, 2008 RogeJio Hernandez 720 5th St., S.W. Naples, FL 34117-2116 Re: CU-2008-AR-13245 - Solid Waste Park Dear Property Owner: Please be advised that a formal application has been submitted to Collier County. seeking approval of a Conditional Use for the following described property: 341 Acres of County owned land located approximately 1.5 m.iles east of Collier Boulevard and 1 mile north of VVh.ite Lake Boulevard in Section 25, Township 49 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida. The petitioner is asking the County to approve this application to allow development of a Solid Waste Park on the described propelty. In compliance with the Land Development Code requirements, a Neighborhood Information Meeting will be held to provide you an opportunity to become fully aware of our development intentions and to give you an opportunity to influence the forn1 of development. The Neighborhood Information Meeting will be held on August 21, 2008 at 5:30pm at the Golden Gate Community Center at 3300 Santa Barbara Boulevard, Naples, Florida 34116. At this meeting th~ petitiQrier Will lmike every effort to illustrate how. the property will be developed and to answer any questions. Should you have questions prior to the meeting, please contact me at 407 -806-4104 or dedeans @pbsj.com. Sincerely, 9~[ O~ David E. Deans, P.E., BCEE Vice President 482 South Kefler Road · Orlando, Florida 32810-6101 & Telephone: 407.647.7275. www,pbsj.com Agenda Item NO.7 A November 10, 2009 Page 82 of 162 Collier County Public Utilities Solid Waste Managentent Departlnent Solid Waste Park Conditional Use Pennit Application Public Information Meeting Sign-In Sheet ff14i~. .' ~ Wedlle~d~Y',Sep)e"r ~, 2008, 5:30pm '1-k;AJWt/f.~i~' ();) ( ~ ~ ~- f/{I'- NAl\1E." )~ (:.ll! V ....... - AFFILIATION: ADDRESS: ~/!j Co ""l "Z.. ;l/ .Y . C-' "/. ~ t,.\ .........- / :?o//~ TELEPHONE: E-MAIL: TELEPHONE: ) - . ('. G ,Y 1 S h.( (Yn crh If, If , ~ _ _~-{ctP (l~Avt (}o}f _(uJ~ , ~ 3iJb 8rOutlLeCf p/vd - f tJ Ct. ~1O :?), ' ?-3<1~, 3S'd-~ LIt Lf I C Sh~ll~ (O:! 'It L c{Y- 6 J0~' q 6 ~)p c I Vy~ ~ ( crYI\ \ NAME: AFFILIATION: ADDRESS: E-MAIL: NAME: uJ A If IUC' J~E AJ!<IIJ~ AFFILIATION: ADDRESS: d- S- 0 () :.\'It AJ t: I J/ S' vJ 11-.'\1 lA/A pL.~s 3(.///7 TELEPHONE: ;23 9 LJ.s 5- ?! 0 c; E-MAIL: Agenda Item NO.7 A ~~ovember 10, 2009 C l 0 C P blo TT Ol" 0 S lOd IX7 714' Page 83 of 162 o bel" OUllty U IC utlltles 0 I t'Yaste lr.lanagenlent Departnlent Solid Waste Park Conditional Use Permit Application Public Information Meeting Sign-In Sheet Wt;dnesday, September 3,2008, 5:30pm NAME: \ ~ .~ ,.t':"c.:-\:'{ (\ ')... " ~ ~~ "A",U.....'v"''\J~ 1-"''''-) o \ AFFILIATION: ADDRESS: '3 It if d... '/ ~ c .1 w )'\....~~ 3lfl/7 Q 3 5" '3 - 3 ~ d.lo TELEPHONE: E-MAIL: -_.._-~ o " J) 11 t ~ 'F 412 tJl-I A R.7 ,27'7S- 15 ~ A AJ7L c--y /l~j 5Lj;!'? TELEPHONE: c2- ) C; L(~-j- "7 7c( '> E-MAIL: NAME: /Il~-b~ c4~ j) 0 ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: ~ 0- )} _.~ ''-''{ -0 (J'-~ E-MAIL: .A.cenda item I~O. 7 A N~ovember 10, 2009 Page 34 of 162 Collier County Public Utilities Solid Waste Managelnent Departnlent Solid Waste Park Conditional Use Permit Application Public Information Meeting Sign-In Sheet W~dnesday, September 3, 2008, 5:30 pIn ,/'-/ NAM:E: AFFILIATION: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: E-MAIL: NAM:E: AFFILIATION: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: E-MAIL: NAME: AFFILIATION: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: E-MAIL: '--'/ ~ ,-' M~ .~ . . <&;;2 j, . '7-- /. I "J .r- ,'70' L( i ('::" e I!)~_ (' /7- ;\J I I: J ~3 ,3d-rJ ~.Sii10>19 ['j--' A>)/)7[0ks rj /JL//~-) , " / o . . / 9t -5 __/A.__> v' ./ 'c. ) .. c. . 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Alo/+x '~r-L 31(-/03 / Agenda Item NO.7 A November 10, 2009 Page 87 of 162 Collier County Public Utilities Solid Waste Managel1tent Departn'lent Solid Waste Park Conditional Use Permit Application Public Inforntation Meeting Sign-In Sheet W~dnesday, September 3, 2008, 5:30 pm NAME: ~tr;c ~ "- 6t~c"'-f G L'.... - it........... ,.1.... ~ AFFILIA TI ON: ,1-.; cr" .,dc.f7 ,/.Jr:~i.:2../ t:t t c..c'e..-~~.L.C..C., O-t--4-~ ' ADDRESS: 6l-fo I ~5~__ ~,~_____ Sl.~ II c~p-...c..e-,~.... 3!f / / b - 7.s-c/ v TELEPHONE: --2c:> If - L,~ gE'~ E-MAIL: df,i"').-:::-J .~_s::.--i-''-L~.'O ~ L-:'ez---J~.. , I lj' -. u C".E:.)~,,- ......-"\ NAME: .r ) It, ( iA. 2~ fi>l '-" /1 " L;':, I(.~ AFFILIATION: ADDRESS: /. .c;(' / "" )7 I (-.:- u. L' ...~:S. \ . . \ / f-5.<-( ( ....<\ ~ J~+ <:5' -i :Jy 11'7 rL TELEPHONE: ~1. '2 c7.. c::::/,. r(._ {6 J 7 L...--/ I oJ , . -iI' /1 ~~) (! c" -: "'r' i ""j ..Z I ~ I t.....) ~.'.,-c. /r ..",,/ ....'--1 .......... E-MAIL: NAME: J~?h 6rd1Z t 6k-Jtf! 6 ~W1 k AFFILIATION: ADDRESS: ~Goo CTen)(\()6 ~ ~le='7 fl. 341/1 \.::O~~6252- illDJrJ d) I e, l qg1 ~ yo- n tlQ.. C!J; It:::: TELEPHONE: E-MAIL: ,A,genda Item ~~o. 7 A f\Jo\!8mber 10 ?nng PaGe 38 ~f162 Collier County Public Utilities Solid Waste Management Departl1tent Solid Waste Park Conditional Use Permit Application Public Information Meeting Sign-In Sheet W~dl1esday, September 3, 2008, 5:30 pnl a~,;,- g ~-<-. AFFILIA TION : D Cur~fS. b ~ i \\~ N ~'\-JS II rC.1 <; C J20i-(t~\ }\~e. ~CIp1~>- / fL.. s L[ t 0 ';;t )L~.- L/1 ~~ el"I'\l~}\\~~ Q IIl0ft~I~~., W~ \ ~O~~ ~JJ/~) "{j .1- AFFILIATION: '~~u1' ~ ,s;-c-J.~ k\~~ (C~l ~Ot(~1 FL-, ;jt//lj '''~ '\ TELEPHONE: ~~ 9 ~ 3 s: 1 - ~ 7 /1 ~~SJ~' . ~ ~~V2 4> ,(t~~f. e e-?4\.. J NAME: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: E-MAIL: NAME: ADDRESS: E-MAIL: NAME: AFFILIA TION: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: E-MAIL: 01 ClT) OA~" LeY! j wort{, \ .. 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GGCfe~ 6~ (5'17(1<-1 ~~ C~~t2 ~ ......... ~(Q (~N-;f(f>~( 4~ ;J4fJle.f" ., . 1 r~ c:c I~ ("' G (:[ ( --,S- !.-f ( r' .A.genda item NO.7 A r'Jovember 10. 2009 Page 90 of 162 Collier County Public Utilities Solid Waste Management Departlnent Solid Waste Park Conditional Use Permit Application Public Information Meeting Sign-In Sheet W~dllesday, Septelnber 3, 2008, 5:30 pIn !full ~~rl' . . rev (\ h-i ~ .{~~l. . \ NAME: AFFILIATION: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: E-MAIL: NAME: AFFILIATION: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: E- :MAIL: NAME: AFFILIATION: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: E-MAIL: ~:7 ,~ -) -- 7 :;-::::--) C;/. .:~ __S ..:S--<' ~;-- .- L./ /' (~ - \ -;~\. ;\ e., .,../ .\ \ 0,- ~tL 1''& GC\ :-Pc\~D "~~ "'- '/ .-., .'''' , -., (- ,) c- ..')-) ....L_ ~".!_) '- u--.. ( Agenda Item NO.7 A November 10, 2009 Page 91 of 162 Collier County Public Utilities Solid Waste Management Department Solid Waste Park Conditional Use PerInit Application Public Information Meeting Sign-In Sheet W~dnesday, September 3, 2008, 5:30 pm NAME: ~tz.Bt.v-"l _~'TErZ.~ \ AFFILIATION: ADDRESS: 2 t:~~ ~ Gf+tZL...~ J b r<. t:> NAPL.ES::,. . FL 3'i I 1'7 I '231.- :g...f.8 -lc,O~? TELEPHONE: E-MAIL: ~ E'C(Vv\.U<.\ ((2 d"{I..v ,'d <;OIl")€rlCf;neer..'S'.. Ct'M. --' -J v 6Y IE L V),/ rt CI2 C/ttX-::> NAME: AFFILIATION: ADDRESS: .J?~'Lf Z>EZL-.r4 2S~ fJ-Af"'LE:S:' TELEPHONE: :3D 5.- If't 5' - ']'9. <)'!- EMAIL i I ~"C~ I v:-...:::::>\.....; fj '-. -: (.. ./...-l":"C.. __ \,v 0 t1-"t a..,.~ ll...))i '==-. f' C'L.vuD- Q . ; NAME: AFFILIATION: ADDRESS: E-MAIL: ~ f\ i \ \ N\ !,fA .. t D/ -' 1 ~\~;' .---,J 0"'/ I / /J '~-:>OY ~ (:) ( ---; (-, 't,--~ r-"772 C' A D-v (;) 'y~ (J)/10) Cj IV) . - . '-.. I TELEPHONE: ,LJ\genda item ~~o. 7 A November 10. 2009 Page 92 of 162 Collier County Public Utilities Solid Waste Management Departlnent Solid Waste Park Conditional Use PerIn it Application Public Information Meeting Sign-In Sheet W~dnesday, September 3, 2008, 5:30 pm NAME: Q.) <2..,..) (. j ff\ f'y\e~'i' tYfh. VI , . AFFILIATION: C.{)\YI ('1 C J:)U('t~..{ I . , ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: E-MAIL: NAME: AFFILIATION: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: E-MAIL: NAME: AFFILIATION: ADDRESS: TELEPHOl'.~: E-MAIL: ':J ,- ,- n", T..... ..... \ f"'~-'~ r"'~"'" ._~o .::.:)' j' ~.,,_, {; \ L/~1- (. -. (~. ''''-'.t l.....,r.......}.., r,.7.~._ .... './ ,."'-__.."........r .....,. '::~:_._)\)e,,-2-~1 ('f"l}' ';{~~(1;,i'.{:~.i..\\ (l~~.~C~,()\ \"\ (Y"'f'{)\i , (, C":~'- \,~~.! 36 l-f U 1- cr6~l.t P\ (L(\l~ f~ ~ . \f J \ / I.. . I"> r--' ,_. l \~ J A--U0 1 V~ t..i.-U:!_J-.U (;G-- ~ F-\S~'t~Li, v'"'- 1,\ r7\ C\ ". ~.2:: [)]) .'.' tl; 1 \'~<:' exOl:--->uV f ""-~'L..1: Dt-l F'V \ L U ~ ,...-6 \\.. ", <..0 l"-,,,~i / \,! --- .-:? (' \, t' '7 -0 t I ~")'C" "'\ _; (},<":'.,)J') d= !.::L t- 6 6 6 ~ \ LCl? AU r-l->c;; Q {Jib-I- ,Wu..- /, ('.--1// L)~ I' '. 'G" 1/ L~/UA/c,'V l r!-r{yl...-t:'l../ '--:1 '\ {fr // '<)' . -/ 'J OJ '- , I r A. r'i I' '1 .. I' / ./ I : ,f . { ,.' {UCL.c..t.f./'i!~ 'f /: _' /L,...CX--,( /~ / . GL(cJ!.u'~ 7 Lv t!.A - .. ~ - ~ ....-; ~ ,. ( .. -' ._..-. (' Z..s S [) /~~~;.(L-vj ~~===ty>, CO/ t1~-L/--C:-L/ -:ft- ({) S-' :i Y- ( () S~~ (j ~7U' rt' .:--.-..... c ~.- ..- :~ / i [ "\ 'I ~\/J-.&v/oJ tl 6~ I J Agenda Item No. 7 A r'~ovember 10, 2009 Page 93 of 162 Collier County Public Utilities Solid Waste Management Departntent . Solid Waste Park Conditional Use Permit Application Public Information Meeting Sign-In Sheet W~dnesday, September 3, 2008, 5:30 pn'l j. 'I Il.,.., / ,-. lAb!)"- (V /'1 f:-Vi ! tz.-r-P~~'> (- f7-- NAME: TELEPHONE: "'2 ';-::2 - -J I.,) "7 0 ,I.....,../,y... ,?of,? ! ". ( , j i11~Ar.c.lievr~i0Ii:.p_62 C(vL!i i\/"'qou i. kl'~'r , I v I E-MAIL: NAME: !"-::;. t:- A. f\,Lc....:;. ,\11/ "'.., jl _ Y r e.-, It: .' ",:-;.: I':+' AFFILIATION: ~ tbs. i~ <...., ADDRESS: ) ?? G .1 i'="ft.l.l'.1 \.J.: \ t c.' 2 A- ~ ." G.~\('., , / S, ;' .t't':' \:? /-) ~ .\ ,:" ..~ ,c..l-;.~ \=" L .:S 'Li 25 '7- 7 'II., Y )l (. t( C""!] c;,.. TELEPHONE: E-MAIL: n","\, I"~ " ~t- i 1 :;::1',,;.; {.::= "fA S r....~ 'y" ~ I ,) S ~ . C c ..'lo1... NAM.:E: ,I )/7 fJLi 11//ll1S' / (alf/.~~ AFFILIATION: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: E-MAIL: ,';oenda Item 1\10. 7 A ~~~ovember 10. 2009 Page 94 of 162 Collier County Landfill Improvements Traffic Impact Statement CU-2008-AR-13245 REV: 1 SOLID WASTE PARK Project: 2006020053 Date: 4/30/08 DUE: 5/28/08 Prepared For Collier County PUED Naples, Florida Prepared By CH2M HILL Naples, Florida November 2007 Professional Engineer: Pramod Choudhary P.E. No. 61641 ". ;' / Q/ ..w-<1 7. ~ 3/:;' c1J6'" (<Lfr'L./I>,U;/&1 U I' Agenda Item No.7 A November 10, 2009 Page 95 of 162 Collier County Landfill Improvements - Traffic Impact Statement Introduction The existing Collier County Landfill is located in the northeast quadrant of the 1-75 and Collier Boulevard interchange. The access to the facility is through a single access on the two-lane undivided 'White Lake Boulevard which connects to Utilities Drive immediately north of the interchange. Utilities Drive runs east-west and forms a signalized intersection with Collier Blvd immediately north of the interchange. The west leg of this intersection is Magnolia Pond Drive. Exhibit 1 depicts the location of the existing facility in relation to the 1-75 interchange with Collier Blvd. and its connection with Utilities Drive. The Collier County Solid Waste Department is proposing development of a Solid Waste Operations Park on County owned land north of its existing landfill facility to include 53 acres of Storm Debris Management, 38 acres of Waste Processing Area, and 76 acres of Yard-Waste Management. Exhibit 1 depicts the location of these proposed facilities. Project Trip Generation Traffic data from the existing Landfill was obtained from Collier County PUED for the months of March through August 2007 and is attached in the Appendix. The facility operates 6 days a week, Monday through Saturday, typically from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM and generates approximately 300 vehicles per day [(54516-6791)/(185-26) = 300) during weekdays and approximately 262 vehicles per day [6791/26 = 262] on Saturdays. The peak period for the facility falls between 11:00 AM and 3:00 PM on a weekday and the peak hour is from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM generating approximately 38 vehicles per hour. The traffic data clearly show that the facility generate~ 12 vehicles per hour [2040/185 = 12J during the peak hour of the adjacent street traffic which typically falls between 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM. 12 vehicles per hour translate into 24 trip ends during the peak hour of the adjacent street traffic. The 24 trips to and from this existing facility constitute less than 1 % [24/2761 = 0.0087] of the total existing turning movement volume at the intersection of Collier Blvd. and Utilities Drive. Therefore, the impact of the existing facility on the surrounding street network and the intersections during the PM peak hour can be considered negligible. The proposed Storm Debris Management area will primarily accommodate the debris resulting from hurricanes and other natural disasters. This area will generate trips only during natural disasters which are rare occurrences. Therefore, on an average day, this area is not likely to generate any tl'ips. The Institute of Transportation Engineer (ITE) Trip Generation, 7th Edition does not provide trip generation rates or data for waste management facilities. Therefore, local traffic data from an existing recycling center in the City of Marco Island was obtained from a City staff. The data showed that the existing recycling center operates for four hours each day from 8:00 AM until 12:00 Noon and generated 440 vehicular h'affic in th.e month of May 2007 and 335 vehicular traffic in the month of April 2007. Taking a conservative approach and assuming that the facility operated only 5 days a week and four hours every day, the site generated an average of 5 vehicles per hour [(440/22)/4=5]. Assuming the same trip generation rate, the proposed facility will produce a maximum of 10 trips [5x2 = 10] during the PM peak hour and will therefore have virtually no impact on the overall traffic conditions. November 2007 Page 2 ~ ~ " :: ~ ~ I/. i ~ 1 ~ ~ 1 ~ ::l u 0 U ~ g 0: ~'" R II :I.. . :: -~l _ii ~i :I: "Ii :;:; I~~~j:: ... !:::~~!!! ... _/t''''_.... Lilt "'j.4;O Wk' :!:rw i ~~a: 1I ~! ':2 I; 10 i,.:..: i~ I'" l~ "" '0 10 "'" i~ a; c: '" -0 .of o Q. '" jg ,0 I..':: [a j'g g> ] u '" Agenda Item NO.7 A November 10, 2009 Page 97 of 162 Collier County Landfill Improvements - Traffic Impact Statement Traffic Impacts Traffic impacts are typically evaluated for the PM peak hour conditions. Assuming the proposed waste management facility will operate during the same hours as the existing Landfill (6:00 AM to 6:00 PM), the peak hour of the facility will be outside the PM peak hour of adjacent street traffic and would therefore have minimal to no impact on the surrounding roadway network during the PM peak hours. The peak hour levels of service for the surrounding roadway segments will therefore remain unaffected by Uus development. Conclusion The proposed development will generate an average of 10 nips (5 entering and 5 exiting the site) and will have minimal to no impact on the surrounding street network during the PM peak hours. November 2007 Page 4 p,genc3 item ~~o. 7 A ihvember 10, 2009 Page 98 of 162 APPENDIX M G) bI ~ III +l I'" 0 k 0 N 0 , 0. rl 0 (I) , Ik1 ~ 0\ 0 >: t:ll ~ OM I'" ~ 0 fIl 0 .-l 8 >t C'l ,.. r-I rl VI 1-4 ro o G) Q) '.jJ -rl ~ l"l-rl rl Orll r-I 0 'r$ U (I,t 0 '.-l e: 1-4 G) -rf Po r-<< <ll ......... ,<:1 (l) .jJ +l k tU 0 ~ ~ I-l ;:I 0 :xl .II: ~ ~ ~ 'H 1"-00 0 00 ,.. rl..-i cd C'l1O I:l ,.. "'..,. o rl Gl +J (ll (lJ It! .jJ a A "'-rl I:lf-i _, 1:Ei!:l_. ~.,,_~ . ~ I ,<:1 I , ..... I ~ I I t I t I I (lJ I ~ I . .-I I 0 I :> I 11:1 C!) ot; ~ ~ ~ 0 11:1 U :>- ot; I I I I Q) I ~ I -rl 1 tIl . I d t 0 I I VI . 11l . ~ . I d I .... . :g I .jJ I ,<:1 I I ..... I 1lI 1 ~ I . . I I , Ql I 9 I I rl I ~ H 0< Eo! 0 ~ E1 ~ I 0 I U I I 1 . I t VI I ~ I M I 0 I :a I I III I :> t . 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Comer COuntyr Florida; being Folio No. 00291540004 To Comer County: We have no objecticm to our above-referenced property being included in tne ConditIonal Use Petition CU-2008-AR~13245, Resource Recovery Park. Very truly yours, ~ wJt:a ~ Russell WlUls Holaway . Agenda Item NO.7 A ~~overnber 10. 2009 PaQe 106 of 162 An employee-owned company April 23, 2009 Ms. Kay Deselem, AICP Principal Planner Collier County Community Development & Environmental Services Division 2800 North Horseshoe Drive Naples, FL 34104 Re: CU-2008-AR-13245, Resource Recovery Park Public Hearing Signs Dear Ms. Deselem: " . Attached please tind location maps and dated photographs of each ofthe five signs placed near the project property regarding the above referenced matter. Also, please find the required affidavit of posting. Should you have any questions or comments regarding the placement of signs fro this project, please do not hesitate to contact me by email at DEDeansW)pbsi.com or by phone at 407-806-4104. Very truly yours, 0d L O~ David E. Deans, P .E., BCEE Vice President c: Dayne Atkinson, CC Public Utilities Sue Zinunerman, CC Real Property Management 010082200 482 South Ketler Road 0 Orlando, Florida 32810-61010 Telephone 407.647,72750 www.pbsj.com Agenda Item NO.7 A November 10, 2009 Page 107 of 162 SIGN POSTING INSTRUCTIONS (Section 10.03.00, COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE (LDC) A zoning sign(s) must be posted by the petitioner or the petitioner's agent on the parcel for a minimum of fifteen (15) calendar days in advance of the first public hearing and said sign(s) must be maintained by the petitioner or the petitioner's agent through the Board of County Commissioners Hearing. Below are general guidelines for signs, however these guidelines should not be construed to supercede any requirement of the LDC. For specific sign requirements, please refer to Section 10.03.00 of the LDC. I, The sign(s) must be erected in full view of the public, not more than five (5) feet from the nearest street right-of-way or easement. 2. The sign(s) must be securely affixed by nails, staples, or other means to a wood frame or to a wood panel and then fastened securely to a post, or other structure. The sign may not be affixed to a tree or other foliage. 3. The petitioner or the petitioner's agent must maintain the sign(s) in place, and readable condition until the requested action has been heard and a final decision rendered. If the sign(s) is destroyed, lost, or rendered unreadable, the petitioner or the petitioner's agent must replace the sign(s NOTE: AFTER THE SIGN HAS BEEN POSTED, THIS AFFIDA YIT OF POSTING NOTICE SHOULD BE RETURNED NO LATER THAN TEN (10) WORKING DAYS BEFORE THE FIRST HEARING DATE TO THE ASSIGNED PLANNER. AFFIDA VIT OF POSTING NOTICE ' .. ST ATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER ,EFORE THE UNDERSIGNED AUTHORITY, PERSONALLY APPEARED _David E. Deans_ WHO ON OATH SAYS THAT HE/SHE HAS POSTED PROPER NOTICE AS REQUIRED BY SECTION 10.03.00 OF THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE ON THE PARCEL COVERED IN PETITION NUMBER _CU-2008- AR-~. Res~ur; Re;OVO;;'~k ~ _ _ ,_ "-d ~ 1- :::tL:---v--~ _482 South Keller Rod SIGNA TURE OF APPLICANT OR AGENT STREET OR P.O. BOX _David E. Deans, P.E., BCEE NAME (TYPED OR PRlNTED) Orlando, FL 32810 CITY, STATE ZIP l STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER The foregoing instI1.lment was sworn to and subscribed before me this ~M/cI E. ~, personally known to me or who produced and wOO-Gffi/did not take an oath, c23r.r1 day of~ ,200.!/.-, by as identification Printed Name of Notary Public ...'U.H'..............H..M................ i NANCY S. GERRITY !! i ~m#.\ll> CafMIlJDDGIS 71238 i : ~. . =-- 111I2010 i : "-~'" . . ~c<or'" ~ . : :i"'llmlu,fo'i 'r1J"'. NoIa,,"".,1nc : ......... ............. ................, ..,.. ....... My Commission Expires: (Stamp with serial number) U:\SO\Projects\Collier\Section 24 Master Plan\0800 Public Meetings\Public Hearing Sign\AFFIDAVIT AND SIGN POSTING INSTRUCT10NS 5- 2-0S.doc ~.genda Item t'>Jo. 7 A ,'>!ovember 10. 2009 Page 108 of i 62 ~I/\ .~ ' '30~~ wee.:.-\ Co\' Y\~ '2'~ ~ . Lc~l~ l\ '\> fe\,e-.r~J ~D-t\. ~ SOv~~e...~~,l'1 -\o<-~cRj wl.t~k lJ'_.1<.e ~\\J~. t\1)Dc~ ~G.UA~~ (~) S \) v., i e-c. ~ '? t-o 9<?J;-J... '1 \ c .:-<>-;-4-~ Q?f ,'0 x' \ ,v.c.... \-e\ '1 t.,;1 ;, M-L 6.0e.. http://maps.collierappraiscr.comloutput/C II' ~'OCK'~ 04;: ~\.t ~ \[\0 '\-\. '- e.,... · o lCr__ 08_sde021272428027527.jpg ~'~}f\ 1.. . WE-S+ <2~ elf ~\~ i~\,le. S/...0 t t\ Q ~. {(owC~~\'I.S> vJ~s\'J (\bO(;~ L~Gl.ift0E:-Ce.6b)"~ Sv~~e c.~. ~iOf(U-~ locCt.-t-e~Q ;-t/"P fO x nN\U..-~.d ~ \. ~- t\\'? e..o...:~ \- c4 +h.\. <S. '/\0\1 c -e..- . # -fC.cb~\.,. ?;t\L-\ s ~ l' ?... b::--s--\- eVld. 01- 3\st-Au~Sw ~~\.~ '0,)e.<;+ A O~ 1) L1\1t.J~..;)~~ ~ Ct2c-b) -- - -- 'Sv"\n ~c:'.d- ~ {6~~'" \occt--\-~(~ & ue.. ~G.J1+ 0 r;.. +h.'\~ \l~'h.<:(." 4/14/2009 .. l'W' ~ " t % t .. ~'" Vt L ,,~ ". ~ fIJ vlGO ~ \{) !~ -' ifO G ((fi.~ ~1,~ Agenda Item NO.7 A November 10,2009 Page 115 of 162 AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE f-"'_, 1 hereby certify that pursuant to Ordinance 2004-41, as amended, of the Collier County Land Development Code, I did give notice by mail to the following property owners and or condominium and civic associations whose members may be impacted by the proposed land use changes of an application request for a rezoning, PUD amendment, or conditional use, at least 10 days prior to the scheduled Neighborhood Information Meeting. For the purposes of this requirement, the names and addresses of property owners shall be deemed those appearing on the latest tax rolls of Collier County and any other persons or entities who have made a formal request of the county to be notified. The said notice contained the laymen's description of the site property of proposed change and the date, time, and place of a Neighborhood Information Meeting. ,~....-...... of this State of Florida County of Collier The foregoing Affidavit of compliance was acknowledged before me this IQ+\; day of A '^-~ U b-T , 2009 by])U\ Ie) It P-oc!. r '3 vez- , who is personally known to me Of whe has ploJu~t;d as IdentificatiOn. (Notary Seal) Printed Name of Notary ~. .....,.- ~- --.: ~ NAPLES DAILY NEWS Published Daily Naples, FL 34102 Affidavit of Pu blica tion State of Florida County of Collier Before the undersigned they serve as the authority, personally appeared Susan Rogge, who on oath says that she serves as the Vice President of Finance of the Naples Daily, a daily newspaper published at Naples, in Collier County, Florida; distributed in Collier and Lee counties of Florida: that tbe attached copy of the ndvcrtis;ilg, OClJig ~ PUBLIC NOTICE in the matter of PUBLIC NOTICE was published in said newspaper on August 5, 2009 time in the issue Affiant further says that the said Naples Daily News is a newspaper published at Naples, in said Collier County, Florida, and thaI the saId newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Collier County, Florida; distributed in Collier and Lee counties of Florida. each day and has been entered as second class mail matter at the pOSl office in Naples, in said Collier County. Florida, for a period oj I year next preceding the first p'JbIlcation of the attached copy of advert is nt; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promi any person, finn or corporation any discount. rebate, com ion or refund for the purpose of securing tillS advertisement for pubiJ tion in ~ePhpe(Ja ( S;goalU" of ,ffi,ot) ~ Sworn to and subscribed before me This 6th day of August, 2009 ~ .-~..-..---- .-..- ."...." 'm"~ · ""~ KAROL e KANGAS I \ Notllry Public - State 01 Florida ~ ~J My Comm. Expires Jul 29,2013 -"~0<.\.'rfJ..., Commission # 00912237 '"'Ut''' i\genda Item NO.7 A ,November 10, 2009 NEIGHBOm-'()OD162 IN~ORMATION MEETING Solid Waste Resource Recovery PE' Wednesday, August 12, 2009 . 5:30 pm Golden Gate Community Center Auditorium 4701'G61den GIteParkway, Naples, FL The public is invited to i1ttehd a neighborhoOd informatior meeting' relative to a .formal' application submitted to Colliel County seeklng;~f.Ovalo.f .Conditione! Use for the propert) described as: . " .': 344 :l: Acres of County-owned land located approximately 1.5 miles east of Collier BOUlevard and 1 mile north of White Lake Boulevard in Section 25. Township 49 South, Hange 26 East, Collier c.ounty ~orida. i I i I ' '... _":.._ -_~_ I _.:._! . -:'- _...:...:.. )...--.... --~.......-:- ,-- ~ 0 LOCA TION ZONING MAP The petitioner (the ColHer County Solid Waste Management Department) is asking the County tpapprove: an application to allow development of a Resource Recovery Park on the described property. The Resource Recovery Park will provide functions such as land area for storm recovery operations, construction and demolition material processing, and biomass (horticultural debris)..processinQ--.Tbere is the potential for the development of other-needed O~9tI!ltivrl&~~- tive office space, educational facilities, bio-solids' processing: and/or a recycling collections and materials recovery facility, This meeting will provide residents an opportunity to become fully aware of the development intentions and to give input to influence the form of development. For information concerning the meeting, please call Margie Hapke, Public Utilities Division Public Information Coordina- tor, at 239-252-2679. If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the Collier County Facilities Management Department, located at 3301. E. Tamlami Trail, ~aples, FL 34112, (239) 252-8380, at least two days prior to the meeting. Assisted listening devices for the hear' ''"11- paired are available in the Board of County Commissioners C. No 23115261rt- Auaust 5 2009 . w 0 ~ N 0 ~ W N ~~ a? a? l) i'; z a? '" 0 Vi . ... ., . ~ ~ 0: l) ~ ~ ... " ~ 0 .. . ~ ~ 0 < 0 l) ~ M " ;:- u ~ ~ i'; M ~ '" "'Ii' 0: ~ . l( N- '" Z " -< N -~ ... 0 0 -" W a; :r ~1;~M 51/'1:;lr:;; ~" ~ M ~... '" 0 ~ ~O >- ~ ~ 010 .. ~ ~ ~ ~ Ml)~ ~ ~ W -' g: ~O N .....;~ M~ ~~~~ "'~<:i M ::l~ ~~!i N t:![l. < '" < "'N ~ 8; ~~~ N. ~~~~ '" ~~~@~ N N ~g 0 ... 0" Ii' ~"o ~wlr::Cl 0 (!l~(!llr 0 0 ... li'~:t' 0 a; 0 ~ o?:~ ... ~ 0 o.w _0 "0.,, o.zoo.. .. 0. crdl.O .. .. 0 .. 0 .. 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Comments: 0 () -0... /)'ltf€/l'f 7 III tvtlt ~ 6l of (:> o~ C;;S /""V\ /}'t,v CO(1'O OlD ./.-:"-; X"( ~., /114 J!.(2 -J () /)1 e . t :'-'::CQ n () (<.;.e ?,n I, j} IJ (~UAC. d,s: '(['0-/-1 ~ jr~'(J\~ /if! v-+( ((..J ~.(;./\~:f ~..l(f:;i~ , /iv' )1- (11 'I Y"} . . HI (" I a:,c';~ I , It::t {,. ( f ';) ("~ I .,.; ,J.. jv..> \I ./'" R1-'; III 5 .11"\. .f (. :~.c L..'-'- ,L '. ';1J -.... i.1 f> '(,+( ({,.l+\Ye1', Q h)5( ,f .~' ,.) fu'( (l"'DJ "("'t~" , ! ~ ~'" ~ ~ PC.fiCe kl< ;;/) r;e,r,(ieP h ,i.? rl'l 0 ,j ~("",-:.e kid p(, hIli; \,,""{'~e~e\j"'? df'\I<{'A .~ )1 0 I 5' ~ ~/~() U f1' t-. v: ( . -liJ\ (Z,(!".) hb: I:;; I vi IS n-v:)'{f..-" 'fi)O VSa, \. P \"2. ( \/ II ~F( '~ ,e ,j. (() f"'+u./,F\ C\ \'tf kJ lei e , t huJ '-/- IJ)d Ice 61 tl+ ;"""6""! Thank you for taking time to participate in this Public Information Meeting Collier County Public Utilities Solid Waste Management Department Resource Recovery Park Conditional Use Permit Application Neighborhood Information Meeting Wednesday, September 12, 2009, 5:30 pm Please forward your comments to: Margie Hapke, Public Information Coordinator Collier County Public Utilities Division 3301 Tamiami Trail East, Building H, 3rd Floor Naples, FL 34112 FAX: 239-252-2526 Phone: 239-252-2679 email: margiehapke@coIliergov.net PUBLIC INFORMATION COMMENT SHEET Name Joe J(1)/'V!i.JrO-s f1 ~ ( 1 10 0-{cU/\" J jtJ!(l l ('e \. AUe.. Address City State 1-: ! Zip Code ,3 tf/ /) '1 Please use this comment sheet to express your opinions about this project. Please leave comment sheets with the Public Information Coordinator in attendance or fax, email or mail comments to the address sho,l'n below. Comments' -~(: /O~~~ ! / ~ ~ t:/t~V"tr ~ 0lw;'+:~ 1 R-n,,), w" V r"t'1~~~ ( --IL, "i J,f -'. Af ,'I-~ ~/) 1'\1".. / ~ <>~ {;' '7fr~ I:~ : -,0 h ; < ~"(f o&Y> I ~tM~~: . );0 .p t;, 1 (' ..: " -\ >'1 ft -~ IJ "''' '.fJYM' Z ? . /, /1 Thank you for taking time to participate in this Public Information Meeting Collier County Public Utilities Solid Waste Management Department Resource Recovery Park Conditional Use Permit Application Neighborhood Information Meeting Wednesday, September 12,2009, 5:30 pm Please forward your comments to: Margie Hapke, Public Information Coordinator Collier County Public Utilities Division 3301 Tamiami Trail East, Building H, 3rd Floor Naples, FL 34112 FAX: 239-252-2526 Phone: 239-252-2679 email: margichapke@colliergov.net PUBLIC INFORMATION COMMENT SHEET Address .Z6)'( A ./;71/) I ~.I, e / / l ,';/ /11 \. ." \, . I / 4/ /\ SJ, 1/ t~~/ L~( / State Zip Code J>( ./"' ' .; I' 1:>((/ Name City /1/(; J'1 I,. -s t / .. Please use this comment sheet to express YOllr opinions about this project. Please lem!e cOlllment sheets with the Public Information Coordinator in attendance or fa.y, email or mail comments to the address shown below. .' .. I f /l Comments: XC, /, d (" pI., lcr t; d I H "" 1-[,1 r7 . 'f'?; I". (j' (~ \1 It) ) ) }1f1 /I{'" <:.~' Iff Lf I ~ 1,_;' ~.)" I . "._ /1 "Y; { f) i ~"- .:: f"' I . "::' ,...... r:/" /c-.J I i ;; /' i /1 .., ( / ! Ii / (-- /,1 f ",. '--. ' ( ':1-/,., I o I' ,''-/\ .'<"::: . 11 <'-;/I I" (l /", I I r....CCj' ! ," //1. (-. r/ I r>...: (.{ feh c/ (. ,'7' /, I,,,; I, c 1('. (. (" )(1 ..,... / / _.r"'" jl a I.I--P .)L~ . /) r:-;'j \ /t'1 / ! IS '17 r; "/1 Sf -/.-<-.> /'-. h Ii f oC:'C> ."/":"""c' ',L :} 4., f~'fil(1 ;1 ,'. e <.,(""11 fr--r/ I I Il.f :L Ii r..J ({.I, /,; ....,.....t ( ,'I i " t~ l"''''f:~ ,It.., -1-- ! '- c... /,,,.,,0> i/, ,'" cl (;,/) " .I Thank you for taking time to participate in this Public Information Meeting Collier County Public Utilities Solid Waste Management Department Resource Recovery Park Conditional Use Permit Application Neighborhood Information Meeting Wednesday, September 12, 2009, 5:30 pm Please forward your comments to: Margie Hapke, Public Information Coordinator Collier County Pnblic Utilities Division 3301 Tamiami Trail East, Building H, 3rd Floor Naples, FL 34112 FAX: 239-252-2526 Phone: 239-252-2679 email: margiehapkc@colIiergov.nct Collier County Public Utilities Division Solid 1f1aste Manage111ent Departl11ent Resource RecovelY Park Conditional Use Perlnit Application Neighborhood Infol'lllatioll ftleeting Sign-In Sheet TVedllesday, Septe111ber 12, 2009, 5:30 p111 N Al\1E: \ co:' ,"- \. 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Ii ,"'"j' \//" ;-1' t'-oJ L 4 " ('- /'-'/ '-!'f+'I< C' r-1 A fL. (c.' t.; Collier County Public Utilities Divisioll Solid Waste ManagelJlellt Departl1zent Resource Recovel}' Park Conditional Use Pel'lllit Application Neighborhood In/or/nation Meeting Sign-In Sheet Wednesday, Septel1zber 12, 2009, 5:30 pUt NAME: -!) A~I AJ G PITl~ ) f.J. S 0 K,J C- L /'? u V r f'..\ I') AFFILIATION: ADDRESS: --J,..., / '~) .c L' .~ !..~ ,.) . '"', r:.. '7;'-7rv) i () fjJ') UfJ I L- TELEPHONE: ..;2/') ,)--. -~ ,5:,3:2)+ E-MAIL: '1)\,-1 ~ ( 11-rt:..f tv <;0/": @..- c 01 \ ,'c7L C)~)\} (4 tl Ct' ..,j NAME: ~~; ) (~ / 2~ (Y) (Y)€.1(fO\().J} AFFILIATION: Lf " I)~ t::) ry) ADDRESS: DCa I 'fCAJY1 I I),fll I Tro.{; Ie, B td(jKJ TELEPHONE: d,Q9 -, ;)50-- cl~Jv~ E-MAIL: s;: u L.- \7) (Y~(Y\.ufY\oU1, eC-D I r(er;~ 0 V .. n& v NAJ\IE: /1-" / I /!, /),/, I //,) II/I] 'S. (/IIC'( /,,/1 TELEPHONE: 7 S-J ~ 2 L('-l( // !..-'~~ ........? .,/ f ".f/ \ \ , \,/ \~ J\ \:;' \.~') , \ \J 1 i , ~,\ \ . 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U ; ) Ihr/lG (:il I) ( 'Z'sr..j J :; t- Sr.,-) .-V'\-hvU. -- LI J~; '5 'i -3 5~S S L)'71 f ~Yla.J"Q}'\ (;: (' 'nl'-Cft<J-.t. I L,,--t- ,,,,---( /) "' ,....../ .~ (.c.,.-" () '-r)' \ ,~ /Ccc1!.(l.--t.. U (::)" S i ~ ;~\ (UzJ( ~-<<-t) .') '1 i....--' U y......_ G CL(:"'\ j ~) /..../- :) l 1~7 ( ) .::S J! ,:'. . . " .'1 .1 (! ( ......... (. 'f 1,(,,-<- "y;J',\( 6';) e.-r7l/ \.(i/L (', /I/,{.<?~.[..' ,c. ~~-71'\.._... , \ . ,. ., ) <~y() k ~\ .. l~}-\ ~ I.,. '\ .-/ {l \, L~ 'Z' c: 'Z.; ,I' \-\'\:~ C' - C/'./ -" I "t, l..~., :\ > t,v' , \ ,'r1 '-z I (,- r? 1.1'J '.:", ,_ L \ ;> \~"r) ,r-'--.., I ~ r, t:-lll ()'~i"'\'1 Jj().~U..J~J ( cJ \.-1~'jl''\-tc'CilPt''""' .' f.C_/, / . Collier County Public Utilities Division Solid lYaste Managelllellt Depart/nent Resource RecovelY Park Conditiollal Use Perlnit Application Neighborhood Infonnatioll Meeting Sign-Ill Sheet Wednesday, Septe111ber 12, 2009, 5:30 pin NAME: ~EtL:(:VV\L '\ ~5-rE(2_ ~_ AFFILIATION: ,;)~:3 C)? ct>V~C/\ ,,'J0 ILl) ADDRESS: "7 r\ _ c-. (/' S- - 1../ ():J C(' <_-< .) I:> ( TELEPHONE: E-MAIL: NAME: f) J~ ( /\. ':{_J' V -c --_\ c.) )( ~J i~) t., (;2/ AFFILIA TION: ADDRESS: ..) 'C / /) ,,) i) (I L) ,'9-;)/1 /);/ (' ~---- . , ,,_.,,), uJ ' TELEPHONE: r) 'j ,_ - ) J- .._-, / / ,// II: (/1 E-MAIL: ".", ,'",- "",., " (-- I '\'.! I (f'\i,lfl('J( (,'111''((', ./,( 1- NAl\lE: ( ; I ,/1 ,/, / i ,I ( ( ,-' I I' / i ) l( ! / ) , <- C' c... /C' (;'>--> AFFILIA TI ON: \ C/, :; ..,2)(' i (,-j ~:..), {I /:, f' '/(')C/ : '.',~~ f,/C) .~...~'._-' , ~.,/ /_ /_.\,,.... L ADDRESS: I TELEPHONE: ( E-IVIAIL: )':\ ")i .' ,/' , 1(") ':) " ) ,) - I ,.1/. <-'J .' j " /., ,'4,' ) . /i {) (' t ! / I I " , (,I,' /,', ",', '\ ( , jl ,/ \ / / ,/, (/ '. _ "J." 'r i I ! /', / I! i i l.,' )A I ,U../!. \,' \. / / Collier County Public Utilities Division Solid Waste Managelllent Depal'tl1lent Resource RecovelY Park Conditional Use Perin it Application Neighborhood Info1'l1lation Afeeting Sign-In Sheet Wed:e:J{:),SePtel~b:/2' 2009, 5:30 pm /~cfo,,/ fCIJ((f'~ / AFFILIA TI ON: (} C {./ fA I~~ (--- s I. /ll' ~/. (!c'; r ,1 <;y (' . NAME: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: E-MAIL: NAME: AFFILIATION: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: E-MAIL: r., /,7 . ,-..,.L t:. I ~/J\ Sf. V1t/ (..,)'/C)t/J{("-\, Fl v I / ~M)(:;C/ () 1~1( t<'!~:,) (ili;J,/vC/lNC/r!.((!11'1 I '.- I (_\ Ar/1 ~- (:, {( I C; p. l!_ C C. -. I f_ \. .~/ / [) \.,J ,.-,/ :,~ A ~,-, I () l,):~, _.) I v', , -, "2 0., /-/ e,(, ,_) (7 ''', '",\,' J \.0 I \) i- J ('<~) ~/ / //) . // .. / .,' ,f /,f./"~1 NAME. . . /1 / ." . ( / // . // 1./ AFFILIATION// (-. i /1 ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: E- MAIL: ../,...-),-; , / 1/ /',,/j, 1/ '{/ ;'q / "jCLA-j ( A.._,... (/ ~ /), /7 !'/ / .-,< I .. (, /..2'(./7"'" / / D ). l' r; // ,'? /[ I ,//(),'1 J fi/f),) I Collier County Public Utilities Division Solid TYaste Managelllellt Departl11ent Resource Recovery Park Conditional Use Perin it Application Neighborhood Info1'l1latioll Meeting Sign-In Sheet TVednesday, Septel1zber 12, 2009, 5:30 pill ~-) K~) ;J ~ ______ I NAME: c_Xo/1 (\, 9f2-~ AFFILIATION: 1/{)r?lC 6Lu/,,-)6f<-_. ADDRESS: ,'3/71D! ?)/ sf tAlC::: gCJ ;0fJP/&,> ;CL TELEPHONE: E-lVIAIL: NAME: AFFILIATION: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: E-MAIL: NA1\1E: AFFILLATION: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: E-lVIAIL: /f c:; c: .-5 (/" '2 c- '- .' ,-.--:>. .7 ---:> h~ e~LJw6EL_ (2- /; --) / /'" /1/\ lie/" L--. ,_ <---_u... r \ /17 - /1;'-/. ,-p \'" C. -7./L / I, /? L_/v /,. '-,~ C,j-//kJ "'--- ~!jl)' /'1'L.'( (')) / ) () r.- / - --- / L/'-./ r, l. '--_' -3/ '-7 C) :? /~?F- />( L! L_ ,) l/0 '-7'7 <<; c ~7 /-- ---::> ,_ /- C' / /. ...~'L-_-'~! c-: ~..5 b / (, "0; 0 / c_ C4/1 61,,,- ;;) A 0 L'___ -- / . I 1/' '1/ _ 1 l. (j . i /1_C ;' , ! I . ~/ /. /C' ....: Ci I /l_'( C( '-J -\., -\ \ ."-( L,'l \__ \./ f..........( /., J C, SJ [J (~ ,cl t (/i / \. ) '?) S' )- ( J, "7 ~/ 1 ! / '--- c-\ 5~. /. ;1, ;,' / I J:{ l/ ') I .,:- J , - I "\ .) L. ' '-' ') } '- / . \ \ V ~.., .') V\ --1._._ j.' ({ v /t t'), .-o( .c\ ! j , J - "I' ," ~, -j . '> r "-7. r-C / /. ' ""-'y'-.-' . ~'J I'L t- , C{, Collier County Public Utilities Division Solid JVaste Mallagel1lent Depart/nellt Resource RecovelY Park Conditional Use Perlnit Application Neighborhood Infonnation Meeting Sign-In Sheet Wednesday, Septel1lber 12, 2009, 5:30 pl1l NAME: r )e)-C~~ ~NtlJC)~ .~ AFFILIATION: l!-,Y:}Hd C>U) It<:>../L I ...~v '...fee.. (s ! ADDRESS: 0X~O ,~~C~-\ W(l0('('d ZA/l-'(' TELEPHONE:_.5'17 Z/ PI E-MAIL: Ja(OI(jJ()~ <,7@ 110-L · CCJ/l? fv1t3 t~ t [J lvl D I{-e r NAME: AFFILIATION: LJ:'i k"" \cl c-' l.\..) n e.,.1' ADDRESS: J lto I 2_c1'+ k', (~\le._ ::; l.0 t\.jCL{~ LC5 , F L 3y t I r I TELEPHONE: 2' '70 _ ';)C' /J_ c' - " . .r:...) I ,.J ,._7.J ,-)Cc..-C,0 E-MAIL: , ~_. , /.. ,r, ~). . I) V.LI 1(:.:--- f Y")U ',1 (.f .:::. C10 1II'(7_Y'::J> \.1 I () .(., -j NAME: -----_.~. ~--j' (";: I . " /' () {l IlL ( ...) .. .' 'S () C7 () '.-" ( ! ) c- --/1:) ---~. -/ - \. 1'/' I. ()~j}(-( I' ,,-S'({jl . AFFILIATION: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: _, --..c... -). .5-:-:> (;.':') - . -- F '~';'S-5--:>'- r~l V') . ((/) (-I 'Ie 3 '? 'f) t? 0/ CO'j1"\... I E-MAIL: Collier County Public Utilities Division Solid Waste Manage111ent Depart111ent Resource RecovelY Park Conditional Use Penn it Application Neighborhood Info1'lnation }v[eeting Sign-In Sheet Wednesday, Septelllber 12, 2009, 5:30 pIll \j),,&; (i '~J2j~- O-/(3,L/I~__',/- tl!c) {liE () (Ii J/C //2- ~ , ) ::;J )(-; ()~3! .~;T ill/{~ :.~~ L/ NAME: AFFILIATION: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: E-MAIL: NAl\1E: AFFILIA TION: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: E-MAIL: NAME: AFFILIATION: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: E-MAIL: Y 5-,,)- -} / .11( I l'\/ A -.{ !'v' 2 {/) , ,,:, t: Iv --.-........ ~;.\T) 1'\ (. ,_; l J ,vt (L ~ -, \l., \ / ',') \ l^l L q. /i\< _'v. .-;> ... c) S ,1. :'J \.) 0 \.0 b~\ ~\<"t. 1'\:; l'. 'V.,:, (Zl,,) C l~ v, C tee> \. Ii ( ~/ .- '1 L~ ! ') /, , 'i .__/& \ V'\ {,// " , \ ,,\, - f-' \..-" 1\;1 "" C'"" ,.--" , ( / \,\,) ,\ c':/, /-) '} \, U'" '-, ,/ <. T .c:._._ ,") \ "'>"i Il C~ [' )\ .:-) (V j L\.- --:) ('.- "1.. L{' '\' (' .~ (',_. '\" -'7 C i t -..\ \.._,/ :.....' _, .) ! .C:>.( -\'-\_1 r~ L ( -' .,' I I '-, \ /-\ (;{- \" ADDRESS: Collier County Public Utilities Division Solid Waste Alanage111ent Departl1lent Resource RecovelY Park Conditional Use Perlnit Application Neighborhood Inf01'1n([tion Meeting Sign-In Sheet Wednesday, Septe111ber 12, 2009, 5:30 PUl 11/ ",,( ~p ~(c) "01 ( dcc./ AFFILIATION: I-f{) 1/1 -G- C}?u 11~ /' . -? / 4~ /-/1 I) ~_'- ~ L:' /( ) 2f)J!t/ L_ ,le...J L/ . ~3 9' if ::;$.,7,? 7;? NAME: TELEPHONE: E-MAIL: NAME: [:V E L 'i tV ivl e?~? C;T-bc=) AFFILIATION: 1-ID'iA/IE l") LU/-JCR. ADDRESS: ;) 35'-/ DEeLA. 2JA TELEPHONE: 5<75' --3 S 2J 7 E-MAIL: Cc:t.t_l/J~)l/YiO:.vICDDle~\./Q~IOO.CD (/l/\ NAME: ['II.) S\Zl \ (~t\ \ \ \\CjS,\-c,\\-h AFFILIATION: C._ \\>~) ".Q (C-=-\~JL,\ ~QY ADDRESS: "ZC'llrl""1 :;2)l+1~) ~~T(\OQ -\- c=::i~0 TELEPHONE: ~?-'~OI-?.J~)-?::>,Cll'-r7 E-MAIL: ~\.1\.S h~.J (~)) \\(') \ \ \ i,~ (; ~. Lee) '( -Hl' p.:;. Q. i- "- Collier COUllty Public Utilities Division Solid Waste Managel1wnt Depart111ent Resource RecovelY Park Conditional Use Perlnit Application Neighborhood Infor/nation Meeting Sign-In Sheet JYednesday, Septe111ber 12, 2009, 5:30 plll -; i!A'fzh/~. /--[1-;-:) (c/ {~c:- . , ~ . (.i:; AFFILIA TION: A 1T?; i, c-I {I;" L, /7 (~~::; L)j V <eN () NAME: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: :(1) (1 (J It'(?-ll//() L) , N e.f E-:MAIL: .--' I \ '-.- - _ -c. ~r __ \ ( ,_) "JCk i:~----" NAME: AFFILIATION: l\ . \-1 --I I ) r _ \ C:-'i \( -_c___ I"") c c:...) \ .'":) ,/ C' r; r'"", -1 __-::J'~'- \'-"C:~ &:-__\,__ ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: (,~) C( -- "')2 t'J \ E-I\lAIL: . \~-<-. /:~\ \ \ '-'c (, G r, \.)" ,( c \..S t, c, <e'G, '(C"'() ,\ · (( 'i'J, \) L / I. l' !::' L 1\-' /. ( /1/ I? N Al\1E: AFFILIATION: ADDRESS: ,~; .; (7/ I) /. I' ,II (" 2. (~/.[./ - I '/1 ' IV" / (t \ .; 'I ( " "7 TELEPHONE: ;) ',; -), ,/ ~ - c; /; '-, E-MAIL: / I f. ~ (;:' l-,\ -.' ''''/ /1 - t', ; '.' -"''-'! :1/"'.. I '/' . ;: .'1 n Collier County Public Utilities Division Solid Waste Mallagel1lellt Depart111ent Resollrce RecovelY Park Conditional Use PerIn it Application Neighborhood Infol'lllatioll Meeting Sign-In Sheet Wednesday, Septelllber 12, 2009, 5:30 pIll NAME: ~\ D d '" R.- Cj IU fa -' lC' .4 / )1 I '.ilp G- If 0 (7 I () ,flU L) f-Y ':.s "of/' Y' c--> 5 (,.0 ,-} (~ J (? S cJ '~-- IlrJY 11 ..:--- AFFILIATION: ADDRESS: Y 5' .5'- ,o;Ze.> Y 7 TELEPHONE: E-MAIL: - J c' ; 0 fr. f' p 01- , C) '-z:.) ~!11 l-:'t ';\ r( ()J1 ~ ; L Co/; '----' NAME: , / C~{1~'(,f2- ,]:r .1,. If) (' f) \1 (0 (~ , L f' '~, AFFILIATION: .---- .....-.---- ADDRESS: ':.2 ':;:? ) (7 , 7 r/ / " ,~iJ,/ i) (.7" _ ,7\ f / /'le-e- c5. (,1/ (' TELEPHONE: -;J L_ Q -7- -) '') ;/ , ~,- .. 7 - '-=> f\, ( ~ \ ')) ,") 7 E-MAIL: NAME: --.~ j-;. f.'f / I k- . ,-, (/ \ "~I . /".__'. j;' di-'- /'" ~--, ~--- ,,'/(.-6) ('- / AFFILIATION: ...-,,", J); J '/ , I 'J ; " ,j {~. II /)'7 (~ h)r~ /;/ I' I . V - t/' >-1 )' ~...;( '-. '--..../ ~ - ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: E-l\1AIL: ( ~_ ,'J,. f' ;J J, --:-;f"' i/! J "___ - l\/'J~l}' / t..., i' r . " " '/'/1 (I() , '- Collier COt/llty Public Utilities Division Solid Waste Manage111ent Departl1lent Resource RecovelY Park Conditiollal Use Perlnit Applicatioll Neighborhood Infonnation Meeting Sign-In Sheet fVednesday, SepteJ1zber 12, 2009, 5:30 pUt \, '" \ .... \ - -. C.Y '/'\ \j\".i " .~-- \--_\ lJ,~' \,1~' \J/{_ (~ t;~ (__ NAl\1E: c- AFFILIA TIO N: ADDRESS: '--;? ,- -) I \( 0 ~ ! \ <)'- 7 ----:s \-'" _In C\ if ,-, ) ,.~ C'\. TELEPHONE: "'\ \- " . -'( \, (' E-MAIL: //~-"'I ( ,/ i') , ill (c ,I \,.) ~---, \ ~l li C'C', (,~->\._ \ ,r ,-- NAME: (~/ ),' "- / .j / ,(~? f /~_._....-! AFFILIATION: ADDRESS: .' I,.).., ~ (," " ; .. / '/ ;, (-, ('/;1- '~l/ i .:'~~_i--'~~;--;'_' \ / ,_/ / TELEPHONE: E-I\1AIL: NAl\1E: ". L AFFILIATION: :1 . i ADDRESS: , \ \' TELEPHONE: E-l\1AIL: Collier County Public Utilities Division Solid Waste Alanage111ent Departl11ent Resource RecovelY Park Conditional Use Perin it Application Neighborhood /nfo1'1llation Meeting Sign-In Sheet rVednesday, Septe111ber 12, 2009, 5:30 pill //!fz X () /u(/)L/IU(~') ',~~J k) 0 NAME: AFFILIA TION: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: E-MAIL: NAME: AFFILIA TION: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: E-MAIL: NAME: AFFILIATION: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: - E-MAIL: " (~~:>7 t (j 6r1 Jtl v~ 1\-) c\ r2/ c ,...-.--""'W~ ------- Agenda item NO.7. ~lwembil{Q~ 0, 200 Stt'Paci'~ 1~'j% of 16' RESOLUTION 96- 404 A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A MAINTENANCE FACILITY CONDITIONAL USE "ESSENTIAL SERVICES" IN THE "An ZONING DISTRICT PURSUANT TO SECTION OF THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 49 SQUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State ot Florida in Chapter 67-1246, Laws of Florida, and Chapter 125, Florida Statutes, has conferred on Collier County the power to establish, coordinate and enforce zoning and such business regulations as are necessary for the protection of the public; and WHEREAS, the County pursuant thereto has adopted a Land Development Code (Ordinance No. 91-102) which includes a Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance establishing regulations for the zoning of particular geographic divisions of the County, among which is the granting ot Conditional Uses; and WHEREAS, the Collier County Planning Commission, being the duly appointed and constituted planning board for the area hereby affected, has held a pUblic hearing after notice as in said regulations made and provided, and has con~idered the advisability of Conditional Use "Essential Servicesrt of Section in an f'A" zone for a maintenance facility, which may include buildings, fuel facilities, vehicle parking and maintenance facilities and equipment storage and maintenance facilities on the property hereinafter described, and has found as a matter of fact (EXhibit "A") that satisfactory provision and arrangement have been made concerning all applicable matters required by said regulations and in accordance with Subsection of the Land Development Code for the Collier County Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, all interested parties have been given opportunity to be heard by this Board in a public meeting assembled and the Board having considered all matters presented. NOH, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS of Collier County, Florida that: . :j( UOU ':'.[ 139 -1- .....-., -, -, Ag3E!Pa-ltll19~. 7 A November 10, 2009 Page 139 of 162 The petition filed by Alan D. Reynolds of Wilson, Miller, Barton and Peek, Inc. representing the Collier county Office of Capital Projects Management with respect to the property hereinafter described as: Exhibit "8" which is attached hereto and incorporated by reterence herein be and the same is hereby approved tor Conditional Use "Essential Services" of Section of the "A" zoning district for a maintenance facility in accordance with the Conceptual Master Plan (EXhibit "C") and subject to the following conditions: 1. Due to the intensity of vehicular use and maintenance associated with this site, and the possible fuel storage and dispensing facilities, the petitioner is encouraged to incorporate special precautions into the design ot the facility to preclude any possibility of surface water or groundwater contamination. 2. Stormwater outfall shall be to the west toward Golden Gate Canal. If stormwater discharge is southerly through the landfill site, through an open swale, then the petitioner shall perform quarterly monitoring at the southern most point of the swale and submit the monitoring reports to the Collier County Pollution Control Department. 3. Permits or letters of exemption from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) and south Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) shall be presented prior to final site development plan approval. 4. Environmental permitting shall be in accordance with the State of Florida Environmental Resource Permit Rules and be subject to review and approval by Current Planning Environmental Review Staff. Removal of exotic vegetation shall not be counted towards mitigation tor impacts to Collier County jurisdictional wetlands. 5. Buffer zones which extend at least fifteen (15) feet landward from the edge of wetland preserves in all places and average twenty-five (25) feet from the landward edge of wetland preserves shall be required at the time of site development plan approval. 6. All jurisdictional wetlands and/or mitigation areas shall be designated as conservation/preservation tracts or easements on all construction plans and shall be recorded on the plat, or by separate instrument, with protective covenants per or similar to Section 704.06 ot the Florida Statutes, prior to site developuent plan approval. At the time of site development plan submittal, the petitioner shall meet the guidelines of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) regarding potential red- cockaded woodpecker issues on site. 7. &OO( 000 fn 140 -2- ,f" r ( ,. , ! ~ ~ 1 ! :1 I r SEP - 3 1996 8. Pursuant to Section of the Land Development Code, if, during the course of site clearing, excavation or other construction activity an historic or archaeological artifact is found, all development within the miniuum area necessary to protect the discovery ahall be immediately stopped and the Collier County Code Enforcement Department contacted. 9. The proposed access from Garland Road shall be for emergency use only. 10. Prior to issuance of the first certificate of occupancy, Landtill Road shall be brought up to Land Development Code requirements, trom County Road 951 to the proposed entrance road. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be recorded in the minutes of this Board. Commissioner Matthe....s offered the foregoing Resolution and moved for its adoption, seconded by Commissioner ConstanUne and upon roll call, the vote was: AYES: Commissionec Matthews, Commissionec Constantine, Commissionec HanCock, Commissioner Hat'Kie, and commissioner Norris NAYS: ABSENT AND NOT VOTING: ABSTENTION: Done this 3rci day of September , 1996. A'ITES'I': DWrGHT . E. BROCK, CLERK c . ""/1 \.\ '< ~_ . .~':~.. [u;~:,~ ~~K.. ~TUDENT ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY CU-96-a RESOLUTION/17257 ~n()( fJOO r!'.; 141 -3- I A~1(1)d(; hurn f\J(,~ 7L~ , '. . ; I 1\!o~:rl :bel 'lp fl:9~ : SEP - 3 1995 FINDING OF FACT BY COLLIER COUNTY PL~HNING COMMISSION FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PETITION FOR CU-96-B The following facts are found: 1. Section ot the Land Devlopment Code authorized the conditional use. 2. Grantin9 the conditional use will not 8dve~sely aetect the public interest and will not adversely affect other property or uses 1n the same district or neighborhood because ot: A. Consistency with the Land Development Code and Growth Management Plan: Yes / No B. Ingress and egress to property and proposed structures thereon with particular reference to automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, and access in case of fire or catastrophe: Adequate ingre~' egress Yes No c. Affects neighboring properties in relation to noise, g.lare, economic or odor effects: I~O affect or Affect mitigated by Affect cannot be mitigated D. compatibility with adjacent properties and other property in the district: Compatible use within district Yes ~ No Based on the with stipulations, (copy recommended for approval DATE: 1/ If{ ),! I I . CHAIRMAN: ~!lI~ FINDING OF FACT CHAIRMAN/17260 EXHIBIT "A" MOK 000 rA-:; 142 : , I '. I . "~ '! , , . . -, \ 1: " . . ~ 'I. !,N,: 1';,1 :'Eofll No 7f" ~ " - I '" _.. ' .... .... ~ ,... ,..., ".."'...... _.,f' >I........... ~ . . SEP - 3 19~ '.'- ! ". . , ...: .' .. . " , -\ .~ ,.,: LEGAL DESCRIPT ION , :"'i~~ THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST I/~ OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH. RANGE 26 EAST. COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA LESS THE NO~TH 30 FEET. ALONG WITH THE EAST 1/2 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHE^Sr I/~ OF SECTION 2~, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH. RANGE 26 EAST. COlliER COUNTY. FLORIDA , .~ .. '.~ ...., . ~ . ". \. .~j; ..~,~lf. . .'.... , . , ...,.~. ;~~. CONTAIHING 61.15 ACRES HORE OR LESS. SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS AND RESTRICTIOHS OF RECORD. " , I" I I " ,I t . Of t. ,fJ: ~1:'~;'1 .~l.t.~ ~ . · ~r:.; ~. ';~J' .' ,I \ ~(II~' y\--~,..... , .' .: .... EXHIBIT "B" !lOO'; 000 w.~ 143 "I h ' -. .:." I , .., , . ' ' ' , . '.: ' I , :.. _~" , l'" , I . " "I (' ",,,~," I, I' . . " ',1,1 ___I ,I '"'\ , t' "" ") 1 11 ""r)'1 , . ,.' :. > ;.:~/j~6~" '; 'd-/ .} ': :L"~ 'a:rJ;~<l~.I~,~, ~'tJ~";'":.' .; I Agenda Item No. 7.A. November 10, 2009 I Page 144 of 162 --=~~t::~~~~~~~~~= -------~~~-~fks:t&.--j!Yl-es I\/i-L~~\t~L ~~t1k -Il~~il______ '._,~,._~..~.___. ._._~._______.,....~_w _..__._. .__. __..._._.. _ ...._~_____,__~. 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FiECEI\/ED iv\l-W () I) 2009 ZON!NG DEPARTrviENT Agenda Item NO.7 A November 10. 2009 Page 147 of 162 RESOLUTION NO, 09- A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF CONDITIONAL USES FOR A RESOURCE RECOVERY FACILITY WITHIN THE RURAL AGRICULTURAL ZONING DISTRICT WITHIN THE NORTH BELLE MEADE OVERLAY AND RURAL FRINGE MIXED USE DISTRICT (RFMU) OVERLAY FOR SENDING AREAS TO ALLOW 1) A "COLLECTION AND TRANSFER SITE FOR RESOURCE RECOVERY," PURSUANT TO COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE (LDC) SECTION 2.03.01.A.1.c.12; AND 2) "PUBLIC FACILITIES, INCLUDING SOLID WASTE AND RESOURCE RECOVERY FACILITY" AND "PUBLIC VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT STORAGE AND REPAIR FACILITIES" PURSUANT TO LDC SECTION 2,03.08,AA.a.(3)(b) FOR A PROJECT TO BE KNOWN AS THE RESOURCE RECOVERY PARK ON PROPERTY LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 1.5 MILES I EAST OF COLLIER BOULEVARD AND 1 MILE NORTH OF WHITE LAKE BOULEY ARD IN SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of Florida in Chapter 67-1246, Laws of Florida, and Chapter 125, Florida Statutes, has conferred on Collier County the power to establish, coordinate and enforce zoning and such business regulations as are necessary for the protection of the public; and WHEREAS, the County pursuant thereto has adopted a Land Development Code (Ordinance No. 2004-41) which includes a Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance establishing regulations for the zoning of particular geographic divisions of the County, among which is the granting of Conditional Uses; and WHEREAS, the Board of Zoning Appeals (Board), being the duly appointed and constituted planning board for the area hereby affected, has held a public hearing after notice as in said regulations made and provided, and has considered the advisability of Conditional Uses for a Resource Recovery Facility within the Rural Agricultural Zoning District within the North Belle Meade Overlay and Rural Fringe Mixed Use District (RFMU) Overlay for Sending Areas to allow 1) a "Collection and Transfer Site for Resource Recovery," pursuant to Collier County Land CU-2008-AR-13245 Rev. 10/23/09 lof3 Agenda Item NO.7 A hlovember 10. 2009 Page 148 of 162 Development Code (LDC) Section 2.03.01.A.1.c.12; and 2) "Public Facilities, induding Solid Waste and Resource Recovery Facility" and "Public Vehicle and Equipment Storage and Repair Facilities" pursuant to LDC Section 2.03.08.A.4.a.(3)(b) for a project to be known as the Resource Recovery Park; and the Collier County Planning Commission has found as a matter of fact (Exhibit "A") that satisfactory provision and arrangement have been made concerning all applicable matters required by said regulations and in accordance with Subsection 10.08.00.D. of the Land Development Code; and WHEREAS, all interested parties have been given opportunity to be heard by this Board in a public meeting assembled and the Board having considered all matters presented. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL YED BY THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA that: Petition Number CU-2008-AR-13245 filed by David Deans of PBS & J, representing Collier County through its Solid Waste Management Department, with respect to the property described in Exhibit "B", be and the same is hereby approved for Conditional Uses for a Resource Recovery Facility within a Rural Agricultural Zoning District \vithin the North Belle Meade Overlay and Rural Mixed Use District Overlay for Sending Areas to allow I) a "Collection and Transfer Site for Resource Recovery" pursuant to Subsection 2.03.01.A.1.c.12, and 2) "Public Facilities, including Solid Waste and Resource Recovery Facility" and "Public Yehicle and Equipment Storage and Repair Facilities" pursuant to Subsection 2.03.08.A.4.a.(3)(b) of the Collier County Land Development Code, for a project to be known as the Resource Recovery Park, in accordance with the Conceptual Site Plan described in Exhibit "C" and subject to the conditions found in Exhibit "D". Exhibits "A", "B", "C" and "D" are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. CU-2008-AR- I 3245 Rev. 10/23/09 2of3 Agenda Item NO.7 A November 10, 2009 Page 149 of 162 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board acknowledges that the Conditional Use created by Resolution No, 96-404 expired because construction did not commence. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be recorded in the minutes of this Board, This Resolution adopted after motion, second, and super-majority vote, this _ day of , 2009, ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: By: , Deputy Clerk DONNA fIALA, Chairman Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: HEIDI ASHTON-CICKO Assistant County Attorney (rx\.... \0'"\ "',1.,.'1, \V\ Exhibits attached: A. B, B. C, findings of Fact Legal Description Conceptual Site Plan Conditions 08-CPS-00845/42 HF AC CU-2008-AR-13245 Rev. 10/23/09 300 Agenda item NO.7 A November 10, 2009 Page 150 of 162 FINDING OF FACT BY COLLIER COUNTY PLANNL~G CO:MMISSION FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PETITION FOR CU-2008-AR-13245 The following facts are found: 1. Sections 2.03.02.E,1.c.5 and 2.Q3.07.L.5.c.v. of the Land Development Code authorized the conditional use. 2, Granting the conditional use will not adversely affect the public interest and will not adversely affect other property or uses in the same district or neighborhood because of: A. Consistency with the Land Development Code and Growth Management Plan: Yes ~ No B. Ingress and egress to property and proposed structures thereon with particular reference to automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, and access in case of fire or catastrophe: Adequate ingres~ egress YesL No_ C. Affects neighboring properties in relation to noise, glare, economic or odor effects: _ No affect or / Affect mitigated by lev. ~ t- S+'r)uJ.~ '-- _ Affect cannot be mitigated D, Compatibility with adjacent properties and other property in the district: Compatible use vvithin district YeS~NO Based on the above findings, this conditional use should, with stipulations, (copy attached) be recommended for approval to the BDard Df Zoning Appeals. CHAIRMAN: lt1 Ak DATE: .b ./1...( -0 '1 EXHIBIT A PI96rE 1 (J~? Agenda Item NO.7 A November 10, 2009 Page 151 of 162 FINDING OF FACT BY COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COlY.lMISSION FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PETITION CU~2008-AR-13245 The following facts are found: 1. Sections 2,03,02.E,1.c.5 and 2.03.07,L.5.c,v, of the Land Development Code authorized the conditional use, 2, Granting the conditional use will not adversely affect the public interest and will not adversely affect other property or uses in the same district or neighborhood because of: A. Consistency 7 Land Development Code end Growth Management Plen: Yes_ No_ B, Ingress and egress to property and proposed structures thereon with particular reference to automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control~ and access in case of fire or catastrophe: Adequate ingres~ egress YesL No_ C, Affects neighboring properties in relation to noise, glare, economic or odor effects: ~o ~ffect or _ Affect mitigated by L Affect cannot be mitigated D. Compatibility with adjacent properties and other property in the district: Compatible use ~in district YesL No_ Based on the above findings. this conditional use should, with stipulations. (copy attached) be recommended for approval to the Board of Zoning Appeals. MBMBER:vf/ ),:1(-01 DATE: EXHIBIT A ffJ fie).., ur r Agenda Item i'Jo. 7 A r~o\lember 10, 2009 Page 152 of 162 FINDING OF FACT BY COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PETITION FOR CU-2008-AR-13245 The following facts are found: 1. Sections 2.03.02.E.1.c.5 and 2.03,07.L.5.c.v. of the Land Development Code authorized the conditional use, 2. Granting the conditional use will not adversely affect the public interest and will not adversely affect other property or uses in the same district or neighborhood because of: A. Consistency with the Land Development Code and Growth Management Plan: Yes t/ No B. Ingress and egress to property and proposed structures thereon with particular reference to automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, and access in case of fire or catastrophe: Adequate ingress & egress Yes /" No~ C, Affects neighboring properties in relation to noise, glare, economic or odor effects: _ No affect or ~ffect mitigated by /AJt!.i..Mb~/).sn PULlt T71J1JS _ Affect cannot be mitigated D. Compatibility with adjacent properties and other property in the district: Compatible use within district Yes / No }VIm -S17pk.t,A--170;l.J.5.. Based on the above findings, this conditional use should, with stipulations, (copy attached) be recommended for approval to the Board of Zoning Appeals. DATE: 5/2-1 /01 ~~~~ l!Jh1n4 ~L?{ {!~ EXHIBIT A PfI;;t 3 tJr9 Agenda Item NO.7 A November 10.2009 Page 153 of 162 FINDING OF FACT BY COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PETITION CU~2008-AR-13245 The following facts are found: 1. Sections 2.03,02,E.1.e.S and 2.03,07,L.5,c.v, of the Land Development Code authorized the conditional use. 2, Granting the conditional use will not adversely affect the public ip.terest and will not adversely affect other property or uses in the same district or neighborhood because of: A, Consistency with the Land Development Code and Growth Management Plan: Yes-L No_ B, Ingress and egress to property and proposed structures thereon with particular reference to automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience. traffic flow and control, and access in case of flre or catastrophe: Adequate ingress & egress Yes,L No_ C. Affects neighboring properties in relation to noise, glare, economic or odor effects: _ No affect or ~ Affect mitigated by $\\E' {>1Ml _ Affect cannot be mitigated D. Compatibility with adjacent properties and other property in the district: Compatible use within disu-ict YesL No_ Based on the above findings, this conditional use should, with recommended for approval to the Board of Zoning Appeals. DATE: ~"i "2..1 -zc:oq MEMBER: (\Ylf; '0 Sa \f~~l'L EXHIBIT A 119' f ~ /lJG r Agenda Item f\Jo. 7 A November 10, 2009 Page 154 of 162 FINDING OF FACT BY COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PETITION CU-2008-AR-13245 The following facts are found: 1. Sections 2.03.02.E.l.c,5 and 2.03.07,L,5,c.v. of the Land Development Code authorized the conditional use. 2, Granting the conditional use Vv'ill not adversely affect the public interest and will not adversely affect other property or uses in the same district or neighborhood because of: A. Consistency with the Land Development Code and Growth Management Plan: Yes V No B. Ingress and egress to property and proposed structures thereon with particular reference to automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, and access in case of fire or catastrophe: Adequate ingress & egress Yes ~ No C. Affects neighboring properties in relation to noise, glare, economic or odor effects: ~ No affect or _ Affect mitigated by _ Affect cannot be mitigated D. Compatibility Vv'ith adjacent properties and other property in the district: Compatible use within district Yes t/ No Based on the above findings, this conditional use should, with stipulations, (copy attached) be recommended for approval to the Board of Zoning Appeals, DATE: .r:-~J'(/r MEMBER: -?;:~~ EXHI BIT A /'fiG! 6' (If q Agenda Item NO.7 A November 10, 2009 Page 155 of 162 FINDING OF FACT BY COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PETITION CU-2008-AR-13245 The foUowing facts are found: 1. SectiODS 2.03.02.E.1.c.5 and 2.03,07.L.5,c.v. of the Land Development Code authorized the conditional use, 2. Granting the conditional use VoIill not adversely affect the public interest and will not adversely affect other property Of uses in the same district or neighborhood because of: A. Consistency wit~e Land Development Code and Growth Management Plan: Yes1.... No_ B. Ingress and egress to property and proposed structures thereon with particular reference to automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, and access in case of fire or catastrophe: Adequate ingr7 & egress Yes No c. Affects neighboring pr;:.pet 'es in relation to noise, glare. economic or odor effects: IJk _ No affect or _ Affect mitigated by ~ Affect cannot be mitigated D, Compatibility with adjacent properties and other property in the district: Compatible use .,4in district Yes-'-. No_ Based on the above findings. this conditional use should. recommend fo approval to the Board of Zoning Appeals . ) ~/ "" DATE: !J tipulations, (copy attached) be MEMBER: EXHfBIT A f1l6! 6 or r Agenda Item NO.7 A November 10, 2009 Page 156 of 162 FINDING/OF FACT BiY COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION FdR A CONDITIONAL USE PETITION F([)R CU-2008-AR-13245 111e following facts are found: 1. Sections 2.03.02.E.1.c.5 and 2.Q3.07.L.5.c.v, of the Land Development Code authorized 1l1e conditional use. 2. Granting the conditional use will not adversely affect the public interest and vvill not adversely affect other property or uses in the same district or neighborhood because of: A. Consistency w/:, Land Development Code and Growth Management Plan: Yes_ No_ . Ingress and egress to property ahd proposed structures thereon with particular reference to automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, and access in case of fire or catastrophe: Adequate ing7 & egress Yes_ No_ A~:~?ighbOrillg properties in relation to noise, glare, economic or odor e7:T_ . _ No affect or _ Affect mitigated by _ Affect cannot be mitigated Compa1:ibility with adjacent properties and other property in the district B, c. D. Compatible use within district Yes ho Based on the above findings, this conditional use should, with stipulations, (c recomnlended for approval to the Board of Zoning Appeals. DA TE: sf;; 10 l I . M 8'-\SER EXHIBIT A !/"' /~ L / ......Pi:7{/ j?IJGr~ 7 tt? c; Agenda Item NO.7 A November 10, 2009 Page 157 of 162 FINDING OF FACT BY COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PETITION (1U-2008-~-13245 The following facts are found: 1. Sections 2.03.02.E,1.c.5 and 2.03.07.L.5.c,v, of the Land Development Code authorized the conditional use, 2, Granting the conditional use will not adversely affect the public interest and will not adversely affect other property or uses in the same district or neighborhood because of: A. Consistency witJ the Land Development Code and Growth Management Plan: YesL No_ B. Ingress and egress to property and proposed structures thereon with particular reference to automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, and access in case of fire or catastrophe: Adequate ingres;& egress Yes~ No_ C. Affects neighboring properties in relation to noiseLglare, economic or odor effects: I - _ No affect or -1- Affect mitigated by ~+/~KJ.C!,:t1'd)i,S.li5h Jtit- _ Affect cannot be mitigated ec 'e. /tlcOi1l/.JcA..(hd-t/-t1"nS D. Compatibility with adjacent properties and other property in the district: Compatible use within district Yes'~ No_ Based on the above findings, this conditional use should, with stipulations, (copy attached) be recommended for approval to the Board of Zoning Appeals, DATE: ~//(JC; / / MEMBER; -1irJA<, <7 ~~ EXHIBIT A I'IJ G e' ~ cF- Cf Agenda Item NO.7 A November 10, 2009 Page 158 of 162 FINDING OF FACT BY COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PETITION FOR CU-2008-AR-13245 The following facts are found: 1. Sections 2.03.02.E.1.c.5 and 2.03.07.L5.c.v. of the Land Development Code authorized the conditional use. 2. Granting the conditional use will not adversely affect the public interest and will not adversely affect other property or uses in the same district or neighborhood because of: Consistency ~and Development Code and Growth Management Plan: Yes_ No_ Ingress and egress to property and proposed structures thereon with particular reference to automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, and access in case of fire or catastrophe: Adequate ingr~eSS Yes_ No_ C. Affects neighboring properties in relation to noise, glare, economic or odor effects~ ~ No affect or ~tmitigated by b,...o ~~;",",r; _ Affect cannot be mitigated A. B, D, Compatibility with adjacent properties and other property in the district: Compatible use within district Yes~ Based on the above findings, this conditional use should, with stipulations, (copy attached) be recommended for approval to the Board of Zoning Appeals. DATE: 5" /1../ !o ~ I , 11E:M5~ -€!IAIR.hiAN: EXHIBIT A ~/iwe C} t7P Cf Agenda Item t'Jo. 7 A November 10, 2009 Page 159 of 162 Resource Recovery Park CU-2008-13245 Legal Description "'Qr~ P....lllCUl.ARL Y t>LSC/lIOl:O t,s ' Ol..:..OWS: Be"GIN "T 'TH~ S::urHf.ASi CORN::il 0( SfCTlON 2~" ~OWNS.,",:r ~9 !iOJ"'li, RA~GF.' :76 EAST, .,..F:NCE NB9'SO'CQ-W. ^:'ON'G 'W,[ SO\.IT'-I ~IN.. OF S.41C stcnON 25, A DISTANCE cr 264799 rtLT ;0 A f\OINT O~ Tile SOO1H 1/4 COR~ or SAIO SCCl'lON 25; lhCHef COlfJtNUC ~!!9'SO'Og"w. "l.ONe 11<1: SOl..;IH U~ Ol' SAI::l SEcnON Z:', A. Olsr.lHCt Of Z6",99 rU:T Ta IlIE SOl.Jro-fYl1::Sr C~HER ~ S.6JO StenOH 2r.: l1-lf~CF NOO'27':i'~"w A\.OKG ir'F; ~ST U~"( OF TI-'[ SOlJTWNEST 1/04- OF SAO S!:C'T101\ :7:';, A 015TI\,\I::[ OF '015,~ FTtT: 'TIiENCf' "l1\9'45'!i7"F:. A ~ISTANC:<: or G50.'il7 fT.E~j '":HfNCC NCO":7fI'52"w, " OISTM,.::r or 613.36 n::f:T; Tl-fr.NCE Sl'.l'3~'08"W, A ~ST"NCE" 660.&7 'EEl TO TilE: weST '/4 CORNE'R or S"IO StCTlON 25; TliEl'lCE NOO"2Tll"W, A OISTANa: OF 672 12 rEO TO TJ.lC N~'IlfYE:ST ~l€R or lfJ!: SOllIHvotS<T 1/4 or tH!:: SOOlf'~'Sf' f/4 OC 'HE: 1oI0!lTHWI'SI 1/401'" SAKl steno/( 2!>; lKt"lCE NBS'JJ"SO"t::, A OlSlA.Nct Of' 264-1.31 fL"E1 10 A POlto'r i:J'l 1H: (.10.51 UN{ CY flit NO:!tnl~sr )'. or S"IO 'SEer-ON ::\: NtNc:c. QONllWE NlHI')J'SO.c:, Ii. OISTANa: OF 1320.71 i'"E:E:T; "HEI/CE: SOO"JO'~9.E, ^ [)1$TAf\oIC'Z :y \31>0,52 FEE;7; ':HENCE $Els".e',,"W, A ;lISTANcr Of" 659.76 r;::n~ l\oIE"NCE" SO0'29'OS"E;, ^ OlST...~CC ~ 67880 rtn: THENCE N!l9'SS'2S't, A DlSTANCC or 650882 reef: '!I.ENct .'-100'24'22"". A DISTANce ~ &61),18; '!HENCE 'ole9'",S',:z"!:. I<. OrSfANt:E or 993.'" F1H: T>iE:~CE SOO'J6'16"!::, A OISTAliC!: Of 6!!1%,2!1 F"E:L1; ~I'CC" H69'5~'25"E:, .. [)ISTANct OF :531.93; iHENCX SOO'''O'13"f. A OlSTANCf OF 1Jfi5,97 FOrr TO Tl-'e: r>O:NT OF ElFGlt.!IoII/1fG, CONtAlM"'G J4-4,1 "Ckes, M~( M U:SS. Exhibit B ...-1--. ""a./t""l'" il!~ ~€t~tj I it ''''''ii '''' ,-- ~ ~.. '"s" l ~ 3>;:: n &..ft.. IS;; ~ i'. I ul ~ I _ _ ;I L___u !I -^, HI' :1 J · I \ ",- I i,{f' ~ I · ~ fr j I ~ I. ~ . Ii I Ilff H f N< 0> :2.0 m,. ~~ g~id ~~I~~ "in ~~~~ u r tl!:f Un: tU ~U Id r 3 ~; ~ q!1 iii 1f ~ I " J.Il: ~ gill ~ ~ So )>~ I ~;j ! J Iii h . ~~~Sl ".."'~ >n'" g' i; II ..I nIl .. i~jl i ~.. ;~! !: -0 ;>J m Ul m ;>J ~ )> ;>J m )> ~08 :z~c: OB~ if . J -", "_."~~"C>MI "i[~~ N ~f;!~i @ hli~n ~ ~~ m >< I OJ ::j PBSJ jJOO WC'.J'( C>>vn~ Stt",,,f S...lr". 20r; rompo. F/oddd JJ607 r,.l_ (8IJ) ;!8~- J;7!: F(1'1(, (BU) 2lJf>-12D7 hlf,,: / /..........Pl:II;j ~om :;(~T1()oo 2' r~$o<IfI.1 :i,'.Oll;( nr Conceptual Site Plan Resource Recovery Park SoUd Waste Nan_g*m.ttt Dltparttne-nt ExhibIt C ~~~~ ~~~ I f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'i ~ < " '" ~ !ii Nm~ ~~~ m;;tZ ~CJ)~ -< m ~~ GOLOEN Gl',TE C"..lW.aL ~ ~ I g , II il Agenda Item I'Jo, 7 A November 10, 2009 Page 160 of 162 i r J !I " :, I: ~ - _ L ~ IlJ Ii ~ ~ DIIU '> J I ~ ~s~~ij! ~ : ~ ~~sp~ I : ':~i~~~ I ~~Jro~~ : ~ B~ES~ f) 00( l~}'~. ~~~F~ ~h~~ zo~..... ;;;i.~ ~~ej U~~ ~~~ ::.~ >.. ". r> , If U J H~ -- March 11, 200a Revised June 1, 2009 Agenda Item NO.7 A November 10, 2009 Page 161 of 162 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Collier County Resource Recovery Park CU...2008-AR-13245 1. The Resource Recovery Park shall be limited to that which is depicted on the conceptual site plan, identified as the "Collier County Resource Recovery Park" dated March 11,2008 and last revised June 1,2009, prepared by PBS&J; and 2. The site plan noted is conceptual in nature for Conditional Use approval. The final design must be in compliance with all applicable federal, state and county laws and regulations; and 3, The Department of Zoning and Land Development Review Director may approve minor changes in the location, siting, or height of buildings, structures, and improvements authorized by this conditional use, so long as these minor changes remain consistent with all applicable development standards; and 4. Expansion of uses identified and approved within this Conditional Use approval, or major changes to the approved plan, shall require the submittal of a new conditional use application, and shall comply with all applicable County ordinances in effect at the time of submittal, including Chapter 10.02.03, of the Collier County Land Development Code, Ordinance 04-41, as amended, for Site Development Plan (SOP) review and approval; and S. If it is judicially detennined or otherwise agreed to by the County, then the County shall provide access to the outparcels identified on the Boundary Survey as #40, #41. and #42 (all of which are located within the easternmost tract identified on the site plan as "Out Parcel 10,20 Ac Zoned-A"). Said access shall be to Garland Road or other public or private road. Preserve area calculations shall not be affected by such access; and 6. No permanent access onto 31 sl Street SW shall be granted as part of this Conditional Use approval; however, this condition shall not be construed to preclude any temporary emergency access that may be required by any other government agency; and 7, The 39 acres of off~site mitigation shall be identified prior to Site Development Plan approval; and 8. A Red Cockaded Woodpecker (RCW) management plan will be required to be submitted and approved as part of the next development order. 9. The hours of operation shall be the same as the landfill; and 10. All individual sites within developed area shall be designed as drive-thru as much as possible to minimize backup movements by vehicles; 11. A 200' wide preserve buffer shall be provided along western side of property; 12, Processing of yard waste shall be on the south side of the property as much as possible with staging to the north; Revised 6/23/09 to reflect CCPC consent agenda changes EXHIBIT 0 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners, as the Board of Zoning Appeals, of Collier County will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, November 10, 2009, In the Boardroom, 3rd Floor, Administration Building, Collier County Government Center, 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, Florida. The meeting will be. g in at 9:00 A.M. The title of the pro- posed resolution is as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS OF COLLIER COUN. TY, FLORIDA, PROVIDING .FOR THE ES- TABLISHMENT OF CONDITIONAL USES FOR A RESOURCE RECOVERY FACILITY WITHIN THE RURAL AGRICULTURAL ZONING DISTRICT WITHIN THE NORTH BELLE MEADE OVERLA Y AND RURAL FRINGE MIXED USE DISTRICT (RFMU) OVERLAY FOR SENDING AREAS TO AL- LOW 1) A "COLLECTION AND TRANSFER SITE FOR RESOURCE RECOVERY., PURSUANT TO COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE (LDC) SECTION 2.03.01.A.l.c.12: AND 2) .PUBLlC FA- CILITIES, INCLUDING SOLID WASTE AND RESOURCE RECOVERY FACILITY" AND "PUBLIC VEHICLE AND EQUIP- MENT STORAGE AND REPAIR FACILI- TIES. PURSUANT TO LDC SECTION 2.03.08.A.4.a.(3)(b) FOR A PROJECT TO BE KNOWN AS THE RESOURCE RECOV. ERY PARK ON PROPERTY LOCATED APPROXIMA TEL Y 1.5 MILES EAST OF .COLLlER BOULEVARD AND 1 MilE NORTH OF WHITE LAKE BOULEVARD IN SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. Petition: CU-200B-AR-13245, Collier County through its Solid Waste Man- agement Department, represented by ---,1 )avid Deans of PBSS; J, is requesting :onditional Uses within the Rural Ag- 'i.cultural Zoning District within the ~orth Belle Meade Overlay and Rural :ringe Mixed Use District (RFMU) )verlay for Sending Areas to allow !) a. "Collection and Transfer Site for lesourceReCDyery," pursuqnt to Col- ier County Land Development Code LOC) Section 2.03.01.A.1.c.12; and 2) 'Public Facilities, inCluding Solid IJaste and Resource Recovery Facili- y" and "Public Vehicle and Equip- nent storage and Repair Facilities" IU r sua n t t.o L 0 C S e. c t ion !.03.08.A.4.a.(3)(b) Df the RFMU Ois. rict for a project tD be known as the lesource "Recovery Park. .The subject property, cDnsisting of approximately 344' acres, is located approximately 1.5 miles east of Colli er Boulevard (CR 951) and one mile north of White Lake Boulevard, in Section 25, Town- ship 49 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida. NOTE: All Persons wishing to sreak on any agenda item must regJster with the County Administrator prior to presentation of the agenda Item to . be addressed. Individual speakers will be limited to 5 minutes on any item. The selection of an individual to speak on behalf of an organization or group is encouraged. If recognized by the Chair: a spokes. ,I~genda Item NO.7 A hlovember 10, 2009 Page 162 of 162 " ._..h _. _~ Naples Daily News e Sunday, October 25.200ge21D ' "~----':'''':'';':';'''----~-:-'~:--::-=::'::::-=-7''::'''':'_'=:::~::____-=-,,:::,;,::::-::_.:::-_.....~--:,':.....~_~..,_ ..;_._, 1.'J 22D e Sllnday,Oct~her 25, 2009 " NaplesDaUy News ~~y_..~,-,,_.-._-.~...._------.~._--~,--, .-- "'~-'--~-'...- ',-.-.-.-.,. .',,-, .. .------'..... '-~--~"'_._-."~ -.---."., person for a ~rClup or organization may be allotted 10 minutes to speak onan item. . Persons wiShing to have written Qr graphic materials included in the' Board agenda packets must submit said material a minimum of 3 weeks prior to the respective public hearing. In any case, written materials in- tended to be considered by the Board Shall be submitted to the appropriate County staff a minimum of seven days prior to the public hearing. All matenal used in presentations before the Boa,rd will become a permanent p~rt of the record. Any person who decides to appeal a. decision of" the Board will need a re- cord of the "proceedings pertaining thereto and therefore, may need to " ensure that a verbatim 'record of the' proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and .evidence upon which the appeal IS based. . If you are a person .with a disability who needs any accommodation in or- der to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the proviSion of certain assistance. Please contact the Collier County Fa- cilities Management Department,. lo- cated at 3301 Tamiami Trail East, Building W, Naples, Flori"da 34112, (239)252-8380. Assisted. listening de- vices for the hearing impaired are available in the County Commission- ers' Office. ' " . , BOARD OF. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS COLLIER COUNTY, flORIDA DONNA'FIALA, CHAIRMAN DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK By: Teresa Polaski, Deputy Clerk .-ru:AL)