Agenda 11/10/2009 Item # 4D Aqenda Item r\lo. 40 t.Jovember 10. 2009 Page 1 of 2 E.R._QCLAMA TION WHEREAS, Diabetes is a disease in which the body daes nat produce 'Or properly use insulin. Insulin Is a hormane that is needed ta convert sugar, starches and other feods inte energy needed fer daily life, Diabetes is a chrenic, incurable disease that affects mare than twenty-three millien children and adults in America, about 8% 'Of the tatal populatian, yet within the African American ethnic group, this reaches almost 15%: and, WHEREAS, between 25 and 50% of peaple with diabetes da net knew that they have diabetes and anather 57 million Americans have pre-diabetes, a cenditien that puts them at the highest risk for developing type 2 diabetes: and, WHEREAS, African Americans, Hispanic/Latino Americans, American Indians, and some Asian Americans and Native Hawaiians 'Or ether Pacific Islanders are at particularly high risk for type 2 diabetes and its camplicatiens. Type 2 diabetes in children and adolescents, althaugh still rare, is being diagnosed more frequently amang these ethnic groups: and, WHEREAS, the ecanemic cast 'Of diabetes and diabetes-related camplicatians ta the United States has been estimated at $174 billion annua/fy: and, WHEREAS, based an death certificate data, diabetes contributed ta 233,619 deaths in 2005. Studies indicate that diabetes is generally under-reparted an death certificates, particularly in the cases of older per sans with multiple chranic canditians such as heart disease and hypertension. Because of this, the toll of diabetes is believed ta be much higher than 'Officially reported: and, WHEREAS, an increase in community awareness of risk factors and symptoms related to diabetes can improve the likelihood that people with pre-diabetes receive the attention they need before developing the disease and its devastating complications: and, WHEREAS, the International Diabetes Federation and the Werld Health Organization have observed World Diabetes Day since 1991 and the United Nations General Assembly has designated the current World Diabetes Day, November 14, as an official United Natians World Health Day. NOW THEREFORE, be it proclaimed by the Board of Caunty Commissioners 'Of Collier Caunty, Florida, that November, 2009 be designated as DIABETES AWARENESS A10NTH and call upon the people of Collier C'Ounty to combat this disease and its life-threatening complications by familiarizing themselves with the diabetes warning signs, making healthy lifestyle choices with respect ta diet and activities, and accessing the medical care that Collier County provides to its citizens. DONE AND ORDERED THIS 10th Day 'Of Navember, 2009. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA DONNA FIALA, CHAIRMAN ATTEST: - DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK .... '-4,:::,...... .I ......'...1.. -'- .Agenda Item No. 4D l'<Iovember 10, 2009 Page 2 of 2 CO! ,LIER C01 JNTY BOARD OF COmFY CCHWifi~SSjONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 4D Meeting Date: Proclamation designatillg 1~I.M::nlu~'I. 20U9 dS Diabetes Awareness Month. To be accepted by LaVerne Franklin. Black /i.nairs Advisory Board member. 11/10/2009900:00,1\[\11 Prepared By Paula Springs Board of County Commissioners Executive Aide to the BCe Date Bec Office 10/27/20094:13:20 PM Approved By Ian Mitchel! Bec Office Manager Date Board of County Bee Office 10/28/2009 1 :44 PM CorntT:issioners Approved By Winona W. Stone Assistant to the County Manger Date Board of County Commissioners County Manager's Office 10/30/2009 4: 33 PM - ..c":1__///'..\" _._~_-1_"""'__.4.\r'_v~__~.....\l""O 1Ir.r___.~~__L__. 1f\ I""\f\f\f\\f\A nnr"\0T Al..KA'T'Tr\').,TO\.1r'\.\AT'-T'l__ol- 11 j A '''"'I{\{\(\