Agenda 06/23/2009 Item #10C
Agenda Item No.1 OC
June 23, 2009
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Request approval of the Board of County Commissioners to memorialize the schedule for
the Immokalee Area Master Plan (lAMP) Growth Management Plan Amendment Cycle
To request approval of the Board of County Commissioners (BCe) to memorialize the schedule
for the lmmokalee Area Master Plan (lAMP) Growth Management Plan (GMP) Amendment
On April 21, 2009, by a vote of 4-1, the BCC authorized proceeding into a special lAMP GMP A
Cycle in the order of: 2007/2008 Cycle... 1 st, lAMP.. .2nd, and RLSA.. ..3rd. It should be noted
that staff has set forth a schedule for the Amendments to the lAMP which is contingent on the
lAMP GMP Amendments submittal to be substantially complete. Complying with this proposed
schedule requires timely and thorough responses by the petitioner in order to adhere to the
proposed schedule.
The County Attorney's Office will assist staff with the implementation of the Board's direction.
This item is not quasi-judicial and as such, ex-patte disclosures are not required. A majority vote
is necessary for Board action. HF AC
There are currently no funds budgeted in the proposed FY201 0 County Budget for the special
lAMP GMP Amendment Cycle. However, should the Board approve this GMP Amendment
Cycle, the following are the estimated costs associated therewith:
a. Legal advertisements: for transmittal and adoption hearings before the CCPC, EAC and
BCC($1,254 x 6).. .......................... ..... ..... ...... ........... .................. .... .$7,524
b. Court reporter: [assumes 2.0 days for EAC; 3.25 days for CCPC; and 3.0 days for the
BCC] .. .. . . .. . . . .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . ... .. ... . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. ..$12,375
c. Cost of staff time, consultants, witnesses, minutes, etc. for a potential Administrative
Hearing are unknown but would be a very large cost item. . ..... ............... . .... ....$7?777
d. Cost of printing (labor and materials).................................................... ...$6,000
e. Public Services (Housing and Human Services): approximately 50 hours.......... ..$2,500
f. Public Services (Parks and Recreation): approximately 50 hours.................... ..$2,500
g. Public Utilities: approximately 50 hours................................................. ..$3,500
h. Transportation: approximately ] 00 hours.. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. ....$ 7,000
1. CDES Division staff: I ,000 total staff hours, including the following
Departments: Comprehensive Planning, Engineering and Environmental
Services, Zoning and Land Development Review, Assistant County Attorney,
and Administration................... .................................................... ....$50.000
(does not include the costs of administrative hearing)
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June 23, 2009
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Source of Funds Options:
1. Fund 111 ($91,399 + potential additional costs related to an administrative hearing).
2. Fund 186 (Immokalee CRA), contingent upon approval of funding by the lmmokalee
CRA Redevelopment Board. *
3. Fund 111 SWFRPC Scope of Work Proposal ($40,000 for County staff) [Exhibit 1]
* It should be noted that an application filing fee of $16,700 has already been received out of
Fund 186.
The requested direction will have no immediate impact on the GMP. However, it could result in
numerous amendments to the GMP being reviewed and brought forth in public hearings for
consideration by the EAC, CCPC and BCC, and subsequent statutory compliance review by
Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA).
Based upon Board direction to proceed into a special GMP A Cycle for the GMP AJRLSA based
upon "first in and first out" (i.e. 2007/2008 Cycle... 1 st, lAMP. ..2nd, and RLSA.. ..3Td), the
following proposed schedules are advanced for Board consideration and approval:
2007-2008 Growth Mana2ement Plan Amendment Cycle Schedule
EAC Transmittal Heming September 2, 2009
CCPC Transmittal Hearing #1 October 19, 2009
CCPC Transmittal Hearing #2 October 20, 2009
CCPC Consent December 3, 2009
BCC Transmittal Hearing #1 January 19,2010
BCC Transmittal Hearing #2 February 2,20] 0
DCA ORC Report April 16,2010
EAC Adoption Hearing June 2,2010
CCPC Adoption Hearing #1 July 20, 2010
CCPC Adoption Hearing #2 July 23,2010
CCPC Consent August 19,2010
BCC Adoption Hearing #1 September 21,2010
BCC Adoption Hearing #2 September 23, 2010
The aforementioned proposed dates for the 07/08 cycle are tracking on time. It is possible
that certain amendments in the 07/08 cycle may have sufficiency issues or be withdrawn.
Regardless, county staff is committed to these dates.
Immokalee Area Master Plan Growth Mana2ement Plan Amendment Cycle Schedule
EAC Transmittal Hearing December 15, 2009
CCPC Transmittal Hearing #1 January 29, 2010
CCPC Transmittal Hearing #2 February 16, 2010
CCPC Consent April 1, 20 I 0
BCC Transmittal Hearing #1 May 4,2010
BCC Transmittal Heming #2 May 18, 2010
DCA ORC Report July 30, 2010
EAC Adoption Hearing September 22,2010
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June 23,2009
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CCPC Adoption Hearing #1
CCPC Adoption Hearing #2
CCPC Consent
BCC Adoption Hearing #1
BCC Adoption Hearing #2
*Note: Standard hearing
October 28, 2010
October 29, 2010
December 2, 2010
January 27,2011
January 28,2011
start times are as follows:
EAC and BCC at 9:00a.m.; CCPC at
The proposed schedule would tentatively schedule the lAMP GMP amendments for adoption by
the BCC in January, 2011. This could be problematic as the Collier County Evaluation and
Appraisal Report (EAR) must be completed by January 2011. If the EAR is not found in
compliance, the statutory penalty without exception is the inability of a local government to
propose amendments to the GMP until such time that the EAR is found in compliance by the
The Collier County Comprehensive Planning Department has completed its sufficiency review
for the lAMP proposed amendments. [Exhibit 2]. Comprehensive Planning Department staff is
very concerned that the timing of the proposed amendments for the lAMP could be in jeopardy
by the timing of the EAR. Staffs concerns are based on the initial sufficiency review of the
lAMP GMP amendment submittal which notes numerous unresolved substantive issues and
deficiencies. Also, if the EAR is not completed and found in compliance the end result would be
sanctions that could place the lAMP amendments in limbo until the EAR is deemed acceptable
by the DCA. However, the burden regarding the lAMP amendments is not on staff but on the
petitioner and its agents. The extent of the comments and changes required in the lAMP
sufficiency letter demonstrate the complexity of the amendments as well as the need for the
petitioner to respond accordingly to the schedule or the lAMP amendment will be delayed to a
date beyond adoption of the EAR.
It should also be mentioned that the dates for the IAMP amendments are based on a timely
finding of sufficiency and completeness without the need for additional substantive data and
analysis. It is obvious from the initial sufficiency review that there are major substantive issues
that must be addressed and/or require substantive data and analysis. If sufficiency and
completeness issues are not timely addressed concurrent with the proposed schedule, the dates
would obviously be modified to a later timeframe. Likewise, if the proposed RLSA amendments
are found to require additional substantive data and analysis the projected completion date would
be moved further into 2011. Conversely, if the proposed RLSA amendments are found to be
sufficient and complete prior to the proposed amendments to the lAMP it would be practical to
move these proposed amendments forward in the amendment process.
It should be noted that the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council (RPC) has proposed a
scope of work for the review of the lAMP proposed GMP amendments. [Exhibit 1]. Collier
County staff acknowledges the diverse background and qualifications of the RPC staff.
However, an initial meeting with the RPC staff indicated that the RPC would be heavily reliant
upon Comprehensive Planning Department staiY in developing its final work product which
defeats the purpose of utilizing RPC staff. In essence, the Comprehensive Planning Department
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would be functioning as a sub-consultant to the RPc. Then the Comprehensive Planning
Department would still have to undertake its regulatory obligations to review and propose
modifications and additional substantive data and analysis, wherein it would possibly put the
RPC and the Comprehensive Planning Department in a compromising position which is not the
norm for a consultant/sub-consultant relationship. This reliance on RPC staff on the surface may
appear to advance a policy directive set by the BCC, but the reality is that the learning curve
related to the complexity of the County's GMP and lAMP would, most probably, result in
detrimental reliance in terms of impact on the Comprehensive Planning Department's staff. It
would not be unrealistic for the resultant proposed expedited time frame to be extended due to
the uniqueness of the Collier County OMP. This is not a simple amendment proposal which is of
the nature of GMP amendment proposals normally undertaken by RPC's for smaller local
governments with less intricate GMP structure and thus less complex amendments. The
proposed lAMP amendments are a huge undertaking where the expertise lies within the
Comprehensive Planning Department which will complete its sufficiency review in a timely
Future IAMP and RLSA proposed GMP Amendments must also be reviewed in conjunction with
SB 360 which became law when recently executed by Governor Crist. More specifically, the
provisions related to establishment of an unknown trip mobility fee methodology and
corresponding legislation is of primary concern. At this time it is impossible to ascertain the
exact impacts of a trip mobility fee in lieu of transportation impact fees and transportation
concurrency as it exists in Collier County today. Therefore, the BCC should be aware that staff
will be proceeding with extensive caution when reviewing both the lAMP and RLSA GMP
Amendments to insure no adverse impacts on capital infrastructure and services. This substantive
future review will ensure that staff is following the BCC's policy directive of a financially
feasible Capital Improvement Element and Annual Update and Inventory Report. Staff will be
returning to the Board in September to address an additional Special Cycle for the proposed
RLSA amendments.
Staff recommends that the Board approve the following:
1. The schedule for the lAMP Special GMP Amendment Cycle;
2. Authorization to use Fund 186 (Option #2) under "Fiscal Impact" contingent upon
approval of funding by the Immokalee CRA Redevelopment Area Board; and
3. Review of the lAMP GMP Amendments in conjunction with SB 360 trip mobility fee
Prepared by: Thomas Greenwood, Principal Planner, Comprehensive Planning Department
Item Number:
Item Summary:
Meeting Date:
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Agenda Item No. 1 DC
June 23, 2009
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Request approval of the Board of County Commissioners to memorialize the schedule for the
Immokalee Area Master Plan (lAMP) Growth Management Plan Amendment Cycle (Thomas
Greenwood, Principal Planner and David Weeks, Planning Manager, Comprehensive
Planning, CDES)
6/23/200990000 AM
Prepared By
Thomas Greenwood
Community Development &
Environmental Services
Principal Planner
Approved By
Comprehensive Planning
6/12/20099:33:13 AM
Joseph K. Schmitt
Community Development &
Environmental Services
Community Development &
Environmental Services Adminstrator
Community Development &
Environmental Services Admin.
6/15/20099:49 AM
Approved By
Randall J. Cohen
Community Development &
Environmental Services
Comprehensive Planning Department
Comprehensive Planning
6/15120099:55 AM
Approved By
David Weeks, AICP
Community Development &
Environmental Services
Chief Planner
Approved By
Comprehensive Planning
6/15/2009 11 :32 AM
Judy Puig
Community Development &
Environmental Services
Operations Analyst
Community Development &
Environmental Services Admin.
611512009 11 :39 AM
Approved By
Heidi F. Ashton
County Attorney
Assistant County Attorney
County Attorney Office
6/1512009 1 :59 PM
Approved By
Jeff Klatzkow
County Attorney
County Attorney
County Attorney Office
6115/20092:29 PM
Approved By
OMS Coordinator
County Manager's Office
OMB Coordinator
Office of Management & Budget
6115/20092:35 PM
Approved By
Mark Isackson
County Manager's Office
Budget Analyst
Office of Management & Budget
Approved By
611512009 2:52 PM
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Agenda Item NO.1 OC
June 23. 2009
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Leo E. Ochs. Jr.
Board of County
Deputy County Manager
County Manager's Office
6/17/20099:33 AM
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. '-'
Agenda Item No; 10C
June 23, 2009
Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council
1926 Victoria Avenue, Fort Myers, Florida 33901-3414
(239)338-2550 FAX (239)338-2560 SUNCOJ\1 (239)748-2550
March 31,2009
Mr. Joseph K. Schmitt, Administrator
Community Development and
Environmental Services Division
2800 North Horseshoe Drive
Naples, Florida 34104
Re: Immokalee CRA Comprehensive Plan Amendment Proposal
Dear Mr. Schmitt:
I wanted to thank you for spending your time with Commissioner Coletta and us last
week to discuss the possibility of the Council staff assisting the County in processing the
Immokalee CRA Comprehensive Plan amendment. We appreciated your input and
comments. As a result of the meeting and at your direction, we have drafted a proposal
for your review and comment. If it meets your approval, please sign the enclosed
documents and return one to us. It is our understanding that the Irnrnokalee CRA will
provide the funding for this proposed project through the County.
We stand ready to proceed with the project and look forward to working with you in the
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Ken Heathelington
Exechtive Director
Cc: Commissioner Jim Coletta, Collier County
Penny Philippi, Director, Immokalee CRA
Agenda Item NO.1 OC
June 23. 2009
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March 31, 2009
Scope of Work
COLLIER COUNTY (hereafter referred to as the "COUNTY") is required by State law
to process all COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS submitted to the
COUNTY. The COUNTY is required to prepare written staff reports relative to the
submittals, hold public hearings relative to the transmittal and adoption of the
amendments, to assist in the response to the OBJECTIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS
AND COMMENTS (hereafter referred to as the "ORC") report provided by the
"DCA") concerning Comprehensive Plan amendments and provide other planning
services as required to fulfill the COUNTY'S responsibilities for processing the
(hereafter referred to as the "SWFRPC") has been requested by the COUNTY to assist
in the review and analyses of the amendments; provide written reports; attend related
meetings; arJ.d provide public presentations relative to a Comprehensive Plan amendment
that has been submitted to the COUNTY by the Immokalee Community Redevelopment
Agency (hereafter referred to as the "CRA").
DeJiverables Schedule and Payment
This is a per hour contract with the COUNTY. The COUNTY will pay the amount
agreed to on a per hour basis for each deliverable upon receipt of that deliverable and
a finding by the COUNTY that the deliverable meets the agreed to detail between the
parties. Each invoice for payment must be accompanied by the deliverable and
appropriate documentation. The contract shall not exceed a total amount of
$54,536.00 unless agreed to in writing by the COUNTY and the SWFRPc.
1) Immokalee eRA Comp Plan Amendment Research and Review
The SWFRPC will research and review the Immokalee CRA Comprehensive Plan
Amendment based on the Collier Comprehensive Plan for the COUNTY. The
research will provide SWFRPC staff to gather all relevant documents pertaining to
the Collier Comprehensive Plan. In addition, the SWRRPC will review the
InmlOkalee CRA Comprehensive Plan Amendment. This review will meet the
requirements of Florida statutes and will be to a degree of detail that will be accepted
by the COUNTY. Data for the provision of the element will be partially provided by
the COUNTY. This task will complete comments prepare the SWFRPC to prepare
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June 23, 2009
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comments and reports as by the various agencies involved with the reVIew In
preparation to take the report information to the ECA, LP A and BoCC.
Suggested Timeframe:
Estimated Deliverable Timeframe:
Estimated Cost of Deliverable:
1 month from the contract execution date
85 hrs from the contract execution date
Within the period specified, the SWFRPC shall provide the COUNTY with the First
Deliverable, which shall include the sufficient information and/or documentation to
satisfy the COUNTY.
2) County Department Assessments
The SWFRPC will request and work with the various COUNTY departments that
have Comprehensive Plan review responsibilities. The reviews will meet the
requirements of the County and will be to a degree of detail that will be accepted by
the SWFRPC. Data from the various COUNTY departments will address each area
of expertise concerning the CRA Comprehensive Plan amendment will be provided
by the COUNTY staff. The various assessments and comments provided will be
included in the SWFRPC report and be taken into consideration by the reviewing
agencies. The SWFRPC will meet with the various departments as needed.
Second Deliverable
Suggested Timeframe:
Estimated Deliverable Timeframe:
Estimated Cost of Deliverable:
1 month from the contract execution date
75 hrs from the contract execution date
Within the period specified, the SWFRPC will provide the COUNTY with the
Second Deliverable, which shall include a report containing the comments from the
various COUNTY departments with sufficient information and/or documentation to
satisfy the COUNTY.
3) Environmental Advisory Council (EAC) Hearing
The SWFRPC will develop a report that provides the information needed for the
EAC. The report will identify and depict the various enviromnental impacts identified
in the CRA Comprehensive Plan amendment and any environmental comments made
by the review agencies. The SWFRPC will provide an assessment and possible
reduction actions or mediation efforts that can be made to minimize the impacts of the
plan. The SWFRPC will provide a report detailing the findings and recommendation
of the EAC to a degree of detail that will be accepted by the COUNTY. The
SWFRPC will attend all required meetings of the EAC during their review.
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June 23,2009
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Third Deliverable
Suggested Timeframe:
Estimated Deliverable Timeframe:
Estimated Cost of Deliverable:
2 months from the contract execution date
] 05 hrs from the contract execution date
Within the period specified, the SWFRPC will provide the COUNTY with the Third
Deliverable, which shall include the findings and recommendations specified by the
EAC with sufficient information and/or documentation to satisfy the COUNTY.
4) Local Planning Agency (LP A) Hearing
The SWFRPC will develop a report that provides the information needed for the
LP A. The report will identify and depict the various planning issues identified in the
CRA Comprehensive Plan amendment and any planning comments made by the
review agencies. The SWFRPC will provide a report detailing the findings and
recommendation of the EAC to a degree of detail that will be accepted by the
COUNTY. The SWFRPC will attend all required meetings of the LP A during their
Forth Deliverable
Suggested Timeframe:
Estimated Deliverable Timeframe:
Estimated Cost of Deliverable:
2 months from the contract execution date
80 hrs from the contract execution date
Within the period specified, the S\VFRPC will provide the COUNTY with the Forth
Deliverable, which shall include the findings and recommendations specified by the
LP A with sufficient information and/or documentation to satisfy the COUNTY.
5) Board of County Commissioners (BoCC) Transmittal Hearing
The SWFRPC will develop a report that provides the information needed for the
. BoCC. The report will identity and depict the various development issues identified
in the CRA Comprehensive Plan amendment and any envirornnental and plarming
comments made by the review agencies. The SWFRPC will provide a report
detailing the findings and recommendation of the EAC and LP A to a degree of detail
that will be accepted by the COUNTY. The SWFRPC will attend all required
meetings of the BoCC.
Fifth Deliverable
Suggested Timeframe:
Estimated Deliverable Timeframe:
Estimated Cost of Deliverable:
2 months from the contract execution date
145 hrs from the contract execution date
$] 1,629.00
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June 23, 2009
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Within the period specified, the SWFRPC will provide the COUNTY with the Fifth
Deliverable, which shall include the findings and recommendations specified by the
BoCC sufficient information and/or documentation to satisfy the COUNTY. The
SWFRPC will monitor the transmittal ofthe amendment to DCA.
6) ORC Report Response Review and Comments
The SWFRPC will review the ORC report from DCA when it is rendered. The
SWFRPC will act as the COUNTY'S representative while assisting where necessary
the applicant's consultant to resolve the issues presented by DCA. This task will
revie~ the CRA Consultant's response to the comments made by DCA in their report
to the COUNTY.
Sixth Deliverable
Suggested Timeframe:
Estimated Deliverable Timeframe:
Estimated Cost of Deliverable:
2 months from the contract execution date
35 hrs from the contract execution date
Within the period specified, the SWFRPC will provide the COUNTY with the Sixth
Deliverable, which shall include a summary of the ORC report responses with
sufficient information and/or documentation to satisfy the COUNTY.
7) Board of County Commissioners Adoption Hearing
The SWFRPC will develop a report that provides the information needed for the
BoCC. The report will identify and depict the various development issues identified
in the eRA Comprehensive Plan amendment and any environmental and planning
comments made in the ORC report. The SWFRPC will provide a report detailing
the findings and recommendations of the DCA to a degree of detail that will be
accepted by the COUNTY. The SWFRPC will attend all required meetings of the
BoCC and will provide a list of all findings and recommendations made by the
. . .
vanous reVieW agenCIes.
Seventh Deliverable
Suggested Timeframe:
Estimated Deliverable Timeframe:
Estimated Cost of Deliverable:
I month from the contract execution date
135 hrs from the contract execution date
Within the period specified, the SWFRPC will provide the COUNTY with the
Seventh Deliverable, which shall include a final report concerning the adoption of the
Immokalee CRA Comprehensive Plan amendment with sufficient information and/or
documentation to satisfy the COUNTY.
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June 23, 2009
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8) DCA Final Approval Notice of Intent
The SWFRPC will finalize the Immokalee CRA Comprehensive Plan amendment
for COUNTY. The description will describe in writing each designation to a degree
of detail that will be accepted by the DCA. This task will adequately respond to any
comments made by DCA in their final approval of the amendment.
Eighth Deliverable
Suggested Timeframe:
Estimated Deliverable Timeframe:
Estimated Cost of Deliverable:
1 month from the contract execution date
20 hrs from the contract execution date
Within the period specified, the SWFRPC will provide the COUNTY with the
Eighth Deliverable, which shall include the documentation that no appeal has been
filed and the subject amendment has been found consistent and approved by DCA.
This constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and may only be changed or
modified by an amendment executed in the same fashion as the original. This agreement
shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this contract to be executed as of the
day and year first below written.
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Ken Heatherington, Exec~lt1ve Director
Joseph Schmitt, Administrator
Agenda Item No.1 OC
June 23, 2009
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Exhibit 2
June 15, 2009
Sent Via E-mail
Mr. Robert Mulhere, AICP
RWA Inc.
1542 Carson Street
Fort Myers, Florida 33901
RE: Sufficiency Review of Application for Growth Management Plan Amendment, Petition CP-
2008-5, the Immokalee Area Master Plan Element.
Dear Mr. Mulhere:
Pursuant to Paragraph B.2 of Resolution #97-431, this letter is to inform you that the referenced
application is not sufficient. Below is the list of deficiencies that need to be corrected/addressed
before this application can move forward into review and staff report preparation for the required
Environmental Advisory Council, Planning Commission and Board of County Commissioners
transmittal (to the Florida Department of Community Affairs) public hearings.
Immokalee Area Master Plan (lAMP) Document
A. General Comments:
1. Re-format the entire Growth Management Plan amendment (GMPA) to make consistent
with the format of the other Elements contained in the Collier County Growth
Management Plan (GMP).
1. Document Structure:
a. Table of Contents. 1) Revise the titles of certain Tables and Figures that do not
match those titles appearing on the Tables and Figures within the support
document; 2) Correctly list the page numbers for all Figures, and provide a page
number for the Appendix; and, (3) Add the word "Continued" after the "Table of
Contents" heading on pages 2 and 3 of the document.
b. Forward. History of Immokalee. 1) Delete the heading "Forward"; 2) Relocate and
consolidate the History section, except last paragraph, with the History section
contained in the Support Document; 3) Move last paragraph of the History section
and insert as new first paragraph under New Directions; and, 4) Revise new first
paragraph under New Directions to read, "The residents of Immokalee see new
possibilities for their community with the development of this new Master Plan.
Immokalee is committed to redefining its future, revitalizing its community, and
developing a new mission that focuses on strengthening and diversifying its
economy, embracing cultural diversity, and welcoming visitors to this place we call
Agenda Item No. 10C
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c. Renumber the Introduction, New Directions, and the Immokalee Area Master Plan
Priorities, as follows:
I. Introduction
II. New Directions
III. Immokalee Area Master Plan Priorities
2. Page Layout:
a. Revise the numbering of Policies, as some numbers have been skipped (e.g. there
is no Objective 3.1. before Objective 3.2.). If Objectives and Policies were
inadvertently omitted in the hard copy, submit for review.
b. Revise pages from horizontal layout to vertical layout, and use paragraph layout and
indentation, consistent with other Elements in the GMP.
3. There is a discrepancy between the proposed lAMP hardcopy and the electronic copy
(CD). Reconcile the differences between the two documents for the re-submittal.
B. General Comments - Goal, Obiectives, and Policies
1. The proposed lAMP is drafted with one Goal. However, many of the Objectives appear
to be Goals as opposed to Objectives. In addition, many of the Policies appear to be
Objectives. Further, the Goal does not include all directives contained within the
Objectives. The lAMP should be revised so that Goals, Objectives, and Policies are
drafted as referenced in Rule 9J-5.003, F.A.C. Generally, a goal is an end toward which
effort is directed, a desired outcome; an objective describes the way to reach a goal, the
desired outcome or result is or should be quantifiable and action oriented; and, a policy
needs to address time frames for implementation, party(s) responsible, and cost.
1. Policies containing programmatic commitments that are the responsibility of the
Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) or the Immokalee Community
Redevelopment Agency Advisory Board should be removed from the lAMP and inserted
into the Redevelopment Plan (e.g. Policies 1.1.2 - 1.1.5, 1.2.2 and 1.5.3).
2. Policies containing programmatic commitments that are the responsibility of the
Economic Development Council (EDC) should be removed from the lAMP (e.g. Policy
1.1.1 ).
3. The proposed Goal, Objectives and Policies (GOPs) are revisions of the existing GOPs.
Provide a document where text deletions are shown in strike-through and text additions
are underlined. Provide comparison between the proposed document and the existing,
and provide data and analysis that support the revisions, changes, additions and
deletions. The following is a list of some of the revised adopted GOPs:
a. Objective 1.3. is a revision of adopted Goal 6.
b. Policy 1.3.1. is a revision of adopted Objective 1.3.
c. Objective 1.4. is a revision of adopted Goal 4.
d. Policy a revision of adopted Policy 6.1.3.
e. Policy 1.4.3. is a revision of adopted Goal 4.
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Objective 1.5. is a revision of adopted Policy 6.1.4.
Policy 2.1.1. is a revision of adopted Objective 1.5.and Policy 1.5.1.
Policy 2.1.4. is a revision of adopted Policy 2.4.1.
Policy 2.1.5. is a revision of adopted Objective 2.2.
Policy 2.1.6. is a revision of adopted Objective 2.2. and Policy 2.2.1.
Policy 2.1.7. is a revision of adopted Policy 2.1.1.
Policy 2.1.12. is a revision of adopted Policy 2.4.3.
Policy 2.1.13. is a revision of adopted Policy 2.3.3.
Objective 3.2. is a revision of adopted Goal 5 and Objective 5.1.
Policy 3.2.1. is a revision of adopted Policy 5.1.1.
Policy 3.2.2. is a revision of adopted Policy 5.1.2. and Policy 5.1.3.
Policy 5.1.1. is a revision of adopted Objective 1.1.
Policy 5.1.2. is a revision of adopted Policy 1.1.4.
Policy 5.1.3. is a revision of adopted Policy 1.1.6.
The Land Use Description is a revision of the adopted Land Use Designation
Description Section.
Policy 7.1.1. is a revision of adopted Policy 1.4.1.
Proposed Immokalee Future Land Use Map is a revision of the adopted Immokalee
Future Land Use Map.
Revise Policies that have a time commitment from an "adoption date", to read
"effective date."
For all Policies: When several agencies or entities, including Collier County
Government, are tasked with a commitment, identify Collier County first as the leading
agency, e.g. "Collier County, in cooperation with..."
5. Numerous Policies contain directives which require specific County
Departments/Divisions and other agencies to fund and carryout various tasks. Please
identify in the resubmittal those departments/agencies that have been involved with the
drafting of these GMPA Polices, and thus are aware of these proposed commitments.
6. Many Objectives and Policies utilize the word "appropriate" to describe what is being
proposed (Le. Policy 1.2.6., "...allow appropriate agricultural related business..."). The
word "appropriate" is subjective and as such may be interpreted differently than what
had been intended by the author. Please reword all Policies that utilize this term, and
specify intent.
7. Exclude GOPs that are specific duties of the CRA and that do not require involvement
of the Collier County Government (e.g. Policy 1.2.2.)
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C. Specific Comments - GOPs
1. Goals: Expand Goals so that all Objectives and Policies of the proposed lAMP are
covered by each Goal; create new Goals for those Objectives and Policies that are not
2. Policy 1.1.4. Include the referenced Immokalee Master Plan Study and the 2006 Collier
County Traded Business Cluster Study as part of the data and analysis.
3. Objective 1.2. Delete the phrase "and improve the quality of life for Immokalee
residents. "
4. Policy 1.2.1. The fast track process is already contained in the LDC, please explain the
proposed changes to the process.
5. Policy 1.2.2. This appears to be a duty of the CRA, and is not needed as a Policy within
the GMP. Please exclude GOPs that are the duties of the CRA.
6. Policy 1.2.4. Modify to read: "Within one (1) year of the effective date of these
amendments, Collier County will...". Similarly revise all Policies that do not specify
"effective date."
7. Policy 1.2.6. The word "appropriate" is subjective; please define "appropriate
agriculture-related business." Delete "future land use designations and" as all of
Immokalee is designated Urban.
8. Policy 1.2.7. The policy proposes to revise or eliminate "regulatory requirements". Such
regulatory requirements are not specified. Please define the regulatory requirements
(perhaps the LDC); eliminate the subjectivity (the word "inappropriate") of the Policy;
and eliminate the negative connotation of the Policy.
9. Objective 1.3. Delete the phrase "and improve quality of life".
1 O. Policy 1.3.1. Please define "public real design", and provide scope of activity _
throughout lmmokalee? Some specific portion?; replace "by embracing" with "to reflect";
4th line, modify by inserting "and" so as to read "Convention and Visitors" [also in
Policies 1.3.2, 1.3.3, 1.3.4].
11. Policy 1.3.3. Please specify if this Policy is intended exclusively for Lake Trafford or
entire Immokalee Urban area.
12. Policy 1.3.4. This policy should be split into two policies; each sentence should be its
own policy. In 1st sentence, insert comma after "Bureau", delete "work with the Seminole
Tribe of Florida to", and capitalize "r" in Reservation and "c" in Casino. The
"entertainment district" is not identified nor defined in the proposed lAMP - is this term a
geographic, or a regulatory, identifier? Clarification needed. "Main Street Commercial
District" does not exist as a District in the text or FLUM. Clarification needed. Delete 2nd
sentence and, with above clarifications, replace with text such as "Collier County, in
coordination with [list same entities as in 1 st sentence], will promote an entertainment
district. "
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13. Policy 1.4.1. Identify who will do what and when. Revise the wording of the Policy as the
grouping of all entities makes the Policy confusing.
14. Policy 1.4.2. Describe "educational research facility" and include within policy. Modify to
read: ". ..Agency, will seek to attract and/or locate educational research facilities within
15. Policy 1.4.3. Specify timeline [here and throughout where not stated].
16. Policy 1.5.1. Define what is meant by "positive" regulatory climate and incorporate into
policy. Replace "further" with "takes into consideration". Replace "Immokalee
Redevelopment Plan" with "Immokalee Area Master Plan."
17. Policy 1.5.2. As written doesn't make sense. Perhaps insert "meant" on 6th line so as to
read "programs meant to provide".
18. Policy 1.5.3. Either include Collier County Government as the leading agency to
accomplish this Policy or delete this Policy in its entirety, as it is drafted as a CRA duty,
and thus this Policy would not belong in the GMP. "Main Street Commercial District"
doesn't exist in text or on FLUM; correction/clarification needed. Policy title includes
"Infill and Downtown" though neither is mentioned in policy text; correction/clarification
19. Policy 1.5.4. Insert "residential" before "structures" on 7th line.
20. Policy 1.5.5. Specify timeline. Identify what is meant by "incentives" and incorporate in
policy. Relocate and re-number as Policy 1.5.2 as it logically follows content in Policy
1.5.1. Re-number other policies as needed.
21. Policy 1.5.7. Most of this Policy appears to be CRA tasks and if so, do not belong in the
lAMP. In regard to those items that are not related to beautification, such as drainage,
please identify which MSTU needs to be expanded and what area it encompasses. The
last sentence should be a separate policy.
22. Objective 2.1. Explain what is meant by "standard housing types".
23. Policy 2.1.1. It appears this policy might be appropriately relocated under Objective 5.1.
Add reference title for Section 64E-14, F.A.C. Modify in 5th and 6th lines so as to read
"migrant farmworkers within LR, MR, HR and C-MU [spell out] Subdistricts, provided
that such housing".
24. Policy 2.1.2. Add complete reference to, and reference title for, "H-2A". Modify 6th line to
read "regulations that duplicate Federal and", and delete "s" in "regards" in 7th line.
25. Policy 2.1.3. Change last word from "workers" to "farmworkers."
26. Policy 2.1.4. Delete "all available". It's a given that only available grants will be
pursued, and not all grants may be applicable to, or appropriate for, Collier County.
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27. Policy 2.1.6. Revise Policy to read, "Annually, Collier County in coordination with
federal, state, and local agencies, and private organizations will seek funding for the
housing needs identified in the Immokalee Housing Condition Inventory, per Policy
28. Policy 2.1.7. Include data and analysis that justify the need for this Policy. It is unclear
what "existing residential areas" refers to - residential designations? residential zoning?
developed residential areas, regardless of zoning or designation? Clarification needed.
Proper term is "Collier County Schedule of Capital Improvements."
29. Policy 2.1.8. Delete "updated"; add comma after "Inventory"; and, correct reference to
read "Policy 2.1.5".
30. Policy 2.1.10. Delete as it is redundant to Policies 1.5.1 and 6.1.1.
31. Policy 2.1.11. Replace "work" with "coordinate",
32. Policy 2.1.12. Specify the purpose of requesting the report mentioned in this Policy -
what action would follow. Verify what agency Health Dept. prepares the report - Collier
County or the State of Florida.
33. Policy 2.1.13. The Code Enforcement Department mayor may not have authority over
all possible substandard housing, e.g. those housing types licensed by State of Florida.
Clarify what is meant by "operated illegally" - if referring to criminal activity, Code
Enforcement Dept. has no jurisdiction. Assuming components of 2nd sentence remain,
reword to read: "Priorities of enforcement efforts will be properties that are abandoned,
owned by an absentee landlord, or operated illegally,"
34. Policy 3.2,1. Rephrase to read "Schedule of Capital Improvements". Include data and
analysis that justify prioritization of this Policy.
35. Policy 3.2.2. Delete the phrase "engage landowners and residents in order to". Modify
last sentence to read: ''The Collier County 5-Year Pathways Plan will depict existing and
future pathways for the Immokalee community."
36. Policy 3.2.3. Delete the words "Support of' in policy title. In yth line, insert "encourage"
after "the County will", In 1 st bullet, delete "support and encourage"; 2nd bullet, delete
"support"; 3rd bullet, delete "encourage"; 4th bullet, delete "support."
37. Policy 3.2.4. Verify accuracy of the term for PD&E acronym.
38. Policy 3.2.5. Replace the term "police organizations" with "law enforcement". Consider
moving this policy to the site planning portion of the Element.
39. Policy 3.2.6. Beginning in 2nd line, reword to read: "Agency and the Collier County
Metropolitan Planning Organization will help identify Immokalee area needs during the
annual update of the Long Range Transportation Plan."
40. Policy 3.2.7. For clarity, in 8th line, replace "to improve" with "for the purpose of
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41. Policy 3.2.10. The year needs to be advanced. Modify 5th line to read: "will evaluate the
need for, and feasibility of, establishing a". Delete comma after "area" in 8th line.
42. Policy 3.3.2. This Policy is not clear. Re-structure and reword for clarity.
43. Policy 3.4.2. In first line, before "with", insert "in cooperation". Need to advance the
44. Policy 3.4.3. Staff believes that this Policy is an existing regulation of the LDC. Consider
45. Objective 3.5 and Policy 3.5.1. Consider deleting these as it's unclear how the County
can be involved, and describe how this policy can be achieved.
46. Policy 4.1.1. This Policy is an introductory statement and reads like an objective.
Consider deleting as a policy.
47. Policy 4.1.2. The intent of this Policy is not clear: is it the intent to create a mitigation
bank, or to create a mitigation bank and expand off-site mitigation allowance.
Clarification needed. Specify timeline. At beginning of 3rd line, insert "the feasibility of."
48. Policy 4.1.3. Consider removing the phrase "and encourage infill and redevelopment" as
it appears not to belong in this Policy.
49. Policy 4.1.4. "Will not adversely impact" is likely an impossible standard. Restructure
and reword to address BMPs as the means to attempt to not adversely impact the lake
and wetlands.
50. Objective 5.1. Consider deleting the Objective and Policies 5.1.1 thru 5.1.12 as some
policies state provisions of the LDC and some policies contain text appropriately located
within District and Subdistricts.
51. Policy 5.1.3. This Policy may not need to be included in the lAMP as the RTF Act is not
a local rule. Delete policy or revise to simply provide reference to the RTF Act. In the
last sentence, replace the word "permitted" with "allowed". Implementation and
enforcement of last sentence would be difficult if not impossible; how can ag uses be
prohibited on lands zoned "A"? Through what process is the nuisance/noxious
determination made?
52. Policies 5.1.4. and 5.1.5. Delete "Encourage" from policy titles. In Policy 5.1.4, reword
ending to read: "walkable communities that reduce vehicles miles traveled." In Policy
5.15, replace "support" with "encourage"; reword ending to read: "appropriate locations
and amending the Immokalee Future Land Use Map designations to provide for those
53. Policy 5.1.6. Delete as this Policy does not belong in the GMP.
54. Policy 5.1.7. Revise to remove "District" and "and all Subdistricts" from entry. Make
"designation" plural, then follow "designations" with a comma.
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55. Policy 5.1.9. This Policy allows new mobile homes without PUD zoning or conditional
use whereas the Medium and High Residential Subdistricts allow new mobile homes
only via the CU process or PUD zoning. Reconciliation needed. If the intent is not to
allow new mobile home development, then need to determine if there is any existing
MH or VR zoning that would necessitate rezoning; if such exists, policy should state
such and include timeline for such rezoning. Also, need to determine if any such
existing zoning that allows mobile homes conflicts with new proposed regulations that
would prohibit them, including mobile homes as temporary residences in Policy 5.1.10.
Need to specify if and how accessory use of mobile home is allowed. Correct the policy
references ("5.1.1 O"and "5.1.11, "). Replace "permitted" with "allowed."
56. Policy 5.1.10. Delete as this is already provided for in the LDC.
57. Policy 5.1.11. Mobile home subdivisions are not approved through the SDP or SIP
processes. Revise to remove all references to mobile home subdivisions. Replace
"permitted" with "allowed"; replace reference to adoption to effective date; replace "all
Land Use Districts" with "all subdistricts that allow residential development."
58. Policy 5.1.12. No such policy is included; either provide or renumber policies.
59. Page 20. Beginning at heading "B, LAND USE DESIGNATION DESCRIPTIONS",
restructure as Future Land Use Designation Description Section as appears in present
lAMP. In addition, relocate Objectives 6 and 7 and Policies to appear before this
60. Policy 5.1.13. Delete "(Policy 1.1.1.)", Relocate this Policy to near the beginning, as
appears in the present lAMP. Delete last sentence, and include the "PUD Commercial
Subdistrict" with standards and criteria for this subdistrict, as exists in the present lAMP.
61. Policy 5.1.14. Delete the 4th sentence ("A significant portion") forward to the end.
a. A. Urban - Mixed Use District. Delete 2nd sentence ("Nonresidential uses are
permitted ..."). Line 12, revise phrase to read: "recreation and open space", At end
of 3rd sentence, after "Code", insert comma then "except as may be limited within a
specific subdistrict." As previously noted, add in this District the existing PUD
Commercial Subdistrict.
b. In order to maintain consistency with the FLUE, for all residential subdistricts (LR,
MR, HR), change the term "Maximum Standard Density" to "Base Density" and
delete "with Bonuses" in phrase "Maximum Density with Bonuses". Restructure
descriptions so that they are consistent: density (e.g. medium density, high density)
and then housing types.
c. 1. Low Residential Subdistrict (LR). Lines 7 and 8, delete U(townhomes) provided
they are within a Planned Unit Development". This provision allows new mobile
home development via CU or PUD which conflicts with Policy 5.1.9; need to rectify.
d. 4. Commercial - Mixed Use Subdistrict (C-MU). For consistency with other
subdistricts, revise 1 st sentence to read: "is to provide for pedestrian-scaled, high
density, residential and mixed use development, and provide for employment _.." In
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6th line, add comma after "of' and 2nd "to". In 1st paragraph on page 22, replace
"permitted" with "allowed"; specify all residential uses allowed; delete examples of
commercial and institutional uses and replace with zoning district reference, e.g. "all
uses allowed in the C-1 through C-4 zoning districts in the Collier County Land
Development Code, Ord. No. 04-41, as amended" (for ease of implementation);
delete sentence "In considering new...will be evaluated." (unnecessary as
compatibility is a criterion in the LDC applicable to all rezones); delete "including
acreages allocated to commercial uses" after both density provisions; replace
"Maximum Standard Density" with "Base Density"; replace "Maximum Density with
Bonuses" with "Maximum Density."
e. 5. RecreationallTourist Subdistrict (RT). In 2nd sentence, after "Subdistrict", insert
"are intended to further the purpose of the Subdistrict, and may"; replace "tourism -
related" with "eco-tourism"; (this is its main focus); remove the ";" between
"recreational vehicles" and "parks", so as to read: "recreational vehicle parks";
remove "homes" and replace with "dwellings"; modify "low intensity retail" by adding
"directly associated with the purpose of this subdistrict". Revise to include a more
limiting "essential services" to serve only the uses allowed in this Subdistrict -
similar to the entry in Conservation designation in the FLUE; revise the Base
Density entry to coincide with the underlying zoning ("A") - 1 DU/5 acres; revise
Maximum Density to read same as base density (focus of the subdistrict isn't
residential - higher density doesn't relate to the subdistrict purpose). If these density
revisions do not occur, the lack-of-relationship and nonconformity between new
Planning provisions and existing zoning provisions will become substantive issues.
f. B. Urban - Industrial District. Revise to include "essential services" as allowed
uses; revise to remove the terms "primarily" and "proximate", as they do not appear
to convey the intended information - "primarily" lacks any measure or distinction
from any uses which may be considered secondary, tertiary, accessory, or ancillary,
while "proximate" again lacks any measure or distinction from those provisions still
applicable to properties not-so-proximate - complete removal of the phrase,
"primarily located proximate to the Immokalee Regional Airport/Florida Tradeport" is
suggested. This description of allowed uses is limited - it does not appear to
capture all the intended higher-order uses (see IN remarks below). Expand the list
to cover all following uses and properly restructure all listings or examples to move
from general to specific. Consider completing the purpose statement with the
limiting, "... commercial uses, except as limited in the specific Subdistrict" or indicate
such limitation in another manner. Indicate if intent is to allow LDC Business Park
zoning uses, and if so, how they will be applied/incorporated. Last sentence -
replace "intended" with "function as."
g. 1. Industrial Subdistrict (IN). Another instance of "permitted" being used; This
portion of the provision should be revised to read, "Allowed uses include a variety of
industrial, limited commercial, and associated uses, including the airport and its
ancillary uses, vehicle racing and its ancillary uses; manufacturing; processing;
storage and warehousing; wholesaling; distribution; packing houses; recycling; high
technology industries; laboratories; assembly; storage; computer and data
processing; and business services intended...". Please remember to avoid
unnecessarily duplicating certain listings in such lists when a higher-order, or more-
inclusive, term would logically or legally include them - properly restructure all
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listings or examples to move from general to specific, and to move from SIC-like (2-
digit) Major Groups, to (3-digit) Industry Groups, to (4-digit) Individual Industries;
same instruction is applicable throughout document. Also, frame this listing by
referring to LDC districts which suit your purposes, such as the "I" or other zoning
district(s) where these uses are allowed. Please refrain from using the term "high
tech" throughout the document, as it is little more than slang informally used in place
of the proper "high technology", as found in Statute - consider using terms like,
"advanced", "leading" or "emerging" if such terms would better convey intended
meaning. Explain/justify why the CU requirement for "vehicle racing" has been
eliminated. For this Subdistrict as well, see comments below under I-MU regarding
future LDC amendment necessity as pertains to existing "A" zoning in the
S u bd istrict.
h. 2. Industrial - Mixed Use Subdistrict (I-MU). Delete the 2nd sentence - use of "major
employment center" is redundant as it appears earlier in the Urban - Industrial
District entry. Remove "complementary" from the first sentence. It appears that the
3rd sentence could be deleted as there is no apparent necessity for, or benefit from,
noting the existence of the State Farmers Market. If remains, invert sentence to
read: "The State Farmers Market and related facilities are located in this
Subdistrict." Consider revising to remove the term "intended for" and replace with
"allows for" in this entry. Revise to begin listing with a colon (:), then revise to read:
"... such as packing houses; warehousing; and targeted industries including:
manufacturing, medical, high technology, computer..." and so on. Also, frame this
listing by referring to LDC districts which suit your purposes, such as the C-5, I, or
other zoning districts where these uses are allowed. The I-MU appears to be as
intense as IN, but then would not serve as a "transition" - revise one or both
Subdistrict provisions to better reflect their differences, particularly this transitional
quality. Clarify with explanation whether the intent is to allow all LDC industrial uses,
or if they will be limited to a lesser listing. If eventual LDC amendments will be
necessary, then revise to indicate later LDC amendments - suggesting the addition
of "Where zoning inconsistencies are created by the adoption of this Subdistrict,
within one (1) year of the effective date of this Subdistrict, the County will initiate the
appropriate rezone of these lands.", or other similar instruction [this is in reference to
existing "A" zoning in the subdistrict]. Last sentence, clarify target industry uses - all
"manufacturing" or just certain types? "medical" refers to what - medical offices?
Hospitals and clinics? Retail sales of medical devices? Manufacturing of medical
devices; etc. delete "industries" after "high-tech" as it is redundant.
i. 3. Industrial - The Commerce Park at Silver Strand (CPSS). Notwithstanding the
fact that this Subdistrict states that the "approval of comprehensive plan amendment
pending, will be incorporated as adopted by Collier County", it appears inappropriate
to include this Subdistrict as part of the proposed lAMP; the text of this Subdistrict
may change, and adoption of the private sector Silver Strand GMPA (CP-2006-1) is
not guaranteed. Remove in its entirety. If remains, revise to reflect as approved for
Transmittal by BCC and subsequently revised by petitioner AND provide data and
analysis for this subdistrict.
j. C. Overlays. To correlate with recommended FLUM changes, modify title to read:
"Overlays and Features"; add two features: "2. Urban Infill and Redevelopment
Area" and "3. SR-Seminole Reservation", and provide brief text to explain each.
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62. Policy 5.1.15: Density Bonuses. Reformat to be part of the Density Rating System
provision, not as a policy. Revise to re-insert the existing introductory and descriptive
statements found in the current lAMP Density Rating System. Revise 1st sentence to
add the missing bonus, proximity to C-MU. Revise 2nd sentence to end to read: "If these
bonuses are utilized, base densities may be exceeded. In the Low Residential
Subdistrict, the base density of four (4) dwelling units per acre may only be exceeded if
utilizing an affordable-workforce housing bonus. In no case shall the resulting density
exceed the Maximum Density specified in each subdistrict, unless utilizing the Transfer
of Development Rights (TDR) provision contained in Section 2.03.07 of the Land
Development Code, Ordinance 04-41, as amended."
63. Policy 5.1.15,a. This is one of multiple instances of "Residential Low" being used -
revise to read "Low Residential"; delete "maximum" in "maximum base density" so as to
read "base density"; in 5th line, insert "dwelling" after "(16)" and delete "also"; in 6th line,
after "the", insert "entire project" and delete "portion outside" through end of sentence.
The present lAMP density bonus only allows the density in the commercial subdistricts
to be distributed throughout the project whereas this proposed text allows the density to
be calculated based on the entire project acreage. Data and analysis is needed to
justify the density increase.
64. Policy 5.1.15.b. In 4th line, replace "residential" with "dwelling". Delete the last sentence
unless data and analysis is provided to demonstrate shortages of housing for these
special needs groups, and to support any additional emphasis on these specific groups.
If retained, delete "Favorable consideration will be given to requests that provide
affordable-workforce housing for..." and replace with, "Affordable-workforce housing will
be strongly encouraged to provide for..."
65. Policy 5.1.15.c. In 1 st sentence, delete "and approved" and insert "dwelling" after "20";
clarify with explanation whether the intent is to apply this bonus calculation to underlying
zoning district maximum density or to the Subdistrict base density. The present lAMP
cap via this provision is 8 DU/A whereas this proposes 20 DU/A. Data and analysis is
needed to justify the density increase.
66. Policy 5.1.15.d. Revise "infill residential density bonus" to read: "residential infill density
bonus"; revise "maximum base density" to read: "base density"; in 2nd line, delete
"residential"; in 3rd line, after "added", insert "to the base density"; revise to correct the
term "Low Residential."
67. Policy 5.1.15.e. Revise to remove "above the maximum density of the district"; delete
"residential" after "(1)"; in last sentence, delete "maximum" and correct the subdistrict
68. Policy 5.1.16: Density and Intensity Blending. Replace "areas" from the first sentence of
this entry with "certain portions"; remove the first "are" in third line of subsection "a.";
spell out acronym "NRI" full term or title, in subsection "a.ii" of this provision; Revise to
insert, "and contiguous to" so as to read "... RLSA that are contiguous and under... ";
Replace the term "natural areas" in subsection "b.i" with "natural features" or another
more descriptive term; in subsection "b.", replace "shifted" with "reconfigured." Staff
suggests the removal of subsection "b." as it offers subjective criteria for decision
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making while typical review and recommending agencies, elected officials and the DCA
would no longer be involved in "administratively" shifting boundaries, a significant
substantive issue.
69. Staff has a consensus disagreement with the proposal to introduce residential uses into
Industrial Subdistricts. Consider revising these Subdistrict provisions to omit this
possibility. Please note if these revisions do not occur, the nearly unlimited probability
for incompatibility issues suggests these provisions will become substantive issues.
70. Policy 6.1.1. In 5th line, after "Immokalee," insert the last two lines ("to address
the... Urban Area"); and, delete "including" and replace with "These standards will
include"; in 7th line, replace "standards" with "design."
71. Policy 6.1.2. Define or identify "reasonable" within this Policy.
72. Policy 6.1.3. "Signage" and "wayfinding" mean the same, and the LDC contains
standards for signage (not wayfinding) - delete "and wayfinding." Insert descriptive term
before "signage" and "transit" in last line. Delete "innovative project design resulting in."
73. Policy 6.1.4. Insert timeline. The action directive of this Policy ("consider the creation")
is incomplete - rewording is needed. Perhaps, provide for the evaluation or feasibility
to be followed by implementing LDC amendments.
74. Policy 6,1.5. Replace "vertical" with "multi-story." This Policy appears to promote
incompatibility - high intensity (commercial) uses and mixed use development. Also,
the type of development allowed is controlled by the subdistrict(s) in the Main Street
corridor. And, "Main Street corridor" is an undefined term.
75. Policy 6.1.6. Delete - this Policy appears to be a duty of the CRA, not a task for Collier
76. Policy 6.1.7. This Policy is not clear. Is it the intent to amend the LDC and/or the GMP?
Further, this appears to be a duty of the CRA, not Collier County - suggest deletion of
77. Policy 6.1.8. This Policy does not belong under Objective 6.1. In 4th line, replace "work"
with "coordinate."
78. Policy 7.1.2. Delete "actively participate" and replace with "collaborate" or another more
suitable term.
79. Policy 7.1.3. Restructure paragraph so that it starts with "Collier County..." This Policy
mostly appears to be a function of the CRA, not a task for Collier County; reword to limit
the scope.
80. Policy 7.1.4. Include data and analysis to support this Policy.
81. Policy 7.1.5. Replace "Sheriff's Department" with "Sheriff's Office." In addition, this
Policy appears to be a duty of the CRA, not Collier County; suggest deletion.
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82. Proposed FLU Map:
a. On FLUM and all other maps that depict "major roads": where Main StreetlSR29
begins to curve to the north, a "major road" segment extends due west from Main
Street for about % mile (it ends in line with Dupree Drive - and with N. 18th Street
farther to the north, and is labeled on zoning map as Main Street). This segment
does not appear on Transportation Element Functional Classification Map therefore
is not an arterial or collector road, Since "major roads" are arterial and collector
roads in the GMP, and this road segment is actually only a local road, it should only
be depicted as a local road on the maps.
b. In map title, replace "exhibit" with "Map."
c. Staff suggests the school property on the south side of SR29 (Village Oaks ES) be
designated MR.
d. Verify all proposed lAMP text reVISions so to capture all corresponding map
revisions necessary to retain consistency, and revise as necessary.
e. Delete non-road lines within the LR Subdistrict and one within MR Subdistrict
(perhaps these are parcel lines?).
f. Some street names are written bottom to top and some top to bottom; names should
have consistent orientation. Also, no names should be upside down (see "Cir" in
"Bell Cir" within Farm Workers Village.
g. Staff recommends the introduction of an "Airport" or "Airport Operations" Future
Land Use Designation to both the lAMP text and FLUM, to better accomplish the
special goals and objectives of the Immokalee Regional Airport, while avoiding
impacts on non-airport properties located in the Urban - Industrial District and its
Subdistricts. Staff also recommends incorporating the rectangular land area
associated with efforts to extend the runway at the Immokalee Regional Airport to
east, which would include Immokalee Urban Area Planning Boundaries, the also-
expanding Immokalee Future Land Use Designation, and any and all associated
map and text amendments in the lAMP and the RLSA provisions of the FLUE, fully
capturing this change.
h. In map legend: (1) Add "SR-" in front of "Seminole Reservation." (2) Replace gray
shading for the Airport - which isn't, and shouldn't be, depicted on the map face - to
a pattern or bold outline or bold dashed line. [On map face, shading should remain
to denote IN Subdistrict but the Airport site should be denoted with the pattern or
outline or bold dashed line.] (3) On the Road entries, replace "Major" with "Arterial
and Collector" and "Minor" with "Local." (4) Modify "Overlay" to be in caps and to
read: "OVERLAYS AND FEATURES." (5) Add "Overlay" after "Lake Trafford Urban
Wetlands," then below that insert "Urban Infill and Redevelopment Area" - or
provide explanation why deleted, why no longer necessary. (6) Modify "Agriculture
Rural Mixed Use" to read: "Agricultural/Rural Designation." (7) Delete "Proposed" in
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"Immokalee Proposed Future Land Use." (8) Beneath "Immokalee Future Land
Use," insert "URBAN DESIGNATION," then below that insert "Urban Mixed Use
District." (9) In "MR" entry, spell out "Medium." (10) Above IMU, insert "Urban
Industrial District." (11) Move the first five entries - "Immokalee Boundary" thru
"Collier County Local Roads" - beneath "OVERLAYS AND FEATURES."
D. General Comments - Data and Analysis. The data and analysis need to support the Goals,
Objectives and Policies, as well as to demonstrate financial feasibility. All Goals need to include
the necessary Objectives and Policies so they can be implemented and achieved. Please note
that specific comments about the provided support document are provided under item 5.
1. As required by Rule 9J-5, F.A.C., provide data and analysis to support the proposed
increases in density and intensity: demonstrate need for expanded/contracted
residential, commercial, industrial areas, and the increased densities, and increased
commercial and industrial intensities (e.g. population projections, commercial and
industrial inventories, demand analysis, etc.); explain and quantify impacts upon
adopted level of service standards, and demonstrate adequate capacity; address
compatibility of the proposed new, modified and expanded sub-districts with
surrounding areas.
2. The data and analysis appears to be prepared as if this were a new Element, though it
is not - the existing lAMP is not being repealed. Since this petition consists of
numerous amendments to the existing lAMP, the data and analysis needs to address
the proposed amendments. This necessitates a comparative analysis of all proposed
changes in land uses - increased/decreased residential densities and land area, and
increased/decreased commercial intensities and industrial intensities and land areas,
and substantive changes to policies. In addition, the support document of the proposed
lAMP includes analysis and statements that are presented as "facts" without supporting
data. Include Table identifying each subdistrict (e.g. Low Residential), existing acreage
(e.g. 5,000 acs.), proposed acreage (e.g. 6,000 acres), difference in acreage (e.g.
+1,000 acres), existing residential density and/or use intensity (e.g. 4 DU/A), proposed
residential density and/or use intensity (e.g. 5 DU/A), difference in residential density
and/or use intensity (e.g. +1 DU/A), and total increase/decrease in density and/or
intensity (e.g. 1,000 acres X 1 DU/A = 1,000 DUs). Also, then identify the number of
acres of land by subdistrict that are already developed and could reasonably be
excluded from the increase, with appropriate explanation for the exclusion.
3. List the opportunities for public participation in preparing this proposal, including dates,
times and locations of all meetings, workshops, etc. Revise all materials throughout to
standardize the use of the terms: "Proposed" wherever referring to yet to be adopted
lAMP Future Land Use designations (either districts or subdistricts); no modifier
wherever referring to standing lAMP Future Land Use designations already in place,
and; "existing" wherever referring to land use descriptions or designations.
4. Public Facilities - Water and Wastewater: Provide documentation to confirm that central
water and sewer service (or alternative) will be available to serve the areas proposed by
the Future Land Use Map amendments, and provide an analysis of the public facilities
that demonstrates whether there is available uncommitted capacity for each facility.
These analyses should be based on the maximum intensities and densities allowed
under the proposed land use categories. The analyses should include a five-year short-
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term analysis and a long-term analysis to the planning horizon of the lAMP. If any of
the analyses demonstrate a public facility will operate below the adopted level of service
then the necessary facility improvement or alternative measures to maintain the
adopted level of service should be identified.
5. Public Facilities - Transportation: Provide a transportation analyses for the proposed
Future Land Use Map Amendments demonstrating whether there is available
uncommitted capacity on the roadways. These analyses should be based on the
maximum intensities and densities allowed under the proposed land use categories.
The analyses should include a five-year short-term analysis and a long-term analysis to
the planning horizon of the lAMP. If the analyses demonstrate a roadway will operate
below the adopted level of service, then the necessary roadway improvement or
alternative measures to maintain the adopted level of service should be identified. If the
necessary corrective measure is a capital improvement it should be included within the
first five years of the capital improvement program or on the long range transportation
map, depending on the timing of the need for the improvement to the roadway.
6. Public Facilities - Solid Waste, Fire & Police Protection, Schools, and EMS: Provide a
level of service standard (LOSS) analyses for the proposed Future Land Use Map
Amendments demonstrating that the LOSS is met for each facility. These analyses
should be based on the maximum intensities and densities allowed under the proposed
land use categories. The analyses should include a five-year short-term analysis and a
long-term analysis to the planning horizon of the lAMP. If the analyses demonstrate a
facility will operate below the adopted level of service, then the necessary improvement
or alternative measures to maintain the adopted level of service should be identified. If
the necessary corrective measure is a capital improvement (solid waste, police, schools
and EMS only) it should be included within the first five years of the capital improvement
program, depending on the timing of the need for such improvement.
7. Environmental: Provide documentation in support of the proposed amendments that
include an analysis of the environmental features and constraints of each parcel located
within the Lake Trafford Urban Wetlands Overlay to ensure adequate protection of
these wetlands, environmental suitability of the sites for the proposed land uses, and
compatibility of surrounding land uses with these properties.
8. Industrial: Provide an analysis of industrial land use demand. This analysis should be
based on surveys and studies that reflect the need for job creation, capital investment,
and the necessity to strengthen and diversify the local economy, and should not be
limited solely to projected populations.
9. Commercial: Provide an analysis of commercial land use demand. This analysis should
include the commercial acreage needed to support projected populations; and, source
of demand - employment, population growth, business relocation (to address economic
development goals), etc.
10. The proposed lAMP notes a myriad of GOPs that would require funding. yet financial
sources are not identified.
11. Find all terms used in draft documents that would trigger the inclusion of references and
support materials as data and analysis, including but not limited to: "based on", "found
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in", "see", "refer to", "substantiated by", "according to" and so forth. Include them with
12. The impact of the proposed Mobile Home Objectives and Policies cannot be measured
as they lack the necessary data and analysis. Please provide data and analysis and
include all the existing Mobile Homes.
13. Review all "notes" below/accompanying Tables and Figures, including for inclusion, and
accuracy, of source cites, references to the correct geography/geographic areas, etc _
identify them properly/formally; explain the consistency or inconsistency between areas
when more than one is shown. Standardize format. Some instances of "estimates"
being used to describe population figures should be revised to read "estimates and
projections." Check throughout draft documents so a revision requested herein for
notes, Tables or Figures are likewise revised in any accompanying text. Revise as
necessary (in both lAMP & support documents) to ensure all apples-fo-apples acreage
figures correlate with each other - not all currently do at every location. Most Tables
have double titles: the heading and then a subtitle that is the same as the title
(redundant), please revise. Revise names on the Tables and Figures and/or Table of
Contents so as to read the same. Check all maps and Figures for inclusion of scale,
date, north arrow, source.
14. Locate Figures and Tables so they are in the order that they are referenced in the text.
15. Provide analysis of proposed lAMP amendment to address HB 697, Green House
Reduction Strategies.
16. It is obvious that a large portion of the text in the support document is copied from the
Master Plan that was created almost 20 years ago. There are many references that
need to be updated: dates, tables, names of departments and agencies, and
documents that have been either updated or replaced. Also, grammatical errors that are
within the old Plan need to be corrected.
E. Comments - Support Document. Provide as part of the data and analysis needed to support the
proposal, figures indicating extent of affects on the underlying LDC zoning (districts) and
existing land uses, by new Planning designations or provisions. This includes tables or listings
giving locations and acreages for any and all properties that would become nonconforming
from its conforming status, or conforming from its nonconforming status. These effects clearly
extend from old densities to new densities, old uses to new uses, and so forth. Numerous
examples of these situations are evident given the proposed Policies, provisions or FLU map
changes, but at this time they are unsupported by sufficient data and analysis comparing
before and after scenarios. The short list includes:
· C-5 commercial uses in the IN and I-MU Subdistricts
· Mobile homes on Rural Agricultural lots/properties, with MH Overlay, in the RT and LR
· Agricultural uses in the IN and I-MU Subdistricts
· Residences on Rural Agricultural lots/properties in the RT, IN and I-MU Subdistricts
· Mobile homes outside MH Parks or MH Subdivisions in virtually all new Subdistricts
· Multi-family residential units in the LR Subdistrict
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Exhaust this listing and provide the necessary comparisons. Determine whether certain LDC
zoning districts will allow, correspond or conflict with, proposed uses in Subdistricts; These
comparisons may be measured by units affected per acre, or, per nonconforming lot.
Wherever underlying zoning is found to become inconsistent with adoption of new Subdistrict
provisions in this Master Plan, each of the affected Subdistrict provisions proposed by this draft
document should be revised likewise to later initiate LDC amendments - suggesting the
addition of, "Where zoning inconsistencies are created by the adoption of this Subdistrict as
indicated in the supporting data and analysis, within one (1) year of the effective date of this
Subdistrict, the County will initiate the appropriate rezone of these lands.", or other similar
1. Introduction (page 2). The Urban Designated Area is referenced as if it is different from
the Immokalee Planning Community when it is not. Please rectify. In addition,
population is referenced as correlating with the Immokalee Planning Community,
however, some population data is presented by Census Tracts or Census Designated
Place. Please rectify.
2. History of Immokalee (page 3). Third line, add an "s" to "area". Line 7, substitute "of the
last century" to "of the 19th century."
3. Figure 1. In Legend and Title, delete the "area" and replace with "boundary." In Legend
delete the word "major", it is not a roadway classification in the GMP, and replace with
"Arterial and Collector"; and, "Local" so as to read "Collier County Local Roads."
4. Figure 2. Update and enlarge, for clarity. Clarify if the Rural Area of Critical Economic
Concern is within the Immokalee Urban area boundary. Roads are depicted in blue and
yellow, but the legend only identifies the yellow roads; revise. Numbers on the Figure
need to be denoted in Legend. Add Township and Range markers.
5. Page 4. Change second paragraph where it note "Immokalee became..." this is not
accurate. Please revise to "when Collier County was created in 1923, the 74 citizens of
Immokalee... "
6. Page 5. Insert "Collier County" before "Planning Commission." Revise the last 5 lines to
read "Today, there are two representatives from County Commission District 5, which
include Immokalee, serving on the Collier County Planning Commission." Correct the
acronym on 5th line.
7. Page 6. Table 1. Please delete "Note 1 ", as there are no other notes. Also, the note
suggests that the boundary was different prior to 1990. If this is accurate, clarify.
Clarify which sources are for what estimate. Include the words "and projections" after
"estimates" (both heading and footnote). Consider breaking up the note into separate
years to correlate with separate sources. Replace "Division" with "Department."
a. Some population figures are from April whereas other are based on October figures.
Please use the same time for consistency (preferably April).
b. Please correct year "1989" to "1985"
c. If October figures are utilized so as to include peak season, please provide as a
separate Table or separate columns in Table.
d. Please provide the DCA Farm Worker Study.
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8. Page 7. Include referenced Census Tract and Tables of School Enrollment (and
percentage referenced). Provide Census maps referenced in the Note.
9. The Policies on page 25 (density bonuses), state that the need for the proposed density
bonuses is due to the amount of elderly population. However, Table 2 shows that such
population is a very small group. Therefore, the data do not support the proposed
policy. Please reconcile and consider revisions.
10. Page 8, Table 3. Specify the geography for this population - Immokalee Census
Designated Place (CDP)? Population totals for 1980 and 2000 do not match those in
Table 2. In addition, identify the source for the other two referenced years. Also, insert
a percentage column. Insert the "*" in the Table.
11. Population Projection (page 9): "Detailed Population Study of Appendix 1" is referenced
but no such study or Appendix was included. The County uses a Peak Season
population methodology that is adopted in the CIE and has been approved by DCA.
Revise Table 4 to reflect Collier County's Peak Season population methodology, or
provide more data and analysis to support the proposed population methodology.
a. Table 4: Insert column of Peak Season population using Collier County's
methodology for comparison. Include the below new data from Comprehensive
Planning Department to replace noted extrapolations: 2025 figures (April 1 and Oct.
1 permanent population and 2025 peak season population using applicant's
· April 1: 57,148
· Oct. 1: 58,003
· Peak: 73,003
12. D. Land Use - Existing & Future, Introduction (pages 10-19): This section needs to be
split into two sections - existing land use, and then future land use. Please renumber
after restructuring; discuss and include only information about existing land uses under
the Existing Land Use Analysis section; discuss and include only information about
future land uses under the Existing Land Use [Analysis] section. Consider providing
additional historical information to improve perspective and context. Provide more-
recent rail service history: provide full airport development history. Another instance of
"primary" being used to characterize something not followed by secondary or minor
items - refrain from such characterizations. Replace "both of which encourage" with "to
produce" in last sentence of first paragraph. Replace "accordingly" with "appropriately"
at end of second paragraph.
a. 1. Misuse of Land subsection. The third bullet point regarding haphazard
development appears to characterize some of the planning practices desired to be
adopted - the widespread allowances for essential services, agricultural and
commercial activities virtually throughout Immokalee Urban Area - and is not
sufficient to support the present proposal. Consider revising this text and/or the
corresponding proposed lAMP provisions.
b. 3. Inefficient Use of Land. The first bullet point regarding off-street parking appears
to refer to parking for commercial vehicles. Revise to clarify the intended reference
to customer vehicle parking at commercial establishments. First line: delete the
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word "commercial" and add "for commercial uses..." after the word "parking" in the
second line. The second bullet point regarding strip development appears to
characterize some of the planning practices desired to be adopted - the overt
allowances for strip commercial development virtually throughout Immokalee in the
Commercial - Mixed Use Subdistrict (C-MU) - and is not sufficient to support the
present proposal. Consider revising this text and/or the corresponding proposed
lAMP provisions. Replace "lack of cohesion of in" with "non-cohesive" from last
sentence of the last bullet point.
c. Economic Overview subsection (page 11): Identify the "Bureau of Labor Statistics"
as a State or Federal agency. Include the support materials from which the figures
given in the later sentences of this paragraph were drawn. Include data for the
referenced weekly salary. Include wage tables for workforce. Delete the word
"trend" in the second line of the second paragraph of the left column. Middle column,
second paragraph, second line: replace "their" with "its"; restructure this paragraph
to emphasize the "interest in Collier County" before the listing of recent
accomplishments. Provide the full titles of the agencies listed.
d. Table 5: Revise the title to read: "Agricultural Statistics for Collier County." Add an
additional column to this table to show the "Total Agricultural Acres" figures.
Acreage for some types of agriculture, e.g. ranching and ornamental crops, are not
included; add to Table 5, or explain why they are not included. Provide the USDA
Farmworker Studies identified in footnote as support material. Update Table 5 per
the referenced 2005 study.
e. Residential subsection (page 12): Revise the streets stated in listing, "State Road
29, New Market Road, and Eustis Street" as these streets do not form a triangle as
stated in the text. Eustis Street is an Avenue. Revise the observation that "the
agricultural industry has expanded and Immokalee has become...", as this
characterization conflicts with statements made elsewhere.
E.12.e.1. In second paragraph, revise as needed to correspond with
revisions made to Table 6. The "60%" figure is inaccurate - the
figures in Table 7 reveal this percentage to be closer to 25%.
Consider the use of the phrase "From all indications" where
discussing mobile homes and modular housing as no support
materials appear to indicate this. Consider the proposal that "new
regulations... must be developed" where discussing mobile
homes and modular housing as no support materials appear to
indicate that existing County regulations do not sufficiently
address these situations. Provide a survey of mobile home,
modular and manufactured housing conditions, a synopsis of
where existing regulations fall short, or other materials necessary
to support the assertion that something "must be" done. Revise
the streets given to describe residential neighborhood "North of
Immokalee Road and East of SR-29" to better represent its
E.12.e.2. Table 6: Revise to include all approved PUDs (missing Faith
Landing and Harvest for Humanity, perhaps others?). Place
PUDs in alphabetical order (they start that way then more recent
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approvals are added at bottom of list instead of being inserted in
order). Revise the second column heading to read "No. of
Approved Units". Add an additional column to this table to show
the "Total No. of Built Units" figures. Correct the source(s)
identified in note below table, as the PUD Monitoring section of
the Engineering and Environmental Services Department now
produces the PUD list. Revise development name: "Sanders
Pines" (not Lines). Provide a map of all PUDs in Immokalee to
correlate with this Table.
E.12.e.3. In first paragraph (page 13), revise to insert the year that the
Village Residential zoning district was introduced (1982). The
second paragraph is insufficient to convey the amount of
information needed - expand this explanation to provide
comparisons between Tables 7 and 8 [and same for any two
examples being explained]. Remove the words, "and the
surrounding area". The comparison between Table 7 and Table
8 is apples to oranges - making the analysis incomplete. Create
and insert an additional table to provide Future Land Use
Designations and Acreages as they now exist in the lAMP, and
number it Table 8. Re-title the new 'Table 9" to read, "Proposed
Future Land Use Designations and Acreages", referring to yet to
be adopted lAMP Future Land Use designations.
E.12.e.4. Figure 3, Existing Land Use: Another instance of "Current" being
used to describe land uses - Revise to use "Existing Land Use"
term, as indicated for all locations where "Current Land Use" is
now used in draft document. Remove the "Roadways/Right-of-
Ways" entry from Legend. Remove the "Planned Unit
Development" and "Seminole Reservation" entries from Legend -
PUDs and Reservation lands are not land uses. This Figure and
the "Immokalee Proposed Future Land Use Map" (remove
"Exhibit" from title) should be duplicated as additional figures -
each of the two new figures is to be layered over a current Zoning
map for comparison purposes. Eliminate the mapping
contradiction where blue, "Government" land uses are
unnecessarily depicted inside the brown, "Seminole Reservation"
land use designation. Figure 3 is not legible - enlarge.
f. Commercial subsection (page 14). The use of Property Appraiser land use figures
(252 acres) and the Commercial Inventory zoning figures (406.31) do not introduce
or provide a useful correlation. Provide figures that properly relate to one another,
or explain how a lack of any correlation supports revisions to the Immokalee Area
Master Plan. Provide any sources chosen/used as support materials.
g. Industrial subsection (page 14). Revise the streets given to describe the major
industrial area "east of first Street and south of Immokalee Drive" to better represent
its location. Insert "zoned" where describing this "majority of industrial zoned land".
It is stated that the majority of the industrial uses in Immokalee are related to
agriculture. It is also stated that there is a "concentrated effort to recruit light
industrial development in Immokalee." Please provide backup data.
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E.12.g.1. In second paragraph, discussion of [the proposed future]
"Industrial Mixed Use" designation occurs, while this subsection is
under the Existing Land Use Analysis section. Revise to discuss
existing situation within the Existing Land Use Analysis section,
and limit proposed, future situations to within the Future Land
Use Analysis section. Provide the whole name of the Immokalee
Regional Airport.
h. Public Facilities subsection (page 14). The figure "3,816" does not match the actual
figures derived from the source table - revise to provide accurate figure.
Restructure this paragraph - in 2nd sentence, after "uses" insert relocated text "that
serve Immokalee and the surrounding rural area."
E.12.h.1. Proposed use of the terms "institutional core", ""downtown"
commercial center", and "central core" lack meaning and context.
Expand the second paragraph under this subsection heading to
provide further explanation for the use of these terms. Replace
with terms used in other parts of draft documents for the same
geographic areas, reconcile the use of multiple terms for the
same geographic areas, and/or reduce or eliminate any confusion
over these terms by any approach necessary. Consider that this
[expanded] paragraph may be more informational if relocated to
the later Future Land Use (Analysis) section and move
E.12.h.2. Consider referencing more-contemporary planning principles than
those drawn from a 1982 NAHB site planning manual - these
guidelines potentially conflict with Smart Growth and form-based
planning principles, New Urbanism, transect-based land use
patterns, the Collier County Community Character Plan, and
other site planning and development guidelines discussed
elsewhere in the draft lAMP document. If these guidelines and
this [expanded] paragraph remain, provide detailed explanation
how the wide range of commercial uses allowed by the proposed
C-MU designation can be characterized as "neighborhood" in
scope and scale, and how proposed C-MU uses will be
consistently compatible with schools and other public facilities.
Additionally, if these guidelines are kept, consider revisions to the
C-MU so they have reduced intensities where proximate to
Immokalee's neighborhood focal points. Consider referring to
these areas as "neighborhood focal points" instead of
"neighborhood service centers" if any reference to the old site
planning manual remains. If it's used, it's to be included as
support materials.
i. Recreation subsection (pages 14-15). Another instance of "within the Study Area"
being used, as it appears these entries are actually taken from a study, not following
or produced from one - remove any and all references to this study area, or; provide
additional specificity and explanation about this study area and its parent study and
include it as part of data and analysis. Refer to current AUIR for complete list of
facilities to be consistent. Provide correct names for first two facilities listed.
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Provide correct name for one known facility not listed. Show the correct category
type for each facility. Consider replacing this lengthy paragraph with a more reader
friendly table. If a table is used, provide three data columns, for
Facility/Acreage/Type. Correct the spelling of "Tony Rosbough Park."
E.12. i.1. The final sentence (page 15), appears to be an incomplete
statement. Provide the missing comparison to Countywide
percentages and counts in order to sufficiently substantiate any
localized lack of recreational facilities. Extend this subsection to
provide other necessary substantiation.
j. Vacant Land subsection (page 15). Remove last sentence of first paragraph - it
serves no particular purpose in stating such a claim - as this entry is part of support
materials, not an Objective, Policy, directive or provision of the lAMP. Remove
"and" from the opening sentence in the second paragraph, and insert a comma after
"large". Revise to include proper references to the maps or figure of these land
areas, or, no maps or figures are presently proposed - add them in their proper
format and placement. Provide backup data (text and graphic).
E.12.j.1. It is stated that large tracts of land are available outside the
commercial core of Main Street and New Market. Please provide
backup data.
E.12.j.2. It is stated that there are many scattered small individual lots
available in the proximity of Main Street area. Please provide
backup data.
E.12.j.3. It is stated that many residential units in the urban core "should"
be rehabilitated or replaced. Please explain why.
E.12.j.4. It is stated that most of the large and undeveloped parcels
contain some wetland and are heavily forested with pine
flatwoods or pine/cabbage palms. Please provide backup data.
E.12.j.5. It is stated that there is a large geographical area east of Lake
Trafford that contains environmental sensitive habitat, along with
other environmental assertions about this area. Please provide
backup data.
E.12.j.6. Planning Implications subsection (page 15). Another instance of
"this study" being used, as it appears these entries are actually
taken from a study, not following or produced from one - remove
any and all references to this study, or; provide additional
specificity and explanation about this study and include it as part
of data and analysis. Consider replacing the term "safety
problems" with "safety issues." Some of the statements are too
general, please reword to address specific issues to Immokalee.
Please provide data to support the statement that much of the
population do not own an automobile. Please provide backup
data (text and graphic) for each of the assertions of the analysis.
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k. Revise the "Future Land Use" section heading (page 16) to read, "Future Land Use
Analysis". Reformat accordingly.
I. Table 8: Does not match up with Table 9, as apparently intended. Revise as
necessary. Another instance of revision needed after the removal of the "Commerce
Park at Silver Strand - CPSS" as indicated earlier.
m. Table 9: No source(s) given - provide. Another instance of revision needed after
the removal of the "Commerce Park at Silver Strand - CPSS". Revise the heading,
and maybe figures themselves, in "MAX. DUlAC" column. Re-Iabel this and other
headings (to its right) to properly refer to "base" calculations, and other corrected
terminology indicated earlier. Review and revise as necessary to properly reflect
earlier indicated use of density terminology. Re-organize FLU Designation column to
follow order in text and Table 8.
n. Residential subsection (page 17). Consider the use of the term "new" when
describing who will grow Immokalee's population. These persons may be newly
trained, relocated, or others who are not necessarily "new" and all it connotes.
Same for "new" industries, as they will likely not be previously unknown or familiar
but simply new to Immokalee.
o. Recreation subsection (pages 17-18). Significant amount of entries appear to be
similar to earlier Recreation subsection under Existing Land Use Analysis section.
Consider shortening this subsection by eliminating repetition, and make reference
back to earlier-recommended Table. Revise the AUIR-based cite on p. 18, as the
2008 AUIR updated this LOSS to 1.2 from the previous 1.3. Please provide backup
p. Table 10: No sources for these figures are provided.
q. Build out analysis on page 16 is based on assumptions and calculations that are not
justified. Please provide data, data calculation, and revised analysis.
r. On Page 18, it is stated that the number of agricultural workers is not expected to
increase. Please reconcile with statements from other portions of the support
document, is it increasing or decreasing?
s. Community Park Acreage Demand. (page 18). Please update backup data and
include source. Also, it is stated that "staff' recognizes the need for additional
recreational facilities and "is encouraging" the development of neighborhood parks.
These statements are not necessary or appropriate, please delete. If "staff' refers to
the CRA staff or other County Departments, please note the specific agency or
Department and provide data that supports the statements.
t. Agriculture (page 18). Agriculture (A) is a zoning district depicted on the Collier
County Zoning Maps, it is not a Future Land Use designation in Immokalee. Please
revise statement.
u. Transportation (page 18): this analysis is confusing as it cites the proposed
objectives and policies without justification or data.
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v. Page 19. It is stated that residential development is emerging along SR-29. Please
identify and locate on a map.
w. Page 19. Second bullet: delete "from" and insert "west to" before "Little League
Road." Delete "to SR-29", and add "extension" after "Little League Road."
x. Page 19, Fifth bullet: replace "Bethune Avenue" with "Bethune Road."
y. Page 19, sixth bullet: delete "north" and replace for "south of'
z. Page 19. Roadways that are proposed to be extended. Please justify.
aa. Future Land Use Concept - Activity Centers. Please explain which GOPs this
analysis justifies. Provide maps for the public facilities (page 14) and refer to those
maps in the support document. An Appendix IV is referenced, but only one
Appendix was provided. Please provide missing appendices.
bb. Page 19. Missing are headings for Commercial, and Industrial, each with acreage
CC. Natural Resources (page 20-25). Data is obsolete - update. Wetlands, page 20: In
2nd sentence, revise to read "fresh and/or salt water"; delete "is Fresh Water
Marshes" at end of 1 st paragraph; delete "Sanctuary" in 1 st sentence of 2nd
paragraph. Second paragraph is poorly written - needs rewording and/or
dd. Page 21. Figure 4. Enlarge map; identify source. Explain discrepancy between
"Environmentally Sensitive Areas" depicted here vs. the Lake Trafford Urban
Wetlands boundary.
ee. Page 22. Groundwater Resources. Figure 5 is not legible - enlarge. Region III
appears to not be identified by any of the 3 patterns contained in the Legend _
explain. Groundwater availability cannot be drawn from this map as stated in the
text - revise. Correct spelling of "aquifer."
ff. Soils. Page 22. The suitability range for septic tank drain fields list is out of order on
page 22. In 2nd sentence, insert "are" after "Soils." In 2nd paragraph, 2nd sentence, it
appears "as" should be inserted after "not." In 3rd paragraph, the year of the
Immokalee Housing Study should be identified (to distinguish among more than one
such studies), and the referenced Appendices of that Study provided.
gg. Figure 6. Page 23. Please provide source; date, north arrow. Legend is incomplete,
please update and include local roads in Legend. Need to enlarge, perhaps to 11" x
17" .
hh. Page 24. Mineral Resources. Need to draw a conclusion. In 1 st sentence, insert
comma between "sand" and "peat."
ii. Page 25. Wildlife and Habitats. Need to draw a conclusion specific to Immokalee.
There are many assertions in regard to wildlife and habitat. Please include backup
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data. Reword 10th line to read "sources are, in most instances, irreplaceable."
Reword 12'h line to read "given prior to making any decision to."
jj. Page 25. Figure 7. Include source and date.
kk. Page 26. Left column, first paragraph, line 14: "Devious, 1943" - verify year.
Consider rewording this paragraph as it is confusing. In 2nd paragraph, correct the
term Conservation and Coastal Management Element; it appears "upland" should
be inserted after "The prominent"; Figure 8 is a diagram and does not depict spatial
distribution as stated - provide map(s) to do so.
II. Wildlife. Page 26. Reword 3rd sentence - as written, implies wildlife is not found
elsewhere beyond preserve areas. Update Preserve list and note BCNP is partially
within Collier County. Update the 1992 "Official Lists of Endangered and Potentially
Endangered Fauna and Flora in Florida." If former agency name still relevant after
update, then following it insert "now known as Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation
Commission (FFWCC)." Provide maps for gopher tortoise and scrub jay
populations. Replace former agency name with "FFWCC" (page 28).
mm. Wellfield Cones of Influence. Page 28. Correct name of Conservation and Coastal
Management Element.
nn. Page 29. Main Street extending west of the SR29 curve is not an arterial or collector
road, but depicted as such in Figure 9. Revise this - and all other figures and maps
that depict this error.
00. Public Facilities (page 30-31). The analysis is based on the Immokalee Water and
Sewer District Master Plan Study - provide Boyle's study. Quantify equivalent
dwelling units as they do not equal stated total of 5,500; also it appears "804 are
trailer parks" should read "804 are mobile homes."
pp. Page 31. Rewrite first paragraph from a timeline perspective (is now historical);
replace "Dump Road" with "Sanitation Road." Final full sentence is an incomplete
qq. Page 31 and 32. Water and Sewer. Please include demand and capacity in
relationship with proposed density and intensity in the GOPs.
rr. Page 32. Statement about population doubling is inaccurate and references a now
former population methodology. Provide map, or modify other map, to depict effluent
disposal site.
ss. Page 34. Revise "Barron River North Canal Basin" as "Barron River Canal North
Sub-basin." It appears that H1, H2, H3, and H4 are sub-basins - please correct. H4 -
appears that this is the "Barron" (not Barrow) River Canal South Sub-basin. Add
Corkscrew Slough Basin in the legend. Revise "Basins" to "Sub-basins" as
appropriate. Provide map of the four sub-basins (H1-H4).
tt. Page 36. C. Solid Waste. This subsection should be 3 not "C". Please revise
location of landfill, as it is not on Eustis Avenue, it is on Sanitation Road. Revise rest
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of paragraph as appropriate. Provide a solid waste facilities map depicting both
closed landfills and present transfer station. Update using 2008 AUIR.
uu. Page 36. Existing Conditions. All key roads are noted but discussion is not provided
- revise. In 2nd paragraph, insert "North 15th Street."
vv. Page 37. Traffic Counts. Update to reflect 2008 AUIR.
ww. Page 38. It is stated that an updated traffic study for Immokalee will be ready in
October 2009; provide source. A list of roadways widened is referenced, but not
provided; please include. Correct name of Transportation Planning Department and
Transportation Services Division. Acronym doesn't match parenthetical name -
please verify or correct. Identify Maps TR-8 and TR-9 as being in the Transportation
xx. Figure 14. Identify source and include date.
yy. Table 13. Update to reflect the 2008 AUIR. 1 st row - add a comma after "(CR 846)";
delete other parenthesis; insert "(Main St.)" after "SR29." 2nd row - modify to read
"Lake Trafford Rd. west of SR29." 3rd row - add a comma after "Street" and add
"Road" after "New Market." 4th row - add a comma after "Road", add "north" or
"south" after "Broward St." as appropriate - if "south" then add "(Main St.)" after
"SR29," 5th row - add a comma after "29" and add "Road" after "New Market."
zz. Table 14. On 1st row, change "South" to "North."
aaa. Page 39. Enter header at last paragraph to read: "4. Non-Motorized Travel."
bbb. Table 15. Identify source and include date. Delete "(CR 850)" after Pepper Road.
Second column, last street - add parentheses to "CR 850" and insert "Corkscrew
Road" in front of "(CR 850)." Add footnote for "BL." Add the "*" footnote.
ccc. Page 41. Do not capitalize coordinates. Revise text to reflect current conditions.
Wherever the north-south segment of SR-29 is listed, follow it with "(North 15th
Street) ."
ddd. Page 41. Replace "Immokalee Road" with "Immokalee Drive" in right-hand column.
eee. Page 42. Replace "Bethune Avenue" with "Bethune Road." Evaluate for accuracy
the statements in the analysis on this page as improvements may have occurred in
the last 20 years. Provide a map of proposed loop road and SR-29/1-75 bypass
route. In reference to Policy 3.2.4. on page 14, provide map that depicts the future
"Tradeport Parkway." Correct "(SR-20)" as "(SR-29)." In right-hand column, the 1 st
complete sentence doesn't make sense in regard to the Loop Road - revise.
fff. Table 16. Identify source and include date. Insert "RCMA" in front of "Immokalee
Community in 2nd row."
ggg. Page 43. Spell out RCMA. If RCMA is not part of the School District, remove from
the Table; provide a map of the schools. Are the school count population figures as
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of October 2008? School enrollment figures in Table 17 and text are different -
Table 17. Delete "Senior." Explain which enrollment periods are utilized to
determine the increase/decrease.
Fire. Include the referenced 2005 Fire/Rescue Study; - update if needed. Provide
date and analysis in relation to proposed increased density and intensity. Provide
map of service area and fire stations. Update data, e.g. is ISO rating still an 8?
Police Protection. Page 44. Identify source of data and include date. The Drill
Academy no longer exists. Consistently use "Sheriffs Office." Revise 1 st paragraph
for clarity as to staff composition; present wording suggests CID, COP and
Narcotics staff are in addition to the 52 employees. Revise text as necessary.
F. The proposed lAMP impacts other Elements of the GMP (Transportation, CCME, FLUE), yet
amendments to those Elements are not included.
Environmental Services Sufficiency Review (comments provided bY Laura Roys):
This petition is insufficient for review. The proposed change to the GMP cannot be found
sufficient for review at this time. The applicant has not supplied the information required per
Section V.C of the application for a change to the GMP:
1. Provide the most recent aerial and summary table of acreage of native habitats and soils.
Habitat identification must be consistent with the FDOT -Florida Land use, cover and forms
classification system (FLUCCS code).
2. Provide a summary table of Federal (US Fish & Wildlife Service) and State (Florida Fish
and Wildlife Conservation Commission) listed plant and animal species known to occur
and/or known to inhabit biological communities similar to these areas (e.g. panther or black
bear range, avian rookery, bird migratory route, etc.).
3. Identify historic and/or archaeological sites. Provide copy of County's
Historical/Archaeological Probability Map and correspondence from Florida Department of
Transportation Plannina Sufficiency Review (comments provided by Nick Casalanauida):
General comments: funding sources for the proposed transportation Gaps are not identified.
Please include funding sources.
1. Policy 3.2.1. Please add "and funding is identified" at the end of the paragraph.
2. Policy 3.2.3. Please add "subject to available funding." at the end of the paragraph.
3. Policy 3.2.4. Please add "subject to available funding." at the end of the paragraph.
4. Policy 3.2.6. This policy would require biannual long range transportation coordination. This
Policy is not necessary as the Transportation Department coordinates long range
transportation on an annual basis through the AUIR.
5. Policy 3.2.7. Safety Improvement Study is not currently funded; identify funding source.
6. Policy 6.1.8. Coordination should be limited to CRA and Collier County Government (Main
Street MSTU should not be included).
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7. Support Document. Provide the following:
a. Roadway map.
b. Safety Improvement maps, including lighting and crosswalks.
c. Mobility map. In addition, include GOPs.
d. The "TRIP" explanation on page 38 is not correct; revise.
e. Table 14 on page 39 is not accurate and does not contain funding sources; revise and
identify funding sources.
f. Table 15 on page 40 contains obsolete data; update to reflect current needs.
g. Most maps are too small or illegible; enlarge/revise.
The original application and any remaining copies are available for pick-up (one copy is kept for the
file). Once the petition has been modified/enhanced to address the above items, please re-submit
the original plus four copies, all properly assembled, for a second sufficiency review. Paragraph
B.3. of Resolution #97-431 provides 30 days for you to respond to this letter with supplemental
data, but also provides that additional time may be requested, and granted. Staff requests that a
meeting be held to discuss these insufficiencies; please contact me to schedule.
Please note this letter is only to advise of a sufficiency finding, not to comment or advise on
issues or concerns pertaining to the requested text and/or map amendment to the Immokalee Area
Master Plan Element.
Should you have any questions, you may contact me by telephone at 252-8498 or via e-mail at
ca rolinava
Carolina Valera
Principal Planner
cc: CP-2008-5 File
David Weeks, AICP, Planning Manager, Comprehensive Planning Department