Resolution 2004-370 RESOLUTION NO. 2004- 370 IOE A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A POLICY FOR THE APPROVAL OF FUNDS FOR TRAVEL EXPENSES FOR PERSONS CONDUCTING OFFICIAL TOURISM BUSINESS. WHEREAS, it is the intent of Collier County to reimburse Tourism Department employees and agents under contract with Collier County for travel on official tourism business in accordance with Section 125.0104, Florida Statutes, and Section 112.061, Florida Statutes; and, WHEREAS, all authorized travel expenses will be reimbursed to County TOlllism Department employees or to employees of companies or individuals contracted for tourism services on behalf of the County at the actual expense; and. WHEREAS. the Board of County Commissioners has the legal authority to adopt a resolution authorizing the expenditure of County funds for valid and proper public purposes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the expenditure of funds for any and all travel by Tourism Department employees and authorized agents under contract with Collier County are as follows: A. APPROV AL REQUIRED. All travel for Tourism Department staff and authorized agents under contract must be authorized and approved by the Tourism Department Director, and by the County Manager for the Toulism Department Director, and funds must be available in the approved TOLllism Department Budget. Those travel events that arc not covered in the budgeted or contingencies categories in the Tourism Department Budget must be presented to the Tourist Development Council and Board of County Commissioners for approval. The Board of County Commissioners must approve travel by authorized persons not employed or under contract by the County who are called upon to contribute time and services as consultants or advisors or pUlticipants for travel on County tourism business. All truve! reimbursements require receipts. B. DOMESTIC TRA VEL. I. Common Carrier. Travel shall be booked at the best available coach price. 2. Ground Transportation. Taxi, shuttle and public transportution shall be reimbursed at actual cost including up to a 15% gratuity. Rental car use shall be booked or reimbursed for domestic travel at best compact rate available. Travelers shall use the rental car company holding the county bid, where available. 3. Meals. Meals shall be reimbursed at actuul cost plus gratuity up to 15%, if not included in bill, and up to 20%. if included in bill, for groups or special menus or events. Contjnental breakfasts, snucks, drinks or other small incidental food items provided under a registration fee wi II not be considered a provided meal and a full meal substitute would be reimbursable al actual cost. 4. Accommodations/Lodging. In-state travel outside 50 miles of office location is reimbursuble at actual cost for single occupuncy at the best available rate or at the headquurters hotel. Tmvel within 50 miles of the office - Accommodations expense reimbursement must be authorized by the Toulism Director if travel to home after the daily activities is deemed unsufe, or supervision of guests being entertained is necessary. Travel to destinations within Florida is tax exempt for accommodations. Travelers shull supply the hotel/motel with a FIOJiua Sales Tax Exemption Certificate when checking in. Expenses for the use of in-room dispenscrs or movies are not reimbursable. IOE :'i. Other expenses. Reimbursable expenses includc tolls. ferry fares, tuxedo und costume rental, parking fees, charges for business telephone culls. including cell phone roaming charges, fucsimi les, or high speed internct access charges for use of computcr. actual mi leagc reimbursement at the currcnt Collicr County rate, mandatory valet parking, including u 15'%, gratuity, hotel resort fees. [i ps lO bellmen, parking attendants, and shuttle drivers, charges for changcs in tnlVel dates or departure times for uirline ticket and hotel accommodations if prc approved by the Tourism Director or County Munager, laundry and dry cleaning charge for travel of five (:'i) or more days. Business ussociation, trade association, tourism industry association. Chamber of Commerce meetings, or event expenses are authorized for payment or reimbursement if subject matter is tourism related. C. TRA VEL IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES. Foreign tmvel will be conductcd in compliancc with fedeml standards detailed in the publication, "Standardized Regulations (Govcrnment Civilians, Foreign Areas)". ]. Common Canier. Travel shall be booked at the best available coach price. 2. Ground Trunspol1ation. Taxi. shuttle and public transpoltation shall be reimbursed at actual cost with receipt including up to a 15% gratuity. RenWI car use shull be booked or reimbursed at best compuct rate available. 3. Meals. Meals shall be reimbursed at aClLlal cost plus gratuity up to l:'i%, if not included in bill, and up to 20%, if included in bill. for groups or special menus or events. Continental breakfasts. snacks, drinks or other small incidental food items provided under a registration fee wi II not bc considered a provided meal and a full mcal substitute wOlild be reimbursable at actual cost. 4. Accommodations/Lodg.ing. Reimbursable for actual cost for single occupancy at the best available mte or at the headqual1ers hotel. Expenses for the use of in-room dispensers or movies are not reimbursable. :'i. Other expenses. Reimbursable expenses include tolls, ferry fures, tuxedo and costumc rentals, parking fees, foreign currency exchange fees, travelers checks fees, maps, churges for business telephone calls, including access, air time and phone rental charges for cell phones, facsimiles, or high speed intcrnet access charges for use of computer, actual mileage reimbursement at the CUITent Collier County rate (culTently 29\! per mile), mandatory vulet parking. in<:luding a l:'i% gratuity, hotel resort fees, tips to bellmen, parking uttendants. und shuttle drivers, charges for changes in tmvc! dutes or departure times for airline ticket and hotel accommodations with prior approval of the Tourism Director or Counly Manager, laundry and dry cleaning charge for tmvel of fi ve (5) or morc days. D. TRA VEL INVOLVING TRADE SHOWS / CONVENTIONS / TOURISM INDUSTRY AND ASSOClA TJON MEETINGS. Expenses related to altendan<:e at trade shows, conventions, association and tourism industry meetings. sales meetings and receptions and events <Ire authorized for payment or reimbursemcnt at actual cost pursuant to this Resolution depending on whether the travel is foreign or domestic. Pursuant to Section I 2.'i.0 104. Florida Statutes, registration fees for Tourism Depal1ment employees .1Ild uuthorized agents under contract with Collier County shall be paid in advance by County che<:k or credit <:ard or be paid hy reimbursement. "",. TRA VEL-RELATED ENTERTAINMENT. IOE E. Payment or reimbursement is authorized 1'01' any tourism promotion. event, meal, or occasion orgunized by thc Collicr County Tourism Department or other tourism organizations or agcncies including, but not limited to, entcrtuining travel writers, journalists, travel agcnts. tour operators. airlines, travel consultunts, wholesalers, consolidators, mecting plunners. dlgnitalies and VIP's from foreign countlics or anyonc who can bring, direct or encourage travel or publicity to Collier County. (Collectively or singularly refcrred to as "Tourism Promotcrs"). Expenses such as meals for County employees who attcnd a function with TOlllism Promoters in an official capacity arc authorizcd to be included in thc total cost of the function for payment or reimburscmcnt. I. Meuls. Meals include food und beveruges associated with meetings, dinners. promotions, cocktail partics and similar events. whether catcrcd or provided by Collier County or other tourism orgunizations or agencies. at a fucility or private locution. Gratuities up to 15%, if not included in the bill. or up to 20'Pc., if included in the bill, for groups or special mcnus or events arc authorized ror puyment or reimbursement. Gratuities on discounted or complimentary meals are authorizcd as culculated on the rull fair market price of the meuls up to 20'k. County employees must follow the County Ethics Policy covering acceptance of discounted or complimentary meals. 2. Alcoholic Beverages. The cost of alcoholic beverages is authorized for payment or reimhursemcnt for entertainment purposes for Tourism Promoters. The cost of alcoholic beverages for County employees is not reimbursable. 3. Gifts. Tokens of appreciation and mementos of Collier County given to Tourism Promoters ure authorizcd for payment or reimbursemenl ut uetual cost. 4. TransPol1ution. Expenses 1'01' vans, limousines, huses or automohiles to tranSpOt1 Tourism Promoters are authorized for payment or reimbursement. 5. Accommodations. Expenses to house TOlllism Promotcrs arc authorized for payment or reimhurscment at actual cost. F. COUNTY PURCHASING CARD USE. The Collier County Purchasing Curd may be used by Tourism Depanment staff for all truvel, enter1ainment und registrations including the cost of rcstaurant meals. The Purchasing Card issued to each Tourism Department staff membcr will huve a single tmnsaction limit of $2.000 and a maximum monthly spending limit of $10,000. G. PA YMENT BY ADVANCEMENT OR REIMBURSEMENT. The County muy pay by advanccment or reimhursement, or a combinutiOll thereof, the costs of per diem and incidental expcnses of employees of the County and othcr authorized persons, for forcign truvel at the current rates as specified in the federal publication "Standardized Regulations (Government Civilians, Foreign Areas)." Thc County may also pay by advancement or reimburscment, or by a combination thereof, the actual reasonable and necessary costs of travel, meals, lodging, and incidentul expenses of employees of thc County und other authorized persons when meeting with truvel writers, tour brokers, or othcr persons connected with the tourist industry, und while attending or traveling in connection with truvel or trude shows. This Resolution supercedcs Resolution No. 2003-431. THIS RESOLUTION ADOPTED this und majority vote favoring same. DATED: /P{- ~. O~ ,'0\,"""""" ATfES'!';,,"', .'~!lr.f't;."'~... D WIGPn.e.'i3Rt}~..oerk ,tl'f{1'~,~'\ "de) ~. "V ,. . ,';,.",.; ",\ V.' /:," ,- ~ i.~',> :t.: '. ..~"t~ :~:~;;;,.:. . t: , !H: t\~~~" Approved as to form and IcgtJ:~2:CY:f /~ Heidi F. Ashton Assistant County Attorney (' P: Tf)( '\Rc:-.u: T( lUri sllILk'rtTl'a VI.' 1 Rl' imhUl':il'1TI1.'1l1 + :2004 day of lOE , 2004, ufter a motion, second BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA By: 4L~ .J~ DONNA FIALA, Chairman -...