Agenda 05/26/2009 Item #16F3
Agenda Item No. 16F3
May 26, 2009
Page 1 of 49
Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners approves a grant
application and authorizes electronic submittal by the Grants Office and the
Emergency Management Department for the United States Department of Justice,
Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Technology Program in
the amount of $350,000.
OBJECTIVE: To approve an application for the United States Department of Justice,
Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Technology Program Special
Congressional Initiative as specified in the Omnibus Appropriations Bill for Fiscal Year
2009 (P ,L. 111-8),
CONSIDERATIONS: Emergency Management Department staff met with
representatives of The Ferguson Group to discuss and present a project questionnaire
for public safety technology equipment for the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) for
the County's Fiscal Year 2009 Federal Legislative Agenda, A total of 20 County
projects were originally submitted for consideration to The Ferguson Group
representatives who professionally evaluated the funding potential of each project. The
EOC project was one of nine (9) projects recommended for the 2009 Federal Legislative
Agenda, The Board of County Commissioners approved this project as one of the
legislative priorities on February 12, 2008,
This appropriation was approved as part of the Omnibus Appropriations Bill for Fiscal
Year 2009 (PL 111-8), signed into law on March 22, 2009, Upon notification of the
approval of the federal appropriation for the EOC, staff received application forms to
formally apply for the grant. Following review and processing of the application, the
COPS office will send an award package that will require subsequent review and
approval by the Board of County Commissioners,
Funding will pay for public safety technology equipment, including computer systems
and software, wireless transmitting devices, mobile radio repeater equipment,
internetlintranet switches and uninterrupted power supplies for the EOC, The COPS
Technology grant is three years and there is no match requirement.
FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact associated with this request. Following
receipt of a grant award, the Board of County Commissioners will be requested to
approve the grant agreement. There is no match requirement for this grant.
LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is not quasi-judicial, no ex parte disclosure is
required, requires majority vote, and is legally sufficient for Board action, - CMG
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approves and
- authorizes electronic submittal by the Grants Office and the Emergency Management
Agenda Item No. 16F3
May 26, 2009
Page 2 of 49
Department of this application for the United States Department of Justice, Office of
Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Technology Program Special
Congressional Initiative as specified in the Omnibus Appropriations Bill for Fiscal Year
2009 (P,L, 111-8),
Prepared Bv: Jim von Rinteln, Emergency Management Coordinator, Emergency
Management Department
Item Number:
Item Summary:
Meeting Date:
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Agenda Item No. 16F3
May 26, 2009
Page 3 of 49
Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners approves a grant application and
authorizes electronic submittal by the Grants Office and the Emergency Management
Department for the United States Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented
Policing Services (COPS) Technology Program in the amount of $350.000.
5/26/2009 9000D AM
Prepared By
James J. VonRinteln
County Manager's Office
Emergency Management Coordinator
Emergency Management
5/12/20092:38:04 PM
Approved By
Marlene J. Foord
Administrative Services
Grants Coordinator
Administrative Services Admin.
5/13/20093:38 PM
Approved By
Dan E. Summers
County Manager's Office
Bureau of Emergency Services Director
Bureau of Emergency Services
5/14/2009 9:32 AM
Approved By
OMB Coordinator
County Manager's Office
OMS Coordinator
Office of Management & Budget
5/15/2009 9:31 AM
Approved By
Scott R. Teach
County Attorney
Assistant County Attorney
County Attorney Office
5/18/200910:50 AM
Approved By
Jeff Klatzkow
County Attorney
County Attorney
County Attorney Office
5/18/20092:07 PM
Approved By
Laura Davisson
County Manager's Office
Management & Budget Analyst
Office of Management & Budget
5/18/20092:13 PM
Approved By
Leo E. Ochs, Jr.
Board of County
Deputy County Manager
County Manager's Office
5/18/20094:56 PM
file://C:\AgendaTest\Export\ 130-May%2026, %202009\ 16, %20CONSENT%20AGENDA \ 1.., 5/20/2009
Agenda Item No. 16F3
May 26, 2009
Page 4 of 49
Grant Application Package
.,!:::-" GRANTS.GOV-
Opportunity Title:
Offering Agency:
CFDA Number:
CFDA Description:
Opportunity Number:
Competition 10:
Opportunity Open Date:
Opportunity Close Date:
A.gency Contact:
Icops Technology Program
Icommunity Orlen~ed Pollclng Servlces
John Ollphant
Program Manager
Phone: 202-307-341~
This opportunity is only open to organizations, applicants who are submitting grant applications on behalf of a company. state, local or
tribal government, academia, or other type of organization.
. Application Filing Name: Icollier County, Flonda - BCC
Mandato Documents
Move Form 10
Move F on11 to
Optional Documents
Other Attachments Form
Move Form to
Submission List
Optional Documents for Submission
Move FDm'l to
I)) Enter a name for the applicatlon in the Application Filing Name field.
_ This application can be completed in its entirety offline; however, you will need to login to the website during the submission process.
_ You can save your application at any time by clicking the "Save" button at the top of your screen.
_ The "Save & Submtt" button will not be functional until all required data fields in the application are completed end you clicked on the "Check Package for Errors" button and
confirmed all data required data fields are completad.
Open and complete an of the documents listed in the "Mandatory Documents" box. Complete the SF..24 form first.
_ It Is recommended that the SF-424 form be the first form completed for the application package. Data entered on the SF-424 will POPulate data fl8lds in other mandatory and
optional forms and the user cannot enter data in these flBlds.
_ The forms listed in the "Mandatory Documents" box and "Optional Documents" may be predefined forms. such as SF-424. forms where a document needs to be attached,
such as the Project Narrative or a combination of both. "Mandatory Documents" are required for this application. "Optional Documents" can be used to provide additional
support lor this application or may be required lor specific types of grant activtty. Refef'Bnce the application package instructions for more information regarding "Optional
_ To open and complete a form. simply click on the form's name to select the item and then click on the => button. This will move the document to the appropriate "Documents
for Submission" box and the form will be automatically added to your application package. To view the form. scroll down the screen or select the form name and clICk on the
"Open Form" button to begin completing the reQuired data flelds. To remove a form/document from the "Documents for Submission" box. click the document name to aelect it.
and then click the <= bullon. This will retum the form/document to the "Mandatory Documents" or 'Optional Documents" box.
_ All documents listed in the "Mandatory Documents" box must be moved to the "Mandatory Documents for Submission" box. When you open a required Iorm, the fields which
must be completed are highlighted in yellow with a red border. Optional flBlds and completed fields are displeyed in white. If you enter invalid or incomplete information in a
field. you will receive an error message.
Click the "Save & Submit" button to submit your application to
_ Once you have properly completed all required documents and attached any requirad or optional documentation. save the completed application by clicking on the 'Save"
" Click on the "Check Package for Errors" bullon to ensure that you have completed all required data fields. Correct any errolS or if none are found. save the application
_ The "Save & Submit" button will become active; click on the "Save & Submit" button to begin the application submission process.
_ You will be laken to the applicant login page to enter your usemame and password. Follow all onscreen instructions for submission.
Agenda Item No, 16F3
May 26, 2009
Page 5 of 49
OMS Number. 4040-0004
Expiration Date: 01/31/2009
Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 Version 02
o 1. Type of Submission: 02. Type of Application: . If Revision. select appropriate Ietter(s):
o Preapplication l&l New I I
l&l Application o Continuation o Other (Specify)
o Changed/Corrected Application o Revision I I
o 3. Dale Received: 4. Applicant Identifier:
ICompIeted by Grants.go. upon submISsion I I I
Sa. Federal Entity Identifier: o 5b. Federal Award ldefltifier.
State Use Only:
6. Date Recaived by State: I I I 7. State Application Identifltlr: I I
oa.LegaIName: Icollier County, Florida - Board of County Commissioners I
o b. Employerffaxpayer Identification Number (EINmN): o c Organizational DUNS:
159-6000558 I 1076997790 I
d, Address:
o Street1: 13301 Tamiami Trail, East I
Stree12: IBUilding F, 2nd Floor I
o City: INaPles I
County: Icollier I
o State: I FL: Florida I
Province: I I
o Zip I Postal Code: 134112 I
e. Organizational Unit:
Department Name: Division Name:
IEmergency Management I IBureau of Emergency Services I
f, Name and contact Information of person to be contacted on matters Involving this application:
PrefIX: IMr. I . First Name: Icames I
Middle Name: IJ I
o Last Name: Ivon Rinte1n I
Suffix: I I
Title: IEmergency Management Coordinator I
Organizational Affiliation:
IEmergency Management Department I
o Telephone Number: 1(239) 252-3621 I Fax Number: 1(239) 252-3609 I
o Emall: IJ amesvonrinte1n@col1iergov,net I
Agenda Item No. 16F3
May 26, 2009
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OMB Number: 4040-0004
Expiration Date: 01/3112009
Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 Version 02
9. Type of Applicant 1: Select Applicant Type:
IE: County Government I
Type of Applicant 2: Select Applicant Type:
Type of Applicant 3: Select Applicant Type:
. Other (specify):
. 10. Name of Federal Agency:
Iconununi ty Orlented policing Services I
11. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number:
CFDA Titie:
. 12. Funding Opportunity Number:
" Trlle:
100'" Technology Program I
13. Competition Identification Number:
14. Areas Affected by Project (Cities, Counties, States, etc,):
[oowe, County, Florlda. I
"15. Descriptive Title of Applicant's Project:
Collier County Emergency Operations Center IEOC)
Attach supporting documents as specified in agency instructions.
ItK_~~.'~~ l~~~
1'; ,.__,'J ",' . . _, ..~, . - ,- _",_ ~. .' .,._ . ,-'... ,'_'," ""'_; . ,u",..
Agenda Item No. 16F3
May 26,2009
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OMB Number: 4040-0004
Expiration Date: 0113112009
Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 Version 02
16. Congressional Districts Of:
. a, Applicant 114&25 1 . b. Program/Project 114/25 I
Attach an additional list of Program/Project Congressional Distncts If needed.
I I ';3~~~~4. 1~I~f*(~.~ I~~"I
r'o. ."'..":"ii
17. Proposed Project:
. a. Start Date: 110/01/20091 . b. End Date: 109/30/2010 I
18, Estimated Funding ($):
. a. Federal I 350,000,001
. b. Applicant I 0,001
. c. State I 0.001
. d. Local I 0.001
. e. Other I 0.001
'f. Program Income I 0.001
'g. TOTAL I 350,000,001
, 19. Is Application Subject to Review By Stete Under Executive Order 12372 Process?
D a. This application was made available to the State under the Executive Order 12372 Process for review on I I.
o b. Program is subject to E.G. 12372 bul has nol been selecled by the State for review.
[8] c. Program is not covered by E.G. 12372.
' the Applicant Delinquent On Any Federal Debt? (If "Yes", provide explanation,)
OVes [8] No I'"~W"'~~
:i;;)2~~ . ""'~ .,,_: ~:;r~;
21. 'By signing this application, I certify (1) to the statements contained In the list of certifications" and (2) that the statements
herein are true, complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge, I al80 provide the required assurances" and agree to
comply with any resulting terms If I accept an award. I am eware that any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements Dr claims may
subject me to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties, (U,S, Code, Title 218, Section 1001)
[g] .. f AGREE
.. The list of certifications and assurances. or an intemet site where you may obtain this list, is contained in the announcement or agency
specific instructions.
Authorized Representative:
Prefix: !MS. I . First Name: IDonna I
Middle Name: I I
, Last Name: IFiala I
Suffix: I I
'Title: IChairman, Collier County BCC 1
. Telephone Number: I (239) 252-8389 I Fax Number.I'239l 252-3602 I
. Emall: !DonnaFiala@cOlliergOV,net I
. Signature of Authorized Representative: /Complelad by Grants.goy upon submission. I . Date Signed: ICompleled by Grants.goY upon submission. I
Authorized for Local Reproduction
Standard Form 424 (Revised 10/2005)
Prescribed by OMS Circular A-l02
Agenda Item No. 16F3
May 26, 2009
Page 8 of 49
OMB Number. 4040-0004
Expiration Date: 01/3112009
Application for Federal Assistance SF-424
Version 02
* Applicant Federal Debt Delinquency Explanation
The following field should contain an explanation if the Applicant organization is delinquent on any Federal Debt. Maximum number of
characters that can be entered is 4.000. Try and avoid extra spaces and carriage returns to maximize the avapabilily of space.
Agenda Item No. 16F3
May 26,2009
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OMS Control Number: 1103-0097
Expiration Date: 5/31/2011
Applicant Legal Name:
Collier County, Florida - Board of County Commissioners
Federal assistance is being requested under the following COPS Office funding category:
Please select the funding category that was selected on the COPS Application Attachment to SF-424.
o Tribal Resources Grant Program
o Targeted-Methamphetamine Initiative
o Community Policing Development Programs
o Secure Our Schools
[8] Targeted-Technology Program
o Universal Hiring Program
o Child Sex.ual Predator Program
A, Sworn Officer Positions
No Sworn Officer Positions Requested D
Instructions: For COPS programs which fund sworn officer positions, you may apply for entry-level salaries and benefits of
newly hired, additional law enforcement officers. Please refer to the Application Guide for information on the length of the
grant term for the specific program which you are applying,
This worksheet will assist your agency in properly organizing your maximum estimated salary and benefit costs and
providing the necessary financial details for review by the COPS Office. Please list the entry-level base salary and fringe
benefits rounded to the nearest whole dollar for one sworn officer position within your agency. COPS hiring funds may
also be used to pay for entry-level salaries and benefrts of newly-hired, additional officers who will backfill the positions of
locally-funded veteran officers that will be deployed into community policing specialty areas (i.e., School Resource Officers).
Do not include employee contributions,
Complete part 1 if you ate requesting funds for full-time officer positions,
Officer Positions Requested:
Enter the number of new, entry-level full-time and/or part-time officer positions that are being requested. Do not include any
officers already funded (or for which funding has been requested) under any other COPS grants or any positions otherwise
funded with state, local, tribal, or BIA funds. Your request should be consistent wIth your agency's law enforcement needs.
Do not request more positions than your agency can support and retain.
Applicant Legal Name:
Collier County, Florida - Board of County Commissioners
Agenda Item No. 16F3
*~6, 2009
A. Sworn Officer Positions
Part 1: Full time sworn officer information
Total Entry-Level Base $1
Salary for One Position
I x D Years = $
(Base Salary Subtotal)
B, Frin{le Benefit ~ % of Base Additional Information
Social Security I If Exempt Check Here: 0 Fixed Rate: 0
Can't Exceed 6.2% of tot a/ base salary. If less than 6.2%, exempt or fixed rate, provide an explanation in the "Swam Officer Position
Budget Summary".
Medicare If Exempt Check Here: 0 Fixed Rate: 0
Can't Exceed 1.45% of total base salary. If less than 1.45%, exempt, or fixed rate, provide an explanation in the "Sworn Officer
Position Budget Summary".
Health Insurance Family Coverage? 0 Yes 0 No Fixed Rate: 0
Can't Exceed 30% of total base salary for individual plans, or 45% for family plans. If it exceeds these rates or is a fixed rate, provide
an explanation in "Sworn Officer Position Budget Summary".
life Insurance
Number of Hours Annually:
Sick Leave
Number of Hours Annually:
Retirement Fixed Rate: 0
Can't Exceed 20% of the total base salary (un/ess a fixed rate). If a fixed rate, provide an explanation in the "Swam Officer Position
Budget Summary".
Worker's Comp I I I I If Exempt Check Here: 0 Fixed Rate: 0
Can't Exceed 10% of the total base salary. If exempt or if it exceeds this rate, provide an explanation in the "Sworn Officer Position
Budget Summary".
Unemployment Ins. I If Exempt Check Here: 0 Fixed Rate: 0
Can't Exceed 5% of the total base salary. If exempt or if it exceeds this rate, provide an explanation in the nSwom Officer Position
Budget Summary".
Other Describe: I
Other Describe:
Other Describe:
Total Salary (Part A) Total Fringe Benefits (Part B) # of Positions Sworn Officer Total
$1 I + I x =
Transfer to Budget Summary Line 1
Applicant legal Name:
Collier County, Florida - Board of County Commissioners
Agenda Item No. 16F3
. ;26, 2009
Part 2: Sworn Officer Position Budget Summary (all applicants requesting officer position(s) must complete
this section,)
After completing Part 1 of this form, answer the following questions. If necessary, attach an explanation of how you computed
salaries and benefits for this worksheet. Be sure to answer EVERY question. Missing or erroneous information could significantly
delay the review of your agency's request.
1, If your agency's second and third-year costs for salaries and/or fringe benefits are greater than the first year, check the
reason(s) why in the space below, You must check at least one,
o Cost of living adjustment (COLA) 0 Step Raises 0 Change in benefit costs
o Other - please explain briefly:
2. If an explanation is required for any of the following categories, please provide In the space below: 1) Social Security, 2)
Medicare, 3) Health Insurance, 4) Retirement, 5) Workers Compensation, and 6) Unemployment Insurance,
1) Social Security:
2) Medicare:
3) Health Insurance:
4) Retirement:
5) Worker's Compensation:
6) Unemployment Insurance:
Applicant Legal Name:
Collier County, Florida - Board of County Comreissioners
B, Civilian/Other Personnel
No Civilian Personnel Positions Requested !2SJ
Instructions: Each position must be listed and computed separately. On this page you can enter one civilian position and then by
adding another Civilian/Other Personnel page, can enter 19 more unique positions for a total of 20. Complete each position in
accordance with the instructions.
Part 1: Total Base Salary and Fringe Benefits for Civilian/Other Personnel
Civilian/Other Personnel Page 1 of 1
Position Title:
(( I I x I I )= X I 1 ) I I (Base Salary Subtotal)
((Annual Base Salary X Percent of Time Devoted to the Project) X Number of Months Devoted to the Project)
Base Salary
FrinQe Benefit
% of Base Salary Subtmal Additlonallnfonnation
Social Security I I If Exempt Check Here: 0 Fixed Rate: 0
Can't Exceed 6.2% of total base salary. If/ess than 6.2%, exempt or fixed rate, provide an explanation in the "civilian/non-sworn
personnel budget summary".
Medicare I I If Exempt Check Here: 0 Fixed Rate: 0
Can't Exceed 1.45% of total base salary. If less than 1.45%, exempt, or fixed rate, provide an explanation in the "civilian/non-sworn
personnel budget summary".
Health Insurance II Family Coverage? 0 Yes 0 No Fixed Rate: 0
Can't Exceed 30"/0 of total base salary for individual plans, or 45% for family plans. If it exceeds these rates or is a fixed rate, provide
an explanation in the "civilian/non-sworn personnel budget summary".
Life Insurance I I
Vacation II Number of Hours Annually:
Sick Leave I I Number of Hours Annually:
Retirement I I Fixed Rate: 0
Can't Exceed 20% of the total base salary (unless a fixed rate), If a fixed rate, provide an explanation in the "civilian/non-sworn
personnel budget summary",
Worker's Comp I I I I If Exempt Check Here: 0 Fixed Rate: 0
Can't Exceed10% of the total base salary. If exempt or if it exceeds this rate, provide an explanation in the .civilian/non-swom
personnel budget summary".
Unemployment Ins. I I I If Exempt Check Here: 0 Fixed Rate: 0
Can't Exceed 5% of the total base salary. If exempt or if it exceeds this rate, provide an explanation in the "civilian/non-sworn
personnel budget summary",
Describe: I
Describe: I
Total Fringe Benefits:
Subtotal Position Salary and Benefits:
(Add together all Subtotals per position)
I Total CivilianlOther Personnel Cost
(Transfer to Budget Summary Line 2)
Please include a detailed position description for a/l positions listed in the Budget Narrative
Applicant Legal Name:
Collier County, Florida - Board of County Commissioners
Agenda Item No. 16F3
Part 2: Civilian/Non-Sworn Personnel Budget Summary (all applicants requesting civilian/non-sworn posltion(s)
must complete this section,)
After completing Part 1 of this form, answer the following questions. If necessary, attach an explanation of how you computed
salaries and benefits for this worksheet. Be sure to answer EVERY question. Missing or erroneous information could significantly
delay the review of your agency's request.
1. If your agency's second and third-year costs for salaries andlor fringe benefits are greater than the first year, check the
reason(s) why in the space below. You must check at least one,
o Cost of living adjustment (COLA) 0 Step Raises 0 Change in benefit costs
o Other - please explain briefly:
2, If an explanation is required for any of the following categories, please provide In the space below: 1) Social Security, 2)
Medicare, 3) Health Insurance, 4) Retirement, 5) Workers Compensation, and 6) Unemployment Insurance,
1) Social Security:
2) Medicare:
3) Health Insurance:
4) Retirement:
5) Worker's Compensation:
6) Unemployment Insurance:
Applicant Legal Name:
Collier County, Florida
Agenda Item No. 16F3
6, 2009
Board of County Commissioners
No EquipmentfTechnology Requested 0
Instructions: list non-expendable items that are to be purchased. Non-expendable equipment is tangible property (e.g., technology)
having a useful life of more than two years. Expendable items should be included either in the "SUPPUES" or "OTHER" categories.
Applicants should analyze the cost benefits of purchasing versus leasing equipment, especially for high-price items and those subject to
rapid technical advances. Rented or leased equipment costs should be listed in the "CONTRACTSI CONSULTANTS" category. If
additional budget information is required to be entered for this category please complete the information in an electronic format and attach
the document using the "Other Attachments' form found in the fonns package.
Pursuant to the Continuing Appropriations Resolution. 2008, (P.L.11 0-161). be advised that, to the greatest extent practical, all
equipment and products purchased with these funds must be American-made.
For agencies purchasing items related to enhanced communications systems, the COPS Office expects and encourages
that, wherever feasible, such voice or data communications equipment should be incorporated into an intra- or
interjurisdictional strategy for communications interoperabllity among federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies.
See the COPS Application Guide for a list of allowable/unallowable costs for the particular program for which you are applying.
Unit/Item Description
Avaya HIS Headset Kit for
9600 IP Phone
(# of ItemslUnits X Unit Cost)
I 10011 118.0011
Per Item Subtotal
Cisco CAT 3750 24 PT 101100 I 41 5,246.00
2SPF POE, w/Smartne1: 8x5xNDB
wi 16 GE SFP LC Connectors
APC Smart UPS 2200Varm 5-20P I 411 1,602,00
w/network cards
Aluma 85' Mobile Tower System i 1~ 122,597,45
I~eb EOC Management Systerr. for I 11 86,400.55
65 Stations
Icannon 2050c Desktop scanners I
HP 2530p Notebook PC wi
Windows XP Pro and MS Office
2007 including Llcensing
Polycom Mobile Respo~der
Video Conferencing Set
Agenda Item No. 16F3
polycorn VSX 500 Vedio
Conferencing Station
EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 350,000.001
Transfer to Budget
Summary Line 3
Please include a detailed description for all Items listed In the Budget Narrative
Agenda Item No. 16F3
6, 2009
: f
No Other Costs Requested 0
Applicant Legal Name:
Collier County, Flo~ida - Board of County Commissioners
Instructions: List other requested items that will support the project goals and objectives as outlined in your application. Other costs may
include items such as overtime and background investigations for law enforcement officer positions and/or civilian positions if allowable
under the program for which you are applying. If additional budget information is required to be entered for this category please complete
the information in an electronic format and attach the document using the "Other Attachments" form found in the forms package.
Pursuant to the Continuing Appropriations Resolution. 2008. (P.L.110-161), be advised that, to the greatest extent practical, all equipment
and products purchased with these funds must be American-made.
See the COPS Application Guide for a list of allowable/unallowable costs for the particular program for which you are applying.
Unit/Item Description
(# of Items/Units X Unit Cost)
Per Item Subtotal)
Transfer to Budget
Summary Line 4
Please Include a detailed description for all Items listed in the Budget Narrative
Applicant Legal Name:
Collier County, Florida - Board of County Commissioners
Agenda Item No. 16F3
No Supplies Requested
Instructions: List items by type (office supplies; postage; training materials; copying paper; books; hand-held tape recorders: etc).
Generally, supplies include any materials that are expendable or consumed during the course of the project. If additional budget information
is required to be entered for this category please complete the information in an electronic format and attach the document using the "Other
Attachments" form found in the forms package.
See the COPS Application Guide for a list of allowable/unallowable costs for the particular program for which you are applying,
Unit/item Description
(# of Items/Units X Unit Cost)
Per Item Subtotal
Transfer to Budget
Summary Line 5
Please include a detailed description for all items listed in the Budget Narrative
i- ----
Agenda Item No. 16F3
~~6, 2009
018 of 49
No TravellTraining Costs Requested [g]
Applicant Legal Name:
Collier County, Florida - Board of County Commissioners
Instructions: Itemize travel expenses of project personnel by purpose (e.g., mandatory training, staff to training, field interviews, advisory
group meetings). Show the basis of computation (e.g., 6 staff members times the unit cost per person for lodging for 3 days). Training
projects, training fees, travel, lodging and per diem rates for trainees should be listed as separate travel items. Show the number of staff
attending any event and the unit costs per person involved. Identify the location of travel, when possible. Note: Any local training costs
(within a 50-mile radius) should be listed under Section D ("Other Costs"). If additional budget information is required to be entered for this
category please complete the information in an electronic fonmat and attach the document using the "Other Attachments" form found in the fonms package.
See the COPS Application Guide for a list of allowablelunallowable costs for the particular program for which you are applying.
Reason for Travell
Training & Location
of TravellTraining
Training Item
(# of Staff
# of Daysl
Unit Cost X Trips/Events)
Per Item Subtotal
Transfer to Budget
Summary Line 6
Please include a detailed description for all items listed in the Budget Narrative
Applicant Legal Name:
Collier County, Florida - Board of County Commissioners
Agenda Item No. 16F3
~f6, 2009
G, CONTRACTS/CONSUL T ANTS No Contracts/Consultants Costs Requested [8]
Instructions: See the COPS Application Guide for a list of allowable/unallowable costs for the particular program for which you are applying.
If additional budget information is required to be entered for this category please complete the information in an electronic format and attach
the document using the "Other Attachments" form found In the Grants,gov forms package.
Contracts: Provide a description of the product or service to be procured by contract and an estimate of the cost. Applicants are
encouraged to promote free and open competition in awarding contracts. If awarded. requests for sole source procurements of equipment.
technology or services in excess of $100.000 must be submitted to the COPS Office for prior approval.
Contract Description Per Contract Subtotal
Contracts Subtotal: I I(G1)
Consultant Fees: For each consultant enter the name (if known), service to be provided. hourly or daily fee (based upon an 8-hour day).
and estimated length of time on the project. Unless otherwise approved by the COPS Office, approved consultant rates will be based on
the salary a consultant receives from his or her primary employer. Consultant fees in excess of $550 per day require additional written
justification in the Budget Narrative and must be pre-approved In writing by the COPS Office.
Computation Per Consultant
Consultant NamelTitle Service Provided (Cost X # Days or # Hours) Fee Subtotal
Consultant Fees Subtotal: I I(G2)
Consultant Expenses: List all expenses to be paid from the grant to the individual consultants separate from their consultant fees
(e.g., travel, meals, lodging). C i P C It
omputat on er onsu ant
Consultant NamefTitle Service Provided (Cost X # of Days) Fee Subtotal
Consultant Subtotal:
Contracts (G1) + Consultant Fees (G2) + Consultant Expenses (G3)
Please include a detailed description for all contracts listed in the Budget Narrative,
Transfer to Budget
Summary Line 7
Applicant Legal Name:
Collier County, Florida - Board of Cou~ty 2ommissioners
No Indirect Costs Requested [g]
Instructions: Indirect costs are allowed under a very limited number of specialized COPS Training and Technical Assistance programs.
Please see the COPS Application Guide for a list of allowable/unallowable costs for the particular program for which you are applying. If
additional budget information is required to be entered for this category please complete the information in an electronic format and attach
the document using the .Other Attachments' form found in the forms package.
If indirect costs are requested, a copy of the agency's fufly-executed, negotiated Federal Rate Approval Agreement must be attached to
this application.
Indirect Cost Description
Per Indirect Cost Subtotal
Transfer to Budget
Summary Une 8
Applicant Legal Name:
Collier County, Florida - Board of County Commissioners
Agenda Item No. 16F3
.6, 2009
Instructions: When you have completed the Budget Detail Worksheets, please transfer the category totals to the spaces below. Please
compute the Total Project Amount, Total Federal Share Amount, and Total Local Share (if applicable). Please see the Application Guide
for information on the maximum federal share and local matching requirements for the grant for which you are applying.
Budget Category
A. Swom Officer Positions
Total Project Amount:
Category Total Line #
I 1
I 2
350,000,001 3
I 4
I 5
I 6
I 7
I 8
B. Civilian/Other Personnel
C. EquipmentlTechnology
D. Other Costs
E. Supplies
F. TravelfTralning
G. Contracts/Consultants
H. Indirect Costs
Total Federal Share Amount: I
(Total Project Amount X Federal Share Percentage Allowable)
Total Local Share Amount (If applicable): I
(Total Project Amount - Total Federal Share Amount)
Contact Information for Budget Questions
Please provide contact information of the financial official that the COPS Office may contact with questions related to your
budget submission.
Authorized Official's Typed Name:
Prefix: IMr .
First Name: IJames
Middle Name: IJ
Last Name: Ivon Rinteln
Suffix: !
Title: IEmergency Management Coordinator
Phone: 1(239) 252-3621 Fax: 1(239) 252-3609
The public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to be up to 2 hours per response, depending upon the
COPS program being applied for, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering the
budget data needed, and completing the worksheets. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspects of
the collection of this information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Office of Community Oriented Policing
Services, U.S. Department of Justice, 1100 Vermont Avenue, NW., Washington, D.C. 20530; and to the Public Use Reports
Project, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. Office of Management and Budget, Washington, D.C. 20503.
You are not required to respond to this collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The OMB
control number for this application is 1103-0097 and the expiration date is 5/31/2011.
Agenda Item NOe 16F3
May 26. 2009
p ,'10,( ..d..U..
OMB Num~1"Ie3JOu~
Expiration Date: 08/31/2011
COPS Application Attachment to SF-424
General Instructions:
The COPS Application Attachment to SF-424 is used in conjunction with all COPS program applications.
Please ensure that you have completed all of the required sections. If a section is not applicable, please
check the not applicable checkbox.
Federal assistance is being requested under the following COPS program:
Select the COPS Office grant program for which you are requesting federal assistance. Please DO NOT use
this form to apply for multiple grants at one time. A separate application must be completed for each COPS
program for which you are applying. Please ensure that you read. understand, and agree to comply with the
applicable grant terms and conditions as outlined in the COPS Application Guide before finalizing your
o Targeted-Tribal Resources Grant Program
o Targeted-Methamphetamine Initiative
o Community Policing Development
o Secure our Schools
[R] Targeted-Technology Program
[J Universal Hiring Program
o Child Sexual Predator Program
Note: Listing individuals without ultimate programmatic and financial authority for the grant could delay the
review of your application, or remove your application from consideration.
A. Applicant ORI Number: r FL 0 8 8 Z Z I
The OR' number is assigned by the FBI and is your agency's unique identifier. The first two letters are your
state abbreviation. the next three numbers are your county's code, and the final two numbers identify your
jurisdiction within your county. If you do not currently have an ORI number, the COPS Office will assign one to
your agency for the purpose of tracking your grant.
o Check here if your agency has not been assigned an ORI #.
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B, Law Enforcement Executive/Program Officiallnfonnation:
For Law Enforcement Agencies: Enter the law enforcement executive's name and contact infonnation. This is
the highest-ranking official within your jurisdiction (e,g" Chief of Police, Sheriff, or equivalent), For Non-Law
Enforcement Agencies: Enter the program official's name and contact infonnation, /fthe grant is awarded, this
position would be responsible for the programmatic implementation of the award. If your agency Is a .start-up' this
section can remain blank,
Title: Icounty Manager
Prefix: IMr,
First Name: IJames
Middle Name: Iv.
Last Name: IMUdd
Suffix: I
Agency Name: Icollier County, FL - BCC
Street 1: 13301 Tamiami Trail, East
Street 2: /Building F, 2nd Floor
City: INaples
County: Icollier
State: IFL: Florida
Province: I
Zip I Postal Code: 134112
Telephone: 1(239) 252-8383
Fax: 1(239) 252-4010
Type of Agency: IOther* (please specify)
New Startup* (please specify):
Other* (please specify):
Icounty Public Safety
Agency types that have an asterisk next to them and that are applying far COPS hiring grants must provide
additional infannatian. Please refer to the COPS Application Guide: Agency Supplementallnfonnatlan section
far the questions that you will need to address, Please attach this infonnation below:
'1"," " . ,'.... ,.,., .' .'.
Agenda Item No. 16F3
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C, Government Executive/Financial Official Information:
For Government Agencies: Enter the government executive's name and contact information. This is the
highest-ranking official within your jurisdiction (Mayor, City Administrator, Tribal Chairman, or equivalent), For
Non-Government Agencies: Enter the financial official's name and contact information. If the grant is awarded,
this position would be responsible for the financial management of the award. Please note that information for
non-executive positions (e.g. clerk, trustees, etc., are not acceptable),
Title: IChairman
Prefix: IMr s ,
First Name: IDonna
Middle Name:
Last Name: IFiala
Suffix: I
Name of Govemment Entity/Financial Entity:
Collier County Board of County Commissioners
Street 1: 13301 Tamiami Trail, East
Street 2: !BUild F, 3rd Floor
City: !NaPles
County: Icollier
State: IFL: Florida
Province: I
Zip f Postal Code: 134 112
1(239) 252-8389
1(239) 252-3602
Type of Government Entity:
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A. General Applicant Information
1. Cognizant Federal Agency:
Enter the legal applicant's Cognizant Federal Agency. A Cognizant Federal Agency, generally, is the
federal agency from which your jurisdiction receives the most federal funding, Your Cognizant Federal
Agency also may have been previously designated by the Office of Management and Budget.
2. Fiscal Year: I
I to I
I (mo/dalyr)
3, Population served as of the 2000 US Census:
4. If the population served is not represented by the U,S. census
figures, please indicate the size of the population served:
B. Law Enforcement Agency Information
1, Is your agency contracting for law enforcement services? Contractual arrangements for law enforcement
services are not fundable under the Universal Hiring Program.
DYes 0 No
If Hyes, " the Legal Name and address information listed on the SF-424 under section 8 (Applicant Information)
should be for the jurisdiction that will be contracting to receive law enforcement services, and NOT the law
enforcement agency that wilf actually provide those services, Also, be sure to enter the name and agency
information of the contract law enforcement department under section 2, part B (law enforcement executive
information) of this document. In all contracting arrangements, the jurisdiction that is applying for assistance is
ultimately responsible for ensuring compliance with all grant requirements, For additional clarification on
contracting guidelines, please see the program-specific section of the COPS ApplicaUon Guide.
If you are a tribal law enforcement agency, instead of providing your own law enforcement services, does your
tribe exclusively contract with a non-BIA local law enforcement agency for services?
If 'Yes,' please refer to the program-specific section of the COPS Application Guide for additional eligibility
2. Population Served By Law Enforcement Agency
Do officers have primary law enforcement authority for the population to be served?
DYes 0 No
An agency with primary law enforcement authority is defined as the first responder to calls for service, and has
ultimate and final responsibility for the prevention, detection, and/or investigation of crime within its jurisdiction,
If yes, what is the actual population for which your department has primary law enforcement authority? [In other
words, the 2000 Census population minus the incorporated towns and cities that have their own police
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If no, please explain. Include the date by which your agency anticipates having primary law enforcement
authority for this population. [Please limit your response to a maximum of 250 words.]
3, Current Budgeted Sworn Force Strength as of the Date of this Application:
Full Time
Enter the budgeted sworn force strength. The budgeted sworn force strength is the number of sworn officer
positions your department has allocated within its budget, including state, Bureau of Indian Affairs, and Jocally-
funded vacancies, Do not include unpaid/reserve officers or detention staff.
Part Time
4, Current Actual Sworn Force Strength as of the Date of this Application:
Full Time
Enter the actual sworn force strength. The actual sworn force strength is the actual number of sworn officer
positions employed by your department as of the date of application. Do not include vacant positions or unpaid!
reserve positions.
Part Time
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COPS Office grants must be used to reorient the mission and activities of law enforcement agencies toward
the community policing philosophy or enhance their involvement in community policing. The following is
the COPS Office definition of community policing that emphasizes the primary components of community
partnerships, organizational transformation, and problem solving.
Community policing Isa philosophy that promotes organizational strategies, which support the systematic
use of partnerships and problem-solving techniques, to proactively address the Immediate conditions that
give rise to public safety issues, such as crime, social disorder, and fear of crime.
The COPS Office has completed the development of a comprehensive community policing self- assessment
tool for use by law enforcement agencies. Based on this work, we have developed the following list of
primary sub-elements of community policing. Please refer to the COPS Office web site (w.ww,(!
for further Information regarding these sub-elements
Community Partnerships:
Collaborative partnerships between
the law enforcement agency and
the Individuals and organizations
they serve to both develop
solutions to problems and Increase
trust in police.
, Other Government Agencies
, Community Members/Groups
, Non-Profits/Service Providers
. Private Businesses
Organizational Transformation:
The alignment of organizational
management, structure, personnel
and information systems to support
community partnerships and
proactive problem-solving efforts,
Problem Solving:
The process of engaging In
the proactive and systematic
examination of identified problems
to develop effective responses that
are rigorously evaluated,
Agency Management
, Climate and culture
, Leadership
, Labor relations
. Decislon-making
, Strategic planning
, Policies
, Organizational evaluations
, Transparency
, Scanning:ldentifying and
prioritizing problems
, Analysis: Analyzing problems
,Response: Responding to
, Assessment: Assessing
problem-solvlng initiatives
, Using the Crime Triangle to
focus on immediate conditions
Organizational Structure
, Geographic assignment of
, Despecializatlon
. Resources and finances
. Recruitment, hiring and selection
. Personnel supervision/
. Training
Information Systems (Technology)
, Communication/access to data
, Quality and accuracy of data
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COPS grants must be used to initiate or enhance community policing. Please complete the following
questions to describe the types of community policing activities that will be initiated or enhanced as a
result of COPS funding. You may find more detailed information about community policing at the
COPS Office web site (~II'oI&QRS,YSdo.19-ov),
Community Partnerships
The COPS Office is interested in determining if your organization will use the grant to assist in Increasing
the capacity to develop collaborative partnerships with individual and organizational stakeholders in
communities to increase trust and to develop shared solutions to community problems.
If awarded funding, my organization will implement or enhance:
P1-Sharing of relevant crime and disorder information with community members.
lBJ Yes D No 0 Not Sure
P2-Seeking input from the community to identify and prioritize neighborhood problems.
lBJ Yes D No 0 Not Sure
P3-Engagment with the community in the development of responses to community problems.
lBJ Yes D No 0 Not Sure
P4-Collaboration with other agencies that deliver public services (e,g., parks and recreation,
social services, public health, mental health, code enforcement).
lBJ Yes 0 No 0 Not Sure
Please provide specific examples of the types of activities you plan to engage in to enhance community
partnerships if awarded grant funding (150 word maximum):
his technology project will provide equipment in ~he form of improved and enhanced
communicatlons and information sharing to ~he County's new Emergency Opera~ions Center
(EOC), which is collocated with the Sheriff's 911 and dispatch center, a Sheriff's
substation, as well as a the County's central/primary node for emergency
communica~ions, During emergencies, or special events the EOC is the primary
collaborative interface =or our County and Municlpal law enforcement with the other
critical emergency and community responders, The EOC has sixty-two workstations which
rovide interface between all critical functions of the community, such as; Fire,
mergency Medical Services, Health agencies, Public Utilities & Services,
Transportation entities, the Business community, Volunteers and the Elected officials,
Providing reliable and efficient current technology within the EOC will greatly improve
_he ability of our Public Safety and Law Enforcement organizations to identify,
rioritize and prevent crime and public disorder before, during and after emergency
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Problem Solving
The COPS Office is interested in determining if your organization will use the grant to assist in increasing
the capacity to use problem solving, Problem solving is an analytical process for systematically 1)
identifying and prioritizing problems, 2) analyzing problems, 3) responding to problems, and 4) evaluating
problem-solving initiatives. Problem solving involves an agency-wide commitment to go beyond traditional
police responses to crime to proactively address a multitude of problems that adversely affect quality of life.
If awarded funding, my organization will implement or enhance:
PS1-lntegration of problem solving into patrol work.
~ Yes 0 No 0 Not Sure
PS2-ldentification and prioritization of crime and disorder problems by examining patterns and
trends involving repeat victims, offenders, and locations.
~ Yes 0 No 0 Not Sure
PS3-Exploring the underlying factors and conditions that contribute to crime and disorder problems,
~ Yes 0 No 0 Not Sure
PS4-Developing tailored responses to crime and disorder problems that address the underlying
conditions that contribute to them.
o Not Sure
Please provide specific examples of the types of activities you plan to engage in to enhance problemsolving
activities if awarded grant funding (150 word maximum):
Increased number of key persons and organizations included in planning, operations &
Joint Drills
Joint Exercises
Inclusion of all key County agencies in:
Video Teleconferencing
Internet based (web-based) reporting and information exchange
Telephonic (VOl/Sat) Communications
Improved Communications between:
Sheriff's Office Departments
Municipal Police Departments (Marco Island & Naples)
Tribal Police (Miccosukee & Seminole)
Florida Highway Patrol
Department of Environmental Protection
Wildlife Enforcement
Federal Agencies (FBI, ICE, DHS, DEA, ATF, etc.)
Organizational Transformation
The COPS Office is interested in determining if your organization will use the grant to assist in
increasing the capacity to transform organizational environment, organizational structure, personnel,
practices, and policies to support the community policing philosophy and community policing
If awarded funding, my organization will implement or enhance:
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OC1-lnstitutionalization of organizational changes that support the implementation of community
policing strategies.
DYes 0 No ~ Not Sure
OC2-lncorporation of community policing principles into the agency's mission/vision statement and
strategic plan
DYes 0 No ~ Not Sure
OC3-lnstitutionalization of community policing principles into a corresponding set of policies,
practices and procedures.
DYes 0 No ~ Not Sure
OC4-lnstitutionalization of community policing agency-wide,
DYes 0 No ~ Not Sure
Please provide specific examples of the types of activities you plan to engage in to enhance organizational
alignment towards community policing if awarded grant funding (150 word maximum):
Community policing has been an ongoing program and philosophy in Collier County for
many years. This funding wi:l aodress the quicker and more accuraLe sharing of
information from the County's BOC to law enforcement personnel practicing corrmunity
policing in the field; before, during and after emergencies and disaster situations,
3y: Improving the transfer of ~nformation and communications from residents and
neighborhoods, more intell~gent interaction with our service populations, better
interac~ion and information sharing wlth home owner's groups, businesses and civil
associa~ions as well as comrr,unity coalitions.
The COPS Office is interested in determining if your organization will use the grant to assist in
increasing technological capacity to better prevent andfor respond to crime and disorder incidents.
If awarded funding, my organization will implement or enhance:
T1- Ensuring that agency staff have proper access to relevant data (e,g., calls for service, incident
and arrest data, etc.),
~ Yes 0 No 0 Not Sure
T2- Analysis and understanding of problems in the community.
~ Yes 0 No 0 Not Sure
T3- Improvements to the agency's overall efficiency and effectiveness.
~ Yes 0 No 0 Not Sure
T4- Providing officers with necessary equipment to better prevent and/or respond to crime and
disorder incidents.
~ Yes 0 No 0 Not Sure
Please provide specific examples of the types of activities you plan to engage in to enhance alignment of
technology towards community policing if awarded grant funding (150 word maximum):
his Lechnology will be incorporated into the County's new Public Safety Facility which
is specifically designed to be resistanL to natural and man made disasters, as well as
o enhanoe interaction and cooperation between a:l needed agencies and organizations,
ommuni~y policing is always a key component of disaster response, as well as day-to-
ay public safety and facilitating to an adequate working environment for this is
Agenda Item No. 16F3
May 26, 2009
rimary to improvement. Examples of how this will enhance activities are: g
telecommunications and radio communications, better meeting and conferencing
capabilities, improved and redundant internet/intra based communications and reporting/
trackin ca abilities between the EOC and field or anizations,
If your organization receives this COPS grant funding, It should use your responses to these questions as
your organization's community policing plan. Your organization may be audited or monitored to ensure
that it is initiating or enhancing community policing in accordance with this plan.
We understand that your community policing needs may change during the life of your COPS grant (if
awarded), and we welcome minor changes to this plan without prior approval. We also recognize that this
plan may incorporate a broad range of possible community policing strategies and activities, and that
your agency may implement particular community policing strategies from the plan on an as-needed basis
throughout the life of the grant. If your agency's community policing plan changes significantly, however,
you must submit those changes in writing to the COPS Office for approval, Changes are "significant" If
they deviate from the range of possible community policing activities Identified and approved in this
original community policing plan submitted with your application,
Retention for COPS Hiring Grants
This section is applicable to applicants applying for sworn officer positions,
o Check here if not applying under the Universal Hiring Program.
Hiring grantees are required to retain all additional officer positions awarded for at least one full local budget cycle
following the expiration of COPS grant funding for each COPS-funded officer position, The additional officer
positions should be added to your agency's law enforcement budget with state, local, or tribal funds for at least one
full local budget cycle, over and above all other locally-funded officer positions (including other school resource
officers) that would have existed regardless of the grant, from the time that the thirty-six (36) months of grant funding
for each COPS position expires, Absorbing COPS-funded officers through attrition (rather than adding the extra
positions to your budget with additional funding) does not meet the retention requirement. Please be aware that if
your agency has additional sworn officer hiring grants that are active when one hiring grant expires, the officer
positions that were awarded under the expired grant are added to your baseline of locally-funded officer positions
and must be maintained throughout the implementation of a/l additional hiring grants.
Use the space below to explain how your agency currently plans to retain any additional officer positions awarded,
Please be as specific as possible about the source(s) of retention funding (General Fund revenues, local ballot item,
ete,) your agency plans to utilize, A missing or incomplete response could affect your ability to receive funding.
Please limit your response to a maximum of 250 words.
AU applicants are required to provide a brief explanation of their agency's public safety needs and an
explanation of their agency's inability to implement this project and/or address these public safety needs
without federal assistance. .
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In the space below, please provide a brief explanation of your agency's inability to implement this project without
federal assistance. (Please limit your response to a maximum of 250 words.]
Collier County, Florida consists of approximately 2,020 square miles of territory in
Southwest Florida, Our community is particularly vulnerab:e to natural disasters such
as hurricanes, tropical storms, ~ornadoes and wildfires as well as other emergency
situations such as ~errorism and mass migrations. The threat of civil disturbance and
cr~me that can result from these situations can be significant not on~y to this
community but the other surrounding communities such as F~. Myers to the North and
Miami and F~, Lauderdale to the East. The Collier County Government has financially
stretched itself to the limit providing ~he necessary funding for a new facility
(Emergency Services Center - ESC) that is both survivable and designed to accommodate
all of the key people and organiza~ions required for public safety in the County,
While the ESC will have the requisite equipmen~ necessary to meet all certification and
basic operational requirements, additional communications equipment which will
facilitate some Law Enforcemen~ activi~ies including Co~~unity policing before, during
and af~er county-wide emergencies such as hurricanes, tornadoes and Homeland Security
issues ~s also needed. The new ESC, which includes the County's new 911, Dispatch
Center and a Sheriff's Sub-Station as well as the Coun~y's Emergency Opera~ions Center
(EOC) and Emergency Management Department is a significant expansion and ~echnical
update to the existing facilities, While the new project has provided for all of the
major technology infrastructure, the current economic slowdown has caused a budgetary
short-fall which has left the requested equipment (peripherals and local
infrastructure) unfunded and unscheduled,
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This section is applicable to COPS applicants applying under the Community Policing Development
Programs, the Methamphetamine Initiative, Secure Our Schools, the Tribal Resources Grant Program,
Child Sexual Predator Program and the Technology Program.
o Check here if not applicable
Please attach a budget narrative describing each item proposed for purchase, its purpose, and how the items
relate to the overall project. Like items may be grouped together for ease of reporting. The structure of the
Budget Narrative must mirror the structure of the Budget Detail Worksheet included in this application, In other
words, each item reported in the Budget Narrative must fall under one of the following budget categories:
Civilian/Other Personnel, EquipmentfTechnology, Other Costs, Supplies, TravellTraining, Contracts/
Consultants, and Indirect Costs. For your information, a sample Budget Narrative and a sample Budget Detail
Worksheet are included in the COPS Application Guide. Every item included on the Budget Detail Worksheet
must be included in the Budget Narrative.
Note that allowablelunallowable costs will vary widely between different COPS grant programs and
cooperative agreements, Please ensure that you refer to the program-specific portion of the COPS
Application Guide _ "Federal Funding: Allowable & Unallowable Costs" section for a complete list of
the allowable and unallowable costs associated with the particular program for which you are applying,
Including unallowable items on your application may delay the processing of your application and
could ultimately result in the denial of your request,
n Check here if not applicable
Please attach a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to your application that defines the roles and
responsibilities of the individuals and partner(s) involved in your proposed project. Please refer to the
program-specific portion of the Guide for a complete description of information pertaining to the
required MOU.
'~-"".'-'" ,.-,...".....,......-.....>.....-.
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D Check here if not applicable,
An official .partner" under the grant may be a govemmental or private entity that has established a legal, contractual,
or other agreement with the applicant for the purpose of supporting and working together for mutual benefits of the
grant. Please refer to the Application Guide for a complete description of partnership requirements under the grant
program for which you are applying.
Official Partner 1 of 1
First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:
Name of Partner Agency (e,g., School District)
Type of Partner Agency (e,9., School District)
Partner Agency Address
Street 1:
Street 2:
Zip I Postal Code:
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Incident data is required for the Secure Our Schools grant program. The data reported should cover the time period of
September 1, 2006 to August 31, 2007 and should only include incidents that took place in and around the partnering
schools. Please refer to the program guide for specific information and instructions regarding the data required for this
o Check here if not applicable.
Type of Incident # of Incidents Reported
Sexual Offenses
Aggravated/Major Assaults-for example, an
attack with hands, fist, feet, or weapons on an individual.
Simple/Minor Assaults-stalking,
intimidation/bullying/coercion, etc. i
Thefts (Includes Reports of Stolen Property)
Possession/Sale of Illegal Weapons I
Vandalism/Destruction of Property
Alcohol-Related Offenses
Possession, Use or Sale of Drugs
Disorderly Conduct
School Data
Threats to School Property
# of schools involved in project
Total Student Population for Involved Schools
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Certification of Review of 28 C,F,R, Part 23/Crlmlnallntelllgence Systems
You must answer this question regardless of the type of COPS grant you are applying for, Please review the
COPS Application Guide: Legal Requirements Section for additional Information.
Please check one of the following, as applicable to your agency's intended use of this grant
o Yes, my agency will use these COPS grant funds (if awarded) to operate an interjurisdictional criminal
intelligence system. By signing below, we assure that our agency will comply with the requirements of
28 C,F.R. Part 23.
!El No, my agency will not use these COPS grant funds (if awarded) to operate an inte~urisdictional criminal
intelligence system.
The signatures of the applicant's Authorized Organizational Representative (on-line applications only), Law
Enforcement Executive/Program Official and Govemment Executive/Financial Official, and any applicable program
partners on the Certification of Review and Representation of Compliance with Requirements:
1) Assures the COPS Office that the applicant will comply with all legal, administrative, and programmatic
requirements that govern the applicant for acceptance and use of federal funds as outlined in the applicable
COPS Application Guide; AND
2) Attests to the accuracy of the information submitted with this application (induding the Budget Detail Worksheets).
The signatures below must be made by the actual executives named on this application unless there is an officially
documented authorization for a delegated signature. If your jurisdiction has such an official document, it must be
attached to this application. Applications with missing, incomplete, or inaccurate signatures or responses may not
be considered for funding, Stamped or electronic signatures (unless applying online via also will not be
accepted, Original signatures are required, Faxed copies will not be accepted. Applications postmarked after the
final application deadline date may not be considered for funding.
Signatures shall be treated as a material representation of fact upon which reliance will be placed when the
Department of Justice determines to award the covered grant.
Please be advised that a hold may be placed on this application if it is deemed that the applicant agency is not in
compliance with federal civil rights laws, and/or is not cooperating with an ongoing federal civil rights investigation,
and/or is not cooperating with a COPS Office compliance investigation conceming a current grant award.
By signing below, I certify that I have read, understand, and agree, if awarded, to abide by all of the applicable grant
compliance terms and conditions as outlined in the COPS Application Guide, In addition, I certify that the
information provided on this form and any attached forms is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I
understand that false statements or claims made in connection with COPS programs may result in fines,
imprisonment, debarment from participating in federal grants, cooperative agreements, or contracts, and/or any
other remedy available by law to the federal govemment.
Authorized Organizational Representative's Signature: ICompleted Upon Submission to Grants.govl
Date: !Completed Upon Submission to Grants,govl
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Law Enforcement Executive/Program Official:
Prefix: IMr ,
First Name: IJames
Middle Name: Iv.
Last Name: IMUdd
Suffix: I
Date: ICompleted Upon Submission to Grants.govl
Government Executive/Financial Official:
Prefix: IMr s ,
First Name: IDonna
Middle Name: I
Last Name: IFiala
Suffix: I
Date: !Completed Upon Submission to Grants,gov!'Ii"'WB.f~aM.-~1
. ..... . .... ....... .Jl t.',. . ..... '. ........ .... ..
Signing this page also assures the COPS Office that you have read, understand, and agree, if awarded, to abide by the
grant terms and conditions as outlined in the Assurances and Certifications. The signed hard copy of the Assurances
and Certifications should be kept in the agency's files and furnished upon request.
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When applying online via, the Authorized Organizational Representative's signature will be the only
signature submitted online. However, the Law Enforcement Executive/Program Official and the Government
Executive/Financial Official signatures, as well as any applicable program partners' signatures, are MANDATORY
and a hard copy of the Certification of Review and Representation of Compliance with Requirements should be kept
in the agency's files and furnished upon request. Signatures shall be treated as a material representation of fact
upon which reliance will be placed when the Department of Justice determines to award the covered grant.
The public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to be up to eight average hours per
response, depending upon the COPS program being applied for including time for searching existing data sources,
gathering the data needed, and completing and reviewing the application. Send comments regarding this burden
estimate or any other aspects of the collection of this information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to
the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, U.S. Department of Justice, 1100 Vermont Avenue, N.W"
Washington, D,C, 20530; and to the Public Use Reports Project, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office
of Management and Budget, Washington. D.C, 20503.
You are not required to respond to this collection of information unless it displays a valid OMS control number, The
OMB control number for this application is 1103-0098 and the expiration date is 08/31/2011,
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Several provisions of federal law and policy apply to all grant programs. We (the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services) need to
secure your assurance that the applicant will comply with these provisions. If you would like further information about any of these
assurances, please contact your state's COPS Grant Program Specialist at (BOO) 421-6770.
By the applicant's authorized representative's signature. the applicant assures that it will comply with all legal and administrative
requirements that govem the applicant for acceptance and use of federal grant funds, In particular, the applicant assures us that:
1 . It has been legally and officially authorized by the appropriate
governing body (for example, mayor or city council) to apply for
this grant and that the persons signing the application and these
assurances on its behalf are authorized to do 50 and to act on its
behalf with respect to any issues that may arise during processing
of this application.
2. It will comply with the provisions of federal law, which limit
certain political activities of grantee employees whose principal
employment is in connection with an activity financed in whole or
in part with this grant. These restrictions are set forth in 5 U.S.C.
~ 1501, et seq.
3. It will comply with the minimum wage and maximum hours
provisions of the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act. if applicable.
4. It will establish safeguards, if it has not done so already, to
prohibit employees from using their positions for a purpose that is,
or gives the appearance of being, motivated by a desire for
private gain for themselves or others, particularly those with
whom they have family, business or other ties.
5. It will give the Department of Justice or the Comptroller
General access to and the right to examine records and
documents related to the grant.
6. It will comply with all requirements imposed by the Department
of Justice as a condition or administrative requirement of the
grant, including but n ot limited to: the requirements of 28 CFR
Part 66 and 2B CFR Part 70 (goveming administrative
requirements for grants and cooperative agreements); 2 CFR
Part 225 (OMB Circular A-87), 2 CFR 220 (OMB Circular A-21),
2 CFR Part 230 (OMB Circular A-122) and 48 CFR Part 31.000,
et seq. (FAR 31.2) (goveming cost principles); OMB Circular
A-133 (goveming audits) and other applicable OMB circulars; the
applicable provisions of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe
Streets Act of 1968. as amended; 28 CFR Part 38.1; the current
edition of the COPS Grant Monitoring Standards and Guidelines;
the applicable COPS Grant Owners Manuals; and with all other
applicable program requirements. laws, orders, regulations, or
7. If applicable, it will. to the extent practicable and consistent with
applicable law, seek, recruit and hire qualified members of racial
and ethnic minority groups and qualified women in order to further
effective law enforcement by increasing their ranks within the
swom positions in the agency.
8. It will not, on the ground of race, color, religion, national origin.
gender, disability or age, unlawfully exclude any person from
participation in, deny the benefits of or employment to any
person, or subject any person to discrimination in connection
with any programs or activities funded in whole or in part with
federal funds. These civil rights requirements are found in the
non-discrimination provisions of the Omnibus Crime Control
and Safe Streets Act of 1968. as amended (42 U.S.C. ~ 3789
(d)); Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended (42 U.
S.C. ~ 2000d); the Indian Civil Rights Act (25 U.S.C. !l~
1301.1303); Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. as
amended (29 U.S.C. ~ 794); Title II, Subtitle A of the
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) (42 U.S.C. !l12101, et
seq,); the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (42 U.S.C. !l6101, et
seq.); and Department of Justice Non. Discrimination
Regulations contained in Title 2B, Parts 35 and 42 (subparts C,
0, E and G) of the Code of Federal Regulations.
A. In the event that any court or administrative agency makes
a finding of discrimination on grounds of race, color, religion,
national origin, gender. disability or age against the applicant
after a due process hearing, it agrees to forward a copy of the
finding to the Office of Civil Rights, Office of Justice Programs,
810 7th Street, NW. Washington, D.C. 20531.
B. Grantees that have 50 or more employees and grants over
$500.000 (or over $1,000,000 in grants over an eighteen-
month period). must submit an acceptable Equal Employment
Opportunity Plan ("EEOP") or EEOP short form (if grantee is
reqUired to submit an EEOP under 28 CFR 42.302), that is
approved by the Offic e of Justice Programs, Office for Civil
Rights within 60 days of the award start date. For grants under
$500,000, but over $25,000, or for grantees with fewer than 50
employees, the grantee must submit an EEOP Certification.
(Grantees of less than $25,000 are not subject to the EEOP
9. Pursuant to Department of Justice guidelines (June 18,
2002 Federal Register (Volume 67, Number 117. pages
41455-41472)), under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, it
will ensure meaningful access to its programs and activities by
persons with limited English proficiency.
10. It will ensure that any facilities under its ownership. lease
or supervision which shall be utilized in the accomplishment of
the project are not listed on the Environmental Protection
Agency's (EPA) list of Violating Facilities and that it will notify
us if advised by the EPA that a facility to be used in this grant
is under consideration for such listing by the EPA.
11. If the applicant's state has established a review and comment
procedure under Executive Order 12372 and has selected this
program for review, it has made this application available for
review by the state Single Point of Contact.
12. It will submit all surveys, interview protocols, and other
information collections to the COPS Office for submission to the
Office of Management and Budget for clearance under the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 if required.
13. It will comply with the Human Subjects Research Risk
Protections requirements of 28 CFR Part 46 If any part of the
funded project contains non-exempt research or statistical
activities which involve human subjects and also with 28 CFR
Part 22, requiring the safeguarding of individually identifiable
information collected from research participants.
14. Pursuant to Executive Order 13043, it will enforce on-the-job
seat belt policies and programs for employees when operating
agency-owned, rented or personally-owned vehicles,
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15. It will not use COPS funds to supplant (replace) state,
local, or Bureau of Indian Affairs funds that otherwise would be
made available for the purposes of this grant, as applicable.
16. If the awarded grant contains a retention requirement, It will
retain the increased officer staffing level and/or the increased
officer redeployment level, as applicable, with state or local
funds for a minimum of one full local budget cycle following
elCpiration ofthe grant period.
17. It will not use any federal funding directly or indirectly to
influence in any manner a Member of Congress, a jurisdiction,
or an official of any government, to favor, adopt, or opposa, by
vote or otherwise, any legislation, law ratificetion, policy or
appropriation whether before or after the introduction of any
bill, measure, or resolution proposing such legislation, law,
ratification, policy or appropriation as set forth in the Anti-
Lobby Act. 18 U.S.C. 1913.
False statements or claims made in connection with COPS grants (including cooperative agreements) may result in fines,
imprisonment, disbarment from participating in federal grants or contracts, andlor any other remedy available by law.
I certify that the assurances provided are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
Elections or other selections of new officials will not relieve the grantee entity of its obligations under this grant.
Signature of Law Enforcement Executive (or Official with
Programmatic Authority, as applicable)
Signature of Govemment Executive (or Official with
Financial Authority, as applicable)
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Regarding Lobbying; Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters; Drug-Free Workplace Requirements
COOf'dlnation with Affected Agencies
Although the Department of Justice has made every effort to simplify the application process, other provisions of federal law require us to
seek your agency's certification regarding certain matters. Applicants should read the regulations cited below and the instructions for
certification induded in the regulations to understand the requirements and whether they apply to a particular applicant. Signing this form
complies with certification requirements under 28 CFR Part 69. "New Restrictions on Lobbying," 28 CFR Part 67. "Government-Wide
Debarment and Suspension (Nonprocurement): 28 CFR Part 83 Government-Wide Requirements for Drug-Free Workplace (Grants): and
the coordination requirements of the Public Safety Partnership and Community Policing Act of 1994. The certifications shall be treated as a
material representation of fact upon which reliance will be placed when the Department of Justice determines to award the covered grant.
1. Lobbying
As required by Section 1352, Title 31 of the U.S Code, and
implemented at 28 CFR Part 69. for persons entering into a grant
or cooperative agreement over $100,000, as defined at 28 CFR
Part 69. the applicant certifies that:
A. No federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by
or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or
attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency. a
member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an
employee of a member of Congress in connection with the making
of any federal grant; the entering into of any cooperative
agreement; and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment
or modification of any federal grant or cooperative agreement;
B. If any funds other than federal appropriated funds have been
paid or will be paid to any person for influenCing or attempting to
influence an officer or employee of any agency. a member of
Congress. an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of
a member of Congress in connection with this federal grant or
cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and
submit Standard Form - LLL, "Disclosure of Lobbying Activities," In
accordance with its instructions:
C. The undersigned shall require that the language of this
certification be included in the award documents for all
subawards at all tiers (including sUbgrants, contracts under
grants and cooperative agreements, and subcontracts) and that
all sub-recipients shall certify and disclose accordingly.
2. Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters
(Direct Recipient)
As required by Executive Order 12549, Debarment and
Suspension, and implemented at2 CFR Part 2867, for
prospective participants in primary covered transactions, as
defined at 2 CFR Part 2867, Section 2867.437-
A. The applicant certifies that it and its principals:
(i) Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for
debarment, dedared ineligible, sentenced to a denial of federal
benefits by a state or federal court, or VOluntarily excluded from
covered transactions by any federal department or agency;
(ii) Have not within a three-year period preceding this application
been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for
commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with
obtaimng, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (federal,
state or local) or private agreement or transaction; violation of
federal or state antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement,
theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making
false statements, tax evasion or receiving stolen property. making
false claims, or obstruction of justice, or commiSSion of any offense
indicating a lack of business integrity or business honesty that
seriously and directly affects your present responsibility.
(iii) Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly
charged by a govemmental entity (federal, state or local) with
commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph (A)(ii)
of this certification; and
(iv) Have not within a three-year period preceding this application
had one or more public transactions (federal, state or local)
terminated for cause or default; and
B. Where the applicant is unable to certlfy to any of the statements
in this certification, he or she shall attach an explanation to this
3. Drug-Free Workplace (Grantees Other Than Individuals)
As required by the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988. and
implemented at 28 CFR Part 83, for grantees, as defined at 28
CFR Part 63. Sections 83 and 83.510 -
A. The applicant certifies that it will, or will continue to, provide a
drug- free workplace by:
(i) Publishing a statement notifying employees that the unlawful
manufacture. distribution, dispensing. possession or use of a
controlled substance is prohibited in the grantee's workplace and
specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for
violation of such prohibition;
(ii) Establishing an on-going drug-free awareness program to
inform employees about -
(a) The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace;
(b) The grantee's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace;
(c) Any available drug counseling, rehabilitation and employee
assistance programs; and
(d) The penalties that may be imposed upon employees for
drug- abuse violations occurring in the workplace;
(iii) Making it a requirement thai each employee to be engaged
in the performance of the grant be given a copy of the
statement required by paragraph (i);
(iv) Notifying the employee In the statement required by
paragraph (i) that, as a condition of employment under the grant,
the employee will -
(a) Abide by the terms of the statement; and
(b) Notify the employer in writing of his or her conviction for a
violation of a criminal drug statute occurring in the workplace no
later than five calendar days after such conviction;
(v) Notifying the agency, in writing, within 10 calendar days after
receiving notice under subparagraph (iv)(b) from an employee or
otherwise receiving actual notica of such conviction. Employers of
convicted employees must provide notice, including position tille,
to: COPS Office, 1100 Vermont Ave., NW, Washington, D.C.
20530. Notice shalt include the identification number(s) of each
affected grant.
(vi) Taking one of the following actions, within 30 calendar days
of recaiving notice under subparagraph (iv)(b), with respect to any
employee who is so convicted -
Grantee Agency Name and Address:
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(a) Taking appropriate personnel action against such an employee,
up to and induding termination, consistent with the requirements of
the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; or
(b) Requiring such employee to participate satisfactorily in a drug
abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved for such
purposes by a federal, state or local health, law enfoncement or other
appropriate agency;
(vii) Making a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free
workplace through implementation of paragraphs (i), (il), (ill), (iv). (v)
and (vi).
B. The grantee may insert in the space provided below the site(s) for
the performance of work done in connection with the speCific grant
Place of performance (street address, city, county, state, Zip code)
Check 0 if there are workplaces on file that are not identified here.
4. Coordination
The Public Safely Partnership and Community Policing Act of 1994
requires applicants to certify that there has been appropriate
coordination with all agencies that may be affected by the applicant's
grant proposal If approved. Affected agencies may include, among
others. the Office of the United States Attomey, state or local
prosecutors, or correctional agencies. The applicant certifies that
there has been appropriate coordination with all affected agencies.
Collier County Board of County Commissioners, 3301 Tamiami Trail East, Naples, FL
Grantee IRS/ Vendor Number: 159- 60 00558
False statements or claims made in connection with COPS grants (including cooperative agreements) may result in fines,
imprisonment, disbarment from participating in federal grants or contracts, and/or any other remedy available by law.
I certify that the assurances provided are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
Elections or other selections of new officials will not relieve the grantee entity of its obligations under this grant.
Typed Name and Title of Law Enforcement Executive (or Official with Programmatic Authority, as applicable):
IJames V. Mudd, County Manager
Typed Name and Title of Government Executive (or Official with Financial Authority, as applicable):
Donna Fiala, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners
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Agency Name: Collier County
State: Florida
Point of Contact: Jim von Rinteln, Emergency Management Coordinator (239) 252-3621
Estimated Award Amount: $350,000.00
This project will provide connectivity and communications technology to the new Collier
County Emergency Services Center (ESC), primarily in the Emergency Operations
Center (EOC) which is contained within the ESC public safety facility. Collier County is
located in Southwest, Florida and is comprised of 2,020 square miles of territory and a
permanent population of approximately 350,000 people. The EOC is the central
operations center during disasters and emergencies for the community, which includes;
three municipalities (the City of Naples, the City of Marco Island and Everglades City),
as well as two tribal entities (Miccosukee and Seminole) and the community of
The established protocol for emergency operations in Collier County is a unified structure
which focuses on centralized coordination between the County Government,
Municipalities and Tribal authorities utilizing the Emergency Support Function (ESF)
framework, within the National Incident Management System (NIMS). Key to this
operational system is the ability to quickly and reliably pass information and
communicate between emergency responders and other public safety and infrastructure
professionals, as well as State and Federal authorities. Because the County has several
independently elected officials and groups who are responsible for law enforcement,
public safety and health and welfare in general it is critical to have this type of centralized
EOC function, with the ability to quickly and efficiently pass information and
The EOC itself is comprised of 60+ workstations surrounded by multiple
breakout/conference rooms, a telephone information center, emergency broadcast studio
and media/press area. The EOe is co-located with the county's communications, 911
and dispatch center, a Sheriff s sub-station and the county's Emergency Medical Services
(EMS) offices. Each workstation is designated for use by key individuals or functions
during an emergency or disaster and communications and information sharing are
extremely important to their duties and our ability to incorporate critical information to
community policing. The ESF 16 (Law Enforcement) is presence within the EOC is
central and prevalent to all activities, improving the ability to pass and integrate
information is the purpose of this funding request.
Current county funding provides for very limited workstation equipment and connectivity
technology in this area. The technology funding being requested in this grant, and
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detailed in the budget narrative, will provide a modem computer, software, and telephone
connectivity - as well as printer/scanner access, and a radio and back-up redundancy to
all operators required in emergency situations.
While this EOC project is functionally county-wide, it also very directly improves and
assures law enforcement activities including crime prevention, in a significant way.
Disasters such as hurricanes present a very challenging situation for a county such as
ours, and the continuity of law enforcement activities with all government services is
paramount to its limiting the loss of life and property and the speedy recovery of all
community activities. Presently, the EOC will only have a limited primary and redundant
capability to pass information and communicate between agencies such as Fire, EMS,
local police, municipalities and our Sheriff's Office, State law enforcement and Federal
entities. The technology outlined in this project will provide the missing connectivity and
redundancy pieces which together with the County's new ESC facility will ensure a
public safety system that will greatly improve the ability for information and
communications to be passed between all pertinent agencies.
Project Description
A. Problem Identification and Justification: During emergency and disaster situations
within Collier County, it has become increasingly challenging to pass information and
communicate between public safety entities as the county population continues to grow
and as requirements increasingly require technology to address community safety issues.
Law enforcement and community policing are key elements which need to be better
integrated into the County's other Emergency Support Functions (ESF). In 2007 Collier
County began construction of a state-of-the-art Emergency Service Center (ESq, which
centralizes all of the critical public safety agencies into a disaster resistant facility. This
facility has now reached its initial operational status. Included in this facility are both
law enforcement and emergency services agencies, as well as an Emergency Operations
Center (EOC). One of the identified public safety shortcomings realized from past
county emergencies and disasters was the lack of an adequate EOC facility. This has
now been addressed by the county leadership through the approval, design and funding of
the new ESC facility. While the ESC facility provides the needed space, security and
disaster resistance improvement; it still lacks adequate and necessary equipment such as
computers, scanners and complete inter/intra net switching capability within the EOC
portion to effectively communicate and pass information in a manner most effective to
maximize our interface with law enforcement in areas such as community policing.
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B. Project Goals and Objectives:
Improve internet connectivity
Improve intranet connectivity
Provide improved telephone communications and noise control
Provide improved radio communications and redundancy
Provide redundancy to communications and information systems
Add additional digital information transfer capability
Video Teleconferencing between the field and Operating Centers
Provide additional 3757 24 1011 00 switches so all EOC computers are connected
to both the County IT system and the Collier County Sheriffs Office IT system, as well
as the Internet for field units and other nodes
Provide additional connectivity so that additional staffing and augmentation can
quickly integrate into the EOC structure
Provide digital document transfer capability between EOC and field
Provide each ESF. agency, liaison and key official with an operational
Provide a standard reporting and tracking application to workers in the field and
Provide additional video teleconference capability between Operations Centers
Provide telephone headsets for noise reduction within EOC
C. Community Policing Strategies/Crime Prevention Activities:
- Reducing response times utilizing new technologies where possible
- Better reporting through better interaction with the community
- Creating/recreating neighborhoods - mastering patrol zones
_ Enlisting the aid of citizens - allow them to be part of the solution
- Intelligent interaction with our service populations - Homeowners,
neighborhood coalitions and businesses
E. Implementation Plan: Because the new ESC facility has reached its initial
operational status at the same time this funding will become available the implementation
opportunity is excellent and can be accomplished in conjunction with the ongoing
commissioning and testing/training of the underlying and complementary systems and
equipment already available.
Equipment procurement: October 2009 - April 2010
Equipment installation, integration and testing: November 2009 - May 2010
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Operator training: January 2010 - May 2010
System/Equipment Exercise: April 2010 & May 2010 (2, one week exercises)
Full Operational Capability: 15 June 2010
E. Evaluation Plan/Effectiveness of Program:
Evaluation will begin with the integration and testing/training of the equipment and
systems and continue through the training and exercise schedule. Operational capability
coincides with the beginning of the Atlantic Hurricane Season in 2010, which in an
average year provide with at least one opportunity to measure the effectiveness of the
anticipated improvements to our Emergency Operations System.
Budget Narrative:
C. Eauipment Technolol!V
100 AVAYA HIS Headset kitsfor 9600 VOIP Telephones
These headsets will provide for a lower noise level in the EOC work areas and allow
better communications via existing Emergency Operations Center telephones. Currently
there are 60+ workstations operating in close proximity to one another. These sets will
greatly improve communications and information sharing among the ESFs, first
responders and all law enforcement agencies operating in the field.
Total Headsets $ 11,800.
4 Cisco Catalyst 3750 24 10/100PoE + 2 SFP Switches
These switches, which are the County standard, provide the interlintra net connectivity
from and between the workstations, as well as primary telephone services in the EOC and
breakout rooms associated with the EOC to the Law Enforcement areas of the facility in
(Communications, 91 1 /Dispatch, Sheriff's sub-station and ESF-16) and the Law
Enforcement agencies in the field. This also includes the required 16 LC connectors.
Total 3750 Switches $ 20,984.
4 x 1500 watt Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS)
These UPSs provide back-up power, redundancy and reliability to the switching
equipment which service the EOC workstation computers, printers and associated EOC
equipment. These UPS specifically provide back-up power, redundancy and reliability
during power outages which are a key concern to our community law enforcement
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Total 1500 watt UPS $ 6,408.
ALUMA 85' Mobile Communications Tower Set
The system will provide a mobile or back-up means of ensuring radio coverage to the
County and its law enforcement community, Currently the county is dependent on an
array of static communications towers which provide for signal coverage throughout the
populated portion of the county. This 85' mobile tower would serve to provide a back up
location should an existing tower be damaged during a natural disaster such as a
hurricane or tornado; or as an auxiliary tower location for an emergency such as a mass
migration or other situation that might occur in a remote location along our county's
Eastern boarder which is not completely covered by our existing system.
Total Tower Set $122,597.45
Web EOC Software and Equipment
The Web EOC system will provide a common secure computer based operational
management system that can be used by key personnel in the EOC and the law
enforcement and first responders in the field. This system will include Crisis Information
Management Software (CIMS), which is widely utilized both locally and nationally
which greatly aids in our mutual aid capabilities and needs. Currently our operations
utilize standard commercial software which has serious security and interoperability
issues which would be addressed and corrected by the integration of this system.
Web EOC System $86,400.55
36 Cannon Desktop Scanners
These scanners will allow for the quick and universal dissemination of digital facsimile in
Portable Document Format (pdt) to any other computer or workstation. Currently there is
a very limited ability to pass documents, maps or other hard-copy in a digital format
between workstations/computers. These scanners will provide the ability to quickly
move information from the EOC or the field to the entity that needs it.
Total Scanners $ 23,400.
18 HP Computer Notebook Computers (including basic software and licensing).
The EOC provides an interactive workspace contained within a secure facility. In any
given emergency or disaster response, the 60+ main workstations may be utilized by the
following agencies or Emergency Support Functions (ESF); Sheriffs Office, City of
Naples Police Department, City of Marco Island Police Department, Seminole Tribe
Police, Miccosukee Tribe Police, Florida Highway Patrol, Fish and Wildlife Law
Enforcement, Department of Environmental Protection, Federal Bureau of Investigation,
Department of Homeland Security, Boarder Patrol, Military Police, Mutual Aid Law
Enforcement, Coast Guard, Civil Air Patrol, Florida Division of Forestry, State Division
of Emergency Management, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Corps of
Engineers, 18 ESFs, State of Florida Health Department, Medical Examiners Office,
representation from numerous volunteer organizations such as The American Red Cross,
Salvation Army and the Coast Guard Auxiliary as well as an extended list of al la cart
agencies and groups which may be represented depending on the type of event.
Experience has shown that the ability to add workstations, or move particular functions to
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a breakout room or to the field is a critical capability. These notebook computers will
allow that type of flexibility which is currently not available and are key nodes to this
information and communications sharing.
Total for Computer Workstation Systems $ 53,910.
1 Polyeorn VS'.X" 5000
This system will provide mobile video teleconference (VTC) capability throughout the
county's Emergency Services Center. During emergencies and disasters there is often a
requirement to hold a VTe in a room or location that is not equipped with this ability.
This system will allow for quick mobile VTe capability through the existing building
infrastructure. During emergencies county management and elected officials relocate to
this facility, additional mobile VTe equipment will assists entities such as the Sheriff or
County Manager to communicate as needed.
Total Polycom VSX System $ 8,000.
1 Polyeorn Mobile Responder Units
This system will allow field units to communicate back to any VTe equipped facility
greatly aiding in many of our community policing goals and objectives. This VTC
system is hardened so it can go into a community and allow law enforcement and county
government officials to communicate directly with community leaders and citizens,
something which is greatly desired before, during and after an event. This system is
portable and compatible with existing equipment and infrastructure.
Total AP Wireless $ 16,500.