Agenda 05/26/2009 Item #10B Agenda Item No. 10B May 26, 2009 Page 1 of 7 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommend Approval from the Board of County Commissioners of the Clam Pass Maintenance Dredging Permit Application that is required to perform tidal flushing of Clam Bay Estuary and is necessary to re-open the pass in the event of storm closure. OBJECTIVE: Obtain approval of the Clam Pass Maintenance Dredging permit application for tidal flushing from the Board of County Commissioners. CONSIDERATIONS: The existing 10-year permit that provides for tidal flushing maintenance dredging of Clam Pass has expired and a one year extension has been granted that will expire in July 2009. Collier County has prepared an application for a new 10-year permit utilizing the exact same dredging cuts and cross sections as the previous permit. The basis of the discharge location and contours has changed to reflect existing dune elevations. A detailed Summary of the changes from the original 10-year permit and the existing application is attached. A new permit is required to perform maintenance dredging for tidal flushing and ,....... dredging to open the pass if it is closed by a storm event. The entire updated permit application can be viewed on the Coastal Zone Management web site: http://www.colliergov.netllndex.aspx?page=1350 ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS: The Permit Sub-Committee of the Clam Bay Advisory Committee recommended approved this permit application 3-0 on March 6, 2009. The entire Clam Bay Advisory Committee recommended approval of this permit application 7 -2 on 3/19/2009. The Coastal Advisory Committee recommended approval of this permit application 6-0 on 4/9/2009. This item will be presented to the TDC for funding approval prior to proceeding. FISCAL IMPACT: The Source of funds is from Category "A" Tourist Development Tax fund 195. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan related to this action. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney's Office. This item is not quasi-judicial, and as such ex parte disclosure is not required. This item requires majority vote only. This item is legally sufficient for Board action. - CMG . RECOMMENDATION: Recommend Approval from the Board of County Commissioners of the Clam Pass Maintenance Dredging Permit Application. ............ PREPARED BY: Gary McAlpin, CZM Director Agenda Item No.1 OB May 26, 2009 Page 3 of 7 Clam Pass Project Scope & Changes from Previous Permit The current permit application is drafted to maintenance dredge CUT -4 in Clam Pass, Collier County, Florida. CUT-4 is located approximately halfway between FDEP range monuments R-41 and R-42 and includes the mouth of Clam Pass where it meets the Gulf of Mexico. CUT-4 Section 1 begins out in the gulf at Station 0+00 with a dredge depth of -5.5 feet NGVD and extends east to Station 3+64 to the east. CUT -4 Section 2 has a dredge depth of -4.5 feet NGVD and includes Section 2A which extends northeast from Stations 4+10 to 7+10, Section 2B which turns north from Stations 7+50 to Station 10+00 and Section 2C which turns back to the northeast from Stations 10+19 to 12+50. Section 3 has a dredge depth of -4.0 NGVD and extends to the southeast for the fmal 300 feet of the dredge template from Station 15+00 to Station 18+00. The bottom width of the dredge template varies from 20 feet to 150 feet wide, with the mouth of Clam Pass having an 80 foot bottom width. The template has a total of dredge length of 1550 linear feet with a 1 foot vertical to 1 foot horizontal side slope (1:1) consistent for the entire length of the project. The work will be conducted using a hydraulic dredge therefore the dredge outfall pipeline must stay within the designated dredge pipeline corridor so upland vegetation or offshore hardbottom are not adversely effected. The estimated total volume to be removed during maintenance dredging activity will not exceed 22,000 cubic yards. All beach compatible sand will be placed between range monuments R-42+180 and R- 44+ 100 upland of the 0 foot NGVD contour. Sand will be placed seaward of the edge of vegetation. Any sand that is not beach compatible will be stockpiled and removed to an offsite disposal location (County landfill or other appropriate site based on material). The current permit differs slightly from the previous permit submitted by Humiston and Moore in 1998. The slope of the dune changes from 1: 10 to 1: 15 and the berm width changes from 26 feet to 15 feet. This change was necessary to better match the existing conditions based on the survey profiles conducted in August 2008. The beach fill portion in the previous permit had a 10 foot dune top width at elevation +8 feet NGVD and then sloped down with a 1: 10 slope to +5 feet NOVD where the berm leveled off horizontally for a distance of 26 feet. The fill then sloped down at a 1: 10 slope to meet existing grade at 0 feet NOVD. The current permit has a 10 foot dune top width at +8 feet NGVD and then slopes down at a 1: 15 slope to +5 feet NOVD where the berm levels off horizontally for a distance of 15 feet. The fill then slopes down at a 1: 10 slope to meet existing grade at 0 feet NGVD. Also a taper was added to the beach fill template on the south end extending the template south approximately 100 feet in order to transition the beach fill template back into the existing grade. COOl!'- 00- -.,00 . "'" '<t SOl ,'oJ OJ E >. CO aJ cv 0.. =::2: CO '0 C aJ 0> <X: ~ ~ , ~ <( o I~ I~U~ :!: ... 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