Agenda 05/13/2019 PELICAN BAY SERVICES DIVISION Municipal Services Taxing & Benefit Unit NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING MAY 13, 2019 THE WATER MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE OF THE PELICAN BAY SERVICES DIVISION WILL MEET AT 1:00 PM ON MONDAY, MAY 13 AT THE PELICAN BAY SERVICES DIVISION, 3RD FLOOR OF THE SUNTRUST BUILDING, SUITE 302, LOCATED AT 801 LAUREL OAK DRIVE, NAPLES, FL 34108. AGENDA 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Roll call 3. Agenda approval 4. Approval of 2/19/19 meeting minutes 5. Audience comments 6. Tour of the North County Water Reclamation Facility 7. Adjournment ANY PERSON WISHING TO SPEAK ON AN AGENDA ITEM WILL RECEIVE UP TO THREE(3)MINUTES PER ITEM TO ADDRESS THE BOARD. THE BOARD WILL SOLICIT PUBLIC COMMENTS ON SUBJECTS NOT ON THIS AGENDA AND ANY PERSON WISHING TO SPEAK WILL RECEIVE UP TO THREE (3) MINUTES. THE BOARD ENCOURAGES YOU TO SUBMIT YOUR COMMENTS IN WRITING IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING.ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION OF THIS BOARD WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDING PERTAINING THERETO, AND THEREFORE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD IS MADE, WHICH INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. IF YOU ARE A PERSON WITH A DISABILITY WHO NEEDS AN ACCOMMODATION IN ORDER TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS MEETING YOU ARE ENTITLED TO THE PROVISION OF CERTAIN ASSISTANCE. PLEASE CONTACT THE PELICAN BAY SERVICES DIVISION AT(239) 597-1749 OR VISIT PELICANBAYSERVICESDIVISION.NET. 10/11/2018 1:05:20 PM PELICAN BAY SERVICES DIVISION WATER MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING FEBRUARY 19,2019 The Water Management Committee of the Pelican Bay Services Division met on Tuesday, February 19 at 1:00 p.m. at the Pelican Bay Services Division, 3rd floor of the SunTrust Bldg., Suite 302, located at 801 Laurel Oak Dr., Naples, Florida 34108. The following members attended. Water Management Committee Jacob Damouni (absent) Tom Cravens, Chairman Mike Shepherd Pelican Bay Services Division Staff Mary McCaughtry, Operations Analyst Neil Dorrill, Administrator Lisa Jacob, Associate Project Manager Marion Bolick, Operations Manager Barbara Shea, Recording Secretary Also Present Susan O'Brien, PBSD Board APPROVED AGENDA (AS PRESENTED) 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Roll call 3. Agenda approval 4. Approval of 10/18/18 meeting minutes 5. Audience comments 6. Nutrient levels in non-potable water a. Report on nutrient levels—4th quarter 2018 b. Possible visit to North County Water Reclamation Facility 7. Grosvenor drainage improvements 8. Georgetown drainage improvements 9. Blue tilapia 10. Boat ramps 11. Adjournment ROLL CALL Mr. Damouni was absent and a quorum was established AGENDA APPROVAL Mr. Shepherd motioned, Mr. Cravens seconded to approve the agenda as presented. The motion carried unanimously. 1 Pelican Bay Services Division Water Management Committee Meeting February 19,2019 APPROVAL OF 10/18/18 MEETING MINUTES Mr. Shepherd motioned, Mr. Cravens seconded to approve the 10/18/18 meeting minutes as presented. The motion carried unanimously. AUDIENCE COMMENTS Ms. Bebe Kanter commented on a recent County fertilizer workshop. Ms. O'Brien suggested that Ms. Kanter be provided with PBSD's pamphlet on fertilizer guidelines. In addition,Ms. Kanter commented on the lack of violation citations from the County and the South Florida Water Management District, the possibility of PB Associations planting a buffer around their lakes,and the possibility of PB Associations putting rip rap around their lakes. Mr. Mike Griner asked for information on PBSD plans for lake bank remediations in Pelican Bay, and specifically Bridgeway lakes. Mr. Shepherd responded with a summary of the analysis of the lake banks performed by our engineer ABB and the program in place to complete one lake bank restoration project per year,unless a long-term financing program is put in place. Ms. O'Brien commented that (1) the PBSD has completed lake bank remediation projects in the past, and (2) last year, the PBSD had requested ABB to prioritize the lake banks as to level of critical erosion. NUTRIENT LEVELS IN NON-POTABLE WATER Mr. Cravens commented that the reclaimed(non-potable)water used by the Pelican Bay community for irrigation is a source of nitrogen and phosphates. Mr. Shepherd commented that there would be a huge cost to both the PBSD and PB residents to switch over to potable water for irrigation. As a result of the level of phosphorus in the reclaimed water,the PBSD has stopped including phosphorus in its fertilizer applications. Mr. Cravens recommended a visit to the County's North Reclamation Facility. Staff will follow up on scheduling a tour of this facility, as part of the next Water Management Committee meeting. Later in the meeting Mr. Dorrill commented that he would follow up with Mr. Sean Callahan in the County Manager's Office. MR. DORRILL JOINED THE MEETING AT 1:55 PM GROSVENOR DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS Mr. Cravens provided a brief description of the drainage issues in the area between the Dorchester and the Grosvenor,for which the PBSD has a drainage easement. Ms.Jacob reported that our contractor has cleaned out some of the drainage pipes, and some of the exotics in this area have been removed. Additional exotic removal is scheduled. She commented that in coordination with our engineer ABB, a new scope of work has been developed which will include connecting the old swale to the new swale,which will enable the water to drain out to the berm. Ms. O'Brien suggested that the County should be pursued for cost-sharing in this project since the source of some of the water is the street (a County responsibility). Mr. Dorrill commented that staff intends to pursue this. GEORGETOWN DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 2 Pelican Bay Services Division Water Management Committee Meeting February 19,2019 Ms. Jacob reported that our contractor has recently been cleaning drainage pipes (in our drainage easement) at Georgetown and while completing the work, it was discovered that a headwall had collapsed years ago and crushed a pipe. She commented that the contractor did an emergency repair and a new headwall has been ordered. Mr. Dorrill commented that it is our desire to "back charge"the County's Road& Bridge Dept. for a portion of the cost of the roadway drainage projects that we have completed,part of which are the County's responsibility. BLUE TILAPIA Mr. Shepherd provided a report on the PBSD's experience so far with the installation of blue tilapia in 20 lakes. Highlights included the following. • Research suggests that satisfactory ammonia levels are below.25 milligrams/liter. The quarterly data on our 20 blue tilapia-stocked lakes as well as our four control lakes shows ammonia levels below this limit. Toxic levels would be ammonia levels higher than 2 milligrams/liter. • Current lake ammonia levels show no increase in the 20 lakes stocked with blue tilapia in Spring 2018 or in Lake 5-1 which was stocked with blue tilapia 21/2 years ago. • Statistically,there was a slight increase in ammonia levels in the four control lakes, which was higher than the tilapia-stocked lakes. In conclusion, Mr. Shepherd recommended that we continue to examine the data on ammonia levels over the next year. He suggested that we stock blue tilapia in all of our lakes, except for the four control lakes (for monitoring purposes), for algae control. BOAT RAMPS Mr. Bolick reported that the PB Foundation's ARB Committee has put a hold on the PBSD installing any additional boat ramps (made of crushed limestone) on PB lakes. Last year eight boat ramps were installed. The ARB Committee has requested that the PBSD meet with them in a few months to discuss alternatives. Mr. Bolick is exploring whether any portable ramps are available. Mr. Dorrill commented that the PBSD will consult with our civil engineer for some ideas on boat ramp alternatives. Staff will evaluate the alternatives and bring back alternative solutions to the ARB Committee. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 2:21 p.m. I Tom Cravens, Chairman Minutes approved [ 1 as presented OR[ 1 as amended ON 1 date 3