Agenda 05/12/2009 Item #16E 1 Agenda Item No. 16E1 May 12, 2009 Page 1 of 13 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners give after-the-fact approval for the attached South Florida Coastal Ecosystem Program grant application that was submitted to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) for $534,900 (of which $258,700 will be reimbursable) to fund invasive, exotic plant removal within the Pepper Ranch Preserve SSA-7. OBJECTIVE: To have the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) give after-the-fact approval for a proposal that was submitted to the USFWS to fund invasive, exotic plant removal within the Pepper Ranch Preserve SSA-7, CONSIDERATIONS: The USFWS South Florida Coastal Program provides funding to non-profit organizations and agencies at all levels of government for technically sound and cost effective projects that restore or enhance degraded coastal wetlands, uplands, estuaries, and riparian corridors. If the grant is received, a formal agreement between the BCC and the USFWS will be needed before the project can proceed. Once an agreement is finalized, staff will return to the BCC for formal acceptance of the grant award and execution of the agreement. .- This grant proposal was approved for submission by the County Manager on April 15, 2009, The proposal was due to the South Florida Ecological Services Office on April 17, 2009, but because staff decided to submit the proposal only after a recent site visit to Pepper Ranch Preserve reveaied highly invasive, exotic vegetation within larger than expected portions of SSA-7, staff did not devote the necessary time for research and development of the grant application until the week of April 6, 2009. Due to this lime constraint, it was necessary to request the County Manager's approval of the proposal followed by this after-the-fact approval by the Board of County Commissioners - per Collier County CMA #5330. FISCAL IMPACT: The total cost of the project is expected to be $534,900, Collier County is requesting $258,700 in reimbursable USFWS funds for initial invasive, exotic vegetation removal. The County will provide a total of $276,200 cash match towards invasive, exotic vegetation maintenance, If the grant is received, the $276,200 County cash match is available within the Conservation Collier Management Fund 174 budget. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: This proposal supports Objective 7.3 of the Conservation and Coastal Management Element of the County Growth Management Plan, which requires the County to continue to implement programs that conserve and protect endangered and threatened wildlife species. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: After-the-fact approval of this grant application submittal conforms to the County's Grant Coordination procedures. This item is not quasi-judicial and ex parte disclosures are not required. A majority vote of the Board is necessary for Board action. - HFAC RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners give after-the-fact approval for the attached South Florida Coastal Ecosystem Program grant application that was submitted to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for $534,900 (of which $258,700 will be reimbursable) to fund invasive, exotic plant removal within the Pepper Ranch Preserve SSA..7, ~. PREPARED BY: Melissa Hennig, Principal Environmental Specialist, Facilities Management Department Page 1 of I Agenda Item No. 16E1 May 12, 2009 Page 2 of 13 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: 16E1 Item Summary: Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners give after-the-fact approval for the attached South Florida Coastal Ecosystem Program grant application that was submitted to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) for $534,900 (of which $258.700 will be reimbursable) to fund invasive exotic plant removal Within the Pepper Ranch Preserve SSA- 7. 5/12/200990000 AM Meeting Date: Prepared By Melissa Hennig Environmental Specialist Date Administrative Services Facilities Management 4l21/2009 9~38:25 AM Approl-'ed By Skip Camp, C.F.M. Facilities Management Director Facilities Management Date Administrative Services 4/21/200911:07 AM Approvl'd By Heidi F. Ashton Assistant County Attorney County Attorney Office Date County Attorney 4/21/20091 :52 PM Approvl'd B~' Jeff Klatz~,ow County Attorney County Attorney Office Date County Attorney 4/23/200911 :03 AM Approved By Marlene J. Foord Grants Coordinator Date Administrative Services Administrative Services Admin. 4/27/20099:01 AM Approved By Len Golden Price Administrative Services Administrator Date Administrative Services Administrative Services Admin. 4/30/2009 1 :32 PM Appro\'ed By OM8 Coordinator OMB Coordinator Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 4/30/2009 3 :33 PM Approved BJ Laura Davisson County Manager's Office Management & Budget Analyst Office of Management & Budget Date 4/30/20094:06 PM Approved By Leo E. Ochs, Jr. Board of County Commissioners Deputy County Manager Date County Manager's Office 5/2/20099:23 AM file:/IC:\AgendaTest\Export\ I 29-May%20 12, %202009\ 16,%20CONSENT%20AGENDA \ 16... 5/6/2009 ~ Administratiye Services Division (oilier County Government Center 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, Florida 3-1112 m a den efoo rtVt/:colliel'gov.n et (239) 252-4768 (239) 252..8720 (fax) Agenda Item No. 16E 1 May 12, 2009 Page 3 of 13 CFP!-:::i:: \.;F :::{~c~: .,-~ [i ! ~.,[ ~T'/ tJl,~,J>iAGE;~ ACT:,JU -----..--..---..-----...--..------- TO: ---,-----------..--.-,. Jim Mudd, County Manager Leo Ochs, Deputy County Managcr Applications R~viewed and Approved by eount:'"'--M,(na.gCr<,:;.or,cdJ'ji~ fo_ subminal:1~~ .-:::--~ "~' e? 'i'1 t)~ ana;;?r / tiCS 0 '1 idate) cc: Skip Camp, Facilities .'v1anagement Director Melissa I-lennig, Principal Environmental Specialist FROM: Marlene Foord, Grants Coordinator Afta-t!lc-F3ct Approval by the Bee is required at the Mav 12. "009 Bee meeting, D/\TE: April 15,2009 SUBJECT: County tv1anager ApprO\al of U.S. Fish and Wildlife South Florida Coastal Ecosystem Program Grant Application. The USFWS South Florida Coastal Program provides funding to non"profit organizations and agencies at all levels of governmcnt for technically "1und and cost effective projects that restore or enhance degraded coastal wetlands. uplands. estuaries, and riparian corridors. Should this grant application be successful. funds \\ill bc uscd to perfonl1 initial removal and subsequent maintenance of invasive. exotic plants within 493.4 acres of the Pepper Ranch Preserve SSA-7 over a pcriod of three years. The enclosed application is due to the South Florida Ecological Scn'ices Ortiec on April 17, 2009, Because staff only just dccided to submit an application after a recent site visit to Pepper Ranch Preserve re\'Caled highly invasive. exotic vegetation within some portions of SSA-7, they did not devote the necessary time for rese:lrch and development of the grant application until this week. Due to this time constraint, it is necessary to request your apprO\'al of the application to be followed by after-the-fact approval of the Board of County Commissioners during the May 12'h meeting, Your sign3turc is required u1l1hc 1,.'(\\,,:1' kIter. Once you have reviewed the application, please sign and datc in thc box above and call Melissa Hcnnig at 252-2957 or myself at 252-4768 for pickup. Please let me know if you have any questions. ('^ Agenda Item No. 16E1 May 12, 2009 COLLIER COUNTY Page 4 of 13 OFFICE OF 1lIE COUNTY MANAGER 3301 E.'i">! Tamiami TraH. Naples. Il(.rid.. .14112. C:!:Wl ':52-l'!::;R3. FAX: 1!:9} :!..<;;!.4{lIO April 15.2009 Debbie De Vore Coastal Program Coordinator U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service South Florida Ecological Services Office J 339 20th Street Vern Beach. Barida .32960 RE: 2009 South Florida CoastnI Ecosystem Progrcull Proposal CoUier County Pepper Ranch Preserve SSA-7 Restoration Project Dear Ms. DeVore: Enclosed ple-.ase find one hard copy of a 2009 South Florida Coastal Ecosystem Program proposal ( for the Pepper Ranch Preserve SSA-7 Restoration Project submitted by Collier County. ., Thank you for the opportunitr to submit this proposal. ~relv, ...J0 ~ t~a.i1... 4~ James V. Mudd. ~~ger Collier County Board of County C.(1mmissioneF'S Enclosure cc: Marlene foord. Grants Coordinator .. Agenda Item No. 16E 1 May 12, 2009 Page 5 of 13 2009 South Florida Coastal Ecosystem Program Proposal U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service South Florida Ecological Services Office PROJECT TITLE: Pepper Ranch Preserve SSA-7 Restoration Project CONTACT INFORMATION: Principal Investigator - Melissa Hennig Conservation Collier Program Collier County Board of County Commissioners Entity - Local Government 3301 Tamiami Trail East, Building W Naples, FL 34112 Phone: (239) 252-2957 Fax: (239) 252-6720 E-mail: \.lelissaHcnni..(((collicruo\..net PROJECT OBJECTIVES: The Pepper Ranch Preserve SSA.. 7 Restoration Project will involve the initial removal and subsequent maintenance of invasive, exotic plants within 493.4 acres of various habitats over a period of three years, PROJECT LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION: The 2,512..acre Pepper Ranch Preserve is located along the northern shoreline of Lake Trafford west of the town of lmmokalee. The Preserve is within Sections 22, 26, 27, 28, 33 & 35, Township 46 South, Range 28 East, Collier County (26026'46''N; 8I030'45''W). See Map 1. Although the publicly owned Pepper Ranch Preserve is contiguous and managed by the Collier County Conservation Collier Program as one unit, it consists of two distinct areas. The western-most portion and a part of the northern..most p0l1ion of the preserve - 985 acres - have been designated as Stewardship Sending Area.. 7 (SSA-7) under the Collier County Rural Land Stewardship Arca program. The remaining 1,527 acres of the ranch will be used by Collier County to obtain Panther Habitat Units for mitigation of future Collier County capital improvement projects occurring in panther habitat. This project proposes treatmcnt of varying densities of invasive, exotic plants within approximately 493.4 acres of Pepper Ranch S SA - 7 The treatment target area within SSA-7 consists of approximately 286.5 acres of uplands and 206.9 acres of wetlands *: Hardwood Conifer Mixed Mixed Wetland Shrubs Brazilian Pepper Mixed Wetland Hardwoods Oak Cabbage Palm Forest Wetland Forested Mixed Woodland Pasture Wet Prairie Cypress Freshwater Marsh * Acreages are estimates only, 164.8 acres 89.9 acres 55,5 acres 51.9 acres 41.3 acres 33.7 acres 24.9 acres 14.1 acres 11. 9 acres 5.4 acres Agenda Item No. 16E 1 May 12, 2009 The SSA-7 project area has been broken into three zones in order of priority in the event fualelfin>/'teg funding is available. See Map 2. A qualified contractor will be responsible for the control of any target trees and seedlings and the application of any herbicides within all the target areas. All aspects of the control of FLEPPC Category I and 2 plants within the Pepper Ranch Preserve, including any equipment, labor, supply, and herbicide needs, will be the responsibility of the contractor. The contractor will take precautions to avoid harming any native vegetation or wildlife. ZONE I ZONE 1 consists of approximately 17.4 acres of a heavy infestation (75% density) of old world climbing fern (Lygodium microphyllum). Lygodium within this zone that is growing into native trees will be treated via the "poodle..cut" method. All other Lygodium will be treated in place with a foliar application. Maintenance treatments within ZONE I will begin within 2 months of initial treatment and continue quarterly for 2 years, After 2 years, treatments will take place every 6 months. Treatments will take place annually once semi-annual treatments have proven effective, ZONE 2 Approximately 55,5 acres of land along the access road and pasture are heavily infested with Brazilian pepper (90%-95% density) and can be removed mechanically using heavy machinery, such as a bulldozer, piled up in the nearest pasture, and burned, After stumps are cut, they will be treated with an appropriate herbicide per label rates, or the contractor will retum within two months of removal to treat re-growth with an appropriate herbicide per label rates. Maintenance treatments within ZONE 2 will begin within 2 months of initial treatmcnt and continue quarterly for 2 years. Aftcr 2 years, treatments will take place semi-annually, Treatments will take place annually once semi..annual treatments have proven effective. ZONE 3 The remaining 420,5 acres of SSA-7 contain scattered FLEPPC Category I and 2 plants (10% density). All FLEPPC Category I and 2 plants within ZONE 3 will be treated in place with a basal application or foliar application. Maintenance treatments within ZONE 3 will begin within 6 months of initial treatment and continue semi-annually for I year. Aftcr I year, treatments will take place annually, PROJECT BENEFITS TO COASTAL ECOSYSTEMS: Pepper Ranch Preserve is located within Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) Priority I Habitat for Florida panther (Puma conca/or cOlyii). Florida panther sightings and telemetry points and the presence of prey species indicate the ranch is used by panthers. Additionally, many other native wildlife species have been documented on the preserve, and the ranch is included in lands considered to be strategic habitat areas for black bear and listed wading bird species (Cox, 1994). The following list ofrare wildlife species have been observed at Pepper Ranch Preserve (Table 2). 2009 South Florida Coastal Ecosystem Program Pepper Ranch Preserve SSA-7 Restoration Project Table 2: Rare wildlife species observed at Pepper Ranch Preserve Scientific Name Common Names Federal State Alligator mississippiellsis American alligator T(S/A) sse A ramus gum'an Limpkin sse Egretta thula Snowy egret sse Eudocimus albus white ibis sse Falco sparverius paulus Southeastern American kestrel T Crus canadensis pratensis Florida sandhill crane T Haliaeetus leucocephalus Bald eagle T Mycteria americana W oodstork E E Polyborus plancus audubonii Audubon's crested caracara T T Puma concolor c01}'ii Florida panther E E Ursus americanus floridanus Florida black bear T Agenda Item No. 16E1 May 12, 2009 Page 7 of 13 E: Endangered, T: Threatened, T (SIAl: Similarity at Appearance to a Threatened Talon In the Entire Range, sse: Species of Special Concern Restoration of ranch lands would protect the value of adjacent Corkscrew Regional Ecosystem Watershed (CREW) lands, functioning as a buffer to the CREW wetlands and an ecological link and corridor for other conservation lands extending south into the Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge, Fakahatchee Strand Preserve State Park, and Everglades National Park. Pepper Ranch Preserve is connected to Florida Panthcr National Wildlife Refuge by lands designated within the Stewardship Sending Area (SSA) under the Collier County Rural Land Stewardship Area (RLSA) program, See Map 3. The purpose of the RLSA program is to encourage smart growth patterns in rural areas of Collier County per the Growth Management Plan, Collier County's objective was to create an incentive based land use overlay system, known as the Collier County Rural Lands Stewardship Area Overlay, based on the principles of rural land stewardship as defined in Chapter 163.3177,(11), Florida Statutes. The Stewardship Sending Area (SSA) is used to issue designated development credits to property owners which may be used to entitle development of self-contained planned urban developments within the Stewardship Receiving Area (SRA) of the Rural Land Stewardship Area. The SSA Program within the Rural Land Stewardship Area establishes a method for protecting and conserving the most valuable environmental land, including large connected wetland systems and significant areas of habitat for listed specIes. The direct anticipated long-term and permanent results of this project are a reduction of invasive, exotic vegetation and a restored fire regime. South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) has managed land adjacent to Pepper Ranch Preserve for over a decade. Invasive, exotic species within the preserve that go untreated will continue to be a constant seed source to the CREW lands that abut the preserve. Additionally, dense, invasive, exotic vegetation hampers proper fire management. The exotic vegetation must be controlled to some degree prior to implementation of controlled burns within Pepper Ranch Preserve, Controlled bums will be instrumental in the ultimate restoration of Pepper Ranch Preserve. CONTRIBUTING PARTNERS: A proposal will be submitted to Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission to fund the maintenance of the invasive, exotic vegetation within Pepper Ranch SSA-7 in 2010. A proposal will also be submitted to the USFWS Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program to fWld the initial invasive, exotic vegetation removal within zones not funded by the USFWS South Florida Coastal Ecosystem Program, 2009 South Florida Coastal Ecosystem Program Pepper Ranch Preserve SSA-7 Restoration Project PROJECT COSTS: The entire project is estimated to cost $534,900. Agenda Item No. 16E1 May 12, 2009 Page 8 of 13 The budget breakdown is as follows: COASTAL PROGRAM COLLIER COUNTY PROJECT COMPONENT TOTAL COST (cash) (cash) ZONE 1 Initial Exotic Plant Removal $26.1 00 $26,100 ZONE 2 Initial Exotic Plant Removal $74,900 $74,900 ZONE 3 Initial Exotic Plant Removal $157.700 $157,700 ZONE 1 Exotic plant maintenance in 11/12/13 $34,800 $34,800 ZONE 2 Exotic plant maintenance in] 1/12113 $55,500 $55,500 ZONE 3 Exotic plant maintenance in 11/12/13 $]85,900 $185,900 TOTAL $534.900 $258,700 $276,200 48010 52% STATEMENT OF PRODUCTS: The two products that will result from this project are: I. Reduction of invasive, exotic plant occurrence and density - 493.4 acres. 2, Increased use of SSA-7 by native wildlife species. Although random wildlife surveys will be possible, a quantitative, regimented pre- and post- study of wildlife use at the preserve will not be possible due to a lack of staff and trained volunteers, Therefore, a pre- and post- survey of exotic plant coverage and approximate density, along with photo point pictures, will be used to gauge the success of the exotic removal and maintenance. It will be assumed that the product of increased use by wildlife should be accomplished through increased restored habitat. TIME FRAME' 0 N D J F M A M J J A S 0 N D J F M A M J J A S 0 N D J F M A M J J A S , 0 e a e a p a u u u e , 0 e a e a p a u u u e c 0 e a e a p a u u u e t v , n b r r y n 1 g P t v , n b r r y n 1 g P t v c n b r r y n 1 g P 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 J 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 Photo Points X X X X X X X Solicit bids exotic X viani contractors Initial Exotic Plant X X X X Removal in all zones Maintenance Exotic X X X X X X X X X Plant Removal in ZONE 1 Maintenance Exotic X X X X X X X X X Plant Removal in ZONE 2 Maintenance Exotic X X X Plant Removal in ZONE 3 Submit Monitoring X X X Report *Actlvltles that are milestones in the project 2009 South Florida Coastal Ecosystem Program Pepper Ranch Preserve SSA-7 Restoration Project Agenda Item No. 16E 1 May 12, 2009 Page 9 of 13 ACTIONS TO DATE (IF ANY): No restoration activities have occurred to date within Pepper Ranch; however, initial removal and maintenance of invasive, exotic plant species within the remaining 1,527 mitigation portion of the preserve will be completed concurrently with invasive, exotic plant maintenance within all zones of SSA- 7. Exotic maintenance within the mitigation portion of the preserve is a requirement of the US Fish and Wildlife Service for panther habitat mitigation. PERMITS: Heavy equipment may only operate along established trailslroads, within the pasture, or within ZONE 2. A SFWMD Environmental Resource Permit is not required for this project. A Collier County Vegetation Clearing Permit will be obtained for this project. LITERATURE CITED: Cox, J., R. Kautz, M. MacLaughlin, and T. Gilbert. 1994, Closing the gaps in Florida's wildlife habitat conservation system. Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission, Tallahassee, Florida. 2009 South Florida Coastal Ecosystem Program Pepper Ranch Preserve SSA-7 Restoration Project MAP 1: Project Location Agenda Item No. 16E 1 May 12, 2009 Page 10 of 13 Pepper Ranch Preserve Location R27 R28 R29 T48 . I I I I I LEE COUNTY --4 .COlLlE. COUNTY . . ;-i"':I1,;-;>", 14 13 T46 :4 "H"~, '-, ":'; ',', I(,'\.f""",{'" I",) '6J i---- I I I I I I I I I )," ~.'.. .'1, T47 o I I I I ____________J___ I I I I --..,-- . ...;...... f r , C, t:;i " ',' ,Y , :'l.1!I",s Project location _ Pepper Ranch Pre<>ervlt - M:1Jor RO.1ds In South ~Ionda o Sections "';il">r ,']1'-'j: ."'1' ,.;1.,)1,1""".:.1 . - - L _ .! Tovm:.htp ::md Range r---, ::,-.- l'~"''''''''' 1.~..J"'c.~-'" ;n,',.'''' Dillie $ourcel "arc..... .. C"illK Counlt, P,op.t1:J Apprlllher Cle.." "y! Cd", C_.., FlKltlltl.s M..'........I"& Chlp'l. G-C_*TV_lon Co'Uw.Gt'anc.USFWS Co....t'"ZOO"...ot-e1:!(>Ca'lHl>h..uld Dide:.l60, C"l;-;('~- Cautt!;1 2009 South Florida Coastal Ecosystem Program Pepper Ranch Preserve SSA-7 Restoration Project MAP 2: Aerial Agenda Item No. 16E 1 May 12, 2009 Page 11 of 13 \iol~~J~:amf~;~ ..~\.., ~' r-- -< (IJ (IJ C Q) OJ CO I- Q) > o o ~ C CO n.. t) '';:: o X lLJ Q) > I- Q) If) Q) l- n.. .!:: t) C CO ~ I- Q) a. a. Q) n.. ~ ;; , ~ '3 ~ " , " - ~ " '7, ;; c: z- 0 ~ ~ 5 u N .s -" - on ~ " M '" '" w oJ u Q. z z z 0 CJ 0 .~ " " '", i5 " w "": , 0 '" ~ ~ ;, .;.1: , n: <r ~ 3 ~ ~ t " -< ~ 0 ;; t co Dl " ~ :ii ~ co - [i . , , ;"._1 2009 South Florida Coastal Ecosystem Program Pepper Ranch Preserve SSA-7 Restoration Project MAP 3: SurroWlding Lands III "C C III ..J Cl C "C C :l o ... ... :l en CI) ~ (I) III (I) ... a. __ _._ ',___ _ __'0 ..c () C III 0:: ... (I) Q. Q. (I) a. >. - c :::l o o ... (I) o o ~+~ W) < Q ~ ~ 1 "' e '" I ;;; II '" ii" ~ ~ ~ f 1 ~ ~ .c Q, .! ca~.c .d 5.~~tn Ii! rj ~ ~ ~ 1'1 ! ~ ~ 1 I ;3 8 Vi !i'l I i ~ I' i!!: ! Agenda Item No. 16E1 May 12, 2009 Page 12 of 13 ;1 ..:.', '0 v >- .... Z ;:) o u w W ..J ,,;.~!' i:; z ::> o u IX: w :..J ..J "0 U _-I I- 't. , fJi. ,; _ '" u._.'.'__'" i . I..... :1 ,--...-- _. 2009 South Florida Coastal Ecosystem Program Pepper Ranch Preserve SSA-7 Restoration Project CREW Land & Water Trust Agenda Item No. 16E1 CREW latad .t W... Tl'II$t May 12, 2009 2J99I~Rd Page 13 of 13 ESfefO. n .;)921 Pbone: 2~S7~m3 FAX: Z.\!iI-llClJ-"lJO ermU): ~.nef w~, WWWc:nM'tn1sl.Ol'J Dt-.w.:::;wJ II' IN prc:u:nutfi.1I'l {DatI .~e:v.ardthtp of lhe >I.m,?, Tr$OIlT1.t3 :mJ Il<JfW1U1 Cr.tmm1.mltie.\ m arr.:J In'4md tJw COrJtlcrt'l4' Rt"glt>naJ u'n...,..!SJem Hiu...,,-J.:.!d April 8, 2009 RECEIVED APR 1 J 2009 Debbie L DeVore South Florida Coastal Program Coordinator U5 Fish & Wildlife Service , 339 20th 5t Vero Beach, FL 32960-3559 fiJlClllTfEI COHSSlVATION CtlLVEA RE: Collier County Pepper Ranch Preserve SSA-7 Restoration Project Proposal South Florida Coastal Program - Announcement of Financial Assistance FY 2009 DearMs. DeVore: The Corkscrew Regional Ecosystem Watershed (CREW) Land & Water Trust is a nonprofit organization that coordinates the land acquisition, land management,and public use of the 6o,ooo-acre Corkscrew Regional Ecosystem Watershed. Pepper Ranch Preserve supports a myriad of both state and federally listed wildlife and is adjac.ent to CREW managed lands. CREW Land and Water Trust is in favor of native habitat restoration within Pepper Ranch Preserve. and is confident that Collier County has the ability maintain the invasive, exotic vegetation at manageable levels after initial removal is complete. Brenda Brooks E.xecutlve Director CREW Land & Water Tnlst 239-657-2253 2009 South Florida Coastal Ecosystem Program Pepper Ranch Preserve SSA-7 Restoration Project (