Agenda 05/12/2009 Item #10C Agenda Item No.1 OC May 12, 2009 Page 1 of 15 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation that the Board approve a policy for future landscape expansion projects initiated by Developers, Municipal Service Taxing Unit (MSTU), or Homeowner Association (HOA) for inclusion into the Collier County Landscape Beautification Master Plan. OBJECTIVE: Recommendation that the Board approve a policy for fnture landscape expansion projects initiated by Developers, Municipal Service Taxing Unit (MSTU), or Homeowner Association (HOA) for inclusion into the Collier County Landscape Beautification Master Plan. CONSIDERATIONS: On April 22, 2003, Agenda Item laC, the Board of County Commissioners approved the Collicr County Landscape Beautification Master Plan and funding. The level of landscaping approved by the Board was "a base level of landscaping" for new road construction projects with Type "B" and Type "C I" for median landscaping improvements. A base level of landscaping is the ground preparation for future planting. The sequencing of road expansion with base landscape preparation prevents the duplication of base constlUction costs. A base level of landscaping includes: electrical and inigation sleeving, clean median backfill with landscape quality soil, non-mountable Type F curbing, bahia grass and brick pavers at the median ends. Type "B" landscaping improvements ineludes the base level improvements but replacing Bahia grass with St. Augustine sod. ShlUbs, groundcovers, flowering trees and planting beds are planting the entire length of the median with 100% irrigation (preferable on well or reuse water) to support the vegetation growth. Type "C" landscaping improvements include the elements of a Type "B" median with the addition of side road planting. There are two levels of side road plantings: "C I ", which contains side road canopy trees and/or palms irrigated with a bubbler inigations system with the edges planted with bahia; and "C2", which contains all of the components of "Cl" in addition to side road shrubs, flowering trees, planting beds and/or St. Augustine grass. Because of the current drought conditions and nanowed medians, floratam sod is no longer being planted in the medians, and in most instances is being replaced by muleh and bedding plants. Budget eonstraints have resulted in an elimination of side of the road trees which were further restricted due to limited right-of-way competing for space with needed utilities. With further budget cuts and increasing citizen requests for median landscaping, staff would like to revisit the policy approved when the Landscaping Master Plan was originally recommended in April 2003 to allow communities with the desire to continue the landscape program an opportunity or vehiele to do so, Recommended policv: Collier County Landscape Master Plan requires Type "B" landscaping improvements on all 6 lane arterials within the urbanized area, budget pennitting. L If a developer/MSTU/HOA desires to landscape a 6-lane roadway that has not been landscaped due to budget constraints and commits to improve the roadway to County Agenda Item NO.1 OC f.1ay 12, 2009 Page 2 of 15 established Type "B" landscaping standards, the developer/MSTU/HOA may do so at their own cost. The county would assume the maintenance responsibilities subject to Board approval. This condition would require the County to evaluate its ability to fund ongoing maintenance and, as such, final Board approval will be required for each request. 2. If a developer/MSTU/HOA desires to landscape a 4-lane highway depicted in Attachment A, which is either at its anticipated maximum lane configuration with no future plans for expansion, or expansion is beyond the 5- Y ear Capital Impact Element (CIE), and commits to improve the roadway to County established Type "B" landscaping standards, the developer/MSTU/HOA may do so at their own cost. If future 6-laning is identified in the Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), any landscaping must be installed in a manner not to conflict with the future expansion. The county would assume the maintenance responsibilities subject to Board approval. This condition would require the County to evaluate its ability to fund ongoing maintenance and, as such, final Board approval will be required for each request. 3, If a developer/MSTU/HOA wishes to improve County landscaping level through the installation of street trees (Type C-I) or through the installation of a butfer (Type C-2), the developer/MSTU/HOA would pay 100% of the additional plant material and irTigation improvements and he required to maintain the improvements since it exceeds the current approved levels of a Type B. This condition would require that the interested party enter into a landscape maintenance agreement with Collier County, The request and the landscape maintenance agreement would require Board approval for each request. FISCAL IMPACT: Each condition would require Board approval and fiscal evaluation of Fund III for ability to fund the ongoing maintenance of the improvements. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no Growth Management Impact associated with this Executive Summary. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: No legal issues are raised hy this item. This is a regular item requiring simple majority vote. -JAK RECOMMENDA nON: Recommend that the Board approve the policies above for future landscape expansion projects initiated hy Developers, Municipal Service Taxing Unit (MSTU), or Homeowner Association (HOA) for inclusion into the Collier County Landscape Beautification Master Plan. Additionally, that the Board ratify the removal of C-I, side street trees, and the limitation on use of f10ratam sod for future Type B installations. Prepared By: Pamela Lulich, Landscape Operations Manager, Alternative Transportation Modes Department Attachment: (I) Landscape Beautification Master Plan, Approved on April 22, 2003, Agenda Item JOC; (2) Attachment A 2 Item Number: Item Summary: Meeting Date: Page lof2 Agenda Item No.1 OC May 12, 2009 Page 3 of 15 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 10C Recommendation that the Board approve a policy for future landscape expansion projects initiated by Developers Municipal Service Taxing Unit (MSTU), or Homeowner Association (HOA) for Inclusion into the Collier County Landscape Beautification Master Plan. (Michelle Arnold, ATM Director) 5112/200990000 AM Preparl'd By Pamela J. Lulich Transportation Services Project Manager Date Alternative Transportation Modes 4/301200912:0753 PM Approved By Pamela J. Lulich Transportation Services Project Manager Alternative Transportation Modes Date 41301200912:28 PM Approyed B~.' Gloria Herrera Transportation Services ManagemenUBudget Analyst Date Stormwater Management 4130120094:12 PM Approyed By Norm E. Feder, AIC? Transportation Services Transportation Division Administrator Transportation Services Admin. Date 4/30/20094:29 PM Approved By Scott R. Teach County Attorney Assistant County Attorney County Attorney Office Date 511/20099:29 AM Approved By Jeff Klatzkow County Attorney County Attorney County Attorney Office Date 5111200910:14 AM Approyed By Michelle Edwards Arnold Transportation Services Alternative Transportation Modes Director Date Alternative Transportation Modes 511!20091 :29 PM Approved By Lisa Taylor Transportation Services Management/Budget A.nalyst Transportation Administration Date 5/1120091:34 PM Approved By Pat Lehnhard Transportation Services Ex.ecutive Secretary Date Transportation Services Admin 511120091 :45 PM Approved By Mark Isackson County Manager's Office Budget Analyst Office of Management & Budget Date 514120098:35 AM Approved By Leo E. Ochs, Jr. Deputy County Manager Date file://C:\AgendaTest\ExpOli\129-Mav%20 12,%202009\ I 0.%20COUNTY%20MANAGER %... 5/6/2009 Page 2 of2 Agenda Item NO.1 OC May 12, 2009 Page 4 of 15 Board of County Commissioners County Manager's Office 5/4/2009 1 :06 PM file://C:\AgendaTest\ExpOIi\ 1 29-Mav%20 12,%202009\ 1 0,%20COUNTY%20MANAGER %... 5/6/2009 Attachment A 4-Lane Roadways as candidates for Developer/MSTUIHOA Landscaping: Radio Road from Santa Barbara Boulevard to Davis Boulevard Davis Boulevard from County Barn to Collier Boulevard .Pine Ridge Road from Logan Boulevard to Collier Boulevard · Airport Road from Vanderbilt Beach Road to lmmokalee Road .Vanderbilt Beach Road from Airport Road to US 41 .Landscaping mnst accommodate future 6-laning. Agenda Item NO.1 DC May 12. 2009 Page 5 of 15 Agenda Item NO.1 OC May 12, 2009 Page 6 of 15 EXECUTfVESU~RY APPROVE A COUlER COUNTY LANDSCAPE BEAUIlFICATION MASTER PLAN AND FUNDING; APPROVE A LEVEL OF LANDSCAPE BEAUIlFICATION FOR MEDIANS, RETENTION PONDS, AND INTERCHANGES; AOOPT THE COUlER COUNTY LANDSCAPE BEAUTIFICATION MASTER PLAN AS POUCY FOR ARTERIAL AND Cot I FrmR ROADWAYS OBJECI1VE: That the Board approves a "Collier County Landscape Beautification Master Plan M lIIId determines a level of landscaping for futun: roadway beautification projects of uteriaI and collector roadways. 1be timeline for the "Collier County Landscape Beautification Master PlanM as presented is based on Transportation Engineering and ConsllUction Mana~'s five (5) year road construction work plan. 1be pwpose of this action is to provide a level of landscaping along improved roadways and to maintain a signature streetscape appearance based on established levels of landscaping within the Community. CONSIDERA nONS: 1be signature appearance of Collier County roadway landscaping reflects the character of the Community and the Southwest Florida region. 1be streetscape landscaping is the most public lIIId visible type of landscape&,.-tiUTtCliliOi'- and the most appreciated by the Community. The benefits of landscaping have been di=l1y related to lnIffic calming, cooling and screening of adjacent properties. and increased propeny values. 1be hislOry of the Streetscape program emphasizes the preservation of the unique character of the region and this proposal builds on that original desire. In comparison, the five (5) year road consllllCtion work program budget is $507.537,000 with a 10% contingency; the proposed landscape master plan is a three (3) year landscape beautification program with an estimated capital budget of $2.6 to $3.1 millioo for the next three years. Depending on the level selected, the cost for landscape improvements is only 0.5%-1.3% of the roadway construction budget in FY04, 0.4%-1.1% in FY 05. and 0.5%-1.1% in FY 06, (Attachment #1) Beyond the 3-year landscape master plan, staff recommends that roadway construction projects completed in FY04-FY07 as well as those projected in the Long Range Traffic Plan have landscape beautification money budgeted for their projects within the road construction budget. (Attachmentlll..j;5) The level is to he detennined on one of the following levels recommended by the Board. Median lAndscaomIl: A base level of landscap;nt! was discussed at the Landscape Workshop on September 5, 2002. A base level is the ground preparation for future planting. 1be sequencing of road expansion and landscape base preparation prevents any duplication of base construction costs. A base level of landscaping includes: electrical and irrigation sleeving, clean median backfill with eight (8") of landscape soil, non-mouDtable curbing (FDOT Type F). bahia grass, and brick pavers al the median ends. The cost to install sodding, topsoil. and sleeving is $61,000 per mile and the cost \0 maintain in-house i. approximately $52,000.00 per mile for a 17 fool median. Examples are LivingstOll Road (Golden Gate Parkway 10 Pine Ridge Road) and Airport-Pulling (Pine Ridge to Vanderbilt Beach Road) (AllaCbment 112) ~. "Type An land...mllin" builds upon the base preparation of landscaping to include a mainline irrigation system with pop-up .ystem for planting beds at median ends and bubblers for trees. There is a planting of ~",opy trees andlor-palms (gro~~ or single) I ~.....,,___ .~.--__IJt:.'n "-.! OG APR i. ~ ~._J \ -- ,^,genda Item NO.1 OC May 12, 2009 Page 7 of 15 . Executive Swnmary Landscape Beautification Master Plan for County Rights-of-Way Page 2 of4 spaced 50-100 feet apart. The Radio Road landscaping (Airpon-Pulling to Santa Barbara Blvd.) is the only elUllDple of a "Type A" landscaping within Collier County. The cost to install a Type "A" landscaping within a 17-foot width median would cost 5153.198.46 and the outsoun:ed maintenance cost is 559,138.06 per mile. (Attaclunent #2). "T'\'De 8': IlUIdseauiDl!, in addition to base level and "Type A" items, S1. Augustine grass is planted instead ofbahia. Shrubs, flowering trees and planting beds &Ie planted the entire length of the median. "Type B"landscaping requires 1000/0 ilTigation of the median to support the growth of SL Augustine grass or other plantings, Examples of "Type B" landscaping are Davis Blvd. (Airport-Pulling Road to County Barn Road), Collier Blvd. (Green Blvd. to Golden Gate canal), US 41 NOM (Pine Ridge to Vanderbilt Beach Road), and Pine Ridge Road (Airpon-Pulling to US 41 N). The cost to install a l7-foot median is 5174,841.13 per mile. The outsourced annual cost to maintain a "Type B" 17-foot median is $78,272.08 per mile. (Attachment #2). "Tvr>e C" laDdscapiDl! has all of the elements of a Type B median with additional side road plantings. There are two levels of side road plantings a street tree planting or Type CI and a buffer planting or "Type C2". An example of "Type CI" landscaping is US 41 East Phase "B"- (Govemmenl Complex Entrance to Rattlesnake Hammock Road). This particular segment has a Level hB" median with side road street tree plantings. A "Tvr>e CI"laDdscauiOl! has side road canopy trees and/or palms (Grouped or Singles) 50-100 feet apart irrigated through a bubbler irrigation system. The edges would remain planted with bahia sod, The estimated installation cost is $135,000 per mile (canopy trees planted on both sides of the street and spaced 75 feet on center). There is an additional annual outsourced cost of$7,067to maintain the street trees through an ilTigation system, (Attachment #2). Staff does not recommended planting street trees without ilTigation because of the low survivability rates and the needed frequency of watering. If the Board were to recommend planting without ilTigation; the outsourced cost would be $32,250 per mile for a 7-month establishment period. This would include street trees on both sides of the street. This cost does not include maintenance of traffic costs. The trees would be monitored on a weekly basis and there would be no way of predicting the actual costs. A "Tvue Cl" Iand"""uinl! has side road canopy trees and/or palms (Grouped or Singles) 50-100 feet apart irrigated through a bubbler irrigation system. side road shrubs, flowering trees, planting beds, and/or S1. Augustine grass. The beds and grass would require 100% irrigation, The estimated installation cost is $148,158.87 per mile. The Outsourced Annual cost to maintain the buffer is 530,867.92 per mile. Ar:"N~QE'" No _ /V ~ APR 2 2 2003 ~ Pg. Agenda Item No.1 OC May 12, 2009 Page 8 of 15 Executive Summary Landscape Beautification Master Plan for County Rights-of-Way Page 3 of 4 Wet Retention Ponds: "Tvpe A" ReteDtloD PODd encompasses palms and native trees and shrubs, littoral zone planting, bahia grass, and planting beds. An example of a "Type A" wet retention pond is at Orange Blossom and Yarbeny Lane. The cost to install a "Type A" is estimated to be $15,000 per 3-acre pond, The outsourccd annual maintenance is $24,450 per 5-acre site. (Alt8cbmcnt #2). "T\'pe B" ReteDtioD PODd includes palms and native trees and shrubs, littoral zone planting, bahia grass, planting beds, and lighted aeration f~ins. In addition, there would be an oppol1Unity for additional site amenities and improvements such as benches and paths. A pond located at US 41 East and Catalina SIftlct is an example of a "Type B" right-of- way retention pond. The cost to install a ''Type "B" is estimated to be $30,000 per 3-acre pond. The outsourced annual maintenance is $28,000 per 5-acre site. (Attachment #2). Dry Retention Ponds: "Tvoe A "ReteDlioD PODd includes palms/native trees, shrubs, and bahia grass. An example is at Golden Gate Blvd. and SW 31 st Street (Max Hasse Park) The cost to install a "Type A" is estimated to be SIO,OOO per 3-acre pond. The outsourccd annual maintenance is $15,000 per 5-acre site. (Attachment #2). \t' FISCAL IMP ACT: The installation cost of the "Collier County Landscape Beautification Master r') Plan" (Attachment #3) will be budgeted in MSTO General Fund (Ill) for the first three years. The '. future maintenance will be budgeted through MSTO General Fund (Ill). The amount will depend on the type oflandscaping that is selected by the Board. Landscape beautification projects on newly constructed and reconstructed arterials and collectors within the TranspoMation 5-Year Road Work Program are to be budgeted through Road Construction Fund, Gas Tax Fund and managed through the Landscape Operations Section of Alternative Transportation Modes, The Future Maintenance will be budgeted through MSTD General Fund (111). The amount will depend on the Type of Landscaping that is selected by the Board. (Attachment #5) GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATION: That the Board approve a "Collier County Landscape Beautification Master Plan" for arterial and collector roadways; and approve 'Type A' landscape beautification for medians, retention ponds, and interchanges, Ifhudget pennits to also install 'Type Cl' side road landscaping. I. If a developer IMSru located on an arterial or collector wishes to improve County landscaping level then they would be required to pay the difference between the County's annual maintenance cost and the actual maintenance cosL The developerlMSru would pay 100"10 of the additional plant material and irrigation improvements. 2. If a developerlMSru wishes to landscape a road segment outside of the 3-y"", plan, they would be required to pay J 00% of the installation and maintenance. This condition would be required until the County reaches a point where The segment is connected to a County improved landscape segment and then the County would assume the maintenance responsibilities up to the Board approved level. 3. St'lff recommends that revisions be made to Ordinance 93-64, which reference landscaping within the right of way and amend the LDC Ordinance 97 -25, Strcetscape Master P.""N[)A ITEM No.-I f2-~ APR 2 2 2003 Pg. 3 Agenda Item NO.1 OC May 12, 2009 Page 9 of 15 Executive Summary Landscape Beautification Master Plan for COlDlty Rights-of-Way Page 4 of 4 and replace with "Collier County Landscape Beautification Master Plan", Staff desires to make these documents consistent with Board policy direction and present maintenance standards. 4. To fully evaluate in-house and outsourced landscape maintenance costs, staff recommends continued use of in-house landscape maintenance staff in combination with outsourced landscape maintenance finns. The annual in-house landscape maintenance cost will be re-evaIuated annually to assure efficiency, PREPARED BY: P .~ DATE:~3 dscape Project Manager, Alternative Transponation :1 ~l ~ DATE: I ()- APPROVED BY: /No Ii/Nnd.x.. {"iiL1... DATE: '-i,//lI/03 tion Administrator Attachments: No, 1 - Capital Cost Comparison No.2 - Types of Landscaping No, 3 - Transportation Projects - Completion Dates No.4 - Landscaping Plan FY04, FY05, FY06 No.5 - Landscaping Installation & Maintenance Costs .-. AGENDt IRI.I NO.---JO C!...:. 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