Agenda 05/12/2009 Item #10B Agenda 11em No, 108 May 12, 2009 Page 1 of 36 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation that tbe Board of County Commissioners provide staff direction on wbether to defer impact fees for a proposed 140 unit affordable rental apartment development located in lmmokalee, Florida. OBJECTIVE: That the Board of County Commissioners ("BCC") provide staff direction on whether to defer impact fees for a proposed 140 unit affordable rental apartment development located in Immokalee, Florida, CONSIDERATIONS: Article IV of Chapter 74 of the Code of Laws and Ordinances established a program to defer impact fees for qualified affordable housing, A Developer is permitted to request deferral of impact fees for affordable rental apartment dwelling units, The Ordinance allows for the deferral of impact fees on a county-wide total of 225 rental units per fiscal year, On April 14,2009, under public petition item 6C, Mr. Barry Goldmeier appeared before the BCC to request a commitment to defer impact fees for a proposed 140 unit affordable rental apartment development to be constructed in lmmokalee, Florida. Following discussion, statf was directed to bring Mr. Goldmeier's request back at a future meeting for BCC consideration, Mr. Barry Goldmeier is requesting a commitment to defer impact fees as part of his application for State funding under the 2009 Univcrsal Cycle. Mr. Gold meier's application will receive additional points in the application scoring process if it can be demonstrated that the local government will provide a contribution to the proposed developmcnt A common method of local contribution is the deferral or waiver of impact fees. Section 74-401 (a)(2) of the Code of Laws and Ordinances requires an applicant seeking an affordable housing impact fee deferral to submit an application, prior to receiving a building permit, containing the following information: 1. The name and address of the applicant; 2. An up to date, complete legal description of the site upon which the development is proposed to be located; 3, The maximum income level of the owner, or if the owner is a developer or builder, the income level of the household to which the dwelling unit is to be sold or provided for occupancy; 4, The square footage and number of bedrooms in each dwelling unit of the development. Approval of this request would be an exception to existing policy of accepting applications when all of the above infonnation is readily available and construction is expected to commence in the near future, This request would commit to defer impact fees and may result in other developers of affordable housing to request a set aside of deferrals for future development A deferral for these units today is estimated at $2,126,818.40, Please note that the actual deferral amount cannot be calculated until issuance of a building pelmit(s), Staff requests direction and offers the following options for consideration: Agenda Item NO.1 OB May 12, 2009 Page 2 of 36 Approve a Commitment to Deferral ofImpact Fees Approval of this request will commit to the deferral of impact fees for 140 affordable rental apartment units with a CUlTent estimated amount of $2,126,818.40, Additionally, approval would authorize the Chairman to sign the attached 2009 Universal Cycle - Local Government Verification of Contribution - Fee Deferral form and any other documents required by the State, subject to prior review by the County Attorney's Office, Decline to Commit to Deferral ofImpact Fees Declining to commit to the deferral of impact fees at this time would not prevent Mr. Goldmeier from seeking deferral once the proposed project is further advanced in the development stage, As is typical of the existing program, the Developer would apply for deferral, subject to availability under the fiscal year cap of 225 units, once pernlit number(s) were available. However, should the Board decline to commit to the deferral of impact fees at this time, the applicant may not receive additional points in the application scoring process for funding from Florida Housing Finance Corporation. FISCAL IMPACT: Approval of this request would defer impact fees for 140 affordable rental apartment units for a term of ten years. Today's estimated deferral amount is $2, 126,818.40, Prior to executing an agreement for the deferral of impact fees, the developer would be required to provide a security instrument acceptable to the County Attorney's Office, GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None, LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney's Omee, This item is not quasi judicial, and as such ex paJie disclosure is not required, This item requires majority vote only, This item is legally sufficient for Board approval. ~ CMG RECOMMENDA TJON: Obtain direction from the Board of County Commissioners on whether to defer impact fees for a proposed 140 unit affordable rental apartment development located in Immokalee, Florida, PREPARED BY: Frank Ramsey, Housing Manager, Housing and Human Services Agenda 11em No.1 OB May 12, 2009 Page 3 of 36 2009L"rVERSAL CYCLE ~ APPLICA,''H CERTffiCATIO:\' A.'iD ACKNOWLEDGnl.El\'T The Applicant cel1ifies that the proposed Dewlopment can be completed and operating within the de\'elopment schedule and budget submitted to the Corporation. The Applicant acknowledges that the Corporation may conduct its 0\\11 independent re\'iew, analysis and wlification of all infolluation contained in this Application and that any ftmding preliminarily secured by the Applicant is expres~ly conditioned npon such verification. the ~ttttessful cmllpletion of credit lUldernTiting, all necessaJY appro\'aIs by dIe BOaJ'd of Directors, COIporationlegal counsel Bond Connsel. if applicable, dIe Credit Undelv.nter. and Corporation Staff. If preliminary funding is approved, the Applicant will promptly furnish such other sUPPOl1ing infolmatioll, dOClUllents. and fees as lllay be requested or required. The Applicant Wlderstands and agrees that the Corporation is not responsible for actions taken by the lUldersiglled in reliance on a preliminary commitment by the Corporation. The Applicant C01l1llUtS that no qualified residents \,.ill be refused occupancy because they have Section 8 vouchers or certificates. The Applicant ftu1her conullits to actively seek tenants from public housing waiting-lists. If preliminary funding. is approved. the Applicant COllllluts to participate in the statewide housing: locator system as required by Florida Housing. The Applicant and all Financial Beneficiaries haye read all applicable COlporation rules govenling this Application and have read the I1ls01lCtions for completing tIus Application and will abide by the applicable Florida Statutes and adnulustrative rules. including. but not limited to. Rule Chapters 67-21 and/or 67-48. Florida Administrative Code. If applying for the He Program. the Applicant and all Financial Beneficiaries have read. understand and will comply v-ith section 42 of the Intemal Revenue Code, as amended, and all related federal regulations. If applying for the HO!\,fE ProgranL the Applicant and all Financial Beneficiaries have read, lUlderstand and will comply with 24 CFR Part 92, as amended, aJld all related federal regulations. In cOlll"jideration for the COlponHioll processing and scoring- this Application. the Applicant and all Financial Beneficiaries understand and agree that the Corporation shall hear appeals only pursuant to Rules 67-21.0035 and 6i-4S.005, F.A.C. If applying for He. the lUldersigned understands and agrees that in the event that the Applicant is inyited into credit unclerv-Titing. the Applicant must submit IR5 Forms 8821 for all Financial Beneficiaries in order to obtain a recommendation for a Housing Credit Allocation. TIle undersigned is authorized to bffid all Financial Beneficiaries to this cettificatioll and wanant)' of truthfulness and completeness of the Application. Under the penalties of peljlUY, r declare and certify that I have read the foregoing and that the infolluation is tme, conect and complete. Signature of Applicant Name ("]led or printed) Title ("]led or printed) TIus certification form \\ill no! be considered and the Application will automatically be rejeCTed without the oppornmity to ClU'e if. at Application Deadline. the completed form, reflecting an original signanu'e, is not prmided in the Application labeled "Original Hard Copy" at Application Deadline or if the fann contains corrections or 'white-out' or is scanned, imaged. altered. or retyved, Signatures ill blue ink are prefened. 11le certification lllay be photocopied. Exhibit UAI016 (Re\".5-09) 6;-U:'OO~I)(!);67.21_003(I)faJ.fAC. Agenda Item NO.1 OB 2009 Universal Cycle - Declaration of Priority I Related Applicatij,AA~ ~r~~ The following is a listing of the Development Name and County for All of the Related Applications within the Pool of Related Applications designated as Priority I Applications. Development Name for Each Related Application County Designated as a Priority I Application (where Development "ill be located) If this declaration fOl1n contains conections or 'white-out' or if it is scamled, imaged, altered or rel)ved, the Application will be deemed to be a Priority II Application. This fOl1umay be photocopied. Exhibit l.'AI016~'_05_09) 67.48004{IXll):67-11003(IXI),F.AC 2009 UNIVERSAL CYCLE - DEVELOPER OR PRINCIPAL OF DEVELOPER CERTIFICATION Agenda Item No.1 08 May 12, 2009 Page 5 of 36 Name ofDeyelopment: Name of Deyeloper: Name' of Principal of Developer_ if applicable: Address of Developer: (stre~ address, city, stall") Telephone No. of Developer: Fax No. of Developer: E.Mail Address (if available): Relationship to Applicant: As the Developer or Principal of the De\'eloper of rhe referenced De'\:elopm€llt. I ce11ity that I have the requisite skills, experience and credit worthiness to successfully produce the wilts proposed by tllis Application. I further cenif)' that the design. plans. and specifications for the proposed Development will comply with all federal. state and local requirements and the requirements of the Federal Fair Housing Act as implemented by 24 CFR 100. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. and Titles II and III oftlIe A..melicans with Disabilities Act of 1990 as implemented by 28 CFR 35. incorporating the most recent amendments and other legislation. regulations. niles. and other related requirements which apply or could apply to the proposed Den~lopll1ent. I baye developed and completed: i.e.. the certificaTe of occupancy has been issued for at least one building. at least tv,,'o affordable rental housing developments. at least one of which cons1"ts of a total number of mnts no less than 50 percent of the total number of mllts in the Development pl'Oposed by tIllS Application. as e\idenced by the prior experience chart provided in this Application. I lmderstand I am the Developer or Principal of the Denloper of record for this Development and that. if funded by the Corporation, I will remain in this capacity until the De\'e]opment has been completed. I cenify that neither the Developer. Applicant. any Principal or Financial Beneficiary has any existing Developments participating in Corporation programs that remain in non-compliance with the IRC applicable rule chapter. or applicable loan doctunents and for which any applicable cme peIlod g::ranted for correcting: such non-compliance has ended. I further celiify that the infommtion pro\ided within tIllS Application is tl1le and conect. Signarure of Developer or Ptincipal of Developer Pt'int or Type Name of Signatory APPLICA.'H'S CERTIFICATION I certify that the Developer identified above will serve as the Developer of the proposed Development. Applicant's Signature Print or Type Name of SignatOlY If this certification contains corrections or 'white-out', or if it is seaIllled. imaged. altered. or retyped, the Application will fail to meet threshold The certification may be photocopied UAI016 (Rev. 5--Q9) 67-4S.0IJ4{IXa}: 67.21003(IXa}, F AC Exlribit Agenda Item No.1 OB May 12, 2009 2009 U~IVERSAL CYCLE _ MA~~AGE~1E1U AGENT OR P~CIPAL We 6 of 36 l\L>\..c'\'AGEME~T AGENT CERTIFICATION Name of Development: Name of Management Agent: Name of principal of Management Agent, ,fapphcabl,: Address of Mana!:!ement A!:!ent: (strffi address, city, statE.')~ ...... Telephone of Management Agent: I celtity that I have the requisite skills and kilOwledge of affordable housing management requirements to successfillly manage the lmits proposed by this Application and that I have specific experience in the management of affordable rental housing and have successfully managed at least two affordable rental housing propenies for at least two years each, at least one of which consists of a total number of units no less than 50 percent of the total number of units in the Development proposed by this Application, as evidenced by the prior experience chait provided in this Application. I fillther celtify that the proposed Developmeut will comply with all federal, state and local requirements and the requirements of the Federal Fair Housing Act as implemented by 24 CFR 100, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Titles II and III of the A,mericans with Disabilities Act of 1990 as implemented by 28 CFR 35, incOlvorating the most recent amendments and other legislation, regulations, mles and other related reqnirements which apply or could apply to the proposed Development willie nnder our management. I fillther celtity that the infol1nation provided above is tme and conect. Signature of Management Agent or principal of Management Agent - -.- Print or Type Name of SignatOlY If this celtification contains cOlTections or 'white-out', or if it is scanned, imaged, altered, or re1)ved, the Application will fail to meet threshold. TIle cenificationmay be photocopied. UAI016 (Rev. 5-09) 6"7-4S.004(IXa);6-:'-!1.003(I)(a).FAG Exlribit Agenda Item NO.1 08 May 12, 2009 2009 l"iIVERSAL CYCLE - GEl\"ERo\L CO:>iTR.\CTOR OR QUALIFYIl\'G AGENf'age 7 of 36 OF GDiERU CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION Name of DeveJoprnent: Name of General Contractor: Name of qualifying agent of General Contractor. ihpplicable: Address of General Contractor: (street acl.ciress, city, s.tate) Telephone of General Contractor: Florida License Number of SignatOlY: Expiration of License Date (nnniyyyy) I certify that I am a General Contractor as defUled by Rules 67-2landlor 67-48, F.A.C, and licensed in the State of Florida with the requisite skills, experience and credit worthiness to successfully produce the units proposed by tlllS Application and that I have been the General Contractor on at least tv,Q completed den'Iopmellts of similar deyelopment category and deyelopment type. at least one of which consists of a totalmIDlber of units no less than 50 percent of the totalllumber of units in the Development proposed by this Application. as e,"ideuced by the prior experience Ch1l11 provided in this Application. I fiu1her cel1ify that I \\ill constl1lct the proposed De\'elopmellt in accordance with the design plans and specifications as prepared by the licensed ..-\rchitect'Ellgineer. In recognition and SUPPOIt of the implementation of Florida's welfare ref01TIllegislation. I ce1tify my willingness to encourage the hiring: of welfare-la-work or self-sufficiency type program participants in the cOllstnlction of the proposed De\'elopment. and to prm'ide s1Jch substantiating doclUuentation regarding the incorporCltioll of such program participants in the work force as may be requested by the servicing agent in COlljlUlctiol1 with construction loan draw disbursements. I fiu.ther cenify my willingness and intention to enter into good faith negotiations or pmticipate in a bidding process \\-it11 the Applicant to act as the General Contractor for tilis proposed Development and that the infol111ation proyided aboye is tme and coneel. :\"OTE: If the Applicant is a Public Housing Authority \\ith prior deyelopment experience. or is othenvise subject to the Competitive Consultants Negotiations Act. it 111ay haye the General Contractor :fi:OIll a prior deyelopmellt execute tillS ce11ificatioll. TIle intent of this provision is to allow experienced Public Housing Authorities or other regulated entities to haye all OPPOliUllity to llleet threshold without \iolatioll of bidding procedures. Public Housing Authori.ties without prior den~lopment experience lUust joint yentme with an experienced deyelopme1l1 eutity in order to palticipate in tIlis Funding Cycle. Signamre of General COllU'actor or qualifying agent Print or Type Name of Signatory If this certification contains con'ectiolls or 'white-out'. or if it is scanned, imaged, altered. 01" retyped. the Application will fail to meet tlu"eshold. The celtificatiou may be photocopied. UAI016 (Rev. 5-09) F-4S_004(I)(a}; 6:'-2LOO-,(I)(a).FAG Exhibit 2009 uNIVERSAL CYCLE - ARCHITECT OR ENGIl\'EER CERTIFICATION Agenda Item NO.1 08 May 12, 2009 Page 8 of 36 Name of Development: __..__.__._.___....______. Name of A.rchitect or Engineer: Address of A.rchitect or Engineer: (street address, city, state) Telephone of Architect or Engineer: Florida License Number of SignatOIY: Expiration of License: Date (mmiyyJ'Y) I certify that I am a Florida licensed Architect and/or Engineer with the requisite skills and experience to provide the professional services needed to successhrlly produce the units proposed by this Application aud that I have experieuce with more than one previous development of similar development categOIY and developmeut type, at least one of which consists of a total number of writs no less than 50 percent of the total number of units in the Development proposed by this Application. I hnther cenify that the design, plans and specifications for the proposed Development will comply with all federal, state and local requirements and the requirements of the Federal Fair Housing Act as implemented by 24 CFR 100, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Titles II and III of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 as implemented by 28 CFR 35, incOIporating the most recent amendments and other legislation, regulations, mles and other related requirements which apply or could apply to the proposed Development. I hather certify my willingness and intention to enter into good faith negotiations or participate in a bidding process with the Applicant to act as the Arclritect and/or Engineer for this proposed Development and that the infol1nation provided above is tme and COlTecl. Architect or Engineer's Signature Print or Type Name of SignatOlY If this certification contains cOlTections or 'white-ont'. or if it is sealmed, imaged altered, or retyped, the Application will fail to meet threshold. The cel1ification may be photocopied UAI016 (Rev. ~"'(}9) 67-4S.004(lXa): 67-:!lOO3(1Xa). F A_C Exhibit Agenda Item NO.1 OB May 12, 2009 Page 9 of 36 2009 C'iIVERSAL CYCLE - ATTOR;'\TEY CERTIFICATION FOR M~fRB OR HO~'IE APPLICA TIO"'S ONLY Name of Development: Name of Attomey: Address of Attomey: (street address, city, state) Telephone of Attomey: Florida Bar Nnmber of Signato!)': I celiifY that I am a member in good standing of The Florida Bar with the requisite skills and experience to provide the professional services needed by the Applicant to produce the units proposed by this Application, I fm1her cel1ifY my willingness and intention to enter into good faith negotiations with the Applicant to act as the attomey of record for this proposed Development and that the infomlation provided above is U1.1e and coneel. Attomey's Signature Print or Type Name of Signatory If this celiification contains cOITections or 'white-out', or if it is scalllled, imaged, altered, or retyped, the Application will fail to meet threshold, The cel1ification may be photocopied, UAtOl6 (Rev 5-<J9) (i74S_00~IX/l.): 67.':':1.003(1Xll)_F AG Exhibit Agenda Item NO.1 OB May 12, 2009 Page 10 of 36 2009 U:\fIVERSAL CYCLE - ATTOR."IEY CERTIFICATION 4% (Competitive and :\fon-Competitive) andlor 9% (Competitive) HOl'SI:"oIG CREDIT APPLICATIO"S O:"olLY Name of Development: Name of Attomey: Address of Attomey: (street address, city, state) Telephone of Attomey: License NlUllber of SignatOIY: State: I cerlify that I am a duly licensed attomey in good standing with the requisite skills and experience to provide the professional services needed by the Applicant to produce the units proposed by this Application. I fllllher cerlrfy my willingness and intention to enter into good faith negotiations with the Applicant to act as the attomey of record for this proposed Development and that the infol111ation provided above is tme and COITect :\fOTE: To the extent that the Corporation requires it an attomey licensed to practice law in Florida and acceptable to the COlporationmust provide the enforceability opinion. Attomey's Signature Print or Type Name of Signatory If this cerlification contains conections or 'white-out', or if it is scanned, imaged, altered, or retyped, the Application will fail to meel threshold, The cenificalion may be photocopied. UA1016 (Re-v. 5-09) 67~_O().$(IXll)~ 67_21 ,003(lXaJ_ F AC. Exhibit Agenda 11em NO.1 OB May 12, 2009 Page 11 of 36 2009 UNIVERSAL CYCLE - CERTIFICATIO~ OF ACCOU~TANT Name of Development: Name of Accountant: Address of Accountant: (street address, city, state) Telephone of Accountant: License Number of Signatory: State: I certifY that I am a licensed Certified Public Accountant witl1 the requisite skills and experience to provide the professional senices needed by the Applicant to produce the units proposed by tl1is Application and that I have provided professional aCCotUlting services on more than one previous affordable housing development ~nd th~t, if tlus Applic~tion seeks Housing Credits. I have prior experience with tax credit accounting procedures, I firrther certifY my willingness and intention to enter into good faitl1negotiations witl1 the Applicant to serve as the ,\CCotllitant for this proposed Development ~nd that the infollnation provided above is tme and conect. Accountant's Signaun'e Print or Type Name of SignatOlY If this certification contains COlTections or 'white-out', or if it is scanned, imaged, altered, or ret)ped, the Application will fail to meet threshold. TIre certificationlllay be photocopied. UAI016 (Rev. 5--(9) ti7-4S.004(I){aj; 67_~1.003(IXaJ- FAC Exllibit Agenda 11em NO.1 OB May 12, 2009 Page 12 of 36 2009 U:\'IVERSAL CYCLE - SERVICE PROVIDER OR PRDlCIPAL OF SERVICE PROVIDER CERTIFICATIO:'ll ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY DEVELOPME:'IITS ONLY Name of Development: Name of Sen~ce Provider: Name of principal of Service Provider, if applicable: Address of Service Provider: (street address, city, state) Telephone of Sen/ice Provider: I certify that I have the requisite skills and knowledge of assisted living facility sen~ce provision to successfully provide or coordinate services for the residents of this Development, as proposed by this .'"pplication. I finther ceItify that I have specific experience in assisted living service provision or coordination and have successfillly provided or coordinated services for at least two assisted living facilities for at least two years each, at least one of which consists of a total number of units no less than 50 percent of the total number of units in the Development proposed by this Application, as evidenced by the prior experience chaIt provided in this Application, and tlwt I am knowledgeable of all federal, state and local requirements and the requirements of the Federal Fair Housing Act as implemented by 24 CFR 100, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation ,\ct of 1973 and Titles II and III of the A.mericans with Disabilities Act of 1990 as implemented by 28 CFR 35, Assisted Living Facility and licensure reqnirements as implemented by Chapter 429, Part I, FS. and Rule Chapter 58A-5, F.A.C., incOl1JOrating the most recent mnendments and other legislation, regulations, mles and other related requirements which apply or could apply to the proposed Development. I fitrther ceItify that the infol1nation provided above is tme and conect. Signahrre of Service Provider or principal of Service Provider Print or Type Name of Signatory If this certification contains cOlTections or 'white-our, or if it is scmmed, imaged, altered, or retyped, the Application will fail to meet threshold, The ceItification may be photocopied. UAI016 (Rev. 5-09) 6:-l-S()(l..f(I;).); 6:_21 OOHIXa1.FAC. Exhibit Agenda Ilem NO.1 08 May 12, 2009 Page 13 of 36 2009l"(I\'ERSAL CYCLE ~ LOCAL GO\'E&,~n:C'iT \'ERIFICAll0C'i OF QrALIFICATIOC'i AS rRBAc'\' I:\'~FILL DEVELOP'\n:". Name of Development: Development Location: (At am:ini.n::a..tm, provide the address assi~ by tb~ Uni!ed SUtes Poml Sen~, including !he address number, ~trume and city, ocifthC' a~s ms oot}~ been ....s:igned, plmide the- strm mme, closest de-siguated intersection and city.) Local Govemment: The City/Collllty of commns that the Development (Name of City or CmUlty) identified above meets the following cliteria: L The proposed Development is located on a site or in an area that is targeted for in-fill housing or neighborhood revitalization by the local, county, state or federal govemllleut as evidenced by its inclusiou in a HUD ElllpOWet111emlEnterplise Zone: a HUD-approved Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy: Florida Enterplise Zone: area designated lmder a COllllllUnity Development Block Grant (CDBG): area designated as HOPE VI or a Front Porch Florida Conllnunity: or a Comnmnity Redevelopment Area as desclibed and defined in the FlO1ida Conll1lUnity Redeveloplllent Act of 1969: or the proposed Development is located in a qualified census tract and the development of which contributes to a concened connmmity revitalization plall~ and 2. TIle site is in an area that is ah'eady developed and is part of an incorporated ar'ea or existing urban service area: and 3, The proposed Development is not located within the Small County Category, CERTIFICATION I cenify that the above information is tme and correct. Signahu'e Print or Type Name Plint or Type Title TIns cenification must be signed by the clnef appointed official (staff) responsible for such approvals, lv!ayor. City Manager. COlliUY Manager/Administrator! Coordinator, or Chairperson ofthe City COlmciI or COlUIty COlllllnssion. Other signatories ar'e not acceptable. If this cenification is inappropriately signed, the Application will not qualify as an Urban In-Fill Development. If tlle cenification contains conections or .white-out' or if it is scanned, inlaged, altered, or retyped, the Application will fail to qualify as an Urban In-Fill Development and \\ill fail threshold, The cenification may be photocopied. UAlOl6 (Rev 5,()9) 67-4S_~I)(a): 67-11003(1)(11.), F AC. Exltibit roo"" 0001 ~o_ .N 0 o ." Z~,,- E >><!J Q)raCJ) =:;;;8: OJ '0 C <!J OJ <l: ~ ., '= '" - - 0: ~ ~ ;- ~ ~ J: - .,; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 7. ;:) '" ~ ~ .2 ~ ~ 1 ....l . . " 0 ~ c ~ -;:; 9. ~ I] [. I~ ,~ Ii I! 'g !~ "' ii I] ., :~ I'" 11 ,- I~ '- :B 1< !~ :j !~ 1=3 i" :~ i; : i. i'3 ,~ !~ " j~ . .~ :~ ,:; ,. :~ I' , ." ,~ ;~ ;] I.~ , Ii ;2 ,. j~ .~ i-~ i~ Ii- i] [- If i~ ;~ :~ :~ :1 " ~ ,.~ ... ;;: ~~ ~ .~ ~ 1 " l' -.- 5'<] g.... ~ '" ~ a.8 ~ 0; -= ~ ~.=: ..:::: i:!;:-;.!: ht! Hl; ~ 13;:~g _~~::.cg- '"' 1; ~ C/)- ~~ ,,"'" :::..~.__~.'J --:';:: ,J<~:: '.:: i ~ .E"~~ ~'~~~.-:;:; ~.,.~c. '--~i~ -~J ,~~~~@~ ~ ii: ~ 1: :.> ~ ~ ~::; 8. 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Ig [~ ~ ~- " ~ ~T ''>-== ~ .~ i~ ii' Ij ~ 1 i2 I~ z- t; ~~ ..~ .~ ~.g ;5 IJ ::.~ ] 8 ~ .2 = o ;; .. ii' '" I~ Ij l ~ II ~ ~ " ~ ~ " _E ~;. ~ .g ~-~ ~ ,~ Cf)1'" I I I~ II I I I? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ /II:; ~ z z - :.J . to; " ' ""..:::! .:;: ~.~ ~':l g ';; " .E ] 8 ~ ;; ~ I ~.a ;< ng - " .g "'""':I .: 1'! - .? ~.. c ", ~. ~ I:" - <> ~- '~ g '" "':l ::; 1l ::;: .. E:;l 2Z~~z:'- ~ ~ " H oS l " . = . . ~ . " ~ . . ~ ~ ~ ~ "3 g ~ ~ ~ 3 . 'is ~ 2 8 < ;; E 8 I ~ '5 if ,3 .e . ~ ~ ~ Ii' ~ o ] 2 i< ? '" ~ 0: .8 E , Z. " ~ 8 :::; . ~ I'S 1= Co .0 I~ " Vi '3 ~ " ~ I', 11 ~ [0 I' Ii iZ Ii!. I~ IE I~ ~ 'l I;. I:;; 1; ~'" I~ '~ ~ ~ '" , " .g . ~ ~ Z . 5 ]. I;! " . . It '~ I, ii Ii 3 ~ I~ '0 I~ l:l - , .~.--g - "=: ? := ;:; - <-: l~~ f= ..'[1. ;g ;;: "' c < -~ ~, '9= U": ~' , < "- e:~ ~. , < :::~ Agenda Item No, 108 2009 U~rVERSAL CYCLE ~ LOCAL GOVER,'\-:\1E:\'T VERIFICATION OF STAn'S May 12, 2009 OF SITE PLo\.c'\' APPROVAL FOR \fl'LTIF,o\.c\flLY DEVELOP\1EI\TS Page 15 of 36 Name of Development: Development Location: (At il wini.nn.u:u. provide the address assigned bytht Uwted States Postal Sc-viCC', mcluding the address number, street~ andciry, or iftbe 2ddress has not yet bno:nas~igned, pro\idetht: smctname, cl~st cksignatedintersection :mdot)'.) Development Type: (P:illt IDAA of2009 Uni\-'~sal Cycle Application) Total Nmnber of Units in Development: (PMt mA6. of 2009 Universal Cycle Applicatlon) Zoning Designation: Mark the applicable statement: 1. 0 The above-referenced Development is new construction or rehabilitation with urn' constmction and the final site plan, in the zoning designation stated above, was approved by action of the on (u-gally AuthorizM Body"') Date (nuu1dd'yyyy}'I<* 2. 0 TIle abo\'e-referenced Development is new consQuction or rehabilitation with new COllstI11ction and this jurisdiction proyides either preliminary site plan approval or conceptual site plan appwyal. The prelim.inary or conceptual site plan. in the zoning: designation stated above, v..-as approved by action of the on (Legally Authmi=:! Body*) Date (mmlddlyyyy) .. 3_ OThe above-referenced Development is lle\V cOllstIuction or rehabilitation with new constlUction and requires site plan apprm-aI for the new constI11ction work. Howe\'er. this jurisdiction pro\-ides neidler preliminary site plan apprm'alllor concepnml site plan approval. liar is any other similar process provided prior to issuing final site plan approval. Although there is no preliminary or conceptual site plan approval process and the f111al site plan approval has not yet been issued, the site plan.. in the zoning designation stated above. was reviewed by on (Legally Authonzw Body.) Dare (mm/ddlyyyy) .. 4, 0 The above~referellced Development in the zoning designation stated above, is rehabilitation without any new constmctioll and does not require additional site pIau approval or similar process. *- Legally AulhO:rized Body" is Dot :w individual AppliC31lt must sbte the name of the City Council, County Commission, Board, Dep;ittme1lt. Division, etc., with authmity OUT!>llc:h marten ** Dak Illl1St be"on or before" the AppliC2tion Deadline. CERTIFICATION I certify that the City/County of bas vested in me the authority to verify status of (N~ of city or County) site plan approval as specified above and I fin1her certify that the infol1nation stated above is tlUe and correct. Signanrre Prill! or Type Name Print or Type Title TIus certification must be signed by the applicable City's or COlUlry'S Director of Plaru1i.ng: and Zoning:. chief appointed official (staff) responsible for determination of issues related to site plan approyal. City Manager. or COUllty l\fanager/Administrator/Coordinator. Signahu'es from local elected officials are not acceptable. nor are other signatOlies. If this cel1ificatioll is applicable to this Deyelopmeut and it is inappropriately signed. the Application will fail to meet threshold. If this cel1ification contains conections or 'white-out'. or if it is scmmed. imaged. altered. or ret)ved. the Application will fail to meet threshold. Tile certification IllRy be photocopied. UAlO16 (Rev. 5--09) 674S,004(1)(a);67.21.D03(I)(a).FAC. Exhibit Agenda Item No.1 08 May 12, 2009 Page 16 of 36 2009 C,,'IYERSAL CYCLE - LOCAL GOYER"IME:-iT \'ERlFICATIO:-i OF STATrs OF PLAT APPROVAL FOR Sr:-iGLE-FA.\ULY RE:-iTAL DEYELOP:\IE:-iTS Name of Development: Development Location: (At 3 minimum. prO\ide the addn--s& a.ssign~ by the l.1niloo Stlle-s Postll Sen:i.ce, including the' ~I"SS number, street nanr and City. or lfthe adchess has not yet been :migned. prmi.& the street~. clo~st designated inten;ection and city.) Mark the applicable statement: LO The above-referenced Development is new constmction or rehabilitation with new constmction and Ihe final plat was approved by action of on (Legally Authorized Body*) (Dale -Illm/dd/yyyy) ** 2.0 The above-referenced Development is new constmction or rehabilitation with new construction and the preliminary or conceptual plat was approved by action of on (Legally Authorized Body*) (Date - nuulddlyyyy) *. 3.0 The above-referenced Development is rehabilitation withont any new constmction and does not require additional plat approvaL * "Legally Authorized Body'. is not all illdi,'idual. Applicant must ~tate the name of the City CounciL County Commission, Board. Department. Di,'isioll. etc.. ,...itb authority oyer such matters. ** Date must be "on or before' the Application Deadtme CERTIFICATIO,"" I cer1ify that the City/County of has vested in me the (Name of City or CollDty) authOlity to verifY status of plat applOval as specified above and I fm1her certify that the infol1nation above is true and conec!. Print or Type Name Signature Print or T)1)e Title TIlis cenificarion must be sig:ned by the applic;lble City's or Cailluy's DireClar of Plalll1ing and Zoning. chief appointed official (staff) responsible faT detenllinatioll of issues relcned to plat appwraL City Manager. or County !\.fanager/Adm.inhtrator/Coordi.nator. Signatures from local elected officials are not acceptable. nor are other signatories. If this cenificarioll i<; applicable to this De\-elopmem and it is inappropriately signed. the Application will fail to meet threshold. If tltis ce11ification contains corrections or 'wltite-out'. or if it is scanned. imaged. altered or retyped. the Application will fail to meet threshold. TIle certificJtion lllay be photocopied UAlO16 (Rev. 5-09) 67-1S.{l()4{1)(a): 67.:!1.00J(IXs}' FAC ExJlibit Agenda l1em NO.1 OS May 12, 2009 Page 17 of 36 2009 UNIVERSAL CYCLE - VERIFICATION OF AVAILABILITY OF INFRASTRUCTURE - ELECTRICITY Name of Development: Development Location: (At a nlinimum, provide ~ address assigned by the Ututed State. Postal Senri~, including the addtess nWlllJeL street name and city. or ifthc: address bas: ootyet been ;lSsigned. prot1.df.the street llilIUe, cloSl:'st designated intersection and city_) TIle Imdersigned service provider confnUls that on or before Date (mmiddJyyyy)* I. Electricity is available to the proposed Development. 2. There are no impediments to the proposed Development for obtaining electric service other than payment of hook -up or installation fees, line extensions to be paid for by the Applicant in connection with the constmction of the Development, or other snch rontine administrative procedure. 3. To the best of our knowledge, no variance or local hearing is required to make electricity available to the proposed Development. 4. To the best of our knowledge, there are no moratoliwns pertaining to electric selvice which are applicable to the proposed Development, '" Date nrust be "on or before" the Application Deadline. CERTIFICATION I certify that the foregoing infol1nation is true and COlTect. Signal11re Name of Entity Providing Service Print or Type Name Address (street address., city, state) Print or Type Title Telephone Number (including area code) TIus cet1ificationmay not be signed by the Applicant, by any related pat1ies of the Applicant, or by any Principals or Financial Beneficiaries of tile Applicant. In addition. signatures from local elected officials are not acceptable. If dIe certification is applicable to this Development and it is inappropriately signed, the Application will fail du'eshold. If this certification contains conectiolls or <white-out', or if it is scanned, imaged, altered, or retyped. the Application will fail to meet threshold. TIle certificationlllay be photocopied. UAI016 (Rev. 5-09) 157--t.S.OO4{IXa); 67.21,OO3(1Xll),F AC Exhibit Agenda Item NO.1 OB May 12, 2009 2009 to'I\'ERSAL CYCLE _ \'ERlFICA TIO,", OF A VAILABILlT{'age 18 of 36 OF IXFR>\,STRtTCTrRE - WATER Name of Development: Developmelll Location: (At a mini:nnmt. prol;idc the address assigned by tb~ Uuited States Post:U &rvicc. including the address number. stI<<t~:met city, or if the ~shas nol yet btt:n ;lSsigned, provide ~ str~t name. closest de~gnatcd intersection and city.) TIle lmdersigned service provider confIrms that on or before Date (nun/ddi)')'}')'). L Potable water is available to the proposed Development. 2. TIlere are no impediments to the proposed Developmelll for obtaining potable water service other dmn payment of hook-up or installation fees, line exteusions to be paid for by the Applicant in connection with the constmction of the Development, or other such routine administrative procedure. 3. To the best of our knowledge, no variance or local bealing is required to make porable water available to the proposed Development. 4. To the best of om knowledge. there are no moratmiums peltaining to potable water which are applicable to the proposed Developmelll. * Date must be "on or before" the Application Deadline. CERTIFICATIOX I celtity that the foregoing infollllation is tme and conect. Name of Emit}' Providing Service Signanu'e Print or Type Name Address (street address, city, state) l'1int or Type Title Telephone Number (including area code) TIus ceI1ification may not be signed by the Applicant. by any related parties of the Applicant. or by any Principals or Financial Beneficiaries of the Applicant. In additioll. sigllanrres from local elected officials are not acceptable. If the certification is applicable to this Dewlopmeut and it is inappropriately signed, the Application will fail threshold. If tlns celtificatioll contains corrections or '\"rule-out'. or if it is scanned, imaged. altered, or retyped, the Application will fail to meet threshold. The cel1wcatioll may be photocopied. UAlO16 (Rev, 5~09) IP..-lS{)(l4(I)(a):6;-2100:;'(l)(a).L~C Exhibit Agenda Item NO.1 OB May 12, 2009 Page 19 of 36 2009 UCIIIVERSAL CYCLE - VERIFICATIOCII OF AVAILABILITY OF ICIIFR<\STRUCTL'RE - SEWER CAPACITY, PACKAGE TREATMEXT, OR SEPTIC L'\..'\'K Name of Development: Development Location: (At a mininnu:n, prmide th~ ~ assigned by thr UniTed Stites Postal Servicc. including the' address Dlu:nbet-, stItttnanlf' and city, or lfthe address has not)'et been assi~ prOl..ide tht street name, closest designal:ed intersection and city.) The lUldersigned service provider or pemlltling authOlity confirms that on or before 0310 (mmldd/yyyy)' L Sewer Capacity, Package Trea1Il1ent, or Septic Tank is available to the proposed Development. 2. TIlere are no impediments to the proposed Development for obtaining the specified waste treatment service other than payment OfIlook-up or installation fees, line extensions to be paid for by the Applicant in connection with the constmction of the Development, or other such routine administl'ative procedure. 3. To the best of our knowledge, no variance or local hearing is required to make tills service available to the proposed Development. 4. To the best of our knowledge. there are no moratoriums penaining to this service, which are applicable to tile proposed Development. * Date must be "on or bl"fore" the Application Deadlme CERTIFICATIOX I certifY that the foregoing information is Que and COlTect. Signamre Name of Entity Providing Service PIint or Type Name .l\ddress (street address, city, state) Print or Type Title Telephone NlUnber (including area code) This celtification may not be signed by tile Applicant. by any related p<uties of tl1e Applicant, or by any Principals or Financial Beneficiaries of the Applicant. In additi01L signatures from local elected officials are Dot acceptable. If tile certification is applicable to this De\'elopment and it is inappropriately signed, the Application will fail threshold. If tIlls certification contains corrections or <white-out'. or if it is scanned, imaged, altered. or retyped, the Application will fail to lUeet threshold. The certification may be photocopied. UAI016 (Rev. 5~) 67..tS()(M{IXa);6;'-:!LOO3{I)(8).F.A.C. Exhibit Agenda Item ~Jo. 108 May 12, 2009 Page 20 of 36 2009 U!\'IVERSAL CYCLE - VERlFICA TIO:\' OF AVAILABILITY OF I:\'FR~STRLCT{~-RO,~S Name of Development: DevelopmeIll Location: (At a minimum p1"O\-ide the address assigned by the United States PostIl sen.1.ce, mc:1~ thC' ;dhr-ss number, strtt'tn~ and city or if the address has nol ~ bet'1l assigned. prmw the weco! 1l.3.Dle. closest design2ted imeu.ection:md city.) The undersigned local govel1llllent representative coufll1llS that on or before Date (mmJdd/yyyy). I. Existing paved roads provide access to the proposed Development or paved roads will be consUllcted as part of the proposed Development 2. 111ere are no impedimeIlls to the proposed Development using The roads oTher Than paymem of impact fees or providing cmb cuts. nUll lanes, signalizatiOlL or secming required frnal approvals and pel1uits for the proposed DevelopmeIll. 3. 111e execution of tliis verifrcation is not a granting of traffic concmTeney approval for the proposed Development 4. To the best of om knowledge, there are no moratoriums pertaining to road usage which are applicable to the proposed Development * Date must be "on or before" the AppliC'atiou DE."adhne CERTIFICA TIO:\' I celtifY tltat tlte foregoing infol1nation is hue and conec!. Signanrre Name of Local GovelUment Print or Type Name Address (street address, city, slate) Plint or Type Title Telephone Number (including area code) T11is cel1ification may not be signed by the Applicant. by any related panies of the Applicant or by ,my Principals or Financial Beneficiaries of the Applicant. III additioll. signatures from local elected officiab are not acceptable. If the cel1ification is applicable to this Deyelopment and it is inapproptiately signed. the Application will fail t1u'eshold. If tlus cel1ificatioll contains corrections or '\\'lute-out'. or if it is scanned. imaged. altered, or retyped, the Application will fail to meet threshold. The certitication may be photocopied. UA1016 (Rev. 5-09) 6(....:S~1)(aJ: 67_!i 003(lX~1. F AC Exhibit Agenda Item NO.1 OB 2009 t'1\lYERS_U CYCLE - LOCAL GOYER.'\~iE!\! \'ERIFICATIO]\, TILU DE\'ELOPlVIEJ\."t1<rs 12, 2009 CO'\SISTE!\! WITH ZO!\L\'G Al\'D LA,'\'D USE REGULATIO'\S Page 21 of 36 Name of Development: Development Location: (.4.l a minimum. provide the address assigned by tfuo Umtw. States Postal Service. mcludiug the address number, strffinam.- and city, oriftht' ~sbas not yet been assigned, providt- the street name, closest designated intcrnctioo and city.) Development Type: (hrt IDA4_ of 2009 Unr..en;al Cycle AppliC.1lion) Total Number of Units in Development: (Part ID.A6. of2009 Uwven;;d Cycle Applic:uiOll) The tmdersigned Local Govennnellt official confums that on or before (1) (2) (3) D..~ (mmlddiyyyy)* The munber of units (not buildings) allowed for this development site (ifreSllicted) is: and! or if a PUD, the number of units (not buildings) allowed per development site is: or if not a PUD and development site is subject to existing special use or similar permit, nlllIlber of units allowed for tIllS development site is: __: and TIle zoIllng designation for the referenced Development site is ; and The intended use is consistellt with ClUTent land use regulations and the referenced zoning designation or. if the Development consists of rehabilitation, the intended use is allowed as a legally non-conforming use. To the best of my knowledge, there are no additional land use regulation hearings or approvals required to obtain the zoning classification or density desclibed herein. Assuming compliance with the applicable land use regnlations, there are no know1l conditions which would preclude conSll'llction or rehabilitation (as the case may be) of the referenced Development on dIe proposed site, * Dale must be "on or bdille" the AppliC-ati011 Deadline_ CERTIFICATION I celiify that the City/County of has vested in me the authotity (Name of CityiCOU1lty) to verify consistency with local land llse regulations and the zoning designation specified above or. if the Development consists of rehabilitation, the intended use is allowed as a "legally non-confonning use" and I further certify that the foregoing infonnation is true and correct. In addition_ if the proposed Development site is in the Flotida Keys /\1'ea as defmed in Rnle Chapters 67-21 and 67-48, F.A.C., I Miher cenify that the Applicallt has obtained the necessmy Rate of Grol'lth Ordinance (ROGO) allocations fi'olll the Local GOVel1llllent. Signature Print or Type Name Print or Type Title Tlus cOltification must be signed by the applicable City's or COlmty's Director of Plamung and Zoning, chief appointed official (staff) responsible for detellnination of issues related to comprehensive planning and zoning. City I'vfanager. or County l\lanager/Admiuistrator/Coordi..nator. Signatures fl.-om local elected officials are liot acceptable. nor ;,re other signatories. If the certification is applicable to this De\'elopment and it is inapproptiate1y signed. the Application will fail 10 meet threshold. If this cettiticatioll contains conecliolls or 'Ivhite-out'. or if it is scanned. imaged, altered. or retyped, the Application will fail to meet threshold. The cenification may be photocopied. UAI016 (Rev 5-09) 6;-l.S_004(1Xa): 67-::'Loo3nXal_ f AC. Exhibit Agenda Item NO.1 OB I~ay 12, 2009 2009 F\'IVERSAL CYCLE - LOCAL GOVER"C\IE:\'T VERIFICA TIO:\' Taffle 22 of 36 PER'UTS ARE :\'OT REQLIRED FOR THIS DEVELOPME:\'T Name of Development: Development Location: (At a mini.mun:t. prO\'ide thr: ~S6 assigned by th~ UnilM St.1leS Posta.! 5c'vi~. incJuding the address numba, street name and city_ or if the address has not reI been assi~ pt"O\;&- the- sc-eel name, cl=sl rksigIWea iurmtttioa and city.) Building pennits: Ifno building pelmits are required for the rehabilitation of the referenced Development sile. complete the following cenifieation: CERTIFICATIO:\' I cenify That the foregoing infor1l1ation is tme and conect and that the City/County of has vested in me the anthority to verify that the rehabilitation of the (Name of City / County) referenced Development site does not reqnire the issuance of building permits. In addition. if the proposed Development site is in the Florida Keys Area as defined in Rnle Chapters 67-21 and 67-48, F.A.C.. I further cenify that the Applicant has obtained the necessalY Rate of Gromh Ordinance (RaGa) allocations from the Local Gove111ment. Print or Type Name SignaIl1l'e Print or Type Title This cenification must be signed by the applicable City's or Connty's Director of PI arming and Zoning, chief appointed official (staff) responsible for detennination of issnes related to comprehensive planning and zoning, City Manager. or C0ll11ty IvIanager ! Administrator! Coorclinator. Signatures fimn local eleCTed otTlcials are not acceptable, nor are other signatories. If this certification is applicable to this Development and it is inappropriately signed, this Application will fail TO meet threshold. If this cenification contains conections or 'white-out'. or if it is scanned. imaged. altered, or retyped, the ApplicaTion will fail to meet threshold. The cenifieation may be photocopied. UAI016 (Rev. 5-09) 6-:'...fSOO4{lXa): 6~.~I.r)(l].(IXa)_ F A.c Exlribil 2009 U:\'IVERSAL CYCLE - VERIFICATIO"l OF ENVIRO'\"fE"ITAL SAFETY - PHASE I El\"\'1RO"l:\1:E!\"TAL SITE ASSESSl\fE'\T Agenda Item NO.1 OB May 12. 2009 Page 23 of 36 Name ofD~velopIlle:ut: Deyelopment Location: (At a minim.nn. provilk the address aSSlgnM by the Uni-.ro States Postal $a."lce, mcluding the addIess Dumber. streetIldllle;md city. or If the address hasnoi yet bec1 assigned provide the street name.. closest designated intersection and city.) As a representative- of the finn that performed the Phase I Euv1rownental Site Assessme1lt (ESA), I certify that a Phase I ESA of the above referenced Development site was conducted by the undersigned environmental finn as of and (Date of Phase I ESA - mm/ddlyyyy) such Phase I ESA meets the standards of ASTM: Practice fiE~1527-05_ Check all that apply in I1enlS 1,2 and 3 below: L If the Phase I ESA is over 12 montm old from the Application Deadline for this Application, has the site's environmental condition changed since the date of tIle original Phase I ESA? DYes D No If"y es~, to demonstrate the condition of the site> the signatory must answer question (1) or (2) below: o (I) an update to the original Phase IESA was prepared on (Date - mmiddlyyyy) (Date of update must be 'within 12 months of the Application Deadline for this Application), or 0(2) a ne\\' Phase I ESA \\'3.S prepared on . . (Date - nunJddYY)-1') (Date ofuev.-' Phase I ESA must be WIthin 12 months of the ApplicahOD Deadline for this Application). Note: The CorporalloIl willllot consider a Phase II ESA to be a substitute for the updated Ph. I ESA or new Ph. I ESA 2. If there are one or more existing butldings on the proposed site, the presence or abst>nce of asbestos or asbestos containing materials and lead based paint must h\" addres"ed either as B. part of the phase I ESA 01' as a separate rr-port The signatory must indicate which of the following (Item a. or b.) applies: D~. the phase I ESA referenced abo\'€:' addresses flit' pfl'sellCE' or absencE' of asbestos or a5;bestos containing materials and lead based paint; or Db. separate report(s) addressing the presence or absence of asbE"stos or asbestos containing materials and lead-based paint have been prepared and the IUlde-rsigued has reviewed the separate report(s). Such separate report(s) may or tn.,)' not lxo incorporated by reference in the PhaSE' I ESA. 3_ If the Phase I ESA diScloses potentml problems (including, but not limited to asbestos or asbestos contaming materials, lead~based paint, radon gas, etc.) 00 the proposed site, the signatory must indicate which of the following (Item a., b., or c.) applies: o a. eovironmi'ntal safety conditions on the s1fe require remediation and a plan that includes anticipated costs and estimated time needed to complete th!' remeruation has been prepared, either as a part of th!' Phase I ESA or as a separate n>port; or D b. a Phase II ESA is required or recommended (the firm that performed the Phase II ESA, even if it is the same firm that prepared the Phase I ESA, MUST complete and execute the Phase II Euvu"Onmental Site Assessment Venfication); or D c. although environmental safety conditions exist on the site, no remediation or further shIdy is required or recommended CERTIflCATIOX I certify that the foregoing infonnation is true and correcl Authorized Signature Name of Firm thai Perfornled the Phase I ESA Print or Type Name of SIgnatory' Address ofEllvironmental Firm (street address, city, state) Print or Type Title of Signatory Telephone Number Includtng Area Code This certification lUust bl" <;igned by a reptE"sentative of the fum that perfonned the Phase I ESA faT the proposed Development location. If this certification contains corrections or 'white-out', or if it is scanned, imagl?d, altered, or retyped, the Application will fail to meet t.l1reshold_ The certification may he photocopIed_ UAlO16 (Rev_ 5--09) 67--tS.l>O-1(l)(a}; 6-:'-2LOO3(1)fa). F AC. Exlribil Agenda Item No.1 OB May 12, 2009 20091'NIYERSAL CYCLE _ VERIFICATION OF El'IVIRONME:\T\l7ge 24 of 36 SAFETY - PIL\SE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT Name of Development: Development Location: (At a minimum, pro\i& the address :lssigned by the Uoited States Post:1! Servi~, lfiduding the ;ulw-esr; number_ streeT ~ and CIty, or if the dddres.s h.1S not yd ~ assignoi providl" the street~. closest designated iorm;ection and city.) As a representative of the frnn that perfOlmed the Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA), I cenify that: I. A Phase II ESA of the above referenced Development location was required or recommended by the Phase I ESA. The Phase II ESA was conducted by the Imdersigned environmental fmn as of in accordance with ASTM Practice #E-1903-97(2002). (D:!te of Phase IT ESA ~ nunJddiyyw) If the Phase II ESA is over 12 months old fi'om the Application Deadline for this Application, has the site' s environmental condition changed since the date of the Phase II ESA? DYes D No If "Yes". to demonstrate the conclition of the site. an npdate to the original Phase II ESA was prepared on (Date of Update to Phase II ESA -mm:dd/yyyy*) . Date of the update to the Pha~e II ESA. as stated above. HlUst be within 12 months of the Applicmion Deadline for this Appliciltion) ? If the Phase II ESA disclosed potential problems (inclnding. but not linlited to asbestos or asbestos containing materials. lead-based paint. radon gas. etc.) on the proposed site. a plan that includes anticipated costs and estimated time needed to complete the remediation has been prepared either as a pan of tbe Pbase II ESA or as a separate report. CERTIFICATIO'" I celtify that the foregoing information is U1le and con'eet. AurhOlized Signature Name of Firm that PerfOlmed the Ph. II ESA Print or Type Name of Signatory Address of Environmental Finn (street addrl"SS, city, state) Print or Type Title of Signatoty Telephone Nnmber Including Area Code This cet1ificatioll must be sig.ned by a represelltath'e of the fmn that perfol1l1ed the Phase IT ESA for the proposed De,'elopment location. If this ce11ification contains con-ections or 'white-out'. or if it is scanned. imaged. altered, or retyped, the Application will fail to meet threshold. TIle cenificationmay be photocopied. UAI016 (Rev. 5-09) 6'-4S.004<I)[a):67.210D3(1Xa).FAC Exlribit Agenda Item NO.1 OB May 12, 2009 Page 25 of 36 2009lT'l\IVERSAL CYCLE - VERIFICATION OF I:\'CLlTSIO:\' I:\' LOCAL HO:\fELESS ASSISTA.'I'CE CONTIl'<l'L'M OF CARE PiAl'\' BY LEAD AGE;\CY Name of Development: Development Location: (At;1 miniDwm pro,:ilk the' address :lSsigned by the UOltal Sl3tes Postal Service, mcluding tht- address number, mIX! n<Wle mdcity. or if the address has no! yet been ;migntd, pro\'ilk the street name, dosest designated inl:~ou and city.) Catclunent Area: Lead Agency (if it Iras been designated): The Lead Agency for tire Catchment Area identified abm'e COnfll111S tlral the Deyelopment identified aboye meets tire following criteria: L TIre proposed Development is located within tire Catchment A.rea ideutified aboye: 2. The nature and scope of the proposed Development is in confonnance with the Local Homeless Assistance ContinuuIll of Care Plan that is on me. at the time of Application Deadline. with the State Office all Homelesslless: and 3. The proposed Development is specifically included in the list ofl'lcth'ities to be undertaken as pali of the implementation of the Local Homeless Assistance Continuum of Care Plan that is 011 file, at the time of Application Deadline, with the State Office on Homelessness. CERTIFICATIO"l BY THE LEAD AGE'iCY OF J:\'CLl'SION J:\' LOCAL HOMELESS CONTI'\lTUM OF CARE PL~'\': I certify that the above infOlTIlatioll is tfile and con-ecl. Signanlfe Print or Type N time Print or Type Agency Name Print or Type Title -OR- The State Office on Homelessness confinns tlrat tire Development identified above meets the following criteria: 1. Tire proposed Development is loealed within tire Catclunent Area identified above, and 2. The proposed Development is in a Catchment Area for which no Local Homeless Assistance Continuum of Care PIau has been recognized by the State Office on Home1essness at the time of Application Deadline. CERTIFICATION BY THE STATE OFFICE 0;\ H01\fELESS;\ESS THAT:\'O LOCAL HOl\fELESS CO;XTThL'l!M OF CARE PLAN EXISTS: I certify that Ihe above infonnation is tme and correct. Sig;llamre Print or Type Name Print or T)1)e Title TIus certification must be signed by the authorized signatory from the Lead Agency or from the State Office on Homelessness. Other signatories are not acceptable. If the cenification is inappropriately signed. the Application \\ill not qualify for the Homeless Demograpluc Commitment. If tbe certification cOlllains cOll.ections or ;white-out' or if it is scanned. inlaged. altered. or retyped, the Application will fail to quality for the Homeless Demographic Conunitmel1t and ,",ill fail threshold. The certification may be photocopied. UAI016 (Rev. 5-09) 67-48,004{IXa)~ 67.2LOO3(1)(a). FAC. Exlribit Agenc8 Item No. lOB 2009 Universal Cycle - Applicant :\'otification to Special :\'eeds Househo\!f,,~e i~ ~?~~ RefeITal Agency To: (Names of AlL participating S~ia1 Nttds Housdmld Refnral Ag=cies for Ih~ COlwty wh~ th~ proposed ~\'elopment will be located, as included on the florida Housing Fiwnc~ CQtJ)Ofarlon Special Ket'ds Household Referral Agency PanicipanOD List The- p.micipanOlllist is 3\6i1IDle OD the COIporation' s Website w\\'wfloridahousingorg From: (Kam~ of Applicant. Name of Contact PaSO!]_ and rua.i.lmg Address) This notification is to inform your agency. serving as a paniciparing Special Needs Household Refenal Agency, that our organizarion is planning to apply for funding from Florida Housing Finance COTporation in its 2009 Universal Application Cycle to develop affordable rental housing in Coumy and. iffimded (i) a rnininlll11l of 50 percent of the units Name afCounry set aside for Extremely Low Income (ELI) Households will be reserved for a Special Needs Households. as defllled in Rule 67-4SJJ02. F.A.C.. and (ii) dln'ing rhe credit undenHiting phase a detennination will be made as to the population(s) ro be sen'ed and the applicable agreernent(s) will be entered into between all!' organization and rhe applicable panicipating agency/agencies. The following is preliminary illfolmation regarding the proposed Developmem: Name of proposed Development: _. Developlll€m Location: (At :I minimum prO\-ick- the- addte~ assigned by the United Stn~ Postal Sen.ice. including thr a.ddress numbeL sln,'(.t n:une and O[)'. or if the address has not yet been assigned. pro\"i~ the strtrtuame, closest designated intersection:md city.) Total NIl11lber of Units in proposed Development: SignanlIe of Applicant Name (typed or printed) Tille (typed or plIDted) This notification \\ill not be considered and the Application will fail threshold if the notification contains conectio1lS or 'white-out' or if the notification is scanned. imaged_ altered_ or r~typed. This notification fOlUl Ulay be photocopied. Exhibit UAI016 (Re\'_ 5-09) 67-48004{I)(aJ;67.::':1003{1)(1I.).FAC Agenda Item No.1 OB May 12, 2009 Page 27 of 36 2009 U~IVERSAL CYCLE - LOCAL GOV'ERl\TMENT VERIFICATION OF CONTRIBUTION - GR~"iT Name ofDeyelopment Development Location: (At amininnun. prO\;d.! tb"address assigned by the United Stat:es Postal Smice, including the addres& number, S't:r<<"t name and city, Of if the a&:hss has oot yet bet:n assigned, pr",ide the street name, closest designated ~tiou and city.) On of before Date (mmiddlyyyy). the City/COlUlty of cOlllmitted (Name of City or County) $ as a grant to the Applicant for its use solely for assisting the proposed Development referenced above. The City/County does not expect to be repaid or reimbursed by the Applicant, or any other entity. provided the funds are expended solely for the Development referenced above. No consideration Of promise of consideration has been given with respect to the grant. For purposes of the foregoing, the promise of prO\iding affordable housing does 110t cOllstiulte consideratioll. TIus grant is provided specifically with respect to the proposed Deyelopmenl. The sonrce of the grant is: (eg.. SHIP. HOME. CDIlG) The following govenmleut point of contact can verify the above stated contribution: Name ofGm-ennnellt Contact: Address (street address and city): Telephone N limber: of Date must be <Con or before" the Application Deadline_ CERTIFICATIO:\' I cel1ify that the foregoing infOlmation is tme and con'ect and that this comnritment is effective tln'ough Dare (mmiddlyyyy) Signature Print or Type Name Telephone Number Print or Type Title This certification must be signed by the chief appointed official (staff) responsible for such approyals, 1..,13)'or. City Manager, County Manager/Adnrinistrator/Coordinator, dlairperson ofrhe City CotmciVCollllllission or Chairperson of the Board of CalUlly Conurllssioners. If the conttibution is from a Land Authority organized pursuant to Chapter 380.0663, Florida Stanltes, tIus cel1ification must be signed by the Chair of the Land Authority, One of the authorized persons named abo\'e may sign this form for certification of state. federal or Local Goverrunent funds initially obtained by or derived from a Local Goyernment that is directly administered by an intermediary such as a housing fmance autl10l1ty. a COnlllltUllry reinvestment cOlporarioo., or a state~certified COUlllltullty How,ing De\'elopment Organization CCRDO). Other signatolies are not acceptable. TIle Applicant will not receive credit for this cOlluibution if the certification is improperly signed. To be considered for points. the amOlUlt oftbe contribution stated on tIus form must be a precise dollar amount and cannot include words such as estinlated. up to. ll1axinuul1 of. not to exceed. etc. This cOllttibution will not be considered and the Application will fail threshold if the certification contains conections or 'wlute-out' or if dIe cel1ification is scanned. imaged. altered. or retyped. The certification may be photocopied. 'l11e Application may still be eligible for automatic points. UAI016 (Rev. 5'{)9) G7 -48_004(1))1.); 67-2i.003(lXa).. F AC. Exhibit Agenda Item NO.1 OB May 12. 2009 Page 28 of 36 2009 UC'iIYERSAL CYCLE - LOCAL GOYER"ME'\T VERIFICATIO:" OF CO:-!TRIBVTIO:\' - FEE WAIVER To bE' eligildt' to be rOllsidpl'rd for points, a sheet showing the cOlDputations by which flu' total amount of each fef' waiver is determiof'd IDU'it bt' attarht>d to this vrrifkation form. Computations should include', where applicable. wain'd rei' amollnt per set-asidE' unit. Name ofDeYe1oplllellt: De\-elopmelll Location: (At a rn.inimum pro>ide th~ address assigned by thr Ulllled StJtes Poml Ser\"'1Ce, Uld~ the ;ulW-l"S5 nlJll:lbeor, ~t D:l!Ir 3.nd city or if the ~s has not y~t been assigned. protide- thr street name. d~!>>t cksi,!!1Wed inr~riOll ;md city) A..1ll01111t of Fee \Vaiyer: $ Is thi5 8momlt based upon a per set-aside (affordable) unit computation? C] yes D no (check one) On or before Date (nun/dd/n'YY). the City/COIillty of . pursuant to (Name OfClty/County) . waiYed the following fees: (Reference Official Action, cite Ordinance or ResolulJon ~umber and Datl:') No consideration or promise of consideration has been giyell with respect to the fee .wai\'er. For purposes of the foregoing. the promise of proyiding affordable housing does not cOIlstimte consideration. This fee wai\'er is pwyided specifically with respect to the proposed De~;elopl1lent. The following gOyemmellt point of contact can yerify the aboye stated contribution: Kame of Go\-enuuellt Contact: Address (~t addre'is and city): Telephone 1\"ll1uber: "Date must be "on or before' the Application Deadline CERTIFICATIO:\' I certify that the foregoing infonuation and the computations stated 011 the sheet attached to this fOIDI are true and conect and that this conunitment is effecti\'e through Date (mm/ddlyyyy) Pri.nt or Type Name Siguanu.e Telephone NlUl1ber Plint or Type Title NOTE TO LOCAL GOVERJ\1vIENl OFFICIA..L: \Vairers that are not specifically made for the benefit of tltis Derelopmem bur are instead of general benefit to the area in wltich the Derelopment is located will NOT qualify as a contribution to the Deyelopment. Further, the fact that no impact fees or other fees are leYied by a localjmisdiction for .<\..:.."nr type of de\-elopment DOES NOT constitute a "Local GQvennnent Contribution" to the proposed Development. Similarly. if such fees ARE Ie\'ied by the local jurisdiction but the namre of the proposed De\-elopment exempts it (e.g:" typically. a RehabiJitMion Den~lopment is not subject to impact fees). for pmposes of this fonll. no "Loc~I Go\"ellunent Conniburion" exists and no points will be awarded. TIus cenification mlLS( be signed by the cmef appointed offidal (staff) responsible for snch appro\.als. Mayor. City J\1anager. COllnty Manager/Administrator/Coordinator. Chairperson of the City COlUlcil/Coumllssion or ChaiIverson of dIe Board of Catmty Commissioners. Other signatories are not acceptable. The Applicant 'will not recei\"e credit for this contribution if the cenificatioll is improperly signed. To be considered for points. the amount of the contribution stated Oll this fonn must be a precise dollar a1l101Ult and canllot include words such as estimated. up to. maximuill of not to exceed. etc. TIllS conuiburion will not be considered and the Application will fail threshold if the cenificntion contains corrections or 'white~out' or if the cenification is scalmed. inmged. (jllen~d, or retyped. The cenificatiol1 may be photocopied. The Application may still be eligible for automatic points. UAI016 (Rev. 5--09) 6~...fS.oot(IXa). 67-21.003(I)I~)_EAC Exhibit Agenda Item NO.1 OB May 12, 2009 Page 29 of 36 2009 UNIVERSAL CYCLE - LOCAL GOVERj'lMENT VERIFICATION OF CONTRIBUTION - LO~"I To bt' e1igiblt" to be cODsidere-d for points, a sheft sbo"ing the payment strt'am for which tbe net present value of the loan ",as raknlated must be attached to this wl'ifiratioD form. Name of Development: Development Location: (At.a mi:niImm1. provide the address aSSIgned by the Unrted S'bteS Pooul SeJv1ce, mcluding the ~s:~, stre'etn.ame and Clty. ocifthe admess: has: notye1: hm1 assigned, provitk the Weet name_ closest designated imersection and city.) Date (rum/dellyyyy). the City/Comrty of_~ (Name of City or County) cOIllmitted On or before in the form of a reduced interest rate loan to the Applicant for its use solely for $ (loan amount) assisting the proposed Development referenced abO\'c. The loan will bear interest at a rate of % per atilllUll O"er a period of _ years. The loan"s repayment period, ;ullOltizatioll period. payment frequency and other applicable terms are: No consideration or promise of consideration has been gi\'en with re:.p::.-ct to the loan. For pmposes of the foregoing, the promise of proYiding affordable housing does not constitute consideration. This loan is prmided specifically .with respect to the proposed De\'elopment. The following g:oyemment point of contact can 'i/erify the above stated cOlltnbutioll: Name of GOye111lUent C olltact: Address (street address and CIty): Telephone I\mllber: * Date must be "on or before" the Application Deadline. CERTIFICATIO~ I certify that the foregoing illfol1natiol1 and the payment stream stated on the sheet attached to this form are true and coneet and that this conlliutment is effective through Date (nm1fdd1yyyy) Signature Print or Type Name Telephone Nmuber Print or Type Title This certification must be signed by the chief appointed official (staff) responsible for such approvals, Mayor, City Manager, County Manager IAdministrator/Coordinator, Chairpef'ion of the City Counci1!Comnnssion or Chairperson of the Board of County CommissioDers If the contribution is:from a Land Authority organized pursuant to Chapter 380.0663, Florida Statutes, this cernfication must be signed by the Chair of the Land Authonty. One of the authorized persons named above may sign lhis form for cernfication of state, federal or Local Government fimd.s imtJ.ally obtained by or derived from a Local Government that is directly adminis1ered by an intermediary such as a housing finance authority, a commulllty reinvestment corporation, or a state-certified Community Housing Development Orgaruzatlon. (ClIDO). Other signatories are not acceptable. The Applicant will not receive credit for this contribution if the certificatiou is improperly signro. To be considered for points, the amount of the contribution '>tated on this form must be a precise dollar amount and cannot include 'words such as estimated. up to, maximum of. not to exceed, etc. TIns. contribution will not be eonsidere-d and the Application 'will fail threshold if the certification contains corrections 01' 'l.vhite---out' or if the certi1icatiOll is sC31moo, imaged, altered, or rE"typed. The- certification may be photocopied. The ApplicatioD may still be eligible for automatic points. UA1016 (Rev 5-09) 67-4S.004{I)(a);6i.21.0Q3(1)(a}.FAC. Exlribit Agenda Item NO.1 08 May 12. 2009 Page 30 of 36 2009 UNIVERSAL CYCLE - LOCAL GOVER.'1.MENT VERIFICATION OF CONTRIBUTION - FEE DEFERRAL To bE' t'ligiblf' to bt' considered Cor points, a shrt't showing tilt" payment strt'3m for which tilt' DP' prl'sf'nt valu. of tho f.. d.f.rral was ralrulat.d must b. attarh.d to this v.rillratlon form. Name ofDe\'elopmellt: De\'elopment Location: (At a mmimum, prO\.i~ the address 6SSigned by the UnitM. States PosWSeI>,~. mcluding the address number. stlertnaar mdcity, or iftk address bas not yet bem;lSSigned. provide ~ street wme.. clostst designated intersection;md cit)'.) Complete the following: On or before Date (mmiddiyyyy)+ the City/County of comnritted 10 defer (Name of Clty or COllllty) $ in fees for the proposed Deyelopment referenced above. TIle fee deferral will bear interest at a rate of 0'0 per a1l1lUIll oyer a period of years. TIle fee deferral repa)ll1ent period, am0l1izatioll period. payment fl'equeney and other applicable tClTIlS are: No consideration or promise of consideration has been g:i\'en v.ith respect to the fee defen'aL For pwposes of the foregoing:, the promise of proYiding. affordable housing does not constimte consideration. This fee deferral is pro\'ided specifically with respect to the proposed De\'elopment. TIle following government point of contact can verify the above stated cOlluibution: Kame ofGon~'Illlllent Contact Address (street address and city): Telephone Number: * Date Dlll~ be "on or before" the Application Deadline_ CERTIFICATIO'\' I certify that the foregoing. infolTIlation and the paylUent stream stated Oll the sheet attached to this form are hue and conect and that tIlis C01l1lllltment is effective tlunug:h Date (mmidd:y'YYY) Sig.llattlre Print or Type ~ 3me Telephone Number Prinl or Type Tille This cenificatiOll must be signed by the chief appointed official (staff) responsible for such approyals. Mayor. City !v1anager. COlUIty Manag.er /Administrator/Coordinator. Chairperson of the City Council/Commissioll or Chairperson of the Board of County Commissioners. If dIe cOllniburioll is from a Land Authority organized pursuant to Chapter 380.0663. Florida Statutes. this certification must be signed by the Chair of the Land AuthOIity. Other signatOlies are not acceptable. The Applicant \l,'ill not receive credit for tills contribution if the certification is improperly signed. To be considered for points, the ammmt of the connibntion stated on this form Ulllst be a pr.;:cise dollar amount and cannot include words sllch as estimated, up to. ma.....imum of. not to exceed. etc. TIus contIibutioll will not be cOllSidered and the Application -v;ill fail threshold if the celtificatioll contains con'ections or '\\"hjte~out' or if th.~ certificntioll is scmllled. imaged. altered or retyped. The certification llmy be photocopied. The Application may still be eligible for automatic points. UA1016 (Rev_ 5-09) 6~-4S004flXaJ, 67-21003(I)(a). F.AC_ Exltibil Agenda Item NO.1 OB May 12, 2009 Page 31 of 36 20091",.VERSAL CYCLE - LOCAL GOVER"\'MEl\T VERIFICATIOX OF AFFORDABLE HOrSI:\'G I"ICENTIVES EXPEDITED PERMITTING PROCESS FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING Name of Development: Development Location: (At a mininmm. provide the address assigned byth~ Unitrd StaleS Post3l Service. including the address number. stm't llaml.' mdcil~", orif~ address has not}rel been assigned. provide fur. street I131De, closest ck-signa.led intersection and city.) Name of City or County Govel11l11ent: Name of Imisdiction that will issue building pelmits: The City/County of cmTently administers an expedited (Name ofeir)' or COlUlty) permitting process for affordable housing enacted by (Ordinance, Resolution Number or citation of policy) adopted Date (lllmlddlyyyy) CERTIFICATION I certify that the above information is tme and conec!. Signanu'e Print or Type Name Print or Type Title This celtification must be signed by the chief appointed official (staff) responsible for issues related to this incentive. Mayor, City Manager, Connty Mauager/Administrator/Coordinator, or Chairperson of the City Council/Commission or Challperson of The Board of County Cormnissioners, Other signatories are not acceptable. Zero points "ill be awarded if the cenification is improperly signed, SignaTory must be a representative of the local govennnent that has enacted the incentive, For plllposes of this fOlm only. if a Development is located within a nnmicipality but the inceutive is not available in the city, Applicant may use county lllcentive. For example, if a Development is located in a town which does not have inlpact fee requll'ements but the county has such requirements and they have a reduction or waiver of these fees for affordable housing, the Applicant may submit a properly executed Local Govenlluellt Verification of Affordable Housing Incentives Fonn from the COUIlty. The Applicant will not receive credit for this incemive and the Application will fail tlu'eshold if The celtification contains coITections or 'white-out' or if the cenification is scanned, llnaged. altered, or retyped. The cettification may be photocopied. UAI016 (Rev. 5-09) 67-48J)O~JXa); 67-21.003(IXll). F.AG Exhibit Agenda Item NO.1 OB May 12, 2009 2009l~IVERSAL CYCLE - LOCAL GOYER'''IE-'\T VERlFICATlO:\' OF AFFO~lil~f 36 HOUSING I'\'CE:>iTIYES CO:\"TRIBUTIONS TO AFFORDABLE HOUSI:>iG PROPERTIES OR DEVELOPMEl'iTS Name of Development: Development Location: (At a minimum provide the adtires& asstgned by the Urulea Stale's Postal. Service, including ~ ~ number, Sllfft ~ and city, or iftbe address has not ret been assigned. prm:i<kthe ~ name, closest designated inkfiection and city.) Name of City or County Government TIle referenced Local Government has an on-going and cunent process for providing contributiollS to affordable housing propenies or developments. CERTIFICATIO:>i I certify that tbe above iuformation is true and canecl. SignaIl1l'e Print or Type Name Prim or Type Tirle This cenificationmust be signed by the chief appointed official (staff) responsible for issues related to this incentive. '.Iayor. City Manager. County !\lanager/Administrator!Coordinator, or Chairperson of the City CounciJiConnmssion or Chairperson of the Board of County Commissioners. Other signatories are not acceptable. Zero points will be awarded. Signatory must be a representative of the local go\'enunent that has enacted the incentive. For plUI)Qses of this fOlTIl only, if a Developlllellt is located withir] a nllUlicipality but the incentive is not available in the city. Applicant may nse county incentive. For example. if a Development is located in a tom] which does not have impaet fee requir'ements but the Corlllty has snch requir'ements and they have a reduction or waiwr of these fees for affordable honsirlg, the Applicant may submit a properly executed Local Government Verification of Affordable Housing Incentives Form frolll the county. TIle Applicant will not receiw credit for this incentive and the Application will fail tbl"eshold if the certification contains conections or 'white-ont' or if the certification is scanned, imaged, altered. or retyped. The certification may be photocopied. UAI016 (Rev_ 5-09) (.ry-tS.0C4(IXa):67..:'lOO3(]Xai-F_Ii.C Exhibit Agenda Item NO.1 OB May 12, 2009 Page 33 of 36 2009 L":'IIIVERSAL CYCLE - LOCAL GOVER..'\~IE:'IIT VERIFICATION OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING INCE:\'TIVES MODIFICATIO:\' OF FEE REQUIREMENTS FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSL'iG PROPERTIES OR DEVELOP:\IE2Io.S Name of Development: Development Location: (At a minimum. provide the- address assigned by ~ united States Postal Sen-ice. including the addJ"ess m.u:nber, ~t IWIr and city, or if the address has not yet httn assignrd provide the- street.aame, closest designated intersection and city.) Name of City or County Govennnent: TIle referenced Local Gover1l1l1ent CtllTeutly makes available to affordable housing propenies or developments the modification of fee requiremeuts, including a reduction or waiver of fees and alte111ative methods of fee payment. CERTIFICATION I cenify that the above information is hue and correct. Signamre Pr'i1l1 or Type Name Print or Type Title TIus cenification mnst be signed by the chief appointed official (staff) responsible for issues related to this incentive. Mayor, City Manager, County Manager/Administrator/Coordinator, or Chairperson of the City CounciVComllussion or Chauperson of the Board of County C01l11l1issioners. Other signatories are not acceptable. Zero points will be awarded. Signatory must be a representative of the local gove11l1l1ent that has enacted the incentive. For pmposes of this form only. if a Development is located \\ithin a municipality but the ince11live is not available in the city. Applicant may use county urcentive. For example. if a Development is located in a town which does not have impact fee requu'ements but tlle county has such requirements and they have a reduction or waiver of these fees for affordable housing, the Applicant may submit a properly executed Local Govenmlent Velification of Affordable Housing Incentives Form from the county. TIle Applicant will not receive eredit for tlus incentive and The Application will fail threshold if the cenification contains conections or 'white-out' or if the cenification is scal1lled, imaged. altered, or retyped. The certification may be photocopied. UAlO16 (Rev. 5-()9) 67-4S.clO4(lXa): 6i-2LOOJ(I)la:k fAC. Exlribit Agenda Item NO.1 OB May 12, 2009 Page 34 of 36 2009 L",.VERSAL CYCLE ~ LOCAL GOVER....1\IE:\'T VERIFICATIO:\' OF AFFORDABLE HOUSNG NCEXTIVES IMPACT OF POLICIES, ORDIXA.'l/CES, REGULATIO'\'S, OR PLA_" PROnSIOXS OX COST OF AFFORDABLE HOUSNG PROPERTIES OR DEVELOPI\IENTS Name ofDevelopmellt: Development Location: (At a Ill1I1imunL provide the' address assigned bytht- United States Posu1 Ser\"i~. including the address nl.l1Ilber, strffin.ame and city, OJ" if the ~5 b2s not yet ~ a!>SignM. pIO\ide the street ~_ d~st des:ignato::! imersection and city.) Name ofCit)' or County Government: The referenced Local GavemIllent clUTeutiy has a process, established by ordinance. resolution. plan. or policy, that requires consideration of the impact of proposed policies. orclinances. regulations. or plall provisions Oil the cost of affordable housing prior to adoption of ,o;uch policies. ordinances. regulations. or plan provisions. CERTIFICATION I certify that the above infonnation is true and conect. Sign3hIre Print or TYl'e Name Print or Type Title TIlis cenification musr be signed by the chief appointed offieial (staff) responsible for issues related to tIllS incentive. Mayor. City Manager. County Manager/".dministrator/Coordinator. or Chairperson of the City COllllcillConmllssion or Chairperson of the Board of County Commissioners. Orher signatories are not acceptable. Zero points will be awarded. Signatory n1tIst be a representative of the local goven1111ent that has enacted the incentive. For plllvoses of tillS fOl111 only. if a Development is located within a mlllllcipality but the incentive is not available in the city. Applicant may use county incentive. For example. if a Development is located in a to\\1l which does not have irllpact fee requiremellls but the county has such requirements and they have a reduction or waiver of these fees for affordable housing. the Applicalll may submit a properly executed Local Gove11l1l1ent Verification of Affordable Housing Incemives Fonn fi'om the COllllty. The Applicant will not receive credit for this incentive and the Application will fail threshold if the cenificRtion contains conections or 'white-out' or if the cenificatlon is scanned. imaged. altered. or retyped. The cenificarion may be phOTOcopied. UAI016 (R~v_ 5--09) 6'-4SOC4{I)(a),67-2]_OOJ(I)::~)_FAC Exlribit Agenda Item NO.1 OB May 12, 2009 Page 35 of 36 2009 U~IVERSAL CYCLE - COl\U.flTMENT TO DEFER DEVELOPER FEE commits to defer up to (Name ofDe\'eloper) $ of its Developer fee to offset any fimding shOltfall \1lltil the closing of permanent fmancing for (Name ofDe\'elopmenl) Additionally, the Developer identified above commits to defer up to $ to fill any fimding shOltfall after closing of pelmanent financing for the Development identified above. I, , the undersigned, certify that I (Print or Type Name) have the authOlity to make this cormuitment on behalf ofthe above-named Developer. Signature NOTE: Ifthe proposed Development will have more than one Developer and the Developers are committing to defer some or all of the Developer fee, each Developer must complete and provide a Commitment to Defer Developer Fee form reflecting the pOltion of the Developer fee it is defening. If this ceTtification contains cOTrections or 'white-ant', or if it is scanned, imaged, altered, or retyped, the Application will fail to meet threshold. The cettificationlTlay be photocopied. UAlO16 (Rev 5-09) 67--48.0C4(IXa);6i'-21,OO3(1Xa).FAG Exlribit Page 1 of 1 Agenda Item NO.1 08 May 12, 2009 Page 36 of 36 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: 10B Item Summary: Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners provide staff direction on whether to defer impact fees for a proposed 140 un:l affordable rental apartment development located in Immokalee, Florida. (Marcy Krumbine. Housing & Human Services Director.) Meeting Date: 5/12/2009 90000 AM Preparl'd By Frank Ramsey SHIP Program Coordinator Date Public Services Housing and Human Services 4/24/2009 2:05:30 PM Appro\'ed B)' Marcy Krumbine Public Services Director Date Housing & Human Services 4/24/20096:54 PM Approved By Colleen Greene Assistant County Attorner Date County Attorney County Attorney Office 4/28/20099:15 AM Appron>{) III Amy Patterson Community Development & Environmental Services Impact Fee Manager Date Financial Admin. & Housing 4/28/200911:41 AM Approved B)' Kathy Carpenter Executive Secretary Date Public Services Public Servi:::es Admin. 4/28/2009 2:56 PM Apprond By Marla Ramsey Public Services Public Services Administrator Date Public Services Admin. 4/28/20094:51 PM Approved By OMB Coordinator OMS Coordinator Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 4129/200912:26 PM Approved B)' Sherry Pryor County Manager's Office Management & Budget Analyst Date Office of Management & Budget 4/30/20098:44 AM Approved By Jeff Klatzkow Ccunty Attorney County Attorney Office Date County Attorney 4/30/20094:13 PM Approwd By Leo E. Ochs, Jr. Deputy County Manager Date Soard of County Commissioners County Manager's Office 5/4/20099:22 AM file:l/C:\AgendaTcst\ExpOli\ I 29-l'vlay%20 12,%202009\ 1 0.%20COUNTY%20l'vlANAG ER %... 5/6/2009