Agenda 05/12/2009 Item # 4B Page I of I Agenda Item No. 48 May 12, 2009 Page 1 of 2 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 4B Meeting Date: Proclamation designating May 17 through May 23. 2009 as Emergency Medical Services Week_ To be accepted by Jeff Page. EMS Chief. 5/12/2009 90000 AM Prepared By Paula Springs Board of County Commissioners Executive Aide to the BCe Date Bce Office 4/30/200911 :31 :55 AM Approved By Winona W. Stone Assistant to the County Manger Date Board of County Commissioners County Manager's Office 5/4/2009 10:24 AM file://C:\AgendaTest\Export\ ] 29-Mav%20] 2. %202009\04. %20PROCLAMA TIONS\4B\4B%... 5/6/2009 Agenda Item No. 48 May 12, 2009 Page 2 of2 f'ROCLAMA TION WHEREAS, Florida residents and visitors benefit daily from the knowledge, skill, and judgment "f paramedics, emergency medical technicians, firefighters. educators, administrators. emergency physicians, emergency nurses, and many others who are part of the emergency medical services network: and, WHEREAS, emergency medical professionals and volunteers provide medical care to victims of sudden, life-threatening injuries and illnesses. often under stressful conditiOns and in high-risk situations, to save !;ves,; and, WHEREAS, emergency medical personnel must rapidly assess, manage, and effectively provide care in unpredictable situations requiring life and death judgments: antt WHEREAS" Collier County's Emergency Medical Services (EMS) teams unselfishly serve on th~ frontline of health care when responding to man-mode and natural disasf'e.r$ at the local. state, and national levels: and, WHEREAS, it is essential that the general public be made aware of. umferstand. support and effectively use its local EMS: and, WHEREAS1 recognition is due to the EMS system for its accomplishmmts and contributions to improve public welfare through health care, medical transportation, injury prevention, education, disaster response, homeland security, and other initiatives that saves lives and reduces health care costs. NOW TI-/!!REFORE, be It proclaimed by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County. Florida, thot May 17 through May Z3, Zoog. be designated as EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES WEEK with this years theme '~MS: A Proud Partnu- in Your Community'" and encourage the people of Florida to observe this week with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities. DONE AND ORDERED THIS 1 Zth Day of May, Zoog. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COWER COUNTY. FLORIDA DONNA FIALA. CHAIRMAN ArrEST; DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK (