Resolution 2004-110
WHEREAS, the subsistence rates, i.e., monetary allowances for breakfast, lunch
and dinner, for county employees traveling on county business have remained the same
since at least J ul y 1, 1985; and
WHEREAS, the mileage rates for the use of privately owned vehicles for official
travel have remained the same since on or about Fiscal Year 1996; and
WHEREAS, Section 112.061(14), Florida Statutes, now provides that rates
exceeding the maximum travel reimbursement rates specified in that statute for
subsistence and for mileage may be established by the governing body of a county by the
enactment of an ordinance or resolution; and
WHEREAS, the federal government has established travel rates for subsistence
that appropriately reflect the cost of living for each city or locale and that are updated
annually; and
WHEREAS, the federal government has established mileage rates for the use of
privately owned vehicles effective January 1,2004; and
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners believes that adoption of these
federal rates will allow for the reasonable reimbursement of subsistence costs and
mileage to county employees traveling on county business in accordance with an
objecti ve standard that is in keeping with good stewardship of tax dollars;
1. The County shall adopt federal travel rates for per diem subsistence costs,
i.e., meals, incurred by county employees traveling on county business. Further, the
County shall and hereby does adopt these rates as they may change from year to year. In
calculating per diem subsistence rates, the County shall not allow a flat rate for
incidentals such as fees and tips. Reimbursement for parking and other expenses as set
forth in Section 112.061, Florida Statutes, shall continue to be governed by that statute
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and the dually approved Business Travel Procedure of the County Manager (CMA
#5310), as it may be amended from time to time.
2. The County shall adopt the federal mileage rate of $0.37.5 per mile where
a county employee is traveling on county business and has been authorized to use his or
her personal vehicle, provided that such travel and such reimbursement shall be in
accordance with CMA #5310, as it may be amended from time to time, and which
currently requires that an effort be made to obtain a county vehicle before authorizing a
county employee to use his or her private vehicle for county business travel.
3. The per diem allowance for lodging shall continue to be governed by
Section 112.061(a) and CMA #5310, as it may be amended from time to time, provided
that the allowed rates for meals shall be those set forth in the federal travel rates as stated
in paragraph 1 above.
4. The Board of County Commissioners also hereby approves the amended
County Manager Business Travel Procedure (CMA #5310), which is attached as Exhibit
A to this Resolution.
PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of
Collier County, Florida, this _ day of
Dwight E.,Brock, CLERK
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Approved,as" to: f~rm and legal sufficiency:
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By ~1l~A~~
Michael W. Pettit
Chief Assistant County Attorney
Item# ""#
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CMA# 5310
SUBJECT: Business Travel
Effective Date: May 13, 1998 (Revised: October 1,2001; Revised: October 1,2003: Revised: Annl .2004
A. PURPOSE: The purpose of this Instruction is to provide for the implementation of a
Business Travel procedure authorized by the County Manager.
B. CONCEPT: It is the policy of the County to encourage business travel by paying
applicable expenses of employees and candidates for executive and professional positions when
the travel is necessary or beneficial to the County and the expenses are incurred in the pursuit of
County business.
County employees are often required to travel when conducting County business. The benefits of
this travel falI in the areas of training, maintaining currency on government regulations.
exchanging ideas, accomplishing a certain task and/or solving a particular problem on behalf of
the County. Due to the necessity for travel, the folIowing regulations (in accordance with Section
112.061, Florida Statutes) have been formulated to provide consistency in submitting and
processing travel requests and to establish proper accounting procedures for travel. All such
travel wilI be completed at the most economical and reasonable cost. An employee may request
expenses (including meal and lodging costs) as business expenses if two conditions are satisfied:
1) travel is necessary or beneficial to the County, and 2) expenses are incurred in pursuit of
County business. All travel must be pre-approved as outlined in 3. "Approval of Travel
1. Definitions:
a) Official Headquarters - The city or town In which the office of an
employee is located except that:
(1) An employee located in the field will be designated an official
headquarters in the city or town nearest to the area where a majority of
his/her work is performed or to one designated by the Department
Director; provided that in all cases the determination is in the best
interest of the County.
(2) After being continuously stationed in any city or town for a
period of over thirty (30) continuous workdays. such a location will be
designated as the official headquarters and no per diem will be allocated
without express approval by the County Manager.
(3) A traveler may leave his/her assigned post to return home, but
any time lost from regular duties shall be taken as vacation and
authorized in the usual manner. Reimbursement for such travel will not
be permitted in excess of the rate for per diem alIowance had he/she
remained at their post. However, such an employee who has been
temporarily assigned away from his/her official headquarters for over
thirty (30) days will be entitled to reimbursement at the established rate
I 'A
for one round trip per thirty (30) day period actually taken to his/her
home in addition to pay and allowances otherwise provided.
b) Designated Representatives - Approval to incur payment of Business
Related Travel Expenses may be granted by the following Designated
County Manager
County Attorney
Chief Assistant County Attorney
Executive Director - Airport Authority
Deputy County Manager
Division Administrators
Department Directors
and equivalent
c) Travel Day - a period of 24 hours consisting of four (4) quarters of six
(6) hours each.
d) Travel Period - shall begin at the time of departure from employee's
normal base of operation or residence whichever is later. Per diem
reimbursement will be based on the basis of one-fourth (114) of the authorized
per diem for each quarter.
(I) More than 24 hours - For travel involving periods in excess of 24
hours, quarters shall start at midnight, 6:00 a.m., Noon, or 6:00 p.m.
whichever nearest precedes the actual time of departure. In the same
manner, per diem will cease at whichever of the above times nearest
follows the actual time ofretum.
(2) Less than 24 hours - For travel of less than 24 hours but
involving an overnight absence, the travel period begins at the actual
time of departure and quarters shall be computed from that time.
Travel Classifications - Travel shall be classified as follows.
(1) Class "A" Travel - continuous travel of 24 hours or more away
from the official headquarters.
(2) Class "B" Travel - Continuous travel of less than 24 hours,
which involves overnight absence from official headquarters,
(3) Class "C" Travel - Travel for short or day trips where the traveler
is not away from his/her official headquarters overnight.
Lodging and Meal Allowance:
a) Lodging - Actual cost of lodging at a single occupancy rate or full cost
for lodging at the designated seminar or conference designation.
b) Meal Compensation Rate: The meal compensation rate (i.e., subsistence
rate) shall be determined by finding the city or county on the prevailing
Federal Travel Regulations listing which shall be provided to each
Department or at the internet address below and applying the Domestic
Per Diem Rates - Meals and Incidental Expense Breakdown in
accordance with the criteria below. Per Diem is only allowed for meals:
incidentals are not part of the allowable per diem. A copy of the
appropriate schedule highlighting the city/county of destination and a
COPy of the Domestic Per Diem Rates - Meals and Incidental Expense
Breakdown chart shall accompany all requests for reimbursement. To
locate the amount of reimbursement on the internet for meals while you
travel. gO to and put your cursor on "Policy" on !he menu
bar across the top for a drop down menu. Scroll down and select
"Travel." Once on the "Travel" {'age, go to the right hand column and
select "Per Diem Rates." When that page comes up. click on "Visit
Now" in the center of the page. You are now on a page that allows you
to select the "NEW!!! 2004 Domestic Per Diem Rates" in the middle of
the page. Click "OK" on the page that follows and then click on Florida
on the map to the right of the page.
(I) Breakfast - when travel begins before 6:00 a.m. and extends
beyond 8:00 a.m. ............$.;,00
Per prevailing federal rate for locale
(2) Lunch - when travel begins before 12:00 noon and extends
beyond 2:00 p.rn. ............,$(hOO
Per prevailing federal rate for locale
(3) Dinner - when travel begins before 6:00 p.m. and extends
beyond 8:00 p.m. or when travel occurs during nighttime hours due to
special assignment. ........ ...~
Per prevailing federal rate for locale
(4) If SeetisH ! 12.~.', Flerida Stalbttes is amended iR the fHtl::lre by
aetioR of the State legislatHre, ther-e13y ehaagiag aay compeasatioa rates,
this administrath'e gl:lidelia0 is aHtomatiGally amended by said aetioR
withoHt aay fwrther BetiaR beiRg required,
(~1 ) If meals are included in registration fees, standard allowances
must be reduced using the above breakdown amounts. Meal functions
sponsored by organizations such as professional associations will be paid
based on support (receipt) documentation.
(9 ~) Actual meal costs will be reimbursed for any employee who
must follow a medically prescribed diet.
c) Per Diem Expenses for Class A and B Travel:
(1) Travelers may elect either $50 per diem or, if expenses exceed
$50, the actual cost of lodging at single room occupancy rate plus meal
allowance as outlined in Section B.2 of this policy.
(2) Travelers will not be reimbursed on a per diem basis for Class
"c" travel, but will receive compensation as provided in Item 2 b) of this
3. Approval of Travel Expenses:
a) All travel that is expected to result in reimbursement of eligible
expenses must be pre-approved by the designated representative and authorized
in writing on the appropriate travel request and/or voucher for reimbursement
Requests. From:
Division Administrator
Department Director
Supervisors and lower levels
County Manager
Division Administrator
Department Director
b) This shall apply to out of County travel for both regular business and
professional development.
c) All travel must be approved in advance. In emergency situations, the
designated representative may give verbal approval.
(1) Any orally approved travel must be followed by proper
authorization procedures upon return from that travel.
(2) The designated representative's signature on "Voucher for
Reimbursement of Travel Expenses" Form C676, shall constitute
certification that the travel was properly authorized and approved by the
designated representative.
(3) Only original forms must be submitted to Finance.
4. Cash Advance Policy:
a) Advances for anticipated travel expenses should be requested at least one
week prior to the expected departure. To avoid unnecessary paperwork. it is
suggested that advances not be obtained for less than $50.
b) Cash advances for travel will be limited to advances for ground
transportation. seminar registration (if not paid under a separate request for
check). and allowances for food and lodging. Advances for airfare will be
provided only in the case of an emergency trip when it is not possible to secure
plane tickets in accordance with other sections ofthis policy.
c) Cash advances will not be granted unless sufficient funds are available in
the appropriate cost center or the Department Director submits a budget
amendment in accordance with the County's financial procedures.
d) Any unused advances must be repaid within ten (10) days and submitted
with the final expense report. Direct payments to an organization. business or
vendor for registration, meals, materials. travel. and the like will not be
considered travel advances.
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5. Use of County Vehicles: A County owned vehicle, if available. may be used for
travel if usage time is not prohibitive.
6. Use of Privately Owned Vehicles:
a) The prevailing rate shaH be the amount per mile authorized by SeetioR
112.0al, Plarida Stat~es (cl:Irreatly $.29/mile). ChaRges tEl the State mileage
amel:lat shall al:ltematicaHy be reflected ia COl:lRty }')reeeal:lFes at the time travel
98gffis the federal government mileage rates in effect for use of privatelv owned
vehicles at the time of travel. For the year befi!:inning January 1. 2004, that rate is
37.5 cents. In order to determine the mileage amount for privately owned
vehicles in subsequent years. go to the web address. On the menu
bar across the top. put your cursor or "Policy" and scroll down and select
"Trave1." This takes vou to a new page and in the left hand column. the third
selection from the bottom is "Privately Owned Vehicle Reimb Rates." Click on
that selection. In the center of the page that comes up, you will find the privately
owned vehicle reimbursement rates. A highlighted COPy of the appropriate
federal rate shaH be attached to requests for reimbursement. Mileage between
cities/counties will be allowed, based on the current Florida official road map and
reasonable travel within cities/counties.
b) For out-of-state travel. the mileage amount plus parking and toll fees
may not exceed the amount charged for air transportation at rates not to exceed
coach rates available at the time a travel authorization is processed.
c) Employees who receive a vehicle allowance will not be eligible to
receive mileage reimbursement. Lodging and meal reimbursement will be
allowed for the time that would have been required to make the trip by air carrier.
d) Private vehicle owners will be responsible for all insurance on their
e) An effort to obtain a County-owned vehicle must be made prior to
authorization of private vehicle use for County business.
7. Use of Commercial Airlines:
a) Travel by commercial airlines may be authorized in cases where use of
commercial airlines is of advantage to the County. Air travel will be scheduled
at coach rates whenever possible. In the event of emergency travel, other than
coach accommodations will be permitted only when coach is not available and no
other travel arrangements are possible. Pre-planning should be used to take
advantage of various airline discount special rates. Only tickets for authorized
County travel requirements are allowed to be charged to Collier County.
8. Special Procedures:
a) When driving to an approved business meeting. conference or seminar
outside the Naples area, but within the State of Florida, meal allowances will be
allowed for normal meals enroute as provided by this policy.
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b) When reimbursement for lodging and meals is to be provided by other
agencies (government or non-government), employees may be paid at the
reimbursed rate if it exceeds the County's rate.
9. Inclusions and Exclusions as to Authorized Expenses:
In addition to meals and lodging, the following actual expenses incurred as a necessary
part of approved travel may be claimed with submission of receipts or documentation:
a) Registration fees
b) Official telephone calls (indicate on hotel bill personal or business)
c) Reasonable commercial transportation cost actually paid by the traveler
to/from commercial
d) Terminals and place of lodging and to/from places of business
e) Parking fees
f) Mileage for approved use of private vehicle
g) Rental car cost, including tax if paid
h) Fuel and emergency repairs for County-owned vehicles
i) Road toll charges
j) Air fare, if reimbursement is requested with receipt
10. Reporting Expenditure:
a) After returning from the trip, an expenditure report and required receipts
must be completed by the employee and submitted within ten (10) days to the
Finance Department.
11. Administrative Hardship:
a) If any of these provisions create undue administrative hardship on any of
the departments involved, the County Manager may grant exceptions within the
limitations contained in Section 112.061, Florida Statutes based on written
12. Spouses:
a) When the spouse accompanies the employee, the spouse's expenses will
not be reimbursed. The employee will pay the difference between single and
double accommodations and all other expenses including transportation, meals,
13. Compensation:
a) Any time during the business trip in which employees actually perform
work related to their current position is considered work time.
b) Employees traveling on business will be paid for time spent traveling
(except for meal periods) during their normal working hours on their
non-working days, such as Saturday, Sunday, and holidays, as well as on their
regular working days.
C. CURRENCY: The Human Resources Department is responsible for maintaining the
currency of this Instruction.
D. REFERENCE: Collier County Personnel Ordinance, Ordinance No. 2001-50:
Business Travel: It is the policy of the County to encourage business travel by paying applicable
expenses when the travel is necessary or beneficial to the County and the expenses are incurred
in the pursuit of County business.