CAC Agenda 05/09/2019OK
May 9, 2019
Meeting Agenda and Notice
THURSDAY, MAY 9, 2019 - 1:00 P.M.
• Sunshine Law on Agenda Questions
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll Call
IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda
V. Public Comments
VI. Approval of CAC Minutes
1. April 11, 2019
VII. Staff Reports
1. Expanded Revenue Report
VIII. New Business
1. Appointment of Chairman and Vice Chairman
2. CAC Applications
* Applications
3. 2019-2020 Grant Applications
* Grant Applications
4. 10-Year Plan
* Backup Documents
5. Water Turkey Bay Proposal
* Proposal
6. South Marco Beach Proposal
* Proposal
7.Wiggins Pass Tough-up Dredge
* Proposal
8. Clam Park/North Park Shore & Park Shore Beach
* Proposal
9. Local Government Funding Request
* Proposal
10. Collier Creek Design Proposal
* Proposal
11. Biological Monitoring FY 2019
* Proposal
IX. Old Business
1. Update - LaParc Beach Erosion/Monitoring LaParc Beach
* Beach Erosion - LeParc
* High Tide - 5-2-2019
* Bob Raymond - Photos
X. Announcements
XI. Committee Member Discussion
XII. Next Meeting Date/Location
June 13, 2019 - Government Center, 3rd Floor
XIII. Adjournment
All interested parties are invited to attend, and to register to speak and to submit their objections,
if any, in writing, to the board prior to the meeting if applicable.
For more information, please contact Gail D. Hambright at (239) 252-2966.
If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this
proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact
the Collier County Facilities Management Department located at 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples,
FL 34112, (239) 252-8380.
Public comments will be limited to 3 minutes unless the Chairman grants permission for
additional time.
Collier County Ordinance No. 99-22 requires that all lobbyists shall, before engaging in any
lobbying activities (including, but not limited to, addressing the Board of County Commissioners)
before the Board of County Commissioners and its advisory boards, register with the Clerk to the
Board at the Board Minutes and Records Department.
May 9, 2019
Meeting Agenda and Notice
THURSDAY, MAY 9, 2019 - 1:00 P.M.
• Sunshine Law on Agenda Questions
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll Call
IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda
V. Public Comments
VI. Approval of CAC Minutes
1. March 14, 2019
VII. Staff Reports
1. Expanded Revenue Report
VIII. New Business
1. Appointment of Chairman and Vice Chairman
2. CAC Applications
* Applications
3. 2019-2020 Grant Applications
* Grant Applications
4. 10-Year Plan
* Backup Documents
5. Water Turkey Bay Proposal
* Proposal
6. South Marco Beach Proposal
* Proposal
7.Wiggins Pass Tough-up Dredge
* Proposal
8. Clam Park/North Park Shore & Park Shore Beach
* Proposal
9. Local Government Funding Request
* Proposal
10. Collier Creek Design Proposal
* Proposal
11. Biological Monitoring FY 2019
* Proposal
IX. Old Business
1. Update - LaParc Beach Erosion/Monitoring LaParc Beach
X. Announcements
XI. Committee Member Discussion
XII. Next Meeting Date/Location
June 13, 2019 - Government Center, 3rd Floor
XIII. Adjournment
All interested parties are invited to attend, and to register to speak and to submit their objections,
if any, in writing, to the board prior to the meeting if applicable.
For more information, please contact Gail D. Hambright at (239) 252-2966.
If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this
proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact
the Collier County Facilities Management Department located at 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples,
FL 34112, (239) 252-8380.
Public comments will be limited to 3 minutes unless the Chairman grants permission for
additional time.
Collier County Ordinance No. 99-22 requires that all lobbyists shall, before engaging in any
lobbying activities (including, but not limited to, addressing the Board of County Commissioners)
before the Board of County Commissioners and its advisory boards, register with the Clerk to the
Board at the Board Minutes and Records Department.
Naples, Florida, March 14, 2019
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, the Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee, in and for
the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 1:00 P.M. in
REGULAR SESSION at Administrative Building “F”, 3rd Floor, Collier County
Government Complex Naples, Florida with the following members present:
CHAIRMAN: Linda Penniman (Excused)
Steve Koziar
Thomas McCann
Jim Burke
Robert Raymond
Debbie Roddy
Dave Trecker
Sam Young (Excused)
ALSO PRESENT: Gary McAlpin, Manager, Coastal Zone Management
Jeff Klatzkow, County Attorney
Gail Hambright, Coastal Zone Management
CAC May 9, 2019
VI-1 Approval of Minutes
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Any persons in need of the verbatim record of the meeting may request a copy of the video recording
from the Collier County Communications and Customer Relations Department or view online.
I.Call to Order
Vice Chairman Burke called the meeting to order at 1:00 PM
II.Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
III.Roll Call
Roll call was taken and a quorum was established.
IV.Changes and Approval of Agenda
Ms. Roddy moved to approve the Agenda. Second by Mr. Trecker. Carried unanimously 7 – 0.
V.Public Comments
VI.Approval of CAC Minutes
1.January 10, 2019
Mr. McCann moved to approve the minutes of the January 10, 2019 subject to the following
•The first line in the second bullet point under Mr. Trecker’s comments from “The existing
Ordinance does include a water quality…” to “The existing Ordinance does not include a
water quality…”
Second by Mr. Koziar. Carried unanimously 7 – 0.
VII.Staff Reports
1.Expanded Revenue Report
The Committee reviewed the “Collier County Tourist Tax Revenue FY 19 TDC Revenue Report”
dated through February 28, 2019.
VIII.New Business
5.Amendment No. 1 to 19CO1 (this item was heard first)
*DEP Standard Grant Agreement
*DEP 19CO1 Amendment No. 1
Mr. McAlpin presented the Executive Summary “Recommendation to approve and authorize the
Chairman to execute Amendment No. 1 to Contract 19CO1 with the Florida Department of
Environmental Protection Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems Beach Management Funding
Assistance Program for Dredging of Wiggins Pass, and make a finding that this item promotes
tourism” dated March 14, 2019 for consideration. He noted the contract increases the amount of
funding available for reimbursement from FDEP from $557,189 to $1,368,750. The increase was
a result of work completed during the dredging of Wiggins Pass.
Mr. Trecker moved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize
the Chairman to execute Amendment No. 1 to Contract 19CO1 with the Florida Department of
Environmental Protection Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems Beach Management
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Funding Assistance Program for Dredging of Wiggins Pass, and finds the item promotes
tourism. Second by Mr. Raymond. Carried unanimously 7 – 0.
3.CAC Amendment to Functions, Powers and Duties - Discussion
*Backup Documents
Mr. McAlpin presented the Executive Summary “Recommendation to amend the Function,
Powers and Duties of the Coastal Advisory Committee to provide Coastal Water Quality
coordination, education, oversight and outreach for all of Collier County including the City of
Naples, the City of Marco Island and Everglades City” dated March 14, 2017 for consideration.
He noted the revisions are a result of 4 months of work regarding the Committee’s concern on
water quality and the impact on coastal systems. Staff is in support of the proposed amendment
which will be forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners for consideration if approved by
the CAC.
Mr. Trecker moved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners amend the Function,
Powers and Duties of the Coastal Advisory Committee to provide Coastal Water Quality
coordination, education, oversight and outreach for all of Collier County including the City of
Naples, the City of Marco Island and Everglades City” Second by Mr. McCann. Carried
unanimously 7 – 0.
1. Collier Creek Modeling - Recommendations
Stephen Keehn, Tara Brenner and Joao Dobrochinski of APTIM presented a PowerPoint
“Navigation Optimization and Sediment Management at Collier Creek Fl.”
Mr. Brenner noted the work on the Creek began in 2015 when a feasibility study was developed
to address the sediment infill and navigation issues with the area. In 2017 the modeling study
began which led to the November 2018 draft plan.
Mr. Dobrochinski provided an overview of the modeling highlighting:
•The area is subject to a large volume of boat traffic with a series of accidents reported.
•The Creek was dredged in 2012, 2016 and 2018 and the area accretes new sand in a short
term after the work and the goal of the plan is to significantly lengthen the dredging cycle.
•Field measurements were utilized to develop the model which showed incoming tides
driving the conditions of the channel.
•Based on the model, numerous solutions were developed and tested to determine the most
beneficial long term solution to the problem.
•The most advantageous option is use of a combination of 2 structures of various locations
and length (“Alternative 13/14”) which would potentially lengthen the dredge cycle to 9.5
Mr. Keehn reported:
•The alternatives propose construction of a groin 400 feet west of the existing jetty and a
100 foot long terminal jetty on the west side of the channel.
•Included in the proposal is dredging the channel to an additional width and moving it
easterly incorporating a new bend.
•The terminal jetty option is still under review however the following cost estimates have
been developed ($2,197,700 with the jetty and $2,057,300 without the jetty).
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•The cost of the existing maintenance has been $670,000 every two years however the
alternatives under consideration would yield maintenance costs of $729,000 over 8 years.
•An assessment of a 16 year period yields a $2.8M cost to the County with the solutions in
place versus the $5.3M if the current activity continues.
•The estimated construction timeline is 150 – 180 days and there has been communications
with the Florida Department of Environmental Conservation who is amenable to the
concept but wants to ensure no “net sand loss” on State lands.
•The alternatives will continue to be refined including developing a sediment management
Mr. McAlpin reported there will be dialogue with representatives of Hideaway Beach Taxing
District and the City of Marco Island on the plan and some existing permits may require
He requested the Committee endorse the conceptual plan so the work necessary to develop a
comprehensive plan may move forward. The work may potentially begin in one year.
Ben Farnsworth, Villa DeMarco West supports the project, however noted consideration may
want to be given to minor modifications to the proposed channel such as limiting the bend.
Mr. McAlpin reported the current proposed locations is favored however he will continue to work
with Mr. Farnsworth in an attempt to address any issues.
Ms. Roddy moved for Staff to move forward with the plan as presented and work with the
various agencies, as necessary, to develop the solutions required to develop the final
management plan for the Creek. Second by Mr. James Burke. Carried unanimously 7 – 0.
Mr. McAlpin reported the Committee will be updated on the progress of the study.
Mr. McCann left the meeting at 2:10 pm
2.Marco Island Regrade – Update
Mr. McAlpin reported:
•The project to re-grade the Marco Island beaches to eliminate ponding of water was
approved by the Board of County Commissioners at the end of January and work is
•The work is divided into 4 areas of dredge and fill activities.
•Issues that arose with the Burrowing Owl and Gopher Tortoises in the area were addressed
and the project is anticipated to be completed by April 15th.
Deborah Devries requested the County consider reinstalling the boulders that were displaced off
the jetty during Hurricane Irma.
Mr. McAlpin reported the boulders may be repositioned following completion of the re-grading
project and they aren’t causing any negative impacts to the area at this point in time.
4.Rock Cleanup Lowdermilk Park
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Mr. McAlpin reported the 10 – 12cy of rocks left by the contractor in the beach during the
disposal of sand from the Doctors Pass’ dredging project have been removed. The work was
required to be completed during a time of extreme low tide at a cost of $10,000 - $20,000.
IX.Old Business
XI.Committee Member Discussion
Mr. McAlpin reported the study being performed by the US Army Corps of Engineers will be updated
in April with recommendations due in approximately 9 months and Staff is involved in the County’s
Sea Level rise study via an information sharing platform.
XII.Next Meeting Date/Location
April 11, 2019 – Government Center, Administration Bldg. F, 3rd Floor
There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order
of the chair at 2:28 P.M.
Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee
Joseph Burke, Vice-Chairman
These minutes approved by the Board/Committee on _________________as presented________ or as
amended ___________.
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VI-1 Approval of Minutes
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CAC May 9, 2019
VII-1 Staff Reports
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CAC May 9, 2019
VII-1 Staff Reports
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2005/2006 $86,479 $255,807 $446,229 $534,560 $867,498 $1,119,215 $1,277,646 $777,494 $465,272 $357,870 $335,272 $262,452 $6,785,794
2006/2007 $245,217 $358,486 $492,296 $564,991 $952,204 $1,215,359 $1,354,022 $765,087 $465,420 $368,234 $336,767 $289,157 $7,407,240
2007/2008 $233,050 $342,484 $467,648 $602,044 $937,713 $1,172,727 $1,363,500 $726,065 $479,408 $332,957 $334,056 $280,120 $7,271,772
2008/2009 $190,563 $291,340 $395,097 $538,743 $749,012 $973,781 $1,060,618 $566,718 $358,045 $258,429 $289,170 $234,304 $5,905,820
2009/2010 $213,228 $235,663 $367,743 $514,622 $827,789 $1,013,235 $1,256,966 $636,092 $393,674 $282,867 $289,743 $235,133 $6,266,755
2010/2011 $217,861 $304,930 $359,617 $506,087 $813,768 $1,058,980 $1,357,406 $639,303 $422,707 $332,170 $323,179 $259,566 $6,595,574
2011/2012 $253,531 $342,743 $457,827 $643,501 $1,038,706 $1,239,892 $1,493,363 $694,955 $460,970 $337,636 $359,119 $278,418 $7,600,661
2012/2013 $272,701 $364,816 $492,571 $676,727 $1,172,851 $1,235,834 $1,738,679 $700,538 $498,074 $380,635 $346,039 $246,552 $8,126,017
2013/2014 $233,615 $413,939 $531,597 $748,942 $1,453,692 $1,542,772 $1,924,318 $881,271 $573,867 $451,258 $453,660 $407,724 $9,616,655
2014/2015 $305,368 $454,320 $592,116 $980,270 $1,638,465 $1,639,476 $2,196,507 $945,734 $606,906 $500,147 $500,735 $402,427 $10,762,471
2015/2016 $399,405 $483,228 $694,778 $1,053,597 $1,752,460 $1,731,161 $2,179,226 $912,053 $553,879 $451,873 $516,482 $366,398 $11,094,540
2016/2017 $410,746 $530,273 $644,528 $1,026,477 $1,624,157 $1,711,826 $2,082,685 $1,011,281 $600,619 $500,350 $520,749 $345,920 $11,009,611
2017/2018 $353,810 $553,253 $776,408 $1,320,258 $2,142,580 $2,158,277 $2,915,255 $1,361,395 $798,774 $613,766.40 $467,073.87 $349,946.06 $13,810,796.33
2018/2019 $384,972.24 $479,054.02 $831,925.24 $1,509,831.59 $2,018,027.96 $2,173,372.24 $2,955,201.70 $10,352,384.99
TOTAL:$3,800,546 $5,410,336 $7,550,380 $11,220,651 $17,988,923 $19,985,907 $25,155,393 $10,617,986 $6,677,615 $5,168,192 $5,072,044.87 $3,958,117.06 $122,606,091.32
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2005/2006 $2,246 $3,922 $4,783 $6,921 $9,386 $15,217 $14,334 $13,423 $7,670 $3,754 $4,162 $3,331 $89,149
2006/2007 $4,678 $5,602 $5,705 $9,961 $12,884 $14,766 $16,860 $14,152 $8,653 $3,929 $4,101 $3,677 $104,968
2007/2008 $4,018 $5,424 $6,879 $9,724 $11,917 $16,032 $15,800 $11,327 $11,881 $4,136 $4,136 $3,481 $104,755
2008/2009 $3,443 $4,975 $7,186 $8,987 $11,486 $15,137 $15,206 $10,315 $5,932 $3,302 $3,729 $3,447 $93,145
2009/2010 $3,783 $4,473 $5,706 $8,704 $12,423 $15,656 $18,852 $10,467 $6,149 $3,705 $4,019 $3,055 $96,992
2010/2011 $3,270 $5,011 $6,326 $7,626 $10,020 $13,210 $17,210 $10,847 $6,870 $4,054 $5,237 $5,113 $94,794
2011/2012 $4,057 $5,607 $7,144 $9,161 $12,338 $17,648 $18,666 $9,921 $6,879 $4,220 $4,310 $2,760 $102,711
2012/2013 $6,921 $5,847 $8,340 $9,878 $14,311 $15,331 $19,962 $12,663 $7,850 $4,351 $5,896 $4,942 $116,292
2013/2014 $4,747 $5,151 $6,995 $12,217 $14,712 $21,076 $21,820 $15,074 $6,163 $7,558 $5,348 $5,580 $126,441
2014/2015 $5,491 $7,028 $9,630 $11,248 $13,741 $18,367 $34,109 $9,684 $11,501 $6,010 $6,910 $5,338 $139,057
2015/2016 $5,320 $7,818 $9,653 $12,146 $23,046 $19,371 $21,441 $10,272 $10,614 $5,503 $7,020 $4,774 $136,978
2016/2017 $5,792 $6,847 $7,355 $10,099 $16,229 $13,627 $19,695 $10,532 $6,629 $3,908 $4,981 $4,075 $109,769
2017/2018 $1,948 $2,457 $2,554 $8,301 $11,749 $16,583 $20,386 $21,269 $7,670 $6,437.50 $6,944.69 $5,473.24 $111,772.43
2018/2019 $4,905.47 $8,633.03 $8,592.36 $10,752.94 $15,000.06 $18,176.11 $40,226.80 $106,286.77
TOTAL:$60,619 $78,795 $96,848 $135,726 $189,242 $230,197 $294,568 $159,946 $104,461 $60,868 $66,793.69 $55,046.24 $1,533,110.20
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2005/2006 $842 $1,151 $1,306 $1,450 $1,683 $1,837 $2,050 $1,786 $1,900 $1,774 $1,602 $1,372 $18,753
2006/2007 $1,306 $1,258 $1,837 $1,447 $2,307 $1,932 $1,982 $1,691 $1,466 $504 $786 $1,159 $17,675
2007/2008 $731 $746 $776 $966 $749 $828 $2,806 $1,501 $887 $650 $488 $530 $11,658
2008/2009 $410 $553 $686 $687 $808 $1,137 $952 $944 $618 $723 $671 $468 $8,657
2009/2010 $676 $624 $558 $754 $633 $912 $580 $596 $541 $965 $670 $663 $8,172
2010/2011 $625 $470 $639 $649 $649 $768 $928 $937 $440 $990 $517 $667 $8,279
2011/2012 $528 $489 $863 $1,067 $681 $740 $983 $879 $807 $709 $635 $614 $8,995
2012/2013 $457 $749 $804 $654 $882 $843 $1,056 $1,206 $1,017 $664 $496 $719 $9,547
2013/2014 $603 $722 $960 $903 $1,060 $1,039 $2,284 $1,501 $1,121 $718 $982 $794 $12,687
2014/2015 $564 $706 $1,117 $1,441 $1,245 $703 $2,809 $1,687 $1,180 $915 $963 $754 $14,084
2015/2016 $438 $944 $1,187 $688 $739 $2,657 $2,811 $1,957 $772 $2,875 $2,198 $2,599 $19,865
2016/2017 $2,278 $2,663 $3,405 $3,108 $2,639 $2,741 $5,517 $3,208 $2,988 $1,998 $1,419 $2,315 $34,279
2017/2018 $3,859 $5,316 $4,854 $4,489 $4,394 $6,396 $6,540 $5,361 $3,731 $3,665.35 $2,989.98 $2,369.76 $53,965.09
2018/2019 $3,416.03 $3,977.65 $3,463.32 $3,207.44 $3,237.87 $4,981.97 $5,623.67 $27,907.95
TOTAL:$16,733 $703 $22,455 $21,510 $21,707 $27,515 $36,922 $23,254 $17,468 $17,150 $14,416.98 $15,023.76 $254,524.04
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2005/2006 $71,763 $112,414 $147,512 $199,030 $344,074 $525,468 $576,530 $374,000 $261,791 $218,203 $208,955 $150,041 $3,189,781
2006/2007 $73,397 $88,576 $141,951 $189,026 $335,898 $517,149 $595,449 $379,673 $225,816 $216,858 $194,291 $183,007 $3,141,091
2007/2008 $165,745 $166,397 $93,819 $321,400 $408,079 $503,575 $666,564 $507,602 $140,088 $322,017 $245,721 $151,743 $3,692,750
2008/2009 $99,516 $168,129 $185,986 $280,663 $372,230 $457,015 $473,292 $324,558 $204,748 $183,654 $186,855 $210,702 $3,147,348
2009/2010 $124,837 $158,522 $168,816 $229,316 $364,347 $466,758 $550,969 $361,520 $197,005 $167,786 $223,954 $215,814 $3,229,644
2010/2011 $149,854 $169,786 $175,540 $198,803 $307,625 $416,029 $571,019 $363,648 $210,320 $192,412 $210,599 $230,248 $3,195,883
20/11/2012 $142,329 $171,194 $201,691 $244,744 $391,683 $485,677 $628,522 $372,070 $226,574 $231,338 $221,306 $186,893 $3,504,021
2012/2013 $192,829 $165,543 $196,934 $244,332 $440,902 $525,686 $766,954 $388,107 $279,529 $256,653 $264,888 $209,436 $3,931,793
2013/2014 $159,125 $229,028 $247,875 $361,032 $490,359 $597,726 $909,200 $554,875 $338,299 $299,001 $317,687 $306,767 $4,810,974
2014/2015 $185,854 $237,856 $303,549 $482,595 $642,029 $705,000 $1,044,150 $610,274 $183,261 $200,044 $187,198 $217,355 $4,999,165
2015/2016 $157,467 $202,726 $248,085 $492,348 $620,091 $739,787 $1,116,549 $477,415 $277,849 $232,651 $273,434 $192,753 $5,031,155
2016/2017 $175,389 $201,952 $253,642 $456,211 $532,011 $730,625 $1,048,066 $653,777 $353,054 $318,033 $341,272 $237,620 $5,301,652
2017/2018 $202,863 $248,234 $333,501 $553,573 $650,992 $807,319 $1,366,232 $684,671 $462,681.00 $478,663.21 $486,778.24 $364,429.67 $6,639,937.12
2018/2019 $343,209.42 $419,532.02 $527,699.77 $772,525.62 $902,859.09 $1,098,126.82 $1,635,986.08 $5,699,938.82
TOTAL:$2,244,177 $2,739,889 $3,226,601 $5,025,599 $6,803,179 $8,575,941 $11,949,482 $6,052,190 $3,361,015 $3,317,313.21 $3,362,938.24 $2,856,808.67 $59,515,132.94
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2005/2006 $76,843 $149,990 $236,963 $316,250 $512,938 $580,227 $570,569 $334,191 $217,611 $152,642 $175,256 $127,802 $3,451,282
2006/2007 $111,854 $151,746 $217,262 $291,277 $532,706 $589,595 $640,395 $340,926 $205,947 $156,476 $174,238 $145,286 $3,557,708
2007/2008 $122,094 $174,235 $231,470 $306,731 $564,747 $617,010 $664,907 $330,698 $233,938 $145,532 $172,641 $150,743 $3,714,746
2008/2009 $105,937 $154,246 $209,703 $298,657 $500,986 $528,321 $471,924 $327,310 $179,344 $133,913 $159,039 $120,786 $3,190,166
2009/2010 $102,425 $147,706 $202,271 $304,284 $473,406 $536,310 $578,659 $314,492 $192,256 $129,009 $150,982 $123,268 $3,255,068
2010/2011 $107,247 $144,923 $207,947 $296,553 $469,260 $537,127 $620,402 $342,016 $210,346 $150,143 $191,212 $144,535 $3,421,711
2011/2012 $124,889 $171,672 $257,204 $310,088 $463,661 $581,690 $646,118 $359,807 $239,314 $156,429 $192,882 $178,108 $3,681,862
2012/2013 $154,953 $197,464 $260,572 $344,886 $428,547 $618,948 $776,408 $361,084 $254,717 $189,506 $220,981 $191,856 $3,999,922
2013/2014 $176,811 $227,247 $269,078 $397,145 $591,687 $620,019 $863,967 $443,087 $296,589 $180,835 $212,986 $290,959 $4,570,410
2014/2015 $187,534 $265,869 $327,796 $474,209 $696,710 $742,256 $1,001,853 $482,405 $312,637 $252,342 $279,809 $250,168 $5,273,588
2015/2016 $232,052 $309,006 $366,933 $481,596 $788,052 $830,360 $975,436 $467,674 $321,374 $236,928 $297,223 $249,625 $5,556,259
2016/2017 $219,686 $318,030 $380,414 $493,973 $695,089 $837,554 $973,780 $523,046 $320,879 $243,442 $305,112 $195,261 $5,506,266
2017/2018 $286,412 $428,215 $522,487 $741,729 $957,038 $937,909.00 $1,388,898.00 $683,801.00 $411,391.00 $321,124.11 $379,554.83 $278,769.93 $7,337,328.87
2018/2019 $241,808.24 $285,182.76 $27,699.77 $669,430.77 $1,064,413.82 $1,146,862.31 $1,398,781.67 $241,808.24
TOTAL:$2,250,545 $3,125,532 $3,717,800 $5,726,809 $8,739,241 $9,704,188 $11,572,098 $5,310,537 $3,396,343 $2,448,321.11 $2,911,915.83 $2,447,166.93 $56,758,125.11
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2005/2006 $238,173 $523,284 $836,793 $1,058,211 $1,735,579 $2,241,964 $2,441,129 $1,500,894 $954,244 $734,243 $725,247 $544,998 $13,534,759
2006/2007 $436,452 $605,668 $859,051 $1,056,702 $1,835,999 $2,338,801 $2,608,708 $1,501,529 $907,302 $746,001 $710,183 $622,286 $14,228,682
2007/2008 $525,638 $689,286 $800,592 $1,240,865 $1,923,205 $2,310,172 $2,713,577 $1,577,193 $866,202 $805,292 $757,042 $586,617 $14,795,681
2008/2009 $399,869 $619,243 $798,658 $1,127,737 $1,634,522 $1,975,391 $2,021,992 $1,229,845 $748,687 $580,021 $639,464 $569,707 $12,345,136
2009/2010 $444,949 $546,988 $745,094 $1,057,680 $1,678,598 $2,032,871 $2,406,026 $1,323,167 $789,625 $584,332 $669,368 $577,933 $12,856,631
2010/2011 $478,857 $625,120 $750,069 $1,009,718 $1,601,322 $2,026,114 $2,566,965 $1,356,751 $850,683 $679,769 $730,744 $640,129 $13,316,241
2011/2012 $525,334 $691,705 $924,729 $1,208,561 $1,907,069 $2,325,647 $2,787,652 $1,437,632 $934,544 $730,332 $778,252 $646,793 $14,898,250
2012/2013 $627,861 $734,419 $959,221 $1,276,477 $2,057,493 $2,396,642 $3,303,059 $1,463,598 $1,041,187 $831,809 $838,300 $653,505 $16,183,571.00
2013/2014 $574,901 $876,087 $1,056,505 $1,520,239 $2,551,510 $2,782,632 $3,721,589 $1,895,808 $1,216,039 $939,370 $990,663 $1,011,824 $19,137,167.00
2014/2015 $684,811 $965,779 $1,234,208 $1,949,763 $2,992,190 $3,105,802 $4,279,428 $2,049,784 $1,115,485 $959,458 $975,615 $876,042 $21,188,365.00
2015/2016 $794,682 $1,003,722 $1,320,636 $2,040,375 $3,184,388 $3,323,336 $4,295,463 $1,869,371 $1,164,488 $929,830 $1,096,357 $816,149 $21,838,797.00
2016/2017 $813,891 $1,059,765 $1,289,344 $1,989,868 $2,870,125 $3,296,373 $4,129,743 $2,201,844 $1,284,169 $1,067,731 $1,173,533 $785,191 $21,961,577.00
2017/2018 $848,892 $1,237,475 $1,639,804 $2,628,350 $3,766,753 $3,926,484 $5,697,311 $2,756,497 $1,684,247 $1,423,545.57 $1,343,341.11 $1,000,988.84 $27,953,688.52
2018/2019 $978,311.40 $1,196,379.48 $1,863,477.54 $2,965,748.36 $4,003,538.80 $6,035,819.92 $17,043,275.50
TOTAL:$8,372,621 $11,374,920 $15,078,182 $22,130,294 $33,742,292 $40,118,049 $42,972,642 $22,163,913 $13,556,902 $11,011,734 $11,428,109.11 $9,332,162.84 $241,281,821.02
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2005/2006 $18,115 $9,286 $24,892 $46,267 $62,578 $172,726 $290,466 $55,985 $24,142 $17,905 $14,052 $10,670 $747,084
2006/2007 $17,081 $12,475 $21,751 $61,089 $79,540 $188,992 $323,240 $57,775 $23,138 $20,648 $14,595 $19,893 $840,217
2007/2008 $26,279 $14,948 $26,623 $60,871 $114,344 $203,054 $362,939 $60,403 $34,262 $19,440 $17,944 $15,076 $956,183
2008/2009 $18,344 $13,399 $23,789 $52,809 $91,805 $192,617 $347,817 $58,346 $23,642 $19,728 $12,954 $10,983 $866,233
2009/2010 $19,477 $14,463 $32,182 $63,689 $67,669 $240,487 $412,028 $65,444 $26,234 $23,042 $50,203 $55,623 $1,070,541
2010/2011 $84,551 $18,112 $30,208 $63,785 $91,669 $231,388 $462,079 $56,684 $32,886 $37,981 $18,278 $15,431 $1,143,052
2011/2012 $39,952 $21,515 $35,761 $82,154 $118,188 $264,235 $531,116 $59,412 $47,525 $37,085 $14,978 $13,141 $1,265,062
2012/2013 $37,104 $19,268 $34,216 $94,314 $124,921 $219,346 $582,861 $90,012 $45,445 $40,211 $15,982 $16,249 $1,319,929
2013/2014 $38,983 $23,686 $46,013 $113,055 $152,407 $278,202 $669,832 $111,727 $47,175 $55,723 $31,761 $29,195 $1,597,759
2014/2015 $51,794 $33,782 $60,359 $151,936 $146,758 $354,350 $790,643 $116,876 $70,976 $76,779 $33,550 $26,069 $1,913,872
2015/2016 $60,967 $36,867 $68,114 $157,270 $162,164 $444,282 $887,877 $124,587 $75,496 $73,065 $40,103 $35,487 $2,166,279
2016/2017 $57,428 $29,696 $53,673 $170,875 $181,452 $480,269 $798,816 $116,418 $64,600 $73,171 $32,066 $17,110 $2,075,574
2017/2018 $61,496 $39,684 $62,488 $229,125 $166,958 $364,363 $1,047,501 $280,430 $105,406 $113,790 $41,884 $36,953 $2,550,078
2018/2019 $83,515.92 $1,774.30 $103,548.02 $352,731.76 $229,218.90 $490,764.02 $1,129,514.83 $2,391,068
TOTAL:$615,087 $288,955 $623,617 $1,699,971 $1,789,672 $4,125,075 $8,636,730 $1,254,099 $620,927 $608,568 $338,350 $301,880 $20,902,931
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2005/2006 $284,057 $467,480 $720,774 $761,245 $1,112,751 $1,512,646 $1,716,480 $1,253,822 $855,707 $647,441 $626,697 $488,099 $10,447,199
2006/2007 $371,144 $531,060 $735,510 $744,056 $1,163,479 $1,582,476 $1,772,635 $1,282,854 $829,704 $641,921 $614,936 $533,317 $10,803,092
2007/2008 $450,926 $600,629 $663,134 $899,608 $1,210,928 $1,557,503 $1,811,406 $1,370,272 $738,197 $715,412 $647,247 $503,218 $11,168,480
2008/2009 $326,143 $547,238 $683,525 $804,914 $926,626 $1,244,914 $1,240,850 $1,012,168 $653,733 $484,556 $539,652 $482,466 $8,946,785
2009/2010 $367,978 $469,435 $611,459 $712,102 $1,010,110 $1,243,041 $1,434,996 $1,081,251 $698,121 $477,576 $532,222 $454,761 $9,093,052
2010/2011 $333,456 $555,623 $619,659 $684,174 $953,504 $1,315,029 $1,587,010 $1,132,637 $737,285 $567,319 $611,275 $569,446 $9,666,417
2011/2012 $410,547 $599,695 $765,114 $796,797 $1,113,647 $1,478,881 $1,662,425 $1,202,831 $787,911 $585,887 $662,575 $552,740 $10,619,050
2012/2013 $495,304 $623,240 $817,839 $841,115 $1,297,086 $1,528,434 $2,029,146 $1,189,336 $899,504 $657,869 $713,107 $550,807 $11,642,787
2013/2014 $421,418 $763,375 $861,981 $987,059 $1,521,759 $1,892,765 $2,217,126 $1,509,105 $1,053,566 $739,111 $836,888 $829,790 $13,633,943
2014/2015 $489,410 $800,822 $978,573 $1,246,839 $1,628,493 $2,041,235 $2,567,419 $1,640,157 $904,647 $714,526 $791,187 $719,164 $14,522,472
2015/2016 $587,337 $828,572 $1,055,353 $1,284,152 $1,686,637 $2,079,266 $2,455,547 $1,467,836 $974,845 $692,049 $885,940 $672,676 $14,670,210
2016/2017 $626,746 $877,729 $1,017,788 $1,287,233 $1,563,872 $2,039,072 $2,372,645 $1,759,078 $1,094,422 $813,074 $977,476 $673,803 $15,102,938
2017/2018 $613,533 $1,022,812 $1,308,642 $1,685,174 $2,115,325 $2,571,812 $3,327,182 $2,065,121 $1,369,241 $1,028,140 $1,055,983 $799,929 $18,962,894
2018/2019 $724,286.94 $962,307.83 $1,460,291.29 $1,852,775.41 $2,236,571.69 $2,909,402.55 $3,417,528.21 $13,563,164
TOTAL:$6,502,286 $9,650,018 $12,299,642 $14,587,243 $19,540,789 $24,996,477 $29,612,395 $17,966,468 $11,596,883 $8,764,881 $9,495,185 $7,830,216 $172,842,483
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2005/2006 $865 $2,254 $3,617 $4,037 $7,099 $8,669 $15,490 $9,765 $8,182 $4,710 $7,116 $5,100 $76,904
2006/2007 $2,028 $3,691 $9,886 $10,092 $19,130 $24,221 $26,340 $17,397 $9,043 $6,290 $12,221 $6,099 $146,438
2007/2008 $6,597 $7,295 $10,353 $10,716 $20,438 $19,074 $20,960 $13,613 $7,614 $7,215 $7,767 $6,333 $137,975
2008/2009 $4,897 $5,623 $7,807 $10,438 $14,909 $13,650 $20,868 $21,687 $10,080 $11,449 $13,356 $13,307 $148,071
2009/2010 $10,156 $9,509 $13,274 $20,198 $17,462 $28,801 $34,980 $31,383 $12,115 $19,999 $15,197 $9,839 $222,913
2010/2011 $7,444 $5,816 $13,426 $18,029 $17,347 $22,275 $27,152 $28,303 $16,540 $6,406 $14,542 $9,450 $186,730
2011/2012 $4,990 $7,843 $11,914 $14,375 $18,080 $18,075 $22,054 $23,386 $10,833 $11,349 $16,720 $6,776 $166,395
2012/2013 $7,420 $9,011 $8,739 $10,799 $18,677 $30,204 $25,897 $17,922 $11,497 $15,806 $14,176 $13,514 $183,662
2013/2014 $7,725 $9,110 $10,946 $16,611 $16,706 $24,095 $25,334 $25,782 $11,816 $10,651 $18,300 $9,171 $186,247
2014/2015 $7,907 $9,119 $9,317 $12,089 $20,035 $18,110 $29,146 $23,859 $12,435 $11,037 $9,440 $8,348 $170,842
2015/2016 $6,528 $8,747 $8,746 $11,803 $17,912 $18,711 $23,039 $16,287 $9,077 $8,436 $12,384 $9,435 $151,105
2016/2017 $6,671 $6,505 $7,993 $11,488 $14,095 $13,429 $26,460 $15,473 $15,673 $14,178 $17,732 $12,203 $161,900
2017/2018 $5,645 $7,545 $10,429 $15,348 $15,016 $20,863 $3,332 $826 $327 $48,473 $56,909 $39,705 $224,418
2018/2019 $30,989.69 $41,637.87 $45,997.80 $49,741.09 $47,019.02 $56,968.44 $76,020.18 $348,374.09
TOTAL:$109,863 $133,706 $172,445 $215,764 $263,925 $317,145 $377,072 $245,683 $135,232 $175,999 $215,860 $149,280 $2,511,974
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2005/2006 $26 $312 $554 $517 $129 $779 $2,399 $45 $51 $89 $14 $2 $4,917
2006/2007 $3,093 $482 $203 $620 $1,110 $2,831 $2,017 $700 $828 $133 $160 $170 $12,347
2007/2008 $172 $288 $768 $1,444 $3,492 $1,941 $4,349 $557 $218 $461 $348 $450 $14,488
2008/2009 $43 $162 $1,057 $1,229 $1,982 $3,139 $4,012 $1,175 $702 $228 $249 $194 $14,172
2009/2010 $438 $746 $974 $1,688 $2,479 $1,940 $5,061 $2,170 $911 $516 $292 $464 $17,679
2010/2011 $352 $705 $1,477 $2,940 $3,895 $4,309 $5,743 $1,692 $879 $312 $266 $257 $22,827
2011/2012 $228 $517 $543 $1,455 $1,392 $3,710 $4,826 $1,441 $466 $126 $156 $157 $15,017
2012/2013 $126 $281 $1,558 $1,306 $1,815 $3,131 $6,289 $814 $1,025 ($564)$327 $146 $16,254
2013/2014 $64 $80 $112 $842 $1,238 $1,737 $4,279 $505 $128 $19 $106 $6 $9,116
2014/2015 $19 $23 $116 $1,531 $522 $1,121 $5,015 $799 $552 $17 $16 $17 $9,748
2015/2016 $0 $37 $159 $585 $657 $2,431 $3,617 $534 $160 $187 $27 $19 $8,413
2016/2017 $18 $20 $323 $409 $610 $1,890 $2,965 $536 $46 $87 $38 $31 $6,973
2017/2018 $74 $69 $113 $417 $1,123 $952 $3,332 $826 $327 $114 $60 $66 $7,473
2018/2019 $45.34 $135.85 $255.84 $1,285.66 $1,417.22 $1,330.90 $2,984.09 $7,454.90
TOTAL:$4,698 $3,858 $8,213 $16,269 $21,861 $31,242 $56,888 $11,794 $6,293 $1,725 $2,059 $1,979 $166,879
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2005/2006 $21,925 $37,853 $75,051 $208,942 $510,259 $486,827 $320,765 $152,766 $50,440 $48,929 $67,147 $34,644 $2,015,548
2006/2007 $23,565 $48,345 $72,589 $205,848 $533,649 $484,299 $370,561 $117,786 $32,077 $56,839 $56,844 $51,153 $2,053,555
2007/2008 $20,882 $53,052 $80,700 $223,546 $529,475 $474,235 $393,053 $97,329 $70,463 $39,158 $72,047 $47,923 $2,101,863
2008/2009 $29,856 $38,351 $66,371 $209,977 $540,182 $457,009 $262,916 $107,095 $44,859 $37,426 $59,058 $51,270 $1,904,370
2009/2010 $19,813 $41,738 $68,084 $210,249 $539,102 $441,771 $357,570 $112,468 $37,806 $36,973 $55,189 $37,468 $1,958,231
2010/2011 $18,057 $31,513 $66,367 $185,189 $490,560 $382,195 $312,031 $99,230 $43,978 $36,515 $62,275 $33,265 $1,761,175
2011/2012 $21,829 $46,255 $83,167 $251,500 $593,055 $476,112 $382,637 $112,328 $44,490 $54,563 $66,272 $38,104 $2,170,312
2012/2013 $45,837 $53,488 $69,744 $242,970 $548,304 $525,072 $443,408 $112,590 $53,536 $66,625 $72,661 $56,214 $2,290,449
2013/2014 $51,012 $59,677 $107,059 $311,312 $771,345 $481,773 $521,311 $174,440 $68,490 $71,114 $76,292 $115,045 $2,808,870
2014/2015 $60,779 $86,730 $145,207 $408,875 $1,097,400 $565,988 $534,043 $203,715 $73,145 $83,786 $116,492 $93,676 $3,469,836
2015/2016 $69,988 $96,322 $147,370 $451,832 $1,218,684 $613,623 $532,594 $195,205 $64,140 $79,911 $127,179 $76,456 $3,673,304
2016/2017 $31,571 $116,434 $167,433 $384,193 $1,002,041 $587,136 $521,839 $214,141 $69,897 $75,495 $117,815 $59,962 $3,347,957
2017/2018 $80,503 $127,192 $203,456 $522,909 $1,356,549 $788,417 $754,425 $221,403 $114,124 $119,545 $132,715 $77,753 $4,498,991
2018/2019 $43,404.47 $95,373.52 $180,109.33 $451,257.11 $1,325,950.28 $727,445.30 $703,023.15 $3,526,563.16
TOTAL:$539,021 $932,324 $1,532,707 $4,268,599 $11,056,555 $7,491,902 $6,410,176 $1,920,496 $767,445 $806,879 $1,081,986 $772,933 $37,581,024
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2005/2006 $2,009 $2,462 $6,622 $17,116 $21,543 $30,174 $33,024 $11,607 $5,331 $3,474 $3,313 $3,135 $139,810
2006/2007 $3,579 $4,746 $11,676 $11,640 $20,946 $27,551 $38,732 $9,843 $5,634 $2,542 $2,679 $2,917 $142,485
2007/2008 $2,813 $3,141 $5,568 $14,015 $22,010 $27,176 $32,516 $13,625 $3,740 $3,059 $2,716 $2,530 $132,909
2008/2009 $2,648 $3,212 $4,849 $13,465 $39,031 $26,499 $40,324 $8,261 $3,491 $2,910 $1,959 $1,859 $148,508
2009/2010 $2,494 $2,999 $5,825 $13,772 $21,117 $30,227 $41,973 $7,260 $3,551 $1,501 $3,616 $1,954 $136,289
2010/2011 $1,903 $3,102 $5,296 $14,095 $18,919 $25,457 $42,028 $7,013 $3,961 $1,735 $3,441 $2,802 $129,752
2011/2012 $1,892 $3,546 $5,271 $11,540 $28,012 $27,270 $22,208 $7,704 $19,524 $2,046 $3,239 $2,103 $134,355
2012/2013 $2,387 $2,995 $6,424 $14,205 $23,600 $25,327 $37,713 $10,830 $3,897 $2,184 $4,143 $2,221 $135,926
2013/2014 $1,993 $3,212 $5,155 $14,761 $36,764 $35,967 $28,369 $11,973 $5,362 $3,463 $3,354 $3,157 $153,530
2014/2015 $3,597 $6,207 $9,069 $22,943 $38,241 $27,390 $46,976 $9,553 $4,949 $3,096 $3,347 $2,309 $177,677
2015/2016 $2,724 $4,412 $8,772 $20,618 $37,682 $31,554 $30,013 $8,095 $6,071 $2,937 $4,443 $1,717 $159,038
2016/2017 $7,602 $7,952 $8,080 $21,613 $34,788 $34,222 $32,073 $12,719 $4,890 $2,697 $3,482 $1,890 $172,008
2017/2018 $1,279 $5,875 $10,173 $23,802 $44,929 $40,963 $38,852 $22,224 $4,825 $4,353 $4,930 $2,992 $205,197
2018/2019 $3,042.79 $5,658.18 $11,653.59 $27,459.49 $40,703.67 $42,693.27 $57,279.72 $188,490.71
TOTAL:$39,963 $59,519 $104,434 $241,044 $428,286 $432,470 $522,081 $140,707 $75,226 $35,997 $44,662 $31,586 $2,155,975
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2005/2006 $9,710 $3,439 $4,409 $18,100 $17,773 $24,067 $52,042 $15,400 $5,945 $9,955 $6,729 $3,319 $170,888
2006/2007 $13,559 $4,549 $6,049 $20,838 $14,666 $23,955 $67,207 $13,573 $6,254 $16,936 $7,301 $8,453 $203,340
2007/2008 $17,673 $7,136 $12,482 $27,895 $15,617 $22,793 $82,815 $18,577 $11,121 $19,502 $8,797 $10,929 $255,337
2008/2009 $17,263 $11,147 $10,098 $33,205 $16,416 $33,371 $97,716 $19,903 $11,470 $23,375 $12,173 $9,587 $295,724
2009/2010 $24,226 $7,933 $12,349 $33,206 $16,749 $41,749 $113,111 $20,584 $9,537 $23,926 $12,516 $17,674 $333,560
2010/2011 $31,981 $9,989 $12,618 $39,011 $20,626 $40,342 $126,367 $27,892 $12,448 $28,622 $20,527 $9,345 $379,768
2011/2011 $45,000 $11,899 $21,462 $49,877 $28,960 $51,324 $151,981 $26,449 $21,948 $38,055 $14,146 $33,708 $494,809
2012/2013 $38,478 $20,317 $19,333 $64,759 $37,280 $58,743 $169,738 $37,878 $24,636 $47,914 $17,384 $13,850 $550,310
2013/2014 $52,554 $16,301 $22,264 $69,743 $46,047 $59,529 $246,183 $58,476 $28,202 $57,917 $23,435 $24,534 $705,185
2014/2015 $70,504 $28,196 $27,002 $102,653 $55,207 $89,876 $298,550 $52,158 $47,797 $69,675 $21,450 $26,396 $889,464
2015/2016 $67,138 $28,733 $31,540 $113,112 $59,552 $131,755 $361,396 $56,053 $34,679 $73,245 $26,281 $20,359 $1,003,843
2016/2017 $83,753 $21,429 $34,054 $113,691 $72,356 $139,427 $374,058 $83,333 $34,610 $89,029 $24,924 $20,192 $1,090,856
2017/2018 $86,058 $34,298 $44,503 $151,536 $65,860 $138,385 $492,868 $123,942 $47,377 $115,151 $50,860 $43,497 $1,394,335
2018/2019 $92,770.15 $92,911.35 $61,621.67 $230,497.84 $121,632.27 $212,698.54 $648,237.66 $1,460,369.48
TOTAL:$650,667 $298,277 $319,785 $1,068,124 $588,741 $1,068,015 $3,282,270 $554,218 $296,024 $613,302 $246,523 $241,843 $9,227,788
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2005/2006 $1,466 $198 $874 $1,987 $3,447 $6,076 $10,463 $1,504 $4,446 $1,740 $179 $29 $32,409
2006/2007 $2,403 $320 $1,387 $2,519 $3,479 $4,476 $7,976 $1,601 $624 $692 $1,447 $284 $27,208
2007/2008 $296 $2,797 $964 $2,770 $6,901 $4,396 $5,539 $2,817 $587 $1,045 $176 $158 $28,446
2008/2009 $675 $111 $1,162 $1,700 $3,571 $4,192 $7,489 $1,210 $710 $349 $63 $41 $21,273
2009/2010 $367 $165 $947 $2,776 $3,910 $4,729 $6,041 $2,607 $1,350 $799 $133 $150 $23,974
2010/2011 $1,113 $260 $1,018 $2,495 $4,802 $5,119 $4,555 $3,300 $2,706 $879 $140 $133 $26,520
2011/2012 $896 $435 $1,497 $863 $5,735 $6,040 $10,405 $4,081 $1,847 $1,221 $166 $64 $33,250.00
2012/2013 $1,205 $5,819 $1,368 $7,009 $5,810 $6,385 $8,007 $4,216 $1,647 $1,764 $520 $504 $44,254.00
2013/2014 $1,152 $646 $2,975 $6,856 $5,244 $8,564 $9,155 $3,800 $1,300 $1,372 $527 $926 $42,517.00
2014/2015 $801 $900 $4,565 $2,897 $5,534 $7,732 $7,636 $2,667 $984 $542 $133 $63 $34,454.00
2015/2016 $0 $32 $582 $1,003 $1,100 $1,714 $1,380 $774 $20 $0 $0 $0 $6,605.00
2016/2017 $102 $0 $0 $366 $911 $928 $887 $146 $31 $0 $0 $0 $3,371.00
2017/2018 $304 $0 $0 $39 $993 $729 $1,442 $176 $0 $93 $0 $0 $3,776.00
2018/2019 $256.10 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $216.43 $1,232.08 $1,704.61
TOTAL:$11,036 $11,683 $17,339 $33,280 $51,437 $61,296 $82,207 $28,899 $16,252 $10,496 $3,484 $2,352 $329,761.61
CAC May 9, 2019
VII-1 Staff Reports
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2005/2006 $38,173 $523,284 $836,793 $1,058,211 $1,735,579 $2,241,964 $2,441,129 $1,500,894 $954,244 $734,243 $725,247 $544,998 $13,334,759
2006/2007 $436,452 $605,668 $859,051 $1,056,702 $1,835,999 $2,338,801 $2,608,708 $1,501,529 $907,302 $746,001 $710,183 $622,286 $14,228,682
2007/2008 $525,638 $689,286 $800,592 $1,240,865 $1,923,205 $2,310,172 $2,713,577 $1,577,193 $866,202 $805,292 $757,042 $586,617 $14,795,681
2008/2009 $399,869 $619,243 $798,658 $1,127,737 $1,634,522 $1,975,391 $2,021,992 $1,229,845 $748,687 $580,021 $639,464 $569,707 $12,345,136
2009/2010 $444,949 $546,988 $745,094 $1,057,680 $1,678,598 $2,032,871 $2,406,026 $1,323,167 $789,625 $584,332 $669,368 $577,933 $12,856,631
2010/2011 $478,857 $625,120 $750,069 $1,009,718 $1,601,322 $2,026,114 $2,566,965 $1,356,751 $850,683 $679,769 $730,744 $640,129 $13,316,241
2011/2012 $525,334 $691,705 $924,729 $1,208,561 $1,907,069 $2,325,647 $2,787,652 $1,437,632 $934,544 $730,332 $778,252 $646,793 $14,898,250
2012/2013 $627,861 $734,419 $959,221 $1,276,477 $2,057,493 $2,396,642 $3,303,059 $1,463,598 $1,041,187 $831,809 $838,300 $653,505 $16,183,571
2013/2014 $574,901 $876,087 $1,056,505 $1,520,239 $2,551,510 $2,782,632 $3,721,589 $1,895,808 $1,216,039 $939,370 $990,663 $1,011,824 $19,137,167
2014/2015 $684,811 $965,779 $1,234,208 $1,949,763 $2,992,190 $3,105,802 $4,279,428 $2,049,784 $1,115,485 $959,458 $975,615 $876,042 $21,188,365
2015/2016 $794,682 $1,003,722 $1,320,636 $2,040,375 $3,184,388 $3,323,336 $4,295,463 $1,869,371 $1,164,488 $929,830 $1,096,357 $816,149 $21,838,797
2016/2017 $813,891 $1,059,765 $1,289,344 $1,989,868 $2,870,125 $3,296,373 $4,129,743 $2,201,844 $1,284,169 $1,067,731 $1,173,533 $785,191 $21,961,577
2017/2018 $848,892 $1,237,475 $1,639,804 $2,628,350 $3,766,753 $3,926,484 $5,697,311 $2,756,497 $1,684,247 $1,343,341 $1,317,113 $1,000,986 $27,847,253
2018/2019 $978,311.40 $1,196,380.00 $1,863,477.54 $2,965,748.36 $4,003,538.80 $4,441,519.45 $6,035,819.92 $21,484,795.47
TOTAL:$8,172,621 $11,374,921 $15,078,182 $22,130,294 $33,742,292 $38,523,748 $49,008,462 $22,163,913 $13,556,902 $10,931,529 $11,401,881 $9,332,160 $245,416,905
CAC May 9, 2019
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Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman
OBJECTIVE: Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman.
CONSIDERATIONS: In accordance with ordinance No. 2001-03 at its earliest
opportunity, the membership of the Committee shall elect a chairman and vice-chairman from
among the members. Officers’ terms shall be for a period of one (1) year, with eligibility for
GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan
related to this action.
RECOMMENDATION: To elect a Chairman and Vice-Chairman to serve on the CAC for the
next year.
Prepared By: Gail Hambright, CZM
CAC May 9, 2018
VIII-1 New Business
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Review of CAC Applicants
OBJECTIVE: To make recommendation to the BCC for appointment to the Coastal Advisory
CONSIDERATIONS: Current committee member, Jim Burke and David Trecker terms
expire on May 22, 2019 repr esenting the area of Collier County. County Ordinance indicates
that Advisory Boards and Councils are encouraged to make recommendation on vacancies on
their Board or Council.
Attached is a recap of the applicant for this vacancy. Please review these applicants with the goal
to make recommendations for appointment to the two (2) CAC vacancy.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: County Ordinance indicates that staff is not to make
recommendations for County Commission appointments.
RECOMMENDATION: To review applicants and make recommendations for appointment to
theses CAC vacancies.
Prepared By: Gail Hambright, CZM Accountant
CAC May 9, 2019
VIII-2 New Business
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Advisory Board Application Form
Collier County Government
3299 Tamiami Trail East, Suite 800
Naples, FL 34112
(239) 252-8400
Application was received on: 3/25/2019 4:29:12 PM.
Name: David John Trecker Home Phone: 239-597-5675
Home Address: 709 Turkey Oak Lane
City: Naples Zip Code: 34108
Phone Numbers
E-Mail Address:
Board or Committee: Coastal Advisory Committee
Category: Collier County
Place of Employment: Retired
How long have you lived in Collier County: more than 15
How many months out of the year do you reside in Collier County: I am a year-round resident
Have you been convicted or found guilty of a criminal offense (any level felony or first degree
misdemeanor only)? No
Not Indicated
Do you or your employer do business with the County? No
Not Indicated
NOTE: All advisory board members must update their profile and notify the Board of County
Commissioners in the event that their relationship changes relating to memberships of organizations
that may benefit them in the outcome of advisory board recommendations or they enter into contracts
with the County.
Would you and/or any organizations with which you are affiliated benefit from decisions or
recommendations made by this advisory board? No
Not Indicated
Are you a registered voter in Collier County? Yes
Do you currently hold an elected office? No
Do you now serve, or have you ever served on a Collier County board or committee? Yes
Pelican Bay Services Division Coastal Advisory Committee
Please list your community activities and positions held:
Pelican Bay Foundation board (2002-04), chairman 2003-04. Pelican Bay Property Owners Association
board (2006-10), chairman 2008-10. Pelican Bay Services Division board (2011-17), chairman 2014. Past
president of Greater Naples Better Government Committee. Current VP of Collier County Presidents
Council. Collier Citizens Council (2003-present), current president. Current board member of Classic
Chamber Concerts. Coastal Advisory Committee (2017-present).
A.B. in chemistry - Ripon College M.S. and Ph.D. in organic chemistry - University of Chicago
Experience / Background
Research Scientist and Product Manager - Union Carbide Vice President and Senior Vice President -
Advisory Board Application Form
Collier County Government
3299 Tamiami Trail East, Suite 800
Naples, FL 34112
(239) 252-8400
Application was received on: 4/1/2019 11:38:36 AM.
Name: Maurice James Burke Home Phone: 239 598-3140
Home Address: 5801 Glencove Drive, Apt. 508
City: Naples Zip Code: 34108
Phone Numbers - Business: 239 273-8102
E-Mail Address:
Board or Committee: Coastal Advisory Committee
Category: Citizen at large
Place of Employment: Commissioner, North Collier Fire&Rescue District
How long have you lived in Collier County: more than 15
How many months out of the year do you reside in Collier County: I am a year-round
Have you been convicted or found guilty of a criminal offense (any level felony or first
degree misdemeanor only)? No
Not Indicated
Do you or your employer do business with the County? Yes
The North Collier Fire District provides emergency medical services in partnership with CCEMS
and within the protocols established by the CC Medical Director. In addition the NCFD leases
station space to CCEMS.
NOTE: All advisory board members must update their profile and notify the Board of County
Commissioners in the event that their relationship changes relating to memberships of organizations that
may benefit them in the outcome of advisory board recommendations or they enter into contracts with the
Would you and/or any organizations with which you are affiliated benefit from decisions
or recommendations made by this advisory board? No
Not Indicated
Are you a registered voter in Collier County? Yes
Do you currently hold an elected office? Yes
Do you now serve, or have you ever served on a Collier County board or committee? Yes
Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee, Pelican Bay Services Division, 2000-2008
Please list your community activities and positions held:
Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee, Pelican Bay Services Division Board, North Collier
Fire District Commissioner, Collier Harvest Volunteer - 20 years St. William Knights of
Columbus, Council&Assembly Glencove in Pelican Bay Board of Directors Collier County
Republican Executive Committee Collier County Republican Men’s Club
BS, Industrial Relations, LeMoyne College, Syracuse, NY
Experience / Background
Management positions with Proctor&Gamble, Holiday Inns Hotels, Promus Hotels.
Board of County Commissioners
3299 East Tamiami Trail, Suite 800
Naples, FL 34112
(239) 252-8400
Application for Advisory Committees/Boards
Name:_____________________________________________________ Home Phone: _________________
Home Address: _____________________________________________________Zip Code:______________
Business Phone:___________________ E-mail address:_______________________________________
Board or Committee Applied for:____________________________________________________________
Category (if applicable):____________________________________________________________________
Example: Commission District, Developer, environmentalist, lay person, etc.
How long have you lived in Collier County: ____
How many months out of the year do you reside in Collier County: _____
Have you ever been convicted or found guilty of a criminal offense (any level felony or first degree misdemeanor
only)? Yes _____ No _____ If yes, explain:
Place of Employment:______________________________________________________________________
Do you or your employer do business with the County? Yes _____ No _____ If yes, explain:______________
Would you and/or any organizations with which you are affiliated benefit from decisions or recommendations
made by this advisory board? Yes____No____If yes, explain: ________________________________________
NOTE:All advisory board members must update their profile and notify the Board of County Commissioners in the
event that their relationship changes relating to memberships of organizations that may benefit them in the outcome
of advisory board recommendations or they enter into contracts with the County.
Are you a registered voter in Collier County: Yes _____ No _____
Do you currently hold public office? Yes _____ No _____If so, what is that office?___________________
Kelsey Browne 239-564-7674
203 Willoughby Drive Naples, FL 34110
Coastal Advisory Committee
24 years
Brown & Brown of Southwest Florida
Do you now serve, or have you ever served, on a Collier County board or committee? Yes _____ No _____ If
yes, please list the committees/boards:
Please list your community activities (civic clubs, neighborhood associations, etc. and positions held:
Please attach any additional information you feel pertinent. This application should be forwarded to
or by mail or in person to Wanda Rodriguez,, 3299 East Tamiami Trail, Suite #800, Naples, FL 34112.
Thank you for volunteering to serve the citizens of Collier County.
-Leadership Collier Alumni Foundation 2019 Growing Associates in Naples (GAIN) Graduate
-2017-2018 Emerging Leader Award, National Association of Healthcare Underwriters, SWFL Chapter
-Mentor with Champions for Learning, Take Stock in Children Program
-Secretary, The Naples Players Membership Committee, 2018-Present
-Team Captain, Make a Wish Foundation "Walk for Wishes" 2018
-Dance Captain, Florida Everblades Organization, 2015-2017
Wake Forest University 2010-2014 BA with Cum Laude Distinction
Major in English with Double Minor in Film & Entrepreneurship and Social Enterprise
As an Employee Benefits Advisor, it is my responsibility to develop and nurture relationships with
client partners and community members. This involves educating both employees and decision makers on the
world that is health care in the United States today. A rare breed local, I grew up in Naples and moved back down
to Southwest Florida upon graduating from Wake Forest University in 2014. After graduation, I became
certified as a Pure Barre teacher and I continue to teach in both the Naples and Estero studios. I am passionate
about educating individuals on how to lead healthy lives and work toward a state of total mind/body wellness.
I believe I can devote this same energy to leading as a citizen on the Coastal Advisory Committee. Thank you
for taking th time to review my application and for your consideration.
Recommendation to approve the staff recommended Tourist Development Council Grant
application requests from the City of Naples, the City of Marco Island and Collier County for FY-
2019-2020 in the amount of $9,710,300; budget these expenditures; approve agreement; and make a
finding that these expenditures will promote tourism.
OBJECTIVE: To obtain approval of Tourist Development Fund 195 Grant application requests for
2019-2020 in the amount of $9,710,300.
Tourist Development Council Fund 195 Grant applications
To review and approve the received TDC Grant Applications as follows:
FY2019/2020 STAFF
1.Beach Renourishment Projects
Park Shore Beach Engineering, NTP & Renourishment - 90067 $2,500,000 $2,500,000
Clam Pass Beach Engineering, NTP & Renourishment - 90069 $3,000,000 $3,000,000
Marco Island South, NTP & Renourishment - 90071 $1,450,000 $1,450,000
USACE Feasibility Study Technical Support - 80366 $150,000 $150,000
SUB-TOTAL $7,100,000 $7,100,000
2.Inlet Projects
Wiggins Pass Monitoring/Dredging - 80288 $150,000 150,000
Doctors Pass Monitoring/Dredging - 90549 $25,000 $25,000
Clam Pass Dredging (Pelican Bay) - 88032 $289,400 $289,400
SUB-TOTAL $464,400 $464,400
Beach Tilling - Collier County - 80171 $30,000 $30,000
Biological Monitoring Nearshore Hardbottom - 90033 $185,000 $185,000
Shorebird Monitoring - 90297 $25,000 $25,000
Physical Beach and Pass Monitoring - (Vanderbilt, Clam Pass
Beach, Park Shore, Naples and Marco South Beaches along with
Wiggins, Doctors, Collier Creek and Caxambas Pass) - 90536
$170,000 $170,000
Sea Turtle Protection Program - Collier County - $170,000 $170,000
SUB-TOTAL $410,000 $410,000
4.Beach Maintenance
Beach Maintenance - City of Naples - 90527 $191,000 $191,000
Beach Maintenance - Collier County/Marco Island - 90533 $200,000 $200,000
Vegetation Repairs/Exotic Removal - County Wide - 90044 $25,000 $25,000
SUB-TOTAL $416,000 $416,000
Naples Pier Annualized Repair & Maintenance - 90096 $135,000 $135,000
SUB-TOTAL $135,000 $135,000
CAC May 9, 2019
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6. Administration
195 Admin Costs - 90020 $75,000 $75,000
185 Project Management and Administration - 99195 $882,400 $882,400
Tax Collector Fee’s (2.5%) - 99195 $227,500 $227,500
SUB-TOTAL $1,184,900 1,184,900
TOTAL GRANTS $9,710,300 $9,710,300
1. Beach Renourishment Projects: Exceptional beach experience for our residents and visitors has been at
the heart of our success in the past. These projects are required to maintain that experience. Approval
is recommended.
2. Inlet Projects: Projects required to maintain the beaches, inlets and the engineering and permitting
required to support construction. Approval is recommended.
3. Regulatory and Permit Compliance: All these items are required by FDEP permit, required by law or
required to maintain critical programs between required permit activities. Approval is recommended.
4. Beach Maintenance: Beach maintenance is required along with beach renourishment to experience an
exceptional experience for our visitors and residents. Approval is recommended.
5. Structures: The City of Naples was requesting $135,000 in grant funding for the upkeep and safety of
the Naples pier. Approval is recommended
6. Administration: A summary spreadsheet outlining all administrative program and project management
cost is attached. Approval is recommended.
FISCAL IMPACT: The Fiscal Year 2019/2020 proposed Beach Renourishment Fund 195 budget
appropriates funding for these grant applications. The source of funds is Tourist Development Tax
GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the growth management plan related to
this action.
ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff is recommending approval of these
LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is approved as to form and legality and requires majority vote
for approval. – CMG
RECOMMENDATION: To approve the staff recommended Tourist Development Council Grant
application requests from the City of Naples, the City of Marco Island and Collier County for FY-2019-
2020 in the amount of $9,710,300; budget these expenditures; approve agreement; and make a finding
that these expenditures will promote tourism.
Prepared By: J. Gary McAlpin, P.E., Coastal Zone Management, Capital Project Planning, Impact Fees
and Program Management Division
CAC May 9, 2019
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Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance
Park Shore Beach Engineering
NTP & Renourishment
(No. 90067)
1.Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization:
Coastal Zone Management
Collier County Government
2685 South Horseshoe Drive
Unit 103
Naples, Florida 34104
2.Contact Person, Title and Phone Number:
Name: Gail Hambright, Accountant
Address: Collier County Government
2685 S. Horseshoe Drive
City Naples ST FL ZIP 34104
Phone: 252-2966
3.Organization’s Chief Official and Title:
William L. McDaniel, Jr., BCC Chairman
Board of County Commissioners
4.Details of Project- Description and Location: Truck haul beach
renourishment of the Park Shore Beach to include North Park Shore R-44 to
R-48, and Park Shore R-49 to R-54.
5.Estimated project start date: October 1, 2019
6.Estimated project duration: 12 Months
CAC May 9, 2019
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Collier County Tourist Development Council
Category “A” Grant Application Page 2
Park Shore Beach Engineering
NTP & Renourishment
(No. 90067)
7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $2,500.00
8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project
be restructured to accommodate a smaller award?
Yes (X) No ( )
TDC Funds Requested $ 2,500,000.00
City/Taxing District Share $ ___________
State of Florida Share $ ___________
Federal Share $ ___________
TOTAL $ 2,500,000.00
(Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc)
__Analysis and Submittal $ 2,500,000.00
__________________________________ $___________
__________________________________ $___________
__________________________________ $___________
TOTAL $ 2,500,000.00
I have read the Tourist Development Category “A” Beach Funding Policy covering
beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will
comply with all guidelines and criteria.
Signature of Sponsor Organization’s Chief Official Date
CAC May 9, 2019
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Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance
Clam Pass Beach Engineering
NTP & Renourishment
(No. 90069)
1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization:
Coastal Zone Management
Collier County Government
2685 South Horseshoe Drive
Unit 103
Naples, Florida 34104
2. Contact Person, Title and Phone Number:
Name: Gail Hambright, Accountant
Address: Collier County Government
2685 S. Horseshoe Drive
City Naples ST FL ZIP 34104
Phone: 252-2966
3. Organization’s Chief Official and Title:
William L. McDaniel, Jr., BCC Chairman
Board of County Commissioners
4. Details of Project- Description and Location: Clam Pass Beach Engineering,
NTP and renourishment (25,000 CY’s) – Truck haul beach renourishment of
the Clam Pass Beach from R-42 to R44.
5. Estimated project start date: October 1, 2019
6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months
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Collier County Tourist Development Council
Category “A” Grant Application Page 2
Clam Pass Beach Engineering
NTP & Renourishment
(No. 90069)
7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $3,000,000.00
8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project
be restructured to accommodate a smaller award?
Yes (X) No ( )
TDC Funds Requested $ 3,000,000.00
City/Taxing District Share $ ___________
State of Florida Share $ ___________
Federal Share $ ___________
TOTAL $ 3,000,000.00
(Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc)
__Analysis and Submittal $ 3,000,000.00
__________________________________ $___________
__________________________________ $___________
__________________________________ $___________
TOTAL $ 3,000,000.00
I have read the Tourist Development Category “A” Beach Funding Policy covering
beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will
comply with all guidelines and criteria.
Signature of Sponsor Organization’s Chief Official Date
CAC May 9, 2019
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Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance
Marco Island South
NTP & Renourishment
1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization:
Coastal Zone Management
Collier County Government
2685 South Horseshoe Drive
Unit 103
Naples, Florida 34104
2. Contact Person, Title and Phone Number:
Name: Gail Hambright, Accountant
Address: Collier County Government
2685 S. Horseshoe Drive
City Naples ST FL ZIP 34104
Phone: 252-2966
3. Organization’s Chief Official and Title:
William L. McDaniel, Jr., BCC Chairman
Board of County Commissioners
4. Details of Project- Description and Location: Five (5) year periodic
renourishment of South Marco Island Beaches from R-47 to G-4.
5. Estimated project start date: October 1, 2019
6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months
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Collier County Tourist Development Council
Category “A” Grant Application Page 2
Marco Island South
NTP & Renourishment
7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $1,450,000.00
8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project
be restructured to accommodate a smaller award?
Yes (X) No ( )
TDC Funds Requested $ 1,450,000.00
City/Taxing District Share $ ___________
State of Florida Share $ ___________
Federal Share $ ___________
TOTAL $ 1,450,000.00
(Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc)
__Analysis and Submittal $ 1,450,000.00
__________________________________ $___________
__________________________________ $___________
__________________________________ $___________
TOTAL $ 1,450,000.00
I have read the Tourist Development Category “A” Beach Funding Policy covering
beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will
comply with all guidelines and criteria.
Signature of Sponsor Organization’s Chief Official Date
CAC May 9, 2019
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Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance
USACE feasibility Study Technical Support
(No. )
1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization:
Coastal Zone Management
Collier County Government
2685 South Horseshoe Drive
Unit 103
Naples, Florida 34104
2. Contact Person, Title and Phone Number:
Name: Gail Hambright, Accountant
Address: Collier County Government
2685 S. Horseshoe Drive
City Naples ST FL ZIP 34104
Phone: 252-2966
3. Organization’s Chief Official and Title:
William L. McDaniel, Jr., BCC Chairman
Board of County Commissioners
4. Details of Project- Description and Location: Consultant support of the
USACE Feasibility Study.
5. Estimated project start date: October 1, 2019
6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months
CAC May 9, 2019
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Collier County Tourist Development Council
Category “A” Grant Application Page 2
USACE feasibility Study Technical Support
(No. )
7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $150,000
8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project
be restructured to accommodate a smaller award?
Yes (X) No ( )
TDC Funds Requested $ 150,000
City/Taxing District Share $ ___________
State of Florida Share $ ___________
Federal Share $ ___________
TOTAL $ 150,000
(Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc)
__Consultant $ 150,000
__________________________________ $___________
__________________________________ $___________
__________________________________ $___________
TOTAL $ 150,000
I have read the Tourist Development Category “A” Beach Funding Policy covering
beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will
comply with all guidelines and criteria.
Signature of Sponsor Organization’s Chief Official Date
CAC May 9, 2019
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Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance
Wiggins Pass Dredging
(No. 80288)
1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization:
Coastal Zone Management
Collier County Government
2685 S. Horseshoe Drive
Unit 103
Naples, Florida 34104
2. Contact Person, Title and Phone Number:
Name: Gail Hambright, Accountant
Address: Collier County Government
2685 S. Horseshoe Drive
City Naples ST FL ZIP 34104
Phone: 252-2966
3. Organization’s Chief Official and Title:
William L. McDaniel, Jr., BCC Chairman
Board of County Commissioners
4. Details of Project- Description and Location: Touchup dredging of the
Wiggins Pass channel to include engineering, monitoring and dredging.
5. Estimated project start date: October 1, 2019
6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months
7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $150,000
8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project
be restructured to accommodate a smaller award?
Yes (X) No ( )
CAC May 9, 2019
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Collier County Tourist Development Council
Category “A” Grant Application Page 2
Wiggins Pass Dredging
(No. 80288)
TDC Funds Requested $ 150,000.00
City/Taxing District Share $ ___________
State of Florida Share $ ___________
Federal Share $ ___________
TOTAL $ 150,000,00
(Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc)
__Contractual Services_______________ $_150,000.00
__________________________________ $___________
__________________________________ $___________
__________________________________ $___________
__________________________________ $___________
TOTAL $ 150,000.00
I have read the Tourist Development Category “A” Beach Funding Policy covering
beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will
comply with all guidelines and criteria.
Signature of Sponsor Organization’s Chief Official Date
CAC May 9, 2019
VIII-3 New Business
10 of 47
Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance
Doctors Pass Monitoring/Dredging
(No. 90549)
1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization:
Coastal Zone Management
Collier County Government
2685 South Horseshoe Drive
Suite 103
Naples, Florida 34104
2. Contact Person, Title and Phone Number:
Name: Gail Hambright, Accountant
Address: Collier County Government
2685 S. Horseshoe Drive
City Naples ST FL ZIP 34104
Phone: 252-2966
3. Organization’s Chief Official and Title:
William L. McDaniel, Jr., Chairman
Board of County Commissioners
4. Details of Project- Description and Location: Monitoring of the 2019/2020
dredging of Doctors Pass which removed approximately 30,000 Cy’s of beach
quality sand from the inlet and deposited on the down drift beaches.
5. Estimated project start date: October 1, 2019
6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months
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Collier County Tourist Development Council
Category “A” Grant Application Page 2
Doctors Pass Monitoring/Dredging
(No. 90549)
7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $25,000.00
8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project
be restructured to accommodate a smaller award?
Yes (X) No ( )
TDC Funds Requested $ 25,000.00
City/Taxing District Share $ ___________
State of Florida Share $ ___________
Federal Share $ ___________
TOTAL $ 25,000.00
(Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc)
Monitoring Activities $ 25,000.00
__________________________________ $___________
__________________________________ $___________
__________________________________ $___________
TOTAL $ 25,000.00
I have read the Tourist Development Category “A” Beach Funding Policy covering
beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will
comply with all guidelines and criteria.
Signature of Sponsor Organization’s Chief Official Date
CAC May 9, 2019
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Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance
Clam Pass Dredging (Pelican Bay)
(No. 88032)
1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization:
Coastal Zone Management
Collier County Government
2685 South Horseshoe Drive
Unit 103
Naples, Florida 34104
2. Contact Person, Title and Phone Number:
Name: Gail Hambright, Accountant
Address: Collier County Government
2685 S. Horseshoe Drive
City Naples ST FL ZIP 34104
Phone: 252-2966
3. Organization’s Chief Official and Title:
William L. McDaniel, Jr., BCC Chairman
Board of County Commissioners
4. Details of Project- Description and Location: Monitoring of the 2019/2020
dredging of Clam Pass which removed approximately 8,000 Cy’s of beach
quality sand from the inlet.
5. Estimated project start date: October 1, 2019
6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months
7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $289,400.00
8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project
be restructured to accommodate a smaller award?
Yes (X) No ( )
CAC May 9, 2019
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Collier County Tourist Development Council
Category “A” Grant Application Page 2
Clam Pass Dredging (Pelican Bay)
(No. 88032)
TDC Funds Requested $ 289,400.00
City/Taxing District Share $ ___________
State of Florida Share $ ___________
Federal Share $ ___________
TOTAL $ 289,400.00
(Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc)
__Contractual Services_______________ $ 289,400.00
__________________________________ $___________
__________________________________ $___________
__________________________________ $___________
__________________________________ $___________
TOTAL $ 289,400.00
I have read the Tourist Development Category “A” Beach Funding Policy covering
beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will
comply with all guidelines and criteria.
Signature of Sponsor Organization’s Chief Official Date
CAC May 9, 2019
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Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance
Beach Tilling – County Wide
1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization:
Coastal Zone Management
Collier County Government
2684 South Horseshoe Drive
Unit 103
Naples, Florida 34104
2. Contact Person, Title and Phone Number:
Name: Gail Hambright, Accountant
Address: Collier County Government
2685 S. Horseshoe Drive
City Naples ST FL ZIP 34104
Phone: 252-2966
3. Organization’s Chief Official and Title:
Andy Solis, Chairman
Board of County Commissioners
4. Details of Project- Description and Location: Beach tilling is required by
FDEP permit and is performed directly prior to turtle nesting Season.
Tilling is paid on an acre basis for re-nourished beaches. Approval is
5. Estimated project start date: October 1, 2019
6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months
7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $30,000.00
8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project
be restructured to accommodate a smaller award?
Yes ( ) No (X)
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Collier County Tourist Development Council
Category “A” Grant Application Page 2
Beach Tilling
TDC Funds Requested $ 30,000.00
City/Taxing District Share $ ________
State of Florida Share $ ________
Federal Share $ ________
TOTAL $ _30,000.00
(Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc)
__Contractual Services ________________ $_30,000.00
__________________________________ $_________
__________________________________ $_________
__________________________________ $_________
__________________________________ $_________
TOTAL $ _30,000.00
I have read the Tourist Development Category “A” Beach Funding Policy covering
beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will
comply with all guidelines and criteria.
Signature of Sponsor Organization’s Chief Official Date
CAC May 9, 2019
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Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance
Near Shore Hard Bottom Monitoring
(No. 90033)
1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization:
Coastal Zone Management
Collier County Government
2685 S. Horseshoe Drive
Unit 103
Naples, Florida 34104
2. Contact Person, Title and Phone Number:
Name: Gail Hambright, Accountant
Address: Collier County Government
2685 South Horseshoe Drive
Unit 103
City Naples ST FL ZIP 34104
Phone: 252-2966
3. Organization’s Chief Official and Title:
William L. McDaniel, Jr., Chairman
Board of County Commissioners
4. Details of Project- Description and Location: Biological Monitoring is
required by FDEP permit to determine the health of the near shore
hardbottom as a result of the recent renourishment. Approval is
5. Estimated project start date: October 1, 2019
6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months
7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $185,000.00
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Collier County Tourist Development Council
Category “A” Grant Application Page 2
8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project
be restructured to accommodate a smaller award?
Yes ( ) No (X)
Near Shore Hard Bottom Monitoring
(No. 90033)
TDC Funds Requested $ 185,000.00
City/Taxing District Share $ ___________
State of Florida Share $ ___________
Federal Share $ ___________
TOTAL $ 185,000.00
(Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc)
__Engineering Fees__________________ $_185,000.00
__________________________________ $___________
__________________________________ $___________
__________________________________ $___________
__________________________________ $___________
TOTAL $ 185,000.00
I have read the Tourist Development Category “A” Beach Funding Policy covering
beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will
comply with all guidelines and criteria.
Signature of Sponsor Organization’s Chief Official Date
CAC May 9, 2019
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Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance
Shorebird Monitoring
(No. 90297)
1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization:
Coastal Zone Management
Collier County Government
2685 South Horseshoe Drive
Unit 103
Naples, Florida 34104
2. Contact Person, Title and Phone Number:
Name: Gail Hambright, Accountant
Address: Collier County Government
2685 S. Horseshoe Drive
Unit 103
City Naples ST FL ZIP 34104
Phone: 252-2966
3. Organization’s Chief Official and Title:
William L. McDaniel, Jr., Chairman
Board of County Commissioners
4. Details of Project- Description and Location: Shorebird Monitoring is
required for Vanderbilt, Park Shore, Naples and Marco South Beaches by
FDEP permit. Approval is recommended.
5. Estimated project start date: October 1, 2019
6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months
7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $25,000.00
8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project
be restructured to accommodate a smaller award?
Yes ( ) No (X)
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Collier County Tourist Development Council
Category “A” Grant Application Page 2
Shorebird Monitoring
(No. 90297)
TDC Funds Requested $ 25,000.00
City/Taxing District Share $ ___________
State of Florida Share $ ___________
Federal Share $ ___________
TOTAL $ 25.000.00
(Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc)
__Contractual Services_______________ $_25,000.00
__________________________________ $___________
__________________________________ $___________
__________________________________ $___________
__________________________________ $___________
TOTAL $ 25,000.00
I have read the Tourist Development Category “A” Beach Funding Policy covering
beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will
comply with all guidelines and criteria.
Signature of Sponsor Organization’s Chief Official Date
CAC May 9, 2019
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Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance
City/County Physical Beach and Pass Monitoring
(Vanderbilt, Clam Pass Beach, Park Shore, Naples, Marco South beaches along with
Wiggins, Doctors, Collier Creek and Caxambas Passes)
(No. 90536)
1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization:
Coastal Zone Management
Collier County Government
2685 South Horseshoe Drive
Unit 103
Naples, Florida 34104
2. Contact Person, Title and Phone Number:
Name: Gail Hambright, Accountant
Address: Collier County Government
2685 S. Horseshoe Drive
City Naples ST FL ZIP 34104
Phone: 252-2966
3. Organization’s Chief Official and Title:
William L. McDaniel, Jr., Chairman
Board of County Commissioners
4. Details of Project- Description and Location: This Physical Beach
Monitoring is required by FDEP permit and future renourishment. Beaches
monitored will be Vanderbilt, Clam Pass Beach, Park Shore, Naples, Marco
South and the southern portion of Barefoot Beach. Passes monitored will be
Wiggins, Doctors, Collier Creek and Caxambas. Approval is recommended.
5. Estimated project start date: October 1, 2019
6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months
7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $170,000.00
8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project
be restructured to accommodate a smaller award?
Yes ( ) No (X)
CAC May 9, 2019
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Collier County Tourist Development Council
Category “A” Grant Application Page 2
City/County Physical Beach and Pass Monitoring
(Vanderbilt, Clam Pass Beach, Park Shore, Naples, Marco South beaches along with
Wiggins, Doctors, Collier Creek and Caxambas Passes)
(No. 90536)
TDC Funds Requested $ 170,000.00
City/Taxing District Share $ ___________
State of Florida Share $ ___________
Federal Share $ ___________
TOTAL $ 170,000.00
(Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc)
__Engineering Fees__________________ $_170,000.00
__________________________________ $___________
__________________________________ $___________
__________________________________ $___________
__________________________________ $___________
TOTAL $ 170,000.00
I have read the Tourist Development Category “A” Beach Funding Policy covering
beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will
comply with all guidelines and criteria.
Signature of Sponsor Organization’s Chief Official Date
CAC May 9, 2019
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CAC May 9, 2019
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Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance
Beach Cleaning/Maintenance
Collier County/Marco Island
(No. 90533)
1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization:
Coastal Zone Management
Collier County Government
2685 S. Horseshoe Drive
Unit 103
Naples, Florida 34104
2. Contact Person, Title and Phone Number:
Name: Gail Hambright, Accountant
Address: Collier County Government
2685 S. Horseshoe Drive
City Naples ST FL ZIP 34104
Phone: 252-2966
3. Organization’s Chief Official and Title:
William L. McDaniel, Jr., Chairman
Board of County Commissioners
4. Details of Project- Description and Location:
This item is required to maintain the beaches and is recommended for
5. Estimated project start date: October 1, 2019
6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months
7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $200,000.00
8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project
be restructured to accommodate a smaller award?
Yes (X ) No ( )
CAC May 9, 2019
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Collier County Tourist Development Council
Category “A” Grant Application Page 2
Beach Cleaning/Maintenance
Collier County/Marco Island
(No. 90533)
TDC Funds Requested $ _200,000.00
City/Taxing District Share $ __________
State of Florida Share $ __________
Federal Share $ __________
TOTAL $ _200,000.00
(Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc)
__Operating Expenses ________________ $_200,000.00
__________________________________ $__________
__________________________________ $__________
__________________________________ $__________
__________________________________ $__________
TOTAL $ _200,000.00
I have read the Tourist Development Category “A” Beach Funding Policy covering
beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will
comply with all guidelines and criteria.
Signature of Sponsor Organization’s Chief Official Date
CAC May 9, 2019
VIII-3 New Business
31 of 47
Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance
Vegetation Repair/Exotic Removal County Wide
1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization:
Coastal Zone Management
Collier County Government
2685 S. Horseshoe Drive
Unit 103
Naples, Florida 34104
2. Contact Person, Title and Phone Number:
Name: Gail Hambright, Accountant_
Address: Collier County Government
2685 S. Horseshoe Drive
City Naples ST FL ZIP 34104
Phone: 252-2966
3. Organization’s Chief Official and Title:
William L. McDaniel, Jr., Chairman
Board of County Commissioners
4. Details of Project- Description and Location: Dune planting and exotic
removal greatly contribute to a healthy beach environment. Each year the
county sets aside $75,000 to repair dune vegetation and remove exotics on all
our county beaches. Approval is recommended.
5. Estimated project start date: October 1, 2019
6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months
7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $25,000.00
8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project
be restructured to accommodate a smaller award?
Yes (X ) No ( )
CAC May 9, 2019
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Collier County Tourist Development Council
Category “A” Grant Application Page 2
Vegetation Repair/Exotic Removal County Wide
TDC Funds Requested $ 25,000.00______
City/Taxing District Share $ ______________
State of Florida Share $ ______________
Federal Share $ ______________
TOTAL $ 25,000.00 _____
(Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc)
Planting/Removal___________________ $_25,000.00 _____
__________________________________ $_______________
__________________________________ $_______________
__________________________________ $_______________
__________________________________ $_______________
TOTAL $ _25,000.00______
I have read the Tourist Development Category “A” Beach Funding Policy covering
beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will
comply with all guidelines and criteria.
______________________________ _________________
Signature of Sponsor Organization’s Chief Official Date
CAC May 9, 2019
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CAC May 9, 2019
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CAC May 9, 2019
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CAC May 9, 2019
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Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance
Fund 185 Administration
1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization:
Coastal Zone Management
Collier County Government
2685 S. Horseshoe Drive
Unit 103
Naples, Florida 34104
2. Contact Person, Title and Phone Number:
Name: Gail Hambright, Accountant
Address: Collier County Government
2685 S. Horseshoe Drive
City Naples ST FL ZIP 34104
Phone: 252-2966
3. Organization’s Chief Official and Title:
William L. McDaniel, Jr., Chairman
Board of County Commissioners
4. Details of Project- Description and Location: This item funds County staff to
manage the projects, maintain the beaches, administer the program and is
broken down as follows: Staff includes the Manager; Clerical Support; a
Project Manager; a Field Supervisor; 2 equipment operators to clean and
maintain the County and Marco Beaches. This also includes an additional
staff position with the ability to transition to the Coastal Zone Manager when
the current Manager retires in 2 years, Indirect Administrative Costs
required for administrative functions like purchasing, information
technology, motor pool and human resources; Current rent; Division Fiscal
Support; and charges for the Tax Collector are also included. Approval is
5. Estimated project start date: October 1, 2019
6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months
7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $1,184,900
8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project
CAC May 9, 2019
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Collier County Tourist Development Council
Category “A” Grant Application Page 2
be restructured to accommodate a smaller award?
Yes (X) No ( )
Fund 185 Administration
TDC Funds Requested $ 1,184,900
City/Taxing District Share $ ______________
State of Florida Share $ ______________
Federal Share $ ______________
TOTAL $ 1,184,900
(Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc)
Administration Cost $ 75,000.00
185 Project Management & Administration $ 882,400.00
Tax Collector Fee’s (2.5%) $ 227,500.00
TOTAL $1,184,900.00
I have read the Tourist Development Category “A” Beach Funding Policy covering
beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will
comply with all guidelines and criteria.
Signature of Sponsor Organization’s Chief Official Date
CAC May 9, 2019
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writing and received by the County Manager or designee at least thirty (30) days prior to the end
date of this Agreement as provided in Section 15, TERM.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, GRANTEE and COUNTY have each respectively, by an authorized
person or agent, hereunder set their hands and seals on the date and year first above written.
CRYSTAL Kinzel, Clerk
, Deputy Clerk
William L. McDaniel, Jr., Chairman
Approved as to form and
Colleen M. Greene
Assistant County Attorney
ATTEST-(corporate seal)
Approved as to form and
legal sufficiency:
JAM D. FOX, City Attome
CAC May 9, 2019
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Recommendation to approve the 10-Year Capital Planning document for Fund 195-Beach
Renourishment and Pass Maintenance and Fund 185 Program Management and
Administration, and make a finding that these expenditures promote tourism.
OBJECTIVE: To obtain approval for the 10-year capital planning document.
CONSIDERATIONS: A 10-year capital planning document has been developed by Collier
County staff to identify and balance long-term capital requirements/expenses and revenues
received from the tourist development tax Fund 195 for beach renourishment and pass
This document is strictly used for planning. All grant requests and expenditure requests will be
reviewed and approved by the Coastal Advisory Committee, the Tourist Development Council,
and the Board of County Commissioners.
Additionally, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Local Government
Funding Request (LGFR) program requires that a 10-year planning document be utilized and
approved for all municipalities seeking cost-share funding for Beach Management projects.
Approval of this document for planning purposes satisfies the intent of this program.
FISCAL IMPACT: No Fiscal impact for this action.
GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan
related to this action.
ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff is recommending approval of
this item.
RECOMMENDATION: To approve the 10-Year Capital Planning document for Fund 195-
Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance and Fund 185 Program Management and
Prepared By: J. Gary McAlpin, P.E., Coastal Zone Management, Capital Project Planning,
Impact Fees and Program Management Division
1)10-Year Planning Document
CAC May 9, 2019
VIII-4 New Business
1 of 1
TDC Beach Renourishment Capital Fund (195)5,640,400
2020 CZM 10 Year Projection 3/13/2019 Add'l Required Proposed
Adopted Amended Forecast Actual Required Budget Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected FY20 - FY24 FY20 - FY29
FY19 FY19 FY19 FY19 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24 FY25 FY26 FY27 FY28 FY29 5 Year Totals 10 Year Totals
Roll forward (sum of reserves)34,499,000 34,499,000 34,499,000 34,499,000 28,244,300 29,368,900 38,946,300 43,765,500 50,525,000 40,710,200 43,916,500 49,190,400 56,383,500 63,431,300 28,244,300 28,244,300
Carry Forward to Fund Project Roll - 7,409,410 - - - - - -
TDT (Fund 195) Revenue 10,884,900 10,884,900 11,102,600 11,102,600 11,213,600 11,325,700 11,439,000 11,553,400 11,668,900 11,785,600 11,903,500 12,022,500 12,142,700 12,264,100 57,200,600 117,319,000
Revenue Reserve (562,800) (562,800) (572,600) (578,200) - - - - - - - - - (578,200) (578,200)
Reimbursements/Miscellaneous Revenue 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 - 2,500,000 - - - - - - 2,520,000 2,520,000
FEMA/FDEP Reimbursements - - 3,535,000 3,535,000 3,535,000
Interest 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 293,700 389,500 437,700 505,300 407,100 439,200 491,900 563,800 634,300 1,976,200 4,512,500
Total Funding 45,191,100 52,600,510 45,951,600 45,399,000 39,249,700 44,523,300 53,274,800 55,756,600 62,699,200 52,902,900 56,259,200 61,704,800 69,090,000 76,329,700 92,897,900 155,552,600
Uses FY19 FY19 FY19 FY19 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24 FY25 FY26 FY27 FY28 FY29 5 Year Totals 10 Year Totals
Proj. No. Beach Projects
50154 Hurricane Irma:6,437,000 7,193,536 56,000 - (4,060,536) - -
TBD Collier Creek Dredging ($636K total; Federal $477K; $80K state; $80K Collier)636,000 - - - - - - - - - - - -
TBD Collier Creek Jetty ($362K total; Federal $271K; $45K state; $45K Collier)361,000 - - - - - - - - - - - -
TBD Waterway Markers ($65K total; Federal $49K; $8K state; $8K Collier)65,000 - - - - - - - - - - - -
TBD County Beach Renourish ($686K total; Federal $515K; $58K state; $58K Collier)631,000 - - - - - - - - - - - -
TBD No.Beach dunes/plantings ($1,340K total; Fed $1,005K; $167K state; $168K Collier)1,340,000 - - - - - - - - - - - -
TBD Navagation Doctors Pass ($44K total; Federal $33K; $5K state; $6K Collier)44,000 - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Proj. No. Collier Beach Renourishment - -
80301 Collier Beach Renourishment 1,253,150 1,253,200 - - - - - - - - - - - -
90068 Naples Beach Engineering, NTP & Renourishment (50,000 CY's) (1)- - 2,500,000 - - - - - - - - 2,500,000 2,500,000
90067 Park Shore Beach Engineering, NTP & Renourishment (50,000 CY's) (1)- 2,500,000 - - - - - - - - - 2,500,000 2,500,000
90066 Vanderbilt Beach Engineering, NTP & Renourishment (50,000 CY's) (1)- - - 2,500,000 - - - - - - - 2,500,000 2,500,000
90069 Clam Pass Beach Engineering, NTP & Renourishment (25,000 CY's) (1), (2)1,250,151 1,250,200 3,000,000 - - - - - - - 3,000,000 3,000,000
90070 Pelican Bay Beach Engineering, NTP & Renourishment (25,000 CY's) (1), (3)- - - 2,500,000 - - - - - - - 2,500,000 2,500,000
90062 Marco Central Bch Regrade (150,000 CY's)- 1,196,356 1,296,400 14,750 50,000 - - - - - - - - - - -
90071 Marco Island South, NTP & Renourishment (75000 CY's A $3750K) (1)2,300,000 2,300,000 2,300,000 1,450,000 - - - - 3,750,000 - - - - 1,450,000 5,200,000
80165 County Beach Analysis & Design - 84,624 84,600 34,005 - - - - - - - - - - - -
90065 Local Government Funding Request (LGFR)25,000 54,540 54,500 21,055 - - 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 100,000 225,000
- -
80366 Beach Resiliency 73,948 123,900 - -
USACE Feasibility Study Technical Support 50,000 150,000 150,000 150,000
Cost Share participation - 35% for BASE design/permitting/construction ($25M)8,750,000 8,750,000 8,750,000
Collier Perferred Scope over USACE Recommended (base/storm surge) Plan 7,500,000 7,500,000 7,500,000
Cost Share Resiliency Structural Solutions - Study, Modeling, Peer Review 500,000 500,000 500,000
Cost ShareResiliency Structural Solutions -Permitting, Engineering , Design 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 450,000 900,000
Cost Share Resiliency Structiral Solutions - Construction 2,500,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 5,000,000 15,000,000
- -
Proj No. Inlet Projects - -
80288 Wiggins Pass Dredging 25,000 291,447 247,900 245,908 2,000 150,000 25,000 850,000 25,000 150,000 25,000 850,000 25,000 150,000 25,000 1,200,000 2,275,000
90549 Doctor's Pass Dredging 25,000 828,776 830,800 782,207 2,000 25,000 25,000 600,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 600,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 700,000 1,400,000
88032 Clam Pass Dredging (Pel Bay)20,000 146,922 146,900 289,400 20,000 400,000 20,000 400,000 20,000 400,000 20,000 400,000 400,000 1,129,400 2,369,400
90072 Collier Creek Modeling, Jetty Rework and Channel Training 3,500,000 4,081,298 3,130,300 20,946 (950,998) - - - - - - - - - - -
90073 Erosion Control Structure Doctor's Pass 297,364 297,300 21,833 (275,564) - -
90029 Doctor's Pass S Jetty Reconstruct - - - - - - - - - - - -
90064 Collier Creek Engineering, NTP and Dredging (30,000CY's)- - - - - - - - - - - -
- -
Proj No. Regulatory - -
80171 Beach Tilling - County Wide 30,000 89,565 89,600 - - 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 150,000 300,000
90033 Near Shore Hard Bottom Monitoring 185,000 280,777 282,800 55,114 2,045 185,000 185,000 185,000 185,000 185,000 185,000 185,000 185,000 185,000 185,000 925,000 1,850,000
90297 Shorebird Monitoring 25,000 71,301 71,300 1,780 - 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 125,000 250,000
90536 City/County Physical Beach and Pass Monitor 170,000 276,326 354,400 15,596 78,074 170,000 170,000 170,000 170,000 170,000 170,000 170,000 185,000 165,000 165,000 850,000 1,705,000
99999 Transfer to Fund 119 Beach Turtle Monitoring 166,500 166,500 166,500 170,000 170,000 170,000 170,000 170,000 170,000 170,000 185,000 185,000 185,000 850,000 1,745,000
- -
Proj No. Maintenance - -
80378 Tractor Shelter 25,000 147,200 7,951 122,159 - -
90527 Beach Cleaning-Naples 185,000 365,075 365,100 174,519 191,000 191,000 191,000 191,000 191,000 191,000 191,000 191,000 191,000 191,000 955,000 1,910,000
90533 Beach Cleaning-County/Marco 174,000 187,279 168,700 58,018 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,000,000 2,000,000
90044 Vegetation Repairs-Exotic Removal 75,000 300,000 300,000 805 - 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 125,000 450,000
- -
Proj No. Structures - -
90096 Naples Pier - 135,500 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 935,500 1,935,500
80268 Olesky Pier - 33,414 33,400 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
80321 Lake Trafford Shore Line Ann Olesky Sea Wall Repair 260,000 260,097 260,100 - -
- -
Proj No. Administration - -
90020 Fund 195 Admin Costs 75,000 118,965 119,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 375,000 750,000
Total Direct Project Cost 13,677,500 21,226,410 16,507,100 (4,980,820) 8,770,900 4,366,000 8,296,000 4,016,000 20,771,000 7,766,000 5,846,000 4,096,000 4,431,000 1,806,000 46,219,900 70,164,900
99195 Interest Redirection - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
99195 Transfer to 185 Operating 978,800 978,800 978,800 - 882,400 978,800 978,800 978,800 978,800 978,800 978,800 978,800 978,800 978,800 4,797,600 9,691,600
99195 Transfer to Tax Collecter (Revenue Collection Exp)220,900 221,400 221,400 - 227,500 232,200 234,500 236,800 239,200 241,600 244,000 246,500 248,900 251,400 1,170,200 2,402,600 M:\10 YEAR PLAN\195 10 year plan\2019-2020 Updates\5-7-19 budget 10-year plan
TDC Beach Renourishment Capital Fund (195)5,640,400
2020 CZM 10 Year Projection 3/13/2019 Add'l Required Proposed
Adopted Amended Forecast Actual Required Budget Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected FY20 - FY24 FY20 - FY29
FY19 FY19 FY19 FY19 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24 FY25 FY26 FY27 FY28 FY29 5 Year Totals 10 Year Totals
99195 Reserves General - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
99195 Reserve for Catastrophe 7,570,000 7,570,000 - 8,070,000 500,000 1,000,000 1,500,000 2,000,000 2,500,000 3,000,000 3,500,000 4,000,000 4,500,000 2,000,000 4,500,000
99195 Reserve for Unrestricted Capital - -
99195 Reserve - FDEP/FEMA Refuding/Deob - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total Programmed 22,447,200 29,996,610 17,707,300 (4,980,820) 17,950,800 6,077,000 10,509,300 6,731,600 23,989,000 11,486,400 10,068,800 8,821,300 9,658,700 7,536,200 54,187,700 86,759,100
Unencumbered Reserve Balance to Roll 22,743,900 22,603,900 28,244,300 21,298,900 38,446,300 42,765,500 49,025,000 38,710,200 41,416,500 46,190,400 52,883,500 59,431,300 68,793,500 38,710,200 68,793,500
Fund Balance Check - - - - - - - - -
Assumed Rev Growth Rate n/a n/a n/a 101.0%101.0%101.0%101.0%101.0%101.0%101.0%101.0%101.0%101.0%101.0%
Assumed Interest Rate n/a n/a n/a 1.00%1.00%1.00%1.00%1.00%1.00%1.00%1.00%1.00%1.00%1.00%
Fund Revenue Total 45,191,100 52,600,510 45,951,600 39,249,700 44,523,300 53,274,800 55,756,600 62,699,200 52,902,900 56,259,200 61,704,800 69,090,000 76,329,700 92,897,900 155,552,600
Fund ExpenditureTotal 45,191,100 52,600,510 45,951,600 39,249,700 44,523,300 53,274,800 55,756,600 62,699,200 52,902,900 56,259,200 61,704,800 69,090,000 76,329,700 92,897,900 155,552,600
Fund Balance/Rev-Exp - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Calc Estimated Carry Forward 30,313,900 30,173,900 28,244,300 29,368,900 38,946,300 43,765,500 50,525,000 40,710,200 43,916,500 49,190,400 56,383,500 63,431,300 73,293,500 40,710,200 73,293,500
Restricted Reserves 7,570,000 7,570,000 - 8,070,000 500,000 1,000,000 1,500,000 2,000,000 2,500,000 3,000,000 3,500,000 4,000,000 4,500,000 2,000,000 4,500,000
Unrestricted Reserves 22,743,900 22,603,900 28,244,300 21,298,900 38,446,300 42,765,500 49,025,000 38,710,200 41,416,500 46,190,400 52,883,500 59,431,300 68,793,500 38,710,200 68,793,500
Total Reserves 30,313,900 30,173,900 28,244,300 29,368,900 38,946,300 43,765,500 50,525,000 40,710,200 43,916,500 49,190,400 56,383,500 63,431,300 73,293,500 40,710,200 73,293,500
Total Sources 45,191,100 52,600,510 45,951,600 39,249,700 44,523,300 53,274,800 55,756,600 62,699,200 52,902,900 56,259,200 61,704,800 69,090,000 76,329,700 92,897,900 155,552,600
Total Uses 22,447,200 29,996,610 17,707,300 17,950,800 6,077,000 10,509,300 6,731,600 23,989,000 11,486,400 10,068,800 8,821,300 9,658,700 7,536,200 54,187,700 86,759,100
Unrestricted at YE 22,743,900 22,603,900 28,244,300 21,298,900 38,446,300 42,765,500 49,025,000 38,710,200 41,416,500 46,190,400 52,883,500 59,431,300 68,793,500 38,710,200 68,793,500
M:\10 YEAR PLAN\195 10 year plan\2019-2020 Updates\5-7-19 budget 10-year plan
Situational awareness of a proposal from Humiston & Moore Engineers for Water Turkey
Bay Channel Dredging under Contract No. 15-6382.
OBJECTIVE: To move forward with the dredging of Turkey Bay.
CONSIDERATIONS: This proposal will provide services for the construction phase for Water
Turkey Bay Channel Dredging Project immediately south of Wiggins Pas and east of Delnor
Wiggins State Park in Collier County, FL. The project consists of maintenance dredging of
approximately 1 mile of a navigation channel leading from Wiggins Pass Channel into
Vanderbilt Lagoon via Water Tukey Bay Channel to the south.
It is intended that the bidding and construction phase for the Water Turkey Bay channel dredging
project be combined with the South Marco Beach Restoration project for cost savings. The
Water Turkey Bay project involves nearshore sediment disposal and may be conducted during
the latter portion of the 2019 sea turtle nesting season.
Dredging of this channel was approved by the BCC on December 11, 2018 item 16A20 with the
expectation that dredging would be completed in 2019 to eliminate the navigation health and
safety hazard that currently exists in the Water Turkey Bay channel leading into Vanderbilt
FISCAL IMPACT: This project will be funded with general revenue funds and is included for
information only.
GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan
related to this action.
ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS: This is an information only item that
is being shared with the CAC/TDC.
LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is approved as to form and legality and requires
majority vote for approval. – CMG
RECOMMENDATION: Situational awareness of a proposal from Humiston & Moore
Engineers for Water Turkey Bay Channel Dredging under Contract No. 15-6382.
Prepared By: J. Gary McAlpin, P.E., Coastal Zone Management, Capital Project Planning,
Impact Fees and Program Management Division
CAC May 9, 2019
VIII-5 New Business
1 of 1
Contract 15-6382 "Professional Services —Architect & Engineering"
Contract Expiration Date: June 8, 2019
This Work Order is for professional Engineering services for work known as: Water Turkey Bay
Channel Dredging
Project Name: Water Turkey Bay Channel Dredging
Project No: 168-110410
The work is specified in the proposal dated April 29, 2019 which is attached hereto and made a part of
this Work Order. In accordance with Terms and Conditions of the Agreement referenced above, this
Work Order/Purchase Order is assigned to: Humiston & Moore Engineers.
Scope of Work: As detailed in the attached proposal and the following:
* Task 4
Bid Phase Services
* Task 5
Pre -Construction Phase Services
* Task 6
Construction Observation Support
* Task 7
Post Construction Seagrass Survey
Schedule of Work: Complete work within 365 days from the date of the Notice to Proceed which is
accompanying this Work Order. The Consultant agrees that any Work Order that extends beyond the
expiration date of Agreement No. 15-6382 will survive and remain subject to the terms and conditions
of that Agreement until the completion or termination of this Work Order.
Compensation: In accordance with the Agreement referenced above, the County will compensate the
Firm in accordance with following method(s): ❑Negotiated Lump Sum (NLS) ®Lump Sum Plus
Reimbursable Costs (LS+RC) ®Time & Material (T&M) (established hourly rate — Schedule B) ❑
Cost Plus Fixed Fee (CPFF), (define which method will be used for which tasks) as provided in the
attached proposal.
17:10161.11 it •fl
Task 4 $16,214.00 (T&M)
Task 5 $ 7,208.00 (T&M)
Task 6 $34,958.00 (T&M)
Task 7 $ 6,500.00 (LS)
TOTAL FEE $64,880.00 (T&M) (LS)
J. Gary McAlpin, CZM Manager
Amy Patterson, Department Director
Page 1 of 3
Thaddeus L. Cohen, Department Head GMD Date
By the signature below, the Firm (including employees, officers and/or agents) certifies, and hereby
discloses, that, to the best of their knowledge and belief, all relevant facts concerning past, present, or
currently planned interest or activity (financial, contractual, organizational, or otherwise) which relates
to the proposed work; and bear on whether the Firm has a potential conflict have been fully disclosed.
Additionally, the Firm agrees to notify the Procurement Director, in writing within 48 hours of learning
of any actual or potential conflict of interest that arises during the Work Order and/or project duration.
ACCEPTED BY: Humiston oore ngineers
Brett Moore, P.E., D.CE. President Date
Page 2 of 3
Crystal K. Kinzel, Clerk Collier County, Florida
(Print Name/Title
Approved as to Form and
Assistant County Attorney
W. L. McDaniel, Jr., Chairman
Page 3 of 3
Water Turkey Bay Channel Dredging
Construction Phase Services
Prepared by Humiston & Moore Engineers 4-29-2019
APRIL 29, 2019
The following is a scope of services for the construction phase for the Water Turkey Bay Channel Dredging
Project immediately south of Wiggins Pass and east of Deinor Wiggins State Parkin Collier County, FL. The
project consists of maintenance dredging of approximately 1 mile of a navigation channel leading from
Wiggins Pass Channel into Vanderbilt Lagoon via Water Turkey Bay Channel to the south. In all cases,
County refers to Collier County, Park refers to the Deinor Wiggins State Park, DEP refers to Department of
Environmental Protection, USACE refers to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and Engineer refers to
Humiston & Moore Engineers. Completion is proposed to be within 365 days of Notice to Proceed. The
Task number is sequential from the Design and Permitting Contract currently underway at this time.
Services provided by H&M will be Time and Materials.
It is intended that the bidding and construction phase for the Water Turkey Bay channel dredging project
be combined with the South Marco Beach Restoration project for cost savings. The Water Turkey Bay
project involves nearshore sediment disposal and may be conducted during the latter portion of the 2019
sea turtle nesting season. Upon completion and demobilization, the selected Contractor may then
mobilize to the South Marco Beach Restoration project site at the south end of Marco Island to complete
that work after November 1, 2019 and prior to April 15, 2020 remaining outside the sea turtle nesting
season. Combining these projects with one selected Contractor should result in reduced Contractor
mobilization costs than if constructed separately by different contractors. Additionally, costs for
Engineering Services during the bid phase and pre -construction phase services when provided for the
combined projects may result in cost savings to the County.
Task 4.0 Bid Phase Services
Pre -Bid Conference, Technical Support and Addenda to Bid Package: Engineer will review permits for any
additional clarity required in Technical Specifications as well as multiple project coordination for bidding
with County staff. Bid Schedule will include alternatives for spot dredging and for the full channel
dredging. Additional details to be provided along nearshore disposal north of Wiggins Pass based on
updated conditions at inlet and an additional work planned at the inlet in conjunction with this effort. This
will include updating survey requirements from Contractor as part of bid package. Engineer will
coordinate with County staff in preparation of responses to inquiries from potential bidders and attend a
pre-bid conference with representatives of county and prospective bidders and suppliers. Engineer will
prepare addenda to bid documents and responses to requests for information from prospective Bidders
at the request of the county on an as needed basis. Engineer will provide updated plans and technical
specifications as needed during this process to support the Bid Phase for this project.
Bid Qualification: At direction of County, evaluate bidders' qualifications, contact references, and prepare
a formal recommendation to County regarding awarding of the construction contract.
Page 1 of 3
F:\Collier\050-Collier-Mist\Water-Turkey-Bay\Contract\2019 Water Turkey Bay Construction Phase SOW.docx
Water Turkey Bay Channel Dredging
Construction Phase Services
Prepared by Humiston & Moore Engineers 4-29-2019
Deliverable Task 4.0: Bid Phase services provided when combining projects for bidding will be adjusted
accordingly to ensure no redundancy in services which will result in lower costs.
Bid recommendation. (TM) Task 4.0 $16,214
Task 5.0 Pre -Construction Services
Pre -Construction Regulatory Requirements and Agency Meeting: Engineer will coordinate with Contractor
and County staff in ensuring sufficiency of required items in Technical Specifications for fulfillment of pre -
construction state and federal regulatory requirements for issuance of a Notice to Proceed. Engineer and
County staff will conduct a pre -construction meeting with the state and federal agencies and their
respective resource agencies to present the project, its intended performance, understanding of permit
requirements, and schedule. The selected contractor will be present for this meeting. Engineer will
provide required notices of commencement to respective state and federal agencies.
Deliverable Task 5.0: Pre -construction phase services provided when combining projects for bidding will
be adjusted accordingly to ensure no redundancy in services which will result in lower costs.
Summaries of Pre -Construction Meetings (state and federal) (TM) Task 5.0 $7,208
Task 6.0 Construction Observation Support
Construction Observation Support: Engineer will provide updated plans utilizing pre -dredge survey data
to be collected by the Contractor. Engineer shall support the County with supplemental coordination and
periodic site reviews with the contractor throughout construction. County staff will be on-site daily, and
Engineer shall support County staff on as -needed basis during the week and coordinate meetings with
Contractor, County staff, and Park staff weekly throughout the construction project. Engineer shall review
daily reports from Contractor and conduct construction observation services as necessary to assess
construction performance in reference to technical specifications and regulatory compliance and provide
reviews of contractor pay requests for the County. This will include:
• Review of daily dredged tracking records and disposal.
• Review progress surveys from Contractor, monitor production rates, and review Contractor Pay
Requests with County.
• Periodic photos to document progress.
• Submit turbidity reports from Contractor as required in state and federal permits.
• Submit quarterly compliance reports to DEP.
• Prepare as -built drawings based on progress surveys from Contractor
It is estimated that construction of the Water Turkey Bay channel dredging project will take 30 days
to complete. Since work will be done during the 2019 Hurricane Season, additional time is budgeted
in case of impacts and delays during construction.
Post Project Certifications: Upon nearing project completion, the contractor, Engineer and County staff
will walk through the project to determine if the Work is substantially complete and develop a punch list
for the Contractor. Once the contractor addresses all of the items on the punch list and has provided
sufficient post dredge and fill placement survey information and related survey certifications, Engineer
can recommend to the County that the project construction be deemed substantially complete so the
contractor may demobilize, upon acceptance by the County. Atthis point, upon completion of the project
Page 2 of 3
F:\Collier\050-Collier-Misc\Water-Turkey-Bay\Contract\2019 Water Turkey Bay Construction Phase 50W.docx
Water Turkey Bay Channel Dredging
Construction Phase Services
Prepared by Humiston & Moore Engineers 4-29-2019
and review of post construction survey data provided by Contractor, H&M as Engineer of Record, will
provide all necessary project certifications including post dredge as -built surveys to the County, DEP and
USACE for project and permit compliance. Project certifications would include reference to a set of record
as -built construction plans.
Deliverable Task 6.0: Project Certifications (TM)
Task 7.0 Post Construction Seagrass Survey
Task 6.0 $34,958
Post Project Seagrass Survey: Upon project completion Earth Tech Environmental as subconsultant to
H&M will complete the post construction seagrass survey for regulatory compliance. This survey and
report will be provided as Lump Sum. This scope of work includes immediate post construction
environmental monitoring. This scope does not include any subsequent post construction physical or
biological monitoring beyond the first survey at the completion of construction because the detailed
requirements, if any, will not be known until permit issuance.
Deliverable Task 7.0: Post Construction Seagrass Survey & Report (LS) Task 7.0 6 500
Total Services provided under Tasks 4, 5, 6 and 7: ..........................................................................
64 880
Sincerely yours,
Brett D. Moore, P.E., D.CE.
Page 3 of 3
F:\Collier\050-Collier-Misc\Water-Turkey-Bay\Contract\2019 Water Turkey Bay Construction Phase SOW.docx
Water Turkey Bay Channel Dredging Project
Prepared by Humiston Moore Engineers
F:\Collier\050-Colller-Misc\Water-Turkey-Bay\Contract\2019 Water Turkey Bay Channel Dredging Construction Phase Costs 1 of 1
Date: April 29, 2019
Water Turke Ba Channel - Emer enc Dred in
Tasks for Constructlon Phase ESTIMATE
4 - Bid Phase Services
Finalize bid acka a with County staff, Pre-bid conference, Adenda, Meetings
Bid Qualification
B -Pra-Construction
Phase Services
Work Plan Details, Pre -Construction Conference
6 - Construction Phase Services & Project Certification
Plan u date, Construction Observation, com Hance review, pay review
Post Construction Certifications
7 -Post Construction Sea rasa Survey ISUbconsultant Earth Tech Environmental
Post Construction Seagrass Survey
Subtotal H&M
68 380.00
Subconsultant total:
Summary Breakdown of Costs
Princi Is En Ineer 206 82
Senior Engineer 157 0
Pro'ect Mana at 147 0
Engineer 123 202
Senior Desi ner 114 0
Desi ner 94 78
Senior Technician 85 38
Inspector 76 80
Technician 72 0
Cadd Technician 81 0
Cledcal/Administrativ 62 0
Terrecon 65 01 1
Earth TecH surveys & Env 6500
Project Total:
F:\Collier\050-Colller-Misc\Water-Turkey-Bay\Contract\2019 Water Turkey Bay Channel Dredging Construction Phase Costs 1 of 1
Environmental, LLC
10600 Jolea Avenue
Bonita Springs, FL 34135 US
(239) 304-0030
Humiston & Moore Engineers PA
5679 Strand CT
Naples, FL 34110 USA
DATE 05/02/2019
Water Turkey Bay Jeremy Stark
Consulting Services:Environmental Consultant
Seagrass Survey According to FDEP Criteria (Lump Sum):
ETE will conduct a seagrass survey in the mixing zone area outlined in the attached exhibit. The
basic methodology will include the following:
1. Pre -survey drone of survey area at low tide for identification of potential target areas where we
may expect seagrass and or oyster beds
2. Delineation of all seagrass and other important submerged resources within the survey area using
belt transects- Initially staked with PVC and then GPS'd using a sub -meter Trimble.
3. Braun-Blanquetquadrats within each "patch" according to FDEP criteria for estimating of % cover.
4. Representative photographs and species presence lists within each patch.
5. Full report summarizing field findings, including GIS shape files being provided to the engineer.
ETE will supply all equipment, including utilization of 2 boats, snorkel\scuba gear as necessary.
Exact methodology will be confirmed with FDEP (Jennifer Peterson) prior to implementation.
NOTE: If the survey needs to be broken into 2 field events (presence\absence vs. quantification) due
to agency constraints, the additional field day cost would be $1500 for performing percent cover
quantification after June lat.
1 6,500.00 6,500.00
------------------- .._------------------------- _...--------------------------------------------------- .-----------------
_....-_...._._Please sign and return either via email or by fax 239-324-0054 TOTAL $6,500.00
Accepted By Accepted Dale
" Land, Water and the Environment ... Protecting what's important"
Office: 239-304-0030 Fax: 239-324-0054
Recommendation to approve a proposal from Humiston & Moore Engineers for South
Marco Beach Re-Nourishment Project under Contract No. 13-6164 authorize the
Chairman to execute the work order for a not to exceed amount of $118,642 and make a
finding that this expenditure promotes tourism.
OBJECTIVE: To move forward with the South Marco Beach Re-Nourishment Project.
CONSIDERATIONS: This proposal will provide services for engineering, permitting, and
construction phase services for the proposed 2019/2020 re-nourishment of the South Marco
Beach project at the south end of Marco Island. Construction bidding may potentially be
combined with Water Turkey Bay dredging for potential cost savings.
State and federal permits are in place at this time for this project. Construction plans will be
based on current beach profile and bathymetric data for the purpose of completing plans and
technical specifications for obtaining Notice to Proceed from the state and federal agencies to
move forward.
Material to renourish the south end of the South Marco Beach from R147 to G-4 will be dredged
from Caxambas Pass. Dredging is expected to take place during the non-nesting turtle season
from 11/1/2019 to 5/1/2020
FISCAL IMPACT: Funds have been budgeted and approved for this activity in FY 2018/2019
fund 195-90071 Tourist Development Tax.
GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan
related to this action.
ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff is requesting approval of this
LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is approved as to form and legality and requires
majority vote for approval. – CMG
RECOMMENDATION: To approve a proposal from Humiston & Moore Engineers for South
Marco Beach Re-Nourishment Project under Contract No. 13-6164 authorize the County
Chairman to execute the work order for a not to exceed amount of $118,642 and make a finding
that this expenditure promotes tourism.
Prepared By: J. Gary McAlpin, P.E., Coastal Zone Management, Capital Project Planning,
Impact Fees and Program Management Division
CAC May 9, 2019
VIII-6 New Business
1 of 1
Contract 13-6164 CZ "Professional Services — Architect & Engineering"
Contract Expiration Date: September 4, 2019
This Work Order is for professional Engineering services for work known as: South Marco Beach Re -
Nourishment Project
Project Name: South Marco Beach Re -Nourishment Project
Project No: 195-90071
The work is specified in the proposal dated April 29, 2019 which is attached hereto and made a part of
this Work Order. In accordance with Terms and Conditions of the Agreement referenced above, this
Work Order/Purchase Order is assigned to: Humiston & Moore Engineers.
Scope of Work: As detailed in the attached proposal and the following:
* Task 1
Vibracores & Analysis
* Task 2
Plans, Permit Coordination, Specs, Opinion of Costs
* Task 3
Bid Phase Services
* Task 4
Pre -Construction Services
* Task 5
Construction Phase Services & Project Certification
Schedule of Work: Complete work within 365 days from the date of the Notice to Proceed which is
accompanying this Work Order. The Consultant agrees that any Work Order that extends beyond the
expiration date of Agreement No. 15-6382 will survive and remain subject to the terms and conditions
of that Agreement until the completion or termination of this Work Order.
Compensation: In accordance with the Agreement referenced above, the County will compensate the
Firm in accordance with following method(s): ❑Negotiated Lump Sum (NLS) ®Lump Sum Plus
Reimbursable Costs (LS+RC) ®Time & Material (T&M) (established hourly rate — Schedule B) ❑
Cost Plus Fixed Fee (CPFF), (define which method will be used for which tasks) as provided in the
attached proposal.
Ia _11w, 1Ila07:
Task 1
28,500.00 (LS)
Task 2
29,176.00 (T&M)
Task 3
14,168.00 (T&M)
Task 4
7,208.00 (T&M)
Task 5
39,590.00 (T&M)
TOTAL FEE $118,642.00 (T&M) (LS)
J. Gary McAlpin, CZM Manager
Amy Patterson, Department Director
Page 1 of 3
Thaddeus L. Cohen, Department Head GMD Date
By the signature below, the Firm (including employees, officers and/or agents) certifies, and hereby
discloses, that, to the best of their knowledge and belief, all relevant facts concerning past, present, or
currently planned interest or activity (financial, contractual, organizational, or otherwise) which relates
to the proposed work; and bear on whether the Firm has a potential conflict have been fully disclosed.
Additionally, the Firm agrees to notify the Procurement Director, in writing within 48 hours of learning
of any actual or potential conflict of interest that arises during the Work Order and/or project duration.
ACCEPTED BY: Humiston & Moore Engineers
d ti. i iadees, rnu., P.E., D.CE.
Vice -President
s/z 1 -e_o�
Page 2 of 3
Crystal K. Kinzel, Clerk Collier County, Florida
(Print Name/Title
Approved as to Form and
Assistant County Attorney
W. L. McDaniel, Jr., Chairman
Page 3 of 3
South Marco Beach Restoration
Engineering, Permitting, and Construction Phase Services
Prepared by Humiston & Moore Engineers 4-29-2019
CONTRACT 13-6164
APRIL29, 2019
The following is a scope of services for engineering, permitting, and construction phase services
for the proposed 2019/2020 re -nourishment of the South March Beach project at the south end
of Marco Island between DEP reference monument R-146 and Station G-4. In all cases herein,
County refers to Collier County, City refers to the City of Marco Island, DEP refers to Department
of Environmental Protection, USACE refers to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and Engineer
refers to Humiston & Moore Engineers. The estimated duration is 365 days. Construction bidding
may potentially be combined with Water Turkey Bay dredging for potential cost savings.
Background: State and federal permits are in place at this time for this project. Construction plans
will be based on current beach profile and bathymetric data for the purpose of completing plans
and technical specifications for obtaining Notice to Proceed from the state and federal agencies
to move forward. It is intended that the bidding and construction phase for the South Marco
Beach Restoration project will be combined with the Water Turkey Bay channel dredging project
for cost savings. The Water Turkey Bay project involves nearshore sediment disposal and may
be conducted during the latter portion of the 2019 sea turtle nesting season. Upon completion
and demobilization, the selected Contractor may then mobilize to the South Marco Beach
Restoration project site at the south end of Marco Island to complete this work after November
1, 2019 and prior to April 15, 2020 remaining outside the sea turtle nesting season. Combining
these projects with one selected Contractor should result in reduced Contractor mobilization
costs than if constructed separately by different contractors. Additionally, costs for Engineering
Services during the bid phase and pre -construction phase services when provided for the
combined projects may result in cost savings to the County. Services provided by H&M will be
Time and Materials.
Task 1: Vibracores Data collection
Vibracores and Analysis: Engineer through coordination with geotechnical vibracoring
subconsultant will conduct a vibracoring analysis involving collection and analysis of 8 vibracores.
The data collection will include analysis 8 vibracores for sediment grain size distribution,
carbonate content and Munsell color. Vibracores will be split and half will be archived for visual
inspection at Pre Bid Conference. The other half will be subdivided into subcores based on the
visual inspection and characterization for analysis. It is assumed for budgeting purposes than no
more than 3 subcores from each core.
Deliverable: Geotechnical report Task 1(LS) $28,500
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F:\Collier\900-South-Marco-Caxambas\Contract\2019 Construction\2019-Marco South Beach SOW.docx
South Marco Beach Restoration
Engineering, Permitting, and Construction Phase Services
Prepared by Humiston & Moore Engineers 4-29-2019
Task2:Plans, Regulatory Coordination and Preparation of Technical Specifications, Bid
Schedule and Opinion of Probable Costs
Construction Plans and Agency Coordination: Engineer shall collect sand samples at DEP
monument Stations R-146, R-147, R-148 and one between station G-2 and G-4 for sediment
analysis. Compatibility analysis will be conducted with the Geotechnical data from Tasks 1.1.
Engineer prepare updated construction plans and specifications for the re -nourishment of the
South Marco Beach Project from approximately R-146 at the north end to Station G-4 located
along the north side of the south groin fronting the seawall at the south end of the island. Beach
profile data from the 2019 monitoring will be used in the development of the beach fill plans,
and the 2018 borrow area monitoring data and updated geotechnical data will be used to prepare
the borrow area dredging plans.
Upon completion of the plans and acceptance by the County, Engineer will coordinate with
County staff and meet with state and federal agencies to initiate review in anticipation of a Notice
to Proceed.
Technical Specifications, Bid Schedule: Based on feedback from state and federal agencies,
Engineer will prepare Technical Specifications and a bid schedule to be included with the county
contract documents for bidding. Engineer will review permits for any additional clarity required
in Technical Specifications for consideration of qualifications and multiple project coordination
for bidding with County staff. As noted above, it is expected that this set of specifications will be
coordinated with the Water Turkey Bay dredging project located in north Collier County as a
combined bid package. Technical specifications will require the selected Contractor to complete
pre and post dredging and beach construction surveys.
Opinion of Probable Costs (OPCI: Prepare a final opinion of probable construction costs based on
the final design. This will include potential cost savings from combining this project with the
Water Turkey Bay project. Development of opinion of probable construction costs will include
review of county records and contacting other local governments, and DEP for recent costs for
similar construction. Engineer will forward the final Opinion of Probable Costs with final
construction plans and technical specifications to county for bid purposes.
Deliverable: Plans, Compatibility Analysis, Tech. Specs. and OPC. Task 2 (TM) $29,176
Task 3 Bid Phase Services
Pre -Bid Conference Technical Support and Addenda to Bid Package: Engineer will coordinate
with County staff in preparation of responses to inquiries from potential bidders and attend a
pre-bid conference with representatives of county and prospective bidders and suppliers.
Engineer will prepare addenda to bid documents and responses to requests for information from
prospective Bidders at the request of the County on an as needed basis. Engineer will provide
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South Marco Beach Restoration
Engineering, Permitting, and Construction Phase Services
Prepared by Humiston & Moore Engineers 4-29-2019
updated plans and technical specifications as needed during this process to support the Bid Phase
for this project.
Bid Qualification: Evaluate bidders' qualifications, contact references, and prepare a formal
recommendation to County regarding awarding of the construction contract.
Bid Phase services provided when combining projects for bidding will be adjusted accordingly to
ensure no redundancy in services for reduced costs.
Deliverable: Bid recommendation. Task 3 (TM) $14,168
Task 4 Pre -Construction Services
Pre -Construction Regulatory Requirements and Agency Meeting: Engineer will coordinate with
Contractor and County staff in ensuring sufficiency of required items in Technical Specifications
for fulfillment of pre -construction state and federal regulatory requirements for issuance of a
Notice to Proceed. Engineer and County staff will conduct a pre -construction meeting with the
state and federal agencies and their respective resource agencies to present the project, its
intended performance, understanding of permit requirements, and schedule. The selected
contractor will be present for this meeting. Engineer will provide required notices of
commencement to respective state and federal agencies.
Pre -construction phase services provided when combining projects for bidding will be adjusted
accordingly to ensure no redundancy in services which will result in lower costs.
Deliverable: Summaries of Meetings (state and federal) Task 4 (TM) 7 208
Task 5 Construction Observation Support
Construction Observation Support: Engineer will provide updated plans utilizing pre -dredge and
beach survey data to be collected by the Contractor. Engineer shall support the County with
supplemental coordination and periodic site reviews with the contractor throughout
construction. County staff will be on-site daily, and Engineer shall support County staff on as -
needed basis during the week and coordinate meetings with Contractor, County staff, and City
staff weekly throughout the construction project. Engineer shall review daily reports from
Contractor and conduct construction observation services as necessary to assess construction
performance in reference to technical specifications and regulatory compliance and provide
reviews of contractor pay requests for the County. This will include:
• Review of daily dredged tracking records and beach disposal.
• Review progress surveys from Contractor, monitor production rates and review Contractor
Pay Requests with County.
• Periodic photos to document progress. Daily coordination with County shore -bird monitor if
work extends past February 15, 2020.
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South Marco Beach Restoration
Engineering, Permitting, and Construction Phase Services
Prepared by Humiston & Moore Engineers 4-29-2019
• Submit turbidity reports from Contractor as required in state and federal permits.
• Submit quarterly compliance reports to DEP.
• Prepare as -built drawings based on progress surveys from Contractor.
It is estimated that construction of the project will take 90 days, or less to complete.
Post Project Certifications: Upon nearing project completion, the Contractor, Engineer and
County staff will walk through the project to determine if the Work is substantially complete and
develop a punch list for the Contractor. Once the contractor addresses all of the items on the
punch list and has provided sufficient post dredge and fill placement survey information and
related survey certifications, Engineer can recommend to the County that the project
construction be deemed substantially complete so the contractor may demobilize, upon
acceptance by the County.
Upon completion of the project and review of post construction survey data provided by
Contractor, H&M as Engineer of Record, will provide all necessary project certifications including
beach profile surveys and post dredge as -built surveys to the County, DEP and USACE for project
and permit compliance. Sediment samples will be collected and analyzed on 500 -foot stations
and include background station. Analysis will include grain -size analysis and Munsell Color. Pos
construction report will include analysis of sediment, and a summary of dredge tracking data and
turbidity monitoring. Project certifications would include reference to a set of record as -built
construction plans.
Deliverable: Project Certifications. Task 5 (TM) $39,590
Total HM $90,142
Total Subconsultant $28,500
Total $ 118,642
Sincerely yours,
Brett D. Moore, P.E., D.CE.
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South Marco Beach Project
Prepared by Humiston Moore Engineers
F:\Collier\900-South-Marco-Caxambas\Contract\2019 Construction\2019 South Marco Engineering -Construction Phase Costs 1 of 1
Date: April 29, 2019
South Renourishment Project
Tasks feerin , Permit Coordination, Construction Phase
H&M Services
1 - Vibracores & AnSubconsultant: Athena Technolo ies
2 - Plans PermitCoordination, Specs. Opinion of Costs
Construction Plans & Agency Coordination
Technclal Specifications and Bid Schedule
Opinion of Probable Costs
3 - Bid Phase Services
Finalize bid ackage with County staff, Pre-bid conference, Adenda, Meetings
Bid Qualification
4 - Pre -Construction Services
Work Plan Details, Pre -Construction Conference
clion Phase Servic & Protect Certification
Plan u date, Construction Observation, com Hence review, a review
Post Construction Certifications
Summary Breakdown of Costs
Principle Engineer 206 132
Senior Engineer 157 0
Protect Mans er 147 0
Engineer 123 312
Senior Desi ner 114 24
Designer 94 162
Senior Technician 85 18
Inspector 78 60
Technician 72 0
Cadd Technician 81 0
Clerical/Administrativ 62 0
SDI 0 0
Terracon 65 8
Athena Technolo ies 28500
Pro act Total:
F:\Collier\900-South-Marco-Caxambas\Contract\2019 Construction\2019 South Marco Engineering -Construction Phase Costs 1 of 1
A'�H E IyA
May 2nd, 2019
Matthew Fleming, M. Sc.
Humiston & Moore Engineers
5679 Strand Court
Naples, FL 34110
RE: Cost Proposal for Vibracore Sampling Services
Caxambas Pass, Marco Island, Collier County, Florida
Dear Mr. Fleming,
This document is intended to serve as a technical cost proposal for the abovementioned
sediment sampling effort. This proposal is based on correspondence between Humiston &
Moore Engineers (H&M) and Athena Technologies, Inc. during April and May of 2019.
It is our understanding that you will require the collection of 8 geotechnical vibracore samples
to a depth of 15 feet below sediment surface from an area within Caxambas Pass at Marco
Island, Florida. It is our understanding that existing sediment surface elevations range
between -10 to -15 feet in relation to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88)
and that project depth for this effort is -21 feet in relation to NAVD88. Athena will then be
responsible for producing a geotechnical report that includes geologic logs, vibracore
photomosaics, and geotechnical data.
Athena will utilize our 35 -foot research vessel, Artemis, to operate as the vibracore sampling
platform for this effort. Artemis is equipped with all required U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) safety
gear and will be operated by a USCG -certified Captain. The captain will be accompanied by
three additional crewmembers. Athena will utilize a Trimble Differential Global Positioning
System (sub -meter accurate) interfaced with HYPACK for horizontal positioning, and a
Furuno fathometer (verified by lead line) for gathering water depths. Athena will utilize a
Champion TKO Global Navigation Satellite System (accurate to +/- 2 centimeters) interfaced
with the Florida Permanent Reference Network (FPRN) to determine sediment surface
elevations and final horizontal coordinates.
During sampling operations, Artemis will be maneuvered to the desired sample location using
coordinates provided by H&M. Once on station, the vessel will be immobilized using a triple
point anchor system. When the vessel is anchored, the coordinates at the vessel's location will
be checked against the desired sample coordinates to ensure accurate vessel placement.
Athena's custom-designed and fabricated vibracore system will then be deployed from the
sampling platform. This system consists of a generator with a mechanical vibrator attached
1293 Graham Farm Road, PO Box 68
McClella rville, South Carolina 29458
HE M:(803)553-1425;0:(843)887-3800
via cable to a three-inch diameter, galvanized sample barrel. The sample barrel is lowered to
the sea floor through a moonpool in the deck of the sampling platform by attaching lengths of
drill stem. The vibracore machine is then turned on and the sample barrel is allowed to
penetrate until it reaches the required target depth of 15 feet below sediment surface, or
refusal. The sample barrel is then retrieved using an electric winch. Once the sample is on
deck, the core is measured, cut, capped, and labeled.
If vibracore recovery is less than 80%, or if refusal is met and the material at the base of the
core is not limestone, carbonate -cemented clastic sediments, or indurated silt/clay, then
Athena will make 1 additional vibracore attempt to reach the required penetration depth
and/or increase core recovery.
The completed cores will be sectioned into 5 -foot lengths and opened longitudinally
at Athena's facility in McClellanville, South Carolina. Athena will photograph and log
the cores (in accordance with ASTM D2488) at this facility. Draft core logs will be sent
H&M to allow for selection of sub -sample intervals. Upon receipt of sample intervals
from H&M, Athena will extract and ship the sub -samples to Terracon Consultants, Inc.
(Terracon) in Jacksonville, Florida for analysis. Grain size analysis will be conducted
in accordance with procedures outlined in ASTM D6913, using the following sieves:
3/4", 5/8", 7/16", 5/16", 3.5, 4, 5, 7, 10, 14, 18, 25, 35, 45, 60, 80, 120, 170, 200, and 230.
Visual estimation of shell content will be conducted on material retained in each sieve
using the Terry and Chilingar (1959) method. Sub -samples will be classified in
accordance with guidelines outlined in ASTM D2487. Carbonate analysis will be
conducted in accordance with the Twenhofel and Tyler acid digestion method (1941).
Athena will compile logs and grain size data in gINT format. Grain size analysis will
be performed on the carbonate sample before and after acid digestion. The final data
report will include a methodology overview, vibracore location data, core logs, photo -
mosaic core images, and grain size data. Prior to submittal, the final data report will
be reviewed by Dr. Walter Sexton, a professional Geologist registered in the state
Florida. The final deliverable will include the following: a formal report in PDF
format, the gINT project file, and raw grain size data in excel format.
It should be emphasized that crew and vessel safety is of utmost concern when
working adjacent to or on top of nearshore shoal complexes associated with inlets. In
shoal -type settings, wave action is increased due to amplification and wave angles
converge (due to refraction) as they approach the shoal, which can create potentially
hazardous situations. Athena will make every reasonable attempt to collect the
vibracore samples from the requested locations; however, the vessel captain will have
sole discretion to abandon, or choose not to attempt, core collection or jetting in certain
areas if crew and vessel safety are threatened due to site conditions. If a location is
1293 Graham Farm Road, PO Box 68
McClellanville, South Carolina 29458
HE M:(803)553-1425;0:(843)887-3800
deemed unsafe, Athena will contact the H&M project manager to discuss alternate
sample locations.
Based upon the services requested, Athena proposes the following costs for this
Item #
Mobilization/Demobilization, lump
Vibracore Sample, per core
Vibracore Processing, per core
(open, log, photograph, sub -sample,
Grain Size Analysis, per sample
Carbonate Analysis, per sample (does
not include pre and post analysis grain
size analysis)
Sample Shipping
Reporting, lump sum
Please feel free to contact Athena with any questions or comments and thank you for the
opportunity to provide a proposal for this project.
Best Regards,
J. Neil Wicker
Marketing Director
1293 Graham Farm Road, PO Box 68
McClellanville, South Carolina 29458
H E M: (803) 553-1425; 0: (843) 887-3800
May 1, 2019
Humiston and Moore
5679 Strand Court
Naples, Florida 34110
Attn: Mr. Matthew Fleming
P: (239) 594-2021
RE: Grain Size Analysis (DEP with Color)
Collier County Contract 13-6164, South Marco Beach Renourishment
Dear Mr. Fleming:
Based on our conversation today, we can perform the sieve and color analysis for the eight (8)
samples discussed. Below is a cost for these services.
Eight (8) sieve analysis with color at $65 per test with a total of $520.
Please do not hesitate to contact us at (904) 900-6494 should you have any questions.
Terracon Consultants, Inc.
Chris R. Martin Sr.
Project Manager Construction Services
Terracon Consultants, Inc. 9655 Florida Mining Boulevard West, Suite 509 Jacksonville, FL 32257
P [904] 900-6494 F [904] 268-5255
Recommendation to approve a proposal from Humiston & Moore Engineers to provide
Professional Engineering Services for Wiggins Pass Interim Dredging under Contract No.
15-6382, approve necessary Budget Amendment, authorize the Chairman to execute the
work order for a not to exceed amount of $46,978, and make a finding that this expenditure
promotes tourism.
OBJECTIVE: To move forward with Professional Engineer Services as required for the
Wiggins Pass Interim Dredging project.
CONSIDERATIONS: This proposal will provide services for engineering, permitting, and
construction phase services for the proposed 2019/2020 interim maintenance dredging of a
portion of the Wiggins Pass Navigation Channel/Construction. Bidding may be combined with
Water Turkey Bay dredging for potential cost savings.
State and federal permits are in place at this time for this project. Construction plans will be
based on current beach profile and bathymetric data for the purpose of completing plans and
technical specifications for obtaining Notice to Proceed from the state and federal agencies to
move forward.
FISCAL IMPACT: A budget amendment will be necessary moving funds from reserve to 195-
GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan
related to this action.
ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff is requesting approval of this
LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is approved as to form and legality and requires
majority vote for approval. – CMG
RECOMMENDATION: To approve a proposal from Humiston & Moore Engineers for
Wiggins Pass Interim Dredging under Contract No. 15-6382, approve necessary Budget
Amendment, authorize the Chairman to execute the work order for a not to exceed amount of
$46,978, and make a finding that this expenditure promotes tourism.
Prepared By: J. Gary McAlpin, P.E., Coastal Zone Management, Capital Project Planning,
Impact Fees and Program Management Division
CAC May 9, 2019
VIII-7 New Business
1 of 1
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Contract 15-6382 “Professional Services – Architect & Engineering”
Contract Expiration Date: June 8, 2019
This Work Order is for Professional Engineering Services for work known as: Wiggins Pass Interim
Project Name: Wiggins Pass Interim Dredging
Project No: 195-80288
The work is specified in the proposal dated May 3, 2019 which is attached hereto and made a part of
this Work Order. In accordance with Terms and Conditions of the Agreement referenced above, this
Work Order/Purchase Order is assigned to: Humiston & Moore Engineers.
Scope of Work: As detailed in the attached proposal and the following:
∗ Task 1 Plans, Permit Coordination, Specs, Opinion of Costs
∗ Task 2 Bid Phase Services
∗ Task 3 Pre-Construction Services
∗ Task 4 Construction Phase Services & Project Certification
Schedule of Work: Complete work within 365 days from the date of the Notice to Proceed which is
accompanying this Work Order. The Consultant agrees that any Work Order that extends beyond the
expiration date of Agreement No. 15-6382 will survive and remain subject to the terms and conditions
of that Agreement until the completion or termination of this Work Order.
Compensation: In accordance with the Agreement referenced above, the County will compensate the
Firm in accordance with following method(s): Negotiated Lump Sum (NLS) Lump Sum Plus
Reimbursable Costs (LS+RC) Time & Material (T&M) (established hourly rate – Schedule B)
Cost Plus Fixed Fee (CPFF), (define which method will be used for which tasks) as provided in the
attached proposal.
Task 1 $21,726.00 (T&M)
Task 2 $ 2,300.00 (T&M)
Task 3 $ 3,812.00 (T&M)
Task 4 $19,140.00 (T&M)
TOTAL FEE $46,978.00 (T&M)
J. Gary McAlpin, CZM Manager Date
Amy Patterson, Department Director Date
Thaddeus L. Cohen, Department Head GMD Date
Page 2 of 3
By the signature below, the Firm (including employees, officers and/or agents) certifies, and hereby
discloses, that, to the best of their knowledge and belief, all relevant facts concerning past, present, or
currently planned interest or activity (financial, contractual, organizational, or otherwise) which relates
to the proposed work; and bear on whether the Firm has a potential conflict have been fully disclosed.
Additionally, the Firm agrees to notify the Procurement Director, in writing within 48 hours of learning
of any actual or potential conflict of interest that arises during the Work Order and/or project duration.
ACCEPTED BY: Humiston & Moore Engineers
Brett D. Moore, P.E., D.CE. President Date
Page 3 of 3
Crystal K. Kinzel, Clerk Collier County, Florida
By: _________________ By:_______________________________
Clerk W. L. McDaniel, Jr., Chairman
By: ____________________
(Print Name/Title
Approved as to Form and
Assistant County Attorney
Recommendation to approve a work order with APTIM Environmental & Infrastructure, Inc. to
provide professional engineering services for Clam Pass, North Park Shore and Park Shore Beach
Renourishment under Contract No.15-6382 for time and material not to exceed $98,717.10,
authorize the Chairman to execute the work order, and make a finding that this item promotes
OBJECTIVE: To move forward with professional Engineering Services for Clam Pass, North Park
Shore and Park Shore beach renourishment.
CONSIDERATIONS: APTIM Environmental & Infrastructure, Inc. will assist the County in conducting
beach renourishment activities on Clam Pass Park, North park Shore and Park Shore beaches. This
proposal will provide professional services including engineering design, surveying of the Clam Pass
mean high water line, preparation of construction plans and technical specifications, coordination with
permitting agencies for Notice to Proceed, and serve as the Engineer of Record for the construction event.
FISCAL IMPACT: Funding for the proposed work order is available in the amount of $98,717.10, in the
Tourist Development Tax Fund 195, Project No. 80301. Funding for this work order will not be
requested for reimbursement from any grantor agency.
GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan related to
this action.
ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff is requesting approval of this item.
LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is approved as to form and legality and requires majority vote
for approval. – CMG
RECOMMENDATION: To approve a work order with APTIM Environmental & Infrastructure, Inc. to
provide professional engineering services for Clam Pass, North Park Shore and Park Shore Beach
Renourishment under Contract No.15-6382 for time and material not to exceed $98,717.10, authorize the
Chairman to execute the work order, and make a finding that this item promotes tourism.
Prepared By: J. Gary McAlpin, P.E., Coastal Zone Management, Capital Project Planning, Impact Fees
and Program Management Division
CAC May 9, 2019
VIII-8 New Business
1 of 1
Exhibit A
Scope of Work
Aptim Environmental & Infrastructure, LLC
MAY 2019
This is a scope of work for Aptim Environmental & Infrastructure, LLC (APTIM) to provide the
engineering services described below to support the County in preparing the design, plans and
specifications, bidding, construction & permit documents for conducting a truck haul beach
renourishment project on Clam Pass Park (R42-R43), North Park Shore (R44-R48) and Park
Shore (R49-R54) beaches.
This proposal contains the tasks necessary to bring the project through construction. APTIM will
assist the County in preparing for construction by conducting analyses to determine project
extents and volumes, producing construction plans and technical specifications, conducting
permit required MHW survey in Clam Pass Park, coordinating with FDEP for Notice to Proceed,
and providing bidding assistance to the County. APTIM will support the County’s inspection efforts
during construction and will develop the post-construction certification based largely on the
surveys, reports and observation of the contractor and the County during construction.
1. Design, Construction Plans & Specifications
APTIM engineers will perform engineering analysis to determine project extents and estimate
volumes needed. The goal of the design will be to place material so that the project area will be
able to absorb 5 to 6 years of typical erosion in order to last until the next major nourishment
project, barring any major storm events. The design will be based on the matrix design method
updated with the latest composite erosion rate and 2019 annual monitoring survey. After review
of the preliminary volume estimates, an analysis will be conducted to optimize placement areas
and volumes. APTIM will finalize the quantities and fill areas based on consultation with Collier
County and permitting agencies. APTIM will support the County with up to 3 coordination
meetings related to the project with local stakeholders.
APTIM will consult with permit agencies, Pelican Bay and their consultants, about the newest
permit conditions. This will include Specific Conditions described in the November 2017 FDEP
Permit No. 0331817-004-JM., which include
Design reduced fill template at Clam Pass Park (paragraph 1.a.)
Fill history and incremental volume analysis (paragraph 1.b.)
Refine beach design to avoid or minimize hardbottom impacts based on the latest
physical and biological monitoring surveys.
Once the target volumes and placement areas have been approved by the County, APTIM will
conduct engineering design work to prepare the construction templates. APTIM’s GIS/CAD
professionals will work directly with APTIM engineers to update the construction plans including
plan views and cross-sections of project areas, beach access, equipment storage areas,
environmental protection areas and other information required for execution of this project.
Aptim Environmental & Infrastructure, LLC
The construction plans and volumes for bidding will be based on the 2019 annual physical
monitoring surveys provided by a third party. Technical specifications developed for the project
will integrate the QA/QC plans, environmental standards, and permit conditions into the work.
APTIM will assist the County in preparation of the environmental protection plan, which will be
integrated into the bidding documents
APTIM understands that time is of the essence on this truck haul renourishment project and will
have plans, specifications and bidding documents prepared by 7/1/2019 to allow beach
renourishment to begin by 11/1/2019, provided that required documentation such as survey data
from others and County approvals are received in a timely manner to proceed with the work.
2. MHW Survey
A mean high water line survey will be collected from Clam Pass south to the terminus of the
existing 2004 Erosion Control Line near FDEP range monument R-44. Prior to the field survey,
coordination with the Division of State Lands is necessary to receive authorization to conduct
the mean high water survey. Once authorized, the mean high water will be located using RTK
GPS though the proposed work area. The survey will adhere to all standards set forth in chapter
177FS and 5J-17 FAC. The final survey drawing will be certified by a registered Florida
Professional Surveyor and Mapper and submitted to the FDEP Division of State Lands for
approval to support an 11/1/2019 construction start date.
3. Bidding Assistance & Notice to Proceed
Once the construction plans and technical specifications are completed, APTIM will provide the
FDEP all items necessary to request a Notice to Proceed (NTP) and provide the County with a
bid package containing: construction plans, technical specifications, project permits, bid form,
contractor questionnaire, and engineer’s opinion of probable costs. The questionnaire will be
integrated into the technical specifications.
APTIM will assist the County in their lead of the bidding process. APTIM will participate in the Pre-
Bid Meeting via phone conference, and assist the County in answering technical questions as
needed during the bidding process. Once the bids have been opened, APTIM will assist the
County in reviewing the bids and provide a recommendation to the County based on a review of
the submitted bids.
4. Engineer of Record
As the Engineer of Record, APTIM will conduct pre-, during- and post-construction tasks
necessary for certification of the project. An APTIM engineer will attend the pre-construction
conference and update the construction profiles using the Contractor’s pre-placement surveys.
During construction, APTIM will support the County’s inspection efforts and perform weekly site
visits to inspect the work and attend during construction meetings. It is assumed that there will be
up to 8 weeks of active hauling during construction. APTIM will prepare a QA/QC check list,
delineating the County, contractor, inspector and APTIM duties as a guideline for during
construction coordination.
Based largely on surveys, weight tickets, daily reports and observations made by the contractor
and County inspectors, APTIM will prepare a post-construction certification to meet permit
requirements. APTIM will also provide a construction and as-built summary based on the
contractor’s as-built drawings. It is assumed that the annual physical monitoring survey and
Aptim Environmental & Infrastructure, LLC
engineering report will be contracted by the County under separate work order. The third party’s
annual monitoring report will serve as the post-construction report and may include APTIM’s as-
built summary as an appendix.
APTIM will review the contractor’s pay applications, reconcile and/or review the pay
volumes/tonnage based on mine records, weights tickets collected at the beach and physical
This work will be performed on a time and materials (T&M) basis with a cost not to exceed
$98,717.10 as outlined in the attached fee spreadsheet. The work will be completed to support
an anticipated construction start date of 11/1/2019. The overall time of the contract to complete
surveys, certifications and Engineer of Record signoff will be within 360 days of receipt of the
Notice to Proceed.
The recently completed hardbottom edge survey near Clam Pass Park is sufficient
for the sand placement in the newly permitted Clam Pass Park extended project area.
Dune restoration above 5 ft. NAVD and dune vegetation are not part of this work
County inspectors will collect weight tickets, observe delivered sand quality and beach
construction, and reconcile sand mine records with weight tickets collected at the
The County or a third party will perform and prepare reports on the following tasks:
o 2019 Physical Monitoring
o Turbidity Monitoring
o Biological Monitoring and Hardbottom Edge Surveys
o Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Surveys
o Marine Turtle Monitoring and Related FWC Coordination
o Shorebird Monitoring
Exhibit B
Fee Proposal
1 Design, Construction Plans & Specifications $38,252.00 1 28 68 8 107 12 12 4 56 2 4 4 780 3 3
2 MHW Survey $6,237.00 1 16 12 2 2 16 1 260 1 2
3 Bidding Assistance & Notice to Proceed $7,353.00 13 16 16 6 2
4 Engineer of Record $44,711.00 3 28 112 8 148 8 4 1 32 4 2,340 9 9
5 Reimbursable Expenses $2,164.10
Total Hours = 4 69 197 16 271 26 16 5 104 12 2 4 2 2 16 10 1 3,380 13 14
Rate = $207 $173 $148 $124 $111 $139 $111 $146 $103 $121 $94 $119 $86 $73 $136 $63 $495.00 $0.445 $12.00 $36.00
Cost = $828 $11,937 $29,156 $1,984 $30,081 $3,614 $1,776 $730 $10,712 $1,452 $188 $476 $172 $146 $2,176 $630 $495.00 $1,504.10 $156.00 $504.00
Senior GIS
Senior CAD
Surveyor & Mapper/
Professional Surveyor
& Mapper
Park Shore Renourishment
Collier County
May 6, 2019
MealsTask Item Engineer Marine Biologist/
2-Man Survey
Administrative RTK GPS MileageProject
Engineer I
Senior Marine
F:\Marketing\_Proposals\Florida Counties\Collier\2019\Parkshore 2019 Truck Haul Nourishment Project\2019 Truckhaul - Exhibit B - Draft Cost.xlsx
Exhibit C
Rate Schedule
Recommendation to approve a work order with APTIM Environmental & Infrastructure, Inc. to
provide professional engineering services for 2020-2021 Local Government Funding Request under
Contract No.15-6382 for time and material not to exceed $19,896, authorize the Chairman to
execute the work order, and make a finding that this item promotes tourism.
OBJECTIVE: To move forward with preparation of the 2020-2021 Local Government Funding Request
(LGFR) for Collier County’s shore protection projects.
CONSIDERATIONS: APTIM Environmental & Infrastructure, Inc. will assist the County with
Preparation of the 2020-2021 LGFR for Collier County’s shore protection projects; South Marco Island
and Collier County Beach Renourishment projects, and the County’s inlet projects: Wiggins Pass and
Doctors Pass as well as applications for State supplemental funding for Hurricane Irma repair projects.
All the elements of the projects as they apply to Rule 62B-36 and the LGFR application and guidance
documents will be evaluated in order to increase Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP)
ranking and cost sharing opportunities where practical. Additionally, APTIM will update the application
response to account for the modification of the LGFR based on the latest rating guidelines and rules and
current project cost information. Once APTIM has completed a draft of the LGFR application they will
provide it to Collier County for review and comment prior to submittal to FDEP.
FDEP will review the application and may request additional information (RAI). APTIM will respond to
FDEP’s RAI and provide additional information to the FDEP on behalf of Collier County as needed.
FDEP then reviews the applications in detail and provides initial project rankings and initial project
assessments. Collier County will then have the opportunity to respond to the initial project assessment.
APTIM will then perform a review of the initial project assessment on behalf of Collier County and, if
warranted, provide the County with a draft letter to the FDEP identifying the area within the application
that may provide additional points to the County.
FISCAL IMPACT: Funding for the proposed work order is available in the amount of $19,896, in the
Tourist Development Tax Fund 195, Project No. 90065, FDEP LGFR Analysis. Funding for this work
order will not be requested for reimbursement from any grantor agency.
GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan related to
this action.
ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff is requesting approval of this item.
LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is approved as to form and legality and requires majority vote
for approval. - CMG
RECOMMENDATION: To approve a work order with APTIM Environmental & Infrastructure, Inc. to
provide professional engineering services for 2020-2021 Local Government Funding Request under
Contract No.15-6382 for time and material not to exceed $19,896, authorize the Chairman to execute the
work order, and make a finding that this item promotes tourism.
Prepared By: J. Gary McAlpin, P.E., Coastal Zone Management, Capital Project Planning, Impact Fees
and Program Management Division
CAC May 9, 2019
VIII-9 New Business
1 of 1
Exhibit A
Scope of Work
2020-2021 Local Government Funding Requests (LGFR)
Collier County, Florida
Scope of Work
Contract Number 15-6382
In order to distribute state funds for shore protection and inlet management projects, the Florida
Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) requests that local sponsors submit an annual
Local Government Funding Request (LGFR) for their projects. The FDEP has recently modified
the LGFR application based on the updated 62B-36 Rule which was effective August 5, 2013 and
fully implemented in 2014. This scope of work details the tasks required to assist the County with
preparing and submitting the 2020-2021 Local Government Funding Requests to the FDEP and
responding to both the FDEP’s Application Review and Project Assessment for Collier’s South
Marco and County Beach Renourishment projects, and inlet maintenance projects at Doctors Pass,
and Wiggins Pass.
The FDEP’s ranking methodology document will serve as a guide for the responses we formulate
on behalf of the County. Once we have completed a draft of the LGFR application we will provide
it to Collier County for review and comment prior to submittal to the FDEP.
Following application submission, the FDEP will review the applications and may request
additional information (RAI). APTIM will respond to FDEP’s RAIs and provide additional
information to the FDEP in conjunction with and on behalf of Collier County as needed.
Following application review and response, the FDEP reviews the applications in detail and
provides initial project rankings and initial project assessments. The applicant then has the
opportunity to respond to the initial project assessment. We will perform a review of the initial
project assessment on behalf of Collier County and, if warranted, provide the County with a draft
letter to the FDEP identifying the areas within the applications that may provide additional points
to the County.
1. South Marco Beach LGFR
APTIM will assist the County with preparation of the 2020-2021 LGFR for Collier County’s South
Marco Island Renourishment Project. Building upon past LGFR applications, APTIM will update
the application response to account for the latest application format, rating guidelines and rules,
and current project cost information. All the elements of the projects as they apply to the 62B-36
Rule and the LGFR application and guidance document will be evaluated in order to optimize
FDEP ranking and cost sharing opportunities where practical. This will include research to identify
public lodging establishments and updated county zoning.
2. North County Beach Renourishment Program & Doctors Pass LGFR
APTIM will assist the County with preparation of the 2020-2021 LGFR for Collier County’s North
County beaches (Vanderbilt, Park Shore, Naples Beach) and Doctors Pass projects. Building upon
past LGFR applications, APTIM will update the application response to account for the latest
application format, rating guidelines and rules, and current project cost information. All the
elements of the projects as they apply to the 62B-36 Rule and the LGFR application and guidance
document will be evaluated in order to optimize FDEP ranking and cost sharing opportunities
where practical. This will include research to identify public lodging establishments and updated
county zoning.
3. Wiggins Pass LGFR
APTIM will assist the County with preparation of the 2020-2021 LGFR for Collier County’s
Wiggins Pass inlet maintenance project. All the elements of the projects as they apply to the 62B-
36 Rule and the LGFR application and guidance document will be evaluated in order to increase
FDEP ranking and cost sharing opportunities where practical. Additionally, we will update maps
and the application response to account for the latest application format, rating guidelines and
rules, and current project cost information.
This work will be performed on a time and materials (T&M) basis with a cost not to exceed
$19,896.00 as outlined in the attached fee spreadsheet. The work will be completed within 180
days of receipt of the Notice to Proceed.
Exhibit B
Fee Proposal
(Hours) (Hours) (Hours) (Hours) (Hours) (Hours) (Hours)1 South Marco Beach LGFR Application$5,103.001488612 22 North County Beaches & Doctors Pass LGFR Application$9,690.002 8 18 12 14 20 23 Wiggins Pass LGFR Application$5,103.001488612 2Total Hours = 4 16 34 28 26 44 6Rate = $207 $173 $148 $124 $111 $103 $63Cost = $828 $2,768 $5,032 $3,472 $2,886 $4,532 $378TIME & MATERIAL TOTAL$19,896.00Task ItemCost PrincipalSenior Project ManagerProject Manager EngineerPlanner/ Jr. EngineerGIS SpecialistClerical/ AdministrativeEXHIBIT BFEE PROPOSAL FOR2020-2021 LOCAL GOVERNMENT FUNDING REQUEST (LGFR) PREPARATIONCOLLIER COUNTY, Contract No. 15-6382May 2, 2019F:\Marketing\_Proposals\Florida Counties\Collier\2019\LGFR\Collier LGFR 2020-21 - Exhibit B - Cost.xlsx
Exhibit C
Rate Schedule
Recommendation to approve and authorize the Chairman to execute Change Order No. 1
to Contract No. 17-7097 with APTIM Environmental & Infrastructure, LLC for additional
time and professional services as required for the Collier Creek Mod eling Study, and make
a finding that this item promotes tourism.
OBJECTIVE: To proceed with Change Order with APTIM Environmental & Infrastructure for
the Collier Creek Modeling Study.
CONSIDERATIONS: In order to address comments from Florida Department of
Environmental Protection (FDEP) to support permitting of a long-term solution for Collier
Creek, APTIM has prepared a proposal to modify PO No 45-179398. APTIM is requesting an
increase of $78,427 and an additional 365 days. This will bring the total of this contract to
This contract (17-7097) was approved by the Board on July 11, 2017 Item 16A18 in the amount
of $298,959.30.
FISCAL IMPACT: Funds have been budgeted and approved for this activity in FY 2018-2019
fund 195-90072 Tourist Development Tax.
GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan
related to this action.
ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff is recommending approval of
this item.
LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is approved as to form and legality and requires
majority vote for approval. – CMG
RECOMMENDATION: To approve and authorize the Chairman to execute Change Order No.
1 to Contract No. 17-7097 with APTIM Environmental & Infrastructure, LLC for additional time
and professional services as required for the Collier Creek Modeling Study, and make a finding
that this item promotes tourism.
Prepared By: J. Gary McAlpin, P.E., Coastal Zone Management, Capital Project Planning,
Impact Fees and Program Management Division
CAC May 9, 2019
VIII-10 New Business
1 of 1
May 6, 2019
Gary McAlpin, Director
Collier County Coastal Zone Management
2800 N. Horseshoe Drive
Naples, FL 34104
2481 NW Boca Raton Blvd.
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Tel: +1 561 391 8102
Fax: +1 561 391 9116
Re: Collier Creek Modeling Study Change Order for Additional Services (Contract No 17-7097)
Dear Gary:
In order to address comments from Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) to support
permitting of a long term solution for Collier Creek, APTIM has prepared the attached proposal at your
request to modify PO #45-179398. Items 1 through 6 of the original work order have been completed.
Attached you will find a revised scope of work and fees to adjust item 7, keep item 8 as is, and add items
9 and 10. In addition, please allow for a revised completion date of June 19, 2020 (365 added days).
Included as Exhibits are: the Scope of Work (Exhibit A), F ee Proposal (Exhibit B), and the Rate Schedule
(Exhibit C). APTIM requests an increase of $78,427.00 to existing Contract No. 17-7097 to cover the
additional services proposed in the attached Scope of Work. The revised total contract time and materials
value will be $377,386.30.
Thomas P. Pierro, P.E., D.CE
Director of Operations
Aptim Environmental & Infrastructure, LLC
cc: Tara Brenner, P.G., P.E., APTIM
Exhibit A
Scope of Work
Aptim Environmental & Infrastructure, LLC
MAY 2019
In order to address comments from Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) to
support permitting of a long term solution for Collier Creek, Collier County (County) has requested
that APTIM make the following adjustments to the existing scope of work for the Collier Creek
Modeling Study (PO #45-179398). These scope of work adjustments are in response to feedback
from FDEP, Rookery Bay Aquatic Preserve (RBAP), and local stakeholders that additional
modeling, project justification, and regional coordination will be required in order to complete a
permit application for the multi-part Tentatively Selected Plan (TSP) for Collier Creek
improvements. These comments were received after agency review of the Collier Creek
Management Plan and Modeling Report completed in November 2018 by APTIM and subsequent
phone conferences.
Task 9: Modeling Final Array of Alternatives
Under this new Task 9, APTIM will utilize calibrated numerical models to evaluate alternative
designs for the proposed new groin, suitable to address FDEP comments described in their March
11, 2019 letter and in a teleconference held on April 5, 2019. The final array of alternatives will
refine the TSP and use it to then evaluate a permeable, impermeable and no groin system
compared to the existing inlet configuration, as requested by FDEP. Comparison of the modeling
results will include numerical ranking as used in the Management Plan (APTIM, 2018) and
illustrations to explain the coastal and hydraulic processes of interest to FDEP, such as impact
on currents, sediment transport, scour, shoreline change and bathymetry.
Final Array of Alternatives (subject to minor modification):
1. Existing Configuration (Original Alterative 1 - starting after dredging)
2. Tentative Selective Plan (TSP) Variations
a. Optimization of jetty, groin, channel borders, channel cuts, and depth to meet the
goals described in the April 5 outline and teleconference.
b. Optimized plan with permeable groin or permeable adjustable groin (PAG)
c. Optimized plan with small terminal jetty only and no groin (Original Alterative 6)
Alternative 2a will be refined in an iterative fashion until the simulated performance has been
optimized to a level that aligns with the project objectives. Each alternative will be run for 4 years
and compared to Alternative 1 under the same hydraulic conditions. Results will be analyzed to
calculate initial, advanced and maintenance cut and fill volumes, to compare resulting velocities,
channel width, volume infilled, scour/turbulence intensity, and any impacts landward of the ECL
after 4 years.
The final optimized alternative will be run through the numerical models for up to 8 years, or to
the maximum practical length of time greater than 4 years. If the results show major negative
Aptim Environmental & Infrastructure, LLC
impacts landward of the ECL or to other habitat areas, APTIM will consider if the next best
performing alternative would have less impacts to State owned lands.
These additional modeling efforts and analysis are being conducted to assist in providing
reasonable engineering assurances of the expected impacts of the proposed Collier Creek
improvements. The modeling results and analysis will be written up and presented in a document
that can be used to support permitting efforts and amend the previously completed Management
Plan and Modeling Report.
Task 10. Stakeholder and Agency Coordination
APTIM will assist Collier County in their efforts to coordinate with local stakeholders such as
Hideaway Beach, Ville de Marco West, The City of Marco Island, RBAP, the Coastal Advisory
Committee (CAC), and the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC), as appropriate. In relation
to the Collier Creek Modeling Study and regional sand management, APTIM will prepare for and
attend up to 3 in-person meetings in Collier County.
As requested by FDEP, a regional sand management plan is to be developed for the Hideaway
Beach/Collier Creek permit. APTIM will assist the County in coordinating with the Hideaway
Beach community and RBAP to come up with a comprehensive sand management plan. In
developing the plan, the following items were specifically requested by FDEP for further
investigation and consideration:
1. Alternative disposal options for material resulting from lagoon dredging such as offshore,
or South Marco Island. Sand Dollar Island is growing and there is a desire to keep the
lagoon open, but current practice of disposing of dredged material onto Hideaway Beach
and RBAP may be having a negative impact on Collier Creek.
2. Environmental and coastal management consequences of allowing Sand Dollar Island to
meld onto the beach and eliminate the lagoon.
3. Reducing the permitted template size of the Hideaway Beach project, east of the lagoon
opening, to eliminate overfilling of the T-groin field.
In addition to local stakeholder coordination, APTIM will assist the County in negotiations and
discussions with FDEP and RBAP related to the quantity of anticipated State land loss (if any),
appropriate mitigation, and easement type. APTIM will develop graphics and perform analyses to
support discussions related to anticipated state lands impacts during- and post-construction of
the proposed Collier Creek improvements. Negotiations may include adjustments of the new
channel’s dredge footprint, minor modifications to the proposed structures and expanded disposal
area, and permit or easement conditions as required. Up to three APTIM professionals will
accompany the County for one meeting with FDEP in Tallahassee to discuss this project in-
person, if needed.
Task 7E. Permitting for Selected Plan
Task 7A has been previously completed, and Task 7B is currently in progress with no requested
changes at this time. This Change Order requests that existing Tasks 7C and 7D be closed and
the funds from those tasks be combined into a new Task 7E ‘Permitting for Selected Plan’.
This task will include professional services to support permitting of the other features of the final
selected plan; except for the terminal jetty modification, which is covered in existing Task 7B.
Aptim Environmental & Infrastructure, LLC
Project features include: altered Collier Creek dredge template, up to one new groin structure,
expansion of the existing Big Marco/Capri Pass disposal area, and a regional sand management
The permit application will seek to include an expansion of the Big Marco/Capri Pass disposal
area both horizontally and vertically, potentially including an extension into the Loggerhead
Critical Habitat. This effort will be based on previously collected geological data and may require
a longer consultation period due to the involvement of National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS).
This scope assumes that this request is one that can be submitted utilizing existing data and
analysis for support, and does not require additional coordination with environmental agencies
beyond an initial request for consultation.
The additional modeling efforts and justifications developed in other tasks will be utilized to
support state and Federal permitting of the selected plan for Collier Creek improvements. APTIM
will prepare and submit the relevant state and Federal permit applications by integrating the
biological, geological, engineering and modeling components. The project description will be
based on the modeling and management plan developed in consultation with local stakeholder s
and FDEP. Information to be incorporated into the permit application shall include:
A description of the existing conditions
Historical background information
Justification of the maintenance dredging project at Collier Creek
A written description of the project’s design features
Anticipated construction methods
Relevant environmental information
Relevant geological data
Permit drawings
Proposed sand management plan
Copies of the Collier Creek Feasibly Report, Modeling Reports, and Management Plan
as appropriate
APTIM will prepare the permit or permit modification request for submittal by Collier County and
assist in reply to limited Requests for Additional Information (RAI) from the permitting agencies t o
bring the permit request to completion. The County will provide all permit fees directly to the permit
agencies and will be responsible for publication of any public notices. APTIM will work closely
with the County to support agency staff and their permitting review in order to expeditiously secure
final permits, to the greatest extent practical.
Task 8: Reimbursable Expenses
At the time of the submittal of this change order request, $7,254.41 are unbilled within the
reimbursable expenses. APTIM requests that these remaining fees remain available to support
reimbursable expenses related to meetings and coordination.
No additional field data collection efforts are planned for in this scope of work. Geological
investigation and development of additional disposal sites, and pre-, during-, and post-
construction support can be provided by APTIM under separate work assignment and are not
included within this change order request.
Exhibit B
Fee Proposal
Original Change Order Total
Contract #1 Net Cost (Hours)(Hours)(Hours)(Hours)(Hours)(Hours)(Hours)(Hours)(Hours)(Hours)(Hours)(Hours)(Hours)
1 Coordination $14,719.00 $0.00 $14,719.00 6 9 20 20 32 8 8
2 Field Work & Analysis $44,313.00 $0.00 $44,313.00 2 28 16 128 76 12
3 Historic Data Analysis & Sediment Budget $5,777.00 $0.00 $5,777.00 1 2 4 4 16 16 4
4 Modeling Alternatives $70,428.00 $0.00 $70,428.00 8 12 24 432 24
5 Modeling Report $17,378.00 $0.00 $17,378.00 2 6 16 80 2 4 12 8
6 Management Plan $32,556.00 $0.00 $32,556.00 8 36 72 48 40 8 16 8
7 Permitting (Refer to Sub-Tasks below)$104,182.00 $0.00 $104,182.00
a. Pre-Application Meeting $13,750.00 $0.00 $13,750.00 2 24 32 32
b. Permitting Terminal Jetty Modifications $46,654.00 $0.00 $46,654.00 2 12 96 8 72 100 12 16 40 4
c. Permitting to Increase In-Water Disposal or Adjust Dredge Template/Alignment $22,840.00 ($22,840.00)$0.00
d. Permitting Contingency $20,938.00 ($20,938.00)$0.00
e. Permitting for Selected Plan $0.00 $43,778.00 $43,778.00 4 24 72 16 72 52 16 16 4 50 12
8 Reimburseables $9,606.30 $0.00 $9,606.30
9 Modeling Final Array of Alternatives $0.00 $29,962.00 $29,962.00 2 12 4 192
10 Stakeholder and Agency Coordination $0.00 $48,465.00 $48,465.00 5 70 67 92 40 20 2 16 24 2
SUBTOTALS $298,959.30 $78,427.00 $377,386.30 40 207 409 844 296 260 60 64 128 76 32 166 34
$207 $173 $148 $140 $139 $111 $121 $119 $86 $136 $94 $103 $63
$403,141.30 $8,280 $35,811 $60,532 $118,160 $41,144 $28,860 $7,260 $7,616 $11,008 $10,336 $3,008 $17,098 $2,142
Surveyor and
Page 1 of 2
Senior Marine
Survey Crew -
2 man
Specialist ClericalTask Item
Task Cost
F:\Marketing\_Proposals\Florida Counties\Collier\2019\Collier Creek Final Design Permitting\Collier Creek Exhibit B Fee ProposalCO.xlsx
1 Coordination
2 Field Work & Analysis 2 1 3 4 2 1 1
3 Historic Data Analysis & Sediment Budget 4
4 Modeling Alternatives
5 Modeling Report
6 Management Plan
7 Permitting
a. Pre-Application Meeting
b. Permitting Terminal Jetty Modifications
c. Permitting to Increase In-Water Disposal or Adjust
Dredge Template/Alignment
d. Permitting Contingency
e. Permitting for Selected Plan
8 Reimbursables 34 15 6 1,940 2 7
9 Modeling Final Array of Alternatives
10 Stakeholder and Agency Coordination
34 15 6 1,940 2 7 4 2 1 3 4 2 1 1
$36.00 $165.00 $800.00 $0.445 $80.00 $12.00 $95.00 $5,000.00 $900.00 $790.00 $495.00 $260.00 $215.00 $160.00
$1,224.00 $2,475.00 $4,800.00 $863.30 $160.00 $84.00 $380.00 $10,000.00 $900.00 $2,370.00 $1,980.00 $520.00 $215.00 $160.00
Page 2 of 2
Heave, Pitch,
SounderAirfare Mileage Rental Car
Tolls Sieve Analysis ADCPTask Item Underwater
Tide Guage Survey Boat RTK GPSMeals Lodging
C:\Users\tara.brenner\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Network Shortcuts\Collier Creek Exhibit B Fee ProposalCO.xlsx
Exhibit C
Rate Schedule
Recommendation to authorize the Chairman to approve the proposal by CSA Ocean Sciences, Inc.
to continue the required post-construction hardbottom monitoring for the Collier County
Beach Nourishment Project in summer 2019 and authorize the Chairman to execute a Work
Order with CSA Ocean Sciences, Inc. for Time and Material not to exceed $94,578.90 under the
already approved and executed Contract No. 17-7188 and make a finding that this item promotes
OBJECTIVE: To continue to conduct post-construction hardbottom monitoring to ensure all impacts
from the 2018 Red Tide Event are assessed and documented prior to the 2019 beach nourishment.
CONSIDERATIONS: The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) and the United
States Army Corps of Engineers require nearshore hardbottom monitoring to be performed on a yearly
basis to assure that beach renourishment sand has not migrated onto the nearshore coral outcropping off
the coast of Collier County. This work is required to be performed during the spring and summer of each
year when underwater visibility in the Gulf of Mexico is greatest. Field work must be completed,
according to permit, by September 30, 2019.
Due to the impacts of the 2018 Red Tide Event, CSA and Collier County staff investigated the current
permit required monitoring and the potential to account for undocumented impacts to the biota by
conducting monitoring on a subset of the 2018 transects. Based on recommendations from FDEP, 13 of
the 32 monitoring transects will be surveyed in 2019 to ensure any impacts from the hurricane and red
tide are assessed prior to beach nourishment, as well as to meet the requirements of the FDEP Permit.
A Work Order will be released against the master contract identifying specific scope of work, schedule
and pricing for the summer 2019 nearshore hardbottom monitoring. The Work Order for 2019 is for a not
to exceed Time and Material price of $94,578.90.
GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan related to
this action.
ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff is requesting approval of this item.
FISCAL IMPACT: Funding for this work is available in the Tourist Development Tax Beach
Renourishment Fund (195) project 90033.
RECOMMENDATION: Recommendation to authorize the Chairman to approve the proposal by CSA
Ocean Sciences, Inc. to continue the required post-construction hardbottom monitoring for the
Collier County Beach Nourishment Project in summer 2019 and authorize the Chairman to execute
a Work Order with CSA Ocean Sciences, Inc. for Time and Material not to exceed $94,578.90 under the
already approved and executed Contract No. 17-7188 and make a finding that this item promotes tourism.
Prepared By: J. Gary McAlpin, P.E., Coastal Zone Management, Capital Project Planning, Impact Fees
and Program Management Division
CAC May 9, 2019
VIII-11 New Business
1 of 1
The content of this document is the exclusive property of CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. It has been provided for the purpose for which
it is supplied and is not for general release or disclosure. The recipient of this document should take all measures to ensure that the
contents are only disclosed to those persons having a legitimate right to know. The recipient should also note that this document is
provided on the express terms that it is not to be copied whole or in part or disclosed in any manner to third parties withou t the
express authority in writing from CSA Ocean Sciences Inc.
Collier County 2019 Hardbottom Biological Monitoring
Submitted to: Submitted By:
Collier County, Florida
2685 South Horseshoe Drive Unit 103
Naples, Florida 34104
Tel: 239-252-2966
CSA Ocean Sciences Inc.
8502 SW Kansas Avenue
Stuart, Florida 34997
Tel: 772-219-3000
Privileged, confidential, and/or proprietary information intended for a specific individual and purpose. Any distribution or use of
this communication by anyone other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.
Prepared For: Prepared By:
Collier County, Florida
Mr. Gary McAlpin
Director, Coastal Zone Management Section
Capital Project Planning, Impact Fees and
Program Management Division
Tel: 239-252-2966
CSA Ocean Sciences Inc.
Chip Baumberger
Project Scientist 2;
Ports, Harbors and Beaches Group
Tel: 772-219-3053 | Cell: 772-332-7150
The following versions of this proposal have been issued:
Ver. Date Description Approved
01 4/19/2019 Technical & Commercial Proposal: Collier
County 2019 Hardbottom Biological Monitoring CB FA
02 5/3/2019 Revision 1 CB FA
Privileged, confidential, and/or proprietary information intended for a specific individual and purpose. Any distribution or use of
this communication by anyone other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.
CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. (CSA) is pleased to submit this technical and commercial proposal to continue
the required post-construction hardbottom monitoring for the Collier County Beach Nourishment Project
in summer 2019. Our estimate was prepared for a pending work order from Collier County under
Professional Services for Nearshore Hardbottom Monitoring contract #17-7188 and is based on the scope
of work for the Collier County Beach Nourishment Project Final Hardbottom Biological Monitoring Plan
(BMP) (Revised 2018, Attachment). This project will conform to all associated Florida Department of
Environmental Protection (FDEP) permits:
• Collier County Beach Renourishment FDEP Permit No. 02222355-001-JC and USACE Permit
No. SAJ–2004-08754;
• Doctors Pass Maintenance Dredging FDEP Permit No. 0235740-001-JC and USACE Permit
No. SAJ-2004-09754; and
• Wiggins Pass Maintenance Dredging and Navigation Improvement FDEP Permit
No. 0142538-001-JC and USACE Permit No. SAJ-2004-07621.
The post-construction hardbottom monitoring includes an in-water survey of 13 of the previously
established monitoring transects. The survey will be conducted by experienced marine biologists using
the same methods utilized in the 2018 survey for this project. A report will be compiled of the 2019
results and comparisons with previous surveys. The survey will be conducted between 1 May and 30
September 2019 and all data deliverables will be provided within 60 days of completion of fieldwork, per
BMP requirements. Draft and final versions of the report will be submitted within 90 days of completion
of fieldwork.
CSA will provide two American Academy of Underwater Scientists (AAUS)-certified marine biologists
from our Ports, Beaches, & Harbors division to join the Collier County team as Subject Matter Experts
who will guide field activities and the data collection processes.
CSA will provide project oversight, coordination, and management for the 2019 nearshore hardbottom
monitoring program. CSA’s Project Manager will supervise all aspects of the project and will oversee all
team personnel, including field scientists (i.e., Subject Matter Experts), authors, editors, and technical and
support staff. CSA will plan and execute project activities to meet required deadlines and/or Client project
CSA will hold a kickoff meeting with Collier County staff to review the scope of work, confirm project
logistics, and discuss acceptable weather and sea state conditions before beginning mobilization efforts
for the monitoring survey. It is assumed Collier County will provide a vessel, captain, and two divers to
assist with the survey. Several mobilizations and demobilizations may be necessary to complete all tasks,
depending on weather and sea conditions. Therefore, Task 1 includes provision for up to three round trips
and associated meals for a two-person team. Additional trips to and from Collier County will be billed on
a Time and Materials basis under the agreed upon rates. CSA will confirm visibility of nearshore waters
with Collier County staff prior to mobilization, minimizing travel back and forth during monitoring due to
poor sea state and water visibility. Travel to and from Collier County is anticipated to take 0.5 days each.
Privileged, confidential, and/or proprietary information intended for a specific individual and purpose. Any distribution or use of
this communication by anyone other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.
Due to the impacts of the 2018 Red Tide Event and Hurricane Michael, CSA investigated the current
permit required monitoring (3 transects at Wiggins Pass only) and the potential to account for
undocumented impacts to the biota by conducting monitoring on a subset of the 2018 transects. Based on
discussions with FDEP, 13 of the 32 monitoring transects will be surveyed in 2019 to ensure any impacts
from the hurricane and red tide are assessed prior to beach nourishment, as well as to meet the
requirements of the aforementioned FDEP Permits.
The transects are located among five beach segments: Wiggins Pass, 3 transects, (R-18+900, R-19+400
and R-20); Vanderbilt, 3 transects (R-21+080, R-26+460 and R-29+700); Pelican Bay, 2 transects (R-31
and R-36); Park Shore, 3 transects (R-42+500, 47+600 and R-51+275); and Naples Beach, 2 transects (R-
58-300 and R-59+590). The hardbottom monitoring survey is estimated to take 7 days and the mapping of
the nearshore hardbottom edge is estimated at 7 days, for a total of 14 field survey days. CSA will utilize
the transect endpoints collected in 2018 by Collier County as listed in Table 1 of the BMP to re-survey
the 13 transects. Each transect will be re-occupied by extending a 50-m tape along the transect length and
aligning it with permanent markers installed and maintained during the previous monitoring survey. CSA
will maintain and replace permanent markers as necessary during the field survey.
2.1 Transect Monitoring
The team will conduct line-intercept and interval sediment depth measurements, survey 11 benthic
quadrats, collect coral photo quadrats, and conduct a coral census along each 50-m transect, as described
in the BMP. Quantitative video of each transect will be recorded at 40-cm height off bottom at a slow,
4-m/min speed for archival purposes. A Canon XA-10 HD video camera in a Light and Motion
underwater housing with video lights will be used to collect video data. Two lasers mounted to converge
at a point 40 cm from the camera will ensure divers maintain the appropriate camera height off bottom.
Sediment depth measurements will be made at 1-m intervals along the entire length of the transect, with a
marked stainless steel sediment probe or ruler inserted up to 30 cm into the sediment.
A 0.5-m × 0.5-m quadrat (0.25-m2 area) will be sampled at 11 individual hardbottom locations spaced
every 5 m along the transect, in the same locations as those established and surveyed in 2018. All
quadrats, even those containing 100% sand cover, will be surveyed and included in the dataset.
Visual estimates will be made within each quadrat of percent cover by major benthic taxonomic groups,
including macroalgae (total percent cover of the dominant species), coralline algae, sponges, hydroids,
wormrock, octocorals, stony corals, bryozoans, and tunicates. Percent cover of various substrate types
will also be estimated. Maximum and average height of the thalli will be measured for the two dominant
macroalgae species in each quadrat. Sediment depth will be measured at five haphazardly selected
positions and the maximum vertical relief of hardbottom will be measured in each quadrat. Photographs
of each quadrat will be collected at the time of survey.
2.2 Nearshore Hardbottom Edge Surveys
The nearshore hardbottom edge (landward edge of hardbottom) seaward of the equilibrium toe of fill
(ETOF) of each beach segment will be mapped during the survey. Two divers will swim the nearshore
hardbottom edge located west of the ETOF, videotaping the edge and associated benthic community. The
team will tow a short-tethered (taut-line) DGPS buoy transmitting continuous buoy/diver positions to
Hypack® hydrographic survey software on board the vessel. The obliquely-held HD video camera will
collect video imagery proximately to the DGPS buoy to allow geo-referencing. If the continuous
Privileged, confidential, and/or proprietary information intended for a specific individual and purpose. Any distribution or use of
this communication by anyone other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.
nearshore hardbottom edge crosses to the east of the ETOF toward land, the mapping will continue until
the edge of hardbottom ends. The mapping of the hardbottom edge is expected to take 7 days.
Data deliverables and reports will be provided to Collier County and the FDEP, with conformance to
requirements and schedules set forth in the approved 2018 BMP (Table 1). A comprehensive raw data
deliverable will be provided on an external hard drive within 60 days of completion of field survey
activities and will include all video and photo data, Point Count files, Excel spreadsheets of quadrat data,
draft GIS shapefiles, and *.pdf copies of field data sheets, as applicable. Notification of survey
completion will be made by letter or email to the FDEP Joint Coastal Permit Compliance Officer.
Nearshore hardbottom monitoring results will be compiled into a report by 30 December of the same year
(assuming fieldwork is completed by 30 September), per Contract #17-7188. The report will discuss the
results of the current 2019 Nearshore Hardbottom Monitoring Survey and include comparisons with the
2018 survey results. The monitoring report will include graphs, tables, and statistical analyses of collected
data. Geo-referenced maps showing hardbottom along transects and the nearshore hardbottom edge will
be included. All reports will be provided in electronic format with hardcopy upon request.
Table 1. Data deliverables and reports.
Task 2 - Hardbottom Monitoring
Data Deliverables
• All video and photo data
• Excel spreadsheets of quadrat data
• Draft GIS shapefiles: nearshore hardbottom edge and transects
• Field data sheets provided electronically as *.pdf
Monitoring Report
• Graphs, tables, and statistical analyses of collected data
• Geo-referenced maps showing hardbottom along transects and the nearshore
hardbottom edge
• Selected qualitative imagery of transects and nearshore hardbottom edge
• Provided in electronic format, *.pdf, with hardcopy on request
The project schedule will be updated twice per month by the Project Manager, with input from Collier
County and the FDEP (as appropriate), to provide status of task activities and track critical milestones and
precedent activities. This bi-weekly update will identify any problems and enable corrective action to be
taken quickly. The updated schedule may be provided to Collier County upon request. CSA will convene
a project kickoff meeting with Collier County staff and field survey participants to ensure all necessary
personnel, field equipment, and monitoring standard operating procedures are in place prior to initiation
of the survey. CSA will endeavor to conduct all surveys concurrently as weather permits, to minimize
additional mobilization and travel costs.
Privileged, confidential, and/or proprietary information intended for a specific individual and purpose. Any distribution or use of
this communication by anyone other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.
The rates in Tables 2 and 3 are from the Professional Services for Nearshore Hardbottom Monitoring
Contract #17-7188 between CSA and Collier County, dated April 2018. The costs are on a Time and
Materials Not-to-Exceed basis and will be billed monthly once CSA receives the Notice to Proceed. A
summary of costs associated with the project are listed in Table 3.
Table 2. Estimated project costs by task.
Task 1: Mobilization and Project Management $14,894.50
Task 2: Field Survey $44,985.78
Task 3: Analysis and Report $34,698.62
Total Estimated Price: $94,578.90
Travel costs to and from Collier County from CSA’s office in Stuart, Florida are provided in Task 1;
room and board for CSA personnel while in Collier County are provided in Task 2. Our proposed cost
estimate includes as much mobilization and travel cost sharing as possible in order to provide Collier
County with the most cost-effective program. CSA has conservatively estimated the level of effort to
decrease the likelihood of change orders or additional approval requirements from Collier County. We
anticipate being able to complete the project tasks within or under the proposed budget (Table 3) by
utilizing best management practices.
Privileged, confidential, and/or proprietary information intended for a specific individual and purpose. Any distribution or use of
this communication by anyone other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.
Table 3. Estimated Cost breakdown of CSA hours, survey days, equipment, and travel by task.
Task Quantity Rates
(USD)SubTotal Total
1 14,894.50$
$ 13,872.10
PS2 86 106.19$ $ 9,132.34
PS1 42 95.02$ $ 3,990.84
PM1 4 122.96$ $ 491.84
T1 4 64.27$ $ 257.08
Travel 1,022.40$
Vehicle Rental 8 63.00$ $ 504.00
Fuel 96 3.15$ $ 302.40
Meals - 2 people 3 days 6 36.00$ $ 216.00
2 44,985.78$
$ 33,803.28
PS2 168 106.19$ $ 17,839.92
PS1 168 95.02$ $ 15,963.36
Travel 5,932.50$
Vehicle Rental 14 63.00$ 882.00$
Fuel - Vehicle 70 3.15$ 220.50$
Lodging 28 136.50$ 3,822.00$
Meals - 2 people, 14 days 28 36.00$ 1,008.00$
Equipment 5,250.00$
Underwater Video Camera (2)28 95.00$ 2,660.00$
Digital Camera (2)28 55.00$ 1,540.00$
Dive Equipment (2)28 25.00$ 700.00$
Diver Recall System 7 20.00$ 140.00$
Telemetry Survey System 7 30.00$ 210.00$
3 34,698.62$
$ 34,465.52
SS2 8 209.59$ $ 1,676.72
SS1 16 173.27$ $ 2,772.32
PS3 10 139.73$ $ 1,397.30
PS2 144 106.19$ $ 15,291.36
PS1 70 95.02$ $ 6,651.40
GISA 28 92.22$ $ 2,582.16
GIST 12 81.04$ $ 972.48
OM 1 192.84$ $ 192.84
TE2 10 111.79$ $ 1,117.90
DP 24 75.46$ $ 1,811.04
Equipment 233.10$
Deliverables Hard Drives -
To Become County property 2 78.75$ 157.50$
Fedex 2 37.80$ 75.60$
Total 94,578.90$
Administration, Travel, Mobilization, and Demobilization
Field Monitoring Survey
Analysis, Reporting, and Deliverables
Privileged, confidential, and/or proprietary information intended for a specific individual and purpose. Any distribution or use of
this communication by anyone other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.
CSA Ocean Sciences Inc.’s commercial proposal price calculations were based upon its “General Terms”
as well as “Project-Specific Terms,” which are outlined below. If the Client has issues with any of these
items, CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. reserves the right to modify its original proposal price in order to meet
any cost increase arising from any modifications requested by the Client.
This proposal contains privileged, confidential, and/or proprietary information intended for a specific
individual and purpose. Any distribution or use of this communication by anyone other than the intended
recipient is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.
General Terms
• Prices are quoted and payable in U.S. Dollars. Prices are exclusive of any local or national taxes,
fees, and/or licenses.
• Services are subject to availability of personnel and equipment at time of award.
• If any proposed equipment becomes unavailable, CSA reserves the sole right to substitute it with
any equipment they deem fit. If substituting the equipment results in a price increase, CSA will be
required to obtain Client written approval prior to placing said equipment in service.
• Mutually agreed upon contract must be executed by both parties before any commencement of
work, unless CSA receives a formal “Notice to Proceed.” Upon request, CSA can provide a
“Notice to Proceed” template.
• Payment is due within 30 days of invoice unless otherwise stated in contract.
• Any costs for third-party services or supplies not specified included will be billed at cost +5%.
Project-Specific Terms
• Field days for the environmental sampling are estimated and assume that the vessel, operator,
navigation, and two divers will be provided by Collier County. Actual costs charged will be based
on the actual number of field days spent by CSA personnel based on the rates listed in Table 3.
• The field survey operations cost estimate assumes that the required 14 survey days for the
nearshore hardbottom survey will be completed within no more than three separate survey efforts;
any additional costs incurred due to weather and sea conditions, vessel/equipment, and/or other
delays will be charged at the stated field day rate.
• Tasks 1 through 3 assume that the following will be provided by Collier County at no cost to
CSA Ocean Sciences Inc.:
o Vessel and captain,
o Two field team divers,
o Diving tanks,
o Hypack® navigation,
o Transect maintenance equipment and supplies, and
o A vessel log of daily activities.
• Travel to and from Collier County is anticipated to take 0.5 days each and includes appropriate
per diem according to Class B travel.
• Project technical details, pertinent information necessary for the Project Description section of the
report, and other requirements will be provided to CSA in a timely manner.
Privileged, confidential, and/or proprietary information intended for a specific individual and purpose. Any distribution or use of
this communication by anyone other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.
• Estimated cost for the project report is derived primarily from direct labor. This cost estimate
assumes a single electronic draft document submitted to Collier County for their review and a
reasonable number of compiled comments (i.e., no multiple drafts).
• Price for preparation of deliverables is based on a single draft and final document addressing a
single set of comments for each deliverable.
• CSA assumes that Collier County will provide all project metadata related to navigational data.
• If CSA is responsible for collecting the navigational data:
o CSA will utilize the WGS 84 UTM geodesy and Esri data formats in all geospatial products
unless otherwise specified at project outset by the Client; subsequent conversions to other
formats and geodesy are provided at an additional cost.
o Vertical and horizontal resolution of all geospatial data are provided without reference of
vertical data to a tidal datum and at the resolution afforded by equipment, local, and space
weather conditions at the time of collection.
o CSA’s default system is differential GPS; tidal datum integration, where possible, is provided
at additional cost and may require installation of tide stations or additional water level
measurement methods (RTK).
o CSA’s geospatial products are not Signed and Sealed by a Professional Land Surveyor unless
specified at project outset by the Client; this certification is provided at an additional cost.
Thank you for the opportunity to provide Collier County with this proposal. If you should have any
questions concerning the proposed costs, please feel free to contact Chip Baumberger by email at or by phone at (772) 219-3053.
From: McAloinGary
To: McAI inp Gary
Subject: FW: Beach Erosion - LeParc
Date: Thursday, May 2, 2019 12:21:52 PM
Attachments: imaae003.ona
From: McAlpinGary
Sent: Wednesday, May 1, 2019 1:13 PM
To: ochs_I ( <>; Casalanguida Nick
<>; CohenThaddeus <>;
PattersonAmy <Amy. Patterson>; KrausMaura
<>; WilliamsBarry <>
Subject: FW: Beach Erosion - LeParc
Leo and Nick,
Attached are my comments to Naples City Manager Chapman questions and comments:
I wanted to touch base with you about residents of the Le Parc Condominium having
shared their concerns about beach and dune erosion directly -in -front -of and south -of the
County's Gulf Shore Beach Access location (Seagate). City staff has visited the site
numerous times and share their concerns as the 2019 storms have begun eroding the
dunes at the vegetation line and the surf line is reaching the County's beach access ramp
at high tides (see attached photos).
Staff and consultant experience is that the recent erosion since March 2019 at Le
Parc is a result of late winter storm in the gulf and must be looked at as an
occurrence rather than an annual trend. Our beaches erode and accrete throughout
the year and although the beach has eroded into the dunes at Le Parc (R-45) an
emergency does not exist. The state allows us to renourish the beach to protect the
upland structures first as the primary objective and then to provide recreational
opportunity to the public as a secondary objective. The County's criteria to justify an
emergency beach renourishment is an upland structure in jeopardy. These
conditions do not exist. Dunes are sacrificial, and no upland structures are in
It may not be popular with residents and tourist but beach access and sufficient
beach width to enjoy the beach is readily available a short distance to the north
and/or the south. The walkway at Seagate may require closure on a short-term basis
but this situation can be managed. The Coastal Advisory Committee did not
recommend an emergency beach renourishment for these beach segments or
sections but rather requested that we monitor the beaches and report back to them
in three months. Staff believes that this is a prudent approach. Staff is
recommending that we not jump and respond to individual storm events as
emergencies that are isolated and consume significant resources. These resources
can be better utilized more effectively in a comprehensive manner. This approach is
also consistent with the County's goal to preserve capital and make decisions
consistent with established beach width policy in anticipation of a significant beach
renourishment event in the future.
I understand this matter was discussed at the April Coastal Advisory Committee (CAC)
meeting and County staff was asked to monitor the beach conditions at and near the Le
Parc Condominium for 3 -months and report back to CAC and Le Parc residents at the July
CAC meeting. Based on the erosion experienced at this beach locations and the concerns
raised by City and County residents, I am requesting your assistance in communicating
with the residents and addressing their concerns.
County staff will be more than happy to meet with the public as we have done in the
past to discuss the beaches and our approach towards renourishment. Our staff is
currently scheduled to meet and discuss renourishment and other related issues
with the Moorings MSTU on Monday 5/13/17. If you are willing to set up similar
meetings, our staff will be happy to participate.
Of particular interest to the Le Parc residents are the following questions:
1. What is the County's plan and schedule for beach and dune re -nourishment in this
area of the beach? Understanding the full scope and schedule for the 2020 re -
nourishment plans as discussed at the CAC meeting would be helpful.
As discussed in the CAC meeting, Truck haul beach renourishment is being scheduled
for the Clam Pass (R42 -R44), North Park Shore (R44 -R48) and Park Shore (R49 -R54)
in 2020. Our anticipation is that this work would begin after 11/1/2019 and be
complete before 5/1/2020 depending on permitting, purchasing and TDC approval
restrictions. Combining these beach segment together will allow us efficiency in our
operations and save mobilization costs. We anticipate that enough sand would be
placed on the beach allowing for advanced renourishment to protect the beaches
for five years until a major renourishment can be executed.
If the Board of County Commissioners directs staff to perform an emergency
renourishment, staff will do so with conveyor delivery of upland sand down the
Seagate boardwalk access as done in 2011 at Le Parc. This emergency
renourishment will most likely only address the beach in front of Le Parc with less
than 20,000 CY's and cost over $500,000 to perform.
2. Does the 2020 re -nourishment plan include the removal of the stone jetty just north
of the Gulf Shore Beach Access ramp (visible in 2 attached photos). If so, what is the
science or engineering that supports the removal of the jetty?
As part of the 2013 Masterplan for the beaches, the jetty was addressed. There is
no question that the jetty acts as a brake to the downdrift flow of sand from the
north and starving the south beach in front of Le Parc. Although concerning, this
area was not the priority for beach erosion within the County or the City of Naples.
The area south of Doctors Pass was the most erosional and received first attention.
The master plan from 2011 indicated that the existing jetty did not need removal as
long as the beaches to the north were sufficiently renourished to act as "feeder
beaches" and transported the sufficient sand downdrift to the south. In any event,
modeling of this area will be considered in the future.
3. May the County staff or County survey consultant, explain the methodology used to
measure the amount of beach erosion in this area. In an email the resident received
from County Commissioner Taylor, county staff reported there was 75 feet of beach
at the Le Parc section (R45) which is disputed by the Le Parc residents based on the
photo taken on 4/20/19. It would be good to understand from where these
measurements are taken and at what frequency.
The standard that the County uses to determine when beach renourishment should
be considered is from a standard benchmark that was established by the County and
FDEP 20 years ago. This benchmark is not dry beach width but measurement from
the base line to the Mean High Water (MHW). The baseline for this area is located in
the vegetative dune. The County's standard width design for these beaches is 85
feet from the baseline to the MHW. Beach width in this area is restricted by
offshore hardbottom locations. The Clam Pass Park Beach segment (R42 -R43) had
one section at R-42 measuring 69 feet but the average for this beach segment is 88
feet in width. The North Park Shore Beach (R44 -R48) has three sections measuring
below 85 feet. The Naples Cay section (R44) measured 64 feet; the Le Parc section
(R45) measured 75 feet and the beach at R-46 measured 76 feet. However, the
North Park Shore segment averaged 81 feet in width. The Park Shore Beach
segment (R48 -R55) had two sections measuring below 85 feet but the average for
this segment was 89 feet in width.
4. May the County send bi-weekly monitoring reports to Dr. Stephanie Molloy, Natural
Resources Manager for the City of Naples so we may assist in keeping the Le Parc
community informed?
The County will visually inspect the beaches over the next three months and survey
the beach width in front of the Le Parc at the end of three months. Our reporting
will be back to the CAC, County Management and the Naples City Manager. Dr.
Malloy attends the CAC meeting and will receive all information and updates at that
time along with members of Le Parc.
5. Should beach/dune erosion continue at the Le Parc area, at what point will the
County consider an emergency re -nourishment? In other words, how much additional
erosion would take place before the County mobilizes a contractor to stabilize this
The County's criteria to justify an emergency beach renourishment is an upland
structure in jeopardy. Staff would recommend an Emergency renourishment when
an upland structure is in jeopardy. Dunes are sacrificial. Beach access and the
Seagate boardwalk would be taken into consideration when making
6. In the event an emergency re -nourishment is needed, may this work be permitted to
take place during turtle nesting season?
Our permits allow us to renourish the beach during Turtle Nesting Season. The item
that will prohibit renourishment in this area is if a turtle nest is laid but not relocated
by 9:00 AM the next morning. I have asked Maura Kraus, our turtle monitoring
permit holder to get permission from FWC to relocate any turtle nests laid in that
area before 9:00 AM. The County's history however, has been to avoid
renourishment during turtle nesting season.
Our goal is to work in partnership with County staff to keep the residents informed of the
changes occurring on the beach resulting from storms and from planned or emergency re -
nourishment projects.
Please let me know if you prefer to meet and discuss the erosion concerns with me and my
team. Also, would County staff be able to meet with the residents and address the questions
we are being asked above?
County staff is more than happy to meet and discuss this situation with residents and City staff at
any time.
Gary McAlpin
From: OchsLeo
Sent: Monday, April 29, 2019 10:18 AM
To: PattersonAmy <Amy. Patterson (>; McAlpinGary
<Ga ry. McAI {LPcol l iercou>
Cc: Casa languidaNick <>; CohenThaddeus
Subject: FW: Beach Erosion - LeParc
Please prepare a draft response for my/Nick's review this week. Thanks.
Leo E. Ochs, Jr.
Collier County Manager
3299 East Tamiami Trail Naples FL 34112
From: Charles Chapman <CChapmanPna I�>
Sent: Monday, April 29, 2019 9:03 AM
To: OchsLeo <Leo.Ochsna>
Cc: CasalanguidaNick <>
Subject: Beach Erosion - LeParc
Dear County Manager Ochs (Leo),
I hope this email finds you and the Collier team doing well.
I wanted to touch base with you about residents of the LeParc Condominium having shared their
concerns about beach and dune erosion directly -in -front -of and south -of the County's Gulf Shore
Beach Access location (Seagate). City staff has visited the site numerous times and share their
concerns as the 2019 storms have begun eroding the dunes at the vegetation line and the surf line is
reaching the County's beach access ramp at high tides (see attached photos).
I understand this matter was discussed at the April Coastal Advisory Committee (CAC) meeting and
County staff was asked to monitor the beach conditions at and near the LeParc Condominium for 3 -
months and report back to CAC and LeParc residents at the July CAC meeting. Based on the erosion
experienced at this beach locations and the concerns raised by City and County residents, I am
requesting your assistance in communicating with the residents and addressing their concerns.
Of particular interest to the LeParc residents are the following questions:
1. What is the County's plan and schedule for beach and dune re -nourishment in this area of the
beach? Understanding the full scope and schedule for the 2020 re -nourishment plans as
discussed at the CAC meeting would be helpful.
2. Does the 2020 re -nourishment plan include the removal of the stone jettyjust north of the
Gulf Shore Beach Access ramp (visible in 2 attached photos). If so, what is the science or
engineering that supports the removal of the jetty?
3. May the County staff or County survey consultant, explain the methodology used to measure
the amount of beach erosion in this area. In an email the resident received from County
Commissioner Taylor, county staff reported there was 75 feet of beach at the LeParc section
(R45) which is disputed by the LeParc residents based on the photo taken on 4/20/19. It
would be good to understand from where these measurements are taken and at what
4. May the County send bi-weekly monitoring reports to Dr. Stephanie Molloy, Natural
Resources Manager for the City of Naples so we may assist in keeping the LeParc community
5. Should beach/dune erosion continue at the LeParc area, at what point will the County
consider an emergency re -nourishment? In other words, how much additional erosion would
take place before the County mobilizes a contractor to stabilize this area?
6. In the event an emergency re -nourishment is needed, may this work be permitted to take
place during turtle nesting season?
Our goal is to work in partnership with County staff to keep the residents informed of the changes
occurring on the beach resulting from storms and from planned or emergency re -nourishment
Please let me know if you prefer to meet and discuss the erosion concerns with me and my team.
Also, would County staff be able to meet with the residents and address the questions we are being
asked above?
Charles T. Chapman IV, ICMA-CM
City Manager
City of Naples
735 8th Street South
Naples, Florida 34102-6796
cchapmanPna I�
Under Florida Law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released
in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this
office by telephone or in writing.
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From: Bob Raymond
To: McAloinGary; HambriahtGail
Subject: Park Shore Beach -Seagate Section May 7, 2019
Date: Tuesday, May 7, 2019 5:36:41 PM
Attachments: ATT00001.bct
The photos below were taken directly in front of Park Plaza condo around 4:20 pm on May 7, 2019 about one hour
and a half after high tide. I lived on the Park Shore beach for over I 1 years and the Seagate section comes and goes
depending the type of storm. You'll see the high tide line in a few of the photos. It's been a month since the people
from Park Plaza showed us photos of what the beach looked like after a storm. The photos below show a beach
returning to it's normal size
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