Agenda 03/24/2009 Item #17C il':C'iTl !.)O -;-'C f\-t:ych 24. 2(i(}9 PZlg8 1 ('If 3 EXECUTIVE SU'VIMARY Recommendation to adopt a resolution approving amendments (appropriating carry forward, transfers and supplemental revenne) to the Fiscal Ycar 2008-09 Adopted Budget, OBJECTIVE: That the Board of County Commissioners adopts the attached resolution and the related amendments that amend the Fisca] Year 2008-09 adopted budget in accordance with Section] 29.06, F]orida Statutes. CONSIDERATIONS: Section 129.06, F]orida Statutes deilnes how an annual budget, as adopted by the Board, ean be amended. Certain budget amendments that increase the total appropriations ofa fund over the adopted annual budget must be approved by resolution of the Board of County Commissioners after an advertised public hearing. Budget amendments requiring such approval include the appropriation of carry f(lrward, interfund transfers, and supplemental revenue. The budget amendments 111 the attached resolution cover Board approved items through 3/1 0/09. This is a public hcaring to amend the budget for Fiscal Ycar 2008-09. Each of these budget amendments has been reviewed and approved hv the Board of Count v Commissioners via separate Executive Summaries. - A summary of the attached resolution has been advcrtiscd as required in Section 129.06 Florida Statutes. The attachcd resolution was available for public revicw and inspection with the re]atcd budget amendmcnts and exccutive summary at the Onice of Management and Budget. The amendments and summary are included herein by rcfcrcncc in the resolution. FISCAL IMPACT: previously considered statements. The amendments and related c'(ceut ivc summaries, which were and approved by the Board, contained their respcctive liscal impact GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: Thcrc 15 no Growth Managcment Impact associated with this Executivc Summary. LEGAL CONsrnERA nONS: Thc County .'^\1torncy"s Office has reviewed and approved the attached resolution tor legal sui'ficieney - JAK. RECOMMENDA nON: TIM the Board adopts thc altached resolution amending the Fiscal Year 2008-09 adopted budget. Prepared by: John A. Y onkosky, Director, Of/ice 01' Management and Budgct Item Number: Item Summary: Meeting Date: COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUf.JTY COMMISSIONERS 1iG Pagc I 0 f I Item f'~o. '17C !\1arch 24, 2009 Page 2 of 3 Recommendation to adopt a resolution approving budget amendments (appropriating can'y forward, transfers and supplemental revenue) to the Fiscal Year 2008-09 Adopted Budget. 3124/200990000 AM Approved By or~~3 Coo~dirl3tO~ County Manager's Office OfVl8 C~:;):-din.::tor LIcHt:: Approved By Jeff Klatz!;ow County Atto~n0Y Office of Management & Budget 3/13/2009 11 :04 AI\Il Approved By John A. Yor-d:osky County fJ!anagw's Office Assistant County Attorney Date Approved By J:"m0S V. r,f;~ldd Beard of ':'ounty Commiss.ior,e.s County Attorney Office 3/13f2009 3:35 PM Director of the OHice of r~P,amigement Date om::e of MBilagem:mt & 8u(get :;1171200912:07 PM Cc'u~'tf ~r,ar:2':Jer Dote c:)~~;~)' r"~3~:~~::r's Ctfi:::;n :;,:',7i2(:c:.;: ~::':5:J Pf'/l " "'Tl hiQ. J,Ii [,1:::-11 :;h :'6 :2QUS1 A RESOLUTIOJ-; PURSUA:-iT TO SECTION 129.06(2), FLORIDA STA TUTES, AME~I)[NG THE BUDGE}?0 3 :>f 3 FOR THE 2008-09 FISCAL V EAR. RESOLUTION NO. 09- . WHEREAS, Section 129.06(2), Florida Statutes, provides that the Hoard of County Commissioners (hereinafter also referred to as "Board") at any time within a fiseal year may amend a budget for that year. and provides the procedures therefore; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Collier Counry, Florida, has received eo pies o[budget amendments which appropriate: unanticipated can)' fOf\\'ard, or make transfers from one fund to another: and WHEREAS, the Hoard has determined that it is appropriate to amend the Budget for Fiscal Year 2008-09 by resolution pursuant to Section 129.06, Florida Statutes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BV TIlE BOARD OF COUJo.:TY COMMISS!O'-'ERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORJDA, that the budget amendments to the FY 2008-09 Hudg.:t dc:scribed below ar.: npprovcd and hereby adopted and the FY 2008- 09 Budget is so amended FE~'m BUDGET AMENDMENT 1-\L;MBERS INCREASE (DECREASE) CARRY FORWARD OR INTERFUN D TRANSFERS !\iCREASE (DECREASE! RECEWI INCREASE (DECREASE) FXPENDln:RF INCREASE (DECREASE) RESERVES INCREASE (DECREASE) INTERFUND TRANSFERS 390 09-203 (3/1 0/09.1 OB) $..t.6!8.891.00 $..t,618.SGI.OO BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to spr:::ad this Resolution in full among the minutes oflhis meeting [or pennan\.:l1t record in his oJ1ice. This Resolution adopted this 24111 day of March. 2009. afler mOlion. second and majority vote. ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Cierk BOARD OF COL"HY COMMISSIOt'-<ERS C()L:.Ir]{ CUUN t Y. rLOf{I[JA By DEPUTY C!..-ERK AP~0~v "ft." "0 ;,".~/' kg..lIie. ~ \'1' ~ffr:;\tiat..~ ur.~~ll(Jm<:} " I I By DONNA l-':ALA.. CI-V\IRMAN -1- ,:,