Agenda 03/24/2009 Item #17A i'L::lil1 ~'Ju. itA March 24. 20')9 Page 1 of .; 1 EXECUTIVE SllMMARY SV-2008-AR-13618 CIHI Naples Hotel Partners, LLC, is requesting three sign variances to allow two wall signs for Spring Hill Suites, and one directional monument sign to serve as both an on-prem ises sign for Spring Hill Suites and an off-premises sign for Fairfield Inn. The first variance is from Section 5.06.04.C.4. of the Land Development Code (LDC), which requires that one wall sign shall be permitted for each single-occupancy parcel, to allow two wall signs. The second variance is from Section 5.06.04.C.16.b.i. of the LDC, which allovrs a m3xhuuill sign area of 12 square feet fOf au off-premise directional sign, to allow a 35.5;, square foot ofT-premise sign. The third variance is from Section 5.06.04.C.16.b.ii. of the LDC, which allows a maximum sign height of 8 feet above the lowest center grade of the arterial roadway for an off-premise directional sign, to allow a maximum sign height of 12 feet. The subject property is located at 3798 White Lake Boulevard, in Section 35, Township 49 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida. OBJECTIVE: To have the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZAl consider the above-referenced Sign Variance petition and render a decision pursuant to Section 5.06.00 ot'the Land Development Code (LDC) in order to ensure that the project is in harmony with all applicable codes and regulations and that the community's interests are maintained. CONSIDERATIONS: As depicted in thc attached resolution. the requested Sign Variances arc to allow for a second wall sign (Sign B) for the Spring Hill Suites and to allow I(lr a larger and tal]er monument sign (Sign C) that will serve as both an on-premises sign for Spring Hill Suites and an off-premises sign for Fairfield Inn. The FairJicJd Inn is located adjaccnt 10 and directly north of the Spring Hill Suites site. A penn it has been issued for an existing wall sign (Sign A), which is to be located on the western building fayade of the Spring I-lil] Suites which faces Collier Iloulevard (CR 951). The second wall sign (Sign B). thc subject of this sign variance, is for a proposed wal] sign to be located on the southern building fa,ade of the Spring Hill Suites which faces south towards 1-75. The purpose of this second wall sign is to provide visibility to the traveling public from 1-75. ~ A permit has also been issued fi,r an existing monument sign (Sign C) f"r Spring Hill Suites. This sign is located on the Spring Hill Suites property; it is al,.o located in rhe entrance driveway that serves both the Spring flill Suites and the Fairlield Inll. This Illonument sign is also proposed to contain the otl~premise signage for the Fairiield Inn. It is important 10 note that while the existing on-premise sign meds the LDC prescribed size for all on-premise sign, it does not meet the LDC prescribed size for all oft:premise sign. This is because the LDC allows for on-premise signs to be lar-;er ( 12 feet high and 60 square feet) than on~premise signs (8 feet high and 12 square feet). Page 1 of4 , c~a :: r> J. \'- :-,:r 2L ;~ " ] I The requested variances Cor each sign arc as f{)llows: I. The first variance is Irom Section S.0604.C4. of the Land Development Code (LOCl, which requires that one wall sign shall be permitted for each single-occupancy parcel. to allow two wall signs on the Spring I lill Suites Building. ~ The second variance is from Scction S.06.04.C16.b.i. of the LOC. which allows a maximum sign area of ] 2 square feet Cor an off~premise directional sign, to allow a 3SS~ square foot off-premise sIgn Cor thc adiaeent hotel to the north of the suhject site, Fairfield Inn. 3. The third variance is li'om Scction S.06.04.CI6.h.ii. of the LOC, which allows a maximum sign height of 8 feet above the lowest center grade of the alierial roadway f{)r an oft~pl'cmise sign, to allow a maximum sign height of 12 feet FISCAL IMPACT: Approval of this Sign Variancc petition would have no fiscal impact on Collicr County. GROWnl MANAGEMENT PLAN ((;MI') I\II'ACT: Approval of this Sign Variance would not afleet or change the requirements of the Growth !\1anagcIllcnt Plan. AFFORDABLE HOUSING IMPACT: Approval of this Sign \'ariance \\'ould have no a!1(Jrdable housing impact. ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: There arc no environmental issues associated with this Sign Variance. ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL (EAC) RECOMMENDATION: The LAC did not rc\'ic\v this pctition as they do not normally hear Sign "'arial1cc petitions. COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION (CCI'C) RECOI\1\1ENDATlON: The CCPC hcard petition SV-2008-AR-13618, on February S, 2009, and by a un8ni111011s vote of 8-0 f{Jr\varded this petition to the Board of loning App~als (BIA) with a reco111ll1endation of appro\/ai subject to the (C)1l0Wlllg conditlons: I. The s:.:.'cond \vall sign (Sign B) shall be located on the southern building j-:l.;:adc as ShO\Vll on Page 5 of II orthe Staff Report Page 1: nf-l ,_ r,. ,\',,'i, L-'" _ '" :.0::) A .~ 1 1. The directional monument sign size (Sign C) shown on Page 4 of II of the Staff Report area shall be limited to 35.5'" square feet. 3. The directional monument sign height (Sign C) shown on Page 4 of 11 of the Staff Report shall be limited to 11 teet. Because the CCPC approval recommendation was unanimous and no letters of objection have been received. this pet ition has been placed on the Summary Agenda. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: The petitioner is requesting a Sign Variance to allow two wall signs for Spring I-lill Suites, and one 35.5 foot directional monument sign to serve as both an on-premises sign for Spring I-Jill Suites and an off-premises sign for Fairiieid Inn. The granting of such a Variance is permitted under LDC ~9.04.01. The attached staff repOJ1 and recommendations of the Planning Commission are advisory only and are not binding on you. Decisions regarding Variances are quasi-judicial. As such, this item requires ex-pm1e disclosure, and all testimony given must be under oath. The Petitioner has the burden to prove that the proposed Variance is consistent with aJl the criteria set fOl1h below. and you may question Petitioner, or statl; to satisJ:y yourself that the necessary criteria have been satisfied. LDC Section 9.04.01.A requires that "based upon the evidence gi\ en in public hearing; and the findings of the Planning Commission" you "should determine to the maximum extent possible if the granting of the Variance will diminish or otherwise have a detrimental eCCeel on the public interest, saCety or \\dfare." Should you consider dcnying the Variance, to assure that your decision is not later found to be arbitrary. discriminatory or unreasonable, the dcnialmust be based upon competent substantial evidence that the proposal does not meet one or more of the listed criteria below. Approval of this request requires three affirmative votes of the Roard (majority vote). In granting a Sign Variance, the Board of Zoning Appeals may prescribe the following: I. Appropriate conditions and saCcguards in conCormity with the zoning code or other applicable county ordinance'" Violation of such conditions and safeguards. \yhen made a pal1 of the terms under which the Variance is grantcd, shall be decmed a violation of the zoning code. o A rcasonable time limit within which the action for which the Variance required shall be begun or completed or both. Criteria for Si!!n Variances I. There are special conditions and circumstances existing which are peculiar to the iocation. size, and characteristics of the land, structure, or budding involved. I)age 3 of 4 1'1, '>'J :'li',~J . " ~' .': 'I 2. There are special conditions and circumstances which do not result ii'om the action of the applicant, such as pre-existing conditions relative to the property which is the subject of the Variance request. 3. A literal interpretation of the provisions of the LDC work an unnceessary and undue hardship on the applicant or create practical difficulties on the applicant. 4. The Variance, if granted, will be the minimum Variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building, or structure and which promote standards of health, safety, or welfare. 5. Granting the Variance requested will not confer on the petitioner any special privilege that is denied by these zoning regulations to othcr lands, buildings. or structures in the sallle zoning district. 6. Granting the Variance will be in harmony with the intent and purpose of the LDC, and not be injurious to the neighborhood, or otherwise detrimental to the public welfarc. 7. There are natural conditions or physically induced conditions that ameliorate the goals and objectives of the regulation. such as natural preserves, lakes, golf course. etc. 8. Granting the Variance will bc consistent with the GI\1P. The proposed Resolution was prepared by the County Attorney's Ofliee and is legally sufficient for Board action. - HFAC RECOMMENDATION: Stall' recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve the request for SV-2008- AR-13618 subject to starrs and the C(,I'C conditions of approval as 1(>Ilows: I. The second wall sign (Sign B) shall be located on the southern building ia,ade as shown on Page 5 of 11 of the Slaif ReporL 2. The directional monument sign size (Sign C) shown on Page 4 of 11 of the Staff Report area shall be limited to 35.5 square feet. 3. The directional monument sign height (Sign C) shown on Page 4 of II orthe StatfReport shall be limited to 12 feet. PREPARED BY: Nancy Gundlach, AICP, Principal Planner Department of Zoning and I.and Development Rev iew Pagl;.: ~ 01'4 Item Number: Item Summary: Meeting Date: Page I of 2 I t:::.r:"i ["Jo. '7/-\ r,l::1rch 24.:: C'9 5,.... 41 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 17A T!lis item requir.2S that all participants be swom in and ex parte disclosure be provided by Commission members, Petition. SV-2008-AR-136~8 (NG) CHM Naples Hotel Partners, LLC, is leque:sting three s;gn variances to allow two VI.'all signs for Spring Hill Suites, and one directional monument sign to serve as both an on-premises sign for Spring Hill SUites and an off-p:'emises siGn br Fairfield l:ln. The first v31'iance is from Section 5,06.04C4. of the Land D-svelopmenl Code (LOC), whjsh requires that one wall sign shall be permitied for each slflgle-occupancy par:eL to 21::),-",; two wall signs The second variance is from Section 5:JS.04.C,1 Gb.1 of t~,e l..DC,v'v~llch a:1ovv'5 a mCixii'I-luj(1 Sigll dlf,'8 uf 12 SqUdlt! reel Tur i:Hl uff- prem;se dlf8ctior;al sign, to allow a 35.5 square foot off-premise sign The third variance is from Section 506 04 C'16bii of the LDC, w!licll allows a maximum sign height of 8 feet above the lowest ce~lter grade of the arlenal rca:Jv:ay for en off-premise directional sign, to allow 2 maximum sign height of 12 feet. The subJect property is ioc2ted at 3798 White Lake 8cuiev3"d, in S~cl:on 35 Towr,ship 1,9 South, r~ange 26 E~st Collier Coun!}' ~::)rida (CiS) 3/24/2009 900GO AM Prepared By Nancy Gund:ach Community Devei:1',1rn;:!;-,! & Environmental SF~i'Vrc0S Principal PlantlH D2te 2onir.;} :; Land D\:!velopmsnt R.0\'tt'W :,'25/200S :40:47 pr~~ Approved By Heidi F. Ashton County Attorney Assistant C':-',;i~ty .'\t:c,,....,c:y Dilte C':)lrr:ty t~,'tto~n~~y C:-:'ce 2/25/20'29 5:01 PM Approved By Norm E. Fed'},. !.!Cr TransportaHon Services T,.~,-,,,,.,~,_'.,~:,,,,..., ni,,;,,'_,,-.! dn.;"';"~~-,L.,,.. ,.""',..,~~, L"'~'''''' ....." ,,-,,,-,, , .-,'-'"",.,"'" "'..,,, D~ite Trcmspcrta:ion Services Admin. 2/26/2009 '::;42 PM Approved By Jeff KlatZKow County Attorn9'Y A~;si:-;tant County A-:t~,!'n(.'y D2te CDunty /..U,orney Office 2:25!2009 4:44 PM Approved By Ray Bellows Community Jcvelopment & ::nvironmental Scrv:ccs C~-.!d PiiinnE.'r Cat€' Zoning & Land Dcv::Ji::-.pmant Pcv:cw 2:'27120098:41 M>il Approved By J~ldy Puig Comm>..;:orty 90vS'iopmci1t & Environment",! ServiC0S Or,'eraUons Analyst Date Ccmm:jf;ity Dev(}ii)~ ir,snt &. !:nviI"0ni:vmt81 S(;~l!icc's p.dmin. :::;27/2089 1 ~ 00 lJ'.1 Approved By JC'seph K. SdHrdt Commun:ty Dev0k'r-:n8.:'1t 3. ::nv:rcnm0nt:d 3,. lVl(/,,$ ,~ m~~':~l;iity C,:)vCiop:110nt 11 '-, \'i!<>"I~,(:'::Ital S0rvi~:,-.s t,dminst:dtQI' L;~'te l... .'nlr1t n:~y D~,'eiq:n:2i1t & ';'~1i:'~<S: !.<:7 ;::r,' i:>:"::;; l,;' '.,:,-.. Approved By SU~;2:1 i~,,<;,nQs, ;'.!Ci' Community Dev0!apl1H nt & Envj~Clt'l~nw:tClI S;~'ViCE!S ii::!9 &. l.<,,:d :Jo" "i0p:Tic;nt 0'rGc:x ~;;.;te =o~,i:1g & Lr~:1d Dev(dcpr;l~'nt ;::;":,,I'(:\'J 3/12,'20098:24 PJv'l Approved By OMS Coordinator CO'-lnty Manager's Office Q[im Coordlnatar :::late OHicc of ManClgemcnt & BLjd~l'A 3/12/20092:19 ?(JI Approved By f!.2rk Isackson CC1unty rf.i:.mc1gr::r's O(;icc Slldget Ana!y~t Data oaice of t,~an3\F,,,v,nt &. 2uc!r;>2t 3/13,'200911 :Oi 1\\,,1 ApprOVl'd By JD~iles V. rviudd b0arj of CT;';~'Y Corr~::.,s!; '.,S'~S Cou:w)' f'Ii3naC8r L)atc Co,-m:y '\r1<1na9815- Offl;::;:> 3/'17/2(;098:28 Af'Jl Pagc,2of2 '~.l ,;i'":l :i::). .. '\ /;;-;r ~h ::'04. ~ }~(j "",r 11 . -~ ---. . Ijq~I;4!}\JJH%9T~1\ ~ Match 24, 2009 ?;;;;}e 7 of 41 ;':;}f~;,~ Cdlfier County ,..".x'!, ";,,,,:,:~::'" ",:: ", "t>:;',r-"'''~''-''~'~:'"...",;;.;"~':;;~~"",.':",?'l'''''-''''''''''''llo:'<.'Itl\~~;n STAFF REPORT TO: COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: DEPARTMENT OF ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION HEARING DATE: FEBRUARY 5, 2009 SUBJECT: PETITION SV-2008-AR-I36l8, SPRINGHILL SUITES PROPERTY OWNER/AGENT: Applicant: CHM Naples Hotel Partners, LLC. 7569 Cordoba Circle Naples, FL 34109 Agent: Mr. Mike Blo-Sliman 7569 Cordoba Circle Naples, FL 34109 REOUESTED ACTION: The applicant is requesting a total of three (3) Sign Variances from Section 5.06.00 of the Land Development Code (LDC) to permit a second wall sign and to pennit one (1) pole sign that is to serve as both an on-premises sign for Spring Hill Suites and an off-premises sign for Fairfield Inn. GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION: The subject property is located in the Citygatc PUD/DRI at 3798 White Lake Boulevard, in Section 35, Township 49 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida. (See the location map on the following page) PURPOSE/DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The requested Sign Variances are to allow for a second wall sign (Sign B) for the Spring Hill Suites and to allow for a larger and taller monument sign (Sign C) that will serve as both an on- premises sign for Spring Hill Suites and an off-preo1ises sign for Fairfield Inn. The Fairfield Inn is located adjacent to and directly north of the Spring Hill Suites site. Please see the Site Plan and the Elevations on the proceeding pages. A permit has been issued for an existing \vall sign (Sign A), which is to be located on the Vv'estem building fa9ade of the Spring Hill Suites which faces Collier Boulevard (CR 951). The second I I Page 1 of 11 -::( OJ.,- r---O-j- II -- ro 2 eo... -ro ros ~.- Ci3 U> <( . . o' ::l~ c..ij z o w- ~!< ;;;0 S , ~; ~~~ I , - I g I I I T---- I I I , , I J t . :cq I ! j , , , ~ ~ , I o~ / ~ [~1l if 't-dYJ \1 \ \ ll.. (jI,lB ..,no <( " ~ " , i <.9 , ! Z ! - o < Z :::> , ll. " 0 II 1I1,1Il11r.>TIOl . N I , I ! I p;..:: << , ""~ ;:~( Ql^MrOO. ],<0, J".... I , C HOG -'~'" ""VAJ'".<Ja ~J;lKlJ ~ ! \ ~\ \ , . " o ~~~ :::> \ / ll. i I ;\ ::l g~ tl / I c..:, ~ / I 1 i 8 / . ::i.. . . ;'\;- i I li I,~-~r="'--"''"']r'' '\ ~ ~L.l%\: "~l ~ ,I II 'I!;' liil~ti ~, ;~l. i' , 'r ,1 H ~, g ~ g~5 I ~ i,~ IJI W-''"'~ U ~ I,' ~~ ~~--'^ 1 . fl ffi !~'I" -,; 1,,1\ I~ '" ~~,l; gll ''-I) 9 ~~ I ~vde<1 I B'~ I! -If' :lln: 8, ^~' ~~ 'His t~ ~ Ii 8 ~~I ~~ ~~ ~~:0- / I ""~n-'-'09 1111l\ 2~11 ~~ ~~ J' -' t~ i ~ 1-' l ~ G~~^"no. ...yg""" v.L>ffl; a ~~/ 11------- ~~ ~ I ~z 00 w- -'1;( ., 00 ~g w""" ""0,001 I ;, ~i " ~~~ I / z- I 1 I I . 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"_. ........_....1...................."""...... ---L~~ ~ ---~---- ~~ ~ -- ~~ ~ ____ ~____ ____~ -__ ~~--__ -_____ ____ ~~ -_ -__~ --__ ____ ~~ L___________ _ _~~ __~~__~~~~~~~ ' I I I ~~~ I 1 I - -- -- ~ -------------------------- , ----~-- - --=- -=- -~ -=- -=- --=- --"="' -=- -=- ~ - - - I J. .' il lit _l_~---.jli -- - -- . - - " ---- - + ]1 -to .,...... , , , , . , , , t , . 1 i : -. : f , : I! :-;'';1''. , i I l) i-1IP,1 i I z '~::', i ~ -~'.'/ , ,I, ~ t-. :'__o::~ ---~-'-'--- ~~-- -'~:::.:~,;.:=~~'>n~t __ --;-.-' _n_ -- --- ___-_~=__.-n-~~~-=~_.:.:..~-..:... _ _ __ ~--"f on. r------ -- --- -- . T' 11 I ! !, 1= , ~! 'I: \' I I I, Ii'. ',I ! , ,I i . I! t ~ 11111 ~!hl ~ ! -- I J . . . . i: '~; ,. (I "", h: I -;2 of wall sign (Sign B), the subject of this sign variance, is for a proposed wall sign to be located on the southern building fayade of the Spring Hill Suites which faces south towards 1-75. The purpose of this second wall sign is to provide visibility to the traveling public from 1-75. A permit has also been issued for an existing monument sign (Sign C) for Spring Hill Suites. This sign is located on the Spring Hill Suites property; it is also located in the entrance driveway that serves both the Spring Hill Suites and the Fairfield Inn. This monument sign is also proposed to contain the off-premise signage for the Fairfield Inn. It is important to note that while the existing on-premise sign meets the LDC prescribed size for an on-premise sign, it does not meet the LDC prescribed size for an off-premise sign. This is because the LDC allows for on-premise signs to be larger (12 feet high and 60 square feet) than off-premise signs (8 feet high and 12 square feet). The requested variances for each sign are as follows: I. The first variance is from Section 5.06.04.CA. of the Land Development Code (LDC), which requires that one wall sign shall be permitted for each single-occupancy parcel, to allow two wall signs on the Spring Hill Suites Building. 2. The second variance is from Section 5.06.04.C.16.b.i. of the LDC, which allows a maximum sign area of 12 square feet for an off-premise directional sign, to allow a 4400 square foot off-prcmise sign for the adjaccnt hotel to the north of the subject site, Fairfield Inn. 3. The third variance is from Section 5.06.04.C.16.b.ii. of the LDC, which allows a maximum sign height of 8 feet above the lowest center grade of the arterial roadway for an off-premise sign, to allow a maximum sign height of 12 feet. SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: (Please refer to aerial on next page). North: Vacant W1developed lot within the Citygate PUO/DRI, a 28700 acre Mixed Use Planned Unit Development (MPUD). East: Vacant undeveloped land within the City gate PlID/DRI, 28700 acre Mixed Use Planned Unit Development (MPUD). South: 2 vacant undeveloped lots within the 144"' acre White Lake Industrial Park PUO. West: White Lake Boulevard, a 60-foot wide right-ot~way, then a vacant undeveloped lot within the Citygate PUO/OR!. Page6of11 ..... ):;rld8 !(2':'j :Je, I, ,{\ r\'~~m:~h =4, 2'JU9 PC:;J8 13;jf 41 . . ...i_:~; ':'~~"'il 'lir,~,,;; rr;f,,; ,;;JJ~~:;:;i,~X - .. . GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN (GMP) CONSISTENCY: The subject property is located in the Urban Designation, Interchange Activity Subdistrict of the Future Land Use Map of the Orowth Management Plan (OMP). The OMP does not address individual Variance requests but focuses on the larger issue of the actual use. The Citygate PlID/OR! is consistent with the Future Land Use Map. Based upon the above analysis, staff coneludes that the proposed use for the subjeet site is consistent with the Future Land Use Element, although the Sign Variance request is not specifically addressed. ANALYSIS: -. Section 9.04.00 of the LDe gives the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) the authority to grant Variances. The Collier County Planning Commission (CCPC) is advisory to the BZA and utilizes the provisions of Section 9.04.03.A through 9.04.03.H as general guidelines to assist in making a recommendation. Staff has analyzed this petition relative to the evaluative criteria and offe:fS the follov'llng responses: Page 7 of 11 ~~1 . . . ".:;::'1 ,-I i'1CJt l ~:-1 , 'rc -1 , "" a. Are there special conditions and circumstances existing which are peculiar to the location, size and characteristics of the land, structurc or building involved? Yes. The Spring Hill Suites is located approximately 1,000 feet north of the 1-75 north bound lanes. The hotel is also separated from 1-75 by a 125 to 400-foot wide vegetated area, an 1-75 exit ramp, another 30-foot wide vegetated area, White Lake Bou]evard and two lots within White Lake Industrial Park PUO. These features tend to screen the hotel from motorists traveling on the interstate highway. In regards to the first Sign Variance request for a second wall sign (Sign B) at Spring Hill Suites, the proposed ,vall sign is to be located on the southern building fayade a..'1d \vould face towards 1-75. Since the subject hotel is not on a comer lot, it is only allowed one sign pursuant to Section 5.06.04.CA of the LOC. The second and third Sign Variance requests are for a monument sign (Sign C) that is to be located at the entrance driveway that serves both the off-site Fairfie]d Inn and the on-site Spring Hill Suites. b, Are there special conditions and circumstances which do not result from the action of the applicant, such as pre-existing conditions rclative to the property, which is the subject of the variance request? No. There are no special conditions or circumstances in regards to the above criteria. These hotels are newly designed and Spring Hill Suites was recently constructed. c. Will a literal interpretation of the provisions of the LDC work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant or create practical difficultics for the applicant? Yes. The applicant contends that thc signage is needed to create visibility for potential guests traveling along 1-75. If a literal interpretation of the LDC provision is applied, the applicant would be unable to have a second wall sign facing 1-75 and would not be able to accommodate the LDC prescribed size for the off-premiscs monument sign for the Fairtield Inn. The proposed directional monument sign, if used for an on-premise sign only, would meet the LOC prescribed sign area of 60 square feet and height of 12 feet for an on-premise sign. However, because the subject sign is proposed to also be used for an off-premise sign as well, it exceeds the LOC prescribed sign area of 12 square feet and 8 feet for an off-premise sign. A variance is nccessary in order to place the off-premise sign on the monument sign which currcntly contains the on-premise sign. These two signs will have a combined sign area of 44", square feet and height of 12 feet. d. Will thc variance, if granted, bc the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure and which promote standards of health, safcty and welfare'? The purpose of the first requested Sign Variance is to aiiow for an additional waii sign that is othenvise not pem1issiblc by code. The existing sign faces Collier Boulevard (CR 951). Page 8 of 11 . -. .. I~':;:T: :Ju -, f\ f',f;arc:h :~-'i, ~' (,9 P':.D-::; -5 ,;) ~ 1 The purpose of the second and third requested Sign Variances are to allow for a larger off- site monument sign than what is pennissib]e by code. However, it is important to note that the size of the sign that the off-site signage is to be placed upon is permissible by code under the on-site signage provision. As previously stated, the proposed sign, ifused for an on-premise sign only, would meet the LOC prescribed sign area of 60 square feet and height of 12 feet. However, because the subject sign is also proposed to be used for an off- premise sign, it exceeds the LOC prescribed off-premise sign area of 12 square feet and height of 8 feet by 3200 square feet of area and 4 feet of height. Hov'/ever, if the Conditions of l~,.pproval recon1mended by Staff follovved, tl..."" lU\,.> Ma ~~ reasonable use ofland is possible. e. Will granting the variance confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denicd by these zoning regulations to other lands, buildings, or structures in the same zoning district? Yes. A Variance by definition confers some dimensional relief from the zoning regulations specific to a site. The granting of the first Sign Variance request would allow for an additional wall sign at Spring Hill Suites. The granting of the second Sign Variance request would allow the monument sign to have an additional 3200 square feet of sign area than the 12 square feet cUlTently prescribed by the LDC. The granting of the third Sign Variance would allow the proposed off-premise sign to havc an additional 4 feet of height than the 8 feet of height prescribed by the LOC. Each of these sign variances confer special privilege on the applicant. f. Will granting the variance be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this Land Development Code, and not be injurious to the neighborhood, or othenvise dctrimcntal to the public welfare'! Yes. Section 5.06.01.A. of the LOC states that the purpose and intent of the LOC relative to signage is to ensure that all signs are; I. Compatible with their sUlToundings; 2. Designed, constructed, installed and maintained in a manner that does not endanger public safety or unduly distract motorists; 3. Appropriate to the type of activity to which they pertain; 4. Large enough to convey sufficient infonnation about the owner or occupants of a particular property, the products or services available on the property, or the activities conducted on the propeliy, and small enough to satisfy the needs for regulation; 5. Reflective of the identity and creativity of the individual occupants. In staffs opinion, the request for an additional wall sign and for the larger otT-premises sign advances all of these objectives. Therefore, approval of the Variance would be consistent with the purpose and intcnt of the LOC. Page 9 of 11 . . . " ,,3 i ):;;;1; iLL ,. ,'." r .' -:; r', :i _~)f. =- C; Ci 10 :::' .'.1 g. Are there natural conditions or physically induced conditions that ameliorate the goals and objectives of the regulation such as natural preserves, lakes, golf courses, etc.? Yes. As illustrated on the Site Plan on page three, travelers must enter the shared entry drive to access the Fairfield Inn site. Consequently, the Fairfield Inn must rely on the off- premises directional sign for visibility of its entrance. h. Will granting the variance be consistent with the Growth Management Plan? Yes. Approval of this Variance petition would be consistent with the OMP since it would not affect or change any of the OMP's requirements. EAC RECOMMENDATION: The Environmental Advisory Council does not normally hear Variance petitions and did not hear this one. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Collier County Planning Commission (CCPC) forward Petition SV- 2008-AR-13618 to the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) with a recommendation of approval subject to the conditions below: I. The second wall sign (Sign B) shall be located on the southcm building fayade. Thc dircctional monumcnt sign size (Sign C) area shall be limitcd (0 44* square feet. 3. The directional monument sign height (Sign C) shall be limited to 12 feet. ~ Page 10 of 11 . ->> 1 PREPARED BY: H, CP, PRINCIPAL PLANNER ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW REVIEWED BY: J~~ ~ A Ute) HEIDI ASHTON-CICKO ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY I~, ~ RA Y NO V. BELLOWS, ZONING MANAGER OEP p;, TMENT OF ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW ~ l{n.~ AUSAN M. ISTENES, AICP, DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF ZONING & LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPROVED BY: !tern r~:).17/:." \'Iarch 24. 2009 f->age17of4'1 ~ I /.)..D/O~ DATE 1- f{-, /:\1 DATE / he /09 / rYATE '~t:' ATE z- '> -01 DATE Tentatively scheduled for the March 24,2009 Board of County Commissioners Meeting. ., - ~ ~ PH K. SCHMITT, ADMINISTRATOR MUNHY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL RVICES DIVISION :&i:;~t!kG (OMMI~"ON, MARK. STRA. ,vCHAIRMAN Attachment I: Elevation of Permitted Wall Sign A Attachment 2; Site Plan for the Fairficld Inn SV-2006-AR-10482 Page 11 of11 I, I f-' , LL ~: S~:;: t '~j::'3 it.~, i1ti!:(' ;~~ ::J ""J- = 0 Q) 0 I::;) l.J.. t( w cr: <( :::> o UJ o w >< o '" &: z (9 (j) I I I ! ! " , [ , . , ,2 ,0 iID I ill IJ '7 (:) '" ,. n-[-~Tj '111----- - ~! 't'll) j !,; ~.- " 11!~ 1 , ,'=,.:::: I l;:;:;:g;, -';;'..~.''" -'-_._"'-~ I ;,;.' ,,'Ii 1 I' ~, I,_L 11:_--;_ ]] 1- t~' f I , ~ :J fJ) - -1- ......I 0' 1l'I1!_;: U1U l-o ",:I: '" -, "'" '-U"" 7' i.-J I:l::: C. i"-~ '=E . C? eo i . T ATTACHMENT 1 ~ ~" ,," "!~ ij ~g ~ fii..... ~ ~~~~ =,,,,,,,,0 ~~gffi ~8o!;{ 15,...L'L~ g: ;;t ~ ~ lti ~ ~ ~ ~ <0 ~~. ~~ ,g ~j~ ~~ ii HI HI0 ~.. ;z: X liE- W ~~ i!:~ - . il "' i 11 i j' ~ n ~~ or: ~ r~ N {.1i :.0;;; -r~ . . J1i ~ li ,. .' ~; . ~] ....J ~~ U I 8 'It 0 i~~ (") z< I <( o @! LL o ~ X i-- ..J U >. " OJ ~ 0) ~ ~ ..J " U ~ . OJ 0; q: '" o t<) isi 8 E '" " co z '" .! ~ .. 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'-"-:1~' !! ! ! 1 !! r;~Hn i I ~~Q!lil!e; i lIB!.!!! hl!IHU' I . i~!I~~~n~~_m~ ~~51!! " - -. ~ ~.. i i ~I I ! I !: 'I - j" ,. ~~ d I'ii 'I!li I !~i!!lhl!.il hi! I ~ , 1-+ I. ni' ":~:.. -: TI ~ ~In ,~- liilJ i" ~-~~r ., COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT DEPT. OF ZONING & LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW WWW.COLLIERGOV.NET "00\0" SIGN VARIANCE PETITION LDC Section 9.04,()() """- PETITION NUMBER (AR) I VA_2008-AR-13618 REV: 1 - PROJECT NAME J PROJECT NUMBER l SPRINGHILL SUITES DATE PROCESSED PROJECT: 2006050047 COORDINATING PLANNER DATE: 8/11/08 DUE: 8/25/08 ABOVE TO BE COMPLETED BY STAFF , . . l APPLICANT I OWNllR INFORMATION i -" " PETITIONER'S NAME: CHM Naples Hotel Partners LLC ADDRESS 7569 Cordobo Orcle, Naples 34109 PHONE# 239-289-1449 CELl# 239-289-1449 FAX # 239-494-4419 E-MAIL ADDRESS: mbau-sliman@napleshateldevelopmenl.com AGENT: Mike Bou-Sliman FIRM: CHM Naples Hotel Partners LLC ~ ADDRESS 7569 Cordoba Circle, Naples 34109 :~ PHONE# 239-289-1449 CELL# 239-289- 1449 FAX # 239-494-4419 " , E-MAIL ADDRESS: mbou-sliman@napleshoteldevelopmenl.com , r "1 " " r ^ , I I , Be (Iv/are that Collier County has lobbyist regulations. Guide yourself accordingly I d and ensure that you are in compliance with these regulations. ~, L-; 't-?rr. I':) ,7/\ G/1arch :24. 2 ]9 Page 20 0 41 (i) 2800 NORTH HORSESHOE DRIVE NAPLES, FLORIDA 34104 (239) 252-2400 FAX (239) 252-6968 it8m !\lo. 17/1.. rv1arch 24, 2009 Page 21 of 41 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY SECTION/TOWNSHIP/RANGE: 35/49/26 SUBDIVISION NAME: City Gate UNIT METES & BOUNDS DESCRIPTION: ADDRESS OF SIGN LOCATION: 3798 White lake Blvd PROPERTY 1.0.# 26095000387 BLOCK LOT 1 6 CURRENT ZONING: PUD LAND USE OF SUBJECT PARCEL: Vacant PUD Length & Height of wall upon which the Sign will be secured: 24' x 9' (west side) and 41' x 15 ( south side) (If Wall Sign) Width 01 Subject Properly: 286' Rood Fmntage) NATURE OF PETITION -~ Provide a detailed explanation of the variance request including what signs are existing and what is proposed; the amount of encroachment proposed using numbers, i.e. reduce setback from 15' to 10', why encroachment is necessary; how existing encroachment came to be; etc. We are reauestina an additional wall sian on the south side elevation. We are currently olannina on one wall sian on the West elevation and one monument sian at street entrance. Please note that staff and the Collier County Planning Commission shall be guided in their recommendation to the Board of zoning Appeals, and that the Board of zoning appeals shall be guided in its determination to approve or del1Y a variance petition by the below listed criteria (1-6). (Please address the following cl'iteria using additional pages if necessary.) 1. Are there special conditions and circumstances existing which are peculiar to the location, size and characteristics of the land, structure, or building involved. We are located in close proximity to Interstate 75 and hnving viewable signage fi'om 1-75 is extremely imperative to the success of our business. 40% of our business will be generated by trClffic off the interstate driving by. 2. Are there special conditions and circumstances which do not result from the actiol) of the applicant such as pre-existiiig conditions relative to the property which is the subject of the variance request. none p l' 'J j I j j 3. Will a literal interpretation of the provisions of this zoning code work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant or create practical difficulties on the applicant. Yes, 40% of our business is generate.d from 1"nncl traffic driving by and Wf:. need people to be fl.ble to identify Ollr j '~I 1 r '1 '\.J ,~ building and locatioll. .-- , 4. Will the variance, if granted, be the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the iand, buiiding or structure and which promote standards of heaith, safety or weifare. ~, yes 5, Will granting the voriance :-equested confer or~.the petitioner any special privilege that is denied by ,__ .'. _ _ _..u _ _ ~._,._ _ _n_~~:~. iiSiTl t\Jo. li/\ i\1arch ~4. 20,')9 Pa;J'2 22 of 41 none 6. Will granting the variance be in harmony with the intent and purpose of this zoning codej and not be injurious to the neighborhoodl or otherwise derrimental to the public welfare, Our building is over 60,000 sq ft which allows for up to 250 sq ft ofsign8ge. even with botb signs we 2tre under that 101a] .sq footnge. I 7. Are there natural conditions or physically induced conditions that ameliorate the goals and objectives of the regulation such as natural preserves, lakes, golf course/ etc. none 8. Will granting the variance be consistent with the Growth Management Plan? yes. ',' I , " ., , .: !tS1T, f\jo. 17,; Marcil :=4, 2009 Page 23 of 41 COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT 2800 NORTH HORSESHOE DRIVE DEPT. OF ZONING & LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW NAPLES, FLORIDA 34104 - WWW.COLLlERGOV.NET (239) 403-2400 FAX (239) 643-6968 lfi \ "b; (i) /'6f~j \\ S:hu S~GN VARIANCE PETITION ( PRE-APPLICATION MEETING NOTES f/1) & SUBMITT At CHECKLI~( ~~:~Time: \\'.[D (Lm.Assign:dPlanner: NCW1CY 0\AjMlOdlv proi~- ~ - Project AddrfLocation: 01 \if ' Applicant Name: l:E c1I4e\ €v [1- s ; ~hone:--.-2::0- Firm: (~H ~~ ~-to1G\ ~ Current ZOning:_o.~ 0(1:it~ ~lA'D Owner Name: ('HIlA i\.)Cc(;le,j HC5/f'L fq..vrrlf:':'.l__.___ ___~___ OwnerAddress:'7~1 Cc,rrJ"icr, G(lLc:LL,~l Phone:2b'i' 2'J-'j,('-{'{.! ~~.~ 311r7 I j~ Meeting Attendees: (attach Sign In Sheet) \ Ii CD ~t\QI ~~A d-{J owvl i,l ?1AJJTh . ~~ ~I\~ ~ t\~ ~~Or r ~\ lJ\~ V - / r ~ \ ~ , ~; '-J , ..~ 1 jt~'rn I\Jo. i 7 A r',..1arch .:24, 2009 P2C'= 24 of 4 1 . SIGN V AR:IANCE PErlTlON (SV) .APPllcAJION SU8MITTAL cH~tkLt$T THIS COMPLETED CHECKLIST IS TO BE SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION PACKET IN THE EXACT ORDER LISTED BELOW W/COVER SHEETS ATTACHED TO EACH SECTION. NOTE: INCOMPLETE SUMBITTALS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. REQUIREMENTS # OF COPIES REQUIRED NOT REQUIRED Completed Application (download from website for current form) Pre-Application meeting notes ____..__~~._____n_" Com ieted Addressing Checklist, Signed by Addressing Department Surveyor Site Plan of property depicting the following: ~ All property boundaries & dimensions ~ North arrow, date and scale of drawing ~ All existing and proposed signs (labeled as such) ~ Existing sign setbacks and proposed sign setbacks , .~-+-- -' 12 1 I 12 )( Owner / Agent Affidavit signed & notarized Location map depicting major streets in area for reference =:ti , ,~ FEES: p Pre-oppiication Fee $500.00 (Applications submitted 9 months or more after the date of the last pre-app meeting shall not be credited towards application fees and a new pre-application meeting will be required.) Review _c.ees: ~ $2000.00 Sign Variance i AFter-The-Fact Zoning/land Use Petitions 2x Ihe normal petition fee $760.00 Estimated legal Advertising Fee - ccpe Meeting $363.00 Estimated legal Advertising Fee - BCC Meeting {any over~ or under-payment will be reconciled upon receipt of Invoice from Naples Daily News). OTHER REQUIREMENTS, o o o Agent/Owner Signature Date 2 ~<g;:;: ~ o~ -" NO .'" ~(,.,J ::::,- ill ~Cj~~ j~ " '" ~1j. ~ ~ dJ. ~ I~ " -, .~.~ w:'. :S eo.t. e.; := ~ ~ ~ ~ :.." ~ 1 ..!: v tl -0: -~--G---I-- '-:: :;) <!> <:t 00 v <:t c: N tl 'I Z "'I ffi ~I Z ~I z <( ... ..... <<> a.. ..a Q E w :l ?' Z a <<> c: V) 0 V) ..c: <( a.. ~" ~. ~ r... 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I I I I I I! ____J~L~' -(ldlJ _JJ_L_LJ_JJ ~ '" o '" !C! m ,; '" N ~ !Q OJ I D " '" '0; '" " o '" to o , r-- -c " " '0 " " ---- -.-.- -,,- -'-~-_.- '" " iU z .l ,I ;~ I ~ .' , ~ ':i .~ .- o w :E <( z ,~ 1 " 1:'-='(;1 ~,j'J. i 7/'\ rAarch ::,4, 20D9 p, OD~age 2'3 cJf41 lUNDe, , FE: ,,' 'i ill: M] KE BOU-SLJ ~WI FAX No, 239 ~94 4419 COLLIER COUNT( GOVERNM51,n (,DORESS ING DcP,4RTMSNT (i) 2800 NORTH HQRSESHOE DRIVE NAPLES. FLOP-[DA .34104 L~ t;.Po'R'F.nif,..d'l:JFI.~Cf< Ll ST , .. Please complete tile fOlbwing and bx TO the Addressing Department at 239-;::o2~~:~7/,~ or submit in ~'er$on lo the Addressing Depani"1ent :::It, th~ abDve address. Form must b~ signed bY' Addressing p~rsonn81 prior 1,0 pr;.f,1ppl\OaUon meeting, 1\101. all itfll"l'\s vvl1l apply t.o 9'vQry prOjr:;cl \tems in bold type <:1r8 required ;::OI'tI'S aider than G months will requIre ClddiHO!1all"Ovl~w and 8ppraval by the A.ddresslng Departml;lnt, PE'TIT10N TYPE (chGcll pMWon rype b6'fow, cornp/~re e si-1perale Addressinq ChGcl</i.s1 for r:ech PetiUon Type) [] BL (Blasting Permit) o SO (!loat Ood, Extonslon) :J CsrnivatlClrclI' Permit [] CU (Conditional Use) o exp (Excavation Permit) [] FP (FIMI Pi at o LLA (LOI Line Adjustment) o PNC (ProjeGt Nam. CMnge) o PPL 'Plans e, Pia: Review) o PSP (pceilmlnary Subdivision Plat) o PUD Ri;;-,!'ona o RZ (Standard Re;:one) DSDP (8[te Development F.'Jan) C SOPA (SDP Amendment)" " o SOPlllnsvb91snlial Cllange 10 SDP) o SIP (Sile Impl'oven1enl.plan) [] SIPI (Inoubslanliel Change to SIP) o SNR (Slreet Name Change) , [J SNC ISlreell,am6 Change - Unplatted) o TDR (Tmnsfer oj Development i\ights) BI VA (Vnr'i3noe) [] VR.P (Vegelation Removal Permit) o VRSFP (Vegete\lon Removal & Site Fill Permit) o OTHER .l " LEGAL DESCRIPTION of subject property or properties (copy 01 lengthy de.,Cflption may 100 alWelled) ~\ ~O--k... C~Y"\r"1e-(CR.... Ce.,,---*-, ~ D"e.. Lol- if.., 3.s.-I...\-C(-z-c, FOLIO (Property 10) NUMBER(s) of oboys (.noell fo, or ~M0ciate with, legal description If mom Ih.n one) 26095000387 ;1 ';J " "i :J SiK~~T ADDRESS or ADPRESSES (es,pp!icable, if already "';S(9080) 3798 WHITE LAKE BLV:l . LOCATION MAP must be at\ac~"o showing exael ioc~tion.of projeoU51te In relallm fo nearest publiC ro~d right-of.wey . SURVEY (copy. need"d only for unpl.lt~d proosrUs.) PROPOS ED PROJ::CT HAM2 (if Elpp/lcabis) SPRI~,[G HILL SUITES PROPOS ED STR.EET NAMES (if applicable) 'vVHiTE LAI<E at.. VD ,;:Jag8 i of 2 "' !i I J.'i 'tl ij 'j '1 ';1 SIT~ DiOViOLOPMEI-JT PLAN NUMBER (for eXisting projects/sites only) SO? or AR # 10682 r ,j J !1 , ;~ "I i1j WIUD6i2[i08/Ffl JSi9 PM MiKE BOU-SL!I~AN FAX No. 239 l34 4419 '~\genda item No. 17A ~\~arch 2L1. 2009 P. OOTage 27 of 41 ADDRESSING CHECKlIST.- ?AG~ ProjGct or o~velolJment l1@m':lS propo8~d for. or already appearIng In, OOrJdcllnl11ium doounient'S (if a,ppllcalioli; indicate whether propos8cJ Crt' existing) P!8'3.s~ Ch8Ck. Orle: [g] Checktist is lo bo F:.::x~d b:;:d~ o PGrBOr1i;lliy r:cl,Ccl Up APPLICANT NAME: MII<E 8QU.SLlMAN/CHM I~APLES HOTEL PARNTERS LLC PHONE 2.39-289-'1449 FAX 239-494.4419 , , Signature on Addressing Checklist does not oonstiMe Project and/or street.Name approval and Is s~bject to further review by the Addressing Department. FOR STAFF USE ONL Y Primary NUlnber 3'5>3 \ 'l 4- Addres. NVrnbGI' 3S3~OC: ' Adc(ress Number Addr.es Numb.r. Approv.d by: /Q",,~ Updat~d by: (YWa"",,_ Date: o G - 0<0 ~ 0 S 0'; Date; IF OLDER THAN 6 MONTHS, FORM MUST BE UPDATED OR NEW FORM SU6MITTJ;D Pego2of2 G:\CwT!t"nll,P<?pllC4l1Or't r:orms\Addn~8:;il'g Chackll$I"9V 042908.doc ~m- r'-O"i" _0 .C\J'Q o "CO Z~N E.-0 ~2 '~ w $:1- ""S2.;?; ii) OJ 'l: v ~ ~ . ,Il ~. I , ",~Ii' oct l I \ ' . ' . ,-1ll' /' , ' II 'X I I l c_~.'"." ' //(~ , c ~ .. 1111 =---II\'~C-/'I . I:' I """""."W';;-'~ "" ., \! JI I I. I r:Tu , cJ lc I: 1 L/ __\- _(\-"0 "'J}'~';;:~Jn .:,,'X'J ----- -- ~ " " g r ~ " . N\',% 0'"' "1 "-0 "'-. C\, /~~\ . " " " -~ ~ " \ ',:';~?;'; "'''<'''"''' , "'" . , ~I"'~ <d"l~ I 0 ;>J}O).'~ b 11!lqOqOJd 'n~~~I~~!~~~):?"O; /'IUt)():) "!J01~'H "41. -'CJ3i!lO- -- ~ , ! I I j. 1 I I I] i::~?"dr~:~:,~11~ 1 '. '0 , ~ 11;1 ~ I I i I ~ II ~ ii1fl;"JI l L, ! : " I t I Ii i ~ Ii i i I I I I: .1 I 1 ~ II ! 1,:.........,11 l,jOISi/\ J~::l !:::V-l i ( t i ~ I ,:' .\ .~ ')r,)iI'.JOZ AFFIDAVIT .t'-\':Jenda hem !~o. 17 A ~ MalTh 24. 2':)(19 PaGe 29 ejf 41 I/} LL ,::~ c.~~ h'>Cf /t/ /J.r:7/...>~ r/<-~';'" L "(.. ,,''. ~:-r.' f'iCJ" \fle!I, __ being firsf clufy swam, depose and say that well om/are the owners of f-he property described herein and which is the subied matter of the proposed hearingi that of! fhe answers to the questions in this application, including fhe d:scfosure of inferest information, off s/(etches, dota, (J/1....-) ofhe(- supplementOl"Y matter atfached fa and made 0 port of this application, are honest and true to the be.<;t of our" knowledge and befief. \A/e/I understand thot the informo6on requested (.In this application must be complete ond accurote and that the content of this form, whether con/puter generated or County printed shall not be alfered. Public hearings will not be adve,-tised until this application is deemed complete, and oll required information has been submiffed. / C7 S"l ~" , /7"',7 i C/l ,:~ l:" L 6 ,',V{ . ~-.1 F ........ A.s property owner Well further authorize ____ to oct as our/my (epresentative in any ma1.ters regarding this Petition. /----......... /' , c:::C--;:;> -><~~ Signature' of P~:'Op-e y:Cwner Signature of Property Owner /11 <i '1 "'J I>'''J me"", 1:1-61 41 ,,;'oe ~ J c-J I'd::" I' ~ - ..) L~; ,.....,."( (j.V <.---'<.'''4 Typed or P,"inled Name of Owner '::".N l?It:.f,b.(f' ~."c e~f-{I.(---<'/V(;'f'.1lp,J 1 . Typed or Printed Name of Owner H <t!rl'!.~ 'h,,,,Q7t/:; I..Lc 's-I.\ t ,f- F\u'c!f:\ CO'-~7F lc\\\~- "\ L(,,\i l '" The lai-egoing instrument was acknowledged before me this C")...\ \ day of ~,C::\Lt(:;:..- \1.\(~'t:~~_\ ~--(}.j ~'- \1\"""0'-' )or who is personally known to me or has produced as identification. 'ic- G,~. 'rA-{;\F S UI<v\ \Jet)''!,) \-\~\ ~';" l-L-C /~" .\(_~/7 ( t'/ C~L (Signature of Notary Public. St P\Jl\LlC-STATE OF . roll^- "OTARY . n N":\ regory """""">, C\1I1to ,":vi~1)D704125 #~ ?Cnmffi\S;;.\D\'Tr' ') 2011 i~~f(l Ex,pirt;,'. p.~.) J;G-ho.,wc. """"" " rrv.NTlC c.01'><<n MNIJED THR.... . (hint, Type, or Stamp Commissioned Nome of Nofary Public) ';,) . 20iD_. by , ill ~ ~ . , r; I. <to' -,~ .~~ ". J ., ... ,;:, ~, ~ ,;1 ~ AFFIDA VIT (./) <'- r::?Hf'C( A/?ff"i-er .;;:r---J.-/('TeL t 01""-771("1'(...\'. L_L,r~ ::,;3 Itsi'n f\]:J. i iA March 24, 2009 Page:30 of 41 We/I, __ b€;ng first duly sworn, depose and say that well om/are the owners of the property c/e5cribed herein and I-vhich is the subject mal-fer of the proposed heoring,. fhai' 01/ fhe Otl,<;,';€I'S 10 fhe questions in this application, :'ncluding the C./i5r::1osure of inferesf informotion, of! sf<el<.:hes, dato, and other supplementar}' r"otfer atrached fa and made C1 ,Dort of this oDpUcafio:), are honest O!le! frue to fhe best of our {(nowfedge Clnd beUef. we/r understClnd thaI" the ,information :-equesfed on thiE CippficCltion must be compfefe and accurafe and that the confent of fhis form, whethe,. compufer gerlerafed or Counfy pn'nted shaff not be altered. Public hearings will not be Cldvertised until fhis oppiicafion is deemed cornplefe, and all required information has been submitted. ---7 " 17!'~'-/~.:j(?L L:;~~".. 5"L..I;,,'1I'-_'o/ A.s nrooertv owner Well further ol.dhon'Z0 to ':Jet 05 our/my represenfc:ti\'o in any matfers j-eaoi"dino , , ,.,' I' "---, ,:> o;;J this Petiti ~-""""J"j "',~.. Signature.!Crt Pro ~ Owner \\, U"\6I"- \ \\.0'0 - '> \ ),....p., , 0"\ \,€ h4~ &- c. H 1,\ "-'<'{>\9-,1' u::. \-\'\)\'0\ \:tiJ..rec, ; LLL Signature of Property Own&r Typed or Printed Nome of Owner Typed or Printed Name of Owner \:~fl1.ll2 '-.'.S;, ~-'lt)[\dC.1 (0-","1.:) .}~-- (cA\\e;--- The foregoing insfr~ment WC!S acknowledged before me this _dol, \- _ day of t'J( -\ LlQ___, 20 it'L, by \fI1\chc.:(e-\ \lo.._.J'.\,\It"-..,cc:i~.___ _ I:^fho is personally' l<nown fa rne or hos produced _0:' identification. " D;' \,t!,\--e\:\-OT U\\v\ w'd\"'>J[. t\J\e\ l>x~"', ,LL-(~. y" ~?/I ;.c:.p / / /1/1 "i,,;o'oL ":"" "0"'" /~" '" ",.0; NOTARY PU1lLlC-IlTATE. qj\ JLOl\lllA "'"'''''''' Clinton Ned Gregory f .1!l1,\j!1 Cnmmisoion II DD704125 ".~/Exoires: I\UG.12,2011 BOiIDED TIilW -h:rV.NTIC ~ONDUlG CO.,INe. (Prinf, Type, OJ" Sfam/:J Commissioned Name of Notary Pvblic) ,i <{(J)~ ,-0.,,- ~o~ - NO -iM N ::::..c III 22g' -mOL m:;; :2 iii rn <{ /'"" ! I I J - - - 1- _ ~--1~ , ! I .-' .., I~ n ,- !I ... '- I ill! 'I. f ,; i I ~ Ii I - ~'I. .11111 II ~I ~ -- -~ < - . ~ I i I · .' . .-~ j - r i J_ 1 t....., 'TI ......" ......... ..."1'... .1ti1.1'" -.. ---.___.____.____ ~__..._____.________.__~anau. . s i ~ ~ ~ . z ~ . o I '!, " II ~ f I .. I ji ~ x -I W , . " ""r- i!'iS: '. .! I: i j ! :~ I.""ii! '. :1 ;!~ ..J f< =' 0' J: '. (!l ,lr!1i I - z ii c: q II. i-: '" ]' ~ "" OJ X ii.= '" ! Ii ~ C/l '~ ~ i~ t J: <l: ~ 0 '-:- I N >'0::: ~ 0, ~;:: @ I ~:2: u. ~ Cl . 1 Q; "" x 9 I '? IX> OJ '9 '" 0 '" o;CX) ~ ... 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" " ~ if) W f- ::; ...J UJ u., ...J en ...J w I ...J CJ Q. <( --"T- ,. ~ .~;.~< " 1-:' I' ~ ~,L ill I:, '~l~'~~:::':';i ) ~j · - 'jt ~.t," f:,;":;r: 1 ,,- ... . , 'l~ it '~ I . >,.~g2 N C) .,f-'-O N C~) c:..... C) ~2 g> m~o... ~<'- (!) '" " ~ 0: IE <0' t.. '-I-- '+- C) LO '" I H -0 ~. .... ::J. o ..Q ..c +- t- O Z tit ,1\gelJa 11-::iTI 1'.)0. i 1/\ March 24. 2009 Page 36 'Jf 4 1 RESOLUTION NO. 09- A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, RELATING TO PETITION NUMBER SV-2008-AR-13618, GRANTING THREE VARIANCES FROM SECTION 5.06.04.C OF THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, CONCERNING A SECOND WALL SIGN FOR SPRING HILL SUITES AND A SHARED DIRECTIONAL SIGN FOR SPRING HILL SUITES AND FAIRFIELD INN, WHICH SIGNS ARE LOCATED AT 3798 WHITE LAKE BOULEVARD, LOT 16, CITY GATE COrvWERCE CEN'TER, PHASE ONE, IN SECTION' 35, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Legis]ature of the State of Florida in Chapter 125, Florida Statutes, has conferred on all counties in Florida the power to establish, coordinate and enforce zoning and such business regulations as are necessary for the protection of the public; and WHEREAS, the County pursuant thereto has adopted a Land Development Code (LDC) (Ordinance No. 04-41, as amcndcd) which cstablishes regulations for the zoning of particular geographic divisions of the County, among which is the granting of variances; and WHEREAS, CHM Naples Hotel Partners, LLC (Petitioner) is constructing a Spring Hill Suites hotel in close proximity to 1-75; and WHEREAS, Petitioner requests to be allowed to install a second wall sign on the south side elevation of its building which faces 1-75; and WHEREAS, the adjacent property to the north is owned by CHM Naples II Hotel Partners, LLC, upon whose property a Fairfield Inn hotel is to be constructed; and WHEREAS, Petitioner requests to construct a 12 foot high monument sign to be located at the street entrance to its property, and to allow the neighboring business, Fairfield Inn, to share the same sign, which would result in the sign being on-premises as to Spring Hill Suites and off-premises as to Fairfield Inn; and REV. 2/5109 Page I f~g8nc~a 1t'3m t'.JQ. 17.A. March 24, 2009 Page 37 of41 WHEREAS, the Board of Zoning Appeals has held a public hearing with due notice made, and all interested parties have been given opportunity to be heard by this Board in public meeting assembled, and the Board having considered the advisability of granting three sign variances as follows: I. A variance from Subsection 5.06.04.C.4. of the LDC which requires that one wall sign shall be pemlitted for each single-occupancy parcel, to allow two wall signs, and 2. A variance from Subsection 5.06.04.C.16.b.i. of the LDC which allows a maximum sign area of 12 square feet for an off-premise directional sign, to allow a 35.5 square-foot shared sign which shall be off-premise as to Fairfield Inn and on-premise as to Spring Hill Suites, and 3. A variance from Subsection 5.06.04.C.16.b.ii. of the LDC which allows a maximum sign height of 8 feet in height above the lowest center grade of the arterial roadway for an off-premise directional sign, to allow a maximum sign height of 12 feet for a shared sign which shall be off-premise as to Fairfield Inn and on-premise as to Spring Hill Suites, as shown on the sign drawings attached as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference, in the City Gate Commerce Park Planned Unit Development for the property described herein; and WHEREAS, the Board has found as a matter of fact that satisfactory provision and arrangement have been made concerning all applicable matters required by the Land Deve]opment Code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Board hereby approves the afore-described REV. 2/5/09 Page 2 (ism f'Jo.17.A. rAc~:Th 24. 2089 PaJs 38 ,A41 variances from the LOC to allow the construction of a second wall sign and a shared directional hotel sign as depicted in Exhibit A, as requested in Petition SV-2008-AR-13618, filed by the Petitioner, CHM Naples Hotel Partners, LLC, d/b/a Spring Hill Suites, concerning the subject property described as; Lot 16 as described in the Plat of City Gate Commerce Center, Phase One, as recorded in Plat Book 41, Page 6 and 7, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida, which parcel is located at 3798 \Vhile Lake Boulevard, in Section 35, Township 49 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, F]orida. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution relating to Petition Number SV- 2008-AR-13618 be recorded in the minutes of this Board. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote, this day of ,2009. ATTEST; DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: By; , Deputy Clerk DONNA FIALA, CHAIRMAN Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: Heidi Ashton-Cicko Assistant County Attorney .\(1'<\ \'" ,0 ^ -\\ l' 08-CPS-OOS8JIJ 8 REV. 2/5/09 Page 3 - ~ ka;~ "G-"'- .~~~ !><:no ""'(") ;,..: C11 ill '~~ -iu:if ~~ (C."" "'0 c 0 '" u.. '''' w k( c: I :3 1 a , rn o w x o <D ! 1 z o t o , z o ~ ,,~ Ii" 15t 9 b " ~ 8ffi co ll.~ ~ ~5 ~ Q~ :;:; ~..... ~ ~~.~ SONg ~!~~ 2lt!:~f ~i ~s~: ..~ ~~ ~~ .,.~:; ~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~, &. ~~ j~ g X ZE W .:1 ~i .. Ii j! :~ n .~ f tI N {J@! ~ .. .r~ ~ i-i '" ~! ~ t n ~. gs .- Ie j i~ ~ I <: o ~ X i-- ...J U o C) >. '::;2 ~ - . c. . Ii: ...J U '" (') ...J U i'o q: ro o (') M ~ g . ro z" .! 0: ..CD 00 . 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