Agenda 03/24/2009 Item #16H 7 Item [\lo. "1 GH7 March 24. 2009 P3ge 1 of 3 EXECliTIVE SliMMARY COMMISSIONER REQUEST FOR BOARD APPROVAL FOR PAYMENT TO ATTEND FUNCTION SERVING A VALID PUCLIC PURPOSE. OBJECTIVE: For the Board of County Commissioners to declare a valid public purpose for a Commissioner to attend function/event and approve payment by the Clerk, CONSIDERATIONS: Pursuant to resolution No. 99-41 O~ the Board of County Conlinissioners has determined that attendance at the functions of fraternal, busincss, environmental, educational, charitable, social. professional. trade, homeowners, ethnic, and civic associations/organizations servcs a valid public purpose, provided that said functions reasonably relate to Collier County matters, COMMISSIONER: Tom Henning FUNCTION/EVENT: Fif\h Annual "Honor the Free Press Day", hosted by the ET Brisson Detachment of the Marine Corps League of Naples on March 18,2009 in Naples, Florida, PUBLIC PURPOSE: Interact with local business, non-profit and government leaders and constituents, ,-, FISCAL IMPACT: $30,00 Funds to be paid Ii'om Commissioner's travel budget RECOMMENDA nON: That the Board of County Commissioners, in accordance with resolution No, 99-410, approve payment by the Clerk t"r Commissioner Henning to attend function serving a valid public purpose, PREPARED BY: Paula Springs, Executive Aide to Board of County Commissioners APPROVED BY: Sue Filson, Executive Manager to the BCC AGENDA DATE: March 24, 2009 ,-' COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMM!SSIOI<ERS Item Number: Item Summary: 1GH7 Page I of I Item 1,,)0. '161'17 Mar'ch 24, 2009 Page 2 of 3 Commissioner Henning requests Board approval for reimbursement regarding attendance at a function serving a valid public purpose, Attended the Fifth Annual Honor the Free Press Day luncheon on Wednesday, March 18, 2009, at the Hilton Hotel in Naples, Florida, $3000 to be paid from Commissioner Henning's travel budget 3'-24/2009 9:00:00 AM Meeting Date: Prepared By Paula Springs Executive Aide to th~ Bee Board of County Commissione ~s Bee Office Approved By Eue- Filson Executive ManagN to the Bee Soard of Ccunty Commissioners 8ce Office Approved By ,lamps V, f~~L:dd C?L!nty Man2g~r 20ard of Ccun;-y Comrni:o;sio:"crs C:Jun:y Man<1gcr's Office Date 3f17f2009 9:53:12 AM Date 3f17i2009 1 :38 PM Dcte 3fi712009 3:31 PM EACH COMM. REC'O COP~ DF FH TH FC JC ",. ~~. i~' fr~ -~~::i;:~:;;~r.;5~~~ ~:Y:(~ 'J_',~ '., i,.:~// " .. ."'II8i,'.; c. :"+~ ~--=,,,~7 [1/;.- ~ '.t ~ ~~~ ,1'~ "~llJ;:~. B~ ., \.:~~..'" ,c.".! 't'~~iTl 1"Jo.! >3:"",:-7 rk~rch 24, 2Ci(~}9 RECEIV'EOf 3 MAR 0 4 2009 Gcard of County Commissioners .;)UrlfE'L 'Jt 2"J !B'1.i~d,on r?\da:c.r;m~r.t ",,%ninE Co,!" Lw:;u, of c:NapL~, ''JhE E'J !B,iuon Ci\d""hmwl of thE dl1,dnE Co,!" Lw:;uo of ""~'aI,L~,, 7.t.'1l..u:~t HOU'1. altcnJar..a J1 CJf:e f'fth c!1nnuu{" dlon", thE 'JUE ~PHH CDa!/, q1~dnE.j,iLa:J' c11a':.::.Ci J,'-j'" 20119 -L.?ILnchf:.on p~Dmptt:J u.t flam and doou aj:un at IO:45am '~/' IIJ' 'I [,- '-7 ' . '7 ,1' ^( ;; ^' r ""Z"J '...J !f:. C'i ton :::::rtoh I J!! J _ ,:WUWnt ~ ..aLL C::' \ o'l.lz, 0 \'abd,::'-, :J 0'-[ Q., . , ~7hiJ. JE:'-l"j. hono'tf:E i1- (H'ifflam C. (!J3JJ) (;i},JL-J Df t,r;t: ..:;;;,\..~w (Yl.nk Ci\ai(~ Ci\{W;l" 1/1 ,~) (If) P , .11 f', C", r.,.. ~ ,"' - ,l./ 'I' I~I f ';: C;' ':'-. ~1aUo WJ.i LT~),-rz w. "::::'1-' CWJl.<l..ttan on L\E::::IIl,--~:::': 2:::, /LJ'::::. ..:;.-.. E. ~.~Ll~E,--J. LJ2 th.su:ihJ ~,tcdE:':" c;11!1.",,,, CO'I"' fwm N41 to the w.j of q'l{,,[j '11:" II rf~.i'L'f--"? 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