Agenda 03/24/2009 Item #16H 6 !tern hio. i GH6 Marc:h 24^ 2009 Page 1 of 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY COMMISSIONER REQUEST FOR BOARD APPROVAL FOR PAYMENT TO ATTEND FUNCTION SERVING A VALID PUBLIC PURPOSE OBJECTIVE: For the Board of County Commissioners to declare a valid public purpose for a Commissioner to attend timction/event and approve payment by the Clerk, CONSIDERA TIONS: Pursuant to Resolution No, 99-410. the Board of County Commissioners has determined that attendance at the functions of fraternal, business, environmental, educational, charitable, social. professional, trade, homeowners, ethnic, and civic association/organizations serves a valid public purpose, provided that said functions reasonably relatc to Collier County matters, COMMISSIONER: James N. Coletta, .Jr. FUNCTION/EVENT: Colli(,r County Junior Deputies League BBQ Fundraiser Event for the Development of Camp Discovery PUBLIC PURPOSE: Meet and interact with local business and community leaders, DATE OF FUNCTlON/EVENT: April 18, 2009, II CUll,. Camp Discovery site FISCAL IMPACT: $35 to bc paid ti'om Commissioner Coletta's travel budget RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners. in accordance with Resolution No, 99-410, approve payment by the Clerk for Commissioner Jim Coletta to attend a fUilctioll serving a valid public purpose. PREPARED BY: Lisa Resnick. Executive Aide to Bee APPROVED BV: Sue Filson, Executive Manager to BCC AGENDA DATE: \-larch 24, 2009 - Page I of I ltGrn f'io. -; E:H6 r\~arc;h 24, 2009 PaQ'? 2 CJf 5 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUIHV COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 1GH6 Commissioner Ccletta requests Board approval for payment to attend a function serving a valid public purpc'se, Commissioner Coletta attending the CDllier County Junior Deputies League BBQ and Fundraiser Event for the Development of Camp Discovery, April 18, 2009, 1'1 a,m, at Camp Discovery $35 to be paid from Commissioner Coletta's travel budget. Meeting Date: 3/24/2009 9UOOO AM Prepared By Lisa RE:snick Executive Aide to the Bee Date 50ard of County Comrr.:ssionc:-s Bee Office 3112/20094:01:43 PM Approved By Sue r:i!son Executive Managnr to the BCe Date Board of County Commissioners BeG Office 3/13/2009 '10:48 AM Approved By James V, Mudd County Man2gor D2;te 8oal'd of Cc-unty Commissior"\e:'s COt;n:y M.:;m:gr.:i.'S Office 3/13/20C9 4:26 PM :.':;:i11 iJcJ. i,S:-;3 ! 'hr('h 24, :::J.~C'J ~j cA 5 ,'{? 11UUlltcl.l()f ,f/mtd3 ."(}, taft to udi.cn lie ~"bNlpJ (-liMp a ,'itti'd., .'-' Sheriff E, A, Doug Hendry. 1964 .' Discover Camp Discovery For Directions: Go to www.juniordeputies.com (;I'UTles </-<;) <", o .? $ ~ :::> ~ .., r.'I ;OMM;Tn;o TO THE CHi LOREN OF COLLiER COUN;Y You are invited to attend a Fundraising Event for the Development of Camp Discovery and to Celebrate More Than 45 Years of Youth Experiences with Law Enforcement April 18th, 2009 at 11 am Bar-b-que $35, Questions: 239,649,0622 or 239.777-4085 Please detach bottom portion and return to: Collier County Junior Deputies League, inc" PO Box 1833, Naples, FL 34106 Name .# of Guests Address ., Telephone Emaii B;x:;rd cf Directors: \f/aynG Arnall!, Jarln r\vVood, Earl Ho(~ges, \JICI<~e FI'ceman. BariJara eoen, Dennis Combs, \'V;'lyne Hook, Don Hunter, Pau: L,indabury, c~ohn Nnrfll(ln, Sill Poteet li~?'sa ?ridciy, Bu;': Saunders, Danny Sdlr}'ver, ::meritus: Doug Hendry, William Pace, Jack Price Hcno;ary: Kay Carroll, ~dv,,'ard Morton., {2Hlleen Passidomo, Dolly Roberts, Aub~ey f~ogc;;rs ResnickLisa :ts~n r ;0. ~ GH6 t\'1arc.h :24. :!OC9 Page 4 of 5 From: Sent: To: Subject: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Attachments: ~ Invitation to 4-18 Barbeque.do... :,:l:":,<:,,).')'i ,',',. ., m :''..et::21 ~'''::V.lt::.','.3 ::';;:; Fc]~c'w ,:p ;:1 ~j ~ r~ ,'1 ::-. r, ;;':::'\':? <:9 F': ~ ril J 'C3 (~ ,1 :n,'~t;.,' C:l 1'J 4-L~ Ea.::-!><n:e.:Je._ Subjec:: .l:n ::>2nt: Tu~~;s~12Y, 10:::;'::-:!1 .l..U, 2~)rJ r,~,' CC,lS~t3,~ '::1 :-',~, \ >,' -,.)._'0....'" 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