Agenda 03/24/2009 Item #16H 5 !t,:;n-; t.~o. 16H5 f1arch 24, 2009 P?lge 1 of 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY COMMISSIONER REQUEST FOR BOARD APPROVAL FOR PAYMENT TO ATTEND FUNCTION SERVING A VALID PUBLIC PURPOSE OBJECTIVE: For the Board of County Commissioners to declare a valid public purpose for a Commissioner to attcnd functionlevent and approve payment by the Clerk CONSIDERATIONS: Pursuant to Resolution No, 99-410, the Board of County Commissioners has determined that attendance at the functions offratemal, business, environmental, educational, charitable, social, professional, trade, homeowners, ethnic, and civic association/organizations serves a valid public purpose, provided that said functions reasonably relate to Collier County matters, COMMISSIONER: Jamcs N. Colctta, Jr. FUNCTION/EVENT: Grcatcr N'lplcs Better Government Committee Reception to Honor Lou Vlasho, Retiring President of GNBGC. PUBLIC PURPOSE: Meet and interact with local business and community leaders, - DATE OF Ft:NCTION/EVENT: April 1,2009,5 p,m" Vergina's on Fiflh Avenue FISCAL IMPACT: $5 to be paid from Commissioner Coletta's travel budget RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners, in accordance with Resolution No, 99-410, approve paymcnt by the Clcrk for Commissioner Jim Coletta to attend a function serving a valid ['ublie purpose. PREPARED BY: Lisa Resnick, Executive Aide to BCC APPROVED BY: Sue Filson, Executive Manager to BCC AGENDA DATE: March 24, 20()<) - ::.snl [')0.: ('~i'::'::i ! .... 1 . r f~" r' r r !,/hrrh 7~1 ~!(Vlq rrrTTrrrrrrcrrrri-rrrr-rrrcrrr"rr- i...rrrn...rrrr;:i;;!,'"'J(':fr5rr Ii .m - - .. . u.. . d.. .. .... . . . .. ... .. .. un - . . "'Ii Ii'~ ri n n ~ r-. I i ,<~ .~\ . ri .~. ~., I r, r I r r~ ~ . r n r n r n h . I F GREA TER NAPLES BETTER F rl ~ R GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE F r n r r r INVITES YOU TO A RECEPTION r r. r n r r r r r F HONORING F ~ r r r, r ~- . . .... ..... I . r r r r. r- ~-': ,-. I : r I: r r- ..... I r t""'. . . ,- I .- I i- r r r r r i- i- !- ,- r o r ~- I r'r-r ~-r-r'T...'rr-'r-r~rrrrr~'-r- rrf~r'" - R; Ci'Jt';i~;t~g ,,_ t I d I Pi"'esident Or ?nfi....~ _ ?f)'Olg"'" _'~J"'}ct:. .-.\...' , GNBGC f" Ii r r r ....... I ' 1-' r r r'" r'" r. , r e-. I r r Wednesday, April 1, 2009 :: !::;!' t ,: ~:':" f-, ; ,-, "-)0 ''"I ..0 b' '" IJ I"~I <J i .....' ! . II. Vergina on Fifth Avenue South I~O^/i PI --,.' "", r- [>v A. PDt'-l-'~ )'Cr1 c: '-' I, ...LV\CI'\ I A.." '''_ L__,-KJ HA. pny ~O'Uip DRT ""E-' Di:;:>--N!/S I r" " .,,-, ..",c l) . ,1 r... t i- ') , ~~ i-rrn-rrr'j-rf-rr-r'\..f~rr-r'r ResnickLisa ]',,'11 i:o. 1 lor: t.,'lc:,r!-:::h 24,2009 3 of 5 From: Sally Tiffany [stlffany@comcastnet] Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2009357 PM To: ResnickLisa Subject: Re: RSVP Jim Co:etta will attend Lou V:asho Speciai Reception 4/1/09 at Vergina's Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Biue 'm always stumped when asked for an estimate on this inasmuch as it will all depend upon how much is eaten! :_) think that in the past I have just picked $5 as a nice round number, You can pay cash or make the check payable to ,NBGC ----- Original Message ---- From: coiettaJim To: Sally Tiffany Cc: R~.>DLCkLi"a : SheffieidMichaei ; ColettaJim Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2009 350 PM Subject: RSVP Jim Coletta will attend Lou Vlasho Speclai Reception 4/1/09 at Verglna's Dear ,~ls, Timmy, Thank you i~)r your invitation to join you at the (irl~dItT :\Llpks Go\'Crnmcl1t Committee reception honoring Mr. Lou V!asho, April 1,2009,5 p,m. - 6:3(J p.m.:ll VcrginJ nn Fifth ,'\\:t)IH1C. I am plc:!sc.J 11131 you I included me in your invitation and by \YLl): ot'this Jetter am Idting you I know lhat I plan to attend soh I Due 10 my "no gilr' policy, 1 must provide payment f(.11" any food or beverages that I consumc, If you could please provide the cost pCI' person to my aide. Lisa Resnick (252-8097 Of JisClrcsnickli'coJlicrgoulcl) it would be greatly appreciated, r 2'.l11lo0king fO[\',':trd 10 this ('venl and will S-2C you thell. Sincerely, Jim Colella Commissioner. District 5 Collier COtlI1ty GovcrJ1mcnt 3301 E. Tamiaml Trail N~-lnlf'Q FT ~.111 '1 . '~'ln_~', ~ ~~ _/ '-'- ._ Phone (239) 252-83911 Fax (239) 252-303-1 jiJl1~:()Ictta',{?c( d I i ~'rgov. net \\'i\\y.<())licrgo\' .r;l~t I PleaSe note: r;lorida has a vcry broad public records Ln\'. \'Ly:t I \\Titten C01l1111l111ications liOJ or from olTici,tls J'egardirlg Cuunly husinc):,') I ~l;'C public records :l\(:i!:J!:lc to the puhlic. :md, ml..'dj:~ UpI'll r('1..~]u~,<1. ): our C-l11G!l ('ommlJ;lh:at1Cln~; may tlh'j\.:,jnrc De suh.l:.::d id ruhllc 1 I 2/2 CiO') ilf.'ITi i'Jo.ld~~~(' ~ oj": rl.'L?lrch 24, 2009 Poge4of5 disclosure, rom: Co]cttaJim Sent: Tuesday, March 10,20093:09 PM To: ResnickLisa; ShefficldMichacl Subject: FW: Special Rccognition for Lou Vlasho Lisa I will attend, RSVP and put in for apublic purpose, Jim From: Sally Tiffany [mailto:stiffany@comC:lsLnet] Sent: Tuesday, March 10. 200912:34 PM To: ColettaJim: fiala_d; lIalasFrank; CoyleFred; hcnning~t Subject: Special Recognition for Lou Vbsho Attached is your invitation to attend a very special recognition reception in honor of our 'Irctiring'! president of the Greater "'aples Better Government Committce--Lou Vlasho, Lou bas spent the p3St se\'en years sen'ing as our leader. and \..-e \\'~mt this to be a ''''Decial evening for him, All YOll ned to do is Jet me know if you \\ ill e able to attend and ilow many in your party, Please join liS! Sally Tiffany Secretary -Treasurer G:\BGC 353,6615 ; 12 20UcJ Page I of I :.:a ::',::11 r'1o. S~~5 r<"w:h 24. ~!)C'd 5;:Jf 5 COLLIER COUNTY 8QARD Or COUNTY COMrJllSSluNERS Item Number: Item Summary: 16H5 CG-mmi~sio~\Gr C'JI;::tta re'J~,ests Board approval r:Jr payment to attend a function serving a vaid ;Jub!ic purf:>Jse Comml~:s:Ciner Coletta attending tile Greater Naples Better Governr-IEnt Commrle'8's RBcepli':m hon-::mng P,Eo'tlring Presider.l of GNBGC. L'Ju \/!asho, A.pril1. 2009. 5 pm at \/2:'glr~a's on Fifth A..'9.!lli'2 ~,,5 to be f:1aid from Comr:'lrssioner C:::detta's travel bu:;get Meeting Date: 3f24,'2~109 9 ooeo Afvl ll~~~~ ~^.l 0., . ,'-,,,.. \ou IJ.l Lisa R(;'snlck. EJ:sr.utive Aide to the Bee Dota Soard of COU:1ty ace Office 1/12/20092:20:21 PM Comm(ssio,-,sr<;; Approved By Sue r:fson EX0CUtil'(.. [,[;",,<1(1'::'; ':0 th(, 8eG D2'to 9',)O,d of Co~mty COlnmiSS!0ne~S see CFi,;t> 3/~ 2/2JC"'S 2:47 n.1 Approved By J2:m<)$ V. Muc:d '::'Jun"y fL;;';~'J:::'r Catc: 30C1rd of C:)'.H'ty CClinty ~.'uri3;sr's Office 2,/'1312,)09 ~O: 11 AT/l Lomrn:2sv'n0,S