Agenda 03/24/2009 Item #16H 2 l:':.:-;m f'~o. ':GH2 iA3i'C!1 21, 20C:J 1 of 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Commissioner reqnest for Board approval for payment to attend function sel-ving a valid public pnrpose. OBJECTIVE: For the Board of County Commissioners to declare a valid public purpose for a Commissioner to attend function/cvcnt and approve payment by the Clerk. CONSIDERA TIONS: Pursuant to resolution No. 99-4] O~ the Board of County Commissioners has detennined that attendance at the functions of fhlternal, business, environmental, educational, chnritable, sociaL prolessional, trade, homcowncrs, ethnic, and civic associations/organizations serves a valid public purpose, providcd that said functions reasonably relate to Collier County matters, COMMISSIONER: Frank Halas FUNCTlON/EVENT: Fil1h Annual "Honor thc Free Press Day", hosted by the E1' Brisson Detachment of the Marine Corps League ofNaplcs on March 18,2009 in Naplcs, Florida, PUBLIC PURPOSE: Meet and interact with local business leaders, DATE OF FUNCTION/EVENT: March 18,2009 FISCAL IMPACT: $3(U)O Funds to he paid from Commi"ioncr's travel budget RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners, in accordance with resolution No, 99-410, approve payment by the Clerk for Commissioner Ilalas to attend function serving a val id public purpose, PREPARED BY: Sandra Lca, Executive Aide to BCC APPROVED BY: Sue Filson, Executive Managcr to BCC AGENDA DATE: March 24, 2009 Page 1 of I i;:]~n l'lD. ~: 0.i-i2 r'i1cw~h ?4, LTJg 2 '~f 3 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMr~ISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 16H2 C.JrnmISSlon'?r Halas requests Board approval for reimbursement regarding attendance at a function serving a vcdld publiC purpose, Attended the Fifth Annual Honor the Free Press Day luncheon on Wednesday, fJlarch 18 2009, at the Hilton Hotel in Naples, Florida. 53000 to be paid from Commissioner Halas' travel budget Meeting Date: 3/24/20099:0000 AM Prepared By Sandra Lea Executive Aide to the Bee Data Board of County Bee Office 3/9/20099:19:35 AM Comm~S5ionefS Approved By Sue Filson Executive Manager to the Bee Date Board of County Commissioners ace Office 3/9/200910:33 AM Approved By ...Iarn",s V. [fiued C:IiJ~:Y fliani:'9<2r DDte ;:'.oard of County Commiss;one-~s County r'13nag8r's omce Jli3,'2009 8:59 A:~1 EACH COMM. REC'D COP' DF:flf TH F( J( r ~~ I, ".1 r, .::~' .':, RE' ,.-. '-"-'1'- D ...fr..,....-", "'''''1'.. ~...;.;..= .:.- ;::',:<',183 (it ::j MAR 0 4 2009 . Goard Of County Commissioners ~EmpE'1. 'Jt 2:7 2)7i11012 'bdachmwt 61,1a,il2' C'''Pi .Lw5UE of dVup[Ei Do you ~~n~tt~~d-;hi;;vc~t? Yes L No___ , hank lb:as.Cpmmissinm:r, D-2 Inilllere;P 9he 2:7 2),i11ol2 7::dachmmt of thE c~,1a,inE CO!pi .LW5UE of cl\!ap[Ei, "7.~,--{u.o__t you't aLhnJan=E at 9h, ffth c::1nnua[ "df 0120' thE 'j,u (j-:J,Eii :bay n q1'~dnEiJay, c11ad; IS, 2009 .Lunchwn !Jwmptfy at 1Iam and doou opw at !0:45am 9hE dfJton dfate!, 5111 9amiarni 9",J cl\!o,th, ,;;/Vap[o, 7[0,ida, /3c' ~ 'Jhii YEm'i hono",E i, <WJliam C, ('KJf) galLo of thE c%w (Yo,;; :baily d%Wi, dvk ga[[o em; &0'" in d1ClJlhattCln on :be^wJ;n 2S, 1922, ",4, "".d in thE 'United 2,'tatei c::;l1mine Ca,p, fwm JQ41 ta thE wd of <11\",0 (Wa, II :BiLl' ~7aLro ii a nationally /;,wum ;wia, 'p01ti jOU!I2,,[iit anA ca,toOl2iit fe, thE /!\f,,'17 (Yo,;; f))ai[y c;;!\r"Wi and an S timE !Ccipiwt of thE W"EtE,{ """f?u,bw" awmd by thE c!\(,tiond Ca,tooniit d)acidy- rc, .'f I' f' F ",D ()" '] {' d f I' M 0/ r M bilL u--ra;i a_10 a j.ixta:.n timE wl.nlln 0 tnE ~. Q:3E ~ nE. c' oU1.l~a l.i-t aU.TQ'i- 'tom bu: 0 \.-.rw '!:J07.R. 0 VH~Tj- ,~ r:;> ,I') -4, r d ,{ 'L ' {, Fir (, (r r ,( I . fal....cz. ~ti..LLL-4. .:....-- I U. li.ulli. an' u.u.rr20HL:Y in LT(jA;tt2g wu;i flU/1UcEa LTJ no. ~oLLEaguEi rram thE aOLJNltO(\.;n athletic eft,b with th, "/7"II1Ei ~l Clt:'{k,," awmd. ,,-I' ", cffii mov:. than 5)000 CQ'7..tOOtli a.nd inl2umnar;L~ i/10"'..ti co[umni b'1.Lng (lOw_--'i., hUf12o't and j27..1f.itL;}E to hLi /1.'7.0fEi11on, ::=/?UE.7.tTutiO!2J. Ln ai{Ui.lnCE_ on(~ p{E-QH. d?2,''75.P &y dl1a,ch 13, 200Q to: ~.f /l ...-1 I,~ . n n.--- n .;;::;:,U{a-':Lnt: CQi./li .LEQ'jUE1 C/o c:://I(ichad 1.-1'tEpl!un) 2900 9u[f 2,ho", J3[ud. d'V # 113, C%p[~i, ']!~,ida 34103 ( , (", ) dO'-7j! 120 (Vi..uto!-u~1 Proluilv <;::llnnA,1-"f! hI.' - - - _.~.~ '''--r'r-'.-- ~'j 0PNC WEALTH MANAGEMENT . .. '"